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Rector of K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional

State University рrofessor B. Erdembekov



Аktobe, 2017

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Strategic Plan of

K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University

for 2017-2021


K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University (hereinafter - ARSU) was formed on the basis

of Government Decree № 529 of May 29, 2013 through the merger of K. Zhubanov Aktobe State

University and Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute. Officially ARSU registered on August 29, 2013.

The strategic plan of ARSU is based on the tasks set by the President of Kazakhstan N.A.

Nazarbayev in the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”, Message of January 31, 2017, “The Third

Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness”, by the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of

Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021, which provide for systemic

modernization of the entire education sector. It is entrusted to improve the system of higher

education, which allows to prepare leaders and highly qualified specialists necessary for the growth

and socio-economic development of the country.

Also, the Strategic Plan takes into account regional factors of the Aktobe region and the

Western area:

1. High level of industrialization. The region is positioned as the center of the oil and gas, mining

and metallurgical industries. Under the program "Development of Regions" Aktobe agglomeration

is defined as a metallurgical cluster and a transport and logistics center of the region. The

industrialization map of the country includes 73 Aktobe investment projects with the creation of

more than 10,0 thousand new jobs.

2. A significant number of enterprises with foreign capital. There are more than 300 enterprises with the participation of foreign capital, mainly in the oil and gas sector in the Aktobe region. There is a task of

replacing foreign personnel with domestic workers. Teaching them English and / or Chinese.

3. Active development in the region of pre-school education organizations. Since 2010, the program "Balapan" has been successfully implemented. During this period, 141 pre-school organizations were opened

in the region, thanks to this program, the coverage of pre-school education was 85%. It is planned to open

more than 20 kindergartens.

4. Growing need of teachers for high schools and colleges. Due to a large proportion of small schools in the region (52%) and the transition to 12 years of secondary education.

5. The need for accelerated training of undergraduates for educational institutions in the Western

region. The contingent of undergraduates in universities of the Western region is not more than 3% of the total number of students. It is 1.7% in ARSU. Whereas, according to the State Program for the Development

of Education of the RK for 2011–2020, teachers with a master’s degree in education should work in

specialized classes (10–12).

6. High need for the preparation of doctoral students for universities in the Western region.

The contingent of doctoral students in universities in the Western region is approximately 0.1% of

the total number of students. In ARSU - 0.01%.

7. Incomplete employment of graduates. The share of university graduates trained by state order,

employed by profession in the first year after graduation in Atyrau region - 48%, Aktobe and

Kyzylorda regions - 54%, Mangistau - 56%, with an average for the republic - 65%.

8. Outflow of graduates of schools in border regions to universities in Russia. Since the last 3

years in the Aktobe region, almost a third of school graduates do not pass the UNT.

9. Ecology problems of the region. Due to the rapid development of industry and the legacy of the

Soviet Union. On the territory of Western Kazakhstan, significant areas of land were used as test

nuclear test sites (in Atyrau Region — Azgir and Taisoigan, Ural — Lyra 6, Aktyubinsk — Batolit,

Mangystau — Say-Utes and Koshkar-Ata).

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2. SWOT analysis

А. Strongths

a sufficiently developed material and technical base: 6 academic buildings, library, 2 Students'

Palaces, 2 Houses of Students, student polyclinic, 2 sports complexes, a swimming pool.

potential of the university’s scientific and teaching staff:

doctors of sciences - 30, candidates of sciences – 260

developed scientific infrastructure: 7 research institutes and centers, Center of digital technology.

high degree of informatization of the university.

B. Weaknesses

Partial accreditation of educational programs (specialties). To date, 46 educational programs

of ARSU (65%) have been accredited by the IAAR.

Weak implementation of the postgraduate education program (Master's degree and PhD).

The contingent of undergraduates and doctoral candidates at ARSU is respectively 1.7% and

0.01% .

Aging of diplomaed teachers common of university. The average age of professors is 60

years, candidates of science - 49.

Low level of academic mobility of faculty members and students. The academic mobility of

students and teaching staff is below 1% in ARSU.

Weak implementation of the multilingual program.

Insufficient consideration of employers' recommendations in the implementation of the

curricula of specialties.

Low level of effectiveness and commercialization of scientific research. Due to the grant

financing, only 5 projects of the MES of the RK for a total amount of 34 million tenge are

being implemented for the whole university. Scientific projects of the MES of the RK carry

out no more than 1.5% of the teaching staff of ARSU.

Incomplete employment of graduates. The share of university graduates studied by state

order, employed by profession in the first year after graduation in Atyrau region - 48%,

Aktobe and Kyzylorda region - 54%, Mangystau - 56%, with an average for the republic -


Weak provision of students with a dormitory. Only 23% are provided with accommodation

in dormitories, while three-quarters of students come from the region and area.

C. (Opportunities)

Accreditation of all educational programs (specialties).

Implementation of the program of training teachers in dual specialties for small-sized

schools in the region (52%).

Introduction of dual learning and individual learning paths into the learning process.

Implementation in the educational programs of undergraduate and graduate recommendations

of employers.

Opening of new specialties of postgraduate education (Master's degree and Doctorate). An

increase in the number of targeted places in the master's degree and doctorate.

Training of multilingual teachers and special groups with English language study.

Opening of the “Park of Innovative Technologies” and “Commercialization Office”.

Strengthening ties with regional economic entities.

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Development of intellectual, scientific, technical and cultural creativity, support of labor

enthusiasm and initiatives of students.

Construction of a new dormitory for students.

D. Threats

The tendency to decrease the number of students.

Lack of non-state sources of research funding.

The lack of implementation of the program of double-degree education.

3. The mission and vision of the university


Preparation of competitive specialists demanded on the ideas of Kazakhstan patriotism

that are in demand in the labor market of the Western region and the country as a



Development of a competitive within the country university, focused on the status of

the spiritual center of the Western region and the national university

4. Analysis of current university activities

The University trains specialists according to the state license of series №13014680, issued by

the MES of the RK on September 17, 2013 in 8 areas of higher education: "Education" (22

specialties), "Humanities" (4 specialties), "Law" (1 specialty), " Art ”(2 specialties),“ Social

sciences and business ”(8 specialties),“ Natural sciences ”(6 specialties),“ Technical sciences and

technologies ”(10 specialties),“ Services ”(2 specialties) and 16 post-graduate specialties education.

