Arch 20 Learning Por tfolio Siqi Guo

Midterm arch 20 portfolio

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Arch 20 Learning PortfolioSiqi Guo

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Contents Week one-----Dog House 3

Week two-----Circular Stairs 11

Week three---Malevich Inspired Construction 20 Week four-----Fording Paper Airplane 26 Week five------Interior Studies 34 Week six-------Photo Matching 41 Week seven 48 Final Project 52

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Week One

Let's make an amazing Dog House

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Content points Select (Space key)

Paint Bucket (P)

Line (L)

Rectangle (R)

Circle (C)

Move (M)

Rotate (R)

Scale (S)

Orbit (O)

Eraser (E)


Arc (A)

Push/Pull (P)

Follow Me (F)



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Besides...3D Warehouse

3D Warehouse is in File pull-down menu

3D Warehouse is a storage solution by Google that allows Google SketchUp users to upload, download, and view SketchUp models with ease. By giving Google SketchUp Warehouse access directly from within SketchUp, Google has made it a simple matter to share 3D designs with other users.

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Dog house Perspective View

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Roof PlanRight Elev.Front Elev.Left Elev.Rear Elev.

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Reflections on Dog House1. Everything in Sketchup is made up lines and surfaces2. Modeling window has three lines: red, green and blue to form a 3D space3. The scroll wheel in the mouse can zoom in and zoom out models4. It’s easy to use keyboard to shift drawing tools: H: pan (also shift+scroll whell is pan); space: select; L: line; P: push/pull...

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5. Make Susan turn right: use scale tool, click Susan, click the left green point and key in -1, she will turn opposite direction6. When using line tool, using keyboard arrows to control movement along red and green axes.7. The measurement at the right bottom can key in value to control the size of the models.8. Single click choose line or face, double click choose face and the lines enclosed it, triple click choose the whole model.

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Week Two

Colorful Circular Stairs

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Content points The main tools Rotate + Ctrl ---rotate and copy Move Make ComponentThe Make Component operation disconnects any geometry that was connected to selected geometry prior to placing the selected geometry in the component. The disconnected geometry is maintained outside of the component's context.

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Steps... First step :to draw a line, this line represents the vertical distance between the first and last stairs, then right click on this line “edge” and select DIVIDE Next step: to specify the width of the steps by drawing a circle begins from the endpoint of the vertical line. Note that this circle must be drawn on the surface that represents the ground. Then select the circle and right click to divide it also, but we have to make sure that the number of segments of the divided circle must match the number of stairs we need.

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Third step:to use the push/pull tool to raise one of these portions to create the first step of the stairs, and then make it into a component. Select this component and use the rotate tool to make a circular array that begins from the first portion and ends to the last one. All the previous work should be done in the surface.Finally:select the stairs successively by selecting the second step in the next raw components all around until the bottom of the stairs to get the spiral stairs and erase all the other unnecessary steps. You can deal with one of them separately by double click it to modify one component and apply the modifications to all the same components.

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Circular Stair Exercise Perspective View

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Roof PlanRight Elev.Front Elev.Left Elev.Rear Elev.

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1. When using rotate tool, if it’s hard to put the tool on the right surface, press and hold shift key and it won’t change direction after moving it.2. If want to show different parts in a whole model, choose window, layers. Choose details (arrow at the right top), then color by layer. The whole model will become red, which is default color. You can also add and delete layers and also choose colors you want.

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3. After add layers and choose colors, right-click the model and choose entity info to enter the property menu, you can put the model into the layer you want, and it will turn color that layer has. You can also hide and show the objects in the layer by checking or not.4. If want to make the model like animation, choose view, animation, add scene, before that, make sure choose a view you want to show, then add scene, and name it; choose another view and add scene. Do it repeatedly until you finish the whole views you want to show, then choose animation and play, it will like a movie to show the model. Cool!

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Week Three

Malevich Inspired Construction

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Steps...1. Open Google SketchUp. In the browser that opens, browse to the folder where you have your images stored. 2. Establish three correspondence points in the two images. Click on a point in the bottom image, and then on the same point in the top image. Make sure that the points you select are all in a plane relative to the ground in the image.3. Now click the 2D rectangle icon, arc icon... and start drawing in planes that match the angle .or rotate to get a better angle for placement.4. Use the "Push/Pull" tool to expand each plane to the same size as its corresponding building in the images.

