mmwrm i !&'' wmmam rr-vT- "'vf" v.fVfPV ."5 '$fP fV 'P1Pr'r "f '" ' -- rrrrr . i , a v x gM i i " a !V pttl iff "Am ttlicfim. VOL. VII. NO. 1015. HONOLULU, H. 1., MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1804. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN ' PRINTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON BXUIPT SUNDAY BT TUB Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., AT TUB orricB 328 k 328 vterehant St., Honolulu, H. I. aUHSCKIl'TION Six Doliama Ybab. Delivered In Honolulu at FtrTT Cents a Month, In advance. THE WEEKLY lOLLETIN - IB l'tJllLIBUK- D- ' BVB3R."ir TTjrB3aDA.Y At Koim Dollars a Ybab to Domeillc, tint Fivk Dollars to Foreign Subscribers, payable In advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING HONE IN SUPERIOR STYLE. l HUTU TKLKl'HONKB m i '. O. UOX 89, t ' The Daily Mulleti Is printed and pub- - , llshcd by the Dally bulletin Publishing ' !.. ..7.. I I...1...I -- 4 I.. ...II .. isUillliUHJ , UIIIIIIA.ll, U. Iin Ullll'U, ..IVT" chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian In)- - i amis. Daniel Iogan, editor, resides on Alakca street, Honolulu, aforesaid. Address Icttcm for the paper " Kdltor ! Uiillktin," nud busliieii letters " Manager Dally tiulletln Publishing Company." , Using a personal address limy cause delay ! In attention. Buslnoaa Cards. LEWERB ft OOOKE, lllllOHTERK AND DEALER IK I.UMIIER AND O.L KINDS or Uuilihnu Materials. Fort Street, Honolulu. U. HAOKFELD ft 00., (Iknkhai. Commission Aukkts. C.MMiej' Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. JNO. 8. SMITHIES, VocTnianea'AMDUt-KKHAi- . IIihinHh Aont." Miihukoua, Koliala, Hawaii. WILLIAM FOSTER, ATrriRNKr-T-I.A- U ANII NOTARY PoilLIC. No. 1.1 Kiiuhumanu St., Honolulu. TUOS. LINDSAY, M (NtlrAI'TURINO JlCWKLKK anii Watch- - MAKES. Kiikul Jewelry a Miwoialty. Partlunlar attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Mclneriiy illoek, Kort htreot. J. J. WILLIAM8. PHOTOGRAPHER . The Only Collection of Island VIaws. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, STKAM Knuinkh, Bl'iiah Mii.ij", IIoii.eoj., Coiii.kkm. Iron, Umax, anii I.kah Oahtinuh. Muehinerv of Kvurv llesurindnii Mh.I.. ii. i Older. I'lirilcularuttuntluii puld to Ships' lilnekumithlng. Job Work eiucutcd at Hbort Vol In- - Cement Sidewalks & Gra- nite Curbing Laid. ICfthimtra given on ull kliuU of HTONK.CONUHETE ,t I'LASTKIt WOItK - coNrHKra a tn JOHN F. BOWLER CHR. Imcohtkr and Dkai.kr in Gent's, Ladles' and Children'! Boots, Shoes and Slippers No. 103 Fort Street. CHAS. GIRDLER. IIIRKCT IMI'OHTKB or BNHI.IHH AND CONTINENTAL JDr-- y C3-ood- s S'o K KhhIhiiiihiiii lr..i WM. DAVIES, Rigger and Stevedore, WRH OKE3K,. KHI'I MATES AND CONTRACTS on Al.l, KINDH OK WOItK. The Sulir. "MAIIIMAIHM Will run leuularl) hMufeu this port and Walaliiu, Kawalhap:il, Moltubtla, Kr.iuc mil iiml I'uiilkl on thu aud of uahu. Tor Krelght, eto., upply to the Captain. t Imiulre at ollieti of J S. Walker, ovur Sntukvl' Hank, I'ort tnul. W7-- t( WM. 6. IRWIN & CO. tT.ixnitecJ. OKFKH ."OK SAI.R FERTILIZERS AI.KX. CB0l 4 ON' Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. V are alao prepared to take orders for Meoars, 17. Ohlandt&Oo.'i Fertilizers, Insuring prompt dellfery. BOILED LUCOL! m -- ,...,lr. . 1I..1... fill ,...- - mw ...b in n owi'viiw, nui. vsif, viru- - sliming less pigment than Llnjei-- Oil, and vuig a lasting uriiuancy 10 colors, sed with drier It gives a splendid Uoor surface Lime, Oemeirt, KKF1NKDBUUAU8. HAI.MON. Fairbank Canning Cos Corned Beef rARArriNR taint co.' Compounds, Roofing & Papers, Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering. Jarboos' Diamond, Enamel & Ever- lasting Paint KsMTlnlly dfslitiii'il lor Vadium Pans. FIRE, LIFE and MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insnranco Co., Assots, $7,109,825.49. London ft Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assets, $4,317,052. Tbamos and Horsey Marino Ins. Co., (Limited) Assets, $6,124,057. New York Life Ins. Co., Assots, $137,499,198.99. G. 0. BER6ER, General AQont for Hawaiian Islands. HONOLHLl'. Wm. G. Irwin & Co. (LIMITED) Wm. (1. Irwin. President iiml Mnmiger Claiib Spreckels, . . . . W. M.dlllurd, SeereUiry iiml Treasurer Theo. 0, I'urter Auditor Sugar Factors - A Nil Commission Agents. - AOKNTN OF THE Oceanic Steamship Company, OK 8A,UANCHCl HAL cTbrewer & CO. (LIMITED) General Mercantile Commission Agents I'. C. Jolieit I'rehldeut II, II, Kobertmiti Milling, r K. I'. UUhop. Secretary , rn'tii.irer W. V. Allen . Auililor ('. M, Cooke . , II. Wilterllousu llireelorii C. L. Cnrtr ... JU ARRIVED I'Ell UAItK "0. D. IIKYANT." BABY CARRIAGES Of OF ALL STYLUS! he Carpets, Rugs and Mats tn the Latest I'attcrns, " HOUSEHOLD " Sewing Machines, HAND SEWING MACHINES, Of be on All with the I.nlt'.t tmprovemcnti. ALSO ON HAND WESTERMAYER'S Celebrated Cottage Pianos Pailor Organs, Guitars, ANI otiiir MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. KOIt 8AI.K ED, UOFFSCHLAEGER & CO,, King Street, oiiihi. Cotlo .t Cooke. VitJ-t- f TKI.KIMIONKS III UUSTACE&CO. COAL All kinds In any quantity from it bag to a tun. CHARCOAL I'rom one ling to any Uiiiittly. FIREWOOD In length and Knned or Split, I from a Imgtoiiny iiiiiutlty; nlo WHITE & BLACK SAND T0-t- f IRON works QTJOEroN STRHJIDT. Oetweeu Altkea and Richards Streets. 'PIIK UNl)EltSl(INEI) AUK I'UK-- pared to innku all kinds of Iron, i Ilrass, llron-.i- t, Zlnn, Tin and U-a- Cast-- ' lugs. Also a Oeiuiral ltupalr Shop for Steam Englnen. UIih MIIU, t,'orn Mills, iuvi i. ii inn .null, i'it. .iinuiunvs i .... f. .... l. ll...ii.l.... ..r iAnA ..-- .. . ai. ! ui uurv, nniiir uim. Itcaut, Itainlv, Hlwil, 1'incapple Uuves and other Fibrous I'lunts aud l'aper Stock. Aluo Mncliliu for Extracting Biarrb from the Manioc, Arrow Knot, eto. IM orders promptly uttimdetl to WHITE, RITMAN & CO. BEAVER SALOON, Tbe Best Lunch in Town. Tea. and OoiTee AT ALL UOritV THE FINEST HKANOS OK Cigars and Tobacco ALWAYS ON HANI). KC. J. 3STOLTE. jProia. "Sans Souci" Hotel Seaside Resort Waikiki. Honolulu, Detuhf, ?. S,U liinmiur lrire mri thlitjit w Imflii fcriifrii, iniff, nirt nir, ileur itn unfr, ijwhI J'mxt iiml hf hi nil ;i tuutrtt mim on ( brfiiu hi rgf eifnj iti iiimj mrr tht I'nri- - fin (inn mr iiiviiiiiii Mil ill IMiliiiuif, I rrruiii- - iiifiul hi in etiriliitllti tn tin Smi ci imiiiun i tn is mrr i i:xsti. T. A. SIMPSON, Manayor. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO,, S Jj,- - (HP 81 KING S'i. -- V" Wholesale and Retail Butchers - AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. I O.J. Wiillor, Muimgor. 0ceanic SteafflshiP Co-- ' Australian Hail Service. For San Fraictsco : The New and Fine Al Bteel Steamship "ALAMEDA" C. the Oceanic Steamship Company will due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck- land on or about May 3d, And will leave for 'tie above port with Malls and Passengers en or about that date. For Sydney and Auckland: The Sew nnd Flue A I Steel Steamship "MONOWAI" the Oceanic Btcamthlti Company will due at Honolulu, from San Kranehieo, orboilt May 10th, And will have nronu.l desnatch will. Malls and Passengers for the above ports, The undersigned arc now prepared to Issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. tf For further particulars regarding rreightor l'assago applj to WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., General Agents. Oceanic Steamship Co. &;. TimeTable. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu U'ave Honolulu from 8. K. for H. K. April !!.. .. .April '. . May 111. May :il June III . . Juno i) THROUGH LINE. From Han Kranelvo Ki.iu Sydney for fur rijilucy, bin Krain'lseo. lrWtf lliitiiitulit. I rmrJImmlitlti. MONOWAI, May 10 ..' MK1IA. Mav .I1 , Af.AMKHA, June 7 MAItll'OSA.MnySI i MAItll'OHA, July ft MONtiWAI.Jun.' MONOWAI, Aug. 2 AI.AMKIIA. Julv Ji I AI.AMKIIA, Aug..TO M Altll'OHA, Aug.SI . MAItll'O.SA.Hei I .MII.MIWAI.hept. ."U MONOWAI Oct. ill AI.AMKDA 2STOTIOH3 ! The PASSENGER DEPARTMENT or Tiir. Oceanic Steamship Go. IN SAN I'UANCISCO. Has been Itemoved from l.'T Murki-- t Street to 1!W ArONTUOMKItV STItKKT (DNnKROCCIIICNTAI. ll'lT-- . Kroui this dull all iiiiiiiiiiniU-ii- . (ion- - to the H.in rr.uielL-- l'u. ; iluslnets Hhould ho rent to the new Oltlee, l.'M Montgomery Street. WM. C. IRwiill CO., L'D, UHiit-ril- l Agents, Oceanic Co. at Honolulu. lilt; Im II. LOSK, Notary Pablic, Collector and Osuoral Buslnesa Ageut. Sub.iigunt for Sevnnil of l lie Itcni KlltT. I NSU It ANC1'. COM l'A N I KS. Pstentee of Lose'a Chemical Cumponud iur Clariiying Cane Juice. Mil I uu I Toli-phon- M. I', o. II, ,x Men-hun-t Street, Honolulu. DR. C. W. MOOKIO, l Van Ne-- s Ave., S. F., Cut. Elegant ApartmenUt fur Patients. Kl.tlTIUCITY IN NCHVOI-- IIISKAHKH, Dr. Moore oilers invuliils all the of home, with oouxiiint ami care. fill itefi-r- s to 11. It, Mm fttrlimc. 'JUH-- tf K. A. .JACOHSON, WATf'II.MAKKIt N'I .1 KWICI.KK .VU I'orl Mireet, ILniolnlu, II. . i' O. llox-.'7- . .Mutual Tele . H. HATAOKA, Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. No. '.'- -' Ill uu m Hrui.t i. All kinds of Cabinet MnUIng and lluild-lu- g and llupulriiigiloiie iu tlrxt-ch- i. man- ner mi,l at economical i. Men. HT.t I in INTEU-ISLAN- D PILOTAQE. ZiAI'TAIN WIII.IAM DAV11. Mt J the piikt twelve iur iu eoliiliiiilid of iuter-blau- d hteaniei-- , ollurn IiIh n ' I'llot lo mi) hiii ii landing in the lliiwu.l.in t of reference-.- . ilniulre at olllre of .1. S. Walker, oer hprei'kuln' Hunk, lortktreil ll ,7-- 1 f WAIAKEAKUA NOTICE. I'AIITIKH DCKIItlNfl TO (10 TO ALL In Manna Vallu) am hereby reiUi-iiU-- i to obtain it iktiiiIb-hIoi- i from the liiiiltiiignel, otliurie the) will for trenpitm, If founil on tbe premltHH without ktu-- imtiiiUhIoii. JAS. 11. IIOYI). ut the Laud Ollh-e- , Kitprvimi Court lluild lug. Houtiliiln, June 17, IMU TfW-t- f Canato - Ausiralian - IN OONNIEOTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. THE FAMOUS TOURI8T ROUTE OF THE WORLD Tickets per $5 Second P. R. are Glass STEAMSHIP TICKETS tuned from Honolulu to CANADA, UNITED STATES and also to aud SYDNEY. For Fiji and' Sydney: 8TKAMKIIH SAIL !Mn KACH MON'lll. Freight md Passenger Ageati: I). MeNICOI.L, Montreal, Canada. IIOIIKKT KKI.Mt, Winning, Canada .''. oir.iv., mm r nuiciPio, i in. U. McL. UllONVN, Vancouver. II. Pacific Mail S.S. Co. -- AMI run Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co. For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Uteamers of the alove Companies will call at Honolulu on tln-l- r wa to the iibovi lorts on or about the billow lug dates : htmr'-flAUI.- " June ft. -M Stmr'Mll.l.illi " ..Inlv ', tin simr "t'HINA -. ptciiiiHT ;i, imii C" .urtoU-- r J, IWU bimr "I'llINA". ..N..iiilH.r rj, ll titmr "OI'KANH "...IV iiiher II, IfH Simr "CHINA" . Jifiimr) i, INi'i Mliir"()Ci:.VNH ". libriiiirv 111, ISO Slinr"CHINA" Vprll'.', iyM For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of the above Comimuiei. n III call ut Honolulu on tiicir wuy from lloug-koli- g and Yokohama to the above ort on or about the follow lug dates: .inr "flAtM II"" Mm- - U, In'll riliiir"CIIVOl'UliM)i:JAM:illO" Julv III, l:i Stiiir-IIELU- Ir" Augu-- t JI, -'l Miur-CIT- Y UT I'EKIMI'' . . . . tlrtoliei t, IMU "tmr "OCEANIC" Novcmbir l, l'i Stmr "CHINA" DccviiiImt .il, IiM Mtiur"(IAEI.C" . IVbruan Hi. ltn btmr 'I'KUI'" Mnnb . IMn " tpril is, Hi i RATES Or PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS: TO VOKll ro iiono- - KAMA. KOMI. Cabin Hm) iai MT.') uu Cabin, round trip mouths IS on Wi : Cnblii, round trip I montlis iul .lib J5 EuroiK'iill e l i 100 UU " pa) lug full fare will be allowed IU oil fare J return. lug within twelve mouths I4f Kur r.-.-- ., ..l m H. HACKFELD & CO., .'i? tf Agents. FOR ONE MONTH ONLY OTiEA.K.AlSrCE3 iSALE OF FURNITURE V1NG FAT & CO., ( oriii-- i of King mill Mn-ct-.- , Olb-- r u Ijirgc AxMirliueut uf mid Mlllilillltllll FXJIlsriTUIE ! At I.OWEK IMtlCES than .-r. lleilti-iids- , lliiri-uu-i- . Tiibb- -, Meat hafo, Wiirilrolici, V. . i:n- - Chmipt-- r tbiin 'In- - cvel liefuri- - olb-rei- l In llouolulii. llsj VINO IAI' A CO. Mokuleia Stock Farm, & Waialua, U. I. S3S& SENATOR STANFORD WILL io Eli TEN M I!KH A I S30 E3A.OH. "Sonny Boy" Service, S20. FINE MM F0I1 SALK ! TUOS. V. (JAY, UK Jin .'. l Manager. SIIKU I. UN, Ml' AM' l. Ni-- i bun Met. Illllt' Liclimigi Merchant Tailor Nt-- Goods and Latest Styles ! i'mil'KCT Ell 111 AIIANTEM) gtf Ciitniii-- giiiii addiiioliul nil will lii-elv- a re,luili,.i, ol nn.t II .ore-- dilution on punti, wJl-J- ui Steamship Line v $10 First Less than U. S. Line SERVICE MONTHLY. THROUGH EUROPE, FIJI l'aengvr a a t i For Victoria and Vancouver B. C: STKA.MP.KS MAIL Ma I Ma) II. July 1. ' July yi, Mil. t W For Ticket and (letieriil I tiforiiin-Ho- n apply tn THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., , Aijtnttfur thr llnvnliun liliimln. Wilders Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. C. WiLi'CH. I're. b II. ItiiKt. f're. Cait. J. A. Ki.m. I'ort aupt. Stmr. KINAU, CliARKC, UomuunJor, III HUM' Jlotiolllltl III ' I', m. touchiug at Ijllillllil. M.lt.li.. i. Itn. iil.il ll.iL...... . I... 'iime day, MuiiiiKoim. KuMuihiieiiifi Uu- - ' i..iboeiio the following d) . arriving at Illlo ill IlllilUIUht. LLAVEft HONOI.I l.t' j May I lTl.lll) May II IlK'mfuV Muy I ibbiy Join' I liii'iifuy June I'J I' mill; ... J hum '."J lm-Mln- July . I'riilii) . Jul) l.t Tui mIii) Jul) .'I I'rl in) .. Aug. J 1 11(1-- 0. IV .Aug. II I' rulii) ... Aug. i l'lii'iiMy ftcit. t M'pt. II Tuiimiii) .Mpt.'j. I' rulii) .. UCl. I) lui'-- u ty . . Ucl. It Trlday . Oil. ill Tuusii.iy Nov. u Iriday .. Nov. In I lU'Miuy Nov. .'T Irldu).. Ikv. 7 I mxUiy ..IH-e- . Is Iteturiilng Uuves Illlo, touching at oi Mtiuediiy, Kuwiuliitc a. m.; lo . M.; Mukeuii I i. m.; Maalaea lluyni-- . M., Lahalua M. the lollowiug da) , urriviug .a Honolulu ii . u. nines Ih)s mid AKUIYKh AT llii.SOI.UI.U: , Siitunlay . . April Mu) U Mltllllll) . Mu) in Wudiu-vlu- Mil) .10 natunlii) . , . June li June .v haiiirihi) ., .. . .liillu.Ki Wt'illiuml.iy . ?Juiy II S.i iinlii) Jul) .'1 Aug. I hiitunlii) . . . Aug. II Uiiliu ntiiy Aug. ."J . . K'pt. I imiicmUi . i n.lt inlii) Sept. i Wctnccilii) , Uet. :i put inlay Oot. II eilli-ilit- ) . , .(lot. 'JI Nituriluy Nov. 3 MrillifMiny . Nov. II .x.lllllil.l) . . . Nov. i .Deo. ft .uur.iii. Dec. ,'i 'l I'llllCf.'lllJ Dee. J- IW No rri-igh- t will ii rricivnl n(l-- I'J noun on it ol Milling. Stmr. CLAUDINE, C'AMCitON, Commander, Will leu vi- lliiiiniiilii every Tuesilny at 0 , m. toiuiioiig ut Knhului, HiihIo, liana, iliiiiiiui :ui,l Kip.iliulu. Hi tiirnnig will arrivi'Hl lioi,ui,,lii every Sunday moriiiug. MT No Freight will tie nceivcl after t - H on ouy ot muling I lillslgliei- - nulhl Ik- ut Hie iHliilillgx lo iifelve tlieir ui w- - will not hold oitrsvlvi'H ri'npou-illil- after siieb lias lieeu liiuileil. While llie Compaii) till - ilue dill gi'lice III billidlilig Live Slink, we deeline loiiasiime ,iii) in eii-- e of llie mi of aine. 1'lle CiiiiipiitiN wi,l nut lie fol Mouxy or ,inie- - plm-.-i- i miliecnre of I'urhHr- THKOSOIMIY. I'll IAI. I. 'UK U OK .v I i.Ni'l. S' iiml 1 I'l LhDAY. illl'lt.iDAY ami hAlt'i.DAY, from J I., I i.t-lut- i w , Mvon, Hour of I,,.-u-- i II ,,ci,, Mniaini .Im, l t in rum , on tbe laiu le miiig to I iint r . tf llook out tu n n,iiilile par-li- e I i Honolulu au-- l wlien riiciieiilile, to r. niileiili- - ( Hie oilier UuueU. Lit iiieiiiiir) l In im in I In evert i:i'M.HuV 7.'- - lIlH'li Iuir. in tin l.lbrar) II ill. 7 : ,'iw Ring Up Bell Telephone 122 I'.K Bug'guge Express, Mulld ill Hulliiigei MuK'ing hbup, lui-e- trtel, miir I'.irl, IW3 tf J AM Lb I'Ol.lAlfK. I ANNEXATION DEFEATED. NorthwPBtern University Wina a De-bat- o Against Michigan. Ann Atition, Mich., April 6 Th lotig-Iooked-f- event, the oratorical intercollegiate contest between thu Northwestern of Erauston, aud the University of Michigan, was held this evening in University hall in ho presence of a largo audience. Gov. .lull u T. Rich presided. Thu lodge were the Hoc. Charles Little, NVabash, liul.j J. K. Hamilton, 'Toledo, O., and M. T. Krueger, .Michigan City, luu. The question for debate was: "Ho-solve- d, That it ought to bo the policy of the federal government to bring about the annexation of thu Hawaiian Islands." The affirmative JJjJjMJ! ley, and J. II. Mays; the negative by . r. L.. vjojiieu, ij. o. xinuiuj, aim IJ. Campbell of Northwestern. The alllrinativo side stated six proposi- - ions, each speaker for the allinna- - tive propounding two. They were: First, uo nation possesses on auy sen a comtnurcial route of import- - uiil'u unless the same is guarded by one or more harbors of refuge aud coaling stations; second, those isl ands are so situated that tliey are destined ever to command the waters of the north Pacific; third, these people have proved themselves in- capable of maintaining a stable gov eminent and American aud Hawai- ian interest in the islands; American and Hawaiian commerce, Ainoricau ami Hawaiian peace aud prosperity demand that the United States give the island the ermaiiout govern meiit it should have; lourlu, there is a likelihood of foreign interfer- ence and that the islands if nut an- nexed would undoubtedly bo seized by some great naval power iu case of war, which would be a menace to our commerce aim western coast; fifth, that the islands would be a ivautngeotis to us iu times of war; sixth, our leading statesmen for titty years have announced the policy that those islands should upon the failure of the monarchy eouio under ,, ..... ,ri. ,,f ,,u ...... mw..mm..nt." . " W 0.- - H...V.... Tlii'no nroDoattloiin wore coutro- - vorti'd in a manturly inanuur by tb Nortltwu-tur- n inon. Tlio jtul'oa found that North-wc.itcr- n had won ly four poluta, r oivhi Hill and Michigan 1010. After thu content the govoruor, jttdc, tlcliaturs, and commltUHt wcro liatnitictcd at Iho rcaiduncd of Mayor 1 horhpadli. ' Succt-s- a of a Dynamite, OruiMr. TIid ti)auinhip Mile, from Kio Janeiro and other Brazilian porta, arrived al .Southampton, England, April It, nun brought atnotiK horpas-ftetige- r C'hiof EtiKiniH'rO. Van lder-etiu- e, formerly of thu dynamite cruiser Xiclhoroy. Accompanying the chief engineer were hin aflistaul engineers, aioiizo Alien ami uvuer-no- il Smith, aud fifty former muuibors of thu cruiv of thu Nictheroy. Chief EiiL'ineor Van IrierMiiio and hin two ii!inistutilH sailed for New York licit day. In an interview Mr. Van lder- - Mine caul that the mtichnie gnus ol thu criucor worked perfectly, aud that during practice with tin dyna- mite gnu Khclh were thrown an t) diistaucu aud with great pre-eihio- He remarked that from the moment of leaving New York thu (ires were maintained and there was alwayn a pressure of KM) pounds of hteaui. When the Niotjiuroy was Haliouary olf the coat or in harbor tdi i) wan moored to a buoy, and by dimply knocking out a pin alio could be got nlmont immediately under weigh. In fact, tin ally the rdiip waa in iiuch n state of etTectivoness that only three niinutos were rtxpiiriul to gut her ready for action. Thu insur- gents' catipe, according to Mr. Van Idcmtinc, wan euiiod by the engage- - meiit in which Admiral da (Jama lol, at thebattleof Atiuacao, all hin IichI otlicerH aud about 1100 killed and wounded of the small force com-pohin- g htrt commaud. The chief en-- gi tutor npoke highly of thu treatment received by the Americans from the Uraziliau government, and Mays that the only dispute was one in regard id prize money. Altogether Mr. Vail Ideratiuo remarked iu conclusion they had a very pleasant trip siucu leaving the United States, but they i would all be glad to gut back home. Now Oom in Victoria's Grown. A Capetown despatch says: The annexation uf l'oudolaud has been eirecied without tiring a shot. The chiefs and people ot the newly an-uee- d count n are ipiiutly Hiitituit-tin- This m another triumph for the imperial policy of the lion, Cecil l(hodo.s; the premier of Cape Colony, nud is a most impor- tant addition to the llritisli domain in south Africa, For eight yoara past l'oudolaud ha- - been under an idleged protectorate, winch was the cause of considerable friction. The couutiy just annexed is liosorilmd as being one of the most delightful re gums in the world, though it has ' been (he scene of considerable law-- ! lessiiess and many fierce tribal tights. l'oudolaud has an area of about UUOtl square miles aud has a native popu-'latu- m of about 'J00,(XK. The white population is very small 1 recommend Chamberlain's l'aiu ' Halm for rheumatism, lame back, npruius and swelling. There is no better liniment made. I have sold oer loo Dottles ol It (Ills ear ami all were pleaded who used It. J. F. 1'ierson, druggist. South Chicago, III. It i for sale by all dealers. Ueiison, Smith A: Co., Agouti for thu HawaiUu Islaudn. S.

