Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012 Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012) Page 1 of 25 Table of Contents 1.0 Overview 2.0 Measurement Definitions 2.1 Ad Impressions 2.2 Ad Impression Measurement Approaches 2.3 Tracking Assets 2.4 User Ad Requests 2.5 Ad Delivery 2.6 Mobile Devices 3.0 Ad Measurement Guidelines 3.1 Ad Impression Tracking 3.2 Compound Tracking 3.3 Auto Refresh 4.0 Enhancing Ad Impression Tracking Accuracy 4.1 Cache Busting 4.2 Filtration 4.3 Display Filtering 4.4 Rich Media Ad Impression 5.0 Click Measurement Considerations 5.1 Click Measurement 6.0 General Reporting Parameters 6.1 Time 6.2 Location 7.0 Disclosure Guidance 8.0 Auditing Guidelines 8.1 General 8.2 U.S. Certification Recommendation 8.3 European/Additional Region/Country Certification Recommendation 9.0 Who We Are 10.0 References 11.0 Contact Us 12.0 Glossary of Terms Appendix A Sample Description of Methodology

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  • 1. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement GuidelinesTable of Contents1.0Overview2.0Measurement Definitions 2.1 Ad Impressions 2.2 Ad Impression Measurement Approaches 2.3 Tracking Assets 2.4 User Ad Requests 2.5 Ad Delivery 2.6 Mobile Devices3.0Ad Measurement Guidelines 3.1 Ad Impression Tracking 3.2 Compound Tracking 3.3 Auto Refresh4.0Enhancing Ad Impression Tracking Accuracy 4.1 Cache Busting 4.2 Filtration 4.3 Display Filtering 4.4 Rich Media Ad Impression5.0Click Measurement Considerations 5.1 Click Measurement6.0General Reporting Parameters 6.1 Time 6.2 Location7.0Disclosure Guidance8.0Auditing Guidelines 8.1 General 8.2 U.S. Certification Recommendation 8.3 European/Additional Region/Country Certification Recommendation9.0Who We Are10.0 References11.0 Contact Us12.0 Glossary of TermsAppendix A Sample Description of MethodologyVersion 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 1 of 25

2. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines 1.0 OverviewThe Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines have been developed by the membershipof the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), the IAB (U.S.), and Media Rating Council (MRC) inclose collaboration with the GSMA and other stakeholders. Contributors to these guidelines arerepresentative of the key parties in the mobile marketing ecosystem, and include handsetmanufacturers, wireless operators, ad servers, content providers, agencies, brands andtechnology enablers.While these guidelines follow the general parameters and principles of the AdvertisingMeasurement Impression Guidelines previously issued by IAB (U.S.) for online advertisingmeasurement, and are similar to them in many respects, this document has been authored with aspecific focus on the unique attributes of Mobile Web advertising. Thus, while many portions ofthis document will be similar to the existing IAB Guidelines for online measurement, specificguidance in certain other areas will differ (yet will follow the same general principles) because ofthis consideration of the applicability to the mobile web environment.Applicability of these guidelines, as opposed to the original IAB Advertising MeasurementGuidelines, generally should be based on the type of ad served. For instance, ads served from amobile version of a web site, or versions of ads specifically designed to be served to a mobiledevice or in a mobile web environment, should apply these Mobile Web Measurement Guidelinesfor counting purposes.This set of guidelines is intended to cover measurement of WAP/Mobile Web advertising activity.Measurement of other forms of mobile advertising activity, including messaging applications(SMS and MMS), mobile applications, and various forms of mobile audio and video (includingstreamed, downloaded, broadcast and progressive audio and/or video), is not within the scope ofthese guidelines.This document is principally applicable to mobile marketers, wireless operators, mobilepublishers and ad serving organizations, and is intended as a guide to accepted practice.Additionally, planners and buyers of mobile media advertising can use this document to assist indetermining the quality of measurements.Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 2 of 25 3. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines2.0 Measurement DefinitionsAdvertisements served on mobile devices are currently measured in various ways depending onthe marketing channel used and its associated measurement capabilities.2.1 Ad ImpressionsAn Ad Impression across all mobile marketing channels is the measure of the delivery of anadvertisement from an ad delivery system in response to a user request. There should bereasonable assurance that the ad was rendered on the device in order to count it as a valid adimpression.2.2 Ad Impression Measurement ApproachesTwo methods are currently used to deliver ad content to the user server-initiated and client-initiated. Server-initiated ad counting uses the sites web content server for making requests,formatting and re-directing content. Client-initiated ad counting relies on the users browser toperform these activities (in this case, the term client refers to a users browser).Client side measurement involves a recognition on the client side of the successful delivery of anAd Impression, and this information is communicated to a counting server for reporting.Server side measurement involves the recognition on the ad server side that an Ad Impressionhas been delivered, but with no assurance that the ad was actually rendered on the usersbrowser.Client side measurement is the only acceptable method for the counting of valid ad impressions.Please refer to Appendix A of IABs Interactive Audience Measurement and AdvertisingCampaign Reporting and Audit Guidelines, v.6.0b (U.S. version) located herehttp://www.iab.net/campaign_measurement_audit for diagrams of examples of validimplementations of Client-initiated counting approaches.2.3 Tracking AssetsA tracking asset is any piece of content associated with an ad or the page on which an adappears that is designated to serve as the trigger by which the ad is counted. The content thatserves as a tracking asset often may be, but is not limited to, a 1x1 pixel image, a 302-redirect, aJavascript code, or the ad itself.Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 3 of 25 4. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines2.4 User Ad RequestsA user ad request is the result of an active or passive act on the part of the user of a mobilemarketing channel. The user may explicitly call for the ad to be delivered, or a request to the addelivery system is triggered based on other users actions.2.5 Ad DeliveryPlease refer to Appendix A of IABs Interactive Audience Measurement and AdvertisingCampaign Reporting and Audit Guidelines, v.6.0b (U.S. version) located herehttp://www.iab.net/campaign_measurement_audit for diagrams of examples of validimplementations of Client-initiated counting approaches.2.6 Mobile DeviceA handset, tablet, or other communication device used to access the internet wirelessly, usuallythrough a mobile carrier or wifi network. Traditional PCs and laptops are not considered mobiledevices for the purposes of these guidelines.3.0 Ad Measurement GuidelinesAd impressions are measured on the Client (device) Side. Client side ad impressionmeasurement is required because this approach to counting occurs when the client renders thead request, which occurs at a later stage in the cycle and therefore is likely to mean that the userhad the greatest possible opportunity to see the ad.This section provides recommendations and considerations in counting the number of advertisingimpressions.3.1 Ad Impression TrackingThe following details are key components of client-side measurement: 1. A valid ad impression may only be counted when an ad counter receives and respondssuccessfully to a request for a tracking asset from a client. This count happens afterthe initiation of retrieval of underlying page content. For client-side ad serving, the adVersion 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 4 of 25 5. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines content itself could be treated as the tracking asset and the ad server itself could do the ad counting. 2. A successful response by the ad counter can include but is not limited to:a) Delivery of a beacon, which may be defined as any piece of content designated as a tracking asset. Beacons will commonly be in the form of a 1x1 pixel image, but this Guideline does not apply any restrictions to the actual media-type or content-type employed by a beacon response; or.b) Delivery of a 302 redirect or html/ javascript (which doubles as a tracking asset) to any location,;c) And delivery of ad content 3. Measurement of any ad delivery may be accomplished by measuring the delivery of atracking asset associated with the ad.As a recommendation, sites should ensure that every measured ad call is unique to the page.There are many valid techniques available to do this, including the generation of random stringsdirectly by the server, or by using JavaScript statements to generate random values in beaconcalls.3.2. Compound TrackingIt is allowable for one tracking asset to register impressions for multiple ads that are in separatelocations on the page, as long as reasonable precautions are taken to ensure that all ads that arerecorded in this fashion have loaded prior to the tracking asset being called (for example, thecount is made after loading of the final ad). This technique can be referred to as compoundtracking. 1 For example, an ad group may be counted if reasonable assurance exists that allgrouped ads load prior to counting, such as through the placement of the tracking asset at theend of the HTML string.1It should be noted that legacy devices that do not support Javascript, or devices in which Javascript is disabled, may not havethe capability to allow for compound tracking.Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012) Page 5 of 25 6. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines3.3 Auto-RefreshAuto-Refresh of ads or pages may be either user-initiated or site-initiated.If a user initiates and sets auto-refresh parameters, no adjustments generally are necessary forthe resulting total ad impression counts. However, if auto-refresh is site-initiated (that is, the userneed take no action to initiate the automatic refreshing of ads on the site), then, if material, the adimpressions resulting from the auto-refreshing of ads should be segregated for reportingpurposes from total impression counts. In addition, in order to contribute to impression counts,the rates at which ads are auto-refreshed (i.e., the frequency with which ads are changed withina given time frame) should be considered for reasonableness, taking into consideration the typeof content with which these ads appear (for example, ads on leaderboards on a sports-orientedsite might be reasonably expected to have a higher auto-refresh rate than other types of contentwhich are not updated as frequently).4.0 Enhancing Ad Impression Tracking AccuracyThose advertisements that are delivered to mobile users without an accompanying request forthe ad (such as with pushed content) should not be counted as ad impressions unless there isevidence that the ad rendered on the device. This principle should also apply to idle screen ads,offline ads, and cached ads.The following techniques are recommended in order to ensure accuracy in ad impressionmeasurement:4.1 Cache BustingIn some cases an ad can be served from a devices cache, and there is a risk that the client orserver will not record the Ad Impression. Cache busting techniques should be in place to ensurethat overall impressions are not undercounted due to the delivery of cached responses to user adrequests.Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 6 of 25 7. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement GuidelinesCache busting techniques should be used for all sites and ad serving organizations. Thefollowing techniques are acceptable: 1. HTTP or WAP Header ControlsThe ad counter should employ standard headers on the response, in order to minimizethe potential of caching a time-sensitive advertisement. For example, these standardheaders could include one or more of the following, as applicable: Expiry Cache-Control Pragma 2. Random Number assignment techniques to identify unique serving occurrences ofpages/ ads.Publishers and ad serving organizations should fully disclose their cache busting techniques tobuyers and other users of their data.4.2 FiltrationFiltration of site or ad-serving transactions to remove non-human activity is highly critical foraccurate, consistent counting. Filtration guidelines consist of two approaches: (1) filtration basedon specific identification of suspected non-human activity, and (2) activity-based filtration(sometimes referred to as pattern analysis). Each organization should employ both techniquesin combination. Organizations are encouraged to adopt the strongest possible filtrationtechniques.Minimum Requirements:The following explains minimum filtration activity acceptable for compliance with this guideline: 4.2.1 Specific Identification Approach:Robot Instruction files are usedURL, user agent, and client browser information is used to exclude robots. Disclose company-internal traffic on a disaggregated basis. If company-internalVersion 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 7 of 25 8. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines traffic is material2 to reported metrics and does not represent exposure to ads or content that is qualitatively similar to non-internal users, remove this traffic. Additionally remove all robotic or non-human traffic arising from internal sources, for example IT personnel performing testing of web-pages. A universal or organizational identification string for all internal generated traffic or testing activity is recommended to facilitate assessment, disclosure or removal of this activity as necessary. 4.2.2 Activity-based Filtration:In addition to the specific identification technique described above, organizations are required to use some form of activity-based filtration to identify new robot-suspected activity. Activity-based filtration identifies likely robot/ spider activity in log-file data through the use of one or more analytical techniques. Specifically, organizations can analyze log files for: Multiple sequential activities a certain number of ads, clicks or pages over a specified time period from one user; Outlier activity users with the highest levels of activity among all site visitors or with page/ad impressions roughly equal to the total pages on the site; Interaction attributes consistent intervals between clicks or page/ad impressions from a user; Other suspicious activity users accessing the robot instruction file, not identifying themselves as robots. Each suspected robot/spider arising from this analysis requires follow-up to verify the assumption that its activity is non- human.Sites should apply all of these types of techniques, unless in the judgment of theauditor and management (after running the techniques at least once to determinetheir impact), a specific technique is not necessary for materially accurate reporting.2Materiality is a (generally quantitative) threshold as contextually determined by an auditor, above which a misstatementwould be judged to exert a significant impact on the business decisions made through the use of the overall information. Asan example, a threshold level of 5% of total traffic counts might be used to assess the materiality of company-internal trafficcounts; if internal traffic exceeds this threshold, these counts would be excluded from the overall traffic counts (in practice,consideration of the differential nature of such internal traffic may also play a role in a decision to exclude these counts).Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 8 of 25 9. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement GuidelinesIf a sub-set of these techniques are used, this should be re-challenged periodicallyto assure the appropriateness of the approach.Activity based filtration must be applied on a periodic basis, with a minimumfrequency of once per quarter. Additionally, activity based filtration should be run onan exception basis in order to check questionable activity. In all cases,organizations must have defined procedures surrounding the schedule andprocedures for application of this filtering. The intent of activity-based filtration is touse analytics and judgment to identify likely non-human activity for deletion(filtration) while not discarding significant real visitor activity. Activity-based filtrationis critical to provide an on-going detective internal control for identifying new typesor sources of non-human activity. An organization should periodically monitor itspattern analysis decision rule(s) to assure measurements are protected fromrobot/spider inflationary activity with a minimal amount of lost real visitor activity.Additionally, publishers and ad serving organizations should fully disclose thesignificant components of their filtration process to buyers and other users of theirdata. 