1 ""f i I. , . Jk. J I l J.) 1UV V &3 !" rant w wi.m rv v--' "t st mm IT 1 h i AC M I --4! "V PRICE 5 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1891. XIV. NO. 2862. j Slipping. IKtm CUttKrtisenunts. A GREAT LAW CASE. iusmuss Claris. - . TT V One of the most important actions ever Honolulu and San Francisco MailService jiicrtial Ailvertiser brought in this Kingdom is how pend- ing in the Supreme Court. The refer- ence is to the petition for revocation of . a. thueston. w. . tbeab. THURSTON & FREAlt, Altorneys - at - Law, HONOLULU, H. I. POffice over Bishop's Bank. April 2, 1891. 2i20-- q order admitting to probate ttie will oi MCC1,lh Keliiahonui. A Knln-iVinnn- i was one of the ances- - TIME TABLE .wl 11M w " ' tors of the Kalakaua family. He H. LOSE, Commission Agent. Patentee of " Lose's Chemical Com- pound" for Clarifying Cane Juice; of which supplies are kept on hand. ESF-- He will attend to any business en- trusted to him. OFFICE-MERCHA- NT ST., NO. . Telephones Mutual 123; Bell 152. P. O. Box 338. 2793-3- m ATLAS OF THE Oceanic Steamship Co. Uieti in 10y leaving a. vcijr iaigc TTTrTION. I estate by devise to his wife Kekauonohi. ALFRED S. HARTWELL, Counsellor - at - Law (SUBJECT to change.) The Austealia and Zealandia Kekauonom marriea naaieiea, to wuum Sept. 1.) Hilo Record. upon her death in ISol sue leit ner Ilaalelea sold a great deal of 2 the time vdlv neariug property. in a few months it during hi .kts' r.ollod to the residue lifaiiTTin nnd nnnn his liAfttll I . . . .. Leave San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M. Leave Honolulu at 12 M. Tuesdayg, The Through Steamers Leave San Fran- cisco and Honolulu Thursdays. u-w- --- - 0FirK jn Cartwrient liuuaing, oppusiwc d stnbuted anions his u t w i rnsi, ijiikjg. iiuuuiuiui " ... i. on iieirs. . . i 27y iy-- u ,..er win Thf will of Kehiahonui was admitted to probate in February, 1855. In 1866 a J.M.DAVIDSON, Assurance Company FOUNDED 1808. 1 LSI, IA HVS . . A ri nn.rlV tO view to setting aside the will on AKBIVE HONOLULU. Aue. 4 with a iik CoUIlSellor-at-L- a. Atwiuoj aim i iC0 Trtl. the ground of -- forgery." A. F. Juddanc . Aug. 18 :;riisS tut IiKiLLi. Tnnou n-o- w pnnnsflfnr thft tieti HALL'S SAFE'S, o- - OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. . Aug. 27 LONDON. Capital. Assets, . lti, l about party, anu i 1 tioner. The evidence going to show that $ 6,000,000 $ 9,000,000 Sept. 1 LEAVE STEAMEK. fiAN KKAKCISCO. Zealandia July 28 .. Australia Aug. 11 .. Alameda Aug. 20 .. Zealandia Aug. 25 Australia Sept. 8 .. Mariposa Sept. 17 .. Zealandia Sept. 22 . . Australia Oct. G Afnnnwai Oct. 15 .. llUW i , , ,m v11 . , , i, rr,;n woe- - frwfTOil s vprv fitrnnf? biit I t ffic fnrtriprlv occuDied DV Mr. Sept. 15 . Sept. 24 or the ligM d Robertson who heard the case I65i-l- y Rogers). Sent. 29 Fire-Proo- f, Burglar-Proof- , Fire and Burglar- - -- v n TT t I TTV J . Oct. 13 . Oct. 22 J. B. CASTLE, Commission Mercliant. -- w, We c are noi "u tookthe Kr0und, that he would not set f ?f that raau is one aside the will unless the evidence of its ;J work for the fraudulent character was beyond a reas-- . ?e tan ti ujt 10 onable doubt,thus applying a rule of ev- icts of the counti . iyu dgnce vaid Qnly -- n criminai procedure ','Md be the test ior all tQ a civil case An appeal was taken Having been appointed Agents of the above Company we are now ready to effect Insurances at the lowest rates of premium. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. 1361 2684-- q rroot, vault uoors, mc. IS" OLD SAFES EXCHANGED. LEAVE AMUVE STEAMEB. HOXOLUMJ. BAN FP.AKCISCO. Zealandia Auff. 11 .... Aug. 18 L fMirrOVM Tn Sept. 1 T. W. HOBEGN, Agent, 66 Fort St.p Honolulu. in is. .. country 4 the Irf mon POr.t Uiv.iC til 13 Australia Aug. 25 ... Mariposa Aug. 27 ... Zealandia Sept. 8 Australia Sept. 22 ... Monowai Sept. 24 ... 2824-- y Sept.. 3 Sept. 15 Sept. 29 Oct. 1 Oct. 13 Office Cartwright Building, Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I. 2651-- T WILLIAM C PARKE, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW AND a writ of error was refused. Thus tho case never reached the Court in Banco. Jn 1800, as readers of tho Advertiser will remember, a second attempt was made to set the will aside on the part of Junius Kaae, claiming under his de-nf- a wim wns n. "rand-dausdit- er rear who will correct the Irhe past two years Labi- - 'Ve have had a most mcora- - ENTEEPEISE PLANING MILL Oct. 27 Oct. 29 Nov. 10 Nov. 24 Nov. 2G I ccaocu h uvj ii"" ....w o ; " Zeaianma vcu u ... Australia Oct. 20 ... Alameda Oct. 22 Zealandia Nov. 3 ... Australia Nov. 17 ... Mariposa Nov. 19 ... 2G90-3- m Cabinet for the worpvc uo- - . a ! rpv fiinOO LUO I ul tutJ icoi-t- ui. o Agent to take Acknowledgment. "l v ... .- - attenuon at uie nmc wf iitare dosed, tnese mcu i thoroughly argued, but a plea of res ad- - Proprietor. Kaahuinanu Street, Hono- lulu, H. 1. PETER HIGH, except the present iviinisier judicata was sustained and the petition cci have not shown to the dismissed. . . i , 1t;v,i nitomnh is made Australian Mail Service OFFICE JLNI TvIILL : CHARLES F. PETERSON, ' y llkvdallvini policy to set aside this memorable, much Pbnft debated wilL The petitioner i? again Pioneer Steam CANDY FACTORY . and BAKERY. F, HORN Practioal Uoniectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. J. atneirs; iuuu Junius Kaae, but he has acquired a new i,pn untouched: good torncf v,v nnrr.hase. The defense have shave been turned out with- - set up a plea in bar and a demurrer. Typewriter and Mary Public Office with L. A. Thurston. 2781-- q FOR SAN FRANCISCO, rhB new aod Ua Al ?lcei ute-tus- -ip rpisons rets ot tho The plea is uie 01a one 01 resamuuiwi. t meiioere men, have been The grounda 3- - Telephone 74, No. 71 Hotel St. 1356 2G51 MOTJLDHSTGS, S Dllnrlri CIatiaaCI HTMTYlAri HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., jig on the Government at a. und that a court of probate cannot re- - !, jast now, the Minister of verse itg own decrees). U nnr famous "Charley Ma- - 2. Failure of the motion to set forth Etc l MnxTOWAP LOVE'S BAKERY Doors rw - wakened from his Rip the new evidence and names of wit- - avM mm, Steam Engines, Boilers, Sugar Mills, Coolers, Brass and Iead Castings, 7 mvyxw -- - Street. Tkle dreams and is trying nesses. , soathing, whereby lie tuiriKB , aml jemurrer have been ar- - TURNED AND SAWED WORK Of the Oceanic steamship Company, will be due at Honelnlu from Sydney and Auckland on or about :ce the votes m tuo nei. gued and the case, which was lieara Dy And mM',. Dole. Judge, is now under consideration. -- ""Vr executed on tne shortest MKS.ROBT.LOVK, FroprleireM. Every Description of Plain and Fancy Bread and Crackers, ... v rni . - a v i 1 k t V11 iii hi iiim 111 1 notice. frT,n .ift works are oein inBrasBiuwivwiufc Tw -- .- ... . i uTAniiTWPDV Mili tlio lnfpst. im Sept 24, 1891, .pushed on, placed in the the Enest properties in this Kingaom. lir.f RMfh mnn aa he thinks I iust received some invv mauui T i" Trt provfnnts from one of the best firms in the East, we "f. Pje to i i irtTcov rafpci than fiver having laieiy -- FBB8U- :istto bolster up a doomed 7ray QtipcrttsemcntS. Soda Crackers gOOU WOrn. al CUUI LCI uyuv,o auu wnv v- - . ; . . ' - - engaged several first-clas- s mechanics, we will make a specialty Ol MISS D. LAMB, Stenographer and Type-write- r, Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, near the Postoffice. 122 Let at the near by elections. And wlllleave for the abeve port with malls anfi passengers on or about tuat date. HTTPlpnTnR AH ACC0MMODATI0NS,aiply to fifllnnn BVPft(l ;athmg will save you Messrs. m XF ! :et ilhiisters. Tho country Of .IlltereSt 10 I Oil I ,rn fnrtriOT. lion Vflll ( W( Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc. (1 Tvwill Ar, (O.. Always on Hand. .'PfiVinff nf tho f1fll.inet, S9 a DR. EMERSON, aqiskts. I MILK BREAD a I a rvnTfiX A VffVl :e and not singly). Live men I rpHERE ARE MANY, PERHAPS, pCF"Prompt attention to all orders. . :o:- - the nre- - .p.os Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc list have whether Cromoneor X who are not aware that lolaud Ord.r. PromiptU AtBd to. political parties. A National proof filling ol afes is S ker's office). TELKPHONES: Office Houks--9 to 11 a. m and 2 to 3 p. m.; Sundays, iu Jp-BE- LL 49S. JLU A. ULt No. 51. 55. Residence 2782-3m- q Uell Teiepnone a man who will go ancaa nerates steam, keeping the tempera-pu- t public improvements is ure insicie the Safe below the point of w good a man for us as if be injury to its contents. Detective filling to elected by tho votes of is dangerous. o r.Vrtrtf Rofoa havi ner excessive 2724-- q School street. C. BREWER & COMPANY, (Limited). GKNEKAL MBKOANT1LB The new and Una Al steel steamship opposite party. What we need LEWERS & COOKE, (SncceBaora to Lewerg & Dickson) moisture in the fire-pro- of material, cause ;0 tormod " sweatmff. Ihi3 is must nave in a Cabinet i, MAEIPOSA " annoying to the owner, energy, honesty and work. CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, very tinned dampness keeps the books xuvwu- - and importers . and Dealers ln rnmber papers mouldy and they deteriorate un- - And &n Kindg of Building Materials. can be had and the coun- - 4-- .n i ..... .i ui Qcmana it alter next eicc- - COMMISSION AGENTS. Oi theoceanlo Steamship company, will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about Sept. 24, 1891. And wUl have prompt dlapatcn with rnaUs an Shipping and Commission Merchants, tIS ffln lio oriAn lnf. it. ia i'umoto be looking around for it vvill pay you to get a Jb-VJ- L-Li o ttm. tnhft ont fr, Ha noxt STANDARD SAFE, the most complete Importer and Dealer ln LIST OV OFKOEBB: J O Carter President Geo.' H . Hobertson Treasurer E. F. Bishop Secretary Hon. W. F. Allen Auditor assengers for the above poris. . For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AO- - PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. DBALEES EJ gte In a later issue we 'fflS GENERAL MERCHANDISE. discuss tho matter of fue continued confidence, possessing as h Hawaiian election. In the an the ronnisites for fire and rT,Htret. HonoIulgT OOMMODATlUiNS.appiy io No. 25-- 31 it does Wm. (j. Irwin & Co., DIBEOTOR8J TasininAwnifft- - oTfinlr few small Safes kept in stock. H. HACKFELD & CO., BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AGENTS. stam :; :; Vrn.;: IS sizes ordered by catalogue from 2C51-- q Homn.'WaUrhofi Hon. 0. B. Bllhop. 2CS1 General Commission Agents WM. G. IRWIN & COMPAUY, X'lrtiVvw. T. IF. HOBRON, Agent, 2324-- y 66 Fort St., Honolulu. I?IiNT-A.Tl03S- r SUPPLIES Wm. Q. Irwin. &w ocrtiscmcnts. Clans Spreckels 2728 (Limited.) Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, Cor. Fort & Qneen Bta., Honolulu. W. E. ROWELL, NEW YORK LINE. GERMAN - AMERICAN Wm.G.Iewik, - ' President and Manager QLADS SPKECKELS & CO., Claus Speeckels, - - Vice-Preside- nt Walter M. Giffaed, - - ... - Secretary and Treasurer 13 A TvT"RTTn"RR Theq. C. Poeteb. - - - Auditor Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. Honolulu Hawaiian island Engineer and Surveyor noTInE FURNISHING (iUUUb prance Company r ZtSzSkS Room 5, Spreckels' Block. Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and 82-- y BE DES- - $1,000,000.00 Arched th?bo;Vline,if suffident Capital M Over in r "vPW York ttaM C A OTil. AGENTS OF THK OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., Of San Francisco, Cal. General Merchandise. inducement oners, iu i w luuxxt- - $5,600,000.UU - the month of November . 1 Draw Exchange en tne principal parts o tbt world. wnirAreive deposits oh open account, make AHD COUNSELLOR AT Uw, waeTaso ttt , t jty C.n fTiimited has Notary Tuullc and Real Estate Blake Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. feM Security Against Loss! Insurance Only! ieT-Fo- r farther information apply to assumed the assets and liabilities of the late firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and wiU continue the general m?sJ1 U A UiB.v w Office 36 Merchant Street. 2723 77 and 79 Broad St. , New York, Wilcox & Gibus, and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. carried on ny inai aouse. Deposits bearing interest received ln tnelr Br- ings Department subject to published rules and regulations. 2t&l-- l . BEAVER SALOON, Vi & CO., 2651 1356-- q CASTLE & COOKE. Fort Street, Opposite Wilder & Co.', F. H. RBDWARD, Aul'iMo. H. J. NOLTE. FBOPBIETOB. ANDERSON & LUNDY, Dentists., Lnnches Served with Tea, Coffee, Flrat-cla- ss ninor Ala or Milk. C B. RIPLEY, chitect, E. Molntyre & Bro. IlfrORTKRS AND DEALERS IN soaa t o Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. 8mo-er- g, Beanlgltea a Specialty. 2728 Shipping and Commission Merchants IMPOB.TIUB AKD DIALEES IK GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Contractor and Builder ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set in- serted on gold, silver, allum- - THE ROYAL SALOON, Mutual Tel. 203). Groceries, Provisions and Feed, Dts iiS XTT-.r.r- , T .uir,Iiii n 1,1 KUB. Car. Nnnann nu Brick, Btone and Wooden Building Estimates Given, jobbing Promptly Attended to. 76 KING STKEET. inum ana ruDuer Crown and bridge work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates wmdi are a oonstant source of irritation to tje arA v.mnt -- Awnnld recommena ' Elantation Agents, Life, Fire and Marine replete ? fen a"d Specifications for BAST GO RNBR FORT AND KING STREETS. fi"TAHh Oaliforn! Under the Management of B. BE. E "Wolter, . , n t tut h out wines. our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper--- fi in accordance with the ac of cn and careful instruction given when re- - New Goods received by every IJgg sttd pbyeTery. TO latest Improvements in dental science. HONOLULU, II. I. 2651-- q Teeth extracted without pain by the use of p. U. Box 42 Bell Teiepnone No. T,rn TT?T7 ' TTOTJR IS THE 1356 City ree i" vaiume plans. io cenxa Telephone 1mw 3-a- ll and see O for' running . Kegan Sine. Jos. Tinker1soleAgent. Pian LEWIS & CO., os For Rent. The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. 0. Advertiser Nl.8 Hotelatr"g premises. THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler ! paper hanging ! Thomas Block, King St. ?UKOS IN nnnn npmn; SETT MOXT, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, THE LEADING PAPERS OF THESE ISLANDS, AEE QoVp. jVU DEPARTMENT OF Une promptly and neUy. ISO Fort St. car- - Particolar attention paid to all I kiSdsot Repairing. 2841-- y I P. O. ... Box 387. . . .. - - t No. 20 Beretania Street, MERCHANT TAILOR, Repaired on short notice. -- SWim Ln . b-f- i7 lib u 111 FORT STREET. F. O. Box 7 lepron0. 3ftS1 - AND HAVE THE I Af SX OIBCTTLATION; I ww 50c. per month ? 5

