Module 1- Expressiones Comunes Module Overview Part Two Bilingual Beginnings

Module 1- Expressiones Comunes Module Overview Part Two Bilingual Beginnings

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Module 1- Expressiones Comunes Module Overview Part Two

Module 1-Expressiones ComunesModule OverviewPart Two

Bilingual Beginnings

Objective 5-Peer ReviewGo to http://voicethread.com/ and sign into our group. Listen to the all the voicethreads the class has made. Find one you want to comment on. An example is: [I like the way Maria and Juan are shown in the picture, they reflect the dialogue...Maria is happy and Juan is obviously not feeling well.] See some examples of the way other children have responded to voice threads- see http://voicethread.com/#q+wimp.b804481.i4274107

This participation will be 5 points. (Rubric is on the learning environment space-)

Objective 6- Q and A SessionPlease go to the class blog and answer the question in Spanish that is presented last. Then you are to write another question for someone to answer.

For example. Como esta? Estoy feliz Como esta? Use a variety of responses

This participation will be 5 points. (Rubric is on the learning environment space-)

Objective 7-Interactive Game/SongPlease go to .. http://www.apples4theteacher.com/esl-games/spanish/adjectives/ and http://www.apples4theteacher.com/esl-games/spanish/weather/ and.. http://www.123teachme.com/games/drag_n_match?cat=10 . play these games (5 minutes a day ) record your times on the study guide This participation will be 5 points. (Rubric is on the learning environment space-)

Objective 8-Coachs BlogCoaches please go to the Coachs discussion forum. Introduce yourself and tell what you think your strengths are for this course and what you feel will need support. This information will help me provide you with appropriate information for your student

Vocabulary List Rubric-10 pointsVocabulary complete- used all words Spanish and English translation(or picture)4 pointsCreative- Is it presented in a way that is memorable and unique4 pointsSpelling- each word spelled correctly2 pointsOn Time- Vocabulary presentation due by the end of the first week of the module(1 point off total for each day late)

2 points

Voice Thread Rubric- 10 points

Completed the assignment using all the vocabulary requested4 pointsCreative- Is it presented in a way that is neat, memorable, and unique4 pointsSpelling- each word spelled correctly2 pointsOn Time- Voice Thread presentation due by the 10th day of the module(1 point off total for each day late)2 points

Participation Rubrics 5 points each A-study guide reflections B-live lesson participation C-blog question and answer D-voice thread commentE-practice time with games and activities