MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers

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Page 2: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers






Board of Editors

LOUIS ~. RIDE OUR, Editor-in-(’hiej

GEORGE B. COLLINS, Deputy Edi(or-in-Chzef

































RADAR AIDS TO Navigat ion—ffal l

RADAR BEAcoNs—Robe,!s

LORAN—P2f?J Cf?,.$f cKenzie, aTLdWoodward


ond Lebncqz

lWICROB”AVE MAcxmROxs--Co//ins

KLYSTRONS AND MICROWAVE Tm o],E>-Ha?r? dlon, h -nipp, and Kuper

PRINCIPLES OF LIICROWAVE CIR(vtT$-,lfontgonzery, Dicke, and Pu rcell






3fICROWAVE DumBxms-S’rnuRm and M0nlg0me7y

CRYSTAL Rect ifier s—~owe~ a nd tf’h ?l?n er

MICROWAVE. h ’kERs -.Doun a


VACUUM TUBE / LMFLIFIERs -~a [/ ey a n d J $’a[lvtu n

WAVEFORMS—6’hQnC% Hugh es, .11ac.T ichol, S ayT e, ana Willis VIA


an d William s

ELECTRONIC I NSTRUMENTS~W3nW00d , Holdam , and MacR ae




THRESHOLD &GNALs-Law30n and L:h lenbeck

THEORY OF SERVOMECHANISMS—James, Nichols, and Ph ilL ips

RADAR SCANNE IW AND RA1 )oxE s–-~a dy, Ka reld z, a n d Turn@






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llliled by



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parts th ereof, m ay 710[be reprod{{c((l

i t( (l?L?Jorm without perm isslnn of

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Page 5: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




HE t r emendous research and development effor t tha t went in to the

development of radar and rela t ed techniques dur ing Workf War II

resu lted not on ly in hundreds of radar set s for milita ry (and some for

possible peacet ime) use but a lso in a grea t body of informat ion and new

techniques in the elect ron ics and high-frequency fields. Because this

basic mater ia l may be of gr ea t va lue t o s ience and engineer ing, it seemed

most impor tant to publish it as soon as secur ity permit ted.

The Radiat ion Labora tory of MIT, which opera ted under the super -

~ vision of the Nat iona l Defense Resea rch Commit t ee, under took the grea t

; t ask of prepar ing these volumes. The work descr ibed herein , however , is

Q the collect ive resu lt of work done a t many labora tor ies, Army, Navy,

un iversity, and indust r ia l, both in this count ry and in England, Canada,

and other Domin ion s.


The Radia t ion Labora tory, once it s proposa ls were approved and

-> fina nces pr ovided by t he Office of Scien tific Resea rch and Developm en t,

chose Louis N. Ridenour as Editor -in-Chief to lead and direct t he en t ir e

project . An editor ia l sta ff was then select ed of those best qualified for


th is t ype of task. Finally the authors for the var ious volumes or chapt ers


~ or sect ions were chosen from among those exper t s who wer e in t imately

‘: familiar with the var ious fields, and who were able and willing t o wr ite

the summaries of them. This en t ir e staff agreed to remain at work a t

MIT for six months or more a ft er t he work of the Radia t ion Labora tory

was complete. These volumes stand as a monument to this group.

These volumes serve as a memoriaf to the unnamed hundreds and

thousands f ot her scient ist s, engineers, and oth ers who actually car r ied

on the research , development , and engineer ing wor k t he resu lt s of which

are herein descr ibed. There were so many involved in this work and th y

worked so closely t oget her even t hou gh oft en in widely sepa ra ted labor a-

tor ies that it is impossible t o name or even t o kn ow t hose who cont ribu t ed

t o a pa r ticu la r idea or developmen t .

Only cer ta in on es wh o wr ot e r epor ts

or a rt icles h ave even been men tion ed.

But to all those who cont r ibu t ed

in any way to this grea t coopera t ive development en terpr ise, both in this

count ry and in England, t hese volumes ar e dedica ted.



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H . K. F ’ARR





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HIS volum e of th e Radia t ion Labora tory Ser ies is con cern ed with th e

th eoret ica l an d pra ct ica l a s pect s of th des ign of du p lexin g cir cu it s

for u s e in m icrowave rada r equ ipmen ts , an d of th e ga s -filled switch in g

tu bes (TR an d ~TR tu bes ) u sed in th es e du p lexer s . For a clea rer p ic-

tu re of th e equ ipm en t with wh ich a du p lexer m u s t work th e reader is

refer red to th e followin g volu m es of th is s er ies : Vol. 16 “ Microwave

Mixers , ” F’01 . 9 “ Microwa e ~ra n sm is s ion cir cu its , ” vo1 . 23 “ Micro-

wave Receiver s , ”

an d Yol. 6 (‘ Microwave Magn etron s . ”

Th e work upon which this book is based was done under the urgency

of war commitmen ts, and the main goal was always e product ion of a

par t icu lar tube or duplexer cir cu it before a cer ta in t a rget da te. As a

r su lt , many cor ner s wer e cu t and many in tu it ive steps wer e taken with-

ou t clear ly under stood reasons, and there ar e today many gaps in our

knowledge of the phenomena involved.

This applies with par t icu lar

emphasis t o th e pr oblem of th e h igh-fr equ en cy gas disch arge.

It is our

belief tha t th e mater ia l pr esen ted h er e fa ir ly r epr esen ts th e pr esen t st ate

of the ar t .

Besides the authors of the individual sect ions of t h i s book, we wish

to ment ion the following Radia t ion Labora tory per sonnel who act ively

par t icipa ted in the design , study, and test ing o the var ious tubes and

duplexer s discussed here. These people are: I. H. Dearn ley, . W. J ones,

T. K&, F. L. McMillan , J r ., H. Margenau , C. Y. Meng, C. S. Pearsa ll,

J . Reed, F . Rosebury, and Arorma Wolf.

Much work was done ou tside the Radia t ion Labora tory on these

problems. The outstanding con t r ibutor s wer e M. D. Fiske a t the

Gen er al E lect ric Resear ch Labor ator ies, H, J . McCar th y of t he Sylvania

E lect r ic Pr odu cts Co., A. L. Samuel of t he Bell T leph on e Labor atones,

and S. Krasik and D. Alper t of th e West ingh ouse Resear ch Labor at or ies.

The editor s wish to acknowledge the work of C. W. J ones in the col-

lect ion of da ta and photographs and in the organiza t ion of Chapter 9.

The prepara t ion of the manuscr ipt was grea t ly facilita ted by the effor t s

of Gwenyth J ohnson, J anet M. J ackson, and Anne

son and his gr oup pr odu ced all of t he illustra t ions.


J une 25, 1946.

Whalen . V. J oseph-


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P REFACE . . . . . . . . . . .

CHAP .1. INTRODUCTION . . . . .1

12.RadarC opponent s . . . . . . .2

1.3. Microwave Duplexcm. 4

1.4, Duplexing Tubes . . . . . .5

1.5. Microwave Circu ite

. . . 6













Linear Behavior of the TR Tube

Lumped-con st an t Reson an t Tr an sform er s

Cavit y Resona tor s.

Corn parieon of Loop- and Ir is-coupled C vit ies.

h let hods of Tuning.

E qu iva len t Cir cu it Ca lcu la tion s

E lect roma gn et ic Calcu la tions of Cavit ies

Cell-type TR Tubes

Tu nin g Tem pera tu re Compen sa tion

Cavit y Couplin gs

Dir ect -cou rJ in a At ten ua tion .

,.. . . . 8







. 35




2.12. In tegra l-cavity TR Tubee 59


31. In t roduct ion . . . . . . . .,67


3,2. Resonan tenement s.... 70

33. Mult iple Resonant Elements in ;J ”aveguides. 76

3.4. VJ ave Equilibr ium Calcu la t ions 80


}fa t r ix Method, ...,..,. .,, , . ., .,,,..85

36, N”umerica lR exult s... ,. ..88

EXFERIM~XTAL RESU TS, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..91

37. Mult iple-element ,Circu it s. 91

3+3. Bandp ss-TR-tube Design 95

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3.9. Remnant-gap Data ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...96

3.10. Reecmant -windowD ata. .I02

3.11. Presen t Band Coverag . .106

3.12. Suggest io s for Fur ther Improvement s . 112


LEVELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...115

4.1. Equivalen t Circu it s. .115

4.2. Genera l Considera t ions of Design and Teet ing. . 123

4.3. Low-Q ATR Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...127

4.4. ATRSwitches in Use... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 131


5.1. In t roduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 139

5.2. High-frequency Gas Discharges 145

5.3. Leakage Power and Crysta l Burnou t . . 151

5.4. The Spike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...153

5.5. Linear Theory of the Spike. 156

5.6. Nonlinear Theory of the Spike. 162

57. Ef ect of n , u pon Spike Leakage Energy . 166

5.8. Effect of Gas Fillin upon Spike Energy 167

5.9. Arc Leakage Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

5,10. Dependence of Arc Leakage Power upon Transmit t ing Power 175

5.11. Effect of Gas Filling upon P~ 179

512. TheRecoveryP er iod . . . . . .181

5.13. Theory of the Recovery Period 182

5.14. Elect ron-capture Proper t ies of Var ioue Gases 187

5.15. Recovery-t ime Data . 190

5.16. Effect of Keep-a live Discharge on Recovery Time 197

5.17. The Keep-alive . . . . . . 199

5,18. Keep-alive Charact er ist ics. 208

519. Keep-alive Discharge and Tube Life 210

520. Keep-alive Circu it s and Power Supplies. 211

5,21. Prepulsed Keep-alive Circu it s . . 212

5.22. Radioact ive Priming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

5.23. Tube Life and Gas Cleanup. . . , 217

5.24. Chemica l Reservoir s . . . . . . . . .219

5.25, iner t Coat ings .,...,. . . . . . . . . . . . 221

5.26. Bandpass and P re-TR Tubes . . 223


6.1. In t roduct ion ...,..... , . . . .. ’........226

62. High -power Character ist ics of High-Q TR Tubes. 227

6.3. High-level Character ist ics of Bandpass and Pre-TR Tubes and

Low-Q ATRTubcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...230

64. Spike Leakage Energy... .232

65. Spike Leakage Energy. Gap Design . 235

6.6, Direct -coupled Spike Leakage Energy. 237

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6.7. Arc I.eakage Power ....


6.8. Effect of Grur-filling upon High-power Character ist ics 239

6.9. Effect of Liie Power upon Leakage Character ist ics. 243

6.10. Keep-alive Elect rodes. 245

6.11. High-power Character ist ic . . 247

6.12. Present and Future Sta tus of Imw-Q and Bandpass Tubes and

ATR Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . .,, . . . . . . ...252

6.13. Constn rct ion Techniques—Metal-to-glass Seals 255

6.14. Solder ing of Windows nto Cavit ies. 258

6.15. Tuning Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...259

6.16. Mount ing Devices . . . . . 260
















The J unct ion Circuit . . . . . . . .,262

Coaxia l J unct ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...265

Waveguide J unct ions. 269

Duplexing Loss without an ATR Tube “. “. 274

Duplexing Loss wi h an ATR Switch. 279

Tuning of the ATR Switch. .284

Distance between TR and ATR Switches. 288

Branching Loss for Fixed-tuned ATR Circuit s. 292

Duplexing Loss under Condit ions of Receiver Mismatch 300

Duplexers with Mult iple ATR Circu its. 308

Double Tuning for Wideband ATR Circuit s. 317

ATR Circuit s with More than Two Switches 318

Branching Loss with the Available ATR Tubee 322

Branching Loss for a General T-junct ion 323


DUPLEXES . . . . . . . . . , .,........,..329

BRANCHEn DUPLEXEES .,.... . . . 329

8,1. The Elect r ica l Design of a Duplexer 329

8.2. Mechanical Design Problems 333

8.3. Duplexers in Coaxia l Line. 336

8.4. A Double-tuned Duplexer . 339

85. Waveguide Duplexers.


8.6. Two-channel Duplexers. 3 7

8.7. An At tenuator Switch


BMANCEDDUPLEXERS . . . . . . 350

8,8. Proper t ies ofa Magic T. 35o

8,9. Linear Ba lanced Duplexer .


8,1 . Nonlinear Balanced Duplexer 355

8.1 . Ring-circuit Duplexer . 357

812. Pract ica l ilfagic T’s


8.1 . Cir cu la r-pola riza tion Duplexer .


8.1 . Turnst ile Duplexes. 72

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9,1. Basic Low-1evel Test Equipment . 376

9.2. Inser t ion-loss Measurement . 382

9.3. Pass Band of High-C? TR Switches. . 385

9.4. Pass Band of Broadband TR Tubes . 393

9.5. Impedance Measurements of ATR Tubes. . 397

9.6. Low-1evel Product ion Test ing . 400

9.7. Leakage-power Measurements . 405

98. Measurements of Spike Energy . 409

9.9. Direct -coupling Measurements . . . . 412

9.10. At tenuat ion at Harmonic Frequencies 412

9.11. Measurement of Arc~s es . . . 413

9 2. Minimum Firing Power. . . . . . 414

9,13. An R-f P ressure Gauge. . . . . . .415

914. Measurement s on Recovery Time of TR Tubes . . 417

9.15. Measurements of the Recovery Time of ATR Tubes . 423

916. LifeT est . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...423

9.17. Proper t ies of the Keep-a live. 426

918. Duplexer Inser t ion Loss. 427

9.19. Effect of Transmit ter Impedance. 428

9.20. High-power Opera t ion of Duplexers 429

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...431

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1.1 . Microw a ve Ra da r.-Th e im portan ce of the m ilitary applications

of rad io d irection and range, or radar, in the las t w ar is common k now l-

ed ge. For the d etection of enem y s hips and aircraft, for precis e bom bing

at night or through overcas t, and for the con trol of night figh ters of ra id -

ing squadrons , radar has been unexcelled . At the beginning of the w ar

there w ere only a few long-w ave radar equipments ; a t the end of the

hos tilities m any thous and s of radar s ets w ere in operation . Alm os t a ll

of th is equipment w as developed during the w ar and m os t of it opera t d

in the m icrow ave region . Although no defin ite boundaries are es tab-

lis hed , the m icrow a ve region that has been d eveloped extend s from fre-

quencies of about 1000 Me/ s ee or w avelengths of 30 cm to frequencies

near 3 0,000 Me/ s ee or w a velen gth s near 1 cm .

The m icrow a ve region is

characteriz ed by the fact that he com ponen ts us ed for the genera tion

and for the trans mis s ion of w a ves of thes e high frequencies have d im en-

s ions that are comparable w ith the w avelength , and the form of the

m icrowa v e c rcu its is grea tly in flu en ced by th is fa ct.

An importan t part of a m icrow ave radar is the duplexer. In ord er

to apprecia te fu lly the problem s involved in the d evelopm ent and d es ign

of d uplexers and d uplexing com ponen ts , it is neces sary to have in m ind

the param eters that d es cribe the perform ance of a radar s y s tem and the

orde s of magnitud e of the various quantities involved . A radar s et

opera tes by the d etection of the energy reflected from a d is tant target.

A s hort pu ls e of energy is s ent out by the radar trans mitter, and the pu ls e

s trik es a reflecting object that s catters it. The s cattered w ave, s till in

the form of a s hort pu ls e, a lthough very much reduced in amplitude, is

pick ed up by the adar receiver.

The range of the target object is

obta ined from the length of tim e betw een the transm is s ion of the h igh-

pow e r pu ls e and the reception of the w e ak reflected puls e. The d irection

of the target is obta ined by measuring the d irection in w hich the radar

antenna is poin ted w h en a s ignal of m axim um in tens ity is being received .

The rela tion betw een the pow er


in the transm itted pu ls e and the

power PR in the received echo s ignal is k now n as the radar equation ,

w h ich is ,



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The pow er


is not rad ia ted uniform ly in all d irections by the radar

antenna, but is concentra ted in a narrow beam by an amount that is

m eas ured by the antenna gain G of the transm itting antenna.

Th e

prod uct of the firs t tw o factors of Eq. (1) is thus the pow er cros s ing a u it

area at a d is t a n te R from the antenna .

The target is characterized by

the s catte in g cros s s ection u , and the receiving antenna by the abs orbing

cros s s ection or effective a rea A.

The m agnitude of the received pow er

as given by Eq. (1) is not explicitly d ependent upon the w avelength k

of the rad ia tion . It d epend s on A implicitly through the quantities G

and u. For targets that have d im ens ions large compared w ith X, u is

independent of A.

The maximum range at w hich a target can be detected is obta ined

from Eq. (1) if the va lue for P. corres pond in g to th e m in imum detecta ble

s ignal is ins erted . In ord er to avoid con fus ion of the s ignal w ith the

th ermal n ois e tha t is in evita bly pres en t in a ny electrica l circu it, th e s ign al

pow er mus t be greater than s om e m inimum value. The nois e pow er in

an electrica l circu it is proportional to the band w id th Af of th e circu it.

For an id eal circu it that has no oth er s ou rces of nois e except tem perature

fluctuations , the nois e pow er is lcTAf. The bandw id th of the radar

receiver mus t be large enough s o that the s hort pu ls es are s u fficien tly

s harp for accurate range determ ination . If t e length of the pu ls e is

1 ps ec, a common value, Af is us ually about 2Mc/ s ee, and k !l”A~ is

8 X 10-’6 w att. An actual receiver, of cours e , has oth r s ources of

nois e; it is not id eal. The magnitude of the smalles t s ignal that can be

recognized is d ependent on a great m any variables , and a d is cus s ion of

thes e w ould lead too far a field . A repres en ta tive va lue for the s malles t

s ignal pow er w ould be 100/ cAf, or 8 X 10–13w att.

Values of the other

quantities in Eq. (1) w hich are ty pica l are PT = 106 w atts , G = 1000,

A = 10 ft’. If o is 103 ft’, the va lue for a m ed ium bomber, then the

maxim um value of R is found to be 3 X 10s ft or 50 nautica l m iles . It

is evid en t tha t the m os t effective radar equipm ent has the highes t pos s i-

ble transm itter pow er, the mos t s ens itive receiver, and the larges t

a nten na s for tra nsm is s ion a nd reception .

1 .2 . Rad ar Compon en ts .—At m icrow a ve frequ encies , the h igh -pow e r

trans mitter is a m agnetron . A m agnetron tube has a cy lind rica l ca thode

capable of the em is s ion of large currents . Around the ca thode there is a

ring of clos ely coupled res onant cavities tha t form the “ tank ” circuit

of the os cilla tor. There is an axia l magnetic field of s evera l thous and

gaus s s upplied by a perm anent m agnet.

A h igh -volta ge pu ls e is a pplied

betw een the ca thode and the res onant cavities , and a bunched rota ting

s pace charge is s et p w hich tak es energy from the d -c field and delivers

ra dio-frequ en cy en ergy o th e ca vities .

Us efu l pow e r is extra cted from

the ring of cavities by a coupling loop or s eries w avegu id e circu it and is

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made available in the m icrow ave transm is s ion line. The value of one

megawa tt ch os en for PT in the previous s ection is a va lue near the upper

lim it of the pra ctica l range for m agnetron os cilla tors near a w a velength

of 10 cm . At s horter w avelengths , the tta inable pow er d ecreas es and ,

in fa ct, is rough ly proprotion al to th e w a velen gth .

The m icrow a ve trans mis s ion line is us ually a rigid coaxia l line, for

w avelengths above 10 cm and for low pow ers a t 10 cm .

Th e d iameter

of the coaxia l line mus t be small enough to preven t the propagation of

higher transm is s ion m od es a long it.

Con sequ en tly , d ifficu lties of con -

s truction and voltage br ak dow n at high pow e r levels m ak e it neces sary

to us e w a veguid e, us ually of rectangular cros s s ection , for h igh pow ers

and s hort w avelengths . Coaxia l line may be us ed in the 10-cm region

for pow ers up to about 100 kw ; above th is l vel, w aveguide 1+ by 3

in . OD, is employ ed . For smaller w avelengths , w aveguide is us ed


The s ens itive receiver th t is neces s ary for good rad ar perform ance is

a s uperhet erody ne receiver w ith a s ilicon cry s ta l converter.

Th e

received echo s ignal is m ixed w ith a m icrow a ve loca l-os cilla tor s ignal

w ithout any am plifica tion , and an in term ed ia te frequency s ignal in the

neighborhood of 30 Me/ s ee is prod uced . The s ignal is am plified , recti-

fied y a d iod e, further am plified by a w id eband vid eo-frequency am pli-

fier, and applied to one or more cathod e-ray tubes tha t are w atched

by the rad ar opera tor. The proper s w eep voltages are a ls o applied to the

ca thod e-ray tubes in order tha t the range and d irection of the ta get

may be read off the tubes . The s ens itive converter cry s ta l is eas ily

dam aged by overload . The large d ifference in pow er level betw een the

transm itted and reflected pu ls es (180 db in the example given) mak es

the im portan t problem of rotecting the cry s ta l a d ifficu lt one.

Microw ave antennas have form s that are characteris tic of the s hort

w avelength . The d im ens ions of the antenna are large compared w ith

the w avelength and it is pos s ible to obta in igh gain and narrow beam -

w id th w ith an antenna that is not too large. Microw a~re antennas are

des igned on optica l princip les .

La rge con vergin g m irrors or, more ra rely ,

lens es , are us ed to focus the s ignal and d ivert it d om the small trans -

m is s ion line to the receiver.

The effective area A of the antenna is

rela ted to the beam w id th @ and to the w a velength; approxim ately ,



For A equal to 10 ftz and k equal to + ft or about 10 cm , @ is about 6

d egrees . The quantity @ is the res olving pow er of the radar s y s tem in

angle. The accuracy of a determ ination of d irection may be about

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@/ IO. Thegain of thereceiving antenna is approxim ately


or about 1000 for the exam ple cited .

Th e receivin g and tra nsm ittin g

antennas have equal va lues of gain and cons equen tly equal areas .

A radar antenna, to be able to s earch a volum e of s pace for a target,

m us t s c n or be poin ted to cover the angle s ubtended by that volum e.

If t e transm itting and receiving antennas are s epara te, both of them

m us t be s canned together. It is evid ent that there are m any advantages

to be gained by the us e of a s ingle antenna for both reception and trans -

m is s ion . A sw itch mus t be provid ed to connect the ante na to the

trans mitter or to the receiver, and th is s w itch is called the d uplexer.

1 .3 . Microw a ve Duplexers .—The requ irem ents of a radar d uplexing

sw itch a re ea s ily s ta ted :

1 . During the period of transm is s ion the sw itch mus t connect the

antenna to the trans mitter and d is connect it from the receiver.

2 . The receiver mus t be thoroughly is olated from the transm itter

d uring the em is s ion of the h igh-pow er pu ls e to avoid d am age of the

3 .

4 .

s en s itiv e conve rte r e lemen ts .

After trans mis s ion , the s w itch m us t rapid ly d is connect the trans -

m itter and connect the receiver to the antenna.

If targets clos e

to the radar are to be s een , the action of the sw itch mus t be

e xtremely fa s t.

The s w itch s hould abs orb little pow e r, either d uring transm is s ion

or during reception .

A radar duplexer is thus the m icrow ave equivalen t of a fas t, double-

pole d ouble-throw s w itch , w ith low los s .

S ince the tim es involved are

m eas ured in m icros econd s , no m echanica l s w itch is pos s ble, and elec-

tron ic d evices mus t be us ed . The electron ic tubes that have been

developed for this purpos e tak e form s s im ilar to s park gaps w here high-

cu rren t m icrow a ve d is ch arges furn is h low -im ped an ce pa th s . A d uplexer

us ually con tains tw o s w itching tubes onnected in a m icrow a ve circu it

w ith three term inal trans mis s ion lines , one each for the trans mitter, the

re eiver, and the antenna. One tube is ca lled the trans mit-receive tube

or TR tube; the other is ca lled the anti transm it-receive tube or ATR

tube. The nam es are neither particularly appropria te nor des criptive,

bu t they have received comm on acceptance and w ill be us ed throughout

th is book . The TR tube has the primary function of d is connecting the

re eiver, the ATR tube of d is connecting the transm itter.

The com monly accepted m eaning of duplex operation is opera tion

tha t perm its the s im ultaneous pas s age of s ignals in both d irections long

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a tra sm is s ion line. In the narrow s ens e, it is im proper to apply the

term to the sw itching opera tion in a radar equipm ent, s ince the trans -

m itted and received pu ls es a re not s im ulta neou s.

S t rictly s imultaneous

opera tion mus t in volve a 3 -d b los s in ea ch d irection (th is is d em ons trated

in Chap. 8), and s uch a los s is too large to be tolerated for rad ar purpos es .

Alth ou gh it is pos s ib le to bu ild m icrow a ve d uplexers for con tin uou s -w a ve

opera tion , little a ttention has been given to th e practica l d evelopm en t of

such dev ice s .

104. Duplexing Tubes .—The des ign and development of a radar

duplexer involves tw o m ajor problem s w h ich are related to each other.

The tubes for the d uplexer m us t be d es igned , engineered , and prod uced ,

and the m icrow a ve circuits in w h ich th e tu bes are us ed mus t be d eveloped .

A tube for a duplexer mus t opera te properly under tw o very d ifferen t

cond itions : w h en a gas d is charge is pas s ing through the tube and the tube

is a nonlinear device, and w hen the tube is xpos ed to low pow er levels

and behaves linearly . The des ign of a TR tube to have the des ired low -

level properties is s im ilar to the des ign of m any other m icrow ave com -

ponents . A k now ledge of the behavior of cavities and method s of

coupling to them is neces s ary .

Mea su rem en ts , s uch as th os e d es cribed

in Chap. 9 , m us t be m ad e of the reflected and trans mitted pow er through

the sw itch . The d im ens ions and olerances of the sw itch mus t be

d eterm ined to a great exten t by experim ent, a lthough theoretical ca lcu-

la tion are importan t s ince they m ak e it pos s ible to hold the num ber of

experiments that m us t be done to a m inimum .

The opera tion of linear

m icrow ave device s is w e ll unders tood .

Chapters 2 , 3 , and 4 of th is book

are d evoted to the linear behavior of d uplexin tubes .

On the other hand , the opera tion of a sw itch i g tube at high pow er

levels is not s o eas y to und ers tand .

Alth ough th e phenomena occu rrin g

in d is charges of electricity through gas es have been k now n for a long

tim e and have been the s ubject of coun tles s inves tigations , m any prob-

lem s rem ain to be s olved . In fact, a principal res ult of the m any inves ti-

ga tions is that the extrem e complexity of even the s imples t form s of

d is ch arge h as been emph as iz ed .

The fact that the d is charges encoun-

tered in radar duplex rs are excited by h igh-frequency voltages in a

frequency range w here very little fundam ental inves tiga tion has been

done renders it d ifficu lt to pred ict the behavi r by extrapola tion from


pas t experience . -–TliF_iie s lgn proce~ie ‘has .t_her&:e beep_a~rnos t corn -

—- -.—.-


Wes ca l._ The-u igency of the m ilitary need s w as grea t, and

than an unders tand ing of the phenomena involved . Chapters 5 and 6

are d evoted to the h igh-level behavior of d uplexing tubes .

An im portan t cons ideration in the des ign of a m icrow ave tube is the

e as ew ith w h ich it ca n b e manu fa ctu red ,

Microw a ve tubes m us t be m ad e

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of m eta l in order that no energy m ay be los t by rad iation. The envelope

of a m icrow ave tube is often a portion of the w a lls of a res onant cavity ,

and is therefore an importan t circu it elem ent.

The cons truction is

undamentally d ifferent from that of low -frequency tubes w here the

circuit elem ents are ins id e an envelope that has only the function of

retaining the vacuum . The d evelopm ent of new m icrow ave tubes mus t

th erefore be pa ralleled by th e d evelopm en t of n ew techn iqu es of con stru c-

tion . ~\ Tea rl a ll d uplexer tu bes in volve con structiona l features that w e re

d eveloped during the w ar. Thus the firs t TR tubes employ ed copper-

gla s s d is k s e als ; in tegra l~ca vity tu be s w e re pos s ib le on ly a fter th e d e ve lop -

m ent of Kovar-glas s s ea ls in the form of w i dow s for res onant cavities ;

and bandpas s TR tubes and broadband ATR tubes w ere concurren tly

d eveloped w ith th e la rge res on an t Fern ico-glas s w in dow . Clos e coopera -

ion w as neces s ary at all tim es b tw een the tube m anufacturers and the

d es ign ers of compon en ts for ra da r equ ipmen t.

An add itional com plica tion to be overcom e in the s ucces s fu l d es ign

of a duplexing tube aris es from the fact th t a gas mus t fill the tube. A

high-frequ en cy d is ch arge in a gas mak es it extrem ely active ch em ica lly .

For good perform ance the gas filling m us t rem ain unchanged in com pos i-

tion and pres s ure d uring s evera l hu nd red h ou rs of opera tion .

1 .5 . Microw a ve Circu its .—Th e sw itching tu bes m us t be incorpora ted

in a m icrow ave circu it to produce a complete duplexer.

The circu it

its elf is linear, and the nonlinear duplexing tubes can be regarded for

m any purpos es as s im ple k nife s w itches th t are opened or clos ed by the

gas d is charge. One of the im ortan t d evelopm ents during the w ar has

been the e tens ion of the concepts of the conven tional netw ork theory ,

applicable at low frequencies ,

to m icrow ave frequencies and to the

propagation of m icrow a ve pow e r in w a veguid es . Th is generaliz ation has

been m ade rigorous ly and it w ill be adopted w ithout explanation in the

s ucceed ing chapters . A m ore com plete explana tion of the bas ic princi-

ples involved is given in other volum es of the s eries .

The practica l as pect of the generalization is that the fam iliar con -

cepts of im ped an ce, of im ped an ce-m atch in g, and of in sertion los s , and th e

trans mis sion-line equations m ay be us ed w ith confid ence. Thus trans -

m is s ion through a cavity w ith tw o coupling lines may be regarded .as

equiva len t to trans mis s ion through a length of trans mis s ion line a lm os t

s hort-circu ited at each end by a high s hunt s us ceptance.

The pow er

trans fer from a genera tor connected to one coupling line to a loa con -

nected to the other coupling line ma be computed from w ell-k now n

rela tions . An ob tacle in a w aveguid e w hich is th in in the dk ection

along the axis of the g id e is equiva len t to a shunt s us ceptance, and the

and 10.

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s ca ttered w a ve from the obs tacle can be accurately d es cribed by circuit


Duplexing circuits can be d ivid ed in to tw o cla ss es , branched circuits

and balanced circuits . The branched circu its are s im ple in principle and

are w id ely us ed . A T-s haped junction in w aveguid e or coaxia l line w ith

three arm s , ca lled a T-junction , is provid ed w ith sw itches in the tw o

arm s that are connected to the transm itter and to the receiver. The

th ird arm is connected to the antenna.

Du rin g tra nsm is s ion on e sw itch

is open and the other los ed ; during reception the revers e is true. The

ch ief des ign roblem in a branched duplexer is that of m inim iz ing the

los s es over a broad band of frequencies . In Chap. 7 the m ethod s of

d es ign are d is cus sed . S om e practica l b anched d uple ers are d es cribed

in Chap. 8 .

Balanced duplexing circu its are m ore com plica ted and involve the

combination of tw o mag c T’s and tw o TR tubes , A magic T is the

m icrow a ve analogue of a balanced bridge circuit a t ow frequencies . It

m ay have any of a num ber of d ifferent form s in w a veguid e or coaxia line.

Although ba lan ced circu its h ave been d eveloped on ly recen tly , th ey s how

great prom is e for the fu ture. Ba lanced circu its are d es cribed in Chap. 8 .

Although the d uplexers that are d es cribed here w ere des igned w ith a

highly s pecia liz ed application in m ind , there is m uch to be learned from

a s tud y of the d evelopm ent. A good duplexer can res ult only from a

carefu l combina tion of the mos t advanced techniques in three field s :

linear m icrow ave circu its of the mos t h ighly d eveloped ty pe mus t be

com bined w ith a k now led ge of the properties of electrica l d is charges in

ga ses a t m icrow a ve frequ en cies and w ith the bes t techniques of con stru c-

tion of m icrow a ve vacuum tubes .

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2.1 . Linear Behavior of the TR Tube.—The TR tube is a sw itch

w h ich is us ed to s hort-circu it th e receiver d uring th e tra nsm ittin g period ,

and it a ls o a llow s e hoes to pas s to the receiver w hen the transm itter is

off. An id ea l TR tube w ould pres en t a perfect s hor circu it during the

transm itting period an w ou ld caus e no los s of the received s ignal.

Thes e functions could be performed by a s im ple k n ife sw itch bu t the

s peed and frequency of opera tion w hich are

need ed are far bey ond the pos s ibilities of any

m echanica l s w itch . Ty pica l opera ting require-

m en ts are repres en ted by a repetition ra te of 2000

cy cles per s econ d, w ith th e tra ns ition from eith er

open to s hort circu it or s hort to open circu it tak -

ing place in les s than 10-7 s ec. S uch h igh-s peed

perform ance can be atta ined by us ing a s park gap

for the s w itch . In s om e ins ta lla tions thes e s park

FIG. 2,1.—Duplexing

gaps have tak en the form of very s imple a ir

cir cu it wit h spa rk ga p a nd

s park gaps ; in others , the gaps have been placed

idea l t ransformer .

in low -pres s ure a tm os ph eres to red uce th e brea k -

dow n and the s us ta in ing voltages of the d is charge.

From the poin t of view of transm itter efficiency , it is d es irable to

mak e t e d is charg appear as a very low impedance in s eries w ith the

line. S im ila rly , to get bes t receiver protection , the voltage s tepdow n

ratio from the gap to the receiver line s hould be as large as pos s ible .

Figure 2 .1 ird ca tes how s uch a circu it w ou ld appear if id ea l trans form ers

w ere us ed . During the fired cond ition the arc or dk charge im pedance

2. will trans form to the term inals in the antenna line as ZJN!. The

leak age pow er to the receiver load w ill be (VJNJ2/Z1 where V= is the

voltage d rop a cros s the d is cha rge.

During the receiving cond ition the

receiver im pedance w ill appear to b e ZJ(N2 / NJ 2 at the antenna-Iine


Except a t compa ra tively l w frequ en cies , it is d ifficu lt if n ot im pos s ible

to cons truct an ‘(id ea l” trans form er or even one w hk h is approxim ately

“id ea l.” How ever, it is fa irly s imple to mak e res onan t trans formers .

Thes e m ay tak e the form of either lum ped -cons tan t or d is tribu ted -con -

s ta nt n etw ork s .

Th e lumped -con s ta nt circu its a re ma de of con ven tion al


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ind uctors and capacitors s uitable for the d es ired frequency range, The

d is tribu ted -cons t n t circu its us ually ak e the form of a cavity or trans -

m is s ion-line res ona tor. Such res ona tors m ay have unloaded Q’s of

s everal thous and , w hereas ord inary LC-ci cu its have m axim um Q’s of

th e ord er of s evera l h un dred .

Although in the m icrow ave region the us e of lum ped -cons tan t ele-

m erits an d circu its in th e us ua l s en s e is im pra ctica l, it w ill be in forma tive

firs t tod is cus s the TRtubes as ifs uch cons truction w ere pos s ible. Then

in s ucceed in g s ection s, ca vity res on ators and their equiva lent circu its ,

h igh-Q TRtubes and their characteris tics , and bandpas s TR tub s w ill

b e d is cu s s ed .

FIG. 2.2.—Ser ies LC-cir -

FIG. 2 .3 .—Frequency dependence of circu it


p ar amet er s of F ig. 22.

2.2 . Lum ped -cons tan t Res onant Trans form ers .-The circuit of Fig.

2 .2 has a number of in teres ting properties . A s how n, it cons is ts of a

s eries LC-circuit w ith in ternal los ses repres en ted by the res is tance r,

s hunted by as us cepta ce b,. Theinput s us ceptanceis





—+j h-x2+T2J

Y= X,+r?


w here X = (w 5 – I/ m C).

If res onance is defined as the frequency at

w hich the im aginary part of Y is z ero, then

and for rb! < +,


Then , a t res onan ce,

Y = rb~.


Thus , th is is a res onant im pedance trans form er, s ince by vary ing

bl and ad jus ting the LC-circu it to mak e Im ( Y) = O, the input conduc-

tance Re( Y) can be made to vary over a w ide range. Figure 2.3 illus -

tra tes graphically w hat is involved . The Re ( 17) = g moves up and

dow n the curve as bl is v an ed .

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S im ilarly , let us cons id er the circuit of Fig. 2 .4 w here an output

circuit cons is ting of th e s hunt s us ceptan ce bz and the load con ductance



FIG. 2 .4 .—Resonant impedance t ransformer

with ou tpu t cir cu it .

g2 has been added . The input

adm ittance Y w hen the circuit is

tuned to res cm ance [Im ( Y) = O]is


e(Y) = g = rh~ + g, $

‘, (4)

w here (r + g,/ b~)b, < ~ and

b;>> g;. Equation (4) could als o

repre s en t an id ea l tran s forme r cir-

cuit w ith voltage s tepup and s tepdow n ratios of bl and bz , respectively.

Let us now exam ine the frequency res pons e of the circuit of Fig. 24

in the vicin ity of res ona nce.


lm(yJ = b=b ’– (r+ ~ ’ ; t ( i ~ +’)”


w here X’ = — bJ (g~ + b;) and r’ = gj,’(g~ + b;). If th is is res tricted

to the region w h ere b; >> g;, then

t)= b,-x~.


At res onan ce , b = O, and

The Q of a s im ple s eries -res onant circuit is given by



A parallel-res onan t circuit having L, C, and G all in s hunt is d es cribed by


In th e circu its u nd er d is cu s sion th ere is obviou s ly n eith er a s imple s eries -

IYear resonance ,

the behavior of the s us ceptance curve is at leas t s im ilar to that in a para l-

lel-res onant circuit.

How e ver, s in ce it is n ot obviou s ju st w h at pa rticu la r

L, C,

or G should be us ed to get an expres s ion for the Q of the circuit,

further inves tigation into the nature of the quantity defined by Q s hould

be m ad e.

It is pos s ible to define Q in a number of w ay s all of w hich are

equivalent. The am plitude of os cilla tion of a freely os cilla ting s ys tem

Page 23: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





w ill d ecreas e exponentia lly w ith a tim e cons tant equal to 2Q/ ti, w her Q

is defined as in Eqs . (8) or (9). Alterna tively , Q may be defined as

% times the ra tio of the energy s tored to the energy

d k s ipa ted p er cy cle . In th e p ara llel circu it, os cilla tin g

w ith a frequency w / 27rand am plitud e V, th e en ergy

s tored per cy cle is +CV2. Th e en ergy d is s ipa ted per

cy cle is 2 irGV2 / 2W,a nd Q = cW / G, a s before.


the frequency varia tion of the s us ceptance or react-

ance of an os cil a ting circu it around its natural or

res onan t frequency can be s tud ied . The parallel-

res on an t circuit of Fig. 2 .5 has an admittan ce







FIG. 2.5.—Para llel-

resonan t circuit .



w here a; = (LC)-’. By us ing Eq. (9) and the approximation that

(m – u) <<co,

Y= G+j2QGk .



Let Im ( Y) = b; then from Eq. (10), a t res onance,



d (ln u) = da

— = 2UC = 2QG,




With Eq, (13) as a bas is , an equ ivalent d efin ition of Q may be s et up

for the more complex circuit of Fig, 2 .4 . If the d eri~-ative of Eq. (6)

w ith res pect to In a is tak en, then

db adb

= ~, + (wb:b, + bobz)(bo + bz) – bob,(ubi + b,), (1+)

— . .

d (ln u) du (b, + b,)’


~ = Ib,l = b,, ‘$$ = lb,l = bz,







Au (bl + bJ 2”

Then by the us e of Eq. (7) for b,, and



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[SEC. 2.2

The Q of the circuit is d efined by Eq. (13) w here the tota l conductance

G = YO + rb~ + gz (bJ bz)’, and

Q=, l ,


C ;+ r+;




w here YO is the conductance of the line or generator connected to the

circu it a t term in als 1 -1 .

Equation (17) m ay be rew ritten


“+r+$ .+ +$.++,,




thus defin ing the “inpu t,” ‘( ou tpu t,” and “unloaded” Q’s . On th is

basis ,


.$ +;:

z – .

w here the s ubs cripts ind ica te that the res onant circu it is loaded by the

genera tor on ly (Q~J , or by the generator and a load (QLJ.

Next, let us cons id er w hat happens if the capacitor C in Fig. 24 is

s hort-circu ited . Th is w ould


reak d ow n upon the applica tion

w ou ld requ ire z e ro su s ta in ing volt-


age, Fig. 2 .6 .

The res is tance ~

FIQ. 2.6.—Circuit of Fig. 2.4 with the

capacita nce short-circuited.

may be n eglected s in ce the circu it

is no longer res onant. The ra tio

of the pow er delivered to gz to the ava ilable pow er from the genera tor

w ill be determ ined . The input adm ittance to the circu it is

y = j~l + (92 + 3772)(–W.

92 + j(b2 – b.)

For bl and bz large

The pow er abs orbed in g~ is





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This pow er is k now n as the direct-coupled lea kage pow e r to d is tinguis h it

from the leak age pow er due to the voltage d rop acros s the d is charge.

The d irect-coupling a ttenua tion


expres s ed in d ecibels is 10 log,~ of the

ra tio of P of Eq. (21) to the m axim um pow er ava ilable;


As a las t example, the ins ertion los s of the circuit in Fig. 2.4 w ill be

calcu lated , w ith the as s umption of a current gen erator w ith unit in ternal


At res onance, the input onductance of the circuit is given

by Eq. (4). The pow er trans ferred to the load is




The ins ertion los s expres sed as the ratio of the actual to the available

pow er is th e reciproca l of th e tra nsm is s ion ,

~-,= [1+4)2+4’



492 F2


Thus , Eqs . (4 ),

format ion ra tio,

(18), (22), and (20) ind icate that the im pedance trans -

QLZ, nsertion IOS S , and d irect-couplin g a tten ua tion a ll

increas e w ith the s quare of the co pling s us ceptances .

It is , th erefore ,

neces s ary in any practical d es ign to comprom is e betw een maximum

tolera ble in s ertion los s a nd m in imum trans forma tion ra tio.

2 ,3 . Cavity Res onators .—The circuit analy zed in Sec. 2 .1 is a th r-

oughly practical circu it and can be us ed w ith little m od ifica tion up to

frequencies of the ord er of 100 Me/ s ee. At higher frequencies , rad iation

los s es from open-w ire circuits becom e exces s ive, and at the s am e tim e it

becomes pra ctica l to u s e res on an t tra nsm is s ion lin es or ca vities in stea d of

conventional LC-circuits . Although it is d ifficult to obtain a Q of m ore

than a few hund red w ith lum ped cons tants , it is not d ifficult to ach ieve an

unload ed Q of 2000 to 10,000, and practica l d es igns exis t for res onators

w ith Q’s of 50,000 or m ore. As a res u lt, it is pos s ible to us e large trans -

forma tion ra tios w ith ou t pa y in g th e penalty of e xce s s ive ly la rge in s ertion


Mos t m icrow ave TR tubes (A <50 cm ) us e s ome form of res onant

cavity as a voltage and impedance trans form er, The 1ow -Q res onant

iris es u sed in ba nd pa s s ‘1 ’R tu bes con s titu te a tra ns ition al grou p betw e en

Page 26: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[S ~C. 23

lu mped -cons tan t and d is tribu ted -cons tan circu its and w il be d is cus s ed

in Chap. 3 . The remainder of th is chapter w ill d ea l w ith the linear

properties of h igh-Q ‘1’R tu bes and w ith d eta iled d es cription s of various

tubes .

Res onant cavities have been d is cus s ed by a number of au thors , and

com plete mathematical ana ly s es exis t for a large num ber of d ifferen t

geom etrica l s hapes and m od es of os cilla tion w h ich gi e the res onant fre-

quen t y Q and equiva len t s hun t or s eries res is t an te. In the follow ing

s ections , a k now led ge of m icrow a ve circu itry w ill be pres um ed , and , pri-

m arily on the bas is of trans mis s ion line ana ly s is , the rela tion betw een

various cavity param eters and the functions of the TR tube w ill be ind i-

ca ted . Becaus e the m ethod s of hand ling lum ped -cons tun t circu its are s o

h ighly perfected and w idely unders tood ,

equi~-alent lum ped-cons tant

circu its w ill be d eveloped for TR-tu be res onant ca vities .

In the des ign of a TR-tube cavity , a number of factors mus t be c n-

s id ered s im ultaneous ly . The m ode of os cilla tion and the s hape of the

cavity mus t be s uch that i is c nven ien t to place a s hort s park gap at a

poin t of m axim um voltage,


(a )


FIG. 27,-Cross sect iom of


s o th at w h en th e ga p fires th e d irect-cou plin g

attenuation trill be a maxim um .

For in -

s tance, it w ould be d ifficu lt to s atis fy thes e

cond ition s in th e !f’Eoll-mod e of os cilla tion ,

The ra tio betw een the gap voltage and the

exciting volta ge s hould be large.

S in ce th e

load ed Q and the s tepup ra tio vary by

the s am e factors in a given ca ity d es ign ,

and s ince extrem ely large va lues of Q are

und es irable becaus e of ins tability in tuning, a com prom is e m us t be m ad e

betw e en the tw o.

Although the actual s hapes of m os t TR cavities are fa irly com pli-

ca ted , they can be cons id ered as mod ifica tions of a cavity mad e of a

;es onau t lengt of rectangu lar w a veguid e opera ting in the !f’EOl-m od e

and coupled through large s hunt s us cepta nces to the load and gen ra tor,

Fig. 2 .7a . In order to reduce the break dow n voltage to a low enough

va lue to be us ed , a pa ir of pos ts are placed acros s the cavity a t a poin t

of m aximum voltage to form a s park gap, Fig.


The pos ts add a

s hun t ca pa cita nce a cros s th e ca vity w h ich ca us es th e res on an t frequ en cy

to be low er than if there w ere no pos ts pres en t.

Impedance Transforma tion .—Let us cons id er the res onant m od e of a

len gth of los s le s s tra nsm is s ion lin e of ch ara cteris tic a dm itta nce YO s h ort-

circu ited a t the far end and s hun ted by a com pa ra tively large s us cepta nce

B, a t the poin t a -a , Fig. 2 .8 . The inpu t s us ceptance w ill be

Yi = jB1 – ‘jYo Cot 2;,


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w here 1 is the length of the line. For s im plicity it is as s um ed that the

guide w avelength is equal to the air w avelength . By ad jus ting either

B , or 1 the input s us ceptance can be m ade z ero at any given w avelength .

~i;~j {@q


FIG. 2S, -Transmit -

FIG. 29.-Equiva-

sion line with shunt len t cir cu it of Fig. 2.8


near resonance .

If B , is large, Y , w ill be z ero for 27rl/ h = (m r t ,) w here, i small. The

impedance of a s hort-circu ited tra nsm is s ion lin e is



In other w ords , the reactance of a s hort-circuited length of line varies

linearly around z ero w ith w avelength . This , of cours e, is jus t lik e the

varia tion in rea cta nce of a s eries LC-ci cu it near res on an ce; and for sm all

va lues of AA/ XO, a s hort-circu ited length of transm is s ion line can be

res onant circuit. Thus , an equ i-

valent circuit for Fig. 2 .8 can be

draw n in as s how n Fig. 2 ,9 . The

frequency res pons e of the circuit

m ay be analy zed as in Fig. 2.10

w here it has been as sum ed that BI

is an inductive s us ceptance. The

frequency for w hich the input

susceptance Yi is z ero w ill fa ll to

the left or to the right of the pole,

depend ing upon w hether B1 is an

inductive or a capacitive s us -

ceptance. In the vicin ity of jo, if

FIC+.2-10.—Frequency r esponss of cir cu it

of F ig. 2.9.

B is la rge, the s us cepta nce w ill va ry nearly linearly through z ero, w h ich is

s im ila r to th e va ria tion of a s imple pa ra llel-r s on an t circu it.

The circuit of Fig. 2“8 is a t w e-term inal netw ork , and as s uch can be

u sed on ly as a s hunt or s eries elem ent.

This is us efu l for ATR tubes and

further applications are d is cus s ed in Chap. 4 . For a TR tube a four-

term inal netw ork through w h ich pow er is trans mitted is required . This

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[SEC. 2.3

may be accomplis hed by coupling the cavity to an outpu t load by a

s u s cepta nce B z, Fig. 2 .lla .

Theinpu t s us ceptance Yimay be w ritten as

Y, =jBI+ Y,

(I3 + jBz) + jYo tan 61

YO + j(G2 + @3J tan @

G,Y,(l + tan’ Pl) + jBJYo – YOtan’& – B2 tan 01), (28)

= jBl +.Yo

(Y , – B, tan i31)2+ (G, tan i31)2

w here ~ = %/ h . If the imaginary part is s e t equa l to z ero the s olu tion

for tan B1,

where B1 and B2 are large com pared w ith Yo, is

B, + B,

tan@ =YO-.



The rea l part of Yt = G + jB, w ith B1 and B,>> Yo, is

G,Y,(l + tan’ ,81)



G = ‘0 (YO – B2 tan d l)z + (G2 tan ~l)z = ‘2 ~ “


Equations (29) and (30) are to be compared w ith Eqs . (7 ) and (4)

w h ich give th e id en tica l res ults for th e lum ped -con sta nt circu it. Altern a-’


~ t anh j91/2

(a )


F IG. 2.1 1.—Transmission lin e with t wo

coupling susceptances.

tiveiy , a m ore exa ct equ iva len t cir-

cu it can be draw n by us ing the

equ iva len t T-s ection for a length of

lin@ Fig. 2 .1 lb, and the s am e rela -

tions w ill be found at res onance.

Cavity Los ses .—The calculat ions

thus far have neglected the pow er

d is s ipa ted w ith in the cavity its elf.

If the cavity is not too los s y , the

net e ffect of d is s ipa tion in the w a lls

can be repres en ted by a lum ped res is tance s hun ted acros s the cavity

at the poin t of m aximum voltage. It can be defined as


—= Reh=



2~ X energy los t per s ee’




Energy los t per s ec = # \B]’ da


and 8 is the s k in depth , f th re fe quency ,” and B the m agnetic field at the

s urface of the cavity . The voltage is the line in tegra l of the electric

1Guillem in, Comm un icationNetworks, Wile y , New York , 1 935.

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ds 1 is

s ection of the cavity . The path of in tegration us ually chos en for th is

in tegral is one that gives a m axim um of voltage w ithout us ing an extrem e

path . If Eqs . (31), (32), and (33) are com bined ,


Equation (34) is the equiva lent s hunt res is tance that w ould have to be

laced acros s the res ona tor along the particu lar path of in tegration in

rd er to produce the s am e effect as the d is s ipation in the cavity w alls .

It s hould be poin ted out that s ince the “inductive” and “ capacitive”

e lements a re h op ele s s ly in term in gled , th e equ iva len t s e rie s res is ta nce R,,

if ca lcu la ted by a s im ila r proced ure, w ill b e rela ted to th e s hun t res is ta nce

by R, = RJA, where A may be larger than Q2 by as much as a factor

f 2 .1

Th is me thod of ca lcu la ting R., has been applied to m os t of the s im pler

geom etric s hapes and to m os t of the m odes of os cilla tion . The cavities

f TR tubes are us ually s o com plica ted geom etrically that the m ethod

becom es extrem ely com plica ted , and all d es ign w ork is bas ed on experi-

m ental y d eterm ined v lues of a quantity proportiona l to R.h. Such

values are ob ained by m eas uring the input conductance of a cavity at

re s onan ce (1 ? = O).

It is , therefore, of in teres t to s ee how th is m eas ured

cond uctance varies w it the coupling to the cavity .

Let us refer again to the s im ple line cavity of Fig. 2 .11, and calculate

the input adm ittance Yi. The as sum ption now is that the trans mis s ion

line form ing the cavity has a propagation factor 7 = a + j/ 3 w here the

ttenuation cons tant a is s mall. Then


gz + jb, + tanh y l

z= 1 + (g2 + jb,) tan h -y l’


w here gz = GJYO, and bz = B.J Yo. Expa nd in g ta nh yl ,

w here 6 = L?l. If B1 a d Bz >> Yo, and al <<1, the cavity w ill be nearly

half w avelength long. If th is is s o,

tanh Y1 = al + je,



1W. W. Hansen,Lecture Seriesat Radiatio Laboratory ,RL Report T-2 ,

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The s ubs titu tion of Eq. (37) in to Eq. (35) gives

Y [g, + al + j(t + b,)l[l + gzcd – bzc – j(gx + bzal)lm (38)


Y, (1 + g,al – A)’ + (g,e + b,at)’

For res onance, the imaginary part of Eq. (38) mus t ‘equal –bl. To

s atis fy th is , it is found that, if al << ba>> gz

Finally , the s olu tion for the real part is


Thus , at the input term inals , there is a tota l conductance compos ed

of the load cond uctance trans form ed through tw o coupling s us ceptan ces

and a quantity that m ay be various ly in terpreted as the s hunt conduct-

ance or the s e ies res is tance of the cavity trans form ed through the input

coup ing. The form of th is equation is identical w ith that of Eq. (4)

for th e lumped -con s ta nt circu i .

Finally , let us find the conductance at the cen ter of the cavity .

At res onance, the im aginary part of the adm ittance is z ero and Eq. (37)

can be w ritten as

If th is is put back into Eq. (35), it is found that at res onance the con-

ductance at the center of the cavity look ing tow ard the output term inal






The tota l conductan e at the cen ter, inc ud ing both input and output

term inals and as sum ing a m atched generator is






Thus , the quantity cd can be defined a the s hunt conductance of the

cavity , and the tota l conduc ance-load ing of the cavity is the s im ple

s um of the external and avity conductance, each trans form ed by a

cons tant appropria te to the reference plane chos en.

Equation (39) as serts that at its res onant frequency , the cavity and

its load m ay be replaced by an equivalent conductance.

If this con-

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d ucta nce Gi is equ al to th e gen era tor con du cta nce YO, th e pow er d elivered

by the genera tor is a m axim um s ince the reflection coefficien t

~= Yo– Gi

Y, + Gi

is z ero. How ever, G~ is the s um of the trans form d cavity and load

conductance; and it is the pow er d elivered to the load that is of in teres t.

The net pow er flow into the cavity and its load is given by

P = Ph.(1 – r’). (42)

The fraction of thk pow er del vered to the load conductance is







~ 2 + gcb;

2 ~2

and the ins ertion los s in d ecibels is given by




l+ b?9c +92 –

L =

10 log,o



bl 2

492 &


Th is equation is identical in form w ith that of Eq. (24) for the lum ped -

cons tant circuit .

Calculation of Q.—As has been ind ica ted at the beginning of th is

s ection , the calcula tion of QOfor a cavity of s im ple d es ign, s uch a s a right

cy lin der, is a s traightforw a rd proced ure, and form ula s a re a vailable for

a number of d ifferent d es igns . 1

Th es e h ave been d erived by calcula ting

the ra tio of the energy s to ed to the energy d is s ipa ted per cy cle. How -

ever, the quantity of d irect in teres t is ot th is ra tio but the rate of change

of input adm ittance w ith frequency (or alternatively , the varia tion of

ins ertion los s w i h frequency ). Therefore, let Q

w ay a s b efore ,


Th e problem , th erefore, is to d eterm in e

udb/ d~.

For conven ien ce, variables are changed from

be defined in the s am e


u to k = 2T/ A = @/ c.

This is d one becaus e in m icrow a ve experim ents w a velength is the varia-

ble that can e meas ured convenien tl . It can be s how n that the

deriva tive of the input adm ittance of a s ection of transm is s ion line

:Vol. 11, Chap. 5, and the referencesthere cited.

Page 32: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 23

term inated in an admittance }’.., is


d }’,.



1 d l’out

—=j~l ~

1 + (j}-,. ‘ d (ln k )

+ 1 + (jl’...)i d (ln k )’


~vhere K = 2W &, and k fl is the ~va veltm gth in the transm is s ion line und er

cons id era tion, and all admi tances have been norm alized w ith res pect to


For w aveguide f a high-pas s ty pe, & and A are rela ted by


}vhe re X , is th e cu toff ;v av ele rlgth .

TJYOoth er u s efu l rela tion s a re


It can lx- s een from Fig. 2 . I la that 1-.,,, = g, + jh, and at res onance

}’ti = g – ~bl (the reference plane is j~l>t to the right of b]); hence


), 2

If the rela tions hips g = g, ~

+ g,b; and

ancf I“; = I-,. + ~bl are s ubs titlltcd into I;(I. (,50),


Page 33: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 2,3]



w here n is the num ber of electrica l ha lf w avelengths m os t nearly equal

to the length of the cavity .

To d eterm ine Q, Eq. (13) is u s ed , and for the load ed Q

1 d Im ( Y,)



“[1 +’4)2+ ’4(: ’



1 2

QL, = ?!!

~ ;+g+9c .



Th is expres sion is com plete ly ana logous to the corres pond ing one for

th e lumped -con sta nt circu it, Eq. (1 7).

If the coupling s us ceptances are large, then Eqs . (51) ind ica te tha t

the cond uctance w ill change s low ly w ith frequency , rela tive to the ra te

a t w h ich th es us cepta nce ch an ges .

Th ere fore, it is u s ua l to a pp roxima te

a res onant cavity by a s im ple para llel-res onan t circu it w ith a cons tan t

cond uctance equal to the actua l va lue of the circu it a t res onance, and to

choose L and C to”give the s am e Q as he actua l circu it.

In ord in a ry

ca vitie s th is a pp rox irn a tio n is s u fficien tl y a ccu ra te to p re d ict th e p erform -

ance a t frequencies d ifferen t fro the res onan t frequency by Au/ u = 3 / Q,

d es pite the fact tha t the ad mittance has a pole a t a frequency rela tively

clos e to the res on an t frequen cy ins tea d of a t in fin ity .

Voltage Transformation Ra tio.—Th e volta ge tran sform ation ra tio of a

res onan t cavity us ed for a TR tube is of cons id erable im portance s ince

it is one of the factors tha t d eterm ine the amoun t of leak age pow er

rea hin g th e cry s ta l d etector. Tw o tra ns for-

m ation ra tios are of in teres t. Th6 firs t ra tio

refers to the behavior of the res onant cavity

and is the ra tio betw een a voltage applied to

its term ina ls and the voltage acros s the gap

bejore a spark has jorm ed . The s econd is the

ra tio of the voltage d rop of the d is charge

main ta ined acros s the gap to the voltage

appearing acros s the load . Although both of

thes e quantities have to d o w ith leak age

pow er, they are functions of the linear properties of the cavity and ,

th ere fore , w ill b e d is cu s s ed h ere .

Let u s cons id er t e cas e of a s im ple s ection of resonan t line w ith no

s park -gap pos ts , Fig. 2 .12 . At the plane i-i, the pow er flow ing to the

righ t is u ~G~;s im ilarly , a t the plan e O-O the pow e r flow in g to th e righ t is

II~GO. If there are no los ses betw een the tw o planes , the tw o quan tities

ii 10



v i






!.i i.

F IG 212.-Reson an t lin ewit h

susceptances b, and bx.

Page 34: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




mus t be equa l. If Eq. (39) is us ed for Gi,


If the cavity los ses are as sum ed to be negligible (cd = O) then



– = b,,





w hich is the voltage s tepup ratio from plane -z ’ to plane O-O.

Cons id er how ~avity d k s ipation a ffe ts thk ratio. Practical d es ign

con sid era tion s gen era lly require that at the input term ina ls to the cavity

the apparen t hunt conductance be of the order of one-th ird the load

conductance. Th is amounts to abou t a 30 per cent pow er los s in the




jbl I





FIG. 2.13.—Equiv-

a len t circu it of ha lf

of lin e in F ig. 2.12.

ca vity a nd , th ere fore, Pi w ill be about 15 per cent

grea ter than PO becaus e of los s through the firs t half

of the ca vity .

If the center of the cavity O-O is chos en as the

reference plane, Th4ven in’s theorem m ay be us ed to

replace the actual generator to the left of i-i by an

equivalen t one at O-O. The equivalent generator

has an internal adm ittance Y’ obtained by open-

circu itin g th e a ctu al cu rren t gen era tor a nd ob s erv in g

the adm ittance s een look ing to the left from 04

The intens ity of. the new curren t s ource equals the

cu rren t flow in g th rou gh a s h ort circu it a cros s O-O.

Equa tion (4 o) gives th e equ iva len t gen era tor a dm itta nce

To obta in the s hort-circu it current through O-O, the various incid ent

and reflected w aves are added , Fig. 2 .13 . If the currenteflect ion coefE-

Cient r’l = (Y — YO)/ ( Y + Yo), then the to al curren t at O-O oan be

s how n to be 1101 = 1/ bl for bl large. Now , the voltage at the inpu t

term in als is th e cu rren t I d ivid ed by the tota l conductance or


Vi =



l+gcb; +gz :

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SEC. 2.3]



The voltage at the cen ter of the cavity is found in a s im ilar manner,














w hich is the s am e res u lt that w as obta ined w hen cavity d is s ipa tion w as

neglected . Thus , it is s een that the voltage s tepup is proportiona l to the

squ are root of the input Q (s im ilarly the voltage s tepd ow n is proportiona l

to the s quare root of the output Q).

Th is cou ld have been anticipa ted

on a con serva tion -of-en ergy ba sis , s in ce the adm ittan ce tran sform ation

is proportional to the external Q.



FIG. 2,14.—Cavity with capacit ive pos t s and equ iva len t cir cu it .

A practical TR tube w ill d iffer from this cavity in that it w ill have a

pair of pos ts acros s the guide at a voltage maximum to form a small

s park gap, Fig. 2 .14a. The gap, of cours e, add s a capacitive load acros s

the cavity . How ever, m ore deta ile exam ination ind ica tes that there is

an inductive reacta ce in each of the pos ts form ing the gap and , there-

fore, the equiva len t circu it is s im ilar to that of Fig. 2“14b. The net

s us ceptance acros s he cen ter of the cavity is

jz)o = –j(x. – xc)–’.

In a s m ilar manner i can be s how n that the voltage s tepup ra tio

from the external term inals to the cen ter of the cavity is proportiona l

to the corres pond ing external Q. How ever, the voltage acros s the gap v.

is greater than the cavity voltage Vo by a factor

and the total trans form ation ra tio is




–= b,—.


b. – b.


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The Q of s uch a cavity can be s how n to be

Q.,= 21~+’)K1(;~+’o,



;+ $+9,




‘0 “f b, and b,>> b,.

‘here ‘1 = ‘an -’ F, = 5 – 31

Direct-cou plin g A tten ua tion .—Du rin g th e tra nsm ittin g period th ere is

a d is charge acros s the gap w h ich for all practica l purpos es m ay be, con-

Y++y ’

(a) (b)

FJ~ . 2.15 .—Cavity with shor t -circu ited pos t and equiva len t circu it .


(a) (b)


2.16.—(a)Magnet ic field in a cavity with shor t -circu ited post . (b) Cylin&lca l

ca vit y wit h two ou tpu t lin es.

s id ered to have zero dy nam ic impedance. S ince the d is charge on ly

s hort-circu its the capacitor X. in Fig. 2 .14 , the tota l s us ceptance acros s

the guide is not in iin ite, bu t is equal to ‘jb.. As a res ult, the a ttenu-

ation betw een the input and the output term inals w ill be large, bu t fin ite.

To ca lcula te the attenuation , a ll voltages and adm ittances are referred

to the center of the cavity , Fig. 2“150 . Tow ard the left from the

pos t, there is an adm ittance Y =

l/ b~ – jbJ2 , and tow ard the right

Y’ =


– jbo/ 2 and , therefore, the circu it is that of Fig. 2 .15b. The

ratio of the pow er delivered to the load , gz~b~, to the available pow er is

Thus , th e d irect-coup led




— = b:b;(bo + b.)’”


pow e r is invers ely proportiona l to the prod uct

Page 37: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




of the external Q’s , and it a ls o varies invers ely w ith the s quare of the pos t

5UsCeptanCebL .

A qualita tive but us eful concept of d irect-coupling attenuation

as s um es that the cavity s hort-circu ited by the pos t, Fig. 2 .16a, m ay be

thought of as tw o w aveguides in para llel that are bey ond cutoff a t the

opera ting frequency . The incid en t pow er is exponentia lly attenuated

betw e en the input a d ou tput term inals of the ca vity , and the attenuation

increas es w ith the d iam eter of the center pos t. Th is , of cours e, is s im ply

a res tatem ent of the fact that the attenuation increas es w ith the pos t

s us cepta nce. If a cy lind rical ca vity is con sid ered , Fig. 2 .16b, it becom es

apparen t that the attenuation d ecreas es rapid ly as the angle a betw een

the input and the output lines is m ade les s than 180°.

2 .4 . Com paris on of Loop-coupled and Ins -coupled Cavities .-In the

analy s is of res onant cavities thus far, it has been as s umed that the

externa l cavities have been connected to the res onant s tructure by direct

in du ctive or capa cit v e couplin g.

That is , it has been as s umed that

there is no mutual reactance be-

tw e en the couplings and the res o-

nant c i r c u it. The equivalent

circuit as sum ed m ay be either the

s im ple one in S ec. 2-1 or the m ore

exact one s how n in Fig. 2 .llb.

A better repres enta tion of the



F IG. 2,17.—Equ iva 1en t cir cu it of TR t ube

including losses.

TR tube is s how n in Fig. 2.17 w here b, and b~ are the coupling s us -

ceptances , bO is the equivalent capacitive s us ceptance of the gap and

pos ts acros s the cavity , g. is t e s hunt conductance of the cavity . If

b = blbO/ (2bl X bo), and b! is s im ila rly d efin ed for bz and if bl and bg are



All th es e ca lcu la tion s a nd equ iva len t circu its a re ba s ed on th e a s s ump-

tion that no m utual couplings exis t betw e en b, and


and the res t of the

circuit. This cond ition is s atis fied if th in ind uctive or capacitive iris es

are used for bl and bz , Fig. 2 .18u.1

How ever, coupling to a cavity can be

done equally w ell by means of a loop link ing the magnetic field of the

cavity , Fig. 2 .18b. If th is is done, it is neces sary to cons ider the m utual

coupling betw een loop and cavity , and the equivalent circuit may be

1F or equiva lent circu it s of var ious obstaclea in wavegu idea , see “Wave Gu id

H an dbook,” RL Repor t No. 432/7/44, a nd Vol. 10 of th is ser ies.

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[Sm . 24

draw n as in Fig. 2 .19 . It has been s how n by W. W. Hans en l that the

trans form ed conductance s een at the inpu t term inals varies invers ely

w ith th e s qua re of th e m utual con du cta nce


and Mz for






EkG.2 .18.—Ir is -coup led cavity (a ) and loopcoup led cavity

(b, = l/ JJ . The mutu l inductance is proportiona l to

and at res ona nce

Gi = G (A/Zi)2 + G~(ze/zi)’



the loop area


w h ere Gi is th e in put con ducta nce, A is the area of the cavity in a plane

para lle l to th e E vector, Z1 and 2.

are the areas of the inpu t and out-

-lJN~@’2 %:%!!::;:::::::

s ions for Q and d irect ‘coupling

w h ich are com pletely ana logous

F1o. 2 .19 .—Equ ivalent circu it of loop -

to th os e for th e iris -coupled ca vity

coupled cavity.

ca n b e d erived .

Although a deta iled d is cus s ion of m ethod s for coupling to cavities

w ill be res erved for a later s ection , it is of in teres t to mak e a s imple ‘




Fm . 2.2C.-Met hod s of couplin g t o a ca vit y.

com paris on betw een loop and ins coupling. T ere are three cas es to be


1 . If the coupling iris is a s m all circular hole in a thin pla te, Fig. 220a,

the s us ceptance is ind uctive and varies nearly as


1W. W. Hansen ,J . App. Ph gm , 9, 654 t o 603 (1938).

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2 . If the iris is s ymmetrica l, of th ty pe s how n in Fig. 2.20b, th e

s us ceptan ce is ind uctive and va ries nearly as d–z.

3 . If the coupling is a small loop, Fig. 2 .20c, the inductance is pro-

port ona l to its length and the s us ceptance, then , varies as d –l.

The adm ittance trans formation ra tio N in thes e three cas es may be

tabu la ted as in Table 2“1 .



N va ries a s

Circular ir is

bz, d-6

Symmet r ica l induct ive ir is

b,, d -,

Small loop

b,, d -,

It s hou ld be poin ted ou t tha t thes e varia tions are for sm all loops or

iris es . For iris es it is further as sum ed tha t the m eta l pla te is very th in .

As the open ing of the iris or the length of the loop is m ad e larger, the ra te

of change of b w ith d b ecome s s low e r.

The ra tes ind ica ted in the las t

colum n m ay be d eceptive becau se, a lthough the tolera nce on the circu lar

iris is the m os t s evere , a round hole m ay be made to much clos er toler-

a nces tha n is pos s ible w ith th e oth er s tru ctu res .

A s ymmetrica l inductive iris is m ore d ifficu lt to mak e to accura te

tolerances ; bu t m os t d ifficu lt of a ll is the loop w hich is made of fa irly

th ick w ire, to give it rigid ity , bu t is ben t on a rad ius w hich is on ly a few

tim es the th ick nes s of the w ire. Des pite th is d ifficu lty , it w a s pos s ib le

to mak e coupling loops for 0-cm TR tubes in w hich the adm ittance

trans form ation ra tio w as held to a tolerance of about +10 er cen t.

2 .6 . Method s of Tun ing.-It is us ua lly requ ired that a given TR

tube opera te anyw here w ith in a band of frequencies t a t is w id e com -

pa red w ith its bandw id th (Aw >> a / Q).

Th e re s onan t circu it, th ere fore ,

mus t be made tunable. From a cons id era tion of Fig. 2“17 it is s een

that varia tion of either the gap capacitance or the cavity inductance

change s th e re sonant frequency .

It is not d es irable to tune by vary ing

the coupling s us ceptances s ince the ins ertion los s and leak age pow er

change rapid ly w h ile the tun ing ra te rem ains very s low .

Variation of the gap capacitance is a conven ien t m ethod of tuning

if the m echanica l d es ign of the tube perm its a mechanica l motion to be

trans m itted in to the low -pres s ure region w h ere the s pa rk gap is loca ted .

S evera l TR tubes have been des igned w ith s uch a tun ing s y s tem . The

h igh-frequency end of the tuning range is genera lly lim ited by the leak -

age pow er, w h ich increas es w ith the gap length . It i us ua lly pos s ible in

th is w ay to get a tuning range of 10 to 15 per cen t and s till maintain

sa tis fa ctory leakage pow er le ve ls .

The inductance of the circu it m ay be changed by a variety of m echan-

ica l s chem es . Bas ica lly , w hat is d es ired is to change the m agnetic field

s trength in a given region , and thus change the energy s torage r the

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A vane acros s a w aveguid e acts as an inductive lumped

s us ceptance, Fig. 2 ,21, becaus e it caus es a local concentra tion of the

magnetic field . Thus , the cavity can be made tunable as s how n in

Fig. 222. S lid ing iris es w hich continually m ak e ood contact w ith the

n ,


kl~ , 2 .21.—Waveguide with induct ive vane .

g o


u ,,







F IC. 2.22.—Va ria ble in du ct ive ir ises

for t u ning a cavit y.

top and the bottom of the guide pres en t a des ign problem w hich is

m echanica lly very d ifficult. Figure 223 s hom x an equivalent s cheme

commonly us ed w ith cell-ty pe TR tubes , In tubes of th is ty pe the gap

and low -pres s ure region are confined w ith in a glas s envelope w hos e

d iameter is small compared w ith the cavity d iameter. .4 m etal s lug,





FIG.223.-Meta l slu s for t un in g a TR ca vity.

us ually a s crew , is pus hed in to the cavity .

Th is adds a lum ped induct-

ance in parallel w ith the res t of the circu it, and the frequency increases

as the slug is pushed in to the cavity.

A change in the cavity d iameter has

an equiva lent effect, and in fact, the s lug m ay be cons id ered s im ply as a

partia l change in the equivalent cavity d iam eter.

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A third m ethod of tuning involves changing the total circu it capaci-

tance by means of a metal s lug that can be moved in and out rad ially ,

but w hich is ins ulated from the cavity , Fig. 2 .23b. Although the geo-

m etric capacitance of the s lug does not vary w ith pos ition , the electric

field varies from a maximum at the center to zero at the outs id e of the

cavity , The d is placement curren ts flow ing through the capacitance

betw een the s lug and cavity increas e as the s lug is moved tow ard the


Moving the capacitive slug toward the center decreases the resonant

frequency of the cavity.

A method that is mark ed ly d ifferen t from thos e jus t d es cribed

em ploy s an auxiliary cavity tuned by one of thes e m eth d s , and coupled

to the main TR cavity n s uch a w ay as to act as a variable eus ceptance

in parallel w ith it. The s us ceptance an tak e on pos itive or negative

va lues as the auxiliary cavity is tuned to h igher or low e r frequencies than

the incid ent frequency . In general, th is s cheme introduces a certain

amount of exces s los s in to the circu it. It has the advantage, how ever,

that a precis e tuning mechanism may be built in to it w hich may be

calibra ted . Th is is not generally pos s ible in the TR cavity .

The tw o

catities may be butted together and coupled by an iris , or they may be

joined by a trans mis sion line about k / 2 long and coupled either by loops

or b y iris e s .

2 .6 . Equ ivalent-circu it Ca lcu la tion s . Inse?tion Los s .—In previou s

s ections it w as s how n t at a res onant cavity cou ld be repres en ted to a

good approximation by an equiva- 1A

len t parallel-res onant circuit. The ‘

pla ne of referen ce is arbitrary ; bu t

it is genera lly conven ien t to refer

all adm ittances to the input ter-


inals . Th is is ind ica ted ~in Fig. ‘

2 .24 w here all adm ittances have

=or T

been normaliz ed w ith res pect to Fm. 224.-Cavity and equ ivalen t circu it

Y,, g: = gJ ~ is th e a ppa ren t ca vity

r e fe r r ed to termina ls AA.

conducta nce, g~ = g&/bJ 2 k the apparen t load conductance, and b is

the input s us ceptance. On the bas is of th is s imple circu it, a number of

u sefu l rela tion s hips in volvin g Q, in sertion los s , an d in pu t s ta nd in g-w a ve

ra tio m ay be d erived .

Th e tran sm ism”on T of the circuit is the ra tio of the pow er d is s ipa ted

in aL to the Dow er available from the genera tor.

Th e in sertion loss L


w ill be d efin ed as

– 10 loglo T,

T = (1 + 9.%)’ + b“

w h ere the generator is as sum ed to have unit in ternal



Page 42: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




Q.—In S ec. 2 .2 an expres s ion for Q w as derived . Equation (52)

m ay be rew ritten in the follow ing form s:

‘0 =&d(:k)b


—= Qo&l

QLI = 2(9;+ I) ~(lnk)



1 db

Qo -&_+-.

~2=2(g:+l+ g.)_=

w here Q’ is the unloaded Q of the cavity ; QL1 is the Q of the cavity loaded

only at its input term inals by a matched genera tor; and QL2 is the Q of

the cavity loaded at both the input and outpu t term ina ls .

The s tand ing w ave s et up in a transm is s ion line by a d is continuity

is equal to the sum of the incident and the refl cted w aves .

Th e ra tio

of the maximum voltage to the m inimum voltage of the s tand ing w ave is

the ataru lin g-w au e ratio T , and is d efined by


w h ere r is the voltage reflection coefficien t, For the cavity w h os e input

a tilttance is


/ rl =

If th is is s ubs titu ted

Y = (g. + g:) + jb ,

YO– Y=

1 – [(9L + d) + ~bl,


v’(1 – g. – g;)’ + b’.

v’(1 + g.+ g:)’+ b’

in to Eq. ( 3),


N(1 +g. +g:)’+ f)’+ <(1 – g. – g;)’ +b’


‘=ti(l+g ~+g:)’+b’ -~(l-g. -g:)’ +bz”

Exam ination of Eq. (61) ind icates that the pow er to the load g. fa lls

to half its maximum value w hen Ibl = (1 + gL + g.), and for th is cond i-

tion the s tand ing-w a ve ratio w ill be

(1 + g. + g:) + <1 + (gL -t 9:)2.

‘}’ = (1 + gL + 9:) – %“1 + (9L + 9:)2

If the input s tand ing-w ave ratio at res onance is



rg= g-l=

(gL + g:)’

Page 43: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


S rw .2.6]




It s hou ld be noted tha t a s ubs titu tion of l/ @ for ~ res ults in the id entica l


S im ilarly , Eq. (65) m ay bes olved forb, and



Figure 2 .2 is a plot of the s tand ing-w ave ra tio agains t frequency ,

m eas ured at the input of a ty pica l TR cavity w ith no output load ing.

A curve of b, calcu la ted from the

data by means of Eq. (6 ) s s uper-



The curve of b is a

9 -

s tra igh t line over the range con-

s id ered , w hich is w hat w ou ld be

obta ined from a s imple parallel-

resonan t circuit .

Optimum Coupling. —Maximum

pow e r is d elivered to th e loa d g~ for

a give n g;w hen gL = 1 + g:.


larly , a red uction in g: res ults in an

increas e in T. It is genera lly nec-

es s ary , how ever, to mak e the bes t 1


p os s ib le comp rom is e b etw e en lea k -

age pow e r and ins ertion los s .

-2 -1

Lea k age p owe r w ill b e d is cu s s ed

A f Mc\sec

in d eta il in Ch ap. 5; h ow e ver, it has

a lread y been s een that the d irect-

coupled pow er varies invers ely as

F]Q. 2 .25.—Input s tanding-wave ra t io

the prod u t of th e input and outpu t

r, and susceptance b for a 1B27 TR cavit y;

@ = a’, = 1.30, fO = 3260 Me/see, QO =

Q’s for a given tube and cavity , and z~cu # = I91o.

it w ill be s een la ter tha t the arc

lea ka ge pow e r a nd s pik e lea ka ge en ergy a re s ubs ta ntia lly in depen den t of

the input Q, but vary invers ely w ith the ou tp t Q.

It is im portant to choos e the bes t opera ting poin t for a certa in s peci-

fi d ins ertion los s tha t w ill give us able values of d irect-coupled and arc

leak age pow er, and s pik e leak age energy . Figure 2 .26 is a plot of in s er-

tion los s L in db vs . g. for various values of g:. It is obvious that there

are an in fin ite num ber of com b nations of


and g: that w ill give the

s am e los s . S ince the arc leakage pow er and s pik e energy increas e w ith

increas ing g’, on ly values of g~ ~ (1 + gj) w ill be chos en .

Page 44: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





Let us in ves tiga te the con dition s that give m axim um d irect-cou plin g

attenuation for a given va lue of L.

In Eq. (61) let b = O and subs titu te

the follow ing quantities : g: = N~., g~ = N1/ N2. Then s olve for the

prod uct N1N2 wh ich is proportion al to the d irecbcou plin g a ttenu ation,

N,N2 =



––l– Nlgcf2


-“ ‘6’)

If th e de riv at v e d(NIN,)/dNl k s et equal to z ero, a s olu tion for the poin ts











~ -2

, , <

[/ 1

I ~





(l+ Lre+9L)2



.4~LJ I

2.26.—P lot of in ser tion loss in decibels a s a fu nct ion of g~ for va riou s va lu es of

9 ‘6

of m axim um or m in im um d irect-coupling attenuation for a given va lue

of low -level tra nsm is s ion may be obta in ed ,


4(2-$) +;(1-+)=” ’70)

=N; +N; :+Nl~


The roots of th is equation are mos t eas ily found by as s um ing s pecific

va lu es of T , and then us ing Hom er’s m ethod or s om e s im ilar approxim a-

tion . on ly pos itive, rea l roots are of in teres t. Inves tiga tion s how s that

thes e roots d o ind eed corres pond to a m axim um value of NINZJ and , there-

fore , repre s en t max imum a ttenua tion .

The s e solu tion s -a re p lotte d in Fig.

2 .26 s uperim pos ed on the los s con tours as the locus of poin ts giving m axi-

mum d ire ct -c oupling a tte nua tion .

For va lues of g: >0 .1 , the optimum

coupling cond ition lies s om ew h ere bet w e en “ equal” coupling (Nl = N2),

and “matched -ou tpu t” coupling (g& = 1 + g: or Na = 1 + Nlg,).

Page 45: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





For bes t perform ance in the receiving period it is d es irab e to us e a


coupling s ince varia tions in the load cond uctance gh

caus e the leas t chang of T in th is region .

Th is is im portan t becaus e

of the com para tively large varia tions that are found in the adm ittance

of cry s ta l d etectors . The conductance s pread may be as large as 4 to 1

(from g. = YO/ 2 to 2Yo), even a fter the cry s ta l moun t has been des igned

to m inim iz e th is s pread . In Table 2“2 the ins ertion los s L in d e cib els

and rela tive leak age pow er are lis ted corres pond ing to a cry sta l con -

ductance g= = Y,/ 2 , Y ,, 2 Y ,. The leak a e pow er has been s epara ted

in to d irect-coupled pow er, and gas (fla t or s pik e) leak age pow er.

Th e

la tter is s im ply proportiona l to Nil w h i e the form er is proportiona l to




Allad jus ted to L = –1 .25dbforg. = 1

In ser t ion loss db

Gas leakage power

Direct -coupled power


%0 Matched









‘qua’ Matched




input output input





— — —



–2 .46 –2.14 –1 .76

0.375 0.5






–1 .25 –1.25 –1 25

0.75 1 1.33

1.15 1




–1.06 –1 .76

1.5 2

2,66 2.3



Exam ination of Ta ble 2 .2 ind ica tes tha t the d irect-coupled pow e r is a

rather ins ens itive function of the particu lar coupling. The ins ertion

los s und rgoes the larges t excurs ions Trith m atched -inpu t coupling.

Con vers ely , th elea ka ge pow e ris s m alles t for m atch ed -in pu t and larges t


Inpu t s t anding-

wave r at io



“ c



h fa t ched inpu t









l+g:–2– T

Equa l coup ling

3fatchcxl output

1+9=2 (>-1)

1 + 2g:




= (1 –p)’

(1 +g:)-’ = 1 –2?p






271 + d



(1 - W)




2 – ~–T

l+g; –

Page 46: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 2.7

for matched -output coupling. Equal coupling has the advantage of

eas e of mechan ical cons truction if the line to the r ceiver is of the s ame

ty pe as the trans mitt r line (s am e s iz e coaxia l line or w aveguid e), s ince

the tube can be m ade s ymmetrica l.

S pecia Ca .s es .-A few s pecia l form ulas m ay be derived for the three

couplings jus t d es cribed and the res ults are s how n in Table 2 ,3 .

2 .7 . Electrom agnetic Calcula tions of Cavities . -Although the bas ic

phenomena of the res onant cavity are extrem ely s im ple, the exact

calcula tion of the res onan t frequency Q voltage-s t pup ra tio, and

equ ivalent s hunt conductance becom es very d ifficu lt w hen practi a l

s hapes of cavities Wus t be ana ly zed .

Fa irly s tra igh tforw a rd m eth od s

~f a na ly z in g cy lin d rica l, s p he rica l, a nd s im ila r ca vitie s h av e b ee n d eriv ed

by a num ber of authors . 1 ,2 For TR cavities or k ly s tron cavities (rhum ba-

trons ), the field s can no longer be expres s ed by s imple functions , bu t

mus t be compounded out of a s um of many d ifferent m odes , s o ad jus ted

as to s a tis fy the boundary cond itions that tangentia l E is z ero at the

meta l w a lls .

At the pres en t tim e, an exact s olu tion has not been obtained for the

cy lind rical cavity w ith conical pos ts .

x tremely a ccu ra te ca lcu la tion s

have been made, how ever, in w hich the pos ts w ere as s umed to be right

circu la r cy lin ders , a nd wh ere s uita ble m ea ns of es tim atin g th e equ iva len t

d iameter of the cy linder w ere determ ined .3 ,4J By thes e means it has

been pos s ible to ca lcula te the res onant frequency w ith an error of les s

than 1 per cen t.

The m athematica l techniques us ed in thes e calcu la tions w ill not be

d is cus s d here s ince they are long and involved . The s olu tions obtained ,

how ever, give the res onan t frequency in term s of an effective para llel


and C, w here the C is a function of the s ta tic capacitance of the pos t,

and L is as socia ted w ith the energy s torage in he annular ring betw een

A m ore recen t and ad vanced m ethod in the art of treating cy lind rica l

res onant cavities has been us ed by N. Marcuvitz of the Rad iation Labora-

tory . Th is methodh c ns id ers the cavity as c mpos ed of s evera l rad ia l

trans mis s ion lines of various im ped ances (heights ) and lengths (rad ii).

Although th is method has not been applied to TR cavities , its us e w ould

1W. W. Han sen , J ou r. App. Physics 9, 654 (1938); 10,38 (1939).

z S . A. Sch elk unoff, E lect romagn et ic Waues, Van Nost ra nd, N , Y., 1943.

3H, A. Bethe, R. E. Marshak, J . Schwinger ,

“ Theoret ica l Result s on the TR

Box)” NDRC Repor t D1-116, J an. 20, 1943.

4H. A. Bethe, R. E. Ivlarshak, J . Schwinger , “ Theory of the TR Box, ” NDRC

Repor t 14-128, May 14, 1943.

5 J , S chwinger ,

“Theoret ica l Trea tment of a Cylindr ical TR Box, ” RL Group

Report 43-8/26/42,

s Vol. 8, Chap. 8,

Page 47: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




re su lt in great ma thema tica l s imp lifica tion , w hen rad ia l-transmis s ion -line

charts become availab le .

The coupling betw een the cavity and an external load or s ource of

pow er m ay tak e any of s evera l form s .

It may be a small hole in the w all

of the avity , a loop, or a capacitive probe.

The firs t tw o, the hole and

the loop, are us ed almos t exclus ively in TR cavities . The small hole or

iris is equ ivalent to the large s hunt ind ucti e s us ceptances in the equiv-

alent circu its of S ees . 2 .1 and 2.2; the loop has been briefly d es cribed in

S ec. 23.

The ca lculation of the pow er flow through an iris involves the m atch-

ing of three field s : the unperturbed field in the cavity , the unperturbed

field in the w aveguide or s pace into w hich the iris a llow s pow er to flow ,

and the field in the immed ia te vicinity of the iris .

Here again , the

m athem atical com plica tions grow roughly exponentia lly w ith the s iz e

of the hole. If the hole is very small, then it can be as s umed that the

field in the cavity and w aveguide are completely und is turbed by the

pres ence of the hole, except in its im med ia te vicin ity . Furtherm ore, it

can be as s umed that the tangentia l H w ill be cons tant in magnitude

and phas e over the entire w indow .

With thes e lim iting as sum ptions ,

it has been pos s ible to ca lcu la te correctly the load ing and frequency

s hift ca us ed by ind uctive iris es in TR cavities .1 ,23 ,4

Loop coupling, although bas ica ily very s im ple, is com plica ted by the

fin ite th ick nes s of the w ire and the s tand ing w ave along the loop. As a

res ult, n o accu ra te s olutions exis t for th is problem .

2.8 . Cell-ty pe TR Tubes . Tube Ty pes .—The cell-t pe TR tube is a

unit cons is ting of a s park gap in a low -pres s ure gas eous a tm osphere,

enclos ed in a glas s envelope. Electrodes are brought ou t through the

glas s for connecting to an external cavity , w h ich in com bina tion w ith the

TR tube is a res onant circuit. The tube is placed in the cavitv s o that

there is a m axim um voltage acros s the gap.

One of the earlies t 10-cm m icrow ave TR tubes is s how n in Fig. 2 .27.

It w as developed by J. L. Law s on at the Rad iation Labora tory , and con-

s is ted of a s park gap in a small glas s tube w hich plugged in to a cavity .

The leak age pow e r of th is tube w a s und oubted ly high, and becaus e of the

small gas volume its life w as s hort; how ever, it had only to protect a

ground ed -grid -triod e firs t d etector, w h ich it d id . The firs t “m od ern”

]H. A , Be the , “Lumped Cons tan tsfor Small Irises ,” RL Report 43 -22 ,Lfar. 22 ,


z H. A. Bethe, “Theory of Side Window sin Waveguides , ’]RL Report 199,Apr. 4 ,


3H, A, Bethe, “Excita tion of Cavit ies thr ugh Windo\ vs , RL Report 202,Apr. 9 ,


4H. A , Be the , “Theory of Diffraction by SmallHoles ,” RL Report 128 ,Jan . 2?3 ,


Page 48: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




m icrow ave TR tube w as the s o-ca lled s oft Su tton tube d eveloped by the

s im ple exped ien t of adm itting gas in to a Sutton reflex k ly s tron tube

and us ing it, cavity and a ll, a s a TR tube. One cavity and three tubes

w ere us ed to tune the th ree band s 9 .1 cm + 1 per cen t, 10 cm + 1 per

cen t, and 10 .7 cm ~ 1 per cen t. The tubes w ere id en tica l except tha t

FIG. 2.27.—Early 10-cm TR tube.

they w e re pretuned by vary ing the

gap s pacing before they w ere


The 721 .4 TR tube and la ter

the 724A tube, w ere engineered

by a group under A. L. Samuel a t

th e B ell Teleph on e La bora tories . 1

Thes e tw o tubes are us ed in the

9 -cm to 1l-cm and 3. l-cm to 3 .5 -

cm band s res pectively , and ,

together w it h the 1B27 tube

d eveloped coopera tively by the

Rad ia tion Labora tory and S y l-

vania Electrica l Products Com -

pany , are the mos t w id ely us ed

m icrow ave cell-ty pe TR tubes .

They are illus tra ted in Fig. 2 .28 .

The s park gap is formed betw een

the sm all en ds of tw o copper con es .

The cones are d raw n from “th in

copper s heet and have circu lar

flanges a t their bas es . A cy lind er

of low -los s gla ss s epa ra tes th e tw o

flanges . In ord er to mak e a bu t

s ea l betw e en the gla ss and the copper, it is n eces s ary to balance th e s tra ins

by s im ulta neou sly s ea ling gla ss cy lin ders to th e ba ck s of th e flanges , as in

Fig. 2 .29 . After the d is k s ea ls have been m ade, the k eep-a live electrod e

is s ea led in a t one end , the tube is pretuned and evacua t d , and the other

end is s ea led off.

Tw o other m icrow ave cell-ty pe TR tubes tha t have been us ed at

longer w avelengths (about 25 cm ) are the 1B23 tube and the 1B40 tube.

The s park gap in the 1B23 tube, Fig. 2 .30 , is betw een the ins id e of the cone

and the w ire electrod e. The 1B40 tube is clifferen t from any of the other

tubes in th is group, in that it has no r-f electrod es w ith in the glas s

envelope. It is u s ed w it a cavity s uch as tha t s how n in Fig. 2 .31 , and

an electrodeless d is charge is s truck betw een the tw o cy lind ers of the

1Samuel,Mccrae, and Mum foral,“Gas Dis cha rgeTR sw itch,” 13TLMM-42_14@_

2 6, Apr 1 7, 19 42 .

Page 49: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers






externa l cavity . Although th is s im plifies the d es ign , the leak age pow er

of th is tube is very large and is tolerable on ly in certa in s pecia l applica -


FIG.228.-TR t ubes t ypes lB

27.724 B, 721B.

tions . The cons truction is very s im ple for it involves on ly Kovar-gla s s

seals .

The cell-ty pe TR tubes have the advantage tha t they m ay be us ed

in a variety of circu its and cavitieq

and over a w id e range of frequencies

With s uitable cavities the 1B27 tube

has been us ed at w a velengths ranging


from 8 cm to 13 cm . The 721B, 724B, Cow er

1B23 , and 1B40 tubes are jixed -tuned ‘Ianges


By vary ing the s pacing each


tubes .

is ad jus ted to res onate at a s pecified

frequency in a cavity of s tandard

d im ens ions . Once the, tube is s ea led

FIG.2.29.—Firsts tagein as s embling

cell-typeTR tube. Glas scy lind ersare

off, no further ad ju s tm ents of gap

s ealedsimultaneous lyo both s idesof

s acing can be made, and the com -

the f langes.

plete TR as s em bly is tuned by inductive or capacitive s lugs in the

externa l cavity as d es cribed in S ec. 2“5 . The 1B27 is a tunable

tube. The gap s pacing may be varied by means of a d ifferen tia l s crew

mechanism tha t m oves one of the cones in or ou t. The cone is s ea led , of

Page 50: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




cours e, to maintain a low -pres s ure region around the gap. In a given

cavity , it is pos s ib le to tune th 1B27 tube from 10 to 15 per cen .

FIG. 2.30.—1B23 TR




Fx~. 2 .31.—1B4O TR tube.

The critica l d im ens ions of the 721B, 724B, and 1B27 tubes are s how n

in Fig. 2 .32 . Thes e d im ens ions are the glas s d iam eter, th d is tance



t-- %-4

FIG.2.32.—Critical dimen-

UiOnSf i’21B, 724B, and 1B27

t ubes given in Table 2.4.

betw e en flanges , the cone angle, the gap s pa c-

ing, the cone d iam eter, and the flange d iam -

eters . Table 2 .4 gives the d im ens ions of thes e

th ree tu be s .

The us e of h igh-Q cavities w ith larg

adm itta nce tra ns forma tion ra tios re qu ires th at

the los ses in the cavity be held to a m in im um .

The glas s cy lind er betw e en the d is k s of the TR

tube is in a region of mod era tely h igh field .

The d ielectric los s in the gltm s can m ak e a con-

s id erable con tribu tion to the effective s hun t

conductance gc of the cavity . Corn ing 707

glas s has the low es t d ielectric los s of any of

the common glas s es . Only fu s ed quartz and

Corn ing “Vicor” 709 glas s , w h ich is abou t 90

per cen t quartz , have low er los s es . Thes e ,

how ever, cannot be s ea led to copper becaus e

of th eir h igh m eltin g poin ts an d low coefficien ts of expa ns ion . In Ta ble 2 “5

Page 51: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers







Dimen sion s a re in In ch es






1 ++



D, 0.075




; 0 .825

t 0.030




0 .622max .

0.615 min.

0.622 max.

0.615 m in .


0 030



0 030



1 062







the com plex d ielectric cons tan t c = c’ + jc” is given for Corn ing 707 glas s

a nd 7 05 gla s s .





e’ t“/ t’


C“/ E’

25 cm

4.0 0.0019 4 72 0.0047

10 cm

4.0 0.0019 4 .72




0 .0021 4 .71


The’ copper flanges extend ing bey ond the glas s are m ad e th in s o tha t

they can be d eform ed by the clamping rings of the cavity , and can als o

be pres s ed tigh tly agains t the cavity s hou ld er w ithou t break ing the glas s

s ea l. Th is a llow s the res is tance of the con tact betw een the flanges and

the cavity to be held to a m inimum .

Cavities ad Tuni g.—The TR cavity m os t common ly us ed in the

3 -cm and lo-cm band s is illus tra ted in Fig. 2 .33. It is cy lind rica l, and

opera tes in w hat m ay be d es cribed as a m od ified TEO1o-m ode.


is no varia tion of the field w ith angle, and except in the vicin ity of the

pos ts , there is no varia tion of E between the top and the bottom of the


For a given tube, the heigh t h of the cavity is us ua lly main ta ined

con s ta nt, a nd th e d iamete r D is va ried to m a ke ca vities for va riou s tuning

ranges . To perm it the tube to be connected in to the cavity , the cavity

is s plit in to tw o h alves a lon g a d iametral pla ne.

S in ce th e lin es of cu rre nt

flow are rad ial on the top and bottom faces , the break betw een the tw o

Page 52: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




ha lves of the cavity d oes not cu t any curren t lines , and therefore there are

no los s es from rad ia tion or from Poor co ta cts .

S ince the curren t flow in the top and

otto faces is rad ia l, an in tim ate con -

tact mus t be m ade betw een the tube

flanges and the cavity in ord er to hold

to a m in imum the ‘R los s e s a t th e j oin t.

Th is is d on e by exertin g en ou gh pres s ure

to d eform the flange and caus e it to

flow agains t the cavity . Figure ‘2 .34

s how s the deta ils of tw o s uch arrange-

m en ts . In Fig. 2 .34a the clam ping ring

A is d raw n dow n agains t the flange by

s ix s crew s s paced around the circum -

ference. Th is m ak es an excellen t con -

tact, bu t it is d ifficu lt to replace tubes

qu ick ly in s uch a cavity , Figure 2.34b

s how s an alterna tive m ethod w herein

a clam ping nut B forces a ring C agains t

a neoprene gas k et D, w hich in turn

pres s es aga ins t t e tube flange. The

ga s k et, b y virtu e of its flexibility , forces

th e fla nge to mak e good contact w ith

the cavity d es pite any high s pots on he

cavity or m is alignment betw een the ring and the cavity . The s crew -

clamping mechan ism is comm on ly us ed on the 1B27 and 724B TR tubes ,


6 Eqbally spaced screws




(a )


FIG.2.34.—Methods of clamping cell-typeTR tutw into cavit ies ,

except tha t it has been found unneces sary to us e the gas ket on the 724B,

pres umably beoaus e of the small flange d iameter. In the 1B27 tube (or

Page 53: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





the 72 lB , fa ilure to us e the gas ket m ay res ult in an increas e of ins ertion

los s of 1 or



The fixed -tuned tubes (721B,

724 and 1B23) can each be char-

acterized by a curve w hich gives

the res onan t w avelength as a

function of cavity d iam eter. Fig-

ures 2.35 and 2“36 s how thes e

curves for the tubes , 721B and

724 . Figures 2’37 and 2“38 s how

aty pica l ca vity and a tuning cu rve

for the 1B23 tube. The curves

a re n om in al, a nd p rod u ction tu be s

lie w ith in a band les s than +0.5

per cen t a r o u n d the average

curve. The tubes are all pretuned

in a s tandard cavity by changing

the gap spacing before the tube

is s ealed off until res on ance is ob-

ta ined at a s tandard frequency .

Th is m eans that if the one d iam -

~ 11-




= .E





1 .8 2 .0 2 .2 2 .4

2 .6

Cavity diameter Din inches

FIG. 2.35.—Tun in g cha ra ct er ist ics of

721B TR tube as a funct ion of cavity diam-

eter . The cavity is loop-coupled to a

loaded Q of 300.

eter or glas s th ick nes s (for ins tance) varies from tube to tube, a lthough


0.50 0.55


0.65 0.70

Cavity diam. D in inches

Fm. 2 .36.—Tuning character is t ics of 724B

TR t ube a e a fu nct ion of ca vit y diamet er . Th e

cavity is ir is -coupkxf to a QL*of 200.





F IQ. 2.37.-Csvit y for 1B23 TR tubes .

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[SEC. 2%

th e tu ning will be correct a t the s tand ard frequency , for d iam eters larger

or smal er than the s tandard cavity the s lope of the A vs . D curve w ill

Diameter and height of cavity A in inches

F1~. 238.-Tun ing cu rve for 1B23 TR

tube for cavity shown in Fig. 237. (Data

are from Western M ectric Co.)

va ry and the s prea d w ill in creas e.

Figure 2 .39 s how s the tun ing

effect of inductive tuning plugs on

th e res on an t w a velen gth of ca vities

of various d iameters . Tw o plugs ,

d iametrica lly oppos ite , a re in s erte d

equal d is tances for thes e cu rves .

Th e mech an ica l d es ign o in d uctive

tun ing plugs is d ifficu lt. Figure

2 .40 s how s tw o pos s ib le cons truc-

tions . The tuning s crew in Fig.

2 .40a is required to m ak e good con -

ta ct on ly s om ewh e re n ea r th e ca vity

w all, a s i n d i c a t e d . Its tuning

range, how ever, is small. I the %-in . s crew s s how n in Fig. 2 .39 w ere

replaced by +-in . s crew s , the tuning range (AX/ k ) w ou ld be on ly abou t 2

to 3 per cen t, as compared w ith

the 10 to 15 per cen t obta ined

w ith the large s crew s .

Th e s crew

show n in Fig. 240b completely

f lls the s pace betw e en the top and

the bottom of the cavity , and the

tuning ranges ind icated are ob-

ta ined . To be eff ective, how ever,

the s crew mus t mak e a good elec-

trica l con tact w ith the cavity a t

its inner- end, as s how n in the


Th is is a d ifficu lt con -

d ition to s a tis fy . The threads in

th e cavity w all on ly s pan abou t

15° to 20° and they lack precis ion

for, in ord er to facilita te prod uc-

tion , they are tapped rather than

mach ine cu t. Furthermore, be

caus e the thread s m us t be s ilver-

p la ted , it is not pos s ible to s pecify

a tight i beca us e th e pla ting jams

th e th rea ds , an d m ak es it d ifficu lt




~ 11







: 10

* ?38,,





* 1.91,,




0 0 .2

0 .4 0 ,6


Plugnsefilon-d in inches

F rQ. 2.39.—Tun ing characteristicsof

721B TR tube as a funct ion of plug inser -

tion, QLZ = 300.

or even im pos s ible to turn the s crew s by hand . As a res u lt, w hen the

lock nut is loos ened , th res onan t w a velength of the cavity m ay jum p ba ck

and forth erra tica lly as the con tact changes , and , therefore, m ak e it very

Page 55: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. !2.8]



Must make contacthere



F1~. 2.40.—Induct ive tuning screws.

Section “AA”

/ - 4 $&s$a;d ~A

FIG.2.41.—Expanding induct ive tuning screw.


Insertion into cavity 1in inches

FIG.242.-Ca pa cit ive t un in g d ug in 2.16-in . diamet er 1B 7 cavity.

Page 56: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




d ifficu lt to tune the cavity to a new w avelength . Thes e effects become

w ors e as the rad ial travel of the tuning s crew increas es .

In 10-cm tubes

thes e effects are pronounced , w hereas in 3 -c tubes they are hard ly


In order to overcom e this c n tact trouble, a num ber of s chem es have

been cons id ered . It is pos s ible to us e s pring load ing, but in order to

m aintain con s an t pres s ure on th e

s crew , the s pring m us t be s evera l

tim es as long as the maximum

trave of the s crew . This mak es

the ca vity a ss em bly very large and

bulk y . Figure 241 s how s an ex-

pand ing tuning s crew that has

been us ed s ucces s fu lly . It a llow s

a continuous ly variable pres s ure

to be exerted betw een the end of










.: 10.5










\ B





















7.5 ~


Turns of tuning screw

Increasing gap spacing ——————


Fxa. 24.4.

Fm. 2 .43.—Differen t ia l tun ing-screw mechan ism for IB27 TR tube,

F IG.2 .44.-Tun ing r auge of 1B27 TR tube in va r iou s cavit ies: Cu rve A, coaxial cavity;

Curve B, cavity 2.150” ID on 11” X 3“ wavcgu ide; Curve C, 1.800” ID cav ity looP-

coupledto i“ coaxialline; Curve D, 1.550” ID ca vit y loop-cou pled t o ;” coa xia l lin e;

Curve E, 1.400” ID ATR C8VitYon 11” X 3“ gu ide; Curve F 1.400” ID cavity on

1}” X 3“ gu ide.

the s crew and the cavity , and thus perm its the opera tor to loos en it ta

the poin t w here it can jus t be turned by hand and s till maintain a good

con tact during rota tion .

Figure 2.42 ind icates the tuning ranges w hich can be obtained w ith a

apacitive tuning s lug. S ince no electrical con tacts are involved , the

tuning is very smooth. No measurements of the los s in troduced by the

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SEC. 243]



curre ts in the s lug, or by the pres ence of the poly s ty rene s leeve around

thes lug have been m ade, bu t cas ua l obs erva tions ind ica te that they are

not e xce s s iv e.

Capacitive tuning s lugs have found very little us e thus far, partly

becaus e of the m echanica l-d es ign d ifficu lties as socia ted w ith getting a

s mooth d riving m echanism on the poly s ty rene rod , and partly becaus e

of the adven of the TR tube w hich has an ad jus table gap.

Thes e tuning d ifficu lties are avoid ed in the 1B27 tube w hich is

tuned by vary ing the gap s pacing w ith the m echanis m s how n in Fig. 2 .43 .

The a lum inum s hell w hich carries the tuning mechanism is cem ented

to the glas s cy linder s ea led to the back of one of the d is k s . Sm ooth


FIG. 2,45.—TR tube in coaxia l cavity.

tun ing, w ithou t the neces s ity of us ing lock nu ts to s ecure a given s ettin ,

is obta ined o er a range of 10 to 15 per cen t in a given cavity .


2.44 s how s the tuning characteris tics of the 1B27 tube in cavities of

various d iameters D. Exam ination of the curves s how s tha t the cavity

d iam eter requ ired to tune to a w avelength of 13 cm w ould be about

2 .5 in . How everj in certa in ligh tw eight a irborne radar equ ipm ent, the

s pace and w eight a llotted to a TR cavity to tune to 13 cm w ere extrem ely


The cavity s how n in Fig. 2 . 5 w a s d es igned for th is applica tion .

It m ay be cons id ered either as a ca acitance-load ed coaxia l cavity or as

a fold ed TEOIO-cavity . It is on ly lfi in . ID by 1 in . long, bu t it tunes

over the range ind ica ted in Fig. 2 .44 accord ing to the Curve A. It is

a lmos t im pos s ible to fabrica te s uch a cavity as a s plit un it, w ith the

parting line a lw a ys para llel to the current flow . It w a s therefore d ecid ed

to mak e the cavity a “plug-in” ty pe. The tw o flanges on the 1B27 tube

Page 58: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




have, a d ifference in d iameter of & in. Th is a llow s the tube to be

ins erted from the end A, Fig. 2 .45 , and have its large flange clam ped

at th is end by a s u itable ring, w h ile the sm aller flange is forced in to the

s pring fingers at B. If. thes e ingers are properly tem pered they w ill

d eform the tube flange and mak e a good co tact. A tube can be ins erted

in to a cavity of th is ty pe on ly a few tim es before its small flange is

permanen tly d eform ed and w ill no longer m ak e good contact. Th is is

objectionab e for labora tory u’s e; bu t w here the life of the complete

equ ipment is on ly tw o or three tim es that of a



TR tube, th is is not a s erious d efect.

The unloaded Q of the coaxia l cavity is on ly

about one half that of the conven tiona l cavity .

As a res ult, either higher leak age pow e r for a given

ins ertion los s com pared w ith a TEolO-cavity , or

m ore ins etilon los s for a given leak age pow e r m us t

Fm. 2.46.— Mod ified be accepted . In h igh-perform ance equ ipm ents ,

flange for us e in Plw in th is defin itely ru les out the coaxia l cavity ; bu t


w here w eight and s iz e are of param ount im port-

ance, the los s in perform ance (about l+ d b) can be accepted .

An im proved des ign for a plug-in tube has been reported by the

Britis h . In th is d es ign the small d is k on the TR tube is form ed as

s how n in Fig. 2 .46 . The ben t-over s mall d is k is s tronger than the s traight

ty pe and pres en ts a grea ter area to the con tact fingers .

2 .9 . Tun fng Tem pera ture Com pens ation .-Military rad ar equ ipm ent

m us t opera te at m axim um efficiency und er a grea t variety of cond itions .

In particu lar, a irborne equ ipm ent m us t be s ubjected to tem pera tures

ranging from – 55°C to 100”C. This im pos es the firs t requ irem nt on

com ponen ts —they m us t not break or otherw is e fa il becaus e of extrem e

tem pera tures . The next requ irem ent im pos ed is that every com ponen t

mu s t funct ion elect rica lly over a tem pera ture range from about — 15°C to

100”C. There is no clear lim it on the low -tem pera ture poin t; th is lim it

is es tim a ted by as s um ing tha t the average tem perature rise w ith in an

opera tin g ra da r equ ipmen t is 4 0°C ove r th e extern al ambien t tempera tu re.

The characteris tics of a TR tube w hich are tempera ture s ens itive,

are tun ing, leak age pow e r, and recovery tim e.

The leak age pow er and

the recovery tim e w ill be d is cus s ed in Chap. 5 . Except a t the s tart

of the opera tion , it is undes irable and often im pos s ible to tune the TR

tube in an aircra ft. Th is in itia l tuneup us ua lly o curs on the ground

w here the tem pera ture may be w idely d ifferen t from the tem pera ture

under w h ich the plane opera tes w hen aloft. The change of tem p ra ture

changes the res onant frequency of both the TR cavity and the trans -

m itter. It is requ ired , of cours e, that the tw o frequencies either rem ain

cons tan t or change by the s am e am ount.

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SEC. 2.9]



The magnetron transm itter us ed at m icrow ave frequencies is in

a lmos t a ll ca s e s of a ll-coppe r con s tru ction .

As its tem pera tu re ch an ges ,

therefore, it expands in all d imens ions by an amount d eterm ined by the

coefficien t of expans ion of the m etal.

If a ll the linear d im ens ions of a

res onant s tructure are m ultiplied by a cons tan t, its res onant w a velength

is m ultiplied by the s am e factor; therefore a copper m agnetron changes

frequency at a rate of 16 parts pe m illion per “G-the frequency d ecreas es

a s th e tempera tu re in crea s es .

For eas e of m achining, cavities for cell TR tubes are us ually m ade of

bras s . The tem pera ture coefficient of bras s is not much d ifferent from

that of copper, va y ing from about 17 to 20 parts per m illion per “C.

The glas s cy l nd er betw e en the copper d is k s has a m uch low e r coefficient

of expans ion (3 .1 X l@/ °C) than copper, and , therefore, the d is tance

betw een the flanges is practica lly independen t of temperature. The

copper cones , of cours e, expand w ith tem pera ture and , therefore, the gap

betw een them decreas es . S ince the externa l cavity expand s at about the

s ame rate as a copper cavity , and the gap decreases w ith in crea s in g tem -

perature and thus increas es the capacitance load ing, the res onant fre-

quency of the TR tube decreas es fas ter w ith increas ing temperature

than d oes the res onant frequency of the m agnetr n .

The problem involved may be s tated in the follow ing w ay . Let the

height of the cavity be h, the length of the pos ts 1 , the gap le gth 6, the

coe5cien t of expans on of the cavity a ., and that f the glas s a~. Then

at s om e tem pera ture to,

&o=h– 21.


At any other tempera ture to + At, if the cavity w ere all copper

& = (1 + a.At)(h – 21).


For thk i s am e temperature, the gap in the TR cavity is

Y’ = (1 + aOAt)h – 2(1 + a.At)l.


The d ifference betw e en the tw o,

8’ – Y’ = h(a, – ag)At,


is the amount by w hich the cones in the cell TR tube mus t be pulled

apart at (fo + At) in order to tune th is tube to the s ame frequency as

that of an a ll-copper cavity at th is tem perature.

In the 721B and 724B TR tubes the gap s pacing is compens a ted by

proper s haping of the d is k betw een the bas e of the cone and the ins id e

of the glas s . Th is is a purely empirica l proc s s , bu t it is k now n that

a lm os t any temperaturetu ing curve w hich is d es ired can be obta ined

by giving the d is k the appropria te in itia l curva ture. The 1B27 TR

tube has one of its cones expos ed to the a tmos phere and connected to a

Page 60: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 2.9

tu nin g-s crew mech an ism , Fig. 2 .4 3.

The tem pera ture coefficien t of th is

tuning mechanism may be us ed to m ak e the proper corre tion to the

cavity . Let the length of the s crew (from the cone to the firs t thread

-in the hous ing) be 1. and its coefficient be a.; the length of the hous ing

from the glas s to the firs t thread be h and its coefficien t ah; and us e th~

s am e quantities for the glas s cy linder i~ and a~.

The motion of the end

F]Q. 2.47.

TR tube temperature ‘W

—Tuning-temperature characteristics of 721A TR t ube. A compa rison

of fla t a n d wr ir dded disk s, mea su r ed in a br ass ca vit y.

is m ade

of the s crew rela tive to the d is k (as sum ing the copper is eas ily d eform ed )


A = (l@ag + l~a~ – l,a ,)At.


If A is pos itive and equal to Y – 8“, as given by Eq. (74), the cavity w ill

e properly compens a ted . The hous ing s hell of the 1B27 tube mus t be

light s ince it is cem ented to the glas s . Th is automatically res tricts

the choice of materia l to s om e grade of alum inum w ith an a of about

23 X 10-’/ OC. The length m aybe

{~~~~a cons idera tions . s neAn

va ried w ith in rea s onab le lim its , bu t

it is ba sica lly res tricted by m ech an -

Eq. (75) mus t be pos itive, a , < ah.

Kovar w ithan a of on ly 5 X 10-’/ OC

is a s uitable m ateria l for the s crew .

(a) (b)

After a reas onable m echanical ar-

FIG. 2.4S,—Compar ison of pla in (a )

rangemen t of the tuning meoh n ism

and tempera tu re-compensa t ed (b) TR-

has been made, even if the tun ing-

tube cones.

tem perature curve w h ich res ults is

either over- or und ercom pens ated , it can be corrected by proper s haping

of th e d is k w h ich carries th e s ta tiona ry con e.

Figure 2.47 s how s the d ifference in tem perature-tuning character-

is tics betw een a fla t d is k and a d is k w hich has a w rink le, Fig. 2 .48 . The

w rink led d is k, in add ition to giving a lm os t the s am e tuning s lope as an

a ll-copper cavi y , has almos t no hy s teres is , w hereas the fla t d k k has

Page 61: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 2.10]



both a very large tun ing-temperature s lope and hy steres is . If the d is k

w ere perfectly fla t betw een the s ea ls , it cou ld e ually w e ll buck le in or

ou t w ith an increas e in tem pera ture.

On the other hand , if it has an

in itia l concave curva ure (s een from the gap), it tend s to becom e even

m ore concave at h igher temperatures , and thus pu lls the gap apart and

gives the proper s ign to the s lope of the tuning curve. If the d k k is

s im ply bow ed the cones m ove in the d es ired d irection , bu t there is con-

s id erable hy s teres is in the m otion . The w rink led d is k s how n in Fig. 2 .48

overcom es th is objection and gives the perform ance s how n in Fig. 2 .47 .

Figure 2 .49 s how s the tem pera ture-tuning curves of a 1B27 TR tube

in a bras s cavity tuned to s evera l d ifferent freq encies .

The couplings

to a 1B27 cavity are normally

ad jus ted to mak e QM about 350.

Und er thes e cond itions the band -

w id th (to ha lf-pow er transmis s ion )

is 9 Me/ s ee at AO= 9.5 cm . Com -

paris on of th e tube cha ra cte ris tics

w ith that of a copper cavity a t a

tempera ture ris e of 60°C above

the in itia l tuning tem pera ture in -

d icates that the TR and mag-


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

. -o



y=.---.:y .: :

“d>- AllCUCav’v~0=9’5



u -5



m>. u ~





t -10

k~~9.8 Cm

FIQ. 2.49,—Tun ing-t emper a tu r e cu rve

1B27 TR t ube.


netron cavities w ill cliffer in frequency by abou t 2 to 4 hIc/ s ec.

Th e

detuning los s es are o the ord er of 0 .7 to 2 .3 d b.

2 .10 . Cavity Couplings . -Thus far in the equ ivalent-circuit calcula -

tions the couplings to a cavity have been characterized by a s us ceptance

in the cas e of the iris , or by a reactance and mutua l inductance in the

cas e of a loop. In practice thes e quantities are almos t never m eas ured

d irectly , and are on ly of academ ic in teres t to the engineer. once a

particu lar TR tube and external cavity have been chos en , then on ly the

couplings rem ain to be ad jus ted in ord er to get the d es ired ins ertion los s

in the d es ired manner (equa l coupling, matched input, and s o forth ).

Thus , in ord er to ad jus t the coupling to the proper va lue it is neces s ary

to m ea ure the input adm ittance at res onance, firs t w ith no load to

d eterm ine the va lue of g: and then w ith the proper ou tpu t load to d eter-

m ine (g: + g~). Thes e tw o meas urem ents , plus a m eas urem ent of Q,

comp le te ly s p ecify th e low -le ve l p rop ertie s of th e ca vity .

The s e mea sure -

m en ts are not enough, how ev r, to d eterm ine the coupling s us ceptances

bl or bz .