mM',. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home1 ""f i I.,. Jk. J I l J.) 1UV V &3!"rant w wi.m rv v--' "t st mm IT 1 h i AC M I --4!"V HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER

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Page 1: mM',. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home1 ""f i I.,. Jk. J I l J.) 1UV V &3!"rant w wi.m rv v--' "t st mm IT 1 h i AC M I --4!"V HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER

1""f i



. Jk. J I l J.)1UV V &3 !" rant w wi.m rv v--' "t st mm

IT 1h i

AC M I --4! "V



Slipping.IKtm CUttKrtisenunts.A GREAT LAW CASE. iusmuss Claris.- . TT V

One of the most important actions ever Honolulu and San Francisco MailServicejiicrtial Ailvertiser brought in this Kingdom is how pend-

ing in the Supreme Court. The refer-

ence is to the petition for revocation of

. a. thueston. w. . tbeab.


Altorneys - at - Law,HONOLULU, H. I.

POffice over Bishop's Bank.April 2, 1891. 2i20--q

order admitting to probate ttie will oiMCC1,lh Keliiahonui.

A Knln-iVinnn- i was one of the ances- - TIME TABLE.wl 11M w " '

tors of the Kalakaua family. He


Commission Agent.

Patentee of " Lose's Chemical Com-

pound" for Clarifying Cane Juice; ofwhich supplies are kept on hand.

ESF--He will attend to any business en-

trusted to him.


Telephones Mutual 123; Bell 152.P. O. Box 338. 2793-3- m



Oceanic Steamship Co.Uieti in 10y leaving a. vcijr iaigcTTTrTION.

I estate by devise to his wife Kekauonohi. ALFRED S. HARTWELL,

Counsellor - at - Law(SUBJECT to change.)

The Austealia and ZealandiaKekauonom marriea naaieiea, to wuum

Sept. 1.)Hilo Record. upon her death in ISol sue leit ner

Ilaalelea sold a great deal of2 the timevdlv neariug property.

in a few months it during hi.kts' r.ollod to the residue

lifaiiTTin nnd nnnn his liAfttll I . . . ..Leave San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M.

Leave Honolulu at 12 M. Tuesdayg,

The Through Steamers Leave San Fran-cisco and Honolulu Thursdays.

u-w- --- - 0FirK jn Cartwrient liuuaing, oppusiwcd stnbuted anions his u tw i rnsi, ijiikjg. iiuuuiuiui "... i. on

iieirs. . . i 27y iy--u,..er winThf will of Kehiahonui was admitted

to probate in February, 1855. In 1866 a J.M.DAVIDSON, Assurance CompanyFOUNDED 1808.1 LSI, IA HVS . . A

ri nn.rlV tO view to setting aside the will onAKBIVE


Aue. 4with a iik CoUIlSellor-at-L- a.Atwiuoj aimi iC0

Trtl. the ground of -- forgery." A. F. Juddanc. Aug. 18

:;riisS tut IiKiLLi. Tnnou n-o- w pnnnsflfnr thft tieti HALL'S SAFE'S,o--




. lti, labout party, anu i1 tioner. The evidence going to show that $ 6,000,000

$ 9,000,000Sept. 1


Zealandia July 28 ..Australia Aug. 11 ..Alameda Aug. 20 ..Zealandia Aug. 25Australia Sept. 8 ..Mariposa Sept. 17 ..Zealandia Sept. 22 . .

Australia Oct. G

Afnnnwai Oct. 15 ..

llUW i , , ,mv11 . , , i, rr,;n woe- - frwfTOil s vprv fitrnnf? biit I t ffic fnrtriprlv occuDied DV Mr. Sept. 15

. Sept. 24or the ligM d Robertson who heard the case I65i-l- y Rogers).Sent. 29

Fire-Proo- f, Burglar-Proof- , Fire and Burglar- -

-- v n TT t I TTV J

. Oct. 13

. Oct. 22J. B. CASTLE,

Commission Mercliant.

-- w, We c are noi "u tookthe Kr0und, that he would not setf

?f that raau is one aside the will unless the evidence of its;J work for the fraudulent character was beyond a reas-- .?e tan ti ujt 10 onable doubt,thus applying a rule of ev-icts of the counti . iyu dgnce vaid Qnly


n criminai procedure','Md be the test ior all tQ a civil case An appeal was taken

Having been appointed Agents of theabove Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates ofpremium.

H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.1361 2684--q

rroot, vault uoors, mc.IS" OLD SAFES EXCHANGED.


Zealandia Auff. 11 .... Aug. 18L fMirrOVM Tn Sept. 1T. W. HOBEGN, Agent,

66 Fort St.p Honolulu.in is. ..country4 the

Irf mon POr.t Uiv.iC til 13

Australia Aug. 25 ...Mariposa Aug. 27 ...Zealandia Sept. 8

Australia Sept. 22 ...Monowai Sept. 24 ...

2824-- y

Sept.. 3Sept. 15Sept. 29Oct. 1Oct. 13

Office Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I.2651-- T



a writ of error was refused. Thus thocase never reached the Court in Banco.

Jn 1800, as readers of tho Advertiserwill remember, a second attempt wasmade to set the will aside on the part ofJunius Kaae, claiming under his de-nf- a

wim wns n. "rand-dausdit- er

rear who will correct theIrhe past two years Labi- -

'Ve have had a most mcora- -

ENTEEPEISE PLANING MILLOct. 27Oct. 29Nov. 10Nov. 24Nov. 2G

I ccaocu h uvj ii"" ....w o ; "

Zeaianma vcu u ...Australia Oct. 20 ...Alameda Oct. 22Zealandia Nov. 3 ...Australia Nov. 17 ...Mariposa Nov. 19 ...

2G90-3- m

Cabinet for the worpvc uo- -

. a ! rpv fiinOO LUO I ul tutJ icoi-t- ui. oAgent to take Acknowledgment."l v ... .-- attenuon at uie nmc wf

iitare dosed, tnese mcu i thoroughly argued, but a plea of res ad- -Proprietor.Kaahuinanu Street, Hono-

lulu, H. 1. PETER HIGH,except the present iviinisier judicata was sustained and the petitioncci have not shown to the dismissed. .

. i , 1t;v,i nitomnh is made Australian Mail ServiceOFFICE JLNI TvIILL :CHARLES F. PETERSON,' y llkvdallvini policy to set aside this memorable, muchPbnft debated wilL The petitioner i? again

Pioneer SteamCANDY FACTORY . and BAKERY.

