RESEARCH ARTICLE Microbial Degradation and Detoxification of Synthetic Dye Mixture by Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 Amit S. Chougule Shekhar B. Jadhav Jyoti P. Jadhav Received: 16 August 2013 / Revised: 4 December 2013 / Accepted: 17 January 2014 Ó The National Academy of Sciences, India 2014 Abstract Textile industry is the major source of colored effluents constituting a number of complex dyes affecting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems which necessitates their removal from environment. Bioremediation offers an inexpensive and eco-friendly approach hence, Pseudomo- nas sp. SUK 1, which is already known for its potential in degradation of individual dyes is used to degrade synthetic dye mixture of eight structurally different dyes. The bac- terium was capable to remove 94.3 % American Dye Manufacturing Institute value of dyes mixture, within 24 h under static condition at pH 7 and 30 °C temperature. The results from the batch experiments revealed the ability of the tested bacterium to remove the synthetic dye mixture after repeated exposure. Induction in the activities of var- ious biotransformation enzymes like laccase, veratryl alcohol oxidase, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-2, 6-dichlorophenol-indophenol reductase and tyrosinase was observed, indicating the significant role of these enzymes in biodegradation. After treatment significant decrease in chemical oxygen demand and biological oxygen demand was observed. The biotransformation of synthetic dye mixture was confirmed by UV–Vis spectroscopy, high performance liquid chromatography and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analyses of samples before and after decolorization. The toxicity analysis of degraded metabo- lites formed after biotransformation was carried out on Triticum aestivum, Phaseolus mungo and Sorghum vulgare crop plants with respect to germination ability, shoot and root length analysis. However oxidative stress study was carried out on Allium cepa L. proved that degraded metabolites were less toxic. Thus biodegradation of com- plex synthetic dye mixture to non-toxic metabolites using Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 would be a better option for biological treatment of textile effluents. Keywords Biodegradation Enzyme assay Oxidative stress Phytotoxicity Synthetic dye mixture Introduction The revolutionary research in 18th century gave birth to synthetic dyes which proved to be a breakthrough in dyeing and textile processing. However, increased use of dyes in textile industries has resulted into severe problems of water pollution due to effluents, contaminated with dyestuffs. Throughout the world annual consumption of dyes is around 7 9 10 4 tones and out of which 50 % of dyes are lost in processing and manufacturing units [1]. Dyes are designed to be chemically stable thus they introduce potential danger of bioaccumulation that eventually affects human beings by transport through the food chain. Due to discharge of colored effluents into natural water bodies, the sunlight penetration is decreased which reduces both pho- tosynthetic activity and dissolved oxygen concentration [2] and disturbs ecology of water. Structural changes in red and white blood cells of fishes were recorded due to stress caused by such eco-toxic effluents [3]. Toxic effects of A. S. Chougule Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil University, Navi Mumbai 400614, India S. B. Jadhav J. P. Jadhav Department of Biochemistry, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416004, Maharashtra, India J. P. Jadhav (&) Department of Biotechnology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416004, Maharashtra, India e-mail: [email protected] 123 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. DOI 10.1007/s40011-014-0313-z

Microbial Degradation and Detoxification of Synthetic Dye Mixture by Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1

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Microbial Degradation and Detoxification of Synthetic DyeMixture by Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1

Amit S. Chougule • Shekhar B. Jadhav •

Jyoti P. Jadhav

Received: 16 August 2013 / Revised: 4 December 2013 / Accepted: 17 January 2014

� The National Academy of Sciences, India 2014

Abstract Textile industry is the major source of colored

effluents constituting a number of complex dyes affecting

terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems which necessitates their

