UNCLASSIFIED ADS. Mi ll IIS AUTOMOBILE TOPICS rn at a nnpTiPPFMPFQ DES WW! 1 i V7 ! I) The Tire Man car always ready for tire rouble on the road. Fisk and Hood H Tires and Tubes. All orders prompt-- tt ly filled. . .: 7 Mr. Joseph Caldwell and Mr.Mc-Kenzi- e of the city .water and light de- partment, will be treated to coca-col- a in bottles, if they will call at the store of Mr. Reese Hunnicut and show this little advertisement. The Ocala Coca-Co- la Bottling Works. 24 N. MAGNOLIA STREET Phones 438 76 Ocala, WHITE'STAR LINE TO AMSFEM 1 Teams for Rent Light and.EcavyHaalingMoving, Packkg Fla. Fire WO(DE Lithia Phone... 288 ) Bust and Shoulders yoa will wear a scientifically constructed Brassiere. ." weight of an unconfined bust so stretches tlie I- J muscles tnat the contour of the figure is spoiled. i.l put the bnst back where it be- - II - Innsrs. nrpvfnt th full httist frrm i 4 A OO'a. n?ng the appearance of flab- - 4 jo - LEKi oiness, ejimuiaie tne aanrer or gj arairgms musciesana connne tne flesh of the shoulder giving a to the entire upper body. daintiest and most serviceable garments imagi- nable all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Bandeau, etc. Boned with "HValohn, the permitting washing without removal. show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, If gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. J. Motor Cars BEAVER r Wall Board Collier Bros. Beautiful are possible if Bien Jolie The dragin? supporting B WM (be-a- m " UlUivJJiCitcg graceful line They are the come in Front, Surplice, rustless boning Have your dealer ed, we will BENJAMIN & ttti'iith'i 'iawiyiiitu f an. Vt'. MOtC 4 ft 4e Broadway and Fourteenth Street ra II i ii i J The Hotel for Florida People Burbrldge Fire Proof JACKSONVILLE, FLA. 50 Per Day K. of P." meet tonight. Elks meet tomorrow evening. Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night. Council meets tomorrow evening. Woodmen meet Friday evening. Pythian Sisters meet tomorrow aft- ernoon, r Fresh fall garden seed now in. The Ocala Seed Store. ' 8-1- -tf t Mr. C. A. Tremere of Belle view was in town today. ' Joe Richardson, a convict working on the county gang near Lowell, es- caped yesterday morning. He has not been seen since. i . MAXWELL Touring Cars (60-inc- h TREAD) now in stock at Ocala ready for delivery. R. R. Carroll. ... Mr. Harry Alexander, of the Star force, returned this morning from a week-en- d visit to Jacksonville and Pablo Beach." A cottage with all modern conveniences, including gas for cook ing, for rent. Inquire of Mrs. O. T. Green, COS Oklawaha avenue. 8-7- -tf MAXWELL Touring Cars (60-inc- h TREAD) now in stock at Ocala ready for delivery. R. R. Carroll. Mr. Ed. Carmichael confidently ex pects to have the dance pavilion at the SDrincrs finished in two weeks, and will give a grand opening ball. A new shipment of Crane's station ery just in all styles. The Court Pharmacy. tf The North Ocala Teacher's associa- tion meets Wednesday afternoon at "3 o'clock in the Union church. Refresh ments will be served. There will be a children's hour at 3 o'clock at the 'home of Mrs, J. D. Small. We have a new perfume, Bouquet Dozira, r fine labth? extract, $2 per ounce. Gerig's. , tf A Star reporter had an unusual ex- perience going out to the Springs Sunday afternoon. He went in, a jit- ney, which had four passengers, and a mile the other side of Fort King church the jitney driver became very proud and let his car out, walking by several more stylish equipages like they were tied to posts. , - Mr. M. L. Reynolds has bought a new five-passeng- er Ford with ail the latest improvements. He can make that Ford travel, too. A ; Star re- porter rode in with him from the springs Sunday afternoon, and he raced a storm-int- town and beat it two hundred yards. Messrs. S. W. Petteway and Paul H. Nisle of Dunnellon were in the city today. Mr. Petteway says he favors bonding the county for roads, but wants a different plan for those so far submitted.