F, HORN Practioal Uoniectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. J.atneirs; iuuu Junius Kaae, but he has acquired a newi,pn untouched: good torncf v,v nnrr.hase. The defense have

shave been turned out with- - set up a plea in bar and a demurrer.Typewriter and Mary Public

Office with L. A. Thurston. 2781--qFOR SAN FRANCISCO,

rhB new aod Ua Al ?lcei ute-tus- -ip

rpisons rets ot tho The plea is uie 01a one 01 resamuuiwi.tmeiioere men, have been The grounda 3-- Telephone 74,No. 71 Hotel St.1356 2G51


HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.,jig on the Government at a.und that a court of probate cannot re- -

!, jast now, the Minister of verse itg own decrees).U nnr famous "Charley Ma-- 2. Failure of the motion to set forth Etc l MnxTOWAP LOVE'S BAKERYDoorsrw - wakened from his Rip the new evidence and names of wit-- avM mm,Steam Engines,

Boilers, Sugar Mills, Coolers, Brassand Iead Castings,

7 mvyxw -- -Street.

Tkle dreams and is trying nesses. ,

soathing, whereby lie tuiriKB , aml jemurrer have been ar- - TURNED AND SAWED WORK Of the Oceanic steamship Company, will be dueat Honelnlu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about:ce the votes m tuo nei. gued and the case, which was lieara Dy And mM',.Dole. Judge, is now under consideration. -- ""Vr executed on tne shortest

MKS.ROBT.LOVK, FroprleireM.

Every Description of Plain and Fancy

Bread and Crackers,... v rni . - a v i 1 k t V11 iii hi iiim 111 1

notice.frT,n .ift works are oein inBrasBiuwivwiufc Tw -- .- ... . i uTAniiTWPDV Mili tlio lnfpst. im Sept 24, 1891,.pushed on, placed in the the Enest properties in this Kingaom.lir.f RMfh mnn aa he thinks I iust received some invv mauui T i" Trtprovfnnts from one of the best firms in the East, we "f. Pje to

i i irtTcov rafpci than fiver having laieiy--FBB8U-

:istto bolster up a doomed 7ray QtipcrttsemcntS.Soda CrackersgOOU WOrn. al CUUI LCI uyuv,o auu wnv v-- . ; . . ' - -

engaged several first-clas- s mechanics, we will make a specialty Ol


Stenographer and Type-write- r,

Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street,near the Postoffice. 122

Let at the near by elections. And wlllleave for the abeve port with malls anfipassengers on or about tuat date. HTTPlpnTnR AHACC0MMODATI0NS,aiply to fifllnnn BVPft(l

;athmg will save you Messrs. m XF !:et ilhiisters. Tho country Of .IlltereSt 10 I Oil I

,rn fnrtriOT. lion Vflll ( W ( Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc.(1 Tvwill Ar, (O.. Always on Hand.

.'PfiVinff nf tho f1fll.inet, S9 aDR. EMERSON, aqiskts. I MILK BREAD

aI a rvnTfiX A VffVl

:e and not singly). Live men I rpHERE ARE MANY, PERHAPS, pCF"Prompt attention to all orders.. :o:- -

the nre- - .p.os Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuclist have whether Cromoneor X who are not aware thatlolaud Ord.r. PromiptU AtBd to.political parties. A National proof filling ol afes isS ker's office).

TELKPHONES:Office Houks--9 to 11 a. m and 2 to 3

p. m.; Sundays, iu Jp-BE-LL 49S.JLU A. ULt

No. 51. 55.Residence2782-3m- qUell Teiepnone

a man who will go ancaa nerates steam, keeping the tempera-pu- tpublic improvements is ure insicie the Safe below the point of

w good a man for us as if be injury to its contents. Detective fillingto elected by tho votes of is dangerous.

o r.Vrtrtf Rofoa havi ner excessive2724--qSchool street. C. BREWER & COMPANY,



The new and Una Al steel steamshipopposite party. What we need LEWERS & COOKE,

(SncceBaora to Lewerg & Dickson)moisture in the fire-pro- of material, cause;0 tormod " sweatmff. Ihi3 ismust nave in a Cabinet i, MAEIPOSA "annoying to the owner,energy, honesty and work. CASTLE & COOKE,

IMPORTERS,verytinned dampness keeps the books

xuvwu- -and importers

.and Dealers ln rnmber

papers mouldy and they deteriorate un--And &n Kindg of Building Materials.can be had and the coun--

4-- .n i ..... .iui Qcmana it alter next eicc- - COMMISSION AGENTS.

Oi theoceanlo Steamship company, will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

Sept. 24, 1891.

And wUl have prompt dlapatcn with rnaUs an

Shipping and Commission Merchants,tIS ffln lio oriAn lnf. it. iai'umoto be looking around for it vvill pay you to get a Jb-VJ-

L-Li ottm. tnhft ont fr, Ha noxt STANDARD SAFE, the most complete Importer and Dealer ln


J O Carter PresidentGeo.' H . Hobertson TreasurerE. F. Bishop SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen Auditor

assengers for the above poris. .For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AO- -PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS.


gte In a later issue we 'fflS GENERAL MERCHANDISE.discuss tho matter of fue continued confidence, possessing as

h Hawaiian election. In the an the ronnisites for fire and rT,Htret. HonoIulgTOOMMODATlUiNS.appiy io

No. 25-- 31it doesWm. (j. Irwin & Co., DIBEOTOR8J

TasininAwnifft- - oTfinlr few small Safes kept in stock. H. HACKFELD & CO.,BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS,

AGENTS.stam :; :; Vrn.;: IS sizes ordered by catalogue from2C51-- q

Homn.'WaUrhofiHon. 0. B. Bllhop.2CS1General Commission Agents


T. IF. HOBRON, Agent,2324-- y 66 Fort St., Honolulu.

I?IiNT-A.Tl03S- r SUPPLIES Wm. Q. Irwin.&w ocrtiscmcnts. Clans Spreckels2728 (Limited.)

Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,Cor. Fort & Qneen Bta., Honolulu.


'President and Manager QLADS SPKECKELS & CO.,

Claus Speeckels, - - Vice-Preside- nt

Walter M. Giffaed, - -... - Secretary and Treasurer 13 A TvT"RTTn"RRTheq. C. Poeteb. - - - Auditor

Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. Honolulu Hawaiian islandEngineer and Surveyor noTInE FURNISHING (iUUUbprance Company


ZtSzSkS Room 5, Spreckels' Block.Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

82-- yBE DES--

$1,000,000.00 Arched th?bo;Vline,if suffidentCapital

M Overin r "vPW York ttaM C A OTil.


OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO.,Of San Francisco, Cal.General Merchandise.inducement oners, iu i w luuxxt--$5,600,000.UU - the month of November . 1

Draw Exchange en tne principal parts o tbtworld.

wnirAreive deposits oh open account, makeAHD COUNSELLOR AT Uw,waeTaso ttt , t jty C.n fTiimited hasNotary Tuullc and Real Estate Blake Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, collections and conduct a general banking and

exchange business.feM Security Against Loss!

Insurance Only!ieT-Fo-r farther information apply to assumed the assets and liabilities of the

late firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and wiU

continue the general m?sJ1U A UiB.v w

Office 36 Merchant Street. 272377 and 79 Broad St. , New York, Wilcox & Gibus, and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.carried on ny inai aouse. Deposits bearing interest received ln tnelr Br-

ings Department subject to published rules and

regulations. 2t&l-- l .BEAVER SALOON,

Vi & CO., 2651 1356--q CASTLE & COOKE.Fort Street, Opposite Wilder & Co.',


Dentists.,Lnnches Served with Tea, Coffee,Flrat-cla- ss ninor Ala or Milk.


chitect,E. Molntyre & Bro.


soaa t o

Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.8mo-er- g, Beanlgltea a Specialty. 2728

Shipping and Commission Merchants



from one to an entire set in-

serted on gold, silver, allum--THE ROYAL SALOON,Mutual Tel. 203). Groceries, Provisions and Feed,DtsiiS XTT-.r.r- , T.uir,Iiii n 1,1 KUB. Car. Nnnann nu

Brick, Btone and Wooden Building

Estimates Given,

jobbing Promptly Attended to.


inum ana ruDuerCrown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates wmdi are aoonstant source of irritation to tje

arA v.mnt -- Awnnld recommena

'Elantation Agents,

Life, Fire and Marinereplete

? fen a"d Specifications for BAST GO RNBR FORT AND KING STREETS.

fi"TAHh Oaliforn!

Under the Management of

B. BE. E "Wolter,. , n t tut h out wines.

our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper--- fi

in accordance with theac of cn and careful

instruction given when re- - New Goods received by every IJgg sttdpbyeTery. TO latest Improvements in dental science.HONOLULU, II. I. 2651-- q Teeth extracted without pain by the use of

p. U. Box 42Bell Teiepnone No.

T,rn TT?T7 ' TTOTJR IS THE1356City ree i"vaiume plans. io cenxa Telephone 1mw3-a-

ll and seeO for' running . Kegan

Sine. Jos. Tinker1soleAgent.Pian LEWIS & CO.,os For Rent. The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. 0. AdvertiserNl.8Hotelatr"g premises.


Manufacturing Jeweler ! paper hanging !

Thomas Block, King St.?UKOS IN nnnn npmn; SETT MOXT, Wholesale and Retail Grocers,


QoVp. jVU DEPARTMENT OF Une promptly and neUy. ISO Fort St.car-- Particolar attention paid to all

I kiSdsot Repairing. 2841-- y I P. O.... Box 387.. .

..- - t

No. 20 Beretania Street,


Repaired on short notice. --SWim

Ln .b-f-i7

lib u111 FORT STREET.

F. O. Box 7lepron0. 3ftS1


? 5

Page 2: mM',. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home1 ""f i I.,. Jk. J I l J.) 1UV V &3!"rant w wi.m rv v--' "t st mm IT 1 h i AC M I --4!"V HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER


SEPTEMBER 8,-1891-


J , ! I


SJew aHwrtistmtntjTHE BOAT RACE.port, as, under the present sche- - and the usual " unattended " countJ3i2 ftutljoritn.

0EEG0N IDN1YIs the Most Wonderful ie,ijP,i n


It is strictly a vegetable production and unor the most delicate woman, but will cure min ;1 Rot injure

U VCUUUII VI Ullll&j UlUUt. lO, iliiliiUimailOll ofdeposit in urine, leucorrhoea, painful or smnrep 1er 0r kidn hiH

and all complaints arising from a diseased or iVhi Hstruati0n '8,br"i

urinary organs of either sex. cl,"itated statu Jtl,Many mistake the pains arising from Oefo CtlVf o:- - 1riieuiuuLisiu, auu m au,ciupuiig to cure the htt u Llion 0i H,, , i

entirely to reach the seat of the disease. We do 5NEY TEA as a specific for rheumatism, but Jt?rfer the Sftf?called rheumatism would yield to its re.rno.i; ,.:!:ltl&fie(l that

The leaf is put up in air tight tin c,,ua ... .Ve,8,

properties and the decoction is made by the nersnn !re.Sorve inbrt .

solute purity. U!S it, thoi J '

There are thousands afflicted with diseases of tlwho suffer in silence rather than make known their t? mj'8 r nr.bv the use of various mtcnt meihV.inpu V .l.rouiIes. (hi, Dar?

ease, at least do not lessen it. Even those who ,.1!le;1 llot awrav?often fail to relief, owing to tho very om, ITeVorgans affected. '"Hi delicate .

It Has no EqUal ,

fiTFor Sale byBENSON, SMITH & CO., 113 & H5

1381 2G')l-- q

w it the fafe

EVERYONE MOMThat a good Tooth Brush and a Koo..l Hair nnecessary luxuries of the toilet. Yet how often

Tooth Brush leaves half the bristles in your mouth anj

Brush gets limp and flimsy the first time you use them W

promising our customers

Some Good BrushAnrl nriw xvt TiairA fliom on ovfri fain lnf 1 'u . n..v,..., ' win-- i t;ui ana snpj

before the Assortment is broken.


Honoliik109 Port Street,2G61-- q


I4 ' ,i- ri- -


- 1

, 1

1 '

- i :

5 i


dale, she leaves hero each monthonly two days before tho throughboat, which amounts, practically,to but one monthly mail henco toAmerica and England.

