MONOCOTSDICOTS 1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling) Parallel pattern of veins in leaves Flower parts

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Page 1: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts
Page 2: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts


1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)

Parallel pattern of veins in leaves

Flower parts in 3’s Vascular bundles

scattered Fibrous root system

2 cotyledons Branching pattern of

veins in leaves Flower parts in 4’s,

5’s, or multiples therof

Vascular bundles organized in a circle

Taproot (a large single root)

Page 3: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Flower parts in 3’s

Fibrous root system

One cotyledon →

Parallel venation

Scattered vascular bundles

Page 4: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

2 cotyledons


Flower parts in 4’s, 5’s

Branched venation

Vascular bundles in rings

Page 5: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts
Page 6: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Ground Tissues (3 types—differ mostly in their cell walls)—shown in light blue

Dermal tissues (cover the plants surfaces)—shown in pink

Vascular tissues (transport materials)—shown in purple

Page 7: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Parenchyma cells: most common component of ground tissue, have thin walls and serve various functions including storage, photosynthesis and secretion

Collenchyma cells: have thick but flexible cell walls

Sclerenchyma cells: have thicker walls than collenchyma, serve as mechanical support.

Page 8: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Dermal tissue consists of epidermis cells that cover the outside of plant parts, plus:

Guard cells that surround stomata Specialized surface cells such as hair cells,

stinging cells, and glandular cells. Epidermal cells secrete the cuticle (waxy


Page 9: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Two main kinds: Xylem and Phloem. The two usually occur together in Vascular Bundles.

Page 10: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Xylem function in the conduction of water and minerals

It also provides mechanical support. (In addition to the primary cell wall that all plant cells have, the xylem cells have a secondary cell wall that gives them additional strength).

Pits are locations where the secondary cell wall is absent.

Page 11: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Most xylem cells are dead at maturity. They are essentially cell walls, completely lacking cellular components & only contain the material being transported.

There are 2 kinds: Tracheids and Vessel elements

Page 12: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts


long and tapered; water passes from one tracheid to another through pits on the overlapping tapered ends of the cells.

shorter and wider with no taper;

Water passes from one vessel to the next through areas devoid of both primary and secondary cell walls (called perforations)

Page 13: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Phloem functions in the conduction of sugars.

It is made of cells called sieve-tube members that form fluid-conducting columns called sieve tubes.

Pores on the end walls of sieve-tube members form sieve plates where the cytoplasm of both cells combine.

Companion cells provide support to the sieve-tube members.

Page 14: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

A seed consists of an embryo, a seed coat, and some kind of storage material.

The major storage material may be endosperm or cotyledons.

Cotyledons are formed by digesting the storage material in the endosperm.

Page 15: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Most of what you see when you look at the two halves of a dicot seed are the two cotyledons.

In many monocots, such as corn, most of the storage tissue is endosperm, with only one cotyledon to transfer nutrients to the embryo.

Page 16: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

The embryo consists of: Epicotyl—becomes the

shoot tip Young leaves called the

plumule Hypocotyl-becomes the

shoot Radicle –becomes the root Coleoptile (in monocots)

surrounds and protects the epicotyl.

Dicot seed

Monocot seed

Page 17: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

After a seed reaches maturity, it remains dormant until specific environmental cues exist

Most important: water. Others include temperature, light or seed coat damage (ex: from fire or digestive enzymes from an animal)

Germination begins with absorption of water. Water initiates the activity of certain enzymes,

which activate respiration. The seed swells, and the coat cracks.

The radicle produces roots, then the shoot grows.

Page 18: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Dicot Seed Germination Monocot Seed Germination

Page 19: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

For many plants, actively dividing cells occur only at the apical meristems (the tips of roots and shoots).This growth increases the length of a shoot or root.

The tissues that develop from this growth are primary tissues

Page 20: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Some plants, like conifers and woody dicots undergo secondary growth in addition to primary growth.

Whereas primary growth extends the length of plant parts, secondary growth increases their girth and is the origin of woody plant tissues. Growth occurs at 2 places:

vascular cambium and cork cambium.

Page 21: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

The functions of roots are:

To anchor plants To absorb water

and nutrients May store

carbohydrates or water

Page 22: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

← A taproot system branches in a way similar to human lungs—the roots start as one thick root on entrance into the grounds, and then divide into smaller and smaller branches called lateral roots underneath the surface. These serve to hold the plant in place.

Dicots—Taproot System

Fibrous Roots → Provide plants with a very strong anchor in the ground without going very deep into the soil.

Monocots—Fibrous Root System

Page 23: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Epidermis lines the outside surface of the root. In the zone of maturation, epidermal cells produce root hairs, which increase the absorptive surface.