mmwrm pttl - University of Hawaii · Walker, oer hprei'kuln' Hunk, lortktreil ll,7--1 f WAIAKEAKUA NOTICE. ALL I'AIITIKH DCKIItlNfl TO (10 TO In Manna Vallu) am hereby reiUi-iiU--

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Page 1: mmwrm pttl - University of Hawaii · Walker, oer hprei'kuln' Hunk, lortktreil ll,7--1 f WAIAKEAKUA NOTICE. ALL I'AIITIKH DCKIItlNfl TO (10 TO In Manna Vallu) am hereby reiUi-iiU--


!&'' wmmam rr-vT- "'vf" v.fVfPV ."5 '$fP fV 'P1Pr'r "f '"

' --rrrrr . i,



x gM ii " a

!V pttl iff "Amttlicfim.VOL. VII. NO. 1015. HONOLULU, H. 1., MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1804. PRICE 5 CENTS.




Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd.,

AT TUB orricB

328 k 328 vterehant St., Honolulu, H. I.

aUHSCKIl'TION Six Doliama Ybab.Delivered In Honolulu at FtrTT Cents a

Month, In advance.


- IB l'tJllLIBUK- D- '

BVB3R."ir TTjrB3aDA.YAt Koim Dollars a Ybab to Domeillc,tint Fivk Dollars to Foreign Subscribers,payable In advance.



'. O. UOX 89,t'

The Daily Mulleti Is printed and pub- - ,

llshcd by the Dally bulletin Publishing '

!....7.. I I...1...I -- 4 I.. ...II ..isUillliUHJ , UIIIIIIA.ll, U. Iin Ullll'U, ..IVT"chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian In)- - i

amis. Daniel Iogan, editor, resides onAlakca street, Honolulu, aforesaid.

Address Icttcm for the paper " Kdltor !

Uiillktin," nud busliieii letters " ManagerDally tiulletln Publishing Company." ,

Using a personal address limy cause delay !

In attention.

Buslnoaa Cards.



Fort Street, Honolulu.

U. HAOKFELD ft 00.,

(Iknkhai. Commission Aukkts.

C.MMiej' Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


VocTnianea'AMDUt-KKHAi- . IIihinHh Aont."

Miihukoua, Koliala, Hawaii.



No. 1.1 Kiiuhumanu St., Honolulu.


M (NtlrAI'TURINO JlCWKLKK anii Watch- -


Kiikul Jewelry a Miwoialty. Partlunlarattention paid to all kinds of repairs.

Mclneriiy illoek, Kort htreot.


PHOTOGRAPHER. The Only Collection of Island VIaws.


STKAM Knuinkh, Bl'iiah Mii.ij", IIoii.eoj.,Coiii.kkm. Iron, Umax, anii I.kah


Muehinerv of Kvurv llesurindnii Mh.I.. ii. i

Older. I'lirilcularuttuntluii puld to Ships'lilnekumithlng. Job Work eiucutcd atHbort Vol In- -

Cement Sidewalks & Gra-nite Curbing Laid.ICfthimtra given on ull kliuU of


- coNrHKra a tnJOHN F. BOWLER

CHR.Imcohtkr and Dkai.kr in

Gent's, Ladles' and Children'! Boots, Shoes

and Slippers

No. 103 Fort Street.CHAS. GIRDLER.



JDr-- yC3-ood- s

S'o K KhhIhiiiihiiii lr..i

WM. DAVIES,Rigger and Stevedore,



The Sulir. "MAIIIMAIHMWill run leuularl) hMufeu this port andWalaliiu, Kawalhap:il, Moltubtla, Kr.iucmil iiml I'uiilkl on thu aud of uahu.Tor Krelght, eto., upply to the Captain.

t Imiulre at ollieti of J S. Walker,ovur Sntukvl' Hank, I'ort tnul. W7-- t(

WM. 6. IRWIN & CO.




Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

V are alao prepared to take orders for

Meoars, 17. Ohlandt&Oo.'iFertilizers,

Insuring prompt dellfery.

BOILED LUCOL!m -- ,...,lr. .1I..1... fill ,...- -mw ...b in n owi'viiw, nui. vsif, viru- -

sliming less pigment than Llnjei-- Oil, andvuig a lasting uriiuancy 10 colors,sed with drier It gives a splendid Uoor


Lime, Oemeirt,KKF1NKDBUUAU8.


Fairbank Canning Cos Corned Beef

rARArriNR taint co.'

Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboos' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting Paint

KsMTlnlly dfslitiii'il lor Vadium Pans.


LIFE and



Hartford Fire Insnranco Co.,

Assots, $7,109,825.49.

London ft Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,

Assets, $4,317,052.

Tbamos and Horsey Marino Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, $6,124,057.

New York Life Ins. Co.,

Assots, $137,499,198.99.

G. 0. BER6ER,General AQont for Hawaiian Islands.


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED)

Wm. (1. Irwin. President iiml MnmigerClaiib Spreckels, . . . .W. M.dlllurd, SeereUiry iiml TreasurerTheo. 0, I'urter Auditor

Sugar Factors- A Nil

Commission Agents.


Oceanic Steamship Company,


cTbrewer & CO.


General Mercantile

Commission Agents

I'. C. Jolieit I'rehldeutII, II, Kobertmiti Milling, rK. I'. UUhop. Secretary , rn'tii.irerW. V. Allen . Auililor('. M, Cooke . ,

II. Wilterllousu llireeloriiC. L. Cnrtr ...


I'Ell UAItK "0. D. IIKYANT."



Carpets, Rugs and Matstn the Latest I'attcrns,




All with the I.nlt'.t tmprovemcnti.



Celebrated Cottage Pianos

Pailor Organs, Guitars,




King Street, oiiihi. Cotlo .t Cooke.VitJ-t- f



COALAll kinds In any quantity from it

bag to a tun.

CHARCOALI'rom one ling to any Uiiiittly.

FIREWOODIn length and Knned or Split, I

from a Imgtoiiny iiiiiutlty; nlo



Oetweeu Altkea and Richards Streets.

'PIIK UNl)EltSl(INEI) AUK I'UK--pared to innku all kinds of Iron, i

Ilrass, llron-.i- t, Zlnn, Tin and U-a- Cast-- '

lugs. Also a Oeiuiral ltupalr Shop forSteam Englnen. UIih MIIU, t,'orn Mills,iuvi i. ii inn .null, i'it. .iinuiunvs i....f. ....l. ll...ii.l.... ..r iAnA ..-- .. . ai. !

ui uurv, nniiir uim.Itcaut, Itainlv, Hlwil, 1'incapple Uuves andother Fibrous I'lunts aud l'aper Stock.Aluo Mncliliu for Extracting Biarrb fromthe Manioc, Arrow Knot, eto.