(For a list of specialties, see Appendix № A).

The structure of the university consists of 10 faculties, 6 research departments, the Center of

Marketing, the Center of Digital Technologies, the Center of International Cooperation, the Institute

of Continuing Education, the Confucius Institute, the Financial and Economic Department, the

Department of Academic Issues and Educational Quality Assessment. The university has a

scientific library, the total amount of which book fund is 1,632,466 copies of books, which in the

Kazakh language - 664,003 copies of books (40.6%). The complex of socio-cultural and sports

facilities of the university includes: the Palace of Students for 800 people, Zhastar Saray for 900

people, two dormitories with a total area of 7157 m² for 1,200 people, canteens, sport halls and

facilities in all educational buildings, the "Dolphin" pool , student clinic.

The university has implemented corporate governance based on the experience of Nazarbayev

University, and function a supervisory board.

As on January 1, 2017, there are 9306 students in 55 undergraduate specialties, including

7375 with the state language of instruction, 1931 with the Russian language of instruction. The total

number of students in the full-time course of study is 7228 people, incl. with the state language of

instruction - 5642, with the Russian language of instruction - 1586. According to the

correspondence form of study, the contingent of students is 2078 people, incl. with the state

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language of instruction - 1733, with the Russian language of instruction - 345. The number of

holders of state educational grants is 2425 people (26% of the total contingent), of them full-time

students - 2315 people, correspondence classes - 110. At the university, according to the ''Serpіn''

program 418 students, including in the direction of "Education" - 353, in the direction of "Technical

science and technology" - 65 people from South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda, Mangystau,

Almaty regions.

On 15 specialties of magistracy are trained 164 undergraduates, 54 of them under the state

educational grant - 110, on a contractual basis - 110, 1 doctoral student is trained on the specialty

6D060100-Mathematics under the state grant.

Over the past 3 years, 19 students from neighboring countries have been trained at K.

Zhubanov ARSU.

The number of faculty members of the university is 670 people, of which there are 626 full-

time teachers, including 33 doctors of science, 273 candidates of science, and 9 PhDs. The degree

of faculty members is 50.3%. 6 full-time teachers have honorary titles of the Republic of

Kazakhstan in the field of art, physical culture and sports. Among the teachers are state awards,

prizes named after K. Satpayev, state grant "The best teacher of the university", world

championship winners, honored artists, "Honorary citizens of Aktobe", graduates of the "Bolashak"


Under the “Bolashak” and “Orleu” programs, 58 university lecturers completed internships

in universities of the world (USA, Russia, Poland, Japan, Germany, etc.), 106 teachers - in leading

universities of Kazakhstan.

The university has 16 branches of departments in educational organizations, financial

institutions and large industrial enterprises.

The development of educational programs is carried out taking into account the proposals of

employers and the specifics of the labor market in the West Kazakhstan region: the content of

educational programs of technical specialties and specialties serving the oil and gas industry

includes elements of dual training and individual learning paths. In the Catalog of elective

disciplines (CED) for the 2016-2017 academic year, 123 disciplines have been entered by the

stakeholders (interested parties), incl. 14 disciplines in English.

All educational programs of the university are provided with relevant databases of

professional practices.

At university on 8 specialties training is carried out in English. They train about 275 people.

In 2013-2016, within the framework of the outgoing academic mobility, more than 100

students of all specialties in the areas of "Education" and "Humanities" were trained in leading

domestic universities, 47 students from leading universities of Kazakhstan attended the program of

incoming academic mobility. For the implementation of the program of international academic

mobility, agreements have been concluded with universities of the United States, Great Britain,

Cuba, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Latvia. Under this program, 69 students of ARSU

have completed semester studies at foreign universities in the near and far abroad. In the first

academic period of the current academic year, 12 students participated in the program of

international academic mobility in universities in Hungary, Latvia, China and the UK, 7 students

are planning to study in Poland, 3 students in China.

The university is institutionally accredited and in 2016 passed post-accreditation. 46

educational programs passed the specialized accreditation (65%), of which 22 - national, 24 -

international specialized accreditation.

According to the results of the General ranking of universities of Kazakhstan for 2017, K.

Zhubanov ARSU among the universities of Western Kazakhstan took the leading position. In the

TOP-10, in the areas of preparation "Humanities" the university is located on the 5th place,

"Education" - on the 6th place, and on the directions "Social Sciences" and "Natural Sciences" - on

the 7th place. The university has taken leading positions in training in the context of specialties. In

particular, in the specialty “Physics”, the university established itself at the 1st place, at the 2nd

place in the specialties “Psychology”, “Geography”, “Kazakh language and literature”, “Russian

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language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction” , on the 3rd place in

the specialties "Biology", "History", "Ecology", "Metallurgy". In 2015, only 5 specialties are in the

TOP-10 of this rating, in 2016 - 6 specialties, and in 2017 - 11 specialties. The top vice-rector of the

university Shunkeyev K. Sh. (21st place) entered the TOP - 30 best university teachers. Preparatory

work is underway to participate in the QS World University Rankings.

The share of employed graduates in 2015 amounted to 62.4% (1,158 people), in 2016 - 75%.

The university is creating an office for commercialization of an innovative technology park.

5. University development strategy

For the fulfillment of the mission of university, several priorities and strategic directions for

the development of the university are considered:

1. Ensuring the required level of quality education in accordance with the needs of the labor

market in the Western region.

2. Introduction of innovations and scientific achievements in production and other spheres of

public life. The formation of the university as the main engine of innovation in the Western region

of Kazakhstan, which, together with the enterprises of the region, will create the basis for the

establishment of Aktobe as the center of industrial innovation agglomeration.

3. Development of academic relations with regional and foreign partners for the

implementation of joint innovation programs.