- - VEGETABLES, MILK AND EGGS from our own farm daily. Open night and day. Merchant's Cafe. tf Bouquet Dozira perfume, $2 per ounce, a Gerig's. We carry a full line of Newport bathing shoes. Gerig's tf v ' "... It was said at the hospital this aft- ernoon that Mr. Olin was getting along very well. At their meeting tomorrow; night, the Elks will elect a successor for their exalted ruler, Mr. R. S. Rogers, who has resigned in consequence of his contemplated departure for Chi cago. Not only the Elks but all Ocala and surrounding country will miss Mr. Rogers. He has been an useful as well as a popular citizen. ' There were heavy rains in Ocala and Belleview, Saturday and Sunday, but a telephone message from Capt. John L. Carney at Lake Weir said that they were having only, a light shower and that he was paying $15 a day to have his grove watered, there having been little or no rain pn it dur ing July. Some of the Oxford boys seem to have feathers on their legs.' Four, who had been enlisted by Sergeant Blalock at the picnic Saturday, came up in a car that evening, and, on be ing told an affectionate goodbye by the driver, became so homesick that they turned around - went straight home. ,R. W. Wakeland, the young engi neer who has been in charge of the work on the new light and water plant for the contractor, will leave the end of this week for "his home in the north.. His place will be taken by another engineer. The Star learns with regret of the the death yesterday of the little three year old daughter of Mrs. Frank Roux of Martel. The funeral took place this morning at that place. Judge- - Smith today issued a mar riage license to Mr. King Will Waters Fillyan, of Miami, and Miss Alwindcr Sultan, of North; Marion county. LIST OF MAGAZINES ' AT THE LIBRARY . Following, is a list of magazines to be read at the library when it is open Scientific American, Collier's. Sat- urday Evening Post, Country Gentle man, Literary Digest, Review of Re views; Popular Mechanics, The Out look, Scribner's, Harper's, Century Bookman, St. Nicholas, Little .Folks, Ame'rican,7irouths Companion, Ameri can Boy, Woman's Home Companion, Delineator, Ladies World, Ladies Home Journal, Pictorial Review, Mod ern Priscilla, The Musician, Garden Magazine, McClure's, Everybody's, National Geographical Magazine, Cur rent Opinion, Physical Culture, Good Housekeeping. SEABOARD LOCAL SCHEDULE ? Southbound jno. y leaves Jacksonville i:3b p. m.; Ocala 4:30 p. m.;, arrives Tampa 7:50 p. m. ' xmo. i jueaves Jacksonville :au p. m.; Ocala, 1:45 a. m.; arrives St. Pe tersburg 10 a. m. ino. 3 leaves Jacksonville :lo a. m.; Ocala 12:40 p. m.; arrives St. Pe tersburg 8:05 p. m. - Northbound , No. 10 Leaves Tampa 1 p. - m, Ocala 4:12 p. m.;" arrives Jacksonville 7:15 p. m. , No. 2 Leaves St. Petersburg 4:30 p. m.; Ocala 2:30 a. m.; arrives Jack sonville 6:45 a; m. No. 4 Leaves Tampa 9 a.'m.; Ocala 1 p. m.; arives Jacksonville 5:25 p. m Elks meet Tuesday evening. Every Room With Private Bath WANTED, LOST,- - FOUND, FOR SALE, FOR RENT AND SIM- ILAR LOCAL NEEDS TICKET FOR SALE Ticket to Chat- tanooga, Tenn, for. sale. Call 908 S. Main street. Ticket limited to Au- gust 11th. It FOR SALE Stove wood, seasoned pine and cypress, a large load for a dollar. Phone 223. Prompt delivery. Welch Lumber Co. 8-5- -tf LOST Cap from automobile gasoline tank. Return to Star office. .. 