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    JCGM 200:2008

    Me|unarodni mjeriteljski rje~nik

    Osnovni i op}i pojmovi i pridru`eni nazivi (VIM)

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    Me|unarodni mjeriteljski rje~nik Osnovni i op}i pojmovi i pridru`eni nazivi (VIM)

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    Me|unarodni mjeriteljski rje~nik

    Osnovni i op}i pojmovi i pridru`eni nazivi (VIM)

    JCGM 200:2008


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    Svi proizvodi JCGM-a me|unarodno su za{ti}eni pravom umno`avanja. Ovaj prijevod izvornog dokumenta

    JCGM-a izra|en je s dopu{tenjem JCGM-a. JCGM u potpunosti zadr`ava me|unarodno za{ti}eno pravo naoblikovno ure|enje i sadr`aj dokumenta te na naslove, krilatice i logotipe JCGM-a. Organizacije ~laniceJCGM-a u potpunosti zadr`avaju me|unarodno za{ti}eno pravo na svoje naslove, krilatice i logotipe uklju~eneu publikacije JCGM-a. Jedina je slu`bena verzija dokumentaona koju je JCGM objavio na izvornim jezicima.

    Naslov izvornika:

    International vocabulary of metrology Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM)Vocabulaire international de mtrologie Concepts fondamentaux et gnraux et termes associs (VIM)

    NAKLADNIK: Dr`avni zavod za mjeriteljstvo ZA IZDAVA^A:Mirko Vukovi} PREVEO S ENGLESKOGJEZIKA:Mirko Vukovi} LEKTORIRAO I IZVR[IO PREGLED PRIJEVODA S IZVORNIKOM: dr. Luka Vukojevi} KORIGIRAO: Domagoj [karica PRIPREMA SLOGA: LASERplus d.o.o., Zagreb, Mirela Miki} Muha Zagreb,sije~nja 2009.

    ISBN 978-953-6783-06-9

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    JCGM 200:2008 5

    Document produced by Working Group 2 of the Joint Com-mittee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM/WG 2).

    Copyright of this JCGM guidance document is shared jointlyby the JCGM member organizations (BIPM, IEC, IFCC,ILAC, ISO, IUPAC, IUPAP and OIML).


    Even if the electronic version of the 3rd edition of the VIMis available free of charge on the BIPMs website(www.bipm.org), copyright of this document is shared joint-ly by the JCGM member organizations, and all respective

    logos andemblems are vested in them and are internationallyprotected. Third parties cannot rewrite or re-brand, issue orsell copies to the public, broadcast or use on-line the 3rdedition of the VIM. For all commercial use, reproduction ortranslation of this document and/or of the logos, emblems,publications or other creations contained therein, the priorwritten permission of the Director of the BIPM must beobtained.

    Dokument je izradila Radna skupina 2 Zajedni~kog odboraza upute u mjeriteljstvu (JCGM/WG 2)

    Pravo umno avanja ovihuputa JCGM-a zajedni~ki dijele or-ganizacije ~lanovi JCGM-a (BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ILAC, ISO,IUPAC, IUPAP i OIML).

    Pravo umno`avanja

    Premda je elektroni~ka verzija 3. izdanja VIM-a besplatnodostupna na mre`noj stranici BIPM-a (www.bipm.org), pra-vo umno`avanja ovoga dokumenta zajedni~ki dijele organi-zacije ~lanice JCGM-a, a svi njihovi odgovaraju}i logotipovi

    i znakovi raspoznavanja koji im zakonski pripadaju me|u-narodno su za{ti}eni. Tre}e strane ne mogu prepisivati ilipreina~ivati, izdavati ili prodavati kopije javnosti, raspa~avatielektroni~kim putem ili stavljati na mre`u 3. izdanje VIM-a.Za svaku komercijalnu uporabu, pretisak ili prijevod ovogadokumenta i/ili uporabu logotipova, znakova raspoznavanja,odnosno dijelova dokumenta mora se prethodno dobiti pis-meno odobrenje ravnatelja BIPM-a.

    Document produit par le Groupe de travail 2 du Comitcommun pour les guides en mtrologie (JCGM/WG 2).

    Les droits dauteur relatifs ce document sont la propritconjointe des organisations membres du JCGM (BIPM, CEI,IFCC, ILAC, ISO, UICPA, UIPPA et OIML).

    Droits dauteur

    Mme si uneversion lectroniquede la 3e ditionduVIMpeuttre tlcharge gratuitement sur le site internet du BIPM(www.bipm.org), les droits dauteur relatifs ce documentsont la proprit conjointe des organisations membres du

    JCGM et lensemble de leurs logos et emblmes respectifsleur appartiennent et font lobjet dune protection internatio-nale. Les tiers ne peuvent rcrire ou modifier, distribuer ouvendre des copies au public, diffuser ou mettre en ligne, la 3e

    ditiondu VIM.Tout usage commercial, reproduction ou tra-duction de la 3e dition du VIM et/ou des logos, emblmeset/ou publications quil comporte, doit recevoir lautorisa-tion crite pralable du directeur du BIPM.

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    JCGM 200:2008 7


    Napomena o pravu umno`avanja JCGM-a . . . . . . . . 5

    PredgovorJCGM-a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Uvod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    Dogovor i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    Podru~jeprimjene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    1.Veli~ineijedinice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 .M j e r e nj e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    3.Mjerniure|aj i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

    4.Svojstvamjernih ure|aja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

    5.Mjernietaloni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

    Dodatak A (obavijesni)Pojmovnidijagrami. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

    Bibliografija . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127Popisakronima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

    Abecednokazalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131


    JCGMCopyrightnotice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    JCGMForeword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Introduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    Convent ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    1 Quantities and units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    3 Devices formeasurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

    4Propertiesofmeasuringdevices . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

    5Measurementstandards(Etalons) . . . . . . . . . . . 78

    Annex A (Informative):Conceptdiagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

    Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127Lystofacronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

    Engl ishindex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134


    Noticedudroitd'auteurJCGM(enanglais) . . . . . . . . 5

    Avant-propos JCGM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Introduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    Convent ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    Domained'application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    1Grandeursetunits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202Mesurages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    3Dispositifsdemesure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

    4Propritsdesdispositifsdemesure . . . . . . . . . . 67

    5talons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

    Annex A (Informative) :Schmasconceptuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

    Bibliographie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127Listedessigles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

    Indexfranais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

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    10 JCGM 200:2008

    Na dva su sastanka 2007. godine razmotrene i kad je to biloprikladno uzete u obzir sve nove primjedbe, ali bez podrob-

    nih odgovora. Op}i izvje{taj bit }e dan na otvorenoj mre`nojstranici BIPM-a.

    Ovo 3. izdanje jednoglasno je odobrilo i prihvatilo osam or-ganizacija ~lanica JCGM-a

    Ovo 3. izdanje poni{tava i zamjenjuje 2. izdanje iz 1993. go-dine. Ovo3. izdanje tako|er je objavio ISOkao ISO upute 99(ISO/IEC upute 99-12:2007, Me|unarodni rje~nik mjeritelj-stva Osnovni i op}i pojmovi i pridru`eni nazivi, VIM).

    At two meetings in 2007 all new comments were consideredand taken into account as appropriate, but with no detailed

    replies. A general statement will be provided on the openweb site of the BIPM.

    This 3rd edition has been approved and adopted by each andall of the eight JCGM Member organizations.

    This 3rd edition cancels and replaces the 2nd edition 1993.This 3rd edition is also published as ISO Guide 99 by ISO(ISO/IEC Guide 99-12:2007 International Vocabulary ofMetrology Basic and General Concepts and AssociatedTerms, VIM).

    Lors de deux runions en 2007, tous les nouveaux commen-taires ont t examins et ventuellement pris en compte,

    mais sans rponses dtailles. Une rponse gnrale serapublie sur le site Web public du BIPM.

    Cette 3eme dition a t approuve et adopte l'unanimitpar les huit organisations membres du JCGM.

    Cette 3eme dition annule et remplace la 2eme dition de 1993.Cette troisime dition a aussi t publie par l'ISO commeGuide ISO/CEI 99:2007, Vocabulaire international demtrologie Concepts fondamentaux et gnraux et termesassocis (VIM).

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    JCGM 200:2008 15

    Godine 2004. godine prvi je nacrt VIM-a podnesen na mi-{ljenja i prijedloge toj skupini od osam organizacija koje su

    zastupljene u JCGM-u koje su se u najve}em broju slu~ajevasavjetovale sa svojim ~lanovima ili pridru enim ~lanovimauklju~uju}i brojne nacionalne mjeriteljske institute. JCGM/WG 2 je prou~io mi{ljenja i o njimase raspravljao, uzimaju}iih u obzir kad je to prikladno, i na njih odgovarao. Kona~ninacrt tre}eg izdanja podnesen je 2006. godine toj skupini odosam organizacija na ocjenu i odobrenje.

    Radna skupina 2 razmotrila je i gdje je to prikladno uzela uobzir sve naknadne mi{ljenja.

    Tre}e izdanje VIM-a odobrio je svaki i svi od osma orga-nizacija ~lanova JCGM.

    In 2004, a first draft of the third edition of the VIM wassubmitted for comments and proposals to the eight organiza-

    tions represented in the JCGM, which in most cases consult-ed their members or affiliates, including numerous NationalMetrology Institutes. Comments were studied and discussed,taken into account when appropriate,andreplied to by JCGM/WG 2. A final draft of thethird edition wassubmitted in 2006to the eight organizations for review and approval.

