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Teacher s Book

Bob Obee Mary Spratt

xpress ublishing

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NIT 158

NIT f68

ctice Test


About yourself . ... . . .. .. . .. . .... .... . . ..

Travelling ...... ............... . ................. . . . . .. . . .................. ... , .

Accommodation .. ..... . .... ... ... . . . ... ....

Education . . ................ ................... . . . . . . .

Jobs ........... . .... ................ . . . . .........................

Entertainment ... .... ........ ........ .

Talks presentations and lectures ..... .... .... ...

Modern living .... ............. . . . ..................................


p 9

p. 95

p. 9



p. 108

p. 110

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Unit 38 - About yourself

. --------I nit ocus - - - - - - - - .

kills: To consolidate the topic introduced in Unit 1 of theAcademic book. The Unit also focuses on scann ing ,which is a very useful reading skill in GT Reading ,ntroducing Ss to its purposes and how it works. Scanning islso dealt with in Unit 15 of the Ss Academic book , The

Natural World.xam: To give Ss practice in scanning and other read ing

kills through the context of IELTS GT Reading task s andxts . To familiarise Ss with Section 1 of IELTS GT Reading

nd get them thinking about strategies to use while do inge paper as well as strategies to use to prepare for it.

lsfocus (pp. 6-7)

• To give Ss practice in scanning and reading fordetail so that they can get a feel for how and why thetwo skills are different .

• Before Ss read you could ask them to predict fromlooking at the questions which ones are likelyto requirescanning, i.e . 2, 3, 4, 6, 7; the ones with short factualanswers . Get each student to do this task rather thandoing it in whole class, so that each student getspractice in getting the feel for the two reading skills.


1 A, B E2 A-

3 CB E

5 CO6

7 E

• To make Ss aware of what scanning involves incontrast to reading for detail.

• Ask Ss to try to remember how they read t he profilesand also to look at the questions and answers to Ex. 1 tohelp them answer. Ss could then read the information inEx . 3 to confirm their answers .

55 own answers)

• To make Ss aware of what a profile mightcontain .

• Ss could discuss in pairs and dec ide wh at key fea urescould be mentioned in their profi le, then prese n emto the class .«

55 own answers)

• To put into practice through a ne w textreading skill, scanning, that Ss have beco me aw r eExs . 1-4 .

• Before they do this activity, get Ss to te ll you


in each question they need to scan for, i.e. 1) n u p r n r l

2) Friday/days of week, 3) shoes, 4) night work, 5)

Unit 3B


A,C 2 CD 3 A, E 4 0 F 5 A,C

6 • To activate the vocabulary of the article andprovide fluency practice .

• Give Ss some thinking time before they do this activityin pairs or as a whole class .

(55 own answers)

Possible Answers

I would prefer to be a QC Operative quality contro/) ... because Iam good with paperwork ... I like checking figures ... I am lookingfor long-term work ..., etc.I would be good being an assembler .. . because Iam good with myhands ... 1have my own safety footwear ... etc.

Exam focus (pp .8-13)

1. Tips for IELTS

• To prepare Ss for this particular practice test andalso for Section 1 of the actual test, by introducing themto some exam strategies and exam preparation strategies .

• Ss could just read through this information. You could askthem what they think are the most important points itcontains. Stress to them the importance of time in the IELTS

Reading Paper and therefore of reading in the right way soas to maximise time for themselves . Ifyou think it wou ld beuseful for your Ss to focus now on the task types of short

answers questions and matching information, then look atp. 85 in Mission IELTS Academic unit 7. When discussing thepreparation tips make sure Ss realise that Section 1 containsvery everyday factual texts . They can probably come acrossthis kind of text very easily in their everyday lives. Encouragethem to look for these texts during their everyday lives andto scan them for specific information, i.e. preparing for thissection of the paper can be incorporated easily into Ss

everyday lives.

(55 own answers)

2 . IELTS Practice Test

• To give Ss practice of a Section 1 of the exam . Thistest is laid out exactly as in Section 1 of the exam with thesame number of questions and types of tasks and texts. Thetest could provide exam practice for Ss if done in exam-likecon dit ions .

• You cou ld do the test in exam-like conditions giving Ss 15-20 m inutes to do it. You may think your Ss are not readyy or this and prefer to do it section by section stoppinga er each check and explain answers .

8 in either order; both required for one mark)

C i either order; both required for one mark)


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5 733

6 7467 7048 7039 744

7 75677 (your) workexperiences72 answers to questions73 (the) i n t r v i w r ~

74 (your)personal qualities

3 . Thinking about the IELTS Practice Test

• To familiarise Ss with the names of the IELTSReading task types so they become aware of the range oftask types they could meet and their requirements and canread up about these tasks e.g. on the officiallELTS website.

• Show Ss how the tasks are all different from one another.


Matching information,short answer questions.

2 • To show Ss how the IELTS Reading Paper requiresSs to use different reading skills and that it is notnecessary to read the whole text for detail which issomething they often want to do . In fact they must NOTdo this as it wastes precious time .

• Ask Ss to do this task individua lly or in pairs beforechecking answers . In this way they will all think aboutthe answers.


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

Skim? I I I

Scan? I I I

Only read parts I I I

of the text?

Look for key I I I


Kinds of texts Advertisements Information Article/

leaflet informationleaflet

3 • To help Ss realise how extremely important it isto follow the task instructions in the IELTS Reading Paper .f they answer in the wrong way they will not get a mark

even if their answer in fact gives the right information.

• It would probably be most useful to do this taskindividually so that each student has the opportunity towork out how these answers are wrong.


7 F The question requires a etter answer only.)2 A (and) 8 (You cannot qualify answers with words like

probably ; this would be marked wrong.)3 C The question requires a letter answer only.)4 A (and) C The question requires letter answers only.)

5 733 (The question requires a number answer only.)6 746 (The question requires a number answer only.)7 704 (The question requires one number answer only.)8 703 (This answer is written incorrectly you don t put commas

in numbers in the hundreds in English.)

9 744 (The question requires one number answer only - Youcannot qualifyanswers with words like may be .

7 56 (Alwaysanswer a question even when unsure)77 (your) work experiences (as is in the text, no more than three

words)72 answers to questions (as is in the text, no more than three

words)73 the i n t r v i w r ~(the answer must be grammatically correct-

missing apostrophe)74 (your)personal qualities (as is in the text).

These wrong answers show that correct answers always followtheinstructions for length and type of answer (e.g. number v word v

letter), that correct spelling and grammar are essential, thatcandidates must be definite in their answers and not hedge theirbets (e.g. probably , maybe ) and that it is a good idea to alwaysput an answer even when you are not sure - you will get a pointthis way i he answer is correct.

4 What do you know about IELTS?

• To help Ss become aware of the contents andrequirements of IELlS Reading Section 1

• Get Ss to give you some real, practical suggestions f orquo 8, and even to commit to some form of preparatio n .


7 74

2 Usually2 or ; sometimes one text willbe made up of 6 8 shorttexts.

3 Skimmingand scanning are especially useful.4 Each task requires you to skim for the general gist of the text,

as well as scan for specific words or phrases. You may inaddition need to read some parts of the texts for detail.

5 You are not required to read each part of each text in detail.6 It ust tells you the overall time that is available, i.e. 60 minut es

for the three sections.Timetables, advertisements, notices, entertainment listings, etc.

i.e. texts for socialsurvival8 (Ss own answers)

Unit 48 - Travelling

r- - - - - - - - i nit ocus ~ - - - - - - -Skills: Toconsolidate the topic introduced in Unit 2 of the Ss

Academic book. The Unit focuses on the skills needed towrite successful letters focusing on the organisation andlinking of ideas, responding to previous correspondence andtone and register in letters .Exam: To get Ss to think about and give them practice inthe IELTS Writing Task 1. It also aims to raise Ss awarenessof key areas of performance that will be assessed andencourages them to think about ways that they canimprove.

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ls ocus (pp. 14-16)

• To explain to Ss how writers typically showconnections between ideas in writing letters .

• Ask Ss to read thro ugh the letter and then to focus oneach highlighted phrase . Get them to match these tothe function they perform. Point out that some phraseshave a similar function .


By then : referring to timeEven though : qualifyingan ideaFor instance : givingan exampleAlso:adding an ideaHowever: qualifyingan ideaAnyway: changing subjectEspecially: highlighting somethingSo that: introducing a reason

• To give Ss practice in spotting where a connectionmight be more clearly highlighted by the insertion o alinking word/phrase .