IM orders promptly uttimdetl to



Tbe Best Lunch in Town.

Tea. and OoiTeeAT ALL UOritV


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HANI).

KC. J. 3STOLTE. jProia.

"Sans Souci" Hotel

Seaside Resort

Waikiki. Honolulu,

Detuhf, ?. S,Uliinmiur lrire mri thlitjit

w Imflii fcriifrii, iniff, nirt nir, ileur itnunfr, ijwhI J'mxt iiml hf hi nil ;i tuutrtt mimon ( brfiiu hi rgf eifnj iti iiimj mrr tht I'nri- -

fin (inn mr iiiviiiiiii Mil ill IMiliiiuif, I rrruiii- -

iiifiul hi in etiriliitllti tn tin Smi ciimiiiun i tn is mrr i i:xsti.

T. A. SIMPSON, Manayor.


S Jj,- -(HP 81 KING S'i.

-- V"

Wholesale and Retail Butchers



I O.J. Wiillor, Muimgor.

0ceanic SteafflshiP Co--'

Australian Hail Service.

For San Fraictsco :

The New and Fine Al Bteel Steamship

"ALAMEDA" C.the Oceanic Steamship Company will

due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-land on or about

May 3d,And will leave for 'tie above port withMalls and Passengers en or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The Sew nnd Flue A I Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"the Oceanic Btcamthlti Company willdue at Honolulu, from San Kranehieo,orboilt

May 10th,And will have nronu.l desnatch will.Malls and Passengers for the above ports,

The undersigned arc now prepared to Issue



tf For further particulars regardingrreightor l'assago applj to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,General Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Co.




Arrive Honolulu U'ave Honolulufrom 8. K. for H. K.April !!.. .. .April '.

. May 111. May :ilJune III . . Juno i)

THROUGH LINE.From Han Kranelvo Ki.iu Sydney for

fur rijilucy, bin Krain'lseo.

lrWtf lliitiiitulit. I rmrJImmlitlti.

MONOWAI, May 10 ..' MK1IA. Mav .I1,

Af.AMKHA, June 7 MAItll'OSA.MnySI i

MAItll'OHA, July ft MONtiWAI.Jun.'MONOWAI, Aug. 2 AI.AMKIIA. Julv Ji I

AI.AMKIIA, Aug..TO M Altll'OHA, Aug.SI .

MAItll'O.SA.Hei I .MII.MIWAI.hept. ."U




or Tiir.

Oceanic Steamship Go.IN SAN I'UANCISCO.

Has been Itemoved from l.'T Murki-- t

Street to



Kroui this dull all iiiiiiiiiiniU-ii- .

(ion- - to the H.in rr.uielL-- l'u. ;

iluslnets Hhould ho rent to the newOltlee, l.'M Montgomery Street.

WM. C. IRwiill CO., L'D,

UHiit-ril- l Agents, Oceanic Co. atHonolulu. lilt; Im


Notary Pablic, Collector and OsuoralBuslnesa Ageut.

Sub.iigunt for Sevnnil of l lie Itcni KlltT.I NSU It ANC1'. COM l'A N I KS.

Pstentee of Lose'a Chemical Cumponud iurClariiying Cane Juice.

Mil I uu I Toli-phon- M. I', o. II, ,xMen-hun-t Street, Honolulu.

DR. C. W. MOOKIO,l Van Ne-- s Ave., S. F., Cut.

Elegant ApartmenUt fur Patients.Kl.tlTIUCITY IN NCHVOI-- IIISKAHKH,

Dr. Moore oilers invuliils all theof home, with oouxiiint ami care.

fill itefi-r- s to 11. It, Mm fttrlimc.'JUH-- tf



.VU I'orl Mireet, ILniolnlu, II. .i' O. llox-.'7- . .Mutual Tele .


Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker.

No. '.'- -' Ill uu m Hrui.t i.

All kinds of Cabinet MnUIng and lluild-lu- g

and llupulriiigiloiie iu tlrxt-ch- i. man-ner mi,l at economical i. Men. HT.t I in


ZiAI'TAIN WIII.IAM DAV11. MtJ the piikt twelve iur iu eoliiliiiilid of

iuter-blau- d hteaniei-- , ollurn IiIh n' I'llot lo mi) hiii ii landing in the

lliiwu.l.in t of reference-.- .

ilniulre at olllre of .1. S. Walker, oerhprei'kuln' Hunk, lortktreil ll ,7-- 1 f


I'AIITIKH DCKIItlNfl TO (10 TOALL In Manna Vallu)am hereby reiUi-iiU-- i to obtain it iktiiiIb-hIoi- i

from the liiiiltiiignel, otliurie the)will for trenpitm, If founil ontbe premltHH without ktu-- imtiiiUhIoii.

JAS. 11. IIOYI).ut the Laud Ollh-e-, Kitprvimi Court lluild

lug.Houtiliiln, June 17, IMU TfW-t- f

Canato -Ausiralian- IN OONNIEOTION WITH


Tickets per $5 SecondP. R. are Glass


TICKETS tuned from Honolulu to CANADA, UNITED STATES and

also to aud SYDNEY.

For Fiji and' Sydney:


Freight md Passenger Ageati:I). MeNICOI.L, Montreal, Canada.IIOIIKKT KKI.Mt, Winning, Canada

.''. oir.iv., mm r nuiciPio, i in.U. McL. UllONVN, Vancouver. II.

Pacific Mail S.S. Co.--AMI run

Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co.


Uteamers of the alove Companies willcall at Honolulu on tln-l- r wa to the iibovilorts on or about the billow lug dates :

htmr'-flAUI.- " June ft. -M

Stmr'Mll.l.illi " ..Inlv ', tinsimr "t'HINA -. ptciiiiHT ;i, imii

C" .urtoU-- r J, IWUbimr "I'llINA". ..N..iiilH.r rj, lltitmr "OI'KANH "...IV iiiher II, IfHSimr "CHINA" . Jifiimr) i, INi'iMliir"()Ci:.VNH ". libriiiirv 111, ISOSlinr"CHINA" Vprll'.', iyM


Steamers of the above Comimuiei. n IIIcall ut Honolulu on tiicir wuy from lloug-koli- g

and Yokohama to the above ort onor about the follow lug dates:

.inr "flAtM II"" Mm- - U, In'llriliiir"CIIVOl'UliM)i:JAM:illO"

Julv III, l:iStiiir-IIELU- Ir" Augu-- t JI, -'l

Miur-CIT- Y UT I'EKIMI'' . .

. . tlrtoliei t, IMU"tmr "OCEANIC" Novcmbir l, l'iStmr "CHINA" DccviiiImt .il, IiMMtiur"(IAEI.C" . IVbruan Hi. ltnbtmr 'I'KUI'" Mnnb . IMn

" tpril is, Hii


TO VOKll ro iiono- -


Cabin Hm) iai MT.') uuCabin, round trip

mouths IS on Wi :Cnblii, round trip I

montlis iul .lib J5EuroiK'iill e l i 100 UU

" pa) lug full fare will beallowed IU oil fare J return.lug within twelve mouths

I4f Kur r.-.-- ., ..l m


.'i? tf Agents.




V1NG FAT & CO.,( oriii-- i of King mill Mn-ct-.- ,

Olb-- r u Ijirgc AxMirliueut uf midMlllilillltllll


At I.OWEK IMtlCES than .-r.

lleilti-iids- , lliiri-uu-i- . Tiibb- -,Meat hafo, Wiirilrolici, V. . i:n- -

Chmipt-- r tbiin 'In- - cvel liefuri- -

olb-rei- l In llouolulii.

llsj VINO IAI' A CO.

Mokuleia Stock Farm,

&Waialua, U. I.S3S&


S30 E3A.OH.

"Sonny Boy" Service, S20.


TUOS. V. (JAY,UK Jin .'. l Manager.

SIIKU I. UN,Ml' AM' l.

Ni-- i bun Met. Illllt' Liclimigi

Merchant TailorNt-- Goods and Latest Styles !

i'mil'KCT Ell 111 AIIANTEM)

gtf Ciitniii-- giiiii addiiioliul nilwill lii-elv- a re,luili,.i, ol nn.t II .ore--dilution on punti, wJl-J- ui

Steamship Line

v $10 First Less than U. S. Line





a a t


For Victoria and Vancouver B. C:

STKA.MP.KS MAIL Ma I Ma) II. July 1. 'July yi, Mil.

tW For Ticket and (letieriil I tiforiiin-Ho- n

apply tn


Aijtnttfur thr llnvnliun liliimln.

Wilders Steamship Co.


C. WiLi'CH. I're. b II. ItiiKt. f're.Cait. J. A. Ki.m. I'ort aupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CliARKC, UomuunJor,

III HUM' Jlotiolllltl III ' I', m. touchiug atIjllillllil. M.lt.li.. i. Itn. iil.il ll.iL...... . I...'iime day, MuiiiiKoim. KuMuihiieiiifi Uu- -


i..iboeiio the following d) . arriving atIlllo ill IlllilUIUht.

LLAVEft HONOI.I l.t'j May I

lTl.lll) May IIIlK'mfuV MuyI ibbiy Join' Iliii'iifuy June I'JI' mill; ... J hum '."Jlm-Mln- July .

I'riilii) . Jul) l.tTui mIii) Jul) .'II'rl in) .. Aug. J1 11(1-- 0. IV .Aug. III' rulii) ... Aug. il'lii'iiMy ftcit. t

M'pt. IITuiimiii) .Mpt.'j.I' rulii) .. UCl. I)lui'-- u ty . . Ucl. ItTrlday . Oil. illTuusii.iy Nov. uIriday .. Nov. InI lU'Miuy Nov. .'T

Irldu).. Ikv. 7I mxUiy ..IH-e- . Is

Iteturiilng Uuves Illlo, touching at oi

Mtiuediiy, Kuwiuliitc a. m.;lo . M.; Mukeuii I i. m.; Maalaea

lluyni-- . M., Lahalua M. the lollowiugda) , urriviug .a Honolulu ii . u. ninesIh)s mid


Siitunlay . . AprilMu) U

Mltllllll) . Mu) inWudiu-vlu- Mil) .10

natunlii) . , . June liJune .v

haiiirihi) ., .. . .liillu.KiWt'illiuml.iy . ?Juiy IIS.i iinlii) Jul) .'1

Aug. I

hiitunlii) . . . Aug. IIUiiliu ntiiy Aug. ."J

. . K'pt. IimiicmUi . i

n.lt inlii) Sept. iWctnccilii) , Uet. :iput inlay Oot. II

eilli-ilit- ) . , .(lot. 'JINituriluy Nov. 3MrillifMiny . Nov. II.x.lllllil.l) . . . Nov. i

.Deo. ft.uur.iii. Dec. ,'i'l I'llllCf.'lllJ Dee. J-

IW No rri-igh- t will ii rricivnl n(l--I'J noun on i t ol Milling.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,C'AMCitON, Commander,

Will leu vi- lliiiiniiilii every Tuesilny at 0, m. toiuiioiig ut Knhului, HiihIo, liana,iliiiiiiui :ui,l Kip.iliulu.

Hi tiirnnig will arrivi'Hl lioi,ui,,lii everySunday moriiiug.

MT No Freight will tie nceivcl aftert - H on ouy ot muling

I lillslgliei- - nulhl Ik- ut Hie iHliilillgx loiifelve tlieir ui w- - will not holdoitrsvlvi'H ri'npou-illil- after siieblias lieeu liiuileil.

While llie Compaii) till - ilue dillgi'lice III billidlilig Live Slink, we deelineloiiasiime ,iii) in eii-- e of lliemi of aine.

1'lle CiiiiipiitiN wi,l nut lie folMouxy or ,inie- - plm-.-i- i miliecnreof I'urhHr-

THKOSOIMIY.I'll IAI. I. 'UK U OK .v I i.Ni'l.S' iiml 1 I'l LhDAY.

illl'lt.iDAY ami hAlt'i.DAY, fromJ I., I i.t-lut- i w , Mvon, Hour of I,,.-u-- i

II ,,ci,, Mniaini .Im, l t in rum , on tbelaiu le miiig to I iint r .

tf llook out tu n n,iiilile par-li- e

I i Honolulu au-- l wlien riiciieiilile, tor. niileiili- - ( Hie oilier UuueU.

Lit iiieiiiiir) l In im in I In everti:i'M.HuV 7.'- - lIlH'li

Iuir. in tin l.lbrar) II ill. 7 : ,'iw

Ring Up Bell Telephone 122


Bug'guge Express,Mulld ill Hulliiigei MuK'ing hbup,

lui-e- trtel, miir I'.irl,

IW3 tf J AM Lb I'Ol.lAlfK.


NorthwPBtern University Wina a De-bat- o

Against Michigan.

Ann Atition, Mich., April 6 Thlotig-Iooked-f- event, the oratoricalintercollegiate contest between thuNorthwestern of Erauston, aud theUniversity of Michigan, was heldthis evening in University hall inho presence of a largo audience.

Gov. .lull u T. Rich presided. Thulodge were the Hoc. Charles Little,NVabash, liul.j J. K. Hamilton,

'Toledo, O., and M. T. Krueger,.Michigan City, luu.

The question for debate was: "Ho-solve- d,

That it ought to bo thepolicy of the federal government tobring about the annexation of thuHawaiian Islands." The affirmativeJJjJjMJ!ley, and J. II. Mays; the negative by

.r. L.. vjojiieu, ij. o. xinuiuj, aimIJ. Campbell of Northwestern. Thealllrinativo side stated six proposi- -

ions, each speaker for the allinna- -

tive propounding two. They were:First, uo nation possesses on auy

sen a comtnurcial route of import- -

uiil'u unless the same is guarded byone or more harbors of refuge audcoaling stations; second, those islands are so situated that tliey aredestined ever to command the watersof the north Pacific; third, thesepeople have proved themselves in-

capable of maintaining a stable goveminent and American aud Hawai-ian interest in the islands; Americanand Hawaiian commerce, Ainoricauami Hawaiian peace aud prosperitydemand that the United States givethe island the ermaiiout governmeiit it should have; lourlu, thereis a likelihood of foreign interfer-ence and that the islands if nut an-

nexed would undoubtedly bo seizedby some great naval power iu caseof war, which would be a menace toour commerce aim western coast;fifth, that the islands would bea ivautngeotis to us iu times of war;sixth, our leading statesmen for tittyyears have announced the policythat those islands should upon thefailure of the monarchy eouio under,, .....,ri. ,,f ,,u...... mw..mm..nt."." W 0.- - H...V....

Tlii'no nroDoattloiin wore coutro- -

vorti'd in a manturly inanuur by tbNortltwu-tur- n inon.

Tlio jtul'oa found that North-wc.itcr- n

had won ly four poluta, roivhi Hill and Michigan 1010.

After thu content the govoruor,jttdc, tlcliaturs, and commltUHtwcro liatnitictcd at Iho rcaiduncd ofMayor 1 horhpadli. '

Succt-s- a of a Dynamite, OruiMr.

TIid ti)auinhip Mile, from KioJaneiro and other Brazilian porta,arrived al .Southampton, England,April It, nun brought atnotiK horpas-ftetige- r

C'hiof EtiKiniH'rO. Van lder-etiu- e,

formerly of thu dynamitecruiser Xiclhoroy. Accompanyingthe chief engineer were hin aflistaulengineers, aioiizo Alien ami uvuer-no- il

Smith, aud fifty former muuiborsof thu cruiv of thu Nictheroy. ChiefEiiL'ineor Van IrierMiiio and hin twoii!inistutilH sailed for New York licitday. In an interview Mr. Van lder- -

Mine caul that the mtichnie gnus olthu criucor worked perfectly, audthat during practice with tin dyna-mite gnu Khclh were thrown an t)

diistaucu aud with great pre-eihio-

He remarked that from themoment of leaving New York thu(ires were maintained and there wasalwayn a pressure of KM) pounds ofhteaui. When the Niotjiuroy wasHaliouary olf the coat or in harbortdi i) wan moored to a buoy, and bydimply knocking out a pin alio couldbe got nlmont immediately underweigh. In fact, tin ally the rdiip waain iiuch n state of etTectivoness thatonly three niinutos were rtxpiiriul togut her ready for action. Thu insur-gents' catipe, according to Mr. VanIdcmtinc, wan euiiod by the engage- -

meiit in which Admiral da (Jamalol, at thebattleof Atiuacao, all hinIichI otlicerH aud about 1100 killedand wounded of the small force com-pohin- g

htrt commaud. The chief en-- gi

tutor npoke highly of thu treatmentreceived by the Americans from theUraziliau government, and Mays thatthe only dispute was one in regardid prize money. Altogether Mr. VailIderatiuo remarked iu conclusionthey had a very pleasant trip siuculeaving the United States, but they

i would all be glad to gut back home.

