MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend

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Page 1: MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend



Page 2: MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend

Mississippi Labor Law Postings

Thank you for using Paychex! Your order contains the following state posters:

Name of Poster Poster Code Posting Requirements Agency Responsible Notice of Coverage (Workers' Compensation)

LMS01 All employers Workers' Compensation Commission

Notice of Coverage (Workers' Compensation) (Spanish*)

LMS05 All employers Workers' Compensation Commission

Unemployment Insurance LMS02 All employers Mississippi Department of Employment Security

Unemployment Insurance (Spanish*)

LMS10 All employers Mississippi Department of Employment Security

Equal Opportunity LMS03 Recommended for all employers Mississippi Department of Employment Security

Equal Opportunity (Spanish*)

LMS04 Recommended for all employers Mississippi Department of Employment Security

E-Verify LMS06 All employers who participate in the E-Verify program

Dept of Homeland Security

Right to Work LMS07 All employers who participate in the E-Verify program

US Dept of Justice

Right to Work (Spanish) LMS09 All employers who participate in the E-Verify program

US Dept of Justice

Notice Concerning Changes to the Workers’

LMS11 All employers - must be posted next to LMS01 - Notice of Coverage (Workers' Compensation)

Workers' Compensation Commission

*While they are not required, Spanish versions are recommended for employers of Spanish-speaking workers.

Printing and Posting Instructions All files are print ready, according to size requirements from the issuing agency (if any). To ensure compliance, print all posters as provided. Posters requiring different paper size and/or color print are noted below as exceptions. Please note: In some cases, individual posters are set up to print on multiple pages.

1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper.

2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend taping the pages together before posting.

3.) Review each poster and posting instructions (above) carefully to check for special posting requirements that might apply to your business.

4.) Display all applicable posters in a conspicuous area accessible to all employees (such as an employee lounge, break room, or cafeteria).

Page 3: MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend


2001 M.W.C.C. Notice of Coverage Form



I. Please take notice that your Employer is in compliance with the requirements of the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Law, and [select one] [has been approved by the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission to act as a self-insurer], or [maintains workers’ compensation insurance coverage with the following:]

(Name of insurance carrier or self-insurance group)

(address & telephone number)

II. Individual workers’ compensation claims will be submitted to and processed by:

(Name of third party claims administration or claims office)

(address & phone number)

III. This workers’ compensation coverage is effective for the following period:____________ to ______________.

IV. All job related injuries or illnesses should be reported as soon as possible to your immediate supervisor, or to the person listed below:

(Name of employer contact person)

(Title & Department/Division)

V. Please be advised that any person who willfully makes any false or misleading statement or representation for the purpose of obtaining or wrongfully withholding any benefit or payment under the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Law may be charged with violation of Miss. Code Ann. §71-3-69 (Rev. 2000) and upon conviction be subjected to the penalties therein provided.

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2001 M.W.C.C. Formulario de Notificación de Cobertura

Print Date: 10/07



I. Por favor tome nota que su Empleador está en cumplimiento con los requisitos de la Ley de Compensación al Trabajador de Mississippi, y [seleccione uno] [ha sido aprobado por la Comisión de Compensación al Trabajador de Mississippi para actuar como asegurador de sí mismo], o [mantiene seguro de compensación al trabajador con el siguiente:]

(Nombre del asegurador o grupo de seguro propio)

(dirección y número de teléfono)

II. Los reclamos individuales de compensación al trabajador serán entregados y procesados por:

(Nombre del administrador de reclamos de terceros u oficina de reclamos)

(dirección y número de teléfono)

III. TEsta cobertura de compensación al trabajador está en vigencia durante el siguiente periodo:____________ hasta ______________.