• Get 5s to provisionallymark on each text where they thinka word/phrase might be added and then get them tocompare this with another student. In making their finalchoices encourage Ss to think about any punctuationgrammar changes that might be necessary.


While in the UK,Ihope to visitLondon. I d like to do this in a day so

that I don t have to pay for accommodation overnight. I am notsure , however, i his willbe possible. I d also like to o to Scotlandfor a few days . This is why I am thinkingof renting a car for a fewdays.

Dear Karen and Simon,Thank you for agreeing to be my host family. Although you havealready received some details of my visitand about me, I ll tellyoua few more things about myself.

First o all, Iam a vegetarian . Ihave no problem eating meals withpeople who eat meat but I do not eat meat myself. Anyway, I amhappy to prepare food for myselfas well, so you don t have to o

to any trouble.

• To highlight how letters in different registersrequire Ss to use expressions which vary in level o

formality and familiarity.

• Point out to Ss that the phrases in each column havethe same functional use but vary in terms of register.


writing2 know3 as4 good

5 know 9 anything at6 hear 10 touch7 free 11 forwardB blame 12 best

Unit 48

4 • To focus Ss on appropriate style and register insemi-formal letters by comparing two different models .

• Use the prompts to elicit from 5s which letter is

inappropriate A) and which letter work s in term s of

register (8).Answers

- Letter Bbegins by saying why you are writing- Letter A has examples of spoken register (it s what about . I

don t have .you are kind to ... )- Letter Bpresents information in a logicalorder- LetterA s asking the reader to write back with direct questions- LetterAcontains unnecessary information- Letter Bhas semi-formalregister

Possible Answers

Dear Steven and Samantha ,I am writing to introduce myself and to thank you for agreeing tobe my host familywhile Iam in Manchester. Asyou know my nameis Andrew and I am from Seville in Spain. I live there with myparents and younger brother.

S • To encourage Ss to check through their writing toimprove and correct it.

• Ask Ss to read through the letter a few times and spot theextra words. When they have identified and deleted the se

words ask them to read through the letter once again .


Line 1

Line 3LineLine 6

LineBLine 10Line 11/12

that you will 8Ie be coming

I willbe planning your stay .... arranging in case you will...as soon as you willarrive .on Monday evening .we will visit the factory floor...we willbe able to ha ve lunch with .

Line 12 . who is also visiting next week.

6 • To get Ss to think about the type o questions theyneed to ask themselves when checking writing like this.

• Ask Ss to work with another student to come up with a listand then work with the whole class to form a full list.

Possible Answers

When checking your writingyou should look or the following:- Are sentences complete and in the correct order? (e.g .positionof

adverbs , question auxiliaries, etc.)- Is the grammar correct? e.g. subject-verb agreement, articles,

verb endings)- Is there unnecessary repetition?- Is spelling correct ?

- Have you used the correct punctuation ?e.g. commas , full stops ,etc.)

- Have you used the correct register? formal, semi-formal, etc. )-Is information in the correct order? (introduction, main body,

conclusion, etc. )- Have you answered the question/completed the task ?


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Exam focus pp. 17-19)

1. Tips for the IELTS

• To get Ss to highlight a key word or phrase inthe tip to act as an aid to remembering it .

• Get Ss to highlight a word or phrase in each tip andthen to compare what they have highlighted withanother student.

Possible Answers

opening line, read through , open and close, functional language ,20 minutes, etc.

2 . IELTS Practice Test

• To get Ss to practise Writing Task 1 within therough t ime frame of the test .

• Set Ss the task to do and explain that you are only going toallow roughly the 20 minu tes that are advised for thecompletion of the task in the writing paper. Encourage Ss

to make a brief plan before the y start .

Possible Answers

Dear Sir/Madam,I m writing to inform you that I will be attending the

Advanced Social Media course, being held from Tuesday 20th Apriluntil 23rd April, at West-Campion College, campus B.

I willbe arrivingon the afternoon of Monday 19th and will be

leaving on the morning of Saturday the 24th of April, so I willrequire a single room for this time. I would prefer my ownbathroom, if this is possible, but do not mind sharing if I have to;however, s I m wheelchair bound, the room will have to bedisabilityfriendly.Couldyou please tell me how much this willcostand how Ishould make a payment?Do you accept VISA?

s Ido not know the area, Iwould also be grateful if you couldprovide some information about getting to and from the campus .Willi need to take public transport from the station or is there a

campus bus service? Any informationon what to see and do in thearea would also be greatlyappreciated.Thank you foryour assistance.AlexGallows

3. hinking about the IELlS Practice Test

• To consolidate what Ss know about what isrequired in this task in relation to a sample question .

• Get Ss to read through the table describing the taskand the sample task and then to tick the things they

. need to do on the checklist .


CHECKLIST- Writeyour address (X)- Begin the letter Dear ( )- Spend 20 minutes planning the letter (X)- Say who you are (.I)

- Talkabout your last letter (X)- Talkabout travel arrangements ( )- Discuss work with yourcolleague (X)- Say how you d ike to spend free time in Australia ( )- Write more than 150 words ( )

- Write in a semi-formalregister ( )- Trynot to spend more than about 20 minutes ~ the tas k (. I )

2 • To get Ss to match examine ; comments tosample letters .

• Ask Ss to read through the two sample letters and finspecific examples of what the comments describe ieither letter A or B . This should lead to the conclu siothat letter B is a much stronger student response .



Style too informal- Thanks-and to your wife- So please pickme up- Let s do it

I t llbe fun- Anyway, tellme some other thing you want to know

I can write again soon- Best ofluck

Over uses direct questions- Howare you?- What can we go and see?-Is Perth far from your place?

- Howcan we


- Can you get tickets?

Closing not appropriate- Best of uck, James

Does not cover second point well-I ll be leaving on 19th May so pickme up at the airport (doesn t

say which airport, or what day of arrival.)

Letter8Polite expressions for thanking/requesting- I m writingto . thank you and your family- Thank you for agreeing to meet me.

/ would be grateful for any information

- Many thanks once againGives clear reason for writing- writing to introduce myself thank you . for offering me

next month

Good development of nformation in paragraphss you probablyknow moved to Mandara we are quite active

-I ll be arriving thankyou for / m really looking forward

4 . What do you know about IELTS?

• To review the key points relating to Task 1 of th ewriting paper .

• Ask Ss to discuss these key review questions with anoth erstud ent and to refer to the About IELTS section to clarifyanypoints of wh ich they are not sure.

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1 Youshould spend no more than 20 minutes on Task 1

2 There are three points in the question for you to cover3 In GT, writingTask 1 s always a letter. It may be to someone

you know, or have never met before.

4 Youmust writea

minimumof 150 words.5 The examiner will assess you on task achievement,organisation, range of vocabulary, and accuracy and use ofgrammar.

6 (Ss own answers)

Unit 78 - Accommodation

- - - - - - t nit ocus ) ) - - - - - - - - - - ,

ills: To develop Ss awareness of reading for detail and what

equires them to do, and also to provide practice in the skill.e Unit- also further develops the topic of Accommodationm Unit6 of the Ss Academic book .am: To give Ss practice in reading for detail and other readingls through the context of IELTS (General Training) Reading

ks and texts. Also to familiarise Ss with a Section 2 of IELTS

eneral Training) Reading and get them thinking aboutategies to use while doing the paper as well as strategies forparing for it.

focus (pp. 20-21)

• To give Ss practice in scanning and reading fordetail alongside one another, so as to contrast them inorder to highlight their differences.

• You could ask Ss to say which question 1-8 requiredscanning or reading for detail after each set of twoquestions. In this way the requirements of the questionswillstill be fresh in Ss minds.


1 hostels2 The distinctivecharacter ofeach location

Bunk beds4 To show the facilities forcouples and families.5 Pillows,duvets and blankets.6 To make up yolJr bed.7 No8 Self-catering kitchens, sitting areas, drying rooms and cycle


• To give Ss practice in scanning and reading fordetail alongside one another, so as to contrast them inorder to highlight their differences.


scan2 detail

3 scan4 detail

5 scan6 detail

Unit 7B

7 detail8 scan

3 • To further familiarise 5s with the differencesbetween scanning and reading for detail and how theywork.

• After Ss have finished this activity, you could ask them tosummarise (orallyor in writing)the informationabout bothreading skills.