Now Oom in Victoria's Grown.

A Capetown despatch says: Theannexation uf l'oudolaud has beeneirecied without tiring a shot. Thechiefs and people ot the newly an-uee- d

count n are ipiiutly Hiitituit-tin-

This m another triumph forthe imperial policy of thelion, Cecil l(hodo.s; the premier ofCape Colony, nud is a most impor-tant addition to the llritisli domainin south Africa, For eight yoarapast l'oudolaud ha- - been under anidleged protectorate, winch was thecause of considerable friction. Thecouutiy just annexed is liosorilmd asbeing one of the most delightful regums in the world, though it has

' been (he scene of considerable law-- !lessiiess and many fierce tribal tights.l'oudolaud has an area of about UUOtl

square miles aud has a native popu-'latu- m

of about 'J00,(XK. The whitepopulation is very small

1 recommend Chamberlain's l'aiu' Halm for rheumatism, lame back,

npruius and swelling. There is nobetter liniment made. I have soldoer loo Dottles ol It (Ills ear amiall were pleaded who used It. J. F.1'ierson, druggist. South Chicago,III. It i for sale by all dealers.Ueiison, Smith A: Co., Agouti for thuHawaiUu Islaudn.


Page 2: mmwrm pttl - University of Hawaii · Walker, oer hprei'kuln' Hunk, lortktreil ll,7--1 f WAIAKEAKUA NOTICE. ALL I'AIITIKH DCKIItlNfl TO (10 TO In Manna Vallu) am hereby reiUi-iiU--

rw'.-'- "



Annexation Defeated.Huccp's of a Dynamite Crttl'T.Now Oein In Victoria's Crown.


Kdltorlitl Paragraph.A Grave for One hy "Kumti Ao.'At the Opera H'jMse.Wit and Hntnor.

rutin PAIIK.Marine News. i.IahmI and (leneral Item-- .Judiciary Jottlnp.Ooverniiient by Minority.H C. Allen Arrive!,l'uhllc Concert.


lteduclng Flesh.Wit and Humor.German Silver Policy Stands.

Slu gruUt .uUctin.'

Il'dutd lo wither Sect nor Party,Hut EttabUnhfd for the lienrfit of All.


Mr. Thurston is roportod as find-iu- y

tho situation, changed so rapidlyhoro that ho could not talk about it.lio is about right. Things are goingto the dogs (aster than in auy former i

period of tho country's existence.

When it comos to cool argumenttho jiugo policy in tho United Statescannot stand. An interesting in-

stance is reported in this issue, be-

ing tho account of a debate betweentho Northwestern aud Michigan uni-


It is as good as admitted that Mr.Thurston is hero to "watch" theconstitutional convention. Therewould bo nothing surprising in see-

ing a special act railroaded throughI

the Councils to add tho diplomat'.

showmarrto tho Government's foro- -

ordained majority iu the convention, t

When the Advertiser was promoting a secret conspiracy to under


tniuo the stable goveruiueiit of Ha-waii, it was fiorco iu its denuncia-tions of a moderate expenditure fortho support of a military establish-ment. Now it is advocating a stand-ing


army under a professional soldierto bo imported from abroad, onsimilar lines to the policy of Kli.BKalakaua in the same regard.i '

California's overland trade withMexico is likely to wax mighty inthe near future. It is said that therewill be three railroad lines fromMexico extended into Monterey thisyear. Hawaii is bound to haveformidable competition iu sub-troph-

products from Mexico.With this prospect nothing shouldbo left uudouo to develop our uewtrado openings iu tho NorthwesternStates and throughout tho CanadianPacific provinces.

When tho word "Provisional", is

sponged out of tho name of the niliug oligarchy, it will bo necessaryfor tho now Government thus cro-ate- d

to obtain tho recognition of allnations uow iu friendly intercoursewith Hawaii. How that recognitionis to bo gained with only a minorityof tho constitutional conventionelected at all, and that minorityelected by a minority of the legiti-

mate electors of tho country, is aprobloui that probably troubles theProvisional Government more thanauythiug else at this juncture.

Nothlug seems to give rise to morediplomatic wrestling than tho mostfavored nation clause iu treaties.Hawaii has the .lapaueso questionunder that clause to worry its

Government. TheBritish Government is claiming thatBritish merchants are untitled undertho favored nation clause to tho ad-

vantages of tho Ilusso-Germa- u com-

mercial treaty. In view of tho factthat a Goverumout so old iu diplom-atic oxperieuco as the British makessuch a claim, it is manifestly absurdfor Hawaiian politicians to poohpooh tho claim of Japan as notcoming within the scope of thefavored nation clause.

From tho holding up of railwaytrains in the sparsely populatedregions of tho Wodt, tho banditti ofthe United Status havo lxigun torob street cars iu populous cities.By last mail instances of highway- -

mou attacking street cars are ro- - '

ported from cities so far apart asSun I'mnciKi-- nnil Pliilmlnlnlii.-i- . Inthe former city's caso the robbersplundered the driver and passengersand escaped, but in Philadelphiafour out of seven moil who attackeda street car were arrested. Thogang had thrown the car off thetrack and thou tried to rob thepassengers, whom they handledroughly, but two policemen enteredtho car at either end with drawnrevolvers aud captured four of thevillains. Three confederates whowore watching outside had lied outhe approach of the olllcers.

Bocurod Hla Borvicos.

Mr. V. G. Potter, crayon and water-

-color artist, who has been visit-ing the islands for his health, hasmado an engagement with Mr. J. J.Williams. Mr. Potter's work whileiu San Francisco was second tonone, Samples will be ou exhibitionnt our studio, 102 Fort street.

Tfrrsypt- - v " rt :tf' siST' t 11r-- w

A Gravo for One.

Earn or Bulletin: -The Provisional Government has

in its erratic career fallen upon evil,and still more owl days. It is true

j that it has not sutTered any materialloss tor hs star-chamb- majority is

i still intact, and tlio quenchless cottr-- ,ago of its army of imported merco-- iuar'n3 "till animates them on payday; and tho hold of tho "loyal'camp follower, in the leaguesaudclubs, upon the treasury, is as firmas ever. But the small stock-in-trad- e

of political mural -- if anythat the infant P. O. may have hadin starting life, is becoming wofullydepreciated, aud it has dug a sepul-- Ichre for the solitary reputation thatcovered the nakedness of its origin-- 'al in. It is the unfailing history ofalt such petty despotisms as thisHawaiian P. G. -- which claim totravel on guupowdor aud gall thati ney iuTuisii a iiuiiuiuioss grave mrtho public character of overybodyconcerned. This is tho ouo endur-ing principle which clings to a pub-lic man more closely than his shadow.This is tho true law of fate: tho lawthat will not be baulked of its endin one iota, and which compelsevory man to write his own epitaph,aud recite his whole history.

lu tho famous proclamation ofJanuary 1, lSlM, issttett by the '

Stevens appointed jtitita styling !

themselves a Provisional Ooveru-- 1 ,nrringo and separation of a pro-inen- t,

thero was but one name, that f,,i01iai gambler from a societyor S. B. Dole, for whom tho public , Iful.. through the intrigues of a falsewho were appealed to had any res- - fritMul nn,f t, bepieiit suffer-pec- t.

It was tho only name then il)KS of botj,, Iu ti, fCT(lrtli actthat couitl hope to liml any reason- -

nblu amount of acceptance with. thoNoble voters of this metropolitan I

electorate. In evory sense Mr. Dolewas tho only man iu the so-c- a lodrovnlnt minrv ttroc, ntnnt on who had., -

any public reputation to lose, and itwas largely on account of tho res-pect of tho public for .ludiie Dole,that tho surrender was effected with-out putting Minister Stevens' bom-- .bast to the test. Uow has Mr. Dolejustified the expectations formed offair dealing vta IIIV part between theUnited States on tho one side- -

whoso ollicials and troops, by iiitimi- -

(latiou, oucctcu the conquest oi thepeoplo by the overthrow of its gov- -

erumeut and the iimtnllntion of Mr.Dole and his liieiitls and the gov- -

eminent and people oi Hawaii onthe other liaudl ot tho dismissalfrom public service of every Hawai-ian who would not abjure his nation-ality and the hundred petty acts ofimposition and picayiitnsh despotism, practised by .Mr. Doles npproval, furnish tho reply, 111 the discus-- '' I?1"1 ,0.l,,f !

issue Mr. Dolea .iiiibbling lawyer rather than thehonest jurist which he was fondlyexpected to prove himself, as wit-ness the famous "specifications" ami i

other controversial state papersbearing ou the position taken byPresident Cleveland.

Piesideut Dole's arguments arebaed upon the position that hereigns by virtue of tho "saerod rightof revolution" aud the ruled aretherefore to u derstaud that he isat the head of a government of mili-taryis-

aud has therefore the rightto vary its political creed so as toinclude varying quantities of mod-ern theocracy or ancient toryism,strangely disguised by longings after

-- ..:.... ...! il.: .....I iiiiiiit'Amiijii nun limit) fiiiui'3.i, mm I

universal equality -- an anomaly aunaccountable as a republican moil- -


arch, or a Christian hangman, or a i

jail-llogg- who runs a society for t

tho spread of humanity in the inter- - i

vals of his professional duties.Judging by results up to the pres-

ent time aud without priutini; aschedule of tho discrepancies ofconduct between Judge Dole andPresident Dole on the contract laborand numerous other questions n Hee-ling the well-bein- g of Hawaii, itwould seem to his best friends thatho must have started business as apatriot from motives of expediency,


and found that even tho trade olbeing a successful patriot was too !

extensive an undertaking for hisown moral capacity, anil that his '

soul was not largo enough for tho '

position. Mr. Uolo hud everythingto gain by proving sincere to all hisformer professions of loyalty toprinciple and his own conscience,and he has apostatised in a fallingmarket. He was a man capable ofcommanding respect and spent halfa lifetime iu rising to distinction,aud then ho apparently grew tiredof the situation and bolted ou to adoubtful aud rickotty pedestal toavoid real success, and the conting-ency was one which none of hisfriends could reasonably have anti-cipated. Komc Ao.


"Woman, dare not to defy." Shewas pale and resolute, and she motthe eyes of the augry man withoutquailing. "Give it to mo." With asavage snarl he seized her wrists. Acry burst from her lips. "Brute!"she shrieked. The paper Mutteredfrom her hand. With a smile ofmalignant triumph ho snatched itaud, returning to his coffee, perusedin detail the n ofCol. Breckinridge. DttnU Tribunr.

By Jus. !'. Morgan,

Auction Sale of Books

On FRIDAY, April 27th,AT Hi 0'CI.OI K A. il

I Ull.l. "I.I.I. .MM 111,11 Al rin N

A.T 1ST S.A.UE0SR.OOX4.Tim l.lbrarj nf A. J. II urtwiul!t, Kii ,


A Valuable Collection o( WorKs by Emi-

nent Authors.

Hunk now mi vlow Jt in riuli--

Jaa. F1 Morgan,lUI.VIt nTioxn.it.


A fnw l.'liuluu Piipplim for sil.' from Pnli-Xn-e-

dink, Aillli'M

W. It. I.KWlD,iwi-l- Mll.LI.1IN UI)U'.


Another Full House The Plays forThis Week.

There was a packed houso at thethird appearauco of the Dailey StockCompany on Saturday evening,when "Pink Dominoes" was put onthe boards The actinir nil aroundwas strong and ivaeious, butmanyof the more elderly folk present re- -

garucii i lie piay raiuer oroiui mrmis laitiuue.

This evening the protty drama,"Forgive!!," will bo presented. Wed-nesday evening the society drama,"Forget Me Not," will bo put on,with Miss Naiinnry in the leadingpart. "Peck's Dad Boy" is down fora matinee Saturday afternoon.That night "The Shadows of a GreatCity" will be performed.

'I he theater-goer- s of this cityseem to appreciate t ho fact thatthey are witnessing not only a longlist or tlio very Dost 'and latest dra- -

mto tho stage,,-- nn....,.,vi.

are mounted in a more painstakingmanner than we have wilneol inyears. 1 ho present weeks bills areif anything stronger than those al-

ready presented.t. !..!.... i). ...'- - ..ir niuuii'K un.uun .iv.i.iiiiui,!,, 'i.'.,,;r.i " i.. I... ir.... il.u..:,, , . Mrv nf ilm

t,v nu.ot in a Mexican village afterinll nf fin,,,,,, rears, where tho

,M..',rl a. ,,..,.Hi,,.- - n.nir ,inn,.l,t. '

or n n school teacher and tho finshand, who has become a cat tlo deal-- ,

. i .....!. ti...I'lllIIUS l. IIIHUIIII.! niliV'H. X IIUfaj,,, friond is located in the villageand appears on the scene, whichcauses iucrcacd suspicion on thohusband's part. The subsequentdramatic action is very touchingandcalls forth the fountains of nature.

"Forget Me Not" rtill give MissNannary her first real opportunityand will doubtless bring out a largoaudience of ladies.

Seats for any of theso performances can bo had at the oil ice of L.J. Levey.

Llfo I Misory

To many people who have the taintof scrofula iu their blood. The ago '

lies caused by the dreadful running '

sores nud other manifestations ofthis diseae are bevond description.Niereisno oilier remedy equal to

s.iu riietini and eerj lorin oi blood .

dieao. t , reanonably sure tobenefit all who give it a fair trial.

Hood's Pills euro all liver ills.

Hawaiian Bureau of Information,

MKKTINil OK fill. .VIKIVK IIP.re III will lie li.l.l ut lli lti"ln!if lln1

(.liflnli.rel CeiiiniurcM onApril 21, It'll, nt a ' link - m lliiliiel in.m ti.n.'i-- All sKm IJ.oMf r..Mi .mtIIi-- !

mill tli'i.t' frli'i.illy In tin.' ulijrct- - urcconimuy inviiiM. r r omit.

W li. lltWI N".lel-- i .'t Pre. I'lcnt.

nth of

JuneRaces !

Do not be fooled thisyi.ur, the owners andtrainers of fine stoekshould have the very bestquality of feed for theirhorses. The only placefor such iu the




Okkjck & Waukmousk:Corner Queen and Xiiiianustreets.

The Tagawa Coal Mine islocated iu Fukuoka 'Ken in

the Island of Kinshui, .Japan,and was discovered abouttwenty years iijjo. It wasowned by the goveruiueiitand mined simply for thegovernment's use.

(J rent improvements, how-

ever, were made since it wassold to a corporation aboutsix )ears ao, by importingmining machinery from Eu-

rope and America.

Tagawa Coal ir iie(l more j

than all other .Japanese eoals ,

'in the following eotintriesijChina, Manila aud Strait's1Settlements. It has found

' ils way even to l.omltay.

Two cargoes have beenimported into the HawaiianIslands recently, and it lias ;

no superior iu this market asblovu or hteam coal.

(J. 10. HOAUD.MAN,

Sole Agent for K. Ogtira iV


Wit and Humor. JKathleen had..boon put out... to ser

vice, anu Mrs. Horry liKeti t no rosyface of tho voting Irish irirl. Oneday Kathleen was sent on an errandto town. She was longer than usual,and Mrs. Berry stood on the porch inassiiocamo through the iicui. ivaiu- - aloon was happy, and Mrs. Berryobsorved: "Why, Kathleen, what a i.jjnp'p t..r. v.... i..t, i

iy. to-da-

a, if'tho ow had kissed you." Kath- -

il011 dropped her ovo3 and murmured: "Indade, mum, but thatwasn't his name." -I- httnn lindyrt.