IV. Todas las lesiones o enfermedades laborales deben ser reportadas tan pronto como sea factible a su supervisor inmediato, o a la siguiente persona:

(Nombre de la persona de contacto del empleador)

(Título y departamento o división)

V. Por favor tenga presente que cualquier persona que intencionalmente hace cualquier declaración o representación falsa o engañosa con el propósito de obtener o retener erróneamente cualquier beneficio o pago bajo la Ley de Compensación al Trabajador de Mississippi puede ser acusado de infracción de Miss. Code Ann. §71-3-69 (Rev. 2000) y al ser condenado será sujeto a las penas provistas en ella.

Page 5: MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend

Employer: Please Post in a Conspicuous PlaceExtra Copies on Request


MDES Communications 1013

Print Date: 11/13

Unemployment InsuranceFor Employees

I M P O R T A N TThis employer is registered with the Mississippi Departmentof Employment Security, and the employees are covered by

Unemployment Insurance. This insurance is carried to protectyou in case of unemployment through no fault of your own.

Nothing is deducted from your pay to cover its cost.

If you become unemployed, report to the nearestMississippi Department of Employment SecurityWIN Job Center for work search assistance.

You may file a claim for Unemployment Insurancebenefits online at mdes.ms.gov or by phoneat 888-844-3577.

An equal opportunity employer and program, MDES has auxiliary aidsand services available upon request to those with disabilities.

Those needing TTY assistance may call 800-582-2233.Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor through

the Mississippi Department of Employment Security.

Page 6: MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend

Patrono: Favor de Poner en un Lugar LlamativoCopias Adicionales si se Solicitan


MDES Communications 1013

Print Date: 11/13

Seguro de Desempleopara Empleados

I M P O R T A N T EEste patrono esta registrado con el Departamento de Seguro deEmpleo de Mississippi, y los empleados están cubiertos por el Segurode Desempleo. Este seguro es llevado acabo para protegerlo en casode que usted sea desempleado sin ninguna culpa de su parte.

Nada es deducido de su pago para cubrir su costo.

Si usted llegase a ser desempleado, repórtelo al Centro de Trabajo WIN del Departamento de Seguro de Desempleo de Mississippi más cercano para asistencia de búsqueda de trabajo.

Usted puede someter una reclamación para beneficios de Seguro de Desempleo por el Internet visitando la página web -mdes.ms.gov ó por teléfono llamando al 888-844-3577.

Un programa y patrono con igualdad de oportunidad, Para personas con incapacidades, MDES tiene ayudas y servicios auxiliares disponibles cuando se solicitan.

Personas necesitando asistencia de TTY pueden llamar al 800-582-2233.

Fondos Auspiciados por el Departamento Laboral de EEUU a través del Departamento de Seguro de Empleo de Mississippi.

Page 7: MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend

011917 LMS03Print Date: 4/17

Equal Opportunity Employer ProgramAuxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IS THE LAWIt is against the law for this recipient of Federal financial assistance to discriminate on the following bases:

Against any individual in the United States, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation or belief; and

Against any beneficiary of programs financially assisted under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA), on the basis of the beneficiary’s citizenship/status as a lawfully admitted immigrant authorized to work in the United States, or his or her participation in any WIOA Title I financially assisted programs or activity.

The recipient must not discriminate in any of the following areas: Deciding who will be admitted, or have access, to any WIOA Title I—financially assisted program or activity.

Providing opportunities in, or treating any person with regard to, such a program or activity; or

Making employment decisions in the administration of, or in connection with, such a program or activity.

What To Do If You Believe You Have Experienced DiscriminationIf you think that you have been subjected to discrimination under a WIOA Title I-financially assisted program or activity, you may file a complaint within 180 days from the date of the alleged violation with either:

State - WIOA Equal Opportunity OfficerDr. Dovie Reed • Phone: 601-321-6024 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant Equal Opportunity OfficerRandy Langley • Phone: 601-321-6504 • Email: [email protected]

Mississippi Department of Employment SecurityP.O. Box 1699 • Jackson, Mississippi 39215-1699 • Fax: 601-321-6037 • TDD: 800-582-2233

If you file your complaint with the recipient, you must wait either until the recipient issues a written Notice of Final Action, or until 90 days have passed (whichever is sooner), before filing with the Civil Rights Center:

The DirectorCivil Rights Center (CRC)U.S. Department of Labor

200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-4123Washington, D.C. 20210

Voice: (202) 693-6502-TTY: (202) 693-6515

If the recipient does not give you a written Notice of Final Action within 90 days of the day on which you filed your complaint, you do not have to wait for the recipient to issue that Notice before filing a complaint with CRC. However, you must file your CRC complaint within 30 days of the 90-day deadline (in other words, within 120 days after the day on which you filed your complaint with the recipient).