Equ ation (7 6) is th e expres s ion for th e Q of a n iris -cou pled ca vity

( )

L, =A ; + # + g c’,

1 2


It is pos s ible to m eas ure QL or Q~Z d irectly and then to compute QO;

Page 62: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





how ever, no meas urem ents made at the externa l term ina ls (inpu t or

ou tpu t ) can define the m agnitudes of b1 and bz un les s either g. or A is

known. The s hape and capacitive load ing o the cavity d eterm ine the

cons tan t, A. In particu larly s im ple cas es , a a for a cavity m ade of a res ~

nant length of rectangu lar w a vegu id e, the iris s us ceptan ce m ay be found

in various handbook s , 1 or computed from the length of the cavity and

its propagation cons tan t. In principle, th is can s till be d one in cavities

of even m ore com plica ted s hape, bu t the m athem atica l com plica tions are

~ Cavity







FIO.2 .50 .—Methods of coupling a cavity to a coaxia l line ; (a) ser ies (ir is ) coupling, (b) loop

coupling, (c) capacit ive (probe) coupling.

s o grea t as to d s courage s uch compu ta tions . As a res u lt, the data

ava ilable cons is t of curves of the apparen t s hun t conductance g: of a

given TR cavity coupled to transm ission lines of a given type as a function

of the d im ens ions of the iris or loop.

The frequency of opera tion and the ty pe of s et unde cons id era tion

determ ine w hether a TR cavity is to be coupled to a coaxia l or to a w ave-

gu id e tra nsm is s ion lin e. Figu re 2 .5 0 llu s tra tes th ree m eth od s of cou plin g

a cavity to a coaxia l line. Figure 250a s how s s eries , or iris , coupling

in w h ich the ou ter cond uctor is cu t s o tha t the trans mis s ion-line curren t

is in terrupted by the cavity . Figure 2.50b s h ow s a loop -cou ple d ca vity

in w hich the curren t in the loop s ts up a magnetic field tha t couples to

tha t of the cavity . Figure 2 .50c is a capacitance-coupled cavity in w h ich

1 (1 avegu ide Hand ook, ” RL Repor t 43-2/7/44 and “ Waveguide HandboOk

Su pplemen t,” RL Repor t No. 41-1/23/45; a lso Vol. 10, Ra dia tion La bora tor y Ser ies.

Page 63: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





the probe acts as an antenna and the voltage d op a long it excites the E

field in the cavity . The firs t tw o are fa irly common m ethod s of coupling;

but the las t one has never been us ed on any m icrow ave TR cavities ,

s ince the electric field in the ou ter portions of the cavity , w here a probe

can be ins erted , is s o w eak


th at it is d ifficu lt to ob ta in ‘s u fficie ntly -tigh t


F IG. 2,51.—h Iet hods, of cou plin g a TR, cawt y t o a r ecta ngu la r wa vegu lde; (a ) ser ies

couphng, (b) shunt rouplmg, (c) feed-through coupling ,

F igure 2. 1 shows th ree common methods of coupling TR cavit ies

to rectangula r wavegu ides. F igure 2.51a shows ser ies coupling in which

the cavity is moun ted on the broad face of the wavegu ide, so tha t t ,he

coupling hole in terrupts the longitud inal line curren t.

Figure 2 .5 1b

illus tra tes the s o-ca lled s hun t coupling in w h ich the cavity is mounted

cm the narrow face of the gu ide s o that he cou plin g h ole in terru pts th e

vertica l curren ts in t e w all. 1 Figure 2 ,51c is the s o-ca lled “feed -

‘ For :1 more complete discussion of the meaning of “ser ies “ and “shunt “


n ect ion s t o wa vegu ir les, sw ~h ap 7 of t his volume,



Page 64: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





coupling in w hich the cavity is mounted on the end of the

w a veguid e and , therefore, the coupling is of the ty pe d is cu ss ed in S ec. !2 ,2 .

At 10 cm , the couplings illus trated in Figs . 2 .50a and and Figs .

2.51b and c have found the w ides t us e.

At 3 cm , coaxia l lines , becaus e

of their com paratively high attenuation are never us ed as m ain trans -

m is s ion lines , and the 724 ‘1’R tube has been us ed exclus ively w ith the

couplings s how n in Fig. 2.51a and

An iris cut in to a cavity as s how n in Fig. 2 .51 acts as an inductive

1 .0

~ 0.9


; 0.8


:: 0.7

: 0.6

.5 0.5



g 0.4

~ 0!3



~ 0.2

~ 0.1 -


0 0.10,20.30 . 0.80,9

6 in inch s

FIG. 2.52.—Reflection coefficient of induc-

t ive a nd ca pa cit ive ir ises in wavegu id e 0.400

in . by 0,900 in , at A = 3.2 cm.

s us ce~tance if its height is equal


the cavity w ere made of a s ection

of w a veguid e of the ty pe d is cus sed

in Sec. 2 .2 , the iris es could be

m ade either capacitive or induc-

the top and bottom , or from the

s id es . The s us ceptance res ulting

from a given opening 6 betw een

the iris es is much greater for an

inductive than for a capacitive

iris . For th is reas on larger open-

ings and les s critical m echanical

tolerances are allow a ble w ith in-

ductive iris es . Firz -ure 2.52 is a

com paris on of the reflection coefficient of s ymmetrica l capacitive and

inductive iris es & in. th ick in w aveguid e 1 in . by 0,5 in. by 50-m il w all a t

k = 3.2 cm .l

The coupling iris betw een a circul r TEO1@-cavity and a w aveguide

(as s een in Fig. 251a) w hich is m ade by s licing off a s egm ent of the cavity ,

is rectangular. Its height h is a lw ay s equal to that of the cavity , w hile

its length 1 is determ ined by the d is tance from the center at w hich the

s ice is made.

The length of the hole for any practical TR-cavity

coupling is les s than a half w avelength; it is of the order of A/ 1 , and ,

therefore, it acts as an inductive s us ceptance w ho e m agnitude varies

invers ely w ith 1 . The actual s us ceptance of the hole varies not only

w ith its length , but a ls o w ith its th ick nes s .

An iris of z ero th ick nes s

appears as a pure shunt s us ceptance acros s the guide.

If the th ick -

nes s t # O, then the equivalent circuit is that s how n in Fig. 2.53.2

Figure 254 is a plot of the variation of B. and B, as ’a function of t

w ith d = 0.375 in ., a = 0.900 in ., and = 0.400 in . at A = 3.20 cm .

I ~~w aveg~id~Ha nd book Supplemen t,“

RI , Report h“o. 41-1 / 23/ 45.

2“WaveguirleHand book Supplem ent,”

‘rhe discuss iona nd examples will be for

r ou nd h oles, bu t t he gen er al a pplica tion t o r ect an gu la r or ellipt ica l h oles is va lid.

Page 65: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SBC. 2.10]



Let us now exam ine the input s us ceptance to th is netw ork term ina ted

in a cond uctance g,

y = _j& , (Q – jhJ( –jbb)

g – j(t). + b,)

gb, – j(gz + b: + bab~).

= –jb. + b, –- ~ + ~ljo + bt)z

Fort = O,b, = c@ andb~ = –2 .3 , Y = g –j4 .~; bu ta tt = 0.020in .,

bb = –28, and bu = –2.7, Y

0.83g – j5. 13. Thus , the apparen t

Reference planes






1 1


FIG. 2.53.—Equivfi lent ci rcui t of th ick ir is .

s u s cepta nce h as been in crea s ed b y a bou t 10 p er cen t, a nd th e con du cta nce

tra ns form a tion th rou gh th e h ole is a bou t 1 .2 ; th eref ore th e d iam eter of th e












:O\ \ {q






~ Z!J%






BbJYox 0.1

: !,~


0 0.02 0 .04 0 .06 0 .08 0 .10

:750 .8 0 .9

1 .0 1 .1


Holehickness - tinches

Wtndow length 1 in inches

FIQ. 2 .54.—Var ia t ion of ser ies and

FIG.2.55.—Conductance of 721 TR cavity,

shun t suscep t ances of a 0.375-in . hole

2.67-in . ID, sh u nt -cou pled t o 1~ in . by 3 in .

in a diaphragm across a wavegu ide

wavegu id e a s a fu n ct ion of win dow len gt h 1,

0.406in. by 0.900in . a t X 3.2 cm. A = 10.7 cm, Qo = 2500.

hole requ ired to prod uce a certa in oupling to a cavity m us t be increas ed

w ith increa sing th ick nes s of the h ole.

For s evera l d ifferen t cou pli g s ch em es th e follow ing cu rves s how the

vs ria tion in equiva len t cavity conductance w ith the varia tion in s iz e

Page 66: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





of the coupling w indow . Figure 2.55 s how s the varia tion for a 721A TR

cavity , 2 .67-in . ID, coupled to the narrow s id e of I+in . by 3-in . w ave-

guide at X = 10.7 cm . The thick nes s of the iris w as that of the gu ide

w all, 0 .080 in . Figure 256 s how s the coupling of the s ame cavity to a

1#-in . coaxia l line by m eans of an

iris ; the equivalent cavity con -

ductance g. is plotted agains t the

ch ord 1 of th e in ters ectin g circles .

Figure 2.57 ill s trates a 721A

cavity iris -coupled to a ~-in .

1 .0



o “



~; 0.6


@ ;,,

0 .2



0.8 0.9 1.0


FIG.2 ,56.—Conductance of a 721

TR cavit y, 2.67-in . ID, ir is -coupled

to 1&in . by l-in . diameter coaxia l

line, A = 10.7 cm, QO= 2500.


TR tube



FIG. 257.~Dimension s of 721 TR cavit y,

ir i%cou pled t o

coa xia l lin e; d = 1.439”

for u ’. = 0.30; d = 1.219” for g’c = 0.10;

Qo = 2500.

coaxia l line, m eas ured at A = 9.4 cm .

Figure 2.58 gives g: vs . 1 , a t 8 .5

cm and 10.7 cm , for 1B27 cavities coupled to the narrow s id e of a I+-in .

b y 3 -in . w a vegu id e.

Figure 2.59 s how s the effect of placing a s heet ~ in . th ick of d ielectric

0 .4




“-” 0.2




0.8 1,0


Window length (t) in inches

FIG. 2.58.—Transformed cav-

it y conduct ance g’. vs . coupling-

window length 1 in 1B27 cavit ies

on n ar row side of 1}-in . by 3-in .


Curve A is for A =

S 5 cm, cavit y d iamet er of 1 40”,

window thickness of 0.040”;

Cu rve B is for X = 10,7 cm,

ca vit y diamet er 2,15”, win dow

th icknees 0.080”; Qo = 3000.


=- 3.5) ~ver the iris of a 1B27 TR cavity ;

it a ls o s how s the frequency s ens itivity of

the coupling. With in the accuracy of the

e xp eriment, th e cu rv es a re s tra igh t lin es a nd

thus ind icate that the effective coupling

s us ceptance of the irk increas es as the

s quare root of the w avelength , s ince

g: = b~g,. This is unexpected , s ince it w ould

have been pred icted that an inductive

s us ceptance w ou 1d vary d irectly w ith


In Sees . 2 .1 and 2“2 it has been s een

that the coupling s us ceptances caus e the

loaded cavity to res onate at a frequency

d ifferen t from that of the unload ed cavity .

Ind uctive iris es caus e the load ed cavity to

res ona te at a low er frequency than the un loaded cavity . Capacitive

iris es or loop couplings caus e the loaded cavity to res ona te at a higher

Page 67: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 2.11]



frequ en cy tha n th e u nloa ded ca vity .

Figure 2 .6 0 in dica tes th e ch ange i

res onant w avelength of a 721A cavity as a function of the orien ta tion

of the loops . When the plane of the loop is a t 90° to the magnetic field ,

the coupling is a m in imum . The frequency s h ift is of the order of

~ per cen t w hen QLZ is 250 and QOis 2500. Meas urements on a 724A-

tube cavity coupled for matched input w ith inductive iris es give the

;~* ~~

9.8 10.0 10.2 10.4 10.6 108 11.0 112 0

0 .2 0.4 0 .6 0,8 1,0


cm @

FIG. 2.59.—Frequency sen sit ivit y of ir is

FXG,2.60,—Effect of loop coupling

cou plin g t o ca vity on en d of 1}-in . by 3-in .

on ca vity reson an t wa velen gt h for a

wa vegu ide a nd effect of polygla s sh eet pla ced 721A TR tu be; ca vity 1.S75” diamet er

ove r t he ir is.

cou pled t o a 72-ohm coa xia l lin e by a

loop $ in . h y ~ in . made of ~-in . wire.

Th e a ngle of or ien ta tion is d.

res u lts tabula ted below , w here 11 and 12 are the lengths of the input

and outpu t w indow s . The w avelength s h ift is about 1* per cen t from

th e l w es t to th e h igh es t loa ded Q; th e w a velen gth in crea s es w ith in crea s ed




l,, in .


1,, in .


A, cm



0.216 3 .13 320


0 .244 3 .205



0.275 3 .23 133

2 .1 1. Direct-cou plin g Atten ua t on . -Direct-cou plin g a tten ua tion wa s

d is cus sed in S ees . 2 .2 and 2 .7 , w here it w as s how n that the attenuation is

proportional to the product of the input and outpu t Q’s and to (bo + b.)’

where b& is the s us ceptance of the pos t acros s the cavity and bo is th e

s u acep ta nce of th e ca vity in du cta nce.

The ord er of m agnitude of th is a ttenuation in I&cm . TR tubes loaded

to Q~2 = 300 is 60 db. How ever, if the TR tube is connected as s how n

in Fig. 2 .61 and its impedance is very small compared w ith the line

Page 68: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




im pedance, then the ra tio of the available pow er to the d irect-coupled

pow er is 4 tim es as great as if the TR tube w ere connected d irectly acros s

the genera tor term inals . Thus , becaus e the critica l quantity is the leak -

age pow er w hen the TR tube is us e as in Fig. 2“61 , it is cus tomary to us e

th is n ew d efin ition for d irect-cou plin g a tten ua tion (lea k age pow er/ tra ns -

m itter pow er) and the value of 60 db quoted above s hould now read 66 db.

The d irect-coupled leak age pow er w ith 106 w a tts trans mitted is 0.25

w atts if the a ttenuation is 66 db. Experience has s how n that 10 -cm

s ilicon cry s ta l d etectors w iths tand

pu ls es of 5 to 10 w atts for s hort

tim es , bu t they s how a s tead y s low

deteriora tion at leak age pow ers of

the ord er of 0 .15 to 0 .2 w att. It





TR tube




connect ion for dir ect -

coupling att enuation.




% Sutton cones

2 60





* 1-



: 50


t--l 875’*


0 .1 0 .2 0 .3

0 .4

Average cone diam. in inches D

FIG. 2.62.—Direct-coupIing att enuation

a s a fu nct ion of m ea n post diamet er .

thus becomes apparen t that TR tubes for h igh-pow er radar s ets need

d irect-coupling attenuation greater than 66 d b.

R. L. McCreery has m ad e a s eries of m eas urem en ts of the attenua ti n

through a 721A cavity and through a Su tton -tube cavity .’ Figure 2 .62

is a curve of the attenuation , in a cavity of 1 .875-in . d iameter w ith tw o

con ica l pos ts s h ort-circu ited a cros s th e ga p, aga in st th e a vera ge d iam eter

D. The cavity w as coupled to give a value of Q., of


w hen the gap

betw een the pos ts w as ad jus ted to produce res onance at A = 9.1 era ;

the ins ertion los s w as about 1 db. The a ttenuation m eas ured is the

ins ertion los s of the cavity , and the d irect-coupling attenuation in a

s ys tem w ould be 6 db greater.

Although it w ou ld appear that the TR-tube cones s hould be made

large in ord er to get optimum perform ance, it mus t be recalled that the

us e of a larger pos t has one of tw o effects : (1) If the gap capacitance and ,

therefore, cavity d iam eter are to be k ept cons tant, the gap length m us t

be increas ed , and th is increas es the arc leak age pow er (s ee Chap. 5 ); (2)

If the gap length is k ept cons tant, the capacitance is increas ed , and the

cavity d iam eter m us t be d ecreas ed to res onate at a given frequency ; th is

1R. L. McCreery , “Direct Coup l ng iu the TR Box ,”RL Report No. 352 ,Nov . 3 ,


Page 69: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





s erious ly res tricts the h igh-frequency tuning range.

A com prom is e

betw een the tw o m us t be effected , and h is torica lly , the 721A, w h ich w as

already in production at the tim e


of thes e measurements , s eemed to ~ ~loo

be a reasonable compromis e .

Measurem ents of h igh-level

leak age pow er as a function of Z ~ ~ ‘--”

tran sm itter-p ow e r le ve l h av e b een

made on 721A TR tubes in a num -

100 200 300 400 500

ber of d iffere nt ca vitie s .’


Transm issionulsepowerin kw

FIG. 2.63.—Direct -coupling at tenuat ion

2.63 is a plot of s uch data . Table through 721A TR cavity on waveg.ide

2 .7 compare s th e d irect-couplin g

E-plane T; X = 10,7 cm, QO= 2000, L =

– 1.54 db. The slope of the curve gives a

a tenuation through 721A TR value of t he d]r ect cou plin g a tt en ua tion of

cavities coupled in s evera l w a ys .


Values are corrected to QO= 2000, L = – 1.5 d b, m atched input.


CORRECTEDTO Q, = 2000, L = –1.5 DB,g: + W = 1












Original conditions


















2 .2



























Method of coupling

Iris on ~“ coa xia l

Shunt T on ~“ coaxia l

E -pla ne wavegu ide T

E -pla n e wavegu ide T

Shunt Ton ~“ coa xia l

Shunt T on ~“ coaxia l

Ir is on ~“ coa xia l

Ir is on ~“ coa xia l

E -pla ne wavegu ide T

E -pla n e wavegu ide T

In the cours e of a s eries of m eas urem ents of leak age pow er through a

721A TR tube, it w as obs erved that the leak ge pow er measured w as

dependen t upon the ins ertion of the inductive tuning s lugs if they com-

pl tely filled th e ca vity (>in . s crew s in a n +&-in .-h igh ca vity ); bu t sma ller

tuning s crew s (&in . d ia .) had no effect on the leak age pow er.

Figure 2 .64 illus tra tes a cavity tha t w as d eveloped for the 721 ATR

tube for us e at line pow ers f the ord er of 500 kw or greater. It is

larger in d iam eter than the us ual cavity us ed to tune over the range from

1L. D. SmuUin, “ Meesurementa of 721A TR-Tube Leakage Power ,” RL Repor t

No. 249, Ma r. 9, 1943,

Page 70: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




10.3 to 11 .1 cm (3 .25 in . compared w ith 2 .67 in . ) but fou tuning s lugs ,

tw o of w hich are fixed , are us ed to tune over th is s ame range. The effec-

tivenes s of th is arrangem ent is ind ica t d in Fig. 2 .65 w h ich com pares the

leak age pow er through the large cavity w ith the s tandard cavit . The

quantity plotted is the average rectified cry s ta l current prod uced by the

leak age pow e r S ince the d uty factor is 1 / 2000, the peak rectified current

is of the ord er of 10 m a or grea ter.

Th e d egree of s atu ration of th e cry s ta l

is ind ica ted by the curve of leak age pow er through the 2 .67-in . cavity ,

w ith plugs clear ou t, agains t line pow er. The leak age pow er through

the large cavity is plotted agains t plug ins ertion for a cons tant line pow e r

of 690 k w . It can be s een that the l ak age pow er at w avelengths betw een

Movable tuning screw


Fixed tuning scr w


F IG. 2.64.—La rge ca vit y for 721A TR t ube.

Plug. insertion z in inches

o 62 0.4

0 .6 0 .8








:7 ---

A- --t





11:1 “4 I



10”7 10!3





600 800

Pulse line power in kw

FIG. 2.65.—Comparison of leakage

power t h rough 2.67-in .. a nd 3.25-in .-

diamet er ca vit ies. Cu rve A shows

i vs. p for 2.67-in. cavity at X = 11.1

cm ; Cu rve B show i vs. z at 690 kw.

11.1 and 10.3 cm is w ell below that of the smaller cavity w ith no tuning

plugs at the s am e pow er level. S ince the small cavity had a meas ured

d irect-coupling attenuation of 66 d b, and the large cavity , w h en tuned to

10.7 cm and w ith a line pow er of 690 k w , had a leak age pow er corres pond -

ing to that through the smaller one at a line pow er of 110 kw , its d irect-

coupling attenuation is greate by 7 .9 db, or is equal to about 74 db.

Harrrw n ic.s .-Th e tran sm is s ion characteris tics of the fired TR cavity

a t frequencies higher than the fundam enta l or carrier frequency of the

trans mitter are of cons id erable im porta ce. S ideband frequencies for

m icros econd pu ls es are res tricted to a rela tively few megacy cles per

s econd above or below the carrier, and are attenuated to the s am e exten t

as the carrier in pas sing through the fired cavity . Harm onics , how ever,

are not n eces s arily a tte uated to the s am e exten t.

S ince the tw o “w a ve-


around the s hort-circu ited cen ter pos t of the TR cavity are no

Page 71: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




longer small compared w ith A/ 2 for the s econd or third harmonics , it

w ould be expected that there w ould be relatively little d ire t-coupling

a tten ua tion a t th es e h igh er fre qu en cies .

Unfortunately , no quantita tive data are available to illus trate th is .

When the cavity is coupled to a w aveguid e, there is no w ay of d eterm in-

ing in w hat m od es the harm onics are propagating, s ince they m ay choos e

any or all of four or five d ifferen t m od es d epend ing upon the s hape of the

exciting feed and upon various obs tacles in the guide.

It is therefore

d angerou s to s y nth es iz e th e operatin g con dition s by feed ing in s igna ls at

thes e harmonic frequencies and m eas uring the attenuation d irectly

becaus e thes e s y n thes iz ed cond itions may be d ifferen t from actual

opera ting cond itions by as m uch as 10 db.

Tes ts made on a 1B27 TR cavity normally tuned to 10.7 cm in a

2.15-in . ID cavity ind icated as little as 6-d b attenuation at a w a velength

of 5 cm . If thes e meas urem ents are ty pica l, the pu ls ed magnetron is an

exceptiona lly good os cilla tor, s ince m eas urem ents of actua l harm onic

leak age pow erl have given maximum values of a few tenths of a w att

w hen the pu ls e pow er at the nom ina l frequency w as 50 k w .

If the harm onic leak age pow er becom es exces s ive, there is little that

can be done to the cavity to reduce th is pow er. Cry sta l m ixers for h igh-

ow e r 10-cm rad ar s ets us ually have harm onic-s uppres s or chok es built

in to them . Abou 10 to 20 db of protection can be obtained in th is w ay .

Difficu lty w ith h armon ic bu rn ou t of cry s ta ls h as been en cou ntered on ly in

the h ighes t-pow e r s ets , w h ere it has been rem ed ied by the us e of a pre-TR

tube (s ee Chap. 4).

2 .12. In tegra l-cavity TR Tubes .—The cell TR tubes d is cus s ed in

S ec. 2 .10 are com para tively inexpens ive to m anufacture, and they have

the ad vantage f being ad aptab e for us e in a variety of d ifferent cavities

and circu its . As the frequency increas es , the tube becom es s m aller; bu t,

becaus e of the requ irem ents for s trength , the thick nes s of the glas s

cy lind er s epara ting the tw o d is k s rem ains cons tan t and , cons equently ,

occupies an incr as ingly larger fraction of the volume of the cavity .

This res ults in d ielectric los ses w hich increas e rapid ly as frequency

increas es . A further cons equence of the pres ence of the glas s is that it

ad ds a proportiona tely grea ter capa citive load ing to th e ca vity at high er

frequencies , and thus forces the s park -gap capacitance to be red uced by

increas ing the gap for a given cavity d iam eter.

Or if the gap is k ept

cons tan t, the ca ity d iam eter mus t be reduced to k eep the res onant

frequency cons tan t, thus increas ing the copper los s es . In any cas e, a

cell tube is practically ou t of the ques tion f r us e in the 1 .25-cm region;

and in the 3-cm band it is jus t us able, QObeing about 1500 or les s .

1B. Cor k, “ Tr an sm iea ion of H igh er H armon ics t hr ou gh a TR Ca vit y,” RL Repor t

No. 361, J a n. 11, 1943.

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S ince the exces s los s res ults m ain ly fr m the pres ence of the glas s in a

region of h igh ele tric field s , th e obviou s s tep is eith er to rem ove the glas s

en tirely , or to place it w here the field is w eak , tha t is a t the ou ter d iam -

eter of the cavity . F@re 2 .66 s how s an early 3 -cm TR tube bu ilt by

Wm . Pres ton of the Rad ia tion Labora tory early in 1942 . It cons is ts

of a res onan t length of w aveguide w ith a s park gap at the cen ter, and

the coupling iris es covered by glas s w indow s . At the tim e th is tube w as

ade, it w as not pos s ible to s ea l the fla t w indow s in to the cavity and

therefore, it w as neces s ary to w ax them in place. As a res u lt, w hen the

724A cell TR tube w a s d eveloped , further w ork on th is tube w as d ropped .

As in teres t in the 1 .25 -cm band d eveloped , it becam e obvious tha t a

cell tube w ou ld be quite im practica l.

A group at the Wes tinghous e

Res earch Labora tories , under the d irection of S . Kras ik and D. Alpert,

F IG. 266.-(3ld 3-cm TR t ube.

d eveloped an in tegra l cavity by a new techn ique. 1 The glas s w as s ea led

d irectly to a Kovar ring, and the com bination then s old ered to the copper

cavity . At the tim e the tube w as firs t d emons tra ted there w ere no

1 .25 -cm rad ar s ets rea dy f r prod uction; bu t 3 -cm s ets w e re experien cin g

cons id erable d ifficu lty w ith the 724A TR tube in the form of cry s ta l

burnout, s hort tube life , and frequent tube break age. It w a s, therefore,

reques ted tha t a s im ilar in tegra l-cavity tube be d eveloped for 3 cm .

The Wes tinghous e group made s uch a tube, and J . B . Wies ner and F. L.

McMillan of the Rad ia tion Labora tory perfected leak age-pow er char-

acteris tics . Th is tube w as the 1B24 and w as pu t in to production by the

Wes tinghous e Electric Co. a t Bloom fie ld , N. J ., and the S y lvan ia

Electric Products Co. at S a lem , Mas s . The 1 .25 -cm tube w as d eveloped

at a s low er pace under the join t efforts of the Wes tinghous e Res earch

group and C. W . Zabel, a t the Rad ia tion Labora tory . Its pr duction

1D . A1per t, ‘(Kova r t o Gla ss Disc Sea ls, Some Applica tion s in Micr o-Wave Equ ip-

m en t, TR Box Gr ou p Repor t No. 1,” Resea rch Repor t SR 19$, West in gn oum Ra ea rch


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SEC. 2.121



form is k now n a8 the 1B26 and w as m ade by Wes tinghous e and Sy lvan ia .

Figure 2 .67 s how s thes e tw o tubes .

At the reques t of ihe Navy Bureau of Sh ips , H. . McCarthy of

S y lvania made a s im ila r ube, th 1B50, to opera te in the 4 -cm re ion .

Before en tering in to a deta il d d es cription of thes e three tubes , the

genera l characteris tics w h ich favor the us e of the in tegra l-cavity over

los s es becom e exces s ive in the cell tube. The 724 has a (?o of abou t

1500 , w hereas tha t of the 1B24 is 3000 or more. Becaus e the glas s

d iameter of the 724 tube is not very much smaller than the cavity


d iam eter, there is little room for inductive tun ing s crew s and the m axi-

mum tuning range obta inable in an ord inary cavity is 2 to 3 per cen t. A

double-m ode cavity tha t can be tuned over a 12 per cen t band has been

d es igned for us e as an .4TR s w itch (s ee Chap. 4) bu t it w as never applied

to a TR sw itch .

The in tegra l-cavity tubes are capacitance-tuned . This is d one by

vary ing the gap s pacing by m eans of a d ifferen tia l s crew w hich acts

on the back of one of the cones , a s in the IB27 . The res u lting tun ing

range is of the ord er of 10 to 15 per cen t of the nom inal frequency .

The 724 tube is not very large, and the cavity in to w hich it mus t fit

has a number of sma ll parts a ll of w h ich mus t be as s embled at once.

Under extrem e cond itions of m ilitary s ervice , even the s im ples t repair

‘ob becom es an in tolerable burd en; and complica ted tas k s are either

~oorly execu ted or not perform ed at a ll, It w as fe t tha t the us e of an

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[$Ec. 2.12

integral-cavity tube, mounted in s om e s imple manner betw een tw o

w avegu id e chok e connectors , w ould grea tly im prove the eas e of m ain-

tenance of the radar equ ipm ent, and that the ultim ate in TR des ign

w ould e ach ieved w hen it w ould be pos s ible for a “cham berm aid w ith

FIG.26 8.-Cut-aw ay view of t he 1B24 t ube.

boxing gloves ” to change tubes

in the field s ucces s fu lly . A final

a dva nta ge of th e in tegra l-ca vity

tube is that it is pos s ible to add

an external gas res ervoir to it in

order to increas e its life. Th is is

hard ly pos s ible, in the cell tube

becaus e of the w ay it is clamped

in to its ca vity .

The fact that Q, is h igher for

a n in tegra l-ca vit y TR tu be pe rm its

loos er coupling (larger coupling

s us ceptances ) w ith a cons equen t

increas e of the trans form ation

ratio s o that for a given insertion

los s , if a ll other factors are equ al,

the h igh-level leak age pow e r w ill

be smaller than that from a cell

TR tube.

To offs et thes e advantages

there is the obvious fact that the

in tegra l-cavity tube is m ore com -

plica ted and more expens ive to

mak e. The cavity for he cell

tube is a permanent part of the

duplexer, and is not throw n aw ay

w henever a tube is replaced ; but

the en tire cavity and tuning

me chan ism of th e in tegra l-ca vity

tube are s crapped each tim e a

tube is d is carded . Although this

w ould be an im portant econom ic

cons id eration in norm al peace-tim e undertak ings , the life of the 1B24

integral-cavity tube is s evera l tim es that of the 724, and therefore, the

cos t peT houT of operation of the tw o are roughly equal.

Figure 2,68 is a cut-aw ay view of the 1B2-I tube, w hich s how s the

tuning m echan is m , cavity , coupling w ind ow , k eep-a live electrod e, and

gas res ervoir. The 1B26 , except for a 90° change of pos ition of the

res ervoir, is a s ca led -dow n vers ion of the 1B24. The cavity is m ade ou t

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of an oxy gen -free, h igh -con du ctivity (OFHC) copper or s elen ium copper

block , w ith the con es s ilver-s old ered in place as s how n , and the w ind ow s

s et in to the face. The block its elf has both faces parallel and they are

of th e p rop er d iam eter to a ct a s th e cover for a w a vegu id e ch ok e con nector.


ft adder





FIG. z .69.—Methods of seal ing glass windows into copper blocks .

The w in dow s are glas s d is k s s ea led in to Kova r rings w h ich are in turn

s oft-s old ered to the block . The origina l w ind ow s w ere m ad e as s how n in

Fig. 2 .69a . The Kovar d is k w as fla t. As a res u lt, it s oon becam e

apparen t tha t w hen the copper

cooled , a fter s old ering, it con -

tracted enough either to s qu ez e

the Kovar and thus crack the

glas s , or els e to caus e the s old er

to flow bey ond its ela s tic lim it

w ith the res ult tha t w hen the tube

w a s w a rm ed up aga in the s old er

crack ed and a llow ed the tube to

leak . The w rink led Kovar d is k

s h w n in Fiz . 2 .69b a llow s the

ou ter d iam eter of the Kovar to be

s queez ed w ithou t crack ing the

glas s , and the bevel on the edge,

w ith s old er con fined to the top as

s how n , preven ts th e ty pe of s old er

le ak ju s t d e s crib ed .

Th e w ind ow s are m ad e by s ea l-

ing glas s d is k s to the oxid iz ed

Kovar ring in an induction hea t-

ing coil. A eu tectic s oft s old er,

67 per cen t tin and 33 per cen t

lead , w ith a melting poin t of

1 80 ”C, or a pu re tin s old er, is u s ed

to s old er the Kovar to the copper.

Th is is th e fin al a s s em bly opera tion

tun ing. Becaus e of the d ifficu lt{

on the tube before fina l exhaus t and

w encoun tered in itia lly , it is now

requ ired that a tube w iths tand a t leas t fifty c.vcles of half-hour period s

a t the extrem e tem pera tures of —4 0”C and 100”C w ithou t leak ing.

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The 1B50 , Fig. 2“70 , is m ade s om ew hat d ifferently in that its body is

fabrica ted out of three pieces of s teel: a cavity block , and tw o cover

pla tes S ince the d iam eter of the cover pla tes mus t be 2% in . to match

the connector chok es , if the tube had been m ade of a s olid piece of copper

it w ould have been very heavy and expens ive. S teel has the advantage

that after heating it d oes not becom e dead s oft as copper d oes , and there-

fore, it can be us ed in rela tively th in s ections . Its coefficien t of therm al

expans ion is only 10 X 10–e/ OC as compared w ith 16 X l&G/ OC for

copper, w hich m ak es it eas ier to s old er the w indow s in place.

In fact,

they are hard -s old ered to the block in th is tube and can w iths tand over

100 of the temper ture cy cles d e-

s cribed . A s teel cavity w ould have

a very low Qo. To overcom e this ,

th e ca vity is copper-pla ted an d th en

heated in a hy drogen atm os phere

w h ich ca us es the copper to flow and


F IG, 271.-Over la ppin g ga p of 1B50 TR FIG. 272.-CV221 (Br it ish ) 3-cm in tegr al-


ca vit y TR t ube.

form a homog neous s urface over the s teel. The gap of the 1B50, Fig.

.71 , is d ifferen t from the gap of the other tw o tubes . In ord er to mak e a

tube w hos e leak age pow er d oes not vary w ith tuning, the cones are m ade

to overlap, s o that the gap s pacing rem ains cons tant as the tube is tuned .

The us e of an overlapping gap im pos es s evere requirem ents on the tuning

m echanism . In order to m ak e the tuning curve sm ooth , it is neces s ary

to res trict the w obble of the m ovable cone to les s than 0.0002 in .

Figure 2.72 s how s a Britis h 3-cm , in tegra l-cavity TR tube, C~221 .

The bod y is copper and the w indow s are s im ilar to thos e in the 1B24.

Tuning is accom plis hed by s queez ing the s trut m echanis m s how n below

the tube, and thus moving the low er cone up or dow n.

In Ta ble 2% s ome of th e more importa nt electrica l low - evel ch ara cter-

is tics are lis ted , Thes e tubes all have equal input and output couplings

and , if they are term ina ted by a matched receiver, the input voltage

s tand ing-w ave ratio w ill be 1.2 to 1 .3 . They are des igned to be m ounted

etw een w a vegu id e chok e connectors as s how n in Fi . 273, and the bod y

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Slsc. 2.12]





I Minimum tuning range I




‘be ‘0” 10SS(db)











* X * X 0.040 wall






1 x + x 0.050wall

1B50 1.2



1+ X * X 0,064 wall

d iameter is large enough to allo the us e of a pres s uriz ing gas k et as

s how n in th e illu s tra tion .


F IG. 2.73.—In tegr al-ca vit y TR t ube

moun ted between wavegu id e ch ok e con-


FIG. 2.74.—Tun ingcu rve for 1B24 TR

tube. (D&z are from the SUlvaniaEledrti

Produ cls Co.)

Table 2 .9 gives the critica l d im ens ions of the three tubes .








Cavity diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 0.250”

0 .500” 0.725”

Cavity heigh t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.238” 0,454” 0.525”

Window diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.148”

0.333” 0,494”

Cone tip diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 002” 0.004”

Cone separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.,, ., ..,.


Cone travel.................,.. . . . . . . . . . . . .

0.009” 0,018”


COne angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36°

36” 36°

Body diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1,015” 1.760”


Figures 2 .74 and 2.75 are tuning curves for the 1B24 and 1B26 TR


The num ber of m egacy cles per s econd per turn is fa ir~y high and ,

therefore, in ord er to ens ure smooth tuning w ith little back las h , the

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differential tuning screw must be s prin g-loa ded a s in dica ted in Fig. 2 .68.

The 1B50 has a s im ilarly s haped tuning curve.

The s h ift of res onant frequency w ith tem erature in a 1B24 TR tube

is s how n in Fig. 2-76 , w ith a curve for an all-copper cavity s uperim pos ed ,

and lines w hich ind ica te the detun ing that w ill caus e ~ db and 1 db los s .

The 1B24 and 1B26 tubes are of a ll-copper cons truction except for the

tuning mechanism . By proper choice of materia ls for the s hell and the

Turns of tuning screw counterclockwise

TR tube temperature in ‘C


0 20 40

60 80 100 1:

1 -



2 - \


3 -




4 -


All-copper ~1





FIG. 2.75.—Average tun ing curve for FIG. 2 6.-Typica l t emperatu r~tun ing

1B26 TR tube. (Da a me from We&W-

curve for a IB24 TR tube. (Data are

houseEledrti Corporation.) from West i@ouse Ele&ic Corporation.)

Th e init ia l t un ing was at 9380 Mc /see, an d

QL2 = 300.

two screws, the combina t ion can be made to move the cone at a ra te

near ly equal to that of an a ll-copper cav ty. The 1B50 has a steel cav ty

with copper cones and diaphragm. Its over -a ll tuning changes at a

ra e of approximate y —0.22 NIc/sec/°C. At 6500 Nlc/sec an all-copper

cavity changes at – 0.10 &Ic/sec/°C. With a r ise of 80°C, the TR cavity

will r esona te a t a fr equency about 9.6 Me/see lower than the fr equency

of the copper cavity; and if ~Lz = 250, the s ignal los s w ill be increas ed by

about db.

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3.1 . In troduction . -Early in the d evelopm en t of m icrow ave radar it

becam e evid en t tha t the pres ence of numerous tun ing ad jus tm en ts on

the r-f com ponen ts s erious ly hand icapped m axim um s ys tem efficiency .

Although thes e con trols pres umably a llow ed the s et to be tuned to its

peak s ens itivity , the complica ted tune-up proces s tha t w as neces s ary

becaus e of the in teraction of the various con trols us ua lly res u lted in a

m is tun ing of the s ets , w ith s ens itivity dow n by 10 to 40 db. Early s ets

had the follow ing ad jus tm en ts : m agnetron im pedance tuner, TR phas e

s h ifter (to provid e ATR action), TR tuning, tw o tuning ad jus tm en ts

on the cry s ta l, four on the loca l os cilla tor, and an antenna tuner. By

1943 many of thes e con trols had been elim ina ted by carefu l d es ign of

r-f com ponen ts , s o tha t their im pedance w as w ith in abou t 10 per cen t of

line im pedance in a 10 to 20 per cen t frequency band . Even tua lly , a

ty pica l s et had on ly t e follow ing r-f tuning con trols : TR and ATR

tun ing, Ioca l-os cilla t or tu n ing, and loca l-os cilla tor couplin g t o th e cry s ta l.

The ad ven t of the therm ally tuned loca l-os cilla tor and au tom atic-fre-

quency -con trol circu its elim ina ted that manual ad jus tm en t, and the

loca l-os cilla tor coupling cou ld be s et once for a given tube, and then

ignored . Th is left on ly the TR and the ATR tuning ad jus tm en ts .

Thes e elemen ts w ith load ed Q’s of 200 to 400 w ere s till very s ens itive

to transm itter frequency , and it w as not uncommon to find ra ar s ets

in the field w ith s ens itivities 6 to 12 d b d ow n from optim um perform ance

m erely becaus e of poor TR tuning.

The combina tion of the tunable-cavity magnetron , the ban -pas s

TR tube, the 1ow -Q ATR tube, and the therm ally tuned loca l-os cilla tor

tube m ad e pos s ib le a (‘s ingle-k nob” tunable rad ar.

The firs t and mos t

obvious ad van tage of s uch a s et is its opera tiona l s implicity . S econd ,

the s im ple tuning ad jus tm en t a llow s s election of an opera ting frequen t y

that w ill m in im ize in terference from other radars and from enem y


Th is frequency may be changed m ore or les s con tinuous ly

w ithou t in terrupting egu lar opera tion , and in tentional r-f jam ming

becom es a lmos t imp s s ib le . The ability to ad jus t frequency during

opera tion m ak es it pos s ib le to learn m ore abou t a particu lar target by

obs erving its am plitude as a function of frequency . Echoes from targets


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[SEC. 3.1

s uch as corner reflectors , cliffs , or battles hips , ha ve m ore or les s ch arac-

te ris tic fre quency dependencie s .

Thus the need or jus tification for a low -Q or bandpa s TR tube is


His torica lly , its d evelopm ent w a s the res ult of other require-

men t s .

In 1941, the developm ent of a h igh- ow er 10-cm s earch s et to

operate a levels in exces s of 500 kw w as undertak en at the Rad ia tion

Labora tory . TR tubes w ere on ly in their in fancy , and it w as not

believed that the s oft Sutton tube (high-Q) cou ld be us ed at s uch high

powers .

As a res ult, A. Longacre and his group d eveloped the s o-ca lled

“beetle” T tube w hich w as s im ply a Iow -Q res onant s lit enclos ed in a

glas a bu bble, and d es ign ed to be clamped betw e en tw o s ection s of l~-in .-

by -3 -in . w avegu ide. Thes e tubes had large leak age pow ers , but s ince

they w e re required on ly to protect therm ion ic d iod e d etectors , they w e re

adequate. Tw o of thes e tubes w ere us ed in tandem ; the firs t reduc d

the pow er incident on the s econd .

Thes e tubes w ere turned over to the

Genera l Electric Co. for further d evelopm ent and m anufacture. M. D.

Fis ke of that com pany us ed s evera l low -Q r s onant iris es to form a band -

pas s s tructure and began to w ork on th is conception . Meanw h ile, it was

d is covered that the 721A TR tube w as able to protect cry s ta ls a t pow ers

in exces s of 500 kw . Becau e of th is , a las t-m inute change w as made in

the high-pow e r s y s tem s jus t bei g pr d uced by ins ta lling d uplexers w ith

721A TR and ATR tubes , and w ith cry s ta l m ixers .

Thus , the original incentive for producing low -Q TR tubes , that s ,

h igh pow er, w as rem ved ; but in te es t in the bandpas s fea tures of the

tube w as arous ed , and Fis ke and his group continued their w ork under

an OSRD d evelopm en t con tra ct, s pon sored by the Rad iation Labora tory .

The culm ina tion of th is w ork w as the in troduction of four TR tubes

des igned for us e in the 3-cm and 10-cm bands , tw o pre-TR tubes , and

nine low -Q ATR tubes for us e in the 1 .25-, 3 -, and 10-cm band s .

The TR

and pre-TR tubes w ill be d is cus s ed in th is chapter, and the ATR tubes

w ill be d is cus sed in Chap. 4 .

The techniques that w ere us ed to develop a bandpas s TR tube

centered firs t around the fact that the reflections from sm all, id entical,

im pedance d is continuities s p ced h/ 4 apart a long a trans mis sion line

tend to cancel each other, and , s econd ly , around the des ign of a glas s -

covered res ona nt w ind ow wh os e frequency ca n be accu ra tely con trolled ,

and w hich is able to w iths tand the action of an intens e r-f gas d is charge

along one face. In the bandpas s TR tube, there are a number (2 or 3)

of res ona nt s lits (elem ents ) s pa ced one-qua rter guid e w a velen gth along a

pie e of w a vegu id e; the ends of the guide are clos ed off by glas s -covered

w indow s. The s lits and w indow s are all tuned to the s ame res onan t

frequency . The loaded Q of the elem ents is us ually of the order of 10,

and that of the w indow s 2 to 5, as com pa ed w ith 300 for a ty p ca l high-Q


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FIG.3.1.—At h r ee -gap bandpas s TR tube.


F IQ. 3.2.—A two-ga p bm dpass TR t ube.

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The development of a y des ired bandpas s characteris tic is a com -

para tively s im ple as k . It becom es d ifficult only w h enthe leak age-pow e r

requirement impos ed upon a TR tube has to be cons id ered . The , s ince

m in im um leakage -pow er and max mum bandw id th are not obtained by

the s ame des ign, comprom is es mus t be made in order to get the bes t

over-a ll performance. This chapter w ill d is cus s the low -level d es ign

con s id e ra tion s , and th e leakage pow er, or h igh -le ve l cha racte ris tics , w ill b e

cons id ered in Chap. 6 .

At the beginning of th is d is cus s ion , it is important to cons id er the

phy sica l form of a bandpas s TR tube.

Figure 3 1 s how s a ty pica l three-

gap tube. A cliff erent s hape of gap is us ed in the tw o-gap ty pe’ s how n

in Fi . 3 .2 .

In the follow ing s ections the s ingle-elem ent circu it and then the

m ultiple-elem ent circuit w ill be pres en ted . Thes e w ill s erve as an in tro-

duction to the experim enta l data and to the final d is cus s ion of ach ieve-

m ents to d ate, and of problem s s till pend ing s olution,


3.2 . Res onant Elements .—Let us cons id er a thin d iaphragm w ith a

rectangular open ing s old ered into a w aveguide as s how n in Fig. 33a.

The s iz e of the open ing may be chos en s o that nearly all the energy of a

(a) Rectangular slot

(d) Dumbell

(g) Posts and diaphragms


(b) Window

(c) Tilted rectangular slot

(e.) Dumbell-pointed posts

(f) Dumbell-pointed


(h) Truncated cones and

(i) Circular hole-post


(j) Crescent

FIG. 3 3.—>lisce llaueous rexanant e lements in rectangular guide,

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SEC. 3.2]



given frequency incid en t cm the d iaphragm is trans mitted through the

d iaphragm . Elem en ts of a grea t variety of s hapes may be made to


The rectangu lar s lot m ay be tilted w ith res pect to the gu ide

or it may be filled w ith d ielectric. A res onant elemen t of the dumbbell

ty pe may be made w ith a number of varia tions . In elem en ts of s om e

ty pes , pos ts or cones are us ed w hich enable the res onan t elemen t to be

tuned c nven ien tly . A variety of elem en ts are s how n in Fig. 3 .3 .

To us e the elem en ts of Fig. 3 .3 in complica ted combina tions , it is

d es irable to k now the dependence of res onan t frequency on the geo-

m etrica l param eters of the elem en ts , as w ell as to k n w the frequency

d epend ence of transm is s ion or reflection . Moreover, the energy los t

currents in the d ielectric s hou ld be k now n.

Unfortuna tely , even the

s im ples t of the res onan t elemen ts—

the rectangular s lot—has not been

ana ly zed theoretica lly to the exten t of

obta in ing a numerica l res u lt. The

problem may be a ttack ed by find ing





experim en ta lly th e equ iva len t circu it


of the res onan t elem ent. Th is equ iv-

a len t circu i s erves as the bas is for


ca lcu la tion s on th e more complica ted

FrG. 34 .-An equ iv ale nt circu it of a

m ultiple-elem en t circu it. An equ iva-

res onantelemen t,

len t circu it w ill be as sum ed , its behavior ana ly zed , and the as sum ption

verified by com pa ris on w ith experim en ta l d ata .

F r ana ly s is the res onan t elem en t may be regard ed as a lumped

inductance, capacitance, and conductance shunted acros s the line as

s how n in Fig. 3 .4 .

Th e s u s ce pta nce B of the equ ivalent circu it of the res onan t elem en t

may be defin d by

The frequency w h ere B = O is the res onan t angular frequency m ,

The loaded QL, is d efined (S ec. 22) by



w h ere M and w l are the frequencies w h ere the s us ceptance equa ls plus and

m inus the tota l conductance. They are given by

Page 84: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers






@2c — —

= +(21’o + G),




d — —

= –(2Y0 + q.

u IL

If the pos itive roots of Eqs . (3) are chos en ,

(JL2 = ~oc

2% + G“


S ome inves tigators ’ have us ed a s ligh tly clifferen t defin ition of QL2.

They have d efined

QL2 . #.-


— d


w h ere u; and u{ are the frequencies for w h ich half the pow er is reflected .

Th is d efin ition is s om ew hat d ifferent from Eq. (4) if the conductance

of the res onant elem ent is not z ero.

Equation (3) gives the frequencies

at w hich half of the pow er is transm itted b the res onant elem ent, and

thes e frequencies are not the s ame as W;and u;. To es timate the magni-

tude of incons is tency that m ight be expected , the pow er reflection at w

w ill be computed . It is given by



The adm ittance look ing from left to right at X-X in the circu it of Fig. 3 .4

is given , a t CM,by

Y= Yo+G+j(2Yo+G).


The re fle ction coe fficie nt is

G +j(2Y0 + G)

‘=–2YO+ G+.7’(2YO+ G)’


from w hich the fraction of the pow er reflected i


l~lz = ; + ‘2

2(2% + G)z”


The res onant elem ents d is cus sed in th is chapter us ually have a value of

G les s than 0.1 YO. This m eans a d ifference from half-pow er reflection

of about 0 .2 per cen t.

Th e effect of cond ucta nce in the res ona nt elem en t,

th erefore, m ay be con sid ered to be sm all, and eith er d efin ition of Q~2may

be app lie d .

I ee Ref. (4) in the bibliography at the en d of the chapter .

Hereafte r superscr ipt

n umber s r efer t o t his bibliogr a phy.

Page 85: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 3.2]


The equation for the circuit of Fig. 3 ,4 , rela ting

frequency in term s of QLZ, is


2~L,(2% + G) ‘+ “

Als o, th e pow e r reflec ed h as alread y been obta in ed

Irl’ = (2Y,Gj2 )~i B’”


th e s us cepta nce to


It is often us efu l to have an expres s ion for B in term s of s ince it is r

tha t is obta ined by measuremen t. It is eas ily found that



= (Y8+YoG)(T–1)2 – T@ ‘ ,




A meas urem nt of r a t the res onant frequency , that is , a t the frequency

for w h ich B = O, can be us ed to determ ine G,

G = Y,(r – 1),



In Fig. 3 .5 are s how n curves repres en ting Eq. (9a) for G/ Y, = O and

G/ Y , = 0 .3 . Such a large value of G is not ty pica l for the res onant

0 .8 1 .6 2 .2

B/ Y .

FIG. 35 .-The absolu te mag-

ni tude o the reflect ion coefficient

a s a fu nct ion of su scept an ce of a

single resonan t circuit .

Waw+length in cm

FIG. 36.-l3ompa rison of exper imen ta l da ta

with a theore tica l resonant -circu it curve .

elem en ts d is cus sed in th is chapter. The large va lue w as chos en to give

better portra yal of the cu rves .

In Fig. 3 .6 th e ca lcu la ted reflection coefficien t is plotted a s a fu nction

of w avelength to com pare w ith data tak en on a res onan t elem en t.

Th e

ca lcula tio s w ere m ade us ing the va lues of the res onan t frequency and

the Q~2 obta ined from the experimen ta l curve. The data for Q.* w ere

tak en at r = 2 or \rl = 0.33; therefore the theoretica l and experim enta l

Page 86: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[k%c. 3.2

curves s hou ld m atch at the res onant frequency , except for the fact that

los s w as neglected , and their w id th s hou ld be the s ame at Irl = 0 .33.

The fact that the experim enta l poin ts lie clos ely on the theoretica l curve

ind icates tha t, over the frequency range of the curve, the phy s ica l s truc-

ture is w ell repres en ted by the as sum ed circu it as far as reflections are


Throughout th is d is cus s ion of the s ingle res onant elem en t, an equ iv-

a len t circu it has been cons id ered from the s tandpoin t of the reflection

ch ara cteris tics of the elem en t. To u nd ers ta nd the ga s-d is ch arge p oper-

ties of the elem ent, it is im portan t to k now the electric field in the gap

in term s of the voltage in the gu id e. For the s imple circu it, if the

capacitance w ere as s umed to be concen tra ted in the gap, the voltage

acros s the gap w ould be the s ame as a ros s the w aveguid e. How ever, a

rough meas urement on a gap of the pos t ty pe s eem s to ind icate that the

ra tio of the voltage acros s the gap to the voltage acros s the guide is abou t



m l








Llll 4

FIG.3.7.—Equivalent circu it of resonant gap .

ten . Th is m eas urem ent w as m ade by placing a pla tin iz ed -glas s res is tor

a cros s th e ga p a nd mea s urin g th e s ta nd in g-wa v e ra tio a t res on an ce.

Th e

res is tance of the pla tin iz ed -glas s res is tor a t t e m icrow a ve frequency

w a s tak en to be the d -c res is tance.

Fu rth erm ore, it is k now n from th eory

and from experim ent that a pos t in the plane of the electric field in w a ve-

gu id e behaves as an inductance s hunted acros s the line. n a res onant

elem en t of the pos t ty pe, the inductance of the pos t w ould be xpected

to be in s eries w ith the capacitan e of the gap. Both the rough experi-

m ent and the ana ly s is of the res onant elem ent in term s of s im pler s truc-

tu res lea ds to an expecta tion of a s tepu p of gap volta ge over guid e volta ge.

It is w ell to as s ume a very s im ple circu it to es tim ate the s tepup in

voltage. In Fig. 3 .7 L, is the inductance of each pos t, and L is the

inducta ce as s ocia ted w ith the magnetic-energy s torage due to the

narrow ing of the gu id e. It is as s umed tha t there i no mutua l coupling

be tween L and L,.

The d is charge, or gas break dow n , ta kes pla ce acros s

the cond ens er C. The ra tio betw een the voltage acros s the gap and the

voltage acros s the gu id e m ay be calcu lated for tw o s pecia l cas es .

In the

Page 87: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


S nc. 3.2]


fired cond ition the gap circu it m ay be repres en ted s in Fig. 3“8a and

for the unfired cond ition as in Fig. 3“8b.

The ratio @’/ cl for Fig. 3 .Sa is


Zox x z ,


e #z :(x + x,)’+ x;x’

“ x, ~=”

In the unfired cas e and w here X = uLI and X. = 2aLp at res onance, the

ratio E/ e for Fig. 3 .8b may be w ritten as



–= x+x,’

s ince XC = — (X + XP), a t res onance.

In the firs t cas e, it w as as s umed that the gap w as brok en dow n and

that as a res ult, th gap voltage w as held cons tant. In the s econd



FIG.3S.-Circuit of r eson an t ga p for (a ) firedcondition;(b) unfired.

cas e, the gap is not fired and interes t is in the gap voltage corres pond ing

to given fixed line voltage. The Q of the circu it of Fig. 3 .8b is giv n by


=:X; XP2=KX;2XP.


Let us now as sum e that the gap w ill ioniz e at s om e defin ite voltage .?,

that th is voltage is proportional to the gap s pacing g, and that X, m g~a,

~vherea is the area of the end of the pos t,

Th en a t res onan ce,

g = k aXc = ka(X + x.),

and the critical line voltage w ill be

~=~ x


= liaX.

This equ tion ind icates that for a fixed res onant frequency , the

critica l, or b reakdow n , voltage E is proportional to the area of the end s

of the pos ts and the reactance X of the inductive iris .

~xam ina tion of

the equation for Q s how s that if X is held cons tant, the loaded Q can be

red uced by m ak ing XP smaller w ithout a ffecting l?.

S in ce 1 ?is a m ea s ure

of the s pik e energy , it s hou ld be pos s ible, by proper s haping of the elec-

trodes , to obtain a m inim um value of Q for a given s pik e energy .

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[SEC. 3.3

The as s umptions and calculations made above are only the mos t

elementary s ince they do not tak e into account mutual in teraction

betw een the field s of the inductive iris es and the pos ts , nor do they

cons ider the relative magnitude of the “s tray” capacitance and the

“lum ped” capacitance of the gap.

How ever, for a res onant iris of thk

ty pe acros s a w aveguid e, the deta iled s olution of the boundary -va lue

problem has never been carried out, and it is , therefore, neces s ary to

approach the problem from the m uch s im pler poin t of view us ed here..

3 .3 . Multiple Res onant Elem ents in Waveguides .-S evera l m ethods

of naly s is and repres enta tion have been us ed in the analy s is of the

problem of circu its contain ing more th n one res onant element. As an

introd uction to this problem , a s im plified m eth od of calcula tin g th e pow e r

reflection and th e ins ertion los s of

th e th ree-elemen t circu it s h ow n in


m “’;p;E’’’”ca lcu”u”

tlon s , a hne a quarter-w avelength

long betw een the elements is as -

3 2


s umed to be independent of fre-

FIG. 39.-Three resonantelementss epara-

quency . Let the s us ceptance of

ted by quarterw avelengthsf line.

the end elements be aB, and the

s us ceptance of the center element be B. The follow ing equations us e

normalized adm ittances , that is , ~ = Y/ Yo.

If YI, vZ, and ~S are regarded as the adm ittances look ing from left to

righ t at the appropria te term inals as s how n in Fig. 3 .9 ,

y l = 1 + jab,


y2=jb+~=jb +--&=


1 + jab l+ jab “



1 – abz + j(2ab – azba)


l–ab’+jb “


By the us e of


1 + Y3’

th e reflection coefficie nt is th en

j(b – 2ab + a2b3)

r = 2 – 2ab2 + j(b + 2ab – a2b3)’

Th e reflected pow er b ecome s

]rlz =

bz (l – 2a + azb’)’

4 + b2(l – 2ci + ~zbz )z”



Page 89: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


8Ec. 3.31



It is con ven ien t to d etine pow e r los s L a s th e re cip roca l of th e tra nsm itted

p ow er expres s ed in d ecib els , th us

L = 10 log, ,

Inpu t pow er .

Outpu t pow e r


If the e are no res is tive los s es in the circu it, the los s may be w ri ten in

~erm s of th e reflected p ow er,


— .

L = 1010g’O 1 – lrl’


For th e ca s e u nd er con s id era tion

[ 1

== 10 log,, 1 +~(1 –2a+a2b2)’ .


If Cz=l,



L=lolog,o 1+:(1 –bz )?


Ifa =$ ,

.( )

=lologl” 1+


If the circu it is compos ed of

m ore than tw o elem en ts w ith

quarte r-w avelength s epara tion be -

tw een elem en ts , z ero los s occurs

for va lues of b of the ind ivid ua l

elemen ts other than zero. Be-

tw e en z eros th e los s ma y b e s ign ifi-

can t; the grea er the number of

elemen ts , the larger may be the

los s . It s hou ld be obs erved that

the z eros can be elim ina ted by

proper ch oice of th e s us cepta nces

for the various elem en ts . For the




1 I-A%


-1 !--%

circu it of Fig. 39 it can be s een


from Eq. (19) tha t the los s has a

s ingle z ero on ly w hen a = +.

Th e

--l t-- ‘Y4

los s curve obta ined for a = + is

ana logous to the los s cu rve for a

critica lly c o u p 1e d d ou ble-tu ned

circu it. For a number of partic-

F IG. 3. 10,—MuIt ip le-elemen t r es onan t

ular circu its s how n in 17ig. 3 .10 ,

are g iven ill Table 3 .1 .

Table 3 .1 pres en ts the reflected

pow er and the ra tio of inpu t pow er to o[ltpu t pow er as a function of b .

Page 90: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers







0.2 0 .4 0 .6

0 .8


1 ,2

1 .4

B/ Y O





F IG. 3.1 1,—l)a ndpa ss ch ar act cr ist iw a ccor din g t o t he >Implc t h eor y for t he cir cu it s of

FIG. 310.



E lem en ts a rc sepa ra ted by a qu :wt er wa ~elen gt h of lin e for t he fr rqt lcn (.j

cor rr spon dln g t o b = O. T}IC fr equ en cy r fepen (lcn ce of th e lin e len gth

is ncglcctcd,


Iuput pojver

Cir cu it of F ig. 310 Iteflcctw lpo!vt,r

ou t pu t p [)lvcr













64 + bG


i36 + b’


Page 91: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





For the circu its of Table 3“1, Fig. 311 gives los s as a function of b.

It is in teres ting to note that a cond ition can als o be found for a four-

elem ent circuit w hich m ak es the los s characteris tic a m onoton ica lly

in crea s in g fu nction of b. For the four-elem ent circuit the s us ceptance

of the tw o end elem ents s hould be 1/ (1 + @) tim es the s us ceptance of

th e cen tra l e lemen ts .

The im portance of the m agnitudes and the phas es of both reflected

and transm itted w aves becom es clear in the d is cus s ion of m icrow ave

duplexers in Chap. 7 and in Vol. 16.

Th e criterion of tra nsm is s ion ba nd -

F1~. 3.12.—Reflect ion coefficient and t ransmission coefficient for circuit C of Table 3 .1 .

w id th of the TR tube m ay be cons id ered to depend on the ty pe of d uplexer

in w hich the tube is us ed .

From Eq. (15) and the expres s ion for the trans mis s ion coefficien t in



Th e re fle ction coefficien t a nd th e tra nsm is s ion coe fficie nt ca n b e p re s en te d

as a polar plot on a Sm ith chart. Thes e quantities are s how n in Figs . 3 .12

and 3.13 for tw o three-elem ent circuits (C and D of Table 31). The

s us ceptance is ind ica ted a long the curve. The phas e of the reflection

coefficien t is m eas ured at the elem ent neares t the generator; the phas e

of the trans mis s ion coefficient is m eas ured at the elem ent neares t the

load , w ith res pect to the phas e of the incid ent w ave at the elem ent

neares t the genera tor.

The transm is s ion coefficien t is rotated through 180° corres pond ing

to tw o quart r w avelengths of line at m idband . In Fig. 3 .12 only values

Page 92: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers






of the reflection and transm is s ion coe5cien ts for pos itive B were

plotted s ince the curve is s ymmetrica l about B = O. It s hould be

obs erved that for B YO betw e en z ero and 1.2 , the angle of the reflection

coefficien t for the three-equal~lem ent cas e varies betw een the lim its

270° >0> 180° and – 30°< @< OO; for the unequal elem ents the

range is 90° > 0 > 20°. Although neither of the circu its p s s es s es a





13.—Reflection coefficient an d tran smission coefficient for circuit D of Table 3.1,

s imple res onance behavior it s eem s more lik ely that, in the us e of the

TR tube in the duplexer, the unequal-elem ent tube could be im proved

at the band edges by m atching elem ents .

3 .4 . Wave Equilibrium Calcu lations . -By an equilibrium m ethod of

ana ly s is , an expres s ion can be obta ined for the los s of a netw ork com -

pos ed of an arbitrary num ber of iden tica l s hunt elem ents equally s paced

along a trans mis sion line; and the frequent y dependence of the s pacing

betw een elem ents need not be neglected The pres en ta tion below w as

firs t us ed by FNk e and WarnerT and la ter genera liz ed by Marcus .’

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SEC.3 .4]



In Fig. 3 .14 are s how n shunt elem ents w ith arbitrary s pacings 6P

along a tra nsm is s ion lin e.

To obta in either the reflection or the trans -

m is s ion from this com plica ted s y s tem , the m ultiple reflections cou ld be

cons id ered , and the appropria te s um tak en of the s ucces s ive reflected and

transm itted w aves at the ind ividual elem ents of the s y s tem . Th is

becom es very complica ted for more than tw o elem ents . A s impler

m ethod and the one adopted here rela tes the tota l traveling-w ave am pli-

tud es proceed ing in each d irection on each s ection of line in the equ i-

librium s ta te to the am plitudes on the ad jacen t s ections of line.

Let A, and BP repres en t the voltage am plitud es of w a ves traveling

in the forw a rd and back w ard d irections at a reference pos ition jus t a fter

the pth elem ent. Let t.and r, be the reflection and trans mis s ion coeffi-

cien ts for a w ave advancing upon the pth elem ent from the left, $ and


- p-l— p -



2 P-1 P Ptl N-1 N

FIG. 3. 14.—N lumped elemen t s spaced a t a r bit r ar y in t er va ls a long a t r an smis sion lin e.

r; the coefficien ts for a w ave advancing from the righ t. The electrica l

line length betw een the (p – l)th and the pth elem ent is O-, = 2U ~


w here lP–I is the d is tance s epara ting the elem en ts .

The tota l voltage

w a ve advancing in the forw a rd d irection can be w ritten


if it is rem em bered that A ~, A ~–1, and BP are all m eas ured at the s ame

ins tant of tim e; bu t the on tribution t A ~ from A ~_1 w a s m ad e earlier

by a tim e interva l corres pond ing to ff~l, hence the negative s ign . For

the w a ve in the negative d irection ,

From Eqs . (23) and (24), B may be elim inated by s olving Eq. (23), fo

BW,, substituting Bp~.i in to Eq. (23), s olving Eq. (24} f r BP and then

putting B, back in Eq. (23). The res ult is

Ap+I +




%+11:+1 e-je. _





“ ltp #8rb.l)A*l =



O. (25)

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This equation may be s im plified by as s um ing that the elem nts are

all id en tica l and are id entica lly s paced .

If p=T, r;= T’, t.=t; =t,

and OP= 0, are pu t in to Eq. (25), it becom es


~ , + (r?-’ – p)pe _ @




A, + A*1 = o.


For the n elements of Fig. 3 .14 , p runs from 1 to n – 1. To obta in the

n ratios A 1/Ao, . . . , A “/A o requires one m ore equa tion . An ad ditional

equa tion is provid ed by the bound ary cond ition that no w a ve is incident

from the right, B. = O. From Eq. (23),

As = te-ieA._l.


The general s olu tion of Eq. (26) is given by

A, = Me a + Ne–~”,


p rovid ed th at

@ — (m/ — ~2)e-le

cos h a =

2t q


From Eq. (28)

A,= M+N,

and from Eqs . (27) and (28)

A. = Mena + Ne-”a = te-i’[llfef”-’~- + Ne-(”- ~”].


Th e tra nsm is s ion coefficien t for the n elem en ts , T%, is d efined by


From Eq. (28)


— g.. + ~-na

T. = ‘T—.



If Eq. (30) is s olved for M/N to s ubs titu te in Eq. (32)

T. =

k–i” s inh a

s inh na – te-~e s inh (n – l)a’

or more conven ien tly


e e + (m l — tj)e-~~ s inh na

z = Cos h ‘“ +


s inh a “



In a s im ila r man ner th e reflection coefficien t

R. = B,/A o

is found to be


s inh a —

-$ cos h a s inh (n — l)a

R. = ~e–Zi8

s inh na —



trig s inh (n – l)a “

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If the trans mis s ion and the reflection coefficien ts of the ind ivid a l ele-

m ents are k now n , from Eqs . (33) and (35), the transm is sion and reflec-

tion from the netw ork is k now n .

It is convenien t to w rite the equations

in term s of circu it param eters .

As y et, the elemen ts have not actua lly

been res tricted to a s hunt com ponent; the elem ents m ay s t ll be regard ed

as genera l T-s ections . S ince in th is book , how ever, the general form ulas

w ill be applied only to s hunt s us ceptan ces , Eqs . (34) and (35) are w ritten

in term s of s hunt s us ceptance.

For a s ymmetrica l T-s ection r = r’.

In term s of b, the reflection and transm is s ion coefficien ts m ay be w ritten




quations (35) and (36) becom e



If the line is





s inh na

T. =

cos hna+j s ine +jcos e —

<inh a“’

1 23


s inh (n + l)CK



s inh na ‘



term in ated in its ch ara cteris tic a dm itta nce,

to k now the abs olu te m agnitude of the trans mis s ion









it is s u fficien t


The in formation provided in Eqs . (41) mak es it pos s ible to obta in ,

for a given b and 0 , either the los s , he reflected pow er, the trans mitted

pow er, or the voltage s tand ing-w ave ra tio. It is conven ien t to prepare


s tan t va lues of j. On th is chart may be s uperimpos ed a curve relating

the frequency epend ence of s us ceptance of the ind ividual elem en t to 0 .

Poin ts of in ters ection of th is la tter curve w ith the cons tan t-f curves give

t!ata on voltage s tand ing-w ave ra tio as a function of the s us ceptance

of th e in divid ua l elem en t.

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As an example of the us e of the fik er chart, cons id er four id en tica l

h igh-Q s hunt elem ents us ually s paced a quarter-w a vele gth apart. The

term high -Q im plies tha t the elem ent s epara tion rem ains es sen tia lly a

quarter w avelength , or tha t 28 / u = 1 over a w id e range of b. Along the

line 20/ m = 1, as b increas es from z ero at m id band , the s tand ing-w a ve

ra tio in crea s es to s ligh tly ove r 2 .5 a nd th en d ecrea s es to u nity for b = 1.41.

As b increas es from 1.41 , the s tand ing-w a ve ra tio increas es rapid ly . If

the frequency depend ence of the s pacing may be neglected , the trans -

m is ion band w ill be s ymmetrica l w ith res pect to b = O. The res ult

of th is procedure lead s ’to the s am e res ult as that d erived by the s im ple

theory and s how n by curve F in Fig. 311 .

If the Q of the elem en ts is s o low that the electrica l-line-length s epa -

ra tion of the elem ents varies cons id erabl over the trans mis s ion band ,

the frequency s ens itivity of the elem en t s us ceptance s hould be given as

b z j(219 / 7r)

Th e ba nd pa s s ch ar-

acteris tic can be traced out by

follow in g th e b = j(219/ 7r) curve

jus t a s , in the preced ing cas e, t e

curve 29/ 3 r= 1 w as follow ed .

For n ega tiv e b, to us e the s am e

ch art, 2 9/ 3 rh as to run in th e d irec-

tion op pos ite to th at for p os itive b.

On the chart is s uperimpos ed a

curve rela ting b to 28/ T for ele-

m ents in s tandard 3-cm gui e,

w h os e Q~ is four and w h os e res o-

nant w avelength is 3 .33 cm .

Figure 3 .16 s how s the voltage

s ta nd in g-w a ve ra tio a s a fu nction

of b from data extracted from the







3.0 3.1

3.2 .3 3.4 3.5


kin cm

F IG. 3,16.—Fou r -equal-elemen t band-

pass character is tics ext racted from Marcus’



It is in teres ting to com pare th is curve w ith curve F of Fig. 3 .1

wh ich n eglects th e frequ en cy d ep en d en ce of th e s epa ra tion of th e elemen ts .

It s hou ld be poin ted out that f is period ic in 20/ r w ith a period

of 2 . Therefore , if a s us ceptance curve runs off the top of the chart,

it m ay be continued at the bottom . The value of 20 / 7 rw hich y ield s

the broades t transm is s ion band is then near one. The read er s hou ld

be in teres ted in s uperimpos ing a fam ily of s us ceptance curves on the

chart w ith 20 ,/ 7 at b = O as parameter.

From th is fam ily of curves

and for the s us ceptance characteris tic chos en , the optimum element

s epa ra tion for m axim iz ing the bandw id th s hould be evid en t.

3 .5 . Mat.rh Method .-The us e of the m atrix nota tion lead s to a fa irly

s im ple form ula for los s . Th is m ethod z m ay be applied s atis factorily to a

m ultiple circu it of nonid en tica l elem en ts , a d ifficu lt ca se to hand le by the

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equilibrium m ethod . How ever, the general expres sions for the los s of



n elem en ts , w h ich a re obta in ed by



th e equ ilibr um meth od , ca nn ot be

a ““ D

obta ined eas ily by the matrix





If the four-term ina l netw ork

of Fig. 3 .17a is linear and pa ss ive ,

and if reciprocity applies , tw o


12 13

linear equations rela te any tw o of

+ 4


the quantitie s 11, VI, 12, and Vz


~ to the other tw o. For example,

V, = aV, + bIl,



ZI = cV* + d12:



In the m atrix nota tion






w here a , b, c, and d are cons tan ts


d efin ed b y th e electrica l con s ta nts

FIG. 3 .17 .—Sus ceptanceircu its -(a ) a com pos ing the net w o r k . The

four-term ina lnetw ork ; (b)

two success ive

fou r -t erm in a l n etworks; (c) a shun t su scep-

paramete rs mu s t s a tis fy th e follow -


ing condit ions :

1 . For a los s les s netw ork the d iagonal term s of the matrix are rea l

a nd th e off-d ia gon al term s a re im a gin ary .

2 . If reciprocity a pplies ,

ad+ bc=l.

3 . If the netw ork is s ymmetrica l,


If there are tw o s ucces sive netw ork s as in Fig. 3 .17bj for the s econd

netw ork

and by s ubs titu tion of Eq. (43) in Eq. (42), for the tw o netw ork s



By m ultiply ing the m atrices of Eq. (44) and by us ing the firs t cond ition

of th e preced ing pa ragra ph, th ere is obta in ed for a los s les s netw ork


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SEC. 3.5]



where VI and 11 repres en t the input voltage and curren t to a s equence

of netw ork s, and V S and Ii repres en t the outpu t voltage and curren t.

In the pres en t ca lcu la tions , on ly shunt elem en ts and !engths of line

w ithou t los s are of in teres t. For the shunt elem en t of Fig. 3 . 17c

v, = v,,


1, = jf)v, + 12.

The m atrix repres en ta tion of th e s hunt elem en t is th refore

A line length of t may be repres en ted by


v , = Cos e

jZO s in 0


jYO s in 8 cos e



~ = %1.






Eauation (48) m ay be verified by reducing it to the usual expres sion

for th~ tra ns form ation of im ped ance~hrough a length of ine

~ = ,Z2 + jZO tan e


~Z,YO tan 0 + 1’

w here ZI = V1/11 and Z2 = v2/ 1 2 .



FIG. 31 S .—Parametersor definitionof ins ertionlos s .

For the m ultip le-elem ent netw ork , it is d es ired to ca lcu la te th e ins er-

tion los s . The ins ertion los s is the logarithm of the ra tio of the pow er

d el vered to a load of unit rela tive im ped ance w ith the netw ork rem oved

fro the line to the pow e r d elivered to the loa d w ith the netw ork in clud ed .

By referen ce to Fig. 3 .18 , it can be s een tha t the ins ertion los s is d efined as

L l

= 10

loglo } 2 .

From Fig. 3 .1 8a ,

[:11 = [: :) (:)”


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From Fig. 318b,

W ith s ome manipu la tion

L = 10 log,, [1 + *(B – c)’].


The m ethod outlined w ill be applied to calculate the ins ertion los s

d ue to a particu lar n etw ork includ -



ing the frequency dependence of

line length . The netw ork of Fig.


319w illb e con s id e redandnor-

realiz ed admittances w ill be us ed .

The m id dle elem ent m ay be d ivid ed

F1~.3.19.—Athree-elem en tircuit.

in to tw o equal s hunt elem ents .

Th is perm its trans formation th ough the netw ork by means of tw o

ident ical matrices ,








After the ma rices of Eq. (52) are multiplied , it is relatively eas y , by

m eans of Eq. (50), to evaluate the ins ertion los s .

{[ 1}

L= lolog,o 1 +

{(bs in 0–4cos 0)(b s in0–2cos O) .


3.6 . Num erical Res ults .-The res ults for transmis s ion los s , obta ined

either by the equilibrium method or by the matrix m ethod , s hould be

pres en ted in s uch a w ay that they can be compared eas ily w ith the

experim ental res ults . Experimentally , los s (s tand ing-w ave ratio, or

reflection coe5cient) is m eas red s a function of frequency or of fr~

space w ave length , w hereas th eore tica lly , los s is re la ted imp licitly , th rough

the relation of s us ceptance and of phas e s epara tion betw e en elem ents , to

free-s pace w avelength . It is of in+w es t to rew rite s everal of thes e

implicit formula s for los s .

For th ree id en tica l elem en ts equ ally s pa ced ,





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for three equally s paced elemen ts of w hich the end elemen ts have ha lf

th e s us cepta nce of th e centra l elem en t,


~(b s in 0 – 4cos O)(b s in O – 2COS t?)


L = 10 log,, 1 +

; (55)

and for f u r id en tica l elem en ts equa lly s pa ced ,

L = 10 loglo

{~+4~’(cos@-:s in ey [2 (.os e-:s i~@)2- 1~} (56)

In thes e expres s ions 8 = 2u(l/ &-) w here 1 is the d is tance betw een the

elemen ts and k . is the guide w avelength , The w id e w avelength is in

turn a function of free-s pace w avelength and

the w aveguid e. It is given by the rela tion

w h ere ~ is the cutoff w a velength of the guid e.

w h ich hold w ell over the ~ 6 per

TR-tube s tud ies , w ill be us ed for

the s ueceptance. The experim en ts

s how that b is proportiona l to the

d ifference in w avelen@h from the

re sonan t w ave length .

S ince s om e TR tubes are bu ilt

w ith elem en ts w hich have a loaded

Q., of approxim ately four, s evera l

th eoretica l cu rves a re p reecm ted for

~L, = 4 .0 . Figure 3’20 s how s tw o

theoretica l bandpas s cu rves for

th ree id en tica l elemen ts s p aced on e-

qua rter guid e w a velen gth apart for

a free-s pa ce w a velength of 3 ,33 cm .

Curve B repres en ts th e res ult w h en

the quarter-w a velength s pacing is

as s umed to be ind ependen t of fre-

auencv. Curve A is a dot Of %.

a ls o of the d imens ions of

Th e e xp erimenta l re s ults ,

cen t frequency range important in


A =fl?.)

h in cm

FrQ. 3 .20.—Compar ison of two theor ies

for th ree iden t ica l elements for which

QLZ = 4.0,

(54) &ich tak es in to a;count the frequency d epende ce of the s pacing

bet w een elem en ts . The theory tha t as sum es cons tant s pacing pred icts a

broader transm is s ion band and a higher los s in the pas s band . The s ame

gene a l res ult m ay be obs erve in a com pa ris on of the tw o th eoriee a pplied

Page 102: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





to a three-elem ent circuit in w hich Q Z of the end elem ents is half the

value for the; cent a l elem ent. Th is comparis on is s how n in Fig. 3 .21.

Note that the los s characteris tic is very fla t throughout the pas s band .

S ince 0 depend s on the guid e w avelength , it can be expected that the

percentage bandw id th w ill change if the center of the band is s h ifted

and Q~2 of the elem ents k ept the s am e.

Waveguide of one s iz e is us ed

for three bands of particular in teres t cen tered about w avelengths of

8 .475, 9 .245, and 10.715 cm . In Fig. 3 .22 the los curves for thr e

identical elem ents , Q~z = 4.0 , w ith quarter-w avelength (ce ter of the

band ) s pacings , areplotted as a function of ~/ X, tom ak e the com paris on

A l=f(x)

B 1= ‘0%




3.0 3.1 3,2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

A in cm


FIG.3.21.—Comparisonof twotheories for FIG. 322.E6ect of cen ter ba nd wave-

t h ree elemen t s for wh ich t h e m iddle elemen t

length on inser t ion loss character is t ic.

has QL, = 4.0.

obvious . If the in terval betw een the zeros of los s is us ed as a criterion

of bandw id th , the percentage bandw id ths are 10.0 , 9 .75 , and 8.85 per

cen t res pectively . The band becom es narrow er and the los s in the pas s

band becom es les s as the center w a velength approaches the cu toff w a ve-

length for the guid e. Curve D of Fig. 322 s how s the pas s band w hen

the frequ ency s ens itivity of the line length s is neglected .

All the calcu lations pr s en ted in th is chapter have been bas ed on the

as s umption that the ind ividual res onant circu it is lum ped at a poin t

a long the trans m is s ion line. It is a ls o as sum ed that the coupling betw e en

the res onan t elem ents is

tion may not be va lid .

data is made in Sec. 3 .7 .

negligible. At s hort w a velengths th is as sum p-

The com paris on of theory w ith experim en tal

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SEC. 37]




3.7 . Multiple-elem ent Circuits . -C’on sid era ble d ata h ave been tak en

on los s or, m ore us ually , voltage

w avelength for circuits w ith s ev-

era l elem ents . Qualita tively , the

agreem ent betw een experim en t

and theory is good . No precis ion

m eas urem ents have been tak en

becau s e e xperimen ta l re s ea rch w as

concentrated upon the m ore for-

m idab le gas -d is charge prob lem .

One s et of data is available

for w hich the theoretica l ca lcu-

la tions have been pres en ted . In

the 3-cm region three iden tical

quarter guid e w avelength , have

decibels is plotted as a function

s tand ing-w ave ratio, as a function of

0 .4



z 0.2


3 .1 3.2 3.3 3,4



1 in cm


3. 23-Exper imen ta l resu lt s on

t hr ee-elem e~lt ba ndpa ss 62L2 of ea ch ele-

ment = 4.0.

elem e ts p w ith equal s pacings of a

QL2 = ~.o. h Fig. 323 the los s in

of w avelength to perm it com paris on

w ith t e theoretical curves of Fig. 3 .20, one s id e of the band - is not




3.4 ~


~ 2.6







3 .0

h in cm

F1~. 3.24.—Exper imen t a l bandpas s cha r act er is tic for one, two, and t h r ee eI emen t e,. All

elements essentially identical.

well defined because of lack of da ta ; never theless it is fa ir ly clea r tha t

the exper imen ta l resu lt lies between the two theor ies. It wou ld be

expected tha t the exper imenta l da ta wou ld agree more closely with t a t

theory which includes the effect of fr equency dependence of line length .

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[SEC. 37

The fa ilure of the data to agree w ith this theory m ay be attributed either

to coupling betw een the elem ents or to lack ‘of precis ion in the m eas ure-

ments .

It w ould be interes ting to m ak e m ore precis e m eas urem ents in

ord er to m ak e a m ore reliable com paris on w ith theory .

Another s et of data’ at 3-cm w avelength is s how n in Fig. 3 .24. The

ba nd pas s ch ara cteris tics for on e, tw o, and three elem en ts w e re m eas ured

in term s of the voltage s tand ing-w ave ratios .

Thes e elements have a

FIG. 3.25.—Three-elemen t bandpass cha r -

a ct er ist ic for elemen t s wit h QL~ = 29.

loaded Q.2 of 4 .8 w hich is higher

th an th e va lu e for w h ich th eoretica l

ca lcu la tion s w ere made. Ne verth e-

les s , the three curves s how clearly

that the transm is s ion bandw id th

in crea s es a s th e n umber of elem en ts

increas es . For the three-elem ent

ch ara cteris tic, th ree m in ima occu r

w h ich corres pon d to the three z eros

of los s in the theory of the three-

elem en t circu it. Th e th ree-elem en t

characteris tic is not s ymmetrica l

beeaus e the elem ents are not all

tuned accurately to the s ame fre-

quency . For proper gas -d is charge

characteris tics , the gap in the ele-

m ent has to be made small. A

small gap implies that the ratio of

the res onant-frequency s hift to

change in gap s pacing is large; con -

s equen tly , accuracy of tuning of

the ind ividual elem ents is one of

the d ifficult problem s in the m anu-

facture of the bandpas s TR tube.

An oth er example oi a th ree-elem ent ba nd pas s characteris tic is s how n

in Fig. 3 .25 for the 10 cm band and for elem ents w ith Q~Z = 29. For

s uch large valu es of Q~a ,th e ba nd pa ss w id th agrees clos ely w ith that pre-

d icted by the s im ple theory . Actually there is little departure from the

s im ple theory for QLZ above ten.

F@m e 3.26 s how s the effect of tuning each elem ent of a tw o-elem ent

circu it to s lightly d ifferen t frequencies . q Curve


repres ents both

elem ents tuned to AO = 9.692 cm . For curve B one of the elem ents has

been tuned to a d ifferent res onant w avelength , h = 9.592 cm . When

the tw o elements are tuned to the s ame frequency , the bandpas s char-

acteris tic is cen tered about the res onant fre uent y ; w h en they are tuned

to d ifferen t frequencies , the band center is at th e m ean of the frequ encies .

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SEC. 3.fl



For elemen ts tuned to d ifferent frequencies , any gain in bandw id th is

ach ieved at the expens e of low los s w ith in the band .


FIG. 3.26.—Effeet of s tagger-tuning two elements .



A 11=12=LC 9/4


* 1,+l~=ko g/ 2

1 ,=0 ,72 12













0,2 .



9.4 9.6

9.s 10.0 10.2

9.2 9.4

9.6 9.8

h in cm

1010 10.2

F IG. 327,-E lemen t sp acing a lt er ed fr om >00/4.

From Fig. 3 .15 it has been s een tha t, in order to ach ieve maximum

bandw id th for a circuit w ith four e ual elemen ts , it is bes t to s pace the

elem en ts about a quarter guide w avelength apart. Th is is a ls o true for a

three-elemen t circuit, How ever, it is in teres ting to s ee t e effect on


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th e ba nd pa as ch ara cteris tic a s th e s pa cin g betw e en elem en ts is perm itted

to d epart from a quarter gu ide w avelength , Th is ef ect is , in general, a

the curves ’ in Fig. 3 “27 . The elem en ts in thes e circu its w ere tuned

ind ivid ua lly in a piece of w a vegu id e and then rem oved to be incorpora ted

in the m ultipleelemen t circu it. Another examplee of the effect of a lter-

ing the electrica l s pacing from a quarter w a velength is s how n in Fig. 3 .28 .

In both examples in Fig. 3 .28 the elem en ts of the circu it w ere tuned by

the m axim um -transm is sion m ethod . Curve A w as obta ined w hen the

tube w as tuned to a cen ter w avelength of 8 .4 cm , for Cur e B the tube

w as tuned a t 8 .54 cm . F@res 3.27 , and 3.28 ind icate that the band -

w id th is increas ed by spacing the elem en ts more than a quarter w ave-

length apart. For the increas ed spacing there is grea ter los s in the

50 -


A l ,=l@og/ 4

4.0 B 1,={2=1 .29 hw/ 4









1 .0

7 .8 8 .0


8 .2

8 .2


8.4 S .6


I’m .

h in cm

3.28.—E1emen t su acin e a lt er ed

FIG. 3.29.—Phase-shift method of tun in~

fr om kOO/4 t uned by ma ximum - t ransmi~

s ion method .

transm is s ion band . By a d ifferen t tuning procedure, the phas e-s h ift

m ethod , the bandpas s characteris tic can be m ade fla t, Fig, 3 .29 . Th is is

a ccom plis hed , perh aps , by com pen satin g for th e d epa rtu re from qu arter-

w a velength s pacin g by a s ligh t s tagger-tun in g.

It s hou ld be obs erved

that w h en the elem en ts are tuned to giv the fla t band pas s characteris tic,

the bandw id th has been reduced . It s eem s lik ely that little can be

ga ined by a com bina tion of s tagger-tun ing and s pacing of the elem en ts ;

elem en ts w ith quarter-w a velength s pacing and id en tica l tuning s eem to

y ield the optim um bandw id th for eleme ts a ll of w hich have the s am e


The four-elemen t bandpas s characteris tic s how n in Fig. 330 is

in tere stin g in th at it con firm s th e th eore tica l re su lt for a mu ltip le -e lemen t

circu it w ith the QL2 of the end elemen ts low er than that of the cen tra l

elem en ts . The cen tra l elem en ts had a Q., of 4 .5 . Both the experim en ta l

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SEC. 3-8]


curve and curve D of Fig. 3 .11 s how a monoton ic increas e of los s w ith

w avelength ofl the band cen ter. The immed ia te s uppos ition is tha t, if

the Q.z of the elem en t is increas ed gradually , k eeping the netw ork

s ymmetrica l, a fam ily of band -

pa s s ch ara cteris tics is obta in ed a s

curve D of Fig. 3 .1 1 goes over in to

curve F. By accepting a s om e-

3 .0

w h a t in crea sed los s w ith in th e pa s s

band , it m ay be pos s ible to extend

the us ual four-elem ent band in

2 .6

th is fa sh ion .

Th e theoretica l ca lcu la tion s

2 .2

w ith w hich the experim enta l da ta *

h a e een compa red all n eglected

1 .8

th e res is tive los s es in th e res on an t

elemen ts . If thes e los s es w ere

1 .4

tak n in to account, the effect

w ou ld be to in crea se the ins ertion





1= AOg


).. =3.33cm


u .

los s s ligh tly over the pas s band . ‘“~.l 3 .2


3 .3

3 .4 3 .5

This is illus tra ted in Fig. 10 .88 in

~ in cm

vol. 9 of th is s eries .z The band -

FIG. 3.30.—Four-elementbandpasschar-


w id th over w hich the los s is les s

than a given small amount is reduced s omew hat. The effects are , on the

w hole, -ra th er sma ll, a nd th eir n eglect is ju s tifie for mos t ca s es .

3 .8 . Ba nd pas s -TR-tube Des ign .—Th rou ghout th e preced in g s ection s

a tten tion has been d evoted s olely to the cons id era tion of mu ltiple-

res onant elements in w avegu id e and their effect on the transm is s ion

band . N“ow it is appropria te to mention briefly s evera l add itional

factors w h ich in fluence the d es ign of a bandpas s TR tube.

The mos t importan t factor is the fact that the TR tube mus t have

s uch gas -d is charge characteris tics tha t the radar receiver is s hort-

circu ited prom ptly w hen the m agnetron s tarts genera ting r-f pow er. In

other w ord s , the gas d is charge in the gaps of the res onant elem en ts m us t

be formed s o qu ick ly tha t in s u fficien t r-f pow er is transm itted to the

receiver to burn ou t the m ixer cry s ta l. Cry s ta l protection is the prim e

requ is ite of the TR tube. It w ill be s een in Chap. 5 tha t the gas d is -

charge is in itia ted m ore qu ick ly for a s mall gap s p cing than for a large

one, w hich im plies tha t t e res onant elemen t has a high QL2 . The gas -

d is charge phenomena d icta te an upper lim it to gap s pacing and to a

certa in exten t, a low er lim it to Q~z .

S ince cry s ta l protection dem and s high Q.,, and s ince an increas e in

bandw id th m ay be achieved only by reducing QL2 , a com prom is e m us t be

rea hed . To ens ure tha t s uch a comprom is e approach an optimum ,

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[SEC. 3.9

cons id erable data have been accum ula ted on QLZ, a nd on gap s pacing of

the res onant elem en t as a function of its s hape and s iz e.

To build a tube w h ich reta ins the appropria te gas a t low pres sure and

w h ich perm its the trans mis s ion of r-f energy , a w ind ow is need ed at each

end of the tube. It is w ell to k eep in m ind the s chematic d iagram of

the in terna l s tructure of the 3 -cm band and the lo-cm band TR tubes

w hich is s how n in Figs . 3“2 and 31 . The w indow s are made by s ea ling

glas s to a m eta l frame If the proper d im ens ions are chos en , thes e

w indow s can be m ad e to res onate a t a pres cribed frequency .

Abs orption los s has been neglected in the theory , and in the experi-

m enta l res u lts s o far pres en ted it has been negligible. In a TR tube

w h ich requires gla ss w in dow s , h ow e ver, th e a bs orption los s m ay becom e

quite im portan t. In S ec. 3 .10 it w ill be noted that the abs orption los s

and Q~z Q)z of the w indow is cons id erably les s than tha t of the res onant

gaps ) increas e as the w indow is made narrow er. H re aris es another

compromis e w ith ga s -d is cha rge phenomena .

Heating of the w indow and

attenuation of the transm itted radar s ignal, d ue to the gas d is charge,

d ecrea ses as the w ind ow is m ad e n arrow e r.

In the next tw o s ections d eta iled in formation w ill be pres en ted on

both the res onant gap and the res onan t w indow . Such in formation

mus t be obta ined before it can be hoped to des ign a TR tube w hich

a pproa ch es optim um ba ndw id th .

After the data on the res onant gap

and the res onan t w indow have been inves tiga ted it w ill be pos s ible to

d ecid e jus t how the res ults for experim en ta l multiple elements can be

applied in the des ign of a bandpas s TR tube.

3 .9 . Res onant-gap Data .— s a res ult of a gradual m etam orphos is ,

th e res onan t gap u sed ’1’12n the pres en t d es igns of ba nd pa ss TR tubes has

changed in s hape from the rectangu ar res onant s lot of Fig. 3“3a to the

tunable-pos t form s of the res onan t gap s how n in Fig. 3“3 j, g, h . To

ens ure rapid formation of a d is charge in the gap, the gap s pacing mus t

be sma ll. If the d is tance acros s the rectangular res onan t s lot in the

d irection of the electric field is m ad e s mall, it is obvious tha t the capaci-

tance w ill be la rge, w hich implies tha t % w ill be large. TO reta in a

small gap s pacing and at the s ame tim e reduce % only a mall s ection

of the rectangu lar s lot m ay be left small (preferably a cen tra l s ection

w here the electric field is h ighes t) and the rem ainder of the s lot broad -

ened out, a s in the dumbbell s lot of Fig. 3 .3d . Dimens ions other than

the gap s pacing of the cen tra l s ection are us ed to ad jus t the inductance

in th e circu it to ens ure tha t th e elem en t res on ates a t the proper frequ en cy .

His torica lly , the next s tep w as to mak e the cen tra l s ection of the

dum bbell s lot poin ted as in Fig. 3 .3e.

For pra ctica l a pplica tion to the

TR tube, the gap s pacing mus t be les s than 0.010 in . This im pos es s uch

s tringen t tolerances cm the gap s pacing that the res onan t s tructure can-

Page 109: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





not be fabrica ted and tuned ou ts id e of the tube and then ins erted in the

tube w ith he expecta tion that it w ill remain tuned . Th is s ituation can

be a llevia ted m os t conven ien tly

by us ing a pos t fit ed w ith a

screw mechan ism . F@re 3“3j, g,

h s how s s tructures us ed at pres -

ent in TR tubes and in Fig. 3 -32’s

a res onan t elem en t of the ty pe

u s ed in r-f filte rs .

In the 3 -cm region the firs t

d eta iled da ta w ere accum ula ted

for a s tructure of the ty pe s how n

in Fig. 3 .31 . In Fig. 3 .32 are pre-

s en ted datal on gap s pacing and

FIQ. 3 .31—Single resonante lement w ith

~LZ as a function of d iaphragm

posts .

open ing w ith the pos t d iam eter and the angle of the con ica l poin t as

parameters . In genera l, as the open ing of the d iaphragm w increas es ,



400 w





300 350

400 w 450

FIG. 3.32.—Gap-spacing and QL , dat a on

the tunable-post gap of Fig. 3.31. All

d imens ions a re in roils .

the gap s pacing g increas es to

mainta in the circuit res onant a t

the s ame frequency . Th is means

th at w ith a d ecre as e in ca pa cita nce

in the gap, there is a corres pond -

ing increas in the opening of the

d iaphragm w hich repres en ts an

increas e in ind uctance. Th is is in

th e righ t d irection for qu alita tive

agreem ent w ith the theory of th

FIG. 3 .33.—Single resonant e lement with

t runca ted cones.

in ductiv e d iaph ragm .

As has been m entioned earlier in the text, in the

pres en t s ta te of d evelopm ent of the theory , the s hape of the res onan t gap

of Fig. 3“31 pres en ts too d ifficu lt a problem for theoretica l ana ly s is . It

Page 110: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





is also in teres tin g to n ote tha t QLZ d ecrea ses a sthe capacitan ce of the gap

d ecreas es w h ich agrees qualita tively w ith Eq. (4). S ince the varia tion

of QLZ w ith the angle of the con ica l poin t is les s than the ex erim enta l

error of m eas urem ent, s uch a s et of curves does not appear in the figure.

Ad d tional da ta’z on the 3 -cm band w ere obta ined for a res onan t gap

of the trunca ted -cone ty pe w hich is s how n in Fig. 3 .33 . For this gap,

QL2 and the gap s pacing are tabula ted as a function of d iaphragm open-

ing, of cone angle, and of d iameter of the apex of the trunca ted cone in

Table 3 .2 . From Table 3 .2 it is of in teres t to note tha t ~L2 is a minimum

for an angle of abou t 35° and changes very s low ly w ith o on either s id e

of 35°. The gap s pacing s eem s to be rela tively ind epend ent of angle

over the range of angles pres en ted in Table 3 .2 . Data on Q~* and gap


a. Depend enceof Qr,?on diaphragmopeningw ,cone angle 0,an d coned iam eterd.
















































2 .0

2 .0

1 .7

6 .1

5 .3

4 .5


2 .6

2 .3

2 .0

1 ,5

















cone angle@









4 .0

2 .9

2 .1

2 ,1

1 .6

1 .5

4 .1

3 ,7

3 .1

2 .4

1 .9

1 .5


4 .5

3 .8

2 .7

2 .0

1 .4

1 .7

1 .2



2 .6

2 .1

1 .5

1 .4

1 .2

4 .2

3 .0


1 .9

1 ,5

1 .2




































































Page 111: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SIX!. 39]



TABLE 3t2.—TEUNCATED-CONEGAP RESO~ANT” AT x = 3.33 c~.—(Conlinued)

b. Depen den ce of gap spacing g on diaphr agm open in g w, con e angle 8, and con e



























































































































































s u cim z have been extracted from the tables for a cone angle of 35° and

p~otte~ in Fig, 334. Since Q., is ind ependent of the d iam eter of the

apex of the truncated cone, on ly one curve rela ting QL, to w appears .

Such a w id e range of data res ults from the fact that the experim en ts w ere

explora tory . Before th ed ata w e re obta in ed j th e appropria te d im ens ion s

for res onance had to be as certa ined by tria l and error. For applica tion

to the bandpas s TR tube, the curves may be d em ons tra ted for a s pecific


S uppos e m echanical cons id erations d em anded that d be no les s

than 0.030 in ., and the gas -d is charge cons id erations d em and ed that g be

no greater than 0,010 in . Then for the gap to res onate at 3 .3 cm , w

m us t be 0 .266 in ,, and QL* w ill be 4 .1 .

Page 112: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





All va lues of Q., a t 3 .33 cm w ere obta ined by eva luating d lr{/ ~

near res on ance from a plot of d ata on Ir I as a function of X u sing Eq. (9”11)

of Chap. 9 . The conductance G of the res onan t gap w as s o small hat

th is m eth od ga ve relia ble res u lts .

The va lues of II’! w e re obta ined from

s ta nd in g-w a ve mea s urements u s in g a ca lib ra ted cry s ta l d etector.


urem en ts of length w ere m ad e on a traveling m icros cope to an accuracy

of 0 .000 1 in .

From the s ca ttering of the experim en ta l poin ts , it can be

s een that the data on Q~z are cons is ten t to w ith in 10 per cen t in the

cas e of Fig. 3 .32 and 3 per cen t in the ca s e of Fig. 3“34 .

Direct coupling is another quantity w h os e im portance becom es evi-

d en t d uring the s tud y of th gas -d is charge problem . Y d irect coupling

is m ean t the ins ertion los s of the elem en t w hen it is h igh ly d etuned , that





. ..-.1- .-




30 ~






.~ o

240 28o 320 360 400440 480520


F1~. 3 .34 ,—Ga&spacing and C?LZ ata

on the trunca ted cone gap of Fig. 3 .33

for h = 3 .3 3cm , O = 35°.


% 30





300 400 500


Fro.3.35.—Direct coupling of

truncated cone gap for A =


is , w hen the gap is s hort-circu ited by the d is charge.

From Fig. 335

it can be s een that for practica l d im ens ions of the res onan t gap, the

d irect coupl ng’ may range from 25 to 35 db.

Not s o broad a pas s band is requ ired for the lo-cm tubes as for the

3 -cm tubes . Th is circum stance m ak es the com prom is e betw een linear

and non linear opera tion of the tube s o eas that manu facture of 10-cm

tubes w as commenced on the bas is of very few meas urem en ts on the

linear characteris tics of the res onant gap. How ever, further m eas ure-

- m en ts have s ince been m ad e w ith the in ten tion of im proving the prod uc-

“ tion d es ign . Table 33 pres en ts da ta on gap s pacing, QL~, and d irect

coupling as functions of d iaphragm open ing, cone angle, and d iam eter

of the apex of the trunca ted cone. Reference s hou ld be m ade to Fig. 3 .33

for the meaning of the s ymbols .

The res u lts obta ined a t 10 cm are

s im ilar to the res ults obta ined in the 3-cm band .

To s ca le by w avelength the d imens ions of a gap, res onan t at one

frequency , to the ppropria te d im ens ions for a gap res onan t a t anothe



Page 113: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




Depen den ce of ga p spacing, ~L 1, an d direct coupling on con e angle, con e diam eter ,

a nd dia ph r agm open ing. ]z

All dimen sion s expr essed in t hou sa ndt hs of a n in ch ,
























Gap spacing

Cone angle O

25° 35°



























45° 55

. —














5 9



22 29

80 113


Cone angle 9




Direct coupling













45° / 55”





2 04 1.90






2.9 2.8





2.9 2.7



3.1 2.9

Cone angle O









































Page 114: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





frequency can be done on ly very rough ly . Even though the s ca ling is

rough, it s erves as a guide to give the range of d im ens ions to be inves t -

gated . It is pos s ib le to check the res u lts of s uch s ca lings by us ing

Ta bles 3 “2 a nd 3“3 .

3 .10 . Res onant-w ind ow Data .-Before the res onan t glas s w ind ow is

con s id ered , it is a ppropria te to tu rn a tten tion to th e recta ngu la r res on an t

s lot. The res onant w indow has the s ame s hape as the rectangular s lot

except for the corners or end s w hich are rounded in ord er to avoid loca l

s tres s es in the glas s . For the rectangular res onant s lot there is good

exp erim en ta l co%rma tion of th eory .

Thk theory 14 propos es that the characteris tic

ta ngu la r gu id e is

impedance of rec-


w here p is the permeability , c the d ielectric cons tan t, and a and b are

the w id e and narrow d imens ions of

the gu id e.

It can be s een that as


either a or b is changed the other m ay



be a ltered to reta in the s ame value 3 .o



2.0 -




4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0


a in cm

FIG. 3 .36.—Junct ion of tw o gu ides :

FIG.. 3.37.—Rectangula r slot in

or a dia ph ra gm wit h a r ect an gu la r slot

dia ph ra gm . Compa rison of t h eor y and

in waveguide.


of 20. It is in teres ting to as sum e that tw o guides of d ifferen t d im ens ions

but th e s am e cha ra cteris tic im ped ance s hould y ield no reflection at their

junction . Equation (57) may be rew ritten in the orm



Equation (58) repres en ts a fam ily of guides all of w hich hav the s ame

characteris tic im ped ance, and all of w h os e corners lie on a hy perbola as

s how n in Fig. 3 .36 . The m inimum w id th of the guid e is jus t equal to

half the free-s pace w avelength; 2a = A.

The d iagram of Fig. 3“36 m ay repres en t not only the junction of tw o

w avegu idea , bu t it m ay a ls o repres en t a w aveguide w ith a rectangular



,.,’,. ,.

Page 115: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 3.10)



aperture in a trans vers e d iaphragm . S uch a d iaphragm m ay be regarded

as a s hort length of gu ide join ing the tw o guid es on either s id e of the

d iaphragm . Normally the tw o gu id es that are conn cted tvill be of

the s am e s iz e, and for th is ca se Fig. 3 ,37 pres en ts a com paris on of experi-

m ental d ata8 w ith the cons ta nt-im ped an ce th eory .

It m ay be obs erved

that the agreem ent is good for large apertures , bu t for s mall apertures

the length of the s lot a mus t be about 1 .5 per cen t les s than the length

pred icted by the theory .


80 -




\ ~

Standard 1~’~ x 3“guide


A=1O cm

40 -







QU 10


\ o.50”


\ \


4 -







10 20

40 60 80100

200 400 600 800x 10-

“3 in.


F1~.3.38.—QL*of rectangular dot for three diaphragm thicknesses.

As the frequency of the electromagnetic w ave is changed , the char-

acteris tic impedance of the s hort length of guid e in the d iaphragm

a erture w ill change at a d ifferent ra te from that of the connected gu id es .

This means that on either s id e of a given frequency , a reflection w ill

occur at the d iaphragm . The frequency dependence of the reflection is

importan t for p ra ctica l app lica tion s .

Th is has been m eas ured for three

th ick nes ses of d iaphragm and has been expres sed as QLZ by evaluating

d lI’1 / d l near the res onant w avelength , that is , the w avelength of m in i-

mum re fle ction .

In Fi . 3 .38 extens ive dataa on a thin d iaphragm ,

0 .063 in . th ick , s how that a log-log plot of QL* as a function of b y ield s a

s tra igh t line. S tra ight lines w ere therefor d raw n through the very

Page 116: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers



s pars e d ata on half-inch-and one-inch-th ick d iaphragm s . Even though

thes e data may not be s o reliable, they are importan t in that they ind i-

o.090’fi ~


F1a 3 .39.—(a) Window

the 3-cm band; (b) window

the 10-cmband .

ca te a trend tow ard higher QLZ as

the join ing s ection of gu id e is m ad e


The genera l s tructure of the

res onant w indow , a s lotted meta l

fram e filled w ith glas s , is clearly

s how n in Fig. 3 .39. It is d ifficu lt

to obta in ad equate d ata on w ind ow

d im ens ions s ince to d o s o requires

the prepara tion of glas s -to-m eta l










3.5 3.7

Aoin cm

dimension8 for

FIG. 3 .40.—Resonant wavelengths for the

dimensions for

3-cm band indow of F ig. 3.39a .

s ea ls a nd ca refu l grin din g toth e d es ired th ick n es s .

How ever, for a given


* 1.9





: 1,7






o in cm

F1rJ . 3 .41.—Resonant

wa velen gt hs in t he l(Lcm

region for th e window of

Fig. 3.39b.

w indow height h at 3 cm and at 10 cm , the

length of the w indow as a function of res onant

w a velength is pres en ted ls in Figs . 3 .40 and 3 .41 .

From Eq. (57) it may be obs erved tha t if the

height of the s lot rem ains cons tan t, to m aintain

con s tan t impedance

4a2 – AZ = cons tan t,

w hich gives for the ra te of change of a w ith

res pect to X

da A

= —.

ch 4a


Applica tion of th is equation to the l~cm w ind ow

w h ich mos t clos e ly re s emb le s th e recta ngu la r s lot


dL A =055

—=— .,

dh 4L


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SEC. 3.10]



for h = 10.0 cm and L = 1.8 in . Data tak en from the curve of Fig. 341

give a s lope equal to 0 .37 w h ich is cons iderably below the 0.55 obta ined

from the the ry . The effect of the d ielectric is im med iately ques tioned .

How ever, Eq. (57) s eem s to imply that given a length of s lot, no matter

w hat the d ielectric and its res onan t w avelength , he rate of change of

length w ith res pect to res onan t w a velength s hould be ind epend ent of the


Add itional da ta” on w indow s for the 3-cm band are tabula ted in

Table 3 .4 . The variables are w indow height, th ick nes s of glas s , and



, g,




2 0 312

2 0 312

125 187

125 187

125 187

62.5 93.2

62.5 93.8

62.5 93.8











w ,





















w ith respect to

. —



cm/ mil

. —

1.3 0,0037

1.2 0.0030

2.1 0.0062

2.8 0.0047

2.1 0.0075

4.3 0.0020

6.5 0.0063

4.4 0.0070











dw ,











pow erloss



















k ind of glas s for w hich the appropria te w indow length is pres en ted , for

res onance at XO= 3.33 cm . Note that for t = 0.0335 in . and 705 glas s ,

both Q.z and the ins ertion los s in crea se as the w ind ow height is d ecrea sed .

The va l e of Q.a increas es and the ins ertion los s d ecreas es as the glas s is

changed from 705 to 707, w hich has a low er value of both rea l and

imaginary parts of the d ielectric cons tan t. Furthermore, as the g as s

is m ad e th inner both ~L2 and in s ertion los s d ecrea s e.

The va lues of the

d ielectric cons tant for thes e tw o glas ses are given in Table 2“5 , S ec. 2 .8 .

It w ill be recalled that the narrow -band TR tubes have an ins ertion

los s in the range from 1.0 to 1.5 db at m idband . The bandpas s tubes

are in tended to extend the band w ithout appreciably increas ing the

ins ertion los s and , of cours e, it is d es irable to d ecreas e the los s .

It is

apparent then that w ith tw o w indow s in the bandpas s TR tube, they

s hould have a height grea ter than a s ixteen th of an inch to avoid too

la rg a n in s ertion los s .

The three columns of data in Table 3 .4 on ra te of change of res onant

w avelength w ith res pect to w indow height, length , and th ick nes s are

us efu l in poin ting ou t the m echanical tolerances im pos ed on the w ind ow .

It is not y et k now n how clos ely the ind ividual elemen ts of a multiple-

Page 118: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




element circu it mus t be tuned to the s ame frequency in ord er to a tta in

the optimum bandpas s . It w ill be reca lled from Fig. 326 tha t s tagger-

tuning tw o elem en ts by about 1 per cen t res ulted in a very poor bandpas s

characteris tic. Thes e elem en ts had values of Q., low enough to obta in

nearly 10 per cen t bandw id th w hen tuned to the s ame frequency . If it

is arbitrarily requ ired that the ind ivid ual elem en ts m us t be tuned w ith in

0 .5 per cen t of the cen ter frequency of the band , the tolerances on the

d im ens ions m ay be eva lua ted .

For the us e of the w indow in th fifth

line from the top of Table 34 for w hich Q~Z is 2 .1 , a 0 .5 per cen t change

in res onant frequency corres ponds to a w avelength devia tion of i 0 .017

cm and cons equently to

Ah = tO.0027


At = k 0.00026 in .,


Aw = t 0 .0021


Equation (2 . 13) gives a value of s us ceptance tolerance of the w indow

equal to +0.042 , from w hich the voltage s tand ing-w ave ra tio is found

to be 1.05 . In ord er to adhere to the 0 .5 per cen t tolerance on res onant

frequent y a VSWR of 1 .05 at the cen ter-band frequency mus t not be


3 .11 . Pres en t Band Coverage.—The m icrow ave s pectrum has been

d ivid ed in to band s accord ing to the nom inal range of frequen cies of rad ar


The band des ignations and frequency or w avelength

band lim its are given in Table 35.

In order to d es ign a TR tube f r a











Ss l





w av elength,cm












Band lim it s

3. 13–3 .33 cm




340Ck3550Me / s e e


325&3400Me/ s ee



300 0-310 0Me/ s ee

2900-3000Mc /see


2613w2900Me / s e e




ba ndwidt h of

ma jor bands, %






given band , it is more importan t to k now the percen tage bandw id th

than to k now the abs olu te bandw id th . The percen tage bandw id th is

Page 119: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 311]



the ratio of the bandw id th in frequency to center frequency m ultiplied

by 100. It is the percen tage of frequency devia tion from the res onant

frequency w hich determ ines the s us ceptance of a res onan t elem en t and

the d evia tion from on e-qu arter guid e w a velen gth of the s epa ra tion s of th e

elemen ts . The percentage bandw id ths have been given for the major

bands ra ther than for each s ubband s ince it has been found pos s ible to

des ign TR tubes that s ucces sfu lly cover the m ajor band s .

N-o attempt has been made to bu ild a bandpas s TR tllhe of the

multiple-elemen t ty pe for the l-cm band .

The s chem e ou tlined in th is

chapter, how e ver, is qu ite applicable and it w ou ld be in teres ting to bu ild

a l-cm tube for com paris on w ith d ata n 3-cm and 10-cm tubes , es pecia lly

L-..”. ,.

F IG.342.-Photograph of 9.2-cm-ha

md I


~andpassTR tube showing in t erna l s t ructu re.

w ith rega rd to ga s-d is ch arge ph en omen a.

The w indow w ould be more

d ifficu lt to bu ild bu t the gap shou ld pres en t no unusual problem s . A

s om ew h at d ifferen t approach to a broad band l-cm d uplexer is d es cribed

in Chap. 8 ,

It is d ifficu lt to arrive at the pres en t d es ign of the bandpas s TR tubes

from a logical cons id eration of the data and d is cus sions of th is chapter

and of Chap. 6 . The tubes w e e developed hurried ly and grew in to

their pres en t form s as a res ult of a s eries of s mall changes and neces sary


Bandpas s TR tubes have been des igned for the 3-cm band

and for s evera l s ubd ivis ions of the 10-cm band . The manufacture of the

lo-cm tubes w as commenced before the des ign of the 3-cm tube w as

w ork ed ou t. The three lo-cm tubes are cons equen tly qu ite s im ilar in

d es ign and a ls o s om ew h at d ifferen t from the 3-cm tube.

Page 120: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





The 1O-CVZTube s .—All th e 10 -cm tube s have th e s tru ctu re e xemplifie d

by the 9 .2 -cm bandpas s TR tube s how n in Fig. 3 .42 . The internal s truc-

ture of the tube is s how n w ith the gaps and w indow s held together by the

s am e rectangular rod s that fit in to the corners of the tube bod y and s erve

as s pacers for the gaps . Three gaps w ith Q.z equal to about s ix w ere

us ed in thes e tubes and the w indow s w ere des igned w ith a very low Q~z ,

abou t one.

It w as intended that the gaps w ith much higher Q., than

th e w indow s shou ld govern th e bandpa s s cha racte ris tic a lmos t comp le te ly .

In fact it is true that the bandpas s characteris tic of the three gaps is the

s am e w h ether the w ind ow s are s old ered in place or not.




Par t a nd figu re


Gap dim en sion s, r efer t o

F ig. 344

Window d imension s. r efer

to Fig. 339

E lemen t spa cin gs, r efer t o

F ig. 3 .45






























No. 10 -32





1 .5 60 + .OCE









Cen ter wave length

9.238 cm







No. 1CL32





1.665 + .00



0 .8






10,708 cm


O. 125 in.





No, 8-32





1,905 + .004









* SperryGyrmcow Co. number.

The bandpas s ch racteris tic for each of the lo-cm tubes is s how n in

Fig. 3 .43. Thes e curves are quite s im ilar to both the theoretica l nd

experim en ta l cu rves s how n ea rlier in th is ch apter.

It can be s een that

the voltage s tand ing-w ave ratio fo each of the tubes is les s than 1.5

over the entire bandw id th to be covered .

The 9 .2 -cm tube is not

cen tered properly bu t th is s ituation w ill probably be rectified by the

Page 121: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





tim e th is book is publis hed . It s hou ld be noted that r equa l to 1 .5 cor-

res pond s to a los s in pow er of on ly 4 per cen t or 0 .2 d b.

In Table 3 .6 are given all the es s en tia l d im ens ions for three tubes

for the lo-cm band . The gap d im ens ions m ay be in terpreted by reference





~ 1.8








10.0 11,6

Wavelength h in cm

FIG. 3 .43.—Bandpass characte ris t ics for the lo-cm tubes.

to Fig. 3 .44 . Thes e d imens ons w ere the res u lt of a rela tively few

experim en ta l a ttempts to obta in a res onan t gap w ith the appropria te

ga p s pa cin g, Q.z, and res onant frequency . There w as no mapping of

gap spacing o of Q.z as functions of various d imens ions for a given

res onan t frequency . The genera l

trends s how n in Figs . 3 .32 and

3 “3 4 and Ta ble 3 .3 a re pertin en t.

Ta ble 3 .6 a nd Fig. 3 .3 9 p rovid e

the w indow d imens ions for res o-

nance at the cen ter w avelength of

each of the band s . Thes e data

of w indow length as a function of

res onan t w a velength in Fi . 3 ,41 .

Th e elem en t s pa cin gs a s given

in Table 3 ,6 w ith reference to Fig.

345 are a ll a quarter of a gu id e

w a velen gth , Xo/ 4 , w ith th e excep-

tion of thos e for the 8 .5 -cm tube.

F1o. 3.44.—Gap dim en sion s of 10-cr n TR


When the 8 .5 -cm tube w as des igned it w as though t that incr as ing the

s pacing betw een elemen ts w ou ld increas e the bandw id th . When the

elem en ts are tuned to avoid any large bum ps w ith in the band , the band -

w id th is qu ite com parable to the bandw id th w ith quarter-w avelength


It is evid en t from th is fact that the s eparation betw een

Page 122: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


1 0


elemen ts is not a t a ll critica l.

This point w as d is cus s ed earlier in

the chapter and data on the 8 .$cm band w ere pres en ted in Figs . 3 -28

and 3.2 9.

Only the reflected los s is includ ed in the bandpas s char cteris tic.

The abs orption los s a t m idband is of the ord er of 0 .5 to 0 .8 db; of th is


/ Y



t - a - t - ’ - + - ’ + +


F IG. 3.45.—Spacing of elemen t s of 10-cm TR tubes t o a ccompany Table 3.6,

am ount 0 .05 to 0 .1 d b is caus ed by d ielectric los s in each w ind ow , and the

res t is res is tive los s in the tube w a lls and the res onan t gaps .


th is los s w ill d ecrea se a little as prod uction m eth od s a re refin ed .

The 3 -cm Tube.—It is of in teres t to m en tion that a few three-gap

tubes w ere bu ilt for the 3-cm band accord ing to a des ign that w as es sen -


1’1o. :3.46 .—A 3-cm band TR tube , th ree-gap bandpass.

tia lly the s am e as for the 10-cm tubes . A picture of one is s how n in

Fig. 3 .46 . By the tim e a few of the three-gap tubes w ere being bu ilt in

pilot-plant production , a better unders tand ing of the gas -d is charge

ph en omen a wa s bein g a cqu ired .

Th is better und ers tand ing prom pted a

d es ign of a tw o-gap tube. IIhen a s ingle-gap tube is nearly s atis factory ,

Th is w ill be made clear in Chap. 6 . The tw o-gap tube, s how n in Fig.

