ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only PIA TRAINING CENTRE (PTC) Module 7 - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Category – A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 Mar 2014 MODULE 7 Sub Module 7.8 RIVETING

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  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 Mar 2014

    MODULE 7

    Sub Module 7.8


  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - i Mar 2014


    RIVET ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1

    TYPES OF SOLID RIVET ----------------------------------------------- 1

    RIVET MATERIALS ------------------------------------------------------- 2

    RIVETED JOINTS --------------------------------------------------------- 3

    RIVET SPACING AND PITCH ------------------------------------------ 6


    INSPECTION OF RIVETED JOINTS -------------------------------- 22

    RIVET REMOVAL PROCEDURE ------------------------------------ 24

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - ii Mar 2014

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  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 1 Mar 2014

    RIVET Rivets are a non-detachable form of fastening device, used extensively on aircraft, to secure the items of components built up from sheet metal. They are ideal for forming liquid-tight joints, are cheaper, lighter in weight and are more rapidly fastened than bolts. Rivets, however, have the disadvantage that they are not really suitable for tensile loads. A riveted assembly cannot be readily dismantled. Rivets basically fall into two classes, which are:

    Solid rivets

    Hollow or tubular rivets Rivets are supplied with one head already formed, the tail being formed by hand-operated or machine tools.

    TYPES OF SOLID RIVET Solid rivets are available in a variety of shapes and metals. The common types of British rivet (refer to Fig. 1) are the snap head, which is used for general purposes, the mushroom head, where less resistance to the air is essential, and the countersunk head, where a flush finish is required. In the USA the common heads are the universal (similar to the mushroom head) and the countersunk head. Countersunk heads are available in a variety of different head angles, usually 60, 90, 100 and 120, with the most common being the 100.

    Countersunk Head Mushroom (or Universal) Head

    Snap Head

    Rivet Types Fig.1

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 2 Mar 2014

    RIVET MATERIALS Unless otherwise stated, the rivets must be of the same material as the work being riveted. The rivet material may be identified by markings, color, anti-corrosion treatment or magnetic properties. Solid rivet markings are usually situated on the head or tail of the rivet. Tubular rivets are not marked. When in doubt as to the identification of rivets, reference should be made to the packaging label. Solid rivets can be made from a variety of materials with aluminum alloy being the most common. The material and specifications of British and American rivets are not the same. The type of rivet used for repair is dictated by an aircrafts maintenance manual. Permission from the aircraft manufacturer is required before any changes, to rivet specification, are allowed.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 3 Mar 2014

    RIVETED JOINTS The location of the riveting dictates the type of joint (refer to Fig. 3) that is made. An ordinary lap joint is used on lightly loaded members and, to provide a flush surface on one side, the joint may be joggled. Where one flush surface and greater strength is required, the single butt joint is used. The strongest joint is the double strap butt joint.

    Types of Riveted Joints Fig. 3

    Double Strap Butt Joint Single Strap Butt Joint

    Joggled Lap Joint Lap Joint

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 4 Mar 2014

    Rivet joint considerations The design of an aircraft repair is complicated by the requirement that it be as lightweight as possible. If weight was not critical, all repairs could be made with a large margin of safety so there would never be a concern about the strength of the repair. However, in actual practice, repairs must be strong enough to carry all of the loads with the required safety factor, but also as lightweight as possible. On the other hand, a joint must also be manufactured in a way that if it is subjected to extreme loads, the fasteners will fail instead of the base metal. For these reasons, a joint that is too weak cannot be tolerated, but neither can one that is too strong. Shear loads Shear loads are created when opposing forces are applied on opposite sides of a body. For example, a rivet is primarily designed to withstand shear loads from overlapping sheets of metal that are subjected to being pulled or pushed in opposite directions. (Figure A).

    Fig A shear stress on a rivet attempts to slide through the rivet shank

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 5 Mar 2014

    Bearing strength Bearing strength can be characterized by a sheet of metal being able to withstand being torn away from the rivets in a joint. The bearing strength of a material is affected by both its thickness and by the size of the rivet in the sheet. Shear versus bearing strength Most aircraft structures are held together by the clamping action of either rivets or bolts. When fabricating a riveted joint, consider both the shear strength of the rivet (the amount of force that is needed to cut it in two) and the bearing strength of the sheet metal (the amount of force that will cause the rivet to tear out from the metal). In a properly designed joint the bearing strength and shear strength should be as near the same as possible with the shear strength being slightly less. When this is provided the joint will support the maximum load but if it does fail the rivet will shear. It is much less costly to replace a rivet than it is to repair a hole torn in the metal. (Figure B).