4. Ensuring sustainable financial and economic development of the university.

5. Upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality, distinguished by its

professionalism, high level of general culture and patriotic feelings. Involvement of trainees in the

strengthening of spiritual and moral values of the nationwide patriotic idea "Magіlіk El" and the

culture of a healthy lifestyle.

These guidelines for the development of a higher education institution are refined and

detailed through goals with corresponding target indicators, objectives and a corresponding system

of indicators, each of which is measurable (Appendix 1).

Their timely and high-quality execution based on the complex mobilization of domestic

resources, the use of the creative potential of teaching staff should ensure the dynamics of the

progressive development of the university in line with the needs of the region and the Western

region of Kazakhstan.

5.1. Ways and approaches of achievement goals.

Achievement of goals is provided by:

• choosing an effective university development model;

• a set of organizational mechanisms;

• ensuring stable financing;

• taking into account possible risks.

5.2. Development model

The development of a university competitive within the country, capable of becoming national

after a certain time, is an ambitious task. For completion this complex task you must:

1) Develop a corporate governance system by attracting representatives of local governments

and leading enterprises in the region.

2) Unite the efforts of the entire team of the university to perform the tasks.

3) Ensure the updating of modular educational programs taking into account the proposals of

employers, new achievements of science and technology.

4) Establish partnerships with leading universities in the country and the world, as well as

research centers.

5.3. Complex organizational mechanisms

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The content of the Strategic Plan of ARSU is reflected in the objectives, indicators of the

university-wide development plan, mutually agreed on resources, responsible conditions and

deadlines for implementation.

The implementation of the Strategic Plan is carried out through the execution of the annual

plans of the university, faculties, departments and other structural units.

The strategic plan is provided with financial resources in accordance with the budget of

income and expenses of the university.

The results of the implementation of the Plan are included in the annual report of the heads of

areas and are reviewed at the University Academic Council.

The University Academic Council annually reviews the results of the implementation of the

Strategic Plan, identifies organizational, technological and technical problems in the process of

achieving the goals set and develops proposals for solving them, summarizes the implementation of

the Plan.

5.4. Financing

Sustainability in the development of the University will depend on its ability to attract

independent and planned sources of funding. Gradually, dependence on the state budget will be

reduced by attracting additional sources of funding, such as contributions and contributions from

enterprises, sponsorship of graduates, international and Kazakhstani research grants, and tuition


5.5. Possible risks

In the course of its activities K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University may face a

number of risks that may hinder the achievement of goals. Risks, their consequences and possible

risk management mechanisms are listed in Appendix 2.

6. Strategic Development Vectors of ARSU (2017)

1. Development and implementation of a regional program for targeted training of teachers for

small-scale schools with multilingual education, engineering and technical personnel for industrial


2. Expansion of the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for postgraduate education

programs through the magistracy in 55 pedagogical specialties.

3. Expansion of the scientific and pedagogical personnel training for postgraduate education

programs through doctoral studies in the field of study (Kazakh philology - 1, mathematics - 2,

physics - 2, history - 2 and pedagogy - 1 and technical sciences - 1).

4. Accreditation of all educational programs (specialties) of the university by accreditation bodies

that are full members of international European networks for quality assurance of education and

listed in the register of the MES RK.

5. Expansion of the participation of the university and educational programs (specialties) in the

ranking of domestic and foreign universities.

6. Modernization of educational programs with the recommendations of employers.

7. Expansion of opportunities for international academic mobility of students and teaching staff in

the framework of the concept of the MES RK.

8. The introduction of elements of the dual learning system in the educational process.

9. Development and implementation of projects undergraduate educational programs in the

framework of multilingual education.

10. Modernization of work on the introduction of educational programs implemented in the

experiment mode, taking into account the updated content and the Professional standard of the


11. Professional development and retraining through the Institute of Continuing Education.

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12. Opening of the “Park of Innovative Technologies” and “Office of Commercialization”.

13. Implementation of the “Digital University” program through the Digital Technology Center.

14. Deployment of rebranding work, modernization of the marketing strategy for the formation of a

contingent of students, improving the image of the university.

15. Development of intellectual, scientific, technical and cultural creativity, support for labor

enthusiasm and initiatives of students.

16. Construction of a student dormitory.

7. Strategic Development Vectors of ARSU (from January 1, 2019)

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1. Transition to a non-profit joint-stock company.

2. Passing institutional re-accreditation

3. Participation in international rankings - QS.

4. Participation in international projects - Erasmus +, Bolashak.

5. Opening of specialized dissertation councils

6. Overhaul of the Palace of Youth and hostels number 1 and number 2 in the framework of

the Year of Youth

7. Completion of 70 apartment "House of Young Scientists"

8. Opening of the avenue " Motivators Aktobe" in the "Great Names of the Great Steppe"

9. Opening of the alley of Nurpeis Bayganin and Mukhtar Aryn

10. Assignment of the name of Mukhtar Aryn and Bekezhan Suleimenov to the academic

buildings of the University

11. Start campus gasification

12. Organization of festive events dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the university, submit for

approval the composition and comprehensive work plan of the committee.

13. Organization of the international conference “Zhubanovtar tagylymy” in honor of the 120th

anniversary of K.Zhubanov and the 80th anniversary of E.Zhubanov, opening of the reading

room named after E.Zhubanov equipped with digital technology (2019)

14. Opening of new specialties in college.

15. Development of an action plan for the Year of Youth and the 150th anniversary of Aktobe.

16. Opening facilities in the Palace of Youth.

17. Opening of radio and television studios at the university.

18. Opening of the alley "Zhastar".

19. Implementation of programs AUTOCAD, SANA, Archicad in the educational process.

20. Implementation of the Foundation program to improve the number of foreign students and

optimize adaptation programs

21. Attract top managers from universities in foreign countries as vice-rectors for the

internationalization and commercialization of scientific products of university scientists.

22. Conducting the International Conference "Management to ensure the quality of education in

the system of higher education in Kazakhstan"

23. Update the educational programs of the university and include them in the National Register

of educational programs.

