I’m almost ready, are you? For the retreat that is! I’ve been working on several things for the retreat this past month, and I think I’m about to wrap most of my pro- jects up. I am looking forward to a great time of fellowship with my sisters in Christ. Please be praying for our re- treat speakers and everyone who attends and takes part. We need this time of refresh- ing. Some portions of the newslet- ter have been eliminated this time because the Missionaries all provided articles for the retreat folder. Debbie, Becky and Kristi have all had major things going on in their lives and ministries and I just didn’t have the heart to ask them for another article right now. We will get back on track for the November/December edition. I have, however, included an article that I hope you will find interesting. It is written by the mother of one of the boys that went to Bethany Christian School with my son. Joshua and my son Chad, graduated together. I got to know Joshua pretty well over the years, and even better when I chaperoned their 10 day Senior trip. Josh was allergic to peanuts and was always careful. But a tragic thing happened to Josh when he was in college. . he died from an allergic reaction after eating the same type cookies he had been eating for a very long time. I think this is something we need to be concerned about when serving treats to kids at church. We should make sure President’s Corner! Michigan State Women Active for Christ Michigan State WAC Executive Board: Officers: President: Sherry McBroom Vice President: Katy Taylor Sec’y/Treas: Angela McGinnis Ass’t Sec’y/Treas: Pauline Penix Field Worker: Rosemary Fairchild Ass’t Field Worker: Mary Jo Houck Members at Large: Fellowship District Donna Riley Liberty District Joyce Kincaid West MI District Geraldine Muncy Wolverine District Susan Newton NEWSLETTER September/October 2013 Michigan State WAC Inside this issue: President’s Corner 1 2013 Retreat 1 WNAC Update 2 Joshua’s Story 3 2014 Nominations 3 Joshua’s Story Cont. 4 Cookbook Update 4 Mission Banquet 4 Special Note 4 the 2015 National Convention. The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM. Since we are not sure what the weather will be like during the retreat week-end, you may want to bring a sweater to wear dur- ing our sessions. I know that it is almost impossible to have the room temperature set perfectly, especially where women are involved. Some of us are al- ways cold, and the rest of us are always hot. So, it may be necessary to go on the cool side for those who are taking an active part. Don’t forget if you want to go along with our theme to don your animal print! I’m sure there will be plenty of it as we look over the crowd! Editor: Sherry McBroom North Warren FWB [email protected] Who’s King of the Jungle? - 2013 Retreat we know if there are any aller- gies we should be aware of. It is obvious you cannot be too care- ful! Josh was very careful as you will find from his story. But just because a label is printed, doesn’t mean what’s in the package is safe. For someone with a food allergy, it could be a matter of life or death. Let’s try to bring an awareness of this. One of our MI WAC sis- ters has already mentioned that they have a little boy attending their church who has a peanut allergy and how difficult it is to find treats that are safe for him to eat. Thinking of you and praying for you all, Sherry “It’s a jungle out there” and we all need a break! I’m sorry not all of you will be able to attend the retreat this year. You will definitely be missed. For those of you checking in on Thursday, the 26th, remember that check in time is 4:00 PM. You will be able to register in room 2230 from 7:00 PM— 8:45 PM. At 9:00 PM there will be a prayer room and we will confirm the location when you check in. Friday morning registration begins at 9:00 AM in the Depot Foyer. You will then have time to peruse the Used Book Table! Remember all of our book pro- ceeds go toward our state pro- ject for the WNAC luncheon at Angela McGinnis is the MIWAC contact with Hotel Manage- ment, so please, if there are any issues with your room, etc., please make sure Angela knows about it. This helps ensure we do not have the same issues in the future. We ask you to pray for the safe- ty of those traveling to Perrys- burg. As mentioned earlier, pray for everyone taking part. You don’t realize how much preparation goes on before we all gather and we appreciate so much the time that is sacrificed getting ready for the week-end. It is truly a labor of love! God bless you all and see many of you soon.

Michigan State Women Active for Christ W… · September/October 2013 Michigan State WAC Inside this issue: President’s Corner 1 2013 Retreat 1 WNAC Update 2 Joshua’s Story 3

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Page 1: Michigan State Women Active for Christ W… · September/October 2013 Michigan State WAC Inside this issue: President’s Corner 1 2013 Retreat 1 WNAC Update 2 Joshua’s Story 3

I ’ m a l m o s t ready, are you? For the retreat that is! I’ve been working on several things for the retreat

this past month, and I think I’m about to wrap most of my pro-jects up. I am looking forward to a great time of fellowship with my sisters in Christ. Please be praying for our re-treat speakers and everyone who attends and takes part. We need this time of refresh-ing. Some portions of the newslet-ter have been eliminated this time because the Missionaries all provided articles for the retreat folder. Debbie, Becky and Kristi have all had major things going on in their lives and ministries and I just didn’t have the heart to ask them for

another article right now. We will get back on track for the November/December edition. I have, however, included an article that I hope you will find interesting. It is written by the mother of one of the boys that went to Bethany Christian School with my son. Joshua and my son Chad, graduated together. I got to know Joshua pretty well over the years, and even better when I chaperoned their 10 day Senior trip. Josh was allergic to peanuts and was always careful. But a tragic thing happened to Josh when he was in college. . he died from an allergic reaction after eating the same type cookies he had been eating for a very long time. I think this is something we need to be concerned about when serving treats to kids at church. We should make sure

President’s Corner!