    All subsequent comments were considered and taken intoaccount as appropriate by Working Group 2.

    The third edition of the VIM has been approved by each andall of the eight JCGM Member organizations.

    En 2004, un premier projet de troisime dition du VIM a tsoumis pour commentaires et propositions aux huit organisa-

    tionsreprsentes dans le JCGM,qui pour la plupart ont con-sult leursmembres ou affilis, y compris de nombreux labo-ratoires nationauxde mtrologie. Le JCGM/WG 2 a tudi etdiscut les commentaires, les a ventuellement pris en com-pte et a labor des rponses. Une version finale de la troi-sime dition a t soumise en 2006 aux huit organisationspour valuation et approbation.

    Tous les commentaires ultrieurs ont t examins et ven-tuellement pris en compte par le Groupe de travail 2.

    Cette troisime dition a t approuve lunanimit par leshuit organisations membres du JCGM.

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    18 JCGM 200:2008

    Odsje~akNaziv odsje~ak upotrebljava se zajedno sa znakom [a,b]

    za ozna~ivanje skupa realnih brojevaxza koje jea x b,gdje suaib>arealni brojevi. Naziv odsje~ak upotreblja-va se ovdje za zatvoreni odsje~ak. Znakovia i b ozna~ujurubne to~ke odsje~ka[a, b].

    PRIMJER:[ 4; 2]

    Rubna to~kaa= 4 Rubna to~kab= 2

    Dvije rubne to~ke 2 i 4 odsje~ka[ 4; 2]mogu seiskazati kao 1 3. Taj izraz ne ozna~uje interval[ 4; 2]. Ipak 1 3 ~esto se ozna~uje za odsje~ak[ 4; 2].

    Duljina odsje~ka

    DuljinaDuljina odsje~ka [a,b] razlika jebai ozna~uje se s r [a,b].

    PRIMJER:r[ 4; 2]= 2 ( 4) = 6

    Napomena: Za taj se pojam katkad upotrebljava naziv raspon.

    IntervalThe term interval is used together with the symbol[a; b] to

    denote the set of real numbersxfor whicha x b,whereaand b > a are real numbers. The term interval is used here for'closed interval'. The symbolsaandbdenote the 'end-points'of the interval[a; b].

    EXAMPLE[ 4; 2]

    End-pointa = 4 End-pointb = 2

    The two end-points 2 and 4 of the interval [ 4; 2]can be stated as 13. The latter expression doesnotdenote theinterval [4; 2]. Nevertheless, 1 3is often used to denote the interval[ 4; 2].

    Range of interval

    RangeThe range of the interval[a; b]is the differenceb a and isdenoted by r[a; b].

    EXAMPLEr[ 4; 2]= 2 ( 4) = 6

    NoteThe term "span" is sometimes used for this concept.

    IntervalleLe terme intervalle et le symbole[a; b]sont utiliss pour

    dsigner l'ensemble des nombres relsx tels que a x b, oaetb > asont des nombres rels. Le terme intervalle estutilis ici pour intervalle ferm. Les symboles a et b notentles extrmits de l'intervalle[a; b].

    EXEMPLE[ 4; 2]

    Extrmita = 4 Extrmitb = 2

    Les deux extrmits 2 et 4 de l'intervalle [ 4; 2]peuventtre notes 1 3. Cette dernire expressionne dsigne pas l'intervalle [4;2]. Cependant, 1 3est souvent utilise pour designer l'intervalle[ 4; 2].

    tendue d'un intervalle

    tendueL'tendue de l'intervalle[a; b]est la diffrenceb a,noter[a; b].

    EXEMPLEr[ 4, 2]= 2 ( 4) = 6

    Note[En anglais, le terme span est parfois utilis.]

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    30 JCGM 200:2008

    Faktor Predmetak

    Ime Znak


    jota Y1021 zeta Z

    1018 eksa E

    1015 peta P

    1012 tera T

    109 giga G

    106 mega M

    103 kilo k

    102 hekto h

    101 deka da

    101 deci d

    102 centi c

    103 mili m

    106 mikro m

    109 nano n



    piko p1015 femto f

    1018 ato a

    1021 zepto z

    1024 jokto y


    vi{ekratnik jedinicemjerna jedinicadobivena mno`enjem dane jedinice ci-jelim brojem ve}im od jedan


    a) Kilometar je deseti~ni vi{ekratnik metra.

    b) Sat je nedeseti~ni vi{ekratnik sekunde.

    Napomena 1.:SIpredmetci za deseti~ne vi{ekratnikeosnovnihSIjedinicaiizvedenihSIjedinicadani su u napomeni 5. natuknice1.16.

    Factor Prefix

    Name Symbol


    yotta Y1021 zetta Z

    1018 exa E

    1015 peta P

    1012 tera T

    109 giga G

    106 mega M

    103 kilo k

    102 hecto h

    101 deca da

    101 deci d

    102 centi c

    103 milli m

    106 micro m

    109 nano n



    pico p1015 femto f

    1018 atto a

    1021 zepto z

    1024 yocto y


    multiple of a unitmeasurement unit obtained by multiplying a given mea-surement unit by an integer greater than one


    a) The kilometre is a decimal multiple of the metre.

    b) The hour is a non-decimal multiple of the second.

    Note 1 SIprefixes for decimal multiples of SI base units andSIderived unitsare given in note 5 of 1.16.

    Facteur Prfixe

    Nom Symbole


    yotta Y1021 zetta Z

    1018 exa E

    1015 pta P

    1012 tra T

    109 giga G

    106 mga M

    103 kilo k

    102 hecto h

    101 dca da

    101 dci d

    102 centi c

    103 milli m

    106 micro m

    109 nano n



    pico p1015 femto f

    1018 atto a

    1021 zepto z

    1024 yocto y


    multiple dune unit, munit de mesureobtenue en multipliant une unit de me-sure donne par un entier suprieur un


    a) Le kilomtre est un multiple dcimal du mtre.

    b) Lheure est un multiple non dcimal de la seconde.

    Note 1 Les prfixesSIpour les multiples dcimaux desunits debaseet desunits drivesdu SI sont donns la note 5 de 1.16.

    JCGM 200 2008 31

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    JCGM 200:2008 31

    Napomena 2.: SI predmetcistrogo se odnosena potencijebroja10 ine trebaju se upotrebljavati za potencije broja 2. Npr. 1 kilobit netreba upotrebljavati za prikaz 1024 bita (210 bita), {to je kibibit.

    Predmetci su za binarne vi{ekratnike ovi:

    Faktor Predmetak

    Naziv Znak

    (210)8 jobi Yi

    (210)7 zebi Zi

    (210)6 eksbi Ei

    (210)5 pebi Pi

    (210)4 tebi Ti

    (210)3 gibi Gi

    (210)2 mebi Mi

    (210)1 kibi Ki

    Izvor: IEC 80000-13.


    ni`ekratnik jedinicemjerna jedinicadobivena dijeljenjem dane mjerne jedi-nice cijelim brojem ve}im od jedan


    a) Milimetar je deseti~ni ni`ekratnik metra.

    b) Za ravninski kut sekunda je nedeseti~ni ni`ekratnik mi-nute.

    Napomena: SI predmetci za deseti~ne ni`ekratnike SIosnovnih jedi-nicaiizvedenihSIjedinicadani su u napomeni 5. natuknice 1.16.

    1.19(1.18)vrijednost veli~inevrijednost

    broj i referencija koji zajedno izra`avaju vrijednostve-li~ine

    Note 2SI prefixes refer strictly to powers of 10, and should not beused for powers of 2. For example, 1 kilobit should not be used torepresent 1024 bits (210 bits), which is a kibbibit.

    Prefixes for binary multiples are:

    Factor Prefix

    Name Symbol

    (210)8 yobi Yi

    (210)7 zebi Zi

    (210)6 exbi Ei

    (210)5 pebi Pi

    (210)4 tebi Ti

    (210)3 gibi Gi

    (210)2 mebi Mi

    (210)1 kibi Ki

    Source:IEC 80000-13.


    submultiple of a unitmeasurement unitobtained by dividing a given measu-rement unit by an integer greater than one


    a) The millimetre is a decimal submultiple of the metre.

    b) For plane angle, the second is a non-decimal submultipleof the minute.

    NoteSI prefixes for decimal submultiples of SIbase unitsand SIderived unitsare given in note 5 of 1.16.


    quantity valuevalue of a quantityvalue

    number and reference together expressing magnitude of aquantity

    Note 2 Les prfixes SI reprsentent strictement des puissances de10 et il convient de ne pas les utiliser pour des puissances de 2. Parexemple, il convient de ne pas utiliser 1 kilobit pour reprsenter

    1 024 bits (210 bits), qui est 1 kibibit.Les prfixes pour les multiples binaires sont :

    Facteur Prfixe

    Nom Symbole

    (210)8 yobi Yi

    (210)7 zbi Zi

    (210)6 exbi Ei

    (210)5 pbi Pi

    (210)4 tbi Ti

    (210)3 gibi Gi

    (210)2 mbi Mi

    (210)1 kibi Ki

    Source: CEI 80000-13.


    sous-multiple dune unit,munit de mesure obtenue en divisant une unit de mesuredonne par un entier suprieur un


    a) Le millimtre est un sous-multiple dcimal du mtre.

    b) Pour langle plan, la seconde est un sous-multiple nondcimal de la minute.