If the recipient does give you a written Notice of Final Action on your complaint, but you are dissatisfied with the decision or resolution, you may file a complaint with CRC. You must file your CRC complaint within 30 days of the date on which you received the Notice of Final Action.

Page 8: MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend

101415 LMS04Print Date: 11/15

Programa de oportunidades de igualdad del empleoAyundantes auxiliares y servicios est’an disponibles para individuos con incapacidades si asi lo requieren.

IGUALDAD DE OPORTUNIDAD ES LA LEYEn contra de cualquier individuo en los Estados Unidos por razón de, raza, color, religión, sexo, edad,incapacidad, origen nacional, afiliación politica o credo; y En contra de cualquier beneficiario de programas asistidos financieramente bajo el Titulo l de “Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA), por razon del estatus de ciudadania siendo un inmigrante legalmenteautorizado para trabajar en los Estados Unidos o de su participación en cualquiera de las programa oactivitdad financieramente asistidos por WIOA Titulo I.

Si el destinatario no discriminará en ninguna de las sieguietes áreas: Decidiendo quien será admitido o tendrá acceso a cualquiera de las programas o actividades de WIOA assistidos financieramente por el Titulo I; Proveyendo opportunidades en o el tratamiento de cualquier persona con relación a semejante programa o actividad; o en la toma de decisiones de empleo en la administración de o en conección con semejante programa o actividad.


Si usted cree que ha estado sujeto a discriminación bajo cualquiera de los programas o actividades de WIOA asistidos financieramente por el Titulo I, usted puede presentar una querella dentro de los primeros 180 diasdespués de la alegada violación al Oficial de Opportunidad de Igualdad (Equal Opportunity Officer) delestinatario (o la persona designada por el destinatario para este propósito); o

State - WIOA Investment Act Equal Opportunity OfficerDr. Dovie Reed • Phone: 601-321-6024 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant Equal Opportunity OfficerRandy Langley • Phone: 601-321-6504 • Email: [email protected]

Mississippi Department of Employment SecurityP.O. Box 1699 • Jackson, Mississippi 39215-1699 • Fax: 601-321-6037 • TDD: 800-582-2233

Si usted presenta un querella al destinatario, deberá esperar hasta que el destinatario expida una Notificación de Acción Final por escrito o hasta que pasen 90 días (lo primero que suceda), antes de presentar la querella al Centro de Drechos Civiles (Civil Rights Center) (vea la dirección arriba).

Director del Centro de Derechos Civiles(Civil Rights Center - CRC)U.S. Department of Labor

200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-4123Washington, D.C. 20210

Voice: (202) 693-6502-TDD: (202) 693-6515

Si el destinatario no le provee una Notificacíon de Acción Final por escrito dentro de 90 dias de la fecha cuando usted presentó su querella, usted no tiene que esperar que el destinatario expida la notificación antes de presentar su querella al CRC. Sin embargo, deberá presentar su querella dentro de 30 dias después del limite de 90 dias (en otras palabras, 120 dias después de haber presentado la querella al destinatario).

Si el destinatario le expide una Notificación Acción Final por escrito respondiendo a su querella pero usted no está satisfecho con la decisión o resolución, usted puede presentar su querella a CRC. Su querella deberá ser presentada al CRC dentro de 30 dias de la fecha en que usted reciba su Notificación de Acción Final.