Michigan State Women Active for Christ

Michigan State WAC Executive Board:

Officers: President:

Sherry McBroom Vice President:

Katy Taylor Sec’y/Treas:

Angela McGinnis Ass’t Sec’y/Treas:

Pauline Penix Field Worker:

Rosemary Fairchild Ass’t Field Worker:

Mary Jo Houck Members at Large: Fellowship District

Donna Riley Liberty District Joyce Kincaid

West MI District Geraldine Muncy Wolverine District

Susan Newton

NEWSLETTER September/October 2013 Michigan State WAC

Inside this issue:

President’s Corner 1

2013 Retreat 1

WNAC Update 2

Joshua’s Story 3

2014 Nominations 3

Joshua’s Story Cont. 4

Cookbook Update 4

Mission Banquet 4

Special Note 4

the 2015 National Convention. The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM.

Since we are not sure what the weather will be like during the retreat week-end, you may want to bring a sweater to wear dur-ing our sessions. I know that it is almost impossible to have the room temperature set perfectly, especially where women are involved. Some of us are al-ways cold, and the rest of us are always hot. So, it may be necessary to go on the cool side for those who are taking an active part.

Don’t forget if you want to go along with our theme to don your animal print! I’m sure there will be plenty of it as we look over the crowd!


Sherry McBroom North Warren FWB [email protected]

Who’s King of the Jungle? - 2013 Retreat

we know if there are any aller-gies we should be aware of. It is obvious you cannot be too care-ful! Josh was very careful as you will find from his story. But just because a label is printed, doesn’t mean what’s in the package is safe. For someone with a food allergy, it could be a matter of life or death. Let’s try to bring an awareness of this. One of our MI WAC sis-ters has already mentioned that they have a little boy attending their church who has a peanut allergy and how difficult it is to find treats that are safe for him to eat. Thinking of you and praying for you all, Sherry

“It’s a jungle out there” and we all need a break! I’m sorry not all of you will be able to attend the retreat this year. You will definitely be missed.

For those of you checking in on Thursday, the 26th, remember that check in time is 4:00 PM. You will be able to register in room 2230 from 7:00 PM—8:45 PM. At 9:00 PM there will be a prayer room and we will confirm the location when you check in.

Friday morning registration begins at 9:00 AM in the Depot Foyer. You will then have time to peruse the Used Book Table! Remember all of our book pro-ceeds go toward our state pro-ject for the WNAC luncheon at

Angela McGinnis is the MIWAC contact with Hotel Manage-ment, so please, if there are any issues with your room, etc., please make sure Angela knows about it. This helps ensure we do not have the same issues in the future.

We ask you to pray for the safe-ty of those traveling to Perrys-burg. As mentioned earlier, pray for everyone taking part. You don’t realize how much preparation goes on before we all gather and we appreciate so much the time that is sacrificed getting ready for the week-end. It is truly a labor of love!

God bless you all and see many of you soon.

Page 2: Michigan State Women Active for Christ W… · September/October 2013 Michigan State WAC Inside this issue: President’s Corner 1 2013 Retreat 1 WNAC Update 2 Joshua’s Story 3

Page 2 Michigan State WAC

WNAC P.O. Box 5002 Antioch, TN 37011-5002 www.wnac.org

We appreciate

WNAC for all

they do for

FWB women

and missions.

Thank you!

MI WAC Newsletter Now on State Association website: www.mifwb.com Look for the news-letter tab, then click on categories and find the WAC tab.

Women Nationally Active for Christ

It’s All About Grace

Steward Provision Closet Update

July 2013


(Items currently requested)

Gift cards: WalMart, Target, restaurant cards (national chains— both fast

food and sit-down eateries), Starbucks, iTunes, Best Buy, Lowe’s, etc.

In the Mail; On the Web The fall issue of Treasure is in the mail. However, to ensure that everyone has access to the Sep-tember study it’s also on the web in our September resources sec-tion. You can download it.

Also note: There are wonderful pic-

tures of the convention on the WNAC

website. Click on the link and it takes

you to the WNAC Facebook page.

You do not have to be on Facebook to

see the pictures.

Page 3: Michigan State Women Active for Christ W… · September/October 2013 Michigan State WAC Inside this issue: President’s Corner 1 2013 Retreat 1 WNAC Update 2 Joshua’s Story 3

Page 3 Michigan State WAC 2014 Nominations We will be electing officers at the State Meeting in April, 2014. The nominat-ing committee invites you to submit any names you may have for MI WAC officers. The Nominating com-mittee is as follows: Chris Kuhn, Chair Stefanie Shope Wendy Lehmbeck Please be praying about our Officer elec-tion, that God would have His way in the placement of leaders for our state.

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:19 & 20

Continued on page 4

Page 4: Michigan State Women Active for Christ W… · September/October 2013 Michigan State WAC Inside this issue: President’s Corner 1 2013 Retreat 1 WNAC Update 2 Joshua’s Story 3

Joshua’s Story continued

Page 4 Michigan State WAC Cookbook Update! The cookbook went to production in Au-gust. We had far more recipes than we anticipated so it took much longer to get them all input. Please pray with us that the cookbooks are received in time to be taken to the retreat. If they do not make it, we will get them delivered to the churches. We ordered 500 c o o k b o o k s a n d should make about $4,500 toward our state project! Praise the Lord! Thank you all for your participation!

Note: There will be a special retreat edi-tion of the newslet-ter sent out in Octo-ber! Stay tuned!

Fellowship District WAC

All Ladies Invited Mission Banquet

Saturday November 2, 2013 Trinity FWB Church

Ypsilanti, MI 6:30 PM $15.00

All proceeds to Michigan

Missionaries. RSVP by October 17

to Jill Daniels

734-654-3967 jdaniels3967@ charter.net