removal from environment. Bioremediation offers an

inexpensive and eco-friendly approach hence, Pseudomo-

nas sp. SUK 1, which is already known for its potential in

degradation of individual dyes is used to degrade synthetic

dye mixture of eight structurally different dyes. The bac-

terium was capable to remove 94.3 % American Dye

Manufacturing Institute value of dyes mixture, within 24 h

under static condition at pH 7 and 30 �C temperature. The

results from the batch experiments revealed the ability of

the tested bacterium to remove the synthetic dye mixture

after repeated exposure. Induction in the activities of var-

ious biotransformation enzymes like laccase, veratryl

alcohol oxidase, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-2,

6-dichlorophenol-indophenol reductase and tyrosinase was

observed, indicating the significant role of these enzymes

in biodegradation. After treatment significant decrease in

chemical oxygen demand and biological oxygen demand

was observed. The biotransformation of synthetic dye

mixture was confirmed by UV–Vis spectroscopy, high

performance liquid chromatography and Fourier transform

infrared spectroscopy analyses of samples before and after

decolorization. The toxicity analysis of degraded metabo-

lites formed after biotransformation was carried out on

Triticum aestivum, Phaseolus mungo and Sorghum vulgare

crop plants with respect to germination ability, shoot and

root length analysis. However oxidative stress study was

carried out on Allium cepa L. proved that degraded

metabolites were less toxic. Thus biodegradation of com-

plex synthetic dye mixture to non-toxic metabolites using

Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 would be a better option for

biological treatment of textile effluents.

Keywords Biodegradation � Enzyme assay �Oxidative stress � Phytotoxicity � Synthetic dye mixture


The revolutionary research in 18th century gave birth to

synthetic dyes which proved to be a breakthrough in dyeing

and textile processing. However, increased use of dyes in

textile industries has resulted into severe problems of water

pollution due to effluents, contaminated with dyestuffs.

Throughout the world annual consumption of dyes is

around 7 9 104 tones and out of which 50 % of dyes are

lost in processing and manufacturing units [1]. Dyes are

designed to be chemically stable thus they introduce

potential danger of bioaccumulation that eventually affects

human beings by transport through the food chain. Due to

discharge of colored effluents into natural water bodies, the

sunlight penetration is decreased which reduces both pho-

tosynthetic activity and dissolved oxygen concentration [2]

and disturbs ecology of water. Structural changes in red

and white blood cells of fishes were recorded due to stress

caused by such eco-toxic effluents [3]. Toxic effects of

A. S. Chougule

Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Padmashree

Dr. D.Y. Patil University, Navi Mumbai 400614, India

S. B. Jadhav � J. P. Jadhav

Department of Biochemistry, Shivaji University,

Kolhapur 416004, Maharashtra, India

J. P. Jadhav (&)

Department of Biotechnology, Shivaji University,

Kolhapur 416004, Maharashtra, India

e-mail: [email protected]


Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci.

DOI 10.1007/s40011-014-0313-z

textile dyes are not only limited to aquatic flora and fauna

but there are some reports which are indicative of transport

of dyes through food chain. Contamination of hot chilli,

baked foods and other spices with azo dyes [4] which are

known as carcinogenic [5] and genotoxic [6] in nature

leading to exposure in the human gastrointestinal tract.

Increased amount of such effluents and their hazards gen-

erated a need to concentrate upon the proper waste man-

agement tasks.

Several physico-chemical decolorization methods have

been developed during past two decades which are still

being used as routine practice in textile industries [7, 8].

These methods have major disadvantages as they are

highly expensive, coupled with formation of sludge and

emission of toxic substances which result into secondary

pollution [9, 10]. Therefore, cost-effective and eco-friendly

methods were required to treat the effluents before their

discharge into water bodies. Biological treatment fulfills

these requirements along with several other attractive

benefits [11, 12]. Thus microbial decolorization has

received much attention due to the ability of microbes to

survive under extreme conditions and its cost-effectiveness

[13]. Recently, several reports showed that microorganisms

have ability, not only to decolorize dyes but also to

detoxify them [14–16]. Thus currently an extensive

research work is carried out to find out optimal microbial

biomass which is versatile and capable of treatment of

large volume of effluents [17]. Many studies are focused on

decolorization of single textile dye. However, the effluent

released from textile industry contains mixture of different

dyes thus there is a need to study the capability of single

microorganism to degrade variety of dyes.