24. Development of the Academic Policy of the University in accordance with new regulations.

25. Implementation of the project "University-school: model of interaction".

26. Conducting an exit meeting of the Abai Kazakh National University on the basis of the


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Appendix А (2017)

Specialties of higher education (bachelor degree): 1. 5В010100 – Pre-school education and


2. 5В010200 – Pedagogy and methods of

elementary education

3. 5В010300 –Pedagogy and Psychology 4. 5В010500 – Defectology

5. 5В010600 – Musical education

6. 5В010700 – Fine art and drawing

7. 5В010800 – Physical training and sports

8. 5В010900 – Mathematics

9. 5В011000 – Physics 10. 5В011100 – Informatics

11. 5В011200 – Chemistry

12. 5В011300 – Biology 13. 5В011400 – History

14. 5В011500 – Basics of Law and Economics

15. 5В011600 – Geography 16. 5В011700 – Kazakh language and literature

17. 5В011800 – Russian language and literature

18. 5В011900 – Foreign language: two foreign

languages 19. 5В012000 – Professional training

20. 5В012100 – Kazakh language and literature

in schools with non-kazakh language 21. 5В012200 – Russian language and literature

in schools with non-Russian language

22. 5В012300 – Social pedagogy and self-knowledge

23. 5В020300 – History

24. 5В020500 – Filology

25. 5В020700 – Translation major 26. 5В021000 – Foreign Filology

27. 5В030100 – Jurisprudence

28. 5В040900 – Choreography

29. 5В042100 – Design 30. 5В050300 – Psychology

31. 5В050500 – Regional studies

32. 5В050600 – Economy

33. 5В050700 – Management 34. 5В050800 – Accounting and Audit

35. 5В050900 – Finance

36. 5В051000–Governmental and local management

37. 5В051100 – Marketing

38. 5В060100 – Mathematics 39. 5В060200 – Informatics

40. 5В060400 – Physics

41. 5В060600 – Chemistry

42. 5В060700 – Biology 43. 5В060800– Ecology

44. 5В070300 – Information Systems

45. 5В070400 – Computer Engineering and Software

46. 5В070500 – Mathematical and computer

modeling 47. 5В070700 – Mining engineering

48. 5В070800 – Oil and Gas Engineering

49. 5В070900 – Metallurgy

50. 5В071300 – Transport, transport equipment and technology

51. 5В072000 – Chemical technology of

inorganic substances 52. 5В072100 – Chemical technology of

organic substances

53. 5В072900 – Construction

54. 5В090100 – Organization of traffic and operation of transport

55. 5В090200 – Tourism.

Specialties of postgraduate education (master's degree and doctoral studies):

1. 6М010300 –Pedagogy and Psychology

2. 6М020300 – History 3. 6М020500 – Filology

4. 6М050300 – Psychology

5. 6М050600 – Economy 6. 6М051000 – Governmental and local


7. 6М051100 – Marketing 8. 6М060100 – Mathematics

9. 6М060200 – Informatics

10. 6М060400 – Physics

11. 6М060700 – Biology 12. 6М060800 – Ecology

13. 6М070300 – Information Systems

14. 6М010900 – Mathematics 15. 6М011000 – Physics

1. 6D060100 – Mathematics.

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Appendix А

(February 1, 2019)


(Bachelor’s degree- 57)

1. 5В010100-Pre-school education and

upbringing 2. 5В010200-Pedagogy and methods of

elementary education

3. 5В010300-Pedagogy and Psychology 4. 5В010500- Defectology

5. 5В010600- Musical education

6. 5В010700 - Fine art and drawing

7. 5В010800- Physical training and sports

8. 5В010900- Mathematics

9. 5В011000 - Physics 10. 5В011100- Informatics

11. 5B012600- Mathematics-Physics

12. 5В011200- Chemistry

13. 5В011300- Biology 14. 5В011400- History

15. 5В011600- Geography

16. 5В012900- Geography -History 17. 5В013000- History-Religiology

18. 5В011700- Kazakh language and literature

19. 5В011800- Russian language and literature 20. 5В011900-Foreign language: two foreign


21. 5В012000- Professional training

22. 5В012100- Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-kazakh language

23. 5В012200- Russian language and literature in

schools with non-Russian language 24. 5В012300- Social pedagogy and self-


25. 5В020300 - History

26. 5В020500- Filology (kazakh,russian) 27. 5В020700- Translation major

28. 5В021000 - Foreign Filology:

English 29. 5В030100 - Jurisprudence

30. 5В040900 - Choreography

31. 5В042100 - Design 32. 5В050300 - Psychology

33. 5В050600 - Economy

34. 5В050700 - Management 35. 5В050800 - Accounting and Audit

36. 5В050900 - Finance

37. 5В051000 - Governmental and local

management 38. 5В051100 - Marketing

39. 5B051300 – World economу

40. 5В060100 - Mathematics 41. 5В060200 - Informatics

42. 5В060400 - Physics

43. 5В060600 - Chemistry 44. 5В060700 - Biology

45. 5В060800 - Ecology

46. 5В070300 - Information Systems

47. 5В070400 - Computer Engineering and Software

48. 5В070500 - Mathematical and computer

modeling 49. 5В070700 - Mining engineering

50. 5В070800 - Oil and Gas Engineering

51. 5В070900 - Metallurgy 52. 5В071300 - Transport, transport equipment

and technology

53. 5В072000 - Chemical technology of inorganic

substances 54. 5В072100 - Chemical technology of organic


55. 5В072900 - Construction 56. 5В090100 - Organization of traffic and

operation of transport

57. 5В090200 - Tourism

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Мaster’s degree-30

1. 6М010100 – Pre-school education

and upbringing

2. 6М010200 – Pedagogy and

methods of elementary education

3. 6М010300 –Pedagogy and


4. 6М010500 – Defectology

5. 6М010800 – Physical training

and sports

6. 6М010900 – Mathematics

7. 6М011000 – Physics

8. 6М011300 – Biology

9. 6М011400 – History

10. 6М012000 – Professional


11. 6М012200 – Russian language and

literature in schools with non-Russian


12. 6М020300 – History

13. 6М020500 – Filology

14. 6М021000 – ForeignFilology

15. 6М030100 – Jurisprudence

16. 6М050300 – Psychology

17. 6М050600 – Economy

18. 6М050700 – Management

19. 6М050900 – Finance

20. 6М051000 – Governmental and

local management

21. 6М051100 – Marketing

22. 6М052000 – Business


23. 6М060100 – Mathematics

24. 6М060200 – Informatics

25. 6М060400 – Physics

26. 6М060700 – Biology

27. 6М060800 – Ecology

28. 6М070300 – Information


29. 6М070900 – Metallurgy

30. 6М072100 – Chemical

technology of organic substances

Doctoral study -6

1. 6D010200 – Pre-school education and upbringing

2. 6D020300 – History

3. 6D020500 – Filology

4. 6D050600 – Economy

5. 6D060100 – Mathematics

6. 6D060400 – Physics

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Appendix 1

Strategic activities, goals, objectives and target indicators of university development

Direction 1. Ensuring the quality of education in accordance with the needs of the labor market in the Western region

Objective 1. Personnel policy and staff

development and teaching staff

The target indicator is to create an educational and scientific environment of the university in

accordance with the requirements of the SES and others.

Task 1. The growth of the professional

level of teachers Indicators:

1. Аchieve the level of advanced training of teaching staff of at least 100 people per year.

2. Increasing the number of teachers leading classes in three languages (by 2018 - 15, by 2021 -50)

3. Conclusion of cooperation agreements with leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (at least

5 per year)

4. The participation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the implementation of various educational

programs and projects (filing at least 5 applications per year)

Involvement of foreign teachers and consultants to the learning process: by 2018 –10 people, by 2021 - 20


Task 2. Formation of faculty members of a

new pattern Indicators:

1. Ensure the participation in the competition of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the state grant

“The best teacher of the university” of at least 15 candidates

2. Improving the quality of training and qualifications of teachers for the development of advanced

technology and technology at least 10% per year

Goal 2. Improving the organization and

content of the educational process.

Target indicators - to pass institutional and specialized accreditation

Task 1. Passage of international

specialized and institutional accreditation

of recognized agencies


Successful completion of international specialized accreditation: 6 specialties annually.

Task 2. The participation of the

university in the national and world


1. Entry into the top ten of the most versatile universities in the rankings of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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academic rankings

until 2021.

2. Achieve the entry into the top five best specialties of the Republic of Kazakhstan - at least 5 specialties

until 2019, at least 10 specialties until 2021

Applications for participation in international rankings: 2018 - participation in 2 ratings, 2021 - in 5.

Task 3 Strengthening the connection of

student science and practice with



1. The number of contracts with practice bases is at least 3 in each specialty by 2018, at least 5 - by 2021

2. The number of newly opened branches of departments in enterprises - at least 3 by 2018, 6 by 2021

3. The share of thesis works of graduates of the university, introduced into production - up to 10% by 2018,

up to 20% by 2021

Task 4 Improving student learning in the

state language


1. The provision of disciplines with educational and methodical literature in the state language by 2018 -

70%, by 2021 - 100%

2. An increase in the number of teachers conducting quality classes in the state language - up to 50% by

2019. up to 70% by 2021

3. Increasing the level of qualification of teaching staff teaching classes in the state language - up to 30% by

2019. up to 50% by 2021

Task 5 Improving the quality of learning

foreign languages by students


1. Opening of a multilingual education center (2019)

2. Introduction to the catalogs of elective disciplines of courses on the study of foreign languages in all


Introduction of multilingual education for at least 5 specialties (since 2017)

Task 6 Increasing the number of foreign

students and undergraduates studying at

the university


The number of foreign students and undergraduates by 2018 - 10 people, by 2021 - 50 people.

Goal 3. Strengthening the material and

technical base

The target indicator is the creation of the necessary material and living conditions for students,

undergraduates and teachers

Task 1. Maintenance of buildings and

structures in proper condition


1. Overhaul of dormitories (2017-2018)

3. Annual maintenance of educational buildings, dormitories.

4. Construction of a new dormitory (2017-2018)

5. Overhaul "Zhastar Saraiy"

Task 2. Improving the equipment of Indicators:

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faculties, departments with laboratory

equipment, computers, modern office


1. Completing the laboratory of radiation physics of materials (2017-2019)

2. Acquisition of computers and office equipment at least 100 units, annually until 2018 and at least 150

units. annually from 2018 to 2020

3. Construction and equipment of the “Park of Innovative Technologies” (2017-2018).

Goal 4. Expansion of informatization of

education and use of innovative learning


Target indicator - ensuring the automation of the educational process at the university and the active

use of information technology by students and teaching staff

Task 1. Provision of educational and

information resources for students

and teaching staff


1. Annual update of the university library of electronic textbooks on the internal portal.

Providing Wi-Fi access in all libraries and hostels of the university.

Task 2. Improving the information level of

the training of faculty


1. Annual advanced training of at least 150 people from the number of teaching staff on the use of

automated information systems of the university (Moodle, Unified Management System, etc.) and

innovative teaching methods

2. Conducting training and retraining of teachers, OHR, APM in the field of new information and

communication technologies (at least 100 people annually)

Expansion of active learning methods using modern IT technologies

Task 3. Improving the automation of the

educational process


1. Expansion of the use of distance learning technologies through the introduction of network technologies

(2017 - 50% of disciplines of specialties, teaching in the ATT, 2021 - 100%)

Increasing the number of specialties with training in distance education technologies (2021 - at least 10


Goal 5. Training of competitive

personnel in accordance with the

directions of industrial-innovative

development of the country, region

Target indicator - ensuring a high level of employment and accelerated labor adaptation of

graduates in key industries and enterprises of the republic and region

Task 1 Opening of new specialties in the



Licensing and the beginning of training in dual pedagogical specialties, robotics, the introduction of

specializations in the areas of "Social Sciences and Business", "Technical Sciences and Technology",

"Services" - by 2018 - 3 specialties, by 2021 - 7 specialist. and specialization.