    Figure B

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 6 Mar 2014

    RIVET SPACING AND PITCH Rivet spacing (pitch) depends upon several factors, principally

    1 the thickness of the sheet,

    2 the diameter of the rivets, and

    3 the manner in which the sheet will be stressed.

    To prevent the joint from being weakened by too many holes in a row, the adjacent rivets should be no closer than three diameters to one another. In contrast, to prevent the sheets from separating between rivets, the rivet holes should be no further apart than ten to twelve times the rivet shank diameter. The average rivet pitch usually ranges from six to eight rivet diameters.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 7 Mar 2014

    Figure Rivet Spacing

    Transverse pitch When two or more rows of rivets are used in a repair job, the rivets should be staggered to obtain maximum strength. The distance between the rows of rivets is called "transverse pitch." Transverse pitch is normally 75% of existing rivet pitch, but should never be less than 21/2 times the diameter. If the rivets are not staggered, then the pitch will be the same between rows as it is between rivets in a single row. For most layout patterns, it is most practical to stagger the placement of rivets to reduce the amount of sheet metal that has to be overlapped. In addition, multiple rivet rows are often used to prevent rivets in a single row from becoming too close together, or to improve the cosmetics of a repair. Sample layout pattern / rules The general rules of rivet spacing, as applied to straight-row layout, are quite simple. In a single-row layout, first determine the edge distance at each end of the row then lay off the rivet pitch (distance between rivets) as shown in figure. In the two-row layout, lay off the first row as just described, place the second row a distance equal to the second row so that they fall midway between those in the first row. In the three-row layout, first lay off the first and third rows, and then determine the second row rivet spots by using a straight edge.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 8 Mar 2014

    TOOLS USED FOR RIVETING AND DIMPLING Marking out Careful marking out is a prerequisite for accurate drilling. Aluminum alloy parts used on aircraft should not be marked out with a scriber or other tool which will scratch the surface, unless the marks are subsequently machined off or otherwise removed. A thin coat of zinc chromate primer makes a suitable background for pencil lines, but it may be preferable to manufacture a template, which can be used as a drilling jig on the aircraft. Hole size The size of the rivet holes has a positive bearing on the strength of a riveted joint. A clearance must exist between the rivet and the hole in which it is fitted to accommodate expansion of the shank during forming. If the clearance is too small the sheets will tend to buckle, whereas if the clearance is too large separation of the sheets may occur. The selection of the correct size rivet countersink, dimple and rivet hole, should be made by reference to tables published by the aircraft manufacturer. The recommended sizes vary according to the gauge of the structural materials being joined and the size, form, length and material of the rivets being used.

    Hole too small Hole too large

    Too small hole will destroy protective oxide coating on a rivet shank and may also cause the sheet metal to buckle once the rivet is driven.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 9 Mar 2014

    The final hole for a particular rivet size can be prepared by drilling a hole the size of the rivet and then reaming the hole to the final dimension. Where less critical applications are allowed, the final dimensions can be drilled using a number or letter twist drill. Note that ream size exceed the maximum tolerance of 0.004 inch. This is permissible only if the next larger drill size happens to be so much larger than the tolerance of 0.004 inch.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 10 Mar 2014

    A General rule In general the harder and longer the rivet the smaller the clearance, but close tolerance holes and interference fits (also called snug fit) are often a requirement. As a result of laboratory tests and engineering development at the design stage, carefully controlled hole sizes and rivet fits are used in critical fatigue-prone locations. Should it be necessary to disturb structure of this type it is imperative that reassembly be carried out in accordance with the original drawings or repair schemes, or as advised by the aircraft manufacturer. Assembly work In order to allow for slight misalignment during assembly work, it is usual to drill pilot holes at positions where rivets are to be fitted. When the assembled structure is ready for riveting, the holes should then be opened out to the required size. Clearance The number drill size for each diameter rivet is slightly larger than the rivet diameter. As previously mentioned, the holes made by these drills are usually three- or four-thousandths of an inch larger than the diameter of the rivet. This allows the rivet to be slipped in place without forcing it and scraping any protective oxide coating off the rivet shank. The clearance is small enough that, during driving, the shank will swell to take up any excess clearance.