4-- 3t MAXWELL Touring Cars (60-inc- h TREAD) now in stock at Ocala ready for delivery. R. R. Carroll. LOST A black parasol with gold handle; "M. L. S." engraved on top of the Enob of handle. Return to Mrs. M. H. Stovall and receive suitable re- ward. 8-2- -6t - - FOR RENT A two-sto- ry house with all modern conveniences, in two blocks of the square. Apply to Dr. Walter Hood. 8-1- -tf FOR EXCHANGE-Wi- ll trade good and modernly improved St. Peters- burg property for improved farm land. State price and location. No agents. Address 1015 Seventh ave- nue, North, St. Petersburg, Fla. 3t WANTED Temple Theater first mortgage bonds at price to yield 5 per cent annually. Address P. O. Box 494, Ocala, Fla". -6t CALL PHONE 13 For prompt ser- vice and absolutely perfect work in J Cleaning and Pressing. ' A trial will convince you that Clayton knows how. Phone 13. -6t ' FOR RENT A well located cottage of five rooms, three'blocks from the square; all modern conveniences. Ap- ply to R. R. Carroll, Star office, tf ' OCALA FRATERNAL ORDERS UAR1UA-DUN- X MASOSfC LODGE Marion-Dun- n Lodge No. 19, F. 6 A. M., meets on the first and thirft Thursday evening ot each month at 8:00 o'clock, until further notice. - h. C. Webb, W. M. Jake Brown. Secretary. &d OuALA TEMPLE PYTHIAN SISTERS The Ocala Temple Lodge No. 28 Pythian Sisters, meets every Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at Castle Hall, west of courthouse., Visiting members are cordially invited to meet with us. Kate B. Howell. M. R, Lena Tompkins, it E. C OCALA LODGE NO. 2S5. B. P. O. E. Ocaia Lodge No. 286, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, meets the second and fourth Duesday even- ings in each month. : Visiting breth- ren always welcome. Club bo us opposite yostofSne; ast side. R. S. Rogers, E. R. E. J. Crook, Secretary. , 7 ; KNIUHTS OF I'TTHIAE Ocala Lodge No. 19. Convention! held every Mcxday at 7:30 p. m. at Castle Hall, over the James Carlisle drugstore. A cordial welcome to vis- iting brothers. G. A. Nash, C. C. Caas. K. Sage. K. of R, S. A ORDER OF EASTERN bTAB . meets at Yonge ' hall the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month at 730 o'clock. Mrs. Myrtie G. Kramer. W. M. mrs. iiiuan ounmoiaa, oec y. WOOD31K OF THE WORLD Fort Ktna Camp No. 14 ecbets at the JL. of r. nail at 7:30 p. m. every second nd fourth Friday, visltln sovereigns are always welcome. J. W. Lamar. C a Chap- - K. Sa?e. Clerk. ODD FELLOWS Tulula Lc;dge No. 22, I. O.' O. meets every Tuesday evening in the Odd Fellows' hall on the third floor of the Star office building at 8 o'clock promptly. A warm welcome always extended to visiting brothers. F. E. McClane, N. G. L. H. Pilians, Secretary, r CHAPTKB NO. 13, B. A. St. Regular ooii vocations of the Ocala Chapter No. 13, R. A. M., on the fourth Friday in every month at 8 p. m. A. E. Burnett, H. P. Jake Brown. iec'y. THE BEST LAXATIVE .. To keep the bowels regular the best axative is outdoor exercise. Drink a full glass of water half an hour be fore breakfast and eat an abundance of fruit and vegetables, also establish a regular habit and be sure that your bowels move once each day.- - When a medicine is needed take Chamber Iain's Tablets. They are pleasant to take and mild and gentle in effect. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. m W. F. BALLINGER Tin and Sheet Iron Roofing, Cornice, Spouting, Skylights, Tanks and General Repair Work 6 Sheet Iron and Copper Work Phone Yonge's Tin Shop 388 ' ' 210 S. Osceola St. Ocala, Fla. (Continued from Third Page) Mrs. Percy C. Stickney entertained most delightfully at bridge this week, at her home, 2748 St. Johns avenue, in honor of Miss Mary Burford of Ocala, the charming guest of .Mrs. James A. Livingston. There were three tables of players and after a number of interesting rubbers scores were added and the prizes, dainty quill pens, were awarded to Mrs. James A. Livingston, Mrs. Fred Mc-Cpnn- ell and Mrs. Robert A. Bakei. Miss Burford received one of these pens