Task 2. The increase in the level of

indicators of public quality control


1. The share of students at the expense of employers of their total number by 2018 - at least 5%, by 2021 -

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Task 3. Effective employment through

the development of a system of

interaction with consumers

1. The share of graduates employed in the specialty in the first year of graduation from the university, by

2017 - 75% and 2021 - 80%

2. The share of graduates trained by the state educational order, employed in the first year after graduation

in the specialty, by 2017 - 85%, in 2021 - 90%;

3. The share of graduates enrolled in the "Serpіn" and "Auil Kvotasi" programs in the first year after

graduation from the university by 2017- 100%, in 2021-100%.

Direction 2. Introduction of innovations and scientific achievements in production and other spheres of public life

Goal 1. Creating an innovation

infrastructure that integrates scientific and

technological potential.

The target indicator is the availability of a functioning technology park on the basis of ARSU by

2019, which meets the needs of the regional economy for innovative products

Task 1. Determination of organizational,

legal, institutional issues of creating a

technopark and forming its material and

technical base.


1. Development and approval of the organizational and staff structure - 2017

2. Development and approval of estimates for the technopark creation project - 2017.

3. Work with partner organizations, industrial and processing enterprises of the Aktobe region - 2017-2021.

Task 2. Ensuring interaction with research

centers and institutes, subjects of

innovation activity, industrial enterprises

and business representatives


1. Conclusion of contracts. Organization of temporary creative teams to perform research and development


2. Increasing the number of joint scientific research with leading research centers, innovation actors,

industrial enterprises and business representatives by 2018- 10%, 2021 - 20%.

Task 3. Implementation of innovative and

investment projects


1. Organization and conduct of fundamental and applied research of socio-economic innovations of at least

3 per year.

3. Development of projects for participation in programs, competitions for grants, at least 2 per year.

Task 4. Creating an innovative product Indicators:

1. Implement complex methods of purification and processing, allowing to obtain enriched diatomite with

desired functional properties, by 2019

2. Development of innovative research areas for the commercialization of the results of scientific research

by scientists in sectors of the national economy and the preparation of regulatory and technological

documentation, by 2020

3. Development and economic justification of business plans, at least 2 per year.

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Goal 2. Development of the innovation

system of the university and the

introduction of research results in


The target indicator is the formation of the mechanisms of the innovation system from the

development (search) of rational organizational, pedagogical, scientific and other ideas to their

experimental and mass introduction and replication outside the university.

Task 1. Increasing the number of staff,

students and undergraduates of the

university engaged in the development of

research projects aimed at obtaining a

specific result


Participation in the development of scientific projects: (by 2021)

- teachers and university staff - at least 50%;

- undergraduates - at least 80%;

- students - not less than 40%

The number of participants in the Business Project Competition will increase - at least 40 student projects


Task 2. Increasing the number of research

works carried out at the expense of funds

received from the state budget, scientific

funds, grants. Implementation of scientific

and research and production work on the

basis of contracts with external customers


1. Development of at least 3 scientific projects annually funded by the state budget, grants, and scientific


2. Conclusion of agreements on scientific cooperation with scientific research institutes - at least 3 per year.

3. The conclusion by departments of contracts for conducting research with organizations and enterprises -

at least 1 contract annually.

Task 3. Increasing the number of

innovative patents. Implementation of

patented inventions in production


1. Obtaining of faculty at least 5 innovative patents per year.

2. Commissioning of at least 2 patents per year.

Task 4. Organization and holding of

scientific and practical conferences,

seminars, meetings, round tables on topical

issues of innovative development of the

university and the improvement of the

system of postgraduate education


1. Annual scientific and practical conferences, seminars, meetings, round tables on current issues of training

specialists and scientific and pedagogical personnel

Publication of collections of international scientific materials and practical conferences - at least 2

collections per year.

Goal 3. Training of scientific and

pedagogical personnel.

Target indicator - new specialties of magistracy and doctoral studies.

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Task 1. Expanding the range of specialties

and specializations of graduate and

doctoral studies, increasing the number of

undergraduates in specialized, scientific

and pedagogical areas


1. Increasing the number of graduate students to 10% of the number of full-time students (until 2021)

2. Obtaining a license for promising graduate specialties - 10, doctoral studies - 4 (until 2021)

Goal 4. Development of international


Target indicator - 1. Increasing the academic and scientific mobility of teachers and staff at the

international level.

2. Implementation of joint projects - at least 2 per year

Task 1. Activization and expansion of

multilateral cooperation with partner

universities from far and near abroad,

search for new forms of interaction


1. Enter as members in the activities of the Scientific and Educational Consortium between universities and

research institutes of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan

2. Conclusion of cooperation agreements - at least 2 annually

3. Preparation of joint publications with scientists from foreign universities and centers, at least 20 per year.

4.Exchange of information, scientific personnel, undergraduates and students. Invitation of leading

scientists of universities in the far and near abroad, at least 5 per year.

Task 2. Popularization of the activities

of ARSU at the international level


1. Increasing the number of visits of foreign delegations to ARSU with the aim of exchanging experience -

at least 2 annually

2. Creation of an advertising site for ARSU in English - 2017

Direction 3. Development of academic relations with partners for the implementation of joint innovation programs

Goal 1. Activation of the university in

the direction of the internationalization

of the system of higher and postgraduate

education in accordance with the

principles of the Bologna process

Target indicator - by 2021, 15% of teachers and 10% of students of ARSU participate in

international projects

Task 1. Expansion of academic relations of

the university, aimed at the development of

the scientific potential of teachers and



1. Publication in international publications (by 2018 - 5%, by 2021 - 10% of teachers)

2. Participation in international scientific conferences (2017 - 10%, by 2021 - 30% of teachers)

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Task 2. Establishment of partnerships

with research institutes, scientific and

professional associations


1. Creation of high technology products and services on the basis of ARSU - 2017-2021.

2. Graduates participate in independent testing and certification (by 2018 - 10%, by 2021 –20%).

Goal 2. Establish international contacts

on the opening of joint educational

programs with foreign universities and

participation in international events

Target indicator - participation in international projects and programs - at least 3 annually

