MODULE 1_ Environmental Studies_edited on 10-12-2009

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  • 8/3/2019 MODULE 1_ Environmental Studies_edited on 10-12-2009


    MODULE 1

    The Multidisciplinary Nature


    Environmental Studies

    Definition, Scope and importance,

    Need for public awareness

  • 8/3/2019 MODULE 1_ Environmental Studies_edited on 10-12-2009



  • 8/3/2019 MODULE 1_ Environmental Studies_edited on 10-12-2009


    What is Environmental Studies?


    It is a relatively new field of study which has

    evolved from integrated use of many


    It deals with every issue that affects an


    Is a multidisciplinary / Interdisciplinary subjectwhich deals with each and every aspect of life

    related with us

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    Requires the knowledge of various othersubjects like biology, chemistry, physics,

    statistics, micro-biology, bio-chemistry,

    geology, economics, law, sociology etc. It is essentially a multidisciplinary approach

    that brings about an appreciation of our

    natural world and human impacts on itsintegrity

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    It is an applied science as it seeks practical

    answers to making human civilization

    sustainable on the earth's finite resources

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    What is the scope of Environmental Studies?

    Everything around us forms our environment and our

    lives depend on keeping its vital systems as intact aspossible

    Environment is nothing but the nature composed of

    both biotic and abiotic factors

    Its components include Anthropology, Biology,

    Economics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Geology,

    Health, Philosophy, Physics and Sociology

    Is related with every science and scientific aspects in

    general and biology in particular

    Awareness of environment

    Environment and real life situations

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    Conservation of resources and Sustainabledevelopment of individuals

    Profound effect over the living organisms Awareness about cause and effect of environmental


    Exerts influence over metabolic activities of all livingbeings

    Makes us understand its importance and enables us totake necessary steps to protect it

    Will be a growing field for the future with the growingconcerns about our global warming and climatechanges

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    The Importance of Environmental Studies

    Is concerned with the day to day interaction with

    the surroundings with which human being is closelyassociated

    Is concerned with the issues of development,

    international environment and population Is related to many branches of the science and is an

    interdisciplinary science.

    Is concerned with the importance of wild life and itsprotection

    Explains the significant role of biodiversity in

    establishing ecological balance

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    Is concerned with different types of food chains, foodwebs, productivity, biomass, carrying capacity of

    ecosystems. Deals with various types of interrelationships existing

    between living and non living organisms and also betweendifferent types of living organisms such as symbiosis,

    mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, etc. Gives information relating to population explosion, growth

    and development, impact of population growth on theresource consumption and national economy.

    Explains the coexistence of both living and non livingorganisms and their contribution to the nature for itssustenance.

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    Deals with relation with ethos and the impact of ethical

    principles in the conservation of wild life, biodiversity

    and environment

    Deals with different types of ecosystems, biotic and

    abiotic factors and their role in the significance and

    sustenance of ecosystems Explains the significance of forests and their products in

    the human routine and in country's economy

    Gives information about water conservation, watershedmanagement and the importance of water as a

    universal solvent and the importance of the same in

    various physiological, biochemical, internal systems and

    external environment

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    Environment Issues are of International Importance

    It has been well recognized that environment issues

    like global warming and ozone depletion, acid rain,

    marine pollution and biodiversity are not merely

    national issues but are global issues and hence must

    be tackled with international efforts and cooperation

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    Problems as a side effect of development

    Development, in its wake gave birth to Urbanization,

    Industrial Growth, Transportation Systems,

    Agriculture and Housing etc.When the West developed, it did so perhaps in

    ignorance of the environmental impact of its

    activities. Evidently such a path is neither practicable

    nor desirable, even if it is followed by the developingworld

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    Exponential increase in population

    World census reflects that one in every seven persons

    on this planet lives in India

    With 16 per cent of the world's population and only2.4 per cent of its land area, there is a heavy pressure

    on the natural resources including land

    Agricultural experts have recognized soils health

    problems like deficiency of micronutrients and organic

    matter, soil salinity and damage of soil structure

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    Need for an alternative solution

    It is essential, specially for developing countries to

    find alternative paths to an alternative goal:

    A goal, which is environmentally sound sustainableA goal common to all citizens of our earth