    NoteLes prfixes SI pour les sous-multiples dcimaux desunitsdebase etdes units drivesduSIsontdonnslanote5de1.16.

    1.19(1.18)valeur dune grandeur,fvaleur, f

    ensemble dun nombre et dune rfrence constituantlexpression quantitative dunegrandeur

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    JCGM 200:2008 37

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    1.29dogovorena referentna ljestvica

    ljestvica vrijednosti veli~inedefinirana formalnim do-govorom

    1.30nazivno svojstvo

    svojstvo pojave, tijela ili tvari pri ~emu to svojstvo nemaveliko}e


    a) Spol ljudi.

    b) Uzorak boje.

    c) Boja za nasumi~no ispitivanje u kemiji.

    d) Dvoslovni ISO kod dr`ava.

    e) Niz aminokiselina u polipeptidu.

    Napomena 1.: Nazivno svojstvo ima vrijednost koja se mo`e izra-ziti rije~ima, slovnobroj~anim kodovima ili na drugi na~in.

    Napomena 2.: Vrijednostnazivnog svojstva ne smije se brkati s na-zivnom vrijedno{}u veli~ine.

    1.29conventional reference scale

    quantity-value scaledefined by formal agreement

    1.30nominal property

    property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where theproperty has no magnitude


    a) Sex of a human being.

    b) Color of a paint sample.

    c) Color of a spot test in chemistry.

    d) ISO two-letter country code.

    e) Sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide.

    Note 1A nominal property has a value, which can be expressed inwords, by alpha-numerical codes, or by other means.

    Note 2 'Nominal property value is not to be confused withnomi-nal quantity value.

    1.29chelle de rfrence conventionnelle,f

    chelle de valeursdfinie par un accord officiel

    1.30proprit qualitative,fattribut, m

    proprit d'un phnomne, d'un corps ou d'une substance,que l'on ne peut pas exprimer quantitativement


    a) Sexe d'une personne.

    b) Couleur d'un spcimen de peinture.

    c) Couleur d'unspot testen chimie.

    d) Code de pays ISO deux lettres.

    e) Squence d'acides amins dans un polypeptide.

    Note 1 Une proprit qualitative a une valeur, qui peut tre expri-me par des mots, par des codes alphanumriques ou par d'autresmoyens.

    Note 2 La valeurd'une proprit qualitative ne doit pastre confon-due avec lavaleur nominaled'une grandeur.

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    62 JCGM 200:2008

    3. Mjerni ure|aji 3 Devices 3 Dispositifs

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    3. Mjerni ure|aji

    3.1(4.1)mjerilomjerni instrument

    ure|aj koji se upotrebljava zamjerenja, samostalno ili sjednim ili vi{e dopunskih ure|aja

    Napomena 1.: Mjerilo koje se mo`e upotrebljavati samostalnomjernijesustav.

    Napomena2.: Mjerilo mo e biti pokazno mjerilo ili tvarnamjera.

    3.2(4.5)mjerni sustav

    skup od jednog ili vi{e mjerila i ~esto drugih ure|aja, uk-lju~uju}i reagense i napajanje, sastavljen i prilago|en dadaje podatke koji se upotrebljavaju za dobivanjeizmje-renih vrijednosti veli~ine specificirane vrste u specifici-ranim intervalimaveli~ina

    Napomena:Mjerni sustav mo`e se sastojati samo od jednog mje-rila.


    pokazno mjerilo

    mjerilokoje daje izlazni signal koji nosi podatke ovri-jednosti veli~inekoja se mjeriPRIMJERI:

    a) voltometar,b) mikrometar,c) toplomjer,d) elektroni~ka vaga.

    3 Devicesfor measurement

    3.1(4.1)measuring instrument

    device used for makingmeasurements,alone or in co-njunction with one or more supplementary devices

    Note 1 A measuring instrument that can be used alone is a measur-ing system.

    Note 2 A measuring instrument may be anindicating measuringinstrumentor amaterial measure.

    3.2(4.5)measuring system

    set of one or moremeasuring instrumentsand often ot-her devices, including any reagent and supply, assembledand adapted to give information used to generatemeasu-red quantity valueswithin specified intervals forquan-titiesof specifiedkinds

    NoteA measuring system may consist of only one measuring in-strument.


    indicating measuring instrument

    measuring instrument providing an output signal carryinginformationabout thevalue of the quantity beingmeasuredEXAMPLES

    a) Voltmeter,b) micrometer,c) thermometer,d) electronic balance.

    3 Dispositifsde mesure

    3.1(4.1)instrument de mesure, mappareil de mesure, m

    dispositif utilis pour faire desmesurages,seul ou asso-ci un ou plusieurs dispositifs annexes

    Note 1Un instrument de mesure qui peut tre utilis seul est unsystme de mesure.

    Note 2Un instrument de mesure peut tre unappareil de mesureindicateurou unemesure matrialise.


    systme de mesure,m

    ensemble d'un ou plusieurs instruments de mesure etsouvent d'autres dispositifs, comprenant si ncessaireractifs et alimentations, assembls et adapts pour four-nir des informations destines obtenir desvaleurs me-suresdans des intervalles spcifis pour desgrandeursdenaturesspcifies

    Note Un systme de mesurepeut consisteren un seul instrument demesure.


    appareil de mesure indicateur, mappareil indicateur, minstrument de mesurequi fournit un signal de sortie por-teur d'informations sur lavaleurde lagrandeurmesureEXEMPLES

    a) Voltmtre,b) micromtre vis,c) thermomtre,d) balance lectronique.

    JCGM 200:2008 63

    Napomena 1.: Pokazno mjerilo mo`e davati kakav zapis svojegapokazivanja

    Note 1 An indicating measuring instrument may provide a recordof its indication

    Note 1 Un appareil de mesure indicateur peut fournir un enregistre-ment de son indication

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    Napomena 2.:Izlazni signal mo`e se davati u vizualnome ili akus-

    ti~komeobliku.On se mo`eprenositi na jedan ilivi{e drugih ure|aja.


    pokazno mjerilo~iji je izlazni signal pokazivanje u vi-zualnom obliku

    3.5(4.17)ljestvica predo~nika

    diopredo~nikakoji se sastoji od ure|ena skupa oznaka,zajedno sa svim pridru`enim brojevima ilivrijednosti-ma veli~ine

    3.6(4.2)tvarna mjera

    mjerilokoje tijekom uporabe trajno obnavlja ili dajeve-li~inejedne ili vi{evrsta, svaku s dodijeljenomvrijed-no{}u veli~ine


    a) uteg,b) obujamska mjera (koja daje jednu ili nekoliko vrijedno-

    stiveli~ine,s ljestvicom vrijednosti veli~ine ili bez nje),c) etalonski elektri~ni otpornik,d) ravnalo,

    e) planparalelna grani~na mjera,

    of itsindication.

    Note 2An output signal may be presented in visual or acoustic fo-

    rm. It may also be transmitted to one or more other devices.

    3.4(4.6)displaying measuring instrument

    indicating measuring instrumentwhere the output sig-nal is presented in visual form

    3.5(4.17)scale of a displaying measuring instrument

    part of adisplaying measuring instrument,consistingof an ordered set of marks together with any associatedquantity values

    3.6(4.2)material measure

    measuring instrument reproducing or supplying, in apermanent manner during its use, quantitiesof one ormore givenkinds, eachwith an assigned quantity value


    a) Standard weight,b) volume measure (supplying one or several quantity va-

    lues, with or without aquantity value scale),c) standard electric resistor,d) line scale (ruler),

    e) gauge block,

    ment de sonindication.

    Note 2 Un signalde sortie peut tre prsent sous forme visuelle ou

    acoustique. Il peut aussi tre transmis un ou plusieurs autres dis-positifs.

    3.4(4.6)appareil de mesure afficheur,mappareil afficheur, m

    instrument de mesure indicateurdont le signal de sor-tie est prsent sous forme visuelle

    3.5(4.17)chelle d'un appareil de mesure afficheur, fchelle, f

    partie d'uninstrument de mesure afficheurconstitued'un ensemble ordonn de repres, associs ventuelle-ment des nombres ou desvaleurs de grandeurs

    3.6(4.2)mesure matrialise,f

    instrument de mesure qui reproduit ou fournit, d'unemanire permanente pendant son emploi, desgrandeursd'une ou plusieursnatures,chacune avec unevaleuras-signeEXEMPLES

    a) Masse marque,b) mesure de capacit (fournissant une ou plusieurs valeu-

    rs, avec ou sanschelle de valeurs),c) rsistance lectrique talon,d) rgle gradue,

    e) cale talon,

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    66 JCGM 200:2008

    Napomena 1.: Tipovi uga|anja uklju~ujuuga|anje ni{tice mjer-nog sustava, uga|anje pomaka i uga|anje raspona (koje se katkad

    Note 1Types of adjustment of a measuring system includezero ad-justment of a measuring system,offset adjustment, and span ad-

    Note 1 Divers types d'ajustage d'un systme de mesure sont lerglage de zro, le rglage de dcalage, le rglage d'tendue(appe-

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    naziva uga|anjem poja~anja).

    Napomena 2.: Uga|anje mjernog sustava ne treba se brkati s umje-ravanjem, {to je preduvjet za uga|anje.