    Drill size The twist drills used for aircraft sheet metal work are most generally of the number and letter sizes, rather than the fractional sizes commonly used in other forms of mechanical work. Most of the rivets used in sheet metal work are between 3-3/32 inch, which is the smallest rivet generally allowed in aircraft structure, and 3/8-inch diameter. Rather than using rivets larger than 3/8 inch, some other form of fastener is normally used. Drills Aviation maintenance technicians use drills and associated attachments almost more than any other tool when fabricating sheet metal components. Drills can be either hand-operated or shop mounted. Again, always become familiar with the tool manufacturer's operating and safety instructions, and with specific operating instructions, before using any equipment for the first time. Drill motors The vast majority of holes drilled in aircraft sheet metal structure is small and drilled in relatively soft metal. For this reason, there is seldom a need for a drill motor larger than one with a -inch chuck. Recall that the chuck is the part of the motor that holds the cutting drill in place, and comes in a variety of sizes depending on the power of the drill motor.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 11 Mar 2014

    An electric drill motor is often used for sheet metal repair work when a supply of compressed air is not readily available. Rechargeable battery-powered drills are also commonly used for small sheet metal repairs because of the convenience of use, but should not be used around compartments containing flammable fluids such as fuel cells.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 12 Mar 2014

    Electric drill motors Disadvantages/preference The convenience of electric outlets in the shop and the relatively low cost of electric drill motors, as compared with air drills, make them useful tools. In addition, a variable speed control makes these tools even more useful. However, an electric drill motor is larger and heavier than an air drill and has the potential for producing an electric spark or shock when being used on an aircraft structure. For these reasons, air drills, rather than electric drills, are generally more accepted for sheet metal work. Pneumatic drill motors / air drill The availability of compressed air to operate rivet guns, makes pneumatic, or air drill motors, a logical choice for aircraft structural repair. These drills are lightweight, have good speed control, do not overheat regardless of use-frequency, and are available in a number of shapes that allows them to be used in difficult locations. (Figure B) The most popular air drill motor is the pistol grip model with a -inch chuck. The speed of these drills is controlled by the amount of pull on the trigger, but if it is necessary to limit the maximum speed, a regulator may be installed at the air hose where it attaches to the drill. The regulator can then be adjusted for the maximum amount of air entering the drill to limit the maximum speed, even with the trigger fully depressed.

    Figure B: A pneumatic or air drill motor is the most widely used

    drilling tool for aircraft sheet

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 13 Mar 2014

    Clamps and sheet fasteners There are many device used by technicians to assist them when fabricating sheet metal aircraft components and structures. Some of the most important tools are those used to verify that parts remain in proper alignment during assembly process. Three of the most common holding tools include Cleco fasteners, C-clamps, and Wing nut clamps. Cleco fasteners Before an aircraft sheet metal structure is riveted, it should be temporarily assembled to be sure that all of the parts fit together properly. To provide the closest tolerance fit for rivets, it is standard practice in many operations to drill all of the rivet holes in the individual parts with a pilot drill. The pilot drill is typically smaller than the nominal size of the rivet shank. Eventually, when the parts are mated together, another drill is passed through the pilot holes to open them up to the proper dimensions of the rivet shank. To help prevent the parts from shifting during the final drilling and assembly process, it is common to use clamping fasteners to hold the parts together until the rivets are installed. This helps ensure alignment of the holes so the rivets seat properly. One of the most widely used clamping devices is the Cleco fastener, a patented product developed by the Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Company. Although there are other manufacturers of similarly designed clamping devices, the name Cleco is generally associated with these types of tools.