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SEC. 3.11]



3.47, repres en ts an improvement over the three-gap tube in that it is

ch aracteriz ed by better gas d is cha rge and ba nd pas s ch ara cteris tics , and

s horter length; it is eas ier to m anufacture, and eas ier to tune.


F IG. 3.47.—A 3-cm ba nd TR t ube, two-ga p ba ndpa ss.

In Fig. 3 .48 is s how n a bandpas s curve for the 3-cm TR tuk . The

pas s band of the tube covers the en tire 3-cm band w hich is 12 ~-r cen t

wide .

The 3-cm band is w ider than any one of the 10-cm bands , and


THE 3-cM TR TUZE (1B63)

Cen ter wavelength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3.33cm

Ga p dim en sion s (r efer t o F ig. 333)

W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...0275 in .

d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...0.025

e.. . . . . . ., ,,. .60”

D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. L3.0138

QLZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ..,4. o

Window dimen sion s (r efer t o F ,g. 339)

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.551” (0,580t )

h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, .,. . .0.125(0.250)

t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0.0230 (O. 0335)

AL, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 (1.2)

glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .707(707)

Tube length L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...1555

Elemen t spa ings a= d . . . . . . . . . . 0.489

Quar ter gu ide wavelength x,/4 0.478

* Windowat high-powerend of the tube.

t Windowat mixerend of the tube.

cons id erably m ore care is required in the tube des ign to ens ure cry s ta l

protection an d complete ba nd covera ge s imu lta neou sly ,

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The tube d im ens ions are given in Table 3.7 . It s hotdd be noted that

~L2 for the gap is much low er than for the 10-cm tubes and that the

gap s pacing g is about the s a e.

Window s of tw o d ifferent s iz es are us ed in the 3-cm tube. One is

ch s en w ith a high QLz s o that the bandpas s characteris tic m ore nearly

s imu la tes th e th ree-elem en t ca s e.

Not s o high a QL~ as is d es irable can

be us ed becaus e the ins ertion los s of the w indow becomes exces s ive.

The h igh-QLZ w indow is smaller and is us ed at the end of the tube w hich

carries th e high-cu rrent r-f d is cha rge.

The s pacing betw een elem ents

is th e us ual quarter w a velen gth .

The abs orption los s at m idband may be as low as 0.4 db for this tube

if it is cons tru cted carefully .

A los s of 0 .2 db in the h igh-QL* w indow ,







h 1.6








3.0 3.1 3.2


3.4 3.5 3.6

A in cm

FIG. 3.48.—Bandpass cha ra ct er ist ic for 3-cm band TR tube


0.1 db in the Iow -QL, w indow , and 0.1 to 0.2 db n the res onant gaps and

tube bod y add up to 0.4 to 0.5 db.

3 .12. S ugges tions for F rther Im provem en ts .—Th e linear problem of

the bandpas s TR tube res olves its elf in to tw o parts . The one part

perta ins to the problem f multiple-res onant circu its ; the other part

involves the s tudy o the ind ividual circu its .

And this problem as a

whole mu st be a tta ck ed w ith its lim ita tion b y th e ga s-d is ch arge properties

alw a ys in m ind .

The m ultiple-res onant-circuit problem is the problem of find ing the

appropriate combina tion of elem enta ry circuits w h ich y ield s a maxim um

frequency range throughout w h ich the ins ertion low never exceed s s om e

arbitrary va lue. The bandpas s-TR-tube problem is rela ted to the filter

problem w hich has been cons idered in s om e detail by Fano and Law s on. z

As the criterion of filter effectivenes s , Fano has tak en the ratio of the

s teepn es s of the s id es of th e ins ertion -los s characteris tic to th e m axim um

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SEC. 3.12]



los s w ithin the pas s band . A s im ilar general ana ly s is s hould be applied

to the bandpas s-TR-tube problem w ith the les s res trictive criterion of

bandw id th required of the TR tube. The bandpas s TR tube is not

in tended to act as a filter and the s teepnes s of the s id es of the ins ertion-

10SScharacte ris t ic is not importan t.

It has b en s how n that the bandpas s characteris tic d epend s on the

.Q.~ of each elem ent, the num ber of elem ents , the s epara tion of the ele-

m ents along the transm is s ion line, and the res onant frequency of each

elem ent. It is d es ired to k now the va lues of thes e four parameters

w hich y ield the m axim um bandw id th cons is ten t w ith the gas -d is charge

requirem ents . A pres ent no m ethod of analy s is y ield s thes e param eters

d irectly . Th eoretically th e problem h as been a pproa ched by calculating

the frequency d epend ence of ins ertion los s for various parti u lar va lues

of the four param eters . Experim entally the gros s effects of each of the

four parameters have been inves tigated . Nfore deta iled s y s tem atic

m eas urem ents are need ed in ord er to provid e a com plete unders tand ing

of the multiple-circu it portion of th e ba nd pa ss -TR-tu be problem .

To obta in m ore information on the bandpas s characteris tics of a

m ultiple-elem ent circu it, the experim enter s hould cons id er us ing the

technique w h ereby a plot of transm itted pow e r as a function of frequency

is pres en ted on an os cillos cope.

Th is technique requires the us e of an

os cilla tor w hos e frequency can be sw ept over the range to be s tud ied .

The method can be made more s ens itive to small values of ins ertion

los s by us ing an r-f bridge in s uch a w ay that the pow er reflected from

the circuit being s tud ied is pres en ted on the os cillos cope. It w ould be

d es ira ble to d es ign th e experim en t s o the pa rameters QL2, the s epa ra tion

of the elem ents , and the res onant frequent y could be var ed continu-

ous ly . How e ver, s uch a d es ign m ight lead to ins urm ountable m echanical


The s econd part of the linear probl m—the s tudy of the ind ividua l

circuits—m ay be d ivid ed further into the cons idera tion of the res onant

gap and of the res onant w indow .

Cons id e rable da ta have been ob ta in ed

in the 3-cm band on the res onant gap fo s hapes that have been thought

proper for th e optim um comprom is e betw een QLZ a nd cry s ta l protection.

As w ill be s een in Chap. 6 the experim enta tion on cry s tal protection has

not been extens ive enough to pred ict the bes t s hape of the res onant gap.

Fu rther res ea rch s hould be con ducted on this problem us ing w a velen gths

near 3 cm at firs t, becaus e a s tart has a lready been m ade there, and then

later us ing other band s becaus e the frequency dependence of the gas -

d is charge phenomena is not y et clearly unders tood . The remaining

linear problem in regard to the abs orptio los s in the res onant gap is not

importan t at pres en t. The abs orption los s due to tw o or three gaps is

us ually les s than 0.1 to 0.2 db if the gaps are carefully s old ered ,

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In the res onant w indow , abs orption los s is im portan t. It has been

s een in Sec. 3 .10 that the los s is 0 .20 db or m ore in w indow s w ith QLZ

equal to 2.1 or grea ter. It is d es irable to us e narrow er w indow s than

are us ed at pres en t w ithou t s acrifici g on abs orption los s and w ithou t

increas ing QL, too much . An improvem ent of thew indow in w hich the

abs orption los s is d ecreas ed d em and s new d ielectric m ateria ls that have

low e r in trins ic los s es .

Tw o pos s ib le materia ls are quartz and m ica;

quartz becaus e it has es pecia lly low los s , and m ica becaus e it can be

cleaved s o thin that its los s es a e un im~ortant.

These pos s ib ilitie s

w ill be d is cus s ed further in a la ter s ection d evoted to the fabrica tion

of bandpas s TR tubes and tube parts .


1. H, A. LEITER: “ A Nficrowave Band pass Filter in Waveguide, ” RL Repor t 814,

Nov. 16, 1945.

2. R. M. FANO and A. W. LAWSON:Chaps. 9 a nd 10, Vol. 9, Radia t ion Labora tory


3. P. M. MARCUS: ‘‘ The Interact ion of Discontinuit ies on a Transmission Line, ”

ILL Repor t 930, Dec. 1, 1945.

4. M. D FISKE: “A Broadband TR Switch , ” GE Resea rch L b. R por t , Oct . 18,


5. W. R. SMYTHE:St a tic and Dynamic E lect r icit y, McGraw-H ill, New York, 1936, pp.

219, 366.

6. E . A. GU ILLEMIN:Communica tion Networks, Vol. II, Wiley, New York, 1935.


“ F requ en cy Ch ar act er ist ics of Sin gle a nd

Mult iple Lumped Circuit s in Transmission Lines, ” GE Research Lab. Repor t ,

May 25, 1945.

8. M. D, FISKE: per sona l communica t ion .

9. L. D. SMULLIN:“S-band Bandpass TR Tubes,” RL Repor t 971, Dec. 1, 1945.

10. W. C. CALDWELL:“ X-band Bandpass TR Tube,” RL Repor t 970, J an , 22, 1946,

11. M. D. F ISKE a n d ANN D. WARNER:“ Memor an dum on Design Dat a for Reson an t

Aper tu res in the Broad Band XTR,” GE Research Lab. Repor t , Aug. 6, 1945.

12. C. Y. h fENG: Ra dia tion La bor ator y Da ta .

13. J . C. SLATER: Micr owa oe Tr an sm ission , McGr aw-H ill, h’ew Yorkj 1943, pp.


14. M. D. F ISKE : “ Reson an t Wir idows for Vacuum Sea ls in Rect angu la r Wavegu ides, ”

GE Rese rch Lab. Repor t , Feb. 10, 1945.

15. R. N. HALL, “Resonant Slots and Waveguides Having Dumbbell-sh aped Cross

Sect ion ,” GE Resea rch Lab. Repor t, F eb. 18, 1943.

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This chapter w ill be res tricted to the d is tinctive a s pects of the ATR

s w itch , s ince m uch of the m ateria l a lread y pres en ted in connection w ith

the TR sw itch applies d irectly to the ATR circu it. The d is cus s ion w ill

be further res tricted to the cons id era tion of the ATR sw itch as an

is ola ted circu it com ponen t; the d epend ence of d uplexer perform ance

on the ATR characteris tics w ill be cons id ered in Chap. 5 .

4 .1 . Equiva len t Circu its .—.4n ATR s w itch is a d evice w h ich , p laced

in s eries w ith the trans mitter line, has z ero im peda ce a t h igh level and

in fin ite im ped ance at low level, and w h ich , connected acros s the trans -









-- Antenna ;


: Transmitter --













F IG. 4.1.—ATR swit ch a t low level; (a ) ca vit y a nd t ra nsm it ter lin e in cr oss sect ion ; (b)

equivalent circuit .

m is s ion line, gives an in fin ite im ped ance at h igh level and a z ero im ped -

ance at low level. Either the s hunt or the s eries arrangemen t fu lfills

the requ iremen ts of an ATR sw itch . Th is sw itch is requ ired to perm it

the flow of pow er from the trans mitter tow a rd the antenna , bu to is ola te

the trans mitter from the res t of the circu it d uring reception .

More accura tely , a s ection of transm is s ion line w ith an ATR sw itch

m oun ted on one s id e as in Fig. 4 . la s hou ld be cons id ered , a t low level, as

a four-term ina l netw ork . The ATR s w itch is then adequately d es cribed

if its buhavior is k now n in term s of m eas uremen t made at the tw o

pa irs of term ina ls , A and B All th e n eces s a ry electrica l in forma tion

is available if he im pedance at A, for a k now n impedance at 1?, can be

ra lr (Ila ted . Such a circu it can be repres en ted at one frequency as a

T-netw ork s im ilau to that of Fig. 4 .lb .


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An ATR sw itch is us ually s ymmetrica l about s om e plane MM’, and

if th e referen ce pla nes A and B are tak en at an equal d is tance on either

s ide, the eq ivalent T-netw ork is a ls o s ymmetrica l, and Z1 = Z8. It is

thus pos s ible to d es cribe an ATR sw itch in term s of tw o complex con-

s tants , Z, and ZZ. The values of thes e cons tants depend on the location

of the reference planes A and B. Thes e planes may be s o chos en as to

s implify th e equ iva len t circu it.

The end B is term inated in a m atched

load , and therefore, it is unneces sary to s pecify the exact location of the

B plane; then the ATR cavity is tuned to r s onance as ind ica ted by a

maximum s ta d in -w ave ratio measured at A. The reference plane A

is located at that poin t clos es t to the cavity w here the im pedance is real.

This poin t is us ually ve y clos e to the center line JVIJM’.

When the ATR cavity is mounted on the broad s id e of the w aveguide

it is s aid to form an -lI-pla ne junction w ith the w a veguid e, s ince the center

lines of cavity and w aveguicle lie in the plane of the electric vector. For

s uch a junction , the real im ped ance w h ich appears at A i h igh compared

w ith th e ch ara cteris tic tra nsm is s ion -lin e impedan ce.

The ATR cavity

its elf us ually pres ents a high impedance at the w indow at res onance,

high voltage acros s the w ind ow wh ich is in terpreted as a high im ped ance.

The high cavity im pedance may be verified by removing the cavity

from its s ide-arm mounting and connecting it to the end of a w aveguide

for impedance measurement. S ince th E-plane mountin leads to a

high impedance oppos ite the ATR cavity , the cavity acts s om ew hat as

though it w ere in s eries w ith the line at that poin t, and that junction is

referred to as a ‘i s eries junction. ”

An ATR cavity w hich is coupled

to a coaxia l line by means of an iris in the outer conductor behaves in a

s im ila r manner.

The reference planes have been chos en in the m anner ind icated , and

the values of the circuit cons tants of the equivalen t T-netw ork m ay now

be found . A cavi y mounted in the E-plane w ith the w indow flus h

w ith the w aveguide w all w ill be cons id ered f rs t. For th is cas e a carefu l

determ ination of thes e quantities has been made w ith a 1ow -Q ATR

cavity of the 11352ty pe for the 8-cm region .

The cavity w as tuned to

res onance at one w a velength , and the circuit cons tants w ere d eterm ined

for various w a~’elengths in th is region w ithout changing the tuning. It

w as found that in all cas es the real part of 22 w as about 300 tim es the

line im pedance, w hich meant that Z~ could , w ithin the lim its of experi-

m ental error, be cons id ered to be an open circuit; that is , the ATR cavity

could be accurately repres en ted as an im pedance in s eries w ith the line

at the reference poin t determ ined accord ing to the above conven tion .

In th is cas e, therefore, the naive conception of the s eries circuit is vind i-

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SEC. 41]



cated , a cond ition w hich is not at 011an obvious cons equence of the

comp lica ted field s ex is tin g a t th e ju nction .

The verifica tion of the s im ple s eries repres en ta tion of the ,?plane

mou ntin g grea tly s im plifies th e con ception of th e low -level ATR beh avior.

It perm its the defin ition of ZI + 23 as the ATR im pedance and , thr ugh-

ou t th is chapter and Chap. 7 , Z w ill be us ed to des igna te th is quan tity .

The value of Z and the pos ition of the reference plane gives all the im por-

tant in formation. Another im portan t convention w hich w ilf be us ed

throughout th is chapter and Chap. 7 follow s . If any particular im ped -

ance has been d efined by s om e s ubs cript s uch as s , the real and im aginary

com ponen ts w ill be d es ignat d as R, and X,. Thus Zs = R. + jX,.

The corres pond ing adm ittance w ill be Y ., = G, + jBs = 1/ 2 ,. The

reflection coefficient obtained by term inating a line of characteris tic

im pedance 20 in the im pedance Z, w ill be r, = (2s – 20)/ (2 , + 20),



>:. / .

TO receiver

an tennaline

To transmitter




FIG.4.2.—Equivalent circuit for an ATR

FIG. 43.-Equ iva len t circu it for ser ies


mount .

and the voltage s tand ing-w a ve ratio (WSWR) s et up by th is t rm ina tion

w ill be r, = (1 + lr,l)/ (1 — Ir.1). Unles s otherw is e s ta ted , it w ill be

as s um ed tha the im pedances us ed have been norm aliz ed w ith res pect

to the characteris tic line im pedance s o that 20 = 1.

If a matched load is connected at the reference point B , and the

im ped ance is m eas ured look ing in to A, Z is m erely th is im pedance m inus

one. Determ ined as a function of frequency , Z is us ually found to

follow a rather s im ple law . If 1 / 2 = Y = G + jB, it m us t follow from

the choice of reference plane that B = O at res onance. It is a ls o found

that G is cons tant w ith frequent y w hereas B varies a lm os t linearly over

a frequency range of a few per cent near res onance.

This behavior is

characteris tic of a s im ple s hunt- es onant circu it lik e that. of Fig. 4“2 .

On the bas is of the theory of res onan t cavities d eveloped in Chap. 2 ,

th is is jus t the circuit that w ould be expected for high-Q cavities . Even

w ith a cavity for w h ich the frequent y s ens itivity is k ept as low as pos s ible

(load ed Q of 5 or 10), the s im ple s hun t-res onant circu it is a s urpris ingly

good approxim ation . Hence, for an -E-pla ne junction , the four-term ina l

netw ork of Fig. 4 .1 m ay usually be reduced to the circuit of Fig. 4“3.

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[sm . 4.1

The data on the equivalent circuit cons tants of the 1B52 tube, w hich

have been mentioned , illus trate this behavior. For one tube, the con-

d uctance G, m eas w red at s even d ifferent w a velengths over a w a velength

~ (%)---

FIG. 44.-Suweptance of an ATR cavity.

band 6 pe~ cent w id e, r mai~ed

betw een 0.016 and 0.019, or nearly

con s ta nt w ith in expe rimen ta l e rror

The s us ceptance B for the s ame

tube is plotted in Fig, 4 .4 as a

function of the percentage w ave-

length dev ia tion AA/Ao from res o-

nance. The deviation AA is equal

to Al – XO w here Al is the w ave-

length at w hich B is measured and

XOis the w a velength at res onance.

The experim enta l poin ts are ind i-

ca ted as circles and the s olid line

is the bes t s traight line pas s ing

through the origin . It is clear that

B is very nearly linear w ith w avelength, - -

Since B is lin ear, th ree pa ram ters s uffice to d es cribe the ATR circu it

once the reference plane or electrica l cen ter of the tube has been es tab-

lis hed . Thes e quantities are the res onant w avelength xO, the cavity

conductance G, and the loaded Q, QL. This las t parameter may be

thought of as a means of s pecify -

ing the s lope of the curve of Fig.

44 accord ing to the expres s ion

B = –2(1 + G)QL ~ (1)

From thk defin ition it is s een that

QL is a ls o the Q of the circu it of

Fig. 4 .5 , obta ined by connecting

FIG.4 .5.—Load ed -Qf an A1’R cavity .

the ATR circuit of Fig. 4“2 to a matched genera tor. In this circu it the

total load ing is 1 + G and the s us ceptance is given by Eq. (1) w hen

AX/ kOis small.

For ATR measurements , the circuit of Fig. 4 .2 is a proximated if

the cavity is mounted at the end of a transm is s ion line and not on one

s id e. Although the behavior for this m ounting is w ell repres en ted by the

circu it of Fig. 4“5 , the values of the parameters may d iffer from thos e

for a s i e-m ounted tube. It is us ually m ore accurate, therefore, to m ak e

measurements w ith the tube mounted as it w ill e us ed in practice. For

a s eries -m ounted tube, m eas urem ents s hould be m ade us ing the circu it

of Fig. 4%a. The loaded Q of th is circuit is d ifferent from that given by

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SEC. 4.1]



Eq. (1) s ince the load ing is now (~ + G). The original definition is

reta ined , how ever, s ince it is d es ired to us e Q~ as a parameter that

characterizes the cavity ra ther

than the circu it in w h ich the cav t y

is us ed . With the circuit of Fig.

4.6a , therefore, ZI is m easured ;

then B, the imaginary part of

Y = 1/ (2 , – 1), is found ; then

Q. is evaluated by means of Eq.

(l). Even if th is is done, it s hould

not be as s umed that the s ame

value of Q~, or for that matter of

XOor G, w ill be found w hen the

cavity is mounted at the end of

a w a veguid e as fo the s id e m oun~

ing. For hi g h -Q cavities t e

agreem ent betw e en the d ifferent

ty pes of mounting may be fa irly

good , but in low -Q devices the

field in th e vicin it y of th e ju nction

mak es a n importa nt con tribu tion

to the cavity parameters w hich ,







therefore, d e end on the ty pe of junction .

It has been s een that an ATR cavity mounted on the w ide s id e of the

guid e effectively pla ces a high im ped ance in s eries w ith the transm is s ion

To antenna-

receiver line

To transmitter




FIG. 4.7.—Eqtiva len t circuit for shun t


line at res onance. As has already

been p o i n t e d out, how ever, a

cavity is equally effective if it

caus es a short circuit cros s the

line. If a cavity is mounted on

he narrow s id e of the w aveguide

n the s o-ca lled H-plane and the

rea l-im ped an ce poin t is loca ted a t

res onance as w as done for the

re fe rence poin t A, th is poin t w ill

agai be found clos e to the cen ter

line of the cavity , but its m agni-

ude w ill be very s mall com pared

w ith th e w avegu id e characte ris tic

m ped an ce. S ince th cavity its elf

is k now n to h ve a high im ped ance, there m us t be a ph as e revers al betw e en

the 11-plan~mounted cavit and the main w aveguide. Th is is equiv-

a lent to connecting the cavity acros s the main line through a s id e arm

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one-quarter w avelength long, as in Fig. 4“7 . Becaus e nearly all of the

w ork on broadband ATR circuits has been done w ith the E-plane m ount,



FIG.4,8 .—Equivalent circuits for a shunt-

moun ted cavity. (a ) Shunt -resonan t ele-

ment with h/4 line. (b) Ser ies resonan t

the experim enta l veri ica tion f

the circu it f Fig. 4 .7 for the H-

plane mount has not been as com -

plete as that for the E-plane.

Neverth eles s , for th e pres en t, th is

repres enta tion w ill be as s um ed to

b e va lid .

There is an alternative w ay of

repres enting t h e s h u n t mount

~vh ich es ta blis hes an in teres tin g

corres pondence w ith the s eries

mount. I Fig. 4.80 , the imped -

a nce of th e s h un t-res onan t circu it

w ith a quarter-w a velength line is


In Fig. 4 .8b the im ped ance of the s eries -res onant circu it is

‘2 ‘R’+++

In ord er to have Z, = Zz it is neces s ary only that R’ = G, L’ = C,

C’ = L. If each circuit is conn cted to a m atched generato , the load ed

Q’s w ill be the s am e, for the conductance load ing on the shunt circu it is

then 1 + G and Q~ = C~/ (1 + G). S im ilarly , the loaded Q of the s eries

circu it is L’w / (1 + R’) = Q.. Furthermore,

4=&, =-&=w o>

and the three circuit param eters are th erefore rela ted by

Thus the E-plane m ount can be repres en ted as a s hunt-res onant circu it

in s eries w ith the line, w h ile the H-plan e corres pond s to a s eries -res ona nt

circu it in s hunt w ith the line.

A very us efu l equiva lence betw een the tw o ty pes of mount is illus -

tra ted in Fig. 4 .9 . For the s eries mount, Z, = Z + 21 and for the

s hunt mount, ZI has the s ame alue s ince

z1=&2=Y, =Y’+ Y,=&+& =2+2*.

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A ser ies moun t can eviden t ly be made equiva len t to a shunt mount by

shift ing the ATR circuit one- ua r ter wavelength a long the line, provided

the effect ive ATR impedance Z is the s ame in either case. If an actua l



z, -

Z*- Z3+


- z’




+ A,/2 .-l






z, -


(a )


FIG. 4.9.—Equ iva lence of shun t and ser ies moun t ing.

(a ) Ser ies moun t with k/2 line,

(b) Shun t mount wit h A/4 lin e.

cavity were moved from the ser ies posit ion to a shun t posit ion one-

quar ter wavelength down the line, the observed impedance

21 w ould

change s om ew hat becaus e of changes


~~ - E L

. J L ’

1! 2



in tuning, in QL, and ao forth .

- I : L


1 ~- 2











(a) (b)

Fm .

4.10.—(a) Equiva lent circu it of E-plane junct ion .

(b ) Equ iva lent cir cu it of H-p lane


Howe ver, the correct pos ition s for locating s eries and s hunt ATR ca vities

relative to the TR junction alw ay s d iffer by one-quarter w avelength

plus the small correction due to the s hift of the reference plane.

Becaus e of th is equiva lence, the parameters for the s huntimounted

cavity can be meas ured in the s ame manner as that d es cribed for the

s eries cas e. For the s hunt mount the impedance m eas ured at the refer-

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ence poin t A is Z2, and its reciproca l Z I corres pond s to the im ped ance

m eas ured at A w ith a s eries mount.

If a cavity is mounted on a s id e arm at a d is tance from the main

transm is s ion line, the cavity and the junction may be cons id ered s epa-

ra tel y . It has been show n els ew here that a s im ple w aveguid e junction

of th is k ind in w hich the s id e arm m ak es an angle of 90° w ith the tw o arm s

of the main w avegu id e may be repres en ted , a t any given w avelength ,

y the circu its of Figs . 4“10a and b for E- and H-plane junctions res pec-

tively . 1 The term ina ls of the main w avegu id e are referred to the plane

of s y mmetry and thos e of the s id e arm to the w all of the main w avegu id e

as ind icated by the brok en lines in the s k etch . Actually any m eas ure-

m en ts mus t be made in the ~vavegu id e one-ha lf or one w avelength back

from thes e pos itions becaus e the field s are qu ite d ifferent in the region

of th e jun ction .

For a w avegu id e of i terna l im ens ions 0 .4 0 in . by 0 .900 in ., and

for a free-s pace w a velength of 3 .20 cm , the va lues of the circu it elem en ts

of Figs . 4 .10a and b are given in Table 4“1. One of the elem en ts B . is

iven as a s us ceptance and the others as reactance Xc, X6 , . . The


E-plane junct ion

H-plane junct ion

B. = –0.096

x. = 0.17

x, =


x, =


x. = –4,85

xc = –1,04

X. = –0.56

x, =


umbers repres en t va lues w h ch have been norm alized w ith res pect to

the line im ped ance. It s hou ld be rem em bered that s uch a repres en ta ti n

is valid on ly at one frequency and tha t the behavior as a function of

frequency is not neces sarily given by s uch a s im ple circuit.

To find the comple e circu it of the cavity on the s id e arm , it is neces -

s ary on ly to connect to term ina ls (3) a transm is s ion line of the length of

the s id e arm , term inated in Z, w hich is the impedance of the cavity as

m eas ured at the end of a s tra igh t w avegu id e.

Neglecting the rea l part

of Z, jX, can be the im pedance of the s id e arm and cavity as it is seen

look ing back at the cavity from term ina ls (3). The va lue of X. s hou ld

be ad jus ted to caus e an open circu it in the line betw een term ina ls (1)

and (2); that is ,

++ 1

Xd +x,=




for an E-pla ne ju nction .

The impedance s een at term ina ls (l), how ever, w ill not be in fin ite

ecaus e of the adm ittance jBa . Hence, in term s of the conven tion

s ta ted above for the reference plane, A w i l not appear at the cen ter of

1RL Serie s ,vol. 10 .

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SEC. 4.2]



the unction to w h ich the term ina ls (1) are referred , bu t w ill be d is placed

to the left an amount 1 w here B . = tan (27rl/ &). For the cons tants

given in Table 4 .1 , 1 = 0.027 in .

Th is s hift of the electrica l cen ter from

the geom etrica l cen ter s eem s to be grea ter f or a s im ple w a veguid e T-ju nc-

tion than for a flus h-m ounted cavity .

4 .2 . Genera l Cons id era tions of Des ign and Tes ting.-In th is d is cus -

s ion of the des ign of an ATR sw it h , it w ill be neces s ary to mak e us e of

s om e of the res ults of Chap. 7 , in regard to the d epend ence of duplexing

los s es on the ATR impedance. It is s how n there that the los s d epend s

on both the conduc ance G and the s us ceptance B of the cavity , s o that

the res u lts obta ined over a band of frequencies d epend on all three

param eters ho, Q., and G.

For a fixed -tuned cavity , k “ is us ua lly s et near the cen ter of the band ;

and for a tunable cavi y , it is s e t a t the opera ting w avelength . As the

los ses a lm os t inevitably increas e \ rith t e s us ceptance, B is k ept as s mall

as pos s ible . For a tunable cavity th is is eas y , but for a fixed -tuned

cavity op ra ting over a band of frequencies , it m eans that QL mus t be

made as low as pos s ible to reduce the los s es at the edge of the band .

For a tunable cavity w hich is a lw ay s opera ted at res onance, the

maximum los s in d ec bels , accord ing to S ec. 7 .5 , is L = 20 loglo a w here

inpu t v oltage


a = output voltage

For s uch a cavity it is neces sary , therefore, that G be as s mall as pos s ible .

For a fixed -tuned cavity , how ever, there is us ua lly an o tim um value of G

w hich is s omew hat vague s ince it d epend s partly on w hat s ort of los s

d is tribu tion is acceptable. The m axim um pos s ib e los s , for a given ATR

impedance, is us ua lly d eterm ined by the rea l part, R = G/ (G2 + B2),

accord ing to a = 1 + (1 / 2R). If G is made either too small or too large,

the maximum los s es w ill be high . Setting G equal to the va lue of B

at the band ed ge m inim izes the m axim um los s , but a cons id erably s maller

value of G w ill us ually be preferred becaus e of the los s at other poin ts .

The m eas urem ent of R is a rather conven ient m ethod of d eterm ining

the cavity parameters . An ad jus table s hort-circu iting plunger may be

placed as show n in Fig. 4 .6b and the impedance Z1 of the combina tion

obs e ved ; the plunger ad ds a variable reactance X’ to the im ped ance of a

s eries -m oun ted ATR sw itch s o that Z I = R + jX + jX’. The res ulting

voltage s tand ing-w ave ra tio is leas t w hen X + X’ = O and is then equal

to R. Hence, to eva lua te R it is neces s ary on ly to read the s tand ing-

w ave ra tio w hen the plunger is ad jus ted to mak e it (SWR) a m in imum .

Thk is a ls o true for a shunt-mounted cavity .

The res onan t w a velength k , is that w a velength at w h ich R is greates t .

Furthermore, G = l/ R at th is poin t. If G is k now n, B can be found

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at any w avelength by meas uring R ==G/ (G2 + B2), w hence

If B is k now n as a function of frequency , Q. can be found from Eq. (l).

It is im por an t to notice that the m eas urement of R by the plunger

m ethod (Fig. 4 .6 fJ) is a m uch m ore s en sitiv m eth od of d eterm in ing sm all

va lues of B and , hence, a ls o k Othan that involving the us e of a m atched

load (Fig. 4 .6a). To unders tand th is let r, and rz repres en t the v ltage

s tand ing-w ave ra tios w hich mus t be meas ured in the tw o method s . At

res onance the VS WR m eas ured in the plunger experim ent is rz = R = 1/ G

w hile tha t m eas ured w ith a matched load is rl = 1 + l/ G. S ince G

is us ually qu ite s mall, rl and 72 have about the s am e va lue at res onance.

arther from res onance, how ever, r, fa lls off m uch m ore rapid ly than r,,

for the impedance meas ured in the la tter cas e is Z, = Z + 1 and the

re flec ion coe fficien t is

Z,–1 1

rl=z , +l

.— ,


+=11+ 2YI=<(I +2G)2+4BZ=(1+2G)


If on ly va lues of B and G w hich are small compared w ith one are co -

s ide red , then

1-= 1 + 2 G) [ 1 + 2 ( + d






l+G+ 1+2G .

TI = —=

1 ._ ~




‘+ 1+2G


G + B“



G2 + B2”

As B increa ses , rz begins to d ecreas e appreciably as s oon as B’ becomes

comparable w ith G2. No appreciable change occurs i rl how e er,

until B2 com pares w ith G. Hence the plunger m ethod for determ in ing

res onance is m ore s ens itive by a factor of I/ G.

Th is comparis on of r, and rt a ls o s how s that a meas urement of the

s tand ing-w ave ra tio look ing pas t an ATR cavity w ith a matched load

bey ond is a very ins ens itive check on its perform ance. The perform ance

is ind icated by R w hich gives the maximum 10SSand R ca n becom e

qu ite sma ll b efore r, d rop s a pprecia bly .

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SEC. 4.2]



If G is k now n and R is m eas ured at the tw o end s of the band , a good

check can be made on the perform nce of the ATR sw itch over the band .

It w ill be s een from the res u lts of S ec. 7“10 tha t s etting a low er lim it

on R fixes the maximum los s , and s etting an upper lim it on G ens ures

tha t for mos t transm itter im pedances the los s w ill be sma ll com pared

w ith the maximum . Th is ind ica tes tha t ATR cavities can be tes ted by

m eas uring the SWR at the cen ter of the band us ing a matched load and

at the tw o end s us i g a s hort-circu iting plunger ad jus ted for m in im um

SWR. The us e of the matched load to mak e the SWR as nearly ind e-

penden t of frequency as pos s ible is the bes t m ethod of m eas uring G.

In th is w ay it w ou ld probably be pos s ible to tes t tubes by meas uremen t

a t the nom inal cen ter freq ency w ithout the neces s ity of loca ting the

res onant frequency . The plunger ad jus tm ent in the band -ed ge m eas ure-

m ents w ould be aid ed by a d irection al cou pler to m ea s ure th e reflected

pow er. It mus t be adm itted that thes e tes ts , a lthough s ens itive, m ight

b e ra th er s low for prod uction ch eck in g.

It is convenien t to k now that w ha tever d es ign is us ed for cavity and

junction , it is a lw ay s pos s ible to tune the cavity s o as to get complete

is ola tion betw een the tw o branches of the transm itter line provid ed

on ly tha t the los s es are sma ll enough to be neglected . Th is is read ily

proved if it i a s sum ed that the junction is a perfectly genera l netw ork

w ith three pairs of term ina ls , and tha t the A’17R cavity can be ad jus ted

to prod uce any d es ired reactance at one pa ir.

If the term inals ar labeled (1), (2 ), (3 ), the curren ts and voltages

a t the various term ina ls a e rela ted by the equa tions


Ei =



(i = 1 , 2 , 3 ).



If an im pedance z repres en ting the ATR cavity is connected to the

number (3) term inals , then E3 = —z ls and the las t of Eqs . (2 ) becom es

23111+ 23212+ (233+ 2)13 = o.

If th is is us ed to elim ina te 1 , from the firs t tw o of Eqs . (2 )

The coefficien ts of II and 12 are the elemen ts z~j of the im pedance

m atrix of the 4-term inal netw ork d erived from the origina l 6-term inal

netw ork by connect ng z to one pair of term inals . The cond ition tha t

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there be no coupling betw een term inals (1) and (2) is z~j = O, that is ,

All the elements z ii are purely imaginary s ince there is no los s in the

netw ork and there is , therefore, a s olution z of this equation w hich is

purely imaginary provid ed z13# O and z23# O. The las t tw o con-

d itions m erely s ta te that th re m us t be coupling betw een arm s(1) and (3)

and betw een arm s (2) and (3). Granting th is , there is a reactance w h ich ,

w hen plac d at (3), res ults in no coupling betw een (1) and (2).

Th e d es ign of tunable ATR sw itches us ually pres en ts no particu larly

new problem s compared w ith the corres pond ing TR sw itch . The s ame

electrod es may be uw d and the cavity can be s im ilar except for having

one w indow ins tead of tw o. Where s epara te tubes and cavities are

us ed , the s ame tube can usually be us ed for either a TR or an ATR sw itch

although it is unneces s ary to provid e any k eep-a live curren t for the

ATR tube.

The coupling w indow is us ually made larger in an ATR cavity s ince

the high Q. often us ed for TR cavities is undes irable. As the w indow

opening is increas ed , it becom es neces s ry to m ove the electrod es clos er

to the main w aveguide until finally the electrodes are in the plane of

the w aveguide w all. Further reduction of Q. can be accomplis hed by

in reas ing the electrode gap until, as in mos t low -Q tubes , the only

electrod es are the ed ges of the w ind ow .


In any applica tion of a fixed -tuned ATR cavity to a frequency band

about one per cen t w ide or gre ter, the a tta inment of a s u fficien tly

low Q. becomes the paramount problem of the low -level d es ign . The

effectivenes s of an ATR sw itch d epend s on the s ubs titu tion at low

level of a high impedance for the low impedance produced by the arc

a t high level. At m icrow ave frequencies a high impedance can be

obta ined only by s om e s ort of s tub or cavity s ince a s im ple “open circu it”

caus es rad ia tion. Any s uch cavity mus t s tore a certa in amount of r-f

energy w hich mak es a contribu tion to the load ed Q. Further energy

ay be s tored in the electrod es , the glas s w indow , and the w aveguide

junction . The L and C of our equiva le t circuit repres en t all th is

re active en ergy lumped togeth er.

The mos t obvious w ay to mak e an open circu it is by means of a w ave

guid e one-quarter w a velength long, s hort-circu ited at the far end . When

s uch a “quarter-w avelength s tub” is mounted on the s id e of a trans -

m is s ion line, it effectively is ola tes the tw o ends .

Of cours e, the l~gth

of the s tub, m eas ured from the ins id e w a ll of the w a veguid e, is not exactly

one-quarter w avelength becaus e the junction is not an idea l s eries or

s hunt circu it. The s tub length to give an open circu it can be found by

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experim en t, or it can be calculated if the circuit cons tants are k now n

for the equivalent circuit of the junction .

If a w indow is s ea led to the opening of the s tub flus h w ith the w all

of the main w avegu ide and the res ulting tube filled w ith gas at low

res s ure, the arc d is charge acros s the w indow at high level gives con-

tinuity to the m ain w a veguid e.

Mos t of the fixed -tuned tubes have been

built in th is m anner.

If a glas s w indow is added to a quarter-w avelength s tub, the w indow

can ca us e an a pprecia ble change in the a dm ittance.

Compen s ation ca n

be made for th is by changing the length of the s tub, or by proper es ign

the w indow can be made “res onant” s o as to add no s us ceptance to the

s tub. A res onant w indow is one w hich has been des igned to give no

reflections w hen placed acros s a w aveguid e.

The des ign of s uch a

w indow is the s am e as that for a broadband TR tube, and from the low -

level point of view the important problem is to k eep the s us ceptance as

low a s pos s ib le .

S ince the change of ATR im pedance w ith frequency is s uch a s erious

problem , an effort is m ade to effect an im provem ent by us ing m ore than

one res onant elem ent, as is done in the broad -band TR tube. It w ill be

s een in Chap. 5 that good res u lts can be obtained by us ing tw o or m ore

res onant elem ents s paced along the trans m itter line.

As each of thes e

requires a s eparate arc gap or w indow , it is preferable to us e a netw ork

w hich is connected to the transm itter line at on ly a s ingle junction .

Nothing is gained , how ever, by add ing add itional reactive elem ents to a

s ingle junction , for Fos ter’s reactance theorem s tates that the curve of

s us ceptance vers us frequency for any purely re ctive phy s ical netw ork

has a pos itive s lope. It is , therefore, im pos s ible to add

any pure s us -

ceptance w hich w ill reduce the rate of change over the band .

Som ething m ight be accom plis hed by add ing res onant elem ents w ith

appreciable d is s ipation , but there m ay be s om e d ifficu lty in int red ucing

s ufficient los s to obtain the neces s ary negative s ]ope of the s us ceptance

curve w ithout at the s am e tim e increas ing the cavity conductance

unduly . S ince no s uch netw ork is k now n at pres ent, it w ill be as s umed

that the problem is to m inim ize ~. by k eepin g the frequ ency s ens itivity

of each elem ent of the ATR circuit as s mall as pos s ible.

4 .3 . Low -Q ATR Sw itches . -It w as s ugges ted in Sec. 4 ,2 that the

various elem ents of an ATR circu it—the cavity , the w indow , and the

junction—all contribu te to QL . It is not pos s ible to calculate all of

thes e; bu t, by mak ing s om e as s um ptions about the equivalent circuit

and us ing experim ental res ults , the rela tive im portance of the d ifferent

elem ents can be appreciated and it can be s een w hy s uch high values of

Q. are obs erved .

For a w aveguide A’I’R s w itch m a e up of a quarter-w avelength s tub

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and a res onant w ind ow , the equivalen t circu it can be d erived by w riting

dow n the circu it for a T-junction and connecting to it the w indow and

the s tub. Th is involves the as s umption that the three components can

be trea ted as d is tinct even though s om e higher-m od e interaction, at leas t

betw een the w indow and the junction, m ight be expected .

For an E-pla ne jun ction the s us cepta nce B. of Fig. 4 .10a is very s mall

(Table 4 .1), and its contribution to Q.t can be neglected . The s tub

reactance X,, w h ich is connected to term inals (3) at res onance, is given

by Eq. (2) w hich becom es X, = – X. – xd = 5.41. S ince th i is in

s eries w ith X~ an is large com pared w ith it, xd w ill be neglected .

The junction s us ceptance w ill be called Bj = – I/ X., the w indow

susceptance Bm, and the s tub s us ceptance B, = —1/ X,. There is s ome

ques tion as to w hether the w indow , w hich is a ls o in s eries w ith arms

(1) and (2), s hould be s how n as connected acros s X= plus X,, or con -








Fx~. 4.11.—Circui t for calculat ing QL for a low-Q ATR sw itchfrom the parametersof a


netted on ly to X,. Thes e tw o pos s ibilities are s how n in Fig. 4 .11.

They are equ iva len t, for by neglecting G in Eq. (l), QL can be defined as


.=+ ‘~xO=–~B’,

where B k the tota l s us ceptance in s eries betw een arm s (1) and (2),


B’ k

the logarithm ic derivative of B. Let Bl = B. + Bj, then in

Fig. 4 .lla



X, –


B, + Bw

If the deriva tive of th is is tak en and it is rem embered that B, + Bw = O

at res onance, B’ = B( + B;. In Fig. 4 .1 lb

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If the s tub and w indow are each tuned to res onance s eparately , B , = O,

a nd a ga in B’ = B{ + B:. In either cas e

B’=B:+B; +B;

and the QL of the ATR sw itch is therefore in ependen t of X~ and is the

s um of the ind ividual Q’s of s tub, junction , and w indow .


w indow placed acros s a s tra ight s ection of w avegu id e. The s tub Q is

eas ily calcula ted if the s tub length 1 is k now n .

For, if





B, = – cot 0 .


If th e familia r w a vegu id e equ ation ,

is d ifferen tia ted w it res pect to A, there res ults


ix ~a

Q .




s ince the cutoff w avelength k . is a cons tan t w hich depend s only on the

s iz e of the w a veguid e. Tak ing the logarithm ic d eriva tive,


1=~% _%.


dh – h“




B;=t?’csc20 =-0 ;




. =$0 ~2csc20.


It is not s o eas y to calcu la te the junction Q s ince the frequency

d epen dence of


is not k now n. For the sus ceptance Bi of a s im ple

capacitive iris acros s a s tra ight w avegu ide B: = – (&/h) ‘Bi. Since

Bj s hould behave in approxim ately the s am e fas hion , B; can be w ritten

as B; = —a(X~/X) ‘Bj w here a is a factor w hich should be of the ord er of

one. S ince Bi = – B,,

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and , by us ing Eq. (4)


Qi=~ ~ ‘Coto.


By us ing experim ental va lues for the other quantities , a can be

ty pe of s w itch m entioned previous ly . The obs erved values are AO,t?,Q.,

and Qw . Equation (5) is us ed to calculate ~, and Q, is calculated by

Eq. (7). BY s etting Q] = Q. – (Q. + Q,), Qj is found , after w h ich Eq.


ATR Sw lm H

Ao (k ,/ A)’ e

Q. Q. Q. Qi a


1.49 0,82 4.7

2.0 1,2




1.65 1,06


2.0 1.2

0.7 1.5




4.1 2.0




(8) s uffices to determ ine a. The fact that a is s om ew hat greater than one

can be explai ed if Bj is cons id ered as the s um of tw o s us ceptances of

oppos ite s ign . The e w ould give a greater varia tion w ith frequency

than the s im ple elem ent that w as as s um ed . The data in Table 4 .2

ind icate that all three com ponen ts m ak e a s ignificant contribution to

Q. although the w indow accoun ts for nearly half. The fact that the

ju nction con tribu tes to ~. and tha ~. depend s m ark ed ly on the ty pe of

junction w a s noted by S am uel, Crand ell, and Clark of the Bell Telephone

Laboratories . 1

Their m eas urem ents w ere m ad e on a low -Q, fixed -tuned

ATR tube for us e at w avelengths betw een 3.13 and 3.53 cm . S ince the

electrod es w ere d es igned es pecia ll for better firi g and low er arc los s ,

the Q. w as s omew hat higher than that quoted in Table 4 .2 . Table 43

gives the values of ~. for a tube of the s am e ty pe mounted in d ifferent

fas hions . The tota l change in B o~rer the w avelengt band , w hich is the



90° E-plane ; 90° H-plane ~ 120° fI-plaHc

Combin ed TR

IZnd on




a nd ATR


~ junction

l—— –-——-


average value of B’ over the band rather than its value at the center, w as

us ed to determ ine QL. The 90° junction has the ATR cavity mounted

on one s ide of a s traight s ection of w aveguide. In the 120° vers ion the

1 A. L. Samuel, C. F. (’randell, and J . 13. (la rk, “ Broadband TR and Ant i-TR

t ubes,” NDR , Div. 14, Repor t No. 402, Sept em ber 30, 1944.

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SEC. 4.4]



axes of the cavity and the tw o w aveguid e arm s all m ak e equal angles

w ith one another. T e combined TR-ATR junction cons is ts of a 120°

H-plane junction for the TR branch w ith the ATR cavity mounted on the

axis f the junction as s how n in Fig. 816 in Chap. 8 . It is im portan t

to notice that the 90° E-plane T-junction has the low es t Q. of any

junc ion s how n , a lthough the va lue for the 120° E-plane junction m igh t

be in teres ting if k now n .

It has been cus tom ary to tune the w ind w to the res onant frequency

of th ATR sw itc on the as s umption that th is w ou ld give the low es t QL .

If the w indow s us ceptance d iffers from z ero at the frequency w here

res on an ce is d es ired , it is n eces s ary for th e ca vity to in trod uce an oppos ite

s us ceptance. Although the tw o s us ceptances have oppos ite s igns , their

d eriva tives a lw ay s have the s am e s ign , and th is w ould be expected to

in creas e QL.

Som e data bearing on th is ques tion w ve tak en in an effort to d eter-

m ine the f as ibility of d es ign ing a s w itch to opera te at w a velengths in the

neighborhood of 8 .45 cm w ith w indow s w hich w ere ava ilable on ly a t

res onant w avelengths of 9 .1 cm or 10.7 cm . It w as d es ired to compare

thes e w indow s w ith one tuned to 8 .45 cm , bu t the on ly one ava ilable

for the experim en t w as tuned to 8.3 cm . Table 4“4 gives the va lues of

Q. for each w indow w ith the ATR sw itch tuned to res onance at 8 .45 cm

in each cas e by ad jus ting the s tub length to cance the w indow s us -


Reson an t wa velen gt h of win dow (cm )

Over-all QL



9.1 6.5




Unfortuna tely , no data w ere tak en for w indow s tuned to

s horter w a velengths , bu t thos e ava ilable con firm the as s um ption that ~L

is leas t w he th w indow is tuned to the res onance poin t of the ATR


4 .4 . ATR Sw itches in Us e.—In review ing the .4TR sw itches tha t

have been in actua l u s e, it is na tural to d ivid e them in to tw o groups—the

tunable and the fixed tuned . Thes e s ame groups cou ld a ls o be ca lled

h igh-Q and low -Q res pectively s ince there have been no high-Q flxed -

tuned circu its or 1ow -Q tunable circu its . The cavity of the h igh-Q

sw itch is s epara te from the electrod e tube. The tube is the s am e as

tha t u s ed in the corres pond ing TR s w itch , and the cavity is s im ilar to the

TR cavity except for having but one w indow . The low -Q tube com -

pris es cavity and electrodes in one un it. It has a w indow of the s ame

ty pe as the fixed -tuned TR tube but d oes not us e the extra gaps .

The t nable cavities have been us ed at 3 -cm and longer w avelengths

bu t not at 1 .25 cm . The reas ons for th is are partly h is torica l s ince the

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[SEC. 4.4

fixed -tuned cavities and 1.25-cm s y s tem s w ere both d eveloped more

recen tly . S y s tem s developed s ince the fixed -tuned cavities became

a va ila ble h ave u sed th em a lmos t exclu s ively .

Few data are available on the us e of ATR s w itches in coaxia l circu its

although such us e is quite feas ible . One sw itch des cribed in Chap. 8 ,

although id entica l in des ign w ith a coaxia l ATR sw itch , is d ifferent in



IG. 4.12.—Cross sect ion of the 3-cm wide-range ATR switch .

In the 10-cm region the 721A and 1B27 tubes have been us ed in

tunable ATR circuits for w avegu ide as have the 724A and B tubes at

3 cm . An experimen tal tube for 3 cm w as bu ilt by the Wes tinghous e

Manufacturing Com pany to tune over a w id er range than tha available

w ith the usual cavities for 724 tubes . It w as s im ilar to the 1B24 TR

tube but had a larger input w indow and no ou put w indow . Another

tube corres pond ing to the 1B26 w as built by the s ame company for 1.25

cm . Neither of thes e tubes w as put in to prod uction b caus e of the ad vent

of the fixed -tuned tubes . It s hou ld be noticed that TR tubes , s uch as

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SEC. 4.4]



the 1B24 and 1B26, s hou ld not be us ed as ATR tubes w ithou t increas ing

the s iz e of the input w indow . The high Q. of thes e tubes lead s to a high

value of the conductance. An ATR tube made by s hort-circuiting the

ou tput w indow of a 1B24 tube, for example, w ould have G = 0.3 w hich

could res ult in a los s as high as 1.2 db. For the s im ilar ATR tube w ith

the larger w indow mentioned above, G = 0.055 w hich w ould k eep the

los s below 0.23 d b.

A 3-cm ATR cavity w hich w as des igned for tuning over a band 12 per

cent w id e is of s om e in teres t here as a lm os t the on ly tunable circu it, that

is much d ifferent from thos e d is cus s ed in Chap. 2 . Such cavities w ere

d eveloped at Ra diation La boratory and at Bell Teleph on e La bora tories

at about the s am e tim e. Previous cavities us ing the 724 tubes w ere tuned

by ind uctive s crew s in the m agnetic plane w h ich perm itted a frequency

range of about 2 per cen t, .i tuning s crew is us ually m uch m ore effective




0 .

plun gerpeningninches


FIG.4.13.—Tuning curve of the 3-cm wide-ran gecavity.

if us ed as a capacitive elem ent.

In an ord inary cavity us ing tubes of

the 724 ty pe, how ever, m os t of the capacitance is in the electrod es w h ich

are fixed . In the pres en t d evice a s econd res onant circu it is form ed

by extend ing th cavity in the d irection of the m agnetic plane and add ing

a capacitive plunger as s how n in the s k etch of the Rad ia tion Labora tory

des ign in Fig. 4 .12. S ince both circu its are in the s am e cavity , they are

tigh tly coupled and only one res onant m od e is obs erved w ithin the tuning

range of 3 .10 to 3.50 cm . The curve of Fig. 4 .13 s how s the res onant

w avelength as a function of the d is tance betw een the end of the plunger

and the bottom of the cavity . The cavity is mounted w ith s hunt

coupling to w aveguide of 0“.400 in . by 0.900 in . ID w ith the w indow

opened to the fu ll heigh t of the guide and w id th of the cavity . Th is

gives G = 0.10 at 3 .5 -cm w avelength and G = 0.05 at 3 . l-cm w avelength .

F@m e 4.14 is an exterior view of the Rad iation Labora tory m od el.

The fixed -tuned cavities w h ich have s o far been put in to m anufacture

cons is t of a quarter w avelength of w aveguide w ith a s hort circu it a t

Page 146: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers



t ub e d e s -

















S ,

S ,



S s l




















T ra nsmit t er ba n d

3 ,1&3 .33cm

3,3&3 .53cm

3700-3550Me/ see

355&3400Mc/ see

3400-3250Me/ see

325W31OOMe/ se e

3100-3000Me/ see

300W2900Me/ see

2900-2800Mc/ se e

2800-2700Me/ see































Measur ed va lues

















d imensions , in.

0.170 X 0. 20

0.400 x 0.900

0.400 x 0.900

1 340 x 2.340


1.340 X 2. 40

1.340 x 2.840



GE, Sylvania

GE , Sylvan ia

GE, Sylvan ia






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SEC, 44]



one end and a res onant w indow at the other end . The 3 -cm and l-c

tubes includ e a gas res ervoir m ade by extend ing the w aveguide bey ond

the s hort-circu iting pla te. The la tter has a s mall hole w h ich allow s the

gas to circu la te bu t d oes not a ffect the

electrical properties .

An outline of the characteris tics

The transm itter band denotes the

range of frequencies covered by the

corres pond ing transm itting t u b es ,

Ko defin ite band s can be as s igned to

the ATR tubes s ince the us able band

depend s on the amoun t of los s tha t

can be tolera ted and the number of

ATR tubes us ed . The meas ured

va lu es of G and Q~ refer to repres en ta -

tive va lues of m eas urements m ade at

Rad ia tion Labora tory and at Evans

S i g n a 1 Labora tory . The s pecified

upper lim it of a quantity d enotes the

pres en t JAN s pecifica tion for the 3 -cm !

and l-cm tubes and tha t propos ed for

:.+._. .

the 10 -cm tubes . The w avegu id e

F1~.414 .-The 3.cm-w id e-ran geATR

d im ens ions refer to the trans m is s ion


line on w hich the tube is mounted .

In a ll thes e tubes , except the 1R36,

the cavity is m ad e of a s ection of rectangular w avegu id e of the s am e s iz e.

For eas e of manu acture and mounting the 1B36 cavity is made from

cylindrica l tub ing.

w .

.- —-7 . ~...


—.= .


NE@ “$












,8 .1


~ ‘1

-..,..—-——. ... . . . ---- --~.

FIG.4.15.—Fixed-tunedATR tu bes .

Figures 4 .15 and 4 .16 are photographs of s om e of thes e tubes . They

a re a ll d es ign ed for m ounting on the broad s id e of rectangu la r w a veguid e

(s eries circu it) w ith the w indow flu s h w ith the w avegu id e “w a ll. Thos e

made at Genera l Electric and Sperry are held a t the correct res onant

frequency by carefu l control of the w ind ow and cavity d im ens ions .

Page 148: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





S ylvania m ak es us e of a tuning ad jus tm ent w h ich is s et at the factory .

On the 1B36 tube th is cons is ts of a tuning s crew in the back of the cavity


is acces s ible through the evacuating tabula tion before the



Tuning strut

is sealed off. The 3-cm nd 0-

cm tubes have a d eformable d ia -

phragm in the back of the cavity

w hich can e ad j u~ted by means

of a s tru t tha t pas ses out through

F1~. 4.17.—Sylvan ia met hod of pr eset t in g

ATR tubes.

4 .17. The s tru t is removed b;

fore the tabula tion is s ea ed oE. 1

Fixed -tuned tubes of the vari-

ou s type s a re d is tingu ished la rge ly

by their s iz es and method s of


The mounting is an

im portan t problem s ince the tube

mus t be eas ily replaced and y et

mu s t ma k e good electrica l con nec-

tion w ith the w aveguide w aLl a ll

ar?ucd the cren ing. For broad -

bs .d applica tions , the flus h

mounting, the proxim ity of the

‘1 ’R tu be. a nti p os s ibly . a ls o, of a n


ad ditional ATR tube leave ins ufficien t s pace for a chok e coupling of the

ty pe us ed to connect tw o w aveguides . Hence, aii thes e tubes rely on

actua l contact.

‘ Sy lvan ia Electric Producti, Pub lica tion o. IE&S , “Report on OSRD Tube

DevelopmentS ub-contracton RL PurchaeeOrderDIC 1820 22.”

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SEC, 44]



In the 1B36 tube this con tact is made by means of a beveled edge as

s how n in Fig. 4 .18 . Becaus e of the circular outline, the bevel can be

m ach ined accurately , m ak ing the contact uniform all around the tube.

Care m us t be tak en to ens ure that the beveled s ea t for the tube is n t too

large in d iam eter. If the d iam eter is too large, the face of the tube pro-

F[G. 4.lS,—1B36 tube and moun t

trudes in to the in terior of the w avegu id e, as s how n in Fig. 4“19, and the

s us ceptance of the com bination is a ltered .

The change in s us ceptance

ABis proportiona l to th e in sertion d, and

AB = 0.013d

if d is m eas ured in thous and ths of an inch.

The 10-cm tubes have a fine coiled s pring around the periphery w h ich

is com pres s ed betw een the edges of the tube and avegu id e. For

s ys tem s us ing a pres suriz ed trans mis s ion

line, a fla t rubber gas k et under the flange

ma k es th e a s s emb ly a irtigh t.

The 3-cm ATR tubes w ere too s mall t o us e

the coiled -s prin g con tacts , and the circula r


m ounting of the t y pe us ed w ith the B36 tube

FIG-.4.19 .—Effect of too la rge

a sea t for 1B36 t u be.

was too bu lky for cer ta in 3-cm-band applica -

tions . A fla t flange perm itted s ufficiently accurate m achining to ens ure

good contact but d id not provid e a con tact w h ich w a s flus h w ith the ins id e

s urface of the w avegu ide w all. The flange w as , therefore, s et back one

w avelength from the main w aveguide w all as s how n in Fig. 4 .20 and a

little s pace w as left betw een the tube and m ount on all four s id es of the

tube. This s pace form ed a sm all w a vegu id e w h ich, being one w a velength

long, trans form ed the s hort circu it at the flange to one at the m ain w a ve-

guid e w a ll and thus provid ed the neces s ary continuity betw e en the ATR

tube and fibe m ain w avegu id e. A fla t n ick el gas ket a few thous and ths of

Page 150: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





aninch th ick w as provid edw ith each tube to improve the contact a t the

flange. In principle the little w a veguid e could have been one-ha lf w a ve-

FIG.420.-1B35 tu be a nd m ou nt

len gth in s tea d of on e w a velen gth lon g.

How ever, a h igher-m ode res onance,

w h ich appeared only w h en the s horter

length w as us ed , gave ris e to s om e

reflections on high -level opera tion ,

and for th s reas on the half-w ave

leng h m ount w as ru led out.

The length of the little w aveguide

w a s m ad e s ligh tly grea ter for the 1B37

tube than for the 1B35 tube in order

to k eep the h igh-level reflections as

s mall as pos s ible. To accom plis h th is

the 1B35 tubes w ere des igned w ith a

plane flange and the mount w as made

jus t one w a velength long at the cen ter

of the 3 .23-cm band . The 1B37 tubes

w ere then built w ith a small groove

around the ins id e edge of the flange.

The w id th of the groove is the s ame

as tha t of the little w aveguid e, and

its d epth is s uch’ that it extend s the w aveguide s u fficien tly o mak e it

jus t one w avelength long at the

w ay the s ame mount may be us ed

for either tube. i

An in teres ting 3 -cm ATR tu be,

illus trated in Fig. 4 .21 w a s d evel-

oped but not pu t in to prod uct ion . 2

It made us e of a pair of s harp-

poin ted , clos e ly spaced e le ctrode s

placed a s hort d is tance behind

the w ind ow to red uce the arc los s .

Th is p erm its h igh -le vel op era tion

a t con s id e rably low e r pow e rs th an

is pos s ible w ith the othe low -Q

tubes but s eem s to res u lt in a

s ligh tly h igher QL. For th is tube,

cen ter of the 3 .43-cm band . In th is

. . .


A “







! ! ! ’


— ,.

FIG. 4.21 .—B1’L des ign of fixed -t u n ed

3-cm ATR t ube,

Q. = 6.3 , w hereas for the 1B35 a d 1B37 tubes , Q. = 5.0 .

I W. C Caldwell and H. K. Farr ,

“ Mount ing for 1B35 aad 1B37 Fixed-tun ed

ATR,” RL Repor t No. 53, Aug. 12. 1944.

z Samuel, Cr a nd ell, C1a rk , op . cd . , Sec. 43.

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5,1 . In troduction . -In the preced ing chapters the d is cus s ion w as

cen tered on the linear properties of TR and ATR tubes . With the excep-

tion of the treatm ent of d irect-coupling attenuation , and the s tand ing-

w a ve ra tios prod uced in the m ain line by the fired TR tube, the d is cus s ion

w as lim ited to the operation of thes e tubes at pow er levels les s than that

requ ired to in itia te a d is charge in the tube. In this chapter s ome of the

ch ara cteris tics of th e h igh -frequ en cy ga s d is ch arges of th e ty pe occu rrin g

in TR and ATR tubes w ill be d is cus s ed .

To und ers tand nonlinear phenom ena is a lw a ys d ifficu lt, and gas -d is -

charge phenom ena are es pecia lly noted for their com plexity . Although

a complete th eoretica l u nd ers ta nd in g of th e qu an tita tive rela tion s h as n ot

been a ch ieved , th e proces s es a re w e ll k now n , and a va st bod y of literature

exis ts d es cribing d -c and low -frequency gas d is charges . The dom ain of

h igh - and u ltrah igh -frequency d is cha rge s has re ce iv ed compara tiv ely little

a tten tion. It is on ly in recen t y ears that s ufficien tly in tens e pow er

s ou rces and a ccura te m eas uring equ ipm en t h ave becom e a vailable w h ich

perm it quantita tive experim ents to be m ade at thes e high frequencies .

B fore 1941 little or no d ata on gas d is charges a frequencies higher than

300 Me/ s ee w e re available.

S ince that ti e, how ever, becaus e of the

rapid development of m icrow ave radar, mos t of the s tud ies of ultra-

h igh -frequ en cy gas d is cha rges h ave been in the 3 000-1 0,000- and 2 4,000 -

Mc/ s ec band s .

Becaus e the goal of the w ork in the y ears from 1941 to 1945 w as the

dev lopment of better TR tubes or new TR tubes to be s ed in new

equipm ents , and becaus e s o little tim e w as ava ilab e, on ly recen tly has

a s ys tem atic s tudy of the d is charge its elf apart from th TR tube begun.

How ever, the properties of the fired TR tube that w ere meas ured w ere

thos e that d irectly a ffect its quality . Thes e quantities are

1. Lea ka ge pow e r.

2 . Arc pow er.

3 . Recovery tim e.

4 . Pow e r range.

5 . Life.


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[SEC. 5.1

The leak age pow er includes all the r-f pow er incid ent on the receiver

during the trans mittli g period . It m ay be s ubd ivid ed into the follow ing

components : sp ike , a rc leakage pow er, d irect-coup led po ver, and harmon ic

—.- .-.

pow er.

The las t tw o are rea lly linear properties of the fired TR cavity ,

ind have been d is cus s ed in Chap. 2 .

Th e spike leakage energy is the

energy trans mitted to the receiver during the tim e in terval betw een the

beginn ing of,th e transm itter pu ls e and the es tablis hm en t of the r-f s tea dy -

s ta te d is charge. During this in terva l the voltage acros s the gap build s

up to s evera l tim es the s us taining voltage of the d is charge.

The tota l

tim e involved is us ually les s than 10–B s econd s ,


and the energy is of the order of 0 .1 erg or les s .


The arc leak age pow er is t e pow er inciden t

on the re~~lver ca us ed by th volta ge d rop a cros s

th e d is cha rge. As is tru e for m any low -frequ en cy

FIQ. 5 .1 .—Enve loPe of

and d -c d is charges , the voltage d rop acros s the

TR-tube leak agepow er.

r-f d is ch arge in the us ual opera tin g range is very

nearly independent of the current w hich it

carries . The envelope of the leak age pow er from a ty pical R tube is

s how n in Fig. 5 .1 . The “ fla t” is the s um of the arc leakage pow er,

d irect-cou pled pow er, a nd h armon ic pow er.

The s pik e energy and fla t leak age pow er of a TR tube are the quanti-

ties w h ich determ ine w h ether or not it is pos s ible to protect the receiver

from d am age by the transm itter pow e r.

In a ll mod ern m icrow a ve ra da rs

s uperheterody ne receivers are us ed w ith s ilicon , or germ anium , firs t-

d etector cry s ta ls . To achieve good s ens itivity it is neces s ary to us e a

rather delicate cen t act betw een the tungs ten (‘ cat w his k er” and the

s ilicon cry s ta l. As a res ult, it is pos s ible to damage the contact w ith

im puls es (d uration 10–s s ee) of 0 .2 to 0.5 erg energy , or w ith s tead y-s ta t

leak age pow ers of the order of 1 w att. To ens ure adequate factors of

s a fety , m os t TR tubes are des igned to have a s pik e leak age energy of

les s than 0.1 erg, and an arc leak age pow er f les s than 100 mw .

The pow er d is s ipa ted in the d is charge is ca lled the arc pow er. Th is

pow e r is im porta nt, firs t, beca us e it m us t be furnis hed by the tran sm itter,

and thus repres en ts a los , and s econd becaus e it is a s ource of heat

that w arms u~ the TR tube, and in extrem e cas es may caus e it to crack

or break . H~at w h ich res ults from arc los s is of par~icu lar im portance

in low -Q ATR tubes , pre-TR, and bandpas s TR tubes . Finally , the

in tens ity of the d is charge ffects the rate at w h ich the gas con ten t of the

tu be is chan ged .

In order for a radar s et to detect echoes from near-by targets , the

attenuation through the cavity mus t d ecreas e rapid ly from its value of

60 to 70 db d ring the transm itting period to its ‘‘ cold” value of about

1 db. Th is m eans that the gap mus t be rapid ly deion iz ed . Deion .iza-

Page 153: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 51]


tion cannot tak e place ins tan tly , bu t it can be made to proceed at a ra te

fa s t enough to bring the a ttenuati on d ow n below 3 db in les s than 10 y s ec.

The tim e for the a ttenuation to fall to s om e s pecified va lue, $uch as 3 or

6 d b, is ca lled the recovery tim e.

In extrem e cas es , if the recove~ tim e

is too large, the ability of the radar s et to d etect s mall, near-by objects

w ill be lim ited ; or targets d etected at long range w ill be los t w hen they

m ove in to a s horter range ly ing w ith in the recovery period .

The range of pow ers over w hich a TR or an ATR tube w ill opera te

m ay be defined in s evera l w ay s . It may be defined in term s of the ab lity

to prot ct the receiver; in term s of the effect upon the transm itter; or,

fina lly , it m ay be in term s of the pos s ibility of dam aging the tube its elf.

To en s ure s a tis fa ctory cry s ta l p rotection , th e p ow e r in cid en t on th e cry s ta l

mus t be lim ited to a s a fe va lue for any incid en t pow er grea ter than z ero

a d les than the maximum rating of the tube. This is neces s ary to

ens ure protection agains t s tray rad ia tion from nearby rad ar s ets , w h ere

th pow er incid en t upon the TR tube may be many d ecibels below the

transm itter pow er level, bu t is s till large enough to damage a cry s ta l

u nles s it is s uita bly clipped or a ttenuated . S im ilarly , th e pow e r reflected

from large nearby targets m ay be large enough to burn ou t cry s ta ls un les s

it is s u itably a ttenuated If the leak age pow er is lim ited to about 0 .5

watt for inciden t power s between O and 20 wat ts, the protect ion is con-

sidered sa t isfactory, even though a limit of less than 0 1 wat t is requ ired

for normal opera t ion . This larger leakage power is permissible on ly

because it is never applied to the crystal for any considerable length of

tim e. At a repetition ra te of 400 pu ls es per s econd , a pu ls e leak age

pow e r of 50 mw w ill ca us e n o ch an ge in cry s ta l ch ara cteris tics over period s

of 1000 hours or longer. Pu ls e leak age ‘pow ers of 200 to 300 mw w ill

caus e deteriora tion of abou t 1 d b in s igna l-to-nois e ra tio of the cry s ta l

for every hund red hou rs of opera tion .

The m in imum pow er level a t w hich the arc los s becom es small

enough to be neglected is cons id erably h igher than the m in im um fi ing

pow er of the tube. In a multigap tube the input w indow may break

dow n at a pow er level of the ord er of s evera l hundred w atts . Until it

d oes break dow n the s hort circu it in the TR tube is one-quarter gu ide

w a velen gth from th e corre t pos ition to en s ure proper tra nsm itter a ction .

The break dow n pow er of the w indow is the quantity tha t d eterm ines

the m in imum transm itter pow er a t w hich a 1ow -Q tube may be us ed .

The maximum pow er at w hich a tube may be us ed is s pecified in

term s of cry s ta l protection and pos s ible damage of t e tube. The s pik ~

energy and arc leak age pow e r are rem ark ably ind epend en t of line pow e r,

bu t “d -irect-coupled leak age pow e r im pos es a d efin ite lim it to the us e of

h igh-Q TR tubes . In s om e high-Q tubes a s e conda ry glow d is cha rge

is form ed at h igh pow er levels acros s the input w indow or ins id e the glas s

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cy lin der a djacen t to it. Th is s econ da ry d is cha rge greatly red uces d irect-

coupled pow er, bu t the heat genera ted often damages the tube. No

d irect-coupled pow er is pas s ed by pre-TR and bandpas s TR tubes and

they protect cry s ta ls at all pow e rs available at pres en t, w ith no evid ence

that they cannot be us ed at s till h igher puls e pow ers . How ever, thes e

tubes have an upper avw a ge pow er lim it d eterm ined by the heating of the

input w indow . Thus , at low duty ra tios , extremely high peak pow ers

may be s afely us ed (10 Mw or more). If the duty ra tio is increas ed

the m aximum allow able transm itter puls e pow er is corres pond ingly


The life of a TR or an’ATR tube, if phy sical break age from m is hand -

ling and th e res ults of ex~os ure to exces s ive pow e r a re ign ored , is lim it d



TR switch



main t r ansmission line and the r eceiver ,

by th~ rate at w h ich the~s ”’~on -

ten t of the tube is changed by the

r-f d is charge or the d -c d is charge

of the k eep-a live electrode. De-

pend ing upon the ty pe of tube

under cons idera tion , the end of

the us eful life produced “by a

change in gas conten t w ill be

in dica ted b y an exces s ive in crea s e

either in recover~tim e or in leak -

age pow er. A tube o be really


u s efu l s h ou ld h ave a n opera tion al

-life of at leas t 500 to 1000 hours . 1 Mos t TR tubes j us t m eet th is requirem -

ent. Recent 1ow -Q ATR tubes have lives in exces s of 2000 hours ,

w hile s ome TR tubes have ind ica ted lives of more than 1000 hours.

Befor e present ing deta iled exper imen ta l data and theoret ica l in ter -

preta t ions of the data , a br ief phenomenologica l descr ipt ion of the fired

TR tube will be made. In most respect s the TR and the ATR tubes

behave alike, and therefore u less specifica lly noted to the con t ra ry “ TR”

will include tubes of both types.

F igure 5.2 shows a TR tube mount ed

in a conven t ional manner between the main t ransmission line and the

receiver . The tube is on a T-junct ion , oft en one-ha lf guide wave-

length from the main transm is s ion line. When he TR cavity is detuned

by the d is charge acros s the gap, the high in ut s us ceptance is reflected

as a s hort circu it in the }vall of the main guide, and pow er flow s from the

transm itter to the antenna w ithout reflection . If the transm itter puls e

has a flat top, the envelope of the leakage pow er w ill be as s how n in

Fig. 5 .1 . In mos t h igh-Q TR tubes , the arc leakage pow er is cons tant

d uring the pu ls e-~o”~~~h in ”a -few per cen t and is u sua lly in depen den t of

tlie transm itter pow er over ranges of the order of 10$ or more, In the


721A TR tube this i true for transm itter puls e pow er Icvels from 100 to

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106 w a tts . It is independent of the cold res onant frequency of the TR

cavity over very w id e lim its .

In a given tube the s pik e energy has been found to be remark ably

cons tan t for a w ide range of variables . With in the experim enta l accu -

racy ; *”1 db, the s pik e en rgy is cons tan t over as w ide a r nge as is the

arc leak age pow er. It is a ls o ind ependen t of the rela tive tuning of the

TR cavity and the transm itter over a range of a t leas t 6 ao/ Q.2 (s ix

ha lf-w id ths of the res onant circu it). It is not k now n how the s hape of

the lead ing ed ge of the trans mitter pu ls e a ffects the s pik e energy . Until

1945 w h en os cillographs w ith very fas t s w eeps and high res olving pow e r

w ere d eveloped , there w as no method of correla ting changes in s pik e

energy w ith changes in the transm itter pu ls e s hape. From meas ure-

m ents of the frequency s pectrum of the energy in the s pik e, the dura tion

of the s pik e has been es tima ted to be betw een 2 and 6 X 10–g sec for m os t

h igh-Q TR tubes .

The energy in the s pik e m ay be red uced con sid era bly f electrons from

an externa l s ource are pres en t in the r-f gap at the beginn ing of the pu ls e.

Th e s ou rce of th es e electrons is th e k eep-a live d is cha rge. Th e k eep-a live

d is ch arge is a d -c d is ch arge mainta in ed betw een th e k eep-a live electrod e

and s ome portion of the tube, s o loca ted as to have a m in imum effect

upon the r-f field s in the cavity .

The s pik e energy is in vers ely propor-

tional to nO, the number of ele trons in the gap at the beginn ing of the

tra nsm itter pu ls e. It is not pos s ible to increas e nO n defin itely , h ow e ver,

becaus e of the effect upon the ow -level properties of the cavity . The

electrons in the gap ave an equ iva len t ad mittance tha t is proportional

to their dens ity . In practice it is us ual to lim it nOto a value s uch that

the electron ic admittance caus es les s than 0.1 d b los s of received s ignal.

By us ing a pu ls ed k eep-a live d is charge,

‘‘ prepu ls ing, ” jus t before the

transm itter pu ls e , a large va lue of no may be us d and the s pik e energy

may be reduced to very low levels . During m s t of the receiving per o

the d is charge w ill be out, and the k eep-a live w ill have no effect upon the

low -level in sertion los s of th e ca vity .

When the transm itter is turned off, the excita tion is removed and

there is no further ion iza tion of the gas in the r-f gap. The electrons

and ions a lread y pres en t in the gap d o not, how ever, d is appear or recom -

bine ins tan tly . If the filling of the tube is a gas w ith a clos ed electron

s y s tem s uch as Hz , Nz , A, Ne, or He, the only proces s w hich can be us ed

for th e remova l of e lectron s is d iffu s ion .

This is an extrem ely s low proc-

es s , and the recovery tim e is hund red s of m icros econd s for s uch fillings .

If, how ever, a gas w ith a large electron -capture cros s s ection is us ed , the

rem oval of electron s w ill be grea tly accelera ted and recovery tim es of the

ord er of a few m icros econd s may be obta ined . S uch gas es are OZ, H@,

the halogens , S O,, and NO.

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[SEC. 5’1

The gas fillings mos t commonly us ed in TR tubes are H, and H,O

or A and HZO at about equal partial pres s ures and at a tota l pres s ure of

10 to 30 mm Hg. Operated on pu ls ed pow er alone, at a duty ra tio of

about ~, and w ith no k eep-a live d is charge, h i h-Q TR tubes m ay be run

for s evera l thous and hours w ith little or no effect upon their charac-


If a d -c k eep-a live d is charge is m ain ta ined , how ever, then the

tube life may be s hortened to as little as 250 hours . Tw o d is tinct proc-

es s es operate to caus e th is s hort life.

The s low er, and herefore les s

im portan t, proces s is the gradual reduction of the gas pres sure by s put-

tering. The other proces s is the reduction and change in “gas conten t by

chem ica l action . The w a ter, und er the action of the d is charge, is d is soci-

a ted accord ing to HZO ~ H+ + OH–.

The OH– rad ical reacts w ith the

copper w alls of the tube to form cuprous oxid e, and free hy d rogen is

relea sed . In th is w a y the partial pres s ure of H1O is rapid ly red uced , w h ile

tha t of HZ is actua lly increas ed .

The res u lt of th is proces s is , firs t, an

increas e in recovery tim e caus ed by the rem oval of HZO; and s econd , an

in cre as e in lea kage pow e r a s th e tota l ga s p re s s ure is re du ced b y s putte rin g.

The ra te of gas cleanup, and therefore the tube life, is lar ely d eter-

m ined by the curren t flow ing in the k eep-a live d ificharge.

In fa t, the

life va ries in vers ely w ith th e k eep-a live cu rren t to a good a pproxim ation .

Us ual opera ting curren ts are from 100 to 200 pa. Low er curren ts w ould

be d es irable but a lthough s atis factory levels of s pik e energy m ay be held

w ith curren ts as low as 50 pa such low -curren t d is charges are lik ely to

be uns table. If the d is charge is uns table nd extinguis hes occas ionally ,

very large levels of s pik e energy may reach the receiver w hile the d is -

ch arge is ou t.

The d is charge in h igh-Q TR tubes tak es place betw een the ends of the

cones and is us ually of a p le blue color.

The peak ligh t in tens ity is

modera tely h igh, bu t a t a duty ratio of ~, the average light flux is

low . If the transm itter pu ls e pow er is too high for the particu lar tube

us ed , a s econd ary d is charge m ay tak e place acros s the glas s ad js cen t to

the input coupling. In the pre-TR tube, 1ow -Q ATR tube, and band -

pa s TR tubes , he main d is charge tak es place acros s the ins ide of the

input w indow , and completely covers it w ith a smooth glow . The

in ternal gaps in a bandpas s TR tube break dow n in a manner s im ilar to

the break dow n in a high-Q tube.

In th e follow in g s ection s of th is ch apter, th e materia l w ill be pres en ted

in the follow ing s equence: (1) A brief view of the more importan t char-

acteris tics of the h igh-frequency d is charge and a com paris on w ith d -c

d is charges . (2) A deta iled d is c s s ion of leak age pow er w ith a pres en ta -

tion of pertinen t data and theoretica l in terpreta tions w here pos sible .

(3) Recovery -tim e data and theory .

(4) Keep-a live and gas -cleanup


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SEC. 52]



6 .2 . High-frequency Gas Dis charges .-The high-frequency gas d is -

ch arge is d ifferen t in many w a y s from th e low -frequ en cy or d irect-cu rren t

d is charge. (1) Fw s t, its s uperficia l character or s tructure is d ifferen t.

The high-frequency glow d is charge pres en ts a s mooth appearance and

no particular s tructure is apparen t.

Th is is in contras t w ith the d -c

glow d is charge w ith its various bands or b ight and dark s paces . The

a ppea ra nce of th e h igh -frequ en cy d is ch arge is mos t lik e th at of th e p os itive

column in the d -c glow d is charge.

It w ill be s how n la ter tha t th is

res em blance is m ore than s uperficia l. (2 ) The electrod es in the r-f d is -

charge play a very m inor role as compared w ith the major role w hich

they often play in the low -frequency d is charges . An extreme example

of th is is the h igh-frequency electrod eles s d is charge, in w h ich the elec-

trod es a re completely in sula ted from th e d is ch arge. (3) In low -frequ en cy

d is ch arges , both pos itive and n ega tive ion s , a s w e ll a s electron s , a cqu ire

appreciable energy from the applied field , and tak e part in the ioniz ing


At h igh frequ en cies , on ly th e electron s a cqu ire a ny a pp recia ble

energy , and all electron production is by energetic electrons . At 10W

frequ en cies , ion s a cqu ire en ou gh en ergy to ca us e h ea tin g of th e electrod es

and to prod uce s puttering. At high frequencies , th is proces s is of little

cons equence except in d is charges of very h igh pow er.

(4 ) Th e electron

d en sity of th e h igh -frequ en cy d is ch arge may rea ch very h igh levels before

the glow d is charge is trans form ed in to an arc. Electron dens ities have

been es tim a ed to be as high as 101sper cm 3, and current d ens ities have

been es tima ted to be of the order of 15 amp/ cm ’.

Before cons id ering the m uch m ore com plica ted problem of the actua l

gas d is charge, let us con sid er tw o fa irly s im ple problem s . Firs t, cons id er

the motion of a charged particle of mas s m and charge e in a vacuum

und er the in fluence of an electric field E s in d,

m ‘~z = eE s in d



(1 )

w h ere x is the d irection of the applied field , nd VOis the in itia l velocity

of the particle. The particle has a continuous x-d irected motion upon

w hich is s uperimpos ed an os cilla ting motion in tim e phas e w ith the

electric field . The energy of the particle is


[( )


~ ‘(l cos ut)’+2e# (l–cos@t)+ffi (2)


If the in itia l velocity is s mall com pared w ith tha t d erived from the field

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the energy acquired by the particle is invers ely proportional to its m as s

and to the s quare of the frequency .

K. K. Darrow has s ugges ted a s im ple but illum inating method of

accounting for the effect of collis ions upon the m otion of an electron in

a field . 1 This m ethod , a lthough adm itted ly crud e, gives a ins igh t in to

th e gen era l mechan isms in volv ed .

It is as s um ed that the gas m olecu les

are s o m as sive com pared w ith the electron that they are s ta tionary , a d

als o that their d ens ity is great enough to mak e the collis ions of the

electron w ith the molecu les act as a net frictional force oppos ing the

m otion of the electron . Us ing g for the ‘‘ coefficien t of friction ,”

daz dx


d t’ dt


‘[+’%)+vo]e-:” ‘3

As before, there is an os cilla tory and a drift velocity . The la tter, how -

ever, is exponen tia lly damped by the

“frictional” force, and is s mall

com pared w ith the os cilla tory s peed .

S in e ne (dx/ d t ) is the curren t dens ity acros s a given plane, w he e n

is the number of charged particles per cubic centim eter, q. (3) a ls o

repres en ts current flow . In-phas e and out-of-phase or quadrature com-

ponents of curren t rela tive to the applied voltage are recogniz d . The

in-phase com pon ent va ries invers ely w ith frequency and has its m axim um

value at w = O. The quadrature component has a maximum value at

~’ = gZ/ m’, and is z ero at ~ = () and ~ .

Increas ing g by increas ing

the gas pres s ure reduces the quadrature rela tive to the in-phas e com -

ponents of the current.

A” con du ctivity ” a nd ‘‘ d ielectric con sta nt” of s uch a clou d of ch arged

particles may be defined . From Eq. (3), the in-phas e curren t is


E s in d = SE s in d.

uzm’ + g2


S im ila rly , th e total quad ra tu re cu rren t a cros s th e ga p, in clu din g d is pla ce-

m ent curren t, is


1K. K. Darrow , Belt Sy s t . I’edm. J ., 576 (October 1932),

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SEC. 52]


w hich gives the fam iliar res u lt that the d ielectric cons tan t of a s pace-

charge region is les s than tha t of vacuum .

Th is high ly s im plified th eory in dica tes th e follow in g im porta nt fa cts :

1 .

2 .

3 .


The in-phas e curren t carried by the electrons d ecreas es w ith

increasing frequency.

At very high frequencies , the quadra ture componen t exceed s the

in-phase component.

The rela tively heavy pos itive and negative ions , m; 2 1847m, ,

get very little energy d irectly from the electric field .

has been s ta ted that the r-f d is charge s trongly res embles the d -c

pos itive colum n. S om e of the s alient fea tu~es of the ‘pos itive colum n are

lis t ed l here :

1 . No net chargeaqual n mbers of pos itive and negative charges .

2 . Low gas tem pera ture, about 100”C.

3 . Low ion tempera tu re; high electron tem pera tu re.

4 . Voltage grad ien t les s for m onatom ic than for d ia tom ic gas es .

The r-f d is charge has no net charge, s ince the en tire ion iza tion tak es

particles is very small. The ins tan taneous gas tempera ture of the r-f

d is charge has never been meas ured . How ever, under puls d , high-

curren t opera tion , the w indow of a low -Q ATR tube may atta in a s teady

tempera ture in exces s of 100”C w ith a transm itter du ty ra tio of ~m .

Thus , the maximum gas tem era ture mus t be muc higher than 100”C.

S ince the r-f d is charge curren t is m eas ured in amperes or tens of m peres ,

w hereas the d -c glow d is charge curren t is us ually m eas ured in m illi-

amperes , the clifference in tempera ture is not s urpris ing. The ion

tem pera tu re in th e r-f d is ch arge is low compa red w ith tha t of th e electron s

s ince the ions , becaus e of their large m as s , get little energy from the field

but get a ll their energy by collis ions w ith electrons . The total voltage

d rop a cros s th e r-f d is ch arge is les s for m on atom ic th an for d ia tom lc ga ses .

The order of the various gas es may be s een in the comparis on in Table

5 .1 . The firs t row of the table is tak n from Cobine2 and gives the



Air 0, H,

x, He Nc A


E ./ p (pos it ive column)

17 14

8.5 4.3

2.3 0.45 I 0. 2

Arc volt age (r -f d is cha rge)

3.3 2.9 3.1

1,4 1.2

; 0.65

] Cobin e, Ga seou s cm iduct or s, McGr aw-H ill, New York, 1941, p. 233.

2 Cobine, op. al., Chap. VIII .

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electrica l grad ient along the column d ivided by the gas pres s ure for a

given s hape of d is charge tube and at currents of 0 .1 to 0.2 amp. The

s econd row is derived from meas urem ents of the arc leak age pow er of a

1B27 TR tube at a pres s ure of 10 mm Hg, and the numbers are in arbi-

trary units . It is felt that the exact ra tios betw een the va lues for the

various gas es have no s ign ificance becaus e the s hapes of the d is charge

tubes and th d is charge currents are s o d ifferent in the d -c ancl r-f ca s es .

Nevertheles s , the orders in the tw o cas es are about the s am e.

S pectrographic obs erva tions w ere m ad e of the r-f d is charge, and no

particular fea tures w ere noted that d is tingu is hed it from the low -fre-

FIG. 5,3.—Spect ogr ams of r -f d is cha rge in s ever a l IB38 p re-TR tubes .

quency d is charge. Figure 5.3 is a reprod uction of a few ty pica l s pect o-

gram s of the light from 1 0-cm , a rgon -filled , pre-TR tu bes . 1 A“o a ccurate

m eas urements of the efficiency w ith w hich light is produced by the r-f

d is charge have been made. The light from a 10-cm pre-TR tube w as

meas u red w ith a Gen era l Electric photograph ic e xpos u re -me te r.

Ilith a

line pow er of 5 X 10sw atts and a duty ratio of ~~, the ind icated average

s urface brigh tnes s w a s 2.5 X 10–3 lumen/ cm z . This ins trum ent has a

ba rrier-la y er ph otovolta ic cell w ith a n on lin ea r ch ara cteris tic a nd th ere-

fore the m axim um brightnes s w a s probably m uch greater than the ca lcu-

la ted value of 5 lum en/ cm ’.

In a s elf-s u s ta in in g d is ch arge, th e ra tes of p rodu ction and d es tru ction ,

or rem oval of ions , are equa l. Deioniz ation in a low -frequency d is charge

m ay tak e place by tJvo proces ses only : recomb nation, and d iffus ion .

I These were made by R. lI \ ’a lly, J r., of the Spect roscopy Labora tory of M.I. T.

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Recomb in ation of a p os itive ion a nd a n electron is a ela tively imp roba ble

proces s ,l and can us ually be neglected in comparis on w ith the los s of

ch arge b y d iffu s ion to th e w a lls or e lectrod es .

S ince m os t of the negative

ch arge in th ed -c d is ch arge is ca rried by free electron s , th e m ore proba ble

recom bina tion of pos itive ions and negative ions can als o be neglected .

In the r-f d is charge, the en tire alternating curren t is carried by the free

electrons . Th is m eans that capture of electrons by neu tra l a tom s or

m olecu les to form negative ions effectively “deion iz es ” the gap in the

s ens e that its curren t-carry ing capacity is reduced . Thus , in the d -c

pos itive column , ion iz ation mus t ta ke pla ce at a ra te equa l to th e d eion iz a-

tion by d iffus ion w hereas in the r-f d is charge it m us t equa l the com -

bin ed ra tes of d iffus ion an d electron ca ptu re.

Th e proces s es in volved in th e tra ns ition to a s elf-s us ta in in g d is ch arge

are m ark ed ly d ifferen t in the low- and in the h igh -frequency regions .

In both ca ses , thein itia l ioniz ation m us t res ult from s om e ou ts id e s ou rce,

for exam ple, cos mic ray s or photoelectric em is s ion from the cathode.

Th eelectron s prod uced in th is w a y area cce’era ted by the applied fie ld

until they in turn can m ak e ioniz ing collis ions , and thus releas e m ore


It is here that the d ifferences becom e importan t. In the

d-c d is ch arge th ere is afa irly ra pid d rift of th e electron s in th e d irection

of the field . They even tua lly reach the a nod e w h ere t hey are lost to the

d is charge. If on ly ion iz ation by en erge tic e le ctron s is con s id ere d, the

number of electron s betw e en the anod e and ca thod e is

n = noe’


w h ere no is the number of e le ctron s p rodu ce d a t th e ca th od e by an external

s ource, z is the d is tance m eas ured from the ca thode, and a is the num ber

of ion iz ing collis ion s made by an e le ctron per centime te r of path in the

direction of the field . Clea rly , th e a nod e curren t is d irectly proportion al

to no a nd w ill be zero when no is zero. Thus , a se lf -sus ta in ing discharge

cannot be achieved at low frequ en cies if ion iz ation d epen ds en tirely

upon electrons . Recogniz ing th is , J . S . Tow ns end propos ed a s econd

me th od of ion iz a tion , ion iz a tion by pos itive ions . 2 This res ulted in the


n = no (cl – 6),(”-8)’


~ _ @t(.–d ). f

in w h ich P r pres en ts the n umber of ioniz ing collis ion s m ad e by a positive

ion per cen tim eter of path in the d irection of the ca thode. If th d enom i-

na tor of Eq {7) can be mad e equal to z ero, n w ill increas e w ithou t lim it,

1Laeb, Fu&m ental Processes bf E lectrical Dischargesn Gas es ,Wiley , New York ,


s For a ore complete discuss ionof cumulat ive ionizat ion in d-c discharges ,s ee

Loeb, op. cit., Chaps .9 and 10.

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and thus becom e independen t of no. Although cons id erable doubt now

exis ts as to the actua l phy s ica l proces s d es cribed by Tow n send ’s s econd

coefficien t / 3 ,t is a greed th at s ome s econ d ary ion iz in g proce s s is n eces s a ry

to produce cumula tive ion iz ation in a d -c field . Deriva tions bas ed on

the s sum ption that the s econd ary proces s cons is ts of releas e of photo-

electrons from the ca thod e by ligh t genera ted in the d is charge have th

s am e form as Eq. (7).1



60 Pos. Neg. Pos.

cycle 1.5x40 1.5x40 lx5—

Rodgaps B C D F












& 1.08


Above 0.75 in. V.p,

.2 1,06

the data had many - 6 “:




c D F *O







humidity 0.6085 inches

ry vapor pressure.


~ 1.02





I I I I Wihl











- lC



0.2 0.4 0.6 0,8

0.10 0.12

Inches of mercury - vapor pressure


F IG. 54.-E ffect of wa ter vapor pr essu r e on br ea kdown pot en tia l (fr om Cobin e, Ga seou s

Conductors,McGraw-Hill, 1939.)

In the h igh-frequency d is charge, the d rift velocity of the electrons

is much les s than in the d -c cas e.

If the extrem e cas e w here the d rift

velocity is z ero is cons id ered then , except for thos e electrons that are

w ith in one m ean free path of the electrod es , there w ill be no los s of e lec-

trons from the d is charge and each electron can m ak e a lim itles s num ber

of ioniz ing collis ions , ‘Once the proces s is

s ource may be rem oved w ithou t a ffecting

1Loeb, 10C.l.

s ta rted , th e in itia l

the fina l curren t.


At the

Page 163: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





extrem e frequencies of 3000to 10,000 Mc/ s ecth e exis ten ce of a s econ da ry

ion iz i g m echanis m of the ty pe pos tu la ted by Tow ns end , ion ization by

pos itive ions , s eem s highly improbable; how ever, the production of

photoelectrons at the electrod es or in the gas by light from the d is charge

cannot be ru led ou t until m eas urem en s of the ionization proces s have

been m ad e in d etail.

The pres ence of a gas s uch as H~O, w hich has a compara tively high

probability of capturing a free lectron to form a negative ion (high

e le ctron -ca ptu re cros s s e ction ), effe ctive ly in crea s es th e b read kow n volt-

age of a gap. Capture of e ectrons effectively removes them from the

d is ch arge s in ce th e proba bility of ion iz ation b y n ega tive ion s is very small,

and energies of the order of 3 to 4 volts are needed to detach an electron

from a negative ion. Figure 5.4 illus tra tes the effect of w ater-vapor

pres sure on the break dow n voltage of rod gaps , s us pens ion ins ula tors ,

pin and apparatus in su la tors , and bus hin gs . 1

A s im ilar res ult w ould be expected in h igh-frequency d is charges . S o

far, a t leas t, n the pres sure region of 5 to 30 mm Hg, the obs erved effect

of HZO on s pik e energy , w h ich is proportiona l to the break dow n voltage,

d oes n ot perm it s u ch a gen era liz ation .

6 .3 . Lea ka ge Pow e r and Cry s ta l Bu rn out.-Th e mos t d ifficu lt requ ire-

ment placed upon the TR tube is that th leak age pow er be lim ited to a

va lue low enough to ens ure the protection of the s ilicon cry s ta l us ed as

the firs t d etector of the receiver. At frequencies below 1000 Me/ s ee

the convers ion of the received s ignal to a low e r, in term ed iate frequency

m ay be perform ed in d iod e or triod e vacuum tubes w ith excellen t s igna l-

to-nois characteris tics . Such tubes are rugged and are not eas ily

m icrow a ve region, h ow e ver, tra ns it-tim e effects m ak e th e cons tru ction

of good therm ionic tu be very d ifficult beca us e of th e d elica te and m in ute

s pacings betw e en electrod es w h ich are neces s ary in ord er to obta in good

performance. Diode converters have been built for us e at 10 cm ; but

their perform ance (s igna l-to-nois e ratio) has a lw a ys been poorer than

that of a s ilicon cry s ta l by about 6 db.

S ilicon cry s ta ls ha ve been brou ght to their pres en t s ta te of excellen ce

by improving the purity , the etching, and the polis hing of the s ilicon ,

and als o by better con trol of the location and s hape of the tungs ten

‘{ca t w h is k e r. ”z

Ty pica l perform ance characteris tics of cry s ta ls for

the 10-cm , 3-cm , and 1 .25-cm band s are given in Table 5.2 .

This excellen t perform ance is the res ult of the extrem ely s mall con-

tact area betw een the tungs ten and the s ilicon , w hich is of the order of

I J oin t Commit t ee on In sula tion Resea rch , EEI-NEMA, “Recommen da tion s for

H igh -volt age Tes ting,” Tr ans . Am er. In st. E lect. E rqrs., 59,598 (1940).

Vol. 5 of th is seri es, Cryst al Rect ifirs.

Page 164: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers







Ba nd, cm





loss, clb




5.5 1.3

11T23B 3.3





7 1.5

* Then oisefactorexpresseshenohe poweras a mu ltideoft henoi,e producedat roomt empera tu re

by m idealrenia torof a resistancequalto that of the crystal .

immed ia tely ad jacen t to the contact and , cons equen tly , d es pite the high

melting poin t of tungs ten , the pow er d ens ity is s o grea t tha t on ly a few

w atts are required to fus e the tungs ten poin t and to d es troy the recti-

fy ing con tact.

There are tw o im portan t w a ys in w h ich th leak age pow er can change

or im pa ir the perform ance of a cry s ta l.

One is characteriz ed by a s low ,

con tinuou s degrada tion of th e s igna l-to-

t )


nois e ra tio of the cry s ta l a t leak age

V. -

pow ers of the order of 200 mw . The

ra te of d eteriora tion d ep en d s on ly u pon

1 ,

the tota l tim e of applica tion of the


Thus , at a d ty ra tio of ~~,

~ r-- ----- ;

e ,

the cry s ta l changes by about 1 db per

to t,

~ hund red hours w ith 200 mw applied .

F IG. 55.-Wa veform of test volt -

If the s ame pow er is applied as con-

age a plied to silicon crystals in t inuous wave power , the crysta l changes

s imula ted spike burnou t t es ts.

1000 tim es as fas t. Damage of th is

ty pe is not the res u lt of hea t, and is probably as s ocia ted w ith the tota l

ch arge tra ns ported a cros s th e rectify in g la y er.

The other ty pe of cry s ta l fa ilure is therm al “burnou t” in w h ich loca l

hea t ng permanently changes the contact betw een the ca t w his k er

and cry s ta l. Thermal burnout may be d ivid ed in to tw o genera l ty pes

accord ing to the manner in w hich the pow er is applied . In one, the

pow e r is applied for a tim e long com pared w ith the therm al tim e cons tan t

of the cry s ta l con tact. The fina l tem pera ture is d irectly proportional

to th e pow er d is s ipa ted a t th e con ta ct.

In the other, the pow e r is applied

for a tim e s hort compared w ith the thermal tim e cons tan t, and the tem -

pera ture of the con tact is proportional to the total energy d is s ip ated a t

th e contact, tha t is , the hea ting is ba llis tic.

Th eoretica l s tu dies an d th e experim en ts on cry s ta l d etectors in dica te

tha t the s hortes t therm al tim e cons tan t of any cons equence is of the ord er

of I&s s ec.

Cry s ta ls are r qu ired to w iths tand a d -c pu ls e of the ty pe

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illus tra ted in Fig. 55 and s till have s atis factory s igna l-to-nois e charac-

teris tics . The d ecay tim e cons tan t t, is 5 X 10-’ s ee, and tO<< tI . This

pu ls e is obta in ed by -s u d den ly d is ch argin g a ca pa citor th rou gh th e cry s ta l.

The tota l energy d is s ipa ted in the cry s ta l in thes e tes ts varies from 0.1

erg in the 1N”26 to 2 ergs in the 1N21B. At energies roughly tw ice thes e

tes t levels , a large fraction of the cry s ta ls are d am aged .

When the s tudy of cry s ta l burnout w as firs t begun only “s tead y

s ta te” burnout by the applica tion of long pu ls es (1 ~s ec) w a s con sid ered .

Early cry s ta ls (1943) w ;ere impaired by pow ers of 0 .5 to 1 w att. With

im provem en t in the cry s ta ls th is pow er has been increas ed , and m od ern

cry sta ls w ill w iths tand 3 to 10 w atts w ithout s erious dam age.

It s oon

became apparent that mos t TR tubes had flat leak age pow ers of the

ord er of 100 mw or les s , s o that s tead y-s ta te burnout w a s rea lly no prob-

lem . The energy in the s pik e of the average TR tube, how ever, w as

much clos er to the danger level.

For th is reas on , it w as d ecid ed to

s pecify cry s ta l burnout properties n term s of ballis tic heating as jus t


In S ec. 5 .1 , it w as poin ted out th t the envelope of the TR leak age

pow er could be d ivid ed in to tw o parts , the s pik e and the fla t, as s how n”

in Fig. 5 .1 . This picture can be s een if the leak age pow er is rectified

and pas s ed through an amplifier of 5 - to 10-Me/ s ee bandw id th before

being d is play ed on a cathode-ray -tube s creen . It has been determ ined

by experim en t tha t the dura tion of the s pik e is us ually les s than 10–’ s ec

and , for h igh-Q TR tubes ; is from 3 to 6 X 10–’ s ec.

The energy in the

s pik e is about 0.05 erg for mos t h igh-Q ubes . Bandpas s tubes us uallY

exhibit a s pik e energy tw o or three tim es as grea t.

The arc leak age pow er lies betw een 10 and 50 m w for practica l y a ll

m icrow ave TR tubes , and therefore th is in its elf can hard ly damage a

cry s ta l. The fla t eak age pow e r, h ow e ver, is the s um of the arc, harm onic,

and d irect-coupled leak age pow e rs , and care m us t be tak en to ens ure tha t

harm onic and d ire t-coupled leak age pow ers do not reach dangerous


5 .4 . The Spik e. -On the bas is of the in troductory des cription , the

s pik e can be defined as follow s : the s pi e energy is that energy trans -

m itted to the receiver during the tim e in terva l betw een the beginning

of the trans mitter puls e and the form ation of the s tead y-s ta te d is charge

acros s the gap of the TR tube. Figure 5”6 s how s , on an expanded s ca le,-

the pres umed envelope of the leak age pow er through the TR tube near

the s tart of the trans mitter pu ls e.

Until recen tly , the exact-s hape of the s pik e had never been obs erved

d irectly . Conventional vid eo-frequency am plifiers and cathod~ray

os cillographs are incapable of res olving trans ien ts w hos e duration is

lb’ s ec or les s .

As a res u lt, the analy s i res en ted in the follow ing

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s ections w as d eveloped by in ference or deduction from the obs ervable

properties of the s pik e: tota l energy and s pectrum . In April, 1946 ,

C. W . Zabel s ucceeded in obta in ing an os cillogram of the s pik e energy

leak lng through a 1B38 pre-TR tube. Th is w as done in the Ins rd a-

tion Labora tory of the Nlas s achus etts Ins titu te of Technology on the

h igh -s peed os cillograph d eveloped by Lee.’ Th e res ults of thes e m ea sure-

m ents are en tirely cons is ten t w ith previous ly d eveloped theoretica l

analys is .

S tep b s tep , the proces s es in the s pik e are as follow s . At the very

beginning of the trans m itter pu ls e, th ere is an in itia l n um ber of electron s

n , in the gap of the TR tube. As the transm itter voltage increas es , the

voltage cros s the TR gap als o increas es , bu t a t a s low er ra te becaus e of

the compara tively high Q! of the TR cavity . In bandpas s TR tubes ,

the voltage buildup follow s tha t of the trans mitter w ith no appreciable

ti e }ag. Thk w ill be d is cus s ed in

grea ter d eta il in a la ter s ection . The

electron s a re a ccelera ted b y th e v olt-

age acros s the gap until they atta in


s ufficien t energy to prod uce further




The electron d ens ity in


the gap then increas es very rapid ly

and begins to s hort-circu it the ga

and to red uce the pow e r trans m itted

FIG. 56.-Presumed shape of spike

th rough the TR cavity to the re-

Iea kage envelop e r ela tive t o magnet r on


ceiver. The ra te of ion iz a tion con - ~

tinues to increas e as the pow er


increas es un til an equilibrium is reached w ith the incid en t pow e r.

Th e

lea k age p ow e r in th e equ ilibrium con dition is ca lled th e a rc lea lca ge pow e r,


The deta iled s tructure of the s pik e cannot be obs erved eas ily , bu t tw o

s im ifican t m eas urem ents can be m ad e w h ich characteriz e t.

Th es e are

meas urem ents of the tota l energy in the s pik e , and m eas urements of its

frequency s pectrum . The s pik e energy W, can be meas ured in s evera l

d ifferen t w ay s (s ee Chap. 9). From a meas urem ent of the tota l leak age

energy for tw o d ifferen t transm itter-pu ls e w id th s , as s um ing that W,

and Pa are ind epend en t of the pu ls e w id th , W, can be computed . Alter-

na tively , the fact ay be us ed that the a ttenua tion through the TR

cavity , during the s teady -s ta te d is charge, is of the order of 60 db and

is on ly a few db during the s pik e. Th is a llow s the arc leak age pow er to

be canceIed w ith a s mall am ount of pow er obta ined from the main trans -

m itter line through an attenua tor, w ithou t altering the s pik e envelope,

‘ Gordon M Lee, “A Three-beam Oscillographfor Recording at Frequenciesup

to 10,WO MegacycIea,”Pmt. Innt. Radio Enur8,, N. Y., 34, 121a (Ma rch 1946).

Page 167: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers






Under this cond ition the s pik e energy may be meas ured d irectly . The

tw o m eth od s , if us ed und er the proper cond itions , give equivalent res ults ,

and good TR tubes ave s pik e energies of the order of 0.05 erg per pu ls e.

The meas urem ent of the du ation of the s pik e is much les s certa in

than the m eas urem ent of the energy . The on ly d irect experim ental

m ethod is to m eas ure the frequency s pectrum of the s pik e w hen the flat

leak age pow er is canceled as jus t des cribed . Such meas urem ents are

res tricted to th e amplitudes of the various frequency com ponen ts . S ince

pha se m eas urem ents are im pos s ible w ith pres ent tech niques , the s ha pe of

th e s pik e can not be recon s t ru tted by th e in vers e Fou rier tra ns forma tion .

How ever, on the as s umption that the s pik e is rectangular, and by the

us e of the rela tion betw een puls e w id th r, and the frequency interval

Aj betw een the firs t tw o m inim a in the s pectrum ,


‘8 = If’

the duration has been es tim ated to be about 5 x 10–g s ec in a ty pical

high-Q TR tube.

The s pik e energy is of primary inte~es t becaus e of the problem of

cry s ta l burnout. Mos t of the m eas urem ents quoted in the follow ing s ec-

tion s w ill rela te to it, w h erea s m ea s urem en ts of s pik e d ura tion w ill receive

ra th er s can t a tt e nt ion .

A s im plified th eory of the s pik e w ill be pres ented

firs t and then the dependence of s pik e energy upon the follow ing para-

m eters w ill be d is cus s ed :

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

7 .

Gas con ten t.

In itia l num ber of electrons , no.

Ga p s hape.

Tuning of TR cavity .

Tra nsm itter p ow er le ve l.

Tran sm itte r-puls e s hape .

External circuit.

The varia tion of s pik e energy w ith the gas content of the TR tube

is a s tra ghtforw a rd m eas urem ent and has received m ore attention than

the other m eas urem ents . No abs olu te m eas urem ents of the effect of

no upon W, have been made becaus e of the d ifficulty of meas uring no.

Qualita tive res ults , how ever, have been obta ined . Gap s hape has been

inves tigated on ly by vary ing the gap length of a given tube and by noting

the varia tion in W,. The effect of tuning and transm itter pow er level

have been m eas ured , and coherent res ults obtained . No data are avail-

able on the effect of the transm itter-puls e s hape. Som e data exis t on

the effect of the im pedance and Q of the externa l load upon W,.

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[SEC.5 .5

6 .6 . Linear Theory of the Spik e. —There is , a t pres en t, noth ing tha t

can be d ign ified by the title of “theory of the s pik e . ” It is k now n that

a t the s tart f the transm itter pu ls e there are a few electrons in the gap.

Thes e are accelera ted by the h igh-frequency field until their energy is

s ufficien t to ca us e ion iz ation an d prod uce more electron s .

The num ber

of electrons increas es exponen tia lly w ith tim e until the electron ic r-f

adm ittance acros s the gap becom es very large and the d is charge pas ses

in to th e s tea d y -s ta te or fla t con d ition .

It is not pos s ible y et to ca lcu la te

the ra te a t w h ich the ion iza tion proces s tak es place even for s im ple gas es

lik e helium, and for ga ses having m any excita tion levels a t en ergies below

th e ion iz in g p oten tia l s u ch ca lcu la tion s a re e ve n fa rth er from rea liz ation .

Even w ith thes e lim ita tions , it is pos s ible to mak e s om e pertinen t

ca lcu la tions on the bas is of a m u h s im plified m od el.

The jus tif icat ion

for the us e of the s im ple m odel lies in the fact tha t the ca lcu la tions bas ed

on it give res ults tha t agree w ith experim en t.

Th is s im ple m odel of the








Zo= Yy



F IG. 57.-Lumped- on st an t ir cu it of TR ca vit y loa ded wit h m agn et ron oscilla tor a nd


spike assumes that the elect ronic admit tance acros s the gap of the TR

tube is negligible until a critica l voltage is reached , at w hich tim e the

ga p ion iz es in s ta ntly a nd completely .

The linear trans ien t res pons e of

the TR cavity to the transm itter pu ls e is ca lcu la ted up to the tim e i, a t

w hich tim e the gap break s dow n.

It is as s um ed tha t the s p ik e energy

is the energy calcu la ted in th is m anner.

A fu rther s ophis tica tion of the h eory in clud es th e effect of e lectron ic

load ing on the trans ien t res pons e.

The ra te of ion iz ation is ca lcu la ted

bu t it is as s um ed tha t inelas tic collis ions tha t d o not ion ize can be

neglected . This ca lcu la tion involves a k now ledge of the velocity d is -

tribu tion functions of the electrons and the probability of ion iz a tion

corres p on d in g to d ifferen t ele ctron en ergie s .

T. Hols tein of t e Wes t-

in gh ou se Res ea rch La bora tories h as s tu died th is problem in con s id era ble

d eta il, bu t no res ults are y et ava ilable.

In th is s ection the behavior of the s im plified linear m od el d es cribed

above w ill be pres en ted .

The electrica l circu it of the r-f s ection of a

radar s et includ ing the transm itter, TR tube and receiver, and the

antenna , m ay be repres en ted by the equiva len t lum ped -cons tan t circu it

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SEC. 55]


of Fig. 57. The TR cavity is as s umed to be connected in s eries w ith the

transm itter line, and the genera tor and antenna are matched to the

characteris tic adm ittance YO of the main line, w hile the receiver has a

conductance G. The d ifferen tia l equation for the voltage V acros s the

res onant TR circuit is then


If the genera tor voltage V,(t) is k now n, it is pos s ible to s olve for V

and fina lly get an expres s ion for the energy d is s ipa ted in the receiver

load G for any as s umed tim e interva l betw een t = O, the s tart of the

trans mitter pu ls e, and T, the beginning of the d is charge. The firs t prob-

lem , then , is to choos e the proper function for V,(t).

Firs t, it is neces s ary to cons id er on ly s elf-excited os cilla tors s uch as

the magne tron , s ince mas t e r-os ’cilla tor–pow er-amp lifie r comb ina tions are

not y et ava ilable in the m icrow a ve region .

It is k now n that the os cilla -

tions in a s elf-excited therm ion ic os cilla tor build up from zero in the

following manner . As the anode volt age is increased, cu r r en t begins to

flow. At low volt ages the ga in a round the posit ive-feedback loop is not

su fficien t to make the oscilla tor have nega t ive dynamic conductance

equal in m agnitude to the total conductan e load ing the tube, and there

are no s elf-s us ta ined os cilla tions .

There is , how ever, nois e pow er

delivered to the load . As the voltage and gain of the tube increas e,

the nega tive conductance increas es until

fina lly se lf-sus ta ined oscilla tions begin .

In the magnetron , w hile the voltage. is

s till be ow the cu toff level, the rotating


s pace charge has tw o effects . Firs t, it acts ~

as a nois e genera tor; and s econd , the nois e


voltages induced in the res onant cavities ~


~ Exponential

couple back to the s pace charge, lik e pos i-


tive feed back , and tend to bunch it. At

I Noise; linear rise

the critical voltage, the coupling betw een o t ~ tz

the s pace charge and the res onant cavities t

of the magnetron becom es s o tight that

FIG. 5.S .—Enve lope of bu ild -

oscilla tory energy may be delivered to an

up of oscilla t ions in a pu lsed


externa l load with enough volt age left over

to keep the space cha rge proper ly bunched, and thus ma in ta in stable

oscilla tions in the circu it.

The outpu t pow er of the magnetron is s how n in Fig. 5“8 . In the

interva l O < t < h, the tube has an increas ing, pos itive va lue of Q and

is d riven by a cons tan t-curren t nois e s ource.

The output nois e d oes not

h ave th e u s ua l w id e n ois e s pectrum , bu t h as th e frequ en cy ch ara cteris tics

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[S r%c. 55

determ ined by the effective Q of the tube. The nois e outpu t pow er


tance becom es grea ter in abs olu te m agnitude than the tota l d is s ipa tive

conductance. The Q of the tube becom es nega tive, and the amplitud e

of os cilla tion increas es exponentia lly w ith tim e until it reaches a lim it

im pos ed by the externa l pow er s upply , ca thod e em is s ion , and s pace


For purpos es of analy s is of the s pik e, it w ill be as s umed tha t the

magnetron has a cons tan t, h igh , pos itive va lue of Q during the nois e

bu ildup. The nois e s ource is the s p ce charge and is as s umed to have

a very h igh impedance. It may be cons id ered as a cons tan~curren t

s ource w hos e s trength increas es linearly w ith tim e. The outpu t pow er

of the m agnetron during th is period , and under thes e as sum ptions , con -

s is ts of a narrow s pectrum of nois e, narrow com pared w ith the TR-cavity

bandw id th , abou t a cen ter frequency u , and w ith am plitud e increas ing

linearly from zero. Becaus e the Q of the magnetron is s o h igh in the

in terva l O < t< t],he outpu t pow er is es s en tia lly a continuous w ave

in term s of the compara tively low -Q TR cavity . During thk nois e-

buildup period

V.(t) = ~ t s in d

O<t <t,. (9 )

For t > t,,he outpu t increas es exponen tia lly and

v,(t) ==



Let us cons id er the res pons e of the TR cavity to thes e tw o fuxictions .

Meas uremen ts on 10-cm magnetrons ind ica te tha t the maximum nois e

pow er is of the ord er of 20 wat ts when the magnet ic field is 1 30 0 ga us s ,

and the r-f pu ls e pow er is about 50 kw . Aty pica l va lue is VO = ~2~,

w h ere YO is th e ch ara cteris tic a dm itta nce of th e tra nsm is s ion lin e cou pled

to the magnetron . The tim e t,d epen ds upon th e s teepn es e of th e a pplied

d -c puls e, and is abou t 10-’ s ec.

To get the res pons e of the cavity to th is linear ris e, Eq. (8) is rew ritten

Th is equation is conven ien tly s olved by the m ethod of the Laplace trans -

formation ,’ The trans forma tion of the d i feren tia l equation in to an

a lgebra ic equa tion giv es




++G ~ ~

—–—–----= V(S ) s ’+.Ts+—

2t 1 (s2 ;sO’)’ LC ;’


I Gardner and Barnes, Tran.siknts


in L inear S yaterns, Vol. I, Wiley, brew York,

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SEC. 55]



w here V(s ) is the &trans form of V, and s is the Laplace opera tor.

Th e

s olu tion for V(s ) is



‘(s ) = * (s’ + U’)2 (s + ,8 +j@) (s + P –j@)’

w here l/ LC = w 2, @ = (YO/ 2 + G)/ 2C = u/ 2QLl and u >>8 . If the

in vers e, or C–l, tra ns form ation is m a de

– ‘-;(l-e-’’)lsin@’ +[i-i(l-e-;lcOsw’l “4)

~ = VOYO



Us ual va lues of Q. for a TR cavity are betw een 300 and 400; therefore


= 107 s ee–l. With w = 2 X 10’0 s ee-’, @ may be neglected

paris on , and Eq. (14) becom es



= 4t,cp



t– ~ (1 – e–@) s in d.


If e-s’ is expand ed in pow ers of Ot,


V = ~ t’ s in d.

The pow er d is s ipa ted in the cond uctance G is

v, y2(J

P = IVIZG = *t’s in ’ a t,


and the energy d is s ipa ted in the tim e r is


by com -





If it is a s s umed tha t the gap break s dow n ins tan taneous ly a t the

tim e 7 , then Eq. (18) gives the s pik e energy W, d is s ipa ted in the conduc-

tance G. Experim en ta lly , it is k now n that W . is independ ent of trans -

m itter pow er over a range of a t leas t 1000 to 1 . For Eq. (18) to I

correct W mus t be ind ependen t of VO.

If it is a s s umed that the gap

break s dow n at a critica l voltage V’, then , from Eq. (16 ),

If Eq. (19) is s ubs titu ted in to Eq. (18),



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Thus, W is not independent of Vo and d oes not s atis fy the experim enta l

re su lts , un le s s V’ is a ls o a function of Vo as d efined by Eq. (20). More-

over, if num bers are put in to Eq. (18), then for VO = v’~0, tl = 10–s

s ee, Q = 300, T = 5 X 10–g see, and YO = G, the compu ted energy s too

low by a factor of m ore than 1000.

Thus , it has been demons tra ted that t e va lue of W . ca lcu la ted on

the as s umption of an ins tan taneous break dow n of the gap at a critica l

voltage V’ is much too low if available es tim ates of the ra te of nois e

bu~d up are us ed and the com puta tions are confined to the linearly ris ing

portion of th e magn etron -s ta rtin g ch ara cteris tic. Fu rth er in ves tiga tion

s how s that W. is not independent of the cavity tun ing. That is , for

l/ LC # a’, the energ d elivered to G varies w ith the valu of LC. Let

us now inves tiga te the energy d is s ipa ted in G during the exponentia lly

ris ing voltage output period , tl < t < h.

To s im plify nota tion , let us s h ift the tim e s ca le s o tha t t, is z ero tim e.