    Napomena 3.: Nakon uga|anja mjerni se sustav obi~no mora po-novno umjeriti.


    uga|anje ni{tice mjernog sustavauga|anje ni{tice

    uga|anje mjernog sustavakoje osigurava ni{ti~nopo-kazivanjekoje odgovara ni{ti~noj vrijednosti veli~inekoja se mjeri

    justment (sometimes called gain adjustment).

    Note 2Adjustment of a measuring system should not be confusedwithcalibration,which is a prerequisite for adjustment.

    Note 3 After an adjustment of a measuring system, the measuringsystem usually must be recalibrated.


    zero adjustment of a measuring systemzero adjustment

    adjustment of a measuring systemso that it provides anullindicationcorresponding to a zerovalueof aquan-tityto be measured

    l aussi rglage de gain).

    Note 2 Il convient de ne pas confondre l'ajustage d'un systme demesure avec sontalonnage,qui est un pralable l'ajustage.

    Note 3Aprs un ajustage d'un systme de mesure, le systme doitgnralement tre rtalonn.


    rglage de zro,m

    ajustage d'un systme de mesurepour que le systmefournisse une indication gale zro correspondant unevaleurgale zro de lagrandeur mesurer

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    76 JCGM 200:2008

    4.26(5.21)najve}a dopu{tena mjerna pogrje{kanajve}a dopu{tena pogrje{ka

    4.26(5.21)maximum permissible measurement errormaximum permissible error

    4.26(5.21)erreur maximale tolre,flimite d'erreur, f

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    j p p g j

    granica pogrje{kekrajnja vrijednost izmjerene pogrje{ke u odnosu napoznatureferentnu vrijednost veli~inedopu{tenu spe-cifikacijama ili propisima za danomjerenje,mjeriloilimjerni sustav

    Napomena 1.: Obi~no se naziv najve}e dopu{tene pogrje{ke iligranice pogrje{ke upotrebljavaju kad postoje dvije krajnje vri-


    Napomena 2.:Naziv dopu{teno odstupanje ne smije se upotreb-ljavati za ozna~ivanje najve}ih dopu{tenih pogrje{aka

    4.27(5.22)pogrje{ka u nadzornoj to~ki

    mjerna pogrje{ka kojeg mjerila ilimjernog sustava

    pri specificiranojvrijednosti mjerene veli~ine

    4.28(5.23)ni{ti~na pogrje{ka

    pogrje{ka u nadzornoj to~ki kad je specificirana izmje-rena vrijednost veli~inejednaka ni{tici

    Napomena: Ni{ti~nu pogrje{ku ne treba brkati s nepostojanjemmjerne pogrje{ke.

    4.29ni{ti~na mjerna nesigurnost

    mjerna nesigurnostkad je specificiranaizmjerena vri-jednost veli~inejednaka ni{tici


    limit of errorextreme value ofmeasurement error,with respect to aknownreference quantity value,permitted by specifi-cations or regulations for a givenmeasurement, measu-ring instrument,ormeasuring system

    Note 1Usually the term maximum permissible errors or limitsof error are used, where there are two extreme values.

    Note 2 The term tolerance should not be used to designate'maxi-mum permissible error'.

    4.27(5.22)datum measurement errordatum error

    measurement error of ameasuring instrumentormea-

    suring systemat a specifiedmeasured quantity value

    4.28(5.23)zero error

    datum measurement errorwhere the specifiedmeasu-red quantity valueis zero

    NoteZero error should not be confused with absence ofmeasure-ment error.

    4.29null measurement uncertainty

    measurement uncertaintywhere the specifiedmeasu-red quantity valueis zero


    valeur extrme del'erreur de mesure,par rapport unevaleur de rfrenceconnue, qui est tolre par les spci-fications ou rglements pour un mesurage, un instrume-nt de mesureou unsystme de mesuredonn

    Note 1Les termes erreurs maximales tolres et limites d'er-reur sont gnralement utiliss lorsqu'il y a deux valeursextrmes.

    Note 2 Il convient de ne pas utiliser le terme tolrance pourdsigner l'erreur maximale tolre.

    4.27(5.22)erreur au point de contrle, f

    erreur de mesured'uninstrument de mesure ou d'un

    systme de mesurepour unevaleur mesurespcifie

    4.28(5.23)erreur zro, f

    erreur au point de contrlelorsque lavaleur mesurespcifie est nulle

    NoteIl convient de ne pas confondre l'erreur zro avec l'absenced'erreur de mesure.

    4.29incertitude de mesure zro, f

    incertitude de mesurelorsque lavaleur mesurespci-fie est nulle

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    82 JCGM 200:2008

    5.8(6.9)prijenosni mjerni etalonprijenosni etalon

    5.8(6.9)travelling measurement standardtravelling standard

    5.8(6.9)talon voyageur,m

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    mjerni etalon, katkad posebne konstrukcije, namijenjenza prijenos na razli~ita mjestaPRIMJER:

    Prenosivi baterijski napajan frekvencijski etalon s cezijem133.

    5.9(6.8)posredni~ki mjerni etalonposredni~ki etalon

    ure|aj koji se povremeno upotrebljava za usporedbumjernih etalona

    Napomena:Katkad se mjerni etaloni upotrebljavaju kao posred-ni~ki ure|aji.

    5.10svojstveni mjerni etalonsvojstveni etalon

    mjerni etalonkoji se temelji na unutra{njem i obnovlji-vom svojstvu pojave ili tvari dostatno stabilne i obnovlji-ve za predvi|enu uporabuPRIMJERI:

    a) ^lanak trojne to~ka vode kao svojstveni mjerni etalontermodinami~ke temperature.

    b) Svojstveni mjerni etalon razlike elektri~nih potencijalakoji se temelji na Josephsonovu pojavu.

    c) Svojstveni mjerni etalon elektri~nog otpora koji se te-melji na Hallovu kvantnomu pojavu.

    d) Uzorak bakra kao svojstveni etalon elektri~ne vodlji-vosti.

    measurement standard,sometimes of special construc-tion, intended for transport between different locationsEXAMPLE

    Portable battery-operated caesium-133 frequency measure-ment standard.

    5.9(6.8)transfer measurement devicetransfer device

    device used as an intermediary to compare measurementstandards

    NoteSometimes, measurement standards are used as transfer de-vices.

    5.10intrinsic measurement standardintrinsic standard

    measurement standardbased on an inherent and repro-ducible property of a phenomenon or substance


    a) Triple-point-of-water cell as an intrinsic measurementstandard of thermodynamic temperature.

    b) Intrinsic measurement standard of electric potential dif-ference based on the Josephson effect.

    c) Intrinsic measurement standard of electric resistancebased on the quantum Hall effect.

    d) Sample of copper as an intrinsic measurement standardof electric conductivity.

    talon,parfois de construction spciale, destin au tran-sport en des lieux diffrentsEXEMPLE

    talon de frquence csium 133, portatif et fonctionnantsur accumulateur.

    5.9(6.8)dispositif de transfert, m

    dispositif utilis comme intermdiaire pour comparer en-tre eux destalons

    NoteDes talons peuvent parfois servir de dispositifs de transfert.

    5.10talon intrinsque,m

    talon fond sur une proprit intrinsque et reproductib-le d'un phnomne ou d'une substance


    a) talon intrinsque de temprature thermodynamiqueconstitu d'une cellule point triple de l'eau.

    b) talon intrinsque de diffrence de potentiel lectriquefond sur l'effet Josephson.

    c) talon intrinsque de rsistance lectrique fond surl'effet Hall quantique.

    d) talon intrinsque de conductivit lectrique constitud'un spcimen de cuivre.

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    JCGM 200:2008 89

    na kojemu kra}a granas tri to~ke ozna~uje da postoji jedan ilivi{e drugih posebnih pojmova, ali nisu uklju~eni za prikaz, apuna zapo~eta crta stabla pokazuje zasebnu terminolo{ku di-menziju. Naprimjer,

    wherea shortbranch with three dots indicatesthat oneor mo-re other specific concepts exist, but are not included forpresentation and a heavy starting line of a tree shows a sepa-rate terminological dimension. For example,

    o une branche courte termine par trois points indique quilexiste un ou plusieurs autres concepts spcifiques qui ne sontpas reprsents et o une branche en gras indique une dimen-sion terminologique spare. Par exemple

    1 10 1 10 b 1 10 it

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    1.9 mjernajedinica

    gdje tre}i pojam mo`e biti jedinica izvan sustava.

    Dijelni odnos(ili odnos dio-cjelina) tako|er je hijerarhijski ipovezuje obuhvatni pojam s dvama ili vi{e dijelnih pojmovakoji prilago|eni ~ine nadre|eni pojam. Dijagrami pokazujutakve odnose kao grablje ili zagrade, a neprekidna crta bezzubi ozna~uje jedan ili vi{e daljnjih dijelnih pojmova o koji-ma se ne raspravlja.

    Dvije bliske crte ozna~uju da je uklju~eno nekoliko dijelnihpojmova danoga tipa, a izlomljena crta pokazuje da je takvamno`ina neodre|ena. Naprimjer,

    1.9 measurementunit

    where the third concept might be 'off-system measurementunit'.