Thoy wore having some privatetheatricals, and Mr. and Mrs. Bing- -

ley gave thoBceuo from "Tho Schoolfor Scandal in which Sir Peter bo-- .rnln. nn.l Mi.mn.lH.. T.n.lv Teazlefor her otheri'ii ru iiK.iuu" in.',shortcomings. Edith Binglev, ageda, was !BtaeloBai "elrTirment how sho had enjoyed hor par--

onts acting she electr.ned her hear- -


ty J." VS?" of dlf,np;"Acting! wore

mo timo at uomoi -i,i- -isu.

in an aiuiress on uio negro question in Philadelphia tho other even-iui- r

Prof. Booker T. Washington ofTuskcgee, Ala., himself a negro, ro- -lated an nmusing anecdote to illus- -

tratohow, lu tho Ethiopian mind,religion is often divorcod from mor- -ality. "An old darky," ho said, aroserecently in ono of t lie southern pray- -

or meetings and exclaimed: "Broth- -reu and sisters, I vo been having adrefful tiino siuco last wo were together. I vo boon chawing hard

T...... and swallowing bitter pills.I'm afraid I've broken ovorv one oftho ten commandments, but", thankthe Lord, I haven't lost my roligiouf"

.V.... 7V..,." " "



iAiiHfifflIrW in ad'fflctoilfor&f$w& Vfate

rill cureI





tM Uk.. -- iwibS

.ihu SlcttnacK, or

Complain.UrS&le tvcrVec tyarugyxl





ilo istoin

'1 J

BBS Fort. Siroxt,i

Wlieri' tills liivnlimlili' liimt-eholi- l ren icilymay Imj ulitnlni'.l liy the


Wu Imve aUu tlm l.iiiKi'nt Stouk il

DfOgS MpiliiinpcI

Chemicals, Perfumes.

Toilet Articles ..!

Pliotograptiic Goods

To lie fuuti.l lu tlm Mawullan IhIuihU.


p. fortlio ,n

reSlmvo ciin lit) Im.l for 15 Cunt-- . Hulr Outinoimiii.1 for i contH. iiw

notice.is iiKiuaiY (jivkn that

J-- Cliitiii I'lnu-- Ih niuliurUntl to ui-- t furiu In nil iiiiitu-r- roliitli.K to no lmi.hiotin miring my uiHHiu'e ir.iiu int.

in w.uni. i, n. jiii..iltill'ilillil, April 'Jl, IW)I. Hlll-J- w


VTOMT. Ih IWUmiY fllVK.N THATli Cluing i liuek utitlitirUe.l to furinn In nil nun turn rt'liitlin; to my IhiIii.'- -In lltiiiuliilii, ilnrlnir my tlmUluml of Oiiiiii. HUNH vi:k.

Htintilulii, April Jl, IWH 101


WMI HOY HAM KOMI HISWOXd ilioilutlotl III Wllhlliuki, Knolull, OiiIiii. t'i Wung K.iiiii Von, thu miIu Inelu.llliK nil Ittiti-ii- . IiuIMIiiu. uiilllu, t nl-- .

flu. All iIiiIiiih to tlitiiiiif all--, Ai.rll U'l,ID'U, will lieMiUi.l liy Wong II.uy nlJ. A. olllro. :ft


MVI III' Y roltllVHIl I'llOM rWKXTV-- 1

In I'liltii- - TIiiiiiiiiiIi.I Cniii'i'lli'ilOiin mill Tho lliimilluii Polii)iiStump -- u. I lnt', K.inilniri'ii.l mmpuml jiri'M'iu .in.-- ht lurgu nnil umiiilipiiiiiiltii. Ail .siiiiiini iiiu.t Im lu hiIfol I'on.lllluii. I nllliiiiythaliltiliukifj.ilprieoi 01 niniiii..ii 'it i. k 11oiiiiiv. ... 1, iinitn.

lun-a- t- llUIIUIIIItl

Miaa Hlrtiw Co., !,'

Saturday, April 91, IXW.A renllv mnil I'rr-nr- rnl.i,., UiiUcd states comrnnnds

inyuci n.naiy man mumciofficer, but it is doubtful if tin- -

atter would chanue maces.There an: a few high-pric- ed

cooks in Honolulu and it you-- "" -- " " .'- -' usMiigthem you will learn that theyget their knives for cuttingmeat jn tjle kitchen from US.VVe Sell the genuine PrCllcllCook Knives, in Franceof specially selected steel andshaped a stage dagger.TheI knife is not an elaborateaffair, just a plain finished knifemade for

. t"

We have other knives, breadand carvers, for the table, fineones, ,both as to quality amifinish. A good carving knifeis as necessary as gootl dishes,pernaps morcso because toughbeel can be made to appeartender by the use of a sha,n:fn., , ..

We have some toilet sets,genuine unglish ware thatSIIOUKI aWa the 3111.11011 Ol

anvone if Olllv bv the nriCU weask for them. They made

.. (l,,(.' ,1,-.,.- .,. n.,,i .i,fl' UP lOi

- -- , . .uciuitiiiwiia tui; t.iiyuiiiig ifiiuurthan gaudy. The sets haveseven pieces and go to you atabout half their value.

By the "Alden Hesse" wereceived a quantity of lampssuitable for stores, lanais orkitchens. They are larger thanthe ordinary Rochester andsmaller than the mammothlamp. For any purpose whereconsiderable light is wantedwe know of nothing betterthan one these lamps. Thefinish of the fount is equal tothe best quality hanging lampand the burner is the betmade by the celebrated Ro-

chester Lamp Co. The price,well, the price will surpriseyou.

We have lately added toour. stock some very handsome wrought iron affairs iuthe Piano Lamp line. Justwhy they should be called"piano" lamps when they arein reality the best shape madefor reading purposes is like aDundreary riddle, "somethingno fellow can find out." Andthe advantage a piano lampmade wrought iron has overone of polished metal is in thefact that it will not tarnish. Ofcourse, with people who havelots time, there is no mate-rial difference; they can keepit rubbed up at all times and aorignt metai lamp under tuurfaithful ministrations will nevergrow dull. We have then toplease all classes, the busy andthe idle, you pay your moneyand make your own selection.Our stock of parlor and libraryhanging lamps is not tosneezed at either; we have

(Selected the best, designs fromthe best makers, and theburner, the comforting anddiscomforting thing about alamp, is selected with unusualcare. When yo buy a lampfrom us you get what is recog-nized- ,

wherever lamps areused, as the very best thatleading manufacturersduce.

"When the springcomes, gentle Annie," it istime to get out and hustlewith the plants. To use one'sfingers to stir up the dirt is

,.,.ceivetl better tlian thosewe have always handled andtion't rost ym, ay ,noro. t)tJy

railier lii'luer weijlit than.. . .c. i.. i i. i .i

' lonnuriy, uuuur auapieci to meperson who gardens for health,but the strength of the tools isunquestioned.

Disst'in's Saws with us areas prominent as any of ourother goods, and we usual.)keep all sizes and styles. Wehave an abundance in stocknow from the ordinary keyholesaw to the Great Ameriiau, 7lce.t long. I )isston's ha e beenthe standard in saws for man)years, hiinply bee una: thenmaterial and workmanship isthe best. If, when )ou bii)stove wood, )our dealer givesyou large, pieces, your manwin nave more tune lor otiieitUllli:s :r ..,,,,-,,- , ,:,i,. Withji sit-- in ilo'. '," -

wooil with. We have the s.twbyou want for any purpose.

rpmavKi.uKjJowNWAiuiicirnAii.i'0'1)' whl-'- n V011 can get a setJL bur, Tiiomii!. ito(iii(..rt, lain tiiki'ii of garden tools almost

Oueeti-Mru- "t Hhavlni Purlnrn, mlln nimr iitiHtucu Hi. Co.. whure u uooi tii-ui- i i nothii)Lr. 1 he last sets we



iiowmiiii,ikiiin.i i



WithMni;iKii loll


iiihiii miivory1.1.1,.... ,












Furniture, GlasswareAJSTO



vJLa.Jiv X 1



Iliir;lisli Wiirrtrubc'S, Plato Glass Front;M:.rbktop Wash Stands,

Marblutop Dressing Tablus,Srutcli Chests of Drawers,

Dining Hall, and Parlor Chairs,Kaltan Snitos, Pictures, Etc.

linyal Worcester Vas-'S- ,

Koyal Worcester Tea Sols,

Dinner Sets, Tea Sets,Decorated Vases, Tumblers, Glasses,

Olaret Jugs, Lamps, Screens,Iron Bedsteads, Malting,

Etc, Etc, Etc.-- o


National Cane Shredderiri:vri:i uniikimiik laws ok iiii; Hawaiian islands.



i"i.-- "..siH

&?, r ijs iaJ . ii

ITWIK U.N'l)KUSI(iNKl) II VK IIHCN Al'I'OINTHI) SOI.K AUK.NTS 1'OU- ilii'ni HiiiiHltni.iiH iiikI art umv ini:irril lu ri'i'i'lvo orii'rr.

'I'lii' emit iiilvaniiiori ti. In tit live I frmii tin- - Hi.. n( tlio National Ca.vkSiiiiKiiiii:i nit- - iliumiilily tht.il'li-lu'- .l unit iicktiiiwl iliil liy I'lanturigouiTiilly.

Tlie lurt iiiinilii'r nf ri.uiitTj tlicm in Hid United StuH'h, Culm,Up'iitini' UiipiibUu, l'crti, Aiihlt.ilin mill I'lM'Ulicro, li.utr wilui'HH to lliu

.il.uvo t'luini.Tlie iiru uf ilm SiiiiKiiiicu vit.v lurjii'ly iiii(;iiu!iiIh tlm iitiunlilv of

tint mill run griml ('J.'i in '().;, ulru tl u ol juici' (j to Vll).Il in a r.'.it H.ifcjtiinr.l, inn kinc known it I omimi iliu pri'M-nc- t of any

iicri. tif iron, Milker- - from o.un or an tiling v i wmilil I..- liulilc to (liinmjietlie-- mill, .mil .illinvini; umpli linn- - in teinuve m.iiiu lieforo iliininninK tlio mill.

Tho Siiiii.iiim:ii ih very Mronuly iiiuiId, ami fiom 'lie tnniinir of iinil mil, or liMTh lln-i- ' irfun nf womiI or mm without ufton lijenkiue; thu

SiiiiKiuiKii; nnil if iiiiyihitit: lireiik-- , it iMinil. coiiiiioI the kniven or I'lillnrn,wliH'h can ho t uml t'liiiiiimicully reilneiil. Tho SiuiKiiliKit, tin itniinnio iiiilienti.-- , ifiirr tlio nine into nhrcilr. of vriiij; IimiiIii., U'ifeotly optminj; it ami allnvinu the mill H ih.iroiilily prow ow. tho juiro. whli'otil inipiirini; the itnmonru uxlrn power ucce-i-nr- y to rintl or enwh thu wholnimiiu. Tln SiiiiKiuiKit ipULiili 1 if r.1 1.li-t- l cane uniformly uml ovonly toi ho mill rollo, uml iloo away with tho m of eproiulitif; tlm Imhiicmi hyliiin.l hi'twvon tlio iitllli., whoro regiiu.liii i in u.o. No greater amotinl ofholler oii.uo:ty is iiipiintl to opuiato tlio SuitKilKK limn that whioli waeMilll.'ii'iit fir tho mill, for tho iihuw rv.uoiiri. Wc fiiriiich full wnikiiigiliawingh for tho of our SniiiaiiiKiiD, tuinMing any ongiuooi lo niiiTCMiftilly iutall ami xtotL ilium.

In onlcrmu SintKiiDUiis from iin, plo.o-- c miikI miiiiII Mmwint.' the(liiiini'Uir uml wiilih of tho mill mlU with whii-- .'iiiiijiiiK" ih tohot'oiinectt-il- ,

uImi tho (t'lllior rifjlit or loft ht.ml iik you fiu-- f i' . uelivory hiilo of thomill), upon whioh tho mill oiigitm i, l.ioiiteil, iil-- o the height from lloor linolo eonier of front mill roll thud, anil ilint.mov oeiitor lint hh.ift lo front emlof hi'il plain. TIiiimi Siliu:iil)i:itH are m-- heiiig umhI hy the IliloSugai l.'o.ami Hani .Mill, Kolnilu, where ihty mo giving grout ..iiii.f.o-liou- .

0ST Tiiio ami furihor puitieulnrh may he hint hy upplying to



Import and Sull Wholesale aud


- AM. KINlis or -

FINK CIO AIWTobacoos, CiyarettuH


Smoksrii' ArticlesOil! H'lO' K Ih OMH.I.I I .

'i iil-- ii .till I'm tune iu tin

Soda-Wate- r M .il II

I'aotoiyi rut

IJujiness Bsp'aiutiio

toa MUiti ami iaUriiiiii (uuir ullun am) JUrtlmiii irwivllyl.MS'J lilt .V UU.


".'' S?V &Q

i--j' j..... -- ...

G. IRWIN & CO., LU,Si .tunilt fur Ihr lliiwiiltmt Itlmxl

Iu tho Circuit Court of tho First Cir-

cuit, Hawaiian Islundu.

IN Till-- : MATTKIt OP TIIK KSTATI.L of Mnrlj O'Siillivnu, Into of Hoimliilu.11.1I111. iiiNiiitn. On mailing nnilllhng the petition of Ale'itluim 1'urimii.liuof Mid IIiiiioIiiIii. nxt'uulor of tlio will ofKiil.l v, put) hit; fur 1111 older of mild ofuml e- -t itf Imlniighlg to sulil iliriii-ri- l, iillilnll.'giiig t tint tlie nun (t itftif miI.I tiiKtntrixl follow: Piiri-e- l of IiiihI, luiiiH.t nmlitlier iniprovt'iiii'iith, In lug thu fiiinllj

lioiiu-MtMi- l ut Knlllii, fi 11. In jilcci' uf lu ittl utK (ilioln Iini ii.-.- i r OiiIiii 1'ii-- o 1, Imtliof ulilclimini l.iiulHiii-- Iinitn in lliiiiiilulii, Ulnn.lof 1I1 , nnil -- utting forth certiihiren miuli hi'i'Ii if .1 utu ln .iil.l ho oli,10 lt: I i.illii'li'iii' uf thu nTiniiiltv tooniiuiiih ihe t uf -- 11 til fitntu. 'it Nli"ii-l- .

in-i- reil, Unit tin- - lu-- of mil. I lie-fi- n

it nml nil ptirs ii InlcTi'Meil hi thoniil ii.fiiu. ii.inr hofuro till- - Court onMtiNli.W. tlm nth tiny o Mny, A. Jl.I 'n ul III o'i'lo.'l, 1 m ,,i the Coiiu llouiii

hi C.ni.t, 111 Honolulu, O.ihll, Hiflt.1 .il tluru to lni'i ii.nifu why tin nnlur

I1011M u.'i Im giuuti.i fui tin, i'eof niifliit II I -- tllln.

IMI..I ll.iiiuliihi. II I., Anrll l.'l, IKil.Hy ilnt'oiirii

'""' I I !I.O. M'CAS, Clerk.


i 1.1. pi:u.-o- s wiio.in:ixiii:iiTi;ii- 1 lo th" uf S. I'.lllllnll, 11 I11111L.

riiil, iiie her li r,iiii'-te- . in nml,,. Imnif'll.tt i.iMiii'it lu Ih- - iiiiiler.igiiiil nt tlmn.lii't- - uf II. II inlife i ,v I 11., nun liilii.

J. I. ll.r,H.I.I.of S. I l.rll. h, llmikruiit.

Iloiiul lii, April I, m. lull Al

liet ty dMvHitttun .(J I'HIXVISUionf if thr Itnllrtln Oficr.


Page 3: mmwrm pttl - University of Hawaii · Walker, oer hprei'kuln' Hunk, lortktreil ll,7--1 f WAIAKEAKUA NOTICE. ALL I'AIITIKH DCKIItlNfl TO (10 TO In Manna Vallu) am hereby reiUi-iiU--

v- rmmi&mwwBWt&W www?1?'" : mmm " ff"5 'MffT ' v T-"- r WSfPr


Time Table


trainsTo Kwa Mitt.

H. 1). A. I).

Leave Honolulu .. ,S:I5 l:l! 4:.'J5 f":J0Leave Tonicity . .0:30 2:30 6:10 5:5(1Arrive Kwn Mill 0:57 2:f7 8:30 (1:22

T't HoNOl.tntJ.

o. n. n. a.A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

I.eiive Kwh Mill .. .0:21 luMli 3:13 5:J2Lente Tciirl Cl:y .0:55 11:15 4:15 0:10Arrive Honolulu .. 7:00 11:65 1:55 ns45

A. Saturdays only.II. Dully.0, Huiidnv eicepted.D. Hiitunlius excepted.

(ilu giuhi . ttl.ct.in.

Monday, april 23, isoi.


Arrivals.Hati'mmv, April 21.