3 T4 T

5 T

6 F7 F itdepends on the task)

4 • To further reinforce 5s' understanding o thedifferences between these two skills.

• NB It is not possible to be 100 firm about these an swers .The answers refer to what 'usually' happens . Read ers mayhave different reasons for reading things. For examp le,while people usually scan a elephone directory, it is poss ibleto read it for detail e.g. o see the kinds ofsurnames people havePoint this out to 5s . When they have finished the activitythey could also name other kinds of texts that they normallyscan or read for detail.


1 SS

3 R

4 R

5 R

6 S I R

7 S 9 SI R

8 S I R

5 • To give 5s practice in reading for detail.

• Make sure 5s underline the answers in the text. This willhelp them to see that reading for detail goes ·'beyondreading individualwords.

Answersa Independent skilled migrants wishing to settle permanently in

South Australia.b Atleast six weeks before you arrive in Adelaide.c To give you time to settle in South Australia and find more

permanent accommodation.d one, two and three bedroom unitsl flats and houses . . according

to the size of amily...e Three kinds: a refundable deposit; a bond of one week's rent;

one week's rent in advance .f 12 weeks .

When reading for detail, the answers are usually parts of, or fullsentences .When scanning the answers are usually one or two words.


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Unit 78

Exam focus (pp. 22-25)

1. Tips for IELTS

• To give Ss tips for dealing with and preparing fortwo tasks that are very common in Sections 1 and 2 ofIELTS Reading Paper, as well as other more general tips .

• You could possibly ask Ss to read this sect ion then quizthem on its contents . Po int out to Ss that the Section 2texts are very much everyday texts related to work that theyshould be able to come across easily at work or whenapplying for jobs . Advise them to look for and read thesekinds of text to get used to their vocabulary and lay-out andto practise their reading skills.

(5s ' own answers)

2. IELTS Practice Test

• To give Ss practice of Section 2 of the exam. Thistest is-laid out exactly as a Section 2 of the exam with thesame number of questions and types of tasks and texts .The test could provide exam practice for Ss if done inexam-like conditions . The practice text also gives practicein working with the IELTS Reading task types of shortanswers questions and matching information.

• You could do the text in exam-like conditions giving Ss 15-20 minutes to do it. You may think your Ss are not readyyet for this and prefer to do it text by text stopping after

each to check and explain answers.Answers

1 (a) (single) bedroom2 breakfast and) evening meal3 experiencing the culture/making local friends/opportunities

for language practice4 (en-suite) shower facilities5 (other) summer workers6 (a) (fully-equipped) kitchen7 A8 0


10 A82 C

13 0

3. Thinking about the IELTS Practice Test

• To familiarise Ss with the names of the IELTS

Reading task types so they become aware of the range of

task types they could meet and their requirements .

• Show Ss how the tasks are different from one another .


Short answer questions , matching information.

2 • To show Ss how IElTS Reading requires Ss to usedifferent reading skills and that it is not necessary to readthe whole text for detail, which is something they oftenwant to do. In fact, they must not do this as it wastes

precious time .• Ask Ss to do this task individually or in pairs before

checking answers . In this way they will all think abou tthe answers . .


Task 1 Task 2

Skim? / /

Scan? /

Read for detail? / for some questions /

Read parts of / /

the text?Look for key / /words?

Kinds of text? Company brochure information leafletprospectuslvvebsite brochure/web page


3 • To help Ss realise how extremely important it is forSs to follow the task instructions in the IElTSReading Paper.If they answer in the wrong way, they will NOT get a markeven if their answer in fact gives the right information .

• It would probably be most useful to do this tas k

individually so that each student has the opportunity towork out how these answers are wrong.


1 a) single) bedroom (answers must be grammatical)2 breakfast and) evening meal no more than four words

and/or numbers from the text)3 experiencing the culture/making local friends/ opportunities

for language practice answers must be spelt correctly)4 en-suite) shower (facilities) answers must be grammatica l/

correctlyspelt)5 (other) summer workers words must be taken from the text

and match the question grammatically))

6 a) fully-equipped) kitchen words must be taken from the text)7 A one letter only)8 0 (a letter required)9 A on e etter only- no extra information)

10 A one letter only- no extra information)8 one letter only)

2 C always give an answer even when not sure)13 0 this is not a possible answer - there will always be an

answer to a question)

These wrong answers show that answers must be grammaticand correctly spelt, that they must be letters, numbers or words s

required by the rubric, that they must not exceed the ma ximunumber of words given, that answers must not be qualified (e.g.'only', 'perhaps ), that the answer must be 100 relevant to

question, that they should only contain words from the text, athat candidates are stronglyadvised to writean answer even w

they 're not sure .

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hat do you know about IELTS?

• To help Ss become aware of- the contents andrequirements o ELTS GT Reading Section 2.

• 5s could test one another in pairs or in a short mingling


The texts in the two sections are different, with those in Section2 generally being longer and a bit more complex. Section 1texts are usually to do with social survival while Section 2texts focus more on work survival. Section 2 usually requiresmore reading for detail than Section 1.

2 Section 2 generally tests the ability to scan for specificinformationand read for detail.

3 13 Section 1contains 14.4 The texts are taken from notices, advertisements, official

documents, booklets, newspapers , nstruction manuals, leaflets,

timetables, books and magazines . They deal with topics such asapplying for jobs, company policies, pay and conditions,workplace facilities,staff development and training.

5 (Ss own answers)

Unit 88 - Education

- - - - - - i nit ocus ) } - - - - - - . : - - -

kills: To consolidate the topic introduced in Unit 5, Educationthe 5s Academic book. The aim of this section is to focus 5s

tention on analysing questions for discursive essay writing andinking ~ o u tkey points relating to planning such writingandow ideas are typicallyorganised and developed within it.xam: This section aims to get 5s to think about and giveem practice in IELT5 Writing Task 2. It also aims to raise 5s

wareness of key areas of performance that will be assessedd encourages them to think about ways that they can


s focus (pp . 26-29)

• To encourage to think about the differentaspects o a di,scursive essay question and to matchpoints and ideas to the different parts o the question.

• Ask 5s to read through the essay question carefully andask 5s to paraphrase what each part of the question is

about. Then get 5s to match the points to include toone of the different numbered parts of the question .


A 4

B 3

C 2

o 6



G 5

H 5

I 6

J 5


2 ( o get Ss to think about the logical organisationo discursive essays and the order o points within adiscursive framework.

• Discuss the outline plan/organisation of the essay with

5s and then get them to match the points looked at in 1to different sections of the essay.

Possible Answers

Introduction- F Clear visa and application procedure (easier to apply forcourses)- E Large international communities (more welcoming for other

foreigners)- C The increasing popularity o training overseas. (more people

choose to train abroad)

Main body- B The quality and varietyo courses (more choice)- H Achance to experience another culture see how otherpeople live)

Main body 2- G Become fluent in English and gain a good qualificat ion

(learning a language in its native country)- A The language o business (internationalcompanies communicate

mainlyusing English)

Main body 3 (personal experience)- 0 Friends have found good jobs with international companies

(personal experience)I Very fewplaces in my country for what Iwant to study (personal


ConclusionJ We live in a global age (communication and busines s are

worldwide)- Summarise the topic by making a general comment about themain point , ncluding a personal viewpoint

3 • To get Ss to think about paragraphs h i ~ h havegood/weak development o ideas .

• Ask 5s to read through the paragraphs and identifythem as belonging to one of the two categories .


Paragraph one follows a clear and logical development betweenpoints.Paragraph two does not followa clear and logical developmentbetween points.Paragraph three followsa clear and logicaldevelopment betweenpoints.Paragraph four follows a clear and logical development betweenpoints.Paragraph five does not followa clear and logical developmentbetween points.

4 • To get Ss to rewrite the two paragraphs abovewhich need clearer and fuller development .

• Ask 5s to extend and develop the ma in idea of the twoweaker paragraphs by rewriting them .


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Possible AnswersEnglish has become a major language o business , with manyinternational companies using it as the main language forcommunication with their clients. Ifyou have studied English, thechances o gaining employment in one o these companies are

greatly improved.We live in a global age , with English being one o the mainlanguages o communication and there are , therefore, manyadvantages to learning English for educational, cultural andprofess ional reasons. This does not mean that we should overlookother languages or our own language and culture but, for now atleast, learning English is an important part o becoming a globalcitizen.