    Thepartitive relation(or part-whole relation) is also hierar-chical and connects a comprehensive concept to two or morepartitive concepts which fitted together constitute the parentconcept. The diagrams show such relations as a rake or brac-ket, and a continued backline without a tooth means one ormore further partitive concepts that are not discussed.

    Aclose-set double lineindicates thatseveral partitive conceptsof a given type are involved and a broken line shows that suchplurality is uncertain. For example,

    1.9 unitde mesure

    o le troisime concept pourrait tre unit hors systme.

    Larelation partitive (ou relation partie-tout) est aussi unerelation hirarchique. Elle associe un concept intgrant etdeuxconcepts partitifs ou plusdont lassemblage constitue leconcept intgrant. Les schmas reprsentent ces relationssous forme dun rteau. Une ligne de base poursuivie sansdent indique quun ou plusieurs concepts partitifs nont past pris en compte.

    Une paire de deux dents rapproches indique quil y a plusieursconcepts partitifs dun type donn. Lune de ces dents est enpointills pour indiquer que leur nombre est indtermin. Parexemple

    1.10 osnovnajedinica

    1.11 izvedenajedinica

    1.4 osnovna veli~ina

    1.5 izvedenaveli~ina

    1.22 veli~inskajednad`ba

    1.3 sustav veli~ina

    1.10 baseunit

    1.11 derivedunit

    1.4 base quantity

    1.5 derived quantity

    1.22 quantityequation

    1.3 system ofquantities

    1.10 unitde base

    1.11 driveunit

    1.4 grandeur de base

    1.5 grandeur drive

    1.22 quation auxgrandeurs

    1.3 systme degrandeurs

    90 JCGM 200:2008

    Naziv u zagradama ozna~uje pojam koji nije definiran uRje~niku, ali je uzet kao prvobitni pojam za koji se podrazu-mijeva da se op}enito razumije.

    A parenthetic term indicates a concept that is not defined inthe Vocabulary, but is taken as a primitive which is assumedto be generally understood.

    Un terme entre parenthses dsigne un concept qui nest pasdfini dans le Vocabulaire, mais qui est considr comme unconcept premier gnralement comprhensible.

    1 15 mjerna jedinicaizvan sustava 1 15 off-systemmeasurement unit 1 15 unit horssystme

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    Asocijativni odnos(ili pragmati~ni odnos) nije hijerarhijski ipovezuje dva pojma koji su neka vrsta tematske asocijacije.Postoje mnogi podtipovi asocijativnih odnosa, ali svi su oz-

    na~eni strelicom s dva vr{ka. Naprimjer,

    Kako bi se izbjegli preslo`eni dijagrami, ne pokazuju se svimogu}i asocijativni odnosi. Dijagrami }e pokazati da nisustvoreni potpuno sustavno izvedeni nazivi, ~esto zbog toga{to je mjeriteljstvo stara disciplina s rje~nikom koji se razvi-

    jao dodavanjem (akrecijom), a ne kao (razumna) nova sveo-buhvatna struktura.

    Theassociative relation(or pragmatic relation) is non-hie-rarchical and connects two concepts which are in some sortof thematic association. There are many subtypes of associa-

    tive relation, but all are indicated by a double-headed arrow.For example,

    To avoid too complicated diagrams, they do not show all thepossible associative relations. The diagrams will demonstra-te that fully systematic derived terms have not been created,often because metrology is an olddiscipline with a vocabula-

    ry evolved by accretion rather than as a comprehensive denovo structure.

    La relation associative (ou relation pragmatique) est unerelation non hirarchique qui associe deux concepts ayantdes liens thmatiques dune certaine sorte. Il y a de nom-

    breux sous-types de relations associatives, mais tous sontindiqus par une double flche. Par exemple

    Pour viter des schmas trop compliqus, toutes les relationsassociatives ne sont pas reprsentes. Les schmas mettenten vidence que les termes drivs nont pas toujours unestructure systmatique, le plus souvent parce que la mtrolo-

    gie est une discipline ancienne, dont le vocabulaire a volupar accrtion plutt que davoir t cr ex nihilo sous laforme dun ensemble complet et cohrent.

    1.15 mjerna jedinicaizvan sustava

    (mjerna jedinicau sustavu)

    1.9 mjerna jedinica

    1.15 off systemmeasurement unit

    (in-systemmeasurement unit)

    1.9 measurement unit

    1.15 unit horssystme

    (unit de mesuredu systme)

    1.9 unit de mesure

    1.1 veli~ina 1.21 algebra veli~ina

    2.1 mjerenje 2.9 mjerni rezultat

    2.6 mjerni 2.48 mjerni modelpostupak

    1.1 quantity 1.21 quantity calculus

    2.1 measurement 2.9 measurement result

    2.6 measurement 2.48 measurementprocedure model

    1.1 grandeur 1.21 algbre desgrandeurs

    2.1 mesurage 2.9 rsultat de mesure

    2.6 procedure 2.48 modle dede mesure mesure


    JCGM 200:2008 91

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    Slika A.1 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 1. oko pojma veli~ina

    92 JCGM 200:2008

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    Slika A.2 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 1. oko pojma mjerna jedinica

    JCGM 200:2008 93

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    Slika A.3 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 2. oko pojma mjerenje

    94 JCGM 200:2008

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    Slika A.4 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 2. oko pojma vrijednost veli~ine

    JCGM 200:2008 95

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    Slika A.5 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 2. oko pojma mjerna preciznost

    96 JCGM 200:2008

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    Slika A.6 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 2. oko pojma mjerna nesigurnost

    JCGM 200:2008 97

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    Slika A.7 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 2. oko pojma umjeravanje

    98 JCGM 200:2008

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    Slika A.8 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 2. oko pojma izmjerena vrijednost veli~ine

    JCGM 200:2008 99

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    Slika A.9 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 2. oko pojma mjerni sustav

    100 JCGM 200:2008

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    Slika A.10 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 4. oko pojma mjeriteljskog svojstva mjerila ili mjernog sustava

    JCGM 200:2008 101

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    Slika A.11 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 4. oko pojma radni uvjeti

    102 JCGM 200:2008

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    Slika A.12 Pojmovni dijagram za dio to~ke 1. oko pojma mjerni etalon (etalon)

    JCGM 200:2008 103

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    Figure A.1 Concept diagram for part of Clause 1 around quantity

    104 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.2 Concept diagram for part of Clause 1 around measurement unit

    JCGM 200:2008 105

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    Figure A.3 Concept diagram for part of Clause 2 around measurement

    106 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.4 Concept diagram for part of Clause 2 around quantity value

    JCGM 200:2008 107

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    Figure A.5 Concept diagram for part of Clause 2 around measurement precision

    108 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.6 Concept diagram for part of Clause 2 around measurement uncertainty

    JCGM 200:2008 109

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    Figure A.7 Concept diagram for part of Clause 2 around calibration

    110 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.8 Concept diagram for part of Clause 2 around measured quantity value

    JCGM 200:2008 111

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    Figure A.9 Concept diagram for part of Clause 3 around measuring system

    112 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.10 Concept diagram for part of Clause 4 around metrological properties of a measuring instrument or measuring system

    JCGM 200:2008 113

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    Figure A.11 Concept diagram for part of Clause 4 around operating condition

    114 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.12 Concept diagram for part of Clause 5 around measurement standard (etalon)

    JCGM 200:2008 115

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    Figure A.1 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 1 autour de grandeur

    116 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.2 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 1 autour de unit de mesure

    JCGM 200:2008 117

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    Figure A.3 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 2 autour de mesurage

    118 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.4 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 2 autour de valeur dune grandeur

    JCGM 200:2008 119

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    Figure A.5 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 2 autour de fidlit de mesure

    120 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.6 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 2 autour de incertitude de mesure

    JCGM 200:2008 121

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    Figure A.7 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 2 autour de talonnage

    122 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.8 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 2 autour de valeur mesure

    JCGM 200:2008 123

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    Figure A.9 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 3 autour de systme de mesure

    124 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.10 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 4 autour de proprits mtrologiques dun instrument de mesure ou dun systme de mesure

    JCGM 200:2008 125

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    Figure A.11 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 4 autour de condition de fonctionnement

    126 JCGM 200:2008

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    Figure A.12 Schma conceptuel pour la partie de lArticle 5 autour de talon

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    128 JCGM 200:2008

    [40] IEC 60359:2001, Ed. 3.0 (bilingual),Electrical andelectronic measurement equipment Expression of


    [41] IEC 80000-13:2008, Quantities and units Part 13:

    Information science and technology[42] BIPM: The International System of Units, SI(8th

    edition, 2006)

    [43] BIPM,Consultative Committee for Amount of Sub-stance (CCQM) 5th meeting (February 1999)

    [35] ISO Guide 35:2006,Certification of reference mate-rials General and statistical principles for cer-tification

    [36] ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, Uncertainty of measure-ment Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncer-tainty in measurement(GUM:1995)

    [37] ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008/Suppl.1, Uncertainty ofmeasurement Part 3:Guide to the expression ofuncertainty in measurement(GUM:1995) Supple-ment 1: Propagation of distribution using the Monte

    [47] IFCC-IUPAC: Approved Recommendation (1978).Quantities and Units in Clinical Chemistry, Clin.Chim. Acta, 1979:96:157F:83F

    [48] ILAC P-10 (2002), ILAC Policy on Traceability of

    Measurement Results[49] Isotopic Composition of the Elements, 2001,J. Phys.