as a guest prize. Jacksonville Metropolis. . In honor of Miss Louise Booe of Ocala, who is visiting Miss Virginia Buck, at her home in Jacksonville, Miss Buck entertained at cards Fri- day afternoon. Following the award- ing of prizes, the tables were laid with lace covers, and a refreshment course was served. Miss Buck was assisted in entertaining and serving by he mother, Mrs. J. L. Beuck, and others. The affair was thoroughly informal, and was one of a number to be given in honor of Miss Booe during her visit. Times-Unio- n. V ' Mrs. Edward Blackshear, of Citra, who has been the guest of Mrs. Fred McConnell in Riverside, has gone to South Carolina. Jacksonville Metrop- olis ' "'" ' Mr. Arthur Dillard and family will arrive tonight from Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. Dillard has accepted a posi- tion with Mr. E. T. Helvenston. v Miss Thompson, postmistress at St. Catherine, is the guest of Misses Eleanor and Minnie Tremere at Belle view. : Mrs. B. M. Hunt has returned from a visit to Crystal River. Mr. and - Mrs. Sterling Hooper, Misses Claudia O'Neal, Helen and Ruth Hardee and Pearl Old and Mas ters O'Neal, have been enjoying ' i most pleasant houseparty in the Con verse cottage at-Nor- th Lake Weir. Some of the party have returned homo and the others will be here to ' morrow. t - ;. Mrs. Charles Mathews and daugh ter, Mrs. George Yancey, and little granddaughter, Mary Earle Yancey, were in town from Candler today. STANDING CUMMITTEES OF THE CITY COUNCIL Finance D. W. Tompkins, chair- man; G. A. Nash, W. A. Knight. v Cemetery J. T. Moore, chairman; D. E. Mclver, H. A. Weathers. Judiciary J. ML Meffert, chairman; J. J. Gerig, D. E. Mclver, Street D. E. Mclver, chairman; D. W. Tompkins, W. A. Knight. ; Fire J. J. Gerisr, chairman; J M. Meffert, G. AV Nash. ' Police W. A. Knight, chairman; G. A. Nash, II, M. Weathers. , Market H. M. Weathers, chair- man; J. M. Meffert, J. J. Gerig. Sanitary H. A. Fausett, chairman; D. W. Tompkins, J. T. Moore Light and Water G. A. Nash, chairman; D. W. Tompkins, J. 'JJL Mef- fert. ::-:- - Building II. M. Weathers, chair- man; H..A. Fausett, D. E. Mclver. JUST THE THING FOR DIARRHOEA "About two years ago I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted ovei a week," writes W. C. Jones, Burford, N. D. "I became so weak that I could not stand upright. A druggist recom mended'Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dose relieved me and within two days I was as well as ever." Many druggists rec ommend this remedy because they know that it is reliable. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. ; , - . SECOND nAND AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES FOR SALE CHEAP Large size Prest-o-Lit- e Tank. Two new hand Klaxon Horns. 36x4 Diamond and Goodyear Tires, straight side. . ' 5 "36x4 Tubes. Splitdorf Coil and Magneto. V Prest-o-Litj- e. Headlights, oval glass Shebler Carburetor. : Apply to R. R. CarrolL Star Office CURE FOR CHOLERA MORBUS "When our little boy, now seven years old, was a baby he was cured of cholera morbus. by Chamberlain's t-oli- Cholera and Diarrhoea iteme- - dy.'' writes Mrs. Sidney Simmons, Fair Haven. N. Y. "Since then other members of my family have used this valuable medicine for colic and bowel troubles with good satisfaction and I gladly endorse it as a remedy, of ex ceptional merit," Untamable every- where. . Adv. BUSINESS FOR SALE Electrical and plumbing establish ment.' Will sell at ; invoice prices. This is a good buy as there is going to be about $40,000 worth of plumb ing work installed in Ocala within .the next few years. H. W. Tucker, Ocala, " la. 19-- 4t LIVER TROUBLE x am uuuicieu mui utci uvuuic about twice a year," writes Joe Ding-ma- n, . Webster City, Iowa. "I had pains in my side and