Task 1. Conclusion of agreements on

international scientific and creative

cooperation with universities of the

countries of the Bologna process


1. The conclusion of international treaties in the field of education and science by 2018 - at least 10, by

2021 - at least 20

2. Implementation of research projects with partner universities - at least 2 annually

Task 2. Development of academic

mobility of students and teachers


1. Implementation of double-degree education programs -

by 2018 with the 1st foreign university, by 2021 - with 2 universities

2. Academic mobility of students and teachers:

- by 2021 - 15% of students and undergraduates will participate in double-diploma education programs;

- by 2021 - 10% of teachers will be involved in two-degree educational programs

3. Passing research practice by undergraduates in partner universities (by 2018 - 20%, by 2021 - 40% of


4. Improvement of the qualifications of university staff in international programs (at least 1 teacher


5. Internship of teachers (2017 - 5%, 2021 - 20%)

Direction 4. Ensuring sustainable financial and economic development of the university

Goal 1. Improving of forming methods of

a contingent of students

The target indicator is the stabilization and growth of the contingent of students in accordance with

the human and material resources and the needs of the regional labor market, the modernization of

rebranding work.

Task 1. Improvement of advert and

information activities Indicators:

1. Annual preparation and printing of booklets on university specialties.

2. Speeches in the media.

3. Creation of a presentation electronic video about the life of the university (annually).

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Systematic update of the university site.

Task 2. Vocational guidance work with

graduates of schools and colleges

1. Analysis of the contingent of graduates of the region

2. Creation of consultation points in the regions of the region and region

3. Organization of annual subject olympiads among schoolchildren with active promotion of university


4. Organization of "Open Days" faculties

5. Creation of the Alumni Association and use of its potential in career guidance

Organization of preparatory courses

Task 3. Vocational guidance work with

the participation of local executive bodies,

potential employers


1. Informing the population of the region about the distribution of graduates, the benefits of studying in

university specialties

2. Vocational guidance during the "Job Fair"

3. Orientation of employers to graduates of ARSU in matters of employment

4. Conclusion of contracts with regional departments of education for the organization of vocational

guidance, teaching, admission of graduates.

Conclusion of contracts with enterprises of the region for the formation of a target order for the preparation

of bachelors and masters

Goal 2. Ensuring financial and economic


The target indicator is the stabilization of the income part of the university budget and the rhythm of

cash flow

Task 1. Development of multichannel

sources of financing


1. Strengthening the income base of the university by increasing the number of students on state orders, and

accordingly - the share of budget funding.

2. Stabilization of the receipt of tuition fees due to the extensive outreach work among students on the

procedure for obtaining an educational loan.

3. The increase in revenues from non-core activities due to the transfer of self-supporting units to the

principles of self-sufficiency, development of contractual activities and participation in grants.

4. Attracting funds from regional enterprises and private sponsors.

Direction 5. Upbringing of a multicultural harmoniously developed personality of students

Goal 1. Improvement the spiritual and

moral, aesthetic and labor education of

Target indicator - the development of self-awareness, the formation of ethical principles of the

individual, consistent with the norms and traditions of the life of Kazakhstan society

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the individual

Task 1. Development of the system of

spiritual and moral education of the


1. Implementation of the Concept of educational work of ARSU for 2017-2021 and the Comprehensive

programs of educational work and a healthy lifestyle.

2. Implementation of the plan of activities of the University for the implementation of the instructions of the

President N.Nazarbayev, set out in its program article "Prospection to the Future: Modernization of the

Public Content."

3. Ensuring wide participation of students in the activities of various public institutions and initiatives:

“Youth Practice”, “Zhasyl El”, “Green City-Green Village”, MTR, “Summer Children's Camps”, “With a

diploma To the village!”, “Youth personnel reserve"," School of public service "," Zhastar -Native land! ","

Young businessman","Alliance of students of Kazakhstan"" Debate ", etc.

4. Preventive work to prevent the penetration of extremist views and ideas into the youth environment.

Countering violent extremism. Formation of tolerance of the young generation, respectful perception of

ethnic and religious differences. Strengthening measures to counter the "factors of attraction" of extremism

and the creation and dissemination of "positive" examples among young people. (by 2019 - 24 events

covering more than 70% of the training, by 2021 - 28 events covering 99%)

5. Increasing the number and raising the quality level of holding thematic lectures, seminars, conferences on

the development of spiritual and moral values of Kazakhstan society (in 2017 - 5 events with 50% students

enrolled, in 2021 - 25 events with 80% students enrolled)

6. Conduction of trainings at the university on the development of interpersonal relations, including support

for students with special educational needs (in 2017 - 3, by 2021 - 15)

Task 2. Patriotic upbringing and legal


1. Increasing the level of patriotism among students. Formation of respect among young people for the

fundamental values of statehood. The introduction of teaching in all specialties of the training course

"Magіlіk El" (from the 2017-2018 school year).

2. Holding annual student conferences on the problems of patriotic education (up to 2-3 annually)

3. Implementation of the Concept for the improvement of the sphere of legal education for the period

2017–2022 through project management, the Marathon of Legal Knowledge - Adventure Training, master

classes, conferences, case studies which result in joint solutions of legal issues among students (in 2019 -

12 events with 50% coverage of students, by 2021 - 25 events covering 80% of students

4 Research on the diagnosis of risk groups in the following areas: (in 2019 - 8 events covering 52% of

students, by 2021 - 25 events covering 90% of students)

Task 3. Labor education and

development of student volunteer


1. Ensuring the activities of student labor detachments, detachments "Zhasyl Еl", "Green City-Green

Village": in 2017 - 3,800 people, then at least 3,000 people annually.

2. Development of volunteers network and joining the national volunteer network and participating in

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grant programs: (in 2019, the percentage of volunteers increased to 32% of students, by 2021,

covering 65% of students)

Goal 2. Creation of conditions for the

formation of professional competence

and competitiveness of future specialists.