    Chem. Ref. Data., 2005,34, pp. 57-67.

    [50] IUPAP25:Booklet on Symbols, Units, Nomenclatureand Fundamental Constants. Document IUPAP-25,

  • 8/21/2019 mjeriteljski_rjecnik DODATNO


    stance (CCQM)5th meeting (February 1999)

    [44] CODATA Recommended Values of the FundamentalPhysical Constants: 2002,Reviews of Modern Physics,2005,77, 107 pp. http://physics.nist.gov/constants

    [45] Emons, H., Fajgelj, A., Van der Veen, A.M.H. andWatters, R., New definitions on reference materials,

    Accred. Qual. Assur.10, 2006, pp. 576-578

    [46] Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Mea-surement(GUM:1993, amended 1995) (publishedby ISO in the name of BIPM, IEC, IFCC, IUPAC,IUPAP and OIML)

    ment 1: Propagation of distribution using the MonteCarlo method

    [38] IEC 60027-2:2005,Letter symbols to be used inelectrical technology Part 2:Telecommunications

    and electronics[39] IEC 60050-300:2001, International Electrotechnical

    Vocabulary Electrical and electronic measurementsand measuring instruments Part 311: General termsrelating to measurements, Part 312: General termsrelating to electrical measurements, Part 313: Types ofelectrical measuring instruments, Part 314: Specificterms according to the type of instrument

    E.R. Cohen and P. Giacomo,Physica146A (1987),pp. 168. (To be revisedand published on the web.)

    [51] IUPAC:Quantities, Units and Symbols in PhysicalChemistry(1993, 2007)

    [52] IUPAC,Pure Appl. Chem., 2003,75, pp. 1107-1122

    [53] OIMLV1:2000,InternationalVocabulary of Termsin Legal Metrology (VIML)

    [54] WHO 75/589:1999,Chorionic gonadotrophin, human

    [55] WHO 80/552:1988,Luteinizing hormone, human,pituitary

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    130 JCGM 200:2008

    VIM, 2. izdanje Me|unarodni rje~nik osnovnih i op}ih na-ziva u mjeriteljstvu (1993.)

    VIM, 3. izdanje Me|unarodni rje~nik mjeriteljstva Osnovnii op}i pojmovi i pridru`eni nazivi (2007.)

    VIML Me|unarodni rje~nik naziva u zakonskommjeriteljstvu

    WHO Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija

    JCGM/WG 2 Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology,Working Group 2 on the VIM

    OIML International Organization of Legal Metro-logy

    VIM, 2nd

    edition International Vocabulary of Basic and Ge-neral Terms in Metrology (1993)

    VIM, 3rd edition International Vocabulary of Metrology Basic and General Concepts and AssociatedTerms (2007)

    OIML Organisation internationale de mtrologielgale

    OMS Organisation mondiale de la sant

    VIM, 2me edition Vocabulaire international des termes fon-

    damentaux et gnraux de mtrologieVIM, 3me edition Vocabulaire international de mtrologie

    Concepts fondamentaux et gnraux et ter-mes associs

  • 8/21/2019 mjeriteljski_rjecnik DODATNO


    VIML International Vocabulary of Terms in Legalmetrology

    WHO World Health Organization

    JCGM 200:2008 131


    Aalgebra veli~ina 1.21

    Bbilanca nesigurnosti 2.33broj~ana vrijednost 1.20broj~ana vrijednost veli~ine 1.20

    granica pogrje{ke 4.26grani~ni radni uvjeti 4.10

    Hhijerarhija umjeravanja 2.40

    Iinterval pokazivanja 4.3interval pokrivanja 2.36ispravak 2.53ISQ 1 6

    Me|unarodni sustav jedinica 1.16Me|unarodni sustav veli~ina (engl.: Interentional System of

    Quantities, ISQ) 1.6me|upreciznost 2.23me|upreciznost mjerenja 2.23metoda mjerenja 2.5metrologija 2.2mjerena veli~ina 2.3mjerenje 2.1mjerilo 3 1

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    Cciljna mjerna nesigurnost 2.34ciljna nesigurnost 2.34

    ^~uvanje mjernog etalona 5.11

    Ddefinicijska nesigurnost 2.27dijagram umjeravanja 4.30dimenzija 1.7dimenzija veli~ine 1.7

    dogovorena istinita vrijednost 2.12dogovorena istinita vrijednost veli~ine 2.12dogovorena referentna ljestvica 1.29dogovorena vrijednost 2.12dr`avni etalon 5.3dr`avni mjerni etalon 5.3

    Eetalon 5.1

    Ffaktor pokrivanja 2.38faktori pretvorbe me|u jedinicama 1.24funkcija mjerenja 2.49

    Ggranica otkrivanja 4.18

    ISQ 1.6istinita vrijednost 2.11istinita vrijednost veli~ine 2.11istinitost 2.14izlazna veli~ina 2.51izlazna veli~ina modela mjerenja 2.51izmjerena vrijednost 2.10izmjerena vrijednost veli~ine 2.10izvedena jedinica 1.11izvedena veli~ina 1.5


    jedinica 1.9jedinica izvan sustava 1.15jedini~na jednad ba 1.23jednad ba broj~anih vrijednosti 1.25jednad ba broj~anih vrijednosti veli~ina 1.25

    Kkalibrator 5.12klizenje mjerila 4.21

    krivulja umjeravanja 4.31

    Llanac sljedivosti 2.42ljestvica predo~nika 3.5

    Mme|unarodni mjerni etalon 5.2

    mjerilo 3.1mjeriteljska kompatibilnost 2.47mjeriteljska kompatibilnost mjernih rezultata 2.47mjeriteljska sljedivost 2.41

    mjeriteljska sljedivost prema jedinici 2.43mjeriteljska sljedivost prema mjernoj jedinici 2.43mjeriteljska usporedivost 2.46mjeriteljska usporedivost mjernih rezultata 2.46mjeriteljski lanac sljedivosti 2.42mjeriteljstvo 2.2mjerna istinitost 2.14mjerna jedinica 1.9

    mjerna jedinica izvan sustava 1.15mjerna jedinica za izvedenu veli~inu 1.11mjerna ljestvica 1.27mjerna metoda 2.5mjerna nesigurnost 2.26mjerna obnovljivost 2.25mjerna pogrje{ka 2.16mjerna ponovljivost 2.21

    mjerna preciznost 2.15mjerna to~nost 2.13mjerni etalon 5.1mjerni instrument 3.1mjerni interval 4.7mjerni lanac 3.10mjerni model 2.48

    132 JCGM 200:2008

    mjerni postupak 2.6mjerni pretvornik 3.7mjerni rezultat 2.9mjerni sustav 3.2

    mjerno na~elo 2.4model 2.48model mjerenja 2.48

    Nna~elo mjerenja 2.4

    osnovna jedinica 1.10osnovna veli~ina 1.4otkrivalo 3.9ovjera 2.44

    ovjeravanje 2.44Ppodru~je neosjetljivosti 4.17pogrje{ka 2.16pogrje{ka mjerenja 2.16

    razlu~ivanje 4.14razlu~ivanje pokaznog ure|aja 4.15razred to~nosti 4.25redna ljestvica vrijednosti 1.28

    redna ljestvica vrijednosti veli~ine 1.28redna veli~ina 1.26referentna tvar 5.13referentna vrijednost 5.18referentna vrijednost veli~ine 5.18referentni etalon 5 6

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    najve}a dopu{tena mjerna pogrje{ka 4.26najve}a dopu{tena pogrje{ka 4.26nazivna vrijednost 4.6

    nazivna vrijednost veli~ine 4.6nazivni interval 4.4nazivni interval pokazivanja 4.4nazivno svojstvo 1.30nedimenzijska veli~ina 1.8nesigurnost 2.26nesigurnost koja se pripisuje mjerilu 4.24nesigurnost mjerenja 2.26

    ni{ti~na mjerna nesigurnost 4.29ni{ti~na pogrje{ka 4.28ni`ekratnik jedinice 1.18normirani referentni podatci 5.17

    Oobnovljivost 2.25odre|eni radni uvjeti 4.9odre|ivanje A vrste 2.28

    odre|ivanje B vrste 2.29odre|ivanje mjerne nesigurnosti A vrste 2.28odre|ivanje mjerne nesigurnosti B vrste 2.29odr`avanje mjernog etalona 5.11osjetilo 3.8osjetljivost 4.12osjetljivost mjernog sustava 4.12

    pogrje{ka u nadzornoj to~ki 4.27pokazivanje 4.1pokazno mjerilo 3.3

    ponovljivost 2.21posredni~ki etalon 5.9posredni~ki mjerni etalon 5.9potvr|ena referentna tvar 5.14pove}ana mjerna nesigurnost 2.35pove}ana nesigurnost 2.35prag pokretljivosti 4.16preciznost 2.15

    predo~nik 3.4prijenosni etalon 5.8prijenosni mjerni etalon 5.8primarni etalon 5.4primarni mjerni etalon 5.4primarni referentni mjerni postupak 2.8primarni referentni postupak 2.8promjena zbog utjecajne veli~ine 4.22PRT 5.14

    Rradni etalon 5.7radni interval 4.7radni mjerni etalon 5.7raspon 4.5raspon nazivnog intervala pokazivanja 4.5

    referentni etalon 5.6referentni mjerni etalon 5.6referentni mjerni postupak 2.7referentni podatci 5.16referentni radni uvjeti 4.11referentni uvjeti 4.11relativna standardna mjerna nesigurnost 2.32rezultat mjerenja 2.9RT 5.13