S • To get 5s to think about features of successfulparagraphs and identify unhelpful advice

• Ask Ss to discuss with another student which of the fourpoints is not sound advice.


b s poor advice. You should not start an essay by repeating thequestion .

2 c s poor advice. You do not always need to use questions inmain bodyparagraphs .

3 d s poor advice. You do not need to use quotations in essays .

6 • To get 5s to think about the logical sequence ofideas across paragraphs in discursive writing

• Ask Ss to focus on the highlighted parts of eachparagraph and to discuss what these suggest about theorder of paragraphs within the e ss ay


C in every aspect general)B 2 The ma in value o using computers in presenting their

work (opening reason)E 3 Another reason for using computers such as working

from home additional reason)A 4 Beyond this, however, Ifeel ... on their workmore quickly

further arguments for)5 In an on-line world should must summative call to


Exam focu s (pp. 30-31)

1 Tips for IElT5

• To get 5s to discuss personal priorities in workingto improve their discursive essay writing

• Ask Ss to read through the tips and identify threepriorities that they then share with other Ss

(5s own answers)

2 IElTS Practice Test

• To get 5s to practise a Writing Task 2 within therough time frame of the test

• Set Ss the task to do and explain that you are onlygo ing to allow roughly the 40 minutes that are advisedfor the complet ion of the task in the writing paper.Encourage Ss to make a brief plan using the model inthe previous section before they start

Possible Answers

We live in a changing world, one that needs adaptable studentswho are ready to deal with the challenges o the communicationsage . However, we must not overlook the fact that students need tohave some practical skills which willalso help them in the future. t is,therefore, the responsibilityo schools to provide a balance betweenthe two.

By the age o 77or 7 some children have a vague idea o whatthey may want to do as a career; on the other hand, many do not. Inmyopinion, it is unfair to expect children to decide whether or not theywant to specialise in vocational or academic training at such a youngage . Schools should offer a wide variety o subjects for children tochoose from and not force them onto a path they may later regret.

The majorityo occupations today require an understa nding othe basic academic skills. Therefore, even i a child does know thatthey want to followa career in a particular trade, institutions thatofferpracticalsubjects must include core subjects such as literacyandarithmetic,as wellas computer literacy, as a part o their curriculum.

In my countty, children do not have to specialise until theyreach the age o 76 . This means they have been taught severalsubjects and can decide what they want to do when they completetheir schooling.

Today there are many career options for children and they areno longer restricted in their choice o work. It is the duty o theschool to giveyoung learners the chance to choose their own careeroptions or at least provide them with the right tools to trulymake itin the modern world. -

3 Thinking about the IELlS Practice Test

• To consider the points in a student plan to a Task2 question to see how well and fully t hey answer it

• Ask Ss to read through the exam practice questionagain and then to consider the student plan in relationto questions a and b


The answer to both a and b s clearlyyes.

4 What do you know about IElTS?

• To review the key points relating to Task 2 of thewriting paper

• Ask Ss to discuss these key review questions wi t hanother student and to refer to the About IElTS sectio nto clarify any points of which they are not sure

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You need to write a minimumo 250 words for Task 22 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task; 60 o the

total time.3 Section General Training is always in the form o an essay Topics

may be in the form o a pointo view, argument or problem.4 You are assessed on:

- Task response- Coherence and cohesion- Lexical resource- Grammatical range and accuracy

5 Yes6 (5s own answers )

Unit 11 B - Jobs

- - - - - nit ocus J - - - - - - - - .<.

kills: To continue the focus on the topic of Jobs from Unit0 of the Ss Academic book as well as the focus onaraphrasing from Unit 6 Accommodation of the Sscademic book . The Unit s main focus, however, is dealingith the IELTSReading summary completion tasks and theirsociated reading skills. Unlike units 38, 78 and 158, this

nit doe s not deal with a particular section of the Readingaper, though the tasks and skills it focuses on are morekely to occur in Sections 2 and 3 rather than Section 1.xam: To give Ss practice in adopting the most usefulad ing sk ills in the context of IELTSGT Reading tasks and

xts. This section also aims to familiarise Ss with summaryompletion tasks in IELTSGT Reading and get them th inkingout strategies to use while doing the paper as well asrategies for preparing for it.

sfocus (pp. 32-35)

ng key words/phrases

• To give 5s an opportunity to practise completingnotes with a restricted number o words, and, as they doso, scan for key words and paraphrases, thus preparing forthe awareness -raising exercises on pp . 34 and 35 .

• You may want to discuss these task types with Ss beforethey do them, advising them to look for key words andpointing out that what they need to do in task a s not thesame as in task b. Task a s a note completion task, whereastask b is one form of the IELTSsummary completion task.N8: Inform Ss that answers may be paraphrases of wordsthat appear in the text.

Answersa 1 hours and days 3 timers)

2 (deadlines for) coursework

b 4 F 5 C 6 D 7 A

Unit lI

2 • To make 5s aware o how important it is to onlyread relevant parts o the text to get the answers, andthat it is not necessary to read the whole text. Readingthe whole text would only slow them down . Answers tocompletion tasks usually come from one part o the textrather than the whole o it .

• Ask Ss to do this activity individually. In this wayeveryone will do the tasks and you , while monitoring ,will be able to see whether Ss have restricted theirreading to certa in parts of the te xt only. Remind 5s that,once they have read the questions, they should usuallyskim read the text for gist then scan to find key wordsand not read the entire text in detail, as th is will onlyslow them down.


Task a Task b

skim read the whole passage? X X

scan to find key words/phrases? / /

Read for detail? X X

3 • To show 5s how much they can use the layout o

tables, notes, etc. to help them find the answers becausethey usually contain key words which 5s can scan for.

• You could ask Ss to decide which words/phrases werethe actual key words they needed to search for (keywords are usually content words rather than structuralwords).


They show you where the answers are , and guide you to readrelevant parts o the text only. .

4 • To consolidate what 5s have just learnt about theimportance o key words/phrases . The activity also givesthem practice in completing notes .Note: This is not an exam task as it does not have a wordlimit.

• Ask all 5s to complete this activity in writing befo rechecking their answers so as to get them all involved in

thinking about this advice .Answers

locate/find2 scan

3 detail4 Don t

5 waste


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Unit li


• To remind 5s that they often have to work withparaphrases in IElT5 Reading as the questions may contain

rewording o parts o the text . 5s need to be aware o thisso that they don t just look for exactly the same wordswhen looking for answers . Exs. 1-4 all aim to raise 5sawareness o what paraphrasing is and its role in helping5s find answers.• Before they do this activity, point out to 5s that

paraphrases may involve changing some or all of thewords in any way they want - e.g. changing one noun foranother or changing parts o speech, What is important is

keeping the originalmeaning .

Possible Answers

1 costs o studying that keep on rising

2 time-consuming work3 time away from work4 when coursework is due in5 bes.t time to study6 a very demanding job7 chance to study while working8 has a negative effect

2 . Same as for Ex. 1

• Ask 5s how the words are paraphrases of one another toget them to realise the variety of ways of paraphrasingthat there are .

AnswersTo see which: To determineTo match: To fitPays good money: Pays wellDifficult: AchallengeWide choice: There may be part·time obsBad: Negative

3 • To consolidate what 5s have just learnt about theimportance o key words/phrases. The activity also givesthem practice in completing notes.

Note: This is not an exam task asit

does not have a wordlimit.

• Again it is probably a good idea to ask all 5s to write theanswers to this activityso that they all get involved in it.


saying 3 key2 words/phrases /sentenceS 4 paraphrases

4 • To show 5s the range o information about aword that a dictionary entry provides, and how they canfamiijarise themselves further with the concept o

p r p h ~ s e sby reading extracts from a dictionary .

• 5s could do activities 4 and 5 together, possibly in pairsbefore you check their answers . You could ask 5s to doEx. 5 on another word/other words if you have class setsof dictionaries available .


definition:person, idea or performance (that) is extremelycleveror skilful

2 phonetic transcription: bqliant3 synonym: very clever, skilful4 example sentence: she had a brilliant mind . it was his

brilliant performance brilliantly written and acted show nhis brilliance very early do go it s brilliant this brilliantbook it works brilliantly.

5 words derived: brilliantly,brilliance.

5 • To show 5s the range o i ~ f o r m t iabout aword that a dictionary entry provides, and how they canfamiliarise themselves further with the concept ofparaphrases by reading extracts from a dictionary .

