Morep Bedah B21 270115

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morep bedah 270115

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  • Department of SurgeryJanuary , 27 2015

  • NAME DXROOMr. MFr. Basis Cranii14.4

  • Name: Mr. M Age: 17 y.oSex: MaleAddress: Plumpang Sukodadi Lamongan

  • ANAMNESISChief complaint :Decrease of conciousnessMOIPatient post traffic accident thirty minute before addmission to the hospital. Patient didnt remember about the accident. Heteroanamnesis patient riding motorcycle and was hit by a motorcycle from the front (data from another victim), Decrease of conciousness (+), blood vomit + one times when he was admission and 3 times in hospital, it was proyectile vomit, his nose was bleeding, seizure 1x, he didnt use helmet when it happened.

  • Airway and spine control : unclear, snorring (-), gargling (+), potensial obstruction (-) Breathing : spontan, simetric (+), RR 20x/minutes, ves/ves, rh-/+, wh-/-, Sp02 97% without O2 NRMCirculation : PR 112x/minutes, acral warm dry red, CRT < 2, BP 149/80 mmhgDisability : GCS 115, lateralisasi -, Light perception +/+Exposure : temp 36.7C,

  • History past illness Asma (+) since he was 5 y.oStatus GeneralisHead and neck : anemic (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-), dyspneu (-)Thorax : simetric (+), retraction (-)Pulmo : ves/ves, rh-/-, wh-/-Cor : S1S2 single, murmur (-), gallop (-), lession -Abdomen : flat, distended (-), tympani (+), liver and spleen were not palpable, bowel sound (+), lession-Extremities : acral warm, dry, red, lession-

  • Status Lokalisvull. Appertum et regio cruris sinistra uk 1x 0,5. vull. Appertum et regio metatarsal digiti 1 uk 2x0.2 cm

  • Clue and cueMale 17 y.o.Post traffic accidentDecrease of conciousnessPTA +, amnesia retrograde +Status lokalis:vull. Appertum et regio cruris sinistra uk 1x 0,5. vull. Appertum et regio metatarsal digiti 1 uk 2x0.2 cm

  • AssesmentFr MaxillaFr Basis CraniiSevere brain injury

  • CBCBleeding TimeClothing TimeFoto Skull AP/LSkull CT-Scan with contras

  • Lab Diff : 0/0/38/55/7Hct : 45,7Hb : 15,4LED : 9/17Leukosit : 24.000Trombosit : 531.000BT : 2 00CT : 8 00

  • Clinical sign

  • Thorax Photo

  • Skull CT-Scan

  • Assesment Fr. MaxillaSevere brain injury + Fr. Basis Cranii

  • IVFD Assering 1500 cc/24 hoursO2 NRMKateter foleyInj. Manitol loading 200 cc 6 x 100ccInj. Phenytoin 400 mg 3x100 mgInj. Antrain 3x1 g ivInj Acran 2x1 amp ivInj. Ceteron 1 amp prnInj. Ceftriaxon 2x1 g ivInj. Cithicolin 3x250 mg ivC/Sp.BS Inj Ceftriaxon 2x1 g, manitol abd phenytoin C /Sp. MC /Sp. B

  • Subjective complaintVital sign

  • Explain to the patients family about the diagnosis, etiology, intervention of therapy, complication, and prognosis.