Page 9: MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend

Print Date: 8/17LMS06

Este empleador participa en E-Verify y proporcionará al gobierno federal la información de su Formulario I-9 para confirmar que usted está autorizado para trabajar en los EE.UU.

Si E-Verify no puede confirmar que usted está autorizado para trabajar, este empleador está requerido a darle instrucciones por escrito y una oportunidad de contactar al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) o a la Administración del Seguro Social (SSA) para que pueda empezar a resolver el problema antes de que el empleador pueda tomar cualquier acción en su contra, incluyendo la terminación de su empleo.

Los empleadores sólo pueden utilizar E-Verify una vez que usted haya aceptado una oferta de trabajo y completado el Formulario I-9.

E-Verify Funciona Para Todos

Para más información sobre E-Verify, o si usted cree que su empleador ha violado sus responsabilidades de E-Verify, por

favor contacte a DHS.

This Organization Participates in E-Verify

Esta Organización Participa en E-Verify



The E-Verify logo and mark are registered trademarks of Department of Homeland Security. Commercial sale of this poster is strictly prohibited.

This employer participates in E-Verify and will provide the federal government with your Form I-9 information to confirm that you are authorized to work in the U.S.

If E-Verify cannot confirm that you are authorized to work, this employer is required to give you written instructions and an opportunity to contact Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or Social Security Administration (SSA) so you can begin to resolve the issue before the employer can take any action against you, including terminating your employment.

Employers can only use E-Verify once you have accepted a job offer and completed the Form I-9.

E-Verify Works for EveryoneFor more information on E-Verify, or if you believe that your employer has violated its E-Verify responsibilities,

please contact DHS.

Page 10: MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend

Print Date: 2/17LMS07


Don’t let anyone take it away.

If any of these things happen to you, contact the Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER).

Immigrant and Employee Rights SectionU.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division www.justice.gov/ier

Contact IERFor assistance in your own language Phone: 1-800-255-7688 TTY: 1-800-237-2515

Email [email protected]

Or write toU.S. Department of Justice – CRT Immigrant and Employee Rights – NYA 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20530

You should know that…In most cases, employers cannot deny you a job or fire you because of your national origin or citizenship status or refuse to accept your legally acceptable documents.

Employers cannot reject documents because they have a future expiration date.

Employers cannot terminate you because of E-Verify without giving you an opportunity to resolve the problem.

In most cases, employers cannot require you to be a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident.

There are laws to protect you from discrimination in the workplace.

Page 11: MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend

Print Date: 2/17LMS09


No deje que nadie se lo quite.

Si alguna de estas cosas le ha sucedido, comuníquese con la Sección de Derechos de Inmigrantes y Empleados (IER, por sus siglas en inglés)

Comuníquese con la IERPara ayuda en su propio idioma: Teléfono: 1-800-255-7688 TTY: 1-800-237-2515

Mándenos un correo:[email protected]

O escríbanos a:U.S. Department of Justice – CRT Immigrant and Employee Rights – NYA 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20530

Usted debe saber que…En la mayoría de los casos, los empleadores no pueden negarle un empleo o despedirlo debido a su nacionalidad de origen o estatus de ciudadanía, ni tampoco negarse a aceptar sus documentos válidos y legales.

Los empleadores no pueden rechazar documentos porque tengan una fecha de vencimiento futura.

Los empleadores no pueden despedirlo debido a E-Verify sin darle una oportunidad de resolver el problema

En la mayoría de los casos, los empleadores no pueden exigir que usted sea ciudadano estadounidense o residente legal permanente.

Existen leyes que lo protegen contra la discriminación en el trabajo.