• 5s could do activities 4 and 5 together, possibly in pairsbefore you check their answers . You could ask 5s to d oEx . 5 on another word/other words if you have class se tsof dictionaries available.


very clever2 very good/excellent

Exam focus (pp. 36-39)

1. Tips for IELlS

3 ski/ful(ly)4 very good

• To give Ss tips for dealing with and preparing

for summary completion tasks that are very commonthroughout IELTS Reading, as well as other more genera ltips.

• 5s could just read this page and tick the tips as suggest ed,then ask you any queries they have about the tips and examtasks, and preparing for IELT5 Reading . Ask 5s to exchan geideas on useful texts to read in preparation for the ReadingPaper. They may well know of interesting and releva ntnewspapers, websites, sources of information leaflets, etc.

2. IELTS Practice Test

• This test is laid out exactly as in the exam withe same number o questions and types o tasks atexts. The test could provide exam practice for Ss i do nein exam-like conditions . The test also provides practice task types focussed on in the Skills Focus section aprepares for a task type focussed on in Unit 15B, i.e.Identifying information.

• You could do the test in exam-like conditions giving s

15-20 minutes to do it. 5s by now will probably nee:.practice in working against the clock.


1 TRUE 6 (particular) achievements 11 A2 FALSE 7 personal interests 12 C3 NOTGIVEN 8 13 K4 qualities 9 H5 /O/ten 0 J

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inking about the IELTS Practice Test

• To familiarise Ss with the names of the IELTSReading task types so they become aware of the rangeof task types they could meet and their requirements,

and can read up about these tasks(e.g.

on theofficiallELTS


• You could at this stage of the Ss course , as k them todescr ibe to you what each of these tas ks looks like andinvolves.


Identifying information, flow-chart/ completion, summarycompletion.

8 o show Ss how IELTS Reading requires Ss to usedifferent reading skills and that it is not necessary to readthe whole text for detail, which is something Ss often wantto do I n fact, they must not do this as it wastes precioustime.

• Ask Ss to do this tas k individually or in pai rs be forechec king answers . In th is way they will a ll th ink abo utthe an swers .


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3


Sca n? I I

Read for detail? I I I

Read parts of te xt I I Ionly?-

Look for key word s I I

Find paraphrases ? I I

8 o help Ss realise how important it is for them tofollow the task instructions in the IELTS Reading Paper. Ifhey answer in the wrong way, they will not get a mark evenf their answer in fact gives the right information.

• Ss could do th is task orally in pairs as they should beab le to find the mistakes easily by now .


1 TRUE(write only what the question tells you to)2 FALSE(always give an answer)3 TRUE( Right s not given as a possible way ofanswering)4 qualities (use correct spelling)

70 (too many words - write onlywhat the question tells you to- two words and/or numbers )

6 responsibilities (use correct spelling)education (words must come from the text and two wordsmaximum requ ired)

8 0 (write a etter as the instructions requ ire9 H(writea etter as the instructions req uire)

J (write onlyone letter as the nstructions require)A write onlywhat the question tells you to - never qualifyyouranswer in any way)

Unit 728

7 C (write only what the question tells you to; here , one letter)73 K(always give an answer)

This act ivity shows once again that answers must be spelt correctlyand must be in exactly the format requested in the instructions i.e.letter/number/ wordsicorrect number of words). It also shows that

answers should never be qualified, should always be provided, andthat in completion tas ks words must be taken from the text.

4. What do you know about IELTS?

• To raise Ss awareness of the general contents ofthe IELTS Reading Paper and how to prepare for them .

• Ss should know the answers to these questions by now.Point this out to them if necessary .


Youhave 60 minutes to complete all three sections , which may

contain more than one text and more than one tas k on eachtext, so give yourself enough time to finish everything and tocheck your work. Remember too that Sec tion 3 is often moredifficult tha n the o ther two sections 5 it will probably needmore ime spent on t.

2 Section 7 has 2 or 3 texts which relate to soc ial survival, Section2 has two texts related to workplace survivaland Section 3 hasa on g text ofgeneral interest .

3 You must write your answer s on the answe r shee t provided.Howeve you can make notes on the question pape r if itma kes t easier foryou to understand. Don t forger, hough, totransfer your answers o the answer sheer or rhat you willnobe given any answer transfer time

4 Outside class , read newspape rs, magazines, odvertisemenbrochures, memo s notices, information sheef5 ercrecognise key words in them. Tryparap hrasing ey words aswellas practis ng the read ing skillsofskimming, sca nning andreading for de tail

Unit 12B - Entertainment

r I .{ nit ocus J - - - - - - - ,

Skills:To conso


the topic introduced in Un

it 9 of the Ss

Academ ic book . The Unit focuses on the skills needed towrite successful letters fOCUSing on the organ isat ion and useof appropriate register to fit aud ience and purpose .Exam: To get Ss to think about and give them pract ice in theIELTS Writing Task 1. In addition to raise awareness in Ss ofkey areas of performa nce that will be assessed andencourage them to think about ways that they can improve.

Skills ocus (pp . 40-42)

• To get Ss to focus on the typical sections thatletters contain and to look at the appropriate order of thesesections in a letter.

• Ask Ss to work with another student to correctly labelwhat each part of th e letter i s doing .


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1 2

Unit 12B


1 G2 C

3 I4 E

5 A6 H

7 08 F

9 B

2 • To focus on what function each part o a formalletter performs and how information is effectively ordered .

• Where Ss are unsure of how to order the different parts, getthem to refer back to the semi-formal letter in Ex . 1 and lookfor a part o the letter that performs the same function.


8 4 7 1 5 3 9 2 6

Dear MrSilk,I am writing to inviteyou to a reception to celebrate the 20th

anniversary of The Round Table at 7.00 pm March 20th .As a regular and valued customer of ours, we wouldvery much

likeyou and a guest to be present on this special occasion for us.

We are hoping that around 200 people that we genuinely consideras friends of our restaurant will be able to attend .

As well as a special buffet, you will be able to enjoy a numberof performances from some of the musicians that have helped tocreate the special atmosphere of evenings at The Round Table overthe past two decades .

Please bring the enclosed invitation to show at the door andplease call or e-mail us i you have any special requests for theevening.We look forward to sharing the special evening with you.Best regardsEvelyn SimmonsRestaurant Manager

3 • To challenge 5s to think through key questionsrelating to the context o a given letter .

• Get Ss to read through the section on using appropriateregister and then to answer the questions aboutaud ience and purpose in relation to the letter.

Possible Answers

Who to?How welldo you know the person? (you do not know the person)What do they know about you? (probably only that you are a memberof the group)

Should the language you use be semi-informal or formal? (semiformal to formal)

What for?What is your main reason for writing and when willyou mentionthis? (to ask for a review of the decision/opening line)What kind of information do you need to include? (justificationof

band s value, proposal)What result do you want from your letter? (to be allowed to use thehall at other times)

4 • To encourage 5s to think about appropriateopening and closing expressions to it with audience andpurpose o semi-formal letters .

• Ask Ss to work with another student to identify whichlanguage is appropriate to the context o this letter .



A Iam writing on behalf of ..o Dear Mrs CamdenG Yours sincerely (use/sincere ly/ when you know the readers nam e)I Iwould welcome theJ I ook forward to ...

Not appropriate:B Get back to meC Just to let you know a.s .a.p.E Allthe bestF HiCamH Let s get together

5 • To remind 5s o this particular closing conventionin semi-formallformalletters.

• Elicit from Ss other typical closing salutations and askthem whether they would be appropriate in this context.

AnswersWhen you do not know the name of the reader you should start theletter: Dear Sir/Madam and end with Yours faithfully . Ifyou doknow the name of the reader, you should start the letter with: DearMr/Mrs and end with Yours sincerely , plus your full name.

6 • To focus 5s attention on typical f u ~ c tphrases in semi-formal letters.

• Elicit meaning o words from whole class before asking Ss

to complete the table with them .

Possible answers


5 delighted 9convenient

2 enquire 6 afraid 10 main3 alright 7 mention happy4 grateful 8 accept 2 interested

7 • To bring together the focuses o this section bygetting 5s to write a semi-formal letter. ~ .

• Encourage Ss to use the short outline plan o what theyintend to write before they start and check that theirlanguage is consistent in register.