We are writing under tho inspiration of one of Edison's incandescent lights, which sheds its softand mellow rays around tho officeand composing rooms, and here- -

aiier tins paper will bo set upwholly by electric light. Thusour readers abroad will see thatone of the greatest inventions andblessings of tho ago has come tostay in Honolulu. Ero long, notonly will our manuscript bo written and our type composed by it,butall our steam presses will be drivenby electricity, as a 10-hor- se powerdynamo for which work is alreadyin our printing houso, is now beingset up, and we trust will bo atwork during the present week.These improvements are beingmade by the Hawaiian ElectricCompany, which has over threehundred lights in use in thocity, with applications sufficient toincrease tho number to 1,200, assoon as they cau fill tho orders.The public will sec by this that woare determined to secure every im-

provement that promises to supplybetter newspapers and work. Nextwill como the cable.


Wo have already noticed thocensus tables as far as were published in the early part of August,and we aro now in a position tocompare the numbers of tho various nationalities as to distributionthroughout the different islands ofthe group, with a view to ascertaining how tho migration goingon amongst the people is affectedor directed by new industries orcentres of production.

In 1884 tho total population ofOahu was 2S,0G8, in 1890 it was31,194, a gain of 3,120, bat if wocompare tne numbers, nativeonly, in the district of Honoluluwe find thev have decreased 441 ornearly 5 per cent, but tho totalloss of native population amountsto 14 per cent, therefore the country districts have lost cither bydeath or migration far more thanthe capital.

Tho Chinese whoso numbershave decreased by 2,C3S havolargely quitted the capital districts, one-hal- f of tho whole diminution coming out of Honoluluaud Hilo.

Tho Japaneso who havo increased altogether by 12,244 havo onlyaddod 340 of this number to Honolulu, where they aro mostly employed as domestic servants or aslaborers on the railroads.

Tho Portuguese on tho otherhand with a diminution in theirnumber of 775 havo increasedenormously m the Honolulu andHilo districts, these two districtsalone now mustering 3,287 out of atotal of 8,002.

Still wo must consider the population to be better distributed thanit was in 1884, tho withdrawal of1,,3G4 Chinese from Honolulu andHilo must bo a relief to those withwhose trades or business the Chinese competed, and neither Portuguese or Japanese have taken theirplace as competitors.

The harbor works will soon boin need of moro labor, skilled andunskilled, and in addition to thogreat plantations at Ewa and Kahuku wo hope soon to hear thatthe Kalihi orange orchards aroemploying somo hundreds ofhands.

The meteorological record forAugust is in no senso remarkable,except to show the continueddrought to which this district incommon with many others both inOahu and Maui has been subject-ed. Only 1.35 inches of rain weroregistered during the month, ofwhich 0.30 fell on tho 9th.

The report for the week endingon tho 5th inst., gives a rainfall of.26 in., and at the present writingthere is a promise of furthershowers. The heat has been veryoppressive, with a maximum ther-mometer for four days of 87 deg.,the other three days 85 deg.

The Vital Statistics for Augustregister the second disappearanceof grippe, only one death being at-

tributed to that disease. To adeath roll of Gl persons, the Ha-waiian race contributed 33, beingin their case at the rate of 3G perthousand, "all nationalities" stand-ing at 31 per thousand. . Fourteen,or nearly 25 per cent, of the deathswere of infants under one year,

1G. The mortality for the monthis slighly below that for the samemonth in 1890, but considerablyabove the average of tho last fiveyears.


Mr. Arthur C. Alexander, whosemarriage, in Oswego, N. Y., to MissMary E. Hillebrand, of this city, wepublished last week, is the secondson of Prof. V. D. Aloxander, of theSurvey service, and is an instructorin the lale Scientific bchool, havingcharge of the department of electricity. Mr. Alexander and his bridewill make .New Haven their home.

Mr. William Lowers, who, for awhile, was a favorite salesman withthe ladies shopping at Egan &Ciunn's, in this city, is, we learn,purchasing a stock of the latest European styles of dresses, which willin a short time be open for inspec-tion by the ladies at the new andelegant store of the above firm. Mr.Lowers and his sister Hattio are expected back shortly.

Hon. H. A. P. Carter was, at thelatest date, at the Carlsbad Springs,in Germany. Also Mr. Robert Low-ers, of this city, both much improvedin health.

Hon. Chas. K. Bishop, who hasbeen spending several months inEnropo, seeking restoration ofhealth, is on his way back to NewYork.

Mr. John D. Spreckels and wifeare at the Hawaiian Motel, 'lheyremain hero till the return of theAustralia.

Mr.H. T. Conde, who leaves in theZealandia to-da- y, is a successfulhardware merchant of Indianapolis,who has been revisiting the land ofhis birth. He has been to the volcano, to Maui and other places, andexpresses himself as having enjoyedevery hour while here.

The Right Rev. Bishop Willis andMrs. Willis returned from Hawaii onSaturday, after a month's absence, during which he made the entire circuit ofthat island.

Quite a number of our plantationmanagers came to town on Saturday andSunday, partly on business and partlyon account of the funeral. Among them,Hons. J. M. Horner, W. H. Rickard, A.S. Wilcox, Geo. N. Wilcox, H. Morrison, J. A. Scott and others.

Mr. L. Aseu, wife and family, of Ko- -hala, will remain in the city some time,the recent unpleasantness in Jvohaiahaving rendered it more safe for them tobe here than there.

Tho lion. H. P.Baldwin leaves for SanFrancisco in the steamer to-da- y, intending to remain abroad a few weeks.

We were glad to notice that the healthof Hon. H. A. Widemann has improvedso as to permit him to take outdoor exercise, lie was in towrn Saturday, andalso at tho funeral of the Prince Consorton Sunday.

Mrs. W. D. Alexander returned froma month's vacation on Maui, lookingmuch improved in health.

The venerable Sheriff of Maui. T. W.Everett, is in town, and retains hiswonted activity alter over forty years ofGovernment service. If we are not mistaken he is the oldest officer living, whohas held olhce continuously under theHawaiian Government.

Prof. J. W. Yarndley returns fromHilo looking as if he had enjoyed hissummer furlough. While in Hilo heassisted in a social, much to the satisfaction of the citizens, all of whom wTill bereadjr to welcome him again.

Mr. C. L. Crabbe, postmaster, andMr. U. Li. Richardson, grazier and capitalist, both of Hilo, are in town for afew days.

W. W. Brunner, the engineer who hasbeen for some time past in Governmentservice on Hawaii, and especially inlaying out tho new Volcano road, returned in the Claudine. If the road is wellmade on the route which he has laidout, it will be far superior to the oldpahoehoe route.

Mr. E. C. Bond, of Kohala, came to accompany his wife and children, whoarrived in the Claudine, and leave for ashort trip to San I rancisco, to visit relatives there. He returns home to-da- y.

Mr. J. A. Mehrten leaves to-da- v inthe Zealandia on Government business,which JUame rumor whispers may be tohnd some experts who can track out" Barefoot Bill." But if "Bill " does notfind more coin than he has lately, it islikely he may surrender and turn Statesevidence against his confederates.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brown leavo today for a short trip to California.

A number of fires have been extinguished by theHARDEN HAND GRENADE.

A large lamp holding a gal-lon of kerosene oil fell from aceiling producing a solid sheet offlame six feet square and ten. feethigh; with six grenades this fire wasextinguished at once, and no dam-age done. A small quantity of thesegrenades distributed in a build-ing may be the means of savinghundreds of dollars worth of prop-erty.

CSP An invoice of the above atthePACIFIC HAKDWARE CO., Lt'd.,

IT OUT STREET.1377 277G-- q

JOS. TINKER, NUUAND STREET,sole agent in these Islands for the

Regan Vapor Engine.

Supreme Court of the HawaiianIslands.

TN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE-- I- of LAM KA1 WING, of Honolulu,Oahu, a voluntary bankrupt.

Creditors of the said bankrupt arehereby notified to come in and prove theirdebts before such Justice of the SupremeCourt as shall be sitting at Chambers atAliiolani'Hale, Honolulu, on THURS-DAY, the 10th day of Sept. ,1891,between thehours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and noonof the said day, and elect one or more as-signees of the'said bankrupt's estate.

By the Court.HENRY SMITH, Clerk.

Honolulu, Sept. 3, 1891. 2859-t- d

The Myrtles Easily Defeat the

HealanisA Swimming pun

iest.A nnmber of members of the Myrtle

and Healani Boat Clubs together withthem quite a numsome guests, among

ber of ladies, assembled yesterday alter-noo- n

at the Mvrtle Club House to wit

ness the race between junior crews oi

the two clubs. Some excitement had

been looked for, but the race was a walk

over for the Myrtles from the start. Thecrews were as follows : Myrtles O. bor--

enson ( stroked Armstrong, G. Ross, G.Angus and Arthur Wilder (coxswain).Hmmi I- -, rle Lt. uaru isixukc;, j.Holt. F. Hammer. A. L. Atkinson andChas. Herrick (coxswain). The boatswere started at 5 :35. Shortly alter coming out from behind the O. S. S. Co.'swharf, the Healani's boat, the Foomai- -

kelani. seemed to nave a sugnt leau.The Mvrtle's crew in the Alf. Rogerswere pulling a slow stroke, only thirty to

steadily past the Healanis, aud passedthe lighthouse witn a ieaa oi aboat's length lustily cheered fromthe boathouse as they went by.This lead was steadily increaseduntil all excitement over the race disap-peared. The turning of the spar buoywas accomplished in 18 seconds by theMyrtle boat, and the total distance fromthe lighthouse around the buoy and backin 11 :18. The Myrtles led at the lighthouse bv 40 seconds.

During the race the spectators at theboat house amused themselves tossingcoppers to the kamalii in the water.A big black dog and a small black boywere excited by the efforts of the crewsto generous emulation and organized aswimming match on the spot, whichwas closer and more exciting than theboat race.

To those who need a uieasant Tonicfor anv kind of riehilit.v. we ftan recommend Clements' as the best. For saleby Hollisteb & Co.


Alfferoba Fire Wood!

XT AVINO ON HAND A LARGEfetock of Wood from Pearl City, and

wishinir to clear the said land nf smnp. xuahereby offer, for the term of SO days, to""'in niwiu itic viiv limns, r i re WOOUui uie raie oi y per com, cash.IIUSTACE, MORGAN & HITCHCOCK.

28G2-l- m

A LAV AYS READY TO OTVR OTTT--TX its full t)OWTer the Kocrnn Vnnnr

' . . .CI t i 1 i.engine, oiarteu instantly, no waitingtu He up steam.



The following drew their Watches onMonday, Sept. 7:

Club 1 Member No. 29.Club 2 Member No. 2.Club 3 Member No. 8.Club 4 Member No. 4. 'Club 5 Member No. 1.Club 6 Member No. 49.Club 7 Member No. 49.

We Have a Few More Places Open!

3CParties living nufeWlodesiring to join one of the Clubs can makeiueir payments Dy mail.

These watches are cased in solid 11Karat Gold, with fine full ieweled Walthammovements, anu are warranted to be accurate lime 1'ieces.

?808-1- 3t H. F. AVICHMAN. Trop.

qESTIMONIALS FROM PEOPLEon these Islands who are using theRegan Vapor Engine can be seen upon

mniyquuu tuuus. AinKer, soie Agent,


MESSRS. G. AV. MACFA11LANE & CO.T?pmnvtvl thai ty ,ibtores from the Campbell Block, corner oftort and Queen streets, to the llhodesBlock on Kaahumanu Street, adjoining the...... vx iuaiiianauc IX. VU.

G. W. MACFARLANE & CO.Honolulu, Sept. 7th, 1891. 28Gl-3- t



BUTTERNew Pack Just Received !