Am bktnc June I. Stanford, Johnson, fromNt'ttcn.tle

Stinr Iwiilanl from KimnlStmr Mlkahuln from Kmiul

Sf.MiAV, April 22.btmr Clnudlue from Miuil

Mo.tnw. April 21.Am hk S C Allen, Thompson, lu'j duys

finni S.in IViincl'to

Departures.Mn.Muv, April 21.

ftinr Knnln for Knliiiku ut I p mfctinr Wnhileulo for Ltihniim, KukitlhneloHlmr llnuiill for Hiikoliui nml llutioiiui

nt 12 noonHum Mokolll for Moloknl nml Lnnnl

Vossols LonvlnjMint Clnudlue Mr porti on MoulStmr Miknhnln for Kniiiil

CarfjooB from Island Ports.Minr Mlknlmln --,Vlo Imut siunr, II) hairs

rlcoSlmr Iwnliitil .'UXI hiitf. tiRar, hi;

pmldy. 71 lMg rive, .'I horros, 12 pkirsnindrlcs.

Slmr Olniidlno 3iYl hug, iitirir, 113 hairKit.ltoei. 143 luiipuorii, MMiuku, 111 licnd

eiitlhylUl pkRi. sundries.


Krnm KaimI, or stinr Iwnhinl, April 21.N ilttlbort, M Kiihiwmi und child, mid 7

deck.Krom Knunl, per itnir Mlknlmls. April

21 cv Alex Mtiekliitn.li mid wife, Mlts.MM. Mr Hitch oek, Chin Mnk.-e- , J Al'nlmir, Itoht (.'uttuii. A V KuuiImu, Mm.McKay, Mm llurtwcll. Jnini's Courmuumid wife. Mrs Kliinuy. Mr HnnllriK'. HuvI iM'tiliere nnd wife. Mrs Makuilu, KCur-to- r,

J II ( unuy, J Cninara nml :il deck,l'rom Mnnl, tvr tiur Cliiudliic, April 22Mm I) Nooiinu, Ml Altunndi-r- . JlritT

Mill. Hon V O .Smith, Hon K M llntchmid wife Juilir A (I M Unhortson. ArthurWilder, l'mil .Sciimann, O Hollo. W A Kin-ney, II Ijhk. w Ashfurd, IVII Corn-ttel- i.

V llcrlmtltx, i: Ihirtsclt, C Thoel,Mrs T Ah'iicnuttT. K Zollcr. Atiisiintlnoi.iioi), Mrn llnlchvldvr, mid 3Sdook.

Vessels iu Port.liSH I'hllmlelplila, llnrkor, from t'alluo,

I'lTllII II M ti Clininploii, Itnokp, from llllo11 I J M H Tnkiichlho, Nomura, from Japanl'r corvt'tte Duvhulluult, Ditp iU, from I urnU S ii Aiiilrullu, llouilkttc, from ban

1'rancUi'oAm Mlnnioimry picket MnrnhiK fjtur, (Jnr- -

laud, from tliu Honlli Hc.inAm hktliu Juno 1. Htnnfod, Joliiifon, from

N'CHCIIftlUAm lik SOAIIiii, Thompton, from sj.iri

rranubvuAm hk llt'Hpor, 8oiler(jrun,from NphcokiIu,

oHclir (loldi'ii Shorn, lllrkhulm, from Now.

cimth. N S WAm bk Albert, Orlllllhit, from 8uu I'Van- -

elrcoAm nclir V V Wltzi-imin- , IVduii-en-, from

Nuwenttlu, N 8 WAinbk Ami'lln, Wurd, from INirt Town- -

solidlluw hk It I' Itltlidt, MorrUon, from iiii

hrniiulM'oHaw bk Andrew Wcluli, Drow, from San

1'IiiiicIm'oNorwrKlan hk 1. triiM, Ainlornen, from

Noncnktlu. NH V

Am Occidental, Momtt, from II ('Am hk Alden llo.no, Krllx, fiom tian Kruii- -

cUcoAiiiclirUullolinuk, JoIiiihiii, from I'ori

lllnkolyAm hchr Win Itoudcn, K Jirom, from

Nuwcnctlu, N S V

ForoiRn Vessels Expoctod.C A K S Arnwii, Btttwurt, from Vaiiennwr,

JI1J, due April 2.1

CASH Warilinoi), I'urrx, from Sydney,duoMiiv 1

iV: O 8 S bnelle, IVurnc, from HoiiKkoncmid Ynkohiimu, dun lny II

Am bkttiH DiM-ovur- from bun I'mic' uhj,now ilnu

Am hk Amy Tumor, from New York JulyIS

Am hk Nebho, Mollcatiid, from Now- -tustle, N S V

Am noIi hulvutor, from N H VIlk M Jluckfuld, from l.lviriiool, Juno 15

Uor hk J U (Undo, from I.lverpoul, Apr

Shippinpr Notus.Tliohnrk S.l". Allmi Is docked nt llrew-r'- s

whurf.The Bt'iumirs Mlkuhulu mid C'lnudliic

louvo ou their iiniuil roitnis'I ho huhoonerdolilon Shore bus moved

lown to the l'orl trect wlmrf to receiveluimr.

Tlio biirkcntlno Juno I,. Stanford arrivedfroni Nuwcnntln with 1,'Olioinof

coal for V. (i. Irwin A-- Co. bhc wn llftx-tw- o

days out.

Sled.TANNATJ-l- ii thlx city. April 22, 1MII,

'Ihiiimu Tminutt, ujted uhoul iJJjiarf.WKHSTUU-- ln Sun Francl-co- , April !l,

Marlon II , beloved daughter of Wll-Hu-

S. uml Jennie WelMer amiof MrH. C. Crnddoek, it native of Olas-How- ,

uged S0yeiir,

Our bottor halves say they coulduot kcup lioiiho without Cliamlwr-laiti- V

Cough lomi'd'. It Ih used ininoro than half tint lioiucn in Leeds.Siins Hros., Leeds, Iowa. ThiiHliowhthe osleeni in which that remedy jr.

hold wliurn it nns been Hold for ycnrnanil is well known .Mothers havelearned that them in nothing so goodfor colds, croup ami whoopingcough, thai It cures iheM ailiiieulxijiiickly and puriiiiiiiniitly, and thatit is plodsnul and sj.Io for cliildrniito take, 2."i ami fib cent bullies U

alo by all dealers, lionnoii, SmithtV Co., AgtinlM for tlm HawaiianJnlaiuU,


"Forgivun" nt tlm Opora

About sovon hundred hnvo regis-tered ou Maui.

IJ P. Znlilnn is now day dork attbo J'olico Station.

II. Laws has arrived from Maui totaku tliu ollU'o of Auditor-Uenoral- .

Chris. Ooriz is again a freo man.Ho finished his sentence ou Saturdaylast.

Admiral Irwin returns to tliuCoast on tbo S. S. Australia iioxtSaturday.

Tbo central commit ko and tliuthird district club am still at warnull uai'ii cthur.

I . ltPitni.iniia nli.ij.ri.. tm? ml.!cal meetings broko tho slilluoss yes-terday afternoon.

Ono or inoro Sliakcsparinti playswill bo given by D.iiloy's Companyduring their chort isit.

Them will be a battalion drill onPalaco Square this evening. Onlvtwo companies will participate.

TIlP O. A. . S. Armvn. itnn In ilnrfrom Vnticoincr, had not been sight-ed as tho Ik'M.r.TiN goes to press.

District iUnifistrntii titiirlm. m.sumed tbo bench this morning, afteran absence of four dnys on ilnui.

Tbo yachts Bonnie Dundee andHawaii Hew their flags to-da- iuhonor of President Dole's birthday.

Hawaiian Lodge, So. 21, F. andA. M.. meets this evening at ":.!()o'clock, for work in tho tliird degree.

Dailey's Company are conceded tobe the most versatile Organisationthat has visited tho islands iu years.

Tho Hishop of Pauopolis visitedtbo French eruNor DuchalTault thismorning, receiving a salute on rotir-liit- f.

The liaymoud ,t Whitcomb parte,chaperoned by II. C. Lyon, will akepaago on the S. S. Australia forhome.

U. S. Minister Will! nmil.i n imllon tbo French cruiner DucbnlTaiiltthis morning, and was saluted onleaving.

A meeting of the Bureau of In-

formation will be held nt .1 p. in.Wednesday, at the Cliamberof Com-merce.

President Dole is Hi) years old to-day. The Government band sere-naded him at his residence thismorning.

In the San Francisco Call of AprilII appears a report thatHarrison does not favor the annex-ation of Hawaii.

A splendid chance for bookdoverswill offer in the Hale by .las. !'. Mor-gan of A. J. Cart Wright's library at10 o'clock next Friday.

Mr. Fujii, Jnpuuese CoustilUeue.rid, went ou board the U. S. IlaushipPhiladelphia Ibis morning and waaccorded the usual salute.

A formidable legal contingent re-

turned to town by tlio Clnudiuo.Some of them were engaged in theWailiiku water rights case.

M. A. UousnlviM, If. Kleinme. .1.M. Vivas mid A. Fernando., arementioned an independent candi-dates for the constitutional conven-tion.

William Bray has been sentencedto bis mouths imprisonment at hardlabor for the larceny of two bags ofsugar from the steamer Pole ouApril 17.

Sir Uobert llerron, of King-to- n,

Ireland, in extending his Bn.u.Ti.ssubscription three mouths, writesthat he will probably be in Honoluluwithin that period.

The Custom House wharf wascrowded to-da- with people watch-ing the operations of the piledrher.U. S. Consul - General .Mills wasamong tho number.

D. W. McN'icbols or Oakesdale,Washington, arrived ou the S. S.Australia ou Saturday. Mr

who is accompanied by hiswife, expects to make a stay of abouta month.

H. V. Sowtrnueo, foimorl.v Hawai-ian Consul-Gencra- i nt San Franciscoand then American Consul-Genera- l

at Honolulu, will probubly be thenew Secretary of the Board of lMu-catio-

according to the Advertiser.

Thoiuns Taunalt, an old resident,died ut the Queen's Hospital y.

Ho leaeh a willow. Mr Tan-nn- tt

was Past Grand of the OddFellows, besides being active in I heMasonic fraternity. His funeraltook place nt !):.!( I this afternoon.

Besides the election of ollieeis atthe annual meeting next Wodiicr.-ilay- ,

the Hawaiian Tea .V CoffeeCompany w ill consider a pr iposit ionfor increasing the capital stock. Itis therefore desited that there be afull at ten lance of stockholders.

Seen arrests were inadecslerilafor selling spirituous liipiors with-out a license. One Liu Kamohaepleaded guilty and was Miutoucnd topay a tine of $100, and another, Ka-hili, followed next, bui iu his cnosentence was suspended until mov-ed on by th pro-cculio- u.

President l)uo'- - Ihmimi was made1 pei fed bower of flower to-da-

with the floral tribute-- , sent m byliis ftieuds iu r of his half ecutury aiiuiversuy. The clerks of theKoiuign ulllco had neb boiupiets ufcarnations awaiting (h- - I'looiloiitou his ilek this iiixrninj,'. Pre-udeu- l

Dole is looking well In day.

B. L. Finney, who has been en-

gaged iu Iheeiieulnlioii depaituieutsof the Seattle Tulegiaph, VacuumNews and Oakland Timei, for severa! car paM, - ew eiiii:chari.'e of I lie local d -- Iriliiitiou ofthe 1MI. III I.I.I US. lie eoliH's Willithe li st of ii'tiiiiiiiiuls ami it -(

nllliilelillV epectei Ih.'il siib-eti-be-

will be iucieaei and IxKirsuiM'd than evci unth i Ins manage-tnuul- .


Various Matters Pontllnu nmt De-cid-

in tho Higher Courts.

S. Kaalawa, by his .ittiiriiny, W. A.Kinney, tleuies each nud every alle-gation of the Olownlu Sugar Co.'scomplaint iu ejectment proceedings.

Yco King Tong (representing theChinese graveyard) duuiei each andevery allegation of J. A. Magoon'scomplaint in ejectment proceedings.JHreno IJ. li Brown has dicon-tinne- d

her suit to declare a trustagainst C. A. Brown.

In tho matter of the estate ofAuin, Judge Whiting has approvedthe account of Vim Qtion, adminis-trator, and ordered final ditributioti

C. V. Ashford, as guardian tutlilrm of minor children, to sign theirreceipt, and tho widow to file hers.Mngoon for guardian; C. W. Ash-for- d

for widow and minors. The ac-counts show receipts of $sS.'Mu andexpenditure of S870.0D, leaving bal-ance of .1 3 0(5.

Charles F. Petersou, master, hastiled his report upon the first andfinal account of B. F. Dillingham,administrator of the estate of A. L..Smith, deceased. All iueutory wasfiled Dec. 1, IWll, showing real es-

tate, personal property, debts, etc.,amoiiiitiiiir to S'il.r.70 VI. Aitirnmuowing by the estate footetl up .?l

Iu his account, the adminis-trator charged himself with cash iuhand. ptiueipal,otc.,$l.l,.ir.0.,.)2, uponwhich he charged commissionsamounting to.?(5!HI7, and creditedhiiu-el- f with disbursements of Silt,-ri(i().ii-

A difference between the in-

ventory and the account, iu cash onbaud, of .?.12.)2.. i explained by theadministrator's statement that acount of cash in hand and iu bonkwas that much less than the ledgercalled for. A inortg.ige of 51 1,:,00.02to Mrs. C. C. Allen had been dis-charged by n transfer from theestate to the heirs. The storofixtures. stock iu trade, .etc..inventoried nt ..J.'H, were sold' for?.10()0. Of nu item of Sl22l).ir, billsreceivable, the administrator hailonly accounted for $20 1. '20. Thematter finds that after paying a debtof $2.V2.", the administrator hadturned over $3000 to the heirs iunolcs, and is ready to tile receiptsfor I hem. Othem items unexplain-ed satisfactorily where they differfrom the inventory. Tho masterwould reduce the commissions to$1")3.1I7 for reasons given, and makesthe amount to be paid over to theheirs $2271 30 instead of $I707.I'iO asallowed by the admiuistiator, adifference of but costs ofCourt to como out of this balance.

Judge Whiting has referretl theaccount of F. A. Schaefer, guardianof the minor heirs of Chns. A. Long,to Henry Smith, master, for report.There is n balance of $3(i.0.(3.

In the long litigated case of IC. A.Jones, assignee in bankruptcy ofGeo. Norton, vs. Mrs. 12. K. Norton,the .Supreme Court by Judge Bick-erto- u

has rendered 'a unanimousdecision against the assitruco Tie.case was a bill iu equity to set asidea deed for want of consideration andfor fraud. A decree dismissing thebill by Judge Cooper of the CircuitCourt wns appealed from but is sus-tained by the S ipreme Court. Foblowing is the syllabus of decision:

"A conveyance made by one whomore than two ears afterwards wasadjudicated n baukiupt will not, ntthe suit of his assignee iu bank-ruptcy, be set aside (in the groundthat it was made iu fraud of credi-tors, where it appears that it wasmade for a valuable considerationand that the grantee, who marriedthe grantor the next day, took with-out knowledge that the grantor wnsinsolvent or that the making of thoconveyance would leave him iusol-ven- t.

"it is competent in such case forthe grantee to prove a considerationof both money and marriage, al-

though thoonly consideration namediu the conveyance is one dollar."

W. It. Castle for complainant; J,A. Magoon for defendant.

Judge Whiting has appointedMala (w.) as guardian of her threeminor children, residents of Molokni,iu place of Kaikuaana tw), resigned.

In the mntter of the estate of A.A. Corniot, deceased, the accountsof F. A. Schaefer, with report ofHenry Smith, master and appraiser,have been approved lv Judiro Whit-ing. Tho Government realizes $'.RM)

as tax ou beneficial legacies, this be-

ing the lir-- t instance of the opera-tion of the law of IS! 12 establishingsuch species of taxation. An appli-cation to have the legacy to theCatholic Church made exempt wasrefiiM-il- . beeaiiMi llin clmii.li iu milan incorporati d body, aNo hocau-i-

gift of that nation to a Moiety other-wise exempt from taxation was notexempt under the statute. Hatchp j I a mitor tiie executor, i lie total amountioali.od iu thii was over$20.1 MK).

A. Manpies has been appointedudiniiiMrator of the estate of An-

tonio Mouteiro, ou the applicationof A de Souza Cnnnwtrro, I'ortu-guo-- o

Charge d' Affaires.Judge Whiting has appro, cd the

annual accounl of Mrs. Hohrou, astrustee of the otatu of the Into T.II. Ilobion. s :..MI,t3.'l.7K,expenditures $''.l,lil.78, abalance of $ 1 2115 to ensuing year'saccount.