back and an aw- ful soreness in my stomach. I heard of Chamberlain's Tablets a.nd tried them. By the time I had used half a bottle of them I was feeling fine and had no signs of pain." Obtainable everywhere. Adv. . Items of interest to automobile dealers and -- owners will be printed in this column from time to time. An Aid to Real Estate Values Perhaps not enough has been said of the influence of the automobile in the development of .suburban and country real estate. Yet its, influence has been one of the most potent fac tors in opening to the former city dweller of moderate means the oppor tunity for clean living on his own land. Real estate development here- tofore has followed the railroad and the trolley, but with the advent of the popular-price- d car, the homeseeker can find that which he seeks in a wider radius, the cost pf his car being absorbed in the economies of a modest location. For, the back-to-the-coun- try movement owes much , to the automo- bile. : Likewise : f rom its further growth -- the automobile is destined lo be greatly the 'gainer. Exchange. ' Kerosene, for Motor Cars With dissatisfaction rampant among users of engines at the price and qual- ity of gasoline, with all eyes scanning the horizon for signs of an emanci- pating fuel, and with kerosene avail- able in greater quantities and at lower prices than gasoline, it seems strange that it should be left, for a professor to point out that it is perfectly possi- ble to utilize kerosene in place of gas oline and tnat at least tne rudiments of means for doing so already are in existence. It is difficult to under stand why, under the circumstances, full advantage has not been taken of all obtainable knowledge regardin kerosene vaporization, and apparatus applicable to existing motors made commercially available. Attention having been publicly called to t the matter, however, and detailed infor mation given, there appears to be no sound reason why the kerosene-bur- n ing engine should not shortly become an economic reality instead of a mere hope and subject for speculation. . ., r To Test the Magneto If all cylinders are not firing and you think that the magneto is at fault. try the folIowing simple test. Stop engine and remove the binder nuts from the spark plugs, leaving high tension cables in' position. Start the engine and while it is running, di connect one of the high tension cables from' spark plug, being careful not to touch the metal terminal, and hold the cable with the terminal close about one-eigh- th to three-sixteent- hs of an inch to any part of the engine; This will show the strength of the spark and each cable may be tested in turn If the magneto is not delivering good spark, examine the contact breaker. " The break - or gap between the platinum points, when open due to the cam action, should correspond to the thickness of the gauge furnish ed, which is approximately fifteen thousandths of an inch. If the break is wider or closer adjust accordingly The contact breaker, however, is ad justed correctly; before the magneto leaves the factory, and under ordinary conditions will require no further ad justment in one year's service. Mr. Robert Connor's summer schoo at the Ocala High School building opened with about twenty-fiv- e pupils this morning. Mr. John T. Lewis of Oklawaha was in town today, as cheerful as ever. He says he will be a candidate for sheriff in 1920. " ANOTHER TRIAL . FOR JOHN ASHLEY Courts Give a New Chance toJ:he Big gest Villain on the East Coast Miami, Aug. 7. John Ashley, who has been tried here three times for the murder of DeSoto Tiger, a Semi nole Indian, has been granted another trial by t"he supreme court, according to dispatches received from Talla hassee. Please don't forget that we carry the famous NORRIS