Page 24: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

The cortex makes up the bulk of the root. Its main function is the storage of starch.

The cortex often contains numerous intercellular spaces, providing air for cellular respiration.

Page 25: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

The endodermis is a ring of tightly packed cells at the innermost portion of the cortex.

A band of fatty material, called suberin, impregnates the endodermal cell walls where they make contact with adjacent endodermal cell walls. This encircling band around each cell is called the Casparian Strip.

Page 26: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

The Casparian Strip creates a water-impenetrable barrier between the cells.

As a result of the Casparian Strips, all water passing through theendodermis must pass through the endodermalcells and not between them

Page 27: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Inside the endodermis is the Stele (vascular cylinder). The outer part of the stele consists of one to several layers of cells called the pericycle (from which lateral roots arise).

Inside the pericycleis the vascular tissue. The structures of thexylem and phloem differ betweenmonocots and dicots.

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Note that in monocots the xylem and phloem occur in bundles in a circle around the pith.

Note that in dicots, the xylem forms a cross in the center with phloem in clusters between the “arms” of the cross.

Page 29: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

In most plants stems are located above the soil surface but some plants have underground stems. A stem develops buds and shoots and usually grows above the ground. Inside the stem, materials move up and down the tissues of the transport system.

Page 30: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

The stem’s epidermis contains epidermal cells covered with a waxy substance called cutin. The cutin forms a protective layer called the cuticle.

The cortex consists of the various ground tissue types that lie between the epidermis and the vascular cylinder.

The vascular cylinder consists of xylem, phloem, and pith.

A single layer of cells between the xylem and phloem may remain undifferentiated and later become the vascular cambium.

Page 31: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Monocot Stem Cross-Section—notice how the vascular bundles are scattered throughout the pith and cortex.

Close-up view of vascular bundle in a monocot stem

Page 32: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Below: Dicot Stem Cross Section—Note that the vascular bundles are arranged in a ring surrounding the pith.

Above: vascular bundle in a dicot stem cross-section

Page 33: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

The vascular cambium originates between the xylem and phloem and becomes a cylinder of tissue that extends the length of the stem and roots.

The cambium layer is meristematic, producing new cells on both the inside and outside of the cambium cylinder.

Page 34: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Cells on the inside of the cambium cylinder differentiate into secondary xylem cells; those on the outside differentiate into secondary phloem cells.

Over the years, secondary xylem accumulates and increases the girth of the stem and root.

Similarly, new secondary phloem is added yearly to the outside of the cambium layer. As a result, tissues beyond the secondary phloem are pushed outward as the xylem increases in girth.

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Tissues outside the secondary phloem get pushed outward and are eventually shed.

In order to replace the shed epidermis with a new protective covering, new cells are produced by the cork cambium. The cork cambium produces new cells primarilyon the outside.

Page 36: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Each year, new layers of secondary xylem are produced by the vascular cambium.

Recall that xylem tissue, which is the actual wood of the plant, is dead at maturity. Xylem produced during the most recent years remains active in the transport of water.

This xylem is referred to as sapwood. Older xylem, located toward the center of the stem is called heartwood and functions only as support.

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In many environments, conditions vary during the year, creating seasons during which plants alternate growth with dormancy.

During periods of growth, the vascular cambium is actively dividing, then stops at the end of the season. The alternation of growth and dormancy

produces annual rings in the secondary xylem tissue. These rings can be used to determine the age of a tree. Since the size of the rings is related to the amount of water available during the year, rings can provide a record of rainfall.

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Leaves are the primary photosynthetic organs of the plant.

Their structures provide optimal conditions for photosynthesis to occur.

Page 39: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts

Leaves are protected by the waxy cuticle of the epidermis, which functions to decrease the transpiration rate (and loss of water).Inside the epidermis lies the ground tissue of the leaf, the mesophyll, which is involved in photosynthesis.

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Most of the photosynthesis occurs in the palisade mesophyll, where there are many chloroplasts

The spongy mesophyll cells provide CO2 to the cells performing photosynthesis.

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Stomata are controlled by guard cells that line the walls of the epidermis (especially on the underside).

When open, mesophyll cells have access to CO2 and water and photosynthesis can continue.

However, they could dry out due to excess transpiration.

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The process of opening and closing the stomates must be carefully controlled.

When water flows into guard cells (↑ turgor pressure), the stomates open.

When water flows out of the guard cells, the stomates close.

Page 43: MONOCOTSDICOTS  1 cotyledon (storage tissue that provides nutrition to the developing seedling)  Parallel pattern of veins in leaves  Flower parts