Then V,(t) = Voe”’. S ince the energy contribu ted by the linear ris e is

s o small, it w ill be neglected here, and it w ill be as s umed that a t t = O,

V,(t) is s uddenly applied to the netw ork . If the s olu tion for V is found

in the s am e w ay as before, the ~-trans form equation is

(21 )

‘(s ) = %&a+ju) (s –a –jti)s (s +-B+j@)(s+d -j@)’


The energy d is s ipa ted in G is


The quantities YO, B, C, and G are d efined as before. The tim e cons tan t

of the magnetron is a = 0:’2Q~, w here the buildup Q has a ty pica l va lue

of Q~ = – 25. In the 10-cm band a = 4 X 108s ee–l. S ince the va lues

of 7 are betw een 5 X 10–g and 10–g s ee, Eq. (23) cannot be expanded

in to a s hort s eries of one or tw o term s as w as done for Eq. (15). A

graphical s olu tion of Eq. (22) and Eq. (23) s how s that for ~ > 2 X 10–g

s ee, the energy is ind ependent of VO over a w ide range.


if VO = {20, YO,G = 1’0 ,a = 4 X 108,/ 3= 2.5 X 107,C = 3 X 10–8Y0,

and 7 = 9 X 10–g s ee, then it is found from Eq. (23 tha t U- = 0.07 erg,

w h ich is in good a greem en t w ith experim en t.

S ince th is s im ple theory agrees w ith experim en t w h en the m agnetron

and TR cavity are tuned to the s ame frequency , Uz = 1 lL~, it is inter-

Page 173: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 55]



es ting to s ee w hat happens w hen the tw o are tuned d ifferen tly , and

& = (u + Au)’.

If th is rela tions hip is s ubs titu ted into the initia l d ifferen tia l equation,

then the ~-trans form ed equation is

vO@Yo ~

v(s ) = ~

(s –a+ju) (s –a–@) [s+ L!&w +Au)][s+B-j(u+Au )]” ’24)

Th e invers e tra ns form ation of th is equatio gives

w here w is large compared w ith a, f?, a d Au.

This expres s ion m ay be

rew ritten a s



4C / (Aw )2 + (a + @)’

[(e”’ – e-~’ cos Ad ) sin (d + ~)

– e-~~ .OS (t it + ~)

s in Ad], (26)

w here @ = tan–l [(a + @)/ Ao]. The abs olute value is

Iv] =


_ <e,d - Ze(.-d )f + 1,

4C / (Au)’ + (a + / 3)2


This equation is s im ilar in form to Eq. (22) and for t greater than 5 or

6 X 10–9 s ee, a change of Au has the s ame effect as changing V,, and

therefore has no effect upon the s pik e energy . This agree w ith experi-

m ent w hich has s how n that W, is independen t of Aw over a range of at


Thus , an extremely s imple empirical theory of the s pik e has been

formulated . Its claim to valid ity res ts upon the fact that if ty pica l

data for m agnetron s tarting, TR-cav ty Q, and s pik e duration are us ed ,

the calculated value of s pik e energy W, agrees w ith experim ent and als o

upon the fact that it pred icts the independence of W upon VO and Au,

w h ich is cons is tent w ith experim ent.

The tw o as sum ptions involved

concern the s tarting of the m agnetr n and the ins tantaneous break dow n

of the gap.

Page 174: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




5.6 . Nonfinear Theory of the Spik e.-If a cloud of lectrons in a gas

s ubject to an accelerating field is cons idered , the ra te of increas e of

electrons m ay be w ritten as


w here n is the electron dens ity , S is the average electron s peed , L t he

mean free pa th , a nd p is th e proba bilityy of ion iz ation per collis ion .


m ay be w ritten


where V k the voltage acros s the gap.

It w ill be s how n in S ec. 5 .13

that the r-f adm ittance of a cloud of elec-




1 dg.


~ dt

— = I#l(v),



w here the electron ic adm ittance is as -


s umed to be a pure conductance g,,

Th e


equ iva len t circu it is s h ow n s ch ema tica lly


in Fig. 5 .9 a.

Th e s olu tion of th e non lin ea r

d ifferentia l equatio of this circuit for V

- ~ (t)

is a ted ious tas k . Numerica l s olu tions


1 have been carried out by T. Hols tein of

the Wes tinghous e Res earch Laboratory

but reports of th is w ork have not y et


been published .

~IG. 5.9,—Circuitfor analys isof

Fh-s t, let u s con sid er th e circu it of Fig.


5.9b. This circu it repres en ts a nonres o-

nant (or very -low -Q) TR tube s uch as a pre-TR or bandpas s tube. In

th is circuit the voltage acros s the gap is given by


.& ‘g(t)”


For s im plicity , let it be as sum ed that @(V) in Eq. (30) is a linear function

k V, That is , the probabilityy of ion ization increas es linearly w ith the

applied voltage. Now , if Eqs , (30) and (31) are com bined ,


g, d t

$2G ‘g(’)”

In tegration of Eq. (32) gives



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w h ere go is the electron ic cond uctance corres pond ing to no, the in itia l

electron d ens ity in the gap, furnis hed by the k eep-a live d is charge. S in e

the circuit is as s um ed to be no res onant, the period ic genera tor voltage

V,(t) may be replaced by its envelope Vo(ta ’ – 1), w here VO and a are

the quantities d efined in Sec. 5 .5 . The numerical s olu tions of thes e

equa tions are pres en t e d in Fig. 5 .10, w here all the cons tan ts have been

normaliz ed . Thes e res u lts ind ica te that the s pik e energy is rela~ively

ins ens itive to rz~ (or g~), in view of the fact that a range of 100/ 1 in go

is repres en ted y the extrem e curves .

The area under the squares of




~ 2.0




- 1.6



Ilm 1.2








3 4 5




FIG. 5.10.—Calculated spik e t ra n sien t of low-Q TR t ube.

thes e curves is proportiona l to the energy d elivered to the load . For

the three va lues of go as s umed , the energies lie in the ra tio 1, 1 .4 , and

2.6 for go = 0.1 , 0 .01 and 0.001 es pectively .

S im ilar res u lts have been obta ined by Hols tein for the h igh-Q cas e.

It is in teres ting to note that th is theory pred icts the exis tence of a


This is the fla t portion a fter the initia l s pik e trans ien t;

it is a t a cons id rably higher level than the arc leak age pow er of the

s teady s ta te d is charge. The ps eudo-fla t las ts until the transm itter

pow e r has reached its peak and leveled off, a t w h ich tim e the s tead y -s ta te

d is charg is es tablis hed . Until recen tly it w a s im pos s ible to prove or to

d is prove the exis tence of the ps eudo-fla t. Figure 511 is a retouched

Page 176: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




0s (

0s (



of the leak age pow er through a 1B38 pre-TR

w as tak en by C. W. Zabel of the Rad ia tion L~




:ory on



ps e




FIG. 5.11,—Oscillogram of spike from 1B3s pre-TR tube.

:ed os cillogra ph a t th e Ma ss ach us etts In s titu te of

Labora tory . The picture s how s quite clearly

and the trans ition to the true fla t. The d eflectio



‘n sem


spike ,


Page 177: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




of th is os cillogr ph is very low and therefore it is im pos s ible, unfort -

nately , to record the break dow n trans ient in a high-Q TR tube, w h ere the

s pik e leak age energy is about 10–4 that in the 1B38 pre-TR tube.

The calculated curves of Fig. 5“10 s how a com para tively s low drop

in voltage after the peak of the s pik e.

This is in s trong contras t w ith

the as sum ption m ade in Sec. 5“5 that the break dow n is ins tantaneous .

This s am e contras t is furnis hed by the os cillogram show n in Fig. 5“11

w h ere the break dow n tim e is as long as the bu ildup tim e or longer.

Th e

num erical calcula tions for t e high-Q circu it m ad e by Hols tein s how the

rela tively s hort break dow n tim e as sum ed in S ec. 5 .5 Thus , there appears

to be a d ifference betw een the s pik es i low - a d high-Q TR tubes . Th is

is probably bes t expla ined if, in Eq. (22), it is noted that the voltage


is independent of the load conductance G in the tim e interval unde

consid~ra t ion . This is equiva len t to saying tha t th e s urge a dm itta nce

of the cavit is very large compared w ith Yo.

S ince go is about 0 .01 YO,

g./ g0 m ~ls t reach very m uch larger values than are required in the non-

res onant TR tube in order to produce a given reduction in oltage.

S ince n , or g., grow s exponen tia lly , Ivhen the voltage is red uced by elec-

tronic load ing, it fa lls very rapid ly , and gives a s harp break dow n


One of the larger void s in the unders tand ing of TR phenom ena con-

cerns the rela tions hip betw een s pik e leak age energy and the Q of the

TR cavity . Quantita tive experim en ts to d eterm ine this rela tions hip

have been few , and the res ults are conflicting. It is k now n, how ever,

that although W, is rela tively independent of the input coupling (Qm ),

it is a s tro g functi n of the ou tput coupling (Q~”,). Thes e rela tions hips

hold for a given TR tube in the region 100< Q,., <400.

The jump from high-Q TR tubes to bandpas s tubes , how ever, w here


= 5 is d ifficult to unders tand , s ince W, in the bandpas s tubes is

abou t 0 .1 erg as com pared w ith 0 .03 erg in the h igh-Q tubes .


w here 0,1 to 0.3 erg of s pik e leak age energy from a high-Q tube dam ages

m any cry s ta ls , the s am e total energy from a bandpas s tube, if a llow ed

to fall upon a cry s ta l for hundreds of hours , does not damage it. The

d ifference is believed to res ult from the d ifference in s hape of the s pik e

in the tw o tubes . In a h igh-Q tube, the energy is confined to a tim e

interval s hort com pared w ith the thermal tim e cons tant of the cry st l.

In the bandpas s tub , the s low er break dow n, it is believed , caus es t e

s pik e energy to be dk tribu ted over a longer tim e interval.

If th is tim e

is longer than the cry s ta l tim e cons tant, then burnout is caus ed by a

com bination of ballis tic heating and s t ad y-s ta te heating.


tim e cons tants are of the order of 10-’ s ee, w hereas the duration of the

s pik e is about 5 X 10-9 s ec for the high-Q tubes , and 10–6 s ec for the

bandpas s tubes . Thus , the bandpas s tube is jus t in the borderline

Page 178: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





region , and the explanation given above is a t leas t plaus ible. Further

too d ifficu lt a nd s hou ld y ie ld in teres tin g res u lts .

6 .7 . Effect of no upon S pik e Leak age Energy .—The curves of Fig. 5“10

ind ica te the d epen den ce of W, upon nO, th e n umb er of electron s in itia lly

in the TR-tube gap. It has been obs erved from experim en t tha t the

s pik e eak age en ergy varies invers ely w ith n o; h ow e ver, no quantita tive

d ata w h ich give the exa ct re a tions hip exis t.

The nature of the TR tube is res pons ible for th is gap in the bas ic

u nd ers tand ing of th e brea kd ow n .

The in itia l, or prim ing, electrons a re

furn is hed by t e d -c k eep-a live d is charge. The dens ity no of thes e

electron s can be con trolled by va ry ing th e d is ch arge cu rren t, or by chang-

ing the pos ition of the d is charge rela tive to the gap, bu t neither of thes e

parameters bears a s im ple rela tion to rLO.Furtherm ore, in norm al

engineering practice, it is us ual s o to arrange the k eep-a live electrod e

tha t w ith a normal curren t ( =

100 pa) the k eep-a live in teraction , the

reduction in low -level trans mis s ion d ue to go, is about 1 per cen t.

Th e

res t of the tub~gas , s hape, and coupling—is then ad jus ted to mak e

the s pik e leak age energy low enough for s afety . Thus , the d es ired res ults

are meas ured d irectly ra ther than by me ns of the ra ther academ ic

quantity n o.

How ever, it w ould be of va lue to have experim en ta res u lts of the

effect of no on Ws . In principle , a t leas t, o can be meas ured d irectly

by means of d -c probes in the gap.

In cell TR tubes , it is pos s ib e to

m eas ure the curren t collected on the cone acros s the gap from the k eep-

a live, w hen it is a t a small pos itive poten tia l. Thus , a ca libra tion of no

agains t k eep-a live curren t can be obta ined , and can then be us ed to

in terpret a curve of W, as a function of k eep-a live curren t.

Th e in tera ction of n o upon th e low -level tra nsm is s ion ma y be m ea s ured .

A cloud of electrons in a gas may be repres en ted (s ee S ec. 5“13) by an

adm ittance YO = go + jbo referred to the input term ina ls of the TR

cavity , the cavity los s es may be repres en ted by g:, and the gem rator

and load conductance by unity .

‘The rela tive trans mis s ion of pow e r

to the load in s uch a circu it is



Meas urem en ts on a s pecia l tube ind ica te tha t the electron ic admittance

is main ly rea l (g. > bo).l Then , if b. is n eglected , th e s olu tion for go is

1Ting-Sui K&and L. D. Smullin ,

“A IQw Power X-Band R-f Gas Sw itch ,”RL

Report No. S41 ,Oct. 19 ,1945 .

Page 179: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers







T= l+% .

ince go c no,



‘ E9”=;F a ‘





a = 4Te/T.

Thus , Eq. (36) is a means of d eterm ining “the

rela tive va iues of n“ in a given TR

tube for various cond itions of the ~,

keep-a live circu i ~.

& 0.6

“ L

Keep-alive off

Figure 5.12 s how s the s pik e a

leak age energy through a 724A TR ~ 0.5

tu be, opera ted w ith ou t a k eep-a live

a l 0 .4

d is charge, as a function of trans - $10.3

m itter repetition rate. In th is ex- ~ 0,2

perim ent the electrons in the gap S

~ 0.1

at the s tart of a pu ls e w ere thos e

left over from the- p revious r-f d is -


charge. T us the higher the repeti-

Transmitter repetition rate- pulses/see

tion ra te (s horter ti e betw een

FIG. 5.12 .—Effectof t ra nsm it ter r ep e-

puls es ), the grea ter is nO, and the

t it ion ra te on sp,ke leakage energy for a

724A t ube a t a lin e power of 20 kw,

smaller is IV,. An exper m ent of

this type, cou pled w ith th e recovery -tim e a na ly s is d is cu ss ed in S ec. 5 .13,

m ight give s om e in teres tin g quantita tive res ults regard in g n o.

5 .8 . Effect of Gas Filling upon Spik e Energy .-In the preced ing s ec-

tions an a ttem pt w a s m ad e to pres en t a m ore or les s rational explana tion

f the gros s as pects of the s pik e, and o the proces s of break dow n. No

a ttem pt, h ow e ver, w a s m ad e to explain th e d eta iled proces s of ioniz ation .

Th is involves accura te k now led ge of the excita tion and ioniz ation levels

and cros s s ection s of the particu lar gas un der con sid eration , and a m ean s

f ca lculating the actual electron energy d is tribution function at every

ins tan d uring the brea kd ow n proces s .

Thk has not y et been done and

is certa in ly bey ond the s cope of th is book .

From the engineering poin t of view , how ever, w hat is d es ired is a

k now ledge of the effect of pres sure and of the particular gas or m iz ture

of ga ses u pon W,.

Thes e data have been obta ined from m eas urem ents

pon particular TR tubes . Becaus e the w ork at the tim e w as urgent,

em phas is w a s alw a ys placed upon the d evelopm ent of a particular tube.

As a res u lt, com plete s ets of m eas urem ents on a particular tube, us ing

ifferen t gas es and pres sures , are a lm os t nonexis tent. N attem pt has

Page 180: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





been made to correlate the optimum pres s ure (m inimum W,) w ith gap

s pacin g and frequ en cy .

It is doubtfu l w hether the data now available

w ould be am enable to s uch analy s is .

The variation of W, w i h the k ind of gas us ed s eem s to be cons is ten t

for tubes of d ifferen t ty pes and of d ifferen t frequency band s . The TR

tubes have been filled w ith m ixtures of either H and H,O or A and HuO.

Th e w a ter va por is u sed o ens ure s hort recovery tim e, w h ile the h yd rogen

or argon is us ed to ens ure adequate cry s ta l protection at s ub-z ero tem -

pera tures and als o to in crea se tu be life .

Figure 5.13 is a plot of the s pik e leak age energy W, through a 1B27

TR tube opera ting at 9 .1 cm w ith ~L2 = 300. The data w ere obtained





‘ 0 .1


~ o,06



&0 .04



& 0 .0 2






6810 20

40 60 100

Gaspressure-mm Hg

-Spike leakage energy TV, through a 1B27 TR t ube for va riou s ga ses.

by meas uring the leak age pow er through the TR tube at tw o puls e

w id th s and a ss um in g that the a rc leak age pow e r w a s fla t and ind epen dent

of pu ls e length . No attempt w as made to view the leak age puls e on an

oscilloscope during the se experimen ts .

Th es e p re caution ary s ta tements

are made principa lly becaus e of the curve for Oz . The other gas es

behaved as expected ; but the very low s pik e energy obta ined w ith oxy gen

w as s omew hat s tartling. Becaus e thas e particu lar tes ts w ere made at

the end of 1945, there has been no opportun ity to check them . It

m ight be concluded that m onatom ic gas es w ould ion iz e m ore eas ily than

d iatom ic ga ses , s in ce d iatom ic gas es can a bs orb electron energy in m ole-

cqlar vibra tion thus red ucing the probability and the rate of ioniz ation.

The curves of Fig. 5 . 3 do not s upport th is conclus ion . On the other

hand , Fig. 5 .14 repres en ts data tak en on a 1B26 TR tube at 1 .25 cm in

w hich the m in imum s pik e energy for argon is about one-eighth that for

hy drogen . In th is cas e W. w as meas ured by canceling the fla t leak age

pow e r w ith pow e r through a linear attenu ator w h ich d id not pa ss through

Page 181: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





the TR tube. Meas urem ents on the 3-cm bandpas s TR tubei give the

s am e relative s pik e leak age ener ies for the noble gas es , argon, neon,

and helium as thos e s how n in Fig. 5“13.

Many m eas urem ents of s pik e leak age energy w h ich are not pres ented

here had to be om itted becaus e of the ques tionable purity of the gas es

us ed . The effect of im purities is apparently m os t s erious in the cas e of

the noble gas es .2 Ord inary TR tubes do not eas ily lend them s elves to












0.006 -


o 10


partialressure of A or Hz- (mm - Hg)

FI~, 5,14.—Spike-pressure character ist ic for a 1B26 T R tube at 1,25 cm.

h igh -tempera tu re ou tga s s ing becau s e of s oft-s old e red join ts , or compara -

tively w eak copper-glas s butt s eals .

Thus , thes e data m us t be trea ted

aa repre s en ta tiv e of lea kage ene rgie s that can be e xpected from commerica l

tubes rather than as an ind ication of the in trins ic properties of the par-

ticu lar pu re ga s.

Figures 5.14 and 5.15 s how the ffect of the add ition of w ater vapor

to an H#illed TR tube upon W8.

In both the 1.25-cm and the 10-cm

tubes , the us e of H*O m ak es the s pik e energy s urpris ingly independent

1M. D. F~ke, (‘F ina l Technica l Repor t on OSRD Cont ract OEMsr-1306,” GE

I&sea rch La bor at or y, N ov. 7, 1945.

z Loeb, “F un damen ta l P rocesses of E lect rica l Disch ar ges in Ga ses, ” Wiley, N ew

Yor k, 1939, Ch ap. 2.

Page 182: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





of the partia l pres sure of H2 or H20.

Thus , the choice of the proper gas

fillin g mu s t be d icta ted by con s id era tion s oth er th an s pik e lea k age en ergy .

Thes e factors , arc pow er, recovery tim e, and life, w ill be d is cus sed in

succeeding sections .

Although Fig. 5 .14 ind icates that the us e of pure argon res u lts in

exceptiona lly low values of W,, th is is of little im portance in a TR tube

d es ign ed for r d ar u se beca us e of the extrem ely long recovery tim e of s uch


s O,*






1 1

., ,4,,,, ,,~u,

13.06k~ 10mm H~of




1 1






4 6 810 20

40 60 80100

Partial pressure of H2- mm of Hg

F IG. 5.15,—Effect o a ddit ion of wa t er va por t o H~filled 1B27 TR tube.

a tube. The add ition of s ufficient w a ter apor to ens ure s hort recovery

tim e and reas onably long tube life , mak es the A and H20 s pik e energy

about the s ame as that for the Ha and HZO m ixture.

Eflect oj Gap Length upon W,.—In the TR tube, s pik e leak age energy

increas es w ith increas ing gap length , if other factors (except tuning)

remain cons tant. Figure 5.16 s how s the characteris tics of the 1B24

(3-cm ) and lB27(10-cm ) TR tubes ; W, is plotted agains t revolutions of

the tuning s crew , w h ich produce a linear m otion of the cone. Thes e data

w ere obta ined With the exciting pow er com ing from a fixed -frequency

m agnetron and , therefo e, the TR cavity w as detuned from the m agrw

tron by alxw t f 6 per cen t at the extrem es of the tuning range. Other

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tests in w hich the magnetron frequency w as varied over a com parable

range w h ile the TR cavity w a s k ept tuned to a cons tan t frequency s how ed

varia t ons of W , of 1 db or les s . The curves of Fig. 5 .16 obvious ly obey

d ifferen t law s . How m uch of th is res ults from d ifferences in frequency

and how much from electrod e s hape is not k now n .

Som e ind ica tions of a m inimum spacing, below w hich W. s tarts to

ris e again , hav been found . Th is occurs in the 1B27 at a s pacing of


abou t 0 .005 in . No quan tita tive

exis t, and no data exis t for other


Accura te m eas ure-

men ts of th is m inimum as a func-

tion of frequency and pres s ure

s h ou ld p rove va lu able in a fford in g

a clearer ins ight in to the fund -

men ta l p roces s e s .

It is believed

that th is m inimum has the s ame

s ign ifica nce a s th at of th e Pa s ch en

curve for low frequencies . When

the gap becom es s hort enough , a

large fraction of the electrons in

the gap may be los t to the elec-




~ 0.05–

“s 0 .04–




~ 0.02—





[ [

I [ [



Turns of tuning screw- decreasing gap length

F IG. 516.-Va r ia t ion of sp ik e leakage ener gy

wit h ga p len gt h in 1B27 a nd 1B24 TR t ubes.

trod & ‘before they can con tribu te to the further ion iza tion of the gas .

5 .9 . Arc Leak age Pow er.—The arc leak age pow er is the pow er d is s i-

pa ted in the receiver load and res ults from the s tead y-s ta te voltage d rop

acros s the h igh-frequency d is charge in the TR tube. In the normal

pres sure and current range encoun tered in TR tubes , the voltage d rop

acros s the d is charge is v ry nearly ind epend en t of the current carried by

it, and for m os t cas es the d is charge can be treated as a zero-im ped ance,

cons tan t-voltage source .

S om e of th e s im ila rities betw e en th e h igh -frequ en cy d is ch arge a nd th e

pos itive colum n of the d -c d is charge have been ind icated earlier in th is

chapter. In th is and the follow ing s ection s , the s elf-s us ta in ing r-f d is -

charge in TR tubes w ill be d is cus sed , in w h ich the quantities of in teres t

are the arc leak age pow er and the arc loss, the pow er d is s ipa ted in the

d is charge. S om e of the independ en t variables that a ffect the d is charge


1 . Ga s con ten t.

2 . Tran sm itter pow e r level.

3 . Extern al circu it (ca vity cou plin gs , etc.).

4 . Gap s hape.

The on ly quan tities w h ich can be m eas ured conven ien tly are the arc

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leak age pow er, arc los s , and the trans fo m ed d is charge im pedance. No

m eas urem ents have been m ad e of the electron d ens ity or of tem perature

in the d is charge, although es timates of the former have been made. It

s hou ld be pos s ible to m ea su re th e electron tempera tu re by m ea ns of probes

s im ilar to thos e us ed in the s tudy of d -c d is charges . 1

Before pres enting the experim enta l da ta , or d is cus s ing s om e of the

theoretical as pects of th is pr blem , let us s ee how the m eas ured leak age

pow er varies w ith the des ign of the TR cav ty . Figure 5. 17a is a

s chem atic d iagram of a TR tube connected in s eries w ith a trans mis sion

line w hich is energized by a matched genera tor and term inated in a

matched load . The TR cavity is loaded by an arbitrary , rea l conduct-

ance G/ YO = g. The equiva lent lumped -cons tan t circu it is s how n in

Fig. 5 .17b, w h ere the reference plane has been chos en at the center of the




Z. +

-- Reference








F IG. 517.-Equ iva len t cir cu it for a r c lea kage power .

TR tube. The equiva lent genera tor s een at the center of the TR tube is

obtained by the us e of Th6venin’s theorem .

The in ternal im ped ance is

2 b2Z0and th e open -circu it volta ge is bE , w here B/ YO = b is the suscept -

ance of the TR-cavity coupling iris es .

If b = 10, then the genera tor

im ped ance s een from the gap is 200Z0.

If a line pow er of l-k w peak s , and

a 50-ohm coaxia l trans mis s ion line are as sum ed , then E = 1400 volts rm s ,

and the trans form ed generator voltage bE = 14,000 volts . Meas ure-

ments made on the 721A TR tube ind icate that the voltage d rop acros s

the d is charge, ea , is about 100 volts z w hen an H*-H,O gas filling is us ed ,

and is 200 to 300 volts in the argon-filled 10-cm pre-TR tubes . This

large ratio betw een emand bE allow s the d is charge to be trea ted as if it

w e re energiz ed from a con stan t-cu rm z t sou rce.

The magnitude of the d is -

charge curren t d epen ds upon the transmitter pow e r, upon the am plitud e

and phas e of s tand ing w aves in the m ain trans mis s ion line, and upon the

coupling to the TR cavity .

1Cobine, Gaseous Coraducfw-s, McGr aw-H ill, N ew Yor k, 1941, Ch ap. 6.

2 Bethe, Marshak, Sclfa inger , “Theoret ica l Results on the TR-Box, ” NDRC

Repor t D1-1 16, J a n. 20, 1943.

Page 185: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




Itis an experim en ta l fa ct that w ith in the a ccu ra cy of th e experim en ts ,

the arc leak age pow er of a TR tube in to a given loa is ind ependen t of

transm itter pow er over a range of s evera l thous and to one. Th is m eans

that th e a rc- volta ge rem ain s-con sta nt w h ile the

curren t is varied by a factor of fifty or m ore, and

a llow s the d is ch rge to be trea ted as if it had a

zero d y nam ic im pedance and cons tant voltage


The pow er d elivered by a cons tan t-voltage

genera tor to a load is P = E2g, w here g is the

conduct ante of the load . The load s us cept ante

has o effect upon the tota l pow er abs orbed by

the load . Meas urements of arc leak age pow er

as a function of load adm ittance give con tours

of cons tant pow er w hich fa ll upon lines of con -

s tan t con du cta nce on tran sm is s ion -lin e ch arts ,












0.8 1.0


FIG. 5 .18.—Var ia t ion

of a rc r ea ka ge power wit h

t ra nsm ission t hr ou gh t he

TR swit ch .

and w h ich s how lit tle or no d epen den ce on th e s us cepta nce.

The rece iver

g/ b~ ,

pow r is

pa = ~:~.



The externa l Q of the ou tpu t circu it is

Q,., = I+


and there fore

‘“ ‘&”


For con ven ien ce in ca lcu la tin g, th is s im ple rela tion s hip ma y b e exp res s ed

in term s of s om e other param eters .’

1 , For a cavity coupled for m atched inpu t cond uctance,

2 . For equal inpu t and ou tpu t coupling (1 / b~ = g/ b~),



w here T is the s gna l t ransmission ra t io, the ra t io of t ransmit ted power to

the ava ilable power , and gc is the cavity conductance. F igure 5.18 is a

I S~muel, McChea , and Mumford,

“The Gas Discharge TR Switch ,” BTL MM-

42-140-26, April 17, 1942.

Page 186: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




plot of Pa for t es e tw o cas es as a function of T . Note that Pm is directly

proportion al to th e ca vity con du cta nce g., a nd th erefore, for a given in s er-

tion los s , the arc leak age pow er varies invers ely w ith the unloaded Q of

th e ca vity .

The pow er d is s ipa ted in the d is charge m ay be calcu lated in a s im ilar

manne r, 1

The curren t in the d is charge is

and the pow er is

P, = iae== e.





As before, the pow er d is s ipa ted in the gap may be rew ritten for tw o

specia l case s .

1 . Matched input coupling,


2 . Equa l cou plin gs ,

P, = dP,Pa .


Thus , the d is s ipa ted pow er is proportiona l to the geom etric m ean of the

line pow er Pl, and of the arc leak age pow er P.,

Thes e rela tions ind icate that in order to d es cribe the leak age ow er

of a TR tube, either the ou tpu t coupling, or the cavity transm is s ion ,

02 4 6 8

Turns of tuning screw

Decreasing gap ~

FIG. 5.19,—Variation of arc leakage power

with gap length.

ing the TR cavity by vary ing the

s hunt onductance, and ratio of

input to ou tpu t coupling corre-

s pond ing to any given value of P.,

mu s t b e s pecified .

Detuning the TR cavity from

the transm itter frequency by

means of tuning plugs in the TR

cavity (or detuning the trans -

m itter) has practica lly no effect

upon the arc leak age pow er.

Once the gap has brok en dow n,

the cond uctance of the d is charge

is very large compared w ith the

s us ceptance in troduced by the

detuning of the cavity . Detun-

gap s pacing has a mark ed effect

upon Pa. Figure 5.19 s how s th e varia tion of Pa w ith ga p s pa cin g (a dju st-


Page 187: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





ment of the tuning s crew ) in the 1B24 and 1B27 TR tubes . Thes e data

Thes e curves have the form Pa = Cekr, w here C and k are cons tan ts and 1

is the gap length . On a linear plot of the data m ight be fitted by a

square -law curve , Pa = A 12,w here A is a cons tant.

A s im ple picture of

the d is charge pos tu la tes a cons tan t gradient, the voltage d rop varies

linearly w ith s pacing, and the leak age pow er therefore varies w ith the

s quare of the s pacing. As an engineering approxim ation , it is probably

s a fe to as sume that the arc leak age pow er is proportiona l to the square

of the gap length .

5 .10 . Depend ence of Arc Leak age Pow e r u pon Transm ittin g Pow e r.—

The arc voltage e. is ind epend ent of the d is charge current in rad ar equ ip-

ments opera tin g under norma l cond ition s .

At line pow ers jus t above the

m inimum break dow n level, the d is charge exh ibits a d ecid ed nega-

tive characteristic.

Figu re 5 .2 0 illu s tra tes th e lin ea r va ria tion of lea k age




Line power

S.20.—Leakage power at ver y low

levels a s a funct ion of lin e power .


(E )



i E’ E

FIG. 5.21.—Product ion and des t ruct ion of

elect r on s a s a funct ion of field st r engt h .

pow er w ith line p w er up to the poin t of break dow n , bey ond w hich it fa lls

off w ith in crea sin g pow e r a nd fin ally rea ch es a con sta nt level.

A th eory

to expla in th is behavior has been advanced by Margenau. 1

Let us cons id e the follow ing d ifferentia l equation , w h ich i s im ply a

s ta tement of equ ilib rium ,



= p(,!l)n – d (E)n = O,

(’!5 )

w h ere n is the num ber of electrons per cubic cen tim eter in the d is charge,

and p(E) and d (E) are the voltage-d ep ndent ra tes of production and

des truction (d iffu s ion ) of e le ctrons .

Th is equation has on ly on e equilib-

rium voltage E; at w hich p(n) = cZ(E), Fig. 5 .21 . The number of elec-

trons n does not affect the res ult, and cons equently , if th is equation

d es cribed an r-f d is ch arge, its volta ge wou ld be a con sta nt, in depen den t of

current dens ity . How ever, a correct theory s hou ld pred ict the experi-

m ental curve of Fig. 5 .20 .

1H. Margen au , “Th eor y of Alt er na tin g Cu rr en t Disch ar ges in Gases, ” RL Report

No. 967, J an. 10, 1946.

Page 188: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





Equation (45) may be mod ified by add ing to it a cons tant term c.

Then , a t equ ilib rium ,


at = [P(E) – d(E)]n – c = O,



n=p(~) : d(n)”


Figure 5.22 is a plot f Eq. (47).

The left portion n(l?) is negative and

h as n o ph ys ica l s ign ifica nce; h ow e ver, th e right portion , if replotted w ith

the axis s uitably rota ted , gives a curve of the s am e form as Fig. 5“20.

This cons tan t c is phy s ica lly s ignificant for it im plies a m echanis m for

the des truction of electrons at a ra te



ind epend ent of n .

It can be s how n that




th e ca ptu re of electron s by n eutra l a tom s


I ,’TL

or m olecules to form negative ions obey s

o \


s uc a law . Some gas es s uch as the

,~ E’

E noble gas es , hy d rogen , and nitrogen ,

. . .


have zero e lectron -cap ture cross section ;



others , how ever, lik e oxy gen , the halo-

gen , and w ater vapor, have compara-

F1~.5.2 2.—S tabilityond itionsfor a

tively large electron-capture cros s s ec-


tions . Let us cons id er a TR tube w hich

has an atmosphere, part of w hich has a finite electron-capture cros s


The analy s is w ill u se the follow ing s ym bols :

n = electron dens ity .

Y = number of neutral captors .

Y’ = number of negative ions .

M= Y+ Y’.

Q = collis ion cros s s ection of electron s and ga s molecu les .


= p robab ility of ele ctron captu re p er collis ion .

h~~= probab ility of ele ctron rele as e p er collis ion .

v = electron velocity .

C = Quh .,p = probability of elect on capture per s ec.

R = Qvh,,l = proba bility of electron relea s e per s ec.


d Y’


— = C’n(M – Y’) – RnY’.


S ince onl the s teady -s ta te d is charge is cons idered , n m ay be as s um ed

cons tant. Then by s olving for Y’, the follow ing equation is obta ined ,


— [1 - e-’’+’)”].



Page 189: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 510]


In the d is charge, the electron tem pera ture is high, probably about 10

electron volts , and the probability of releas e is m uch grea ter than that

of cap tu re , R >> C. Then at t = m ,


~; M.



Thus for a given concentration M of captor molecu les , the number of

nega tive ions form ed is a function only of the ratio of the probability of

electron capture to that of releas e w hen the electron energy is high.

There w ill be a continual d iffus ion of Y’ out of the d is charge to the w a lls

or to the electrodes . This rate w ill be independen t of n and independent

of E. Th erefore, on ce s tea dy -s ta te con dition s ha ve been reached , elec-

trons w ill be captured at a rate jus t rapid enough to m ak e up f or the num -

ber of negative ions los t by d iffus ion , and thus a phy s ica l proces s

corres pond ing to the cons tant c of Eq. (46) res ults .

If th is theory is cor ect, it w ould be expected that a TR tube filled

w ith gas s uch as argon w ould not have a nega tive s lope in the leak age-

pow e r characteris tic, w h ereas a tube containing HzO w ould be expected

to have a large negative s lope.

Before d eterm ining w h ether th is con-

clus ion is jus tified by experim enta l data , the ~ctual m eas urem ents

involved s hould be cons id ered . The meas ura i-,le quantities are arc

leak age pow e r, w h ich is proportiona l to e:, input admittance of the fired

ca vity , in cid ent pow e r, and pow e r

d is s ipa ted in the d is charge. The

ea sies t com bin ation to m ea su re is

incid ent pow er as a function of

arc leak age pow e r, as in Fig. 5 .20.


Although this curve con ta ins all ‘- -

of th e in forma tion wh ich is n eed ed


from the view poin t of practical

FIC. 5.2. .—Diagram to illu s tr a t e admit t ance

duplexer design , it r ea lly tells very

r ela t ion s in a cavit y.

lit{le a bout {h e d is cha rge its elf.

Th is is ‘)ecaus e the abs cis sa , or line

pow e r, is an unk now n function of the actual d is charge current.

Con s id er th e circu it of Fig. 5 .2 3.

The cavity is load ed at its cen ter by

the d is charge adm ittance Y.. With Y= = O, the cavity is pres umed to be

res onant and the adm ittance at the cen ter M Y. + (Yo/ b~) = Y. The

input admittance is


Y – jb,

Y ,

= ll + ~ _ ~ybl’


If th is equation is s epara ted into its real and its im aginary parts , and if

b? >>1 is a s s umed ,


~ = (1 + bf$ + g’b:


+ ~ ~, + (b’ – bb, + g’ – l)b, ~52)

(1 + bbJ 2 + g’b~

Page 190: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




Exam ination of Eq. (52) ind ica tes that w hen ga and ba are of the ord er of

m agnitude l/ b~, the input s us ceptance w ill be a s trong function of Y.. As

th e a rc a dm itta nce in crea ses , h ow e ver, th e in put a dm itta nce a pproa ch es

a limit,

lim Y, = $ + jb,,


y ,,+.

and it becom es d ifficult to mak e accu ra te m ea su rem en ts of the im agina ry


Relative current

Fm. 5.24.—Rela t ive r -f cu r r en t and volt age of d is cha rge a t low levels.



g 70


o— o







, I


[ 1







IIIin ma

FIG. 5,25,—Magn it ude of r -f cu r r en t vs. volt age in helium ,

compon en t of Y., a lthou gh the cond uctan ce w ill be d irectly proportion al

to the input s tand ing-w a ve ratio.

1 + Irl

2b1+ l+;



= gabl.



Th us a mea s uremen t of th e leu el an d th e .s ta nd in g-wau era tio a re s ufficien t

to give n umbers proportional to the oltage and current in the d is charge.

Page 191: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




If the s hape of the cavity is accura tely k now n, the absolute volta ge a nd

curren t in the d is charge an be com puted .







lma~inary part of current in ma

FIG. 5,26.—Rea l vs . imagina ry par t s of r -f cu r r en t in helium discharge.

Figure 5.24 is a curve of the rela tive curren t vs . voltage in the d is

charge of a 1B24 TR tube filled w ith 15 mm Hg each of Hz and HZ().

Figure 5 .25 is a s im ilar curvel

meas ured in a s pecia l cavity filled 11

w ith helium at 3.2 mm pres s ure

and A = 9.8 cm . By s tand ing- lo


w ave m eas urements it w as pos s i-


ble to find the phas e angle of the .

current w ith res pect to the volt- ~d~

age. Figure 5.26 s how s the rea l ~



part of the curren t p o ted agains t s 1

of H2=10 mm Hg

th e im agin ary pa rt.


Fig re 5 .27 is a s im ilar plot for ~

a number of d ifferen t gas fillings ~

in a 1B24 TR tube. The tw o 7 -

figures do not neces sarily agree


Hg. H20

s ince they w ere tak en w ith d iffer-

en t tubes , tuned to clifferen t $00


200 300




Incident power, P,nc in mw

5 .11 . Effect of Gas Filling

FIG. 5.27.—Leaka geow eras a func-

upon Pm .—As in the cas e of the

t ion of inciden t power in a 1B24 tube with

spike, it is difficu lt to predict

various fill ings.

theoret ica lly not on ly how gases will cliff er in a rc 1eakage power , bu t a lso

how they will va ry with pressu re.

It has been s een , how ever, tha t the

1M, A. Her lin a nd S. C. Br own , Bu ll. Am er. Phys. S ot. 21, 28 (1946).

Page 192: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 5’11

order of the voltage d rop for various gas es in the r-f d is charge is the

s am e as that for the pos itive colum n in the d -c d is charge.

The characteris tics of a gas w hich affect the r-f voltage d rop can be

is ted . Firs t to be cons id ered , referrin to Eq. (45), are the rates of

production and des truction of electrons as functions of gap voltage.

Des truction can be lim ited to d iffus ion, s ince the recom bina tion of an

electron and a pos itive ion is an extrem ely improbable event.

Th e

d iffus ion is of the s o-ca lled am bipolar ty pe w hich tak es place at about

tw ice the rate of d iffus ion of gas m ol cu les . Thus , it w ould be expected

that the lighter gas es w ould d iffu se m ore rapid ly , and the s us taining volt-

age w ould be increas ed . The rate of prod uction of electrons , or of ioniz a-



: 10











0 ,6


12 4 6 810 20 40 60 100

Ga spressure n mm hg.

FTC;,52S.-.4w le:IkiIw ~mn-r t fronl~ 1B?7 TR tuh as a funct ion of pressure .

t ion , is dctcrmillet l ill p:~r t I)y t l~e ioniza t ion potent ia l, the number of

excita t ion levels belolv the ioniza t ion level, and the number of molecu la r

resonances which can al)sorb elect ron energy withou t result ing in fur ther

ioniza t ion of the gas.

Figure 528 is a plot of the arc leak age po~ver in a 1B27 TR tube as a

unction of the pres s ure of the vario s gas es tes ted . Thes e curves w ere

obtained from the s am e experim ent as thos e of Fig. 5“13, and the s am e

comments apply , The rmblc gas es lie w ell be]o~v the other g s es . In

hes e curves , the m inimu vd IIc of Pa for argon is about 0 .05 that for


( )t Iler itlvrs t igat ors report m -err low er va lues for argon.

l;xtw rne purity apparen tly res ults in the lm vcs t ~:llues of P. for argon,

NTOre lia l)le da ta exis t F(J [,thos e m i~tu rrs of nob le ga s es \ vhich i~,e a very

low breakdolvn voltage in d -u LIis (lla rge s .

Page 193: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





Margenau, in a theoretical s tud y of the r-f d is charge,’ has propos ed a

s im ilarity principle for s uch d is ch arges .

On the as s umption that the

s ources of ioniz ation rem ain in pla y over th e range con sid ered , h e d erives

an expres s ion for the m inim um of the voltage-pres sure curve for a given

gas , w hich s tates that at the m in im um ,










w here a and b are cons tan ts , p is the

angular frequency and am plitud e

of the im pres s ed field . Th is s ta te;

that the pres s ure for m inim um volt-

age d rop, and the actual value of

the m inim um drop, are proportiona l ,


gas p essure, and u and E are the


to OJ. Figure 529 illus trates this n

rela tions hip. This theory has not

been check ed w ith data tak en w ith

m l

a s ingle tube of fixed s hape. The ,.”” ~ , ~

experiment is not d ifficult, and it

1’1 P2 P3

s hou ld prove va lu able in exten din g

F1~.5.fKl—Diagramto illus trates imilarity

the u ders tand ing of the r-f

principlefor r-f d is charges ,


5012. The Recovery Period .-The recovery period is the time after

the trans mitter pow er has fallen to zero. During th is im e he gap in the

TR tube deioniz es , and the attenuation through the TR tube d rops from

the value of 60 or 70 db during the transm itting period to 1 or 2 db. In

Sec. 52 a crude form ulation of the adm ittance of a s pace-charge region

w as pres en ted . If the electrons are in a vacuum they los e no energy by

collis ion w ith heavy a tom s , and the current repres en ted by their m otion

is in quadrature w ith the applied field , and therefore the s pace-charge

region appears as a pure adm ittance w ith a d ielectric cons tant les s than

unity . If the electrons are not in a vacuum and therefor m ak e collis ions

w ith atoms or m olecu les , s om e of the os cilla tory energy the electrons

obta in from the applied field is changed into thermal energy by the

collis ion s , a nd cannot b e retu rn ed to th e extern al circu it.

Th ere is th ere-

fore a net input pow er to the d is charge, and the gap adm ittance has a

real component.

The electron energy in the r-f d is charge is com para tively high, and

it is m uch greater than that f the gas . Becaus e of their random m otion

I H. Margenau , “Theory of Alterna t ing Curren t Discharges ia Gases, ” RL

Repor t No. 967, J an . 0, 1946.

Page 194: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





there is a cons tant d iffus ion of electrons out of the gap. The rate of th is

proces s is retarded by the pos itive ions in the d is charge Irh ich exert a

field oppos ing the rapid outw ard m otion of the electrons . The net d rift

of electrons and pos itive ions is referred to as am bipolar d iffus ion , and

tak es place at a rate corres pond ing to tw ice the mobility of the ions ,

When the excita tion is removed , the electron temperature is quick ly

red uced , by collis ions , to the tem perature of the gas .

It reaches a value

of tw ice the gas temperature in about 1 ps ec.

It w ill be s how n that the

d iffus ion proces s es much toos low to bereliedupo for the recovery of

TR tubes .

To m ak e the recovery tim e s ufficien tly s hort, it is neces s ary to rem ove

electrons by s om e other m eans .

Electron recom bination by m eans of a

three-bod y collis ion has little probability , and therefore cannot caus e a

s ufficien tly rapid recovery . Capture of electrons by neutral a tom s or

molecules has a com paratively high probability . The us e of a gas s uch

as HZO w ith a large electron-capture cros s s ection gives tubes w ith a

recovery tim e of only a few m icros econds . .

In the follow ing s ections the theory of the recovery period w ill be

pres ented firs t. This w ill be follow ed by a d is cus s ion of the properties

of various gas es and a pres enta tion of experim enta l data .

6013. Theory of the Recovery Period .-The follow ing analy s is is due

to Margenau. 1 In S ec. 5 .12, three pos sible m echanis ms for reducing the

electron d ens ity in the d is charge w e re m entioned : d iffus ion, recom bina-

tion , a nd captu re.

Thes e Ii-ill be exam ined in th is ord er.

Diflus ion .-In ord er to calcu late the rate of d iffus ion , it is neces sary

to k now the electron and ion temperatures . During the d is charge the

electron temperature is very high , many thousand degrees . In the

recovery period th is energy is red uced by collis ions w ith gas m olecu les .

The rate at w hich th is reduction tak es place may be determ ined as fol-

low s . Let u be the average electron velocity , L the m ean free path , 2’the

electron tempera tu re, and TO th e gas tempera tu re.

Then the mean los s

of energy by the electron per collis ion is

AE = ~mk (T – TO),

The rate at w hich the mean energy decreas es is

() ()

1cT ‘i 4m

;L ~lcT =k (T– TO) —

m m“



‘ H. Ma rgen au , “ Th eoret ica l In terpret at ion of t he Recover y Time of TR Boxes;’

RL Repor t No. 929, J an . 9, 1946.

Page 195: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 513]



The s olution of th is is


w here the s ubs cripts 1 and O refer to initia l and final cond itions , and



km g

9=7ZZ “3- “

The tim e requ ired for the average s peed to d rop to a tim es its final value

is given by

t. =

+0 in S



w here TI >> TQ.

For argon at a pres s ure of 10 mm Hg and a = 2, the relaxa tion period

is about 1 .5 ps ec.

Thus , for time s

longer than 5 or 10 ps ec, the elec-

Pre-TR tube

trons may be cons id ered to be at

th e ga s tempe ra tu re TO.

The calcula tion of the rate of

d iffus ion f eIectrons out of the


gap of a h igh-Q TR tube involves

s ome ve ry d ifficu lt computa tion s ,

and has not been carried out.

How e ver, as a pertinen t exam ple,


let us cons id er the recovery of a

FKG.5.30.—Dischargen pre-TR tube and

pre-TR tu be, w h ere the d is charge


is as s umed to be in the form of a thin s lab of th ick nes s d ad jacent to, and

covering, the low -Q input w ind ow , Fig. 5 .30.

The d iffus ion equation is


w here n is the electron dens ity and D is the mobility or coefficien t f

d iffus ion. For the s hape under cons ideration , if the electron dens ity nO

is uniform at the end of the transm itter puls e,

‘“”OI’(%)-:[(%9 -4%)1) ‘“)


r)(u) = ~ =e-z ’ dx.


In Eq. (61) the as s umption is made that the d iffus ion tak es place only

to the input w indow , and that s ince d is sm all, the los s of electrons from

Page 196: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




the edges of the d is charge is negligible. The d iffus ion coefficien t D is

not that predicted by kinet ic theory for a cloud of elect rons.

The difiu-

sion tha t takes place is ca ll d ambipolar . 1

It takes place at a reduced

ra te because the massive, slow-moving posit ive ions act as a broke on

the electrons. Thus, as soon as a few elect rons hare left the discharge,

a posit ive space cha rge is set up that inhibit s the loss of any more elec-

t rons until an equal number of posit ive ions have diffused out of the dis-

charge. The net ra te is about tmice that of the gas molecules a lone.

In the 1B38 pre-TR tube filled with 10 mm Hg of a rgon, the ambipolar

diffusion coefficien t is about 5 cm’~sec, and if the thickness of the dis-

charge d is 1 mm , the recovery tim e w ould be s evera l thous and m icro-

s econd s . S ince it is neces sary to have recovery tim es of the or er of 1 to

10 ~s ec, d iffus ion a lon e ca n con tribu te very little .

A ca lculation of the effect of the recom bina tion of electrons and pos i-

tive ions on recovery tim e ind ica tes tha t abou t 1 s ec w ould be requ ired

to deion iz e the gap s u fficien tly . S ince d iffus ion and recom bina tion as

m echanis ms for obta in ing s hort recovery tim es have been d is cus sed , let

us next cons id er the capture of electrons by ne~tra l a tom s .

In the ca lcu la tion of the effect of capture upon arc leak age pow er

(S ec. 510), the electron dens ity n w as cons id ered cons tan t. In the

recovery period there is no prod uction of electrons and the constant term

is the total negative charge,

N = cons t = n + l“.

As b efore ,

M = cons t = 1’ + 1“{.

The ra te of chs mge of e ectron dens ity is

In th e recovery period , a fter th e firs t m icros econ d, the elec ron en ergy

is low and h,.1

= O. During the firs t few m icros econd s , the electron s ar

los in g en ergy ra pid ly a nd n eith er ha. nor h,el a e cons tan ts , nd the s olu -

tion f Eq. (62) becom es extrem ely d ifficu lt. La ter, how ever,



— vQh_P (M — N)n = —vQh_PMn,


w here the in itia l num ber of ne tral a tom s Y“O= >> no.

This is an expres s ion for the ra te of change of electron d ens ity . Let

us now s ee how th is caus es the a ttenuatiori through the TR tube to vary

w ith tim e. The transm is s ion through an attenuating med ium betw een

1Cobine, Gaseous Conductor s, McGraw-H ill, New York, 1941.

Page 197: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





tw o uniform , nond is s ipative m ed ia m ay be w rittenl as

E. =

cos yld + jsin T ld




w here E. and Ei are the output and input field s : T1 and YZ are the propa-

ga tion con s ta nts in th e n on los s y a nd 10SSYmedia ,

Z2 , T2

res pectively ; Z 1a nd 22 a re th e res pective ch ara c-

teris tic im ped ances ; and d is the th ick nes s of the

z , -r,

Zj, -f,

attenuatin m ed ium , Fig. 5.31. The character-

is tic im ped ance of a w aveguide is





z=:= ~:,


’65) @


“= - (;)+@)+u66) , ~ , , : - T ,

ogy for tranamisaion

where E. = E.eird , a is the w id e d im ens ion of the

t h rough at tenua t ing

guide, and u is the conductivity of the m ed ium .



y d is as sum ed s mall, Eqs . (65) and (66) are s ubs titu ted into Eq. (64),

and u = u, + jai, then


This equation is of the s am e form as the expres s ion for the attenuation

due to a lum ped -cons tan t s hunt adm ittance replacing the d is charge,

s ee Fig. 5 .30, w here the transm is s ion is [(1 + g/ 2)2 + (b/ 2) 2]-l, and g

and b are the norm aliz ed componen ts of the d is charge admittance.

Conductivdy oj the Ionized

Gas .- argenau2 has s how n that if the

electron mean free path , and the frequency and the amplitude of the

impres s ed h igh -frequ en cy volta ge a re a dju sted s o th at th e electron s ma k e

rela tively few collis ions per cy cle and the electron energy is below the

ion iz in g level, th en th e d is tribu tion of electron velocities w ill be ~Ma xw e l-

] J . A . S tra tton , Ekdroma#ndti !/ VwW,McGraw -Hill, New York , 1941,p . 511 .

*H. Margenau, “Dispersion of High Frequency Radio Waves in Ionized Gas es,”

RL Report No. S36,Oct. 2 6, 1945.

Page 198: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 513

lian . At the opera ting pres s ures encoun tered in TR tubes (10 to 30 mm

Hg) thes e cond itions are s a tis fied in the recovery period w here the

im pres s ed voltage (received s igna l) is rela tively w eak , Under thes e

cond itions the conductivity of the gas is


‘2Ln , [Kz (x ,) – j.rl}’K;2 (x ,)],

u = 3 (27rm k7)~~


w here e , m , and n are the electron charge, mas s , and d ens ity ; L is the

electron mean free pa t ; k is the Roltzmann cons tan t; T is the abs o]u t e

tem pe ature; X1 = m (&) 2/ 21i; and the functions KS and K44 are’

In TR tubes w it u = 2 X 1010 and L = 0.005 cm , Z1 > 100 and

the follow ing lim iting form s m ay be us ed ,

If thes e lim iting form s are s ubs titu ted in Eq. (69),



At a frequency of 2800 Me/ s ee and a gas pres s ure of 5 mm Hg the

nume rica l re s ults a re

u , = 1 .9 x 1O–%,

(in k s un its )

Ui = 1 .6 X 10–’2n .

The im aginary term of Eq. (72) w ill be recogn iz ed as the res ult w h ich

w ou ld be obta ined for electron s in a vacuum .

Th is term va ries in vers e ly

w ith frequ en cy , and is ind epend en t of pres s ure.

The rea l com ponen t of

u , how ever, has a maximum value w hen the m ean free tim e betw een

collis ions is abou t equal to the period of the im pres s ed r-f voltage,

t = %r/ co. Specifica lly , the maxim um occurs for a va lue of


“ = 2’1 = 2kT

For a given s e of cond itions , frequency and pres sure, the dens ity of

electrons n that w ill res ult in a certa in va lue of a ttenua tion m ay be ca lcu-

I The exponen tia lin tegra lE; (—ZJ and the error function Erf (&) are de fied in

JahnkeandErode, Table oj Fund iorw , St ech er t, N ew Yor k, 1938.

Page 199: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 5.14]



la ted , if the s hape is k now n and is amenable to compu ta tion . In the

pres en t example of the pre-TR tube, w ith the d is charge confined to a

thin s lab of th ick nes s d, Eqs . (68) and (72) can be us ed to mak e th is

convers ion . By th is m ethod , m eas ured recovery -tim e curves have been

converted to n -vs .-tim e curves , and from a k now ledge of the partia l

pres sures of the gas es pres en t, electron -capture cros s s ections m ay be


The attenuation va ries w ith the s quare of the s hunt a dm ittance; there-

fo e, for the gas d is charge, it varies w ith nz .

6 .1 4. Electron -ca ptu re Prop erties of Va riou s Ga s es .—Th e mech an ism

by w h ich electrons are captured by a tom s or m olecu les is not s im ple, nor

is it u niqu e.1 f2 3

The electronega tive character of the gas is one of the

m ore im portan t factors w h ich in fluence capture

The k inetic energy

of the electrons is im portan t. Depend ing upon the particu lar gas under

con sid era tion , th e proba bility of ca ptu re may eith er in crea se or d ecrea s e

w ith increas ing electron energy .

As in os t d is charge phenomena ,

im purities play a role tha t is not very w ell und ers tood .

In the recovery period of a TR tube, in teres t is primarily in fa irly

w eak s ignals of the order of 10–6 to 10–12w att in tens ity .

The e le ctric

field s p oduced by s uch s ignals acros s the gap of a ty pica l h igh -Q TR

tube, w ill be s maller than the break dow n poten tia l by a factor ly ing in the

range betw een 10 and 10 ,000 . Cons equently , it is a s s umed that the

energy im pa rted to the electrons by th e received s ignal is negligible com -

pa red w ith th eir th erm al en ergy .

Th is therm al en ergy w ill be a function

of the gas tempera ture and the tim e tha t has elaps ed s ince the end of the

tra nsm itter puls e .

The electron affin ity of an atom may be des cribed in term s of the

w ork done on an electron by the field betw een it and the a tom . Atom ic

oxy gen and the halogens have electron a ffin ities of 3 or m ore electron

volts . Hy d rogen , on the other hand , has a value of 0 .76 ev, and the

noble gas es have nega tive va lues w h ich ind ica te that they form uns table

ions . A more us efu l w ay , for our purpos es , of comparing gas es is in

term s of their electron attac m ent coefficien t 8 , w here d is the average

number of collis ions an electron mus t mak e w ith the a tom s of the gas

before it is captured . In Table 53 , there are tabula ted for s evera l gas es

va lues of 6 , of N, the num ber of electron collis ions w ith gas m olecu les per

s econd at one atmos phere and room tempera ture, and of t= = 6/ N, the

average tim e required for an electron to be captured . 4

The capture of electrons by molecu lar gas es may tak e place by a

1Loeb, op . cit., Chap. 6.

2 Ma ssey, N egoliu e Ion s, Cambr idge Tr act s, Ma cMilla n, N ew Yor k, 1938.

8Cobine, op , cit., Ch ap. 4.

4K. T. Compt on and I. Le.agmuir , Rev. Mod. Phgs. 2, 193 (1930).

Page 200: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers






Ga s


,\ -Ohlegases , >-j, and




1 .6 X 10E


9 .9 x 107


6.1 X 10’

Air 2.0 x 10’


4.0 x 104

H,O 4.0 x 10’

cl, 2.1X103

2.22 x 1011

2.95 X 10’1

3.36 X 10”

3.17 x 10’1

2.06 X 10’1

2.83 X 1011

1 .5 X 10L1

0 .72 X 10-3sec

3.35 x 10-4

1.82 X 10-0

0.63 X 10-’

1,94 x 10-7

1.41 x 10-7

0.467 X 10-’

n umber of d ifferen t proces s e s .

On the bas is of a s eries of m eas urem ents

made by Bradbury , 1 and Bradbury and Tatel, 2 Loebt has pos tu la ted a

num ber of d ifferen t reactions w h ich are pres en ted in Table 5-4 .



Ga s

Cl,, Br ,, I,

HC1, HBr ,






0 ,


s o,






A’eg. ions

of ga s
















mergy for



0 .4 ev

in HC1

3 v










Cl, +e ~C1- + Cl + (4 .1 – 1.5 )ev

HC1 + e + (4.5 –4,1)ev+H + Cl-






So, + + so;

2N0 ~ (NO), + e ~ N’O-

+ No

2(H,0) + e - 2(H,0)-


Gaaes s uch as OZ and SO, form negative mo ecu lar ions d irectly

by the capture of electrons . Mo ecu lar i&s are form ed by NO; but the

probability of electron capture is d epend en t upon pres s ure and it is

xBradbury,J . C?wm. Phya,, ‘2,827 (1934); 2, 840 (1934).

2Bradbury and Tatel, J . Chem. Phy8., 2, S35 (1934).

8 Loeb, “F un damen ta l P rocem ea of E lectr ica l Diech ar gea in Gawa ,” Wiley, New

York, 1939, Ch ap. 2.

Page 201: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




as s umed that a complex, (NO)%, mus t be form ed . Th is complex is then

as s umed to capture an electron and form NO-, the exces s energ of the





O 2 4 6 8101214161820






s o -


02+Ar 0 + He



40 -

20 -


I ,

1 {

! !


24 68








C12+ A











- ;1

s o~

2 .0

% 1.6

~ 1.2








8 12 16 20, 24 28 32


FIG.5 .32.—Probabilit ies of e lect ron capture for var ious gases .

elect ron being carr ied away by the neut ra l N’(l. Alone, l&O shou ld not

capture elect rons , s ince it has a clos ed electron s y s tem .

With su fficient

Page 202: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




energy , z 5 .4 ev, an electron w ill d is s ocia te the w ater in to HO– and H.

How ever, it is true that w a ter has a large electron-capture cros s s ection

for the s low -m oving electrons .

Bradbury and Tatel report that the

probability of capture of s low electrons in H 0 is s trongly pres s ure-

d ependent. At a pres s ure of 2 .5 mm Hg of H20 no capture of s low elec-

trons w a s obs erved . At h igher pres sures , the probability of capture ros e

rapid ly . Th is w as tak en as evid ence that a com plex, 2(H20), w as

form ed , w hich cou ld then be ion ized d irectly . Figure 5“32 gives the

probability of electron capture h as a function of the param eter z / p for

various gas es , as m eas ured by Bradbury and Ta tel. In th is cas e z is

the voltage grad ien t, ‘and p the pres s ure in m m Hg. Figure 5 .32a s how s

the values of h for 02 . As z / p increas es from very low values , h d rops

rapid ly . At x/ p

= 5, the curve ris es s harply . At th is poin t the electron

energy is abou t 1 .6 ev, corres pond ing to a m et as table excita tion level in

02 . Electrons w hich m ak e thes e inelas tic collis ions have their energy

reduced to a level a t w hich the probability of capture is again high.

Figure 5 .32b s how s the eilect of m ixing argon , helium , or nitrogen , w ith

02 , in equal volum es .

Figure 5 .32c s how s the pres s ure dependence of electron capture in

NO w hich has been d is cus s ed . Figure 5 .32d s how s the probability of

capture in a m ixture of argon w ith Clz .

The gas Cl~ is a chemically

inert gas w hich has a clos ed electron ic s y s tem , and therefore Cl; ions

cannot be form ed . Ins t cad , it is believed that the ioniz ing proces s is

the one ind ica ted in Table 5 .4 . Figure 5 .32e is for electron capture in

SO,, and SO, plus A.

Figure 5 .32f s how s the pres sure d ependence of electron capture in

HZO. Th is is expla ined by as sum ing the form ation of nuclei of cond ens a-

tion , w h ich th en ma k es th es e comp lexes ca pa ble of ca ptu rin g low -velocity

elect rons .

Im purities s uch as C02 or OJ are pres um ed to aid th is effect,

w hereas A or N2 do not. In the next s ection (S ec. 5“15) the available data

on recovery tim e in TR tubes w ill be exam ined to s ee w hat can be learned

abou t effective p robabilities of electron captu re.

5 .15 . Recovery -tim e Data .-The recovery characteris tic of a TR

tube is a curve in w hich attenuation through the tube as a function of the

tim e after the transm itter puls e is plotted . The attenuation plotted is

the d ifference in decibels betw een the ins tantaneous va lue and the

attenuation through the “cold” or un fired tube. Tim e is m easured from

the end of the transm itter pu ls e.

Figure 5 ,33 s how s ty pica l recovery curves of a 1B27 TR tubel m eas -

ured at s evera l d ifferent levels of trans m itter pow e r.

The tube is filled

w ith a m ixture of 10 mm Hg, each , of Hz and HZO. Figure 534 s how s

‘ Smullin and Leiter , “Th IB27 TR Tube,” RL Repor t No. 594, Oct . 4, 1944

Page 203: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




Time in~sec


0° 1

2345678 910

86 kw

















, Y




FI~, 5.33.—Recovery cu rves of 1B27 TR tube for t h r ee in cid en t power levels .

t he effect of the wa ter -vapor con ten t upon the recovery t ime of a 1B27

TR tube, when the par t ia l pressu re of HZ is held const an t .

Recovery cu rves for 3 -cm an d l-cm

TR tubes are s im ilar in s hape to thos e

s how n here; bu t the tim e s ca le is con -

s id erably s horter. N’o quantita tive

exp la na tion of th is d ifferen ce has b ee n

propos ed . It is thought, how ever, to

be the res ult of the sm aller volum e of

the d is charge in the high-frequency

tu bes , w h ich a llow s d iffu sion to play

a rela tively more i m p o rt a n t role.

M. D. Fis k e has propos ed a “s w eep-

ing” ty pe of d iffus ion . In th is , right

at the end of the transm itter pu ls e,

s om e of th e h igh -en ergy electron s n ea r

th e electrod es a ctu ally rea ch th e elec-

trod es and are los t. This produces ‘a

pos itive s pace charge near the elec-

trod es w h ich attracts electrons from

the cen ter of the d is charge. Some of

th es e electron s go righ t th rou gh to th e

Partial pressure of H20 in mm Hg

FIG. 5.34.—Recovery char acteristics

of 1B27 TR tube as a funct ion of pres.

su re of wa ter vapor . The t r ansmit ter

power wa s 100 kw, a nd t he pa rt ia l pr es-

su re of Hz was 10 mm Hg.

No quantita tive analy sis of th is

m echan ism has been made; bu t it s eem s a plaus ible proces s , s ince the

effect s hould be larger for the sm aller tubes .

Page 204: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers



The life of mos t TR tubes is lim ited by the ra te at w hich the w ater

vapor is cleaned up or d ecom pos ed , thus increas ing the recovery tim e.

Becaus e of the rela tively s hort life of pre-TR tubes operating at high

Time in p sec


50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500





/ N









FIG. 535.-Recovery characteristic of well-baked 1B38 tube filled with pu re ar gon.

Time in Nsec


2 —

3 —

4 —



“Z 6


8 —

10 —

20 —

30 —




/ /

I 7

[ /




I mm

I*O ,

lm A







Im A

Fx~ .5 .36.—Recovery of mixtu r es of a rgon and wa t er vapor .

lin e pow ers , a s tu dy of va riou s ga s es w a s u nd erta k en to d eterm in e wh eth er

a s ubs titu te for HzO m ight be found .

The m eas urem ents w ere all m ad e

in 1B38 pre-TR tubes at a line pow er of about 700 kw .

The gas es us ed

Page 205: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 15]



inthes e m eas urem ents w e re the pures t obta inable comm ercia lly , and the

tubes w e re care u lly cle ned and pumped before filling.1 The follow ing

cu rves are ta ken from th es e exp rim en ts .

Figure 5.35 is the recovery characteris tic of a carefu lly cleaned and

bak ed tube filled w ith comm ercia l “s pectros copica lly pure” argon; th is

tu be has an extrem ely lon g recovery tim e. Figure 5.36 s how s th e recovery

Time x in sec

.~ KI 20 30 40 50 60 70 8(3 9iJ



10 mm

of 02


7m m of 02


/ ‘


5 mm

of 02







g5 -



/ ! / /








FIG. 5 .37.—Recove ry cha ract er is t ic of oxygen a t va r ious p res su res .

tim e for various m ixtures of HZO and A.; Fig. 5 .37 is for various pres s ures

of pure OZ; Figs . 5 .38 and 5.39 are for m ixtures of argon and ch lorine,

and argon and pen tene. Other gas es tes ted , bu t not s how n here, w ere

H2S , CH,, C,H2, CZH1, benz ene, iodoform , and methy liod id e. All of

th es e exh ibited s hort recovery tim es .

The urity of the organic gas es

w a s more or les s u ncerta n, s in ce th e ch em ica l rea ction s in volved u sua lly

prod uce a num ber of d ifferent gas es bes id es the in teres ting gas .

The importance of a high degree of purity is bes t illus tra ted by the

experience w ith CO. Commercia l 1B38 tub s are filled w ith 10 mm Hg

1 F . L. Mc Milla n, 1. H. Dea rn ley, C. H. Pearsa ll,

“ Recover y Time Mea su r emen t s

in Ba ndpa ss TR’s for Va riou s Ga ses, ”

RL Repor t N’o. 895, Dec. 18, 1945.

Page 206: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




of com mercia l argon. The tube its elf is as sem bled w ith s oft s old er, and

therefore it cannot be outgas s eci by bak ing. As a res ult, even though

no w ater is put in to the tube, the recovery time of mos t of the tubes is

s hort. Spectros copic m eas urements made on a la ge number of thes e

tubes s how ed , among the other things , that CO w as alm os t invariably

. . . . .

Tirhe u in sec

Fm. 5.3S .—Recovery of a rgon -

chlorine mixtur e.

pres en t m tubes bavmg a short recovery

tim e. Although it has been reported to ha e

zero electron-capture probability , 1 it w as

decid ed to tes t a CO-A m ixt re. Independ -

ent m eas urements by Fis k e at the General

Electric. Research Laboratories and McMillan

at Rad iation Laboratory s how ed very s hort

recovery times for s uch m ixtures .


qu en t tes ts , h ow ever, w ith pu re CO, prepa red

chem ically in the vacuum s y s tem , s how ed

that CO really had no effect upon the re-

covery tim e, and the initial res ults m us t have

been caus ed by s om e other gas pres en t as

an impurity .

Let us now cons id er s om e of thes e curves

in detail. The variation in recovery time

w ith line pow er, illus rated in Fig. 5 .33,

s how s the expected phenomenon of longer

recovery tim es for higher pow ers .

This , of

cou rs e, can be in terpreted as corres pond ing

t larger values of na, the electron dens ity

in the d is charge, s ince the rate of capture

of e lectrons dn / n dt is con sta nt, rega rd les s of lin e pow er.

Figure 5.34 s how s clearly that the rate of capture of electrons is

d e endent upon the amount of w ater pres ent, and that HZ has a small,

p erhaps z e ro, e le ctron -captu re cros s s e ction .

Figure 535 s how s the expected long recovery tim e for pure argon.

If the data are recalculated to give a curve of n vs . t, it can be s how nz

th t the function – td (ln N )/ d t is about 3 , w here N = nd , d being the

th ick nes s of the d is charge. If only d iffus ion is opera tive, th is quantity

cannot have a value greater than ~.

Thus j the recovery tim e is s horter

th n expected . Under the cond itions of th is particular experim ent, no

im purities w ere pres en t at a pres sure grea ter than 0.01 per cent of that of

the argon. If the impurity had a capture efficiency equal to th t of H20,

1Loeb, “F un damen ta l P rocesses of IH ect rica l Disch ar ges in Ga ses)” Wiley, A-ew

York, 1939, Ch ap, 2.

~H. Ma rgen a u,

‘‘ Th eor et ica l In ter pr et at ion of t he Recover y Tim e of TR Boxes, ”

RL Repor t No. 929, J an . 9, 1946.

Page 207: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





it w ou ld ave had to be ‘pres en t a t a pres s ure of 0 .18 mm Hg, w hich is

ou t of the ques tion . There are thus tw o pos s ibil ties—the pres ence of

an extrem ely efficien t electron-captu re agen t, or the form ation of s om e

u nk now n ion , a s A;.

Ne ga tive a rgon ion s s e em more lik e ly ; th e a na logou s

ion He; is k now n to exis t.

Time in u sec


0 30 60 90 120 ’15~ ’180 210 240 270 300

1 mm of Pe tene ,


11“1mr1 of PImtsne

5 mr lof A gon




10-2r hm of ?ente+e

5 ~m of f$rgon





.“ ,, ,,, , .,! Penter e


5n $m of Mgan


30 .



F IG. 539--- Rerove ry of m ixt u res 0[ a r gon and pen t ene.

of F ig. 5.36 may be used to determine the captu re crosshe data

s ection of HZO, by repotting in term s of in n and t, and us ing Eq. (63)

w h ich m ay be rew ritten


va lues for h ,..

If th es e ca lcu la tions are m ad e w ith Q = 15 X 10–’8 cm ’, v corres pond ing

to 300° K as (3kT)~5 / m = 1.2 X 107 cm / s ee, then the


1.0 x


from the 2 mm curve.

0 .93 x 10-’

from the 3 mm curve.

(), ~ x 10–4

from the 5 mm curve.

Th es e ca ptu re proba bilities a re for th erm al velocities , w h ich h ave n ot

been obta ined by any other m eans .

They agree in ord er of m agnitud e

Page 208: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





w ith the res u lts of Brad bury and Ta tel, 1 w ho lis t va lues as high aa

4 x 10–4 at s omew hat grea ter energies . The important d ifference lies

in he fact that no pres s ure d ependence is ind icated by thes e res u lts .

Th is m igh be in terpreted as meaning that s ingle H,O molecu les can

Capture thermal electron s . On the bas is of pres en t k now led ge, th is

s eem s im proba ble, and fu rther s tu dy is requ ired .

Figure 5 .37 s how s an in teres ting anom aly , w h ich is that the recovery

tim e is not a monoton ic function of the oxy gen pres s ure. Margenau2

has expla ined th is on the bas is of the fact tha t both 02 and O are pres en t




(d )

FIG. 540.-Decay of light intensity from discha rge. Curve (a ) is for 7 mm HzO;

curve (b) is for 10 mm argon and 1.5 mm HzO; cu rve (c) is for 20 mm Hg of lamp argon

(0.5’% N,); cu rve (d) is for 20 mm of dr y t an k N,.

in the discharge. The da ta can then be in terpreted as an indica t ion

of differen t elect ron affin it ies for the molecu le and for the a tom.

If it is

assumed tha t most of the oxygen is in a t mic form at the end of the dis-

charge, then the a toms recombine in to OZ by way of a th ree-body col-

lision , and the ra te w-ill be propor t iona l to the square of the pressu re.

Thus, O will last longer a t low pressures. According to the da ta , then ,

above 5 mm pressure 02 is the more act ive captu re agent ; and below

5 mm O is the more act ive. On this in terpreta t ion , 2 mm pressure, wh ich

cor responds to 4 mm of a tomic oxygen , is as effect ive as 10 mm of OZ.

The numerica l resu lts based on th is a rgumen t a re h ,~~ s 3.2 X 10-4 for

O, and h .,.

= 1.5 X 10-4 for 02.

LBradbury a nd Tatel, J . Chem . Phys., 2, 835 (1934).

2 Margenau, 10C.cit .

Page 209: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers



Figure 539 s how s the trans ition from cond itions in w hich there are

enough captors to elim inate all electrons to thos e in w h ich there are not

enough. The corres pond ing In n-vs .-t curves s how s traigh t term ina l

s lopes forpres sures of lm m Hgand O.1 mm Hgofpentan , bu t d efin itely

curved characteris tics for the 10–Z and 10-a mm Hg pres s ures .

Th e

latter tw o are probably tend ing tow ard s a d iffus ion as oppos ed to a

capture characterist ic.

If the trans ition is as s umed to lie betw een 0.1

and 0.01 mm Hg partia l pres sure, th is ind ica tes that the initia l electron

dens ity in the d is charge is betw een 3.5 X 10’4 and 3.5 X 10” per em s .

This va lue is in agreement w ith es timates obtained by extrapola ting

the curves of lnnto zero tim e.

In on e attem pt, w h ich w a s u ns ucces s fu l, to d evis e a s im ple prod uction

recovery -tim e tes t, m eas urem ents w ere m ad e of the d ecay of light in ten-

s ity w ith tim e after the trans mitter puls e.

Figure 5.40 s how s the d ecay

of light in tens ity from the d is charge af er the excita tion , trans mitter

pow e r, is rem oved . Th es e cha ra cteris tics w e reobtained b y rneas uring

the light of a 1B38 pre-TR tube w ith a photom ultiplier tube connected

to a vid eo am plifier and cathod e-ray os cillograph . The tubes filled w ith

argon and w ith n itrogen exh ibit long recovery tim es , w h ile in thos e con-

taining HzO, the light is very quick ly quenched . No particular s tudy

has been made of th is phenomenon , but it is believed that the (‘ fter-

glow “

is caus ed by the pres ence of m etas table atom s w hich may have

fa irly long iv es .

6 .16. Effect of Keep-a live Dis charge on Recovery Tim e.—In S ec. 57

it w as s how n that in order to mak e the s pik e energy small, and to mak e

the variations in energy from puls e to puls e

low , it is n eces s a ry - to in trod uce electron s in to


O.c discharge

the gap from an externa l s ource. This s ource

is a d -c glow d is charge s o loca ted that the



des ired no electrons are furnis hed to the gap

, /

by d iffus ion, Fig. 541. If the k eep-a live elec-

trode is negative w ith res pect to the TR tube,

r’=& \

electrons are accelerated tow ard the gap. If ~ee~.a tive

the k eep-a live is pos itive, h ow e ver, electron s electrode



move away from the gap. Under thes e con-

FXG. 5.41.—Keep-alive

dit ions, the spike energy is m any tim es larger ~~~~~~ ‘thin ‘he cone’ ‘f

than w hen the k eep-a live is negative, and it is

us ua lly im pos s ible to protect cry s ta ls . For the moment the leak age-

p ow e r con s id era tion s w ill b e n eglected and th e efle ct of k e ep -a live pola rity

on recovery tim e w ill be d is cus s ed .

The recovery ~haracteris tics of an argon-fille 721A TR tube for

pos itive and egative k eep-a live polarities are illus tra ed in Fig. 5 .42.

The effect of the pos itive k eep-a live is m ark ed . The d ifference betw een

Page 210: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[s~c. 5.16

the tw o curves can be expla ined if the s tructure of the d is charge is

cons idered , s ee Fig. 5 .43 . With the k eep-alive pos itive, there w ill be

a pos itive column extend ing tow ard the TR tube gap, as s how n .


m os t of the voltage drop in the d -c d is charge occurs near the cathode,

o 5 10 15 20

Time after transmitter pu ls e in A sec

F IG. 542.-Recover y of a 721A TR t ube

filled wit h 10mm Hg a rgon , at 50kw pu lse

power with posit ive and negat ive keep-

alive discharge.

tlls w ill h ave th e effect of prod ucin g

a new “virtual anode” at the cath .

od e end of the pos itive column .

As a resu lt, the penetra tion of the

d -c field in to the gap is enhanced .

The d ifference in pos ition betw e en

the virtual anode and the k eep-

alive electrod e m ay be es tim ated

from the fact that the length of the

cathod e fa ll w ith a copper cathod e

is 0 .3 to 0 .8 mm at a pres s ure of 10

mm Hg.l

The d is tance of the

k eep-a live electrod e from the cone

is about 5 mm . Thus the virtual

anode is abou t 0.15 as far from the

gap as is d le k eep-a live, w ith the

res ulting increas e of the d -c field

in the gap. The d irection of the field s erves to sw eep electrons out

of the gap, and thus overcom es the retar ing force of the pos itive ions .

Th is phenomenon has been k now n for s om e tim e, and s ugges tions

have been made for the us e of an argon-filled TR tube that w ou ld have

Glass Transmitter


// pulse


/ -,







extent of



pos column



Position of


virtual anode


F IG. 5.43.—Ext en t of pos it ive column and

FIG. 5.44,—Pulsed keep-alive voltage,

vir t ua l a node in keep -a live disch a rge.

very low leakage po er with a nega t ive keep-a live, and cou ld be made to

have a shor t r ecovery t ime by making the keep-a live posit ive just a fter

the t ransmit ter pulse. The keep-a iive pola r ity wou ld vary with t ime

somewhat as shown in Fig. 5.44. This type of opera t ion is en t irely

feasible, and was, in fact , used by the Brit ish in one radar insta lla t ion.

it has the advan tage of longer tube life, since ther e is no chemica lly act ive

1Cobin e, Gbmua Condu ct or s, McGr aw-H ill, N ew Yor k, 1941, pp. 215-218.

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SEC, 517]



gas s uch as HzO to react w ith the metal part of the tube. Th is , it w ill be

s how n later, is the m os t s erious factor lim iting tube life in conventiona l

TR tubes . The d is advantage of a t be of th is ty pe is that the circuit

neces sary to prod uce the alternately negative and pos itive k eep-a live

is m ore com plica ted than the s im ple h igh-voltage rectifier needed for

conven tional tubes . Although the actual com plica tion is not exces s ive,

des igners have usua lly avoid ed it on the bas is that fa ilure or pa tia l

fa ilure of th is circuit w ould res ult in cry stal burnout and failure of the

entire radar s et. Th is is certa in ly moot ques tion and s hould , in he

auth or’s opin ion , re ce iv e fu rth er s tu d y .

The application of d -c sw eep ng field s to aid recovery tim e has not

been extended to bandpa s TR tubes , w here th recovery tim e of the

tube is lim ited by that of the 1ow -Q input w indow . To sw eep the elec-

trons aw ay from the w indow w ould require a grid -lik e electrode a ros s

the w aveguide and jus t behind the w indow . The cons truction of the

tube w ould be s erious ly com plicated by the add ition f s uch a s tructure.

5 .17. The Keep -a live.-The k eep-a live circuit is of equal im portance

w ith the gas filling and the s hape of a TR tube in determ ining the s pik e

leak age energy . The k eep-a live d is charge is generally a low -curren t,

d -c glow m aintained betw e en he k eep-a live electrod e and s om e portion

of the TR tube, and is s o loca ted that the res ultant d ens ity of electrons

in the r-f gap is s ufficient to k eep the s pik e leak age energy W. to a s afe

level. S ince the k eep-a live is an auxiliary device w hich is concerned

only w ith the h~gh-level opera tion of the tube, it mus t be des igned to

have little or no effect upon the low -level pe formance of the TR tube.

This means , firs t of a ll, that the k eep-alive electrode mus t either be

s h ielded from the r-f field in the cavity or, if it is w ithin the cavity

proper, it m us t be s o d is pos ed that r-f currents flow ing along it w ill be

m in im ized . S im ilarly , the glow d is charge m us t not caus e any apprecia-

ble d ecrea se in low -level transm is s ion through the cavity , either beca us e

of its ow n conductance or becaus e of the conductance caus ed by the

electron s it fu rn is hes to th e ga p.

This las t requ irem ent m us t of n eces s ity

be a comprom is e w ith the need for having no large enough to give ade-

quate leakage-pow er protect ion .

To ens ure m inim um in terference w ith

the reception of w e ak s igna ls , r-f nois e cou pled d irectly to the firs t d etec-

tor, or low er-frequency nois e coupled to the i-f am plifier from the d is -

charge, m us t be small.

It w as pointed out in Sec. 5.16 that the k eep-a live polarity mus t be

negative if electrons are to be furnis hed to the r-f gap. In the d is cus s ion

w hich follow s , a negative k eep-a live polarity w ill a lw ay s be aas umed

un le s s oth erw is e s ta ted .

In practica l TR tubes it has been pos s ible to m aintain s ufficiently low

valu es of W , w ith a k eep-a live d is charge that cau ses a change of low -level

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transm is sion of les s than one per cen t.

Th e reflection a nd d is s ipa tion

los s e s ca us ed b y r-f cu rren ts flow in g in th e k e ep-a live electrod e a re n ea rly

z ero in one ty pe to be des cribed , and of the order of 1 per cen t in another

ty pe. The glow d is charge produces r-f nois e s o low that it mak es the

m eas ured values unreliable beca us e of experim enta l errors ; how e ver, it




FIQ. 545.-– Types of keep-a l ive e lect rodes .

certa in ly caus es l s s than 0.1 d b change in s ignal-to-nois e ra tio of the

receiver. Un der certa in circum s tances , i-f nois e can be appreciable; bu t

it is not d ifficult to k eep it ou t of the receiver circu its .

A cla s s ifica tion of k e ep -a liv e e le ctrod es bas e d upon shape or con s tru c-

tion recogniz es three major ty pes .

Thes e are the coaxia l electrod e,

Fig. 5 .45a , and tw o m od ifica tions of the s id e-arm ty pe, Fig. 5 .45b and c.

FIG. 6.46.—Keep-alive elect rode in t ube in ser ted in ca vit y.

Ws torica lly , the coaxia l k eep-a live electrod e is the old es t. AS s ho~

in the s ketch , it is mounted w ithin one of the hollow electrodes or cones

fofing the r-f s park gap. A d -c dk charge is main tained betw een the

k eep-a live electrod e and the ins id e of the cone. This ty pe of electrod e is

particu larly s u itable for us e in the ell-ty pe TR tube. For th is tube it

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is d es ired to have cons truction tha t is axia lly s ym metric in ord er to be

able to clam p the tube in to a s plit annular cavity , Fig. 5“46 . The k eep-

a ive electrod e and d is charges are both com pletely s hield ed from the r-f

field w ith in the TR cavity , and thus have no effect upon low -level trans -

m is s ion . The Vos ition of the electrod e w ithin the cone, how ever, m us t

be m ain tained %th in ra ther clos e lim its s ince the electron d ens it y in the

gap is a s ens itive function of th e d is tance of the k eep-a live electrod e from

the gap; and therefore, the low -level los s or “k eep-a live in teraction”

ca us ed by no change s ra pid ly w ith pos ition .

Keep-a live electrod es of the ty pes s how n in Fig. 545a and b are us ed

in in tegra l-cavit TR tubes . The 1B24 tube us es a coaxia l k e p-a live ,

w hile the 1B26 and lB50 us e the s id e-arm ty pe. In bandpas s TR tubes ,

e lectrod es s im ilar to th os e of Fig. 5“45a and c have been u sed .

The s id e-

arm electrode in c actua lly extend s in to the r-f field w ith in the tube;

how ever, s ince it is perpend icu lar to the electric field no longitud ina l

curren ts are induced on it. S ince the electrod e rad ius is small. the

capacitance in trod u ed by it is s mall, and the res ulting reflections are


In common w ith m any other techn ica l problem s , the des ign of a k eep-

a live s y s tem involves a num ber of com prom is es .

To reduce the s pik e

leak age energy to a s afe level, the num ber of electron s no in the gap s hould

be large. How ever, no m us t not be s o large tha t the low -level trans mis -

s ion is s erious ly a ffected . A further res triction on the k eep-a live aris es

from the fact tha t the d -c d is charge cha ges the gas con ten t of the tube

either by chem ica l d ecom pos ition of the gas , or by s pu ttering w hereby

gas m olecu les are d riven in to the w a lls and captu red . Th is proces s tak es

place a t a ra te tha t increas es w ith the curren t carried by the d is charge.

Therefore , to obta in maximum


tu be life , th e k eep-a live d is ch arge

s hould be run at a curren t leve l as


low as pos s ib le , cons is ten t w ith





s a fe va lues of W .. Th is lim it is


s et by tw o res trictions .

A lim it

is d ete m ined by the curren t leve3

a t w hich , for a given electrode

s hape, no becom es too s ma ll. Be-

fore th is lim it is rea ch ed , h ow eve r,

J -


the d is charge m ay becom e un-

F I@. 5,47.—Rela xa tion oscih tion s of a ga a

stable or break in to a relaxa t ion


oscilla t ion . With the discharge in termit ten t , there is a f inite probability

that it w ill be ou t jus t before and during a transm itter pu ls e. When

th is happens no w ill be s maU and the s pik e leak age energy w ill be very

large, and cry s ta l burnout m ay res ult.

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l’hc rela xa tion os cilla tion en cou ntered h ere is s im i!a r to a ga s-filled -

tu be s aw tooth os cilla tor, Fig. 54 7.

If th e res is ta nce of th e d is ch arge

is s m all com pa red w ith the res is tance of the pow e r s upply , and the voltage

V is grea ter than the break dow n ~oltage of the gap V~, then os cilla tions

of the ty pe s how n w ill tak e place.

Th e ca pa citor volta ge V, w ill ris e

at a rate d eterm in d by the tim e cons tan t l?C, until the break dow n volt-

age Vb is reached . At th is poin t the gap w ill break dow n and d is charge

the capacitor un til the extinction voltage V. is reached . The d is charge

w ill go ou t, the voltage w ill bu ild up as before, and the cy cle w ill be

repea ted period ica lly . It is en tirely feas ible to m ak e a circu it that

os cilla tes w ith a period cons id erably in exces s of one s econd . The m axi-

m um frequency of os cilla tion a tta inable is lim ited by the deion iza tion

tim e of the gap and m ay be of the ord er of s evera l hund red k ilocy cles per


In the k eep-a live d is charge, s uch os cilla tion m us t either be en tirely

s uppres s ed , or be made to have s uch a h igh frequency that even though

the d is ch arge is period ica ll extin gu is hed , th e d en s ity of electron s in th e

-f gap will exper ience only small fluctua t ions.

If the discha rge cur ren t

is to be ma inta ined with in a rela t ively nar row fixed range, then the fr e-

quency of oscilla t ions cannot be ser iously a ffect ed by a change of the

pow er-s upply voltage V, s ince the s eries res is tance R, and hence the

charging tim e cons tan t, m us t be changed to m ain ta in the gi en curren t

d es pite the change in V. If the characteris tics of the gap are as s um ed

fixed , then the on ly w ay to increas e the frequency is to reduce C. The

capacitance of in teres t here inclu des all lum ped and s tray capacita nces

to ground , from th e k e ep -a live e le ctrod e to th e firs t la rge cu rren t-lim itin g


B placing th is res is t ante righ t a t the TR tube, the tota l

capacitance becom es jus t that of the k eep-a live ele trode, and is of the

order of 1 p~f. If R is 4 m egohm s , a ty pica l va lue, the os cilla tion fre-

quency w ill be of the ord er of 200 k c/ s ee.

If there are s evera l inches of

uns hzk ld ed w ire betw een the res is tance and the tube, the frequency w ill

be red uced by a fact or of five , a pproxim ateely , and if shielded w ire is u sed ,

the red uction in frequency w ill be m uch grea ter.

Let us exam ine in grea ter d eta il the factors affecting the os cilla tion .

If R, <<R, at the ins tant of break dow n nearly all of the d is charge curren t

w ill flow from the capacitor C. In Fig. 5 .48 w hen V. reaches Vb the gap

break s dow n and the opera ting poin t m oves ou t to s om e poin t s uch as

A on the V-I curve of the d is charge.

As the charge on C is d ra ined off,

the opera ting poin t m oves aw ay from A to the left until it reaches the

con s ta nt-volta ge portion of th e cUNe beginn in g a t B. If the equ ilibrium

voltage v = VRr/ (Ro + R) < VB, the d is charge w ill go ou t a t th is

poin t and v., s ince there is go curren t d rain , w ill now preced e to bu ild

up tow ard s vb again .

If, how ever, v = V R,/ (R. + R) > V, there

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will be a s table operating poin t,, and a continuous d is charge w ill be

main ta ined . Thus , increm ing V or decreas ing Ii is in the right d irec-

tion to s top os cilla tions . S im ilarly , red es igning the el ctrod e or chang-

ing the gas filling of the T’R tube m ay change the gap res is tance I?q e ither

up or dow n.

TO change the gas conten t in order to get s table operation of the k eep-

a live discharge is usuaKy not pos s ible s in ce the gas filling m us t be ch os en

for m inim um leak age pow e r, s hortes t reco~ery tim e, and longes t life , and

it is too much to expect to find a s ingle gas filling that w ill s a tis fy aH of

tions . Fortunately , the s hape can be s o m od ified as to elim inate os ciHa-

$ ion s a lmos t en tire ly .

In th norm al glow d is charge the voltage d rop betw een electrod es is

nearly ind epend en t of the current, and the current d ens ity at the cathod e





Fsc. 54S.-Volt-ttmpere wrve of d-c glow disch ar ge,

is a ls o ind ependent of the tota l current. Th is characteris tic res u lts

becaus e the glow is able to cover more and more of the cathode area as

the current is increas ed .’ Once the entire c thod e area has been covered ,

a further increas e of current is accompan ied by an increas e in vuitage

d rop, and the d is charge characteris tic tak es on a pos iti e dy nam ic


Therefore, by res tricting the cathod e area , the current ab

w hich the V-I s lope becom es pos itive m ay be reduced , and thus , the

current a t w h ich os cill tion occu rs m ay be d ecrea sed .

Early TIZ t bes s uch as the 721A and 724A, had s imple k ungs ten

k eep-a live electrod es . S om e tim e after thes e tubes had been produced

and w e re b ein g u s ed , k e ep -a liv e re la xa tion os cilla tion s w e re “d is cov ere d .”

The critica l current above w hich os cilla tions ceas ed , w as of the order of

200 to 400 Xa , By reducing s tray capacitance to a m inimum by placing

the lim iting res is tor d irectly a t the TR tube, it w a s us ually pos s ible either

to elim in ate th e os cilla tion s or to make their frequency very high for

JCobinr, Gascswa C’on&ctora, McGr aw-H ill, N ew York, 1941, Chap.4 ,

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[SEC. 517

norm al k eep-a live currents . The s pik e leak age energy w ith an os cilla t-

ing k eep-a live d is charge is illus tra ted in Fig. 5 .49a w h ereas Fig. 549fI is

for a nonos cilla tin g d is charge .

The ind ivid ual lines repres en t the s pik e

energy in s ucces s ive pu ls es .

Thes e varia tions w ere firs t m eas ured and

correla ted w ith k eep-a live os cilla tions in a s tudy of the 724A and 1B24

TR tubes . ~ Depend ing upon the repetition ra te and trans mitter pow er,

the s pik e energy d uring the ‘‘ oil period ”

of th e k eep-a live d is ch arge ma y

be 10 to 25 db greater than the normal level.

Coated k eep-a live electrod es are now us ed a lm os t exclus ively . They

are m ade by covering the electrod e w ith a glas s or ceram ic s leeve dow n

to the end , w hich is expos ed by

grind ing off the ins u la tion . Al-


th ough th e os cilla tion -free region

extend s to currents as low as 30



pa, opera t n g cu rren ts a re u s ua lly

main ta ined b tw een 100 and 200


~a . There are tw o reas ons for

th is . he voltage d rop acros s the

(b) d is charw e is abou t 400 volts . and

FIG. 5.49.—Time variations in spike

herefore, the d -c res is tance is

leakage energy; (a) oscil a t ing and (b) non-

oscilla t ing keep -a live d is cha rge.

about 4 megohm s at a current of

100 Ma and about 20 m egohms at

a current of 20 ~a. Fo m ilita ry s ervice, it is d ifficu lt to main ta in a

lea ka ge res is ta nce la rge compa red w ith 20 m egohm s, a nd th e low -cu rren t

d is charge m ay actually be extinguis hed by s urface leak age on the TR tu be.

Figure 550 illu s tra tes ty pica k eep-a live voltampere curves for

“coa ted ” and

“uncoa ted” electrod es . The uncoa ted electrod e of the

721A tube s how s a pos itive s lope at curren ts above 200 pa. A coa ted

electrod e w ith an expos ed area of a bout 10 -~ in . Zhas a pos itive s lope d ow n

to curren ts of 50 pa or les s . The 1B24 has a coated electrod e, and the

V-I curve has a pos itive s lope dow n to 50 ~a . The dotted lines w hich

ind ica te regions w ith negative s lope, are the res ult of d -c m eas urem en ts

m ade w hile the d is charge w as os cilla ting. As a res ult, the read ingg are

a vera ges a nd have n o pa rticu la r s ign ifica nce.

Another reas on for choos ing the higher curren t is tha t in ord er to

m ain ta in a given no in the r-f gap, the k eep-a live electrod e m us t be placed

clos er to the gap for the low -curren t d is charge than for the high-current

d is charg . The m echan ica l d ifficu lties involved are ra ther s evere as can

be s een from a cons id era tion of the actual d im ens ion involved . The

accurate location of the k eep-a live electrod e w ith in the hollow cone of a

TR tube s uch ae the 1324 or 724A is a moderately d ifiicu lt tas k . The

J. B .


and F. L. McMkn , J r., “Pre ign ition Tmrw r&ion th rough TR

Tubes ,”RL Report No. 254,Ju ly 3 , 1943 .

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only s upport for the electrod e is a t the m eta l-to-glas s s ea l w here it goes

through the glas s envelope of the tube. This poin t may be as much as

tw o inches from the end of the electrod e from w hich the d is charge tak es

place. S ince it is us ua lly im pos s ible to loca te the end of the electrod e by

any jigs or s pacers , it is d ifficu lt to loca te the end w ith in +0.010 in . of







721A TR tube

Exposed electrode area ~10-3 sq in


; //x<&=~’A-’g:”

Uncoated keep. allve electrode

Oscillates /


/0 1B24 TR tube

- ‘( No




300 I




I I 1


0 100






700 800

Keep. alive current in # amps

FIG.5.50.—Volt-ampere char acteristics of keep-alive dischar ges.










FIG. 5.51 .— Deta ils of cones and keep -a live elect r odes of some TR tubes.

the nom inal pos ition ins id e the cone. In the 1B27, the d iameter of the

cone at the end of the k eep-a live electrod e is about & in .

In the 1B24,

h ow e ver, the corres pon ding d iameter is on ly 0 .055 in . Figure 5 .51 s how s

the pos ition of the k eep-a live electrod e w ith in the cones of the 1B24 and

1B27 TR tubes . It w ould be almos t impos s ible to mak e a 1 .25-cm TR

tu be w ith th is ty pe of cons truction .

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S ince nO mus t be held w ith in the lim its im pos ed by low -level trans -

m is s ion on the one hand and low s pik e leak age energy on the other hand ,

let us cons id er w hat effect the loca tion of the electrode has upon nO.

The d is charge is s how n more or les s s chematica lly in Fig. 5 .52. The

electrons , und er the in fluence of the d -c field , d rift in the d irection of the

cone The number of electrons that pas s

through the hole in the cone in to the r-f gap


is a function of the hole d iam eter, the d is -

tance of the electrode from the hole, the

avera e tem pera ture of the electrons , the

electron m ean free pa th , and the d is charge


In th e us ual pres s ure ra nge for TR tu bes ,

is of the order of 10–4 in . An electron

FIG, 5.52.—Structure of keep-

m ak es a grea t m any collis ions per s econd ,

a live discharge,

and the influence of the field is mainly to

in crea se the ra nd om velocity or tem pera tu re of th e electron s , in ad dition

to caus ing a rela tively s low dri t in the d irection of the field . If it is

as s umed tha t the pos itive column end s at s ome s urface, s uch as that

s how n in Fig. 552, the d iffus ion of the electrons out of it m ay be found ,

in p rin cip le , b y s olv in g th e d iffu s ion e quation .

The electron d ens ity n is

s ubject to the boundary cond itions that n = O at the w alls of the cone,

and n = j(r,z) at the edge of the

d is charge, r = ad ial and z = axia l

d im ens ions . While th is cannot be

s olved form ally , it ca n be rea liz ed

in tuitively tha t, if the d is charge

end s at a d is tance from the gap

larger than the d iameter of the

cone, the number of electrons

reach ing the gap w ill vary by a

factor of about 30 for every in -

FIG.553.-Side-a rm keep-a live elect rode,

creas e of th is d is tance by one d iam eter. 1 Thus , if the cone is large, the

perm is s ible abs olute error in loca tion of the k eep-a live electrode for a

given tolerance in rzois larger than that for a small cone by about the

ratio of th e con e d iameters ,

It is evid en t, on the bas is of thes e cons id era tions , that it w ould be

very d ifficult to m ak e a coaxia l k eep-a live electrode for a 1 .25-cm tube

becaus e of the small s iz e of the cones in s uch a tube. To avoid thes e

d ifficulties , the s tructure illus tra ted in Fig, 5 .45b w as evolved . In th is

I Th is numbe r is arrived at by a na logy wit h t he a tt en ua tion of elect rom agn et ic

wavea in wavegu idez beyond clit off.

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cons tm ction , the electrode is placed in a fairly large hole at the s id e

of the cavity , and the exit hole through w hich electrons dMus eis Tlq in .

in d iam eter. In th is des ign, thenum ber ofelectrons en tering the cavity ,

n ., m us t be much larger than the number finally reach ing the gap, nO.

Becaus e the electric field is s o w e ak in the outer regions of the cavity , th is

large value of n . has very little effect upon low -level transm is s ion ,

Fig. 5.53.

The electrons s pread out from the exit pos t accord ing to the d iffus ion

equation , s ubject to the bound ary cond itions n = O a t all m eta s urfaces .

Becaus e the gap is partia lly s hield ed by the cones , and becaus e of the

d is tance from the w all to the gap,


Bes id es the ad vantage of greater eas e of cons truction in s mall tubes ,

the s id e-arm electrode has the further a vantage of allow ing grea ter

freedom in the des ign of the r-f gap. The des ign of the 1B26 TR tube

required s harp poin ts on the cones

in ord er to bring the leak age pow er

dow n to a us able level. This w ould

have been impos s ible on the cone


5=-$ -

s urround ing a coaxia l k eep-a live.


S im ilarly , ii the 1B50 tube, ~he us e =


FIG. 5.54.—Over apping gap of 1B50 TR

of a s id e-a rm k eep-a live made p os s i-


ble a des ign w ith the poin ts of the

cones overlapping, Fig. 5 .54. Th is tube has nearly cons tan t leak age

pow er over the en tire tuning range becaus e the gap length remains

unchanged as one cone m oves axially relative to the other.

Th e coa xia l k e ep -a liv e e le ctcod e and th e s id e-a rm e le ctrod e, Fig. 5 .4 5a

and c have found equal us e in bandpas s TR tubes . The reas ons for

choos ing one or the other of thes e electrod es are s till not clear. The s id e-

arm electrod e m us t be accurately aligned perpend icu lar to the electric

field in order to avoid exces s ive low -level los s es . On the other hand ,

the coaxia l e ectrod e mus t be carefully aligned w ithin the con e to prevent

s hort circuits .

Ne ith er of th es e d ifficu ltie s is in supe rable , and su fficie ntly

clos e tolerances can be m aintained w ith proper jigging of the as sem bly .

His torica lly , the s id e-arm electrod e w a s the firs t to be us ed in band -

pas s tubes . A d is charge is mainta ined betw een it and the end s of the

electrodes or c nes form ing the r-f gap.

The res onant elem ents of the

band pas s tube have low Q’s , QLZ

= 4 as compared w ith 300 for a high-Q

tube. As a res u lt, the t rans format ion ra tio is low , and no can be much

larger than in a high-Q tube for the same low -level in teraction . This is

fortuna te, s ince it tak es a large no to reduce s pik e leak age energy to a

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sa fe va lue .

A !200+a d is charge d irectly to the end s of the con es prod uces

a bout 0.05 d b change in low -level transm is s ion .

Becaus e the cones are

the anode of the d is charge, no is practica lly independent of the d is tance

of the k eep-a live electrod e from the r-f gap, a t a cons ta t current level.



= 0.4


.s 0.3


~ 0.2



~ 0.1



m 2 4 681020 40 100

Keep alive insertion loss in per cent

FIG. 555.-Efficiency of keep-a live dLs-


In the m any 1 0-cm ba nd paw tubes

tes ted , includ ing thos e us ed for

experim en t al purpos es and thos e

produced commercia lly , there is

no record of s erious k eep-a live

in teraction for th is s ty le of elec-

trode w ith d is charge currents of

les s than 250 va .

In bandpas s tubes it has been

obs erved that the coaxia l k eep-

a live has as much as 8 db of in ter-

action w hen pus hed too far for-

w ard . Thus , it apparently can

produce a larger va lue of no than can the s id e-arm electrod e. Tes ts

m ade on a 3-cm bandpas s tub ind ica te les s s pik e leak age energy

for a given in teraction for the coaxia l than for the s id e-arm electrod e,

F& !5.55 . Jus t w hy th is is s o is not immed ia tely obvious , s ince

in teraction is apparen tly a measure of no, unles s the electrons from

the s id e-a rm electrod e are load ing the fringing field of the gap rather than

the cen tra l portion w here break dow n tak es place. Com paris on , in the

1B55 bandpas s tube for 8 .5 cm , of the coaxia l and s id e-arm electrod es

ind ica ted little d ifference betw e en th e tw o.

6 .18 . Keep-a live Characteris tics . -S ince the gas filling of a TR tube is

determ ined by the leak age pow er and the recovery characteris tics , the

characteris tics of the d -c d is charge are m ore or les s d eterm ined by the r-f

d is charge characteris tics . Figure 556 s how s the d epend ence oft he k eep-

a live voltage d rop upon the gas filling of a 1B24 TR tube. The charac-

teris tics of other h igh-Q TR tubes are not very d ifferent from thes e.

In S ec. 5“7 it w as poin ted out that no d irect m eas urements had been

m ade of the electr n dens ity no produced in the r-f gap by the k eep-a live

d is charge. Th is is a s erious lack in the unders tand ing of s pik e phenom -

ena, From the poin t of view of TR-tube d es ign , how ever, it is s u fficien t

to measure s pik e energy and k eep-a live in teraction . Thus , an experi-

m enta l approach to the d es ign of a tube w ou ld be, firs t, to choos e an r-f

circu it w h ich has the d es ired Q or bandpas s characteris tics , and w hich

has a s hort r-f gap. Then , under h igh-pow er tes t, the gas pres sure w ould

be varied , and W. and Pa m eas ured .

For e ch gas pres s ure, the k eep-

a live curren t s hou ld be brought t a level that res u lts in about 0 ,01 db

of in teraction . If the current required to obta in th is is too high or too

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SEC. 518]



low , the pos ition of the k eepalive electrod e .s hQtid be read jus ted . s uch

a proced ure w ould allow truf y optim um leak age pow e r chamm teris tics to



200024681012141618 202224262830


Partial pressure of H2. mm Hg

FIQ. 6.56.—Keep -a live p res su r~volt age cha ra ct er ist ic of IB24 TR tube. Th e disch ar ge

cu r r en t var ies from 100 to 150 pa.

be obta in ed , bu t it requ ires an a dju sta ble k eep-a live electrod e. Alth ou gh

this procedure has not been follow ed in the pas t, it appears that the us e

of s uch an electrode w ould res ult in an appreciable econom y in d evelop-

ment tim e and in the number of experi-

Gas pressure

mental t u b es required .

It w ould ,

mmHg of N2

fu rth ermore, es ta blis h tolera nce s upon


8 10

electrode location. In the pas t, s uch






information has us ually been obta ined ~ 40


by mak ing a number of d ifferent tubes .=



w ith vary ing electrode loca tions , and


g 30

,/ ’

measuring Ws and interaction. /

The interaction, or low -level ins er- ~



tion los s , can be pus hed to extrem e ,0


15-15 mmHg

lim its by m oving the coaxial electrod e

of a 1B24, or s im ilar tube, clos er to the

r-f gap, by eniarging the hole in the end

00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Keep-alive current i nma

of the cone, and by changing the gas

FIG. 5.57,—Low-level sign al a tt en -

content of the tube. In fact, d -c-con-

us tion caus edby k eep-alivedischarge

trolled r-f sw itches have been made

in modif ied1B24TR tube.

out of 1B24 and 1B27 TR tubes .

In thes e, a k eep-a live current of

300 pa produces an r-f a ttenuation of about 40 db.’ In a 1B24,

1Tin g-Sui K~ and L. D. Smu llin ,

“A hw Pow e r X-Ban d R-f Ga s Sw itch ,” RL

Report No. 841 ,Oct . 19 ,1945;T. S . K&,“

h’ote on a Low Pow erS-band Gas Switch ,”

RL Repor t No. 979, Dec. 10, 1945.

Page 222: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





filled w ith 15 mm Hg each of Hz and H*O, an attenuation of about 25 db

could be obta ined w ith currents of about 1 m a if the k eep-a live electrod e

w e re in the pos ition to give greates t in teraction .

If the gas content is

changed to N2, attenuations of 0 db are obta ined . Figure 5.57 s how s

the variation in a ttenuation w ith k eep-a live curren t for various gas

fillings . It s hould be noted that high interaction is obta ined only w ith

negat iue keep-alive polarit ies .

6 .19 . Keep-a live Dis charge s nd Tube Life.-LTnder the action of the

d -c glow d is charge, there is a continua l m od ifica tion of the gas conten t

of the tube. Thk change is the res u lt of tw o d ifferen t m echanism s :

s pu tterin g, a nd ch em ica l re action .

S pu ttering is a proces s in w h ich the ca thod e is heated by pos itive-ion

bom bardm ent to the poin t w here particles are boiled out of the ca thode

and fina lly condens e on the anode or on the tube w a lls . Thes e particles

m ay collid e w ith gas m olecu les and carry thes e m olecu les w ith them to

the tube w alls , w here the gas is trapped . Thus j the ra te at w hich meta l

is s pu tter d from the ca thode is a meas ure of the ra te at w hich the gas

pres s ure w ill be reduced in a given tube. Table 5“5 gives the normal

cathode fall 1 in Hz and A, for a num ber of m eta ls , and the rate of s pu tter

ing for the s am e metals in Hz w ith a ca thode fall of 850 volts .














Xorma l ca th ode fa ll

~ Spu tt er ing ra te in H,,




pgr /a . sec
























2 .5




The onlv m eta ls that have been us ed for the k eep-a live electrode are

tungs ten aid Kovar. Exam ination of the table ind~ates that, in regard

to s puttering, alum inum m ight have m ade an excellen t k eep-a live elec-

trode. It cannot, of cours e, be s ea led to glas s , and w ould have to be

w eld ed to a s uitable glas s s ea ling m etal s uch as tungs ten or Kovar. To

preven t os cilla tions , the electrode m us t be covered w ith an ins ulating

1Cobine ,Gaaw uaConductors, McGraw -Hill, New York, 1941, Chap.8.

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m ateria l. Tungs ten or Kovar electrod es are s im ply glas aed right dow n

to the end . If alum inum w ere us ed , it could be covered w ith a s u itable

ins ulating cem en t s uch as Ins alu te cem ent.

To th e a uth or’s k n ow led ge,

no tes ts have been m ade w ith a lum inum k eep-a live el ctrod es ; but the

con sid era tion s pres en ted h ere m igh t w a rra nt s uch tes ts .

Tungs ten is a very unfortunate choice as a k eep-a live electrod e for

TR tu bes containing w a ter vapor.

Man y y ea rs ago lamp man ufa cturers

d is covered the s o-ca lled “tungs ten w a ter cy cle” and learned that they

could get lo g life from their tungs ten filam ents on ly if w a ter vapor w ere

carefu lly k ept ou t of the lam ps .

This phenom enon involves the form a-

tion of an uns table tungs ten oxid e and the releas e of a tom ic hy drogen in

the d is ch rge. The oxide d iffus es through the tube, and condens es on

the w alls . In tim e, how ever, the ox d e is reduced and the oxy gen and

hy drogen recombine to form w ater vapor. Thus , although the w ater

s erves as a carrier to trans port tungs ten aw ay from the cathod e or fila -

m ent, it is not cons umed . The amount of tungs ten carried aw ay in this

manner is not large enough to d es troy the k eep-a live electrode in any

rea s on able len gth of tim e.

It is s ufficien t, how ever, to form filam ents or

“hairs ” and , in a s mall tube s uch as the 1B24 or 1B26, thes e m ay actually

brid ge th e ga p betw een ca th od e a nd anod e a nd s h ort-circu it th e d is ch arge.

Exactly w hat determ ines the ra te of th is proces s is not k now n; but s hort

circu its have d eveloped after opera ting tim es of only 10 to 100 hours a t a

d is charge current of 100 pa .

The effect is mos t s erious , and w as firs t

noticed , in TR tubes w ith ins u la ted k eep-a live electrod es . Becaus e of

th is , Kovar is us ed in the tubes w ith glas sed k eep-a live electrod es , the

1B24, 1B26, 1B27, and the various band pas s tubes .

6 .20 . Keep-a live Circu its and Pow er S upplies .-The large m ajority

of a ll radar s ets have us ed s im ple, d -c k eep-a live d is charges . Thes e are

energiz ed either from a negative voltage already available or from a

s im ple a uxilia ry h alf-w a ve rectifier, s uita bly filtered . Th e volta ge a va il-

able m us t be 750 to 1000 vo ts negative, on open circu it, and the curren t

is lim ited to 100 to 200 ~a.

In a few cas es , a d evice k now n as prepuls ing is us ed . In th is d evice a

puls e of curren t of the ord er of a m illiampere is pas s ed through the d is -

charge a few tenths of a m icros econd before the trans mitter pu ls e, and is

made to overlap it. Th is pu ls ed d is charge may be us ed alone or in con-

junction w ith a low -curren t d -c d is charge. In th is w ay , a large value of

no can be produced in the gap and the s pik e energy greatly reduced

The fact that the in teraction may als o be large is unimportant, s ince it

occurs only for a few tenths of a m icros econd at the very end of the

receiving period.

Let us firs t cons id er the external circu it of the d -c d is charge. The

d y namic res is ta nce, or s lope o! th e k eep-a live d is ch arge ch ara cteris tic is

Page 224: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




small compa red w ith the s ta tic res is ta nce obta in ed by ta king th e qu otien t

of the operating voltage and current (s ee Fig. 5 .50). In the firs t approxi-

mation, it may be as s umed that the dy nam ic res i tance is z ero; that is ,

the d is charge i a cons tan t-voltage d evice. If the voltage d rop is V., the

curren t is 1 , the open circuit voltage of the s ource is VO, and the s eries

lim itin g res is ta nce is R,

~=~o– Va=A_V,



~dAV – AV


Thus , if either V. or Va is s ubject to fluctuations caus ed by pow e r-line

va ria tion s or d ifferen ces in in divid ua l TR tu bes , th e percen ta ge of cu rren t

change for a given voltage change w ill be invers ely proportional to

Vo – V.. It therefore appears d es irable to m ak e AV large by increas ing

V,, and to m aintain the proper curren t by a corres pond in increas e of R.

Mos t h igh-Q TR tubes w ith H, and HZO fillings have a k eep-a live

voltage d rop V. = 400 volts , and the operating current 1 is betw een 10

and 200 pa. How ever, becaus e of manufacturing tolerances , V. is

a llow ed to vary betw een 350 and 475 volts in new tubes , and during the

life of the tube t may increas e by 50 to 100 volts . If the des ign point is

at V. = 400 volts and 1 = 100 pa, w ith VO = 700 volts , 1 will fa ll t

67 ~a if V. s hould ris e up to 500 volts . If V, = 1000 volt , 1 w ill fa ll to

83 pa for a s im ilar increas e in Vm. This m ight be carried to tbe exten t of

m ak ing VOvery large, and thus red uce s till further the varia tion in 1 w ith

changes in V.. At th e operatin g cond ition s as s um ed a bove, if V, = 1000,

R = 6 megohms . S ince the voltage required to fire the gap initia lly is

about 600 volts , it w ould require a s urface leak age of 8 or 9 megohm s to

reduce the voltage at the tube to a poin t w here it w ould never fire.

Un der m ilitary operatin g con dition s, the a ccumulation of d irt, m ois ture,

or s alt on ins ulatin g s urfa ces m igh t ea sily res ult in lea ka ge res is ta nces as

low as 0 or 20 m egohm s. On this bas is 1000 volts is us ually cons idered

th m axim um s afe value for VO. In large, fixed , land ins tallations , w h ere

the equipm ent is ind oors , higher values of VO may of cours e be us ed .

5 .21. Prepuls ed Keep-a live Circu its .—It has been ind ica ted that the

d -c d is charge changes the gas content of the tube, and thus affects the

tube life. In fact, in h igh-Q TR tubes , the tube life is a lm os t independent

of the r-f d is charge, and is invers ely proportional to the curren t in the

k eep-a live d is charge. It thus appears des irable to reduce the average

k eep-a live current to as low a level as pos s ible. One w ay of doing this

is to turn off the d is charge betw een puls es , and to turn it on only in time

to get the required value of no in the gap w hen the transm itter puls e


Depend ing upon the repetition rate, the average current w ould

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SEC. 521]


be reduced by a factor of abou t 1000 if the ins tan taneous value of the

curren t w e re k ept cons tant, and therefore the tube life w ould be increas ed

by a ver large factor.

If the ins tantaneous curren t is made 10 or 20 tim es the normal d -c

va lue, the average current w ill s till be 50 to 100 tim es les s , the increas e in

tube life w ill s till be s ubs tantia l, bu t nOw ill be increas ed and the s pik e

energy decreas ed . If th is double effect, longer life and low er W,, is t be

utiliz ed , a k now ledge o W. as a function of k eep-a live curren t is neces -

s ary , Unfortuna tely , no deta iled inform ation of th is k ind exis ts . From

50 to 200 or 300 pa , the s pik e leak age energy is nearly cons tan t in mos t

high-~ TR tubes . Apparen tly no remains cons tant in th is range. Thk

may ind icate that the d is charge extend s back , away from the r-f gap,

w ith increa sing cu rrent in th is ran ge.

With currents f the order of I to

5 ma, W. is 7 to 10 db low er than at normal opera ting curren ts in high-~

tu be s w ith coa xia l k e ep -a liv es .

This reduction in W. is s ubs tantia l, but prepuls ing has found little

applica tion . There is one immed iate objection to a prepu ls ed d is charge

in w h ich no continuous d is charge is m ain tained , that is , it is incapable of

protectin g agains t h igh -pow e r pu ls es from n ea rby ra dars operatin g in th e

s ame frequency band , becaus e the prepu ls e is s y nchroniz ed to its ow n

trans mitter, but not to nearby trans mitters . In m ilitary or naval cipera-

tions , a large number of radars may be operating in a res tricted area.

Once an aircra ft is a loft, un les s a group of planes are fly ing in tight for-

m ation , there is little probability of cry s ta l burnout by a nearby radar.

On the ground , how ever, w ith planes lined up clos e together, mutual

urnout can be a s erious problem .

Becaus e of the danger of random puls es caus ing burnout, the TR

tube mus t be capable of protecting cry s ta ls con tinuous ly w ith a low -

curren t d -c d is charge. If the T tube can already protect cry sta ls w ith

a d -c d is ch rge, it s eem s that little is to be gained by reducing W, another

10 db by means of a prepu ls e s uperimpos ed on the d -c d is charge. Only

by extens ive life tes ts on a large number of TR tubes and cry s ta ls can it

be s how n w h ether or not any appreciable im provem ent in cry s ta l protec-

tion can be obta ined by reducing W..