Present study is focused on decolorization and biodegra-

dation of a synthetic dye mixture (SDM) by using the bacterial

strain Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1. Furthermore, not only the

effects of various physico-chemical parameters (temperature,

pH and SDM concentrations) on degradation capability were

studied but also the role of enzymes in decolorization of SDM

was determined. Various analytical techniques such as UV–

Vis spectroscopy, high performance liquid chromatography

(HPLC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

were used to confirm the degradation of dyes present in SDM.

Additionally chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological

oxygen demand (BOD) and toxic nature of SDM before and

after dye decolorization was determined.

Material and Methods

Chemicals and Textile Dyestuffs

All chemicals required were of analytical grade and

obtained from Sigma Aldrich. Solvents were purchased

from Hi-media Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India and

Sisco Research Laboratory (SRLs), India. The textile dyes

viz. Remazol Orange 3R, Scarlet RR, Brown 3REL,

Golden yellow HER, Remazol Red, Cotton Blue, Ama-

ranth and Orange 2RX were obtained from textile indus-

tries in Ichalkaranji, India.

Media Preparation and Maintenance of Microorganism

The strain Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 procured from

Department of Biochemistry, Shivaji University, Kolhapur

was chosen for the study because of its high efficiency in

dye decolorization. The pure culture was maintained on

nutrient agar slants at 4 �C. The decolorizing medium

consists of peptone 5 g, NaCl 5 g, yeast extract 1.5 g and

vegetable extract 1.5 g per liter of distilled water and has

pH 7.4 ± 0.2. Prior to addition of SDM the medium was

sterilized by autoclaving at 121 �C and 15 lb pressure for

20 min.

SDM Decolorization

The degradation ability of microorganism towards various

dyes was evaluated and dyes showing better decolorization

(Remazol Orange 3R, Scarlet RR, Brown 3REL, Golden

yellow HER, Remazol Red, Cotton Blue, Amaranth,

Orange 2RX) were selected for the preparation of SDM.

The stock dye mixture of 2,400 mg l-1 concentration was

prepared by adding 15 mg of each of these dyes in 50 ml

distilled water. The concentration of SDM in the nutrient

media was 80 mg l-1 during the study. Decolorization of

SDM was monitored using American Dye Manufacturing

Institute (ADMI) 3WL tristimulus method reported earlier

by Waghmode et al. [18]. Abiotic controls (with died cells

and without cells) were always included.

COD and BOD of SDM

The BOD and COD [19] was measured before and after

SDM degradation by using Hanna BOD meter and auto-

mated COD analyzer (Spectralab CT 15, India)


Effect of Various Physico-chemical Parameters

The 24 h grown culture broth of Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1

in the nutrient medium at 30 �C, under static condition was

used to study effect of physico-chemical parameters. The

SDM was added into culture broth and kept at static and

shaking (120 rpm) conditions. The decolorization activity

was recorded in both conditions. Effect of variable pH (4,

5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10) on the decolorization performance was

studied. The pH of media was adjusted with the help of

A. S. Chougule et al.


0.1 M NaOH and 0.1 N HCl by using pH meter (Thermo

scientific, Eutech instruments model-pHTestr20) prior to

addition of SDM. Similarly the effect of various tempera-

tures (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 �C) on the decolorization

performance was studied. Culture flasks were kept at

respective temperatures for 30 min before SDM addition to

attain the temperature and after SDM addition, incubation

was continued at respective temperatures. Effect of initial

SDM concentrations (26.6–133 mg l-1) on the decolor-

ization performance was studied.

Effect of Fed Batch Culture

A fixed concentration of SDM (80 mg l-1) was added into

the 24 h grown culture of Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1. After

decolorization, again fixed concentration of SDM was

added continuously into the decolorized broth (without

further addition of supplement) until the microorganism

loses its decolorization ability.