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Malevich-Inspired Study Perspective View

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Roof PlanRight Elev.Front Elev.Left Elev.Rear Elev.

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1. When the square can’t form a face, check if the graph is closed2. When press Ctrl while using move tool, it becomes copy tool; after copying one, don’t shift tools and key in “number”x or “number”/, it will copy the number of the objects(include the one has already copied) along that ax3. After making a model, it’s easy to make component to move or copy because it becomes a whole, not lines and faces.4. If want to edit the model that has already made component, double click it and enter the editable state, or right click the model and choose edit component or explode

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Week Four

Childhood Paper Airplane

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Content Points

Part 1: Folding with the Rotate Tool • More Groups & Components • Editing & Exploding Groups • More Layers

Part 2: Intersect Faces & the Eraser Tool • Create 3D Terrain and Organic Surfaces with Sandbox Tools • Explore enhanced form and space possibilities with Sandbox Tools

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Steps...1. At the point of origin, use the Rectangle tool to create a large piece of paper,, using Dimensions box. Line tool, draw a line to divide this ‘paper’ in half using Midpoint inferences. 2. Select with a triple click, then using the Move tool to copy. 3. With the Select tool, dbl click to select the left half of the second‘paper’. Using the Rotate tool, click on the center fold and keep left mouse button down to orient the rotation and move the mouse along the center fold, lift your finger, then click along the left leading edge to select the area to be folded. Move your mouse to fold the paper, click to finish, key in 179 degrees 4. On the third folded paper, use the Protractor tool, hover over the top half, lock in position with the Shift key, then click on the left leading corner at the fold, click along the leading edge of the top half, and click again to create a guideline at 45 degrees. Use the Line tool to draw a line along this guideline. 5. After selecting the right triangle of paper to be folded, use the Rotate tool to fold this flat along the 45-degree line just made. Repeat this process on the fourth piece of paper.

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6. On the fourth piece of paper, take your Protractor to create a guideline for the next fold, which folds the top half of the paper with the 45-degree fold in half again, or 22.5-degrees. Using the Line tool, draw along the guideline. Select the entire top half of the paper, then fold flat along this new line using the Rotate tool again. Repeat this entire process on the fifth piece of paper to get more practice and increase accuracy and speed. 7. On the fifth piece of paper, use the protractor to create a guideline on the top half that bisects the 22.5degree fold. Using the Line tool, draw a line on top of this guideline. Rotate along this line and fold this 90-degrees to form the wing. Do this again on the sixth piece of paper. 8. Select the entire sixth assembly and use the rotate tool to rotate 89.5 degrees. Mirror and put the two halves together to form the completed airplane. Repeat the entire operation thus far on the seventh piece of paper. 9. Select the entire seventh piece of paper now half of a paper airplane and use the Move/Copy tool to create a clone. Use the Scale tool make this clone a mirror copy. Use the Move tool to assemble the complete paper airplane, 10. Make each airplane into a group.

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Folding Paper Airplane Perspective View

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Roof PlanRight Elev.Front Elev.Left Elev.Rear Elev.

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1. In window, there is a shadow tool, by adjusting the date and time, can change shadows of the models, but after the sun goes down, the models will be all black.2. If it’s hard to make sure if the model move down to the ground or move to a specified location, choose camera, then parallel projection, and choose standard view in the same pull-down menu, it has top, bottom, front, back, right, left, and iso which is easy to align the model to the right place.3. After edit the model, get a “money shot” and export as a 2D image, which is in file, export, 2D graphic..., but make sure it is in a good perspective.

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Week Five

What Kind of Rooms Do You Want?