Sección de Derechos de Inmigrantes y EmpleadosDepartamento de Justica de los EE. UU., División de Derechos Civiles



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Liles Williams, ChairmanJohn R. Junkin, CommissionerDebra H. Gibbs, Commissioner

Ray C. Minor, Executive Director

LMS11/1Print Date: 6/12

Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission1428 Lakeland Drive / Post Office Box 5300

Jackson, Mississippi 39296-5300(601) 987-4200



Pursuant to Senate Bill 2576, which was passed during the 2012 Regular Session of the Mississippi Legislature, the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission is required to promulgate a written statement specifying the changes being made to the Workers’ Compensation Law by this Bill. This statement is to be made available to every employer in this State subject to the Workers’ Compensation Law. This written statement is available at the Commission’s website: http://www.mwcc.state.ms.us/ , and the Commission will attempt to reach as many employers as possible by mailing written copies of this statement.

As provided in Senate Bill 2576, within ten (10) days of receipt of this written statement from the Commis-sion, “every employer shall post the Commission’s statement in a conspicuous place or places in and about his place or places of business and adjacent to the Notice of Coverage as required by Section 71-3-81.” These changes shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2012, and shall apply to injuries occurring on or after July 1, 2012.

A copy of this statement is being mailed to all known employers and/or their insurers. All insurers and third party administrators are asked to please notify their insureds of these requirements immediately upon receipt of this statement.

The following is a summary of the changes made to the Workers’ Compensation Law by Senate Bill 2576. The changes themselves are underlined for easy reference.

-Section 71-3-1 is amended as follows in relevant part:

(1)…[T]his chapter shall be fairly and impartially construed and applied according to the law and the evidence in the record, and, not-withstanding any common law or case law to the contrary, this chapter shall not be presumed to favor one party over another and shall not be liberally construed in order to fulfill any beneficent purposes.

(3) The primary purposes of the Workers’ Compensation Law are to pay timely temporary and permanent disability benefits to every worker who legitimately suffers a work-related injury or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of his employment, to pay reasonable and necessary medical expenses resulting from the work-related injury or occupational disease, and to encourage the return to work of the worker.

-Section 71-3-7 is amended as follows in relevant part:

(1)… In all claims in which no benefits, including disability, death and medical benefits, have been paid, the claimant shall file medical records in support of his claim for benefits when filing a petition to controvert. If the claimant is unable to file the medical records in sup-port of his claim for benefits at the time of filing the petition to controvert because of a limitation of time established by Section 71-3-35 or Section 71-3-53, the claimant shall file medical records in support of his claim within sixty (60) days after filing the petition to controvert.

Page 13: MISSISSIPPI - dcshq.comdcshq.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/MS-Poster.pdf · 1.) Print each of the posters listed above on 8.5”x11” paper. 2.) For multiple-page posters, we recommend


(2) Where a preexisting physical handicap, disease, or lesion is shown by medical findings to be a material contributing factor in the results following injury, the compensation which, but for this subsection, would be payable shall be reduced by that proportion which such preexisting physical handicap, disease, or lesion contributed to the production of the results following the injury. The preexisting condition does not have to be occupationally disabling for this apportionment to apply.

(4) No compensation shall be payable if the use of drugs illegally, or the use of a valid prescription medication(s) taken contrary to the prescriber’s instructions and/or contrary to label warnings, or intoxication due to the use of alcohol of the employee was the proximate cause of the injury, or if it was the willful intention of the employee to injure or kill himself or another.

-Section 71-3-15 is amended as follows in relevant part:

(1) …A physician to whom the employee is referred by his employer shall not constitute the employee’s selection, unless the employee, in writing, accepts the employer’s referral as his own selection. However, if the employee is treated for his alleged work-related injury or occupational disease by a physician for six (6) months or longer, or if the employee has surgery for the alleged work-related injury or occupational disease performed by a physician, then that physician shall be deemed the employee’s selection.

-Section 71-3-17 is amended as follows in relevant part:

(c)(24) Disfigurement: The commission, in its discretion, is authorized to award proper and equitable compensation for serious facial or head disfigurements not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). No such award shall be made until a lapse of one (1) year from the date of the injury resulting in such disfigurement.

-Section 71-3-19 is amended as follows:

An employee who as a result of injury is or may be expected to be totally or partially incapacitated for a remunerative occupation and who, under the direction of the commission is being rendered fit to engage in a remunerative occupation may, in the discretion of the commission under regulations adopted by it, receive additional compensation necessary for his maintenance, but such additional com-pensation shall not exceed Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) a week for not more than fifty-two (52) weeks.