Enzyme Assays

The 24 h grown culture of Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 was

centrifuged at 6,786 g for 25 min at 4 �C. Supernatant was

used as the source of extracellular enzymes. The biomass

of microorganism was separately resuspended in 50 mM

potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and homogenized,

which results into cell rupture. It was sonicated (sonics-

vibracell ultrasonic processor, 7 strokes of 30 S each for

30 min interval based on 40 amplitude output) at 4 �C.

This sample was further centrifuged (4 �C, at 6786 g for

25 min) and used as a source of intracellular enzymes.

Similar procedure was used to quantify the enzyme activ-

ities after SDM decolorization. The extracellular (cell free

broth) and intracellular (cell extract) activities of dye

degrading enzymes such as laccase, veratryl alcohol oxi-

dase (VAO) [20] and tyrosinase [21] were assayed at room

temperature (25 ± 2 �C). Laccase activity was monitored

with o-tolidine (50 mM) in a 2.1 ml reaction mixture

containing 1.8 ml buffer (acetate buffer, 0.1 M and pH

4.8), 0.2 ml o-tolidine and 0.2 ml enzyme. For VAO assay,

the 2 ml reaction mixture contained 4 mM veratryl alcohol

in 0.05 M citrate phosphate buffer, pH 3 and 0.2 ml

enzyme to start the reaction. For tyrosinase assay the 3 ml

reaction mixture contained 50 mM of catechol and 2.1 mM

of ascorbic acid in 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH

6.5) equilibrated at 25 �C. The DA265 nm was monitored

until constant and then 0.1 ml of the supernatant from the

reaction mixture was added. The formation of o-benzo-

quinone and dehydro-ascorbic acid and decrease in optical

density was measured at 265 nm. One unit of tyrosinase

activity was equal to a DA265 nm of 0.001 per min at pH

6.5 at 25 �C in a 3 ml reaction mixture containing L-

catechol and L-ascorbic acid. The nicotinamide adenine

dinucleotide-2, 6-dichlorophenol-indophenol (NADH–

DCIP) reductase activity was assayed by modifying earlier

reported method [22]. DCIP reduction was monitored at

590 nm and calculated using an extinction coefficient of

0.019 lM-1 cm-1. The reaction mixture (5 ml) prepared

contained 25 lM substrate (DCIP) in 50 mM potassium

phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and 0.1 ml enzyme. From this,

2 ml reaction mixture was assayed at 590 nm by addition

of 250 lM NADH. All the enzyme assays were run in


SDM Biodegradation Analysis

SDM decolorization was monitored after 24 h by taking

UV–Vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-1800 Spectro-

photometer, Tokyo, Japan) wavelength scan (400–800 nm).

The metabolites formed after decolorization of SDM were

extracted with two different solvent systems which were

ethyl acetate: toluene and dichloromethane: acetonitrile at

1:1 proportion, dried, dissolved in HPLC grade methanol

and used for HPLC and FTIR analysis [18].

Toxicological Studies

The phytotoxicity study was carried out using Phaseolus

mungo, Sorghum vulgare and Triticum aestivum seeds at

room temperature by watering 5 ml of dye solution

(1,200 ppm) and its formed metabolites (1,200 ppm)

obtained after degradation. Control set was carried out

using distilled water (daily 5 ml watering) at the same

time. Germination (%) and length of shoot and root was

recorded after 7 days. Germination % was calculated by

following formula as:

Germination ð%Þ ¼ No: of seeds germinated

No: of seeds sowed� 100

The oxidative stress, with respect to antioxidant enzymes

and lipid peroxidation, was studied in the bulbs of A. cepa.

The bulbs were cleaned and exposed to water for the

development of the roots. These roots developed bulbs which

were then grouped into three sets as (a) control (distilled

water treatment), (b) treated with SDM and (c) treated with

metabolites obtained after SDM degradation [23]. The bulbs

in each case were exposed to the respective treatment for

72 h. Antioxidant enzymes namely catalase (CAT, E.C., superoxide dismutase (SOD, E.C. and

guaiacol peroxidase (GPX, E.C. were analyzed by

spectrophotometric measurements, using the procedure

reported earlier [24]. Lipid peroxidation was measured by

the method reported earlier [24], with slight modification.