    Ssastavljena standardna mjerna nesigurnost 2.31

    sastavljena standardna nesigurnost 2.31sekundarni etalon 5.5sekundarni mjerni etalon 5.5selektivnost 4.13selektivnost mjernog sustava 4.13SI 1.16slijepo pokazivanje 4.2slu~ajna mjerna pogrje{ka 2.19

    slu~ajna pogrje{ka 2.19stabilnost mjerila 4.19stacionarni radni uvjeti 4.8standardna mjerna nesigurnost 2.30standardna nesigurnost 2.30standardna nesigurnost mjerenja 2.30sustav jedinica 1.13

    JCGM 200:2008 133

    sustav veli~ina 1.3sustavna mjerna pogrje{ka 2.17sustavna pogrje{ka 2.17sustavna pogrje{ka mjerila 4.20

    sustavno odstupanje 2.18sustavno odstupanje pokazivanja mjernog sustava 2.18suvisla izvedena jedinica 1.12suvisli sustav jedinica 1.14svojstveni etalon 5.10svojstveni mjerni etalon 5 10

    Uuga|anje 3.11uga|anje mjernog sustava 3.11uga|anje ni{tice 3.12

    uga|anje ni{tice mjernog sustava 3.12ulazna veli~ina 2.50ulazna veli~ina mjernog modela 2.50umjeravanje 2.39utjecajna veli~ina 2.52uvjet me|upreciznosti 2 22

    Vvalidacija 2.45veli~ina 1.1veli~ina dimenzije jedan 1.8

    veli~inska jednad`ba 1.22veli~inska ljestvica 1.27vi{ekratnik jedinice 1.17vjerojatnost pokrivanja 2.37vrijednost 1.19vrijednost veli~ine 1 19

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    svojstveni mjerni etalon 5.10

    Tto~nost 2.13to~nost mjerenja 2.13tvarna mjera 3.6

    uvjet me|upreciznosti 2.22uvjet me|upreciznosti mjerenja 2.22uvjet obnovljivosti 2.24uvjet obnovljivosti mjerenja 2.24uvjet ponovljivosti 2.20uvjet ponovljivosti mjerenja 2.20

    vrijednost veli~ine 1.19vrijeme odziva na skokovitu promjenu 4.23vrsta veli~ine 1.2

    Zzamjenjivost referentne tvari 5.15

    134 JCGM 200:2008

    English index

    NoteEntries in italics refer to notes

    Aaccuracy, measurement 2.13accuracy of a a nominal property value 5.16accuracy of measurement 2.13accuracy class 4.25adjustment 3.11

    coherent derived unit 1.12coherent system of units 1.14combined standard measurement uncertainty 2.31combined standard uncertainty 2.31

    commutability of a reference material 5.15comparability, metrological 2.46compatibility, metrological 2.47condition, intermediate precision 2.22condition, limiting operating 4.10condition, rated operating 4.9

    derived quantity 1.5degrees of freedom 2.33derived unit 1.11derived unit, coherent 1.12

    detection limit 4.18detector 3.9device, transfer 5.9diagram, calibration 4.30differential measurement method 2.5dimension 1.7

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    jadjustment of a measuring system 3.11adjustment, zero 3.12analyte 2.3

    Bbackground indication 4.2band, dead 4.17base unit 1.10base quantity 1.4bias, instrumental 2.18biological quantity 1.1

    blank indication 4.2budget, uncertainty 2.3

    Ccalculus, quantity 1.21calibration 2.39calibration curve 4.31calibration diagram 4.30calibration hierarchy 2.40calibrator 5.12certified reference material 5.14chain, measuring 3.10chain, metrological traceability 2.42check standard 5.7chemical quantity 1.1class, accuracy 4.25

    condition, rated operating 4.9condition, reference 4.11condition, repeatability 2.20condition, reproducibility 2.24condition, steady state 4.8conservation of a measurement standard 5.11confidence interval 2.36conformity assessmentl 2.44control standard 5.7conventional true quantity value 2.12conventional quantity value 2.12conventional reference scale 1.29

    conventional value 2.12conventional value of a quantity 2.12conversion factor between units 1.24correction 2.53corrected result 2.9coverage factor 2.38coverage interval 2.36coverage probability 2.37

    CRM 5.14

    Ddata, reference 5.16data, standard reference 5.17datum error 4.27dead band 4.17definitional uncertainty 2.27

    dimension 1.7dimensionless quantity 1.8dimension of a quantity 1.7dimension one, quantity of 1.8dimensionless quantity 1.8direct measurement method 2.5direct primary method of measurement 2.8direct primary reference measurement proceedure 2.8discrimination threshold 4.16displaying measuring instrument 3.4displaying measuring instrument, scale of a 3.5document traceability 2.41

    drift, instrumental 4.21

    Eembodiment (of a unit) 5.1equation, numerical value 1.25equation, quantity 1.22equation, unit 1.23error 2.16error, datum 4.27error, limit of 4.26error, maximum permissible 4.26error of measurement 2.16error, random 2.19error, systematic measurement 2.17error, zero 4.28estimate of the measurand 2.10

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    138 JCGM 200:2008

    unit, derived 1.11unit equation 1.23unit, metrological traceability to a 2.43unit, multiple of a 1.17unit of measurement 1.9unit, off-system 1.15unit, submultiple of a 1.18units, coherent system of 1.14units, conversation factor between 1.24Units, International System of 1.16

    Vvalidation 2.45value 1.19value, conventional 2.12

    value, measured 2.10value, measured quantity 2.10value, nominal 4.6value, numerical 1.20value of a quantity 1.19value, reference 5.18

    variation due to an influence quantity 4.22vector quantity 1.1verification 2.44


    working interval 4.7working measurement standard 5.7working standard 5.7

    Zzero adjustment 3.12

    dj f i 3 12

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    units, system of 1.13 value, true 2.11value, true quantity 2.11

    zero adjustment of a measuring system 3.12zero error 4.28

    JCGM 200:2008 139

    Index franais

    NoteLes entres en italique renvoient des notes.

    Aafficheur, appareil 3.4ajustage 3.11ajustage dun systme de mesure 3.11alatoire, erreur 2.19algbre des grandeurs 1.21

    ti i i tit d 2 34

    classe dexactitude 4.25cohrent dunits, systme 1.14cohrente, unit drive 1.12commutabilit dun matriau de rfrence 5.15comparabilit mtrologique 2.46compatibilit de mesure 2.47compatibilit mtrologique 2.47compose, incertitude-type 2.31condition assigne de fonctionnement 4.9condition de fidlit inter-srie 2.22

    diti d fidlit i t di i 2 22

    diffrentielle, mthode de mesure 2.5diagramme dtalonnage 4.30dimension 1.7dimension dune grandeur 1.7dimension, grandeur sans 1.8dimension un, grandeur de 1.8directe, mthode de mesure 2.5discrimination, seuil de 4.16dispositif de transfert 5.9donne de rfrence 5.16d d f li 5 17

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    anticipe, incertitude 2.34appareil afficheur 3.4appareil de mesure 3.1

    appareil de mesure afficheur 3.4appareil de mesure afficheur, chelle dun 3.5appareil de mesure indicateur 3.3appareil indicateur 3.3assigne de fonctionnement, condition 4.9attribut 1.30auto-talonnage 2.39

    Bbase, grandeur de 1.4base, unit de 1.10biais 2.18biais de mesure 2.18biais instrumental 4.20bilan dincertitude 2.33blanc, indication du 4.2

    Ccalibre 4.4capteur 3.8certifi, matriau de rfrence 5.14chane de mesure 3 10chane de traabilit mtrologique 2.42cible, incertitude 2.34

    condition de fidlit intermdiaire 2.22condition de fidlit intra-srie 2.20condition de fonctionnement de rfrence 4.11

    condition de rfrence 4.11condition de rgime tabli 4.8condition de rgime permanent 4.8condition de rptabilit 2.20condition de reproductibilit 2.24condition limite 4.10condition limite de fonctionnement 4.10conservation dun talon 5.11

    constance 4.19conventionnelle, chelle de rfrence 1.29conventionnelle, valeur 2.12conversion entre units, facteur de 1.24correction 2.53courbe dtalonnage 4.31couverture, probabilit de 2.37

    Ddfinitionnelle, incertitude 2.27drive instrumentale 4.21drive cohrente, unit 1.12drive, grandeur 1.5drive, unit 1.11dtecteur 3.9dtection, limite de 4.18

    donne de rfrence normalise 5.17


    chelle 3.5chelle dun appareil de mesure afficheur 3.5chelle de valeurs 1.27chelle de mesure 1.27chelle de rfrence conventionnelle 1.29chelle de reprage 1.28chelle ordinale 1.28chelon, temps de rponse un 4.23

    largi, intervalle 2.36largie, incertitude 2.35largissement, facteur d 2.38ensemble des units SI cohrentes 1.14entre, grandeur d 2.50environnement, indication d 4.2quation aux grandeurs 1.22quation aux units 1.23quation aux valeurs numriques 1.25erreur 2.16erreur zro 4.28erreur alatoire 2.19erreur au point de contrle 4.27erreur de justesse 2.18erreur de justesse dun instrument 4.20erreur de mesure 2.16