All TR tubes now in us e a fford good cry s ta l protection w ith a d -c

k eep-a live and , although occas ional “u expla ined ” burnouts d o occur,

the s am e tube w ill again protect cry s ta ls for s evera l hund red hours m ore.

If thes e burnouts are caus ed by rare burs ts of large s pik e leak age energy ,

they m ight be elim ina ted by the us e of prepu ls ing w h ich not on ly r duces

the average value of W., but als o red uces the varia tion in energy betw e en

ind iv idual s p ik e s .

It is w orth w hile to exam ine s ome of the circuits us ed to produce a

prepu ls e. The tw o im portan t variables to be cons id ered are the rela tive

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[s~c. 5.21

tim ing of the prepu ls e and the transm itter puls e, and the magnitude of

the prepu ls e current. J leas urem ents made on a 724A TR tube us ing a

prepu ls e of ~ps ec duration s uperim pos ed upon a 100-pa d -c d is charge

gave the res ults s how n in I?ig. 5 .58.

If the prepu ls e s tarts a fter the

FIG. 5.5S.—E ffect of pr epu lse t im in g on spike

energy of a 724A TR tube.

trans mitter pu ls e, it as no effect

o W,.

When it leads the trans -

m itter by about 0 .1 ps ec, as in

th is experim ent, W , is 8 db dow n

from its d -c value. As the lead

is increas ed bey ond 0.1 ps ec, the

num ber of electrons furnis hed to

the r-f ga by the d is charge be-

come s sma ller, a nd W . approa ch es

the d -c level. The increas e in

W. to values 12 db greater than

normal wh en the prepu ls e lea ds by

5 to 7 ~s ec, w as caus ed by a pos i-

tive overs hoot on the prepuls e, w hich turned off the d -c d is charge and

reduced no momentarily .

A prepuls e mus t be added to a d -c circuit in s uch a w ay that the puls -

ing circu it has little or no effect upon the d -c d is charge.

NTorma lly , Lo

preven t relaxation os cilla tions , a res is tor of ~ to 4 m egohm s is put right

a t the k e p-a live cap on the TR tube.

To prod uce a prepuls e current of

severa l milliamperes w ith a reason-

able voltage, there m us t be little



lo#/ .lt


or no lim iting res is tance betw een DC


To prepulse circuit

the s ource and the tube. Thus ,


if the prepuls e circu it is connected ~

betw een the d -c lim iting res is tor

and the electrode, the s tray ca-

TR tube

pacitanc of the prepu ls e circu it

FIG. 559. -f.3rcu t for prepu lsing TR tube.

mus t not be large enough to a low

relaxation os cilla tions to tak e place. Figure 5.59 ind icates s uch a con-

nection w ith a 10-~pf capacitor us ed to is ola te the tw o circuits .

The prepu ls e voltage may be obta ined in a number of w ay s . It m ay ,

of cou rs e, b e gen era ted by a block in g os cilla tor or s im ila r ircu it properly

tim ed w ith res pect to the transm i ter. This is pos s ible only if the trans -

m itter is triggered from some external s ource that can als o be us ed to

trigger the prepuls er. If a “s elf-s ynchronous ” trans mitter m odula tor

is us ed , s uch as a rotary or s eries s park -gap m od ula tor, there is an uncer-

tainty in the tim e betw een s ucces s ive pu ls es of perhaps 50 y sec. S ince

all trigger voltages in s uch a s et are derived from the trans mitter puls e,

there is no w a y of triggering a prepuls er s o that it w ill lad the trans mitter

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by a fraction of a m icros econd .

In s uch cas es , and even in the cas e of

s ynchronous trans mitters , it is d es irable to us e s om e voltage w ithin the

m od ulator that lead s the voltage on the trans mitter tube (m agnetron) by

the proper amount. The primary w ind i g of the s tepup puls e trans -

form er that d rives the m agnetron is a convenien t s ource of s uch a voltage.

It is pos s ible, by tak ing ad vantage of t e fin ite ris e ‘tim e of the m od ula tor

puk e = * ps ec, and the magnitude of the pu ls e (s evera l thous and volts

on the primary ), to produce a high-curren t pu ls e in the TR k eep-a live

circu it that lead s the r-f ou tput pow er of the magnet on by about %lU


Figure 5.60 illus tra tes a convenien t w ay of obtaining the neces sary

prepu ls e voltage from the puls e trans form er by m eans of a h igh-voltage

capacitor m ade from a length of h igh-voltage puls e cable. The pick -off


Brass tube


Hv pulse cable

To pulse









Fm. 5.60.—Voltage divider for prepulsing TR tube.

tube has a capacitance of about 5 p~f to the high-voltage lead . Thus the

total charge that can flow in the prepu ls e circuit is q = CV where V is th e

maximum value of the pu ls e voltage. In a ty pica l h igh-pow er s et,

V = 10 k v, C = 5 ~pf, q = 5 X 10–8 coulomb. If the ris e tim e is 0 .1

ps ec, the average curren t is ~ amp (averaged ver 0 .1 y s ec), and the

average d -c current is 25 pa . It is importan t to k eep al the tim e con-

s tan ts of s uch a circu it as small as pos s ible, s ince there is probably

les s than 0.05 ps ec that can be w as ted in charging the various circu it


Another m ethod of reducing the s pik e leak age energy has been s ug-

ges ted m any tim es .

Th i m ethod is to ins u la te one of the electrod es

fm rning the r-f gap through a s u itable r-f chok e, and to s trik e a d -c d is -

charge d irectly acros s the gap jus t before and during the trans mitter


Such a s chem e has been tes ted on the 1B27 TR tube, and more

recen tly on the 3-cm bandpas s tube. The res u lts in both cas es w ere

s urpris ing in that the s pik e energy iw emd by about 7 db w hen a d -c

Page 228: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





curren t of 900 ~a w as caus ed to flow acros s the gap. The explanation of

th is phenom enon is not y et k now n.

Another interes ting propos a l is to us e a rad io-frequency (about 5

Me/ s ee) h igh-voltage s upply for the k eep-a live. Th is w ould be us ed

w h ere s pace or w eight d id not perm it the us e of a trans form er, rectifier,

and filter for 60 or 400 cps . A s ingle os cilla tor tube operated from a

low -voltage s upply , and a res onant trans form er can furnis h enough

voltage and c rrent for a TR tube k eep-a live d is charge. Only rud i-

m entary tes ts have been m ade of s uch a s ys tem w ith the lternating cur-

ren t applied d irectly to the k eep-a live electrod e.

The m eas ured s pik e

leak age en ergy w a s n ot a ppreciably d ifferen t from that of a d - k eep-a live

d is charge. No attention w as paid to the problem of s hield ing this high

rad io-frequ en cy volta ge and th e d ev elopmen t of s imp le, low -capa cita nce,

high -volta ge s hield ing may be very d ifficu lt, un les s the os cilla tor and th e

TR tube are hous ed w ithin a common s hield . Th is propos a l m erits

further considerat ion.

5 .22. Rad ioactive Prim ing.-To initia te d -c d is charge, it is neces -

s ary to have a num ber of free electrons in the gap betw een the electrod es ,

or the voltage mus t be rais ed to a level high enough to caus e field em is -

s ion from the ca thode. In form ally there are free electrons pres ent in a

gas volume. Thes e are releas ed photoelectrically or by high-energy

cos mic- or -y -ray particles . A TR tube, how ever, is us ually enclos ed in a

light-tight m etal conta iner and is s urround ed by fa irly m as s ive pieces of

m eta l, th erefore th e proba bi ity of ion iz ation b y extern al ra dia tion is very

s mall. Experim enta l tubes that have been id le for s evera l d ay s becom e s o

completely inactivated that s eve a l m inutes may elaps betw een the

applica tion of the k eep-a live voltage and the s trik ing f the d is charge.

The length of tim e is determ ined by the probability of an ioniz ing ray of

s ufficient energy pas s in g through the tu be.

The TR tube w ill not, in genera l, protect cry s ta ls if the k eep-a live

d is charge is off; and , in particular, the very firs t pu ls e of leak age energy

w hen the transm itter is turned on w ill be extrem ely large. Thus , rapid

and reliable firing of the k eep-a live under all circum s ta ces mus t be

ens ured . This can be accomplis hed by producing a small amount of

ionization w ithin the tube by means of a rad ioactive s ubs tance. Tw o

m ateria ls have be n us ed for th is purpos e: rad ium brom ide and an arti-

ficia lly rad ioactive cobalt ch lorid e. The rad ium brom ide produces a -,

P-, and y ray s , w h ereas the cobalt ch lorid e is on ly & and T-ray active and

has a half-liie of 5 y ears . Although th is life is s hort com pared w ith that

of 1690 y ears for rad ium , it is ample for mos t purpos es . The cobalt

chlorid e has the im portan t ad vantage of being com pletely nontoxic a d

it is eaay to mak e in compara tively large quantities . During the w ar,

it w as produced by the cy clotron group of the Mas sachus etts Ins titu te

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of Technology , There s eem s to be little excus e to us e the highly toxic

rad ium s alts s ince the artificia lly rad ioactive cobalt ch orid e is eas ily


In practice, the cobalt chlorid e is us ed in a w a ter s olu tion and d ilu t d

to a con cen tra tion th at h as an equ iva len t ra dioa ctivity y of 0 .1 ~g of ra dium

per d rop. A d rop of the s olu tion is put on the cone ad jacent to the k eep-

alive electrode before s ealing off the tube. During the s ealing-off and

evacuating proces s , the w ater is evapora ted . Th is amount of rad io-

activity is s ufficient to guarantee the s ta ting of the tube w ithin les s than

5 s ec after the application of the voltage.

5s 23. Tube Life and Gas Cleanup:-The life of a TR tube is d eter-

m ined by the rate at w hich the gas cen t ent changes .

Th is ra te is d eter-

m ined by the action of the r-f or the c d is charge. With continued

opera tion either the leak age pow er becom es too large or the recovery

tim e becom es too long. Occas ionally , a tube m aybe found in w hich the

d is charge has depos ited a thin lay er of m eta l upon a glas s s urface and

thereby has decreas ed the low -level transm is s ion . How ever, th is

phenom enon is s o rare as to be cons id ered a freak .

There is no quantita tive in form ation on the rate at w hich the r-f d is -

charge changes the gas conten t of the tube. It is k now n that a high-Q

tube opera ted w ithout a k eep-a live d is charge may be run for s evera l

th ou sa nd h ours w ithout s eriou sly changing eith er its leak age pow e r or its

recove~-t ime characteris t ics .

The s ame tube w ill have a life of on ly 500

to 1000 hours w ith a d -c k eep-a live d is charge curren t of 100 ya even if

there is no r-f d is charge. The usual k eep-a live voltage d rop is about 400

volts and the pow er d is s ipated is about 40 mw . The pow er d is s ipa ted

in the r-f d is charge is equal to the geometric mean of the transm itter

and the arc leakage pow er. Ty pica l va lues for thes e are 100 kw and 40

m w , res pectively , and therefore the puls e pow er d is s ipa ted in the d is -

charge is about 60 w atts . If a duty ra tio of 1 to 1000 is as s umed , the

a vera ge pow er d is s ipa ted in 60 mw .

Th us , th e a vera ge p ow ers d is s ipa ted

in the r-f and d -c d is charges are roughly equal, and the d ifference in the

rate of gaa cleanup m us t be attributed to s om e other factor.

The proces s that ta lies place m os t rapid ly in TR tubes is the cleanup

of the w ater vapor. Th is apparen tly tak es place by chem ical action ,

s in ce th e copper con e that s erves as th e a nod e for the k eep-a live d is charge

becom es oxid iz ed , and the pa rtia l pres s ure of hy d rogen in creas ed s a that

of the H20 d ecreas es .

The proces s involved is probably the follow ing one. Under the

action of the d is charge, OH ions are produced . In the d -c d is charge of

the k eep-a live, them ions drift acros s to the anode. They are highly

~W. G. G~dIIw , “The Chznge in Compos itionof the Gas Resen t in a 721AType

Tube es a R.emd tof Operation,”BTL MM-43-MO-98,S ept.2 2,1 943 .

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[SEC. 523

active, and therefore, they react w ith the copper, form ing copper oxid e

a nd releas in g a tom ic h yd rogen .

n the r-f d is charge the mas s ive ions

a re un affecte by th e electric field and th eir m otion is completely ra nd om ;

the num ber reaching the electrodes w ill be roughly proportiona l to the

s olid angle s ubtend ed by the electrod es .

It is probably this d ifference

in the motio of the ions that mak es the d -c d is charge s o much more

effective than the r-f d is charge for d es troy ing the w a ter va por.

The r-f d is charge acros s the low -Q input w ind ow of the pre-TR, 1ow -Q

ATR, or ban pas s TR tubes is much more in tens e than in the high-Q

tubes . When the transm itter pow er is 10s w atts , the pu ls e pow er d is s i-

pa ted in a 10-cm pre-TR tube (lB3t3) is about 7 kw . Furthermore, the

expos ed electrod e area, the area of the tube w a lls , is m uch grea ter than in

the h igh-Q tubes . In thes e tubes , the r-f d is charge play s the m ajor role in

the d ecom pos ition of th w a ter vapor.

An example of the compara tive activity of the d -c and the r-f d is -

charges is furnis hed by a conven tiona l duplexer in w hich the s ame TR

cell is us ed for both the TR and the ATR sw itches : a 721A tube, fo


In the TR tube a k eep-a live d is charge is m aintained and , as a

res ult, a fter about three hundred hours the tube w ill have to be replaced ,

becaus e the recovery tim e w ill have becom e too long. In the ATR tuber

on the other hand , no d -c d is charge is m ainta ined , and although the r-f

p w er d is s ipa ted in the d is charge is about 50 per cen t greater than that

in the TR tube, the recovery tim e remains unchanged even after 1000

to 2000 hours of opera tion .

An obvious w ay to increas e the life of a TR tube is to increas e the

volum e of gas cen t ained in it, s ince the life of a tube is proportiona l to its

volume of gas . In a cell TR tube, the volume is lim ited ra ther s everely

by the des ired tuning range and by the cavities in to w hich it mus t fit.

In tegra l-cavity TR tubes , how ever, may have protuberances on them

s ince there is no externa l cavity in to w hich the tube mus t be clamped .

Table 5.6 lis ts s om e of the m ore comm on high-Q TR tubes and gives the

volumes of th eir en velopes .






Volume, cm’

7 24A/ B

&cm cell

1 .5


I&cm cell 5 .3


1.2&cm integral cavity



3-c integral cavity


721A/ B

M-cm cell


It is to be noted that the 1B27 , w hich has to a large extent replaced

the 721A in new equipments , has on ly about one-fifth the volume of the

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721A. This reduction in volum e res u lted from the des ire to mak e the

tube tune dow n to8 .0cm or les s , w hereas the721Aw ou1d go only as low

as 8.7 cm ; it a ls o res u lted from the fact that the tun ing mechani m

occupies one end of the tube and is a t a tm os pheric pres s ure, w h ich red uces

the effective volum e to tw o-th ird s tha t of a fixed -tuned tube of the s am e

s iz e. This reduction in volume w as rea liz ed w hen the tube w as firs t

in troduced , bu t the advantages of s mooth , s ingle-k nob tuning, and the

w id e range of frequencies that cou ld be covered w it various cavities

m ad e it s eem worth w h ile to examin e th e pos s ibility of a rtificia lly in crea s-

ing the tube life. A s im ilar problem had been faced in the cas e of the

1B24 and 1B26 TR tubes . In thes e tubes the cavity proper is very

s mall, 1 cc or les s ; ow e ver, the us e of an external res ervoir increas ed the

gas volume to about 25 cc, and res u lted in excellen t tube life. Such a

s olu tion w as not pos s ible for the 1B27 tube.

5 .24. Chem ical Res ervoirs .-The life of the 721A tube w as barely

long enough to m ak e it a us able tu be, for, a fter a pproxim ately 300 hours of

opera tion , the recovery tim e becam e exces s ive.

The 1B27 tube, w ith

only one-fifth the volum e, w ould be com pletely us eles s if its life w ere cor-

res pond ingly reduced . R. Levine s ugges ted tha t a chem ical w ater

res ervoir in the form of a hy d ros copic s a lt be incorpora ted in to the

1B27 tube. In th is w ay a large quantity of w ater could be s tored

in a few m illigram s of s a lt and the effective volume of the tube w ould

be greatly increas ed . An inves tiga ti n of pertinen t data w as made to

d eterm ine if there w ere any s a lts w ith s u itable characteris tics . The

mos t importan t characteris tic to be cons idered w as the varia tion of

va por pres s u re w ith tempera tu re.

Military cond itions require tubes to

w iths tand temperatures of —55°C to 100°C, and to give s a tis factory

opera tion w ith in a range of – 10”C to 1 0” . Therefore, a hy dros copic

s a lt, in order to be us efu l, mus t have a maximum vapor pres s ure of 20 to

30 mm Hg at 100”C to preven t the leak age pow er from increas ing to the

poin t w here cry s ta l burnout is lik ely to occur. On the other hand , the

vapor pres sure at — 10”C m us t be of the order of a few m illim eters to k eep

the recovery tim e reas onably s hort (s ee Fig. 5 .34).

Data on various s a lts ind ica ted that above 40°C, the increas e in

vapor pres s ure w as s o rapid as to mak e mos t of the s a lts us eles s .‘,z

F@re 5.61 is a ty pica l curve of HZO vapor pres ure plotted agains t

temperature. Nick el and cobalt perch lora tes have s a tis factorily fla t

pres sure characteris tics , bu t their explos ive nature w ould probably

d ecreas e ra ther than increas e the life of the tube.

1International Critical Tables, McGraw -Hill, 1933.

i R. Levine, F. L. McMillan , “Chemica l Me thods for Main ta in ing the F%rtia l

Re s ew s of Water in TR Tubez ,”RL Rqort No. 5 93 ,J uly 1 3, 19 44 ,

Page 232: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





Water can be obta ined by an equilibrium reaction w ith H,O as an end

prod uct, for example

TlOH e T120 + H20.

Here too, how ever, the rate of evolu tion of H!() is too great at tem pers ,-

tu res a bove 6 0°C.

Finally , abs orben ts and abs orben ts w ere cons id ered . In the firs t


group are activa ted alum ina and

s ilica ge~. Figure 562 gives the

* 40



p re s s ure -tempe ra tu re chara ci,e r-


is tics for thes e s ubs tances . The




.2 0

& =. 20

w as d ried in a vacuum at 100”C”

before being charged by expos ure

-; ~



to an atm os phere of 23 mm Hg of

H20 at 90°C. Thk charge gave a



10 20 30 40 50 60

w a ter-va por con ten t for th e s ilica

Temp ‘C

gel of 2 .6 per cen t by w eigh t. The

.5.61 .—~apor pr essu re BS a func-

activa ted a lum ina w as 8 to 14

t ion of temperature for a typical hydra te:

NiClv4H,0 = NiClr2Hz0 + 2H 0.

mes h, and a fter having been d ried

at 10O°Cw as charged in an a t m os -

phere of 18 mm Hg of HZO at 98°C; the w a ter-vapor con ten t of the

a lum ina w as 1.33 per cen t by w eigh t.

Although far from perfect, both of thes e s ubs tances s how ed enough

prom is e to w arran t life tes ts in TR tubes . The 11327 TR tubes w ere

us ed w ith 0.5 g of s ilica el. If the gel was charged w ith 22 mm Hg of

$;= filw

20 40 60 80 100

Temp. ‘C


Hundreds of hours

FIG. 5.62.—Vapor pressure of alumina and

FIG. 5.63.—Life tests of 1B27 TR tubes

Silica gel.

ueing silica-gel reservoirs.

HzO at a. tempera ture above 90°C, at room tempera ture the recovery

tim e w as poor. On the ther hand , charging w ith the s am e pres s ure at

75°C caus ed exces s ive leak age pow er t 100°C. Tubes w hich w ere

charged to 22 mm Hg of HZO at 85°C protected cry s a ls a t 100°C a d

s how ed good recovery tim e at 5“C.

Figure 5%.3 s how s the tim e after the transm itter pu Iae w hich ia

requ ired for the low -level trans mis s ion through the TR tube to olim b to

Page 233: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




w ith in 6 db of its cold va lue, fo five tubes . Thes e tubes w ere opera ted

at 500-kw pu ls e pow er w ith a duty ra tio of 1 to 2500 and w ith a k eep-

a live curren t of 150 pa . During the las t 200 hours of thes e tes ts , the

tubes w ere main ta ined at a tem~era ture of 100”C. Although the

recovery tim e and the leak age pow er w ere s atis factory for the dura tion

of the tes ts , it w as found that the un loaded Q of the TR tubes and

the cavity had fa llen from 2500 or 3000 to 1400 or 1900 , and the copper

cones had becom e covered w ith a redd is h copper oxid e.

Th oB e tu bes

charged in itia lly w ith the m os t w a ter s how ed the larges t change in QO.

At various tim es , a number of other chem ica ls and other m ethod s of

s torin g w a ter w e re p rop os e d .

S ilver oxid e is an uns table com pound tha t

m ain ta ins an equil brium pres s ure w ith 02; and th is oxy gen could be us ed

m the electron -capture agent. Copper s u lpha te w ith one molecu le of

H,O, is a very s table compound tha t gives off its w a ter very s low ly ; (no

quantita tive data for copper s ulphate are ava ilable}. h f. D. Fis ke s ug-

ges ted and la ter us ed as bes tos as an abs orbent; it is s im ilar to s ilica gel

but has a fla tter vapor-pres sure curve. S om e evid ence exis ts tha t z inc

ch lorid e , w hich is s ometim es pres en t in TR tubes as a s old er flux, m ay

giv e off C12s low ly .

If z inc ch lorid e w ere us ed in a tube w ith bras s w a lls ,

s uch as a 10-c.m bandpas s TR tube, an equilibrium w ould be reached as

the releas ed chlorine reacted w it h the tube w a lls to form ZnCla again .

With the exception of th e a s bes tos , th es e ch em ica ls h ave been th e s u bject

of s pecu la tion , bu t have not been us ed in d efin itive experim en ts .

5 .2 5. In ert Coa tin gs .

—The chem ica l res ervoirs of H?O, in ad{ltion

to their uns atis factory pres sure-tem pera ture curves , are undes irable

becaus e the continua l evolu tion of H20 res ults in the form ation of a th ick

copper oxid e on th e tu be electrod es .

Th is res u lts in a low er Q,, and the

Hz p res s u re is con tin ua lly in crea s ed .

The preferred m ethod of im proving the life of the tube is to m ain ta in

the H90 pres sure cons tan t by preven ting a reaction vith the electrod es .

Th is w as trea ted in a report by Guldnerl of the Bell Telephone I,abora -

tories , and w as applied to the 1B27 tube by H. J . lIcCarthy of the S y l-

van ia 131ectricProducts Co. The earl tubes tha t w ere tried had a lay er

of black copper oxid e (CUO) on the cones of the tube. The oxid e w as

made w ith a commercia l a lk a line s olu tion “ 1 3bonol.”

Thes e tubes

opera ted w e ll except th at, a fter a bou t one h un dred h ou rs of opera tion , th e

re covery time decreased and the leak age pow er increased, thus ind ica ting

an increas e of the partia l pres s ure of HZO. S imultaneous ly , the black

oxid e w as red uced in pa tches to a red cuprous oxid e, C’U20 .

The other tubes w ere made w ith a coa ing of Cu@ ins id e the cone

w h ere the k eep-a live electrod e is loca ted .

Thes e tubes s ho}ved a s ub-

‘ W. G. Guklner, “The Changein Compos itionof the Gas Presen t in a 721 .1Type

Tube as a Resu lt of Opera t ion ,”BTL hfk f -43-120-98 ,Sep t .22 ,1943 .

Page 234: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





stantially increased life, aslongas 7~hours with good recove~-timemd

leak age-pow er characteris tics . F gure 5:64 s how s the recovery tim e,

k eep-a live voltage d rop, and tota l leakage pow er as a function of

opera ting tim e for a ty pica l 1B27 ttibe w ith a CU20 coating.

Keepahve ~Cu20 coating

30 (a)

20 (b)


~+ [$ [l:W





0123’ 456789

Hundredsof hours

Hundreds of hears

FIQ. 5G4.-Life test of 1B27 TIt tube;

FIG. 565.-Life test of 721A TR

(a ) keep-a live volt age dr op; (b) t ot al lea k-

tuhe with un t rea ted rones; (a ) r e-

age power , mm,, 1 ,usec pulses; (c) loss in covery t ime in ,usec for —6db trans-

signal, db, 6 psec after t r an smis sion puls e.

mission; (b] total leakage power In


Figure 5 .65 is a plot of recovery tim e and leakage pow er for an

unoxid ized 721A TR tube. Figure 5.66 is a s im ilar plot for a 721B tube

w hich is the s ucces sor to the 721A, and w hich has oxid ized cones .





4 8 12 16 20

Hundreds of hours

FIG. 566. --Liie test of 721B TR

tube; (a) total leakage powrr iu mw;

(b) recovery times in pbec.

quenching to com plete fa ilure

A peculiar fea ture of thes e tubes is

the fact that the leak age pow er and

recovery tim e are cons tan t up to the

end ,of life, bu t then s ud denly increas e

rapid ly . In the unoxid ized tubes , the

recovery tim e increas es


from the tim e the tube is firs t turned

on. A s im ilar phenomenon has been

obs erved in Geiger-Mueller counter

tubes w ith oxid ized anod es in w h ich , at

th e en d of life, th ere is a ra pid tra ns ition

from normal opera tion w ith good

to uuench .


S ince the developmen t of the Ck@ coating, it has been fo nd that

gold -pla ting the copper cones is a lmo t as effective as the CU20 in pre-

ven ting cleanup of the w a ter vapor.

Other d en se, inert coatings s uch as

m onel m eta l s h uld als o prove effective.

Alth ou gh th e cu prou s -oxid e

a nd gold -pla te tech niqu es h ave mult ip]ied th e lives of th e 1 13 27 ,7 21B, a nd

the 3 -cm bandpas s TR tube many tim es , they have not done s o for the

3-cm cell TR tube, the 72413. The life of th is tube has a maximum

value of 250 to 300 hr. Then , no matter how the cones are treated ,

the leak age pow er becom es exces s ive.

No explanation exis ts for this

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d ifference; it may resu lt from the cleanup of the gas by s puttering. A

better unders tand ing of th is problem could be obtained if life tes ts w ere

run w ith a manometer s ea led to the tube s o that the partia l pres s ure of

HZ and H*O could be continually check ed . The tw o pres s ures may be

obtained by obs erving the total pres sure and then freez ing the HZO to

get the Hz pres sure.

The tife characteris tics of the 1.25-cm and 3-cm high-Q TR tubes are

quite d ifferen t from thos e of th 10-cm tubes . In the 10-cm tube, the

recovery tim e is u su ally th e lim it-

ing factor. In the higher-fre-

quency tubes , d iffus ion play s a

m uch s tronger rol in the recovery z

proces s than it play s in the larger E

1 0-cm tube, and con sequen tly the

recovery tim e is les s s ens itive to

the amount of w ater vapor in the

tube. The 1B24 3-cm tube has ,.,





8 12 16 20 24

Hundreds of hours

FI~. 567.-Life t es t of 1B24 TR tube;

keep-a live volt age dr op; (b) total leakage

a volume only 0.8 that of the ‘-’

ower in mw for +psec pu lse,

721A tube; but its us efu l life is

alm os t s ix tim es as great, a lthough no attem pt is m ad to inhibit the HZO

cleanup by inert coatings . Figures 5.67 and 568 are curves of leak age

pow er and k eep-a li e voltage d rop during the li~-es of ty pical 1B24 and

1B26 TR tubes . The recovery tim e after 2000 hours of opera tion is only

5 to 10 ~s ec for T = – 6db at a transm itter-pow er level of 40 kw .

6.26. Bandpas s and Pre-TR Tubes .—It is the intens e r-f d is charge

acros s the 1ow -Q input w indow that play s the dom nant role in

, 500

~ 300


Hundredsof hours

FIQ. 56S.-Life test of 1B26 TR tube;

(a ) keep-a live volt age dr op; (b) t ot a l leakage

power in mw for $-psec pulse.

changing the gas content of the

bandpas s and the pre-TR tubes ;

the k eep-alive d is charge has a l-

mos t no effect, The volumes of

thes e tubes are very large: the

1B38 pre-TR tube has a cubic

content of 110 cc and the 1B58

bandpas s TR tube has a volume

of about 400 cc, w h ereas the 721B

has a volume of only 25 cc. De-

s ~ite th is 1a r~e volume. the


recovery time of a 1B38 pre-TR tube may becom e exces s iv ly long in

200 to 500 hours of operation at l-lIw pul e ow er w ith a duty ra tio of

1 / 2 500.

It is im portant to note the qualify ing \ erb “ may ” in the above s ta te-

m ent. If he 1B38 pre-TR tube is filled initia lly w ith argon and H,O,

the recovery tim e of th is tube w ill a lm os t invariably becom e too long in

Page 236: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





the 200 to 300 hours. Fortu na tely , prod uction tu bes , w h ich w ere n om i-

na lly filled w ith argon alone, cou ld be opera ted w ith good recovery tim e

as long as thos e contain ing argon and HZO and very often longer.

In fact, s uch “argon filled” tubes often s how ed a s horter recovery tim e

after s om e tim e of opera tion .

Th is , of cours e, is as sum ed to ind icate

the evolu tion of gas from the tube w a lls .

Mea s urem en ts on commercia l

1B38 tubes ind icated for one of the tubes tes ted an increas e in pres sure

Time inusec







0 hours






120 -

180 240






~, / ‘



FIG.5,69.—Recovew-t ime cu rve of lB3s p,e-’rR t ube f lled ~~t h 5 mm argon and

2 mm H?O.

of 15 per cen t a fter one hour of opera tion; for another tube, an

increas e of 38 per cen t after 1000 hours w as m eas ured .

It is not s ur-

pris ing that the recovery tim e remained fa irly s hort in thes e tubes .

What, is s urpris ing is that, w hen H,O is added to argon , the life is d efi-

n itely lim ite to a few hund red hours .

Figures 569 and 570 are ty pica l

curves for a 1B38 tube filled w ith 5 mm Hg of argon and 2 mm Hg of HZO,

and for a production tube filled \ vith 10 m m Hg of argon.

Bmd pa ss tu bes h ave received compa ra tively few con clu s ive life tes ts .

A 3 -cm tube, w hich had been gold -pla ted , ran for m or,e than 500 hours

a t 30-k w pu ls e po}ver, ~vith little or no change in perform ance.

Th e

1F, L, llcllillm , ~. H. Pearsall, 1 .H. lkarn ley , 10C. , Se r. 5.15,

Page 237: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





10-cm bandpas s tubes , w h ich had no trea tmen t of the bras s w a lls , and

w ith in itia l fillings of 5 and 3 mm Hg, re pective ly , of A and HZO, an

for s evera l hund red hours w ith no change of recovery tim e. How ever,

the res u lts are s till inconclus ive and further s tud y of thes e tubes is

needed . One s erious cons id era tion is w hether a hard -s old ered 10-cm

Time inA sec


24 36









0 hours


/ ‘


/930 hou






/ -



FIG.570.-Example of change of recovery t ime with life of a IB3S tube filled with

10 mm argon .

tube w ith its w a lls fa irly w ell ou tgas s ed w ould have a s horter life than

the pres en t tube. Although the pres en t “d irty ” tubes apparen tly have

long lives , th is is an ins ecure bas is for genera liza tion s o long as the

quality and the quantity of the

“ d irt” are not k now n and are not


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6.1 . In troduction . -Th is chapter w ill pres en t, in add ition to a s um -

m ary of the h igh-pow er characteris tics of the various h igh-Q TR tubes ,

a deta iled d s cus s ion of bandpas s and pre-TR tubes , and of ow -Q ATR

tubes at h igh pow e r.

The h igh-Q tubes to be d is cus s ed are the ty pes 72 B, 724B, 1B24,

1B26 , and the 1B27. Thes e tubes are all des igned to protect the mos t

s ens itive cry s ta ls now in us e and to protect them at any pow er level from

z ero up to a m axim um d eterm ined by d irect-coupled pow er, by harm onic

lea k age pow e r, or by the es tablis hm ent of s econd ary d is charges w h ich

m ight s horten the life of the tube.

Th e es ta blis hm en t of prod uction tes ts and s pecifica tion s that en su red

uniform tube quality Jvasa d ifficult tas k s ince the tes ts had to be d es igned

for us e by rela tively uns k illed pers onnel, and w ith on ly the s im ples t pos -

s ible equ ipm ent, As a res ult, recovery -tim e ch ara cteris tics a re s pecified

only as a ty pe approva l tes t und er the joint Arm y-l-avy (JANT) s pecifica -

tions , ~vhereas leak age pow er is a production tes t on mos t T R tubes .

In s om e of the earlier s pecifica tions , con id erable effort w as m ade to

d evis e [‘ equiva len t tes ts ” th at w ou ld m ea su re certain in trin sic qua lities

of the tube but at the s am e tim e w ould not requ ire the us e of pu ls e and

oth er comp lica ted techniqu es .

310re recen tly , how ever, the tend ency

interes t w hen the tube is in us e, and to meas ure thes e quantities under

s im ila r con dition s of u se. Th e va riou s tes ts and s pecifica tion s cu rrently

u sed w ill be lis ted .

In the s econd part of the chapter, the characteris tics of band pas s TR

tubes, pre-TR tubes , and 1ow -Q ATR tubes w ill be d is cus s ed . Thes e

tubes are characteriz ed , in genera l, by the fact that their m inim um oper-

ating pow e r level is cons id erably in exces s of that for high-Q tubes , that

they can be us ed at cons id erably h igher peak pow ers , and that their

d irect-cou plin g a tten ua tion is pra ctica lly in fin ite for both th e ca rrier a nd

the harmonic frequencies of the transm itter. Th is las t feature w as

s hared by only one high-Q tube, a tube de~-eloped by J. La}vs on and

B. Cork at the Rad iation Labora tory .

Becaus e it w as d eveloped at

about the s ame tim e as the bandpas s and the pre-TR tubes , it \ v as

n ever pu t in to prod uction .


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SEC. 6.2]


The las t part of the chapter w ill pres en t a brief d is cus s ion of m anu-

facturing techniques and m echan ical d es ign techniques for both h igh-Q

a nd low -Q tu bes .

6 .2 . High-pow er Characteris tics of High-Q T Tubes . —Table 6 I

lis ts the various high-Q tubes and their characteris tics . Thes e charac-

teris tics are tota l leak age pow er (fla t plus s pik e leak age for s om e given

puls e length ), arc leak age pow er, s pik e leak age energy , recovery tim e,

k eep-a live voltage d rop, and gas con tent. The “s tarred” item s are

specif ied quantit ies .

The 721B tube, as can be obs erved from the table, does not have a

puls ed -lea ka ge-pow e r s pecifica tion . In s tea d, a m eas urem ent of the c-w

leak age pow er is m ade and is converted in to a quan ity PO (or P,). This

quantity is the reactive pow er s tored in the cavity , and is proportional

to the s quare of the arc voltage. 1 ,2

Tw o read ings are tak en, one at room










[;.s filh.g


:::;; ttP.

leakage RP -

, t t rnHg

m mw

ilVr Es ~:ynt




in cm

drop a t




H, H,O


30t o40 0,04 .,, .,, *7t o30*o.5t oo.7

*3dh at 350 10 10

7 Alsec




’40 ma. 3db at 400

10 7



4 AISec



*3 dh a t +325 t o 450

15 15


1.25 15


*2,5ma, ...

,. .,,.

*3 (ill a t *32.5to480




10 15


*25 ma. ,. *3 db at .370 t“ 480



5 IIs, .

4 18 ZVK

300 to 425



* See Pa r&graph1 , Sec. 6.2.

t t Th e 721A a nd 1B27 wer e m ?z,u red wit h (], = 2500, L=–1.5 cIII,mat ched input.

t P,,lseengt h 0.5 w.. for a ll t ul,es except for t he 1B50 wher e it is 0.35 ~e.,

I The t ransmit te r -power Ievcl is 501iW {m the721Band lB2i, 101iW for t he 1B24, a nd 8KIV for

tem pera ture, and one ~vith the w ater vapor frozen out at d ry -ice tem -

perature. The va lue Pi at room temperature, and als o the change

AP/ Pj w hen the w ater is condens ed , are s pecified . Together, thes e

va lu es give a rea s on ably a ccu ra te in dica tion of th e rela tive proportion s of

H~ and HZO in a tube of a given ty pe, tes te under k now n cond itions .

Th is tes t s u ffers from the fact that Pi is a s ens itive function of the

1Samue l,L1cCrw , and [umford , “Gas Discharge TR Swit ch , ” BT1, ilfh l--l2.

140-26,+pril 27, 1942.

2 Sinclair, Garoff, Gilbarg,

“ Xreasurc. mrnts of ~T:M Fillings in 721A ‘rI1 TtI}ws,

(XS1, Repor t No. T-18, Sept . 11, 1943.

Page 240: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




incident pow er level if it is les s than about 0.5 to 1 w att (s ee Fig. 5 .23);

furtherm ore it gives no ind ication of k eep-a live effectivenes s , and con-

s eque tly no ind ica tion of s pik e leak age energy . 1

The other tubes have a s pecified total leak age pow er at s om e definite

line puls e pow e r and puls e length .

At the tim e thes e s pecifica tions w e re

w ritten, beca us e of the com plica ted apparatus and techniques involved ,

it w as not deem ed advis able to a ttem pt to m eas ure s pik e leak age energy

a nd a rc lea k age pow er s epa ra tely .

For s ome time the method for meas -

uring tota l leak age pow e r at tw o d ifferent pu ls e lengths and then com pu t-

ing W. and Pa on the as s umption that Pa is cons tant had been know n , but

ha never been applied (Chap. 9).’

An attempt w as made to determ ine the quality of the 1B27 tube, the

gas conten t, and the k eep-a live effectivenes s , by measuring the tota l

leakage pow er w ith the k eep-a live on and w ith it off. .41though the

s pecifica tion has rem ained in force, the conclus ion m us t be draw n that

th is tes t w as not too s ucces s fu l, and that only the tes t w ith the k eep-

a liv e on had any s ign ificance .

Th e tes t in dica ted , h owe ver, th at n o d ra s tic

change in production technique occurred from day to day .

Th e fip eci-

fica tion s for the 72 4B, 1B2 -!, and 11326tu bes requ ire on ly a m ea su rem en t

of tota l leak age pow er w ith the k eep-a live on.

In the tunable tubes , w ith the exception of the 1B50 tube, the leak age

pow er is a function of gap s pacing.

Xo particular gap length in inches

is s pecified , but it is r qu ired that the tubes be tuned to a s pecif[ed fre-

quency in ord er that the leak age pow e r m eas ured w ill be tru ly ind ica tive

of th e op era tin g p erformance.

The maximum pow er at w hich thes e tubes may be opera ted is d iffi-

cult to define exactly , The 1B24 tube w as initia ly rated (unofficially )

at a pow er near 100kw , at w hich level a s econdary d is charge is es tab-

lis hed jus t back of the input w indow . When high-po!rer 3 -cm magne-

tron s (2 00kw ) became a vaila ble, th e 1B24 tube w as tes ted at the higher

polver level. In initia l tes ts , tu bes a~aila ble at the Rad iation La bora tory

failed after 10 to 10 hours . In all the tes ts the leakage pow er increas ed

m ark ed ly , and in m os t tubes the ins ertion los s increas ed .

La ter, in tes ts

on tubes of m ore recent m anufacture and ~vith care tak en to k eep s older

flux and exces s s older out of the cavity ,

tubes \ vere run for 500 hours .

I Although this test gave a good correla t ion ~vlth leak~ige po\ ver ancl recovery time

in the 721.1 tube, the correla t ion changed completely when the oxide coating was

wdded to make the 72111. his ~vas olmcrved ~t E~-ms SWml Lal)ora tory in 1945,

but no explanation of it ~ras advanced up to the end of the war .

z This m~thod was apparcnt [y developed inctcpelldcr it ]y at th? Radiat ion Labora-

tory and at the Bell ‘~elephone Ltilmrator ics.

J . W’. (’la r k,

“The Gas J )isch t irge S\ r itch ; VJ II. A \ Iet hod of Arudyzing I.ca!i-

r ige Power Data, ” BTL hf }1-43-1 40-5 , (X>t . 11, 1943.

s Sn lu llin u nd I,eit c, r ,

“ Tl,c 11127 TR T{ IFw, ” RI, Repor t \ -(). 5!)4, (M. 4, 1944.

Page 241: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. (Y2]


Th es e tu bes ga ve n o ind ication of s eriou s d eteriora tion , alth ough a fa irly

in tens e d is charge w as m ain tained acros s the input ~vind ow .


or not s uch performance is characteris tic of all production tubes w as

never de fin ite ly e s ta~>lished .

The 721R and the 11127tubes are us ed s ucces s fu lly a t pow er levels

of the ord er of 1 31w S(J long m the harmonic conten t of the transm itter

is low . At pow e r le~els greater than 1 31N-them is , in the s mall-d iam eter

cavities , a tendency for a d is charge to s trik e acros s the glas s cy linder

ad ja cent to th e inpu t cm lplin g.

It is belie~-ed th xt th is d is ch arge a ppre-

cia bly s hortens the tu lw life.

Som e magnetrons , Jvhen opera ted at high pow er levels , s how a

tend ency to s park occas ionally and als o to jump in to an inefficien t

electron ic m ode that is very rich in harmonic conten t.

A magn etron

w h ich opera ted in th is Ii-a y w a s

firs t n oticed ~vh en J i O-cm duplexer u s in g

1B27 TR and ATR tulw s ;~:w t e ~tm l \ rith the -LJ44 s eries of m agnetrons

at pow e rs near 1 31v:.

J 1’h eu :1 h au l-tu be modu la tor ~va su s ed , th e 1 13 27

tube protected cry sta ls [or long period s at a line pow er of 1 MN-. When

a s park -gap modula tor lras us ed ,

holvever, cry s ta ls u’ere burned out

a lmos t ins tan tly . A long s eries of experim ents by L. D. Smullin and

A. }Y. La~vs on fina lly es tabl s hed the fact tha t thes e burnouts w ere

coincident w ith the s park ing of the magnetron , and that during thes e

period s exces s ive lea ka ge po]rer d id n ot occu r at th e n om ina l w a velen gth

of 10 .7 cm , but w as pres en t a t the s econd , th ird , and fourth harmonics

of a 9 -cm mode. That th is w as another magnetron mode that could be

excited und er certa n cond itions of the r-f load ing and exciting circu its

w as s how n la ter by Clogs ton and Riek e. .~ number of a ttempts to put

harmonic filters in to the TR cavity \ \ -eremade, but none of the filters

gave enough attenuation over a s ufficien tly large frequency range. It,

w as es timated that a m inimum of 30 db of add itional a ttenuation at a ll

harmonic frequencies w as needed to ens ure cry s ta l protection , This

particu lar problem w as fina lly s olved by the us e of a pre-TR tube’

ahead of the 1B27 TR tube. The pre-TR tube w ill be d is cus s ed further

in the s ections on 1ow -Q and bandpas s TR tubes .

Tube life w as s till a ra ther indefinite quantity even as la te as the

end of the w ar. Although laboratory life tes ts on dozens of 1B24 and

1B26 tubes ind ica ted a usable life of 2000 hours or more, the life of the

1B24 tube in the field s eem ed to be on ly a few hundred hours . Com -

paratively few tubes w ere returned for exam ination but thos e few tubes

ind ica ted that about 40 to 50 per cen t of the tubes mark ed 1’bad” w ere

bad tubes originally , and m os t of thos e had air leak s at crack ed w ind ow s

or s older join ts . As a res u lt of th is xperience w ith the 1B24 tubes , a ll

1L. D. Smullin , “’The 1B38 P re.TR, ” RL Repor t h ’o, 641, Dec. 5, 1944.

Page 242: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 6.3

TR tubes w ere requ ired to pas s a ty pe approva l tem pera ture-cy cle tes t

of half-hour expos ures to – 55°C, to room tempera ture, and to 100”C.

Thes e tes ts had to be repea ted fifty tim es \ vithou t fa ilure.

Res ults obta ined w ith 721A tu bes ~~ere th e oppos ite of th os e obta ined

!rith the 11324tubes . Labora tory tes ts had s how n that recovery tim e

l)ecame unduly long after a life of abou t 300 to 400 hours , a lthough

cry s ta protection w as good for more than 1000 hours .

It ~vas very

d ifficult to pers uad e s ervice pers onnel to replace the tubes frequen tly


Th e 72111 tube has a life of 1000 hours or more, and the 1B27 tube

opera tes for a out, 700 hours .

The 724B has a life of approximately

250 hours , a t the expira tion of w h ich it w ill no longer protect cry s ta ls .

6 .3 . High-level Characteris tics of Bandpas s and Pre-TR Tubes and

Low -Q ATR Tubes . —I3 rea k clow n a nd recovery a re fu nd amen ta l p roces s e s

of both the high-Q and the IoN-Q or bandpas s tubes .

Th es e ph enomena

are, in genera l, m ore com plica ted in the hand pas s tubes s ince as m any as

three or four d ifferent d is charges m us t be cons id ered , w hereas in the

h igh-Q tubes on ly one d is charge need be cons id ered . The in tens ity of

the various d is charges in a band pas s tube varies hy ord ers of m agnitud e,

and s om e probably las t for on ly a fraction of the period of the trans -

m itter p uls e ,

The loaded Q’s of the res onant elem en ts in bandpas s tubes are low er

than th os e of con ven tion al high -Q tu bes by factors of 5 0, a pproxim ately ,

As a res ult, the voltage bu ildup acros s the gaps follow s the m agnetron

ris e w ith a lmos t no tim e delay and cons equen tly the en tire s pik e-

trans ient analy s is becom es qui e d ifferent from that of the h igh-Q tube.

The fact that s evera l gaps fire in s equence w ithin a tim e interva l of

abou t 10–s s ec probably m ak es the “fine s tructure” of the s pik e of a

ba nd pa ss tube very complica ted in deed .

One of the mos t s trik ing features of the low -Q tubes , as they exis t

today , is the d is charge w hich covers the inpu t w indow . At very low

pow er levels , the d is charge is jus t a filament acros s the cen ter of the

~~ind ow .

As th e pow e r is in crea sed , the d is cha rge s prea ds un til it covers

the en tire w indow w ith a smooth glow . The pow er d is s ipa ted in the

d is charge is very large. An argo -filled 10-cm tube s uch as the 1B38

pre-TR tube may have a puls e d is s ipa tion of 5 to 7 kw , as compared

w ith 5 to 10 w atts for an argon-filled h igh-Q tube, or 50 to 60 w atts for

h igh -Q tu bes filled w ith an H2-H10 m ixtu re.

The arc leak age pow er of a ty pica l bandpas s tube is 30 mw or les s ,

and s pik e leak age energy is about 0 .1 erg. Corres pond ing va lues for

h igh-Q tubes are 20 to 30 m and 0 .03 erg. It is w ell k now n that both

Pa a nd W , in crea s e ra pid ly a s th e loa ded Q (Q~Z) in h igh -Q tu bes d ecrea s es .

In fact, the 1H24 or 1B27 tubes no longer protect cry s ta ls if QL2 is m ade

Page 243: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


les s tha n a bou t 2 00 . IIo~~-cry s ta l protection is obta in ed ~vith th elo~\ -fJ

elem en ts in band pas s tubes has not been com pletely d eterm ined .

It is found tha t the s pik e leak age energy varies invers ely w ith Q.,

(m ore s pecifica lly the outpu t Q, Q..,) w hen no is k ept cons tan t, bu t tha t

it d oes not vary in th is w ay w hen the equi~a len t conductance, or k eep-

a live in tera ction , is k ept con sta nt.

Practica lly a ll m eas urem ents of W.

vs . QOU,have been m ad e w ith cons tan t k eep-a live curren t and loca tion

(con s tan t rzO).

Thes e experim en ts , therefore, cannot be us ed to give a

curve for high va lues of Q.z that cou ld be extrapola ted to m eet the

obs erved va lues of W, for very low QLZ. R ugh ca lcu la tions s im ilar to

thos e ind ica ted in S ec. 56 s how that for a cons tan t va lue of in teraction ,

W , changes very s low ly w ith Q..,.

The arc lea age pow er of a 7Z1A TR tube filled w ith an H,-H,()

m ixture is about 40 mw , for QLz = 300 and”an ins ertion los s of 1 .5 db.

Th is corres pond s to a voltage acros s the d is charge of 100 volts rm s .1

The s ame tube filled w ith argon m ight hay -e a voltage d rop of approxi-

ma tely 3 volts . Convers ely , a ty pica l bandpas s tube filled w ith argon

has a fla t leak age pow er of 1 mw or les s , w hich corres pond s to a gap

voltage of abou t 3 .5 volts , if the elem en t trans forma tion ra tio is tak en

as 5 . A m ixture of A-HA3 gives P= = 20 mw and a gap voltage of about

]5 volts. Thes e num bers becom e rough ly com parable if a correction is

made for the gap length , w hich is abou t 0 ,030 in . in the h igh-Q tube,

and 0 .008 in . in the bandpas s tube. How ever, the neces s ity to explain

a s e lf-s u s ta in ing d is cha rge w h ich

has a tota l voltage d rop les s than



the ion iz ation poten tia l of the gas

rem ains . Th is effect has a ls o been

High ~er

To receiver




obs erved in electrod eles s d is -


91 tJ2

charges a t low er frequencies and

h as b ee n rep orte d in th e litera tu re

Fm . 6 .1 .—Cro.s sectionof a 3-cInba ndpa ss

b y va riou s a uth ors .

TR tube , 1B63 .

In ad dition to arc leak age pow e r, h igh-Q tubes have d irect-coupled

and harmonic leak age pow ers , and either one may be larger than the

arc leak age pow er. Band pas s tubes nd pre-TR tubes have practica lly

in fin ite d irect-cou plin g a tten ua tion beca us e of th e d is ch arge tha t covers

the input w ind ow s . Harm on ics a ls o are very h igh ly a ttenuated .

Figure 6 .1 is a cros s s ection of a 3 -cm bandpas s tube (1B63) w ith

tw o res onant gaps and tw o low -Q res onan t w indow s . The k eep-a live

electrod e is at the gap clos es t to the receiver.

Although no d irect

experim en ta l d eterm in ation s h ave been ma de of th e brea k dow n s equ en ce,

it is believed to be as follow s . In the in terva l tO< t < tl, Fig. 62 , the

1H. A Bethe, R. E. Marshak, and J . Schwinger

“Th eor et ica l Resu lt s on t he TR

Boxj” NDRC Repor t No. 14-116, 10C.cit ., Cor nell Un iv., J a n. 20, 1943.

Page 244: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SW 6.4

voltage build s up acros s the gaps and is in phas e w ith the transm itter

voltage. At about II the electron ic conductance of the s econcl gap gz ,

w h ich has th e k e ep -a live e lectrod e, be gin s to in crea s e ra pid ly , a s d es crib ed

in S ec. 56. During the in terval t, < t < tz , the impedance acros s th is

gap is very low , and the s tand ing w a ve w h ich res ults d oubles the voltage

at the firs t gap gl. Th is gap depend s for its in itia l ion ization no upon

ca rry -ove r from th e p re viou s d is ch arge and pos s ib ly u pon photoe lectron s

releas ed by the light from the d is charge in the s econd gap. Although no

is very small, t he doubled voltage which resu lt s from the breakdown of

the second gap probably breaks down the fir st gap almost instan t ly.

This, in tu rn , causes the volt age to double at the inpu t window wI, and

th is, t oo, fina lly breaks down .

The d irect-coupling attenuation through a fired gap is about 30 db.

Thus , the pow er incid en t upon the s econd gap ga is the s um of the arc

leak age pow er of g, and the w indow leak age pow er attenua ted by 30 db.

This pow er is probably 20 to 50 mw w hich is not s ufficie t to maintain

the d is charge at gz . The electron ic load ing at gz , how ever, does not d is -

appear ins tan tly ; therefore ~vh ile the gap is recovering, the le k age

pow e r, incid ent upon the receiver, varies from about 0 .001 of the leak age

pow er through gl up to the fu ll leak age po}ver through gl. Th is is illus -

tra ted in curve A of Fig. 62 , Curves s im ilar to B and C are obs erved

w hen the amount of HZO in the

tube is reduced , w ith a cons equent


increas e in the recovery tim e. In

1 0-cm tu bes , the fla t leak age pow e r

is us ually too small to be s een on

an os cillos cope. Although t e s ts


t~ t~ t~


have not been made, it is believed


that w ith a 5 -ps ec tra nsm itter pu ls e

FIG. 6 2.—Leakage power envelope of


the leak age pow er envelope of a

3-cm bandpass TR tube.

10-cm tube w ould be s im ilar to that

of th e 3 -cm tu be a nd th at th e a rc lea k age pow er wou ld be come a pprecia ble.

In the 3 -cm tube th e ch aracteris tics illu stra ted in Fig. 62 can be obs erved

w ith O.5 -p s ec tra nsm itter p uls e s .

6 .4 . Spik e Leakage Energy .-In bandpas s tubes as in high-Q TR

tubes , the margin betw een cry s ta l protection and burnout is much

narrow er for the s pik e leak age energy than for the fla t leak age pow er.

As a res ult, m os t experim en ta l effort w a s d irected tow a rd s the red uction

of W,, and the fla t leak age pow er received more or les s perfunctory


The experim enta l w ork can be clas s ified in three main d ivis ions :

gap des ign, gas con ten t, and k eep-a live des ign. The firs t d ivis ion , ga

d es ign , involved the problem of d eveloping res onant elem ents w h ich had

Page 245: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


$EC. 64]


the s malles t product of QLZ . W,.

I?orth es e experim en ts , it w a s tacitly

as s umed (and th is as s umption w as Mer partia lly verified ) that a gap

des ign w hkh gave optimum performance for one gas w as equally good

for all other gas es . This s implified the experim ent al technique, for

aft e r the gap des ign w as chos en , it ~vas n eces sary on ly to determ ine the

gas filling of the tube for the lon es life, the s hortes t recovery tim e,

and the leas t leak age pow er.

In Sec. 6 .3 it w as s een that the fla t leak age pow er w os far from corl-

s tan t d ring the puls e. Becaus e of th is , it w as d ifficult to s epara te the

s pik e trans ien t from the arc link age pow er by the us ual techniques of

cancella tion or puls e-length increment (s ee Chap. 9). The us e of pure

argon , how e ver, res ulted n a very s m a l arc leak age pow e r, and the s pik e

leak age energy cons titu ted more than 95 per cen t of the tota l energy in

the ieak age pu ls e. Thus , s ince there is uncerta in ty concern ing cm Iy a

small percenta ge of the pow er, it can

be as s umed tha t the tota l energy is

equal to the s pik e energy .

Window Leak age.—The des ign

of the input w indow has been bas ed

p rimarily upon low -le ve l con s id e ra -

tions of QL2 and upon d is s ipa t ve

los s . The leak age pas t a ty pica l

w indow is of the order of hund red s

of ergs com pared w ith the tent s of

an erg that is actually incid ent

upon the receiver. Figure 6.3

s how s the tota l leak age energy

through various low -Q res onant

w indow s for various pres s ures of

argon . Curve A k the leak age

energy through a 1B38 pre-TR

tube, in w hich both w indow s have

Q., ~

1 and a height of 0 .875 in .

The m eas urem ents w ere m ade w ith

a trans mitter-pu ls e pow er of 50 k w

at 10.7 cm bu t ch eck mea s uremen ts

m ade at 1000 k w agreed w ith thes e

d ata w ith in th e experim en ta l ‘error





A 0,875

B 0.250 in.


C 0.125 in.

D 0.063 in . ,










Argon pressure in mm of mercury

FKO. 6.3.—Leaka ge-ener gy cha ra ct er -

ist ics of var ious 1ow-Q glass windows. A

is for a 10-cm window, and 1?, C, and D are

for 3-cm windows .

of about A 1 db. The arc leak age pow er w as about 50 w atts t a

pres sure of 10 mm Hg of argon, and t us cons titu ted about one-th ird the

tota l energy for a l-~s ec puls e.

Curves B , C, and D of Fig. 6 .3 give the tota l leak age energy for three

Ii fferent w indow s meas ured at a w avelength of 3 .2 cm . Their heights

Page 246: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 64

w ere 0.250 in ., 0 .125 in ., and 0.063 in ., res pecti~-ely , and Q~2 WaS 1.1 ,

2 .1 , and 6. There is not the l-to-l ra tio bet w ecn s ucces s il-e curves that

w ould be expected if the break dow n voltage w ere a linear function of

the w indow height, one tes t a t 8 .5 cm d id give a fourfold change in

total leak age pow er w hen a w indow w ith one-half the height of the

s tandard one w as us ed . At the pres en t w riting it is not clear w hether

th is repres en ts poor experim ental technique or w hether it res ults from

th e fa c th at brea k dow n a long a d ielectric s u rfa ce is a h igh ly comp lica ted ,

a nd litt e u nd ers tood ph enomenon .

The curves illus tra te pres s ure dependence of the us ual ty pe w ith

fa irly w e ll-de fined min ima .

For the 10-cm tube at leas t, in ~~hich the

arc leak age energy is about 3 per cent of the total leak age energy , the

m in imum has little th eoretica l importa nce.

This m inim um is the res ult

obta ined by add ing the curves (autom atically ) of W. and pa w hich have

d ifferen t s h ape s a nd d ifferen t m in ima .

The data pres en ted in thes e curves w ere obtained w ith the leak age

energy of the w indow d is s ipated in a m atched receiver load .

In actu al

us e, as in the input w indow to a handpas s tube, the voltage buildup

acros s t e w indow follow s the m agnetron very clos eiy until the break -

dow n of t e res onant gap one-quarter guide w avelength aw ay from it

ca us es the voltage to d ouble

This m us t undoubted ly change the s pik e

tra ns ien t, an d it proba bly red uces th e s p]k e !ea ka ge en ergy in cid en t u pon

the next gap. The extent of th is reduction in energy is not k now n, nd

is p robably of little pra ctica l importa nce.

A ca th od e-ra y os cillogram of

the s pik e trans ient in a 1B38 pre-TR tube w as s how n in Fig. 511 and a

d is cus s ion of this trans ient is found in S ec. 56.

Carefu l cons ideration of Fig 63 em phas iz es the fact that at a w ave-

w ould be about 1 to 2 ergs .

Furtherm ore, if thin m ica is us ed ins tead

of glas s , the height of the w indow may be reduced by a factor of almos t

tw o and thus the tota l l ak age through a w indow w ould be w ell below

1 erg.1 This , together w ith the fact that 1 .25-cm cry s ta ls (1 N26) can

w iths tand about 0 .3 erg of s pik e energy , s hould mak e it pos s ible to

des ign a very s im ple band pas s TR tube for th is w avelength .

The pre-TR tube is us ed in conjunction w ith a high-Q TR tube in

ord er to m inim iz e both harm onic and d irect-coupled leak age pow er. To

ens ure proper opera tion , the trans m is s ion line betw een the tw o-tubes is

ad jus ted s o that the d etuned high-Q cavity prod uces a voltage m axim um

at the input w indow of the pre-TR tube. S ince the pre-TR tube is one-

quarter guide w avelength long, the connecting line is m ade one-half

guide w avelength long. It has already been s een in Chap. 5 that the


Some u npu blish ed r esu lt s of exper im en ts by C. W. Za bel a t t he Ra dia tion La bor a-

t or y con firm t his.

Page 247: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




inpu t admit t ance to a TR cavity dur ing the en f ir e spike t ransient is very

Ii)r~e compared \ r it h 1’,; th erefore, the prc-TR tube is working in to an

open circu it du r ing the en t ir e t ransmit ter pu l~e, and the leakage energy

is presumably smaller than when it is termina ted in a matched load.

6.5. Spike Leakage Energy. Gap Design . —Early exper imen t s on

bandpass TR tubes were concerned pr imar ily w-ith the developmen t of

a tube tha t wou ld \ vork . The pressu re of ~~ar rna (lc it necessa ry in th is

exper imen ta t ion to use many in tu it ive deduct ions and ext rapola t ions

based upon insufficient da ta .

on ly a fter a usable tube had been pro-

duced was it possible to make a systemat ic study of the in fluence (jt ’

va r ious pa rameters on Iea lmge energy character ist ics. This systemat ic

invest iga t ion 1 begin in 1944 and ended at the close of the war in 1945.

The leakage pow er through a complete bandpas s tube is a compli-

ca ted fu nction and res ults from th e s uperpos ition of s evera l d ifferent d is -

charges . From a narrow pragmatic poin t of view onl the tota l leak age

energy is importan t, and n fact m os t leak age-pow er data \ \ -eretak en

w ith complete tu bes .

There can be no d oubt, ho~vever, that a com plete

und ers tand ing of w hat happens w ith in a s ingle gap w ould im plem ent the

des ign of a better tube than any now in exis tence.

Figure 6 .4 s how s the leak age energy from 3-gap, -cm bandpas s TR

tubes w h ich have d ifferen t gap des igns , as a function of argon pres sure.

The arc leak age pow e r is negligibly s m all, and therefore the tota l energy

is nearly equal to the s pik e leak age energy . .111gaps are of the ty pe

illus tra ted in Fig. 331 and all the curves exh ibit the fam iliar s hape of

lea k age-p ow er cu rves w ith ra th er pron ou nced m in ima .

Figure 6 .5 is a plot of the s quare root of the leak age pow er (W~~)

agains t gap s pacing at an rgon pres sure of 10 mm Hg and is bas ed upon

data tak en from Fig. 64 . With the exception of the smalles t gap

s pacing, the poin ts define a s traight line pas s ing through the origin .

Th is is to be expected if the voltage trans form ation ra tio is cons tan t for

the various gaps , and if the grad ient increas es linearly as g-’.

The poin t for the s hortes t gap (0.0017 in . ) lies above the s traigh t line

defined by the other three poin ts and the origin . It may be pos s ible to

clarify further this behavior by a cons id era tion of the electrons los t to

the electrod es . In general the electrons in an r-f d is charge s uffer a lm os t

no net d is placem ent in the d irection of the field , and therefore very few

are los t to the electrodes . There is a small region ad jacent to the

electrod es , w hich is o the ord er of one mean free path long, through

wh ich el ctron s may be a ccelera ted and th us rea ch the electrod es .


I Most of the leakage power data , par t icula rly on 3-cm tubes, were obta ined at the

GE Resea rch Laboratories by the group under M. D. Fiske. W. C. Caldwell of the

Radia t ion Labora tory worked with th is group for a lmost a yea r on the development

of the 3-cm tube.

Page 248: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


236 T{[E TR A Y ll A TR T1’RE,$’ AT TI[C17 P(?W177i’ [S E(-. 65

lnutn frcv paths d t}m oi-d cr of ().(Ni in ., the tw o regions ad jacen t to

th e clectm d es ocru l)y a ]a rg(, pu tt, (If tile tot id g~p of (),0 ()4 7 in ., bu t for

larg r gaps they are les s im porttin t. ‘IIe low of electrons by th is m ech-

a nism requ ires a h i@f~r ra te of elcrtron prod uction a nd , th erefore, h igh er

gap voltages m d higher s pik e leak age rnergy . Th is phenom enon is ver

s im ilar to tha t w hirh mus es the m in imum f the Pmchen curve for d -c

breakcloli-n. S im il:lr eflert,s frere obs erved by Pos in in a s tud y of r-f

b rez k d ow n in ~va veg~lidw a t a tmos ph eric p res s u re . 1


8 ,0




.: 2.0


@ l,fJ

$ 0.80

& 0.60


& 0.40







2 4 6810


Argon pressure in mm o;%ercury


6.4.—Snike leaka~e

ener zv

u mroils

FIC. 65.-The square root of the spike

th rough 3.cm bandpass TR- tubes f&

leakage energy of Fig. 6.4 plotted against

va ri0u8 gap spa cin gs.

gap spacing for a pressu re OJ 10 mm Hg of


The in fluence of the particu lar s hape of the end s of the electrod es

upon s pik e leak age energy has been for s om e tim e the s ubject of con tro-

versy .

It rema ins an open ques ti n . It is argued tha t if poin ted elec-

trod es are us ed , the gap length required to tune a given res onan t elem en t

w ill be les s becaus e of the s ma ller capacitance betw een the end s .


l?’,% decreases a lmos t linearly w ith gap s pacing, the s m alles t gap s hou ld

give the s ma lles t va lues of leak age energy .

Bu t there is a ls o evid ence

to s upport the conten tion tha t th efective volum e of a gap has a s trong

1D. Q. Posin , 1. Mansur , 11. Clarke,

,, Exper imen ts in Micr owave Breakdown,”

RL Repor t No. 731, Ifov. 28, 1945.

Page 249: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





influence upon the s pik e. That is , for equal gap lengths , the gap w ith

the larges t volum e s hould break dow n at the low es t voltage s ince the

probability of fin din g an electron w ith in th e region of h igh field is grea tes t.

No d efin ite com paris on of thes e tw o argum ents has been m ad e although

s ome ind irect experim ental evidence e is s in s upport of each point

of view .

The 3-cm tube (1B63) us es truncated cones , and the 10-cm

tubes (1B55, 1B58, and the 9. l-cm tube) have pointed electrodes ; but it

is not pos s ible to d eterm ine from their perform ance w h ich gap is better.

A d irect comparis on of the tw o gaps made at the s am e w avelength and

w ith the s am e m eas uring equipm ent w ould be a s traightforw ard experi-

m ent, and w ould be w ell w orth w hile.

The analy s is res en ted in S ec. 3”3 ind icates that the s pik e energy of a

low -Q res on an t ga p s hou ld va ry d irec ly w ith th e s us cepta nce of th e in du c-

tive iris , and invers ely w ith the area of the electrodes w hich form the

gap. If the valid ity of th is rela tions hip could be es tablis hed it m ight

elim inate fruitles s experim entation w ith odd gap s hapes in the effort to

com bine m inim um QL2 w ith m ini-

m um leak age energy .

1 .0

6.6 . Direct-coupled Spik e 0,8

Leak age Energy . -In Chap. 3 it ~ 06

w as s een that the d irect-coupling ~ OA

attenuation t h r o u g h a ty pical ~

resonant gap is 25 to 30 db. The ~ oz

s pik e leak age energy pas t an input 5

w indow is about 1000 ergs in 10- 0 12

4 6S10 20

40 60SO100

cm tubes , and about 100 ergs in

Argonpressurein mmof Hg

3-cm tubes . Thus , it is evid ent

l~lu,6.6.—Spikeeakageen er gy t hr ou gh

s ngle gap 3-cm bandpass TR tubes with

that the energy leak ing Pas t the &fferentinpu t -window heigh t s,

firs t gap can not be les s than

about 1 erg and 0.1 erg res pectively , for the tw o tubes , even if the gap is

‘ completely sh ort-circuited.

Figure 6.6 s how s the s pik e leak age energy through on e-gap ban dpas s

tubes w ith input w indow s of d ifferent s iz es . Curve A is for a tube w ith

an input w indow & in. high, and c rve B is for a tube w ith a ~-in .

w indow . The gap us ed in each tube had the follow ing d im ens ions :

o = 45°, d = 0.030 in ., w = 0.250 in . (Fig. 3.33) and it had a d irect-

coupling attenuation of 35 db. By referring to Fig. 6 .3 , it can be s een

that at a pres s ure of 10 mm Hg of argon, the w indow s pik e leak age

energy is 90 ergs for the ~-in . w indow and 25 erg for the &-in . w indow ,

res pectively . Thus , if the gaps are s hort-circuited during the entire

puls e, leak age energies of about 0 .3 and 0.08 erg through the tw o tubes

can be expected . The obs erved values w ere 0.24 and 0.13 erg. Although

the curves of Figs . 63 and 606 w ere tak e at d ifferent tim es and none of

Page 250: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




the tubes w e re bak ed ou t before filling, there is nevertheles s good agree-

m ent betw een the m eas ured and the pred icted r s ults .

At th is poin t the ques tion that m os t naturally occurs to the tube

d es ign er is w h eth er it is p s s ible to m eas ure s e a rately the lea ka ge pow e r

ch ara cteris tics of a w in dow and of a res ona nt gap, and to pred ict for a tube

w ith one or m ore gaps the res ultant leak age characteris tics . At pres en t

th is is not pos s ible. Although fa irl com plete data on w indow leak age

ha ve been com piled ver little accurate in form ation exis ts regard ing the

leak age characteris tics . of a s ingle res onan t gap. M. D. Fis ke has m eas -

ured the leak age characteris tics on 3-cm gaps , and L. D. Smullin and

C. Y . Meng made S im ilar m eas uremen ts on 10-cm gaps . The experi-

m en ts w ere m ain ly explora tory and have not been publis hed .

One of the m os t s erious d ifficu lties encoun tered in the early experi-

m en ts for the com paris on of the leak age energy of various gaps w as the

fact tha t the tubes w ere not clean .

Th is d ifficu lty d id not occur w ith

glas s tubes s uch as the 721A s ince the tubes had to be clean in ord er to

form the copper -gla ss seals. The bandpass tubes, however , a re, except

for the windows, of a ll-meta l c nst ruct ion, and a ll pa rt s a re assembled

y solder ing. Unless grea t precaut ions a re taken, the leakage charac-

terist ics of a soft -soldered tube will be ser iously a ffect ed by many imp ri-

t ies in its gas cont en t . Hard-soldered tubes a re easy to keep clean but

it is difficult to modify them after they are assembled. It is, t herefore,

oft en desirable t o use soft -soldere exper imenta l tubes, but it is neces-

sa ry to clean the tubes thoroughly after solder ing.

A grea t dea l of informa t ion can be obt a ined from resonant gap that

can b adjusted without breaking thevacuum sea l.

The gap le gth may

be var ied by br inging one of the elect rodes out t hrough an r -f choke and

a flexible bellows, or t he gap point may be dr iven in and out by a screw

mounted in a tapered, lapped join t sea led with vacuum-pump oil. The

induct ive ir ises, a lso, may be moved in and out th rough flexible, vacuum-

t ight bellows. All of these adjustable elements were made, but there was?

no oppor tun it y to make complete measurements of their character ist ics.

6.7. Arc Leakage Power .—In 3-cm bandpass tubes, as in h igh-~

tubes, t he a rc leakage power is much grea ter for dia tomic than for mona -

tomic gases. In 3-cm bandpass tubes the fla t power is negligibly small

when pure a rgon is sed, F igure 67 however , gives typica l result s’ for

th ree dia tomic gases used in a 3-cm tube; t he gases used were hydrogen ,

oxygen , a d n it rogen. The powers shown here for t hese gases a re many

t imes grea t er than the powers f r a rgon or helium. It has been seen in

Fig. 5.28, that a ra t io of 20 or 30 to 1 may be expect ed in the arc leakage

powers for a rgon and hydrogen in h igh-~ tubes. Here, however , t he

1M, D. Fiske, “Fina l Repor on OSRD Cont ra ct OEMsr 1306,” GE , Sch enect ady,

Nov. 7, 1945.

Page 251: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




ra tio s eem s to be much larger. It may be pos s ible to expla in th is by

m eans of the recovery -tim e ph enom enon pos tu la ted in S ec. 6 .3 .

810 20

40 6080100 2



Pressure in mm of mercury

FKG.6.7.—Arc leakage power through a 3.cm ban dpass TR tu be for var iou s diat omic gaa&.


In a practica l tube, how ever, in ord er to s horten the recovery tim e ~

to a us able va lue it is neces s ary to employ w ater vapor. The us e or i

w ater vapor res u lts in a s ubs tan tia l increas e in arc leak age pow er ovek ~

that for argon a lone. Figure 6 .8

s how s the s pik e leak age energy W,,

and arc leak age pow er P. thr ug a

3-gap tube (the s ame tube us ed for

cu rve A of Fig. 6 .4 ) as a function of

argon pres su re, w ith a partia l pres -

s u re of 4 .5 mm Hg of HZO. It can

be obs erved that the s pik e leak age

energy is on ly s ligh tly h igher than

for pure argon , Fig. 6 .4 curve A,

and tha t the m in imum value of W,

occurs a t abou t the s am e tota l pres -

s ure in both cas es .

Becaus e, in genera l, it has been

pos s ib le to mainta in Pa below an

approxima te va lue of abou t 30 mw ,

there has been little incen tive to

s tud y the problem in grea ter d eta il.







< 0.20



~ 0,10

Ro -

,S 0.08

~= 0.06


,- -



0.O11 ~

4 6810 70 41160

Argonpressure-inm-mof-rnercufi --

l?KG, 6.8,—Spike leakage en er gy an d

arc leakage power through a 3-cm band-

pass TR tube with a part ial pre sure of

H,O of 4.5 mm Hg.

l?@re 6 .9 gives W, and P. as functions of t ot al ga s press ure f or various

m ixtures of argon and HZO in a 1B55 (8 .5 -cm ) tube.

6 ,8 . Effe ct of Ga s -fillin g upon High -pow e r Cha ra cte ris tics .-B ecau s e

of the com para tively in tens e d is charge at the inpu t w ind ow s of band pas s

Page 252: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




TR tubes , pre-TR tubes , and 1ow-Q ATR tubes , it is neces sary to choose

a gas fillin g th at w ill not on ly min imize the p ow er d is s ipa ted in this dis-








a 0.30


g 50



~ 0.20



% 30 % 0.15



; 20 .S 0 .10


10 m 0.05





Total pressure in mm hg.

Total pressure in mm hg.

FIG,6 9.—Spike an arc leakage th rough an 8.5-cm bandpass TR tube for va r ious mixtures

of argon and H?O.

ch arge, in ord er to avoid crack ing t he w ind ow , but w ill also increase t he

genera l tu be life .

F@re 6.10 shows the arc loss in t he discharge across the window of

a 1 0.7-cm t ubej opera ting in ser ies

with a line carry ing 50 kw of pu ls e lo


The curve for argon is obvi-

ously much lower than for any of o g

the other gases. Pr imar ily on the “






10 20




Pressure in mm of Hg







30 40

Pressurein mm Hg

FIG. 6.10.—Arc loss in the discha rge FIG. 6.11.-–Arc loss in the discha rge

across a 10-cm low-Q window (h = 0,875”) across a 1B35 tube window at X = 3.2 cm

fo var ious gases a t a line power of 50 kw,. and 3-kw line power .

basis of these tests, argon was chosen as the major component of the gas

filling of a ll tubes in this genera l a t egory.

F igure 6.11 is a similar curve for the arc loss in the window of a 1B35

(3.2-cm) 1ow-Q ATR tube measured at a line power of 3kw. F igure 6.12

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shows W, for var ious noble gases in a 3-cm bandpass tube. For this

tube a lso, a rgon is clear ly the best of the gases tested. No tests have

been made with xenon or krypton , or mixtures of these gases with argon .

Some mixtures of this kind have very low d-c breakdown voltagea .

Because a shor t r ecovery t ime is required for this tube, the use of a

gas such as water vapor which has a Klgh elect r n-capture cross sect ion

is demanded. Up to the present , H20 is the on ly gas used for th is pur -

pose, a lthough there are other gases which may be more stable and which

may have equal or grea ter capture-cross sect ions, as has been indica ted

in Chap. 5.

Measurements on high-Q TR tubes indica te (Fig. 5.13) tha t the spike

leakage energy through a hydrogen-filled tube is not much grea ter than

tha t through an a rgon-filled tube. Some ra ther old measurements indi-



~ 1,0

~ 0.8

\ 0.6


c 0.4






46810 20

4 6080100

Pressure in mm of mercury

FIG. 6.12.—Spike leakage energy th rough a 3-cm bandpass TR tube as a funct ion of gas


cate tha t in bandpass tubes IV. is about five t imes grea ter for Hz than

for A. No explana t ion for this differ ence in the behavior of the two

tubes has been advanced.

It is much simpler to choose the gas filling for pre-TR and low-Q ATR

tubes than for bandpass tubes.

There are three condit ions that must

be met: (1) low fir ing power , (2) low arc loss, and (3) shor t r ecovery

t ime. The filling genera lly adopted for a ll these tubes in the 1.25-, 3-,

and 10-cm bands is about 10 mm Hg of arg n . If these tubes were to

be ca refu lly made and ca refu lly cleaned, their r ecovery t ime wou ld be

much too long. Most tubes, however , conta in enough impur it ies to

ensure fast r ecovery of the tubes for hundreds or even for thousands of

hours. It has a lr eady been poin ted out in Sec. 5.26 tha t the argon -

H,O-filled pre-TR tubes had shor ter tube lives than did “ commercia lly

dir ty” tu es.

The arc loss in a rgon-filled pre-TR and ATR tubes is so low that no

tubes have ever fa iled because of cracked windows, even at the very

Page 254: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




highest t r ansmit t er -power levels. The addit ion of HZO grea t ly increases

the a rc loss, and ca re must b taken to keep the window cool enough to

pr even t cr ackin g.

Table 6.2 illust ra tes the effect of water vapor and of window dimen-

sions upon the arc loss in 3-cm low-Q tubes. If it is assumed tha t the



Gas con ten t , mm Hg




Arc loss

A H ,0

pu lse power





0.250 in .

15 4

70 kw 0.35db


15 4 70

0 19






0 125





0 250

10 0 70


volt age drop across the discha rge remai s constan t , t hen the loss PL

shou ld va ry wit h the squa re root of the t ransmit ter power P ~.

If t he

loss ra t io a t any given power level is known , the ra t io at any other power

level may be found as follows: If P~, = v’P~, then

PQ _



P. – K’


which is the loss ra t io and is expressed in decibels in the table. The

exper imen ta l loss ra t ios for the two line powers given in the table obey

th is r ela t ionship very closely.

The O.125-in . window is the one in actua l use in the 3-cm bandpass

TR tube. At 150 kw the pu lse power dissipa ted in the a rc (P.) is 3 kw.

If the du ty ra t io is ~, th is indica tes an average power dissipa t ion of

3 wat t s at the input window. In a typica l insta lla t ion , th is dissipa t ion

re ult s in a t empera tu re r ise of the window of more than 50”C. Simila r

test s made on 10-cm pre-TIl tubes w-h ich opera t ed at 2 NIw line power ,

with a du ty ra t io of ~&, indica t ed window tempera tu res in excess of

100”C with an ambient t empera tu re of 25°C.

Although dir e resu lt s were predict ed for the addit ion of severa l

millimeters of mercu ry of wa ter vapor to the a rgon filling of 10-cm band-

pass tubes, no tube fa ilu res due to window cracks a t h igh t ransmit ter

powers resu lt ed .

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6.9. Effect of Line Power upon Leakage Character ist ics. -It has

a lready been seen tha t the power lost in the window discharge var ies as

the square root of the line power . Tests on pre-TR tubes indica te

essen t ia lly constan t values of W. and Pa from about 5 kw to more than

1000 kw of line power . Below the minimum fir ing power (about 5 kw),

the leakage power becomes approxima tely ha lf t he line power , and the

tube offers no prot ect ion. Simila r ly, below a cer ta in power level a TR

tube wiU not fire, and about half of t he incident line power goes to the

receiver . It is an accept ed necessity that a TR tube must protect it s

receiver at any level of line power below the maximum rat ing of the tube.

For a bandpass TR tube, this means that a t least one of t he gaps must

fir e a t a powe~ level low enough to ensure crysta l protect ion, even though

the window does not fir e a t powers below 1 kw.

1000 mw





M 100 mw





10 mw

10 mw 100 lW

10 w 100 w

1 kw 10 kw 100 kw

Line power

FI~. 6.13.—Arc leakage power th rough a 2-gap 3-cm bandpass TR tube as a funct ion of line


F igu r e 6.131 shows the arc leakage power th rough a 2-gap 3-cm tube

as a funct ion of line power .

The tube was filled with a mixture of

5 mm Hg of Hz and 10 mm Hg of A. This, hotvever , is not a standard

gas filling, and the arc leakage power is almost 10 t imes tha t from a

standard filling. Up to a line power of approximately 1 wat t , t he leak-

age power i creases linea r ly. At h igher power levels the gaps b eak

down , a ft er wh ich Pa remains constan t for all h igher power levels,

F ig, 6.142 shows the var ia t ion of spike leakage energy with line

power , in an argon-filled 3-cm 2-gap tube. The nega t ive slope of the

curves, just beyond the point of aximum energy, may be expla ined,

according to Fiske, by the na ture of the exper iment . The line power

was adjusted in these exper iments by passing the power from a 30-k\ \ -

magnet ron through a power divider r a t tenua tor . Thus, when the line

power was about 0.1 wat t , t he gap broke down near the top of the pulse

ra ther han a t the foo of t he expon en tia lly r isin g fr on t.

As a resu lt the

volt ag bu ildu p wa s a ppr oximat ely lin ea r.

It was seen in Chap. 5 tha t a

1 I f. D. Fiske, H, h’, Wallace. and A. D, Warner ,

“ Final Technical Repor t on

Contract OEMsr-1306, N“ov. 7, 1945.

z Fiske , op. cit.

Page 256: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[Sn l c. &9

inea r voltage r ise on th e magnet ron pulse results in a spike leakage en ergy

tha t var ies inversely a the square root of the transmit ter pulse power .

The dashed lines represen t such a square-root var ia t ion .







g 0.15




w 0.10


0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000


Line power in warts

FIG. 6.14.—Spike leakage energy through a Z-gap 3-cn l })andp ss Tf-i tube s a funct ion

of line power . Tube is t illed with pure argon,

(G:*P No, 1 is closer tot hein pu t win cfow,)

Measurements on 3-cm tubes at pcnyer levels up to 250 kw, and on

10-cm tubes at po~ver levels up to 1000 kw, have shown no increase in

leakage power o~rer tha t at 10 to 50



2 3


(Linepowerin kw)!zl

l;f~, &15.-.\ r r 10SS i~~ the diwl~argc

of a 1B35 ATR t ube win dow. as a fu nct ion of

line power for var ious gases,

kiv. It is felt that the maximum

transmit ter po~}-ers now in use

may be doublecl with no increase

in the leakage power of the TR


The m i n i m u m transmit ter

power at which these tubes may

be used is determined by the fir ing

of the input window.


specifica t ions will be given later ;

but nominal minimum values are

about 1 kw. 5 kw. and 10 kw at ,

1.25 cm, 3 cm, and 10 cm, respect ively,

F igure 6.15 shows the var iat ions in v-indo~v a c loss in a IB3.5 ATR

tube as a funct ion of the sqlla re root of the line power for var iolls gas

fillings. The xper imenta l poin ts lie \ -cry closely IIpon straight lines

and thus indica te the correctness of the assumption tha t the discharge

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SEC. 610]



voltage is essen t ially constant and that the arc loss is direct ly propor -

t ional t o the cu rren t in the mainline.

601O. Keep-alive Elect rodes.—The problem of the keep-a live has

already been discussed ingeneraIter rnsin Chap. 5. In this sect ion some

of the more


det ailed con sider at ion s a pplica ble-t o ba ndpass t ubes will be

Figure 6.16 illust ra tes the side-mm and coaxia l elect rodes

FIG. 6. 16.—Side-arm and coaxial keep-a live elect rodes u sed in 10-cm band pass TR tubes.

used in the 10.7-cm and 8.5-cm (1B58 and 1B55) “l% tubes. Figure 6.17

illust rates the coaxia l elect rode used by the Genera l Elect r ic Co. in one

var ia t ion of the 3-cm tube. The 3-cm tube made by the Sylvania Elec-

t r ic Product s Co. ut ilizes a coaxial elect rode very similar t o that used in

the 1B24 TR tube.

The end of the side-arm keep-a live elect rode used in 10-cm tubw is

ben t towards the gap as shown and it ends about & in. from the axis of

the gap. The low-level signal loss (in teract ion) due to the d-c discharge

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is a lmost complet ely in depen den t of th e posit ion in g of an elect r ode of th is

type. The coaxia l elect rodes differ in th is r espect , and the low-level

signal loss increases rapidly as the elect r ode t ip approaches the gap. At

a discharge cu r ren t of 100 pa, the in teract ion can be as h igh as 5 db for a





.’” ., .

.,,”,,,, ,.

,7., : =.

4 “’”

,- Fernlco

L___ Ceramic


J t -

opper cone

0.010” dia.

FIG. 617,-Coax al keep-a live electrode for the GE 3-cm bandpass TR tube.

coaxia l elect rode while it can hardly exceed 0.1 db with a side-arm


F igu re 5.55, cu rves A and B, show’s the spike leakage en er gy th rough

a 3-cm tube tha t has t runcated-cone elements. Both a coaxia l and a side-

arm elect rode a re mounted at the same gap. The coaxia l elect rode

appears to be by far the more efficien t of the two. The nu bem along



-5 0 +5

+10 +15 +20

Keep -aliveet ractiond) in mik

FIG. 6.18.—Spike leakage energy vs.

distance of coaxial keep-a live elect rode

from the end of the cone in a 3-cm bandpass

TR t ube.

the cu rve represen t th e keep-a live

cur ren t . Curve C, however , is for

a side-arm elect rode in a tube

using con ica l-post resonan t ele-

ments. Although it is dangerous

to compare thk curve with the first

two curves direct ly, it is obvious

tha t the last st ructu re a t least

approximates the efficiency of a

coaxia l elect r ode in a t runcated-

cone gap.

No clear explanat ion

for th is di ference has been ad-

van ced. A reason able explan at ion

is based on the fact tha t all of the elect rons from the coaxial elect rode

a re fu rn ished to the gap, whereas many of the elect rons from the side-arm

type reach the conica l elect rodes by paths tha t a re not in he region of the

h ighest r -f elect r ic field. Thus, in the t runca ted-cone gap , it is difficult

to send elect rons in to the r -f gap from a ide-arm elect rode. If poin ted,

Page 259: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





conical elect rodes are used, a grea t er no can be produced in the gap with

the sidearm elect rode than in the

t ru nca ted-con e ga p, sin ce t he post

diameter is much smaller and the

per forman ce begins t o approach

th at of t he coaxia l elect rode.

F igures 6.18, 6.19 and 6.20

represen t the resu lts of another

in terest ing exper iment by Fiske.

A coa xia l k eep-a live elect rode wa s

mounted in a bellows ar range

ment at the second gap so that it s

a xia l posit ion cou ld be va ried fr om

0.020 in . away from the gap to

0.010 in . in to the r -f gap. The

keep-a live elect rode was in its

normal posit ion at gap No. 1 and

Keep-alive retraction (d) in roils

Fm. 6.19.—Low-level kee~alive inter -

act ion vs. coaxial keewdive posit ion for

t he same t uba as in F ig. 6.18.

was main ta ined at ; cu r ren t of 50 pa. F igure 6.18 shows the var ia t ion

of W. for differ en t keep-a live cu rr en ts as a fu nct ion of elect rode posit ion .

The distances back from the gap are plot t ed as posit ive. F igure 6.19




E 0.05





-5 0 +5

+10 +15 +20

Keep-aliveretraction(d) m LA

FIG. 6.20.—Data of Fig. 6.19 trans-

formed to resemble spike energy curves of

Fig. 6 .18.

sh ows t he cor respon din g va lu es of

low-level loss (in teract io ). If

Fig. 6.19 is r eplot t ed by a r ecipr o-

cal t ransformat ion

~ = 0.021


where L is the fract iona l t rans+

mission loss given in Fig. 6“19,

then Fig. 620 is der ived. The

sim ila rit y between th is figu re a nd

FIE. 6.18 is st r iking, and it pro-

vides fa ir ly convincing proof that both phenomena are go~erned by-the

elect ron density in th e gap.

6.11. H igh -power Ch ar acter ist ics.-Th e h igh -power ch ar acter ist ics

of a TR tube that can be specified are as follows: leakage powe~fla t and

spike; arc 10SS; r ecovery t ime; minimum fir ing power ; minimum and

maximum oper at in g power s; keep-alive volt age dr op, keep-a live cu rr en t

an d keep-a live in ter act ion ; ga s fillin g; a nd life.

The tubes now in use maybe divided into low-Q ATR tubes, pre-TR

tubes, nd bandpass TR tubes.

Table 6.3 gives the per t inen t character ist ics of the var ious ATR

tubes. The gas filling is 10 mm Hg. of a rgon in all cases.

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[SEC. 6.11


Tube No.

Min. fir ing Ar c loss

power , kw


























Power level a t

wh ich a rc loss

s mea su red, k v









\ I in . oper a tin g

power , kw










FIG. 6.21

.—1 O-cm du plexer using 1

B38 pr&TR t ubs.

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SEC. 6.11]



The 1B35 and 11337 3-cm tubes, and the 1B36 1.25-cm tubes are

requ ired to fire within 5 sec after the power is applied at the minimum

fir ing power level indicated in the table. After they have fired, the arc

loss of the tubes must be less than the value indicated. It was planned

or iginally to requ ire the var ious tubes in the 10-cm band to undergo

simila r t est s.

The appara tus for these tests was so bulky, however , that

a much simpler test was devised in which the fir ing voltage of a 7 Me/see

elect rodeless disch arge was corr ela t ed with th e actual opera t in g charac-

ter ist ics of the tubes (see Chap. 9).


[G.6,22.—1B38 and 1B&l p re-TR tubes for u se a t 10.7 cm and 8.5 cm r espect ively. ‘1

1B3S tube has contact spr ings at both ends.


At presen t , no upper limit to the power level at which the tube can be

opera ted has been reached. Tube life is indeed an unknown quant ity,

for lit t le is known about the r ecovery t ime of ATR tubes. Tubes have

been run for thousands of hours a t h igh power levels withou t breaking

and withou t increasing the arc loss; howeve;, for thes long per iods of

opera t ion , no recovery-t ime measurements were made.

If the exper i-

menta l results with the 1B38 pre-TR tubes are applied to these tubes, it

can be concluded that tubes assembled with soft solder should average

good recovery-t ime life, approximately 1000 hour~. Tubes assembled

by hard solder ing, however , for exa ple, the Sylvania 1B36, 1B35 and

1B37 tubes and the 1B52 and 1B53 tubes a e probably “too clean” and

the recovery t ime is withou t doubt long even when the tubes are new.

The pre-TR tubes that were pu t in to product ion were the 1B38 at

10.7 cm and the 1B54 at 8.5 cm. Figure 6.21 shows a typical duplexer

employing a 1B38 pre-TR tube in con junct ion with a high-Q tube,

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[Sw. 611

Figure 6“22 is a photograph of the 1B38 and 1B54 tubes. The 1B38 tube

has cen t act spr ings a t both ends, whereas the 1B54 tube has a cen t act

spr ing a t the h igh -power end, and a flange connect ion a t the receiver end.

Table 6.4 gives data per t inen t to the opera t ion of pre-TR tubes. The

recovery t ime of these tubes has a lready been discussed in Chap. 5.

The 1B38 tube is requ ired to pass a leakage-energy test in order ,

pr imarily, to determine whether th init ia l gas filling is cor rect and also

to ensu re that a ir has not leaked in to the tube. The 1B54 tube which was

developed la ter was requ ired to pass only the 7-Me/see discharge test .

Very few test s have been made on the 1B5+ tube since it is very similar

to the 1B38 tube and therefore it is assumed tha t a ll the importan t cha r-

a ct er ist ics a re a lik e.




Gas filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...10 mm Hg of argon

Tota l leakage energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500 ergs

ArclOSS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. O.3db

Power for arc-loss measurement . ., . . . . . 50 kw

Minimum opera t ing power ...,.. 20kw

Since the 1ow-Q windows used i all 10-cm tubes in this group (TR,

ATR, or pre-TR tubes) hav the same heigh t and the gas fillings a re the

same, minimum opera t ing power levels a re the same.

No upper limit

for the opera t ing power level has yet been reached.

Table 65 gives per t inen t h igh-level data on the var ious bandpass TR



Gas filling,


P o\ ver for

Tube Band, h-o. of Keep-alive

mm Hg w., pa,

t ime to

r ecOvery -

No. cm gaps

elect rode erg mw

6 db

time meas-



1B63 3 2 Coaxial 15 4 0.1 30 < 2 ~ec

40 kw

1B55 8.5 3 Coaxia l 4 2 0.1 5 10 700

9.1 3 Side-arm

6 0

0.1 <1 < 100



10.7 3

Side-arm 4 2

0.1 .5 10


The th ree tubes in the 10-cm band are of the 3-gap type and have

low-Q input and outpu t windows, whereas the 1B63 3-cm tube has a

h igh-Q input window and has two resonant gaps. At the end of the war ,

work had just begun on the design of a 2-gap 1 -cm tube using a high-Q

input window. The advantages of th is tube would have been: a shor ter

tube (about 1+ in. shor ter in the 10.7-cm tube), and a longer tube life.

It was believed tha t the use of a high-Q input window, about ha lf the

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SEC.6. 11]



heigh t , or less, of the presen t windows, would reduce the a rc loss by a

factor of about four , and the cleanup of HZO would be cor respondingly

reta rded. Unfor tuna tely, on ly preliminary low-level test s had b~en

made befor e all developmenta l work was stopped.

The 9. l-cm tubel is filled with a rgon a lone, This tube was designed

for use in radar beacons and was to be opera ted at about 50 kw of line

power . A recovery t ime of approxima tely 100 psec was tolerable; bu t

tube life had to be thousands of hour in order to meet t e r igid require-

ments of a ircra ft beacon systems.

The tubes were assembled b-y soft -

solder ing and the impurit ies in t roduced in to the tube were sufficien t to

keep the recovery t ime below 20 psec during severa l thousand hours of

opera t ion . Under normal opera t ing condit ions, the beacon t ransmit ter

is o only while it is being in ter roga ted by an a irplane. The du ty

rat io which result s is very low.

At a busy airpor t the ra t io of “ on” to

‘‘ off” t ime averaged over severa l hundred hours is cer t a in ly less than

~. Thus, the r -f discharge plays a negligible par t in the gas cleanup

process; and the 100-Pa keep-a live discharge opera t ing on the 260 cc of

gas shou ld give a tube life of a t least 5000 hours if an extrapola t ion may

be made from the 11327 or 721B tubes (Sec. 5.23).

The 1B55 and the 1B58 tubes were designed for h igh -power radar sets

to be opera ted a t line powers of 500 to 1000 kw, and du ty ra t ios of a t

most ~~. Prel minary test s on th ree or fou r hand-made, soft -soldered

tubes of ea ch t ype sh owed cont in ued crysta l protect ion and good r ecovery

t ime a fter 500 hours a t 1000 kw, and a duty ra t io of ~lm. For wha t

length of t ime it is possible for clean , ha rd-soldered tubes to give good

recovery t ime is not known . This t ime can probably be extra ola ted

from test s on the 1B38 pre-TR tube which has one-fou r th the volume of

these tub s, and appears to have a life of 100 to 200 hours when filled

with an A-HZO mix ure.

The 3-cm tube has a volume of about 7 cc, or about & the volume of

the 1B58 tube. On the other hand, the window heigh t is about one-

seven th tha t of the 10-cm tube. Therefore, if a square- aw varia t ion of

a rc loss with window heigh t is assumed, the a rc loss will be less by a factor

of 40 or 50, approxima tely, for equiva len t line powers in the 3-cm tube.

Thus, a t equa l line powers, tube life should be about the same for the two

tubes. At presen t , 3-cm magnet rons with an outpu t power of 300 kw are

availab e, while 1000-kw tubes a re in use a t 10 cm. Developmenta l

magnetrons tha t have twice the powers have been tested. On this basis,

the 3-cm tube might be expected to have about th ree t imes the life of the

lo- m tubes, ij thetubes are clean an d h ard -sol&red , and a re filled with

a rgon and water vapor .

I L. D, Smul l in ,

“S -Ban d Bandpass TR Tubes,” R.L Repor t No. 971, J an . 23,


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Actual life test s have been too few in number to allow any defin it e

conclusion to be drawn. Some tubes opera t ed at 30 kw for more than

500 hours. A few gold-pla ted tubes (th is pla t ing preven ts oxid t ion)

have run severa l hundred hours at 180 kw with lit t le change in recovery


Although considerable thought was given to the use of water r eser -

voir s in these tubes (Chap. 5), any idea of their use was abandoned

because of the danger of excessive HzO pressures at t empera tu res near

100”C, and also becau se t he cont inu al dissocia t ion of t he HZO r esu lt s in an

increase of par t ia l pressure of Hz in the tube. This resu lt s in excessive

arc loss and leakage power . F iske has proposed the use of a palladium

window in the tube in order to “dra in” ou t the hydrogen .

Th e possi-

ility of using other gases than HZO and the mer its of iner t coat ings have

already been discussed in C ap. 5.

Ml possibilit ies of gold-pla t ing to

increase tube life have not yet been fu lly rea lized.

In la rge tubes such

as the 11M8 it is probably necessa ry to pla te on ly the region around the

inpu t window.

6.12. P resen t and F ture Sta tus of Low-Q and Bandpass Tubes and

ATR Tube . —There does not seem to be any immediate prospect of

improving in any \ vay the low-level per formance of these tubes, for it is

not possi le to lower , t o any mark d degree, t he loaded Q. A sub-

stan t ia l reduct ion in arc loss and minimum fir ing power wou ld make it

possible to use these tubes in low-power ( < lkw) beacon installa t ions.

This reduct ion might be obta ined either by an extension of the tube

designed by Samuel (Chap. 4) or by the use of nar rower wi dows-a

possibility if mica is used instead of glass. The methods of mount ing

th at in volve cu rr en t-ca rr yin g con tact s n eed fu rt her in vest iga tion . Th er e

is a t presen t no informat ion available on how these con tact s withstand

the r igors of ext reme var ia t ions in climat ic condit ions, a lthough they

per at e wit h n o difficu lt y u nder n ormal in door con dit ion s.

Pre-TR Tubes.—These tubes were in t roduced as a stopgap and were

esigned to prot ect crysta ls from cer ta in h igh - ower magnetrons. It

was felt tha t their usefulness would end when bandpass tubes of cor re-

sponding frequency coverage became available. These tubes are now

available, and there is lit t le poin t in the fu r ther development or use of

r e-TR t ubes.

Bandpass TR Tubes.—These tubes in th eir presen t sta te of develop-

ment hve andpass character ist ics of about 10 to 12 per cen t and pro-

t ect crysta ls a t h igh power levels for per iods of more than 1000 hours.

Recovery-t ime life is st ill a n un r esolved p roblem , a lt hough , in va r iou s ways,

it is possible to improve the recovery-t ime life of these tubes. T ese

methods for improvement include, t he use of iner t coat ings or pla t ings

inside the tube; t he discovery of a captor gas ess chemical] y act ive than

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H*O; the development of water reservoir s plus a suitable means of get t ing

r id of Hz; and the reduct ion of the intensity of the window discharge.

Of these, the first and the last will in all probability give posit ive result s.

Gold pla t ing has already been t r ied with some ~uccess. Chromium

Because of the poor r -f loss character ist ics of chromium plat ing, it can

not be put on resonant ’ elements, but can be used only cm the walls

adjacent to the input window, No exper iment have been made with

pr eoxidized su rfa ces sim ila r t o t hose


in the 1B27.

The intensity of the window discharge may be reduced by decreasing

t he window heigh t .

The use of the same thickness of dielect r ic resu lts

in an increase of loaded ,Q &nd in an increase of r -f loss in the dielect r ic.

In 10-cm bandpass TR tubes, it is possible to use a window with two o

three t imes th Q of the presen t windows; this r educes the arc loss y a

large factor and probably increases the tube life about 5 t imes. The r -f

loss in the windows would probably be less than 0.1 db if 707 glass were

used. In 3-cm tubes, t he presen t windows, ~ in . high, a re probably the

best tha t can be made with glass.

The loss increases rapidly with any

fur ther decrease i heigh t . The presen t th ickness is 0,023 in. The use

of thinner giasa reduces the loss, but glass windows 0.010 in. th ick are

very fragile.

The r -f loss of quar tz is considerably less than tha t of 707 glass.

Therefore, with quar tz it would be possible to make a smaller window

than can be made with the glass and to do so without incur r ing excessive

losses. The Q would be increased, of course, if t he thickness were not

redueed. Since the presen t 3-cm windows already have a Q,,z of 2, it is

not possible to proceed indefinitely in this direct ion. Even if the higher

Q can be accepted, the problem of sealing the quar tz t o metal st ill remains.

Almost the only pract ica l method available is to metalize the edge of a

quar t z or a “ Vlcor” (Corning 709 glass, about 90 per cen t quar tz) window

and then to soft -solder it t o an Invar frame. A much more promising

solut ion of this problem may be found in the use of mica in st ea d of gla ss.

The technique for making vacuum-t ight mica windows was applied by

Malter ’ in the const ruct ion of a magnet ron coupling window. M. D.

Fiske used this technique to make TR-tube windows. A window reso-

nant a t 3.33 cm, + in. high, and covered with mica 0.004 in. th ick, had a

Q~z of ~.3, and no measurable loss.

It thus appea s that , by the use of

mica , a window& in. high or even less could lx made.

Although this appears to be a very at t ract ive solut ion a number of

problems involved with this design remai . The mica sheet is sealed to a

n ickel-steel frame with a specia l low-melt ing point (550°C) glass. This

~L. Mal er , R. L. J epson , L. R. Bloom,

“ Mica Win dows for Wa vegu ide ou tpu t

Ivfagn et r on s,” NDRC Div. 14, Repor t 366, Dec. 5, 1944.

Page 266: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




makes it impossible to hard-solder the frame to the tube by ordinary

techniques. 1 Because the mica is sea led to the steel a t the edges only, it

should be on the outside of the frame in order to relieve the sea ls from the

ext ra st rain of a tmospher ic pressure.

This, however , requires tha t the

ent ire inside of the frame be c ated with glass to preven t sput t er ing by

the discharge. A window of this type has not yet been made, but at

least it seems possible to use this as a method of const ruct ion . The

higher-Q (about 2) window would be usefu l in TR tubes, whereas the

1ower -Q (about 0.3) window would be usefu l in ATR tubes.

Table 6.6 is a summary of the ar ious pa rameters involved in TR-

tube design and the in ter rela t ion of these parameters with the various


No. elemen t s.

Qm of elemen ts.

Gap.. . . . . . . . . . . .

Kin d of ga s.,....

Ga s p res su r e

K-a cur ren t and

posit ion ...,.,,.

Peak power .

Aver age power .

Window size. .,






en erg,
























































per formance character ist ics of the tube. Thus the number of element s

a ffects the bandwidth and the spike leakage energy but does not affect

the other proper t ies. Fur ther improvement of these tubes, in addit ion

t o t he improvements just discussed, will most likely consist of an increase

in the bandwidth with no definit e increase in the leakage power . A

10-cm 3-gap t be whose pass band extended from 9.4 cm to 11,1 cm was

t est ed a t t he Radia t ion Labora tory.

It spike leakage energy was high,

about 0.8 erg, but , because no carefu l study of keep-a live loca t ion and

gas filling has been made, it has not yet been established tha t such a tube

cannot be a lt ered to protect crysta ls,

The exper iment s did indica te

however tha t with careful design , a lmv-Q gap ith low spike leakage

energy could be made.

1Extensive research has t iecn done in the develop ent of low-melt ing-poin t hard

solders, and a m)itah]e solder may already exist .

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6.13. Const ruct ion Techniques-Meta l-to-glass Seals.-The metal-

to-glass seals used in microv. ave TR tubes may be classified under th r ee

main h ea din gs: (1) wir e feed-t hr ou gh sea ls, (2) ba la nced copper -t o-gla ss

seals, and (3) Kovar or Fern ico window seals.

The first type, the feed-

th rough seal, is used mainly for keep-a liv elect rodes. Such seals a re of

fa ir ly simple const ruct ion and will not be descr ibed here.

The balanced seal is ext remely useful in tha t it a llows a but t join t to

be made between a glass cylinder and a copper disk as in the 1B27 TR

ube. In th is seal, advantage is taken of the fact tha t glass is st ronger

in shear than it is in tension .

If a disk of copper were sealed direct ly to

one glass cylinder , when the cylinder cooled the copper would expand

radially more rapidly than the glass.

Th resu lt ing bendi g of the

copper disk puIls it away from the glass and breaks the seal.

If now,

however , the disk is sea led between two glass cylinder s, it can no longer

pull away from either one and the differen t ial expansion of he two

mat er ia ls r esu lt s in a ra dial for ce wh ich exer ts essen tia lly pu re sh ea r u pon

the glass. Such seals will withstand tempera tu res varying from severa l

hundred degrees cen t igrade down to – 50”C or less.

There are two impor tant methods for making balanced seals: the

“bera ted” and the “beaded” sea l techn iques. These have been used

extensively in TR tubes of the cell type. The bera ted seal is prepared

as follows:

washed in wa ter and alcoh ol,

2. The copper is oxidized in a gas flame and is then allowed to cool.

3. The flanges are dipped in to a solu t ion of sodium tet rabora te,

Na,Bi07, 1.5 gr to 100 cc of H,O.

4. After drying, the flanges are heated by a gas flame or an induct ion

coil to form cuprous oxide of a deep red color .

5. The flanges and glass cylinder s are then stacked in the assembly,

jigged and heated by r -f induct ion to make the seals. This is done

in an a tmosph er e of COZ t o pr even t excessive oxidat ion .

6. After annealing, the en t ir e tube is cleaned with acid to r emove the


7. If an iner t coat ing is desired (Sec. 525), the sect ion to be left

oxidized is coa ted with a lac uer befor e the acid clean ng, a fter

wh ich t he lacqu er is dissolved in a lcoh ol.

The beade sea l is considerably st ronger than the bera ted seal,

a lthough it is slight ly more difficult to make. It is used almost exclu -

sively now in all cell TR tubes. The seal is made by sealing th in glass

r ings t o ea ch side of th e oxidized copper disk in a direr .t copper -glass seal.

A hydrogen flame is used to make th is seal. The glass cylinders a re then

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[sm . 613

sea led to the beads in a hydrogen flame. Aft er annea ling, the tube is


clea ned a s a bove.


tube. This tube

is an excellen example of the use of the balanced copper -glass seal. (Cour tes~ ASLJ wznia

ElectricProdu cts Co.)

In a ddit ion t o bein g mech an ica lly st ron ger , t he bea ded sea l over comes

the main defect of the bera ted seal in tha t it cannot be spoiled by long

exposure to warm, moist a ir . Bera ted sea ls can be dissolved in boiling

\ ra ter , of course, and t ere was some evidence tha t prolonged exposure

to moist a ir in the t ropics a lso weakened them, Figure 6.23 shows the

Page 269: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 813]


par ts and stages of manufacture of a 11327 tube, a good example of the

u se of copper -gla ss sea ls.

The th ird group of seals involves the use of glass-sealing alloys with

su it able coefficien t s f expan sion .

Th e balanced copper -glass seals can

be made with any glass, bu t Corn ing 707 glass & commonly u ed bec use

of it s low loss factor . Kovar ’ is designed to match 706 (705AO) glass,

which has an expansion coefficien t of 5 X 10-G per “C; but successfu l

seals have been made to 707 glass which has a coefficien t of 3.1 X 10–8

per “C.

F la t windows sealed in Kovar frames are used in the 1B24,

1B26, and in the 1B50 in tegra l-cavity TR tubes, and in all the low-Q

ATR, pre-TR, and bandpass TR tubes.

The genera l process of making these windows is as follows:

1. The Kovar frame is hea ted in air by an induct ion coil t o oxidize

it . The proper depth of oxida t ion is impor tan t and must be

recogn ized by the proper shade of grey.

2. The glass blank is then placed on the frame and the combinat ion

is heated in a COZ atmosphere unt il t he seal is made

For low-Q windows in ATR and other tubes it is necessary to add a

fu r ther refinement . The in tensity of the window discharge is so grea t

that if the window consists simply of a piece of glass in a Kovar frame,

the discharge cleans up the gas very rapidly by what seems to be a

spu t ter ing act ion . To preven t thki, M. D. F iskez coa ted the inside

su rface of the Kovar frame with glass. Th is coat ing is now used in

all tubes of th is kind. The glass coa t ing may be applied in one of two

ways. F iske’s method consists of spraying the oxidized metal with

a suspension of powdered glass in alcohol.

The edges must first be

masked so that the frame can subsequen t ly be soldered in to the tube.

The frame is then hea ted in air t o a tempera tu re of 950”C for 10 minu tes.

The next step is t o place the frame on a graph ite block, set the glass

window in place, and then cover it with another graph ite block. The

assembly is again hea ted to 950°C for 15 minutes.

A much simpler method for 3-cm Iow-Q windows was devised by

McCar thy of the Sylvan ia Co. It consist s simply of placing on the oxi-

dized frame a glass bl ck that is bigger than the open ing. It is then

induct ion hea ted in a C02 a tmosphere. The most in tense hea t is gener -

a ted around the per iphery of the frame and this causes the glass a t first

to run ou t towards the edges of the frame and then finally to soften at

the cen ter . When this soften ing occu rs, a lavite paddle is used to press

i “ Kovar” is used here as a gener ic t erm to include both Kovar aud Fern ico.

2 M. D. Fiske,

“ Resonant W_indows for Vacuum Seals h Rectangular Wave-

guides,” GE Repor t , Feb. 10, 1945.

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it in to place. Although th is method is sa t isfactory for small windows, it

is a ppa ren tly impra ct ica l for 10-cm win dows.

Afthough 707 glass has a lower coefficien t of expansion than Kovar ,

ligh t st ra in an lyzer , a good window made with 706 glass shows a lmost

no signs of st a in . Windows made of 707 glass, however , show marked

stra in lines tha t indica te tha t the glass is under compression a t room

tempera tu re. Although there are no defin it ive exper imen ts, it is reason-

able to suppose tha t the 707 windo~w are st ronger since the lass can

never be under tension . The most tha t can be said is tha t windows of

both types, when they a re well made, meet all possible service


6.14. Solder ing of Windows in to Cavit ies. -In Sec. 2.12 it has been

seen tha t in order successfu lly to solder the Kovar window frame in to

th copper block of the 1B24 and 1B26 TR tubes, the frames must have

wrinkles (F ig. 2.69) tha t a llow the ou ter edges to move in and out with

the copper block without cracking the window. The linear coefficien t

of copper is about 16 X 10–5 per degree C, or appr ximately 3 t imes tha t

of Kova r .

The actual solder ing process consists of hea t ing the tube body by

means of a la rge elect r ic hea ter , such as a solder ing iron , or a hot pla te.

This is done with the pret inned window frame in place. When the desired

tempera tu re is reached, addit iona l solder in the form of a fine wire is

applied to the edge of the frame.

On the 1B50 tube which has a steel body, it is possible to hard-solder

th }vindow in to place, This makes a much st ronger sea l, and it elimi-

na tes th e possibility of soft -solder flux get t ing in to th e tu be cavity.

The 1oN--Q windows in pre-TR and simila r tubes a re soldered in to

th ends of rectangula r wavegu ides. In the or igina l tubes made by

Fkke, pu re t in solder ~vas used.

The window was dropped in to a sea t

formed by cut t ing he gu ide wall t o ha lf it s th ickness. Because of the

rectangu la r shape of the window and because of the rela t ive st iffness

of the Kovar frame, it is very impor tan t to make the hea t ing uniform

in order to pre}~en t cracking of the glass.

Since the solder must be fed

in by hand while the tube is hot , gas hea t ing is impossible, and elect r ica l

hea t ing only can be used.

The technique of sof -solder ing the fla t frames in to the waveguide

recesses was never rea lly per fected from a product ion standpoin t except

in the smaller tubes such as the 1B35 and 1B36 tubes. The fir defin ite

var ia t ion from th is technique was made by Sylvania in the 1B35 and

the 1B36 tubes. The 1B36 tube was of a ll-steel const ruct ion , except

for the frame, and was completely assembled with hard solder . The 1B35

body was brass waveguide but the Sylvania engineers succeeded in hard-

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solder ing the window direct ly to the end of the waveguide, in a but t


Engineers both of Sper ry and ylvania designed 10-cm ATR tubes

and bandpass TR tubes tha t were completely assembled with hard

solder . None of these tubes reached the product ion stage.

In the Sylvania 1B52 nd 1B53 ATR tubes, the 1B54 pre-TR tubes,

and the 1B55 bandpass TR tubes, the brass wavegu ide was replaced by

steel tubing, and the fla t Kovar frame was replaced by a rectangular cup

or dish, whose cross sect ion matched tha t of the waveguide. 1

The two

were but ted together and the steel mounting flange was slipped over the

outside. This th ree-piece combina t ion was then soft -soldered togethe .

This const ruct ion is apparent ly much st ronger than the const ruct ion

just descr ibed. One indica t ion of th is is the fact tha t few 10-cm tubes

with fla t window frames and brass bodies can withstand more than 20

tempera tu re cycles from – 40”C to 100”C without failing, whereas tubes

made with th is new type of const ruct ion have withstood severa l hundred

such cycles .

6.16. Tuning Techniques.— he 721B and 724B tubes, since they are

fixed-tuned tubes, must be ~retuned in standard cavit ies to standard

frequencies, This is accomplished by pushing one of the cones in or out

by means of a specia l tool pushed in-through-the pumping tabula t ion .

The 1B24, 1B26, 1B27, an 1B50 tub s a re tunable tubes. The

tuning is accomplished by pushing one of the cones in or out with a

differential-screw mechanism.

Th e complet e r an ge is cover ed in a mot ion

of .030 in. or less. In the 1B24 tube for instance, a mot ion of approxi-

mately 0,015 in. resu lts in a change of tuning of 1200 Me/see. With


= 300, the half-power bandwidth of the tube is about 30 Me/see.

Thus, a mot ion of 0,0001 in. of the cone results in a detuning of about

8 Me/see, and in an increase of inser t ion loss of about 1 db. .41though

the different ia l screw provides a convenien t method for producing such

small in cr emen ts of mot ion , u nless ver y a ccu ra te, a nd a lso ver y expen sive,

threads are used, it is necessary to use spr ing loading to elimina te back-

lash. This is shown in Fig. 2.68. The diaphragm through which the

mot ion is t ransmit ted to the cone exer t s an axial force upon the screw,

but as the diaphragm passes th rough it s neut ra l posit ion t he for ce becomes

ze o and then changes s gn; consequent ly, there is a region in which it

is very difficu lt to tune accura tely. Spring loading can be used to over -

come th is d ifficu lty.

The tuning of bandpass TR tubes is the final opera t ion before e acua-

t ion and sealing. The 10-cm gaps are of the form shown in Fig. 6.16

\ vith one of the posts ar ranged to screw in or ou t ,

After the gaps a re

1 Sylva ia Elect r ic Products, Inc., “ Repor t on OSRD Tube Development Sub-

con t ract on Radiat ion Laborato y Purchase Order DIC 182032, ” Feb. 5, 1946.

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tuned, the posts must be Iocked and sealed. This was done or iginally

by soft -solder ing the screw to the outs de of the guide; however , unless

the screws were very t ight there was danger of moving the screw. L.

Sor of Sper ry Gyroscope CO. suggested simply locking the post with a

lock nut , but at the same t ime surrounding it by a lit t le cylinder , hard-

soldered to the o tside of the guide, on which a lid may be solder d after

t he in al t un eu p.

The 3-cm ba dpass tube uses cones similar to the hollow cones in the

1B24 tube. The movable cone is sea led at the apex and is pushed in .

and out from the outside by means of a screw that is soldered after

being adjus ted .

The Iow-Q ATR tubes may be tuned in two ways. One method is

to make the cavity accura tely to dimension and to gr ind the windows

accura tely to the proper thickness, with the resu lt that when the tube is

finally assembled it is automatically tuned cor rect ly. This was the

technique used by the Genera l Elect r ic engineer s in the const ruct ion of

the 11335, 1B37, lB36, and the 1B38 tubes. 1 It was possible in this way

t o make most of the ATR tubes tune to within i 0.5 per cen t of their

nominal frequency.

The engineers at Sylvania , however , chose to allow more tolerance

in window tuning by eliminat ing the gr inding operat ion , and by tuning

the final tube after assembly, as descr ibed in Chap. 4. This method was

accepted as completely sat isfactory unt il some time after the end of the

war , when it was observed th t the var ia t ion in the thickness of the glass

resu lted in a much larger er ror than was desirable in the posit ion of the

effect ive shor t circu it of the fired tube. It thus appears that unless closer

con tr ol of glass th ickness can be maintained in the scaling pr ocess, it will

be necessary to gr ind the windows to defin ite th icknesses in order to

maintain t he n ecessa ry t oler an ce in a rc posit ion .

6.16. Mount ing Devices.-The methods for mounting the var ious

low-Q ATR tubes have alr eady been descr ibed in Chap. 4. The coiled-

spr ing contact used on the var ious 10-cm ATR tubes is also used for all

the 10-cm TR and pre-TR tubes.