Briefly, samples prepared from different target species as

described above were homogenized in 4 ml reaction mixture

Synthetic Dye Mixture Decolorization by Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1


containing 20 % (w/v) trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and 0.5 %

(w/v) thiobarbituric acid (TBA). The homogenate was

incubated at 95 �C for 30 min. The reaction was stopped

by placing the homogenate in ice. Afterwards homogenate

was centrifuged at 8,378 g for 15 min, followed by

measurement of absorbance of resulting supernatant at 532

and 600 nm. The nonspecific absorbance at 600 nm was

subtracted from the absorbance at 532 nm. The

concentration of malonyldialdehyde (MDA) was

calculated using an extinction coefficient (e = 155 mM-1

cm-1) and expressed in nmol g-1 FW.

Statistical Analysis

Data was analyzed by one-way analysis of variance

(ANOVA) and Turkey-Kramer Multiple Comparison Test.

Level of significance was studied at P value 0.5.

Results and Discussion

Decolorization of SDM

After screening various textile dyes, the SDM of eight

structurally different dyes as Remazol Orange 3R, Scarlet

RR, Brown 3REL, Golden Yellow HER, Remazol Red,

Cotton Blue, Amaranth, Orange 2RX was prepared and

taken for further study. The decolorization of dye mixture

was determined in terms of the ADMI value [25]. The

ADMI value provides an accurate measurement of water

color, independent of hue thus used in effluent and dye

mixture decolorization study [26]. There was no significant

decolorization of SDM in abiotic control (without cells). It

was also notable that there was no adsorption of dyes on

heat killed cells which indicates that only bacterial action

was responsible for the decolorization of SDM.

Effect of physico-chemical parameters (static; shaking

condition, pH, temperature and initial SDM

concentration) on decolorization

Bacterium showed 84 and 8.90 % ADMI removal at static

and shaking (120 rpm) conditions respectively after 24 h of

incubation which suggests that under the static condition

Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 shows enhanced decolorization of

SDM than in shaking condition. Similar results were

observed in early reported studies with bacterial strains such

as P. desmolyticum and S. marcescens which show better

decolorization of dye under static condition than the shak-

ing condition [27, 28]. In the presence of shaking condition

only oxidative enzymatic system is present, however under

the static anoxic condition synchronized action of oxidative

as well as reductive enzymatic systems work for efficient

decolorization of dyes [29]. The maximum decolorization

was observed at the pH 7.0 (Fig. 1), however slight acidic

and basic shift of pH affected the percent ADMI removal

capacity of the bacterium steeply. However, maximum

94.3 % ADMI removal was recorded at temperature 30 �C

(Fig. 2). Maximum potential of Pseudomonas sp. to

decolorize Malachite green, Fast green, Brilliant green,

Congo red and Methylene blue [30] and Red BLI [31] was

noticed at 30 �C. Higher ADMI removal is achieved using

Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 than previous reports on SDM

[18]. Optimum pH, temperature for decolorization is 7 and

30 �C respectively which are easy to maintain at static

condition for large scale treatment.

Different concentrations of the mixture were treated by

Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 to prove its degradation potential.

With increasing initial SDM concentrations as 26.6, 53.2,

80 and 106 mg l-1 time required was observed to be

increased respectively (Fig. 3). Increasing concentrations

of SDM repressed the % ADMI removal and also

decreased the decolorization rate. The % ADMI removal







0 2 4 6 8 10

% A






Fig. 1 Effect of pH on decolorization of synthetic dye mixture







0 20 40 60

% A





Temperature (°C)

Fig. 2 Effect of temperature on decolorization of synthetic dye


A. S. Chougule et al.


was strongly inhibited at 133 mg l-1 dye in the medium.