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content Point

Interior Studies:

exploring the experiential impact of light, shape of space, colors, textures, material choices, and furnishing selection & placement

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Two Main Points

Sun Path OrientationColor/Texture

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Interior Study Warm Room Perspective View

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Mysterious Room Perspective View

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Orderly Room Perspective View

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Analyze... Color Plays An Important Role In DesignThe Wonderful Marvelous Living Room Design With Pretty Brown Cabinet And Neutral Soft Sofa Plus Breathtaking White Coffee Table Photograph Above, is part of Know The Right Colors To Apply And Create Cool Living Rooms Report, which is assigned within Living Room. Intuitively, the yellow, pink gives people a sense of warm and even think of home, red, orange makes people feel excited if paint in a room, but too much red may make eyes tired. blue gives a kind of calm and peaceful, however, the blue wall makes a badroom looks gray. Purple is pretty, which is combined from red and blue, when purple velvet sofa matches pure white marble table, that will be cool!

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Week Six

photograph will come true

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Content Points

Using Photo-Matching Process to create 3D digital models from a photograph • Match your model view to a photograph: Tadao Ando’s Rin’s Gallery, Kobe, Japan

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Steps...1. With a new SketchUp file open and with Steven standing near the axis origin, choose Camera>Match New Photo 2. From Week 6 Photomatch, select the folder named Rin’s Gallery Images>1 Rin’s Gallery by Tadoa Ando.jpg. Click the Open button. 3. In the Match Photo dialog box (Window>Match Photo) choose the first of the three style buttons: Inside. The other two are for photographs taken from Above or Outside. 4. Position the perspective bars starting with the two green ones and align then with two sets of “parallel” edges that are spaced a distance apart from each other.5. Do the same with the two red perspective bars on a set of “parallel” edges that are perpendicular to the first set.

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6. Position the axis origin to a place where your reference ground is7. Click and drag anywhere on the blue scale/vertical axis line to zoom in or out until the photograph looks to be about the right scale. 8. Click the Done button in the Match Photo dialog box to begin tracing photograph edges with Line tool. 9. Work in a connected way, building up 3D form one face at a time. Go back and forth to the photograph by clicking on the Scene button.

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Photo-Matching Process Perspective View

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Photo Matching Use the Match New Photo and Edit

Matched Photo menu items to create a 3D model to match a photo or to match an existing 3D model to a photo's context. Activate the Match New Photo and Edit Matched Photo menu items from the Camera menu.

SketchUp is commonly used to create designs of buildings or structures. SketchUp allows you to create these designs using the actual, real-world scale (a scale of 1:1 where a unit of measurement in SketchUp represents that actual unit of measurement in the real world).

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Week Seven

Final Project

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Final Project 1 Perspective View

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Roof PlanRight Elev.Front Elev.Left Elev.Rear Elev.

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Final Project 2 Perspective View

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Roof PlanRight Elev.Front Elev.Left Elev.Rear Elev.

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SLO 1: Create accurate drawings that communicate simple architectural design intentions.

4Apply graphic conventions and standards appropriately 4Relate each drawing within a set to each other to fully describe significant aspects of a design from the general to the specific

4Demonstrate a correspondence between the design intentions to be communicated and the graphic representations produced to communicate them

4Produce drawing that are readable and meaningful to others

4SLO 2: Analyze the specific intentions communicated by analog and digital modes of graphic communication.

4Identify the intended message(s) behind the graphic communication, whether produced by analog or digital means

4Assess the integrity of the message(s) – identify the strengths and weaknesses of the represented intentions

4Assess the efficacy of the related graphic representa-tion(s) 4Propose enhancements to what is being graphically communicated 4

Arch 20: SLO Progress Report

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SLO 3: Apply use of scales, line quality, graphic conventions, and drawing systems and techniques.

4Create clear and appropriately ordered hierarchies of visual information 4Compose elements of a drawing in a clear organized manner that relates visual information on each drawing and between sets of related drawings

4SLO 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the purposes of various architectural graphic techniques.

4Identify the similarities and differences between: 4Orthographic projections: plan, section,

elevations, and details4

Paraline drawing: isometric and oblique 4Perspective drawing: 1-, 2- and 3-point 4Compare and contrast the graphic systems describe directly above 4Demonstrate an integrated use of analog and digital tools in the process of developing a set of design intentions


Arch 20: SLO Progress Report – continued

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I call architecture frozen music. -------Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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