    A goal distant from the developing world in the

    manner it is from the over-consuming wastefulsocieties of the developed world

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    Need to save humanity from extinction

    It is incumbent upon us to save humanity from

    extinction consequent to our activities constricting

    the environment and depleting the biosphere, in thename of development

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    Need for wise planning of development

    Our survival and sustenance depend on the


    Withdrawal of resources, processing and use of the

    product have all to be synchronized with theecological cycles in any plan of development our

    actions should be planned ecologically for the

    sustenance of the environment and development

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    Need for information about environmental


    Need to change the way in which we view our

    own environment

    Need to create a concern for our own


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    It is essential to make the public aware of the formidable

    consequences of the Environmental Degradation. Ifreformative measures are not undertaken, it would result

    in the extinction of life

    To save our dwindling Natural Resources and continuously

    degrading Environment, the public can play a major role inenvironment management by reducing wastage of Natural

    Resources and Pollution

    To recognize the interdependence among materials intophysical environment, plant and animal life for survival,

    growth and development

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    To take decisions individually and collectively and initiate

    actions for social, cultural and economic survival, growth

    and development and for conservation of nature andnatural resources

    To identify human, material, space and time resources in

    the environment

    To recognize ways of making effective use of environmental

    resources for social, economic and cultural survival, growth

    and development

    To take decisions for the effective use of resources, torecognize the special significance of conservation of natural

    resources and initiate or support community efforts for the


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    Population Growth

    A population of over thousands of millions is growingat 2.11 per cent every year. Over 17 million people

    are added each year

    It puts considerable pressure on its naturalresources and reduces the gains of development.

    Hence, the greatest challenge before us is to limit the

    population growth

    Population control automatically leads todevelopment

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    Poverty and environmental degradation have a nexus

    between them The vast majority of our people are directly

    dependent on the natural resources of the country

    for their basic needs of food, fuel shelter and fodder

    About 40% of our people are still below the poverty


    Environment degradation has adversely affected the

    poor who depend upon the resources of theirimmediate surroundings

    Thus, the challenges of poverty and environment

    degradation are two facets of the same coin

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    The people must be acquainted with themethods to sustain and increase agricultural

    growth without damaging the environment

    High yielding varieties have caused soil salinityand damage to physical structure of soil

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    Factors like community wastes, industrialeffluents and chemical fertilizers and

    pesticides have polluted our surface water and

    affected quality of the groundwater

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    At present out of the total 329 mha of land, only 266 mha

    possess any potential for production. Of this, 143 mha isagricultural land and 85 suffers from varying degrees of soil

    degradation. Of the remaining 123 mha, 40 are completely

    unproductive. The remaining 83 mha is classified as forest

    land, of which over half is denuded to various degrees Nearly 406 million head of livestock have to be supported on

    13 mha, or less than 4 per cent of the land classified as

    pasture land, most of which is overgrazed.

    Out of 226 mha, about 175 mha or 66 per cent is degraded tovarying degrees. Water and wind erosion causes further

    degradation of almost 150 mha

    This degradation is to be avoided

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    Proper measures to conserve genetic diversityneed to be taken

    At present most wild genetic stocks have been

    disappearing from nature The protected areas network like sanctuaries,

    national parks, biosphere reserves are

    isolating populations thereby decreasingchances of interbreeding

    Remedial steps are to be taken to check

    decreasing genetic diversity

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    Nearly 27 per cent Indians live in urban areas Over 30 percent of urban Indians live in slums

    Out ofIndias 3,245 towns and cities, only 21

    have partial or full sewerage and treatmentfacilities

    Hence, coping with rapid urbanization is a

    major challenge

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    Majority of our industrial plants are usingoutdated technologies and makeshift facilities

    devoid of any provision of treating their wastes

    Large number of cities and industrial areas havebeen identified as the worst in terms of air and

    water pollution

    People are to be made aware of the rules,regulations an acts related to environment

    Support of the people is indispensable to

    implement these rules

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    There are clear signs of global warming The permafrost and glaciers in the polar and

    other regions are melting and the resultant

    rise in the sea level is threatening the veryexistence of various islands and continents

    Glaciers in the Himalayas are retreating with

    alarming speed