The increased dye concentrations might be inhibitory to the

bacterial enzyme system as it was observed in previous

study [20]. Reduction of color removal capacity of bacteria

due to increasing dye concentrations has been reported

earlier [32, 33].

Effect of Fed Batch Process

Consecutive 4 cycles of dye decolorization were studied by

the repeated additions of SDM (80 mg l-1) in the medium.

It showed the effective dye decolorization during these

cycles. The time required for the decolorization was

increased steadily. The decolorization occurred for first

cycle within 24 h and after that the subsequent cycles

required 30, 34 and 44 h respectively (Fig. 4). Similar

observations have been recorded previously for decolor-

ization of reactive dyes [34, 35]. It might be due to

decreased number of viable cells and exhaustion of nutri-

ents, in the medium. Thus, Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 shows

the ability to decolorize repeated addition of SDM. It can

decolorize different types of dyes at the same time and at

several times, which is noteworthy for its commercial


BOD and COD Reduction

Generally textile wastewater has higher BOD and COD

values because of complex and recalcitrant nature of dyes

present in it. Efficient treatment of textile wastewater is

essential to decrease the BOD and COD values [36]. Ini-

tially recorded BOD of SDM containing microbial broth

was 700 mg l-1, which was reduced considerably to

500 mg l-1. Observed COD reduction of 25 % showed

partial mineralization of SDM. Considerable amount of

reduction in BOD and COD was recorded after 24 h of

microbial treatment.

Enzymatic Analysis

Enzymatic studies (Table 1) indicated the differences

between the enzyme activities present in the control and in

sample obtained after decolorization. Intracellular activi-

ties of laccase, NADH–DCIP reductase, VAO and tyrosi-

nase were present in the control cells. A significant

increase in the activities of NADH–DCIP reductase,

tyrosinase and laccase were observed in the cells obtained

after decolorization. In extracellular samples activities of

laccase, NADH–DCIP reductase and VAO were found to

be induced. It can be presumed that the major mechanism

of decolorization in the cells is mostly because of the

biotransformation enzymes viz. laccase, VAO, NADH–

DCIP reductase and tyrosinase. The relative contributions

of different biotransformation enzymes in decolorization of

dyes may be different for different microorganisms [37].

The induction of NADH–DCIP reductase, laccase, VAO

and tyrosinase enzymes showed their predominant role in

the decolorization process. This supports the earlier

observations of Kalme et al. [38]. The enzyme activity

without adding SDM after reaction was reduced which may

be due to limited availability of nutrients, cells entering in

death phase or enzyme turnover.

SDM Biodegradation Analyses

UV–Vis Spectral Analysis

UV–Vis analysis (400–800 nm) of supernatants obtained

after treatment of SDM with Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 for












0 5 10 15 20 25

% A





Time (hr)

Fig. 3 ADMI removal (%) of synthetic dye mixture at different initial

concentrations ( 26.6 mg l-1, 53.2 mg l-1, 80 mg l-1,

106 mg l-1, 133 mg l-1)













1 2 3 4

% A


I Rem



e (h



Fig. 4 Synthetic dye mixture decolorization in fed batch process (

h, % ADMI removal)

Synthetic Dye Mixture Decolorization by Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1


24 h showed the decolorization and decrease in dye con-

centration (Fig. 5). Initially due to the presence of dyes in

control SDM UV–Vis spectrum showed higher absorbance

at kmax 510 nm but after the microbial treatment absor-

bance was significantly decreased.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)


The HPLC analysis of the control SDM showed retention

time of 1.923, 2.117, 3.005, 2.883, 3.279 3.436 and

4.406 min (Fig. 6a), whereas metabolite sample obtained

after the biodegradation of dyes present in SDM (after

24 h) showed complete different profile. The retention time

of metabolites was found to be 2.466, 2.649, 3.251, 3.805

and 5.515 min which was different from the control sample

(Fig. 6b). Thus significant variations in the retention time

before and after microbial treatment was observed. This

confirmed the biodegradation of different dyes present in

the mixture into different metabolites.