    Parts of cleco fastener Cleco fasteners consist of:

    a steel body,

    a spring-loaded plunger,

    two step-cut locking jaws, and a spreader bar. To install or remove a Cleco requires the use of a specially designed pair of pliers. With these pliers, the fastener body is held while pressure is applied to the spring-loaded plunger on the top of the Cleco. This forces the pair of locking jaws away from the body and past the spreader bar. As the jaws pass beyond the bar, they come together, decreasing in diameter. This allows the jaws to be inserted into a rivet hole and then when the pliers are released, the jaws draw back in toward the body past the spreader bar. When the jaws spread apart, the diameter increases, causing the steps in the jaws to grab the underside of the metal. When the jaws retract as far as they can into the body, they apply spring pressure between the locking jaws and the sheet metal, as well as filling the hole diameter with the jaws. Once the pliers are removed from the fastener, a tight grip is formed to help prevent slippage of the material.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 14 Mar 2014

    Clecos selection Clecos are available in sizes for all the commonly used rivets and even in one larger size. To help identify the designed hole size of Clecos, the body is colour coded in one of the following colours:

    3/32 inch (-3 diameter rivet) Silver 1/8 inch (-4 diameter rivet) Copper 5/32 inch (-5 diameter rivet) Black 3/16 inch (-6 diameter rivet) Brass 1/4 inch Copper

    Cleco fasteners are used to temporarily hold sheet metal parts together until they are riveted.

    Wing nut fasteners Wing nut fasteners are used prior to final assembly of aircraft parts that need to be held extra tight before riveting is started. For example, sheet metal parts under tension around a bend tend to spring apart and may need more pressure to hold the metal together than a Cleco can provide. The wing nut fastener, when hand tightened, will clamp the metal together with more pressure than the spring tension of a Cleco, thus ensuring against any possible slippage. However, a major drawback to using wing nut fasteners is the amount of time required to install and remove them.

    Wing nut fasteners are used for temporarily holding sheet metal parts together with more pressure than a Cleco fastener can provide. These fasteners also have the same color coded bodies as Clecos to identify the diameter hole they are designed for.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 15 Mar 2014

    C-clamps The C-clamp is a tool primarily used by machinists, but has been adapted by technicians working with sheet metal for holding work together on aircraft. It is useful for holding sheet metal in place before beginning the drilling operation. C-clamps are available in many sizes. However, smaller sizes are generally preferred for sheet metal applications to prevent damage to the metal. The C-clamp looks like the letter "C"; hence, its name. The C frame has a fixed rest on its lower end and a threaded end at the top. The threaded end has a shaft that runs through it with a tee handle running through the shaft, and a floating pad on the end.

    C-clamps are useful for holding sheet metal parts together to drill the initial rivet holes as shown on the left. Another device similar to a C-clamp is a side grip clamp, resembling the one shown here on the right. These clamps are spring loaded in the same fashion as a Cleco fastener and are installed and removed using Cleco pliers. Because these clamps are small, they are ideal in tight fitting locations. Precautions Before using one of these clamps on sheet metal, it is advisable to place masking tape over each of the pads to help prevent marring of the sheet metal's finish. In addition, before using these clamps, check to make certain the floating pad on the threaded shaft is free to swivel and turn to help prevent marring as the clamp is tightened.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 16 Mar 2014

    Rotary rivet cutters In case you cannot obtain rivets of the required length, rotary rivet cutters may be used to cut longer rivets to the desired length. See figure. When you use the rotary rivet cutter, insert the rivet part way into the correct diameter hole. Place the required number of shims (shown as staggered, notched strips in the illustration) under the head and squeeze the handles. The compound action from the handles rotates the two discs in opposite directions. The rotation of the discs shears the rivet smoothly to give the correct length (as determined by the number of shims inserted under the head). When you are using the larger cutter holes, place one of the tool handles in a vice, insert the rivet in the hole, and shear it by pulling the free handle. If this tool is not available, diagonal-cutting pliers can be used as an emergency cutter, although the sheared edges will not be as smooth and even as when they are cut with the rotary rivet cutter. Rivet cutters have holes to cut common-sized rivet diameters, and a series of leaves that are rotated into position to shim under the rivet head to vary the shank length.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 17 Mar 2014

    Dimpling When the top sheet of metal is too thin to countersink, the edges of the hole may be formed to accommodate the head of the rivet by using a set of dimpling dies. There are two methods of dimpling sheet metal: coin dimpling, which forges or coins, the metal into the dies and radius dimpling, which folds the material down to form the dimple.

    Although both techniques are commonly used coin dimpling generally provides a slightly tighter fit but tends to leave a sharper bend around the rivet head. Radius dimpling may not produce as tight a fit, but has the advantage of leaving a more gradual radius bend around the rivet head, helping to prevent cracking during service.