Quality Unsurpassed!UR NEW CATCH EASTERN

MACKERELShould be on every Hawaiian table. Read v

S. FOSTER & CO., Sole Agents,26 and 28 California St., San Francisco.

ZbSb' 1'dW-- y

T EGAN VAPOR ENGINE RUNJ-- electric lighting plants, elevators,printing presses, band and iier saws. sm,iin fact are adapted wherever power isneeaea. Jos. linker, sole Agent for thenawaiian islands. 2834--t f


Boston Line of Packets.

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fine


Capt. Ma hant.Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leavefor this port on Oct. 1, 1891, if sufficient inducement offers.

S?"For further particulars apply to

2661 1356--q O. BREWER & CO.

Hawaiian Hardwa re Co., L'd

Monday, Sept. 7.

The hot weather last week

knocked every semblance'of in

spiration out of the advertise-

ment writers head, but busi

ness goes along just the same,no matter how the weather is.

And hot weather createsstronger desires than ever for

ice cream. Make it at homethen and save money. Thetime don't count to your ser-

vants, and thirteen minutes is

not very long, anyhow, tofreeze cream. That's whatthe White Mountain Freezerwill do, and do it well, too.

Barefooted Bill still keepson his travels and you havenot yet bought a Safe proba-

bly. After he gets into thehouse or store, walks off witheverything but your family,you'll calculate to get one.Better do it now and savemoney. . Don't postpone thematter, because someone saysin the papers "We must havedetectives." Suppose they get'em, will they get the burglar?We think not. A detectivefrom the Coast would notamount to shucks. Better notwait longer, buy a Safe now.

More Water Coolers arrived since we told you ofthem a few weeks ago. Thelast notice we inserted was asuggestion which lots of peopie acted upon. And they'vebeen acting upon it eversince, so we had to buymore.

There will be more weddingsshortly, and you may not havethought much about presents.What about the Brass Tableswith onyx tops that we have.A beautiful ornament and useful, too, if you want to put avase of flowers or a statuetteon it.

We have other things justas useful and pretty, for suchoccasions. Come in and lookaround. There's always someone to wait upon you whetheryou purchase or not.

We said something abouta lot of new lamps to arrivelast week. They did'nt come,but they'll be here this weeksure. We have plenty as itis, but this is a new lot. Wecan suit you in lamps if anyone can.

Stoves, Ranges,Tinware andAgateware are things usedevery day. We have beencareful in our selection of thestock we offer, and we believewe have the largest and bestassortment of these goods inHonolulu. From the quanti-ties sold, we believe the publicthinks with us. There'sscarcely a utensil made inAgateware that we havenot on our shelves. It ischeaper, better and cleanerthan anything manufacturedfor the same purposes.

If you've been buying anypictures lately you will want tohang them. Be careful inselecting the cord for thepurpose. Get the best in thebeginning and you will avoidbroken frames. We have awire cord made especially fora climate like this, and isguaranteed not to rust orbreak.

It's the same with every-thing else, you get good valuein everything you buy.


(Opp. Spreckels' Block),



Fort Street, Honolulu.

The Court will go into full mourning forHis late Royal Highness the Prince Con-

sort from the date of this notice until twoweeks after the funeral, and will wear halfmourning from that time until the expira-tion of two months from the day of thefuneral. Ladies will wear black withwhite trimmings for full mourning, andwhite with black trimmings for halfmourning.

All members of the Government and allpersons connected with the Court, willwear crape on their several uniforms.

Gentlemen being civilians will wearblack suits and hat bunds, and crape onthe left arm during the period of fullmourning. All Representatives of Foreign Countries, Consuls and CommercialAgents are invited to observe the period ofmourning herein prescribed, and thePublic generally are requested to showtheir respect for the memory of His lateRoyal llighnes3 by wearing badges ofmourning during the time specified.

JAMES W. ROBERTSON,Chamberlain of the Royal Household

Iolani Palace, Aug. 29, 1891.2859-C- t l91-l- t

His Royal Highness the Prince ConsortJohn Owen Dominis departed this life atWashington Place, Thursday, the 27thinst.

.D.. iu: e vxty mis sorrowiui event tne marriagerelation of Her Majesty with the deceasedW A M I i Juuppuy suosisiing tnrougn many yearshas been severed, and the nation throughthe death of the Prince Consort has lost atried and familiar friend.

Therefore, Be it resolved by the PrivyCouncil of State here assembled, that wetender to Her Majesty our profoundestsympathy in this her time of grief and bereavement, and we commend her for comfort and solace to Almighty God.

Kesolved, That by the death of thePrince Consort, this Council lias lost anhonored and esteemed member, one of theeldest in service among us, with whom wenow part with sorrowful regret, a memberloyal to the Crown, and held in high regardby the nation.

Resolved, That the members of thisCouncil wear the customary mourning.

Resolved, That a copy of these Resolu-tions be presented to Her Majesty andthat they be entered on the records of thisCouncil.

C. P. I A LIKE A,Secretary Trivy Council of State.

Iolani Palace, August 31, 1S91.2S56-t- f

It has pleased Her Majesty the Queen toappoint the following named gentlemen tobe members of Her Privy Council of State:



2850-t- f

Department ok Finance, )

Honolulu, H. I., Aug. 31, 1891. )

Tenders will be received at the HawaiianTreasury, up to September 15th, for thesale of G per cent. Gold Roaring CouponBonds, to be issued under the authority ofthe Act approved October 15, 1SSG. TheseBonds are in denominations of 5000,$1000, $500, and $100, and are redeemablein not less than ten or more than thirtyyears from date of issue. Free from Gov-ernment taxes. No tenders will be re-ceived for less than par value.


Minister of Finance.2855 1390-t-d

Reward,A reward of $250 will be paid to any per-

son who will give information which willlead to the arrest and conviction of theperson or persons who have committedburglaries m this city within six weeks lastpast.

CHAS. B. WILSON,Marshal.

Honolulu, Aug. 27, 1891. 2853-l- m


Be Just and fear not;Let all tlie ends tliou alm'st at leThy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

TUESDAY, SEPT. 8, 1891.

Ox the first page is an articlecopied from tho Hilo Record, inwhich the editors of that papergive their views on political mat-ters, taking, in tho main, a fair andindependent stand as regards exist-ing parties.

There will also bo found on thesame page, a reference to one ofthe most important suits everbrought before our Courts a suitthat will affect million's of property,here and throughout the islands, ifthe contestants succeed in estab-lishing what they claim to be afact that the will was a forgery.

As before stated in this paper,it is the intention of the agents, inSan Francisco, of the Oceanic S. S.line to withdraw the steamshipZealandia on her return to thatport, unless freight and passengerengagements already made therenecessitate her making one moretrip to this port. Mr. J. D. Spreck-el- s

informs us that in tho event of

her withdrawal some change willprobably be made in the time of

the Australia's departure from this

mm befbigmJ

.I I k 1

tipEDDY Refrigerators and Ice Chests, of which we carry aline.nThe

xraxra miron onfittfnnfiAn ' 'Imw r,va uril I maue anu u'".- - i:.klThe WHITE MOUNTAIN ICE CKFAM FRLtZEBS , oi

sola hundreds, are generally known ana appreciaieu, " arg

hand from a large invoice just received from the factory. mnoHorna

fiOTWe keep reliable fccodi rpasonable prices.

EG-A- N &



flcran importing exp

vn.-irs- . and considerable &

buying the "latest and Hhv a fibre-me- d Wwhich we Lad to take bit

on account of their failure

ftnvr r.f iha KiinirementB

frigerator, wo bave at Ii

something, made on Boot

cijdes, which will keep iff

and your food in betterc

than anything yet into3

this market.

The Gnriej

of which this diagram tnnil f.hCUIawOI'!,

in every respect.

who have budbuiuiw

ers can testify.


T? T

Contractor and n

&HC into e-

tended to. KjV&Cement, SSanJ 'lC Tile 8

Cahfo?niaj vnry in- if

Olhce anu;- -8w- -.;

dence, v--.

til utii ..ttv.' rmUK lifrI adapted

100 Fort St.. : Brewer


A FULL LINE OF KID 0-For Evening or Street Wear.




284S 1389 q


DUR1NG MY RECENT VISIT INHilo. 1 made arrangements with Mr.

C. FURNEAUX, for the purchase andsale of his VIEWS of ISLAND SCENEltY.These Views need only to be seen to be ap-

preciated. Among them are views onthe Volcano Road, ot Hilo Bay, MaunaKea, Native Grass Houses, Tropical Views,etc, etc., etc., mounted and unmounted.

371 have received a choice assortmentof these Views, and will hereafter keepthem for sale at my Store on FORT ST.

2852-2-w A. L. SMITH.


feet long, furnished on theshortest notice. Jos. Tinker, sole Agt.for the Hawaiian Islands.

Page 3: mM',. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home1 ""f i I.,. Jk. J I l J.) 1UV V &3!"rant w wi.m rv v--' "t st mm IT 1 h i AC M I --4!"V HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER



LAND COThree burglaries night before last

and one attempt. "AugustFlower"

It'WORKSIRONmay i, isoi. International IliQe Association RT8DONSAN

meets this evening.



Barefooted Bill Visits a Numberof Mercantile Firms.

Sunday night was celebrated by Bare-footed Bill, or some one of the companyof burglars who are grouped under hisname, in breaking into the stores ofTheo. H . Davies & Co., M. Phillips andH. W. Schmidt & Sons. The entry atDavies & Co. was effected by the sky-light opening into the garret, and fromthere by a trap door in the ceiling of thestoreroom. The drop to the floor was along one, but it was effected in some way

drawingWicli man's watch clubtook place yesterday. Matheson Patent Lock Joint. MABIIRYSUGARBUILDERS IM1TnAi8 A

.5S lostgold chain bracelet has beenReward offered. OK ANY STYLE OR CAPACITY.1 .


5:35Tf".; -5- 0- 9 2:49 at 4The "Waialeale sails to-da-y

m. instead of to-morro-1 3:51 5:4iT p....1 .7" WROT IRON and STEEL RIVETED PIPE,G:50T1,u' ...... --.5 4:53

A ' Messrs. G. W. Macfarlano & Hnjoin Ul "o irace was jeit. The visit tolocal. : wv. opinio cuai navies x uo. was The Largo it Manufacturers over 250 Miles Made, varyingfrom G iuch to G feet in diameter.

a perfectlv fruitlessior saie.5:30 ..


4-- "V v 4--Ma Lock flint Pipe !.0:40 a 111

-- ....So"1- 1

Hon. J. S. Walker and severalothers left on Monday, per steamerMokolii, for Lanai.

Prof. J. W. Yarndley has returnedto town and will resume teaching atonce. See his card.

one, nothing having been missed. ' Apair of boots was carried as far as thedoor, but was left there, just inside theiron shutters. The burglar was doubt-less weary of being called barefooted,but new boots squeak and are not suitedto the wants of burglars.

A good deal of ingenuity was shown bythis energetic night visitor at II. W.bchmidt & Sons. The entry was effectedfrom an inner court through a barred

I had been troubled five monthswith Dyspepsia. The doctors toldme it was chronic. I had a fullnessafter eating and a heavy load in thepit of my stomach. I suffered fre-quently from a Water Brash ofclearmatter. Sometimes a deathly Sick-ness at the Stomach would overtakeme. Then again I would have theterrible pains of Wind Colic. Atsuch times I would try to belch andcould not. IdS working then forThomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor.Irwin n nd Western Ave. , AlleghenyCity, Pa., in whose employ I hadbeen for seven years. Finally I usedAugust Flower, and after using justone bottle for two weeks, was en-tirely relieved of all the trouble. Ican now eat things I dared not touchbefore. I would like to refer you toMr. McHenry, for whom I worked,who knows all about my condition,and from whom I bought the medi-cine. I live with my wife and familyat 39 James St., Allegheny City, Pa.Signed, John D. Cox.

