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Microarchitecture of the liver: A Jigsaw puzzle

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International Hepatology

Microarchitecture of the liver: A Jigsaw puzzle

Marcos Rojkinda,⇑, George Philipsb, Anna Mae Diehlb

aDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC, United States; bDivision ofGatroenterology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States

COMMENTARY ON: Multiple studies have been performed to understand the molec-

Prediction and validation of cell alignment along microvesselsas order principle to restore tissue architecture in liver regener-ation. Hoehme S, Brulport M, Bauer A, Bedawy E, Schormann W,Hermes M, Puppe V, Gebhardt R, Zellmer S, Schwarz M, BockampE, Timmel T, Hengstler JG, Drasdo D. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2010Jun 8;107(23):10371–10376. Copyright (2010) by the NationalAcademy of Sciences; USA. Abstract reprinted with permissionfrom the National Academy of Sciences.


Abstract: Only little is known about how cells coordinatelybehave to establish functional tissue structure and restore microar-chitecture during regeneration. Research in this field is hamperedby a lack of techniques that allow quantification of tissue architec-ture and its development. To bridge this gap, we have established aprocedure based on confocal laser scans, image processing, andthree-dimensional tissue reconstruction, as well as quantitativemathematical modeling. As a proof of principle, we reconstructedand modeled liver regeneration in mice after damage by CCl(4), aprototypical inducer of pericentral liver damage. We have chosenthe regenerating liver as an example because of the tight linkbetween liver architecture and function: the complex microarchitec-ture formed by hepatocytes and microvessels, i.e. sinusoids, ensuresoptimal exchange of metabolites between blood and hepatocytes.Our model captures all hepatocytes and sinusoids of a liver lobuleduring a 16 day regeneration process. The model unambiguouslypredicted a so-far unrecognized mechanism as essential for liverregeneration, whereby daughter hepatocytes align along the orienta-tion of the closest sinusoid, a process which we named ‘‘hepatocyte-sinusoid alignment” (HSA). The simulated tissue architecture wasonly in agreement with the experimentally obtained data whenHSA was included into the model and, moreover, no other likelymechanism could replace it. In order to experimentally validate themodel of prediction of HSA, we analyzed the three-dimensional ori-entation of daughter hepatocytes in relation to the sinusoids. Theresults of this analysis clearly confirmed the model prediction. Webelieve our procedure is widely applicable in the systems biology oftissues.

� 2010 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Publishedby Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Journal of Hepatology 20

Received 27 August 2010; accepted 1 September 2010⇑ Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Rojkind).

[1]. However, little is known regarding the changes in the three-

ular mechanisms involved in the regulation of liver regeneration

dimensional organization of the liver’s microarchitecture occur-ring during this process. These changes may be critical in deter-mining whether a certain type of injury will result in liverregeneration or scar formation. In the excellent manuscript byHoehme et al. [2] the authors used immunostaining, fluorescentreporter mice, confocal microscopy, and computer/mathematicalmodeling to develop a model that predicts how hepatic microar-chitecture is re-established after acute CCl4-induced liver dam-age. The results support a process that includes transient loss ofpolarity and increased migration by recently replicated hepato-cytes which allow the daughter hepatocytes to quickly alignalong the closest hepatic sinusoids. The authors term this processhepatocyte sinusoidal alignment (HSA) and conclude thatrecovery of normal hepatic microarchitecture (i.e., regeneration)is not achieved unless an HSA occurs. These results stress the factthat cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions are critical for the com-pletion of liver regeneration. The nature and quantity of theextracellular matrix (EM) in the space of Disse results from thecontribution of several cell types. Accordingly, if the correctcell–cell interactions are formed and the proper geometry isestablished (cell polarization), the correct EM will be produced,and therefore, normal regeneration should occur [3]. If an HSAdoes not take place, the establishment of the wrong cell–cell orcell–EM interactions could lead to an abnormal depositionof EM (i.e. liver fibrosis). Furthermore changes in themicroarchitecture could determine whether fibrosis is reversibleor not.

Although this study was not designed to characterize themechanisms that initiate or terminate HSA, the authors speculatethat the process is guided by factors released by dead hepatocytesand sinusoidal cells that survive in the necrotic area. A few poten-tial mediators are suggested, namely hepatocyte growth factor(HGF), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa), and interleukin 6(IL6), because these factors have been shown to promote liverregeneration and are produced by sinusoidal cells [4,5]. However,there are other factors that could play a role in organizing themicroarchitecture of the liver. These include among others, theinduction of endothelial cell proliferation by VEGF or NO [6,7],the production of Wingless (Wnt) and hedgehog (Hh) ligandsby hepatocytes and liver sinusoidal cells [8], and the secretionof TGF-b, a negative regulator of hepatocyte proliferation [1]. Inaddition, EM produced could play a key role in harboring growthfactors (i.e. HGF) needed for liver regeneration [9].

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International Hepatology

Despite the significant progress made, additional questions

need to be addressed:

1. Is the HSA occurring after acute injury with CCl4 also occurringafter partial hepatectomy? Lobular architecture in the rem-nant liver lobes is not grossly altered acutely after PH, butmust ultimately adapt to accommodate the mass of new hepa-tocytes that are regenerated. Little is known about the mech-anisms that orchestrate this process.

2. What is the role of VEGF in sustaining sinusoidal endothelialcells? Shergill et al. [6] showed that in a mouse model of liverregeneration post-hepatectomy, inhibition of VEGF and NO-dependent angiogenesis did not impair liver regeneration.However, in a model of regeneration post-acetaminophen tox-icity, Donahower et al. [7] showed that the administration ofrecombinant VEGF reduced necrosis and enhanced hepatocyteregeneration. Thus, although there may be redundant path-ways to stimulate vascular proliferation, this appears to be akey event in liver regeneration.

3. What is the role of epithelial/mesenchymal (EMT) transitionsin liver regeneration? When the cells detach and proliferate,are they undergoing EMT [10] or do they simply round up,detach from the EM, divide, and reattach to the EM by modi-fying the expression of cell surface receptors (i.e. fibronectin,integrins)?

4. Hoehme et al. [2] did not establish which sinusoidal cells arein direct contact with the hepatocytes. In healthy livers, HSCresiding in the space of Disse are interposed between hepato-cytes and SEC. Additional research is needed to determine howHSC respond to regenerative stimuli. Do they proliferate and/or migrate along with the hepatocytes during the process ofHSA?

5. Is there a functional unit of liver that contains a specificnumber (ratios) of hepatocytes and liver sinusoidal cells?If there is one, what are these ratios? When we induceliver injury do we destroy functional units or individualhepatocytes? Understanding microarchitecture of the livercould help define pathways involved in determiningwhether regeneration or scar formation will beinduced.

6. Finally, it will be important to determine whether the produc-tion of HGF, IL-6, TNF-a, Hh ligands, and other factors areresponsible for HAS or whether the formation of HAS stimu-lates the production of the correct mediators that will induceliver regeneration [11].

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Overall, the excellent paper by Hoehme et al. [2] opens newavenues that could help us in answering some of the questionsraised.

Conflict of interest

The authors who have taken part in this study declared that theydo not have anything to disclose regarding funding or conflict ofinterest with respect to this manuscript.


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[2] Hoehme S, Brulport M, Bauer A, Bedawy E, Schormann W, Hermes M, et al.Prediction and validation of cell alignment along microvessels as orderprinciple to restore tissue architecture in liver regeneration. Proc Natl AcadSci USA 2010;107:10371–10376.

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