Para 1Ope ning remarks/purpose o letter:- on behalf o The Foxtrot Band- have been using community hall for rehearsals

Para 2Outline o the situation :- using town hall to practise- informed by council secretary won t be able to do so- no reason

Para 3Details:- upcoming gigs at local community centre- bring in revenue for centre s renovation fund - they will

donate profits

Para 4Suggestion about future communication/follow up :- Mon and Thurs also suitable- would love to discuss further

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Possible Answers

Dear Mrs CamdenIam writingon behalfofa group of musicians called The Foxtrot

Band ; who have been using the community hallfor rehearsals.Until recently, they have been using the town hall to practise.

However, they were informedby the councilsecretary that they wouldno longer be allowed to do so, but were not given any reason why.

The band has an upcoming set of gigs at the local communitycentre, which would bringin extra revenue for the centres renovationfund, as they have decided to donate allprofitsfrom the gigs.

If t s a case ofchanging the days of practice, the group are happyto do so; Mondays and Thursdays would also be suitable for them. Iwouldwelcome the chance to discuss the matter furtherwithyou.Ilookforward to hearing fromyou soon.Yours sincerelyA.D. BrownManager The Foxtrot Band

m focus pp. 44-45)ps for IELTS

• To get Ss to highlight a key word or phrase in thetip to act as an aid to remembering it.

• Get Ss to highlighta word or phrase in each tip and then tocompare what they have highlighted with another student.

(5s own answers)

ELlS Practice Test

8 o get Ss to practise an IElTS Writing Task 1within the rough time frame of the test.

• Set Ss the task to do and explain that you are onlygoing to allow roughly the 20 minutes that are advisedfor the completion of the task in the Writing Test.Encourage Ss to make a brief plan before they start.

Possible Answers

Dear Mr Wilkes,I am one of the trainees due to attend the customer care

course in June and Iam writingto express my interest in being thesocial events organiser for the group.

Could you please send m a little more informationabout thesize and background of the group and let me know about thefacilities at the training venue and what there is to see and do inthe local area . From the programme I have received, it seems thattrainees willbe free three evenings in the week and after 1.00 pmon Saturdays at the weekend.

I have some experience of acting in this role as we often runcourses here for ov,erseas colleagues and in the past I have beenasked to oversee the social programme by organising trips, nightsout, and events such as group competitions. This is a role that Ireally enjoy.

Please let me know i you require any further information orwould like me to provideyou with the names of eferees.

I ook forward to hearing from youat your earliest conyenience .Best regards,Paulo Sua resClientAdvisor

Unit 15B

3. Thinking about the IELTS Practice Test

• To focus on improving register by rewriting certainparts of a letter.

• Point out to Ss that they should try to leave a minute or

two for checking and trying to improve their writing.Changing a phrase or two here and there can improve theoverall impression the letter makes. Get Ss to practise thishere by working to improve the words/phrases in bold.


tell youa bitgive me a cluesome stuffgotkeep myselfbusy withIabsolutely love

etc.drop m a inewantright away

expressa little /somelet me knowwhatreceivedorganiseIreally enjoy/can-reallyengage with

by organising . and events such aslet m knowrequireat your eailiestconvenience

4. What do you know about IELTS?

• To review the key points relating to Task 1 of thewriting paper.

• Ask Ss to discuss these key review questions withanother student and to refer to the About JELTS sectionto clarify any points of which they are not sure.


1 You do not need to put your address in the letter for the test.2 You willbe told in the instructions who you are writingto.3 Taskachievement means how appropriate, accurate arid relevant

your response is to the task, using a minimumof 150words.4 You willbe toldhow to start the letter.5 5s own answers)

nit 158 - Talks, presentations and lectures

{Init ocus ~

_ _ _ _Skills: This section and unit continue the focus on the topicof Talks, Presentations and Lectures from Unit 14 of the Ss

Academic book, with a particular emphasis on the kinds oftalk that take pJace on the Jnternet. Their main focusthough is dealing with the JELTS Reading tasks: identifyinginformation and identifying writer s vieWs/claims tasks .Exam: To give Ss practice in adopting the most usefulreading skills in the context of JELTS Reading tasks and texts .This section also aims to familiariseSs with Section 3 of JELTS

Reading and get them thinking about strategies to use whiledoing the paper as well as strategies for preparing for it.


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Unit 158

Skillsfocus (pp. 46-47)

• To prepare Ss for the two IELTS tasks that thisunits focuses on by getting them to locate where exactlysomething is said in a text. This skill is at the heart o

completing these tasks well.

• Ask each student to write the line numbers and point outto them that this is useful training for the 'identifyinginformation' and identifyingwriter s views/claims tasks.

Answersa Lineb Line 8

c i n e 9

d Line 14- 15

e Line20f Line 24

2 • To further prepare Ss for the identifyinginformation and identifying writer's views/claims tasks.When doing these tasks Ss need to be able to say

whether or not a text mentions particular points .• Ss may not be very familiar or happy with the idea of

saying that something is not mentioned in a text. Explainto them that this is part of two common task types in IELTS

Reading: identifying information and identifying writer sviews/claims.

• You could also point out that reading to check informationor views is a very useful life skill, especially when readingimportant documents such as contracts, documents fromemployers and letters from government bodies andservices. To help you check that Ss are reading well, youmight ask them to write the line numbers that contain the

given information, as in Ex. 1.Answersa No c Yes (lines 11- 13) e Nob Yes (lines 5-11) d Yes (lines 16-18)

3 • To reinforce what has been implicit in Exs. 1 and 2.The question also tries to reinforce the idea o howimportant it is to read in the right way during the exam soas not to get bogged down in detail and/or waste time.

• Ifyou have already made these points you may wish to skipthis activity. Or you may prefer Ss to read the informationsoas to confirmwhat has already been said in class .

AnswersYou may need to scan the text for key words, skim or read for mainideas to see what information is mentioned where, read for detail tosee what information/ views the text contains exactly, and look forparaphrases of words/phrases given in the questions about the text.

4 • To give Ss practice in one o the tasks in focus:'identifying information' in the context o a fairly short textthat they have already read i.e. it provides a gentleintroduction to this task type.

• Make sure the Ss understand the meanings of TRUE FALSE

and NOT GIVENand particularlythe difference between thelast two . Check too that they know the meaning of'contradicts . It is a word that always occurs in these tasktypes in the exam .

Answers1 FALSE


(5s own answers)

Exam focus (pp. 48-51 )

1. Tips for IELTS


• To give Ss tips for dealing with and preparing for'identifying information' and 'identify ing writer's views/claims tasks that are very common in IELlS Reading. Italso gives other more general tips for preparation for thepaper and exam strategies.

• Ss could just read this page and tick the tips assuggested, then ask you any quer ies they have aboutthe tips and exam tasks, and preparing for (GeneralTraining) Reading. Encourage 5s to browse the internetsites given in the preparation tips. They should containtexts of interest to a wide range of 5s . Ss could browsethem at home and then exchange information andopinions about them in class .

5s own answers)

2. IELlS Practice Test

• To give Ss practice o IELTS Reading Section 3 inexam-like conditions. This test is laid out exactly as in theexam with the same number o questions and types o

tasks and texts. The test could provide exam practice forSs i done in exam-like conditions.

• You are recommended to do the test in exam-likecond itions giving Ss 15-20 minutes to do it. By this stage Ss

will need practice in timing themselves and workingagainst the clock. ~


1 YES 8 grammatical (words)2 YES 9 informationmessages3 NO 10 NOTGIVEN4 NOTGIVEN FALSE5 2004/ two thousand and four 12 NOTGIVEN

6 increasing evidence 3 TRUE7 (to) be understood

3. Thinking about the IELTS Practice Test

• To familiarise Ss with the names o the IELTS(General Training) Reading task types so they become awareof the range o task types they could meet and theirrequirements, and can read up about these tasks e.g. on theofficio/fELTS website.

• You could, at this stage of the course, ask Ss to describeto you what each of these tasks looks like and involves.


Identifying information, shortanswer questions, identifyingwriter sviews/claims.

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• To show Ss how IELTS Reading requires Ss to usedifferent reading skills and that it is not necessary to readthe whole text for detail, which is something they oftenwant to do. In fact, they must not do this as it wastesprecious time.

• Ask Ss to do this task individually or in pairs beforechecking answers . In this way they will all think aboutthe answers .


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

Skim? / / /

Scan? / / /

Read for detail? / / /

Read parts of text / / /only?

See itinformation X X /was given?