4.2.3 Proxy Servers The use of proxy servers is particularly prominent in mobile web, which also adds to the complexity of measurement in the mobile web environment. The employment of effective cache busting techniques is crucial to ensure that ad impressions are not undercounted because of ads served from a proxy servers cache in response to a user request. 4.2.4 Pre-Fetch ActivityFiltration procedures should include processes to remove self-announced pre-fetch activityfrom impression counts.4.3 Display FilteringIf there is reason to know that an ad could not have been seen by the user (for instance, if it isdetermined that the ad was not within view of the user), this also should be considered whentracking impressions. Such impressions for ads that are reasonably known not to have beenviewed should not be counted as valid ad impressions.As with online measurement, ad impressions in mobile measurement may be either servedimpressions or viewable impressions. While measuring on the basis of viewable impressions isVersion 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012) Page 9 of 25 10. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelinespreferred because of the greater likelihood that the ad will have an opportunity to be seen by theuser, these guidelines do not require reporting of viewable impressions at this time because ofthe technical limitations that currently exist to such measurement in the mobile environment.Unlike with online, which is more advanced in terms of the technology needed to determinewhether or not an ad is viewable, more technological development is needed in mobile to get to asimilar state. Thus, while the development of such technology to determine mobile viewableimpressions is strongly encouraged, and it is anticipated that this will eventually become arequirement in the mobile area, these guidelines do not require the reporting of viewableimpressions at this time.4.4 Rich Media Ad ImpressionsAs with display ad impressions, the measurement of Rich Media ad impressions should occur onthe client side. In addition to the difficulties noted above in regard to client-side counting ofmobile display ad impressions, client-side counting of mobile Rich Media ads is furthercomplicated by limitations on the number of redirects allowed by some carriers. Regardless,measurers should count as close to the opportunity to see as possible, and should not reportthese impressions unless they have been measured using a client-side approach. Rich Media providers should tag ads so that they are available to be counted onlywhen they are played. Alternative ad creative should be made available for delivery to those users withdisabled Rich Media functionality.o While this alternative creative is counted as an ad impression, it should be segregated for reporting purposes from Rich Media ad impressions.With certain technologies, such as Ajax for mobile and similar executions, changes to pagecontent and the serving of advertisements are not always clearly linked. Therefore, othermethods are needed to trigger the counting of ad impressions. As the use of such technologiesin mobile implementations becomes more prevalent, additional specific guidance for itsmeasurement may be required. Until then, the user activity requirements associated with Ajaxfor mobile or similar executions in these definitions should be patterned after the IABs RichVersion 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 10 of 25 11. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement GuidelinesInternet Application Guidelines. For further information on user activity requirements in Ajaxapplications, see Section 2 of the IABs Rich Internet Application Guidelines at www.iab.net.5.0 Click Measurement Considerations5.1 Click MeasurementAd impressions related to Click Measurement are those ads that include clickable content; that is,content on which the user may click to obtain additional content or to initiate a transaction orother activity. Comprehensive mobile click guidelines are beyond the scope of this document.Those interested in measuring mobile clicks are advised to follow the same general principles asare spelled out in the IAB Click Measurement Guidelines (see www.iab.net) until such time asnew guidelines for clicks that are specific to the mobile web environment are developed.Below is general guidance for the counting of clicks that may be applied to mobile web.In the event that a click transaction may be initiated by user activity that is in proximity to the clickable ad, but not specifically on the ad, the specific parameters used (i.e., the measurement of the boundaries surrounding the ad that can result in a completed click) should be disclosed.Definitions specific to click measurement include: Click (or Click Through), referring to a user initiated action on anadvertisement or search result that results in transferring the user from apublisher site to an advertiser site. In-Unit Clicks, which, similar to the above, involve a user initiated action on anadvertisement but does not result in a transfer from the publisher site.At present, there are differing methods used for the counting of clicks. Regardless of the methodused, these methods should be fully disclosed. In addition, the development and use of uniqueclick identifiers is encouraged. Also, processes should be established to filter and exclude invalidclicks from click measurement counts.Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 11 of 25 12. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines 6.0 General Reporting GuidelinesGeneral reporting parameters (dayparts, weekparts, time zones, etc.) provide for consistency andcomparability. These should be based on the logical application of information about the usagepatterns of the medium.In order to provide for more standardization in mobile web Measurement reporting, the followinggeneral reporting parameters are recommended. Note that these are only two of the possiblereporting parameters that may be used. If parameters in addition to time and location arereported, similar rules should be defined and applied.6.1 TimeDay 12:00 midnight to 12:00 midnightTime Zone Full disclosure of the time-zone used to produce the measurement report isrequired. It is preferable, although not a current compliance requirement, for certified publishersor ad servers to have the ability to produce audience reports in a consistent time-zone so buyerscan assess activity across measurement organizations. For US-based reports it is recommendedthat reports be available on the basis of the Eastern time-zone, for non US-based reports this isrecommended to be GMT.Week Monday through SundayWeekparts M-F, M-Sun, Sat, Sun, Sat-SunMonth Three reporting methods: (1) TV Broadcast month definition. In this definition, the Monthbegins on the Monday of the week containing the first full weekend of the month, (2) 4-weekperiods (13 per year) consistent with media planning for other media, or (3) a calendar month.For financial reporting purposes, a month is defined as a calendar month.Additional Recommendation: Dayparts Mobile usage patterns need further analysis todetermine the usefulness of establishing effective and logical standardized reporting day parts.We encourage such analysis to determine the need for standardization of this measurementparameter.Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 12 of 25 13. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines6.2 LocationIf information about the geographic location of the users is collected and reported, any limitationsto the methods used should be disclosed. Ambiguities in wireless operator routing should beaccounted for in location determination and estimated through processes derived from carrier/adserver cooperation.7.0 Disclosure GuidanceMedia companies and ad serving organizations should fully disclose their ad impressionrecording process to buyers and other users of the ad impression count data. An organizationsmethodology for accumulating mobile advertising measurements should be fully described tousers of the data. Specifically, the nature of measurements, methods of sampling used (ifapplicable), data collection methods employed, data editing procedures or other types of dataadjustment or projection, calculation explanations, reporting standards (if applicable), reliability ofresults (if applicable) and limitations of the data should be included in the disclosure. (SeeAppendix A for a sample Description of Methodology document)The following presents examples of the types of information disclosed.Nature of Mobile Advertising Measurements Name of Property, Domain, Site, Included in the Measurement Name of Measurement Report Type of Measurements Reportedo Time Periods Includedo Days Includedo Basis for Measuremento Geographic Areaso Significant Sub-Groupings of Datao Demographic categories Formats of Reported Data Special Promotions Impacting Measurements Nature of Auditing Applied and Directions to Access to Audit Report Sampling/Projections Usedo Sampling Methods Used for Mobile Devices not Accepting Cookies or Browsers with New Cookieso Explanation of Projection MethodsVersion 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 13 of 25 14. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement GuidelinesData Collection Methods Employed Method of Data Collectiono Logging Methodo Logging Frequencyo Logging Capture Point Types of Data Collectedo Contents of Log Fileso Cookie Types Contacts with Users (if applicable) Research on Accuracy of Basic Datao Cookie Participation Percentageso Latency Estimates Rate of Response (if applicable)Editing or Data Adjustment Procedures Checking Records for Completeness Consistency Checks Accuracy Checks Rules for Handling Inconsistencies Circumstances for Discarding Data Handling of Partial Data Recordso Ascription ProceduresComputation of Reported Results Description of How Estimates are Calculatedo Illustrations are desirable Weighting Techniques (if applicable) Verification or Quality Control Checks in Data Processing Operations Pre-Release Quality Controls Reprocessing or Error Correction RulesReporting Standards (if applicable) Requirements for Inclusion in Reports, Based on Minimum Activity LevelsReliability of Results Sampling Error (if applicable)Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 14 of 25 15. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement GuidelinesData retention rules Maintaining sufficient data or processes that allow for audit trailLimitations on Data Use Non-sampling Error Errors or Unusual Conditions Noted in Reporting Period Limitations of Measurements 8.0 Auditing Guidelines8.1 GeneralThird-party independent auditing is encouraged for all ad-serving applications used in the buyingand selling process. This auditing is recommended to include both counting methods andprocessing/controls as follows: 1. Counting Methods: Independent verification of activity for a defined period. Counting method procedures generally include a basic process review and risk analysis to understand the measurement methods, analytical review, transaction authentication, validation of filtration procedures and measurement recalculations. Activity audits can be executed at the campaign level, verifying the activity associated with a specific ad creative being delivered for performance measurement purposes. 2. Processes/Controls: Examination of the internal controls surrounding the ad delivery, recording and measurement process. Process auditing includes examination of the adequacy of site or ad-server applied filtration techniques. Although audit reports can be issued as infrequently as once per year, some audit testing should extend to more than one period during the year to assure internal controls are maintained. Audit reports should clearly state the periods covered by the underlying audit testing and the period covered by the resulting certification.8.2 U.S. Certification RecommendationAll ad-serving applications used in the buying and selling process are recommended to becertified as compliant with these guidelines at minimum annually. This recommendation isVersion 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 15 of 25 16. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelinesstrongly supported by the 4As and other members of the buying community, for consideration ofmeasurements as currency.Special Auditing Guidance for Outsourced Ad-Serving SoftwareAd serving organizations that market ad serving/delivery software to publishers for use on thepublishers IT infrastructure (i.e., outsourced) should consider the following additional guidance: 1. The standardized ad-serving software should be certified on a one-time basis at the ad serving organization, and this certification is applied to each customer. This centralized certification is required at minimum annually. 2. Each customers infrastructure (and any modifications that customer has made to the ad serving software, if any) should be individually audited to assure continued functioning of the software and the presence of appropriate internal controls. Processes performed in the centralized certification applicable to the outsourced software are generally not re- performed. The assessment of customer internal controls (and modifications made to outsourced software, if any) is also recommended to be at minimum an annual procedure. These certification procedures are only necessary for outsource clients who wish to present their measurements for use by buyers.Special Auditing Guidance for Advertising Agencies or Other Buying OrganizationsIf buying organizations modify or otherwise manipulate measurements from certified publishersor ad-servers after receipt, auditing of these activities should be considered.There are, in addition to MRC and its congressional supported certification process for thebroadcast industry, a number of other certifiers and types and levels of certification are availableto ad serving organizations.Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 16 of 25 17. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines 9.0 Who We AreAbout the Mobile Marketing AssociationThe Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) is the premier global non-profit trade associationrepresenting all players in the mobile marketing value chain. With more than 700 membercompanies, the MMA is an action-oriented organization with global focus, regional actions andlocal relevance. The MMAs primary focus is to establish mobile as an indispensable part of themarketing mix. The MMA works to promote, educate, measure, guide and protect the mobilemarketing industry worldwide. The MMAs global headquarters are located in the United Statesand it has regional chapters including North America (NA), Europe, Middle East and Africa(EMEA), Latin America (LATAM), and Asia Pacific (APAC) branches. For more information,please visit www.mmaglobal.com.About the IAB (U.S.)The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is comprised of more than 500 leading media andtechnology companies that are responsible for selling 86% of online advertising in the UnitedStates. On behalf of its members, the IAB is dedicated to the growth of the interactive advertisingmarketplace, of interactives share of total marketing spend, and of its members share of totalmarketing spend. The IAB educates marketers, agencies, media companies and the widerbusiness community about the value of interactive advertising. Working with its membercompanies, the IAB evaluates and recommends standards and practices and fields criticalresearch on interactive advertising. Founded in 1996, the IAB is headquartered in New York Citywith a Public Policy office in Washington, D.C. For more information, please visit www.iab.net.About the Media Rating Council (MRC)The MRC is a non-profit Industry association established in 1964 comprised of leading television,radio, print and Internet companies, as well as advertisers, advertising agencies and tradeassociations whose goal is to ensure measurement services that are valid, reliable and effective.Measurement services desiring MRC Accreditation are required to disclose to their customers allmethodological aspects of their service; comply with the MRCs Minimum Standards For MediaRating Research; and submit to MRC-designed audits to authenticate and illuminate theirVersion 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 17 of 25 18. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelinesprocedures. In addition, the MRC membership actively pursues research issues they considerpriorities in an effort to improve the quality of research in the marketplace. Currently,approximately 80 syndicated research products are audited by the MRC. For more information,visit www.mediaratingcouncil.org.The initial release of these guidelines was collaboratively developed by a working group thatincluded the following companies:AmobeeGSM Orange NSMCars.comHandmarkPwCCrisp WirelessImpact Mobile Quattro WirelessDeloitte & Touche ImServices Group Ltd. Ringleader DigitalDynamic Logic KPMGSafecountErnst & Young LLP Microsoft TurkcellEyeblasterMillennial Media, Inc.VodafoneGoogleMobisix Weather Channel InteractiveGroundTruth O2, Telefonica S.AYahoo!Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012) Page 18 of 25 19. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines 10.0 ReferencesThe following links provide additional sources of information and reference: IAB Mobile Buyers Guide(http://www.iab.net/mobile_buyers_guide) IAB Mobile Platform Status Report(http://www.iab.net/mobileplatform) IAB Prevailing Mobile In-Application Advertising Formats (http://www.iab.net/mobileadformats) MMA Code of Conduct(http://www.mmaglobal.com/codeofconduct.pdf) MMA Consumer Best Practices Guidelines(http://www.mmaglobal.com/bestpractices.pdf) Mobile Marketing Association Website(http://www.mmaglobal.com) Mobile Advertising Overview(http://www.mmaglobal.com/mobileadoverview.pdf) Understanding Mobile Marketing: Technology & Reach(http://www.mmaglobal.com/uploads/MMAMobileMarketing102.pdf) Off Portal An Introduction to the Market Opportunity(http://www.mmaglobal.com/offportal.pdf) Mobile Marketing Sweepstakes & Promotions Guide(http://www.mmaglobal.com/mobilepromotions.pdf) Mobile Search Use Cases(http://www.mmaglobal.com/mobilesearchusecases.pdf)Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 19 of 25 20. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines Introduction to Mobile Coupons(http://www.mmaglobal.com/mobilecoupons.pdf) Introduction to Mobile Search(http://www.mmaglobal.com/uploads/MMAMobileSearchIntro.pdf) Short Code Primer(http://www.mmaglobal.com/shortcodeprimer.pdf) 11.0 Contact UsFor more information, please contact:IAB (US)Email: [email protected] Marketing AssociationEmail: [email protected] Rating CouncilEmail: [email protected] 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 20 of 25 21. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines 12.0 Glossary of TermsThe MMA maintains a nomenclature glossary of all terms within MMA guidelines, educationdocuments and research. The glossary is available at: http://www.mmaglobal.com/glossary.pdfVersion 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 21 of 25 22. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement GuidelinesAppendix ASample Description of MethodologyThis Description of Methodology (DOM) is a summary of the impression measurement processesemployed, including a general description of our measurement methodology, filtration processesand reporting procedures.Whats Included:Provide a description of the companys systems, software, technology platform, sites, pages, adtypes, ad placements, etc. that are included within the scope of the audit process, and thereforewithin this DOM. This should also include any trade names used if measurement systems,measurement methodology, etc. are known by any branded name, as well as any standardnames or titles utilized to brand reports used by the company to publish the results to advertisersor other clients/subscribers. Lastly, the company should describe which types of impressionsand measurements are included within the scope of the audit process, and therefore as thesubject of this DOM (banner, video, rich-media, etc.).Whats Not Included:Provide a description of the companys systems, software, technology platform, sites, pages, adtypes, ad placements, trade names, report titles and metrics that are NOT included within thescope of the audit process, and therefore within this DOM. Additionally, for third-party adservers, publishers using an ASP provider, etc., describe components that are outside the controlof the companys system, software or technology. For example, for a publisher using ASP,filtration procedures performed by the ASP are outside the publishers control.Measurement MethodologyIf sampling is used in any manner, such sampling procedures should be fully disclosed, includinglimitations associated with using a sample-based approach. Otherwise, a statement should beincluded indicating that the measurement methodology is based on all impression activityrecorded (subject to filtration procedures).Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 22 of 25 23. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement GuidelinesA description of the type of metrics reported by the company in the standard reports, denotingthose that are the subject of the audit and certification process should be included.For each audit, certified or accredited metric, the DOM should describe the following:Whether a Server-initiated or a Client-initiated technique is used to deliver ad content to users.The specific Client-initiated implementation technique, if client initiated counting occurs. NOTE: If more than one implementation technique is used, each should be described.The response by the ad counter that results in impression measurement. NOTE: If more than one methodology is used as the measurement trigger, based on ad type or other factors, each measurement trigger should be described.Limitations associated with the specific measurement trigger being utilized (e.g., latency can result in a 302 being issued and the impression will be counted, although a user may abandon the transaction before arriving at the landing page).Compound tracking, if used, should be described in sufficient detail as to provide a high- level understanding of the mechanism(s) in place to provide reasonable assurance that all grouped ads load prior to counting.Cache-busting techniques, including the use of random number or other unique strings and/or server header controls.A brief description of the logging method, logging frequency, types of data collected, andcontents of the log files and frequency of retrieval and processing should be provided.A brief description of other information utilized in the measurement methodology, if any, shouldalso be provided.A brief description of general measurement limitations arising from the companysimplementation, or technological limitation not specific to the company should be disclosed.Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 23 of 25 24. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement GuidelinesFiltration MethodologyA general statement indicating that processes exist to attempt to identify and exclude invalidactivity, such as the following, should be included: The company employs techniques based on identifiers, activity and patterns based on data in the log files in an attempt to identify and filter (exclude) invalid activity, including but not limited to known and suspected non-human activity and suspected invalid human activity. However, because user identification and intent cannot always be known or discerned by the publisher, advertiser or their respective agents, it is unlikely that all invalid activity can be identified and excluded from the reports results.Further detail related to filtration should be provided as follows: If filtration procedures are performed by a third-party on behalf of the company (such as partof a third-party activity audit), this should be disclosed. The use of robot instruction files (e.g., in the root directory of the measurement server). The source used for specific identification of non-human activity. A description of and the frequency of procedures employed should be disclosed. Activity based filtration processes are employed, but details of these processes will not bedisclosed except to auditors as part of the audit process. Processes to remove self-announced pre-fetch activity. Processes to remove internally generated testing (non-commercial) activity whethergenerated used manual or automated techniques.Treatment of internally generated traffic should be disclosed. If internally generated traffic is notexcluded from the measures, an estimation of the volume of internal traffic should be providedwith a description of how that estimate was derived.The use location and impact of site-initiated auto-refreshed impressions should be disclosed (thiswould include impressions refreshed independent of a refreshed page load as well asimpressions that are refreshed as a component of a refreshed page). Additionally, an estimationof the volume of auto-refreshed impressions should be provided with a description of how thatestimate was derived. This estimate should be relevant to the use of auto-refresh that is, if aVersion 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 24 of 25 25. Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines, v. 2.0, Updated Nov. 2012Adapted from IAB (US) Ad Impression Measurement Guidelinescertain placement type appears only on a refreshed page, separate quantification of the impact tothat placement may be required if materially different than the overall impact of auto-refresh.If any of the above described filtration procedures are applied to some subset of activity (and notto all activity), the situation should be fully disclosed.Any additional processes that filter, edit or discard initially recorded activity should be disclosed.This would include rules for handling inconsistencies, circumstances for discarding data,treatment of incomplete or corrupted log data, handling data retrieved too late for inclusion in theinitial processing, etc.Data ReportingDescription of the data reported to advertisers, clients and/or subscribers, including the use ofany estimation procedures.Reporting parameters such as definitions of day, week, month, day parts, time zone or whichtime measures are based, etc. must be disclosed. Additionally, if the company designatesreported data as Preliminary for a defined period and as Final after that defined period of timefrom the time activity was initially generated (e.g., data are considered preliminary for fivebusiness days, after which they are considered final data unless otherwise noted), thoseparameters should also be disclosed.Description of pre-release quality assurance procedures (verification or other quality controlprocesses to ensure the accuracy of reported data).Description of situations, parameters and relevant thresholds in which data will be reissued. Forexample: Revised impression metrics will be reported when significant excluded or invalidactivity is detected for a campaign after initial reporting but within [state period must becommercially reasonable] time period.Disclosure of the retention period for electronic records.Version 2.0 (Updated Nov. 2012)Page 25 of 25