The pr in gs a r ber yllium-copper ,

wound of iVo. 26 (0.0159 in. ) wire to 0.125 in. o tside diameter , 40 turns

to the inch. If the spr ings are proper ly mounted, and the seats in the

duplexer are accurately machined, excellen t con tact is assured. It is

felt , however , that a soft er contact mater ial is preferable, and some

thought has been given T,Othe use of a woven-metal gasket about + in.

square, made of Monel r ibbon. Although such gaskets make excellen t


] T, P. Cur t iss, F, E . Dickey, G. H, Floyd, W, T, Posey, ‘( F inal Technical Repor t

on OSRD Cont ract 0EMsr-1306, ”

Tube Division Sect ion, Nov. 1945.


Page 273: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





The 3-cm bandpass TR tube has standard waveguide flanges on either

end for coupling to waveguide choke connector s.

These flanges a re

in the planes of the windows. Because of their size., t he flanges a re very

st iff and can exer t severe radia l st r esses pon the windows.


exper imenta l tubes had brass flanges.

The life of these tubes a t high

power levels was rela t ively shor t , and almost all fa ilures resulted from

cracked windows. The use of Kovar flanges relieved the ext ra t em-

pera tu re st ra ins and almost no more fa ilures of this kind occur red. The

present 1B63, tube, which is made by Sylvania, uses st eel flanges and

hard-soldered window frames. Although the expansion f st eel is twice

tha t of Kovar , these tubes withstand about 50 tempera tu re cycles with a

tempera tu re range of – 40° to 100”C.

Page 274: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




Th e gas-filled swit ch es



H.4ROLD 1<. F.~ItR

commonly used in duplexers have been

discu ssed; t he cir cu it s u sed t o con nect t hese sir it ch es t ; ot her compon en ts

and to each other will now be examined,

To a la rge exten t duplexing

circu it s have been built around t he fundamental st ruct ure of a t hree-way

t r ansmis siofi-line junct ion or ‘r-jUIICtiOII wit h t he arms leadin g t o an ten na,

r eceiver , and t ransmit t er and with a su itable swit ch in the receiver arm

and possibly also in the t ransmit ter arm.

This chapter will be con-

cerned with duplexers of this type \ vhich will be refer red to as branched

circuits to dist in gu ish t hem fr om t he so-ca lled balanced ci rcu it s t o be dis-

cussed in Chap. 8.

It will be assumed that the rea er is familiar with the t ransmission-

Iine impedance char t s of the two types represen t ing the complex imped-

ance plane and the complex reflect ion -coefficien t plane respect ively.

The notat ion used in Chap. 4 will a lso be employed here. This means

all ot her r ela ted qu ant it ies a ccor din g t o t he equa tion s

z,= R,+jx8=; =—’—


G. + jB,’

~=z ,s z”

I + Ir,l


z, + z,’ ‘s = ] – Ir,l”

7.1. The J unct ion Circu it . -Since the sa lien t fea tu re of a branched

duplexer is the th ree-way junct ion , the proper t ies o this circu it will be

discu ssed, Let u s con sider fir st a per fect ly gen er al Iossless lin ea r n etwor k

with th ree pairs of terminals designa ted as (l), (2), and (3) for an tenna,

t ra nsm it t er , a nd r eceiver .

Du rin g t ra nsm ission t he lin e lea din g t o t he r eceiver is sh or t-cir cu it ed

at some poin t by the TR tube as in Fig. 7.1. This places a pure reactance

at t he terminals (3) which can be made any value desired by adjust ing

the distance 1 from the junct ion to the shor t -circu it . The fir st require-

ment for the junct ion is that there be some value of 1 which will give

per fect t ransmission from (2) t o (1).

On recept ion it is necessary tha t there be a pure react ance at the

terminals (2), and it is required of t he jun ct ion tha t per fect t ransmission

take place from (1) to (3) for some value of th is reactance. In pract ice


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the impedance a t the terminals (2) may not always be a pure reactance,

because of the w ong t ra smit ter impedance or an inadequate ATR

circu it , bu t , for the presen t , it will be consider ed purely imaginary.

In the t ransmission case the impedance due to the TR switch is actually

very close t o a pure reactance.

The requ irement for t ransmission is fu lfilled for any sor t f lossless

t hr ee-wa y ju nct ion pr ovided on ly t ha t it is symmet rica l a bou t t he r eceiver

circu ited such a device becomes a

non dissipat ive



terminal network. Such a circu it




always has a character ist ic imped-

ance R which is either purely rea l


or pu rely im agin ar y.

I R is con-


A—* L



net ted across the ou tpu t pa ir of ter -



minals, the impedance seen at the .“




input pair will a lso be R. It migh t

be expected that , by adjust ing the

FIG. 71.-Representa t ion of a waveguide


posit ion of the shor t circu it on the

r eceiver a rm , R could be made equal t o 20, the character ist ic impedance

of t he t ra nsm ission lin e.

To prove th is the th r ee equat i ns a re wr it t en


Ei =



(i = 1 , 2, 3), (1)


exp essing the voltage at any pair of terminals in terms of the cur ren t

a t each of the th ree pairs of terminals.

Because Zii = Zji a nd because of

the symmet ry of terminals (1) and (2), t e impedance matfix can be

wr it t en as



(Z,l)=Z= B A D.


A gen er ator will be connected to terminals (1), a matched load of imp d-

ance unity to terminals (2), and an arbit rary r eactance z = jz to terminals

(3). The condit ion that the input impedance be unity is then imposed.

This gives t he t hr ee equ at ions

E = 11, E, = –Iz, E8 = –zIs,

which allows the eliminat ion of the E~’s from Eqs. (1) with the resu lt

(A – 1)1, + III, + DI, = O


BII+(A+l)l, +D1, =O - (2)

DI1 + D12 + (C + Z)~J = O

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[S W. 71

Since there must obviously be coupling between any two arms,

B # O and D # 0. It is therefore impossible for any row or column of

coefficients to vanish. Hence the necessa ry and sufficient condit ion

tha t the equat ions have a solut ion 11 # Ois tha t their determinant vanish,

Since there is no loss, the elements of (z,,) a r e all imaginary, and A = .@}

B = jb, . . ~ where a, b ~ ~ are rea l.

The rendition for solut ion is


(U+j) ~



(a – j] d

= 0,



(c + x)

If the determinant is expanded, the imaginary terms cancel out , per -

mit t ing a rea l solut ion for r of the form

(c +x)( ’ – b’ + 1) + 2d’(b – a) = O.

In case az – b’ + 1 = O, it is merely necessa ry to open-r ircu it termina ls

(3) for then 1, = O and the condit ion tha t the fir st t~vo of I@. (1) have a

solu tion is

(a+j) b

b (a – j)


This shows tha t there is a lways a react ance ~ which makes the system

of Eqs. (2) consisten t under the assumption tha t the input and output

impedances a re unit y; tha t is, t here is a reactance tha t matches the


For m chanica l reasons it is quite natura l to const ruct a junct ion

by adding a side arm for the receiver to a st ra igh t sect ion of the t rans-

mission lin e wh ich r uns fr om t ra nsm it ter t o an ten na .

In su ch a “T-ju nc-

t ion” the symmetry condit ions for t ransmission are sa t isfied auto-

mat ica lly and the junct ion may be matched for recept ion by some

dev ce, such as an induct ive ir is, in the receiver arm. After this device

has been added, the distance from the junct ion to the TR switch can

be adjusted o match the junct ion for t ransmission. Most T-junct ions

have ra ther small recept ion loss even without the addit ion of a matching

device. In some cases th is may permit the mount ing of the TR switch

at the closest posit ion which gives good transmission since it is unneces-

sa ry to leave room for matching. This close posit ion usua lly has the

window of the TR cavity approximately flush with the wall of the wave-

guide or outer conductor of the coaxia l line since the window presents a

shor t circu it when the switch is fired.

The requirements for reflect ed power are ordinar ily much more

str ingent dur ing t ransmission than dur ing recept ion , because the im ped-

ance pres n ted a t the t ransmit ter has a very marked influence on the

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t r an sm it ter efficien cy and st abilit y.

In viewof the con t r ibut ions made

to the reflect ed power by the other r -f component s, a voltage standing-

ave ra t io above 1.10 dur ing t ransmission may somet imes be considered

excessive for a TR junct ion and 1.05 may be a desirable figu re. In

cont ra st to th is, a VS}VR of 1.10 would cause a recept ion loss of only

0.010 db, a va lue which would hardly be considered ser ious. This

makes clea r the advan tage of mount ing the TR cavity so tha t the win ow

is flush with the su r face of a st ra igh t sect ion of t ransmission line.


symmet ry makes possible a good match for the t ransmit ted signa l and

the matc can be main ta ined over a wide frequency band because of the

pr oximity of win dow and t ransmission line.

An obvious extension of t e symmet ry pr inciple leads t o a junct ion

in wh ich any two arms a re symmetr ica l with respect t o the th ird. The

junct ion is then matched for either t ransmission or recept ion if the arm

not in use is shor t -circu ited a t the proper poin t . This elimina tes the

need for any matching device and, consequen t ly, finds applica t ion in

wideband systems. Since the th ree arms are a t angles of 120° with one

another , this Y-junct ion lacks the mechanica l simplicity of the T-junc-

t ion , with arms at angles of 90° or 180°. The pr inciple of th ree-way

symmet ry has not had much applica t ion to coaxia l duplexers, but has

been u sed in wa vegu ide cir cu it s.



FIG. 7.2.—Cavit y couplin g


to a coaxial line; (a ) loop-cou pled ca vity; (b) iris-coupled


7.2. Coaxisl J unct ions.-Coaxia l duplexers have been used pr inci-

pa lly a t wavelengths of 8 cm or longer . At shor t er wavelengths, wave-

gu ide circu it s a re usua lly simpler .

A coaxia l line can be coupled to a

TR or to an ATR cavity by a loop connected between inner and ou ter

conductor s, or by an ir is.

With an ir is, no direct connect ion is made to

the inner conductor , but an open ing i the ou ter cond ctor establishes

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coupling between the field in t he cavity and tha t in t he coaxia l line.


ir is coup ing, which has mechanica l advantages, may not be feasible

where ra ther t igh t coupling is desir ed or where small-diameter lines a re

used. These two types of coupling are illust ra ted schemat ica lly in

Fig, 7.2. When the cavity fires, a shor t circu it appears across the loop,

an since the loop is connect ed across the side arm which is in shunt with

the main t ransmit ter line, t he loop must be placed a t a poin t effect ively

a qua r ter wavelength from the main line.

This type of coupling is

r efer r ed to as a shunt cir cuit .

In the ir is-coupled coaxia l junct ion , t he

ir is is somet imes considered as being in ser ies with the ou ter conductor ,

When the switch is fired in this case, t he shor t circu it which appears a t

t he ir is gives cont inu ity to the coaxia l line.

R. V. Pound of the Radia t ion Labora tory has developed a coaxia l

T-junct ion , based on the pr inciple of his broadband T-stub, for &in.-

diameter , 46.4-ohm line for a loop-coupled TR cavity, This is a quar ter -

wavelength st b used as a mechanical suppor t for the cen ter conductor

of a coaxia l line as shown in Fig.

7.3. According to the symmetry

pr inciple just discussed, the length

of the stub may be adjusted to

secur e a good match; and since the

stub is in shun t with the line, th is



length is about one-quar t er wave-



length . If it is set for a good

FIG, 7.3 .—Broadband T-s tub.

match at the cen ter of a f equency

band, however , ther e will be some

mismatch at fr equencies toward the edges df the band. To comp nsa te

for th is, a t r nsformer consist ing of a sleeve one-ha lf wavelength long is

To underst and the act ion of the ha lf-wavelength t r ansformer , let

YI and Yz be the character ist ic admit tances of the main coaxia l line

and of the sect ion with the t r ansformer respect ively.

Therefor e Y2 > YI

since the character ist ic admit tance of a coaxia l t r ansmission line is given



= 60 In


r adiu s of ou t er condu ct or


r adiu s of in ner condu ct or


If t he r ight -hand end of the line of Fig. 7.3 is termina ted in a matched

load, then the admit tance looking toward the r igh t a t var ious point s

moving from the r igh t-hand end toward the left can be determined.

F igure 7.4a shows the locus of this admit tance in the complex plane

determined a t the cen t er fr equency of the band. The admit t nce is

YI unt il t he t ransformer is r eached. It then moves around a cir cle

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SEC. 7 .2]



cen ter ed near Y2 and, since the stub has no effect a t th is frequency,

returns to Y1 at t e other end of the t ransformer .

At t he low-fr equ en cy edge of t he band t he effect ive elect rica l lengt hs

l/x of both the stub and the t ransformer a re reduced. Hence, in moving

from the r ight -hand end to the cen ter f the t ransformer , the admit tance

poin t t r avels less than halfway around the circle to the point Ys of

Fig. 7.4b. To get Y,, the admit tance jB. of the stub must be added to

Ys. Since the stub is now shor ter than one-quar ter wavelength , it s

admit t ance is induct ive, and B. is nega t ive.

This makes it possible t o



FIG. 74.-Admittance diagram for a broadband T-stub; (a) at cen ter frequency; (b) at

low-fr equ en cy edge of th e ban d.

adjust the diameter of the t ransformer to give a value of Y2/Y1 such that

B~ = – B ,/ 2 . The complex con jugate of Y, is then Y,, and the admit -

t ance at the left end of the t ransformer will again be Y1. A similar

condit ion will be rea lized at the other end of the band so that the T-stub

is p er fect ly ma tch ed a t t h r ee fr e u en cies.

In t his wa y it h as be n possible

to design a single T-stub which can be used anywhere in the wavelength

region from 9.0 to 11.1 cm (9.2-cm,

10.O-cm, 10.7-cm bands) with a

VSWR less than 1.08.

F igure 7.5 illust ra tes a duplexer T junct ion which uses th is broad-

banding technique. At high power level the situat ion is similar t o that

for the simple T-stub. However , in addit ion to the quar ter -wavelength

stub, wh ch is reta ined for mechanical suppor t , the TR arm acts as a

t hr ee-qu ar ter -wa velen gt h st ub sin ce t her e is in su fficien t spa ce t o mou nt

Page 280: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers



llR A.h ’CIIl?I) I)[J PI/ n XI.Vf7 CIRC[’IT S

[SW. 72

he avity at the one-quar t er -wavelength posit ion. This means tha t

the tota l stub susceptancc at the band ccfge is four t imes tha t for a

simple T-stub and tha t the diamete of the half-wavelength t ransformer

on the main line must be much grea ter .

At low power level the distance from the junct ion to the t ransmit ter

must first be adjusted so that the admit tance of the t ransmit ter arm is



ntenna y






It is then necessary to add

another quar ter -wavelength trans-

former A t o the TR arm to match

tha t por t ion of the half-wave-


len gt h t ra nsformer in t he a nt enn a

arm. Without such a t ransformer

a matched TR cavity and receiver

would result in a VSWR, as seen


from the antenna , of (Y,/YJ ’.

The presence of the t ransformer

A, however , increases the ra te of

change with frequency of the sus-

ceptance of the TR arm at high

power level.

This ma kes it n eces-

FIO. 7,5.—Coaxia l T-junct ion with broad-

band t r a ns former .

sa ry to increase the diameter of

t he ha lf-wa velen gt h t ra nsformer

and hence of A. But this, in turn

necessita t es a st ill la rger ha lf-

waveleng-t h t ra nsformer and a st ill

la rger t ransformer A. The proc-

ess converges S1OW1Vo a diam-

eter giving a good match for both high level and low level.

F or a t ra nsf or rn er of 0.555-in . diamet er , t he h igh -level VSWR r emain s

below 1.25 from 8.5 to 12.2 cm wavelength . Si ce such a large t rans-

former redu es the power tha t can be t ransmit ted without breakdown,

and since a na rrower band permits a smaller t ransformer , it was decided

to se a separa te design for each of the 9.2-cm, 10.O-cm, an 10.7-cm

bands in the wavelength region from 9.0 to 11.1 cm. A diameter of 0.486

in. was sa t isfactory for the reduced bands, giving a VSWR below 1.20

over the band from 10.4 to 11.1 cm, for example.

It is possible t o elim in at e t he t ra nsformer A by ch an gin g t he cou plin g

of the input loop of the TR cavity. If the admit tance of the TR switch

as seen at the junct ion is YTR, then in order tha t this resu lt in a match

(admit t ance YJ as seen from

Y,/Y,. = Yz because of the

antenna arm. To sat isfy this,

the junct ion is th ree quar ters

the antenna arm, it is necessa ry tha t

qua r ter -wavelength t ransformer in the

YTR must be larger than Y1 add since

of a wavelength from the TR cavity,

Page 281: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




the admit t ance a t t he loop must be less than Y1. This means tha t the

loop should be made la rger in order t o increase the coupling. Thk was

don e a nd some impr ovemen t r esu lt ed a lt hou gh difficu lt y wa s en count er ed

in making the loop l rge enough because of the small space available in

the cavity. If t he loop could be adjusted to match the T-junct ion with-

ou t the t ransformer A, the ha lf-wavelength t ransformer coul be made

con sider ably smaller for a given ba ndwidt h.

It will be not iced that a t high level t he T-junct ion is matched over

the band while a t low level it is matched only a t the band cent er . This

is because of the necessity for much bet t er matching at high level.

Although it is not so important to match the T-junct ion at more than

one frequency for the low-leve opera t ion, it is usually necessa ry to

employ some matching procedure to match at one w velength , and to

pr event t he signal losses fr om becom ing t oo high.

It is possible t o use a design similar t o that of Fig. 7.5, but with

the t ransmit t er connect ed to the side arm and the antenna and TR switch

connected to the main arms. In this case modera te reflect ions may be

tolera t ed for power t ransmit t ed between the two main arms (low-level

condit ion) but t he best possible mat ch should be sought for t ransmission

“ around the corner” from the side arm to one of the main arms (high-

level condit ion). This is the reverse of t he requirement for the junct ion

with the TR cavity on the side arm.

7.3. Waveguide J unct ions. -Waveguide duplexers a t microwave

frequencies a re of necessit built with ir is coupling, since there is no

cen t er conductor t o connect to a oop. The iris may be coupled either

t o the end of a side a rm or to the main t ransmit t er line. Rectangular

wa veguide in t he fundament al Tl?lo-m ode is t he usual t ype and coupling

may be made either to the broad or to the nar row side of the waveguide.

A waveguide junct ion in which a side arm at taches to the broad side of

another waveguide is ca lled an E-plane junct ion since all th ree arms lie

in t he plane of t he elect r ic vector .

Similar ly, connect ion t o t he n arr ow

side is ca lled an H-plane junct ion in reference t o the magnet ic plane.

It was pointed ou t in Chap. 4 in connect ion with the ATR switch

that an E-pla e junct ion has some of the character ist ics of a simple

ser ies branching circuit and tha t t he H-plane junct ion displays shunt

proper t ies. Since this turns ou t t o be a very convenien t concept for

duplexer design, t will be examined more closely a t this t ime. A qualita-

t ive understanding can be gained by a considera t ion of the fields and

curren t s in a waveguide. In the TE,,-mode the current s in the cent ra l

por tion s of t he two br oa d sides flow lon git udina lly in opposit e dir ect ion s,

:md t he elect ric field ext ends a cross t he int er vening spa ce fr om one of t he

br oa d si{les t o t he ot her .

These t wo cent ra l st r ips thus resemble the t wo

halves of a simple t ransmission-line pa ir . In terms of t hese st r ips the

Page 282: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





ser ies and shunt character ist ics of the two junct ions of Fig. 7“6 appear

quite p laus ible.

It can be observed that the side arm of the shunt junct ion meet s the

wall of the main waveguide at a cer t a in distance from the cen t ra l st r ip.

If the side arm is shor t -circu it ed in the plane of the main waveguide wall,

energy will t ravel down tha t wavegu ide without in t er rupt ion .


that reason the distance from the cent ra l st r ip ou t to the side arm is

though t of as being one-quar ter wavelength in the shunt junct ion . 1%

such phase sh ift is assumed in t he ser ies junct ion .

To just ify this equ iva len t -circu it concept , it is necessary t o refer t o

the ex~er imenta l data . Here the resu lt s depend on the wavelength and




I:t@ 76.-Waveguide as a trans-

m ission -lin e pa ir ; (a ) ser ies ju nct ion ,

E -pla ne; (b) sh un t ju nct ion , If-pla ne.

t he dimensions of, t he waveguide.

Fu r thermore, a cavity a t t ached to the

side arm one-ha lf wavelength from the

main wa vegu ide may give r esu lt s wh ich

differ from those for a cavity moun ted

flush with the wall. The simple wave-

gu ide cir cu it wit h all t erm in at ion s k ept

a t a distance from the junct io has

been studied theoret ica lly and exper i-


Th e resu lt s a re embodied in

the equiva len t circu it s of Figs. 410CZ

and b wh ich wer e con sider ed in Ch ap. 4.

At fir st glance these circu it s do not

seem to resemble a simple ser ies or

sh un t ju nct ion bu t t hey do a ppr oxim at e

them in cer ta in respect s. The network

for the E-plane junct ion would be a

Simple Ser ieS branch if B., Xt ,, xd wer e

zero and X, infin ite. It s seen from

Table 4.1, Chap. 4, tha t B. is small, X, is la rge, and Xb and x. would

a lmost cancel if Xc were l rge enough to be neglect ed. Th s junct ion ,

t her efor e, closely r esembles t he simple ser ies br an ch .

The H-plane junct ion is not so simple, for , a lthough X. and xb are

small, X, and X~ are fa r from negligible. These last two quant it ies a re

near ly equal and opposit e. Thk means tha t a s or t circu it placed at

terminals (3) resu lt s in a lmost complet e cancella t ion , and leaves only

a ver y h igh impedan ce a cr oss t he main lin e in a gr eem en t wit h t he idea lized

circu it of Fig. 7.6. The simple shunt represen ta t ion would a lso require

tha t an open circu it a t t erminals (3) resu lt in a shor t circu it across the

line, whereas it actually shunts the line with a react ance of about one.

Of cour se, t here is a poin t on the side arm where an open circu it \ vould

Page 283: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


S sc. 7-3]



result in a shor t circuit across the main line but it is about five eighths of a

wa velength fr om th e main wavegu ide r at her than one-h alf wavelength .

If such a junct ion were used in a duplexer , th is depar tu re from ideal

behavior might not be not iced.

At high level the shor t circu it a t the

window of the TR or ATR cavity would be placed at the waveguide wall

since for this case the junct ion resembles an ideal shunt circu it . At low

level it would be necessary to dd a match ing transformer to the junct ion

if it were to be used as a TR mount . As an ATR junct ion, however , it

would be necessa ry on ly to tune the ATR cavity unt il it s reactance

r eson at ed wit h t he ju nct ion .

In Sec. 7.10 it will be shown that the differ -

ence between the actual TR junct ion and a simple ser ies or shunt branch

ca n n ever th eless be impor ta nt in br oa dban d a pplica tion s.

The equivalent circ it s of F igs. 4“10a and b can be used to calcula te

the minimum standing-wave rat io that can be obta ined looking into arm

(1) with a matched load on arm (3) and an adjustable shor t circu it on

arm (2), but with no addit ional matching devices.

According to the

symmet ry pr inciple the match between arms (1) and (2) (st ra ight

through) can be made per fect but the match’( looking around the corner , ”

as in the ordinary case for recept ion,

will depend on the par t icular


If an impedance unity is connected across terminals (3) of the ser ies

junct ion, the admit tance seen looking out toward arm (3) from the

t ermin als of jXC is

If the values in Table 4.1 are sed,

R, =


1 + (xc + x,)’

= 0.78.

The shor t circu it in arm (2) can be adjusted to produce any desired

reactance in ser ies with Z1. If Z; = R, + jX’ where X’ may have any

value, the admit tance seen looking into arm (1) is Y2 = Y; + jB~. The

locus of Z; on a Smith char is simply the resistance con tour RI = 0.78.

If th is circle is rota ted 180° to give Y; and then displaced an amount

B. = – 0.096, the result ing locus is Y,. The point on the locus which

appr oaches closest t o th e or igin gives t he minimum at tainable standing-

wave r at i .

The value of this quant ity in voltage is r = 1,3 for a ser ies ju nct ion

and r = 1,7 for a shunt junct ion when the constants in Table 4.1 are

used. Apparent ly the ser ies T-j nct ion is super ior a lthough the reflec-

Page 284: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




tion loss from a sh nt junct ion would be only 0.30 db even with no

mat ch in g ir is.

Although the r ight -angle T-junct ion can be ma tched with an ir is

so tha t t he t ransmission is the same as for a symmetr ica l 120° type, the

behavior over a band of fr equencies will be infer ior t o tha t of the sym-

18 -





90° 1.125”X 0.500”

~ 14


“: 12



; 10 -





900 0.9001’x


$= 6,







li!oQ 1.125” X0.500”


3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4


Wavelength in cm






90° 1.250”X 0.500”






900 0.900” x 0.4001




S ’2



\ ~


gl -


120 1.125”X


0 -







Wavelength in cm


FIQ. 7.7.—Standing-wave-ra t io curves

f m T-j unct ions of var ious t ypes; (a ) H-pla ne

j unctions; (b) E-p lane junct ions ,

met r ica l junct ion .

A set of da ta

rela t ive to this quest ion is r epro-

duced in Fig. 7-7 from a repor t by

D. H. Ring of the Bell Telephone

Labor ator ies. 1 Measur ements

were made, on a number of differ -

en t ju nct ion s, of t he va ria tion wit h

wa velen gt h of t he st an din g-wa ve

ra t io seen looking in to one arm

wit h a n a djust able sh or t-cir cu it -

ing plunger in a second arm and a

m a t c h e d load termina t ing the

third. The plunger was adjusted

to give the minimum possible

standing-wave ra t io a t the cen t er

wavelength of 3,33 cm and kept

a t t he same posit ion for all the

ot h er wavelen gt hs.

This cor r e-

sponds to the use of the junct ion

in a duplexer where a single posi-

t ion must be chosen for the ATR

cavity for opera t ion over a band

of frequencies. Righ t-angle T-

junct ions and 120° Y-junct ions

wer e tested in waveguides of two

sizes—O.400 in. by 0.900 in. ID

and 0.500 in. by 1.125 in. ID.

The 90° junct ions were t ested

“lookin g a rou nd t he cor ner ” fr om

one of the main arms to the side

arm. No” m atch ing devices were

used. If the standing-wave ra t ios a r e conver ted to vo tage, the values

for ser ies and shunt a re 1,2 and 1.6 for the 0.400 in. by 0.900 in.

T-junct ions at 3.33 cm. These agree approximately with the va lues

of 1.3 and 1.7 previously ca lcula ted on the basis of the constant s for

3.2 cm .

‘ D. H. Ring, ‘(ProgressRepor t on a Broad Band TR-RT S}vitch ,”BTL hfiM-43-

16&189,Oct. 9, 1943.

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It w ll be seen tha t the 120° junct ion is much super ior to the 90°

junct ion because, even if t he la t ter were matched a t t he cen ter wave-

length , it would give high reflect ions a t other wavelengths. Of the two

120° junct ions, the H-plane type is super ior , wherea s bet ter resu lt s with

90° junct ions are obta ined if the E-plane branching is used. Fur ther -

more, the small waveguide is bet ter than the la rge. It is concluded

that for nar row-band work the 90° junct ion can be used by matching

a t on e wavelength ; other wise the 120° design is be ter .

The high-level standing-wave ra t io can be made good with either

the T- or the Y-junct ions. For work over a band of fr equencies, how-

ever , a cavity (either TR or ATR) mounted one-ha lf wavelength from

the junct ion on a side arm can lead to object ionable standing waves a t

the band dges because of changes in elect r ica l length of the side arm.

In such a case the volt age standing-wave ra t io can be readily ca lcula ted

a t a wavelength dif er ing by AX from the wavelength a t which the junc-

t ion is matched if the simple ser ies r epresen ta t ion of the junct ion is

assumed. The react ance of the side arm is Xl = tan P, where@ = 2rr l/k0

is the elect r ica l length in radians from the junct ion to the window. Since

8 = rm + AD where A(3is small,

because of Eq. (46). If a matched load is assumed for the antenna, the

impedance seen by the t ransmit ter is Z2 = 1 + jXl, and the cor respond-

ing reflect ion coefficien t is

~,=zz–l= jxl

22+1 2 + jx,”

Since Xl is small, II’,1 = [X@ and the volt age standing-wave ra t io is

The shunt junct ion ives the same result . For 1 = ~./2, @ = m, and

for a 2 per cen t bandwidth AA/h = 0.01, and a representa t ive va lue of

(ka /k)’ is 2. These values give r = 1.06.

In pract ica l applica t ions o the 120° junct ions it is advantageous for

mechanica l reasons to pr serve the outward form of the 90° junct ion .

This can be achieved by making addit ional 30° bends in the t rans-

mit ter and the antenna arms quite close to the junct ion. A so-ca lled

“ vest igia l” 120° junct ion, in which the 120° sect ions are considerably

abbrevia ted, s illust ra ted in Fig. 7.8 as designed for branching in the

H-plane. In place of the receiver a rm there is a choke coupling for

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mounting a 1B24 TR tube close to the junct ion.

On the outside cor ner

of each 30° bend, a reflect ing plate is added at an angle of 15° to either

sect ion of wave guide and placed so as to match the bend. For trans-

mission between the two para llel arms, the voltage standing-wave

ra t io remains below 1.05 over a band of wavelengths from 3.13 to 3.53

cm. For test ing transmission be-

tween the side arm and one of the

parallel arms,

a shor t -cir cu it ing

plunger was placed one-ha lf wave-

len gt h ba ck fr om t he closest cor rect

posit ion, to simulate an ATR

cavity, which must be at a distance


of space. With fixed plunger posi-

t ion the var ia t ion of the standing-wave ra t io with fr equency was then

found to be about the same as tha t to be expected from an ideal shunt

ju nct ion wit h a t hr ee-qu ar ter -wa velen gt h st ub.

It will be not iced tha t the 120° junct ion provides more room for

a t tach ing the TR cavity than is provided by a 90° side arm. In the

la t ter ar rangement , there may be some difficulty in mount ing the cavity

so that it is flush with the waveguide wall, and easily removable for


For tuna tely, it is found possible in some cases to obtain

a ra ther good match between transmit ter and antenna with the window

of the TR cavity placed a small distance back from the inside wall of

the waveguide on a 90° side arm.

When a TR or ATR tube is mounted with the window flush with the

aveguide \ vall, t he constants in Table 4.1 no longer apply. It was seen

in chap. 4 tha t for a t least one such ATR switch , the simple ser i s

representa t ion held accura tely. The simple circuit seems to apply as

well in such cases as for the isola ted junct ion. This does not mean

tha t a cavity mount d out on a side arm ~rill show exact ly the same behav-

ior as when flush with the waveguide, but a proper readjustment of the

circuit constants will st ill a llow an approximate shunt or ser ies


In the next few sect ions it will be assumed, for simplicity, that the

T-junct ion can be represented as a simple shunt or ser ies circu it . In

Sec. 7.10 a mor e a ccu ra te r epr esen ta tion will be discu ssed and a compa rison

ill be made between an actua l junct ion and the ideal circu it .

7.4. Duplexing Loss without an ATR Tube.—In radar opera t ion the

losses suffered by either the transmit ted or the recei ed signa l a re of

int crest . The simple dissipa t ive losses in waveguide a re common to

both of these signals but , except for the cavity losses, they make an

in sign ifica nt con tr ibu tion t o t he duplexin g losses.

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On transmission, the on ly impor tan t loss istheso-ca lled arc loss due

to the power dissipated in the arcs of the TR and ATR tubes. This is

a lso small, ordinar ily, and the impor tance of the effect resu lt s not so

much from the power dissipa ted as from the dependence of t ransmit t er

efficiency on the reflected power . As the subject of a rc loss is discussed

in connect ion with TR and ATR switches it need not be considered at

t his t ime.

On recept ion , the duplexing loss can be conven ien t ly divided in to

two par t s: the TR loss, caused by dissipat ion in or reflect ion from the

TR switch , and the “branch ing

loss, ” du e t o im pr oper im pedan ce

of the t ransmit ter branch. The

TR loss is ade uately covered in

t he ch apt er on t he low-level oper a-

t ion of the TR tube and branch-

ing loss will be discussed in the

next few sect ions of this chapter .

A duplex radar system may

be oper at ed sa tisfa ct or ily wit hou t

an ATR switch if the t ransmit t er ,

as seen fr om t he a nten na , pr esen ts

the cor r ect impedance at the TR


The received signal

will then be conducted from an-

tenna to r eceiver withou t any

appreciable loss at t r ibutable to

t h e t r an sm it t er .

This situat ion is indicated in

Fig. 7.9, which represen t s TR

junct ions of the ser ies and shunt

type. For the purposes of this

sect ion , it will be assumed that

the r eceiver is matched, as seen

from the TR cavity, and tha t the










Zt ::




Ft~, 79. -Du1>lexing circu it s a t low

levc?; (a) with ser ies TR switch; (b) Wit l,

sh un t Tlt switch .

ca vit y in tr odu ces n o m ismat ch a nd may be n eglect ed in low-level con sider -

a teons. It will a lso be assumed tha t the junct ion can be represen ted ah

a simple ser ies or sh un t br an ch in g cir cu it ,

If Z, represen t s the t ransmit ter impedance seen a t the TR junct ion ,

then for per fect recept ion it is necessa ry that Z~ = O for the ser ies TR

junct ion or Z, = ~ for a shunt junct ion . The impedance 2., presen ted

hY a transn lit ter a t it s ou tpu t terminals when not opera t ing, is r efer red

to as the cold impedance of the t ransmit ter . Where ther e is no ATR

s~vitch , 2$ is simply the impedance 2. t ransformed down the line from

Page 288: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




thet ransmit ter t o the TR junct ion .

If Z.is purely react ive, tha t is, if

t h cold t ransmit ter reflect s complet ely, the phase sh ift between t rans-

mit ter and


junct ion can be adjusted to make -z: = O or CZJas n ces-

sa ry. Forsome t ransmit ters Z.hasan appreciable rea lcomponent wh ich

will dissipa te some of the received signal unless an ATR switch is used;

many others, however , a r e sat isfactory in th is respect .

If t he phase of

Zc is sufficien t ly constan t from one tube to another , it may be possible

to choose the length of the line connect ing t ransmit t er and TR tube so

that Z~ will a lways have the cor r ect phase. This is the most desirable

ar rangement when no ATR switch is used. Unfor tuna tely differences

between tubes lead t o er rors in Z,, and changes in wavelength produce

changes in the phase sh ift between t ransmit ter and TR junct ion .


phase shift is given by the so-ca lled

“elect r ica l length” d = %r(l/xr ) of

the connect ing t ransmission line where 1 is it s physica l l ngth . By

making the distance 1 between t ransmit t er and TR junct ion as small as

possible, t he var ia t ion in o due to changes in wavelength can be kept t o a


If th phase of Z. var ies too widely among t ransmit t ers, a phase

con tr ol, ca lled a ‘(lin e st ret ch er , ”

may be inser t ed between t ransmit ter

and TR junct ion . Since the impeda ce depends cyclicall on 0 with

per iod T, the line st ret cher must ave a range 0 = or 1 = ~k,. One

device, ca lled a “t rombon e,” wh ich h as been u sed in coa xia l lin es, employs

a sliding U-shaped sect ion of line.

In rect angular waveguide t he wave-

length depends on the inside width a of the waveguide according to the


and o can be changed by varying a.

If a slot is cu t for a su fficien t dist an ce

along the cen ter of each of the wide sides of the waveguide, a can be

ch anged by squeezing th e t wo halves t oget her .

Th k “squ eeze section”

eliminates the need for any sliding con tacts but requ ires a long sect ion

of waveguide, pa r t icu lar ly at long wavelengths. A more compact

wavegu ide line st retcher consists of a sect ion of dielect r ic mater ia l which

is suppor ted by th in rods extending across the wavegu ide normal to the

elect r ic field. Phase may be var ied by moving the dielect r ic from one

side of t he wavegu ide where the field is weak toward the st rong field in

t he cen ter .

If the an tenna system is not per fect ly matched, t he var ia t ion in line

length effect ed by the line st retcher causes a change in the impedance

seen by the t ransmit t er . Th is may resu lt in changes in t ransmit ter

po er and frequency. If th is is object ionable, it can be preven ted by

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SEC. 7.4]



1wing two line st ret ch er s, on e on ea ch side of t he du plexer ga nged t oget her

t o cancel each other .

To determine the loss in the received signa l when the impedance Z,

of the t ransmit ter branch does not have the cor r ect va lue, the case of a

ser ies TR junct ion may be considered. AS can be seen by reference to

Fig. 7.9, the power delivered to the receiver is

To match the receiver to the antenna , Z, must be zero. This gives

P,= y



If a is the branch inq-l os jacto~ in voltage, then the loss factor in power is


Hence, for th e ser ies TR junct ion,

a = II ++ZLI. (6)

The loss in decibels is L = 20 log,, a .

F or the shunt junct ion

a = II +*Ytl,



Y, = ;.


Equat ions (6) and (7) show tha t a ser ies TR junction is equ ivalent to a

shunt junction Zj one is sh ifted one-

quarter wavelength along the trans-

m itter line w ith respect to the other.

A simila r theorem for the ATR

switch was discussed in Sec. 4.1.

It is fr equent ly convenien t to

r epr esen t gr aph ica lly t he r ela tion

between a and Y,. As an exam-

ple, a will be determined fo var i-

ous set t ings of the line st retcher

with a shunt TR junct ion, and a

t ransmit ter w ich , when off, has a

voltage standing-wave ra t io of

r , = 3.0. In Fig. 7.10 Y, is

m apped on t he complex pla ne with

G, and B, as coordina tes. The

locus of all va lues of Y, obta ined



FIG. 7. 10.—Duplexing br an ch in g-loss dia-


by varying the line st r et cher is the

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[SEC. 74

familiar admit tance cir cle of constant standing-wave ra t io. This

type of t ransmission-line char t , in which the rectangular coordina tes

Gand B (or R and X) are used, will be a lleda car tesian char t todis-

t in gu ish it fr om t he r eflect ion -coefficien t Sm it h ch ar t in wh ich t he a dm it -

t an ce or impeda nce compon en ts a re plot ted in cu rvilin ea r coor din at es.

The loci of Y’ = ~Y, and Y“ = 1 +*Y, ar a lso circles. In fact ,

in the theory of funct ions of a complex variable it is shown tha t any

transformat ion rom Yto Y’ of the form

y,=a Y+b

CY +d’


wherea, b, c,and dare constants, maps acircle into a circle.

It is kn own

as a linear fract iona l t ransformation or as a “circu la r t ransformation. ”

Because of this proper ty it isasimple mat t r to const ruct Y“andt hen

to determine aaccordingto Eq. (7) asthe length of the vector 1 +~Y,.

It appears that the loss is a minimum where the left side of the circle

in tersects the real axis. At this poin t Y~ = 1/r ,, so tha t the minimum

loss is


This represents the lowest loss obtainable with a line st r etcher . The

worst t ransmit ter is one for which r . = 1 since this makes a. a maxi-

mum. In such a case the loss L is 20 log,, (~) = 3.5 db.

When th e ph ase cha nges int ro-



duced by the line st retcher are

con sider ed, it is oft en con ven ien t


for numer ica l work to use the




quant ity t?/2r r = l/ A, which ex-

S 10

presses the line length in units of

a wavelength ra ther than to use

e which is expressed in radians,

To=3 1


Th e va lue of l/A. cor responding


) ‘

o ~

to each Y~ can be read from a

O 0.10 0,20 O.M 0,40 0,50 0.60


convent ion al t r ansmission-line


char t and associa ted with the

FIG.7.11.—Loss vs. t ransmit ter phase with

no ATR switch.

cor responding a by project ing from

Y~ to *Y,, to 1 + 3Y,, and then

measuring off a . The two curves of Fig. 7.11 give the result s for t rans-

mit ters having r= = 3 and 20 respect ively.

They are per i dic in l/hO of

per io 0.50.

Because of the equiva lence of ser ies a d shunt junct ions the curves

of Fig. 7.11 would be the same for a ser ies TR junct ion except tha t the

abscissae are shifted a quar ter wavelength . In this sect ion and in Sec.

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SEC. 75]



7.5 the discussion will r efer t o the shunt TR junct ion unless the ser ies

ju nct ion is specifica lly men tion ed.

In most cases the results will be

immedia tely applicable to the ser ies case through the use of the equiva-

lence principle.

The broad region of lowlosses in Fig. 7,11 indica tes the possibility

of using a simplified form of line st ret cher which has only t wo posit ions,

differ in g by on e-qu ar ter wavelen gt h.

Since the loss curve has a cycle

of one-half wavelength, one could a l~vays opera te in tha t half of the

phase range where the 10SSW are smaller . The curve for r= = 20 in

Fig. 711 remains be]ow 1.30 db over the interva l of len th 0.25 which

extends from O to 0.125, and from 0.375 to 0.500. Many t ransmit t ing

tubes have cold impedances which a re a lmost purely react ive. For

these Y, =jl?, =j cot @,andfrom13q. (7)

a ’=ll++j cote[’=l++cot ’e,

The maximum loss over the minimum half of the phase range is rea lized

fore = m/4, which gives a’ = ~, ora loss of 0.97db.

7.5. Duplexing Loss t ithm ATRSwItch.-In theexamina t ion of the

bra nching loss wh en an ATR switch i used, t her e a re fou r differ en t funda -

mental duplex r circuit s t o be consid red.

Th ey r epr esent differ en t

combina t ions of ser ies and shunt TR and ATR junct ions, Any com-

bina t ion of the two kinds may be used if the distance between the

unct ions is pr oper ly ch osen .

These distances, as given in Table 7.1,

a re ba sed on equ iva len t-cir cu it con cept s a nd a re, t her efor e, on ly n om ina l.

The actual distances for best efficiency ar e slight ly differen t and m st be

determined exper imenta lly.


TR junct ion .4TR junct ion

TR to ATR istance



Shunt . . . .



Shunt . .




Ser es. . Ser ies


Ser ies . .

Shunt +A,

The equivalent cir cuit for the shunt-TR, ser ies-ATR duplexer is

antenna line, the ATR s itch should cause the t ransmit ter to appear as a

high impedance a t the TR junct ion in order tha t the antenna be matched

to the r eceiver .

Since the ser ies ATR switch itself appears as a high

impedance, it would be cor r ect t o inser t it in the line r ight next to the TR

jun t ion. At microwave fr equencies this is usua lly impossible, and the

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[SEC. 7.5

ATR switch is placed a t the equiva lent posit ion one-ha lf waveguide

wavelengt h away.

As was poin ted out in Chap. 4 a shunt ATR switch is equiva lent to a

ser ies-connected one if moved down the line a quar ter wavelength .

If the shunt ATR switch s used with he same shunt TR junct ion, the




Fm. 7.12.—Duplexer cir cu it wit h shunt TR

and ser ies ATR swit ches .

dist an ce between t he two becomes

on e-qua rt er wa velengt h. Simila r

considera t ions give the cor r ect

distance in the other two cases.

13eca use of t he equiva lence of

the two types of ATR switch and

the equality of the branching

losses with the two types of TR

junct ion , as shown in Eqs. (6) and

(7), a deta iled analysis will be

ma de on ly of t he shunt -TR, ser ies-

ATR circ it . The results will

then apply with ver y lit t le cha nge

to the other types of duplexer .

In t he fir st cir cu it t o be con sider ed,

the ATR switch will be loca ted

cor rect ly, t ha t is, effect ively n ext

to the TR junct ion . The norma-

lized ATR impedance will be

designa ted bv Z and the t rans-

mit ter impedance, Z. = R. + jX., r efer red t o the ATR junct ion.


the impedance seen a t t he TR junct ion looking toward the t ransmit ter

is Z~ = Z + Z., and the branching-loss factor from Eq. (7) is



Z+ Z,”

For the ATR circuit tuned to resonance, X = O and


Befor e con sider in g t he br an ch in g 10SSu nder n orma l con dit ion s, some

ment ion should be made of the influence of the ATR tube on the recovery

t ime of a duplexer . It waa seen in Chap. 5 that the presence of ions in

the TR gap may ser iously a t tenua te signa ls which immedia tely follow

the t ransmit ted pulse. Under cer ta in condit ions the ATR tube may

have a si ilar effect . If the t ransmit ter impedance Z. wer e zer o nd

if the TR tube wer e a lready r ecover ed; the loss would be given according

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SEC. 7.5]



toEq. (10) by the factor

a=l+ ~;,

where G during recovery is determined by the conduct ion in the gap.

Wh en Zc differ s fr om zer o, t he a dded impeda nce in ser ies wit h R decr ea ses

the loss so that th is expression gives the upper limit of the loss. The

same expression would be found if the ATR but not the TR tube had

recovered and if G were the conductance of the TR tube. In that case,

h owever , t he expr ession would hold for an y value of Z.. Sin ce G in creases

with Q, the usual TR tube would tend to r ecover more slowly than a low-Q

ATR tube which has large gaps of low conductance.

In consider ing Eq. (10) it is conven ien t to make use of the so-ca lled

“Smith char t” type of t ransmission-line represen ta t ion , which maps the

complex reflect ion coefficien t r ra ther than the impedance Z.


quan t ity, which is given by


‘= Z+l’


is limited to the in ter ior of the unit circle, ]1’1 = 1. By associa t ing wi h

ea ch poin t r the cor responding Z, con tours of constant R and X can be

const ructed, which form a system

of cu rvilin ea r coor din at es for Z.

If the poin t R r epr esen tin g t he

r eson an t ATR impeda nce is plot ted

on a S th char t , t e area cor re-

sponding to all possible values of

Z, = R + ZC, when Z, is a llowed

to take any physically realizable

value, is found to be a circle like

the smalf circle on the r igh t side of

Fig. 7.13 which was drawn for

R = 5. A glance at a conven t ional

Smith cha rt shows th at Z, is limited

t o t he in ter ior of t his cir cle beca use

R. cannot be nega t ive. In dia-

FI~. 7. 13.—Smith-char t plot for du plexer

with ATR cavity at r esonance.

gr am s su ch a s F ig. 7.13 t he impeda nce coor din at es will be om it ted, except

for the rea l axis which will be drawn horizonta l and will increase from

left t o r igh t . The (R + ZJ -circle in ter sects the real axis at Z, = R

and cc.

On a Smith char t the reciproca l of an impedance Z is represen ted y a

poin t diametr ica lly opposite to Z.

Thus the locus of l/(R + ZJ is

the cir l on the left which crosses the real axis a t O and l/R.

It is now convenien t to t ransform to car tesian coordinates. In so

doing, it is useful to remember that the t ransformat ion from a Smith

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[sm . 7:

char t t o a car tesia cha r t a lways maps a circle in to a circle.

This is

becaua e t he t ra nsforma tion , givenby




hasthe form of Eq. (8). Of cour se this isa lsotrue for thereverse t rans-

format ion of Eq. (11).

Thus the locus of l/(R + Z.) in car tesian coordina tes is a circle

in tersect ing the rea l axis a t Oand l/R asin ~ig. 7.14. Likewise the locus



, R+ZC


FIG. 7.14.—Loss diagram for aduplexer with ATR switch at resonance

of +~[1/(11 + Z,)] isa cir cle which crosses the axis a t 1 and at l/2R.

Since the vector whose magnitude is a must fall within this circle, a must

have a value between 1 and 1 + l/2R. That is, for an ATR switch

tuned to resonance the maximum branching 10SSis given by the factor

az= l++@



wher e G is the cavity conductance.

If G = 0.05, which is a reasonable

va lue, the maximum a is 1.025, which means a loss of 0.21 db. With a

ATR cavity of G = 0.05, tuned to resonance and loca ted the proper

distance from the TR unct ion , the branching loss must be between O

and 0.21 db, no mat ter what the t ransmit ter impedance.

F or t he impeda nce t ra nsforma tion s a ss cia ted wit h a loss ca lcu la tion ,

the Smith char t is frequent ly more convenien t than the car tes.ian char t .

It would therefore be helpful to be able to determine a direct ly from a

Sm it h-ch ar t plot of Y,, wit hou t t he n ecessit y for t ra nsformin g t o ca rt esia n

coor din at es. To fa cilita te this, cont ou rs of con sta nt loss, which will sh ow

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SEC. 7“5]


t he loss cor responding to each va lue of Z,, can be plot ted on the Smith

chart .

These contours can be determined by plot t ing loci of constant a

in car tesian coordina tes of 1 + ~ }-1 and then transforming them back

to the Smith char t for Z,. In the

fir st case, they are mer ely circles

concent r ic with the or igin and of

radius a as shown in Fig. 7.15

wh ich indica t es t h e loss in decibels

for each contour . It is necessa ry

to t ransform only the point s of

in ter sect ion with the rea l axis

since the con our s on the Smith

char t must be circles with cen ters

on the real axis. one in ter sect ion

is a t

1 + +}’, = a,


1’, = 2(a – 1). (14)

On the Smith char t , for Z,, this

poin t is a t


1 + Y,”


If Eq. (14) is subst itu ted into Eq.

(15), t h en


r l . – ~l. (16)

Likewise the left -hand in t er s ect ion

is a t 1 + *YL = —a, which gives



2a + 1“

The center of the circle is a t

and the radius is





F IG. 7. 15.—Loss con tou rs on ca rt esia n ch ar t

for 1 + *YL.

4a2 – 3

rO=~@2+r ,J =-–

4a’2 – 1’


— .




In plot t ing r , distances ar e measured from the cent er of the Smith char t ,

on a scale such tha t the outside cir cle has radius unity. The result ing

contours a re shown in Fig. 7.16. It is convenien t t o draw this diagram

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[SEC. 7.6

on t ransparent paper so tha t it may be la id over a Z~-plot .

In fact ,

a ter such a contour diagram has been const ructed, the car tesian plot

for br an ch in g-loss ca lcu la tion s will r ar ely be u sed.

This same contour cha r t which was der ived for a shunt TR junct ion

may be used for a ser ies junct ion except that , for a ser ies junct ion , it

will have to be applied to a Smith-char t plot of YL ra ther than of Z1.

FXG. 716.-Loss con tours on Smith char t for Zt ,

7.6. Tuning of the A R Switch .-The loss-contour diagram can be

used to study the effect of ATR-switch tuning.

Sin ce t he a dm it ta nce

of the ATR switch consist s of a constant conductance plus a var iable

susceptance, its locus on a Smith char t will be a circula r arc, like the one

labeled Y in Fig. 7.17. The similar a rc on the opposite side of the

diagram gives the impedance Z. If a par t icula r point Z on this a rc is

chosen and Z= is a llowed to assume any value wha tever , it will be found

tha t the poin t , Z~ = Z + Z., will fa ll somewhere within the cir cle tha t

passes through Z and co and has its cen ter on the rea l axis. If the loss

contours, t ken from Fig. 7.16, a re drawn, the range of branching losses

t o be expect ed is found.

For the par t icu la r va lue of Y chosen here, (0.05 – jO. 16), it is seen

tha t the loss can va ry from O to more than 2 db, for differen t t ransmit ter

impedances. Comparison of this result with those just obta ined for an

ATR switch a t resonance shows tha t an amount of detuning sufficient

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t o give a susceptance of ordy 0.16 will ra ise the branching loss from a

maximum of 0.21 db, to more than 2 db,

Susceptances as la rge as this can easily appear . If, for example, the

va lues G = 0.05, B = 0.16 and QL = 4.0 a re subst ituted in Eq. (4.1),

~=~= B

ho 2(1 + G) L

= 0.02.

Thus, a devia t ion of 2 per cent from the resonant fr equency will permit a

loss of 2 db. Since it is not easy to obtain loaded Q’s much lower tha


2.0 db



1.5db /

l.Odb /

FIG.7.17. —LoeE ?dia gr am for ATR swit ch off r es on an ce.

4, it is apparent why it is difficult t o get good ATR-switch act ion over

br oad bands.

The tuning effect can be readily visua lized from Fig. 7.17 since the

effect of detuning is to move Y and Z away from the rea l axis.


in turn, expands the Z~ circle toward the left , where it intersects the con-

t ou rs of h igh er loss.

Mor e specifica llyy, if a t ra nsm it ter wit h a cold volt age st an din g-wa ve

ra t io of r . = 20 is selected, a possible va lue of ZC would be 0.6 + j3.0,

the impedance seen a t a distance of 0/% = 0.45 from an impedance of 20.

This va lue of Z. and the previous ATR conductance of G = 0.05 will

be used in construct ing the locus of Z, = Z + Z, when B is va ried, in

order to find the loss as a funct ion of B (t ha t is, of ATR-swit ch tuning).

Since the locus of Z is a circ e, it follo s tha t Z, will a lso be a circle;

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[SKc. 7“6

for the Z-locus may be t ransformed to rectangular coordina tes, the

constant Z. a ded, and the resu lt ing Z~-locus t r ansformed back to the

Smith char t . Since each of these opera t ions is of the form of Eq. (8),

the resu lt is a circle.

A formal expression or t ransforming the cen ter and radius of a circle

when a constan t isadded canpresumably reobta ined. This tr ansforma-

t ion, however , which is so elementary in car tesian coordinates, proves

to be ra ther awkward on the Smith char t . The following procedure,

t hou gh less elega nt , is pr act ica l.

The value of Zfor some poin t on the

J ?IG. 718,-Diagram for deter minat ion of t uning cur ve.

Z-cir cle is read from the Smith char t , t he constant -Z, added, and the

resu lt ing ZL plot ted again on the Smith char t .

When th ree different

Z, points are plot ted in his l~ay, a cir cle passing through all of th m can

be const ru ted, and this is the Z,-locus,

Llore than th ree poin ts are

usually plot ted, in order to provide a check, and also because the fir st

th ree points might all lie on a small a rc \ rh ich would not provide the

necessary accuracy. After the Z,-poin ts have been plot ted, the circle

can be f und by t r ial and er r or ra ther than by the use of a formal con


The result is shown in Fig. 7.18.

A value of Z, can be associated ;vith each value of the tuning param-

eter B.

By means of the Smith char t , values of B are marked off on

the Y-cir cle, These” points are then rota t ed 180° to give the Z-plot ,

.4t each o these poin ts, the imaginary component of Z is read, the imagi-

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nary component of Z, added (—3.0 in thk case), and the in ter sect ion of

the result ing reactance line with the Z,-circle found. (In some cases it

may be more accura te to use resistance instead of react ance.) In Fig.

7.18 va lues of B are marked off in ten ths on the Z, circle. It is now a

simple mat ter to r ead off the loss for each point by using the contour

diagram of Fig. 7.16. The resu lt is t he curve labeled 0/2% = 0.45, in

Fig. 7.19. The other curves a re plot ted for the same ATR switch and

t ransmit ter but for differen t phases,

19/2r = l/&, 1 being the distance











“i 10









:0.20 —

~ 0.10



0 0,5


FIG. 7.19.—Tuning curves for ATRsw’it ch, G = 0.05,7. = 20.

from the ATR switch , toward the transmit ter , to the point where the

t ransmit ter impedance is 20. The curve for 19/27r=0.25 (Z. =0.05)

is found in the same way as the fir st ne.

For O/2r =0(2. = 20.0),

the var ia t ion is so small tha t t he graphica l method is inconvenient . This

is a imple case and it can be ca lcula ted d rect ly. In fact , since G = l/Z.

in this ca se,


2+ ;

&=l +-—






is obta ined by neglect ing small quant it ies in Iiq, (7).

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The clifference in scale of the curves of Fig. 7.19 should be noted.

For 8/% = O, the loss is always small, whether or not the ATR swi ch

is tuned to resonance, whereas for .9/27 = 0.25, the loss is small a t

resonance but increases rapidly off reson nce.

For 0/2% = 0.45, the

loss is small a t most tuning posit ions but becomes apprec able over a

small range off resonance. In this region the reactance in Z and 2.

tend to cancel, cor responding to a sor t of resonance between ATR

switch and t ransmit ter . This type of curve is ra ther genera l; the other

t wo symmet rical cu rves r epr esen t specia l cases (Z, is real).

It is evident that an ATR switch may be tuned without causing any

appreciable increase in signal, or the signal may be st rong for near ly all

set t ings of the tuner and tall off sharply over a small range. This

behavior is somet imes cit ed to show that th e ATR switch is unnecessary.

This, of course, is t rue for that par t icular t ransmit ter , but if good opera-

t ion is expected when the t ransmit ter has some widely differen t imped-

ance, the ATR switch , or some equivalen t device, must be used.

7.7. Distance between TR and ATR Switches.—It has been assumed

up to this poin t that the .4TR switch has been loca ted on the t ransmit ter

line at the cor r ect distance from the TR junct ion : effect ively (n /2)h, or


+ ~ ~, away, depen din g on t he cir cu it used. Act uallyj t he elect rica l


distance changes with frequency, and it is necessary to determine how

t his a ffect s t he br an ch in g loss.

To determine this, Z + 2. is calculated as before Then 2,, instead

of being set equal to Z + Z,, is obtained by t ransforming Z + 2. down

the line an amount equal to the er ror in 19. As before, the contou r

diagram can be applied to find the loss. Since the t ransformat ion for

line length is simply a rot a t ion on the Smith char t , th is can be accom-

plished by rota t ing the con tour diagram with respect to the (Z + Zc)-

plot .

For the ATR switch at resonance, Z + Z. will be a point near the

r ight -hand end of the real axis in Fig. 7“16. If t he distance between the

switches is var ied, t he situat ion is the same as that discussed in Sec.

7.4 where, with no ATR switch, the distance between the TR s itch and

the t ransmit ter was var ied. Hence, in Fig. 7.11 the port io of the

(~, = 20)-curve, in the region of 1 = O or 0.50, is similar to a loss-vs.-fre-

quency plot f r a tunable ATR switch .

If such an .4TR switch is mo nted on a waveguide t ransmit ter line

a cer ta in distance from the TR junct ion, and the ystem is used over a

cer ta in frequency band, it ay b desirable to know the branching loss

at the band edge.

As the distance between the TR and the AT switches

is usually chosen so tha t it is cor rect at the cen ter of the band, the er ror

in th is distance, when the frequency has changed to the edge of the band,

mu st be det ermin ed

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Th e electr ica l len gth is


It is necessary to find the cor rect ion AO = e, – 0, where 0, is the length

at the edge of the band, and 6 is tha t a t the center .

Sin ce t he ch an ges

a re small

0, = 0 + O’AA+ fd’’(Ak)z,

where the pr imes indica te differen t ia t ion with respect to A, and Ah is

the change in wavelength from band cen ter to edge. This maybe writ ten

AO = O’AX+ ~&’(Ak )2.


If the second term is neglected, the fract iona l er ror in t roduced in


a nd if A@is r epla ced by O’AAthis is a ppr oximat ely



To find /3,

*, = _ z~l

p A:,


or , by using Eq. (4.6)

# = ~1~.

13 ‘


‘“= -24+9=-z”’*[(+Y-’l)


‘= m)-’]%

By the in t roduct ion of the cutoff wavelength A.,

A waveguide of inside width 0.900 in. is commonly used for a band

centered a t A = 3.33 cm. For that case k. = 2 X 0.900 in. = 4.56 cm.,

A/A, = 0.730 and ~ = – 0.43 ~. This value of ~ is a representa t ive one

fo waveguide, since the va lue chosen for ?I/& is usually near the one

given above .

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For coaxia l lin e, h owever ,


which represents a somewhat la r ger er r or .

It isinterest ingth t~ = O

when A/A. = ~~ = 0.816, a figure close to the 0.730 used above,

Fur a 12 per cent band, Ah/A = 0.06 giving P = 0.026 for the wave-

gui~e constants chosen . Since this is small enough to be neglected, the


I~ lG. 7’20.—Los s d ia gr am wit h lin e-lengt h cor r ect ion .

second term in Eq. (20) m y be dropped, and with the aid of Eqs, (19)

and (22), Eq. (20) becomes


o= _. 51 ‘AA



—=— —————————







Again, by the use of k & = ().730,

A9 = –2.140;.


As an illust ra t ion, if the distance betwee the TR and ATR switches

is &ho,and the bandwidth is 12 per cent , then o = r , and Ai/A = – 0.06,

so that AO = 0.402.

To find the branching loss, R + Zc is plot ted as shown in Fig, 7.13,

Then the cent our diagram of Fig, 7.16 is applied, but with the axis r ota ted

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SEC, 7’7]


by an angle 2A0 radians with respect to that of the (R + Z.)-plot .

(Angles measured on the Smith char t are 26.) As shown in J ?ig. 7.20,

the loss, for all values of Z., remains less than 0.4 db.

When it is essent ia l t o keep th e er ror in elect r ica l length t o a minimum,

there is some small advantage in choosing 1 so that there is equal er ror

a t each end of the band, ra ther than set t ing 1 = (n,’4’!A,, a t the cen ter

of the band. To do this, let 6’1and 192be the phase lengths at the two

ends of the band, and let OSbe the cor r ect va lue (r im/2). If 01 — 63 is

set equal to % — d~jthen 63 = (6I + OJ /2 is given which means that



That is, the waveguide wavelengths A,,

and Xo, a re calcu la ted at , each

end of the band, XP, is determined from Eq. (25) and 1 is set equal to


Actually, 1 is usually determined exper imenta lly. If the measure-

ment is to be made at on ly one wavelength , it should be ma e at that

which cor responds to Ao,.

It is more accura te, ho~vever , to make the

measurements at each end of the band, and find the two values II and 12.

Then , for equal er ror , the actual value of 1 must sa t isfy the condit ion

Ordinar ily this method offer s so lit t le improvement over the previ{ms

meth od th at it is impract ica l.

It should be obser~-ed that , the distance bet lveen the TR and the \ TR

junct ions is important , but that if the TR switch and t lw recei~’er are

matched and the .\ TR s]r itch is tunable, the distance from the TIt s~vitch

to its junct ion and the distance from the ATR sivitch to its junct ion are

un impor tan t so far as the recci~”ed signal is concerned.

For the TR

switch , th is is t rue because 1 matched load altvays looks the same at

any dis tance.

F or the .kTR s\ vitch , it is obviously t rue if the ,lTR switch

is a pure susceptan e. In this case, any change in the distance from the

ATR switch to its junct ion merely changes the susceptmce presen ted at

the junct ion , and this can be cor r ected by tuning the ATR s]vitch .

lf, to bc more cor r ect , it is assumed tha t the ATR admit tance con-

sists of a constan t cmlductancc plus a var iable susceptance, then the

admit tance locus 1“ is t lmt sholrn in Fig. 7,17.

Any chang in the dis-

t nce from the ATR slvitch to its junct ion rota tes this 10C11S lxnlt the

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[SEC. 78

or igin . Since G is small, this 10CUSis very near ly concen t r ic w th the


Hence the rota t ion produces only a small change in G and

the change in B can be cor rect ed by tuning.

7.8. Branching Loss for F ixed-tuned ATR Circuit s.-A fixed-tuned

ATR switch of a cer t a in Q., tuned to a cer t a in wavelength , maybe used

in a duplexer in which the dist ance between TR and ATR junct ions is

adjusted to be cor rect a t some par t icu lar wavelength . Ordina rily both

of these wavelengths will be nea r the cen ter of the band and for the

presen t it will be assumed tha t they a re equal t o the cen ter wavelength ,

AO. The branching loss which may then be expected at some par t icu la r

wavelength—for example, at one end of the band—may be calcula ted. A

genera l approach to th is problem is the determina t ion of the loss for

each value of the t ransmit t er cold impedance, 2..

A rep res en t a t ion

of this solu t ion due to A. L. Samuel 1 consist s of a cen t our diagram trans-

formed from that of Fig. 716 back to the Smith char t for Z.. To

accomplish th is t ransformat ion it is necessary to know the cor rect ion

Ad for the distance between the TR and .4TR junct ions and the ATR

impeda nce Z.

For illust ra t ion , the line length when i = AOwill be assumed to be

o = r . The 10SSwill be ca lcula t ed a t a wavelength which differs from

k~ by an amount such tha t AX\ kO = 0.015. With the same value of

A/A. as as used in the previous sect ion , A6 is given by Eq, 24) so tha t

A(2/kO) = AO/2m = –0.016.

If Q,, = 8.0 and G = 0.05, then

B = –2(1 + G)Q,, ~ = –0.25.

Hence, }’ = 0.05 – jO.25 and Z = 0.75 + j3.8. NTow loss contours

a re plot t ed on the Smith char t for 2. + Z by rota t ing the Z~ diagram of

Fig. 716 by an amount – A(1?Lv) = 0.016. To t ransform any con tour to

the Zt char t a c rcle is const ructed through three or four point s plot t ed

by subt ract ing Z from the values on the (Z + Z,)-plot . The result is

shown n Fig. 7.21.

When such a const ruct ion is made it is helpful t o know that the cen ters

of the circles fall on a st ra ight line.

This follows from the fact tha t the

circles on th or igina l car tesian diagram for 1 + ~Y~ of Fig. 7.15 a re

concent r ic and that a bilinear t ransformat ion always changes con-

cen tr ic cir cles in to coa xia l cir cles. Su ccessive bilinea r t ra nsforma tion s

leave them coaxia l since any number of such t ransformat ions are equiva-

lent to a single one.

Since the high-loss contours a re all crowded into a small region , it

could be said tha t a high loss is ra ther improbable. This, of course,


Page 305: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





assumes tha t a ll values of the t ransmit ter r eflect ion coefficien t r . a re

equa lly probable. The probability of the loss exceeding a sta te va lue

a t a given wavelength can be ca lcula ted assuming random phase of r .

or it may be determined for a sta ted wavelength band assuming tha t

phase and wavelength are random.’ The probability of high losses is

usually r at her low. n som e applica tions, u nfor tun at ely, a ny pr oba bility

gr ea ter tha n zer o ma y be u na ccept able.














/); =20



F IG. 7.21.—Loss con tou rs for Z.

There is usually an upper limit to rc and it is clea r from Fig, 7.21

tha t t he maximum value of the loss decrea ses with the maximum value

of rCj for the loci of constan t r , a re circles concent r ic with the or igin

whose radii decr ea se with r ,.

Although the set t ing of an upper limit t o r c r educes he maximum

possible loss, th is upper limit may be so high, for some transmit ter s, as

to be of lit t le help. Thus, measurements made on one type of 10-cm

magnet ron used as a radar t ransmit ter gave va lues of r : a round 30 db

and with some tubes it was as high as 50 db. On the ot er hand, va lues

for one type of 3-cm band tube were near 20 db with a maximum of

about 26 db (r c = 20).

The circle for r . = 20, shown in Fig. 7.21 as a broken line, cor r esponds

to a maximum branching loss of 2.5 db ra ther than the 4.5 db which

I H. K, Farr , “ Character ist ics of Fixed Tuned X Band Ant i-TR,” RL Repor t No.

53-May 13, 1944.

Page 306: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers



[SEC. 7 .8

would be a t ta ined if there were no rest r ict ion on r ,.

Aft er t h e con st ru c-

t ion of the contour diagram, it is a simple mat ter to plot loss us a t ’unc-

t .ion of t ransmit ter phase, for the maximum expected r ,, I]y reading off

t he loss va lu es ver suh angle a round the r, circle.

‘l%is gives a n in dica tion

of the ~robat ]ilitv of cncounter inz a cer t a in loss when a t ansmit ter of




); = 29





0.2 03





(u) +







4 –

3 –

2 –

1 —





0 01 02




(b) ~


I!’lG. 722 -B~al,ch lng loss vs. t r ansmit t er

phase with ATR cawt~ off I esonanre.

tha t r. is used. l’wo of these

cu rves \ vit l r . = 20 a d ~, re-

spect ively, a re shown in Fig. 722.

The phase is measured from the

poin t of minimum impedance so

tha t the phase l/kv = O cor re-

sponds to 2. = O or 0.05. The

two curves a re a lmost ident ica l

over most of the phase range,

differ ing only in the region of the


The st rong dependence of loss

n magnet ron phase indica tes the

desirability of some cont rol over

t his ph ase.

Of cour se, when r , is

igh there is no necessity for an

ATR switch if the phase can be

iven the pr oper va lue; this is just

what is accomplished by the line

st retcher ment ioned in Sec. 7-I.

Never theless, the possibility of

ch oosin g t he best fixed lin e l n gt h

etween t ransmit ter and ATR

tube should not be neglected com-


In cases where there is

enough var ia t ion in Z from one

t rmwnit t ing tube to another to

make an ATR switch necessary, it may st ill be possible to choose the line

length so tha t the transmit ter impedance “helps” the ATR switch .

It should be not iced, however , tha t the opt imum distance from the

TR junct ion to the transmit ter will differ by about a quar ter of a wave-

length, depending on whether or not an ATR switch is used. With a

shunt TR switch , for example, the transmit ter should present a h igh

impedance a t a poin t one-ha lf wavelength from the TR junct ion when

no ATR switch is used. A ser ies ATR switch is likewise placed a t this

point to produce a high impedance. The combina t ion of a highATR

reactance and a high t ransmit ter r eactance of opposite sign at the same

point result s, however , in resonance with high branching loss. This is

Page 307: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SW. 78}

?3R A X CH IA’G 1.0S ,?


seen from the curves of Fig. 722, w ich exhibit maximum loss at a phase

near l/AQ = 0.25 which cor responds to large Z,.

This point diverges

from 0.25 as the frequency moves toward the band edge.

A quant ity of pract ica l impor tance is the maximum possible loss of a

duplexer when the t ransmit ter may have any impedance whatever . .4

closer examinat ion of the fa tors affect ing this maximum loss should,

herefore, be made, For simplicity the distance between TR and ATR

junct ion s Ivill be a ssumed cor r ect .

Exami ation of Fig, 717 then shows

that the maximum low is realized at the poin t Z, = Z + 2. = R where

th e left edge of t he ZL-cir cle int ersect s th e real axis. Th e cor respon din g

ransmit ter impedance Z, = j~, =

–j~ is purely react ive and just

cancels the .lTR reactance at that point .

The cor r es ponding loss fa ct or


11 lG’+IY

az=l+~~ =1+2 G—”

When G is small compared with l?, th is is approximately

1 B’




which shows that the ATR conductance G has an impor tant influence on

the maximum loss. When G is small, the maximum loss decreases as

G increases.

If a limitat ion is placed on the t ransmit ter standing-wave rat io so

that the cold impedance is not purely react ive, it will be found that the

dissipation in the transmit ter a lso tends to lower the maximum branch-

ing loss. In limit ing the standing-wave rat io, an upper limit is placed

on Irc~. This means that Z~ is confined to a circu lar area smaller than

that in Fig, 7.17 but st ill cen tered on the real axis. As before, the maxi-

mum loss~s at ta ined for real Zt with X = – Xc and

~.=l+; Yf=l+



z=~ —



If G is small enough , G’ may be neglected

X=–;, R


.— .




‘j G2+B2”

compa red wit h B2, s o that


=— .



On the other hand,

~ =rc+j tan+


1 + jr , tan @’

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[SEC, 7.6

where @ = 27T(1/x~) is the angula r distance from the A’I’R junct ion

to the point where the tr ansm t ter impedance is r .. The rat ionalizat ion

of Z, gives

~c _ rc(l +tan’@)




1 – r~)tan4



Now tan o can be elimina ted betwe n these two expressions. However ,

to keep the a lgebra from becoming unwieldy some a proximat ions will

be made. It will be assumed tha t r . is la rge compared with one, and

tha t R. in 13q. (28) is of such a magnitude as to make some cont r ibut ion

to a but not so la rge as to cause inordina te losses. A va lue of R + R. = 1

gives a loss of 3.5 db; t her efor e Rc is assumed to be of the order of magni-

tude of unity. This is not incompat ible with our assumpti n rega rding

the magnitude of r . since Rt may ha e an va lue between I/r , and rc.

To find the or der of tan o under these assumpt ions, R. is set equal to one,

and Eq. (30) is solved for tan o, which gives tanz @ = l/r .. It is ther e-

for e possible to neglect tanz @ in compar ison with 1 and wr it e

R, =


1 + r: t an z @“

If Eq. (31) is divided by this expression , then

xc –


E r . ‘an4 = ‘rctan 4“

The subst itu t ion of this into Eq. (32) gives

R. = “ ,-


1+ ~




Again, t he use of the assumption tha t R, = 1 means that 1 + (XJRC) 2

is of the order of r . and can be replaced therefore by (X./ R.) 2 in E q. (33).

Th e solu tion for R. is t hen

At this point a conductance G, = l/rc may be int roduced. This is the

admit tance seen one-quar ter wavelen@h away from the window r

loop of the tr ansmit ter cavity (not to be confused with G, seen a t the

ATR junct ion). The subst itu t ion of Rc = G,/ B2 and Eq. (29) into Eq.

(28) give5


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This is an approximate expression for the maximum loss factor when

the t ransmit t er voltage standing-wave rat io remains less than I/G,.

Evident ly the ATR and transmit ter conductance, G and Gl, have a

similar effect on the maximum loss over this in terest ing range.

It is

clear that if r , is to be very large (Gl small) then the conductance of

the ATR switch should not be too small.

If there is a possibility that G, will be so small as to be of lit t le help

in limit ing the maximum loss, G can be adjusted to make a. as small as

possible for some par t icular frequency, for example, a t the edge of the

band. This is done by changing the cavity losses. This opt imum

value of G is 1111as can be found by set t ing the first der iva t ive of a=

equal to zero in Eq. (26) and not ing that the second der ivat ive B2/ G3 is

posit ive. The minimum value of a= at the band edge is then a= = 1 + G

and at the band cen ter a; = 1 + +G.

The ATR switch used as an example in this sect ion has B = –0.25 .

If G = 0.25 is taken , a loss is given at the band edge of 2 db (a. = 1.25)

and a loss, a t the band cen ter , of 1 db. On the other hand, the old value

of G = 0.05 if used in Eq. (26) gives a maximum loss of 4.4 db at the

band edge and 0.2 db at the band cen ter . That is, the maximum loss

at the band edge is reduced from 4.4 to 2 db at the expense of an increase

from 0.2 to 1 db at the band cen ter .

For a bet ter understanding of the rela t ive merits of different values

of G, t ransmit ter phases other than those leading to the maximum loss

must be considered. A curve of loss vs. t ransmit ter phase can be

plot ted by transforming loss con tours to the Zc-plane as was done to

obta in the curves in Fig. 7.22. Since only hat happens for r . = co

however , is importan t , it is unnecessa ry to make such an elaborate


The locus of Z + 2. for rc = ~ maybe const ructed and the standard

con tou r diagram of F ig. 7.16 applied t o determ in e t he losses.

Th is locus

is a c r cle t hr ou gh R and m with its cen ter on the real axis.

Points may

be marked off on this circle cor responding to var ious values of the

t ransmit ter phase Z/AOby reading off the value of Xc corresponding to

each phase, adding X and locat ing the in tersect ion of the reactance

contour X + Xc with the (Z + Z~)-circle. The resu lt ing Fig. 7.23

which is drawn for Y = 0.05 – jO.25 is seen to be similar to F ig. 7.18

for the ATR-tun ing curve. In the first figure it is the t ransmit t er

impedance and in the second the ATR impedance, that is var ied.

The applicat ion of the loss-contour diagram gives the loss vs. t rans-

mit ter phase. F igure 7.24a shows the curves drawn for the edge of the

band (B = 0.25); the dashed curve is for G = 0.05, and the solid curve

for G = 0.25. The la t t er value, G = 0.25, makes the maximum loss

at th is frequency as small as possib e. F igure 7.24b gives the same data

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at the center of the band, aga in for the two values of G = 0.05 and

G = 0.25. F igure 725 is a plot of the maximum loss, as B is varied,

for the same two values of G.

It is clea r that as fa r as the maximum loss is concerned, there is a

considerable improvement in using the larger G. The smaller G gives

much lower loss values, however , for most poin ts not a t the maximum,

The choice of the opt imum G depends on the rela tive impor tance a t tached

to maximum loss and to the loss under other condit ions, The fixed-


FIQ.7,23.—Diagraru of Z, for var iable t r an smit ter pha se.

tuned ATR switches in use at present have low values of G which charac-

t er ize copper cavit ies.

Instead of determining the maximum possible loss at each wave-

length as was done for the curve of Fig. 7.25, it might be asked how the

actual loss would va ry as the frequency of a tunable transmit ter was

changed. To answer this quest ion, A. L. Samuel’ assumed tha t the

cold impedance remains constan t as seen a t the output window or ins

of the transmit t ing tube. Because of the change in electr ica l length of

the line between the transmit ter and the ATR tube, the phase of the cold

impedance 2. as seen at the ATR junct ion will increase steadily as the

wavelength decreases. The poin t a t which the loss is read on a curve

] Samuel, op. a’t.

Page 311: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


like tha t of F ig. 722 will move to the r igh t .

,it (lie ~ame t ime the cur~,e

it self }vill change because of the change in ATl{ impedance, and the peak

‘ r

(a ) o —


0.1 0,2




(b) @—

FIG. 724.-Loss vs. t r ansmit ter phase,

(a) at band edge, (b) at band cen ter . In

the solid curves G is chosen to minimize tbe maximum loss at the edge of the band; G = O.O5

in t he da shed cu rvds,


4 –






























F IG. 7 .25.—Maximum loss vs. ATR suscep tm ,ce fr om band cen t er t o t h e edge of t h e band.

will increase and move toward the r igh t . For a low-Q ATR cavity and a

transmit t er line of modera te length , the phase of 2. will move faster and

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[SEC. 79

may even cross the loss peak severa l t imes in the band. The result ing

rurve of branching loss against wavelength will resemble tha t o Fig.

7,26. Where there are severa l peaks the Q of the transmit ter line would

be large compared with tha t of the ATR cavity and the number of peaks

in a wavelength range AA wo ld be given approximately by

where 1 is the distance from the ATR iunct ion to the transmit ter . The

peaks of the curve, of

shown in Fig. 725,

course, fa ll on the maximum loss cu rve of the type


FIG. 726.-Branching loss for a tunable t ransmit ter .

7.9. Duplexing Loss under Condit ions of Receiver Mismatch.—In

previous sect ions the loss in received signal between the antenna line

and the TR tube has been considered, under the assumption tha t the TR

tube and mixer were cor rect ly matched. This simplifica t ion, which

a llows the branching loss to be ca lcu la ted m or e easily, is just ified in tha t

it permits an insight int o such fa ct or s as ATR a nd tr an sm it ter im peda nces

and the intercomponent line lengths. Never theless, the more genera l

case of a mixer and a TR tube which present some arbit ra ry admit tance

a t the junct ion should be analyzed.

For this purpose it will be convenien t to lump together the mixer ,

the TR tube, an any other componen s beyond the input window of the

TR tube, and refer to them as the receiver . Since par t of the 10SSin

signal between the antenna line and the TR tube or receiver is caused by

r eflect ion fr om the receiver , the defin it ion of branching loss must n ow be

made m or e explicit . For an arbit ra ry r eceiver admit tance, the branching

loss will r efer to the actua l signa l loss minus the loss with an idea l ATR

circu it . The tota l loss in received signa l is simply the sum of the branch-

ing loss and the convent iona lly de ined TR loss.

F igure 7.27 repr esents duplexer with a t ransmit ter branch of admit-

tance Y~ and a shunt TR junct ion .

The admit tance of the receiver as

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SEC. ~9]



seen at the input window of the TR tube is represen ted by Y,. This

point is effect ively one-quar t er wavelengt h from the junct ion so tha t t he

admit tance s e e n at t h e junct ion is

I/ r = 2..

If the antenna acts as a

matched genera tor , it can be represented

by a current source of interna l conduct -

ance unity. Then the tota l admit tance

across the genera tor is 1 + Z. + Yt , a nd the

genera tor volt age is V = 1/(1 + Z, + Y,)


where 1 is the genera tor current .


conductance presented by the receiver a t

the junct ion is R,, t he re l par t of I/Y,,

and the power delivered to the receiv r is

p = lvlz~, = d~l’~r


11 + z, + Y,!’” ’35)

FIG. 7.27.—Circuit for det er -

The power delivered to a matched load is

minat ion of br anch ing loss with

PO = ~1112and the tota l loss facto ~ is “’’iv” ‘ismatched”

given by




f Y, is set equal to O the value p’ is given for an ideal ATR circuit .

The branching loss is then

l+ r ,.

I the reflect ion coefficien t r , given by Z, = 17, M used then


~ = 11 +*( I — r,) Yt l.


Equat ion (37) applies to a shunt TR junct ion. The corresponding

expression for the ser ies junct ion is a = 11 + ~ (1 — r,)Zt 1, where I’,

st ill r efers to the in ut windo~v of the TR tube,

If t he quant ty

Y; = (1 – r ,)yt (38)

is int roduced, Eq. (37) has the same form as Eq. (7), w-hich gives the

br an ch ing 10SSfor an idea l r eceiver .

Hence if Eq. (38) is wr it ten as


the branching loss for an unmatched receiver can be determined by

plot t ing Z; on the Smith char t , and using the same loss-contour diagram

of Fig, 7016 as was used for a matched receiver .

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[SEC. ?9

The const ruct ion of the Zj plot from the Z, plot is easy when r ,

is known. Si ce r pis constant at any one frequency, the t ransformat ion

of Eq. (39) is seen to be circular , since it has the form of Eq. (8). Hence,

if Z~ is a circle, it is only necessary to cnlcula te three or four poin ts

t o fin d t he Z: locu s.

As an illustrat ion it is assumed tha t the receiv r has a reflect ion

coefficient of r , = re?~ where r = 0.50 and 4 = – 45°. As in Sec. 7.8

F IG. 72S.-Br an ch in g-loss dia gr am showing effect of receiver mismatch.

an ATR circuit is assumed for which Y = 0.05 – jO.25, and a

mit t er for which ~. = =. Hence


— ..-


= 1.19 – jO.64.

The line-length cor rect ion is neglected so that Z, = Z + Z..

F igure 7~8 is a Smith-char t~lot of Z, and Z; for this case. Compar i-

son of the two loci, with the a id of the contour diagram of Fig. 7“16,

shows the effect of the receiver mismatch on the branching loss.

It will

e not iced *hat the Z; locus is part ly outside the area of the usual Smith

char t . This region outside the unit circle Ir ,[ = 1, cor responds to

n ega tive va lu es of R~.

Since Z; is not an actua l impedance but merely a

symbol for the quant ity ZJ (l — I’,), it is not surpr ising tha t it s rea l

pa rt should be negat ive, In order to read losses in this region , t !~e

contours of Fig. 7.16 must be extended beyond the unit circle. It will

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SEC. 79]


be found tha t in order to cover all the I’,-plane it is necessary to use

va lues of a smaller than unity, cor r esponding to negat ive va lues of the

lossin decibels. Anegat ive branching lossmerely means tha t the actua l

ATR circuit result s in less tota l duplexing loss than the idea l ATR circu it

for which 2, = w. Naturally this is possible only when there is some

r eflect ion loss fr om t he r eceiver .

In the illustra t ion the branching loss

actually falls to —0.2 db at one point .

If the steps taken in const ruct ing the original loss-contour diagram

are followed, it will be seen tha t the process can e extended, without




FIG. 7.29.—Smith-char t loss-contour diamam for Z,. generalized to include negat ive


any changes, to th more genera l case of 11’~[> 1 and a < 1. The

diagram has been redrawn in Fig. 7.29 to show the genera l form of the

con tou rs for a ll va lu es of loss.

On t he sca le u sed h er e, t he a rea compr isin g

th e con vent ion al Smith cha rt lies inside t he small cir cle on t he r ight-ha nd

side with the rea l in tercepts (O, @).

The numbers on the contours give

the branching loss in decibels.

Much of the area shown outside this

circle would ra rely cor respond to any pract ica l duplexer .

For any

physica l va lue of r , and Y,, however , r{ may have an value in the whole

complex plane except on the rea l axis to the left of – 1.

To understand the geomet ry of Fig. 7.29, a can be elim inat ed between

Eqs. (17) and (18) which give the radius and center (P ,and rJ of a circle

of constant a . This results in p’ = (1 + rJ (3 + rJ . If a new or igin

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[SEC. 79

2 unit~ to the left of the or igin for r is chosen , and XOis the dist ance

f om the new or igin to the cen t er of the circle, then I’O = xo – 2 and

This shows that two circles whose centers are equidistan t from the new

origin have the same radius and the imaginary axis is a line of sym-

met ry. Let a and a’ be the loss factors cor r esponding to two such

cir cles, a nd L and L’ t he cor re ponding values in decibels. Then if

Eq. (17) is solved for a


I + ro’



4a2 = —

XII— 1“

Th e nega t ive of ZOmust give a’; t her efore

That is, L’ = – (12 + L), s o that once the circles on one side of the

axis of symmetry are compu ted, those on the ot he side can be found


When L’ = L, L = – 6 db—the con tour value for the

a xis of symmet r y.

If ZI and X2 are the in t ercepts of a cir cle on the real axis, t hen

~lzz = (ZO— P)(xO + ~) = Xi — P2 = 1, because of Eq. (40). The rea l

in t ercept s are reciproca l, which is just t he proper ty of the circles of con -

st an t st an din g-wa ve r at io on a n impeda nce ch ar t in ca rt esia n coor din at es.

The loss-contour family on the Smith char t for Z, is seen t o be the same

as the family of “impedance circles”

in car tesian coordina tes, or as the

dou ble family u sed in bipola r coor din at es.

Since the impedance coordina t es on the convent iona l Smith char t

do not ext end ou side the unit circle, t hese must be const ructed when

n ega t ive va lues of Rt a re encoun tered .

The react an ce circles are found

by extendin those a lready presen t , and the resist ance circles can be

found from their rea l in t ercept s a t (R – 1)/(R + 1) and +1.

For an eva luat ion of the ser iousness of the receiver mis atch , a

compar ison of Eq. (37), wr it t en as a = \1 + ~Y~ — ~1’,Y~\ , with Eq.

(7) shows tha t th e cont r ibu t ion of t he receiver mismatch t o t he branching

loss resu lt s from the term –~r,Y,.

It was found in Sec. 7.8 tha t when

the t ransmit t er phase was var ied the maximum loss occu r r ed at the

poin t where Y, was real, provided the TR-to-ATR distance was cor r ect .

Hence the cor r ect ion t erm –~r ,Y, will be of most in terest when Y, is

rea l. For rea l Y~ a nd a fixed value of II’,1, the branching loss is h ighest

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if t he ph se of the receiver mismatch is such that J ?, is rea l and nega t ive.

Likewise, a posit ive rea l r , will minimize the branching loss.

As an illust ra t ion, a va lue of l’, = 1 resu lts in a loss of 3.5 db if the

receiver is matched. If, however , Y, = 1.5, and Yt = 1, then r , = – 0.20,

increase of 0.6 db in t he branching loss whereas t he reflect ion loss for th is

value of r , is only —20 log (1 — I’:) = 0.18 db. If ~ is taken equal to

0.05, the branching losses for Y- = 1.0 and 1.5 are 0.214 and 0.256 db,

r espect ively, r epr esen tin g an in cr ea se of on ly 0.042 db beca use of r eceiver

mismat h. Thus, the receiver mismatch may in some cases be more

important to the branching loss than to the reflect ion oss.

F igure 7.30 is a diagram, in car tesian coordinates, of Y, and Y;,

which shows how the branching loss var ies if the magnitude of r , is



FIQ. 7.30.—Loss’ dia gr am for Y’, wit h con st an t II’,].

held constan t while the ph se changes. If Eq. (7) is writ t en as

12 + Y,l = 2a it is clear that the loss contours are circles of radius

2a centered at (– 2).

Since Y; – Y, = – I’,Y,, Y: must fall somewhere on a circle of radius

lr ,Y,] about Y, as a cen ter . Where r , is real and posit ive, – I’rYt is

direct ed toward the or igin so that this phase of I’, st ill t ends to r duce

the branching loss, even though Y, is not real.

In Chap. 3 phase data were reproduced for the reflect ion coefficien ts

of cer ta in fixed-tuned TR tubes which would enable the determina t ion

of their cont r ibu t ion to the branching loss.

In many cases, however ,

t he phase of the reflect ion coefficien t may not be known, although its

magnitude, or an upper limit of the magnitude, may be known.


it is useful to know the maximum change in the branching loss that could

be caused by a I’,, of a cer ta in magnitude but unknown phase,

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[SEC. ;9

F igu re 7.30 sh ows t hat

where CM= 11 + +1-~1 is the branching loss for a matched receiver .


the upper limit , in decibels, of the amount by which the actual branch-

ing loss for a receiver o reflect ion coefficien t II’,! can exceed that for a

mat ch ed r eceiver is



20 1W1O 1 + *

An importan t example of receiver mis atch is that encountered in

tuning a TR cavity. With an ideal duplexer the TR cavity is tuned to

FIG. 7.31 .—Gain contour for tunable T R

tube in t he ~~-pla ne.

resonance for maximum signal.

Since this is not generally t rue for

an arbit rary ATR circuit , the

quest ion ar ises as to how much

improvement in signal could be

expect ed by tuning the TR switch

for maximum signal instead of for


In this case the over-all loss

fact or p rat her than t he branching

oss is the quant ity of in terest .

The subst itut ion of R, = G,/ / Y ,l 2

n Eq. (36) resu lts in

B2 =

* I1 + Y,(I + Y,)l’.


If the TR c vity is matched

through at resonance, then off

resonance Y, = 1 + jllr where B,

can be var ied by tuning. Since G. = 1, @ = 11 + ~[Y, + jB,(l + YJ ] 1,

and if Y; is set equal to

I’t + jlil,(l + Y,),

@ = 11 + ~Y~l so tha t the ordinary contour diagram for Y{ is again

applicable. Of course, th is is not the same Y; as was used for comput ing

the branching loss.

This is illust ra ted in Fig. 7.31 where poin t P r epr esen ts Y, in ca rt esia n

coor din at es, a nd T U and HO the real and imaginary axes, respe t ive y.

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SEC. 791


The vector jB,(l + Yt) will be at r ight angles to (1 + YJ so tha t Y’,

will fa ll somewhere on the line AI?, which passes through P and is per -

pendicular to the line from P t o (– 1). As in Fig. 730, the contour s of

constan t loss are circles concent r ic about the point ( – 2). Hence, the

va lue of Y[ which result s in the least loss will be repr esented by tha t poin t

Y;. on line All which is closest to (– 2). This poin t , a t the foot of the

perpendicular fr om ( – 2), is labeled M.

The gain in signa l voltage obta ined by tuning the TR cavity from the

matched condit ion to tha t for maximum signal is the ra t io a/Pn, where a

is the loss factor cor responding to Y~, a nd & that for Y:..

Since @ = O,

the ga in is

i = ‘ec “


and the gain contour s are also d-contours.

Since the locus of a point P which subtends a constan t angle d at

two fixed poin ts E and F is a cir cle t hr ough E and F, t he 0-cont ou rs a re

circles through E and F, similar

to the one shown. This family of

circles can be t ransforme to the

r ,-plane by t ransforming the

points E and F according to

the equa t ion


r , = (1 – Y,)/(1 + Y,).

The resu lt ing poi ts a re – 3 and

FIG. 7,32.—Gain-con tour construct ion in

cc, which means that the con-

the I’,-plane.

tours a re a family of st ra igh t

lines through – 3. In the Y,-plane a contour makes the angle CEF

with the rea l axis, and this angle is equal to 19,as can be seen by

moving P around the contour into coincidence with E. Since the t rans-

format ion is conformal, the contours make an angle @with the rea l axis

in the I’~-plane as well. This makes it possible to draw the gain-contour

diagram for a Smith char t , a t once, by the use of Eq. (41). The con-

st ruct ion is indica ted in Fig. 7.32, whi h is drawn for the r~-plane.

Th e

circle centered at the or igin is the boundary of the ordinary Sm th

char t , and the line through (—3), making an angle 0 with the rea l axis,

is a ga in contour . For the maximum gain, sin d = ~, that is, the maxi-

mum improvement to be expected from the use of a tunable TR cavity

to cor rect the branching loss, is 20 logl~ sec sin-’ + = 0.51 db.

Figure 733 shows the “contours in more deta il. Compar ison with

Fig. 7.16 shows tha t the improvement s very small for any ordinary

du plexer , especia lly a t t he maximum loss wh ich occu rs n ea r t ile r ea l axis

As usual, the resu lts of this sect ion, which were obta ined on the basis

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of the shunt TR junct ion , can be applied a t once to the ser ies TR junc-

t ion . The equat ion cor responding to Eq. (36) for the over -a ll loss f ctor

is t hen

B’ = *I1 +2,+2,1’,


which differs only in the replacement of Y~by Zt , so tha t exact ly the same

opera t ions a re per formed in the Z~ plane for the ser ies TR circu it as were

ca r r ied out for the shunt TR junct ion in the Y~-plane.





Fm. 7.33.—Gain con tours for tunable TR tubes on a Smith char t ,

7.10. Duplexers with Mu t iple ATR Circuits. -In an ATR circu it

of the type whic has been considered, it is evident from Fig. 7,17 or

from Eqs. (26) or (34) tha t the maximum branching loss increa es

rapidly with the ATR susceptance B. For a given wavelength band,

B at the edge of the band is determined essent ia lly by the loaded Q

of the ATR cavity. Because it is difficult to design a simple ATR cavity

with a sufficien t ly low loaded Q, circu its with more than one resonant

element are often used in an a t tempt to widen the effect ive wavelength

range of the ATR switch .

In Chap. 4 it was poin ted out tha t the improvement of a two-termina l

device by the addit ion of circuit elements connect ed acr oss the terminals

appear s to be precluded by the reactance theorem. This means tha t

there is ava ilable a two-termina l device whos e clmngs in suscep tance

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SEC, 7.10]



over the band has been made as low as possible, and some improvement

can be obta ined only by using several elements connected in to the t rans-

mit ter line in such a way as to minimize a = 11 + ~Yf[.

Since two elements of admit tance Y give an admit tance ~Y when

connected n ser ies, the use of two tubes reduces the susceptance to half

it s value. If n tubes are used in ser ies, the susceptance is reduced to one

nth of its value. The same effect can be gained by spacing tubes one-

half waveguide wavelength apar t a long the t ransmit ter line provided

that t he effect of line-length var ia t ion can be n eglected.

The use of two tubes, spaced one-quar ter waveguide wavelength

apar t , a lso effects a marked improvement over the use of a single tube.

This is t o be expect ed because, as pr eviously expla ined, t he high branch-

ing losses appear when the transmit ter reactance cancels the large react -

ance of the ATR tube, whereas the effect of adding a second tube one-

qu ar ter wa velen gt h closer t o t he t ra nsm it ter is t o pr esen t a low impeda nce

at the first tube.

The quest ion natura lly ar ises as to whether any spacing other than

ze o or one-quar ter wavelength would give good resu lts. It is not

necessary at presen t to consider

spacings of one-h alf wa velength

or mor e, sin ce t hey a re equ iva len t

to the shor ter ones but with a

grea ter cor rect ion for var ia t ion

due to frequency changes. Actu-

a lly t he on ly sa tisfa ct or y spa cin gs

for broadband work are zero or

on e-qua rt er wavelength , or th eir

equivalen t , because only these

t--- +---+

FIG.7.34.—Equ iva len t cir cu it for t wo ser iea -

coupled ATR tube .

spacings t ill r esult in eq~al losses at the two ends of the band. Any

other spacing gives a lower loss at one end of the band and a h igher

loss at the other , provided that the cavit ies a re tuned to the cen ter of

t he band.

An analysis will be made of the var ia t ion in branching loss for two

ATR tubes as the phase distance 4 = 27rl/Ag between the two ju ct ions

is changed. In Fi . 7.34, 2. is the t ransmit ter impedance as seen at the

first ATR junct ion and Z is the impedance of either ATR tube since

the two are assumed for the present to be ident ical. Also Z* = Z + 2.;

2* is ZI t ransformed down the line a distance ~ to the next ATR junct ion;

Z~ = Z + Z2 and Z, is Z~ transformed back to th TR junct ion . It is

assumed that Z~ = 23 since the effect of an e ror in the TR-ATR distance

can be readily determined by a rota t ion of the loss-con tour diagram.

F igu re 7.35 gives t he Smit h-ch ar t r epr esen ta ti n of t hese imp da nces

for a par t icular value of Z, a t a par t icular frequency. As in some previous

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[SEC, 7.10

illust ra t ions G = 0.05. Since the ATR cavity is assumed to be detuned

to B = – 0.33 on the low-frequency side of resonance, Z = 0.45 + j2.96.

If Zc is a llowed to take any value, Z, is confined to the in ter ior of the

circle, ma ked l“ in Fig. 7.35a, which passes through Z and co. This is

the same circle tha t previously represented Z, for a single ATR cavity











FIG. 7.35.—Loss diagrams for ATR tubes; (a) Smith char t for ZZ; (b) Z, at low fre-

quencies; (c) Z3 at h igh frequencies; (d) 2s with decrease in 4.

with no line-length er ror s. To obta in Zz the ZI circle is rota t ed about

the or igin by an amount 24 = 4zl/& radians to some posit ion such as

tha t of the circle U. The circles T and V represent Zz for @ = O and

7r/2 respect ively; s is merely a fixed circle which is a iways tangent to Lr

as @is var ied. The boundary circle Q of the Smith char t has the same


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SEC. 7“10]



The addit ion of the constan t Z transforms this complete ZZ-diagram

to the Za-diagram of Fig. 7.35b. When this is done theli e AB of zero

r ea ct an ce becom es t he ar c A’B’ of reactance X which connect s Z and ~.

The circle Q represen t ing zero resistance goes over in to Q’ represent ing

the res is tance R. Sin ce Q, S, T, and V are or thogonal to the line ABJ the

t ra nsformed cir cles Q’, S’, T’, and V’ are or thogonal to A ‘B’. Since

the circles T, U, and V are tangen t to Q and S, they will remain tangen t

a fter t ransformat ion . Since Z + ~ = ~, Q’, and T’ must pass t hr ou gh

m and must be tangen t to the unit circle W.

When the circles Q’ and S’ have been drawn, it is easy to follow the

behavior of the circle U’, wklch represen ts the range of impedance Z?

for some arbit rary line length & As @increases, U’ moves around in a

clockwise direct ion , a lways remaining tangent to the two fixed circles

Q’ and S’ and assuming the pos t ions T’ and V’ when @ = O and 7r/2.

If it is assumed that the nearer ATR tube is O or ~k, distant from the TR

junct ion and tha t the junct ion is of the shunt type as usual, then Z, = Z3

and the ordina y loss-cent our diagram Fig. 7.16 gives the range of loss

for any posit ion of the circle U’.

The ci cle Q’ is iden t ica l with the

circle T, wh ich r epr esen ts Z~ for a sin gle ATR t ube sin ce bot h pass t hr ou gh

Z and m.

Hence, comparison of U’ and Q’ indica tes the rela t ive

improvement of two ATR tubes over a single tube.

F igure 7“35b represen t s condit ions at th lower end of a frequency

band with the ATR cavit ies resonan t nea the cen ter .

As t he fr equ en cy

is increased from the lower end of the band toward the upper end Z

moves down toward the poin t 20 on the real axis and reaches it a t reson-

ance. The circle Q’, with all the circles inside, collapses in to the small

circle th rough 20 and m.

At st ill h igh er fr equ en cies Z mo es down below

the real axis and at the upper end of the band the condit ions of Fig.

7.35c a re r ea lized .

If the resonant frequencies of the ATR cavit ies a re adjusted for the

same detun ing at each end of the band, as would be done for minimum

loss, Z will be the same at each end except for a change in sign of the

reaxtance and the values at the low and high ends can be designa ted by

Z and Z*. In Fig. 735a the circle T is the same at both ends of the band.

For the moment the change in @ across the band will be neglected and

this means that all of F ig. 7“35a will be iden t ica l a t the two ends of the

band. In Figs. 7“35b and c represen t i g the two ends of the band,

A“B)’ is the image of A’~’ in the real axis since Z* is the image of Z.

Since the circles Q, S, T, and V are symmetr ica l with respect to the axis

All, Q“ will be the image of Q’, S“ of S’, and so for th . In par t icular T“

will cover the same range of losses as T’, an V“ as V’.

On the other hand the circle U, which in general is not symmetr ica l

rela t ive to AB, will t ra nsform t o cir cles U’ and U“ wh ich a re n ot ima ges.

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[sEC. 7.10

The rela t ive posit ions of U’ and U“ may b visualized by not ing that

U is tangent to Q at a poin t o Q between B and A when moving clockwise

from B t o A. This proper ty must hold for the transformed circles.

It foll ws then tha t any spacing other than zero and one-quar ter guide

wavelength will, in genera l, give unequal losses a t the two ends of the

band, and will give a grea ter maximum loss at one end of the band

than tha t rea liz d by one of the two spacings O or ~x,. 1

The effect of the var ia t ion in @between the two ends of the band will

be considered next . Suppose tha t I#Js set a t either T/2 or r r (1 = *XOor

+Xo) at the band center and tha t @is sufficient ly l near to have the er ror

the same at each end. The change in @merely causes each of the circles

which were at T’ and V’ t o take u one of the posit ions of the var iable

circle U’. On the low-frequency side O, which is measured clockwise

on a Smith char t , becomes smaller and the circles are shifted counter -

clockwise with respect to 2“ and V’ (that is, the point of tangency with

Q is sh ifted in tha t sense).

In Fig. 7 .35d , V’” and T’” have been shifted by an amount



= A ~ = 0.05 and 0.10,


rela t ive t o V’ and T’ respectively.

This cor responds to the fact that

a spacing of one-ha lf wavelength result s in twice the shift expected

from a onequar ter -waveleng h spacing. On the high-frequency end

the shift is equal and opposite so tha t circles represent ing the two ends

of the band on a Zz-char t will be images in the rea l axis AB. Hence the

ZS-diagrams are also images and the argument about the opt imum spac-

ing is the same as before.

It is concluded that even where there is appreciable phase shift

across the band in the distance between ATR junct ions, the best result s

a re obta ined by the use of spacing either one-quar ter guide wavelength

or one-ha lf gui e wavelength at the center of the band. A similar sym-

metry considera t ion applies to changes in the distance between the TR

1To prove this , th e locus is const ru cted of th e poin t on U’ which givesmaximum

lossas @is varied. The point on this locuswherethe lossis a maximumor a minimum

(for b) is a poin t wher e a n envelope of t he cir cles U’ is t angen t to a loss con tou r.

Th ere must be at least four such points :a maximumand minimumof this locus,and a

maximumand min imum of the simila r locus of the poin t on U’ which gives a mini-

mum loss. There a re just two envelopes ,t he cir cles Q’ and S’, and each of theee is

t angen t to a los scon tou r a t on ly two poin t s making just fou r in a ll or one each of the

extremum points enumerated.

Th e two loci of t he maximumpoin t a t t he two ends of t he band a re images. If

L(4) is t he loss a t on e en d, L’(o) t ha t a t t he ot her en d, L a nd L t he va lu es for o = O

and m/2, then L(d) and L’(+) t raversethe samevalues in oppos ite dkect ions and are

equ al a t dJ= Oand /2. F rom t he fa ct t ha t L has only one maximuma nd one mini-

mum and is neverconstant i t followsthat eitherL or L’iegreaterthan oneof L, andL

at all t imes except when @= Oor T/2.

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SEC. 7’10]



and adjacen t ATR junct ions so that th is spacing shou ld also be set a t

the equ ivalen t one-ha lf gu ide wavelength at t he band cen t er (for shun t

TRandser ies ATR circuits). Fu r thermore theconclusion for t he in ter -

ATR spacing st ill holds when the TR-ATR spacing changes with


Compar ison of b and d of Fig. 7.35 shows tha t the fr equency depend-

ence of o causes V’” to be shifted somewhat to the left rela t ive to V’,

with a cor r esponding increase in the maximum loss, wh ile T“” has con -

t ract ed r ela tive

to T’ with a considerable decrease in the maximum loss

(actually a drop from 3.5 to 1.3 db in this par t icular case). Thus, the

quar ter -wavelength spacing is considerably bet ter than the ha lf-wave-

len gt h spa cin g wh en t he fr equ en cy sen sit ivit y of t he spa cin g is n egligible.

But when the phase shift becomes appreciable it tends to increase the

maximum loss in the quar ter -wavelength case and to decrease it for the

ha lf-wa velength sepa ra tion unt il t he la tt er is actually su per ior .

Of course, if the phase shift goes far enough the loss for the half-

wavelength spacing will in cr ea se.

Examinat ion of the tangent point of a

Z~-circle on Q’, which has been marked off in Fig. 7.35d for va lues of

spacing 0.10 apar t , shows, however , that the points tend to bunch around

0.25 where the loss is small. Hence a fa ir ly small decrease in d brings

the T’ circle into this r egion where it remains until @ has dropped to a

very low value. Although quar ter -wavelength and half-wavelength

spacing are g od for a na rrow and a broad band respect ively, zer o spacing

is not to be recommended.

A clearer view of the branching-loss var ia t ion is obtained from the

curves of Fig. 7.36 which plot the branching loss as a funct ion of trans-

mit ter phase with a t ransmit ter of T, = @ for va rious sepa rat ions @of

the two ATR junct ions. 1 The same value of Z was taken as tha t used

1To compu te t hese cu rves t he t angen t cir cles S’ a nd ~ a r e con st ru ct ed. Th e

point of tangencyof the circle U’ is markedoff on Q’for each value of o by transformi-

ng it fr om t he Q-cir cle. Th e Z~cir cle U’ for a ny @can t hen be dr awn a t on ce. For

each such circle,however, it is necesearyt.ama rk off po nts corresponding various

va lues of the t ransmit terphaee 0. This can be done by star t ing with a Z,-diagram

like t h e Z,diagr am of F ig. 7.23 and then transformingindividually the point cor-

respondingto each value of O. To avoid repeat ingthis procedurefor every ~, loci of

con st an t o can be dr awn on the ZAiagram, making it poca ible to dete rmine0, for

each point on”theZ4rcle, from the locus interceptingat that point.

In the cons t ruct ionof these loci it is not iced tha t se 4 var ies; the &poin taon the

U-circleof Fig. 7.35a tra ce out concentriccirclesabout the origin. Hence,the tran s-

format ionof theseloci to the Z~plane yieldsa family of circlecwith centerclying on a

et ra igh t lin e. Th e lin e of cen ter eic det ermin edby t he poin t Z, = Z + 1, wh ich is

t h e t r an sformat ionof t h e cen t er of t h e concen t ric family, and by the cen t e of Q’

wh ich is a member of t he family. By addingR to the interjectionR$ of any O-circle

with the All-axis , the in tersect ion R: wit h t he a re “A1?’k found. With two such

in tersee tioneand the oenter line it ie eaeyto cons t ruct any &circle . The ucual low-

Contourdiagramcan thenbe appliedto any Z@frele to t iudthe 1- for eachvalue of @.

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for the diagrams of Fig. 7“35.

The TR-ATR distance was assumed to

be zero. A modera te change in this distance tends to ra ise the genera l

loss level withou t grea t ly changing the for m of the curves.

It is eviden t tha t the best condit ions obta in with b/27T = 1/10 = 0.40.

A modera te decrease in spacing from one-half wavelength is quite















0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 $**

F IG. 7 36.—Loss vs. t ra nsm it ter ph ase for

beneficia l whereas a small increase in the separa t ion causes the losses

to r ise and spread out over a la rge par t of the phase range. If the same

va lues of o are read a t the other end of the band (the h igh-frequency

side) a set of curves similar , but in r ever se order , resu lts.

It appears desirable to use half-wavelength spacing at the cen ter of

the band and ar range to have 4 change with fr equency so as to have an

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SEC. 710]


opt imum value a t the band edge. In this par t icula r example a shift in

~/!Ar of 0.10 between the cen ter and either end of the band would result

in the best loss curve (4/27r = 0.40 in Fig. 7“36) a t each end. If, in Eq.

(24), 8 is set equal to T and AO/27r = –0.10, then AA/k = 0.094. Hence

with half-wavelength spacing and the waveguide constants assumed in
















0.10 0,20 0.30

0. 0 0.50 ;!-

two ATR circu it s with var ious spacings .

Eq. (24), a 19 per cen t band would be required to produce the opt imum

phase shift . With the more commonly used bandwidths of five or ten

per cent an ATR spacing of one or two wavelengths is indica ted. The

necessa ry phase shift might also be obta ined with a shor ter spacing by

reducing the waveguide width so as to make X. smaller .

The curve for @/27r = 0.10 is of par t icula r interest . If Z is t rans-

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formed down the line a distance of 4/27r = 0.10 the result will be very

close to the conjuga te of Z

This condit ion , which ar ses when the

complex conjuga te of Z is equal to the va lue of Zj obta ined with Z. = O,

will be refer r ed to as a “mutua l” resonance between the two ATR tubes.

This condit ion usually exists a t the normal resonant frequency. When

it happens a t a frequency far enough from the center fr equency, however ,

t he losses

usually become high over much f the phase range of Z..

In order to understand th is, r efer ence is aga in made to l?ig. 723

wh ich cor responds to a Z1-plot in the presen t case and which shows most

of the Zc phase poin t s crowded together in the neighborhood of the poin t

Z where o = O. This is because Xc = tan d and ha lf the ange of d

cor responds to va lues of X ~ 1. Since the X-l-con tours of t he Smith

char t a re close in the vicin ity of Z, th is r ange of X. is on ly a shor t in terval


the char t . On the Z3-char t a lso, the phase poin t s tend to congrega t e

abou t o = O. It wou ld be expected, t hen , that if th is poin t were in a

region where the losses were h igh , t hey wou ld be so for much of the range

of 0. lV en mutual resonance occurs t he (0 = O)-poin t (ZC = O) gives

ZS = 2R. If th is fr equency differ s very grea t ly from the cen t er fr e-

quency, R is small, the losses are la rge, and the result is a curve like tha t

for 4/2T = 0.10.

For tuna tely this behavior occur s only over a small range of O. This

can be expla ined by applying the same sor t of reasoning to o as was just

used for 0. If va lues of .$ a re marked off on the (O = O)-locus in the

Z2 Smith char t , the point @/27r = 0.10 occur s at a la rge va lue of X,

while the point a t X2 = O is @/27r = 0.30. When this locus is t rans-

formed to the Z,-diagram, the +-points bunch around 4/27r = 0.30 and

are ra ther widely spaced at q$/27r = 0.10. Since the former va lue of @

gives a loss curve with a sharp peak, tha t type of curve will be rea lized

for most va lues of 1$and the curve with the broad maximum will be et

only wh en o/2%r is close t o 0.10.

This mutual resonance will appear if the ATR epara t ion differs

even slight ly from ~~r . It is then quite close to the ind vidual r esonance

poin t and does not cause high losses. Its presence is readily detected,

h owever , if t he st an din g-wa ve r at io is mea su red a s a fu nct ion of fr equ en cy

looking toward Z,, with Z. a matched load. TVhen @is cor ect a simple

resonance curve with a single maximum is obta ined. If the er ror A@

is appreciable, however , the result ing curve will have a dip a t the mutual

resonance poin t , which provides a sensit ive means of determining the

er ror Al in the cavity separa t ion 1.

The point of the dip is given approximately by B = – ~A’qt where

A’@ is the er ror in ~ at that frequency (AO corresponds to the individua l

resonance frequency). This is seen by finding the admit tance Y2 of the

fir st cavity as seen at the second,

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~,= Y+~tan A’@ “ G+j(B+ tan A’@)

1 +~Y tan A’@ = 1 – Btan A’@+~G tan A’@”

If G, B, and A’@ are all small, Y, = G +~(11 + A’@). When A’~ = –2B,

Y, = G – jB and X = –X2; the condit io for mutual resonance is

therefore sat isfied.

If t he separ at ion AAof t he mutu al and individual r eson an ces is kn own ,

the er ror Al can be found. For A’+ can be thought of as the sum of the

er ror A@ at the individual resonance poin t plus the er ror A“@ due to the

change in frequency from that poin t to the mutual resonance poi t .

That is, Ad = A’+ – A“@, and

A!+ = –2B

z 4QL ~,


Since Al = A@ Q/27r ,



When 1 is too long, the dip in the standing-wave-rat io cu rve will be on

the long-wavelength side of the individual resonance poin t . When two

ca vit ies a re pr oper ly spa ced, bu t n ot t un ed t o exa ct ly t he same fr equ en cy,

a mutual resonance will appear at a point halfway between the two

individual resonance poin ts where BI = —BZ. The st andin g-wave-

ra t io curve will a lso show a dip in th is case. To determine whether

these er ror s are ser ious, it is necessary a t le st in theory, to find the

maximum loss in the usual way as Zc is var ied.

H owever , t he loss cor -

responding to 2. = O would probably be fa ir ly represen ta t ive in this

case, and this :s found by using 23 = 2R = 2G/(G2 + B2).

7.11. Double Tuning for Wideband ATR Circu it s.—In any at tempt

to design wideband ATR circu it s, it is impor tan t to consider the possi-

bility of “staggered” tuning which involves tun ing one of the pair of

ATR cavit ies to resonance near each end of the band. With ha lf-wave-

length spacing, the loss would be negligible at each of the two resonant

frequencies, assuming no er ror in the ATR spacings. Since under these

condit ions the two ATR cavit ies a re ill ser ies, either one will inser t t he

proper high impedance at resonance. When changes in the ATR separa-

t ion due to frequency dependence are considered, the loss is the same

at the resonant frequency of the fir st ATR cavity (the one nearest the TR

ju nct ion ), and is sligh tly h igh er at t he ot her r eson an t fr equ en cy.

At the cen ter frequency, however , t he mutual reson nce appears and

the loss cu rve has a very broad maximum. .4s this occu rs at t he cen ter

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[SEC. 7.12

of the band it is not possible to make b e of the favorable shift in @which

appea rs a t the ends of the band.

This type of circu it does not appear to

offer any advantages for broadband applica t ions, a lthough it is sa t is-

factory where it is aesired to opera te a t on ly two dist inct fr equencies,

for example, for combined radar and beacon r ecept ion .

St aggered tun ing with quar ter -wavelength spacing between ATR

cavit ies does mer it considera t ion .

The losses a re low at each of the two

ATR r esona nt frequencies, but no mutual r esona nce appears a t the cen ter

frequ ncy. If one cavity is tuned to each end of the band, the maximum

loss a t the cen t er frequency is the same as if t he two cavit ies were tuned

to the cen t er fr equency and the loss determined at one end of the band

assuming no er r or in O. T is is t r ue be ause the Z1-circles a re iden t ica l

for a given va lue of Z and for the conjuga te of Z. Wi h the two cavit ies

tuned to frequencies somewhat inside the two ends of the band, the over -

a ll maximum loss is considera bly below tha t for synchronous tuning.

With double tuning the differ nce in susceptance of the two cavi-

t ies is a constant approxima tely independent of fr equency. If th is

difference is made too la rge with quar t er -wavelength spacing, a mutua l

r esonance will appea r at the band edge. As the susceptance differ -

ence is increased, the resonance poin t moves in toward the cen t er of

the band. It appears, t herefore,

tha t t he result s for double tuning

wit h qu ar ter -wa velen gt h spa cin g wou ld be good for moder at e ba ndwidt hs

but would det er iora t e rapidly for very wide bands.

There is some pract ica l disadvantage in using cavit ies tuned to

differen t frequencies. In low-Q circu it s it is nece sary to make the tube

and cavity integra l and fixed-tuned and this means the use of two tube

t ypes if t wo r eson an t fr equ en cies a re desir ed.

The analysis of the double ATR circuit indica tes two possibilit ies.

(1) For very wideband opera t ion , both cavit ies a r e tuned to the cen t er

fr equency and spaced (n/2)ka apar t .

The frequency sensit ivity of the

waveguide between the two cavit ies is adjusted to give opt imum elec-

t r ica l length a t the band edge. (2) For modera te bandwidth the cavit ies

a re spaced one-quar ter wavelength apar t and stagger -tuned. The

resonant frequencies a re adjusted to g ve the lowest loss over the band.

7.12. ATR Circu it s with More than TWG %vitches.-where a circuit

using two ATR cavit ies fa ils t o cover the fr equency band proper ly the

use of addit ional cavit ies may reduce the branching lo s st ill fu r ther .

If, for inst ance, on e ha s n ident ica l ca vit ies wit h h alf-wa velen gt h spa c ng

and impedance Z, the resu ltan t impedance, assuming all distances a re

cor r ect , is Z, = nZ + 2. and the maximum loss is obta ined by set t ing

Z, = nR. By the addit ion of more tubes this loss could be made as

small as desir ed if t he cor rect spacing over t he band could be mainta ined.