Find opinions? / X X

Look for key words? / / /

Find paraphrases? / / /

• To make Ss aware o how important it is inIELTS Reading not only to get the answers right but to

present the answers in the format asked for in the taskinstructions .

• After Ss have finished this task you could ask them howmany of them made mistakes in the way they formattedtheir answers . Ss should not be making this kind ofmistake at this stage


1 YES (the answer should be in the form ofyes, no or not given)2 YES (again this answer is in the wrong format-it does not

followthe instructions)3 NO (No is the required word. Not is not the required word. It

will be marked incorrect)4 NOTGIVEN(rightanswer but wrong format used)5 2004/ two thousand and four (This answer is too long and the

words are not all from the text)6 increasing evidence (this answer is ungrammatical andcontains too many words)

7 (to) be understood (wrong grammatical structure)8 grammatical (words) (wrong grammatical structure)9 information messages (too many words a maximum of 4 s

required)0 NOTGIVEN(This answer is wronglyworded it does not use

the words given in the instructions)1 FALSE (The answer should be a word FALSE not a letter)2 NOT GIVEN (The answer does not use the required phrase

given in the task instructions)3 TRUE (Again the answer does not use the words given in the


Unit 16B

We can see from these wrongly formattedanswers that answersmust be grammatical, observe maximum length requirements,only use words taken from the text in short answer tasks, usewords, numbers or letters as instructed, and use exactly the wordsin the instructions for identifying information and identifyingwriter s views/claims tasks.

4. What do you know about IELTS?

( o raise Ss' awareness o the general contents o

the General Training Reading and Section 3 in particular .

• Ss should know the answers to these questions by now.Point this out to them if necessary, or refer them to t heAbout IELTS section on pp . 4-5 .


Because you do not get a mark i you don t follow theinstructions even if he informationin your answer is correct.

2 The texts usually describe something or give informationabout it. They tend to be written in more extended andcomplex prose than the texts in the other sections of thismodule. Their topics are general and intended to be of nterestto a wide range of candidates .

3 Probably this section, though this skill may sometime s berequired in the other sections .

4 13

5 There is no recommended time . You have 60 minutes tocomplete the whole module. As Section 3 tends to be moredifficult than Sections 1 and 2 you should make sure youdevote at least 2 minutes to it.

6 None. You are expected to write your answers on the answersheet as you answer. You may of course write them initially onthe question paper but there is no transfer time allowed, unlikein the ListeningPaper.

Unit 168 Modern living

r - - - - - - - - { nit ocus ~ - - - - - - - - .

Skills:To consolidate the topic introduced in Unit 13 ModernLiving in the Ss Academic book . Also to focus Ss attention onthe skills needed to write well-rounded paragraphs indiscursive essays, looking at the relationships between topicand supporting sentences.Exam: To get Ss to think about and get practice in the IELTS

Writing Task 2. Also to raise 5s' awareness of key areas ofperformance that will be assessed and encourage them tothink about ways that they can improve.

Skills focus (pp. 52-53)

• To get Ss to divide continuous text into a numbero paragraphs.

• Get Ss to read the essay question first and then to markthe text where they think the natural paragraph breaksshould be. Discuss reasons for student choices with thewhole class .


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Unit 168


Paragraph : People of different generat ions have ... informationand ideas.Paragraph : Young people in m odern society . deas and wishes.Paragraph : It is wrong, however and our own feelings first.

Paragraph 4: Personally, I think older people ... our family is stillvery close.Paragraph 5: In conclusion hopes and dreams.

2 • To get 5s to think about the logical grouping anddevelopment o deas within a paragraph.

• Encourage 5s to pay particular attention to the waysentences begin by think ing about what might have comebefore them .

Possible Answers

Moreand more children are spending most of their free time withcomputers messaging, gaming or surfing the net rather thangoing out to play. This is worrying because it can result in childrenbecoming physically and socially inactive. Many industrialisedcountrif;s, forexample, now have high obesity rates for youngpeoplewho are not getting enough exercise. The same young people mayalso lack social skills because they do not interact withothers.

Computers, however, are a fact of modern life and childrenshould not be discouraged from using them. The problem is notcomputers themselves but parents who do not providea balance ofactivities for their children. Children must be supported to go outwith friends, join clubs and develop interests outside the home.When this happens, computing and electronic games become anormal part of liferather than an obsession .

3 • To get 5s to think about the typical kinds o

relationships between topic and supporting sentences .

• Ask 5s to read through the explanation and table and thento look back to Ex . 2 and identify the topic sentence ineach paragraph.

More and more children are spending all their timewith computers-messaging, gaming or surfing thenet rather than going out to play.Computers, however, are a fact of modern life andchildren should not be discouraged from using them .

5s own answers)

4 • To get 5s to practice developing the idea in atopic sentence with supporting ideas.

• Encourage 5s to think about the kind of connectionthere is between the topic sentence and the sentencethey wish to write .

Possible Answers

1 This is because the needs ofbusinesses are changing.2 In my country, for example, there are people who cannot

afforda mobilephone.3 More and more people are using their own cars to travel to

workrather than taking public transport.4 Everyschool, therefore, should have a careers coun cillo r

5 One example of this is in the U5 where citizens are allowed t

keep guns.6 The main problem is we live in a throw-away culture.7 This may be because they do not want to commute to the

officeevery day.B This means you are no longer able to light a cigarette in a bar,

club or restaurant.

S • To encourage 5s to expand the supporting ideas inEx. 4 out into full paragraphs.

• Get 5s to select two ideas they started to develop in Ex 4and to expand them into full paragraphs . Encourage 5s tothink about the idea of rounding paragraphs off ratherthan leaving an idea undeveloped.

Possible Answers

3 Trafficcongestion is another major problem in cities. More andmore people are using their own cars to travel to work ratherthan taking public transport. One way of reducing this couldbe by introducingareas in the city where cars are not allowedduring certain times. In addition people could be charged fordriving in other areas of the city, as is done in London. Thiswould also improve air quality in citycentres and make themmore pleasant places to be.

7 The number ofpeople working from home has increased. Thismay be because they do not want to commute to the officeevery day; it may be because they want to spend more timewith theirfamilies; it may even be because they don t like theirboss. Whqtever the reason, there are many benefits to havingyour officewhere you live.

Exam focus pp. 54-55)

1. Tips for IELT5

• To get 5s to discuss personal priorities in workingto improve their discursive essay writing.

• Ask 5s to read through the tips and identify threepriorities that they then share with other 5s .

(5s own answers)

2. IELT5 Practice Test

• To get 5s to practise a Writing Task 2 within therough time frame o the test.

• 5et 5s the task to do and explain that you are only goingto allow roughly the 40 minutes that are advised for thecompletion of the task in the writing test. Encourage 5s tomake a brief bullet point plan of paragraphs before theystart.

Possible Answers

Television plays a major part in the majorityof peoples lives;soap operas , sports programmes , music programmes , everyonehas their favourites. However, watching television can take up a lotof spare time which could be used for socialor leisure activities. Inmy opinion, ifwe limit the amount of television we watch, we canalso enjoy our free time.

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Television in some ways is a device that allows the viewer torelate to what is happening on the screen . We choose our favouritemusic from videos, get news , watch our preferred football teams ,connect to the characters in the family drama and watcheducational documentaries. We discuss our preferences withfriends and co-workers when we talk to them so it can be said thatTVenriches our emotional and cultural selves .

On the other hand, television has negative effects on the body,as wellas social interaction. Doctors tell us that too much time satdown can lead to weight gain and heart disease and i we aresitting in front o he TVall the time it means we are not going outto meet our friends.

I believe, i we watch television in moderation , we can enjoyour favourite programmes as wellas have an active social life.As achild, my parents insisted that I only watched one or twoprogrammes a night. Today I captain my local football team andenjoy talking about the previous week s programming after amatch on Saturday.

It is my opinion that, i we sit at home all the time watchingtelev@on and do not go out, then it will have an unhealthy effecton our bodies, minds and friendships . However, i we regulate howmuch we watch and get on with other things, then TV can be aimportant part o our social lives.

hinking about the IELTS Practice Test

• To get Ss to think about improving the openingof an essay in relation to examiners comments.

• Ask Ss to read the essay question in the e xam practi cesection ag ain and the n to find a spec ific example in the

paragraph of what t he e xaminer is referring to .Answers

- should begin in a more impersonal way: replace I know withThere are today

- should not liftlanguage from the question : second line should berewritten.