    Control tests for dimpled sheet Before dimpling any aircraft material of which the dimpling characteristics are uncertain, either because of lack of familiarity with the material itself or because of the use of a new dimpling technique or tool, tests should be made on sample material of the same gauge, specification and heat treatment condition.

    Specimens of the material should be cut approximately 8 (eight) inches long and 1 (one) inch wide, and dimpled along the centerline of the strip at the pitch to be used on the aircraft. When the strip is bent across the dimples, cracks across the dimples at the bend may be expected and are acceptable, but if other radial or circumferential cracks develop the process must be considered unsatisfactory.

    Before any method of dimpling is approved for

    production, its suitability for the particular combination of material, gauge, dimple and rivet size should be assessed by the Approved Department. A number of dimpled and riveted specimens should be sectioned to check the nesting of the dimples and the fit of the rivet.

    Sharpness of definition. It is possible to get a dimple with a sharp break from the surface into the dimple. The sharpness of the break is controlled by two things: the amount of pressure and the material thickness. Condition of dimple. The dimple must be checked for cracks or flaws that might be caused by damaged or dirty dies, or by improper heating.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 18 Mar 2014

    Warpage of material. The amount of warpage may be held to a minimum if the correct pressure setting is held. When dimpling a strip with too much pressure, the strip tends to form a convex shape. When insufficient pressure is used, it tends to form a concave shape. This can be checked by using a straight edge. General appearance. The dimple should be checked with the fastener that is to be used; making sure it meets the flushness requirement. This is important because the wrong type or sizes of dies are sometimes used by mistake. Dimpling consists of two processes, radius dimpling and coin dimpling. The major difference between radius and coin dimpling is in the construction of the female die. In radius dimpling a solid female die is used. Coin dimpling uses a sliding ram female die that makes this process superior.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 19 Mar 2014

    Coin dimpling In coin dimpling a male die fits through the rivet hole, and a coining ram in a female die exerts pressure on the underside of the hole. By forcing the male die into the female die, the metal contours to the shape of the coin. The pressure on the dies forges the edges of the hole to exactly fit the shape of the dies. Coin dimpling gives the hole sharply defined edges that almost resemble machine countersinking. Both the top and the bottom of the dimple are formed to a 100-degree angle; so multiple sheets can be dimpled and stacked, or nested. During the coin dimpling process, the metal is coined (made to flow into the contours of the dies so that the dimple assumes the true shape of the die. The pressure exerted by the coining ram prevents the metal from compressing and thereby assures uniform cross sectional thickness of the sides of the dimple and a true conical shape. Coin dimpling is performed by a special pneumatic machine or press, which has, in addition to the usual dies, a coining ram." The ram applies an opposing pressure to the edges of the hole so the metal is made to flow into all the sharp contours of the die, giving the dimple greater accuracy and improving the fit. Advantages Coin dimpling offers several advantages. It improves the configuration of the dimple, produces a more satisfactory aerodynamic skin surface, eliminates radial and circumferential cracking, ensures a stronger and safer joint and allows identical dies to be used for both skin and under structure dimpling.

    Disadvantage Coin pressing has a distinct disadvantage in that the rivet hole must be drilled to correct rivet size before the dimpling operation is accomplished. Since the metal stretches during the dimpling operation, the hole becomes enlarged and the rivet must be swelled slightly before driving to produce a close fit. Because the rivet head will cause slight distortions in the recess, and these are characteristic only to that particular rivet head, it is wise to drive the same rivet that was used as the male die during the dimpling process. Do not substitute another rivet, either of the same size or a size larger.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 20 Mar 2014

    Radius dimpling Radius dimpling is a form of cold dimpling in thin sheet metal in which a cone-shaped male die is forced into the recess of a female die, with either a hammer blow or a pneumatic rivet gun. In some instances, a flush rivet is used as the male die. The male die is forced into the female die. In this form of dimpling, a rivet gun is fitted with a special female dimpling die, and the rivet head is set into the sheet metal by rapid impact blows of the rivet gun. The dimple formed in this way does not have parallel sides, as the lower side has an angle greater than 100 degrees. For this reason, radius dimpling is not usually considered acceptable to stack or nest multiple sheets. Radius dimpling does not allow the sheets to be nested unless the bottom sheet is radius dimpled. Radius dimpling is done because its equipment is smaller than that needed for coin dimpling, and can be used in locations where access with coin dimpling tools is not practical.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 21 Mar 2014