    140 JCGM 200:2008

    erreur, limite d 4.26erreur maximale tolre 4.26erreur systmatique 2.17estimation de la valeur du mesurande 2.11estimation du mesurande 2.11tabli, condition de rgime 4.8talon 5.1talon, conservation dun 5.11talon de contrle 5.7talon de rfrence 5.6talon de travail 5 7

    examen 5.14exposant dimensionnel 1.7

    Ffacteur dlargissement 2.38

    facteur de conversion entre units 1.24fidlit 2.15fidlit de mesure 2.15fidlit intermdiaire 2.23fidlit intermdiaire, condition de 2.22fidlit intermdiaire de mesure 2.24

    grandeurs, quation aux 1.22grandeurs, systme de 1.3grandeurs, Systme international de 1.6


    hirarchie dtalonnage 2.40hors systme, unit 1.15

    Iincertitude 2.26incertitude anticipe 2.34incertitude bilan d2 33

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    talon de travail 5.7talon de vrification 5.7talon international 5.2

    talon intrinsque 5.10talon logiciel 5.1talon, maintenance dun 5.11talon national 5.3talon primaire 5.4talon secondaire 5.5talon voyageur 5.8talonnage 2.39

    talonnage, courbe d 4.31talonnage, diagramme d 4.30talonnage, hirarchie d 2.40tendue Conventionstendue dun intervalle Conventionstendue de mesure 4.5tendue des indications 4.3tendue nominale 4.5

    valuation de type A 2.28valuation de type A de lincertitude 2.28valuation de type B 2.29valuation de type B de lincertitude 2.29exactitude 2.13exactitude, classe d 4.25exactitude de mesure 2.13

    fonction de mesure 2.49fonctionnement, condition assigne de 4.9

    fonctionnement, condition limite de 4.10fonctionnement de rfrence, condition de 4.11

    Ggrandeur 1.1grandeur biologique 1.1grandeur chimique 1.1grandeur dentre 2.50grandeur dentre dans un modle de mesure 2.50

    grandeur dinfluence 2.52grandeur dinfluence, variation due une 4.22grandeur de base 1.4grandeur de dimension un 1.8grandeur de sortie 2.51grandeur de sortie dans un modle de mesure 2.51grandeur drive 1.5grandeur, dimension dune 1.7

    grandeur, nature de 1.2grandeur ordinale 1.26grandeur physique 1.1grandeur reprable 1.26grandeur sans dimension 1.8grandeur, valeur dune 1.19grandeurs, algbre des 1.21

    incertitude, bilan d 2.33incertitude cible 2.34incertitude de mesure 2.26

    incertitude de mesure zro 4.29incertitude dfinitionnelle 2.27incertitude largie 2.35incertitude instrumentale 4.24incertitude-type 2.30incertitude-type compose 2.31incertitude-type relative 2.32indicateur 3.9

    indicateur, appareil 3.3indication 4.1indication denvironnement 4.2indication du blanc 4.2indications, intervalle des 4.3indications, intervalle nominal des 4.4indirecte, mthode de mesure 2.5influence, grandeur d 2.52

    instrumental, biais 4.20instrumentale, drive 4.21instrumentale, incertitude 4.24intermdiaire, fidlit 2.23international dunits, Systme 1.16international de grandeurs, Systme 1.6international, talon 5.2

    JCGM 200:2008 141

    intervalle Conventionsintervalle de confiance 2.36intervalle de mesure 4.7intervalle des indications 4.3intervalle largi 2.36intervalle nominal 4.4intervalle nominal des indications 4.4intrinsque, talon 5.10ISQ 1.6


    mthode de mesure diffrentielle 2.5mthode de mesure directe 2.5mthode de mesure indirecte 2.5mthode de mesure par substitution 2.5mthode de mesure par zro 2.5mthode de mesure primaire 2.8mtrologie 2.2mobilit 4.16mode opratoire de mesure 2.6modle 2.48modle de mesure 2 48

    Ppermanent, condition de rgime 4.8

    prfixe pour les multiples binaires 1.17prfixe SI 1.16

    point de contrle, erreur au 4.27primaire, talon 5.4primaire, procdure de mesure 2.8principe de mesure 2.4probabilit de couverture 2.37procdure de mesure 2.6procdure de mesure de rfrence 2 7

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    justesse 2.14justesse dun instrument, erreur de 4.20

    justesse de mesure 2.14justesse, erreur de 2.18

    Llimite, condition 4.10limite de fonctionnement, condition 4.10limite derreur 4.26limite de dtection 4.18

    Mmaintenance dun talon 5.11matrialise, mesure 3.6matriau de rfrence 5.13matriau de rfrence certifi 5.14matriau de rfrence, commutabilit dun 5.15maximale tolre, erreur 4.26mesurage 2.1mesurande 2.3

    mesure 2.1mesure, chelle de 1.27mesure, fonction de 2.49mesure matrialise 3.6mesure, rsultat de 2.9mesure, valeur 2.10mthode de mesure 2.5

    modle de mesure 2.48modle de mesure, grandeur dentre dans un 2.50modle de mesure, grandeur de sortie dans un 2.51

    morte, zone 4.17MR 5.13MRC 5.14multiple binaire 1.17multiple dune unit 1.17multiple dcimal 1.17


    national, talon 5.3nature 1.2nature de grandeur 1.2niveau de confiance 2.37nombre dentits 1.4 et 1.16nominal, intervalle 4.4nominale, tendue 4.5nominale, valeur 4.6

    normalise, donne de rfrence 5.17numrique, valeur 1.20

    Oopratoire de mesure, mode 2.6opratoire, procdure 2.6ordinale, chelle 1.28ordinale, grandeur 1.26

    procdure de mesure de rfrence 2.7procdure de mesure primaire 2.8

    procdure de mesure primaire directe 2.8

    procdure opratoire 2.6procdure opratoire de rfrence 2.7procdure opratoire primaire 2.8

    procdure primaire de mesure de rapports 2.8proprit qualitative 1.30

    Qqualitative, proprit 1.30

    Rrfrence certifi, matriau de 5.14rfrence, condition de 4.11rfrence, condition de fonctionnement de 4.11rfrence, donne de 5.16rfrence conventionnelle, chelle de 1.29rfrence, talon de 5.6rfrence, matriau de 5.13

    rfrence normalise, donne de 5.17rfrence, procdure de mesure de 2.7rfrence, valeur de 5.18rgime tabli, condition de 4.8rgime permanent, condition de 4.8rglage dtendue 3.12rglage de dcalage 3.12

    142 JCGM 200:2008

    rglage de gain 3.12rglage de zro 3.12relative, incertitude-type 2.32reprable, grandeur 1.26reprage, chelle de 1.28rptabilit 2.21rptabilit, condition de 2.20rptabilit de mesure 2.21rponse un chelon, temps de 4.23reproductibilit 2.25reproductibilit, condition de 2.24

    systme cohrent dunits 1.14systme dunits 1.13systme de grandeurs 1.3systme de mesure 3.2Systme international dunits 1.16Systme international de grandeurs 1.6systme, unit hors 1.15

    Ttemps de rponse un chelon 4.23tolre, erreur maximale 4.26

    unit, traabilit mtrologique une 2.43units, quation aux 1.23units, systme cohrent d 1.14units, systme d 1.13units, Systme international d 1.16

    Vvaleur 1.19valeur conventionnelle 2.12valeur conventionnelle dune grandeur 2.12valeur conventionnellement vraie 2.12

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    preproductibilit de mesure 2.25rsolution 4.14

    rsolution dun dispositif afficheur 4.15rester dans lerreur 2.47rsultat de mesure 2.9rsultat dun mesurage 2.9

    Ssans dimension, grandeur 1.8secondaire, talon 5.5slectivit 4.13

    sensibilit 4.12sensibilit 4.18seuil de discrimination 4.16seuil de mobilit 4.16SI 1.16sortie, grandeur de 2.51sous-multiple dune unit 1.18spcificit 4.13

    stabilit 4.19substance analyser 2.3substitution, mthode de mesure par 2.5systmatique, erreur 2.17

    tolrance 4.26traabilit 2.41

    traabilit au SI 2.43traabilit, chane de 2.42traabilit mtrologique 2.41traabilit mtrologique une unit 2.43traabilit mtrologique une unit de mesure 2.43transducteur de mesure 3.7transfert, dispositif de 5.9travail, talon de 5.7type A de lincertitude, valuation de 2.28type B de lincertitude, valuation de 2.29type, incertitude- 2.30

    Uunit 1.9unit de base 1.10unit de mesure 1.9unit drive 1.11

    unit drive cohrente 1.12unit hors systme 1.15unit, multiple dune 1.17unit, sous-multiple dune 1.18

    valeur dune grandeur 1.19valeur dune proprit qualitative 1.29

    valeur de rfrence 5.18valeur mesure 2.10valeur nominale 4.6valeur numrique 1.20valeur numrique dune grandeur 1.20valeur vraie 2.11valeur vraie dune grandeur 2.11valeurs, chelle de 1.27valeurs numriques, quation aux 1.25validation 2.45variation due une grandeur dinfluence 4.22vrification 2.44voyageur, talon 5.8vraie, valeur 2.11

    Zzro, erreur 4.28

    zro, incertitude de mesure 4.29zro, mthode de mesure par 2.5zro, rglage de 3.12zone morte 4.17