The situat ion is not quite so simple when the var ia t ion in the phase

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length of the spacing is taken in to account , F igure 7.37 shows plot s

of Z~ for differen t numbers of ATR tub s. By the ext nsion of the nota -

t ion of Fig. 7.34, Zl, Za, Zb . . .

r epresen t the va lues of Z~ for 1, 2, 3,

. . .

ATR cavit ies. As usual each cir cle is drawn to represen t the range

of Z. when Z. is a llowed any value.

For each tube Z was taken to be

0.20 + j2.00, which represen ted a cavity with a conductance of G = 0.05

detuned far enough to permit a maximum branching loss of about 11 db

when used lone. The successive cavit ies a r e spaced a distance

FIG, 737.-Impedance plot s So, succes>i~ely added ATR cavit ies.

l/ A, = 0.40 apar t which makes a llo~vance for a drop from half-wave-

length spacing at t he band cen ter

The construct ion ~vas made in the usual manner by rota t ing one

circle a distance of 0,40 and then adding Z to a few point s to get the next

circle. If the cor r ect TR distance is assllmed, the maximum loss for

1, 2, 3 tubes is 11 db, 3.5 db, 1.00 dbj 0,40 db, 0.30 db, 0.27 db,

0.27 db . . . .

The impedances Z,, Z,, Zs . . .

approach a limit ing va lue Zl which

may be found easily if the tubes and spacings a re all ident ica l.

It is

mer ely the itera t ive or character ist ic impedance of t he st ructur e.


st ru ct ur e ca n be divided in to idcn tir al symmet rica l elemen ts by bisect in g

each ATR cavity,

Then each element is a t ransmission line of length

@ = 2d& in ser ies \ vith ~Z at each end,

The cha ra ct er ist ic impedance

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[SEC. 712

is t hen -, whe e Zw and Z= are the open-circu it and shoficircu it

impedances of t he elemen t. The impedance of an open-en d t ransmission

line is –j cot @ so that Z- = &Z – j cot $. When one end of the ele-

ment is shor t -circu it ed the line is t ermina ted by iZ.

By the use of the

st an dar d t ran smission -lin e form ula , t he im peda nce Z,. is

Since the imped nce seen from just in fron t of the first ATR cavity is of



Zl=~Z+t iZmZmc=~Z+ l+~–jZ cot&

This shows that Z, can become infinite only when @ = mr. Hence

ha lf-wavelength spacing is to be prefer red. Cont ra ry t o the situat ion

for only two tubes, t he depa r ture from one-ha lf wavelength over the

band should be kept as small as possible.

For quar ter -wavelength spacing ZI reduces to *Z +


1 + : which

is t he expr ession for t he con tin ued fr act ion


‘+Z+ 1

z+ 1

obtained by adding the elemen ts in one a t a t ime.

If two st r uct u res of iden tica l elemen ts wh ich h ave qu a rt er -wavelengt h

and half-wavelength spacings, respect ively, a t t he cen ter of a band are

compared, it appears ha t the loss at the ends of the band is less for the

half-wavelength separa t ion . Unlike the case of only two ATR tubes,

thk is t rue whether or not d changes with frequency. It has already

been seen that this is t rue when o is constan t .

Figu re 737 illu st ra tes t he h alf-wa velen gt h ca se at t he low-fr equ en cy

end of the band where the spacing has dropped to .40 wavelength ,

t is seen that Z~ has moved around from Z in the direct ion of lower losse.

A considera t ion of the successive poin s Z. on the Smith char t will show

that this is normal, whereas in the quar t er -wavelength case Zt tends

t o sh ift in t he opposit e dir ect ion .

The pr inciples of double uning can a lso be car r ied over to more than

one pa ir of ATR tubes. Thus with an even number of .4TR cavit ies

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uniformly spaced every other cavity cou ld be tuned to one frequency

near one end of the band and the remainder to another freque cy near

the other end. If enough cavit ies a re used to approximate the limit ing

impedance then , uniike the situat ion for on ly two tubes, the ha lf-wave-

length spacing with double tuning compares favorably with the quar ter-

wavelength spacing.

It will be remembered tha t the half-wavelength spacing with double

tuning was unsa t isfactory for two tubes because the curve of loss vs.

t ansmit t er phase had a very broad maximum at the cen ter of the

band. With addit ional pairs th is will st ill be t rue bu t it will be of no

impor tance, for the maximum can be made as small as desired.

Th e

impedance of two tubes at th t ransmit ter phase which gives maximum

loss at the cen ter of the band is Z + Z* = 2R. For n pairs it is 2nR,

and this increases rapidly with n, causing the loss to approach zero and

giving Z1 = CO. Near the ends of the band the loss will a lso be low

since one of the fir st two tubes will be resonant .

For quar ter -wavelength spacing with double tun ing the maximum

loss at the band cen ter cannot be made to approach zero since Z1 will

be complex.

Near the band ends it will a lso be infer ior to ha lf-wave-

len gt h spa cin g beca use of t he effect ju st discu ssed for syn ch ronou s t un in g.

Th es r esu lt s on t he br an ch in g loss for du plexer s wh ich u se a su fficien t

number of ATR cavit ies t approach the limit ing impedance indicate

that the ha lf-wavelength spacing is sa t isfactory for both synchronous

and double tuning and that the depar tu re from one-ha lf wavelength

should be made as small as possible o er the band.

The discussion of mult iple ATR circuits on the basis of the limit ing

impedance Z1 appears a lit t le academic since, in pract ice, n can never

approach infinity. However , the actual impedance usually approaches

ZI ra ther rapidly, and the limit ing condit ions ay afford a simple

although approximate picture of the behavior of a small number of

elements. For any specific case the actual loss can be determined


A ra ther severe limita t ion is placed on the number of tubes by the

arc loss. Since this is appreciable for Iow-Q tubes, the loss at high level

increases with any a t tempt to decrease the loss at low level by adding

more tubes. In addit ion the proble of minimizing the reflect ion at

high level becomes more ser ious as elements a re added. This reflect ion

is usually impor tan t from the point of view of efficien t t ransmit ter

oper at ion and would be smallest wit h qua rter -wavelength spacing wh er e

cancella tion wou ld occu r .

F in allY, t he var ia t ion with frequency of the TR-to-Al’R distance

may in t roduce an appreciable loss even with Z~ = ~.

There does not

appear to be any way to cancel th is effect a t both ends of the band by

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[SEC. 713

means of specia l ATR cir cu it s.

H owever , an er ror in this distan e which

causes considerable loss with poor ATR circu it s may be inappreciable

wh en t he cir cu it s a re efficien t.

7.13. Branching Loss with the Available ATR Tubes —As a mat ter of

8 -






2 -


0 1

2 3


IhQ. 73S.-Maximum ranching loss for a

duplexer with one ATR tube.

pract ical in terest , cu rves are re-

produced in Figs. 7.38, 7.39 and

7.40 which show the maximum

br an ch in g loss t o be expect ed fr om

duplexer s using ATR tubes with

the measured values of G and Q.


in Table 4.4 of Chap. 4.

The curves for the 3-cm band

were ca lcula ted assuming a wave-

length band cen t er ed at 3.33 cm

and wavegu ide of inside width

0.900 in. The curves for the 10-

cm band a sumed a cen ter wave-

length of 10.7 cm and wavegu ide

2.840 in . wide. The TR tube and receiver were assumed to be matched.

The loss va lue r ead from a cu ve is the maximum loss that cou ld occur

for any t ransmit t er impedance at a wavelength differ ing b Ak from the

14 I

‘0123456-0 123456

100 * 100 +

FIG. 7.39. —.Maximum brancbing loss for a

FIG. 7.40,—Maximum branching loss for

3-cm-band uplcxer wit h two ATR tubes.

a 10-cm -ba nd du plexer wit h t wo ATR t ubes.

cen ter of the band. It is also the maximum loss anywhere over a cor -

r ect ly cen ter ed band of width 2Ak.

Th e var ia t ion with wavelength of th e elect r ical distance between TR

and ATR junct ions was neglected in calculat i g the r~u-ves of Fig. 738

Page 335: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




for a single ATR tube. The effect is small and separa t ions of both one-

ha lf wa velen gt h a nd on e wa velen gt h h ave been u sed in differ en t du plexer s.

For this simple case the maximum loss in decib ls a t any wavelength is

found from Eq. (26) to be


( )1


L=2010g,0 l+~G+~ +

The fact tha t the losses a re lo~ver in the 3-cm than in the 10-cm band is

caused by the higher G of the 3-cm-band tube which more than makes up

for it s h igher Q.

The curves labeled “*x, spacing

“ in Figs, 7.39, 740 a re applicable

to a duplexer with two .4TR cavit ies separa ted by one-ha lf wavelength,

the nearer one being a lso one-ha lf wavelength from the TR junct ion.

In the curves marked

“ zero spacing” no cor r ect ion was made for the

va ria tion in elect rica l length of t hese t wo dist ances.

It is seen tha t the

improvement a fforded by the phase shift in the ATR spacing more than

offset s the added loss due to the phase shift of the TR-to-.4TR distance.

The use of two ATR tubes apparen t ly provides a band about twice

as wide as tha t for one tube. Actua lly the improvement might be made

grea ter . The ha lf-wa elength .lTR spacing represen ts that genera lly

used at presen t , but it probably does not give the opt imum frequency

depen den ce of t his impor ta nt elect rica l len gt h.

7.14. Branching Loss for a Genera l T-junct ion.-I~p to this point the

discussion has been based on the simplest ser ies- or shunt-branch ing

circu it representa t ion of the T-junct ion . An actua l waveguidc T-junc-

t ion used for connect ing receiver , t ransmit ter , and antenna lines is in

genera l more complica ted than this, and can be represen t ed only by

the three-termina l-pa ir network of Fig. 71. In pr inciple, six complex

quant it ies can be determine by exper iment , for example, the elements

of t he impeda nce ma tr ix, Ivhich will complet ely ch ar act er ize t he T-jun c-

t ion a t one fr equency. If t he t ransmit ter , receiver , an antenna imped-

ances, 21, Zfi, and Z~, a rc known he tota l loss in r eceived signa l a t the

jun ct ion ca n be found.

If a rm ( I ) goes to the antenna , a rm (2) to the t ransmit ter , and arm

(3) to the receiver , and if E , is t he antenna genera tor voltage,

I?l = EO – 112, = Z,,l, + Z1212 + Z1313,

~, = –1,2, = 22,11 + 2 ,,1 , + Z,Ja ,

E, = –13Z.q = 2,,11 + Z,,I, + 23313.

To find the loss it is merely nwessary to solve the system of equa t ions

for 1s,

(2,1 + 2,)1, + .2,,12 + z13~3 = Eo,


2,11, + (z,, + 2,)1, + 22313 = o,

Z3,1,+ Z3,1,+ (233+ ZR)13= o.


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[SEC. 714

Foraprope ly matched system, lJ = ~EO, andtheloss inany other case


‘s 20 10g10m, “


It is not possible LOsay much about t he loss for a genera l T-junct ion .

However , for the dependence on Z,, the loss con tour s on the Smith char t

will st ill be th e familiar bipolar family of circles.

This is evident since

Z, occurs in only one term of the Eqs. (43), and the solut ion can be writ ten

in the form


— EO.

c + dzt

The loss factor is then





C + dZt


a + bZi’

the loss contour s in the Z1-plane will be the concen t r ic family of circles

2fI = lZl~. Since the tr ansformation of Eq. (44) is circu lar the con tour s

in the Z~- or r~-plane will be a bipolar family.

j Xa



j X~

\ (2)

F IO. 7.41.—The equiva lent cir cu it of

‘al 20” Y-junct ion in the H-plane,

As an illustrat ion, the contour diagram for an H-plane (shunt )

waveguide T-junct ion of the symmetr ical 120° type will be const ru ct ed

with the use of the circuit constan ts for waveguide 0.400 in. by 0.900 in.

ID at a wavelength of 3.20 cm in free space and it will be assumed that

the antenna and receiver are matched. The equivalent circu it for the

junct io is show in Fig. 7.41 with the reference planes given by the

broken lines in the sketch to the r ight . The values of the consta ts are

x. = 1.46,

X, = –0.65,

n ormalized with r espect t o t he wa vegu ide impedan ce.

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SEC. 7“14]



To facilit a te compar ison with the idea l shunt junct ion , Z, will be

r efer r ed to a poin t on the t ransmit ter arm where an open cir cuit would

be placed to produce a match be-

tween the other two arms. This

will ensure tha t , a t least for la rge

en ou gh va lu es of ZL, t he beh avior

of the ideal and the actua l junc-

t ion will be about the same.

Since the refer ence point for Z,

will be a t a cer ta in distance from

t he t ermin als (2) of t he equ iva len t

cir cuit , ZI will be ca lled t he t ran s-

m it ter impeda nce r efer red t o t hose

termina ls. The diagram for Z,

Tr ill then be const ruct ed from

which tha t for Z~may be obta ined

by a simple r ot at ion .

Let Z2 equa l the tota l imped-

ance across the terminals of jXb

looking out arm (2) which will be

con sider ed t he tr ansmit ter arm.

z, = ~b(zc + z,)

z. + z* + z,’





+-, +


z, 4



FIG. 7.42. —Duplexer circuit using the

Y-ju llct ion of F ig, 741.

and the loss between arms (1) and (2) can be found by using the circu it

of F ig. 7-42. In fact ,



z = (1 + 2.)(1 + z. + 222)”

When the junct i n is matched, El = *Eo; for other cases the branch-

ing loss is given by the factor

P=; :=11+ Z.I”l+; (1+ ZO)Y2.



(Z. + z, +_ZJ(l + ZJ,

Zb(z,+ z.)


rn=ll+z.l=<l+” x:= 1.77,


6 = mll ++Y31,

which is just m t imes the usual loss factor for a simple shunt

with t ransmit ter admit tance Y3. If Eq. (45) is solved for 21,




Page 338: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers







– z..

‘— – Yb


[SEC. 714


It is now possible t o begin ~~ith thestanchud loss diagram drawn for

l’s, mult iply the va lue of each contour by m, and t en t ransform the

whole family from the Ys-plane to the Z,-plane by means of Eq. (47).

From there it can be t ransformed to th~ rl-plane (Smith char t ) by the

usual Eq. (11). The diagram may lw rota ted to bring the zero-loss

FIG. 7.43.—Loss diagram for the junct ion of Fig. 7.41 plot t ed on Smith char t Io, Z,.

poi t a round to the infinite-impedance poin t and the result is shown in

Fig. 7.43, the loss-contour diagram on the Smith char t for Z,.

In making the t ransformation of Eq. (17) between ZI and l’~ or

between )7, and YS, the work can be simplified by making use of cer ta in

proper t ies of genera l circula r t ransformat ions. Since a bipolar family

of circles is completely determined by its two foci, it is necessary only

to t ransform these two points. The foci a re the poin ts A and B of Fig.

7 29 a bou t wh ich t he cir cles con ver ge for ext reme va lu es of t he pa ramet er .

The family given by Eq. (46) is the concentr ic system of circles of Fig.

7 15 with the foci –2 and =.

Compar ison of igs, 7.43 and 7.16 shows the difference between a

par t icular waveguide T-junct ion and an ideal shunt-branching circu it .

Page 339: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


s,.:,. 7,141



The most importan t aspect is the sh ift of the infin it e-loss poin t around

closer to the zero-loss poin t with consequen t increase in loss in the upper

half of the Smith char t . In previous sect ions, ATR circu its have been

considered which resu lt ed in values of Z~ such that posit ive and negat ive

reactance are equa lly probable.

Because of the lack of symmet ry of

F ig, 7.43, it migh t be well to adopt an lTR circuit which wmdd favor

the nega t ive reactance wher the losses are smallcx, This cou ld be

done by tun ing the ATR cavity to a slight ly lo]vcr frequency m, instead

of choosing the TR-to-ATR distance so as to give zero loss ~vith the ATR

switch at resonance, it cou ld be made slight ly longer .

In any rasc, t he

amount of cor rect ion would depend on the expect ed range of the Zt

values and on the par t icu lar junct ion used, since the con tour diagram

wou ld pr esumably be differ en t for ea ch ju nct ion .

Th quest ion ar ises as to what can be done to an actual jlmct ion to

make it look like a simple shunt (or ser ies) circu it .

This circu it is con -

sider ed idea l beca use of its symmet rical loss ch aract er ist ics.

It is not

difficu lt t o prove tha t nothing is accomplished by inser t ing any sor t of

t ransform~r in any one arm of the junct ion . Such a t ransf rmer would

have to be matched to the line, and it would, t herefore, change noth ing

in either the receiver or an tenna arms which are assumed to be connect ed

to a matched load and matched genera tor . It can be shown that in the

t ransmit ter arm it would on ly change the line length , for a four -t erminal

network can be matched to the line on ly if it , is symmetr ical, and it then

acts merely as a length of t ransmission line.

The on ly changes that will benefit the junct ion must involve all th ree

arms, since no unmatched device can be inser t ed in only one or two arms.

It would appear tha t the T-junct ion would be considerably improved

if it were possible to adjust the rela t ive posit ions of maxi um and mini-

mum loss on t he Smit h ch ar t so t hat t hey occu rr ed diamet rically opposit e,

that is, one-quar ter wavelength apar t as in the ideal shunt circu it ra ther

than in the distor t ed posit ions of Fig, 7.43.

If th is is accomplished, the quest ion ar ises as to whether any fur ther

improvement can be rea lized; that is, could t he junct ion be manipulated

to sq eeze the loss contours over to the left side of the Smith char t so

that the losses would be low in the opera t ing region . The answer to this

quest ion is n o.

If a short circu it is placed in arm (3) and the t ransmission between

arms (1) and (2) is measured, the two adjacent posit ions of the shor t

circu it which resu lt in zer o and in complet e t ransmission may be loca ted.

A lossless T-junct ion with 120° symmetry is iden t ical with a simple

shunt junct ion if these two posit ions are one-quar ter wavelength apar t .

Its proper t ies a re, t herefore, complet ely det ermined and no fur ther

improvement is possible. The reason can be pictured quite simply.

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[SEC. 7.14

In the impedance mat r ix all the diagonal terms are equal, and all the

nondiagona l terms are equa l because of symmetry.

There are, thus,

on ly two independen t terms and as they are both imaginary, two rea l

constan t s suffice to descr ibe the junct ion .

Now if 1 is the distance

between the two posit ions of the shor t circu it which give zero or com plete

t r ansm ission , 1is a fu nct ion of th ese t wo con sta nt s an d sp cifyin g 1 = ~AO

places a condit ion on them w ich allows one to be elimina ted. The

remaining constan t depends on the posit ion of the r eference poin t for

measur ing impedance. By proper choice of the reference point th is

constan t may be made equal t o that of a simple shunt circu it .

Thk indicates the possibilit y of making a waveguide T-junct ion

accura tely equi a len t to a simple shunt circu it by varying some one

dimension which does not dest r y the symmet ry. The elect r ica l meas-

uremen t involves on ly an elemen ta ry exper iment with a plunger . To

the au thor ’s knowledge th is exper iment has not been at tempted.

It can be shown in the same way that any lossless junct ion is equiva-

len t to a shunt junct ion if it is possible to match between any two arms

by a shor t circu it in the th ird, and if the two shor t -circu it posit ions for

zero and complete t ransmission are one-quar ter wave ength apar t .

The genera l n etwor k with th ree pairs of termina ls has a th ree-r ow imped-

ance mat r ix with nine elements. Since the nondiagonal elements a r e

equal in pairs, t her e a re six in depen den t con sta nt s.

The requ irement of

matching places two condit ions, and the choice of r efer ence planes,

th r ee more. The proper ty of one-quar ter -wavelength shift for cu toff

makes a tota l of six condit ions which fixes all the constan t s.

It will be not iced that no dist inct ion is made between shunt and ser ies

jun ct ion s, as t hey a re equ ivalen t if t he r efer en ce plan es a re n ot specified.

In fac , the sca t t er ing mat r ices for simple shunt and ser ies branch ing

cir cu it s a r e



! -i -!1 1:-: -!1

If each reference plane for the ser ies junct ion is sh ift ed one-quar ter

wavelength , the sign of every matr ix element will be r eversed, and hen

all the nondi gonal elements can be made posit ive by reversing the

termina ls on arm (l). The resu lt is iden t ica l with the matr ix for the

shun t junct ion .

Page 341: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers






The fir st par t of this chapter is devoted to a review of examples of

branched duplexers which have been used and to some of the observed

r esu lt s oft his u se. Th ese examples a redivided in to twocla sses-coa xia l-

line duplexers and waveguide duplexers. The coaxia l-line duplexers

have been used a t 10 cm and at longer wavelengths; waveguide duplexers

have been used in high-power insta lla t ions a t 10 cm and at all power

levels a t sh or t r wa velen gt hs.

Few coaxia l duplexers have used ATR

swit ch es wh er ea s most wa vegu ide du plexer s h ave in clu ded t hem ,

In the

secon d pa rt of t he ch apt er , ba la nced du plexer s a re descr ibed.



8.1. The lectr ica l Design of a Duplexer .—In select ing a switch it is

necessary to choose between the fixed-tuned and the tunable types.

Systems developed since the fixed-tuned tubes became available have

u sed t hese t ubes a lmost exclu sively.

It is imp r tan t to keep the number

of differen t adjustments in a radar system as low as possible. This not

only facilit a tes main tenance and tuneup but reduces the possibility of

incor rect adjustments. To at ta in th is object ive, it may be necessa ry

t o make some con cession s in per formance.

It has been seen tha t the limitat ions in fixed-tuned ATR tubes may

lead to some loss. However , the usual tunable ATR cavity which has a

much higher Q may also cause losses due to tempera t r e detuning or

t ra nsm it ter -fr equ en cy r ift .

Fur thermore, the recept ion of signals a t

more than one frequency, which occurs when beacon recept ion is com-

bined with rada r , may be ext remely inefficient . There seems to be no

deter iora tion in per form ance using fixed-tuned TR tubes since t he r ecep-

t on loss usually compares favorably with the cor responding tunable

tubes. If a nar row r-f filter happens to be desirable, as for image rej ec-

t on , then , of cour se, a tunable TR tube may be prefer red.

The ‘mechanica l simplicity of the fixed-tuned ATR tubes makes

them cheaper than the or responding tunable circuit s. However , when


Page 342: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 81

length of life is t aken into account , the cost of the fixed-tuned TR tubes

will be comparable with the tunable ones.

Aft er the switches have been select d, the junct ion for the TR s~vitch

is the next considera t ion. .1 junct ion \ r ith 120° symmetry has the best

elect r ica l pr oper ties, but for n ar ron-ba nd a pplicat ions ot her kinds ~r hieh

offer mechanical advantages may be used.

If a 120° junct ion is chosen

and if the lo~vest possible r ecept ion loss is desired over a wide band of

fr equencies, t he necessa ry a ltera t ion should be made to ensure tha t t he

junct ion is equiva lent to an ideal shunt or ser ies circuit as expla ined in

Sec. 71. It would probably be impract ical t o a t tempt this with any

junct ion ot her than the 120° junct ion ,

If the complete 120° symmetry is not used, ther e should, if possible,

be symmetry of the t ransmit ter and antenna arms with respect t o the

other a rm since the proper t ransmit ter match i most impor tant .

If the

two arms used for re ept ion (or t ransmission) lack symmetry with

r espect t o the third, they should be checked for reflect ion loss with a

plunger in the third arm.

The ATR junct ion has been discussed in Chap. 4. At low power

level t he only impor tant aspect is it s effect on the Q. At high power

level t he problem is the same for both TR and ATR ju ct ions. The

distance from the window to the waveguide wall must be adjusted to

give a good match for t r ansmit ter power . In pr inciple, th is is done a t

high power level so tha t t he switch will be broken down. In pract ice,

it is much simpler to make such m asurements a t low power level, and

to simula te the condit ions of high power level by shor t -cir cuit ing the

e lect rodes or detun ing sufficien t ly.

F or low-Q t ubes wit h la rge win dows,

it is necessa ry to cover the inside of the window with Wood’s metal or

wit h some ot her con du ct ive coa tin g.

It is mor e accura te in on e r espect to make this sor t of standing-wave-

ra t io test a t low power level.

Because of the fin te fir ing t ime of the ar c,

the standing wa e measured a t high power will be an average of that

befor e a nd a ft er fir ing a lt hou gh t he sta nding-wa ve r at io of in ter est is th at

measured after fir ing. If the de ect ing element reads average power , the

‘‘ a pparen t” standing-wave ra t io in power a t high power level is

where W is t he tota l energy per pulse r eceived by the probe, and W? and

W. are it s maximum and minimum values as the probe is moved in the

slot . If it is assumed, for example, tha t t he line is matched when the

t ube is fir ed,



Page 343: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


s],{. 8’11

EI,I<(’7’l:fC.4 I , l ) I ?,$ ’IGN


where TI and TZ are the lengths of the por t ions of the pu lse before and

after fir ing, PI= and PI. a re the maximum and minimum power s in the

standing wave before fir ing, and P~ is the power after fir in .

If it is

assumed that the j nct ion reflect s completely before fir ing, PI. = O and

PI= = (V1,)2 = (2 Vz) 2 = 4P2 where VIZ and VZ a re the volt ages cor -

responding to the power s P,. and Pz , if un ity impedance is assumed,




If, for instance, the fir ing t ime is one ten th of the remainder of the pulse,

then rz = 1.4, whereas the actual standing-wave ra t io a fter fi ng is 1,0.

This effect is not ordinar ily not iceable for long pulses u t may be so for

pu lse lengths of 0.1 psec or less.

If the junct ion is to beused overa band of frequencies grea ter than

1 or 2 per cen t , it will probably be necessa ry to mount the cavity \ vith

t he win dow flush wit h t he \ vallof t he t r ansm it ter lin e a lth ough , for n ar row

bands, it can be set back one-half wavelength .

High-Q cavit ies a re often ir is-coupled to the nar ro~v side of a wave-

gu ide simply by cu t t ing a small hole in the waveguide wall. At h igh

power level the hole usually appears as a capacit ive susceptauce of small

magnitude. This can be canceled by adding a small t ransverse st r ip

of metal on the opposite side, as for the induct ive matching ir is, or the

mismatch may be small en ou gh t o be n eglect ed.

If TR and ATR cavit ies

which have the same mismatch are mounted one-quar ter wavelength

apar t , the susceptances will cancel a lmost completely. Unfor tuna tely

the ATR cavity usually has a much la rger window than any high-Q TR

cavity. A voltage standing-wave ra io of 1.15 has been observed for

such a combina t ion .

The window of a 1ow-CJ cavity is dist inct from the waveguide wall

and may, ther efor e, be moved in unt il the h igh-level match is ach ieved.

Specifica t ions for th e voltage standing-wave ra t io of fixed-tuned tubes

are given in Table 4.4 of Chap. 4. Some of the 10-cm-band tubes cou ld

doubt less be improved by changes in the mount .

Where a pre-TR switch is used, the TR cavity must be mounted

with the input w ndow an odd number of quar ter wavelengths from the

input window of the pre-TR tube.

In t he 10-cm du plexer s this dista nce

is usually th r ee quar ter s of a wavelength . This a r rangement places

the inpu t window of the pre-TR tube at a poin t of maximum voltage

when the TR tube is fired.

The distance between TR and ATR junct ions must be adjusted for

best signal recept ion . For simple ir is coupling to the main waveguide,

th is distance is often very close to the nominal one-quar ter or one-half

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[SEC. 81

wavelength. Therefore, it ma be assumed that it is this distance and

the complete duplexer merely checked as ment ioned below. For the sim-

ple t ypes of wa vegu ide jun ct ion s wh er e t he equiva lent -cir cuit con st ants

are known, the cor r ect ion t o the nominal spacing can be ca lcula ted with-

out r ecourse to exper iment but such ca lcula t ions are valid only when the

cavity and other components are kept a t a distance from the junct ion

of a t lea st a qu ar ter wa velen gt h.

The exper imenta l determina t ion of the cor rect spacing is made in t wo

steps: a measurement on the ATR switch a lone, and one on the TR

junct ion a lone. With the .4TR switch tuned to resonance, the posit ion

of the minimum poin t of the standing-wave pat tern is found rela t ive

to the ATR junct ion. Then by means of an adjustable shor t-circu it ing

plunger in the t ransmit ter a rm, tha t posit ion of the minimum point

rela t ive t o the TR junct ion which gives the best match for r eceived signal

is determined. As expla ined in Sec. 7.7, this determin t ion of the TR-

to-ATR distance is best done at a fr equency cor responding to the wave-

guide wavelength given by Eq. (7.25). This is near , but not necessar ily

at , the cen ter of the band.

The measurement of the posit ion of he standing-wave pat tern rela -

t ive to the ATR junct ion is the determina t ion of the distance of plane

A of Fig. 4.1 from the center of the junct ion . This cor rect ion is small

and may be negligible. To make this test , it is necessary to add a tuning

adjustment to the cavity, if none is present , and to check for resonance

by mea su rin g R with a plunger as descr ibed in Sec. 4.2. A small er ror

in cavity tuning would inva lida e the phase measurement .

To help

eliminate phase er ror s which arise if the ATR window is not proper ly

centered, the measurement should be repea ted after the cavity has been

removed from the mo nt , tu rned 180°, and replaced. The two readings

can then be averaged.

After the TR and the ATR circuit s have been combined, the TR-tc-

ATR dist an c sh ou ld be ch ecked a ga in by mea su rin g t he volt age st an din g-

wave ra t io looklng in from the antenna end. Because of the difficulty

of making accura te phase mea urements in t ese test s, the distance may

be found to be in er r or a t this point . To cor rect it , the plunger posit ion

hich gives the same impedance a t the antenna arm as tha t given by

the ATR switch is determined. A measurement of the change in plunger

posit ion from this point to the point of best match gives the er ror in the

TR-t o-ATR dist an ce.

If more than one ATR switch is used, the separat ion between cavit iea

must be determined at the s me frequency used for the TR-to-ATR

distance. The data a re given by the measurement a lready made on the

ATR switch. By using these da ta , the cor rect separa t ion is the nominal

distance plus twice the cor rect ion given by the distance of the reference

Page 345: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




plane from the cen ter of the tube, the cor r ect ion being counted once for

each of the two tubes. For a ser ies mount the cor r ect separat ion maybe

sligh t ly grea ter than the nominal one-quar ter or one-half wavelength , as

indica ted by an induct ive susceptance B. in F ig. 4“10a. For a shunt

mount , the cor r ect ion has the opposit sign .

When the two ATR switches have been combined with ha lf-wavelength

spacing, their sepa ra t ion may be checked by the mutual-r esonance

method of Sec. 7.10. The er r or in spacing is th en given by Eq. (7.42).

This sensit ive check is not applicable to quar t er -wavelength spacing,

but for hat spacing the separa t ion is probably less cr it ica l. When

making this test , it is impor tan t to have both cavit ies tuned exact ly to

resonance at the frequency for wh ich the spacing is to be one-ha lf wave-

length . Each cavity can be tuned separa tely by using the plunger

method if the other cavity is replaced by a shor t -circu ited dummy.

In actual ope a t ion it is best for a fixed-tuned cavity to be set a t a

frequency wh ich will give equal susceptance at the two e~ds of the band.

As this may not be exact ly the same as the frequency at wh ich the line

lengths a re adjusted, there may be a slight mutua l resonance at some

frequency if two ATR cavit ies are used. As this effect will, very

probably, be small, it is bet ter to tolera te it in order to have the min i-

mum loss at band edge.

8.2. Mech anica l Design Problems.—A mechanica l problem of con-

siderable impor tance is that of the method to be used for at tach ing

the TR and the ATR switches to the main wavegu ide or other com-

ponen ts. This problem was consider ed in Chap. 4 in connect ion wi h

the ATR switch , and some of the methods discussed there have been

applied t o TR cir cu it s.

One of the m st conven ien t methods is tha t o

the choke-flange coupling used for making ordinary waveguide con-

nect ions. The 1B26 TR tube at 1.25 cm, and the 1B24 and the fixed-

tuned TR tube a t 3 cm, connect t o a standard choke coupling with the

window in the plane of the flange to permit mount ing flush with th e wave-

gu ide wall. The choke-flange connector s used at 3 cm on the cavit ies

for th e 724 tubes wer e mounted abou t one-quar ter wavelength from the

windows which wer e placed one-ha lf wavele gth fr om the main


Ther e is some difficu lty in bu ilding a wavegu ide junct ion with a flush

choke coupling. Because of in ter fer nce between the choke and the

wa vegu ide, it is vir t ually impossible t o do th is in a ser ies ju nct ion.

In a

shunt junct ion it can be accomplished by eliminat ing th e par t of the ch oke

occupied by the waveguide and leaving two arc-shaped open ings on

eit her side of t he wa vegu ide.

The lB2~ TR tube at 3 cm has been mounted on a simple 90° T-junc-

t ion using split chokes in th is manner . For tuna tely, because of the

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[SEC. 82

peculiar fields at the junct ion , it was possible to obtain a good high-

level match with the input flange of the tube mounted 0.040 in. back

from the inside wall of the waveguide, a circumstance which great ly

facilit at ed t he con st ru ct ion of t he mo n t.

.4 duplexer designed at the Bell Telephone Labora tor ies made use

of a 1B2-1 TR tube and an ATR tube of similar const ruct ion , both

mounted on simple 120° H-plane junct ions using split chokes. 1

In th is

way t he main ~vaveguide made a 60° bend at each junct ion but in opposit e

direct ions and, consequent ly, th e antenna and th e t ransmit ter arms were

parallel. The same choke const ruct ion was applied to the vest igia l 120°

junct ion of Fig. 78.

At low power level the split chokes are sat isfactory since the match

is not cr it ical. At h igh power level, because of the distor ted fields in


t he junct ion , a good contact may be required between the flanges of the

tube and the mount on the 120° junct ion . Th 90° junct ion seems less

cr it ica l in th is respect , bu t breakdown across the choke gap will occu r

at power s wh er e t he 120° ju nct ion is sa tisfact ory.

The high-Q cavit ies used at 10 cm are often at t ached permanent ly

t o the main waveguide since t he tubes may be replaced without , removing

the cavit ies. Similar ly, an ir is-coupled mixer may be permanent ly

a t tached to such a TR cavity.

illost of the fixed-tuned 10-cm tubes

use the coiled-spr ing contact descr ibed in Chap. 4. In loop-coupled

circu it s the input and output loops often plug into a keyed hole.

In many system which must opera t e at high alt tudes or which

handle high power , t he r-f lines are filled with gas (usually air ) under


For such a pressur ized system special precaut ions are neces-

sa ry in order t o make all join t s air t ight .

P ressu rizin g a duplexer u su ally

means sealing off the cavit ies from the main wa eguide.

Of cou rse,

on ly the components that car ry the t ransmit ter power need be pres-


This eliminates not on ly the output circu it of the TR switch ,

bu t even the in ter ior of the cavity since the cavity is on ly weakly coupled

t o t he main line during transmission .

Naturally the par t of the cavity

that contains the specia l gas for the r -f discharge must be sea led off

fr om t he a tmosph er e.

One way to pressur ize a cavity is to enclose it completely and to

provide special pressur ized fit t ings for the output termina l, t he keep-

alive con nect ion , and t he t un in g con tr ols.

F igure 8.1 shows an example

of this t echnique as applied to the 721A cavity used on ~-in . coaxial

line. The removable par t s of the cover are sealed with rubber gaskets.

The 3-cm ATR tubes, 1B35 and 1B37, must be mounte in a special

holder , Fig. 4.20, which encloses the tube except for one end. These

I A, B. Crawford, “X Band Duplex C rcuit for 1B24 Type TR and ATR Tubes, ”

BTL Report No. MM-44-16@92, Apr . 22, 1944.

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SEC. 8.2]



tubes have been pressur ized by adding an out er flange on the holder to

take a cover that goes over the exposed end of the tube and by a rubber

gasket that seals th e cover .

Tubes that have a glass window sea led in the ir is of the cavity

may be pressur ized by sealing the cavity to the waveguide with a rubber

gasket . The cavity window is then par t of the pressur ized system. At

3 cm the fixed-tun d TR tube and the tunable 1B24 tube are made to

fit the standard UG-40/U waveguide connector which is provided with a

groove for a rubber gasket .

At 10 cm the fixed-tuned TR and ATR

tubes have a fla t flange which compresses a fl rubber gasket . The

1B38 pre-TR tube car r ies no flange but is mounted n a housing which

has a join t with a fla t flange and gasket . Since the pre-TR tube itself

is not sealed to the housing, t e ou tpu t wavegu ide and TR cavity must

s till be p res su r ized .

Cavit ies that a r e ir is-coupled to waveguide or to coaxia l line have

been sea led by cement ing polyglas across the input window. In 10-cm

waveguide duplexers a sheet about & in. th ick is sealed to the inside

s r face of the wav guide by means of P liobond cement .

A problem analogous to pressur izat ion is that of the eliminat ion of

the r -f leakag . Where high transmit ter power s a re u ed, r -f energy

which radia tes from join t s in the t ransmission line may cause ser ious

in ter fer en ce wit h ot her cir cu it s, pa rt icu la rly t he a ut omat ic-fr equ en cy-

con t r ol circuit wh ose funct ion ing is most cr it ica l dur ing transmission.

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[S E ,: 83

Of course, any method of connect ing microwave t ransmission lines in-

volves efficien t chokes or uniform contact t o ensu e a match.


when th is is done, however , t here may be appreciable leakage which

n ecessit at es a ddit ion al sh ieldin g. Wh er e pressu riza tion is n ot r equ ired,

metal gaskets may be used in the grooves in tended for rubber pressur iz-

ing gasket s. These askets have been made by compressing th in shavings

of monel metal in a mold of th same shape as the gasket .

8.3. Duplexers in Coaxial Line. -Coaxia l duplexers based on the

broadband T-junct ion descr ibed in Sec. 7“1 have been widely used for

10-cm-band radar systems in &in . diameter line. F igure 8“2 shows such

a duplexer with a 721A TR tube. The antenna connect ion is at t he upper

left , and the magnet ron t ransmit t ing tube is connect ed dir ct ly to the

side arm in the upper cen ter . The dist ance from the junct ion to the

magnet ron cavity is kept as small as po sible to minimize the var ia t ion

in the cold impedance seen at the junct ion .

F igu re 8.1 is a pressur ized

duplexer for &in . line. The loop-coupled mixer appears at t he top of

t h e p ict u r e.

The effect of cold impedance on received signal for a duplexer of this

type was studied by R. V. Pound and Rose Berger for 10.7-cm magn~

t rons. 1 They found that the cold impedance of these tubes was suffi-

cien tly uniform t o permit set t ing a manufactur ing specificat ion limit ing

the st anding-wave ra t io to values grea t er than 20 db and the phase

var ia t ion to + 5 mm beyond tha t which is due to wavelength changes.

The maximum signal loss from improper cold impedance t o be expect ed

1 R. V. P ou nd and Rose Berger , “ Preplumbing of Tees for G-Ban d,” R.L Repor t

238, NOV.3 , 1942.

Page 349: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




anywhere within the 7 per cen t band was then 0.8 db, of which 0.4 db

was caused by t he finite standing-wave ra t io of th e magnet ron .

F igu r 83 illu st ra tes a du plexer in &in . coa xia l lin e u sin g Ir is-cou pled

cavit ies and 721A tubes. A circu it of th is t ype was designed at Radiat ion

FIG.S.3.—Coaxialduplexerwith iris-coupledcavit ies.

Labora tory and represen t s one of t he few coaxial applicat ions of an ATR

switch . An ir is-coupled TR cavity at 10 cm was also designed at the

Bell Telephone Labora tor ies .’

1J. P. Schafer,“SCR-545 Stan dardLoop Outpu t TR Boxes,” BTL MM-43-160-28

March 18, 1943,

Page 350: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





Figure 8.4 shows a small low-powered assembly of r -f t ransmit t ing

and receiving components for a 10-cm system using tubes of the light-

house type for t ransmit ter and loca l oscilla tor . The TR cavitY with a

1B27 tube isseennear the cen ter of thepictu re andthetype Nantenna

fit t ing project s upward a t t he r ight cen ter . J ust to the left of this, the






COIT rots,

side arm of the T-junct ion leads up to the input loop a t the r ight side

of the bot tom of the TR cavity.

The cont rol of the t ransmit ter cold impedance presen ted a specia l

problem in this system since the t ransmit ter cavity was coupled to the

line by means of an adjustable probe. To get maximum power from the

t ransmit ter it was necessa r y t o compensa te for the var ia t ion among tubes

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SEC. 84]



and cavit ies by an adjustment of th is kind. This adjustment , however ,

had a marked effect on the cold impedance, and it was usually necessary

to decouple the probe to a po n t at which the t r ansmit ted power was

somewhat below the maximum in order to get a sa t isfactory match for

t h e r eceived sign al.

At a la ter stage of developmen t a study was made of the dependence

of the t r ansmit ted power and the phase of the cold impedance on the

depth and diameter of the probe for a numb r of t r ansmit ter tubes and

wavelengths.’ A junct ion distance and a probe design which would

m in im ize t h e over -a ll loss of t ra ns-

mit ted and received signal wer e

chosen . It was concluded tha t

the eliminat ion of the probe ad-

justment by th is design would

permit a loss tota ling not more

than a few decibels for the usual

t ubes a nd ca vit ies.

8.4. A Double-t un ed Duplexer .

The uplexer of Fig. 8.5 was

designed for 1050 Me/see and

differ s r at her r adically fr om t hose

used at shor t er wavelengths.

Th is device, wh ich wa s developed

at Naval Research Labora tory,

provides for coupling the t rans-

mit ter , an tenna, mixer , and local

oscilla tor d i.r e c t 1y to the TR

cavity. z For compar ison , Fig.

8.6 is a schemat ic r epr esen ta t ion

of a more conven t iona l radar sys-

tem. The t ransformers represen t

coupling loops or ir ises in the

cavit ies of t r an sm it ter , TR swit ch ,

a nd loca l oscilla tor . At h igh power

(a )


FIG. 8.5.—Duplexer for 1050 h tcisec.

level the TR cavity in t roduces a shor t circu it in loop LZ so tha t the t rans-

mit ter is connected direct ly to the antenna .

If the t r ansmit ter cavity is

sufficien t ly detuned when the elect ron beam is turned off, a shor t cir cu it

i in t r odu ced acr oss loop L1 at low power level, and t he antenna is cou pled

direct ly to the TR cavity. Since the received signal differs from the

reson an t fr equency of t he local oscilla tor by th e in termedia te fr equ en cy

1R. E . Ta ylor , ‘‘ TR Dist an ce a ad F ixed P robe P ossibilit ies for t he LHTR Unit ,”

RL Report No. 5>12/27(44.

2M. Cla rk , “The DoubleTuned R, F . Sys tem:The TR Box,” NRL Repor t CI tG-

56, Dec. 19, 1944.

Page 352: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SW 84

Transmitter TR cavity

Local oscillator




FIG. 8.6.—Radar r -f sys tem.

of t he r eceiver , t h eloop Li a ppea rs a s a shor t cir cu it t ot hesign al’’’h ich is


matched into the mix r . Likewise

L, is a short circu it for the !ocal-

oscilla tor power which also goes

in to the mixer .

In the presen t duplexer the

t ransmit ter and TR cavit ies were



TR tu~

FXG. 8,7.4r0as sect ion of the duplexer

for 1050 Me/see .

placed close together so that loops

L, and LZ could be replaced by a

sin gle loop coupled t o bot h ca vit ies.

Similarly Li and L, were reduced

to one loop. In Fig. 8.5a the type

N coaxial fit t ing at the r igh t is the

antenna connect ion , and tha t a t t he

left is the mixer lead. The TR

cavity consist s of the cent ra l por -

t ion of the la rge sect ion of rectan-

gular tubing which forms the body

of the duplexer , and the open ends

of the tubing are the t ransmit t er

and the loca l-oscilla tor connect ions .

Th e cavit ies of t hese oscilla tors a re

a t tached direct ly to the duplexer

with the t ransmit t er on the r ight

and the local oscilla tor on the left .

F igu re 8.5b is a view looking in

from the t ransmit ter end at the

a nt enna couplin g loop.

The TR cavity is actually a

double-tuned circu it with a pass

band about 2.5 per cen t wide at 3

db, The par t it ion shown in Fig. 8.7 extending par t way across the cen ter

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SEC. 8’51



of the duplexer divides it in to two cavit ies with a common i s.

Th er e is

a post down the cen ter of each cavity and a small gap between the post

and the cavity wall. The cavity voltage is developed across this gap

which , on the t ransmit t er side, is formed by the elect rodes of the TR


Two tuning r ings which move along the two cen ter posts of the cavi-

t ies can br ing any frequency from 950 to 1150 Me/see within the pass

band. These r ings are made of silver-pla ted ceramic mater ia l suppor ted

by a ce amic br idge. The tuning is linear with the displacement of the

tun ing slug and requires about Z-in . t ravel t o cover the band of 200

Me/see. The two cavit ies must have the same character ist ics to obta in

the proper bandwidth . This is accomplished by means of an adjustment

on the gap in the r igh t-hand cavity to match var ia t ions in TR tubes.













1816141210864202 46810’12141618

Frequency in Me/see

FIG. S.8.—Ba ndpa ss ch ar act er ist ics of t he dou ble-t unwl TR cir cu it .

F@n-e 8 .8 shows plot s of the t ransmission character ist ics of the TR

circuit with the cen ter of the pass band set a t 050 and 1150 Me/see.

The curve for 950 Me/see is similar to that for 1150 Me/see.

The a t tenuat ion through the TR c vity of the th ird harmonic of

the t ransmit ter frequency was so slight (about 1 db) that a specia l th lrd-

harmonic filt er was added between the TR cavity and the mixer to pre

ven t cr yst al bu rn ou t.’

8.6. Wa veguide Du plexer s.—F igu re 8.9 sh ows a wa vegu ide du plexer

for the wavelength range 8.1 to 8.8 cm with shunt-coupled TR and ATR

cavit ies for the tunable 1B27 tube. Since the cavit ies a re placed only

one-quar ter wavelength apar t , space limita t ions make i necessary to

mount them on opposite sides of the waveguide.

T e two coaxia l

fit t ings project ing toward the camera are the connect ions on the rn ixer

which is ir is-coupled to the TR cavity.

The large solenoid opera tes

the crysta l ga te which protect s the crysta l when the keep-alive cu r ren t

1R. Novick, “The Dou bl Tu ned R-F System: Th e Mixer ,” NRL Repor t CRG-57

Dec. 23, 1944.

Page 354: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 8.5

is tu rned off. he left end of the -waveguide goes, of course, to the

antenna , and the r igh t end goes to the t ransmit t er .

Fro. 810. -Duplexer s for 10.7 cm.

The upper duplexer of F ig. 8.10 is used in the band from 10.3 to 11.1

cm with a ser ies-coupled pre-TR switch and tunable 1B27 TR and A R

t ubes, t he la tt er sh un t-cou pled.

The TR and ATR junct ions are one-

Page 355: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




half wavelength apar t . The ir is-coupled mixer is mounted on the TR

cavity and the crysta l-ga te solenoid t the r ight of the cavity.


shor t waveguide a t the top, which

makes an acute angle to the trans-

mission line, is a direct iona l

coupler for checking system per -

formance. The system is pressur -


ized with polyglas at the windows .:

of the TR and the ATR cavit ies S .




and with a rubber gasket a t t e

flange on the pr e-TR housing.

The lower duplexer of Fig.

8.10, wh ich is a lso design ed for t he

1 .7-cm band, has the same TR

and pre-TR circuit but uses two ~






L in cm

FIQ. S. 11 .—Ma ximum r ecept ion 10SS for

10.7-cm band duplexer . The point s

fix d-t uned ser ies-c u pled ATR

ar e experiment alvalues, and the curve is

t he ca lcu la ted br an ch in g loss.

t ubes sepa ra ted by on e-h alf wa ve-

Page 356: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 8.5

by assuming a I-dbloss for the TR cir cuit plus the maximum possible

branching loss by using the measured values of G and Q~ given i Table

4.4 for the 10.7-cm band ATR tube.

The actua l va lues of G nd Q. for

the tubes used wer not available an may have been somewhat differen t

judging by the low values for the exper imenta l losses. The asymmetr ica l

FIG. 8.13.—A 3-cm duplexer for fixed ATR and tunable TR tubes.

FIG. 814.-Narrow-band fixed-tuned duplexer f r 3 cm.

dist r ibut ion of the exper imenta l point s is probably caused by some er ror

in the separa t ion of the ATR cavit ies or in their tuning.

F igure 8.12 is an ea r ly 3-cm duplexer and mixer assembly. The

tunable cavit ies with 724B tubes ar e mounted one-ha lf wa velength fr om

t he main wa vegu ide on ser ies T-ju nct ions on e-qua rt er wa velengt h a pa rt .

They a re connected to the waveguide through choke-flange couplings

with knur led nuts and aligning pins.

The mixe is tuned by the plunger

a nd tu ning scr ews.

. more recen t 3-cm duplexer is shown in Fig. 813, The rectangula r

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SEC. %5]



box on the left is the mount for the fixed-tuned 1B35 AT tube, The

tunable 1B24 TR tube is a t t ached to the flange moun ed at the cen ter of

the waveguide to form a shunt junct ion of the vest igia l 1200-Y type

shown in Fig. 7.8. The large-diameter groove in thk flange holds a

pressed meta l gasket which preven ts r -f leakage. The flange to the r igh t

of thk one connect s t o a small a t tenua t ing waveguide which is used to

couple u t one or two milliwat ts of the t ransmit ter power to opera te the

au toma t ic-fr equency-con t rol cir cu it s for t he r eceiver .

The sma ll cylinder

Fm. 8. 15.— Wide ban d fixed-t un ed du plexer for 3-cm .

above th e flange is the connect ion to a direct iona l coupler . F or mechani-

cal simplicity the separa t ion between TR and ATR junct ions is made one

wavelength ra ther than one-ha lf wavelength . This is permissible since

he duplexer is designed to be used o er a band only 2.6 per cen t wide.

The duplexer of F ig. 8.14 is designed for the same band and has the

same ATR circu it bu t uses a fixed-tuned TR tube shown mounted ne-

half wavelen gt h fr om t he main wa vegu ide on a ser ies T-ju nct ion m atch ed

with an induct ive ir is in the TR arm.

The externa l appearance of the

ATR mount is slight ly differen t from the preceding model, but it has the

same in ter ior and fits the same tube.

Th e du plexer of Fig. 8.15 u ses th e same tu bes as t he r ecedin g du plexer

but can be opera ted over the much broader band of 12 per cen t from 3.13

to 3.53 cm, This is made possible by mount ing the TR tube flush with

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[SEC. 8.5

the main waveguide wall on a vest igia l 1200 Y-junct ion an using two

ATR tubes one-half wave ength apar t w th the first tube one-half wave-

length from the TR junct ion .


For the lower half of the band


from 3.13 to 3,33 cm, 1B35 ATR

tubes are used, and for the upper

half from 3.33 to 3.53 cm, 1B37

t ubes a re used.

The duplexer shown in Fig.

8.16 is an a t tempt to place the

ATR tube close to the TR junc-

t ion to avoid the adverse effect s


of the var ia t ion with wavelengt h

FIG. 816.-Duplexer wi h TR and ATR

of the dist ance between TR and

tubes at the same junct ion .

ATR tubes.’ The advantage of

th is const ruct ion seems to be par t ly offset by the increased Q. of the

ATR cavity as shown in Table 4.3 of Chap. 4.

F igure 8.17 is a view of a duplexer for 1.25-cm wavelength with the

1B26 tunable TR tube in fron t . The wavegu ide connect io ju t to the

FIG. S .17.—.4 1,25 cm dup lexe r,

left o the TR tube carr ies the r -f power for au tomat ic frequency con-

t rol. Another view of the same duplexer in Fig. 8.18 shows the mixer

a t tached just above the duplexer .

The two coaxial fit t ings of the Bh’

type are the i-f lea s rom the two crystals, t he left one for automat ic

1Samuel, Cranda ll, and Clark ,

“Final Repor t on roa d-Ban d TR and ATR

Page 359: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




frequency cont rol and the r ight one for the radar signal. The 1B36

fixed-tuned ATR tube plugs into the lower par t of the duplexer where it

is secured by the la rge knur led nut . The TR and the ATR tubes are

bot h ser ies-mou nt ed a nd spa ced on e-qu ar ter wa velen gt h a pa rt .

8.6. Two-chdnnel Duplexers.—In cer ta in systems it may be desir -

a ble t o r eceive simult an eou sly two sign a s, for example, r ada r a nd bea con ,

on two separa te receivers tuned to differen t frequencies. A convenien t

method of isola t ing the two channels is the use of two high-Q cavit ies,

on e for ea ch ch an nel.

The assembly shown in Fig. 8“19 uses two tunable T; cavit ies with a

single pre-TR switch .’ Since in this instance the signals cliffered in

F IG. 8.18.—.4 1 25-cm du plexer a nd m ixer ,

fr equency by about 6 per cen t , the window of the radar TR cavity

appeared as a shor t circu it to the beacon signal and vice versa . The

addit ion al TR ca vit y, t her efor e, in tr odu ced n o complica tion in mat ch in g

the line to the receiver a t either frequency. A tunable ATR switch was

used at the radar frequency but no e w s used for the beacon signal.

The branching 10SSof the beacon signal was minimized by a favorable

t ra nsmit ter cold impedance.

The necessity for shar ing the pre-TR tube should be not iced. Since

the window of a TR cavity mounted behind a preTR tube is th ree

quar ter s of a wavelength from the main waveguide, it present s a high

impedance at the main waveguide wall when tuned off resonance. If

each TR cavity were mounted with its own pre-TR tube at a diilferent

poin t on the t ransmit ter line, the one nearer the antenna would inter rupt

the signal dest ined for the fur ther one.

11,. D. Smullin , “ Mod ifica tion of CPS-6 Duplexer t o Allow Simult an eou s Bea con

a nd Ra da r Recept ion ,” RL Repor t No. 53-4/16/46,

Page 360: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





FIG. 819.-Two-channel duplexer for 10cm with apre-TR tube.



,.44 ,. ,.1

FIQ. 8, 0.—Duplexer for twochannels using two ATR tubes.

Page 361: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 87]



Figure 820 illust ra tes another fmm of two-channel duplexer . It

comprises an ATR switch for each channel, and since no pre-TR tube is

necessa ry, t wo TR ca vit ies ar e mount ed dir ect ly on t he main wa veguide.

8.7. An At tenua tor Switch . -In some radar systems the t ransmit t ed

power is a tt enua ted at t imes in or der t o confuse nemy list ening st at ions.

This a t t enuat i n , which might be as high a 20 or 30 db, would normally

be in tr odu ced between t ra nsm it ter a nd du plexer wh er e it wou ld n ot a ffect

the received signal. In some set s, however , it has proved more con-

venient t o install the at t enua tor between duplexer and antenna and to

add an ATR switching devic to allow at tenuat ion only dur ing


Since it may be necessa ry for the at t enua tor t o absorb virtually all

of t he t ransmit ter power , it is preferable to diver t this unused Dower into

another line which can be termi-

nated in a specia l load capable of

high power dissipa t ion. The power

enter ing the t ransmit ter arm of Fig.

8.21 divides a t the junct ion between

the antenna arm and the arm lead-

ing to a dissipa t ive load. If the

extensions of the plungers in the

two stub arms differ by one-quar t er

wavelength and if the two output

arms a re ma ched, the impedance

seen from the t ransmit ter arm will

be a match.

By moving the plun-

gers syn chronously, t he t ransmit ter


: Xg

To antenna


I :r<;. 821 .—At t enua t or swit ch

power may be divided between antenna and load in any desired ra t io.

The switch, which is fired dur ing t ransmission, has no effect on the

p lunger act ion .

The least power will reach the antenna arm when the plunger in the

left -hand stub arm inser t s a high impedance in the line. At that t ime

t he r eceived signal wou ld a lso be la rgely r eflect ed if t her e wer e n o swit ch .

Th e swit ch , h owever , en su res a low impeda nce for ever y plu nger posit ion ,


all the t ransmit t ed power is being delivered to the antenna , the received

signal suffers no loss at t he junct ion, lVhen maximum transmit t er

power is being diver ted to the load, the r ight -hand stu arm present s a

low impedance. The received signal a t t he junct ion is then presen ted

with a match in both the receiver and in the load arms.

The power

divides equally bet ween t he t wo arms and, including reflect ions fr om t he

termina t ing impedance Z. = 2, the tota l signal loss s 3.5 db,

Page 362: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


[SEC. 8+3



By an examina ion of the t ransmission rat io

P _l +x:


2+ + x;

expressed in terms of the react ance X. of the r igh t -hand stub, it may be

confirmed that t he received signal loss always lies bet ween O and 3.5 db.

If it is necessary, this loss an be obviat ed by a second swit ch on t he r igh t -

h and st ub.



It becomes difficu lt t o use the branched-duplexer t echnique when a

very flexible, broadband duplexing unit is desired, or when a c-w power

source is used instead of a pulsed power source.

For these uses the

developmen t of a va riet y of magic T’s has made possible a n ew t echn iqu e.


FIQ. S.22.—A ma gic T.

8.8. Proper t ies of a Magic T.

The general proper t ies of a magic

T are most easily descr ibed by con-

si er in g t he symmet rica l combin a-

t ion of an E-plane T and an

H-plane T (Fig. 8.22). This de-

vice is complet ely symmet ric a bou t

a plane which bisect s the E-plane

and the H-plane T’s. If genera tors

and loads are placed on the var ious

arms in such a way that the sym-

met ry of t he device is n ot dist ur bed,

then the elect r ic field in the wave-

guide must be either even or odd

about the symmetry plane, or it

must be a linear combinat ion of the

even and odd fields. The sym-

met ry of an elect r ic field at a dis-

tance x from this symmet ry plane is des r ibed by the equat ions

E(x) = E(–x),

if the field is even , or

E(z ) = –E(–z )

if t he field is odd Let us consider , for example, a genera tor on arm (4)

and matched loads on the other three arms.

The symmetry has not

been distu rbed. Since the elect r ic. field in arm (4) is even about the

symmetry plane, t he elect r ic field must be dist r ibu ted with an even

symmet ry t hrou gh ou t t he en tir e st ru ct ur e.

Thus a t any instant o t ime

Page 363: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




the phase of a wave in arm (1) a t a dktance d from the symmetry plane

must have the same phase as a wave in arm (2) a t the same distance d

from the symmetry plane. Arm (3), however , will not propaga te a

mode which is even about the symmetry plane, and therefore no ower

will be coupled into this arm. In genera l there will be a reflected wave

in arm (4), but this can be eliminated by in t roducing a matching device

which is symmetr ica l about the symmetry plane, The device usually

e ployed is a post placed in the bot tom of guide (1 )–(2) project ing up

in to arm (3). With this device in place, one-half the genera tor power

will couple to arm (1) and one-ha lf t o arm (2).

N“ext consider a genera tor on arm (3) with matched loads on the

r emain in g t hr ee a rm s.

Here again the symmetry is preserved but now,

since the field in arm (3) is odd about the symmetry plane, t he elect r ic

field in the en t ir e st ructur e must be odd about the symmetry plane.

h-o power will be coupled into arm (4) because the only mode tha t a rm

(4) will propaga te has an even dist r ibut ion of the elect r ic field about the

symme ry plane. However , the phase, a t any instant of t ime, of the

\ vave in arm (1) a t a distance d fro the symmetry plane will be out of

phase with a wave in arm (2) at the same distance d fr om t he symmet ry

plane. Any reflected wave in arm (3) may be elimina ted by in t roducing

a matching device symmetr ica lly about the symmetry plane; this is

usually an induct ive ir is. Here again all the ge era tor power divides

equally between arm (1) and arm (2).

The result of placing two coheren t genera tors on the device may now

I)e considered: one on arm (3), t he other on arm (4), and matched loads

on arms (1) and (2). Under these condit ions, a lso, t he symmetry is

not distu rbed. Since arm (3) is independent of arm (4) the amplitudes

and the phases of the two waves may be var ied independent ly. In par t ic-

adjusted unt il t he wave coupled from arm (3) to arm (1) is in phase with

the wave coupled from arm (4) to a m (1).

Arm 3

This adjustment makes the ]vaves in arm

(2) just out of phase, and hence no power

will be coupled to a rm (2). Thus, ~vith

due regard to phase and amplitude, potver Arm 1



Arm 2


incident at arm (3) and arm (4) couples

only to arm (1). By rever sing the dir ect ion

of t ime, ther efor e, power inciden t in a rm (1)


couples on ly to a rm (3) and arm (4), and not


S.23.—.1 lmdess pa ssive

to a rm (2). The amplitudes of the waves

four-terminal-pair network,

in arm (3) and arm (4) a re equal and ther e is a par t icula r phase rela t ion-

ship between the two waves. The above argument may be repea ted,

but this t ime the phases of the waves in arms (3) and (4) a re adjusted

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[SEC. 8.9

so that the two waves coupled to arm (2) are in phase while the two wave

in a m (1) are 180° out of phase. By reversing t ime it is se n that power

inci en t in arm (2) is divided between arm (3) and arm (4), but the

rela t ive phase of on of the waves differs from the former case by just


By matching arm (3) and arm (4), arm (1) and arm (2) have also been

matched and the coupling between arm (1) and arm (2) has been elimi-

na ted. In fact , a four-terminal-pair lossless st ructure, Fig. 823, has

been made which has the proper ty that power inciden t on any terminal

pair divides equally between the two adj scen t terminal pairs with no

reflect ed power and no coupling to the opposit e terminal pair .

There re many physical st ructures in waveguide and in coaxial

line which have the proper t ies of a magic T. The magic T descr ibed

above has been widely used because of t he simplicity of it s const ruct ion .

Par t icular applicat ions of magic T’s oft en r equ ir e ot her t ypes.

8.9. Linear Balanced Duplexer .—The use of a c-w genera tor in a

system imposes more st r ingent condit ions on the duplexer than are

imposed by a system that involves the use of a pulsed genera tor . A

device is r equir ed which keeps t he gen er at or or t ransmit ter discon nect ed

from th e receiver at all t imes, and yet allows maximum coupling bet ween

the t ransmit ter and the antenna, and maximum coupling from the

antenna to the receiver . ~fore precisely, the product of the two coupling

coefficien ts must be a maximum.

Con siderat ion of th is problem shows th at it is impossible t o con st ru ct

a lossless th ree-termina l-pair net wor k which will sat isfy t hese require-


It is desired that the coupling between terminals (I) and (2)

be zero, Fig. 8.24. If a wave is incident on term nals (l), t here will

be , in general, a reflected wave at termi-



nals (1) and a t ransmit ted wave from


terminals (3). Similar ly if a voltage is


inciden t on terminals (2), there wil be

Arm 1

a reflected wave on terminals (2) and a


~~c~i~er transmitted wave on te m i n a 1s (3).

However , when the direct ion of t ime in

F IG. 824.-A lossless pa ssive t h ree-

both cases is r eversed, t he self-cont radic-

ierminal-pair network.

tory resu lt is obta ined that either the

coupling between terminals (3) and (l), r the coupling between terminals

(3) and (2), must be zero. In other words, there is zero coupling, either

between the t ransmit ter and the an tenna or between the an tenna and the


It ca n be shown , h owever , t ha t t h er e does exist a Iossless fou r-t ermin al-

pair network which sat isfies the requirements sta t ed and that such a net -

work is the magic T. Figure 825 indicates the use of a magic T as a

Page 365: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




duplexer dur ing t ransmission and recept ion. It is impor tant t o rea lize

tha t t his is t he best possible solut ion using a lossless four-t erm inal-pa ir

network and that th is solut ion necessit a t es a 3-db loss of t ransmit t ed

power and a 3-db loss of received

power . Thus a tota l loss of 6 db is

the min mum at tenua t ion possible

when this type of duplexing is used.

It is apparent tha t th is device can

be u sed in m icr owave communica tion

in a manner l ent irely ana logous t o t he

hybr id coil in low-fr quency com-


Severa l magic T’s may

be combined into a complica ted

duplexin g st ru ct ur e in volvin g sever al

t ra nsm ission lin es or a nt en na s.

Thes e t a temen t s a r e ea sily p roved.

Arm 3

Antenna or

transmission line

Arm, JL


rm 2

Transmitter —


11 r

rm 4

Matched load

FIG. 8.25.—A magic T as a linear

ba lanced duu lexer .

With mat r ix not a t ion and with reference to Fig. 8.24, the most genera l

t hree-t ermina l-pa ir device ma y be r epr esen ted as

~]=~: :: ;;]~],

where a , is the incident complex amplitude in a rm (i) and b, is the

scat tered complex amplitude in a rm (i). Amplitudes b; and ai a re so

normalized tha t their absolute va lues squared represent t he incident and

sca t t er ed power s.

If the device is

two condit ions

If t hese two fact s

linear and lossless, t hen its ma t r ix must sa t isfy the

S,j = S,,:

SS*= 1.

a re used and the sca t t er ing matr ix is rewr it t en to

include the first r equirement s of a ba lanced duplexer , t hen


s,, o


s= o 8.22S23

s,, s,, S 3

Since SS* = [, this means tha t S13S~S = O. Thus either S,, or S23

must be zero. But S13 is the coupling from genera tor to an tenna which

must not vanish , and S23 is the couP ling from antenna to receiver which

a lso must not vanish . It must then be concluded that there does not

I W. A. Tyr rell,

1’Bridge Circuits for LIicrowaves,’)

BTL MM-43-16C-23, F eb 12,


Page 366: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




exist a thre~termina l-pa ir , linear , lossless network tha t will sa t isf y the

r equ ir em en ts of a linear du plexer .

Let us now ask if there exist s a linear , lossless, four -termina l-pa ir

network which may be used. It is desired tha t Sl, be zero, and tha t

IS,,I 21S,,12 be a maximum. Each termina t ion ma be removed and

replaced with a lumped impedance and a matched termina t ion with-

out dest roying any of its proper t ies. That is, S12 will st ill be zero and

IS131ISZSI2 will st ill be the maximum. Now, however , i?J IIand S2, must

be zero. If this were not t rue the genera tor could be mismatched and

i$l~ in cr ea sed wit hou t ch an gin g S29.

Bu t IS,3121SZ312s a lr ea dy a maxi-

mum, therefore SI ~ must be zero.

Simila r ly S2,Zmust be zero. Now

the sca tter ing mat r ix is



LS13 S14

s = ]13 ;2, ;;: ~: .

~14 s24 5’34s44

Since SS * = I,

1s131’ 1s141’ 1,

1s,,1’ 1s241’ 1,

1s,31’+ 1s,31’+ Ih’,,1’+ IS3,12= 1,

Isl,l’ + 1s2,1’+ 1s34/2 ]s441’= 1.

If the fir st two equa t ions are added,

IS,,12 + IL$,412+ l&,12 + l&12 = 2.

From the second two equa t ions

l~,, z + IS2,1’ + ~S,41’ + l.!,,)’ + l~,,j’ + \ &4j2 + Z&12 = 2.


1~,,1’ + ]Ag,,l’ + 21S34]’ = O,

and, since each term must , be posit ive, each term must vanish.




Eqs. (2), this means tha t

1s,31’ + [s231’ = 1,

IS’,*I’ + /s,41’ = 1.

If these equat ions ar e subst ituted in 13q. (1),

IS131= 1s 4[,


1s141= ]s231.

If the fir st of Eqs. (3) is squared

Is,,l’ls,,l’ = +(1 – Isl,l’ -



Page 367: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 8’ 10]



E l~,~ljl~,~lzis a maximum, the der iva t ive with r espect t o Sjsmust be

zer o, or


21s,3[3– 1+(1 _’~:j312F =0,


I,s,,l’ = ;.

Ifth isresult issubst itu ted in13qs. (l) and(3)

This device is, however , the magic T. Therefore it has been proved

t ha t t he best possible four -t ermina l-pa ir , lossless, linea r n et wor k for use

as a linear duplexer is t he magic T.

Fur thermore, the maximum value

of 1~1,1IS*’ I2 is ~. The maximum amount of useful power iS thus 6 db

below the genera tor power , and the minimum amount of loss in such a

device is 6 db.

8.10. Nonlinear Balanced Duplexer .—If it is possi le to acid non-

linear elements to a duplexer , much bet ter use of the magic T may be

made. Let us consider , fir st , the possibilit ies when a pulsed magnet ron

is used as the power source, and TR gas witches a re used as the nonlinear


It will be assumed tha t the waveguide type of magic T dis-

cussed in Sec. 8.8 is used.

Consider fir st an ar rangement of two magic T’s as indicated in Fig.

8.26. Power incident in arm (4)

TR switches

will divide between arms (1) and

(2) in an even fashion: a t a given


1 ~-7

distance from arm (4), the voitage


in arm (1) will be in phase with the


voltage in arm (2). If t he upper 4






pa th to the second T has the same


r -

elect r ica l length as the lower pa th ,


t he two waves will a r r ive in arms




(l’) and (2’) in phase. These two

FIG. 8.26,—A lm lm l{ed lna gir-T du plr .xr r

waves will thus couple only to arm (4’).

Similar ly, power incident in

arm (3) will a r r ive in rms (l’) and (2’) ou t of phase, and thus collp]e

only to arm (3’).

If a pulsed t ransmit ter is placed on arm (4) and a TR switch is inser ted

in the upper pa th at a distanced from the fir st magic l’, the TR switch }vill

fi e, reflect ing most of the power back to arm (1). The leakage power

will be incident in m-m (l’). A second TR s}vitch , ident ica l ~r ith the

fir st , may be placed in the lower path in var ious posit ions. If it is placed

a t t he distance d + &/4 from the fir st magic T, then the tota l path of

Page 368: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[$EC. $-10

the power from the T to the lower TR switch and back to the T will

be a half-wavelen th longer than the similar path to the upper TR switch .

The reflected wave in arm (1) wiIl then be 180° ou t of phase with the

reflected wave in arm (2). Now the transmit ter power will couple

only to arm (3), and the transmit ter will see a matched load. The

leakage power from the lower TR switch will ar r ive in arm (2’) in phase

with the leakage power in arm (l’) from the upper TR switch , and,

therefore, the leakage power will all couple to arm (4’). A low-power

signal ar r iving in arm (3 ) will not fir e the TR swit ch es a nd, t her efor e,

will couple only to arm (3’).

Severa l observat ions may be made about the opera t ion of such a

duplexer . Fir st , the antenna is completely disconnected from the t rans-

mit ter when the TR tubes are not fir ing. Regardless of its impedance,

there will be no loss of signal to the t ransmit ter . Since no ATR tubes

a re required, it might be possible to make a device matched over a

broader frequency band than is possible by the branched-duplexer


Second, all the leakage power wil be dissipa ted in the matched load

in arm (4’) whi e no leakage power is coupled to the receiver on arm (3’).

In order for th is to be t rue, both the rela t ive phase and the amplitudes of

the waves in arms (l’) and (2’) must be identica l. Thus, not only must

the elect r ica l length of the t ransmission lines or waveguides in the upper

path be the same as in the lower path , but the phase shift in the two TR

switches must be the same. In order for the device to be used over a

band f frequencies, the Q of the two TR switches must be identica l.

Since the amplitudes of the two waves must be equal, the amplitudes of

the leakage powers from the two TR switches must be the same through-

ou t the en t ir e magnetron pulse.

This is difficult to a complis . The

gas discharges in the two TR tubes must star t at the same time and in

the same manner . In pract ice some leakage power en ters arm (3’) to the

r eceiver . The leakage power from ach TR tube must be low enough

to protect the receiver . The amount of decoupling of the leakage power

to the receiver must not be relied upon too heavily.

The bandwidth of th is device is cont rolled by the impedance seen

by the t ransmit ter and by the Q of the TR switch . The Q of the TR

switch determines t e bandwidth in exact ly the same manner as it deter -

mines the bandwidth for the branched duplexer s.

The s tanding-wave

ra t io seen by the magnet ron is determined by the difference in path to the

upper and to the lower TR switch .

Wh en th e differen ce is exact ly on e-

quar ter gu ide wavelength , there is no reflec ed wave. As the wavelength

is changed, the difference in path length is a ltered and a ref ected wave is

produced. Moreover , the m-agic T it~elf has a fin ite band over which it is

well ma tched

Page 369: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 8.11] R ING-C RGUI1’ I) UI’LEXllR


8.11. Ring-circuit Duplexer .—There a re sever al balanced duplexer s

that opera te on the genera l pr inciples discussed in Sec. 8.10, but which

differ physically. The power-handling capacity as well as t he maximum

bandwidt h va r ies con sider a bly.

They a lso differ in the type of magic

T used. The balanced dupleser tha t uses a combina t ion of E-plane

and H-plane T’s is limited to po~ver levels of less than 150 kw, a t 3 cm,

for arcing occurs a t about tha t po~~er level around the matching post .

It has a bandwidth of about 12 per cent .

A magic T descr ibed as a r ing circuit has been par t icula r ly successful

for maki~g a good balanced d~lplexer .

A r ing circuit consist s of a loop or r ing,

Fig, 827, of wavegu ide to ]vh ich four

wavegu ides a re joined to form four E-

plane T’s. The elect r ic vector is p~ra llel

to the plane of the paper , The mean

circumference of the loop is one find one-

ha lf gu ide ~vavelengths, The distance

between arms (1) and (3), (3) and (2),

and (2) and (4) is a qua r ter of a gu ide

~vavelength a long the mean circumfer -

ence. The charact er ist ic imDedance of


I:lG 827. -Diagran1 of a

r ir ru it nla giv T.


the loop is 1/{2 t imes tha t of the four a rms.

If t he E-plane T is considered to bc a pure ser ies junct ion with no

junct ion effect s, t he proper t ies of t he r ing circuit may be obta ined by

the same genera l met hod used in Sec. 88.. The r ing circuit is symmet r ica l

about a plane between arms (2) and (3). As before, fields tha t a re even

and odd about the symmet ry plane are considered.

These two solu t ion s

may be combined to give a genera l solut ion.

First , if t he elect ric field

is odd about t e symmet ry plane, the elect r ic field must be zero at t he

plane of symmet ry. A sheet of meta l maybe placed along the symmet ry

pla ne wit hou t dist ur bin g t he fields.

Only o e half of the r ing circuit is now considered. The impedance

matr ix of this device is obta ined in the ordinary ay from the linear

equ at ion s of a two-t ermin al-pa ir n etwor k,

V, = ZI,I, + zls~s,

V3= 21,11+ Z3313.

The impedance seen a t the reference plane of a rm (1), when there is no

cur ren t a t arm (3), is 211.

In the lower sect ion there is, then, t he

impedance of a sh or t circuit , t ransform ed one-eight h wa velengt h ar ound

the loop, plus the impedance of an open circuit on arm (3), and the sum

transformed one-four t h wavelength to arm (1). This result s in zero

impedance from the lower sect ion a t arm (1). From the upper sect ion

Page 370: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers



lSEC. 811

t her e s t he im pedan ce of a sh or t cir cu it t r an sform ed t hr ee-eigh th s wa ve-

length or –j/~. Thus

’11 = $2”

Si ilar ly, t heo her mat r ix elements a r found with the resu lt

Elect/icwatl ‘


‘i+ , ?;

Magnetic wall )



J ! - - @




FIG. 8.28.—Diagram t o illust r ate t he calcula t ion of t he scat ter ing matr ix of a r ing-cir cu it

m agic T.

For the even case the sheet of metal must be replaced with a magnet ic

wall wh ich mainta ins an open circu it a t t he symmetr y plan e.

In this case






++2 -+2

In both cases the resu lt of squar ing the matr ix is just – 1,

ZL, = –1,

Z:,m = _[.

The scat t er ing matr ix S is

s = (z – 1)(Z + l)-’,


s = (z’ – 2Z + 1)(Z’ – l)-’.

Page 371: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers



IfZ2 = –[, then


Hence, in the even case Z,, = S,1 = +j/@, and


th is is the reflect ion

coefficien t in arm (I). The complex wave coupled to arm (3) is

Z13 = S13 = j/@

The sca t t ered waves in each arm for the two cases





FIG. S.29,—Dimensions for a r ing circu it a t 3.33 cm.

a re known , as indica ted in Fig. 8.28a and b. Th e even and odd solu t ions

may be added in any way. For example, the two solu t ions shown in Fig

8.28a and b may be added with the resu lt , F ig, 8.28c, that a wave of

amplitude 2 is incident in arm (1) which couples a wave of amplitude

<2 to arms (3) and (4). No

wave is coupled to arm (2) nor is

there a reflected wave in arm (1).

By sym etry, it is seen that an

amplitude of 2 inciden t in arm (4)

will couple a wave of amplitude

{2 to arms (1) and (2) with no

reflected wave or coupled wave

to arm (3). From the same im-

pedance matr ix, the resu lt of a

wave inciden t in arms (3) or (2)

can be found (Fig. 8.28d, e, and f).

The Dower incident in any arm

1.4 -



&ml -


g 1.2




3.1 3.2

3.3 3.4 3.5

Wavelengthin cm

FIQ. 8.30.—Standing-wave ra t io of r ing.

cir cu it magic T.

divid& equally between th~ two adjacen t arms with no coupling to the

opposit e arm and n o r eflect ed power .

Thus, the r ing circu it is a magic T.

It is obvious that the r ing cir cu it is somewhat fr equency-sensit ive

since its opera t ion depends upon cor rect line lengths. The voltage

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[SEC. 8.1 I

standing-wave ra t io a t arm (1) and arm (2), with matched loads on the

remaining arms, plot ted against wavelength is shown in Fig. 8.30 for a

r ing circuit const ructed according to Fig. 829. F igure 8.31 is a plot


1,0 ~

3.1 3.2

3.3 3.4


3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Wavelength in cm

Wavelength m cm

FIG. 8.31.—Cr oss cou pling between a rms

FIC. 8.32.—Standing-wave ra t io pr esen ted

(1) and (2). to he magnet ron hy r ing-circu it duplexer .

of the ra t io, expressed in decibel , of power inciden t in arm (1) to power

coupled to arm (2).

A non linea r ba lanced duplexer may be constructed with r ing circu its.

As before, ca re must be taken in placing the TR switches if the maximum

FIG. 8.33.—Rkg-cir cu it duplexe r

I__.. . .

milled from aluminum. The top ha lf has been

r emoved t o sh ow t h e det ails.

Th e two h alves a re split a lon g t he cen ter of the wide side

of t he wavegwde.

bandwidth is desired. As th frequency is changed, the standing-wave

ra t io presented to the t ransmit ter will change, not only from a change in

the character ist ics of the ring circuit , but also from a change in the

elect r ica l posit ions of the TR switches. In the r ing-circuit duplexer ,

Page 373: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 812]



these two effect s are near ly equal.

If the TR swit hes are placed at

the cor r ect distance from the r ing circuit , the effec s can be made to

cancel each other . On the drawing of the r ing-circuit balanced duplexer

shown in Fig. 8. 9 the posit ions of the TR tubes are indicated.

The TR

switches are the broadband type 1B63. F igure 8.33 is a photograph

of a r in g-cir cu it ba lan ced du plexer milled fr om aluminum.

The volt age

standing-wave rat io presen ted to the t ransmit ter as a funct ion of wave-

length is plot t ed in Fig. 832. The duplexer can be used up to peak

power levels of 350 kw at l-psec pulse length and a pldse recur rence

frequency of 500 per sec if the corners inside the E-plane T’s are slight ly


8.12. Pract ica l Magic T’s.—In the discussion of the magic T which

consists of a combination of E-plane and H-plane T’s, Fig. 8.22, the

procedure that was followed in the matching of the junct ion was inher-

en t ly importan t in der iving the magic-T proper t ies, To obta in the

desired resu lt , it is necessary to match the two arms that lie in the

symmet ry pla ne.

It is clear , how-

ever , that had the arms which are

on each sid of the symmetry plane

been matched, there \ rould have

been no reason to expect that the

resu lt ing const ruct ion would be a

magic T. The coupling between

opposite arms would not have been

zero, and the two arms in the plane

of symmetry would not have bum

matched. In the first case, four

in dependen t a dju stmen ts a re made,

the amplitude and the phase of a

~Ic. S34. -Posit ion of post and ir is

r eflect ion coefficien t in ea ch of t he

for ma tching a magic T in ~-in . by l-in ,

t wo arms in t he plane of symmetry.


In the second case, only two adjustments a re made, since the result ing

device must remain symmetr ica l. For this type of symmetry, four

in depen den t par amet er s in t he t wo arms a re necessar y.

These arms are

in the plane of symmetry.

These four adjustment may be made in a var iety of ways all of which

depen d upon t he shape of t he device and t he desir ed bandwidth and power -

handling capacity. As seen by Fig. 834 the H-plane arm is matched

by adjust ing the length and the posit ion of a cylindr ical post placed

inside the junct ion while he E-plane arm is matched by the size and

posit ion of an asymmetr ical induct ive ir is. The post is 0.125 in. n

diameter and 0.650 in. high. The ir is is 0.032 in . th ick. This method of

matching resu lts in a magic T that is less frequency-sensit ive than a

Page 374: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 812

magic T in which both arms are matched by sing lumped constan ts such

s ca pacit ive or in du ct ive ir ises.

The 10-cm-band magic T is similar ly

matched, as shown in Fig. 835. The post is 0.375 in . in diameter a d

is 1,750 in . h igh . The ir is is 0.032 in. th ick.

Th e 1.25-cm-band magic T

has the post replaced with a metal fin , Fig. 8.36. The ir ises are 0.020 in .

FIG. 8.35.—Position

of post and ir is for matc}~ing a magic T in 1~-in ,

by 3-in . waveguide.

S.36.—Posit ion of post and ir is for matching a magic T in ~-in .

by A-in . waveguide.

th ick. The frequency sensit ivit ies of the t hree magic T’s are shown in

Figs. 8.37, 8,38, 8.39. The curves show the st anding-wave ra t io VS.

wavelength in each arm for magic T’s before an t i a fter the match ing

devices a r e a dded.

It is seen that the standing-wave rat ios for the unmatched magic T

are h igh . By changing the dimensions of the var ious arms, these

standing-wave rat ios may be lowered considerably and the final match

Page 375: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers










~ (unr latched)



3.5 —






\\ \




3.0 —-- ., ---






1.0. (

unmatct ed)

8.0 8.5



10.0 10.5

11.0 11.5 12.0

Wavelength in cm

FIG. 8.37.—Effects of a post and ir is for match ing a magic T in 1}-in . & 3-in . wavegu ide.






- --J_, _



—-— ———- ____

——_. -———



~ 2.5

E.a rm





‘ -L\-




-—_. ____ - ____




Side arm


Side arm



—-— ____

1.0 L— —

3.10 3.15


3.2 3,30

3.35 3.40

3.45 3.50

Wavelength in cm

Fm. 8.38.—Effects of a poet and ir is for mat hlng a magicT in i-in . by l-in . wavegu ide.

Page 376: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 812

more easily at ta ined. Such a magic T has been const ruct ed’ at the

Telecommunicat ions Research Establishment in Engla d. If the

E-plane arm is considered t o be a pure ser ies connect ion with no junct ion

effect s, a match in this arm could be at ta ined by m king the charac-

ter ist ic i pedance of the symmetr ical arms one half the character ist ic

impedance of the E-plane T. Quar ter -wavelength t ransformers or a

t apered guid~ may then be used to return to a guide of standard size.

It is convenien t then , to have the H-plane arm also of the reduced

dimensionsat the junct ion . Over a band of wavelengths from 3,05cm












-- ---




-— ___ ____

~ 2.5 ,:/




2.0 ;




_ $mmatchad) > /

1.5 -

---- .-- —— - ______

Side a;;

~ ~

- ~ ‘








1.25 1.26



Wavelength in cm

Fm. 8.39.—Effect s of a post and ir is for matching a magic T in ~-in . by ~-in . waveguide.


3.30 cm, an unmatched magic T const ruct ed of guides having inside

dimensions 0.9 in . by 0.4 in . and 0.9 in . by 0.2 in. had a volt age standing-

wave ra t io in the E-plane arm of about 1.16, in the H-plane arm of 3.3,

and in the side arm of 1.61. If these figures are compared with the curves

in Fig. 8.38, it is apparen t that the match of the ser ies arm is great ] y

improved, with no effect on the shunt arm and without too drast ic an

effect on the side arms Final matching was accomplished by matching

the ser ies arm with a large post and then ma cKlng the shunt arm with a

small post , Fig. S’40. The result ing curve of voltage standing-wave rat io

vs. wavelength for t he magic T, which includes the quar ter -wavelength

t ransformers, is shown in Fig. 8.41 for an exper imental model.

1Private communicat ionfrom P. R. Tunnicliffe ,TRE, Jan. 16, 1946.

Page 377: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. &121



Considerable ca re must a lso be t aken in matching the r ing-circuit

magic T. In the discussion in Sec. 8.11 it was assumed tha t the junct ion

effect s of t he E-plane T could be neglect ed. It is seen from the fre-

F IG. 8.40.—Modified m agic T.

quency-sensit ivit y curves, Figs. 8.30 and 831, that this assurr rpt ion was

allowable for the 3.3-cm band for the l~in. by +-in. waveguide.


ments made on a r ing-cir cuit magic T for the 10.O-cm to 11.2-cm band

using 3-in . by lj-in , wavegu ide

show curv s very similar t o Figs.

8.30 and 8.31. However , \ rhen

plungers were put in firms (3) and

(4) no posit ion o the plunger

cou ld be fou nd }vh ich Lvou ld give

a low standing-wave ra t io in tkm

remaining arms. Apparen t ly the

simple ser ies-cir cu it a ssumpt ion

cannot be used here, By chang-

ing the size of t he cen t er post ,

Fig. 829, from 1.972 in., which is




H. arm


Wavelen@hi~ cm

llu . 8.41. —l’requency sensit ivity of tho

m odified m agic T,

t he ca lcula ted va lue for 3-in. by l&in. wa vegu ide, t o 2.100 in,, t he plu nger

posit ion can bc found and a curve similar t o Fig. 832 is obta ined. How-

ever , t he standing-~r :ive ra t ios when the shor t cirmlits a re replaced by

matched loads a re high and the cross a tenuat ion is much lower .

Page 378: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 812

Some of these difficu lt ies ar ise from the failu re of the assumpt ion

that the junct ion effect s a re unimpor tant , and some from the very close

spacing of the E-plane T’s. With theequivalen t circu it of the E-plane T

a va ila ble, t he ju nct ion effect s m ay be in clu ded in t he design .

The second

difficu lty may be removed by adding cor r ect line lengths between the

var ious rms. Although he argument sta ted in Sec. 8.11 is not applica-

ble hen sufficien t symmet ry is lacking, it can be shown tha t th e magic-T

proper t ies are reta ined if any number of guide wavelengths are inser ted

between any of the arms provided that the tota l number of half wave-

lengths added to the en t ire r ing is even .

If th is ru le is followed a grea t

many alterat ions on the simple r ing circu it can be made.

For a wavelength of 3.3 cm and a waveguide size of 1 in. by ~ in. by

0.050 in. wall, neither of these considerat ions is of impor tance. At a

wavelength of 1.25 cm and a gui e size of ~ in. by ~ in. by 0.040 in. wall,

it is easily seen tha t the arms must be spaced so closely that they run

in to each other . Here obviously it is necessary to apply the ru le just

sta ted. Each addit ion of length increases the frequency sen it ivity

considerably, an d t her efor e t he addit ion of lin e lengt hs sh ould be a voided

if possible. It i not cer ta in if t he junct ion effect s must be considered.

To t he a ut hor’s kn owledge, n o r ing circuit s based on t hese consider at ion s

have been con st r u ct ed .

The a ltera t ion of the line length between the arms is not the only

t ransformat ion that can be made on the r ing-circu it magic T. From

t he discussion in Sec. 811, t he sca t ter ing mat r ix of t he r ing-circu it magic

T is seen to be



0 –1

s=j+:_l () ;“


The solu t ion for Z in Eq. (4) is

z = (1 + S)(1 – s)-’


z = (1 + 2s +s )(1 – s’)-’,

Since S’= –I, Z=S



0 –1

z=j+; _l o :“


If a t ransformer with a turn rat io of n : 1 is placed on one arm of the magic

T, the impedance mat r ix of the new st ructu re is found by mult iplying

the cor responding row and column by n or by v“Z where Z is the rela t ive

Page 379: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 8’12]



character ist ic impedance of th e new transmission line compared with t he

old line. If t ransformers are put on each arm, the new impedance

mat r ix will t hen be

Z. = MZM,



As an example, let Z, = Z, = 1, 2, = Z1 = 2. Then the product MZM

results in



0 –1



This mat r ix may be considered as the sum of four mat r ic s. Three of

t h ese mat rices a re on e-qu ar ter -wavelengt h lin es a nd on e is a t hr ee-qu ar ter -

wavelength line, a ll of a charact er ist ic impedance of 1,

‘n=’F:i:l+’!:::l+ ””

Thus, t here is a new magic T which is shown in Fig. 8.42. ith oth r

choices of the 2,’s a grea t many

var ia t ions ar e possible,

FIG. 842.-A t ra n formed r in g-cir cu it

F IG. 8 43.-A r igh t-a ngle r in g-cir cu it m agic

magic T.


These considera t ions are also applicable to a magic T of another type.

This is called the r igh t -angle r ing circu it .

This r ing circuit consists of

four one-quar ter -wavelength lines, two with a character ist ic impedance of

1, and two with a character ist ic impedance of 42, wh ich connect fou r

Page 380: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




t erminal pair s, l ig. 843. Byapply ng hemethod used on the ordinary

r ing circu it , t he sca t ter ing mat r ix and the impedance mat r ix may be









0 *’


Z=j 1

0%/’ 201

The same ru le for adding line lengths between the var ious arms a plies

here. and new st ructures mav be found by adding t ransfo mers to the






F IG. S44.-Coa xial r in g-cir cu it m agic T’s.

arms as is done for the ordinary r ing circu it . It will be observed from

the sca t ter ing mat r ix, however , tha t the volt age coupled from arm (1)

to arm (4), or from arm (2) t o arm (3), is now 90” ou t of phase with the

wave coupled from arm (1) to arm (3), or from arm (2) t o arm (4).

If a ba lanced duplexer were made with a r ing circu t of this type, the TR

switches would h ave t o be placed at equal distances from th e r in g circu it s.

Th e con st ru ct ion of ma gic T’s is n ot limit ed t o r ect an gu la r wa vegu ide.

A var iety of magic T’s maybe made from coaxial lines and from combina-

t ions of wavegu ide and coaxial line. The discussion presen ted in Sec.

8.8 was based on the ser ies and parallel natu res of t he ~-plane T and the

H-plane T, Fig. 8.22. It is easy to repeat the symmet ry arguments with

the ~-plane T replaced with a coaxial probe, or the H-plane T replaced

with a coaxia l loop, or both subst itu t ions made at once.

As has been

Page 381: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




poin t ed out , matching must be accomplished in the ser ies and in the

pa r allel a rms.

Coaxial lines may be used in both types of r ing-circu it const ruct ions

as indicated in Fig. 8.44. The coaxia l T shown is a parallel circu it and,

therefore, admit tances are easier to handle. The scat ter ing and admit-

tance mat r ices may be found as in the ser ies cases. Although severa l

coaxial r ing circuit s of t he t ype sh own in Fig. 8.44b have been cons t ruct ed ,

n o per forma nce dat a a re available.

8.13. Circu lar -polar iza t ion Duplexer .—A third var ia t ion in the

design of a balanced duplexer uses magic T’s which involve a round

wavegu ide. As an example of such a magic T, consider the construct ion

indicated in Fig. 8.45. The two symmetr ica l arms of the magic T, arms

&Arm 3




Arm 2


( Arm 4



Arm 4



FIG. s.45.—A magic T u sin g r ou nd w-awgu idc.

(1) and (2), a re the two perpendicu la r polar izat ions in the round wave-

as in Sec. 8.8. For the ordinary magic T of Fig. 822, in order to obtain

a matched magic T, the match ing must be accomplished in arms (3) and

(4). Arm (4) can be matched to arms (1) and (2) by using a quar ter -

wavelength t ransf rmer between the rectangular and the cylindr ical

gu ides. The t ransformer shown in Fig. 8.46 is approximately a quar ter -

~vavelength lo g, and its impedance is approximately cor rect for a t ransi-

t ion betw-eer . t r ansmission lines of differen t character ist ic impedances.

End effect s and the change in cross sect ion a lter both the length and the

Z“ of the t ransformer . At 1.25 cm the choi e of dimensions of the rec-

tangular and the cylindr ical gu ide is such that a match can be obta ined

in arm 3) by simply adjust ing the distance between arms (3) and (4).

At 3,3 cm a match ing ir is is necessary.

The advantage of using a magic T with round guide in a duplexer

be omes apparen t i t he magnet ron and antenna are visualized as placed

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[SEC, 8.13

on arms (-l) and (3), for then the two TR switches are in the same guide.

The t~vo swit ches can , in fact , be made in to a single tube. The difference

in the elect r ical pa th length from the magic T o the TR switch for the

two arms, arm (1) and arm (2), must be a quart er of a guide wavelength ,

as in the previous duplexers.

N’ow, however , the physical dist ance

between the magic T and the TR switch is the same for the two arms

since they are in one waveguide.

The guide wavelengths in arms (])



l r


~ q ~0.420”






,, II


II ,1

0.196” ~ I ‘


,)1 j

\ w

~’-– -–– J



;0332,, “w ‘--=: =--- -




FT~, 8.46. —Din~r)l sion> o

f 1,25-cn l-ba rld cir cu la r n ,a gic T.














Magic T

+ Ag


+ A9

Magic T




B1(,, &48.-L)iagr an1 of cir cu la r -pola r iza t lu ll {IUI J IVr r

r esu lt in a {~ll:~r t,er -~ a ~’clen gt lldiffer en ce in elect rica l pa th len gt h. III

ot h er words, if X; and k: are the vavelengtbs in arms (1) and (2) respec-

t ively, t en


1 = z= 2- z=,

A; – A:

where 1 is the length of the sect ion of the cylindr ical gu ide in Ivh ich thv

guide wavelengths differ .

The change in gu ide wavelengths may IN

Page 383: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 8“13]




accomplished by using an ellipt ica l sect ion of gu ide, by inser t ng a fin

in to a circu la r gu ide, by using lumped constant s such as a number of

capacit ive posts, or by using a dielect r ic slab in circu la r gu ide.


second method is illu st r a ted in Fig. 8.47. The stepped const ruct ion on

each end of the fin is a quar ter -

wa velen gt h t ra nsformer t o m at ch

in to an d ou t of t he pha se-sh ift ing


The waves in arm (1) and arm

(2) m-e thus in phase with each

oth er when they n ter the sect ion

of gu ide conta in ing the fin , and

are 90° ou t of phase with ea rh

other as they leave the sect ion .

Before en ter ing the sect ion con-

t ain in g t he fin , t he combin ed wa ve

will thus be a linea r ly polar ized

wave whose elect r ic vector is

eit her pa ra llel t o or per pen dicu la r

to the symmet ry plane of the

magic T. After leaving the fin ,

the combined w ve is either a




F IG. S .49.—Tlt s~vit[h .

r igh t-h an d or a left -h an d cir clda rly pola rized wave.

Th e sect ion of wave-

gu ide con ta in ing the fin is thus the microwa ve equ iva len t to the quar t er -

wa velen gt h pla te u sed a t opt ica l fr equ en cies.


1.22 1.24 1.26 1,28

Wavelengthin cm

F IQ. S51).-B:111d~vi,it ll of TI { swit ch of F ig. 8.4!)

Th e cir cukw-pola r iza t ion d llplexer will, t h er efor e, con sist of two magir

T’s in cylin clr ir al gllidej t }vo qu ar ter -wa velen gt h pla tes, a nd a TR swit ch

in cylindr ica l gu ide, Fig. 8,48.

The opemt ion on both 10]v and h igh

power is iden tica l t o t ha t of t he ba la nced d~lplexer s pr evim lsly descr ibed.

The TR switch must t ransmit t~vo perpendicu lar pola iza t ions, for

example, the waves in arms (I) aIMl (2). Fkure 849 indi~ak a possible


The or ien ta t ion of the resonan t cross is not impor tant

since a circu la r ly polar ized \ Va \ ’eis symmetr ic abollt the direct ion of

Page 384: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 8.14

propagat ion . F igure 8.50 sh ows t he voltage standing-wave rat io wh ich

the TR switch presen ts to the quar t er -wave p ate. lt is seen that over

the frequency band shown the maximum loss is 0.5 db. F igu re 851 is













Wavelengthin cm

FIQ, 8.51 ,—Standing-wave rat io as seen by tbe magnetron and signal

t he over -a ll volt age standing-wave rat io of the duplexer as seen by the

magnet ron and the an tenna of an exper imenta l circu lar -polar iza t ion

duplexer shown in Fig. 852.

When the leakage pulse is observed on a fast oscilloscope, the energy

appears to be almost en t irely in the spike. The tota l energy t ransmit ted

I~l<;, S52. -Duplexes for 1.’25 cm eI llr lloyiIlg

vi!rulu L,ola lizat lon.

by the TIt swi ch for example,

the amount of energy per pu lse

en ter ing the matched absorber in

arm (4), is 9 ergs. The energy

per pu lse absorbed by the rrystal

is 0.06 erg. The decrease in leak-

age energy accomplished by the

magic T and the quar ter -]vave-

measu rement was made on ly at

the cen ter of the 1,25-cm band.

The maximum amount of prover

ivh ich the dl~plexer will t ransmit

at a tmospher ic pressure is 87 kw

at 0.3 psec pu lse width , 55o pps

r epet it ion fr equ en cy.

8.14. Turnst ile Duplexer .—A

balanc d duplexer that employs a

circular ly pola r ized wave but does

not use a quar ter -wavelength pla te

can be const ructecl with a six-terminal-pa ir ne~w-ork called “ the tu rn-

st ile, ”

Fig. 853. I,et us co sider th ree exper i en t s per formed with

matched terminat ions on 5 arms, and ]vith a matched genera tor on the

remain ing arm of the tu rnst ile.

Page 385: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





1. With thegenera tor on arm (6), Fig. 8.54a jin thecylinclr ica l guide,

make an adjustmen t of two parameter s, such as a post diameter and

length indica ted in l’ig. 8.55, unt il

there isno reflected wave. Since the



device is symmetr ica l abou t a plane

th rough arms (3), (4), and the cylin -


dr ica l guide, no power will be coupled

to arms (3) and (4). The elect r ic

field of the wave in arm (6) is odd

about the plane of symmetry. Such

a field will not propagate in arms (3)

‘% ~

and (4).

The waves in arms (1) and

(2) are equal in amplitude and are

180° out of phase with each other .

If unit power is inciden t in arm (6),



the voltages in arms (1) and (2)



may be char cter ized by + I/@


and – 11~.

2. F rom Exper imen t (1) it must

Arm Arm

4 3

be concluded that if unit power is



inciden t in arms (1) and (2), Fig, 854b,

such that their r espect ive voltages are



180° out of phase, no power \ vill be

coupled to arms (3), (4), and (5) while


the amplitude of the wave in arm (6)

FIQ. 8.53.—A tur n st ile ju nr t ion ,

will be W. There will be no reflected wave in either arm (1) or arm (2).

3. If a genera tor is placed on arm (1) only, Fig. 8.54c, there will

be, in genera l, a reflected wave and a wave which is coupled to each



l + r mv + t r mr







(b) (c) (d)

FIO. 8.54.—Diagram to illust ra te the matching of a turnst ile junct ion, In (a) the

directionof th e incidentwaveis into the paper;in (b ), (c), and (d) the waves emerge from

the plane of the paper .

of the remaining arms except arm (5). From the symmet ry of the turn-

st ile the power coupled to arms (3) an (4) will be equal and the waves in

phaae with each other . When unit power is incident in arm (l), the

Page 386: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




amplitude of the wave coupled to arm (6) will be @2 as indica ted by

Experiment (2). Compar ing Ilxper imen ts (2) and (3), it is obse ved

tha t for consistency it is necessa ry tha t the reflected vave in arm (1)

be equa l to the transmit ted wave in a rm (2), a = B. If now by a second

adjustment a = 0, then /3 = 0, and necessar ily, 8 = ~.

This is a device






0,065” h








: :’,

-.7 -+, -J

~1.,.l r ‘-

--l_ -L. _’ -L___




FIG. S.55.—Dimensions for a matched

turnst ile iunct i n at 1.25 cm.

whose proper t ies re indica ted in

Fig, 8.54d. If a wave is inciden t in

any one of the re tangula r wave-

gu ides wh n the rema in ing guides

a r e t erm in at ed in t h eir ch ar a ct er ist ic

impedan es, one-ha lf the incident

power will couple t o on e pola riza tion

in the cylindr ica l guide, and one-

four th the power will couple to each

of the adjacent r ectangu lar gu ides.







II ,,





FI~. 8.56.—Turnst ile with

shor t circuit s on two arms.

No power will be r eflect ed, and no power will be coupled either to the

opposite rectangu lar arm or to the perpendicular polar iza t ion in the

cylindr ica l guide

For duplexing purposes a shor t cir cu it is placed in arm (3) and one

in arm (4), F ig. 856. If the shor t circu it s are placed so tha t one of them

is one-quar ter guide wavelength fa r ther from the plane of symmetry

than the other , the two reflect ed waves will a r r ive at the cylindr ica l

wavegu ide 180° out of phase with r espect to each other .

This condit ion

is equi alen t to Exper iment (2).

Th e t wo waves, t her efor e, will cou ple

to arm (5) in the cylindr ica l gu ide and no power will be coupled either to

arm (1) or t o arm (2). The resultan t wave in the cylindr ica l gu ide will

depend upon the rela t ive phases of the two perpendicular ly polar ized

waves in arms (5) and (6).

If the pogit ions of the two shor t circu it s are

a dju st ed, main ta in in g t he on e-qu ar ter u ide wavelen gt h r ela tive displa ce-

ment , the phase of the wave in arm ( ) may be var ied withou t changing

Page 387: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 8’ 14]



the match of the modified turnst i e or the coupling from arm (1) to arm

(2). In par t icular the phase ~ay be made just 90° clifferen t from the

wave in arm (6). The resu ltan t wave will then be circu lar ly polar ized.

Cr it ica l dimensions are shown in Fig. 855 for th 1.25-cm band.

It is clear tha t the modified turnst ile accomplishes everyth ing that

the round agic T and the quar tm-~vavekmgth pla te accomplished in

t h e pr eviou s duplcxer .

Two su h turnst iles and a TR s~vit h for round

F1~, S.57.—BeJa nced dupl xer employing t u rn st ile ju nct ion s.

q \//





Wavelength in cm

F IQ. 8.58. —F requ6llcy sen sit ivit y of t ur nst ile du plexer a t h igh power s,

gu ide, Fig. 8.57, form a balanced duplexer which funct ions in a manner

ident ical with the circu lar -polar iz t ion duplexer of Sec. 8.13. The

frequency sensit ivity at h igh power le el is shown in Fig. 858. At low

power level the modified turnst ile has a voltage standing-wave rat io of

less than 1.1 over the band of wavelengths from 1.22 to 1.28 cm. The

over -a ll fr equency sensit ivity of the turnst ile duplexer is, therefore,

approximately that of the TR switch, as shown in Fig. 8.50 of Sec. 8.13.

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The measurements of the r -f proper t ies of TR and ATR tubes and

of complet e du plexer s usua lly in volve on ly st an da rd t ech niqu es common

t o a ll m icr owa ve mea su remen ts.

The emphasis, however , is not neces-

sar ily the same, and in many cases it is desirable to develop more or

less specia lized test equipment and procedures. one of the most impor-

tant reasons for the development of specia lized test equipment is the

n ecessit y for m ass-pr odu ct ion t est in g of t he t ubes by r ela tively u nt ra in ed


h ’Meas rements on TR tubes and duplexers may be classified under

t h ree h ea din gs: (1) low-level r -f mea su remen ts, (2) h igh -level r -f mes,su re-

ments, and (3) d-c measurements.

The low-!evel r -f measurements on

TR t ubes in clu de t un in g, in ser tion loss, Qoj QL2, cou plin g, a nd keep-a live

inter act ion . The measurements on ATR tubes include tuning, QOand

QLZ,a nd cou plin g. Du plexer low-level m ea su remen ts a re con cer ned ~vit h

tuning, maximum and minimum inser t ion loss for var ious magnet ron

impedances, and bandwidth . High-level r -f measurements must be

made of a rc l ss, a rc lea ka ge power , spike lea ka ge en er gy, dir ect -couplin g

a t tenua t ion, harmonic leakage power , h igh-level standing-wave ra t io,

a nd r ecover y-t ime ch ar act er ist ics.

D-c measurements a re concerned

wit h t h e keep-a live cha ra ct er ist ics.

They include minimum fir ing volt -

a ge, fir ing t ime, oscilla tion s, a nd volt -amper e cha ra ct er ist ics.

For the genera l background and a fuller descr ipt ion of microwave

t est equipment and t ransmission-line components the r ea der is r efer r ed

to the following volumes of this ser ies:

“ Micr owave Tr an sm ission

Circuit s” Vol. 9 and “ Technique of Microwave Measurements” Vol. 11.

9.1. Basic Low-level Tes Equipment .-The fundamental test setup

for low-level mea urements from which almo t all others a r e der ived,

con sist s of a n r -f sign al sou rce, suit able level-set tin g a nd pa ddin g a tt en u-

a tors, a power monitor and wavemeter , a slot ted sect ion or standing-

wave detector , and the object under test which may or may not be

followed in the transmission line by a second, slo\ ted sect ion and a

matched load or power measur ing device.

With such a setup, the

impedance (magnitude and phase of the standing-wave set up by the

test object ), loaded and unloaded Q, inser t ion loss, tuning, and other


Page 389: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 9.1]



proper t ies can be measured. The measurements maybe made in coaxial

or waveguide t ransmission lines depending upon the object under t est

and t he par t icu la r frequency band.

In the 10-cm (3000 bIc/see) band,

waveguide and coaxial lines find almost equal use.

At 3 cm and below,

almost all measurements are made in waveguide. In fact , almost the

only coaxial lines used are flexible dielect r ic-film cables. Although

it is dangerous to genera lize, it is probably t rue that wave uide t est

benches are more flexible and accurat e than those made of coaxial lines.

It is easier to make matched var iable a t tenua tors, matched loads, and

good slot ted sect ions in waveguide, ch iefly because there is no center

conductor to suppor t . At wavelengths grea ter than 10 cm, waveguide

finds lit t le use because of it s grea t bu lk. A typical 10-cm bench using

Ii in. by 3 in. waveguide which includes two slot ted sect ions, two at tenu-

ators, and a matched load may be 5 ft long and weigh 30 lbs.

Sign al sou rces most common ly u sed a re klyst ron s or pa ra llel-elemen t

t r iodes of the “ligh thouse” const ruct ion . Reflex klyst rons, because

they are much more easily tuned, have replaced two-cavity klyst rons.

With presen t detect ing and measur ing techniques a power level of 50

to 100 mw from the tube is ample for most measurements. These power

levels may be obtained with the 21<28 and 2K41 klyst rons in the 10-cm

band, and with the 2K39 tube at 3 cm. The 2K39 and 2K41 tubes have

in tegral cavit ies and opera te at beam poten t ia ls of 200 and 600 volt s,

respect ively, with reflector voltages about —200 volt s with respect to

the ca thode. The 2K41 tube may be turned over a range from about

8.8 cm o 14 cm, but only about a 10 per cen t tun ing range can be obtained

on the main tun ing knob. T e 2K39 tube may be tuned over a 1 per

cent band from 3.1 to 3.5 cm by the tuning cont rol. With 1500 to 2000

volt s between anode and ca thode, the output power of these tubes may

be pushed to 0.5 to 1 wat t .

The 2K28 tube is a cell-type tube that is used with an externa l cavity.

It operat es at lower voltages than the 2K41 tube and produces 100 mw

at a beam voltage of 300 volt s.

This, however , is a lmost its maximum

output power . The tube may be tuned from about 8.5 to 12 cm in a

simple waveguide cavity with two shor t -circu it ing plungers. The

2K25 tube is a low-power tube in the 3-cm b nd. The outpu t power is

about 30 mw at 300 volt s. The 2K25 and 2K28 tubes, because thev are

easily tuned and require smaller power supplies, are usually used in

preference to the 2K39 and 2K41 tubes if the lower u tput @wer is


The C43 (ligh thouse tube) t r iode is most useful above about 15 cm

wavelength . It t oo operat es on about 200 to 300 volt s. It suffers from

the fact that it haa no elect ron ic tuning as the reflex klyst rons have;

but it requires a simpler power supply.

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[sEC. 9.1

he r -f power from each of these tubes is coupled out th rough some

form of coaxial line. All except the 2K25 tube are coupled to the

main line by a flexible coaxial cable. The 2K25 tube is arranged to

mount direct ly on the wavegu ide (1 by ~ in. by 0.050 in. wall) with no

in termedia te fit t ings. The use of flexible cable has many advantages;

but it must be rec ll@ that the fit t ings used t o join these cables together

(type N fit t ings) may in t roduce standing waves of as much as 1.5 or 2 in

voltage. Therefor ej wh ere it can be avoided, measurements should n ever

be made t hrough such connectors.

ossy cables are used whenever possible between the r-f genera tor

and t he ot her test equ ipment , in order t o isolate the oscilla tor from effect s

of mismatch in the unit under test .

Transit ions from cable t o coaxia l

line usually involve a type N r-f connector and a tapered sect ion , or

sect ion of line containing step t ransforme s, to afford a match from the

cable in to the air-filled coaxia l line. Transit ions from coax al line or

flexible cable to waveguide are of several t ypes. The most common

var iety has a probe approximately one-quar ter wavelength long, but

other devices, such as “door knobs”

and crossba r-su ppor ted probes,

serve equally well and are often less suscept ible to mechanical distor-

t ion t han t he simple on e-qu ar ter-wa velen gt h probe.

The slot t ed sect ion is one of the most importan t it ems of test -bench

equipment . It must be very carefully const ructed if accura te work is

to be done. If any dimension var ies from the value specified, the elec-

t r ical measurements are affect ed in some manner . Inner dimensions of

slot ted sect ion s in gu ide must be a ccu rat e.

This is t rue also of the outer

conductor of coaxial slot ted sect ions, with the fur ther requirement that

the inner conductor must be accurat e in size and very closely coaxia l

with the outer conductor . It is the presence of the inner conductor

which makes coaxial slot ted lines so much more difficu lt t o const ruct

than the waveguide slot ted sect ions. In a sect ion of either type the slot

should be as nar row as possible and accurat ely parallel t o the axis of the

line. The th ickness of the wall in which the slot is cu t must be held to

close limits, so that the project ion of the probe in to the guide will be

uniform along the slot ted sect ion .

A gradual var ia t ion in th ickness

causes the s nsit ivity of the device to vary from one end to the other .

The same act ion would ccur if t he inner conductor of a coaxial sect ion

were not accurat ely cen tered. The length of the slot should be grea t er

than a iull wavelength . A full wavelength would ensure that two volt -

age minima and one maximum, or one minimum and two maxima, could

always be obtained were it not for th e fact that Cend effect s 7’cause values

near the ends of slot s to be unreliable.

The pickup pro e should be made of fair ly small wire and should be

inser t ed int o th e transmission line as shor t a distance as possible, in order

Page 391: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


SEC. 91!



tha t it shall not cause a standing wave. Tunable probes a re best because

the grea t er sensit ivityy permit s less inser t ion. The r-f volt age picked

up by the probe is either rect ified by a detector mounted in the probe and

a pplied t o a ga lva nomet er s or amplifier , or is a pplied dir ect ly t o a spect rum

ana lyzer which conta ins a superheterodyne receiver .

A probe of the

second type, which does not conta in a detector , is somet imes called an

“r-f probe,” because it can be used to pick up r-f power which will be

delivered t o another inst rument by means of a flexible cable.

The choice of t e inst rument used to indica te the magnitude of the

power picked up by the probe depends on the kind of measurements t o

be made and on whether or not the r-f oscilla tor is modula ted. If the

r -f oscilla to is squ ar e-wave modu la ted, a n amplifier is u su ally employed.

Most amplifiers used for this purpose have tunable select ive circuit s

incorpora ted in them and, therefore, they amplify only at some desired

frequency. This is very useful for eliminat ing effect s of power-supply

r ipple, or other in t er fer ences .

The amplifier is t uned t o t ha t modula t ion

frequency used with the r-f oscilla tor . Since the oscilla tor is modula ted

with a square w ve, t he rect ified r -f pulse has considerable harmonic


If the amplifier is tuned to amplify at one of these harmonics,

an appreciable er ror may be int roduced, since most of t he harmonic com-

ponent is in the rising and falling edges of t he pulse, where the r-f fre-

quency may be quite different from the frequency obta ined over the fla t

top of the pulse. If he modula t ing voltage does not swing the reflector of

t he oscilla tor t o a n onoscilla ting volt age dur ing ha lf of t he cycle of t he r ec-

tangular pulse, er ra t ic result s may also be expect ed, because it is likely

that the frequencies obta ined in the two ha lves of a cycle will be con-

siderably different . The presence of two or more frequencies may be

ch ecked by in sert ing an a bsor pt ion wa vemet er in to t he cir cu it a nd obser v-

ing the “dips in power level as the wavemeter is tuned over the band.

It is somet imes very convenient to apply the output voltage of a cryst l

to an oscilloscope, so that t he envelope of the modula ted r -f signal may

be observed. Power for this monitor ing crysta l may be taken out of the

line by means of a probe similar t o the one used in the standing-wave

measurement , or by means of a direct iona l coupler .

Wh en t he r -f oscilla tor is unmodula ted, a ga lva nomet er s m aybe u sed t o

register the crysta l cur rent . The crysta l curren t is very near ly propor -

t iona l to the power picked up by the probe. Consequent ly,


where the E’s a re field-st rength values along t he guide, t he P’s are the

cor responding values of power into the crysta l, and the Z’s a re the cor -

r esponding cr yst a l cu rr en ts.

Page 392: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SW. 9.1

‘l’he equa t ion rela t ing crysta l cur ren t to the applied voltage is, more


I = E“

where m expresses the lJ J Vof the det ector , that is, if m = 2, t h e det ect or

is said to have a square law. }l-ith th is nota t icm,


I jm

VSWR = ~ .


The crysta l is very near ly a square-law device,

t e va lue of m should be obtained ex~erimentally.

bu t for precise work

This may be con-

sidered a calibrat ion of the crysta l and it is necessary to ca libra te, as a

unit , t hecrysta l with its associat ed equipment , such asaga lvanometer or

an amplifier , since ou tput impedance has some effect on the crysta l la~v,

and since the amplifier it self may not be quite linear .

If t he range of

crysta l cur ren t s in use is la rge, it will be n ecessary t o obtain a cont inu ous

ca librat ion cu rve, bu t the cryst a l may be ca librated a t on ly one poin t if

the var ia t ion in cur ren t is not very la rge. For voltage st anding-wave

ra t ios less than th ree, calibrat ion at a single poin t is usually sufficien t

since the var ia t ion in crysta l law with crysta l cur ren t is a slow funct ion .

Calibrat ion of a cryst a l is usually done by shor t -circu it ing a line with a

metal plug and compar ing th e va lues of cryst al cu rr en t vs. probe posit ion

with t heoret ica l va lues of field st rength which may be ca lcu la ted.

In a

shor t -circu ited lossless line, t he field st ren gt h at any poin t may be calcu-

la t ed from t he rela t ion

~ = sin 2yl


The va lue of m, the crysta l-law parameter , can be determined by making

a measu remen t at any distance 1 from a min imum, since

When a spect rum analyzer is used, the r -f power is applied direct ly

from t he probe t o a ca librat ed cut off a t t enu ator built in to t he inst rument .

When st and ng-wave ra t ios are measu red with th is appara tus, t he probe

is set a t t he posit ion of a voltage minimum and the heigh t of the pip

noted. The probe is then moved to a maximum posit ion and the signal

is adju sted, by means of the calibra ted at t enuator , to the same heigh t

as when the probe was set a t a min imum in the standing-wave pat t ern .

Page 393: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




Spectr um analyzers a re very seful for measur ing standing-wave ra t ios

grea ter than two. The calibra ted at tenuators can be adjusted to give

accuracies of +0.2 db if ca re is taken , and if the dr ive mechanism is care-

fully built . The sensit ive receiver in the analyzer a llows measurement

of standing-wave rat ios as h igh as 40 db (100-to-l voltage ra t io).

Ma tch ed lin e t ermin at ion s, m at ch ed pa ds, an d mat ch ed va ria ble a tt en -

uat rs should have volta e standing-wave ra t ios less than 1.05 for rough

work and less than 1.02 for a ccu r at e mea su r emen t s.