FTIR Analysis

FTIR analysis was carried out to detect the presence of

various functional groups in SDM which are transformed

or removed after treatment by Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1

(Fig. 7). FTIR spectrum of the SDM showed the peaks at

3,232.80, 2964.69, 2887.53, 2349.38, 1666.55, 673.18,

1575.97 and 1408.08 cm-1 which suggest the presence

of free or bonded O–H stretching or N–H trans stretching,

–CH3 stretching, C–H stretching, NH3? stretching, C–S

stretching, C–S stretching, C–S stretching and S=O

stretching or C–OH deformation respectively. The FTIR

spectrum of metabolites obtained after degradation of the

SDM showed the peaks at 3261.74, 2949.26, 1442.80,

2351.30, 1680.05, 1535.39, 1267.27 and 690.54 cm-1

which suggest the presence of O–H stretching, –CH3

stretching, –CH3 stretching, NH?, C=C stretching, C=N

stretching, conjugated C–O–C stretching and C–S stretch-

ing. Metabolites obtained after decolorization of SDM by

Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 showed differential FTIR spec-

trum than control SDM suggests the biodegradation of

SDM. Similar analysis of biodegradation of dyes using

FTIR has been reported earlier [36].

Toxicity Study

Phytotoxicity Study of SDM and its Degradation Product

Despite the fact that untreated dyeing effluents may cause

the serious environmental and health hazards, they are

being disposed off in water bodies and this water is used

for the agriculture purpose. Thus, assessment of phyto-

toxicity of the SDM before and after degradation becomes

necessary. Phytotoxicity studies on the germination of

Table 1 Enzyme activities in control (0 h), decolorized state (after 24 h) and without SDM (24 h)

Enzyme Intracellular Extracellular


decolorization (0 h)

After decolorization

(24 h)

Without SDM

(24 h)


decolorization (0 h)

After decolorization

(24 h)

Without SDM

(24 h)

Laccasea 0.14 ± 0.02 5.09 ± 0.03** 0.05 ± 0.02 0.14 ± 0.08 0.24 ± 0.03* 0.04 ± 0.02

VAOa 1.16 ± 0.06 1.17 ± 0.03 0.29 ± 0.02 0.82 ± 0.08 1.21 ± 0.11* 0.31 ± 0.04

Tyrosinasea 245 ± 31.8 553 ± 20.5** 92.3 ± 12.2 503 ± 21.3 532 ± 21.3 108 ± 17.1

NADH–DCIP reductaseb 322 ± 2.56 452 ± 3.61*** 114 ± 1.63 210 ± 3.92 292 ± 6.09** 48.2 ± 2.03

a Units mg-1 protein min-1

b lg of DCIP reduced mg-1 protein min-1

Values are mean of three experiments (±) SD. Significantly different from control (before decolorization) at * P \ 0.05, ** P \ 0.01, ***

P \ 0.001 by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey–Kramer comparison test








400 500 600 700 800




Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 5 Visible range scan of synthetic dye mixture decolorization

(horizontal line after decolorization, dashed hyphen before


A. S. Chougule et al.


plant seeds Triticum aestivum (Wheat), Sorghum vulgare

(Jowar) and Phaseolus mungo (Green gram), which are

important plants in Indian agriculture, were studied. The

relative sensitivities towards the SDM and its degradation

products in relation to these plant seeds are presented in

Table 2. Phytotoxicity study with Sorghum vulgare, Triti-

cum aestivum and Phaseolus mungo seeds treated with

metabolites formed after SDM degradation showed 60, 70

and 80 % germination rate respectively which is (ca. 40 %)

higher than germination rate of respective seeds treated

with SDM. Significant growth in the plumule and radical

was recorded in all plant seeds treated with metabolites as

compared to the SDM treated seeds. This study indicates

that the toxicity of SDM was reduced after its treatment

with Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1.