G. G. GREEN Sole Manufacturer,Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.

278G-- q

Hustace, Morgan & Hitchcock an


TUP: MATHESON JOINT is made by enlarging or belling one end ofthe xvrot iron tube (as in tho cut), thereby requiring one half tiik leadof any other pi pa joint -- and one half the chance of leakage.

TIIK i'lVVl is made of any thickness necessary for the desired pressureor head and

wmuuw. une Dar was hent and rt;.nonnco a big cut m the price of fire- - ally wrenched from its place. How thewood, delivered in town. burglar ever got as far as the window atMonday, fc'ept. 7.

.no.Ciithfll.l-Mdaysfro- ni lliliiBrf?i;;I,3fr...ni Kauai. COATED

A hew chemical engine for EngineCompany No. 2 camo by the brigan-tin- o

W. G. Irwin on Sunday fromSan Francisco.


1 . T ... ill!Koolau.

.'S.jH!i!!, ."II

..EJMIITI-KKS-. Fittings,Ilbows, Tees, Grates, and all

SUPPLIED FOR THE SAME.The Justices of the Supreme Court

wero busy in their rooms yesterday,Mo.m'ay, Sept. '

Makeo. Macaulay.

V:; for circuitmm pi


ofand the clerks at their desks, but nocases were heard. 3mu ftuwtiscmrnts.

The late Prince Consort was like

an is a mystery. In tho lower part ofthe store he pried open several drawers,opening one desk from the top bysmashing the cover, but nothing wasfound but papers which he managed todisarrange. Cigars were in this desk,but none were missed. The burglarcarried several bottles of wine fromwhere they were stored and plantedthem in the middle of the floor. Heopened a bottle of Madeira, but did nottaste it. It was California Madeira andpossibly not suited to his palate. Afterrunning around below, where he ob-tained nothing except $4, the propertyof one of the clerks, the burglar pro-ceeded upstairs and opened one of themakai windows looking into an innercourt back of Sproull's. About elevenfeet above him and the same distance tothe left was the main wall of the storesfronting on the street. The burglarwished to scale this wall. A joist pro-jected from it about three teet, doubt-less for hoisting up merchandise. Thisfurnished the hint needed. The burglarturned into the store again, unrolled a

"aVu'ahine for Paamlo... .: f.,r ko.i au.

For lurthcr particulars, apply to

JOHN DYEE,235S Room 11, Spreckels Block.

THE HONOLULUell end Pipe.

nBBody riPeC C ad Space, showing point Lock Joint.

Le Space."-- 'jii.irn- -

his brother-in-la- w Kalakaua a Masonof the 33d degree. They were thoonly ones on the Islands.ImUNfi TO-DA- Y.

Scarle, for Koolau,,.jiCamruin--5- .

.J . ,r...i,.,i fnr Wninnae and ffiON MKS CO.

I XL Mutual Tel. No. goP. O. Box No. 4S0.

Yesterday's Bulletin seems to havebeen edited by tho foreman. Therewas nothing in the editorial columnexcept an advertisement of a surecure for colic and cramps in thestomach.

Weir, for Lahaina,

.. . frr Kin

Oak Railway & Land Co.

Great Reduction in Railway Faresfor 30 Days, from Sept. 5, 1891.

Have. on Hand and For Sale

West Cor. Nuuanu and King Streets,for Maui and:r:v;ilii:e. Pavie.s.THE FOLLOWING

. .i .... f m V.ui'i "I" Re-openi- ng of the Schools.'1 Fort Street School opened yesterday long narrow piece of figured cloth and NEW and SECOND-I1AN- D FURNITURE sold cheapmaking it fast to the iron hinge, threw gjZTAW kinds of

for cash at the I X L.with about 250 pupils, about thirty of..Illaiialci.at-iPiu-


"Tkali:i!a. Campbell, for Kauai, at

Likf'iko. CatiKion. 1' atNew 1 Improved Machinery

the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for all kinds olr&Ihe I X L navait from the window over the joist . Itwas a hard throw, but it succeeded ; theend of the roll passed over the joist andfell to the ground, which it more than

Second-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Etc.for Koolau.kiailatutor ivoiau.

whom are new. There are still some tocome in and the school will be full.

The Royal School began with 200 thismorning, but will work up to 400 by theend of the week.

Kamehameha had 100 and expectstwentv-fiv- e more. The school is over


Liberal Terms!ggriF YOU WANT TO SELL out your Household Furniture in its

call at the I X L Auction & Commission House, cor. Nuuanu and King Sts.

For the purpose of giving everybody achance to get out of town during this hotweather, as opportunity may offer, Ticketswill be sold during the next 30 days for theround trip to and from Pearl City, and toand from Ewa Plantation ,p,at the rate of 3cents per mile 1st class, and 2 cents permile 2d class.

reached. Fastening a second roll ofstout cloth to the hinge, the burglarlowered himself to the bottom of the

rompt returns made on goods Sold on Commission.court, where he grasped the first strip,climbed it hand over hand, and in amoment found himself on the roof.

(1) 13x24in. Cummer Engine.(1) 10x20in. Cummer Engine.The burglar boycotted Sproull's and

Nolte's and stepped on over the roof to

flowing. At the Preparatory there areabout sixty.

Kawaiahao Seminary starts with 74,and enough more are on the way to bringthe school up to the limit --130. The

VKSEI IN I'OllT.iliit doe? net include coasters.)

Annie Johnson. Miller, Liverpool.Mrose, Kalb, Tort Townseml.IrmgarJ. tfchmuit, San Francisco.

WoMnilerson. Departure Bay.Albert, Winding, San Francisco.

--i!anJi.i,0tfrendorp, San Fran..5 NCastle.Hubbara, San FranciscojueiieM. Iiurns. Taconia.neVG Irwin. McCulloch, S. F.

;al!ib!ano, Cuthell, Cilasgow.

(1) Putnam Screw Cutting Lathe, 18in.M. Phillips', the store lately occupied


Fearl City and Return, 1st Class --

' " ' " 2d Class --

Eva Mill and Return, 1st Class --

' " . od class -Bridles and

- 75c- 50o81.15- 75c

swing, 12tt. bed; most improvedtype.by u. vv . juaciariane & Jo. Here anTrustees were present at the opening ex- -

Steamer and Veranda Chairs for saleSingle and Double Bedroom Sets for saleSingle and Double Sets Harness, Surcingles, Whips,

Saddles for saleBooks, by standard authors, only 50 cents, for saleExtra quality Safety Matches, 75 cents a gross, for saleAll makes of second-lian- d Sewing Machines for sale

entry was effected, as at Davies & Co's.,(1) 20-T- on Vacuum Pan, (II, I. W. Co.erases, and many of the parents and b th t door The b u fiu d

cruardians of the pupils himself with a new hat and a suit of make), built in sections; completewith iron stage and Blake's DirectVacuum Pump, 18x24x24in.

clothes of dark blue serge, and thenwrent down stairs and opened drawers,prying the Yale locks open and gettingat the others by boring three holes with

Panahou opened with 74 pupils, in-

cluding day and boarders.At Punahou Preparatory there wero

120 with over sixty at the College andabout ten more to come.

fip-T- he trains leaving Honolulu at 8 : 15A. m. and 1:45 p. n. and the trains leavingEwa Mill at 10:43 a. m. and 3:13 r. m. willrun down to the terminus on Peninsula, atPearl City.


W. G. Ashley, Superintendent.2858-l-

U) 30in. "Weston's Centrifugals.(1) Complete Diffusion Plant for a caa brace and bit just above the lock. The

drawers contained nothing but papers of

Meat Safes, Ice Boxes, Stoves, Rugs, Sideboards, Whatnots, Hammocks,Mosquito Nets, Tables, Chairs, Baby Cribs and Carriages, Yard Brooms,Mirrors, Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers, Crockery and Glassware, Towels,Feather Pillows, Bed Lounges, Sofas, Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads,Spring & Hair Mattresses, Wardrobes, Brown and Blue Mottled Soap, Etc., Etc.

Sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES at the I X L Auction and CommissionHouse, corner of Nuuanu and King Streets.

no value to a thief.



i Kauai, perstmr Waialeale, Septjf: Maud and Emma Hatfield, Miss--jan. Geo Kellett, 1' Hatfield. A Eiand 22 deck passengers.

departures.Jiflotai, per stmr ilokolii, Sept 7!i Walker, Dan Lyons, Mis3 Flor--jnc- h,

J H van Uiesen and wife, J

2tfcn) Uircrttscment3. To Purchasers and Prospective Pur

pacity of 400 long tons cano perdiem. Manufactured by the San-gerhaus- en

Co., and to arrive in Sept.The two Cane Slicing Machines forthis Diffusion Plant are the latestand most improved type, (self-feedin- g

with Cane Carrier) and havebeen successfully used on Sugar caneat factory and given the highestsatisfaction.

Proprietor.S. W. LEDEBER,and 2D on deck. chasers of Pearl City Lots!t Scotch Splint Coal.

2823--yP"Store Open Saturhay Evenings Till 9 O'clock.(1) 8ft. Cell to Multiple Effect (H. I.

Resolutions of Condolence.At tho meeting of tho Woman's

Board of Missions for the PacificIslands, held Sept. 1, 1891, the fol-

lowing resolutions wero presentedand adopted:

AYherea3, God in his providence hasremoved by death the late Prince Con-sort, the husband of our Queen ;

Resolved, That we as a band of Chris-tian women desire to express to her ourheartfelt sympathy in this affliction thathas befallen her. In our prayers weask that God may be very near to her inthese days of bereavement, and thatsuch comfort as he alone can give mayattend her ;

W. lo. malrfii. t Ian ho fiasilv con


seamer Waialeale brought from. jcptember (J, 114 bags paddy, 152ice and SO bags rice bran.

nected to any of tho H. I. W. Co.'s Great Reduction in Railway Fares! Grand Excursion and ImUNDERSIGNED OFFER FORTHE 500 toTls of Best Scotch Splint Coal, Multiple Etiects.aiooner Luka brought, on Sunday, just arrived per Strathblane from ulasgow.

The Coal is equal to best Welch Coal, and (75) Wheeled Coolers, S0x30x30in.I'iiun iwm iianaiei. TO BE GIVEN AT

(1)especially suited for steam, household andploughing engine use.2802-l- w G. W. M AGFA RLANE & CO,

--Duplex Water Pump, lGxl4xl2in.Capacity, 2 million gals, it 24 hours

'i uf the island steamers will leave to-sit- ir

usual port;-- .

schooner Kulamanu landed 2,000 BHD GROVE, OAHU RAILWAY.f?y ties at the 0. 11. & L. Co's.

to a height of 120 feet with a boilerpressure of 1201bs per square inch.

fig?"All the above Machinery is new,International Rifle Associa tipn

Resolved, That a copy of these resolu-tions be sent to Her Majesty Queen ni.

13y order of the "Woman's Poard ofin perfect order and right from the man-ufacturing establishments where it was

"on Monday.

3i:k Annie Johnson is taking inL. LVs. wharf,

ngactinej. D.Sjpreckels arrived atSeptember 3, nineteen days

isn ha:ici;co with general cargo.tiTes again for San Francisco, sugar

THE ABOVE ASSOCIATION HOLDSregular weeklv meetine: THIS made.

TUESDAY EVENING at 7:30 sharp.

Those who purchased Lots at Pearl Citywith a guarantee that the Oahu Railway &Land Co. would carry them and their fam-ilies between Honolulu and Pearl City(2d Class) for a term of nine (9) years atthe rate of 1 cent per mile, are hereby no-

tified that those who will build upon theirLots within twelve (12) months from thisdate, can claim a reduction of 20 per centfrom the rate of fare named in the deed,for the whole term. This will make therate ten (10) cents each way for 2d Class,and fifteen (15) cents each way for 1stClass, which is about one-thir- d the rateper mile charged by the Hawaiian Tram-ways Co.

gj&-- We look for prosperity throughthe prosperity of the public.