-Section 71-3-25 is amended as follows in relevant part:

If the injury causes death, the compensation shall be known as a death benefit and shall be payable in the amount and to or for the benefit of the following persons:

(a) An immediate lump-sum payment of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to the surviving spouse, in addition to other compensation benefits.(b) Reasonable funeral expenses not exceeding Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) exclusive of other burial insurance or benefits.

-Section 71-3-63 is amended as follows in relevant part:

(3)… Attorneys may not recover attorney’s fees based upon benefits voluntarily paid to an injured employee for temporary or permanent disability. Any settlement negotiated by an attorney shall not be considered a voluntary payment.

-Section 71-3-121 is amended as follows:

(1) In the event that an employee sustains an injury at work or asserts a work-related injury, the employer shall have the right to admin-ister drug and alcohol testing or require that the employee submit himself to drug and alcohol testing. If the employee has a positive test indicating the presence, at the time of injury, of any drug illegally used or the use of a valid prescription medication(s) taken contrary to the prescriber’s instructions and/or contrary to label warnings, or eight one-hundredths percent (.08%) or more by weight volume of alcohol in the person’s blood, it shall be presumed that the proximate cause of the injury was the use of a drug illegally, or the use of a valid prescription medication(s) taken contrary to the prescriber’s instructions and/or contrary to label warnings, or the intoxication due to the use of alcohol by the employee. If the employee refuses to submit himself to drug and alcohol testing immediately after the alleged work-related injury, then it shall be presumed that the employee was using a drug illegally, or was using a valid prescription medication(s) contrary to the prescriber’s instructions and/or contrary to label warnings, or was intoxicated due to the use of alcohol at the time of the accident and that the proximate cause of the injury was the use of a drug illegally, or the use of a valid prescription medication(s) taken contrary to the prescriber’s instructions and/or contrary to label warnings, or the intoxication due to the use of alcohol of the employee. The burden of proof will then be placed upon the employee to prove that the use of drugs illegally, or the use of a valid prescription medication(s) taken contrary to the prescriber’s instructions and/or contrary to label warnings, or intoxication due to the use of alcohol was not a contributing cause of the accident in order to defeat the defense of the employer provided under Section 71-3-7.

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(2) The results of the drug and alcohol tests, employer-administered or otherwise, shall be considered admissible evidence solely on the issue of causation in the determination of the use of drugs illegally, or the use of a valid prescription medication(s) taken contrary to the prescriber’s instructions and/or contrary to label warnings, or the intoxication due to the use of alcohol of an employee at the time of injury for workers’ compensation purposes under Section 71-3-7.

(3) No cause of action for defamation of character, libel, slander or damage to reputation arises in favor of any person against an employer under the provisions of this section.

-Section 71-7-5 is amended as follows in relevant part:

(d) An employer may administer drug and alcohol testing or require that the employee submit himself to drug and alcohol testing as provided under Section 71-3-121 in the event that the employee sustains an injury at work or asserts a work-related injury.

-A new section is created which states the following:

-The Workers’ Compensation Commission shall promulgate a written statement specifying the changes made to the Workers’ Compen-sation Law by this act to every employer in this state subject to the Workers’ Compensation Law. Within ten (10) days of receipt of this written statement from the Commission, every employer shall post the Commission’s statement in a conspicuous place or places in and about his place or places of business and adjacent to the Notice of Coverage as required by Section 71-3-81.

-This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2012, and shall apply to injuries occurring on or after July 1, 2012.

MWCCJune 14, 2012


Upon receipt of this summary, post in a conspicuous place or places in and about yourplaces of business and adjacent to the Notice of Coverage as required by Section 71-3-81.


Upon receipt of this summary, immediately provide a copy to each of your Mississippiinsureds so that the posting requirements for employers can be timely satisfied.