Oxidative Stress Studies and Lipid Peroxidation Assay

Analysis of antioxidant enzyme activities (SOD, CAT and

GPX) and lipid peroxidation from the root cells of A. cepa

exposed to SDM and its degradation products was carried

out. Achary et al. [24] have studied the antioxidant

enzymes during the toxicity of Al in A. cepa root cells.

According to them up/down regulation of these enzymes

can be taken as indication of oxidative stress. In this study

SDM treated samples showed increase in CAT activity as

compared to CAT activity in water treated roots (control).

SDM might be leading to generate H2O2 radicals in high

amount and it can be efficiently scavenged by CAT. On the

other hand activities of SOD and GPX enzymes decreased

in the SDM treated samples as compared to control. This

might be because, SDM could not generate the substrate for

them. Also the H2O2 in the presence of catalytic iron ions

might have inactivated SOD [39]. In all the three cases

enzyme activity values of metabolite treated samples were

close to the control values indicating their less toxic nature

(Table 3).

Oxidative stress subsequently accompanies with lipid

peroxidation. It was observed that the level of lipid per-

oxidation was increased in SDM treated root sample and

the biodegraded metabolite treated sample which showed

almost similar level of LiP with respect to control which

defines reduction in the toxicity. Lipid peroxidation chain

reaction is a strong indicative of generation of oxidative

stress. Thus it can be concluded that textile dyes induce

oxidative stress on plants.

Fig. 6 HPLC elution profile of

the synthetic dye mixture before

(a) and after its decolorization


Synthetic Dye Mixture Decolorization by Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1


Fig. 7 FTIR spectra of

synthetic dye mixture (a) and

metabolites extracted after 24 h


Table 2 Phytotoxicity study of

synthetic dye mixture and its

degradation product

a Water treated sampleb 1,200 ppm

Values are mean of three

experiments, SEM (±),

significantly different from the

control (seeds germinated in

water) at * P \ 0.05, **

P \ 0.01 and *** P \ 0.001 by

one-way analysis of variance

(ANOVA) with Tukey–Kramer

comparison test

Plants Parameter

Germination Plumule (cm) Radical (cm)

Triticum aestivum

Controla 80 12.2 ± 1.62 6.01 ± 0.31

SDMb 30** 3.66 ± 0.32*** 3.53 ± 0.24*

Metaboliteb 70 9.03 ± 1.64 5.43 ± 0.73

Sorghum vulgare

Controla 80 5.93 ± 0.32 5.33 ± 0.61

SDMb 30** 3 ± 0.89** 1.66 ± 0.21**

Metaboliteb 60 4.33 ± 0.43 4.28 ± 0.54

Phaseolus mungo

Controla 100 11.5 ± 0.81 3.86 ± 0.21

SDMb 30*** 7.76 ± 0.76** 1.86 ± 0.11*

Metaboliteb 80 9.91 ± 1.15 2.95 ± 0.43

A. S. Chougule et al.



In conclusion, Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 possesses high

decolorization efficiency, reusability and stability for

SDM. The maximum 94.3 % ADMI removal obtained after

24 h at pH 7 and temperature 30 �C under static condition

which is easy to obtain for large scale treatment of textile

waste. The observed COD reduction was 25 % and

reduction in BOD was recorded more than 28 % within

24 h. The decolorization and degradation of SDM by

Pseudomonas sp. SUK 1 might be because of activity of

laccase, VAO, NADH–DCIP reductase and tyrosinase. The

analytical study confirms biodegradation into different

products. The phytotoxicity and oxidative stress study

suggests that these products are less toxic in nature and

toxicity of SDM is drastically reduced. Thus the bacterium

is suitable for industrial application and further study can

be focused on designing a bioreactor and immobilization of

these cells which will scale up the process and reduce the

disruption of cells.

Acknowledgments First author would like to thank Department of

Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Uni-

versity, Navi Mumbai and Department of Biotechnology, Shivaji

University, Kolhapur for providing research facilities.

Conflict of interest Authors declare that they have no conflict of



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