Living and Working on the Web Lisa Harris and Olja Rastic- Dulborough #UOSM2008

Uosm2008 intro session 270115

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Living and Working on the Web

Lisa Harris and Olja Rastic-Dulborough


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Session Plan

• Introduction to Digital Literacy

• How the module works http://blog.soton.ac.uk/uosm2008-2015

• Evaluating online information - exercise

• Satire by the Onion

• The latest from Erik Qualman

• Digital Literacy Conference

• Student Video: Living and Working on the Web

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What technologies are referred to here?

“It will create forgetfulness in the learners' souls, because they will not use their memories.“ (Socrates, 469-399BC)“The modern world overwhelms people with data and this is confusing and harmful to the mind” (Conrad Gessner, 1565)

Technology will kill… (Eric Qualman)


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Digital Literacies at Southampton

• Raise awareness across the University

• Link Education and Research communities

• Run series of practical workshops

• Digital Literacies Annual Conference

• Student Digital Champions (Digichamps)

• DL Special Interest group – diverse membership across all faculties and including Careers, Student Services, Library

• Curriculum Innovation

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Digital Literacy

• “Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organise, understand,

evaluate, and analyse information using digital technology. It

involves a working knowledge of current tools and an

understanding of how they can be used”

• “The active management of online activities such as

collaboration, networking , content creation and curation in

order to “stand out from the crowd” in today’s job market”

• “an ability to respond positively to change”

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“The new media environment can be disruptive to our current teaching methods and philosophies. As we increasingly move toward an environment of instant and infinite information, it becomes less important for students to know, memorize, or recall information and more important for them to be able to find, sort, analyze, share, discuss, critique, and create information and knowledge. They need to move from being simply knowledgeable to being knowledge-able.”

Wesch, M., 2011. From Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able: Building New Learning Environments for New Media Environments | UM Events | University of Michigan.

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Living and Working on the Web

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The reflective summary allows you to think about where you’ve come from and where you are now and how useful it might be for

you in the future - this is something you don’t get on other modules

My opinions have often been changed by what other people have put forward on the discussion board

One of the big benefits of studying online is the flexibility to fit my academic life around my professional life which has been really useful

No idea is lost - we can continue to share information and ideas online beyond the duration of a specific seminar

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• Employability advantages• Raised awareness of digital literacy and blended

learning across University• Digitally proficient students can mentor less

confident colleagues • Active rather than passive learning • Flexibility of timing/location of learning for

students and tutors• Study recommendations were made between

levels and disciplines

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Blogs: pulling it all together

• Use the blog framework as a central point pulling in your other social media content: http://kimberlyfenton.wordpress.com/category/uosm2008-2/

• Tweets – Flickr – LinkedIn – Vimeo - Slideshare – Pinterest -Soundcloud - YouTube

• You can also embed other social media within individual blog posts

• Video is increasingly important, especially authentic user generated content

• Provide sharing buttons • These activities provide a regular supply of “googlejuice” to the blog

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Exercise: accessing, storing and evaluating online information

• Use this shared document to jot down your ideas

• For more details, see the “evaluating online information” link from the module blog

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The Future of You“Welcome to a new era of work, where your future depends on being a signal in the noisy universe of human capital. In order to achieve this, you will need to master three things: self-branding, entrepreneurship, and hyperconnectivity.”

By Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, in the HBR blog

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Dare you Google yourself...?

@lisaharris #CIMbrandyou

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Beware the “filter bubble”

• From https://www.google.com/settings/me you can view what results other people see when searching for your name, and what your own publicly visible Google profile looks like.

• Entering your name directly into a Google search in your own browser will NOT give you an accurate view of how other people see these results.

• Google filters and personalises results according to past search behaviour, so a search from your own machine is likely to disproportionally favour your own sites.

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Using social media to get a job

• Connect (LinkedIn, FB, Twitter)

• Collaborate (Skype, Dropbox, Google Drive)

• Create (Wordpress, Soundcloud, Pinterest, YouTube/Vimeo)

• Curate (ScoopIt, Delicious, Slideshare)

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Web Science Institute

• The Web Science Institute brings together world-leading multidisciplinary expertise to tackle the most pressing global challenges facing the World Wide Web and wider society today.

• Funded PhD opportunities, F2F and online events

– WSI Blog

– WSI website20

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Student Digital Champions: Flo Broderick

• Met at SXSC2 in October 2012

• Took Digital Marketing and CI modules, learned interviewing skills and video editing

• Helped out in a big way at Digital Media Europe

• Masterminded student contribution to Digital Literacies Conference

• Provided student perspective on our research into online learning MOOCs

• Visited Italy to carry out MOOC filming in Portus

• Now in Madrid working for Telefonica Digital

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Joining the Digichamps

• More information:– Digichamps Blog– Facebook Group– What do the Digichamps do? (video)

• Digichamps help staff and students with educational applications of new technologies, build professional online profiles, and manage social media for live events.

• Students from all University Faculties & all levels of study • Send a note to Lisa explaining why you would like to join

the Digichamps and highlighting the skills you offer / would like to develop


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@lisaharris #CIMbrandyou

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Thank you