Hawaiian Lodo, No. 31, V. & A. M,


rpin:itr. wii.i. 111: a M'i-.ciai- . Mii:r.A. inu' i.f lUwiii'Uii I.'hIc, Nu 'I, I".A M., ut Mu.iiiiIh leiiipli , corner of Aliil.e'1 (l In I Hotel .tn-tl.- , I'lll.s I MolldllN I

l.VKSIMI. Apii. Jid.iil T.IW o'i. eU, lor

in: is lilt- liiiin 1. in .

MimiiIh of Indite l.i' I'r'i 10 unit mi-- )iirnini; llicilinn mn fiiilcriiu invited

Ui ln n -- I'Mll old ri.l the W . M. .

T I. WW, I.Ii'l fen reliir).


I urn in im'iiiim 111: pi iu uI ll'.ll Inn OM'l i In SI iu t Nil. I .1.Ni.ii urn i.'n uiili il.',i an il uiiii'l.linciri 11 !il: in s ipphlrcn, l'i nrl,et . Hiin I' in I e iili-- i

tr It 1 , I in llmid Hindi l.tit-- . .

An lim (lull uf mt loch l noli. iu..W. J h.VHIIliS,

'tl If Nu Kill Nmiiiuu .trid,


Sho Nearly Breaks the Uncord forSailing Vcssola.

Tbo American bark S. C. Allen,Captain Thompson, arrived thismorning after a fine pa'sne of tenand a half days from S.in Ftancisco.Tho S. C. Alien left a day ahead ofthe Australia. During life iitt fourday of the passage the vessel cover-ed 1100 miles, more than half thedistance. If tho wind had continuedfavorable the S. C. Allen would havecome down ou stoamor time. Cant.Thompson was up nearly all night,and brought her into port early thismorning.

W. II. Pago and servant woro pas-sengers on tho Allen. Mr. P.ige,who is an old kttmaahui here broughtwith him cloven horse.. They arefor sale.

Besides tho horses tbo 8. C.Allenbrought a full cargo of general mer-chandise.

Included in hor crew is a mannamed Poiporcoru, formerly of thepleasure yacht Tolna. The man lofttlio yacht when she touched herelast.

m m i


Registration Does Not Roach thoVote of 1893 by 1243.

Below is n statement of tho num-ber of voters registered for tho con-stitutional convention, comparedwith the number of voters who votedfor Representatives at tho generalelectiou of I8D2. It is to bo remem-bered, iu this connection, that hun-dreds have registered for the con-vention election who conld not voteunder the electiou law. All of thedrift element that has floated intoHonolulu sine- - the revolution, pro-viding they have enlisted in theregular or volunteer forces of theProvisional Government, were

to registration. Followingis the comparative statement:

VntislI'ill. Is'i..

rt I ... .V.'l (nil" -' aui .vy" .1 ire mo" I . si fin" ! . . ITI 4i"i

i:7 ---


Iti'Kl-terv- d Ic-- thnn vete.l I'JIt

Public Ooncort.

The P. G. Band will render thefollowing program at Emma Squarethis evening at 7.30 o'clock:

iwnr i.March I'mvl-loi- (Iiivcrnincut llcrcerOverturi' ThcOuth . , . . Aulicrilriind March The ChlcO 111 thdny.

." ltcrifi-- r

rcii-ciie- iiiiuciuinn ion Ihilfeivuir it.

Medley Mu-lc- nl llevlew ... .lllvlcrc1'rinln-l- n -- ('ecu iliul DitncaWnltx Itt'ineiuhrniieu . Wnldtetifcl(lulop - rniiijiiu. l.eutuer

Ifiiwnll I'oiinl.

This Evening !


Monday, April 23d.



Stock Company

MonJay Evening, April 23d:

I'relu.luk llr ton's Mnsierplece

"FORGIVEN"Wednesday, April 25th:

The llrllllioit Society prnuia


iw no iM.ws tii:i'i:ii;ii -- tPriceH. - - GOo., 7Co & $1.

Advance n.ilcut I,. J, I.hvcj 'm -- lure.t"J7 lit

Just Received3Otd

OYSTERSoisr ice.


At the Beaver Saloon,H. J. Nolto, Piopriotor.

KM I., I


'pi:mh:iii. a r -- ki: mt iui llllild II .Si.lcua k i Kluu Sin 1. 11'lent lull).' Ii, " luel Umi mill itliiiut s ill'

'I'eiulM-- . to he 11. ele for theunll, In hi crcii' mid hi Ktoiin. I'm- -

illlder-iime- d doe. not l.nt I hllll-el- f toti e luui'.t or mi) h I Api li In

J..M MONaAltltAI.Honolulu, April in, lul.'-'- it


'pill'. ANSI Al. MI.I.IINII OK mi.1 Mocl.li ild'ii.i'l ilu II u tn ( ,11 1,v I'l Cii's (I'll. v.. II Im In 1. in thellnuiii n1 lie Cliiiuilx'i if Cniniui icn on

l.lMntiA Anril i'l, in Joelucl.I' M fir the reiiiliin.' ( A11111111I llm.n.11 d I III" l.lei'tlnll of Olliicru A full miltluuiiiUnliisl. W. W. IIAI.Ii,

101 J fit Nsiretur) II. ( . A: T. (.o l.'d.

Hcod'oOuresSharp Pains

Short Breath, Honrt Troublo, Rhoumutism.


r. fta. 5K

I .. I V""' irrw 'J WS&V

$r &.el.).. .SP


IWS mMSttlxi werru ivu tv"-.-- tt t fz.. i'

Sii.jfa6t&fa!i r.:ZJVs. I 31. Pat no

Kaslo Creek, Oregon.

"I hive lUivl here In Oregon for tlio pasttwenty j ran, and incut of tlio time hare been atcry crcnt stifkrcr from Inflnimnnlorrrheuttiiitltin. I luvontvdimtulmtlliy doctorcalled heart dUcaie. wttii Mtnrtnc of breathnnd Jliarppalinliitlielefi ji.to. I derided to takeHood's e.maparllh, nml befura I hid ntilriicdthree hottlcs I w.is l:i Iwtter health Ihan I hadbeen for yean. 1 do not have nay pain now,

leep well, nnd Uxla j no w onian of my ojEnjoys Cottor Health

than I. At homo on the ranch I not only nttendto my family liomonnrk, but tut summer Ieared for and milked four rn a. I do not fedthat 1 can aay half cuou-- li In pralso of

Hood's SarcaparillaMas. I. M. r.ovr. Kaglo Cieek, Orenn.

Kood'n Plllcnti prompt red efilcient, yeteasy In action. Uold t all drcjjttt. i.'5c

HOHItON, NEWMAN A CO.,Agents for llnwnllnu Islands.


L r,To i.i-.- r on mi:im; L-- r.

X. lAlllll Jlrrcl near Mil.lor street. irii tf mm


'IMVO Nli'KI.Y II L ifTB.--V

lilshcd ItisiiiM fur Ti Twits.Oclillcnicii ut No. I (Inrdcii I!JI. J'l.lIjoic. shj tf


'PIIOSi: VI'llY 0KIlt- - i yvi1 nhtn Sei-ld- " - Aii.'.stv ?

nt Wnlkikl in II a:.::i ir'tti nK. I'iMir. pirtic iImm -- aLiiiitapply tn rilAh. I I51M.H K.

!!'. II Tru'ti-c- ,


Ai''(nihiii:i llcrcliinliim-M-

sirci'i, inr enner niinii) nr fit Zi,?A islimle T nn WifSV'iiiuilcrntc. I nr pittlciihirn n t.f l ,n thisiilllcc. lute if


UMA1 I. CtlTTAUK (litO I'imiiii -- Ulifuriil.li.-ijprcfrrrcil-iiu- il llennl willnu l.nillti f.iftii. v . ,ddri v. II.," Hi 1 ris Oil

t(M IC


IK I'O l.r.Ti ON i .j,. --..ClOTTAI sthel, eiie htiK's siY'ilifrniu linrn'c.ir, all iniMoin iir!i2i.liupriiMMiieiiti, iiImi ll.iru, LZJxk'gjp' Snuilo und tjcrvtiiit'n Ihioiu, Apply iui v SACilM,

irC-t- f Kurt htrei't,


:oi: six mov ni.- - ifrom .liimi ... -I, ls'i, 1111 .1. Ivery iu rent to mi I

nn i vol tumult, my IImi Iviu.iii stm t, one mile from the I'n.t i

onice, l hurt-- nrc Jl I'uhlic Itouin. mid I

llcd'i'oiu. Willi nil the uxiinl I'Mtiviiiitcuceii.IW7 If ItOI.I'. I'vl ru.N.



T..I.;H!l!iliiiljolulii) the rclilciiu' ..f Mr hTT.I iTT -hun. I'lic llnii-- e Ilu'lnu 'lwoMirli- - inn.lulu. S x l.'ircn llcdri.iiiii., l'ariiirs, llilimnlIIihiiii, Kilclmii with Set l.iuiKt. I amrj.eio , uml lliithruom nu each Hour 'I I n- -tire Imu.i' Is ll;hli-- with clcctricllj I heliroiinil. nrc l.iritc mi I iiiiiik v.tilie nf riliiulc mid Krult Tries. In n ilni'r-nhl- c

temilit the prup-- rl will he h I ut nrciisnuithln rentill. I'.iiiinlrc of

I' V. MAi I'Altl.ANI'..ten im I'uiiiii Keel Cii'hiiiiih.

Desirable y Residence

FOR S-A.Tj-T!.

pilK. UMll.ltSlOSKII OKhKI'.n I nit1 Mile ill it I' Inline Itci cc-i'- ii

hinet, U'jiinliiK llm riKlilimi olI . Jolili-iil- i, K i I he bit hits u friiitii!fnf uhoul lui del nu Kiiploliini rtrtei nudis f n tin I lit to IM f et di ei. I In n I .1 ncuiindciccc.lliijily Wcli.liiilii Duelling lloii.eon tin' pruperl. oiui.iiiiiui; l.irnu I'ur.'iir,DlliiiiK-rooui- , llclnsiui. llilh. Kl'dieumid I'liutry C lliid W'ulu Vm.iml.i-.- ,

I arrliiii. Ili.u.i.. S nil., i.tii i.i. I I... Ltroilinlx are m ..l und liinliil vmiIiI Irnlt met lndi lie h.

tW I he eleviillnn is iiiiiiiin l mi nil- -

ihilruuti'il vii'. (mm Diiiiiinnil llcml 'ntlicWlilliliMc Moiiu'ain. Iniciidiiii; pur li imten iu.pcct pit nn. mi upplii 11. mn In

j Uml-ji- v I At. I. MwliU N.

OG a

j Steamship CoFOK.sAN

rm: i hii v m- - 11

Sjt ?j!-- AUSTRAL I A"

WII.I. I I.W i: lloVnI.l I.fI..I. ill ill it I I nil us

Saturday, April 28t,li.


' liI UriHiuli 'I'm Lei- - .in 111. iu h. ill

miiiiI- - 111 II.'' I mini Mud -

f37 I '' furl It r i.i . r , iriilniI uirfM nr l'i..iirfi. .i .lv 1.

M i. Ill WIN A ' i' I 1,

lull-- . I Oiiar.i. A Kvnt. '

Headquarters for White Goods

3ST. S. SS-A-O-HS'

SSO F'ot-- t Street, Honolulu.

Imncnse Assortment I Lowest Prices I

NAlN.SMMKsj plain, 8trl-cd- , Cheeks and IMnldn.

Persian Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Linen LawnsIN AM. OHAKKS AND I'ltlCKej.

IMMITIt;ln tirlM.ii, Chock-- , Plul.N ami llnir Mm- -






All Width- - with InsertlnK to Mntcli.

All-uv- or Embroidery, Embroidery Flounces and Demi

Laces of Every Description in All Widths.

hlT 3. LBVT'18 Robinson Block, Hotel Streol,


Stock Must be Sold on May 1st.I WII.I. SKI.I. OUT MY KNTIItK TiH'K, CON.SI8n.Nll OK

Dry and Gent's Furnishing Goods,

SHOES, HA.TS,Mens and Boys' Suits, Etc, Etc.fcSr It m iiiiiusHl)lu I'or nu-- to mention all tliu Article'

nnd I'riivj,!


Monday, March 19.I'LKASK OIVK MK A CALL!

Stock Filnst b3 Sold on May 1st.

NOTICE.I li.iVi' Iwii instnictc.l by Mit. J. M. dk Sa k Sii.va.




11- 8-


1IOX 372

Butter and Island ButterOX HAND

lox& CO.,



proprietor of (hv IIawaiian.Iapaxksk Uazaah, Hotel street,to his Mock of .JAPANISli GOODS. Also, biu'soit.nei.t of .JAIWXKSK PAPER XAPKIXS will beI.KS.sTII.W

Just Received per S. S. Mariposa "-- - - A I.AI10K ANIl CHOMK STOCK OK

Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Etc.Wi. Ili:i5 a I.I. MI'KOl.VI. Ari'KNTloV TO OLMl

Dross GJ-ooJ- s in. Wool and Muslin,SILKS, LACES, HOSIERY, ETC , ETC.

s. if. eh:i7bk.s sb go.. OP Bll PORT ST'R.IBTDTii.i.kI'Iium; ipi --






Ntiw Received by Every Steamer from San Francisco.

i'VlVV.d,.sUMl,,.!in'y ","",, t""' ,Ul,,"ctl,m Kiiuraml, ,m,l.iMin.N IImhk. KiNnSrmxT. IIkt I.kt Alakka Sthketh.

not 11 ii.i.i;i iiiim .io

-- I' W.


O 114

m. u






Iniporieni, Wimble A1 Ml Grocers

Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFre3li Goods by Every California Stoamer.

ICK - HOrSK . HOODS - A - SPKC1AI.TV.hm.h ..i..usS,l,,r, &j g- - SATIMM(.Tl0N



I. o.



il. E. McIXrYUE & into.,isiiiiiirius tMi ukalers is

Groceries, - Provisions - and - Feed.S.n ii.-- !. II... 1 ... I t, j I'.i.kelfr.m the l:,.eriiSt.,tesi.lidKliros-- .

rUKMI I'AI.II'nilNlx - PHOIUCjv . Y - I'.VEHY STEA.MEUMl "nlcr. fui.l.l.' i,..,,!..! ,, ! ,,.,. J),,,,.,.,,.,, , ""I'.n of 1,1 1 ii) ni;i,

I.SI.AM. OlIIIHls Si). trill Kirim-.m- II......KAnl lOit.NMi rlilll



Page 4: mmwrm pttl - University of Hawaii · Walker, oer hprei'kuln' Hunk, lortktreil ll,7--1 f WAIAKEAKUA NOTICE. ALL I'AIITIKH DCKIItlNfl TO (10 TO In Manna Vallu) am hereby reiUi-iiU--

HfcVWMir "; "'i: 'H' sjwrw '- -ty y ' '. e"HSEP"?';; .flTOT'rf :7"

FORTY-NINT- H ANNUAL REPORT Golden Rule Bazaar.',All tho


Graze In London


1)008;"DAI NIPPON" The Prize


New-Yor- k Life Insurance Co.






Premium Income $ 27,'I88,0o7.MInterest, Rents, 0,874,030.61

Total 33.803,0-10- . JW IXJlU liQ 1 IPDeath ClaimsEndowments and Annuities 2,404,002.00Dividends, Purchased Insurance, etc 4,103,453.01

Total to Policy Holders $ in,038,4u0' 27

Number of New Policies Issued 85,1 1 1

Amount of New Insurance Written $228,417,1 14 .00


Assets $148,700,781 .20Liabilities, 4 per cent Standard 131,075,151 .03Surplus 17,025,030.18Number of Policies in Force 253,870Amount of Insurance in Forco 770,150,078.00


Increase in Benefits to Policv Holders 1,0 13,437. SIIncrease in Assets 11,201,582. 22Increase in Surplus 220,082.08Increaso in Insurance Written 54,812,044 .00Increase in Insurance in Force 80,008,010.00Increase in Number of Policies in ForceIncrease in Number of Policies Written in 1803

over 1802Increaso in New Premiums Income over that of




In th following rospocta tho Now York Life., In 1803, hat BROKEN ALLRECORDS ovor mado by Honolf or any othor Company.

FtusT Number of policies applied for in 1803 05,500

Skconp Number of new policies actually written in 1803

Amount of insurance issued in 1803 ..: Jogry

KouitTii Number of policies Paid for 1S03


Finn Net rain in new business over previous year

Sixth Net increase in number of policies in fori

Sevknth Net gain in insurance in force

O. O. BBR.O-BR.- ,



V iiW.




1 1







Electric Printing Office,

Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. 1.