    Hot dimpling Magnesium and some of the harder aluminium alloys, such as 7075, cannot be successfully cold dimpled; because the material is so brittle it will crack when the dimple is formed. To prevent cracking, these materials are heated before dimpling is accomplished. The equipment for hot dimpling is similar to that used for coin dimpling, except that an electrical current heats the dies. To perform hot dimpling, the dies are preheated and then the metal is positioned between the dies. When the technician presses a pedal, the dies are pneumatically pressed together until they both just make contact with the metal. Once the dies make contact, a dwell time allows sufficient heat to soften the metal before the dies are fully squeezed together to form the dimple. The dwell time for heating is automatically controlled by a timer to prevent destroying the temper condition of the metal. The operator of the machine must be familiar with how to adjust the machine for the various time limits and temperatures for the types of metal being formed. The 2024-T aluminium alloy can be satisfactorily coin dimpled either hot or cold. However, cracking in the vicinity of the dimple may result from cold dimpling because of hard spots in the metal. Hot dimpling will prevent such cracking. The 7075-T6 and 2024-T81 aluminium alloys are always hot dimpled. Magnesium alloys also must be hot dimpled because, like 7075-T6, they have low formability qualities. Titanium is another metal that must be hot dimpled because it is tough and resists forming. The same temperature and dwell time used to hot dimple 7075-T6 is used for titanium.

    Corrosion-resistant steel is cold dimpled because the temperature range of the heating unit is not high enough to affect dimpling.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 22 Mar 2014

    INSPECTION OF RIVETED JOINTS Riveted joints must be inspected at all stages of production and operation. This means that the manufacturing stages must be thoroughly inspected to ensure that the finished work meets the required specifications. Whilst in service, rivets must be inspected regularly, to check for a number of faults that might have occurred, such as corrosion, fretting and fatigue. After the rivets have been closed, they should be inspected to ensure that they are tight and fully formed. Rivet heads must not be deformed or cracked and the surrounding area must be free from distortion and undamaged by riveting tools. All aircraft maintenance manuals contain diagrams of formed rivets and their possible faults (refer to Fig. 8). These diagrams show what is acceptable and what is not. Whilst rivets that are clearly not satisfactory must be changed, care must be taken when considering replacing those only slightly below standard. It is possible that more harm could be done replacing them, than leaving them in place.

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 23 Mar 2014

    Typical Rivet Faults Fig. 8

    Countersinking too Deep Cracked Shop Head

    Cocked Head Clinched Head

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only


    Category A/B1 Sub Module 7.8 - Riveting

    PTC/CM/B1.1 Basic/M7/03 Rev. 00 7.8 - 24 Mar 2014

    If there are any signs of damage to the airframe structure, then a thorough inspection of the whole area must be made. Hidden damage may extend beyond the area of visible deformation, so that any riveted joint that shows an indication of damage should be inspected well beyond the last deformed rivet. Inspection of a rivet head for stretch can be achieved by sliding a feeler gauge under the head or tail. A staining colour of black or grey around a rivet head is an indication that it has stretched. If any doubt exists it may be necessary to drill out the rivet and examine the hole for indications of elongation or tearing. Any stretching will become apparent when the rivets are removed, as the skin will move position. Once the material has settled it may be necessary for the holes to be drilled out oversize, providing this is in accord with the repair publications.

    RIVET REMOVAL PROCEDURE As with all maintenance tasks on aircraft, the procedure for removing solid rivets will be detailed in the AMM. The following procedure explains a basic method of rivet removal:

    The centre of the manufactured rivet head is carefully marked with a centre punch

    Using a twist drill the same size as the rivet shank diameter, the rivet is drilled to the depth of the head

    The head is carefully removed, with a flat chisel or is

    prised out with a pin punch

    The remaining shank is then punched out with a parallel pin punch of the same diameter as the rivet shank.

    An alternate method, occasionally used by some manufacturers, is to drill the tail of the rivet off first and remove the remaining shank from the opposite end. Care needs to be taken, during rivet removal, to ensure that the least possible damage is done to the original hole and its surrounding structure. When removing rivets from bonded assemblies it is essential not to apply shear loads, which are liable to part the bond.