Missions.Mks. H. Bingham, Pres.Mrs. S. E. Bishop, Rec. Sec.

jHaving a very large stock of maSpecial business. Cor. Bethel and Hotel


82 King Street,


Has on Hand For Sale

Departure Bay Coal,

Nanaimo Coal,

Newcastle Coal,


: - V

Delivered in anypart of the town.

wner Kaulilua brought 100 bagsSaturday Afternoon and Evening

terials on hand, purchased at the lowestpossible prices by our Manager whenrecently in Europe and the UnitedStates, we are prepared to furnish anykind of Sugar Machinery on short notice

streets.Per order. A. COYNE,2774-1- 3t Secretary.

NOTICE!u xvauai ior the bark Albert.

m today for Koolau. A Clear Case of Suicide.Yesterday morning at 9 :50 a telephoneMemnon leaves at the latter SEPTEMBER 12, 1S91.

hBrki.hanu.ia? ' message was received at the Police Sta-

tion, stating that a Portuguese by thename of Jno. Onellis had jumped into

and at prices to suit the times.

HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.Albert will leave for San Fran-- g1he Luau will be under the person'"ineeK.

al supervision of the Kapu Bkos.B. F.. Dillingham, Gcnl Manager.MR. J. W. YARNDLEY HAS

and will resume teaching atonce. Those who desire Lessons upon theViolin or in the Cultivation of the Voice,nrp. rennested to make earlv amplication.

H?r Tn ship Stratliblane, Cap- - the pool below Kapena Falls. Assisti. Honolulu, Sept. 1. 1891. 2858-l- mtutaeii, arrived on Monday

September 7th vn rti.-- a fmm1384 2821-- tt


Telephone: Mutual G14, or at Hawaiian.witu l.l'J0 tons general merchan- - LUAU From 2 P. M. to 6 P. M.

was nnmeuiaieiy seai.body recovered and taken tohouse of tho drowned man,tho Vflnoa road, where he lived News Co. 2862-3- t STOCKS AND BONDSnear DANCING From 2 P. M. to 10 P. U.

with ln'a married sister. Iso regular in LOST, A MEETING OF WM. G. IKWINAT& Co.. L'd.. held August 24th, H. M. jtoh sale.T ' 'ainauon on iauai.we machinery are two 14-to- n, four

Vu-J"t- ou boilers. Sailed fromhiS ' nd "ossed the equator onxfLik 7he 1Ioni was passed

r,hc,hne " the Pacific onrou8h weather was

5 i!U1Cndl?n cf L'aPe Horn, but,

"Whitney, Jr., was duly elected to fill theoffice of Treasurer and Secretary, during TRAINS will leave Honolulu at 1 :45 p.m.,A GOLD CHAIN BRACELET, ON

2:45 p. M., 4:30 p. m. and 7 r.i.the temporary absence of vv. M. uinard.

quest was held, as it was a clear case of

suicide. The man, although otherwisesufficiently robust, had been a suffererfor eight years from cancer in the cheek.He had lost his wife about a month be-

fore and was left with four young chil-

dren, who are now orphans. -

CgBoth Telephones 187. 2852-3m- tf

King street between Liliha street andKalihi, on Sunday morning. Return toA. F. at E. O. Hall & Son's and receive RETURNING Leave Remond Grove atWitt. Ki. AK.WJ.iN,

2357-2- w ... President.

TO LET.a suitable reward. 28G2-t- f at 3:30 p. m., 4:1o p. m., G:05 p. m. and

10:30 p.m. To The Public !A Rare Chance for Investors!' ltf nacl been?lnf?ly 2C.in south

; SeK. bark Lochee,Cn-Tyn- c bound for San

j" o"e strathblane wUl leave forFor Portland, Oregon.Marriage Bells.

Tickets for the Round TripYesterday evening. Miss Julia Paty A NEWLY FURNISHED COT-tag-e

at Palama, near King street,and close to the tramcars. Apply in-- tliisr T' e--i uiuoauing ner

'"eetwharf " D0W discbarSing and Mr. J. J. Egan were united in mar BDY YOUR SOAP ATTHE IRON CLIPPER SHIP (Including Luau)to C. F. Peterson, over iiishop & Co.'s TRUSTEES OF THE EWAsStrathblane (of the famous Bank. 285G-t- f 2841-t- driage at the residence of the bride'stho Rev. Dr. Beckwith offici

xx PLANTATION COMPANY, tne un --THEAllan Line), now about duefrom Glasgow, will have imJ''eaj,fe,! Burglary. dersigned offer for sale the Bonds of this

Comnanv to the extent of $250,000 (mediate dispatch , alter ar-- NOTICE.ii-- ,las rnado to break into riu.nl fnr the above Dort. and will carry which about $120,000 have already been

disnosed of), in Bonds of $1000 each, issued Oceanic mm Companyof M r. J. 1) Snrar. nirp. Salt and Molasses at Specialating. Tho bride's sisters Miss Mary

and Miss Anne Taty acted as brides-maids, and Mr. Mclnerny was thegroom's best man. The bride lookedverv nrettv. There were about 150 in

iSatnr.l.,,. , . in Series A, B, C, D, and E. of $50,000Tucker in theand there was Rates of Freight. For particulars apply UNDERSIGNED, SOLETHE member of the firm of Wing each, pavable in 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 years


Because there you get the BEST quality,.full weight, and the LOWEST

PRICE, yiz:

$4.50 per 100 lbs., or $4.75 per Case.

Profit - i respectivelv. bearing interest at Seven perWo Chan Co.. hereby gives notice that allWZ 6 ar.oana aain Sunday FOR SAN FRANCISCO.cent, per annum in coupons maturingto G. W. MACFARLAISE & CO.,

2361-l- w . Agents.

FOE SALE.former powers of attorneys executed by

Anril 1st and October 1st of each year- -above named nrm, or Dy any memDerW x? the door-blind-s and

vitations issued for the reception whichfollowed the ceremony. The Queensent the band. The young couple leaveby the Zealandia to-da- y and they take

nncipal and interest an payable in u.o. The Al steamshipthereof are revoked, and no person isauthorized to sien the firm name but the old Com, at our oince.i


ewould-b- e thief

fcAdoabil?Sowand wax poured undersigned. TONG WUNG WAI.the Advertiser 6 6 99the good wishes ofwith them. ZELA-ISTDIA- .u the ntr nt ion of

These Bonds are secured by a FirstMortgage on the entire property of theCompany, and are free of Governmenttaxes. Adequate Insurance on Buildings,

A GOOD NEW MILCHfamily Cow. Apply to285G-t- f DR. J. JNI. WHITNEY.

Dated Honolulu, sept, a, isai. zsou-i-w

NOTICE.; perfectly noiselessly.

tX9"l have no agents in Honolulu. Buyyour Soap direct from my Factory.

j5PEstablished 35 years!

T. W. RAWLINS,2856-f- m 1591-3- m Proprietor.

Machinery, etc., is provided with loss if '0jany payable to the order 01 the lrustees.Sl LMkly Gazette is upstandard r,A ;Q 0

An Inaudible Band Concert. --

Last night's band concert was an-

nounced as all of new pieces. They are NOTICE. The Company having also voted to inSSSW Hwaiian affair crease their Capital Stock from $500,000UNDERSIGNED HAVINGTHE a Tannery at lwilei close to theHe asiUoes,a fall report Nust M newthis morninS as they were,v ?Seral of tba i,u r..: iWpnhiv. for nobody heard them last Will leave Honolulu for the above port on

rtAPTAIN A. W. BURNS OF THE ORDERS FORto $750,000, we are prepared to issue a por-tion of the new Shares upon applicationto us with an equivalent remittance accom-panying same.

Slaughter house, informs tne public thathe will purchase hides and do all businessconcerning the line of Tannery, and has

4SlSflT,1 , r 1 m:co I J- - - ' . , , , , 7 , ;n f Ua reannn- -?.,r" aDl city news, cur- - night. The public Had assemoiea wnenKihle

oarquefor ""nfXS by his c7ewanv Tuesday, Sept. 3thn 1nnmhor of carriases arrived and car--

ceUhcmt. his written order. zow-t- i

'$te& tt?r ana may be had in i Iia knd cil to tne weouing in me and MONUMENTSon hand all kinds 01 .Learner tor sale atreasonable prices.


For Lease or Sale.FOE SALS.of PublicatioD, Mer- -valley leaving the audience to whistlefor their concert. It was fun for thewedding guests but rough on the public.This kind of "new" concert is some --i A A SACKS KIAWES; IN QUANTI- -

--A.t 1J3 o'clock noon,

ISTFor Freight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd.Reformatoryties to suit, at tne

Ul- -l TOthing that no one is likely to want anymore of. There is a sort of novelty

BISHOP & GO.Honolulu, Aug. 21, 1891.

2850 1390-l- m





Received by the undersigned and forward-ed with despatch.

SGT Photos of Samples with Prices.


RE31DENCE ON LUNALILOstreet, at present occupied by Mr.J.A.Kennedy, containing doubleparlors, 4 bedrooms, dressing and

2857-C- t AOENT3.


j hE Ceeam Pahlous.bath rooms, dining room, pantry andkitchen. Grounds 300x105 feet, well laidout: servants' rooms, stable and chicken

t WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FORdebts contracted without my written

ordeJ. J0SoO4QE1A-Sept- .2, 1891.

FOE SALE.5I Tt... r house in rear of mam building. VacantNT an;T!5EST ICE CUE AM

2850-l- m -

Furnished Booms ami Board

which does not attract.

Outward Bound per Zealandia.J. Wightman, T. L. Murray, A. E.

Pomerey and son, Miss L. Hathaway,James A. Wilder, E. R. Miles, G. W.

Maxon, Captain Freckleton, Mrs. E. C.Bond, Mrs. P. C. Adams and daughter,Frank D. Myer, Miss Jaunita Hassin-ee- r,

Miss Aldrich, Mrs. J. A. Hassingerand rap, F. J. Lowrev, J. J. Egan, Hon.II. T. Bald win and son, II. T. Conde,Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brown. Mrs. J. W.Pratt, J. A. Mehrten, R. W. Cathcart,and C. D. Livis.

decora? ancy moulds adaS?Piano Instruction for the next term

commences TUESDAY, September 1st.Applications received from this date.

on August 14th. ; It. 1, L1LLIE,2822-t- f with Theo. H. Davies & Co.

Fasliionable Dressmaking.tdn: 4lIn. for recherchetit, Dim,..

VIE lr-- ttl3, only DUt lin nl: PHILLIPS & CO. HAVE RE- -M.- 1utEAx Parlors moved from No. 10 Kaahumanu St..

A CHOICE LOT SITUATE ONPunchbowl Hill, commanding aerand view of the harbor and Dia llflSS BURROW, 15 EMMA STREET.

ALL First-clas- s Cutting and Fitting. AlsoAIRY ROOMS AND FAMILYCOOL, to be had at Ka Palama, King

street, within 15 minutes' walk of town ,Address R," Advertiser office. 2843--U

to premises lately occupied by Messrs. G.W. Macfarlane fe Co., corner of Fort andQueen Streets.

2857 1301-l- w - M. PHILLIPS & CO.

7Bcsidence, 13 Emma street.f-Mu-

tual Telephone No. 321.2350-2- w

bymond Head. Apply to

J. ALFRED MAGOON,2823-t- f Merchant street.

the day or week. Prices njoderutti.2S40-lm- tf

tiyS ENGINE STARTSeven a match.


Page 4: mM',. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home1 ""f i I.,. Jk. J I l J.) 1UV V &3!"rant w wi.m rv v--' "t st mm IT 1 h i AC M I --4!"V HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER

(General SITiDcrtiaement

For Bargains of Superior GoodsBaldwin Locomotive! In Banco.