- opening paragraph should make general points not give specific,isolated examples : replace third line with something like: TVaddiction is now being blamed for many modern-day social andhealth problems.

- some inappropriate vocabulary:e.g change get fat- should not end with second topic idea : make this the opening

sentence of another paragraph.

What do you know about IELTS?

• To review the key points relating to Task 2 ofthe Writing Paper.

• Ask Ss to discuss these key review question s withanother student and to refer to the bout IELTS sectionto clarify any points of which they a re not sure .


7 You are advised to spend 40 minutes answering Task 2.2 You are asked to give evidence from your own experience to

support your views.3 Task 2 writing is always in the form o an essay.

Practice Test

4 You are expected to write a minimumof250 words for Task 2 Ifyou write less , you willLOSEMARKS.

5 5s own answers )

Practice Test


To give Ss further practice in the e xam task types of theGeneral Training Units 3B-16B and so provide opportun it iesfor revision . Also to g ive Ss practice with the se tasks underexam-like conditions . The practice te st contain s a fu ll testfor both reading and writing . Ss ta king the G e neral Tra iningmodule take the same listening and spea king pape rs asth o se taking the Academic module .

2 Using the test

You may wish Ss to take the test under e xam-l ike condit io ns .

3 Exam-like conditionsFor this practice test you could operate these e xam-likeconditions :

Order of papersIn the exam, the writing test comes after the readingtest.

2 TimingReading - 1 hourWriting - 1 hourIn the exam , candidates time themselves. They mustdecide when to move on to the ne xt section o f t hereading or writ ing test.

3 Other administrative detailsReading- Ss write their answers directly onto the answer sheet

See back o Academic 5s book)No transfer time is allowed

Writing- Ss write their an swer s on an answer sheet (See p. 98 o

5s book for a sample)

Reading (Section 1


7 C 6 2 11 (a) surgery2 A EorE,A 7 12 (your) NHS number

3 D 8 71 13 (the) receptionist4 A E orE, A 9 6 14 cancel/ rearrange (it)5 9 10 2

Reading (Section 2


15 intemationaluniversitystudents 22 H76 5 months 23 D77 (during) (the) summer 24 C18 (for) 6 months 25 E19 throughout 26 H20 3 months 27 F21 F


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Practice Test

Reading Section 3)


28 DavidGraddot29 Science30 1.5billion3 Confucius Institutes32 once a week33 TRUE34 NOTGIVEN

Writing Ta sk 1

Possible Answers

Dear Neighbours,


Iam writingto informyou of a number of problems Ihave hadrecently concerning the communal parkingspace .

As you are aware, every resident in this block is allocated onespace in the parking area. Since the beginning of the month,

however, I have on several occasions been unable to finda

parkingspace when I return home from work. This must mean that eithersome residents are using the area for more than one car or that nonreside/lts are using the parking area. Also, I have noticed that theparking area is being used more and more frequently as an area todump unwanted furniture which is untidy and a potential healthrisk.

Iam not blaming any individualfor these problems but feel thatas a group of residents we should act together to avoid anyrepetition of these problems in the future - perhaps by putting upmuch clearer signs. I would like to suggest that we meet to discussthese and other issues you may have on Friday March 14th at 7.00pm. Iam happy to host this meeting in my flat (Flat 15 .

Please call to let me know if you would be interested inattending this meeting: 27 5 688

Best regards,Stephen Donald.

Writ ing Ta sk 2

Possible Answers

The issue of smoking and smoking bans is an emotive onebecause smokers a nd non-smokers both tend to hold strong viewsabou t their rights.Many countries have nowchosen to ban smokingaltogethe r from indoor areas and public places , which is a radicalchange from the way things used to be untilquite recently.

Non-smokers have been complainingforyears that they shouldnot have to breathe in other people s smoke n places such as theworkplace, restaurants and cafes and on buses, trains and planes . tis hard to argue that non-smokers do not have a right to beprotected from this. Smoking also causes problems for the ownersand workers in such places who have to clean up after smokers orredecorate more often. Generally speaking, therefore, Iam in favourof smoke-free workplaces, transport and buildings. Non-smokersshould not have other people s smoke imposed on them.

We have to accept, however, that there are a large number ofpeople who smoke and willcontinue to smoke. Many of hem enjoythe company of other smokers and feel it is unfair that they shouldalways be made to stand in doorways when they want to smoke. na



to putchoice above everything else

,shouldn t they have the right to meet and socialise with othersmokers if hey want to?

A more balanced policy than the one now in place in manycountries , would be to allowcertain cafes and restaurants to applyfor a smoking licence. These places would then have to advertisethemselves as smoking places . Certain areas of buildings such asworkplaces could also be made into smoking rooms or areas but

only if the company wished to. Such measures would stillgive themajoritytheir smoke-free environmentbut protect the wishes of theminoritythat smoke.

4 MarkingReading •Each question car ries one mark . There are no half marks.Cambridge Assessment do not provide guidelines as to howmarks translate into bands .

WritingTask 1 is marked us ing the following criteria :

Task AchievementThis criterion assesses how appropriately, accurately andrelevantly the response fulfils the requirements set outin the task, using the minimum of 150 words. GeneralTraining Writing Task 1 is a writing task with a largelypredictable output in that each task set s out theconte xt and purpose of the letter and the funct ions t hecandidate should cover in order to achieve this purpose .Coherence and CohesionThis criterion is concerned wit h the overall clarity andfluency of the message : how the response organisesand links information , ideas and language . Coherencerefers to the linking of ideas through logical sequencing .

Cohesion refers to the varied and appropriate use ofcohesive devices for example, logical conne ctors

pronouns and conjunctions) to assi st in making theconceptual and referential relationships between andwith in sentences clear .

lexical ResourceThis criterion refers to the range of vocab lary thecandidate has used and the accuracy and appropriacy ofthat use in terms of the specific task .Grammatical Range and Accuracy

. This criterion refers to the range and accurate use of thecandidate s grammatical resource as manifested in thecandidate s writing at the sentence level.

Task 2 is marked using the following criteria :

Task ResponseIn both Academic and General Training Modules Task 2requires the candidates to formulate and develop aposition in relat ion to a given prompt in the form of aquestion or statement. Ideas should be supported byevidence, and examples may be drawn from thecandidates own exper ience . Responses must be at least250 words in length . Scripts under the required minimumword limit will be penalised. Scores are reported in wholeand half bands .

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Coherence and CohesionSee above .

Lexical ResourceSee above .Grammatical Range and Accuracy

See above .https://www .teachers .cambridgeesol .org/tslexamslacademicenglish/ieltsHalf bands can be awarded .

Overall marksTo obtain their final mark in the I LTS exam, candidatesscores on papers are added together then divided by four . Itis not possible to work in this way with the practice test asit is not a complete test. The following description of theI LTS 9 point scale is included however for you to be able tomake a rough assessment of Ss performance .

The IELTS 9-band scaleEach band corresponds to a level o English competence . Allparts o the test and the Overall Band Score can be reportedin whole and half bands, e g 6.5, 7.0 7.5 Ba

Band 9: Expert user : has fully operational command o thelanguage : appropriate accurate and fluent with completeunderstanding .Band 8: Very good user: has fully operational command of thelanguage with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies andinappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliarsituations . Handles complex detailed argumentation well.

Practice Test

Band 7: Good user: has operational command of the language,though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies andmisunderstandings in some situations. Generally handlescomplex language well and understands detailed reasoning .Band 6: Competent user : has generally effective commando the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriaciesand misunderstandings . Can use and understand fairlycomplex language, particularly in familiar situations .Band 5: Modest user : has partial command o the language,coping with overall mean ing in most situations, though is

likelyto make many mistakes . Should be able to handle basiccommun ication in own field.Band 4: Limited user : basic competence is limited to familiarsituations . Has frequent problems in understanding andexpression . Is not able to use complex language .Band 3: Extremely limited user : conveys and understandsonly general meaning in very familiar situations . Frequentbreakdowns in communication occur.Band 2: Intermittent user : no real communication is possibleexcept for the most basic information using isolated words orshort formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediateneeds . Has great difficulty understanding spoken and writtenEnglish.Band 1: Non-user: essentially has no ability to use the languagebeyond possibly a few isolated words.Band 0: Did not attempt the test: No ass ess ab le informa t ionprovided .https://www .teachers .cambridgeesol .org/t slexa msiband s