candies, the best made. Fresh each week. The Court Pharmacy. tf A. C L. SCHEDULE Trains of the Atlantic Coast Line will arrive and depart in Ocala at the following times: No. 37, Jacksonville to St. Peters burg, 2:18-2:2- 5 a. m. No. 38, St. Petersburg to Jackson ville, 2:25 a. Vu No. 10, Leeoburg to Jacksonville. o:40 a. in. No,. J 51, Ocala to Wilcox, Monday Wedaesdaj nnd Friday, 6:10 a. m. No. 35, Ocala to Lakeland (Sunny jim), Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, 6:40 a. m. No. 141, Wilcox, Gainesville and Palatka to Ocala, 11:15 a. m. No. 40," St. Petersburg to Jackson 'ille, 12:54-1:1- 4 p. m. No. 48, Homosaesa to Ocala, 1:05 m. ... No. 49, Ocala to Eomosassa, 2:25 No. 33. Jacksonville to St. Peters urg, 2:36-2:4- 0 p. m. No. 140, Ocala to Palatka, Gaines mile and .Wilcox, 4:10 p. m. No. 9, Jacksonville to Leesburg, 9.05 p. m. No. 150, Wilcox to Ocala, Monday. Wednesday and Friday, 5:45 p. m. No. 32,, Lakeland to. Ocala (Sunny- - im), , IUesday, Thursday : and - Satur day, 9:60 p, in. New York City A Hean, Comfortable, Convenient and Homelike Hotel on both Amer- ican and European Plans. SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES CHURCHILL 66 FLO RI D I AM FINEST AND QUICKEST TRAIN OPERATED ENTIRELY THE STATE OF FLORIDA ALL THE YEAR EAIBOAISD; AIM LIME The Progressive Railway of the South" k . ......... .Jacksonville Ocala .. . .......... .Dade City . . Plant City . Tampa.. 1:35 p.m. Lv. 4:30 p.m. Ar. 6:21 p.m. Ar.. 7:06 p.myAr. 7:50 p.m. Ar. St. Petersburg . SOLID STEEL COACHES OBSERVATION Start your vacation by using this superb train. Summer toruist rates on sale daily; return limit October31st. If you're going away ASK US. JOHN BOISSEAU, C. P. & T. A., Phone 129, Ocala, Florida THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Copyright, . Union Square 1 I American Plan, $2 per Day and up. 4 European Plant, $1 per Day and up. & COnPAHY 99 WITHIN W XV .....Ar. 7:15 p.m. .....Lv. 4:10 p.m. .Lv. 2:24 p.m. ..Lv. 1 :40 p. m. Lv. 1:00 p.m. ; ....Lv. 10:15 a.m. BROILER DINING CARS PARLOR CARS G. Z. PHILLIPS, A. G. P. Jacksonville, Florida Boston and return...... $43.03 Providence and return . . 41.00 Blue Mountain and return 35.50 Atlantic City and return. 35.50 Asbury Park and return. 36.50 L C. Jordan J: Co. . Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers WILBUR V. C. SIVIITH Licensed Embalmer Phone 10 Ocala, Fla. MERCHANT & HERS TRAHSPORTATIOllV COMPAfiY Summer Tourist Fares From Jacksonville to New York and return... $35.00 1 Baltimore and return. . . 32.00 Philadelphia and return. .30.00 f Washington and return. . 34.00 : Savannah and return. : . 6.UU 7 ITS VERY OAT 1 ' yy ( net oooa -- Tujer4e.i- eiwt A VMS S 1 CENTS ft FoOiOP FEU UAK3 1 x n X V-- v cents, vie yiomt PEU-- v W 0 HR AKT MORE, ) Through tickets to all Eastern resorts, with return limit X)ctober 31, 1916, with privilege of stopovers at principal points. Sailings from Jacksonville, via Savannah to Baltimore Wednesday and Saturday. Tu Philadelphia July 2, 13 and 24, Aug. 3, 13, 24, at 4 p. m. Steamships Suwannee and Somerset have staterooms de luxe with baths, also shower rooms, hot and cold, fresh ;and salt. Running water in all rooms. Wireless telegraph on all ships. Accommodation . unsur- passed. Reservation, foare or any information cheerfulfy furnished on application. Ask for tour book. ' . Address Merchants & Miners w Trans. Co., Jacksonville, Fla. H. C. AVER Y, Agt. L. D. JONES, C. A. J. F. WARD, T. P. A. 7 V. P. TURNER, G. PA. Baltimore, Maryland L. ALEXANDER ' PRACTICAL CARPENTER AND BUILDER Careful Estimates made on all Cor tract work. Gives More and -- Better Work for the1 Money than Any Otbei Jontiactor in the dt. - r The Evening Star may always be found on r sale at Ceng's News Store. 17-1- T m ,