July Term, 1891.

The Kino vs. WilliamKalawaia.


B "FT. Killers & Co. luteTO

STREET.order to make room for New

to Arrive.

99 FORTour Goods Greatly Reduced in


r-- Ti,i nniori will rfreive nromDtpArf xoiti vvww - -

low prices.

The undersigned having been appointedSole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin Locomotives

From the Works of

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Penn.,


For tlie Announcement of

NEW GOODS!attention and will be filled at the same r. .rceaQ.

i i v,ctci n i acinc 0

"Dressmaking Department underthe management of Miss K. Clark.

II. S. TREULOAN & SON,House, 104 Fort S Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.,


Dfialms in Gent's Fine Fmiiisliina: Goods.O

- 2741 -




--F O It- -

Tie Popular Millinery

1ST. S2651-- q


Steel and Iron Eanges,

WESTERMAYER'S CABINET PIANOS in Ebony and Old Oak ; all withlatest improvements and made expressly for this climate.

alsoJ. & C. FISCHER'S PIANOS Cabinet Uprights and Boudoir Upright.

m" PRICES MODERATE. 2C51 1369 q




with mute attachment.

Refreshing! Delicious!


Lemonade, Soda, Cream Soda,





White, Gray and Silver-plate- d.




Plumbers' Stock, Water and Soil Pipes.

Absolutely Pure!

Joe and


M'CULLY, J., ABSENT.DOLE, J. J.;... i i : t

Agreed to be submitted on uneiwithout argument.

(1) The Court will not consider the con"stitutionality ot a law uumwonancy to the Constitution is pointedout by counsel .

(2) Where the defendants are charged un-

der Chapter 40 of the Laws of 183C I ithbeing by night without lawful excuse

it is not neces-saryin an enclosed premises,

for the prosecution to show; thatand have no visiblethey are vagrants

means of subsistence.(3) The evidence sustains the charge.


term of this Court convicted by be.fhir ftnneal. on a charere of

t;io;. mionfar 40 of the Laws of188G, by being found by night without lawful excuse in or upon m u--

closed yard or houses of the Jkapio-lan- i

Home in Honolulu. At the closeof the case for the prosecution, thedefendants' counsel moved the Courtto discharge the defendants on thefollowing grounds:

(1) That the law under which thedefendants are charged is unconsti- -

12) That there is no evidence thateither or both of the defendants arevagrants, or tnat euner or uom uo.

them have no visible means of sub-

sistence within the meaning of thelaw.

(3) That the facts are not sufficientto bring the case within the charge.

This motion was denied, and thequestion brought to us by the bill ofexceptions is whether it should havebeen granted.

The second ground for the motionto discharge the defendants is fullycovered and disposed of by ouropinion in this case decided Febru-ary 10, 1891. We held that the stat-ute in question (Chapter 40 of theLaws of 1886) adds to the previouslaw, Chapter 37, Penal Code (whichpunishes vagrants), several olienseswhich are acts, such as solicitingalms, subscriptions or contributionsunder false pretenses, or entering by

Sn- -

errancy being a status rather than anact, a person found guilty of the lastmentioned offenses and punishedtherefor, is not thereby convicted ofvagrancy even though the two classesof offenses are defined in the sameact and punished with the samepenalties."

On the first ground that the Actin question is unconstitutional,counsel for defense having failed tofile any brief, we are left to conjec-ture the grounds upon which thisAct may be attacked. It is not forthe Court to proceed to the discus-sion of so serious a matter as theconstitutionality of a law, unless itsrepugnancy to the Constitution ispointed out by counsel For this

In answer to the third point, wefind that the evidence was conclusivethat the defendants were found bynight on the enclosed premises ofthe Kapiolani Home in Honolulu forchildren of leprous parents, and thatno lawful excuse therefor was shownby them. We therefore overrule theexceptions.

Deputy Attorney-Genera- l Creigh- -

ton for the Crown; Messrs. Rosaand Kaulukou for defendants.

Honolulu, August 26, 1891.

B. W. M'CHESNEY, J. M. & F. W. M'CHESNEY.124 Clay St., S. P. 40 Queen St, Hono.


Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer-

chants and Importers.40 Queen St., Honolulu. 2840-l- y


TINSMITH & PLUMBERCorner of Kins and Alakea St.,

Honolulu, H. I.TELEPHONE Workshop,-Mutu- al 261

residence, Mutual, 230.

"Estimates furnished on all classesof Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. Firstclass workmanship and material guaran-teed in all the above branches of my busi-ness- at

reasonable rates. 79q


Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents!AGENTS FOR .

New England Mutual Life Ins. Co


J2tna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford.

UNIONJ I n s U I aH C Co in pany



Japanese Employment Office

HAS MOVED TO NO. 23 MAUNAKEAMutual Telephone No. 674.

2772-l- m

Coast of Californ:aSOUth PnJC- - '

Con at. f rv.

and. sn anl VancouTer.j

Western Rout? to rvWest Coast of

arta o Harbors on HMaui and Kauai '

Charts of HarborPearl River.


Norie's and v.Wrinkles in PraSLog Books.American Nautili

Also, all articles in


por Sale by

E. 0. HALL &


ui mgu test constantly oalJ'or sale for

Ami under, bj

E. 0. HALL I


m 2708-- q



us; i in t

Have on Hand and H

Fresh every month from the

the very best qnality of

Hay and G

Of all kinds, at the very lowel

Peliveredi'rompUywasTof the city.


Warehouse, Leleo-Mut- nalI

121; Bell Telephone 129.

..tit. n T finltft- -iumce wiia v. "uT

Iron and Locomotiw h

Comer of ClsaHcTW3

Ban Francisco '


Builders of Sto i




Wlth bulls ot wood, iron


JL. r iTTvrnES.Barg11'

they are to be employ

f water K"ai" u.hji

Soiler iron WortJJ- --rt

WATER ElntiuKsize, made ll'Tfltogether, or BWjttW fc,

IforovnTind. nM(fi

5SK5K!2JS5JWOrk bein3Ir''u', stea w

inches. Ait frj"after the most F to0W

cltyWvlveP &.,8fDavypump. - I



Jttxcuw ..,1

Jap it1I.I0 mar1

Wished rl


Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, or anysize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works arenow manufacturing a style of Locomo-tive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in urnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars of


The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.


Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.2651-- q

Win. G. Iran & Company,




Compounds and Hoofing

rkkd's patent

Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.


Wool Dust,Bone Meal,

Fish. Guano.ALSO


High Grade Chemical Cane Manure.


Cocksfoot, Kye Grass and Clovers.


Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.



FROM AND AFTERthis dale we will not beTPsnonsiblfi for anv

J" freicht after same hasbeen landed. Parties to whom freight isconsigned must be at the landing to receivetheirireight

WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO.Honolulu. Sept. 5. 1890. 112-- q

C. AFAT,Dealer in Clothing, Furnishing Goods


General MerchandiseOf every description, entirely new,

at hisNew Store, 55 and 57 Nuuanu St.,

next to Empire Saloon.

X3The public are respectfully invitedto call and inspect the choice selection ofNew Goods. 2767-3- m

3 the leading remedv fopCures In 3 onorrhnn Jtr r.tiu'1T05DAYS.V4 ThflmrtTT enm KmvfoIn jk -- .. .j. n J "-"-'- u;vVbSc: encorrhoeaorWhites.

m-s presenile nana ieeiijj vfJoDtyby safe m recommenaing itl" TnEvAN3CHEWir,rCo. to all sufferers.CNC1MMATI.0 E?Tg3 A. J. STONER, M. D.,

U.S. A. ri DECATUR. IIX.Sold by DrnsreistS.TtnuKVi raicE 81.00.

Hollisteb& Co., Wholesale Agents.Bkhsoh, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents

1365 2711-- q

tising OrPIERCE' S V

rareni .vm nun 1 1 10 i


J vf VI,the assurance "in vugiven that wo areoffering the Best .iTrnsinlieWorld..

ll This Celebrated Appli-Vs- aance has been extonsivelsX

'a.ild for many rears and huISadlcallr Cured iboni--

nnd ofcases of Kupture! This is aajltSleeirio Trass (the only snccesami pusv tIver invested); has no Iron-Hoo- ps or SteeltBpringsabontit.andbeingelastlc,canbewornnth ease and comfort K i arb and Day. s a perreetreta.iner I aS-i- cr further particolars orruas, aend 4c. ia stamps for Fmpmeo.l anttCriCMDCD tba Dr.Pierco's Genuine Electn.II L U L I D L 11 Trusses contain our Private SiUiire exactly like that shown at .ton of thiipidrertimnent. Beware of inferior imitations


TELEPHONES:7"Mutual 360. 2749-- q WCTJBell 372.


BUILDER and C03STTRA.CTORIs prepared to furnish Plans and Specifications for, and Construct allkinds of Buildings, either Brick, Stone, Iron or Wood, in a satisfactorymanner



Stoves and Fixtures,

and Sheet Iron Work,

and 97 KING STREET.2651 -q

1 New Store! New-Good-s!







Millinery,Flowers,Feathers & Novelties

Ever Seen in Honolulu

Prices Reasonable !

3TNew Goods Every Steamer.


GOO D9sMclntyre Block, Fort Street.

2709-3m- q '

Just ReceivedPer Bark " CHARLOTTE," a number of


From the Celebrated Factory of


S-- Now ready for inspection , for saleby


Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.2712-- q

PAPER IS KEPT ON FILETHIS E. C. Dake's AdvertisingAgency, 64 & 65 Merchant's Exchange,Pan Francisco, Cal., where contracts foradvertising can be made for it

$J"Being a factual Architect myself, I am prepared to make all Plansand Specifications, and Personally Superintend the same.Thankful to all who have entrusted their work to me heretofore, I hope to

merit a continuance of their patronage, by giving the same my personal supervis-factio- nemp ymg c0111!51114 assistants, thereby enabling me to guarantee satis- -

l3HLL SRS 0F J0BBING and REPAIRING promptly attended to.Unices Fitted up with neatness and dispatch.

Gr. W.2651-- q JBell Telephone 275.

J. L.

Practical Hob


Plumbing, Tin, Copper

DIMOND BLOCK, 951356 -

The Honolulu Soap Works

The undersigned have just completedtheir NEW STEAM SOAP WORKS.an" are prepared to supply the trade a

Pure Laundry Soap!

Put up in Boxes of 100 Lbs.,

of 42 and 56 Bars each.

We guarantee our Soap to be pure,and much better than the imported.

ICCyEach box is stamped " Honolu-lu Soap Co.," and is

For Sale by all Retailers.



2778-3- m AGENTS.

JSTEJW GOOI3Sa Fine Assortment.

We have just received per S. S. Australia,a fine selection of New Goods,

comprising:, oneelegant

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed


Assorted colors and patterns of CrepeSilk Shawls. Elegant Tete-- a te Cups

and Saucers. A fine lot of .

Manila Cigars and Cheroots100 in a Box.

Scarf Pins in gTeat variety,Lily Bulbs.

A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chairs and TablesAlso, a small selection of JAPANESE

COSTUMES.SF-C- all early and examine this fin

assortment of New Goods.

WING WO CHAN & CO.No. 2 Nuuanu Street.


LINCOLN,75 and 77 Kino Street.


Denrate Painter

t Honolulu.t 0


WORKS CO.Manager.


Iron Founders,Esplanade, Honolulu,


2651-- q

No. 130 Fort St.,


Engineers andOlce and Works,

MANUFACTURERSSugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engines,

bteam Boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers, Molasses Tanks, Sugar Cars,Cane Cars, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings,

Wrought and Cast Iron Work for House Builders,Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc.


IPelton "Water Wheel. .

TiAfS8 of all kinds of MACHINERY done at REASONABLESHORT NOTICE. 1366-2716--q