DntinnlJp Dttnn Tuo craze has permeated. rrop. society to quite an iucrudtblo ex- -

tent, sava thn London World? It


J has become almost a point of honor The Hbove store hs receivedUi do not , in for otif with us all to bo fili in. 1 liao (liuilht Splendid Invoice of

Socctaclc and liurafam, hut we can tho wholo matter out. and. bnvitujit you at pricei in with the watched tho various patients of theHint.










Needles Fittings!


The King of All 'typewriters.

Purses and Card

Tennis Rackets and Supplies,

Croquet and Baseball Goods,

42 M Stationery, ffl:tnhiTt,eo;:,,,Kl!nay Small Japanese

Mourning Stationery,

Once Stationery,

Guitars Up.

Tallin new 223,S00,0lll Steamer.

new actually in







''JB'onicWr IteynOlUS,



Al.t. OK




from $4.00

vnr uj jjothaiiow to '

Ifc-- And don't forget CASH l thebasis of our business and It iiluit) talks.



Cleveland Bicycle Clublluc::,I

Will have Its Klrrt Drawing on

APRIL 1 , 1 S4,IT OS'I.Y CdSI.S YOl'

m) A .MONTHI'o Im' Iii line with iitlu r "Cleveland"

riders. W'lint more can you itk for.

Now, a Few Chances Left!




E. WALKER,ir.il-- tf Agent, Honolulu, II. I.


Styles iu Millinery- I IIK I.ATK&T IN -

White and Worsted Goodsi Till: MOhT COM I'l.KTK HTOCK OK


Dressmaking Done by Mrs. Reuner.



General I

At Smith's Bus and Livery-Stables-,

Street,lAdjolniug Metropolitan Meat Market;

Is I lie Cheapest plaeo 111 you can getHils-e- s, Waponeitc, Uui'glCK anil SaddleHor-i- . It will you 10 call and neebefon ou try el i where.

Mutual TolophonoIWMilll


Agent to Acknowledgments

Will intend to Management and Nileof Property and Collecting in

ull iti branches.

and Land For SaleNortberl) conn r nf Iviiiniii Hi retanla

treel.OfKU ri (llle iloor lielnM l.evcij ,

1'ort siretu ti"''' tf



m-- u

W. J. h.VliltlH.Niiuiiiiii ktrvvt.


two ureal doctors who have iiiadocorpulenco their special study, I havecome tho conclusion that youmust in this case, at in others, makeyour choice between two evils. It isa question now of faco or figure.That tho vory stoniest people candecreaso their size by followingstrict dietetic rules cannot be doubt-ed, since a duko has lost sevonteouinches of girth and a lady lost twoor threw stones in weight in two orthree mouths, but I am sure of onething. 1 am sure it ages the patiout,and 1 would recommend auy comelylady of middle age and fair proporlions to leave the cure alouo. It ismilv rmmif mutitln inot lirurinnlnc In Cushions. Tabic Covers.trrmvntnut wlm r..llr bv it.. Ilcd Covers, Gowns,

If the stretched skin is no longorfilled out it mutt fall into wrinkles,and these arc distressingly ugly.Shall L'ivo you tho diot, whichnearly everybody has tried, or istrying now, and which both thogreat doctors recommend, with vari-

ations! Here it is, copied from adiet card:

"8 a. ni. --Sip three-quarter- s of apiut of hot water.

0:30 Two cups of tea with noth-ing in it, unless saccharin; ono ounce

D . ui urj iimsi, uigut ounces ui luiiumeal or Gsh.

"11 Sip a tumbler of hot water."1:30 --Ten ounces of lean moat,

' or fowl, or game, six ounces ofed mm.

"1:30 Tea as at breakfast, andone or two special biscuits.

"8 p. ounces boiled fish,four to six ounces of lean meat, sixounces of stewed fruit."

Atlll Villi tll.1t linl.h 1trnti.1t. tri,o82,oos 0f Fine and Rugs




n.ivu uiij ickukiuicb iiiiii noovu

s round not roots; youritiK Drantly or whisky or dry

Moselle, as advised. doctorrecommends particular Moselles; onedoctor recommends a particular biscuit; anil

Soilier charges only instead of 25

ordered K'dm'as. you drinkauu .i...i. n.i.... iilm for l'lenlcsor









(rowand may


doctor more




iniiuB. iiicii suiiiuiuiiiK .UKir,. limy can beof concession. have hoard many tent.lieonle say that not to drink at meallimes is ft) itself cure for stout-ness. Several people, ninonf; them

very pretty, smart woman (she iswell-kuow- u countess), ravo about

tho lady doctor in Grosvonor.and declare that their faces well

have been improvedtheir liguro.


electrical innssnge.exercise, anil

to see how manvpeople do walk nowadays.

Wit mid Humor.Lucy: "And you're Koinj,' to

ilint noli olit fellow? Do you realizewhat you'ro doiiif,'?" Molly: "Cer-tainly, coining the seniorajjo."Clrtelmitl 'In hi lfrnlrr.

When woman says to her hus-band, "You know haven't bit ofjealousy iu my nature, but shouldlike to know," etc., look out forStorms. Atvhinm Ufolir.

Young mother: "Hnby Is some-what cross to-da- He is toothing."Bachelor (in great awe of tho miteof humanity): "And when do youexpect him to commence hair-ing?" Viujlir..

"My fee, if we win," said the law-ve- r,

"will bo .iwUK). If we lose willIm .7f)0(l." "You mean the other

' way, don't youl" "No. havo tocharge more when lose case tocover tho loss of prestige. Jmlye.

, LittloMiss "Mymother remembers when your grand-father used to wood for hermother." Little Miss Freckles (de-fiantly): "I s'poso ho did it for thopoor oio soul out of charity." -- UmlXrim,

There js the dilloreuco iu thoworld iu carrying water for thewashing and for tho animals iucircus. This one of tho vory fewthings iu life that his fatheruuderhtatids heller than his mother.

Ali'liimm (Hutu

about fifteen years since thoDistrict of Columbia courts ceased

' to consider Good Friday nonjudi-cial day. Iu Chief Justice Carter'scourt at that time tho old uiiMomwas first changed. Said tho lateHon. ICichnrd T Merrick to tho late

VkitnTs: Piflflifi PaTtlP'i Tliaill Chief Juhtico Carter: "You will notKlbllUU), rdUICb, huU1 cimr, "Wlivnol?"





baiu tho chief justice. "It will bei Good Friday," answered Mr. Mer--

rick. "Court has never been heldon thnt daj." "This court will be1held," declared tho chief justico."Then," said Mr. Merrick, "yourhonor will he the first judge whoheld court mi that day since PontiusPilate." Ann (llnhf Ifrmuiriil,

Qurninii Bilver Policy Btands.

von PosadowHky-Wehne- r,

secretary of tlio imperial ireasurv.Par

who advocate ofsaid, regaui to the intended coin- -

age of marks, that this didnot Imply change tlio currencypolic. was merely thesecretary added, supply tho prac- -

ileal needs of the country.could mil, unaided,

in regard to currencymatters. Tho count alM said that

use of hilver for bank reserveswas one means raising Ihowtluoof that metal

UoiiMiii, hlillllifor

Hotel Street Block)


JapanesoSilk & Fauoy

Per S. S. "China."


Beautiful Crape

Dress Goods nil rlmde, plain andllgured.



Chemises, Shawl,

Silk Rainbow

All Color Fancy Draerlcs,

TrnknnMamit g.nte, d Herein of Anheiiruium umci cu uauuaci umcio u

Pnllle. Srnrf, 8alies,Jackets, Caps, Kto Kte.

NOVELTIES:I'fl.l-- s tln"0 Wood nl n0lllll

you, Including

Elegant Silk Kimonos 1

Handsome Clgurette Cases,I'll) Cushions.

Slllc Tea Cosies,

Bilk Umbrellas, light hut strong;Chair Middle. ,lk;llamboo lllluds. Iltte.1 with pilMeys;Silk bunp Mhades, new style.

Japancss Scroons, from S3 Up.

ii one is

loSiS''0,,,".! "rte Japanese Umbrellast

Music Booksuroiind.

: '",ml



iiiiRi ib ,,r opotie.1 or useda 1 as a





it is




aI a





I a





a boy's

It is


.V fa




ox- -





ItispriMlou IiivIiihI.

J, P, P. Coliaco, Proprietress,

rj : sSi I 5


o & ; i

9 1




The "Tochin" Himmi of I'einitiit haslurgxM 'alu iu the Cnited ritiitcs,

owing Its I'liorimius sirengtli. Illsvery Ituuly ground, only a residue, of.'( to pureeut existing when passedthrough a itivu of Oft) nii'tli-- . to thesipian lueh. .....

Hi It H.VI.K Al--

ALLEN & ROBINSON'S,Hole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.


a . , ...the .1 A ViHniA

a aan bimetallism







Silk and

Grape Suits,












Ijeorue W. I liicoln ulio been nsliili- -

lihi'd In llouuliilu for Hcar ax a

Builder andWlhhes to iiiinjn 1.. with tint hard timesUllll to glVe to t list pill, i liellitHllVfurnishing lit. 111 with good wort, nt loprices fur niut You iami"t illurd Inlid your pmpertx goto ruin foi the want ofrepaim. M'. I.liit-- 11 ,lll g.iaraulei sails,fartion. I'atrnnici 1I111 Kiiiiiuniuii.

GEO. W. LINCOLN,IIKJI tf !ii King kin

II will bo an agreeable surpriseperM.ns M.l.ject to attacks of bilious C, B. II1PLLY & All HUH RhYNOLDS,

colic lo learn that prompt reliefmay Im hml by taking Chnmberlalii'H AROHIT1BOTS,Colic C'lmlera and Ularrluea Kern- - oimiki New Hafii HeiHisit ii uiding.

r lir.o To INHMIM Till I'l'lU.lc 0(y, n many instaucim the attack ion -- treei. iion-iui- u. 11. i.

J that I havcon I m Hu.re at No. I xl ....... 1 bv t;iklni llilxNiiuauil-tre- ul with tlmi Manulaetured ,'"' P"'"IIU'tl ,,, leiill.in. and -- ip rliiteii.lroin.'d) i. .,,,, as the first syinp- - U. KVi-- for l.very I) rlpiiou id li,ui..etc, .lust rH'elved some Pure U)on'lca tlllllH of t ! llisellHO appear. 2-- l Illld ilK (M Mllildlligs ueeiis-.full- IteiuiMl- -

It. AIo, i;eyion llauu-i- i iiiiu. i.aie. r,() cent boiilus for Hale OV all "'"en w n 'margeii. iiigns r inn rli.rAll Innmrtlonnf ley sloek innillelleil. ,: or Meelmuieiil Draw- -

iiutniin . 11 pii.iIihi nn.i itii... i(-- i. .... 11 1. .

iu. t.vi




ers. iV i;the Hawaiian Islands,




iiibi iiMs-nij- , .i..,w miimhhi I'luniui:!for or Nvwipapur llliitruilun.

Awarded !

Anheuaor-Busc- h Browing Co.Wins tho Prizo at thoWorld's Fair with thoir"EAG-IiE- " Brand Boer.

St. Lot'18, Oct. 23, 18!.Mr. AM. MAl'rARI.AKK A Co., I.'l'.,

Honolulu, I.Itenr Sim Wo have, mnllcd VOll ft coiV

of tlio Wohflltmntrat announcing tlic greatvictory won bv the AsiiLfurn-llfKC- ii Asso-ciation UtlitheIr "KAdl.K" Urand ofllccr.


(H)erM T)tinUh to .)

Wontn's CiituAuo, ill., Oct. m.o award has ever been made so gratifying

to St. Louis lioonle nnd so justly merlteas tlie ono given y by the Columbianlurv of the World's Knfr. conslstlm: of connoisseurs and chemist of the highest rank,to the Atihciter-lltic- !i brewing Associa-tion, lly method of unrivalled bulncsenterprise, and by using tho best materialprodueed in America and Kuroe, oxcl'ud- -

tig corn ami omcr aniiiicranis or surro- -

Untirllrawnliiftfo the kinds tho



luscli beer liavu tho favorites withtho American icutdc, and linvo now eon- -

'qitcreil tlic liigiiesiawaru lit every jiariK'u-la- r,

whleh had to bo considered by thot oliimbtan jury. Tlio iiign character 01the award given y by tho Jurors IIIbe letter understood when It Is known thattho dlll'ercnt beers exhibited by tho

llrenltig Association had toconiete with hundreds of tho most excel-lent displays of other brewers. Tho factthat no other concern has received soniniiv tiolnts for the various essential itial-Itli's- oi

gooil lHer confirms anew tho linn'srcpulitlon as the leader of all Americanbeers, and Mr. Adolphus llilsch can feelproud over tins recti u to pisuv meriieu.

74 M.T:' 'fWUUU --li4; 'A

s&" The above Is a o( Ibe

Label of the " EAGLE " Brand wlilcli took

the Prize.

0- - In ordering this Deer be sure toask (or the "lvAOU:" Urand.

Macfarlaiio & Co., L'd,WJ.1-- tf AutuU fur lliiuiiilnit hhiiuli

1 Hawaiian


i Notice to Consumers I

Tht ntw Korkt of Hit Ihiunilmx

Klrelrle Co. briny now compltlnl,

notice fa lirrrby ulvtn tlmt rum

(inif utrr January loth the Cum-pun- y

In jirepnrrd In nupjily fiieiiu-tlmct- nt

rlrrtrtt IlijUtinn to

In a few ilayn Hit Company will

alto be prepareil to fiirnixli ejn'trit

inotort for power, ami of which

lw notice will be aiven .

The Company further announce

that they art prepared to receive

onlem for interior wiriny anil can

furnlnh fllurea and all fitllnyn ineoniurtian with new service.

Printed rulm, regulations andCompany's rates can be had on

application to the Superintendent.

Win. G. IRWIN,ill- -' if i'ii:kii)i:nt ii. k. co.


ml Talking l'lioiioi'iiili



in tferman ltoici.stag replying to A KUSlIieSS fronOSUlQU P lnnfidranh nr(iietiou upon tho part of deputy 0'"r





tin- -

Nippi.lre-.l'in- r!

dual,.i.,iUiPml.';lllli11' Maps



Cormir Hotel and llvthel Htrietn.

You will lliiil all of the l.ateht HeleetionsIn Kasleru Muslc-Hoii- g-, llnmn Hands,

I'oniut ami Xylophone Solus We,also imike a npVL'ialty of Nativ.i MumIc,

New Records Ruelvcd by Every Steamer.

WT" Don't fiiiret lln plaeo "Vn tou'h,''nor tho prlre, only eentt, eaeli selection.

'.Is., .im

NICOLAS BREHAM,-i- m'.vi.i;u is-A- LL


Soft Soap a SpecialtyI'iihIi t'rl.e utta for lallow.

ikj Kirui hriti;i:i.

F. O. BOX 341.U7I-- U


Are Receiving New Invoices of





Where they arc fully prepared to do nilkinds of work In tlio latest tyle, nt

the shortvat notice mill tit themost Heaoimbl(: Hates.

Fine Job Work in Colors a Specialty I


Executed In the Mont AltiactlvcManner.




Head the following partial Hat of spec-ialties and gut the lIutLETiN'b prices be-fore placing your order:. Uy so doingyou will nave both time and money.

Letter Heails,Note Hi-iul- ,

Uill llcuilo,MeinoraudiiiiiB,

JJillri of Luding,HtutcinuiitM,


Agieuniunta,rihippiug C'outractH,

Check ilookH,Legal Ulunkb,

IUulouUiirb.Viuitiug Ourila,Huriiui'Hd Ciirilti,

Fuiierul (Junlb,AUniirisioii CurilM,

Fraternal Curds,Time Cards,

Milk Tickets,Meal Tickets,

Theatre Ticketu,Hcholursliip Certificates,

Corporutiou Certillcuteb,Murriago OortificiUeu,

Keceipts of ull kitiils,riantutiiu) Orders,

rroiiiihhory iS 'ites,l'lllklplllcth,

Cutulogta-s- ,

I'rogruiiuiic",LaheU of every vurioty,

1'etitioiib iu any language,KnvulopuH it Jitter CireulurB,

Hportiug Kcorcb & ltecorils,reruituiil Wishing Lists,

tieuerul book Work,Ktc. Etc., Ktc, Etc.,

l'lliiled and lllockud wlitin ile.lieil.

Wr No.IiiIi UhIIowimI to leave llm of-U- ce

tiutil It given lutufkutiuu,