Units usable over a

broad band of frequencies can be built t o fuliill the requ irements sta ted

above. Matched pads are par t icula r ly importan t when direct measure-

F1a.9. 1.—A typical test bench for use at wavelengths nea r 3 cm.

ments of inser t ion loss a re to be made. Sect ion 9.2 will discuss th is


Squ ar e-wave modu la tor s a re u su ally conden ser -coupled t o t he r eflect or

circu it of the reflex klyst ron tube and requ ire on ly about a 50-volt square

wave t o th row the tube in and out of oscilla t ion .

Th e squ ar e wa ve sh ou ld

r ise sharply and be as fla t as possible on top in order to make the fre-

quency modulat ion small. Exper ience has shown that a symmetr ica l

square wave, in which the durat ion of the posit ive half of the wave is

equal t o that of nega t ive half of the wave, gives the best resu lts.

Wavemeters a re of two types: the coaxia l type which is most often

used at 10 cm, and the cavity type which is used most frequen t ly at 3 cm.

They may be coupl d to the source of r -f pow r in such a manner as to

cause a dlp in power when they are at resonance (absorpt ion type) or

they may be used as t ransmission meters. The absorpt ion type is more

popu lar sin ce t he m onitor in g device also indica tes wh et her t he r -f sou rce

Page 394: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 9“2

is in oscilla t ion .

Measurements of high-Q devices call for gr e t er accu-

r acy than can easily be obtained with or dinary wavemeter s.

Mea ns for

obtain ing the required accuracy ar e discussed in Sec. 9.3.

A typical test bench for use at wavelengths near 3 cm is shown in

Fig. 91. The oscilla tor is at the left , then there is a direct ional coupler

for monitor ing the power , an a t tenuator , a direct ional coupler with a

transmission waverneter and a crysta l holder , a second at tenuator , the

standing-wave detect w-, a broadband TR tube (1B63), and a matched

load terminat ing the waveguide line. The power supply for the oscilla-

tor and a square-wave modu~ator are conta ined in the box on the left

behind the waveguide. On the lower r ight is a spect rum analyzer , and

a bove it an au dio amplifier .


FIG. 92.-Determinat ion of inser t ion loss of 1B24 R tube,

9.2. In ser tion -loss Mea su remen t.—In ser tion loss L is defined as


L = 10 10g10n


where Pi is t he im:ide t po er awl is t he power deliver ed to a matched

load by a matched genera tor ; P1 is t he power deliver ed to a matched l ad,

by the same matched genera tor , a ft er the unit for which the loss is t o be

Inser t ion loss is made up of two

component s—reflect ion loss and dissipat ive loss.

Reflect ion loss is

caused by an impedance mismatch which reflect s par t of the inciden t

power back toward the genera tor .

Dissipa t ive 105s takes place with in

the element and is Z’R loss. Dissipa t ive loss is usua lly det ermined by

subt ract ing the r eflect ion loss from the tota l inser t ion loss.

Inser t ion loss is det ermined direct l bv measur ing the power deIiver ed

by a matched genera tor t o a“matched load and then measur ing the power

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SEC. 92]



delivered to the matched load with the un it to be measured in the circu it .

A m atch ed calibr at ed at ten ua tor is ver y u seful in th is m ea su rem en t, sin ce

it eliminates the necessity for an accura te power -measur ing device.

With the unit t o be measured inser ted between the matched genera tor

and the matched a t tenua tor (F ig. 9.2), the power level in to the match d

load should be set a t some conven ien t value. The unit eing measured

is then removed from the circu it and the at tenua t ion increased unt il the

power level retu rns to its former value.

The difference between the

a tt en ua tor r ea din gs r epr esen ts t he in ser tion loss.

In gen er al, t he pla t in-

ized-glass type of a t tenuator , in either coaxia l line or waveguide (see

Fig. 93), is pr efer r ed for these measurements, because it holds its

ca libra t ion well. Resistor -st r ip at t enuator absorb moistu re to some

ext en t a nd, t h er efor e, h an ge ca libr at ion .

The tuner shown in the illust ra t on is used to match the crysta l det ec-

tor . Tuners of severa l var iet ies a r e su itable for this purpose. These ar e

all descr ibed in Yol, 9, Chap. 9, Radia t ion Labora tory Ser ies.

If the r -f

oscilla tor is capa le of deliver in g su fficient power , a m atch ed pad m ay be

Page 396: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




used in place of the tuner . This pad must have sufficient at tenuat ion to

reduce the voltage standing-wave rat io in t roduced by the crystal to an

acceptable value, abou t 1.05 or less.

When in ser t ion loss is measur ed direct ly, it is necessary t o en su re tha t

both the genera tor and the terminat ion are well matched. A terminat ion

which has a VS WR of 1.2, if used in the measurement of a TR cavity

normally having a loss of 1.5 db, gives values f loss ranging bet ween 1.37

and 1.64 db, depending upon the phase of the impedance: a var iat ion of

approximately t 9 per cent . If, in addit ion , the genera tor were mis-

matched by an equal amount , the range of var ia t ion of loss would be

about twice tha t obta ined with a mismatched terminat ion alone.

The inser t ion loss may be determined also by measur ing the field

st rength and the voltage standing-wave rat io in the line, on each side of

the unit under test , by means of a probe and slot ted sect ion . Let El

be th e inciden t elect r ic field, and ~E, t he r eflect ed elect r ic field, wh er e I’

is the reflect ion coefficient of t e unit being measured, and let Ez be the

t ransmit ted elect r ic field. Since all fields are measured in lines of the

same character ist ic impedance, t he loss is given by th e rela t ion


L = 20 ‘“g’o E,”

The maximum field st rength in the standing-wave pattern in the first

slot ted sect ion is given by

and the minimum by



Th e r ect ified cu rr en t

th e field st rength , or

Em . =

E,(1 + \ r \ ),

Em,. = E,(1 – 1171).

E... + E.,.

E,= ~ .

R from the probe is propor t ional to the square

where kl is the constant char cter ist ic of the probe on the genera tor side

of the tube. A similar rela t ion holds for the second slot ted sect ion , but

with a differen t constant of propor t ionality. If no standing wave is

pr esen t in t he secon d slot ted sect ion ,

R, = k, E :.

The ra t io kl /k, may be determined by compar ing the probe curren ts

when t e unit to be testd is removed from between the slot ted sect ions.

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SEC. 9“3]



The inser t ion loss is then

L = 20 log,, ~~= + xl=

J –


~ R,lcl


Th e r eflect ion loss L., in decibels, is given by

L. = 10 10g,o &2~

wh er e r is th e volt age standing-wave ra t io.




‘2 = E& Rmh’

L, = 10 lc)g,, (~RW + V’~a)’.

4 VmIxi

903. Pass Band of High-Q TR Switches.-A character ist ic of grea t

impor tance in the per forman e of a TR tube is the un loaded Q. This is

FJ~. 94.-Methods of coupling to TR cavit ies.

most easily determined by measur ing the Q of a TR tube and its asso-

cia ted cavity, loaded by one window, QL1.

The cavity is moun ted so

that it terminates a t ransmission line and the response cu rve is measured

in terms of standing-wave ra t io and frequency. E ither coaxia l line or

wavegu ide may be used, bu t since the t rend in microwave applica t ions

has been toward the use of wavegu ide, the measurements to be descr ibed

a re for t he wav gu ide a pplica tion .

For a measurement of QLI, a cavity is moun ted on the end of a coaxia l

line or wavegu ide as shown in Fig. 9.4. Th is situa t ion can be represen ted

by the equival n t circu it shown in Fig. 9.5. The coupling of the cavity

to the t ransmission line maybe var ied by varying the size of the open ing

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[SJ ?C.9“3

in to the cavity. This cor responds to changing the tr ansformer ra t io,

n/nz, and thus changing the termina t ing admit tance of the line.


the cavity is tuned to resonance, the imaginary par t of this terminat ing

a dm it a nce is zer o and, lookin g int o t he ca vity fr om t he transmission line,

a pure conductance is seen whose magnitude depends on the coupling—

that is, the size of the opening—and the unloaded Q of the cavity.

If the coupling ir is is very small, a la rge standing-wave ra t io is pro-

duced in the transmission line, since the end of the waveguide transmis-

sion line is essent ia lly termina ted in a very high admit tance wit a la rge

rea l component . Thus, a minimum of the standing-wave pat tern appears

at t he win dow a t r eson an ce, a nd t he ca vit y is said t o be “u nder -cou pled.”

As the opening is increased in size, the rea l par t of the terminat ing

a dm it ta nce a ppr oa ch es t he ch ar act er ist ic a dm it ta nce of t he t ra nsm ission

line, unt il a size of opening is reached for which, a t resonance, Y = YO,

and the cavity is matched to t e line.

The standing-wave ra t io a t




FIG. 9. 5.—Equ ivalen t cir cu it for ca vit y wit h in pu t cou plin g.

resonance will be unity. As the size of the opening is increased st ill

fu r ther , the rea l par t of the admit tance decreases below YO and, a t

resonance, a maximum of he standing-wave pat tern appears at the

opening. When this condit ion occurs, the cavity is r efer r ed to as

“ over -c oupled . ”

As a result of this behavior , t wo possibilit ies are to be dist inguished.

The voltage standing-wave ra t io a t resonance is give by



1+ —


r. =

~_ l–g’




where g. is the normalized cavity conductance.

If g. s 1, ro = I/g..

This case is of pr incipal in terest in duplexer design. If g. z 1, rO = g,.

In making measurements on a cavity, the informat ion as to whether

g. is grea ter or less than one is obta ined from the phase of the standing

waves. For an ir is-coupled cavity, it is usually easy to determine

whether a maximum or minimum appears at the opening a t r esonance.

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SEC. 9“3]


However , a com plica t ed r -f t r ansmission line bet ween t he slot t ed sect ion

and the cavity migh t make this det rmina t ion difficult . Never theless,

the in format ion may be obta ined by a study of the behavior of the phase

of the standing wave. If the posit ion of a minimum in the standing-

wave pat t ern is measured along the slot t ed sect ion from an arbit r ary

or ig n, and if g. < 1, t here will be a quar ter -wavele gth shift from the

posit ion of the minimum at resonance to the posit ion of the minimum at

fr equ en cies fa r off r eson an ce.

If g. > 1, the posit ion of the minimum

will be t he same at r eson ance as for fr equ en cies far fr om r eson ance.

It is

useful t o in ter pr et t he beh avior of t he stan din g-wave pat ter n as a fun ct ion

of frequency by t racing the var ia t ion on an admit t ance char t .

F igu r e 9.6


(a )

FIG. 9 .6 ,—Circle-d i:~ gram



explan at ion of sh ift of m in imum,

shows the circle di grams for the t~vo cases. For frecluencies fa r from

r esona nce, t he cavity a ct s as a sh or t circu it , and has, t her efor e, an infin it e

admit t ance. As the frequency ncreases from a value below the resonan t

frequency to a value above it , the susceptance increases from a large

n ega tive va lu e, pa sses t hr ou gh b = O, a nd a ppr oa ch es posit ive in fin it y.

The conductance of the cavity remains co stant . - The cavity admit -

t ance, th r efore, t r aces ou t a circle whose cen t er is on the line b = O, and

at resonance the admit tance is repr esen ted by point A. If g, < 1, t he

cir cle encloses t he poin t b = O, g = 1, an d t he ph ase of t he st an din g-wa ve

pat t ern changes th rough 360° or one-half wavelength , as indica ted in

F ig. 9.6a . If g, > 1, the phase increases t o a maximum value at point

D in F ig. 9.6b, t hen decreases again with the resu lt tha t the value at

resonance is the same as the value far fr om resonance; the phase then

devia t es fr om zer o in t he ot her ch rect ion , and finally becom es zer o again .

The posit ion of the minimum thus var ies with frequency in the manner

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[SEC. 9.3

shown in Fig. 97. If t he loaded Q of the cavity is h igh, the circle on the

admit tance diagram is t raversed in a nar row range of frequencies.

The equivalen t circuit given in Fig. 9.5 may be generalized t o include

an output circu it , which can then be in t erpreted in terms of the cavity

cou pled by





one window by assignment of \ he proper value to t e load.










Frequency —


Frequency —

FIG. !17.—Variation of minimum position with frequency.

This circuit is shown in Fig. 98. All conductance and susceptances are

r efer red t o t he input line and normalized.

At r eson an ce t h e su scept an ce

terms, lumped together , a re zero and the standing \ vave set up in the

input line resu lt s from the act ion of he cavity and load condu tance,

which are also lumped t oget her .

At fr equ en cies off reson an ce, t he sus-

ceptance terms cont r ibu t e to the reflected power and consequent ly the

I-+ [4

Y. 9,

FIG.9 S.—Equivalentcircuitfor cavity out put loadingwith mat chedgenera tor.

standing-wave rat io at resonance is the lowest value obtainable.

Th e

loaded Q of the cavity is defined in terms of the resonant frequency and

the frequency difference between the ha lf-power poin ts. In order to

reduce the power in the load circu it t o one half its value at resonance, it

is necessary th t a value of tota l load susceptance equal to the total

load conductance be added. The loaded Q can be calcu lated from the


Page 401: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers





where jO and AOare the resonant fr equency and w velength respect ively,

and j~ and jl, X2 a nd x, a re the cor esponding values at the ha lf-power

points. The standing-wave rat io looking into the cavity with an output

c rcuit i given by t he equat ion

v’(1 + q. + g)’ + (b. + b)’ + v’(1 – g, – g)’ + (b. + b)’, (4)

‘=ti(l+ gc+g)’+(bc+b)’-v(l =g. –g)’+(b. +b)’

At the ha lf-power point s, b, + b = 1 + g, + g, so tha t Eq. (4) reduces to

l+(gc+g) +<l+(gc+g)z


l+(gc+g) –~l+(gc+ g)’”


It is appa rent tha t Eq. (5) gives the same result if 1/ (g. + g) is subst i-

t u t ed for g. + g. This means tha t the st anding-wave ra t io at resonance






Y ,h






/ ‘



/ ‘




6810 26

40 60801

r .

Fm. 9.9.—P1ot of r j~ as a funct ion of r ,.


(TO)can be used in Eq. (5) without regard to the phase of the reflect ion.

A graph of Eq. (5), with g. + g repla ed by ro, is given in F ig. 9.9 . Th e

value of ro determines the va lue of the standing-wave ra t io a t the half-

power point s. The frequency difference between these point s and the

resonant frequency are used to ca lcula te t he loaded Q from Eq. (3).

The det ermina tion of t he unloa ded Q of a ca vit y is pa rt icular ly sim le

if the Q of a cavity loaded by only one window is measured. A sample

Page 402: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


curve showing a measurement on a 11127 TR tube in a cavity mounted

on the end of a waveguide is shown in Fig. 9’10. Once Q~l is determined,

t he u nloaded Q, QO,is calcu la ted fr om


o=1 + ; QLI = (1 + ~o)QL1.

When an outpu t circu it is added, it becomes necessa ry to separa te the

cavity conductance from the load conduct ance. Another measurement

to det ermine g. or t he inser t ion loss must be made in order to ca lcu la te Q,,

Two cases a re usua lly of in terest : t he cavity and the outpu t load are







— —

AX–- .




‘$ 15









–—r ‘—–”









13 ~ 14 15 ~ 16 17

f2 18 19

Frequency inmegacyclesersecond

F IG. 9.10.—Typica l exper im en ta l cu rve for det ermin in g QLJ .

matched at r esonance, or the cavity has equal coupling windows.

Th e

unloaded Q is given by

Qo = ; Q.,

(mat ch ed inpu t)


Q,= :+1 QL2

(equal windows).

As an

lterna t ive to the det ermina t ion of gc by measurements at

resonance with no outpu t circuit , the t ransmission T of the two-window-

coupled cavity and the standing-wave ra t io at resonance may be

measured. The unloaded Q may be computed from the expression

4(T, + 1)

— Q.,.

Q“= 4ro – (To+ 1)’T

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SEC. 9’3]



If the TR switch is matched at resonance, TO= 1, and

Q. =

&T ‘“”

It is somet imes more conven ien t to measure the standing-wave rat io at

resonance looking in to the TR switch from the two direct ions than to

measure the t ransmission. Let TI and rz be two values of the standing-

wave rat io. Then

Q. = (r l + 1)(T2 + 1)


r lr2 — 1

A check on the accu racy of measurement can often be made using the



T = (r , + 1)(T2 + 1)”

In making carefu l measurements of the Q’s of TR tubes in the 3000-

Mc/sec frequency range, it is necessa ry to measure small frequency

differences. For example, with a TR tube hav ng an un loaded Q of

abou t 2500 and a Q loaded y one window of 450, it is necessary to deter -

mine a wavelength difference of abou t 0.020 cm. With most coaxia l

wavemeter , the accuracy of th is measu rement is hardly bet ter than 10

per cen t . A h igh -Q cavity wavemeter , such as descr ibed in Vol. 11,

Ch ap. 5, is n ecessa ry.

Another method by which the er ror can be considerably r educed is by

employing a speci l frequency marker for measur ing small frequency

differ en ce in st ea d of a wavemet er .

The circu it of th is device con ta ins a

microwave oscilla tor in con junct ion with an oscilla tor opera t ing in the

range of 1 to 20 Me/see. The outpu t powers from these two oscilla tors

a re mixed toget her in a crysta l mixer .

This results in a c r r ier with side-

bands cliffer in g fr om t he ca rr ier by mult iples of t he fr equ en cy of the low-

frequency oscilla tor . For example, a car r ier fr equenc of 3000 hIc/sec

and a low frequency of 16 Me/see gi e a car r ier of 3000 Me/see and side-

bands of 3000 + 16 Me/see, 3000 ~ 32 Me/see, and so for th . Thus,

with the car r ier set a t 3000 Me/see, a var ia t ion of the low frequency from

10 to 20 Me/see gives a var ia t ion in the fir st upper sideband over the

range from 3010 to 3020 Me/see.

If t he m icr owa ve oscilla t or is stable,

the frequency difference can be read to the accuracy with which the 1-to

20-Mc/sec oscilla tor is calibra ted. When this a r rangement is used,

power from the marker circuit is supplied to one of the inpu t termina ls

of a spect rum analyzer , and the signal picked up by the probe of the

standing-wave det ector is supplied to the other inpu t termina l of the

spect rum ana lyzer . The signals a re mixed in t he cr ysta l in t he an alyze .

When the two frequencies a re brought in to coi~cidence, the signals cm

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[SEC, 93

t he spect rum-a na lyzer ca th ode-r ay t ube will sh ow in ter fer en ce common ly

pips from any single microwave frequency, because it contains a super -

heterodyne receiver , ca re must be taken to adjust the signals to the same




lr lG. 9,11.—Int er fe rence of s ignak

of two frequencies on spect rum

ana lyzer ; (a ) sh ows sligh tly dif er en t

fr equ ency signals, (b) shows signa fs

of equa f fr equ en cy.

fr equ en cy. Twopips on th e oscilloscope

of apparent ly equal fr equencies might

a ct ually d iffer by twicet hein t ermed ia t e

fr equency of the receiver . The in ter -

fer ence phenomenon will not appear un-

less the two frequencies are the same.

The appara tus is ar ranged as shown in

Fig. 912. Suppose tha t the measure-

ment is to be made of the Q of a TR cavity

loaded by one window, at a fr equency of

3000 h’lc/sec.

Oscilla tor iSo. 1 is set at

3000 Me/see, and the TR cavity is tuned approximately to resonance by

adjustment of the tuning mechanism unt il the standing-wave ra t io look-

ing in to the cavity is a minimum, The tuning may be accomplished very

easily if it is known tha t the cavity is overcoupled. This is done by

.—— —— ———

——— ——— —.



1-20 Mc









Attenuator Attenuator





– – – ??”2”9’4


FIG. 91 2.—Schemat ic diagram of spect r um ana lyzer , marker cir cu it , and r -f components

a rr an ged for mea sur ement of QL,.

loca t ing the posit ion of two successive minima in the standing-wave

pat t ern with the cavity completely detuned. The probe of the standing-

wave detector is set ha lfway between these two posit ions, and the cavity

is then tuned unt il a minimum in the standing-wave pat tern appears at

this posit ion . Once the cavity is tuned, oscilla tor No. 2 is adjusted so

tha t with the 1- to 20-Mc/sec oscilla tor set at some value, say 14 Me/see,

one of the fir st sidebands has the same frequency as oscilla tor No. 1.

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SEC. 9“4]



This is indicated by the appearance of rain on the oscilloscope. The

frequency of oscilla tor No. 2 remains fixed for the rest of the measure-


The marker pip is moved out of coincidence with the main pip

by adjustment of the 1- to 20-Mc/sec oscilla tor , and the standing-wave

rat io looking in to he cavity is measured. Next the 1- t o 20-Mc/sec

oscilla tor is set a t some other frequency, for example, 15 Me/see. Oscil-

la tor No. 1 is tuned unt il t he pips a e coinci en t ; the marker pip is moved

aside, and the standin wave ra t io at this frequency is measured. This

pr ocess is con tin ued at t he desired frequ en cy in terva ls over a su fficien tly

wide band to include the values of r}j necessary according to the value

of ‘i-O.

Some TR tubes, such as the 1B24 and 1B26, a re const ruct ed with glass

windows and there is o way of actually plugg ng these windows for QL1

measurements. The cavit ies can, however , be t ermina ted by means of a

shor t -circu ited line. If the shor t -circu it ed line is one-quar t er gu ide

wavelength long, the gl ss window will be at a point of maximum field

and the loss component of the dielect r ic constan t of the glass adds to the

cavity loss. A shor t -circu ited line one-half gu ide wavelength long does

not place a high field a t the glass window, but it does cause high cur ren t s

to flow out of the cavity in to the ha lf-wavelength sect ion of line. Unless

the coupling between the cavity and the half-wavelength line sect ion is

ext re ely good, t her e will be 10SSca used by high cu rren ts flowin g acr oss

poor contact s. Severa Q measurements on the same TR tube have

shown tha t th e resu lt s were mor e consisten t when a quar ter -wavelength

sh or t-cir cu it ed lin e wa s u sed.

The values of Qo average 2 per cen t o; 3

per cen t h igher with the quar ter-wavelength line than with the half-

wavelengt h lin e.

9.4. Pass Band of Broadband TR Tubes.—The principal measure-

ments of in t erest for bandpass tubes are the measurements of Q and of

resonant frequency, for the windows and for the in ternal elements, as

well as for t e complet e tube. Since th values of Q~z r ange from 1 to

10, a modu la ted oscilla tor an d amplifier pr ovide t he most a ccu ra te mean s

of measuring the standing-wave rat ios in the range from one to two in


To determine the Q of one of these elements, the element is inser ted

in a sect ion of waveguide between two slot t ed sect ions, an the line is

terminated in a matched load. The standing-wave ra t io as a funct ion of

wavelength is then measured for several point s and a cu rve plot t ed from

the data . The resonant wavelength is the wavelength for which the

standing-wave ra t io is a minimum, and the Q is calcu la ted from the



Page 406: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 94

where b is the susceptance a t the wavelength Ah away from resonance,

~Ois the resonant wavelength , gis the tota l loading (equal to g. + g,),

g. is the termina t ing conductance (usually unity), and gc is the shunt

conductance of the resonant element . The susceptance b may be ca lcu-

la ted for any value of r , the voltage tanding-wave ra t io, by the formula


b = (r – 9)(9T – 1).


Th e con du ct an ce g is det ermin ed by t he st an din g-wa ve r at io a t r eson an ce,

as in the case of a cavity. If g. can be neglected, and g. s unity, then

QL1can be writ ten in terms of r and k alone,

Q., =



2+. xi”


A second metho of eva lua t ing Q~I from measurement employs the

fact tha t the absolute magnitude of the refl ct ion coefficien t is a linear

funct ion of wavelength near resonance for negligible g.. By using Eq.

(2.13), d 11’1/d~is calculated,


(4 f!j2)2 ~“


If this is combined with Eq. (6 , and db/dk elimina ted, and the value of

lr l is used, then

Q~l = (4 + bz)%


(h) g,

or for small b,




To obtain

dl r~/dX, the slope of t he cu rve of 11’I plot t ed as a funct ion of x

is taken near resonance. If the measurement is made a t b = ~, Eq. (11)

gives a va lue for Q~l within 10 per cent of the va lue obta ined from the

accura te equat ion. Care should be taken to measure the slope far enough

from xo so tha t the effect of conductance is negligible, and the linear por -

t ion of the resonance curve should be used.

Somet imes , for wavelengths

on on side of resonance, nega t ive values o Ir l a re plot ted so d lr I/ d k can

be obtained from data on both sides of resonance.

F igure 3.5 of Chap. 3

shows some theoret ica l curves of the var ia t ion of Ir I with b, and Fig. 3.6

of Ch p. 3 is an example of an exper imenta l determina t ion of Q~I.

Th e det ermin at ion of t he t ra nsm ission ch ar act er ist ics of t he ba ndpa ss

TR tube involves essent ia lly only two measurements: (1) the reflect ion

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SIX:. 9.4]


loss over the band and (2) the dissipation loss. The useful frequency

ra nge is det ermin ed mainly by t he r eflect ion loss, sin ce t he in ser t ion less

is small. A measurement of the standing-wave rat io looking toward

a TR cavity terminated in a matched line at var ious poin ts in the fre-

quen cy band enables th e r eflect ion loss t o be calcula ted easily.

Another method of measurement of the bandpass character ist ic of

Iow-Q TR tubes ut ilizes a magic-T impedance br idge. If th magic T is

ar ranged as shown in Fig. 9.13, the power in the ou tpu t arm (4) is a

measure of the magnitude of the voltage reflect ion coefficien t of the

unknown impedance, Z=. The er ror encountered depends on the match

of the det ector and genera tor and the mechanical asymmetry in the






Magic T Z. 2




F I_G.9,1 .—Ar r angemen t for magic T or impeda llce-br idge cir cu it .

magic T. If th is magic T is used with a modulated signal source and a

crysta l detector , the tuning of a device which must be matched at one

fr equ ency, or which must h ave a r eflect ion coefficien t less than a cer ta in

value at the one frequency, is s mple. The tuning of the device is

adjusted for minimum power in the ou tpu t arm. With a per fect magic

T, this will be zero for match; otherwise it will depend on the desired

reflection coefficient.

With appropr ia te precaut ions, it is possible to use a single magic T

wit h sever al in pu t fr equ en cies.

By he use of a cor responding number

of local oscilla tors in a circuit similar to a spect rum analyzer , the power

from the output arm may be displayed on an oscilloscope in the form of

pips, one pip for each frequency.

If th ree frequencies a re used, the

behavior of the reflect ing element at the midband and band-edge fre-

quencies is easily determined, and may be observed at a glance. If the

device is calibr ated with a r eflect ion of kn own magn itu de, uant itat ive

data may be obta ined. For example, if it is desired to check a resonant

Page 408: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




tube, t he t hree frequencies correspondin g t o midband and t he t wo band-

edge fr equ en cies a re set on t h e r idge.

Th e elemen t u nder t est , backed by

a matched load, is pu t on one arm of the magic T. The heights of the

pips then give the desired informat ion. The tun ing of an element can

be accomplished by adjust ing for a symmetr ical pat tern . In addit ion

t o a quick examinat ion of t he character ist ics of single elements, it is also

possible t o t un e two-elemen t bandpass TR tu bes and t o ch eck t he over-all

response curve, that is, t he standing-wave rat io looking through the tube

in to a matched load, a t th ree differen t poin t s in the pass band.

Th is br idge is excellen t for pr odu ct ion ch eck in g of compon en ts, su ch a s

the windows of the bandpass TR tube, especia lly for tun ing, since the

necessary symmetry of the Q-cu rve for the proper frequencies can be

noted at a glance. Any nec ssary changes on t ransmission-resonant ele-

ments, such as gr inding the glass in the windows or filing metal in other

types of elements, may be quickly checked between steps by not ing the

changes in t he pips.

In the preceding discussion it was shown how the bandpass charac-

ter ist ics of TR tubes and filt ers might be checked, and a method was sug-

gest ed for tuning the individual elements of one of these devices. The

elements of a bandpass TR tube are usually spaced by a quar ter wave-

length in the guide and they are all tuned to the same frequency. It is

not pract ica l, however , t o tune the elements of on of these tubes before

the tube is assembled, because st rains set up in the process of assembly

and solder ing may ser iously detun e the resonant elements.

Th e det un -

ing is unpredictable in na ture, so it cannot be compensated for by any

init ial detuning. For this reason the resonant elements of a broadband

TR tube, with the except ion of the input and output windows which have

a very low Q, are made tunable and the tuning is done aft er assembly.

No single tuning procedu re can be out lined which applies t o all band-

pass TR tubes, but the following procedure applies for most tubes.

1. Mount the tube between a slot ted sect ion and a well-matched

terminat ion, and use adapt er flanges wh en n ecessa ry.

2. Shor t -circu it all of the elements by turn ing in the tuning screws

unt il they make contact across the element .

3. Set the oscilla tor at t he proper frequency (usually the cen ter of the

desir ed pa ss band).

4. Set the probe at a minimum in the standing-wave pat t ern .

5. Tune the first element unt il t he posit ion of the minimum moves

toward the tube a distance equal to the spacing between the ele-

ments. If this spacing is one-quar ter gu ide wavelength, as it

usually is, the probe may be set halfway between two minima and

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SEC. 95]






the firs element tuned unt il tha t point becomes a m nimum in the

st a nding-wave pa t ter n.

Turn the tube end for end and repea t steps (4) and (5), the third

elem en t is now nea rest t he gener at or .

Tune the middle or second element t o give minimum reflect ion.

This may be done by first tuning the element for maximum power

t ransmission and then t r imming to give the best match. When

this is don e, h owever , t he gen er at or should be fa ir ly well m at ched;

ot herwise t her e may be consider able differ ence bet ween t he point s

of maximum power t ransmission and minimum voltage standi g-

wave r at io.

the higher -mode at t enua t ion in the waveguide is not sufficient t o

elimina te the eff6ct s of higher modes, it is necessa ry t o make t he element

spacing differen t from a quar ter wavelength and to modify the tune-up

procedure. It is usually desirable to tune at the midband frequency, in

or der t o assure t he best symmet ry of t he ba ndpass cha ra ct er ist ic.


thk is done the posit ion of the minimum is moved a distance different

from t he element spacing (step 5 of the tuning procedure). This distance

is dete rmined exper imenta lly.

lt is a lso possible t o evolve a tuning pro-

cedure which allows tuning at a point which is not the cent er of the pass

band, this point is usually one of the point s where a minimum standing-

wave a t io is obta ined. This method may give sa t isfactory result s, but

tuning at the cen ter of the pass band usua lly gives a more symmet r ica l


9.5. Impedance Measurements of ATR Tubes.—ATR tubes of two

differ en t t ypes a re of in ter est .

One tube is the high-Q tube and the other



Low-Q ATR tube




Wave meter

FIG. 9. 14.—Measur ement of standing wa ves on low-Q ATR tubes.

is the low-Q tube. The measurem nts on the high-Q tubes a re the same

as those discussed in Sec. 9.3 for the TR tube loaded by one window.

The measurement of a low-Q ATR tube is xnade in a differen t mannek

from that of a high-Q tube, but again it s low-power behavior is deter -

mined by making standing-wave measurements.

A typica l setup is

shown in Fig. 9.14.

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The ATR tube is mounted in the broad side of the waveguide and,

t o a fir st approximat ion, may be represented by a shun~resonant circu it

in ser ies with the line (Fig. 9.15a).

‘?? m











F IG, 9. 15.—Equ iva len t cir cu it s a nd response

curve for low Q ATR t ubes,


The response curve is such ha t a

high standing wave is produced

at r esona nce, while off r esona nce

the impedance of the ATR tube

is low (F ig. 9.15b).

If the Q of the tube is suffici-

en tly low, t he st an din g-wa ve r at io

will be la rge over such a range that

a coaxial wavemeter is accura te

enough to determine the wave-

length readings. A spect rum

ana lyzer is u sed beca use t he st an d-

in g-wave r at ios a r e so la rge,


ure 9.16 shows the type of curve

The loaded Q of such an A1’R ube is defined in terms of the ra te of

ch an ge of su scept an ce wit h fr equ en cy.

If a genera tor of zero interna l

impedance a n d a conductance

b ‘ ‘“R’k

loa din g of u nit y a re a ssumed, t hen

‘“ = 2(g + 1) ~

where Q~l indica tes tha t the tube

f, ;.’4

is loaded externa lly by a conduct -

F IG. 9. 16.—St anding-wave r a tio vs . wave-

length for broadband ATR swit ch .

ante of unity. The reflect ion

coefficien t looking past

t he tube at a matched load is




z .l +-–


g2 + b’


This gives for the standing-wave ra t io

1 + ]r l


<(2gz + g + 2b’)’-+ t)’ + v“-


ti(292 + g + 2b )2 + b’ – ~~’

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SEC. 95]



At resonance, b is zero and the standing-wave ra t io will be





The poin t at which b = 1 is convenient to se for the determinat ion of

Q.,. The standing-wave ra t io r ’ a t the frequency at hich b = 1 then

depends on the value of g,

V(292+9+ 2)2+1 +J92+I.

“=/(2g’+ g+2)’+1-/g’+l


Fro Eqs. (12) and (13), r ’ can be expressed as a funct ion of r ,, and

F ig. 9.17 sh ows t his rela tion .

A second method fo determining the Q of a low-Q ATR tube, which

is especia lly suitable a t shor t wave-

lengths, makes use of the mea ure-

ment of the phase shift in the *

neighborhood of r es cmance.

This is

part icu lar ly convenient for low-Q ~

devices because the phase var ies ~ 6

r apidly wh ile t h e st anding-wave r at io

var ies by only a very small amount .


The two methods have been found 45




t o give resu lt s a gr eein g with in a bout


5 per cent at severa l wavelengths.

FIG. 9. 17.—Standing-wave ra t io at

The posit ion of the minimum is

point s for which b = 1 as a funct ion of

measured in the convent iona l man-

st an din g-wa ve r at io a t r eson an ce.

ner . A high-Q wavemeter or a marker cir cu it as descr ibed in Sec. 93 is

r equired, since the r ange of measurement extends over on ly a few mega-

cycles. The va lue of Q is given by


C I+zg dl

Q“=ix l+g ~’

where c is the velocity of light , AOthe resonant wavelength in free space,

& the guide wavelength , g is the shunt conductance of the tube, and

d l/ d f is the ra te of cha nge of t he posit ion o-f the minimum with frequency.

The minimum for which the value of d l/ d f applies is tha t which occurs

nearest to the plane of symmetry of the tube. Since this is not usually

the poin t a t whic the measurements a re taken, a cor rect ion for the

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[SEC. 96

length of line must be made. This is


_ dl’ dk,


~ df n g’

where dl’/ dj is the measured slope of the line obta ined by plot t ing the

observed posit ion of the minimum as a funct ion of frequency and n is the

number of wavelengths measured, a t resonance, from the minimum

nearest the ATR tube to the probe It is possible to use a magic T in

such an ar rangement and the cor rect ion term is not necessa ry (see Sec.

9.6). In pract ice, kg is best determined by actua l measurement between

posit ions of m nima in t he st andin g-wa ve pa tter n, but k, ca n be ca lcula ted

from the known frequency and a careful measurement of the waveguide

dimensions. It may happen tha t the measurements a r e not cen ter ed

about the resonant fr equency but since d l/ d j is s o nea rly in depen dent of

fr equ en cy, n o gr ea t pr eca ut ion s a re n ecessa ry.


Rotatable vane

F IG. 9.18.—Ttming ch eck on fixed-t un ed TR t ubes.

9.6. Low-level Pr oduct ion Test ing.-Standing-wave measurements

a re t ime-consuming and therefore impract i a l for product ion test ing if

sever al m ea su rem ent s a re n ecessa ry.

The opera tor should be able to

get the informat ion by a glance a t a pa t tern on an oscilloscope screen or

eter s of TR and ATR tubes in product ion test in is oft en facilit a ted by

the const ruct ion of specia l apparatus. Some of the quant it ies which

must be measured for each tube are tuning, tuning range (or pass band),

u nloa ded Q, lea ka ge power , keep-a live fir in g a nd su st ain in g volt ages, a nd

inser t ion loss.

F ixed-tuned TR tubes of the 721 type a re checked for tuning in a

cavity of a given diameter . Owing to var ia t ion in const ruct ion, the

tuning of tubes will sca t ter about the desired resonant fr equency and it

is necessar y to specify a tolerance.

It is impract ica l t o determine the

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SEC. 9“6]



actual resonan t frequency for each tube in a fixed test cavity; therefore,

the tuning of the cavity is var ied through a desired range and the tu e

is accepted if resonance occurs in this range. This tuning is accom-

plished by means of a rota table vane in the cavity (se Fig. 9.18). The

r esonan t frequen cy vanes fr om a maximum, when the vane is perpen dicu -

lar to the axis of the cavity, to a minimum when the vane is para llel to

th e axis.

The amount of tuning depends pr incipally on the vane size

and on the clearance in the parallel posit ion .

Coupling to the cavity

may be either by loop or by ir is as conven ien t . Resonance is determined

by noting the occur r ence of a maximum in the rect ified cur ren t of a

crysta l coupled to the cavity as the vane is tu rned.

Tunable-gap tubes, such as the 1B27, are checked for tuning range

in a cavity of specified diameter at two frequencies, and the tubes are


rystal detector

Tuning screw



‘1- -U--, -dor

lap .7, LC, , U,

Attenuator pad

Coaxial input

ATR cavity

FIG. 919.-Measurement of Q by power drop in load.

required to resonate at these frequencies within a specified number of

tu rns of the tuning screw. This tuning check is usually done in the same

ca vit y u sed for ot her low-level t est s (for example, Qo) by simply plu ggin g

in oscilla t or s set at t he r equ ir ed fr equ en cies.

The me surement of QO is simplified by the use of he power -drop

method. Figure 9.19 shows a sketch of a test bench in which this pr n-

ciple is applied. Since the coupling to the cavity is constant , the loss is

inversely propor t ional to the Qo of the TR tube. The 10SS,or power drop,

can consequent ly be used as a measure of Qo. In pract ice, the flap at tenua-

tor is calibra ted in decibels and is adjusted to keep the detector cur ren t


The apparatus is ca libra ted by checking a few tubes of

known QO.

The detector is a crystal in a special holder designed to give a reason-

able match in to an average crystal.

I?in al match in g is a ccomplish ed by

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[SEC. 9.6

means of a sliding-screw tuner .

Figur e 9“20 shows a cross sect ion of the

crysta l holder . The d-c meter on which the crysta l cur ren t is read is

DC out



FIG. 9.20.—Crys ta l holder .

ca libra ted, by means of the flap

a t tenua tor , in terms of decibel

drop in power from full scale. A

tube is inser ted in the cavity,

t ight ly clamped, and tuned far off

r esonance; the meter is set , by

means of the flap a t tenua tor , to

to resonance, and the meter read-

ing noted. Tubes of less than a

cer ta in power drop a re reject ed.

Keep-a live in ter act ion may a lso be

checked on such a test bench, and, if addit iona l oscilla tors a r e pr ovided,

tuning ranges may also be determined.

The appara tus shown in Fig. 9.21 is designed for product ion test ing

of low-Q ATR tubes in the 10-cm region .

The pr incipa l fea tur e is a

rota table mount for the tube. The axis of rota t ion is coincident with the

axis of the tube, and therefore, a second measurement with the tube

r ota ted 180° from its init ia l posit ion affords a cor rect ion for lack of ym-

met ry in the posit ion of the resonant window. The inst rument is fir st

.- .,.- ,.—.... . .







.“. .,....—. ..— -.,. ., . “. . .

.,. - ..—.

FIG.9.21.—Pr oductiont est benchwith r eversiblemoun t for 1ow-QATR tu bes.

ca libra ted with a tube which is tuned to the cor r ect frequency. This

tube may bean actual tube, or if severa l differen t types are to be checked,

a sect ion of waveguide with a window and movable plunger can be used.

For a tube of each type, t he plunger is adjusted for minimum transmis-

sion past t he tube at the proper frequen y, and the average refer ence

point of the standing-wave minimum for the two posit ions of the tu e is

determined. F igure 9.22 gives a schemat ic view of the apparatus. The

point s .4 and .4’ a r e choke join t s a t t he ends of the rota table mount and

P is the posit ion of the min imum in the standing-wave pa tern when a

cor r ect ly tuned tube is in the mount .

If Al’ is the measured va lue of the

Page 415: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




phase shift , Ab may be calcula ted from the expression

Ab= (1 +2g)~A1’.



Once the tolerance in the va lue of Ab a t the frequency for which the tube

is su pposedly t un ed, is det ermin ed, t his m ea su rem en t gives a n in dica tion


‘Werl ! II i



F IG, 9,22.—Sch em at ic dia gr am of 1ow-Q ATR t ubes wit h r ever sible m oun t.

. 9.23.—Magic T and reversible mount combined as impedance br idge for mea8UI

phase shi t of 1ow-Q ATR tubes.


of sa t isfactory per formance of the tube. o e poin t t o be noted is that

t he r efer en ce poin t P s ould be as close as possible t o the window. In

the 10-cm region it is easy to make thedistance th ree-quar t ersof a guide

wavelength and therefore, the cor rect ion for line sensit ivity is small. lt

can a lwa s be accounted for in these measurements.

At very shor t

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wavelengths, however , the r eference poin t may be sev ral gu ide wave-

lengths from the tube, and consequen t ly, the frequency sensit ivity of the

line may cause ser ious er rors; sligh t changes in the oscilla tor frequency

are especia lly t roublesome at shor t wavelength s.

These t roubles may becor rect ed by the use of a reversible moun t in

conjunct ion with a magic T. Figure 9.23 shows a photograph of such

an ar rangement used for measur ing 3-cm tubes (1B35 and 1B37 tubes).

A schemat ic diagram of this circu it is shown in Fig. 9.24. If an ATR tube

is placed in one arm of the magic T and a shor t -circu it ing plunger in the

opposit e arm, the plunger may be adjusted to a posit ion where the power

in to the det ector in arm (4) is a minimum.

If, a t th is posit ion , t he dis-

tance b’ from the refer ence plane of the magic T to the open circuit pr e-

sen ted by the plunger (a quar ter gu ide wavelength from the fron t face


of the plunger ) is equal to the

t --b’+ c’--l

dist ance c’, the line sensit ivity will

be a min imum. Any phase sh ift

2~ ,1,,~, ,: ~dueodetun inof hetub

s compensa ted by ~ sh ift of the

~ ‘3) lunger of the same amount Al

and the su scept ance Ab in t r oduced

by a tube tha t is sligh t ly off resou -

ance may be calcu lated from Eq,


(14). The determina t ion of Al is


9.24.—Schemat ic d ia gr am of imped an ce

facilita ted by using a dial inclica-


tor connected to the plunger .

Using a tunable tube, a reference poin t for a cor rect ly tuned tube is

determined by set t ing the indicator to zero for the plunger posit ion for

which the power into arm (4) is a minimum.

Thus, if a tube inser ted

in the mount sh ifts the phase by an amount Al, t he plunger must be moved

by an amount Al and in the same direct ion rela t ive to the T-junct ion in

order t o get minimum power out of arm (4).

The va lue of the shunt conductance g of the ATR tube maybe d ter

mined by a measurement of th e volta ge standing-wave ra t io at resonan ce,

or the magic T may be calibra ted so tha t the ra t io of power out of arm (4)

t o the power in to arm (1) det ermines g, This can be done only f the

magic T is fa ir ly well matched and n ot ser iously asymmetr ical.

To ca li-

bra te the magic T, it is sufficien t to set the power a t an arbit ra ry le el

and measure the rela t ive power ou t of arm (4) for var ious va lues of

voltage st anding-wave ra t io in the arm which normally holds the tube


Product ion t est ing of bandpass TR tubes a t low power levels is

accomplished with the aid of the t r iple-frequency impedance br idge.

Th e oscilla tors are adjusted t o midband and ban d-edge frequ encies, a fter

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SEC. 97]



which it is necessary only to place the tube, backed up with a matched

load, on one arm of the magic T and see if t he pips show a standing-wave

rat io less than a specified value a t t he t hree frequencies.

9.7. L akage-power Measurements.—In addit ion to the determina-

t ion of th e low-power charact er ist ics of TR and ATR tubes, it is necessary

to examine their behavior at h igh power levels, that is, a t t ransmit ter -

power levels from a few wat t s up to powers grea t er han a megawat t .

The pr incipal quant it es of in terest , in connect ion with h igh-power

opera t ion , a re the leakage power through the TR switch wh n it has fired,

power loss in the tube it self, and recovery t ime. The complete informa-

t ion about the h igh-level per formance of TR and ATR tubes involves a

fur ther subdivision of these quant it ies and a wide var iety of carefu l

measurements of each on e,

The leakage power which get s through a TR tube dur ing the t rans-

mit ter pu lse amounts to only a few microwat t average power , for most

tubes, and is most convenien t ly measured by means of a thermistor and

t hermist or br idge, Wolla st on -wir e bolomet er s, t hermocou ples, a nd cr ys-

ta ls a re less r ugged than thermist ors used at microwave frequencies. The

thermistor element mounted in a broadband mount and used with a type

TBN-3EV bridge affords a means of measur ing the low power which gets

th rough the TR switch . The type of mount depends on the output

coupling of the cavity employed

for the leakage-power measu re-

m nt . The cavity may be either

ir is- or loop-coupled to a coaxia l

line whic is t erminated in a

c o a x i a 1-1i n e thermistor mount .

For bandpass TR tubes or for

other tubes employed with wave-

gu ide, a t ransit ion to coaxia l line

may be used, or the thermistor

may be moun ted in the wavegu ide.

The outpu t coupling of the TR

cavity is adjusted on low-level

r -f power , and therefore, a match

is seen at the inpu t terminals (see

Sec. 9.3). The reflect io will vary

somewhat among tubes of the .




FIQ. 9.25.—Leakage-power equipment for

med ium-power level.

same type, because the unloaded Q’s are difieren t , b t th is var ia ion is

usually not ser ious. A drawing of a typica l r -f circu it in gin. coaxial

line, for use a t a peak-pow r level up to 100 kw, is shown in Fig. 9.25.

At h igh er power levels a wa vegu ide inst alla t ion is u sed (see Fig. 9.26).

The cavity is usually shunt -coupled to the waveguide and pr vided with

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[SEC. 97

a coax al ou tpu t line, termina t ed with the matched thermistor .


cavity ou tpu t coupling is adjusted for matched input to the cavity.

This is accomplished in the following way: a plunger is subst it u ted i’or

the t ransmission line. A posit ion

of the plunger is found for which

tuning the TR cavity with no OUG

put coupling resu lt s in no change

in the st anding-wave pa t t ern as

the cavity is tuned th rough eso-

nance. This means tha t the plung-

er is in the r igh t posit ion to

shor t -circu it t he cavity. Next the

plunger is moved by a distance

of a quar t er gu ide wavelength ,

t he t ransmit t er and a low-level signal is in t roduced from the load end of

Matchad load ,

FIQ. 9 .2 6 .—Wavegu ide h igh -p owe r leak age

power m easu rem en t .

and t her efor e, t he low-level signal is effect ively in troduced direct ly in to

the cavity. The output line is added to the cavity, and the coupling is

adjust ed unt il t he standing waves disappear on the input side of the

cavity. The plunger is replaced by the t ra smit t er , a d the appara tus

is ready t o measure leakage power .

A direct iona l coupler to monitor

the line power facilit a tes studies

of leakage power as a funct ion of

line power . For checking the zero

set t ing of the thermistor br idge,

a ga t e, either a t t he input or out -

pu t side of the cavity, which will

cu t the r -f power o f en t irely from

the thermistor , may be used. F ig-

u re 9.27 shows the const ruct ion of

a ga te suitable for 34n. by I+-in .


The t ransit ion from wavegu ide to coaxial line may be made by means

of a probe coupling, or a doorknob or a crossbar t ransit ion may be used.

For wavelengths in the 10-cm region , one of he most sa t isfactory com-

bin at ion s isja t hermist or mou nt ed in &in . coa xia l lin e a nd a cr ossba r t ra nsi-

t ion from 3- by I&i. gu ide to &ii. line. It is necessary t o check the

match in the waveguide por t ion at the wavelength used. In genera l, t be

probe and crossbar t ransit ions a re not matc ed over as broad a band as is

the doorknob t ransit ion. F igure 9.44 is a sket ch of a cryst a l holder using

the crossbar t rans t ion . In the 10,000-Mc/sec region the thermistor

mount is en t irely in waveguide. Built in to the unit is a ga te which con-

sist s of a vane pivoted t o swing between a choke-and-flange join t in a

FIG. 9 .2 7 .—Gat e for la rge wavegu ide .

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SEC, 9.7]



wa vegu ide sect ion (see Fig. 9“28).

The temperatu re sensit ivity of the

thermistor can be reduced by enclosing the unit in a box filled with rock

w~ol or ot her in su l t in g mat er ia l.

FIG, 928.-Thermistor mount and gate for 3-cm measurements.

F or measurement of the leakage power of pre-TR tubes, provision for

known at tenua t ion between the tube and thermistor must be made, since

the leakage power is about 1000 t imes that of a TR tube. A direct ional

Fm. 9.29.—Termination for use in measur ing leakage Power of pre-TR t~~.

coupler and matched load a complish this very well. In addit ion, a

plu nger (~ in .-diamet er r od) pla ced a t t he pr oper dist an ce fr om t he pr e-TR

tube acts as a ga te to shut off the power from the thermistor . F igure

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[S EC.–9.7

929 shows this sect ion of wa veguide including t he t ermina tion , plu nger ,

dir ect iona l coupler , andtr ansit ion t o t hermist or mount .

The measurement of the leakage power as descr ibed gives the tota l

average leakage power , that is, both fla t and spike, and both direct and

a rc coupling. The thermistor br idge indica tes the average power inci-

den t on the thermistor , and this va lue is usually in the range of 10 to

150 WVfor line power s up to 100 kw peak power . If P,,. is t he average

power , 7 is the pulse length, and v is the pulse repet it ion frequency, t he

a vera ge power dur ing the pulse, Pi, is


This is, of course, not the peak r -f power in the pulse. Crysta l-burnout

studies indicate tha t t he quant ity of interest is the tota l energy in the

spike. Thus, some separa t ion of energies of spike and fla t must be made.

The tota l energy per pulse, W., is given by

w= = p+.


The determina t ion of the spike energy is descr ibed in the next sect ion.

I ’ r




F1~. 9.30.—Ch ar act er ist ics of r ec-

t angular pulse: (a ) single pulse; @)

amplitude spect rum; (c) appearance

of spectrum analyzer scope.

The fla t energy per pulse and, hence,

the fla t power , is then found by sub-

t ract ing the spike energy from the

For all these measurements, it is

necessa ry to know both v and r

accura tely. The pulse r ecur rence fre-

quency v is easily measured with a

ca libr a ted audio oscilla t or and oscill~


Severa l methods may be used

to measure the pulse length. A com-

mon method is to use a sin e wa ve,

wh ose fr equ en cy is a ccu ra tely kn own ,

to calibra te the sweep speed of a

syn ch roscope or r -f en velope viewer .

On ce t he sweep is ca libr at ed, t he pu lse

length is determined by viewing it on

the oscilloscope.

Another method of measur ing the pulse length consists of applying a

small amount of r -f power to a spect rum analyzer and making use of the

ch ar act er ist ic spect rum of t he r ect an gu la r pu lse form.

Th e pu lse len gt h

can be calcula ted by measur ing the wavelength differ ence between a

known number of zeros of the spect r . F@re 9“30 shows the spect rum

Page 421: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




of a rectangula r pulse. If j~ is the frequency corr espon~lng t o the mth zer o

on the r ight , and fm is the frequency corresponding to the n’h zero on the

left , t hen


‘= fro-j.”

9.8. Measurements of Spike Energy. -Once the tota l average leakage

power has been d term ined, some schem e for measur ing the spike en er gy

Line stretcher

R.f &wer

FIQ. 9.31.—Cancella t ion

Probe coupling


Leakage power

circuit for measurement of spike energy.

FXCI..32.—Adju st able pr obe cou plin g t o coa xia l lin e.

separa tely from the fla t energy is necessa ry. One method of measuring

the energy in the spike ut ilizes the cancell t ion pr inciple. A por t ion

of the r -f energy is coupled out of t e main line and into the output line

from the TR c vity in the proper phase to cancel out the fla t energy and

leave only the spike energy. The spike energy can then be measured.

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[SEX. 9.8

The arrangement for doing this is shown in Fig. 9.31. The magnitude

of the bypassed power is var ied by means of the adjustable probe at the

main line or at the cavity output

terminal . A cross sect ion of this

coupling is s own in Fig. 9.32.

The proper adjustment of the can-


~ 111,,,1111,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

cella t ion circ it for the eliminat ion


1111111111111111111lll!!llll 1111111llllllllllllllll




FIG. 9. 33.—Pulse before and

FIG. 934.-Spectr m of pulse befor e

after cancella t ion of fla t . and afte cancella t ion of f a t .

of the flat energy requires some means of detect ion by which the adjust -

ment may be checked. Severa l schemes maybe used. one is to replace

t he t hermist or by a reasonably well-matched crysta l and


to view the out -

J J _ L L —I


0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

7 p sec

Fm. 9.35.—Tot al lea ka ge power vs. pu lse length.

Level at T = O gives spike energy.

pu t voltage on an r-f envelope indicator . On a fast sweep, the spike

energy and the fla t energy are easily visible and the circuit is djust ed

unt il the flat energy is canceled (see ig. 933). When the crysta l has

been replaced by the thermistor , the power in the spike a lone is measured.

Subt ract ion of spike power from the tota l power then gives the flat power .

Conversion to spike energy is made M just descr ibed [Eq. (16)]. Another

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SEC. 98]



method is to use a rapidly act ing thermistor br i ge and to adjust t he

circuit for minimum power into the thermistor . This assumes that

the fla t is rea lly fla t and that no harmonic frequencies a re present . The

adjustment may also be made by picking off a por t ion of the energy

from the slot ted sect ion and viewing it on a spect rum ana lyzer as the

coupling is var ied. The spect rum of a rectangula r pu lse is shown in Fig.

9.34. As the fla t is canceled out , the spect rum changes to a er ies of pips

of ver y nea r ly equa l heigh t .

A method that requires less equipment but is capable of giving good

result s is that of using differen t pulse lengths at one peak po~ver .

If the

spike is assumed to be the same for all pulse lengths, a plot f the energy in

Variable attenuators




Thermistor brdge

for spike















FIG. 9.36.—Separa t ion of spike and fla t power by pass and reject ion cavit ies.

the pulse as a funct ion of pu lse length , ext rapola ted to zero pulse length ,

gives a va lue for the spike energy. F@e 9.35 shows some data l t aken in

this manner with a 724B tube.

Another method for the separa t ion of the spike and the fla t energy

has been used by Fis e. 2 Advantage may be taken of the cliffer ence in

the fr equency spect ra of the spike and the fla t by the use of filt ers.

t ransmission cavity plac d a t the side of the waveguide which leads from

the TR tube, see Fig. 9.36, a llows the fla t power to fall on a thermistor and

this power can be measured. Since the spike has such a wide dist r ibu-

t ion of energy in frequency, on ly a small fract ion of it passes th rough the

t ransmission cavity if t he Q is near 1000. The fla t power is forced t o

en t er the t ransmission cavity by means of a reject ion cavity on the side

of the waveguide a quar ter of a wavelength from the t ransmission cavity.

1 J . W. Cla rke, “A Met hod of An alyzin g Leakag P ower Da ta ,” BTL MM-43-

140-54),Oct . 11, 1943.

‘M. D. Fiske, H. N. Walface, and A. D. Wa rner , “Final Technim l I@or t on

Cont ra ot 0E~l$16,” GE , Seh en@ady, Nav. 7, 1946.

Page 424: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC, 9“10

Thereject ion cavity acts asahigh-QATR tube. The fla t energy passes

both the t ransmission and r eject ion cavit ies and en ter s a second thermis-

tor and th power can be measured.

The method may be difficult to use

in pract ice since the cavit ies must be precisely tuned. W th proper ca re

th e losses in the cavit ies n eed n ot be cxcessivc.

9.9. Direct -coupling Measurements.—T e direct -coupling power is

the power which is coupled th rough a TR cavity by fields other than those

of the normal mode. It is the power which is coupled th rough when the

arc is replaced by a per fect shor t circu it .

Th e equipment and tech niqu e

for measur ing th is power a re the same as those used for measur ing tota l

leakage power , except tha t the TR tube is replaced by a dummy tube, in

which a meta llic shor t circu it is subst itu ted for the discharge gap. }Vith

high-Q tubes such as the lB2’i, 11324, 721, or 724, an old tube with the

cones soldered together is qu ite sa t isfactory as a ummy tube. The

power then measured by the thermistor is the direct -coupling power .

The direct -coupling at tenuat ion for a given tube may also be meas-

u red at low power levels by using a spect rum analyzer .

The TR switch

is adjusted in the same way as




for the measurement f Q,,j (see

g 100

Sec. 9.3) with a matched ou tpu t


line and with coupling adjusted

% 50

,n~&~&p$~ ~~ for matched input to the cavity.



~ Arccoupling

The ou tpu t line is connected to a



100 200 300 400 500

spect r um an alyzer an d th e at ten u-


ator is adiusted to a conven ien t

FIG. 9.37.—Variation of dir ect -cou plin g a nd

height of ~ignal on the ca thode-

a rc-cou plin g power wit h lin e power .

r a y-t ube scr een .

The TR tube is

replaced in the cavity by a tube with a shor t -circu ited gap and the

at tenua tor is readjusted to br ing the signal back to the sa e heigh t .

The difference in at tenuator readings then gives the direct -coupling

a tt en ua tion in decibels.

Another , although n ot so accura te, method of procedu re is to measure

the leakage power from the TR switch as a funct ion of the line power

inciden t upon the tube. It has been demonst ra ted (Chap. 5) tha t the

a rc leakage power is ndependen t of the inciden t power over a la rge range

of values, provided that the inciden t power is su fficient ly high. Thus,

by ext rapola t ing t e leakage-power var ia t ion to zer o incident power , the

arc leakage power is obta ined.

The slope of the line is the direct -cou-

pling at tenuat ion . F igure 9.37 shows the resu lt s of a ser ies of measure-

ments on a 721A tube in a cavity.

The arc leakage is 30 mw and the

direc~cou plin g at tenu at ion is 68.8 db.

9.10. At ten uat ion at Harmonic F requ en cies.—An impor tant problem

is tha t of t he t ran smission of h armonic fr equ en cies th rou gh th e TR switch .

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SEC. 911]


In high-Q TR tubes this t ransmission may be ext r emely ser ious if the

power in the harmonics is appreciable, since coupling is possible which

t ransmits the harmonics th rough the cavity wit pract ica ly no at t enua-

crysta l may be burned out . The harmonics may be loca ted by means of

a spect rum analyzer . This involves sea rching over a wide r ange of fr e-

quencies and so requ ir es a very-wide-range analyzer or a ser ies of ana-

lyzers. It is more convenient to use some other means of locat ing the

harmonics. One way to loca te the harmonic is t o use a coaxia l wave-

meter as a transm ssion cavity between the TR outpu t terminals and a

crysta l detector . The measurement of the actua l power conta ined in

these harmonics, once the frequency has been determined, requ res a

thermistor matched at the harmonic fr equency and a select ive filt er

device such as a high-Q cavity, r esonant a t the harmonic frequency, t o

r emove the componen ts of other freq encies. The fundamenta l fr e-

quency and frequencies near it can be a t t enua ted effect ively by 60 db or

more by using a shor t -cir cuit ed-gap tube as in the measurement of di ect -

coup ling a t t enua t ion .

When a discharge occur s across a resonan t window as in bandpass

TR tubes and pre-TR tubes, a measurement f the a t tenuat ion of the

fundamenta l fr equency probably gives the a t t enuat ion factor for the

harmonics a lso, since the disch rge cover s the en t ire window with a

conduct ing screen of ionized gas. This haracter ist ic a t tenua t ion of

harmonic fr equencies has been emphasized as an addit ional advantage

of bandpass TR tubes over h igh-Q tubes.

9.11. Measurement of Arc Losses. —When a TR tube fires, some

power is dissipated in the gaseous discharge of the a rc. Since this dis-

sipa t ion may be a funct ion of the shape of the elect rodes and especia lly

of the gas filling, complete informat ion about a TR tube requ ires a

measurement of the pow r lost in the a rc. Because th is loss is small, it

is r ather difficult to measure accura tely. A simple method for measur ing

this quant ity consists of set t ing up a TR cavity, with or withou t an

outpu t circu it , with a power measurer in the load end of the t ransmission

line, and then compar ing the powe reading P,, with a shor t -circu ited

tube i place, with the power reading PI, when a good TR tube is inser ted.

Th e r at io R = P,/ P” gives the fract ion of power t r ansmit ted, and 1 – R

gives the fract ion of power lost in the arc. This measu remen t may be

made either in coaxia l line or in wavegu ide, with eith er h igh - or low-Q

tubes. Accura t ely ca libra ted direct iona l couple s with thermistor s

provide an easy way of measu r ing power ,

Since the loss in one tube usually amoun ts to on ly a few per cen t of

t he in ciden t power , with a possible er r or comparable in magnitu e with

the measllr ement , it is somewh t more sa t isfactory to use severa l tubes

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[SEC. 9-12

of one. The grea ter loss with severa l tubes can be mea su red


within t he same limits of er ror as for on e tube, and if it is assumed tha t

t he tubes a re reas nably a like, the average loss may be measured with

more accuracy than or a single tube. Figure 9.38 shows a waveWide

lin e wit h


direct ional couplers ,


up for mea su rin g arc loss of severa l

tubes. With this ar rangement “dummy” tubes are used to secu re t he

zero readings P 1 and PZ at the two couplers.

The tubes to be meas-

ured a re inser t ed in place of the dummy tubes, and the power readings

P; and P; a re t aken. The fract ional loss of power is 1 – P~l/P~Pt.

If the a t tenuat ion of either direct ional coupler is known, the absolu te

power los s can be ca lcula ted .

Directional coupler

Directional coupler

R.f Power


Matched load

FIG, 9.38.—Equipment for measur ement of a r c loss on severa l bandpaas tubes.

9s12. Minimum Fir ing Power .—This quant ity is of lit t le interest for

most pract ica l applica t ions, since the power level of the t ransmit ter is

usua lly very much in excess of that r equir ed to inaugura te the discharge.

The min imum fir ing power is used as a test to determine the quality of

some tubes. The measu rement is ext remely simple, the necessary

equipment consists of an r -f oscilla tor wh ich has a con t inuously var iable

outpu t power , a t ransmission line with mount ing for the tube under test ,

and a power-measur ing device which indica tes the power level in the

line. The a r rangemen t is very compact if wavegu ide is used. The

fir ing poin t is determined by increasing the power level un t il the discha rge

can be seen (or otherwise indica ted) th rough a small hole in the TR

cavity or in the waveguide opposite the tube, and by not ing the rea ing

on the power monitor . The power may then be decrea sed unt il the arc

goes out , thus giving the ext inguish ing power for the tube.

If a pulsed magne ron is used as a power sou rce, some means of

a t tenua t ing the inciden t power must be provided. The most conven ien t

form of a t tenua tor for h igh power levels is known as a power divider .

F igure 9.39 shows a schema tic diagram of th is device in a coaxia l t rans-

mission line. Two stubs, each a quar ter wavelength from the inpu t

termina ls, a re provided with plungers. The motions of these pl~gers

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SEC. 913]



a re ganged together so tha t the stub lengths always dhler by a quar ter

of a wavelength . As t e plungers are moved in and out , the ra t io of the

powers delivered to loads (1) and (2) changes over all va lues from zero

to infin ity. This can easily be seen from a simple ca lcu la t ion . The

susceptance of the stub, with the

-1.. -.-.” “ A:. +.... a

. $.,. - +1...

pluugcl a uln lJzk l lGc .L 11Uul t)llc

line, is

jb, = –j cot k z ,


— ——— -—— ——





The admit tance of load (1) plus

the stub admit tance U1 as seen






from the input T-in junct ion is,

& &







Load 2 1

I Load 1


- j cot kz”

+ ~/4 – + - — v4 -d

Similar ly, the admit tance of the

second br an ch is





FIG. 9.39.—Diagram of a power divider .

The cur ren ts divide in the rat io of these admit tances, and the ra t io of

t he powers, R, equ als t he rat io of the squares of the absolu te magnitudes

of the curren ts. Thus

~= l–jcotkxz=cotzkx



wh ich t akes all values from O to cc as kz var ies from T/2 to O. The input

admit tance is equa l to unity for a ll plunger posit ions, since






= 1.

Th e admit tance lookin g back fr om eith er of th e loads, h owever , var ies as

the posit ions of the plungers vary. If load (2) is a matched dummY

load, the power from the other termina ls can be va ried and used for the test

bench . It should be remembered tha t the genera tor is not ma tched,

and it delivers maximum power when t e load is rea t ive.

9.13. An R-f Pressure Gauge.—The character ist ics of any TR, ATR,

or pre-TR tube depend on the pressure of the gas with wh ich the tube is

filled as well as on its composit ion , With in cer t in limits, it is possible

to judge the qua lity of a TR, ATR, or pre-TR tube by measur ing the

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[SEC. 9.13

pressu re of the gas inside it . One method of doing this ut ilizes the elec-

t rodeless discha rge of a gas at radio requencies. The gas is excited by

the applica t ion of a radio-fr equency pote t ia l. The voltage at which

the glow is fir st excited is a funct ion of pressu re, and can serve as a

measure of pressure.

Astudyof the breakdown voltage foranelect rodeless discharge, for

var ious gas pr essur es, yields th e typica l Paschen curve, very similar to

the d-c voltage-breakdow character ist ic, or to the var ia t ion of leakage

power with pressure (F ig. 5.28). The quest ion of in terest for pressure

measurements is whether reproducible cu rves can be obta ined with

slopes of such values that they are usefu l for pressure measurements.

The change of slope of th e cu rve with th e fr equency of th e applied voltage,

and t he effect of elect rode sh ape, a re m at ter s for exper im en ta l det ermin a-

t ion . The st ructure of the elect rodes should be such that pressu re

determinat ions are independen t of slight var iat ions in posit ion and

ir r egular it ies in t he tubes un der t est .

An oscilla tor of convent iona l design with a built -in , sh ielded, vacu-

um-tube voltmeter is used. The oscilla tor opera tes at a fr equency of

6 Me/see and produces a voltage

across the elect rodes which is var i-

able up to more than 3000 volt s.

For pre-TR tubes (1 B38, 1B54) and

low-Q ATR tubes (the 11M4 and

To oscillator

ot her s) t he elect rode st ru ct ur e sh own

in Fig. 9.40, which rest s on the glass

window of the tube, is sa t isfactory.

I’1o. !140.—E lect r od e s tr u ct u re for t est in g

With the elect rode and tube in plac~,

re-TR and 1ow-Q AT tubes.

the applied r -f voltage is slowly

increased until the glow discharge in th tube appear s.

The voltage”a t

thk poin t is compared with the calibrat ion curve and thus indicates

the pressu re in the tube

The ca librat ion curve depends on the gas mixtu re and the type of

tube. A differen t mixture or a tube of a different type requires a new

calibrat ion. A 11338 tube with the elect rode st ructu re illust rated in

Fig, 9.40 has a var iat ion f st r iking-voltage with pr essur e which is essen -

t ia lly a st ra ight line ~vith a slope of 30 volt s/mm of Hg, for argon pres-

sures UP to 30 mm of Hg, For air , the slope is 100 volts/mm, up to

pressu res of 18 mm of Hg.

These values are sufficien t ly accura te for

checking 1ow-Q ATR tubes and pre-TR tubes whose gas fillings can vary

in pr essu re by sever al m illim et er s ~~it hou t impa ir in g per formance.


pr essur e gau ge has been successfu lly used t o h eck h ydr ogen thyr at ron s, 1

(3C45, 4C35). The range of pressures in this case ;s much lower , and

ISee Vol. 5.

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SEC. 9“14]



th e pressure r egion of t he Paschen cu rve below the minimum is employed.

The voltag~pressure character ist ic has t her efor e a la rge nega tive slope.

Severa l factor s influence the per formance of thk ressure gauge. The

composit ion of the gas should be the same in all tubes for which the same

ca librat ion curve is used. The effect of very small amounts of impur it ies

is ser ious and usually unpredictable. Each type of tube equires a

sepa ra te ca libr at ion if t he st ru ct ur e is a ppr ecia bly differ en t.

If the tube

has been in opera t ion , it is possible tha t a sput ter ing process has resu lted

in the deposit ion of mater ia l on the glass.

This deposit does not ordi-

nar ily affect the ca libra t ion unless the deposit is an opaque metallic

coa t ing wh ich r esu lt s in appr eciable elect r os ta t ic sh ielding.


effect s a re qu it e negligible.



FIG. 9.41.—Arrangement for measur ing r ecovery time of a TR tube.

9.14. Measurements on Recovery Time of TR Tubes.—The deter -

minat ion of the recovery t ime of a TR tube requires more equipment

than any other single measurement .

Th e essen tia l equipmen t inclu des

a modula tor (preferably of the synchronous type), an r -f system, with

dir ect ion al cou pler s for mon it or in g t he po er a nd in tr odu cin g a low-level

signal, a matched high -power load, a TR cavity, a mixer , a local oscil-

la tor , a preamplifier , a receiver , an A-scope, a pulsed signal genera tor ,

and a synchronizer or t iming unit .

Th e schematic ar rangement of th ese

componen ts is shown in Fig. 9.41. This is one of severa l schemes which

have been used for this purpose.

The problem is t o measure t he a t tenua-

t ion of a low-power signal (the “echo” signa l) as a funct ion of t ime after

the occu r rence of the hig -power t ransmit ter pulse. This low-level

signa l is a t tenua ted because of the presence of elect rons around the gap;

the a t tenua t ion decreases as the number of elect rons decreases. Thus, a

low-level signal of constan t power t races an envelope curve, such as b

Page 430: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 9“14

in Fig. 9“42; as the t ime of occu r rence after the t ransmit ter pulse, a, is


Be inning with the -f t ransmission line, the necessary adjustments

are st ra ight forward. Fhstof all, inorder that therecovery t ime of the

TR tube alone will be measured, no ATR tube is used and the distance

from the magnet ron to the TR branch is so chosen that the largest

possible fract ion of a low-level

signal coming from the antenna


___ line will be t ransfer red th rough

the TR cavity to the crysta l detec-

tor . The local oscdla tor M set a t

FIG, 9.42.—Recovery-t ime curve for low-

Mc/sec (that is, t he in termedia te

leve l s ignal.

frequency) from the frequency of

the signal genera tor , which is usually, but not necessar ily, close to the

magn et ron frequency, and t he crysta l cu rren t is adju st ed t o t he opera t in g

level of 0.5 ma. When the local oscilla tor and signal genera tor are prop-

er ly tuned, the pulse should appear on the A-scope when the receiver

sen sit ivity is high en ou gh t o make t he n oise visible.



F 1o. 9,43.—Pha se-con tr ol cir cu it for sin e wa ve.

An essent ia l par t of the measurement is the adjustment of the t ime

of occur rence of the low-level pu lsed signal with respect to the main

t ransmit t er pu lse. It is impor tant to be able to adjust the low-level

pulse so t hat it occu rs just befor e t he t ransmit ter pulse, in or der t o pr ovide

a reference level at a t ime when the tube has made as complete a r ecovery

as possible. For one method of t iming control, the sine-wave voltage of a

master oscilla tor is used. This voltage is split , by means of a phase-

on t rol circuit , F ig, 9.43, in to two sine waves having phases that are

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SEC. 9.14]



var iable with respect t o each other . Two t r iggers may be genera ted

from these two sine waves, and their rela t ive t imes of occur rence will

depend on the rela t ive phases of the sine waves. One t r igger may

be used for the t ransmit ter tube, and the other for the signal genera tor .

A synchroscope’ is a convenien t device to use as an A-scope; it provides

the sine wave whose phase may be var ied, a fast sweep for viewing

the pulses, and one t r igger .

.4 t r igger genera tor can form a t r igger

from the phasable sine wave.

An alternat ive, and somewhat bet ter ,

method is t o use a Model G synchronizer .

This device provides two

t r iggers, one with a fixed delay for opera t ing the modula tor , and on e with

a var iable delay for opera t ing the pulse signal genera tor . This gives

mu ch mor e posit ive oper at ion t han t he sin e-wa ve ph ase-c on tr ol cir cu it .

The signal genera tor is an important item of equipment . It must

provide a reasonably good rectangular pulse, of approximately 1-~sec

durat ion , in the desired frequency range. If a calibrated at t enuator is

not built in to the r -f outpu t line of the signal genera tor , sllch an at tenu-

at or must be pr ovided ext ern ally.

The syst m may also be designed so

that the at t enuat ion may be provided in either the i-f or the video-fre-

quency line. A signal genera tor such as the type TGS-5RL facilita tes

a wide var iety of measurements (see I-ol. 11, Chap. 4). This signal

genera tor uses a wide-range 707B or 2K28 tube and has a variable pulse

length , a built -in variable delay for t iming cont rol, and an r -f a t tenuator

in the ou tpu t line. These featu res make it a very useful inst rument in

the 10-cm region . Other signal genera tors are available for the other

wavelength regions .

.4 method for measur ing the t ime scale of the sweep is necessary.

This is often accomplished by means of a l-IUc/sec oscilla tor which

provides a sine wave of accur tely known frequency. This sine wave,

applied to the signal pla tes of the .4-scope, affords a calibrat i n of the

sweep since a complete cycle cor responds to 1 psec for a l-Me/see wave.

When a gr id is placed over the face of the cathode-ray tube, t ime intervals

can be est imated t o ten ths of microseconds.

.L st ill bet t er scheme is to

use a sweep cal bra tor which provides a ser ies of equally spaced, very

narrow pulses, and to ar range a switch so that these pulses are displayed

on the tube. Sweep calibra tors are descr ibed in Vol. 22 of th is ser ies; a

suitable one is type B81 27.

Once the system is tuned, the measurement is easy. The choice of

the or igin of the t ime axis is arbit rary.

It is possible either to measure

the t ime in terval from the leading edge of the t ransmit t er pulse, since

in a great many instances the leading edge of the pulse is sh rper and

bet ter defined than the t raili g edge, or to measure thr in terval from the

1For descriptions of this :lnd other dcvimw nlcntionmi Iler{,, the retzder is referred

to Vol. 22 of this series,

Page 432: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




[SEC. 9“14

t ra iling edge, since the recovery of the tube cannot begin unt il thet rans-

mit ter has ceased to oscilla t e.

E ither of two reference levels for the

a t t enua tor set t ing may be used: the a t t enua tor reading for which the

signal level is r educed t o noise level, or the reading for a given amplitude

of signal immedia tely pr eceding t he t ra nsmit ter pulse.

The det erm in a-

t ion of the fir st r eference level is dependen t upon the exper ience of the

observer , but with pract ice a given observer can repea t readings to

0.5 db consistent ly. In addit ion , t he possibility of sa tura t ing t he r eceiver

is clea r ly avoided and ir regula r it ies in the sweep base line do not affect

the result s. The second eference l vel is easier t o set , but ca re must be

taken to avoid the sa tura t ion level.

To determine the recovery t ime of a TR tube, the following procedure

is u sed.

1. The TR cavity is placed at the opt imum distance from the t rans-

mit t er for the opera t ing frequency of the signal genera t or , which

is app oximately the same as for the t r ansmit ter frequency.

2. The TR cavity is tuned for resonance at the fre uency of the

s igna l genera tor .

3. The loca l oscill tor is tuned unt il a pip appea rs on the A scope.

The loca l oscilla tor should provide a crysta l cur ren t of approxi-

ma tely 0.5 ma.

-L. The r-f h igh power is turned on and the signal genera t or is adjusted

unt il the pip appea rs immedia t ly ahead of the t ransmit t er pulse.

5. The at t enua tor reading for a given height of low-level signal (or

the reading or which signal disappears in o noise) is determined.

6. The signal genera tor is adjusted unt il the pip appea rs a t the desired

t ime in terva l as measured from the leading edge of the t ransmit t er

pulse (or from the t ra iling edge if desired).

7. The a t t enua tor reading for which the signal is the same height as

in (5) is det ermin ed.

8. F rom readings (5) and (7), the los in signal a t the pa rt icula r t ime

in t erva l is ca lcu la t ed.

Essent ia lly this same ar rangement is used to measure the r ecovery

t ime of pre-TR tubes, with a standard TR switch and mixer following

the pre-TR tube. The usual a r rangement of pre-TR tube and TR tube

is employed, with the dist ance to the magnet ron adjusted so tha t the

mixer r eceives t he maximum amou t of low-level power from t he antenna


It might be though t tha t the presence of the TR tube would com-

plica te the determinat ion of the r ecovery t ime of the pre-TR tube, but a t

t he power levels a t ~vhich systems using pre-TR tubes opera te, the recov-

ery t ime of a new TR tube is very shor t , about 3 db down at 1 psec, since

the leakage power of the prc-’fll tube produces a very weak discharge in

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SEC. 9,14]


the ‘l’R tube. An a t tenua tor behind the pre-TR tube, to cut down the

power t o a level which will n ot damage crysta ls, requires a cor responding

increase in outpu t power of the pulse signal genera tor .


the a t tenua tor method has not been applied for measurement of the

recovery t ime of pre-TR tubes.

13andpass TR tubes are mounted in much the same way as pre-TR

tubes. .4 wavegu ide mixer , such as tha t shown in Fig. 9.44, is used with

tubes of this type. The steps just ou t lined a re followed except for

tuning f the TR tub which is, of course, unnecessary.

In another method for measur ing the recovery t ime of a TR tube,

differen t frequencies are used for signal genera tor and t ransmit ter , and








FIG. 9.44. —~aveguide mixer used with bandpass TR t ubes.

an addit iona l h igh-Q TR tube is used as a filt er . This ar rangement is

somewhat simpler since it elimina tes th e loca l oscilla tor and h eter odyn e

receiver , and requir es only a video amplifier . F igure 9.45 shows the

ar r angement of the component s. The frequency of the signal genera tor

is differen t from t he t ransmit ter frequen cy.

Both TR tubes are tuned

to the signa l-genera tor frequency. The second TR tube reduces the

t ransmit ter signal to a va lue which will not cause undesirable t ransien t

effect s in the receiver . Enough of the t r nsmit ter power get s through ,

however , to furnish a reference t r ace n the oscilloscope. A modifica-

t ion of the modula tor , t o make it pu lse the t ransmit ter tube only four

t imes, for example, for every five signa l-genera to pulses, a llows every

fifth low level pulse to come through unat tenua ted. The t race on the

A-scope shows two super imposed pulses, t he unat t enua ted pulse and the

pulse affected by the r ecovery t ime of the tube. The difference in height

of the pulses is a measure of the at tenua t ion due to the recovery t ime of

Page 434: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




A- scope

V!deo receiver


Directional coupler

Matched load

FIG. 945.-Two-fr equ ency method for measu ring r ecover y t ime.



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SEC. 916]



t he tube. This a t tenuat ion is measured by inser t ing an a t t enuator in

the video circuit . F igure 9.46 shows a photograph of an A-scope t race

obta ined with this a r rangement .

A point of in terest is the apparent

displacement in the maximum of the low-level pulse which is a result of

the var ia t ion of the r ecovery t ime over the length of the pulse.

9.15. Measurement s of the Recovery Time of ATR Tubes.—For

pra ct ica l purposes, t he r ecover y t ime of cell-t ype tubes, such as t he 1B27,

the 721, and the 724, is measured by using the tube as a TR tube. The

effect ive recovery t ime when the tube is used as an ATR tube can then

be calcula t ed. The low-Q ATR tubes should behave in very near ly the

same manner as pre-TR tubes with the same gas filling. A check of th is

is somet imes desirable and the following method has been used. For

th is det erm inat i n , t he ar ran gem ent illust ra ted in F ig. 9.47 is em ployed.

The distance from the TR junct ion to the t ransmit ter is adjusted to


~r~. 9.47.—Relat ion of components for determina t ion of t he effect of ATR tube recovery


exact ly the wrong length ; tha t is, to such a length tha t the smallest

possible fract ion of low-level signal power goes in to the TR branch.

This adjustment is m de with a shor t -circuit ing blank in place of the

ATR tube, and it s purpose is t o place the ATR tube in the posit ion where

it s r ecovery t ime is most effect ive. The blank is then removed and t e

ATR tube to be test ed is inser t ed in the mount . With the except ion of

st ep (1), the procedure for measur ing the recover y t ime as out lined in

Sec. 9.14 is applied. After this measurement is completed, the ATR tube

is replaced by the blank, and the dist ance from the magnet ron to the TR

branch is adjusted for maximum signal in to the TR branch. The recovery

t i e is then measured as before. A compar ison of these two measure-

ment s then indica tes the effect of the r ecovery t ime of the ATR tube.

9.16. Life Tests.—A gr ea t many fa ct ors, which include bot h mechani-

ca l and elect r ica l effect s, determine the useful life of TR and ATR tubes.

Since a large number of thes gas switching tubes conta in wa t er vapor in

a ddit ion t o ot her ga ses, t he life ch ar act er ist ics r equ ir e ca refu l con sider a-

t ion . In developmenta l work, the only sa t isfactory way to determine

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[SEC. 9.16

t he life of these tubes is to set up a sufficient number of tubes to ensure

reliable stat ist ical data under condit ions approaching actual use.


is easily accomplished with a waveguide line having many TR cavit ies

mounted on the nar row side of the guide. Broadband TR and low-Q

ATR tubes maybe provided with special mounts on the broad side of

the waveguide. A “doorknob” t ransit ion, or other suitable device,

connects the magnet ron to the waveguide sect ion , and a high-power dis-

sipa tive loa d t ermin ates t he lin .

A similar bench can be built in coaxial lines by using T-sect ions with

coupling loops for th e individual cavit ies; t he coupling loops ar e placed

F IC. 948.-Illust r at ion of ca vit y equipped with out put gat e for cr ysta l pr ot ect ion,

a t such a point on the branch line that when the tube fires, the cavity

bra nch , wh ich is a shu nt br anch , pr esen ts an open cir cuit a t t he T-sect ion .

Th e wa vegu ide line is pr efer red beca use of it s simplicit y.

This bench provides a good oppor tunity to study cryst l prot ect ion

as a funct ion of life. The TR cavit ies or bandpass tubes are provided

with mixers of the convent iona l type whi h have shor t -circu ited i-f out -

put lines and no local-oscilla tor connect ions. To avoid possible damage

to the crystal when the r -f power is turned on, output gates (see Fig. 9.48)

in front of the mixer coupling ir is protect the crystals unt il it is cer ta in

that stable opera t ion has sta r ted. For opera t ion it is also necessary to

pr ovide a keep-a live power su ppl .

The gate is r emoved after the r -f power has been turned on and the

character of the discharge between the cones examined through a small

hole in the cavity in or der to check the opera t ion . The gate is const ructed

from thin sheets of phosphor bronze, spot -welded together at several

poin ts along the cen ter and curved outward in opposite direct ions. This

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SEC. 916]


provides good con tact when th ega te slidesin

of the cavity. The crysta ls a re checked by


the groove cut in the sides

measurement of the back

cur ren t at one volt and the fron t -to-back resist ance ra t o, by means of a

standard crysta l-rect ifier test set , t ype TS-268 B/U. Measurements of

such quant it ies s lea ka ge power , r ecover y t ime, Q, an d keep-a live in ter -

act ion are best obtained on the special equipment in tended for each

ind ividual character is t ic.

F igure 9.49 shows the var ia t ion, with t ime,

of r ecovery t ime and other parameters of a TR tube.

Cer ta in mechanical t est s a re closely connected w th the useful life

of TR tubes. One of the most impor tan t of these test s is that of tem-






~ep -ahve vokege

al B

g:34 r

!400 ~ ;30 —



— — — — —





,~ $26 -


:300 :;22 -



S ’





- 2500


z 200 ~ ,5



MC14 -


> ,-


- 1500


~ 10 –

6 -

Signal loss at 6 z sec

- 50


: -


40 60 ~ 100 200

400 600 1000

Time in hours

FIG. 9.49.— ypic8l va r ia t ion of tube arameters with t ime.

pera t ure changes because of the mult iplicity of meta l-to-glass sea ls

involved in the const ruct ion of the tubes and of joint s betvieen metals

with different expansion coefficient s. Individual tubes and, when

appropr ia te, tubes such as the 1B27, 721, 724 clamped in the type of

cavit ies in which they will be used, undergo a t empe ature cycle from

room temperature to 100”C, to room tempera tu re, t o - 40°C, and back

to room tempera ture. Aft er each cycle, or small number of cycles,

th e tubes are ch ecked t o determine wheth er th e ext remes of t empera ture

have caused cracks to occu r in the seals of the tubes. Measurement of

the fir ing volt age is sufficien t to indicate an increase in pressure in the

tube. Other mechanical test s, such as vibra t ion and shock test s, a re

t rea t ed in t he same manner , and increased fir ing volt age again indicates

t ube fa ilu r e.

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[SEC. 9.17

9.17. Proper t ies of the Keep-a live.-The funct ion of the keep-a live

elect rode in a TR tube is to provide a supply of ions near the discharge

gap so tha t the r -f discharge will occu r a t as low a volt age as possible.

This elect r ode is loca ted near the gap, and a d-c p ten t ia l is applied

between the elect r ode and the adjacen t par t of the tube. This potent ia l

i h igh enough to cause a d-c discharge to occur , the in it ia l break-


down poten t ia l being a funct ion

of the gas filli g and the shape

of the tube. The volt age charac-

t er ist ic is specified for a given

value of cu r ren t flowing through

TR~Ube the keep-a live cir cu it in terms


of the volt age drop between the


keep-a live elect rode and the ad-

F IG. 9.50.—Cir cu it for mea su rin g k eep-a live

jacen t par t of the tube. In addi-

voltage cha racteristics.

t ion , the init ia l breakdown voltage

should have a reasonable va lue. A circu it for test ing the keep-a live volt -

age character ist ic is shown in Fig. 9.50.

When the switch is th rown , the

voltage applied to the keep-a live is a llowed to build up slowly, by mean

of a circu it wh ich h s a long t ime constant , so that the str iking

voltage and then the susta in ing voltage at a specified cu rren t may be


Since the d-c keep-a live discharge cont inues for a t ime long com-

pa red with the du ra t ion of the r -f pulse, the life of TR tubes conta in ing

H,O and H, depends on the num er of hours of opera t ion of the d-c

keep-a live This has been ver ified and, in some cases, tubes may be

li e-t est ed by oper at in g t hem wit h

a d-c keep-a live and then measur-

ing the susta ining voltage at de-

sired in terva ls. It is, of cour se,

necessary to cor rela t e th is infor - m

mat ion with the result s of actual z

opera t ion by measurements of

r ecover y t im e, lea ka ge power , a nd

inser t io loss. This d-c-keep-


~za. 9.51.—Cir cu it for k eep-a live elect rode.

alive life test will not revea l such

effect s as the sput ter ing of copper from the cones on to the glass by the r -f


discharge, a phenomenon which may occu r at sufficien t ly high r -f power

levels. The presence f th is metallic film may increase the inser t ion loss


of t he t ube an d gr ea tly im pair low-level oper at in g ch ar act er ist ics.

As can be seen from a considera t ion of the keep-a live st ructure and

power -su pply cir cu it , t he essen tia ls of a r ela xat ion oscilla tor a re pr esen t,

(F ig. 9.51). These oscilla t ions may be viewed on an oscilloscope if the

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SEC. $18]



keep-a live elect rode is coupled through a very small condenser direct ly

to one of the pla tes on the ca thode-ray tube.

9.18. Duplexe Insefi”on Loss.—The inser t ion loss of a duplexer is

ma de u p of t he followin g compon en ts,

1. Reflect ion loss tha t results from mismatch , This mismatch will

be formed by the combinat ion uf the TR s~vitrh , ATR switch ,

a nd magnet ron impedances.

2. The TR-switch loss. This is dissipa t ion loss unly.

3. The ATR-switch loss, which may be divided into two parts:

a . Dissipat ion loss with in the ATR cavity it self.

b. Power lost in to the magnet ron becalme the ATR switch act ion

is not complete. The ATR loss is somet imes called branching


If duplexers employ waveguide m xers, as, for example, at the 3-cm wave-

length , the direct measurement of inser t ion loss (see Sec. 92) is quite

simple. The mixer may be replaced by a ~vell-matched detector and the

magnet ron may be replaced by a movable plunger \ vhich produces the

proper reflect ion , TMs reflect ion will vary somewhat in magnetrons of

different types, but a typica l va lue is 20 db. The input side of the

duplexer must a lso be well matched. If the TR and ATR tubes a re

tunable, they should be tuned for maximum signal into the mixer . The

shor t-circu it ing plunger is then moved to the posit ion where the TR

signal reaches a minimum value

This is the worst condit ion that will

be encoun tered in service. After reading the dete tor -cur ren t meter ,

the duplexer is removed from the matched r-f genera tor , the detector (or

mixer ) a lone subst ituted in its place, and the detector -cu r rent meter

rea again. On the assumption tha t the crysta l has a square-law

response, the power loss expressed in decibels is ten t imes the logar ithm

of th e ra t io of the crysta l currents.

If a calibr at ed a tten ua tor is in cluded

in the setup, the meter reading is brought back to its former value and

the difference n the a t tenuator readings is the inser t ion loss.

any 10-cm waveguide duplexers have coaxia l mixers which are

soldered in to the TR cavit ies.

Under these condit ions, a standard

tunable mixer is needed to make the measurement of inser t ion loss. The

crystal detector should be selected so that it is near ly matched in the

mixer , since the loss is dependent on the crysta l conductance.

The TR

and ATR tubes are tuned and the plunger adjusted as a lready descr ibed,

except tha t the r -f level should be kept at such a poin t tha t the crysta l

cu r ren t is 0.5 ma. After this has been done, the duplexer is removed

from the matched r-f source and the standard tunable mixer is connected

t the r -f source. The tandard mixer is tuned until the cr sta l is

matched and the rect ified crysta l cur rent , in milliamperes, is read. The

Page 440: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers


loss will be ~ log& where m is the crysta l law (see Sec. 9 1). The value

of m is usua lly ver y close t o two, as cr yst als a re n ea rly squ are-law devices.

It is somet imes desirable to measure the impedances of the TR tube

and ATR tube separa tely, and from these data ca lculat e the losses.


method gives result s which check well with those of the more direct

method, but it is used only when a carefu l analysis of a duplexer is being

made, since th measurement s a re more difficult than those in a simple

loss determinat ion . Equiva lent circuit s of duplexers and methods for

calcula t ing losses ar e discussed in Chap. 7.

9.19. Effect of Transmit ter Impedance.—In some cases t ransmit ter

tubes a re [’consist ent enough in cold impedance to enab e the duplexer

to be preplum ed; tha t is, the distance from the t ransmit ter tube to the





.s— —___ _



‘—Max. loss











6 7


Plunger position in cm

FIG. 952, -Waveguide plunger wi h

FIG. 9.53. —Variat i0n in low-level

resistance st r ip to give lower alue of

signal loss through TR cavity with

stan ding-wave rat io t han plu nger alone.

posit ion of p u nger in t ran smit ter line,

TR junct ion may be so chosen tha t the largest fract ion of the received ;

signal is t ransmit ted in to the TR branch.

When TR tubes a re used,

most , but not all, of the dependence on the t ransmit ter impedance is

eliminated. However , var ia t ions in the impedance of t ransmit ter tubes

cause varia t ions in the duplexer loss (see Chap. 7). The effect of t rans-

mit t er impedance is measured by replacing the t ransmit ter tube by a

plunger and observing the change in received signal, as indica ted by the

mixer crysta l cur rent , when t he plunger is moved over a half-wavelength


This provides a knowledge of the loss for all possible phases of

t ansmit t er impedance. The magnitude of this impedance maybe var ied

by means of a piece of resistance st r ip extending beyond the face of the

plunger to reduce the magnitude of the reflect ion to any desired value,

(s ee F ig. 9.52).

The result s of a ser ies of measurements which used two low-Q ATR

tubes resonant a t 9.03 cm and a bandpass TR tube opera t ing at a wave-

length of 9.1 cm are given in Fig. 9.53.

A or respon din g set of mea su re-

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SEC. 9.20]



ments over a band of wavelengths, if the dissipa t ive loss obta ined by

oth er m eth ods wer e taken into con sidera t ion , would give th e cu rve sh own

n Fig. 9.54. (See also Chap. 7.) The area between the curves represen t s

t he spr ea d of loss for all possible t ra nsm it ter impeda nces.

6 ,—






Max. loss

A in cm

FIU. !]54-Effect of t ra nsm it ter im [)cd:mce 011 Iou -1cvc-1 ~igr ,:d low u ,,cr a bimd of wave-


9.20. H igh -power Oper at ion of Du plexer s.—L)u rin g t he h igh -pot ver

pulse of the t ransmit ter , the funct ion of the TR t be is to disconnect

the receiver from the transmission line and to allow most of the power

o reach the antenna, The h igh-power character ist ic of th tube mllst

pu lse, essen t ia lly a cont inuous t ransmission line exists between the

transmit ter and the an tenna. The TR tubes of the cell type depend

for their h igh-level act ion on the proper t ies of the gaseous r -f discharge

between the cones of the tube.

The cloud of ions and elect rons a t the

gap is equivalen t in its act ion to the inser t ion of a shor t circuit , in place

of the gap. In order to measure the standing-wave ra t io in t roduced

dur ing the h igh-po~ver pulse by the TR and ATR tubes, the t~lbes a re

replaced by others which have their cones soldered together ,


t ransmission line \ vhic leads to the nnterma is termina ted in a matched

load, and the standing-\ \ avc rat io is then mc[wlrcd n n lo~v-po,ver


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[SEC. 9.20

The ow-Q ATR, bandpass TR, and pre-TR tubes dur ing high-power

opera t ion also make use of the conduct ing character of the ionized gas

r esu lt in g fr om t he r -f disch ar ge.

This discha rge occurs a cross t he input

window of the tube and, t herefore, the tubes are mounted on the broad

side of th e waveguide; consequent ly, this effect ive conduct ing sheet pr e-

serves the cont inuity of the waveguide line th rough the duplexing sec-

t ion . This condit ion may be simula ted by taking an old tube and cover -

ing the inside surface of the window with a layer of Wood’s meta l. In

th is way the effect s due to the presence of the glass and shape of the input

window are preserved. Again, as with the cell-type tubes, all tubes in

the duplexer a re replaced by these

“fir ed” t ubes, a nd low-level st an din g-

wave measurement s are made looking through the duplexer a t a matched

load in place of the antenna line.

The use of shor t -circuited tubes does not reproduce the high-po~ver

condit ion exact ly, since the gas discharge does not have zero impedance

and some power is dissipa ted in the arc.

The exact effect of the power

loss is best measured using the individual tubes and not the duplexer


The r ecovery t ime of a duplexer can be determined by the procedure

descr ibed in Sec. 9.14. If the duplexer conta ins an ATR switch , the

recovery t ime depends upon the recovery of this switch, and also upon

t he t ra nsm it ter impeda nce.

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A-scope, 41

Admit tance t ransformat ion ra t io, 27

Alper t , D,, 60

Ambipolar diffusion , 184

Antennas, microwave, 3

Arc leakage power, 140, 171

dependence of,

upon t ransmit t ing

power , 175

with gap length , var iat ion of, 174

from lB27TR tube, 180

th rough 3-cm bandpass TR tube, 239

Arc loss, 240, 242

measurement of, 413

in 1 B3 5tube, 240

Arc power , 140

ATRcavity, loaded-Q of, 118

susceptance of, 118

ATR circu it s, fixed-tuned, branch ing

loss for , 292

mult iple, duplexers with , 308

wideband, double tun ing for , 317

ATR s itch , coaxial, 132

duplexing loss with , 279

for equivalen t circu it s, 115

1ow-Q, 127

Q~for , 128

3-cm wide-range, 132

and TR, distance between, 288

tuning of, 284

ATR tubes, available, branching loss

with , 322

fixed-t un ed, 134

irnpedanc emeasurement sof, 397

Iife of, 142

low-Q (see Low-Q ATR t bes)

recovery t ime of, measurements of, 423

(See a lso specific ATR tube)

At tenuat ion , direct -coupling, 13, 24, 55

through 721 AT cavit ies, 57

at harmon ic frequencies, 412

At tenua tor , sliding-vane, 3s3

At tenuator switch , 349


Bandpass charact er ist ics, 78

exper iment al, 91

Marcus’ calcu la t ion of, 84

for lB63TR tube, 112

for lo-cm tubes, 109

Bandpass TR tub s, fu tur e sta tus of, 252

h igh -level ch ar act er ist ics of, 250

9.2-cm-band, 107

3-cm, arcleakage power through , 239

leakage power envelope of, 232

tun ing procedu re for , 396

Barnes, J . L., 158

Beam width, 3

Bell Telephone Labora tor iesj 36, 130,

334, 337

Berger , R., 336

Bethe, H , A., 34, 35, 172,231

Bloom)L. R.,253

Bradbu ry, N. E., 188

Branch ing loss, 427

with available ATR tubes, 322

for fixed-tuned ATR circu it s, 292

forgenera l T-junct ion , 323

Branching-loss factor , 277

Br idge, impeda nce (see Im peda nce br idge)

thermist or , 405

Broadband T-stub, 266

Brown, S. C., 179

Burnout test s, simulated spike, 152


Cables, lossyj 378

Caldwell, . C., 114, 138,235

Capacit ive tUnirLg s@ 43

Cavity, coaxial, 45

coupling of, to coaxia l line, 50

equivalen t circu it for , 386, 388

ir is-coupled, coaxial du plexer with , 337


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Cavity, loade&Q of, 388

for 1B23 tulm, 41

phase of standing wave from, 387

resonant , voltage t r ansformat ion ra t io

of, 21

shunt -mounted, 120

TR (see TR cavity)

Cavity couplings, 49

Cavity losses, 16

Gavity Q, 30

~hemical reservoirs , 219

Choke coupling, flush, 333

Chokes, split , 333, 334

Cir cu it , cancella t ion, for measu ement of

spike energy, 409

equiva lent , for TR switch , 115

for cavity, 386, 388

for 1ow-Q ATR tubes, 398

jun ct ion , 262

keep-a live, 211

mu lt iple-element , 91

ph ase-con tr ol, 418

Cir cuit ca lcula t ions, equiva lent , 29

Cir cu it elements for waveguide T-junc-

t ions, 122

Clark, J , E ,, 130, 138, 346

Clark, J . W., 228, 411

Clark, M., 339

Clarke, H,, 236

Coat ings, iner t , 221

Coax al cavity, 45

Coax al junct ions, 265

Coax al T-junct ion with broadband t rans-

for mer , 268

Cobine, J . D., 147, 172, 184, 187, 198,

203, 210

Comp on, K. T., 187

Cork, B,, 59, 226

Couplings, cavit , 49

opt imum, 31

to TR cavit ies, 385

through TR cavity, formulas for )

summary of, 33

Crandell, C. F ., 130, 138, 346

Crawford, A. B., 334

Crysta l, ca libra t ion of, 38o

Crysta l burnout , 1,51

Crysta l ga te, 406

Crysta l law, 380

Crysta l per formance figur es, 152

Crysta l protect ion , ga te for , 424

(!ur t im, T. P., 260

CV221 tube, 64


Darrow, K. K., 14

Dear rdey, I. H,, 193, 224

Dickey, F. E ., 260

Dielect r ic constant s of glasses, 39

Direct -coupling measurements, 412

Discharge, decay of light intensity from,


keep-a live (see Keep-a live disch ar ge)

Dnple ers, ba lanced, 35o

branched, 329

cir cu la r-pola riza tion , 369

coaxia l, with ir is-coupled cavit ies, 337

double-t un ed, 339

for 8.5 cm, 342

elect r ica l design of, 329

high-power opera t ion of, 429

linear ba lanced, 352

loop-cou pled coa xial, 336

mechanica l design of, 333

with mult iple ATR circuit s, 308

nonlinear balanced, 355

1.25-cm , 346

using circu la r pola r iza t ion, 372

1050 Me/see, 339

pr essu rized coa xial, 335

recovery t ime of, 430

r in g-cir cu it , 357

10. 7-cm band, r ecept ion loss for , 343

10.7 cm, 342

3-cm, 343, 344

t ur nst ile, 372

frequency sensit ivity of, 375

t wo-cha nnel, 347

wa vegu idc, 341

wi eba nd, for 3-cm, 345

Duplexer cir cu it s, basic, 279

Duplexer inser t ion loss, 427

Duplexing cir cu it s, br nched, 262

Duplexing loss with ATR switch , 279

without ATR tube, 274

Duplexing switch , requ irements of, 4


E-plane junct io , 269

equiva lent cir cu it Of, 121

Page 445: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers




E -pla ne mount in g, 117

Elect rode, keep-a live (see Keep-a live


E lect ron a tt achmen t, 187

E lect ron ca pt ur e, m ech an ism of, 188


Fano, R. M,, 114

Farr , H. K., 138, 293

F ir in g power , m in imum , 414

Fiske, M. D., 68, 14, 169, 235, 238, 243,

253, 257, 411

Floyd, G, H,, 260


harmonic, a t tenua t ion at ,


F requ en cy differ en ces, sm all, m ea su re-

ment of, 391

F requ en cy mar ker , 391

F requ en cy sen sit ivit y of modified magic

T, 365

of t ur nst ile duplexer , 375


Gap design , 235

Gap length , a rc leakage power with ,

va ria tion of, 174

effect of, on spike lea ka ge en er gy, 170

Gardner , hf. F., 158

Ga roff, K., 227

Ga s clea nup, 217

Ga s-fi lin g, effect of, u pon h igh -po~ver

character is t ics , 239

u pon spike en er gy, 167

Ga te for cr yst al pr ot ect ion , 424

Gen er al E lect ric Compa ny, 68

Gilbarg, H. G., 227

Glass windows, low-Q, leakage ener gy

cha ract er is tics of, 233

r esonant , 102

Gla sses, dielect r ic con st ant of, 39

Gu illemin , E. A., 114

Guldner , W. G., 217, 221


H-pla ne ju nct ion , 269

equivalent circuit of, 121

If-plane-mounted cavity, 119

Half-power points, 389

Hall, R. N., 114

Hansen , W. W., 17, 26, 34

Her lin , M. A., 179

High-power character ist ics, effect of gas-

fillin g on , 239

High-power opera t ion of duplexers, 429

High-Q TR switches, pass band of,

measurement of, 385

High-Q TR tubes, h igh-power char -

a ct er ist ics of, 227

volumes of, 218

Holstein, T., 156 162


Impedance, cold, of t ransmit ter , 275, 336,


Impedance bridge, 395

magic-T, 395

schemat ic diagram of, 404

Impedance measurements of ATR tubes,


Impedance t ransforma ion , 14

Induct ive tun ing screws, 43

Inser t ion loss, 29

du plexer , 427

measurement of, 382


J epson , R. L., 253

J unct ion circu it , 262

J unct ions, coaxial, 265

wavegu ide, 269


Keep-alive cha ract er ist ics, 208

Keep-alive cir cu it s, 211

prepulsed, 212

Keep-alive dischmge, 143

low-le~.cl sign al at tenu at ion ca used by,


st ructure of, 206

volt -ampere character ist ics of, 205

Keep-alive elect rodes, 245

coaxial, 200, 245

within cones of 11124 and 1B27 tubes,

posit ion of, 205

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Keep-a live elect rodes, proper t ies of, 426

side-a rm, 206, 245

Keep-a live pressure-volt age character-

ist ic of 1B24 TR tube, 209

Klyst rons, 377

Krasik, S,, 60


Langmuir , I., 187

Lawson, A. W., 114, 229

Lawson, J . L., 35, 226

Leakage, r -f, 335

Leakage character ist ics, effect of line

power upon, 243

Leakage energy, spike (see Spike leakage


Leakage energy character ist ics of low-Q

glass windows, 233

Leakage power , 140

arc (see Arc leakage power)

dir ect -cou pled, 13

harmonic, 59

of pre-TR tubes, 407

I,ea ka ge-power m ea surem ent s, 405

Leakage-power envelope of 3-cm band-

pass TR tube, 232

Lee, Gordon M., 154

Leiter , H, A., 114, 190, 228

LHTR, 339

Life test s, 423

Light intensity, decay of, from discharge,


Lighthouse tube, 77

Line power , effect of, upon leakage char -

a ct er ist ics, 243

Imaded-Q of ATR cavity, 118

I,oaded-Q of cavity, 388

Loeb, L. Il., 149, 169, 187, 188, 194

I.ongacre, A., 68

Loss conto r s, 283

Lossy cables, 378

Low-Q ATR switches, 1 7

Q~ for , 128

Low-Q ATR tubes, equiva lent circu it s for ,


high-power cha ra ct er ist ics of, 248

product ion test ing of, 402

reversible mount for , 402

Low-Q gla ss win dows, leakage energy

characteristics of, 233


McCarthy, H. J., 61, 221

McGrea , J . W., 36, 173, 227

McCreery, R. L., 56

Mch’a lly, R., J r., 148

Magic T, 350

modified, 365

frequency sensit ivity of, 365

r ing-circuit (see Ring-circuit mag c T)

using round waveguide, 369

hfagic-T impedance br idge, 395

Magic T’s, pract ica l, 361

hfagnet ron, 2

Magnet ron buildup, 154

Malter , L., 253

Mansur , I., 236

Marcus, P. M., 114

Marcus calcula t ion of bandpass cha r-

a ct er ist ics, 84

Marcuvit z, N., 34

Margenau, H., 175, 181, 182, 185, 194

Marshak, R, E,, 34, 172, 231

}Iassey, H. S. W., 187

Mat r ix calcula t ion, 85

Measurement techniques, 376

\ fechanica l t est s, 425

Lfeng, C. Y., 114, 238

Met al-t o-gla ss sca le, 255

Microwave antennas, 3

Microwave region, 1

Mount , reversible, for Iow-Q ATR tubes,


Mult iple-element cir cuit s, 91

Mumford, W. W., 36, 173, 227


Naval Resea rch Labora tory, 339

9.2-cm -ba nd ba ndpa ss TR t ube, 107

Novick, R., 341


1B23 tube, 36, 38

cavity for , 41

tuning curve for , 42

1B24 TR tube, 60, 62, 65, 171, 179, 201,


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1B24 TR tube, keep-al ivepressure-volt-

age cha ra cteristicof, 209.

life tes t of, 223

temper at ur e-tu ningcl,rve for, 66

tuning cu rve for , 65

1B26 TR tube, 61, 65, 201, 227

life tes t of, 223

spike-pr essu re ha ra cter isticfor , 169

tuning cu rve for , 66

11327 TR cavity, 59

1B27 TR tube, 36, 37, 39, 168, 170, 171,

227, 256

ar c leakage power fr om, 180

cur ren t vs. v lt age in discha rge of,


differ en tia l t un in g scr ew for , 44

lif t est of, 222

r ecover y cu rves of, 190, 191

tun ing ran ge of, 44

t un in g-t emper at ur e cu rve of, 49

1B35 ATR tube, 134, 135, 240, 244, 248,


ar c loss in , 240

and moun t , 138

1B36 t ube, 134, 135, 248, 249

and moun t , 137

1B37 t ube, 134, 135, 138, 248, 249

1B38 pre-TR tube, 148, 154, 164, 223,

249, 250

oscillogr am of spik e fr om , 164

r ecover y-t im e cu rve of, 224

1B38 tube with pu re a rgon , r ecovery

ch a ra ct er ist ic of, 192

1B40 tube, 36, 38

1B44 t ube, 134, 136, 248

1B50 TR tube, 61, 63, 65, 201, 227

1B52 t ube, 116, 134, 136, 248

1B53 t ube, 134, 248

1B54 pre-TR t ube, 249, 250

1B55 t ube, 108, 239, 250

1B56 t ube, 134, 248

1B57 t ube, 134, 248

1B58 bandpass TR tube, 108, 223, 250

1B63 t ube, 111, 250

bandpa ss ch a ra ct er ist ic for , 112

Opt imum cou plin g, 31


Pass band of broadband TR tubes, 393

Pearsa ll, C, H., 19 , 224

Phase-cont rol cir cu it , 418

Phase sh ift , impedance br idge for measur -

ing, 403

nea r r esonance, 399

Pickup probe, 378

Posey, W. T., 260

Posin, D. Q,, 236

Pound, R, V., 266, 336

Power , a r c, 140

dir ect -cou pled, 140

harmonic, 140

Power divider , 414

Pre-TR tubes, leakage power of, 407

(See cdso par t icu la r pre-TR tube)

P ressure gauge, -f, 415

Pressur ized coaxial duplexer , 335

P ressu rizin g, 334

Preston , W., 60

P robe cou plin g,

adjustable, to cozxiol

lin e, 409

P roduct ion test ing, low-level, 400

PS3S tube, 108

P seu do-fla t, 163

Pulse, rectangula r , spect ru of, 408

Pulse length , measurement of, 408


Q, cavity, 30

defin it ion of, 11

input , 12

measurement of, by power drop in

load, 401

output , 12

unloaded, 12

Q~ for 1ov,-Q ATlt switch, 128

QL,, 385

experimental curve for determining


Qu :~r tcr -\ vz,\ c-len gt h pla te, 37o


Rzdar equat ion , 1

Radioact ive cobalt chlo ide, 216

Radiomt i\ -c pr imin~, 216

Ikx!cp tion los s for 1O,7-CI I1hand dup ]exer ,


It ecovcrv char : mtcr ist ic of 11338 tube

with pure argon, 1!)2

of Tl{ t ,,~),;, ]!}()

RecO\ -cry t ime, 141

of .\ TR tulles, measurements of, 423

Page 448: MIT Radiation Lab Series V14 Microwave Duplexers



Rcco\ -er ~< t ime, of du plexer , .130

of TR tubes, measurements on , 417

two-frequency method for measur ing,


Recovery-t ime cu rve of 11338 pre-TR

tube, 224

Relaxat ion oscilla t ions, 201

Reservoirs, chc,r l ic:d ,219

s ilica -gel, 220

Resonance, phase shift nea r , 399

Resonan t elements, 70

equivalent circu it of, 71

with posts, 97

with t runca ted cones, 97

Resommtgap, equivalen t circu it of, 74

Resonan t glass window, 102

Resonan t t ransformers, 9

Itesonan t window, 128

It -f discharges, similar ity pr inciple for ,


spect rogr ams of, 148

It -f leakage, 335

It -f pressure gauge, 415

Ring, D, H.,272

Ring circu it at 3.33 cm, dimensions for ,


It in g.cir cu it du plexer , 357

Ring-circu it magic T, 357

coa xia l, 368

r igh t-a ngle, 367

standing-wave rat io of, 359


Samuel, A.l,.j 36,130, 138,173,227,292,

298, 346

Schafer j J . P., 337

Schelkunoff, S. A., 34

Scbwinger , J ., 34, 172, 231

Series molmt, 117

721 TRcar ity, conductanceof, 54

d~mensionsaf, 54

721 ATR tube, 36, 142, 227

a rgon -filled, 197

dir ect -cou plin g, 57

life test of, 222

recovery of, 1 8

tun ing-tempera tu re character ist ics of,


721B TR tube, 37, 39

life test of, 222

721BTR tube, tuning character ist ics of

41, 42

724.! TR tube, 36, 167

7~~~TRtu1,c,37, 39, 227

tun ing character ist ics of, 41

Shunt mount , 119

Shunt-mounted cavity, 120

Shunt resist ance, equ ivalent , 17

Signal a t tenuat ion, low-level, caused by

keep-a live disch ar ge, 209

Signal genera tor , 419

Signal sou rccs, 377

Silica -gel r eser voir s, 220

Sinclair , B. H., 227

Slater , J . C., 114

Sliding-vane at t enuator , 383

Slot ted sect ion, 378

Smullin , L. D., 57, 114, 166, 190, 209, ?28,

229, 238, 251, 347

Smythe, IV, R,, 114

Spcctograms of r -f discharge, 148

Spect rum of rectangu la r pu lse, 408

Spect rum analyzer , 380

Sper ry Gyroscope Company, 108

Spike, 153

and fla t power , separat ion of, 411

linear theory of, 156

nonlinear theory of, 162

oscillogram of, 164

Spike leakage energy, 140, 143, 235

cancella t ion cir cu it for measurement

of, 409

dir ect -cou pled, 237

effect of gap length on , 170

effect of gas-filling on, 167

effect of m on, 166

effect of repet it ion ra te on , 167

measurements of, 409

for var ious gap spacings, 236

for var ious gases, 168

Spike-pressure character ist ic for 1B26

TR tube, 169

Split chokes, 333, 334

Sput ter in g, 210

Standing wave, phase of, from cavity, 387

Standing-wave rat io of r ing-cir cu it agic

T, 359

Standing-wave-ra t io ru rvw for T-junc-

t ions, 272

Standing-wave rat io r -, 30

Stra t ton , J . A., 185

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Sut ton tube, soft , 36, 68

Sweep calibrato s, 419

Switch , ATR (se ATR switch)

a t tenua tor , 349

duplexing, requirmnrut s of, 4

Sylvan ia F3cr t r ic I’rod(icls ( ‘omparry,

36, 60, 65, 136, 256, 25!)


T-junct ion , coaxia l, ,r ith hrmdh :~nr l

t ran sformer , 268

general, branching loss for , 323

standing-wave-ra t io cllrvm for , 272

waveguide, circu it elements for , 122

T-stub, broadband, 266

Tatel, 188

Taylor , R, E ,, 339

Telecommunica tion s Reserwch f3st ablish -

ment , 364

Temperature-tuning curve for 11124 TR

tube, 66

IO-cm tubes, bandpass charact er ist ics

for , 109

Test bencb, typical, 381

Test equipment , low-level, basic, 376

Thermistor br idge, 405

Thermistor mount , 407

Ting-Sui 1{6, 166, 209

TR cavit ies, coupling to, 385

TR cavity. 39

coupling through , summary of for -

mulas for , 33

methods of coupling, to rect angular

wave guide, 51

(See also specific TR cavity)

TR switch , and ATR, dist ance between ,


TR tubes, bandpass (see Bandpass TR


broadband, pass band of, 393

cell-t ype, 35

fixed-tuned, tun ing check on , 400

in tegr al-cavit y, 59

life of, 142

9.2-cm-band bandpass, 107

recovery character ist ic of, 190

recovery t ime of, measurement s on , 417

(See also specific TR tube)

Transformer , broadband, coaxial T-jun c-

t ion with , 268

Transformer , resormnt , 9

Transmission , 29

Transmit ter , cold impeclancr of, 275

Trrmsn lit t cr impcdsncr j 42s

Tuhc life, 21

Tuhcs (.wr sp cr i I ir t Ill)c)

Tlm gst rl,-wm tr r cycle, 211

Tllning, l,,r tho(ls of, 27

Tlln ing cilrvr for 11324 TR t t ll>~, 65

for 11326 TIt tuhc, 66

Tuning range of 11127 TR t llhc, 44

Timing screw, diffcrcn t i: , for 11327 TR

tuhc, 4-I

il]d uct i~,ci 43

T~millg slt lg, c:lpt cit ive, 43

T~ln illg-t rlllpcr :lt clrc ch :~mct er ist ics of

721:\ Tlt t uhr , 48

T(l,lil]g-t c,lllp cr a t(lr (! compm]s~t ioll, M

Tuning.tem era ture curve of 1B27 TR

tube, -!9

Tunnicliffc, P. R., 364

Turnst ile duplcxcr , 372

frequency sensit ivity of, 375

Tyrrell, IV, .\ ., 353


Vcst igizl 120” junct ion , 273, 334

Volt -ampere ch smct er ist ics of keep-alive

disch ar ges, 205

Voltage t ransformat ion ra t io of resonant

czvity, 21


Tyallm-e, H, N., 243, 411

t f-a rner , .\ . D., 114, 243, 411

Wavegu ide duplexers, 341

\ Vaveguide jun ct ions, 269

Wavegu ide T-junct ions, circu it elements

for , 122

Wavemeters, 381

West inghouse E lec ic and Manufactur -

ing Company Corpora t ion , 66, 132

West inghouse Research Laborator ies, 60

W’iesner , J . B., 60, 204

Window, glass, 1ow-Q, leakage energy

character ist ics of, 233

resonant , 128


Zabel, C. W., 60, 154, 164, 234