The target indicator is to ensure the sustainable development of a health-saving environment that

helps to maintain and strength the level of health in order to develop the competitive qualities of


Task 1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle 1. Development of a complex of preventive and educational activities among students to reduce

behavioral risk factors (by 2019)

2. Involving students in classes in the sports sections of the university - up to 10% by 2018, 45% by


3. Promotion of health and sports values. Formation of a healthy lifestyle. Increasing the level of

information support for students about how to maintain and promote health (in 2017 - 70%, in 2021 -


4. Increase in the practice of holding and participating in student championships and student

universiades at all levels.

Task 2. Formation of competitive qualities

of students

1. Improvement of student self-government: (in 2019 - with 34% of students enrolled, by 2021 - with

45% of students enrolled)

2. Expansion of the practice of moral and material incentives for student activists.

3. Development of youth social entrepreneurship

4. Building up the English component through student projects "Open English"

Goal 3. New youth initiatives

The target indicator is the formation of the personality of young people with creative and innovative

thinking, active citizenship.

Task 1 1. Popularization and promotion of non-formal and informal education (in the framework of the project

of the OECD Education Committee "Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning and Credit


2. Organization of festival - exhibitions of innovative projects

3. Support for creative (cultural) industries, including artistic actions, publishing, art, music, cinema,

etc .;

4. Conduction of innovative activities on domestic youth tourism, promoting youth ecotourism,

developing new routes in tourist areas (mountain tourism, mountaineering, freeride, MTB cycling

trips). (by 2019 - 2 projects, in 2021 - 8 projects)

5. Conduction of training for new approaches in social design, GR, social communications.

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Appendix 2

Risks, mechanisms and management measures

Name of the risk Possible consequences in case of failure and (or) timely


Mechanisms and controls

Global and national

World financial crisis

Lack of funds from the university, faculty and students.

Reduction of research work, opportunities for visiting of

faculty and students in foreign universities, reducing

academic mobility of faculty and students

Reduction expenses of minor importance. Participation

in the international grants and projects.

Reducing the number of

school graduates, reducing

the number of applicants due

to the demographic decline

in child births, external


Loss of financial stability, reduction of states, closure of


Activation of career guidance, attracting applicants from

other regions, the implementation of the university's

anti-crisis program, taking into account the interests of


The outflow of personnel

from the education and

science system, caused by

insufficient wages in the


The sharp decline in professional opportunities and the

threat of "failure" of education and science

Increasing the level of remuneration due to extra-

budgetary funds.

Decrease of prestige of a

number of natural science

and social and humanitarian


Reduction of admission or closing a number of specialties

that provide fundamental training

Allocation of additional educational grants for these

specialties, change of learning paths and improvement

of educational programs.

High degree of competition

in the educational services


Reduction in the number of students. Outflow of highly

qualified of faculty members

Increasing the attractiveness of educational programs,

improving the material and technical base and the

quality of educational services provided, improving

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customer feedback, increasing employment levels.

Reduction of the quality of training of specialists with

higher education The fight against corruption, the introduction of

mechanisms for the independent assessment of students'

knowledge, the active introduction of "contactless"

forms of knowledge control, changes in the mentality of

students, teaching staff and society as a whole.

Systemic (institutional)

Inadequate staffing of

laboratory facilities requiring

expensive equipment

Fall prestige of the university, long-term adaptation of

graduates in the workplace

Acquisition of equipment, conclusion of contracts with

research institutes, universities, opening branches of

departments in enterprises.

Insufficient provision of

modern educational and

methodical literature in the

state language

Weak training of students in the state language

Acquisition of educational and methodical literature in

the Kazakh language. Development of textbooks by

university teachers.

Insufficient level of training

for organizational work,

taking into account the

requirements of the credit

technology of education

Problems with the design and quality of the schedule of

studies and examination sessions. Violation of the

requirements of SES on the organization of the educational


Conducting training workshops. Internships to study the

experience of university staff. Familiarization with the

regulatory documents governing the organization of the

educational process.

Personnel shortage of

teachers conducting

disciplines in the state

language in certain


Closing specialties

Training of qualified multilingual personnel through the

center of multilingual education.

Lack of doctors of science in

a number of specialties

Impossibility to open a number of specialties of magistracy

and doctoral

Inviting doctors of science from other organizations.

Assistance in the preparation and defense of doctoral

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theses by university teachers.

The opening of doctoral studies, the organization of

state language courses at the expense of the university.

A high percentage of highly

qualified teachers with pre-

retirement and retirement age

Decrease in degree in individual departments and


Inviting young graduate teachers from other

organizations. Assistance in the preparation and

protection of dissertations by university teachers.

Lack of proficiency of

foreign languages in faculty

The impossibility of introducing multilingual education and

academic mobility

Conduct courses in-depth study of foreign languages for

university teachers through a multilingual education


Insufficient funding for

research work

The lack of results of research of university teachers,

reducing the level of motivation of teaching staff and the

attractiveness of research. Weak material and technical base

for applied scientific research.

Lack of priorities in the acquisition of equipment and


Identification of additional sources of funding for

research with the involvement of extrabudgetary funds.

Intensification of work on participation in contractual

topics and research projects.

Insufficient level of work with

industrial enterprises in the

implementation of research results

Insufficient level of work with industrial enterprises in the

implementation of research results

Insufficient level of work with industrial enterprises in the

implementation of research results

Limited publication

possibilities in foreign refereed


Limited publication possibilities in foreign refereed journals Limited publication possibilities in foreign refereed journals

Lack of activity of teachers in

the initiation and

implementation of international


Lack of activity of teachers in the initiation and implementation

of international projects

Lack of activity of teachers in the initiation and

implementation of international projects

Considered and approved by the decision of the Academic Council of K. Zhubanov ARSU (Protocol No. 11 of May 10, 2017).

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Considered and approved by the decision of the Academic Council of K. Zhubanov ARSU (Protocol No. 5 of January 14, 2019).