Mi IIS i The V7 · 2017-12-12 · Mi llIIS UNCLASSIFIED ADS. rn at a nnpTiPPFMPFQ AUTOMOBILE TOPICS DES WW! 1 i V7! I) The Tire Man car always ready for tire rouble on the road. Fisk

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Page 1: Mi IIS i The V7 · 2017-12-12 · Mi llIIS UNCLASSIFIED ADS. rn at a nnpTiPPFMPFQ AUTOMOBILE TOPICS DES WW! 1 i V7! I) The Tire Man car always ready for tire rouble on the road. Fisk


i V7 !

I)The Tire Man

car always ready for tirerouble on the road. Fisk and Hood

H Tires and Tubes. All orders prompt-- tt

ly filled.. .: 7

Mr. Joseph Caldwell and Mr.Mc-Kenzi- e

of the city .water and light de-

partment, will be treated to coca-col- a

in bottles, if they will call at the storeof Mr. Reese Hunnicut and show thislittle advertisement. The Ocala Coca-Co- la

Bottling Works.


Phones 438 76 Ocala,


TOAMSFEM 1Teams for Rent Light and.EcavyHaalingMoving, Packkg




Phone... 288


Bust and Shouldersyoa will wear a scientifically constructed

Brassiere. ."

weight of an unconfined bust so stretches tlie

I- J

muscles tnat the contour of the figure is spoiled. i.lput the bnst back where it be-- II- Innsrs. nrpvfnt th full httist frrm i 4A

OO'a. n?ng the appearance of flab-- 4jo -LEKi oiness, ejimuiaie tne aanrer or gj

arairgms musciesana connne tneflesh of the shoulder giving a

to the entire upper body.daintiest and most serviceable garments imagi-

nable all materials and styles: Cross Back, HookBandeau, etc. Boned with "HValohn, thepermitting washing without removal.show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, If

gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you.JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. J.

Motor Cars

BEAVER rWall Board

Collier Bros.

Beautifulare possible ifBien JolieThe dragin?supporting

BWM(be-a- m

" UlUivJJiCitcggraceful lineThey are the

come inFront, Surplice,rustless boningHave your dealered, we willBENJAMIN &

ttti'iith'i 'iawiyiiitu

f an.Vt'.





Broadway and Fourteenth Street

r a


iii J

The Hotel for Florida People

BurbrldgeFire Proof


50Per Day

K. of P." meet tonight.

Elks meet tomorrow evening.

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night.

Council meets tomorrow evening.

Woodmen meet Friday evening.

Pythian Sisters meet tomorrow aft-ernoon, r

Fresh fall garden seed now in. TheOcala Seed Store. ' 8-1- -tf

tMr. C. A. Tremere of Belle view was

in town today. '

Joe Richardson, a convict workingon the county gang near Lowell, es-

caped yesterday morning. He has notbeen seen since.


MAXWELL Touring Cars (60-inc- h

TREAD) now in stock at Ocala readyfor delivery. R. R. Carroll.

...Mr. Harry Alexander, of the Star

force, returned this morning from aweek-en- d visit to Jacksonville andPablo Beach."

A cottage with all modernconveniences, including gas for cooking, for rent. Inquire of Mrs. O. T.Green, COS Oklawaha avenue. 8-7- -tf

MAXWELL Touring Cars (60-inc- h

TREAD) now in stock at Ocala readyfor delivery. R. R. Carroll.

Mr. Ed. Carmichael confidently expects to have the dance pavilion at theSDrincrs finished in two weeks, andwill give a grand opening ball.

A new shipment of Crane's stationery just in all styles. The CourtPharmacy. tf

The North Ocala Teacher's associa-tion meets Wednesday afternoon at "3

o'clock in the Union church. Refreshments will be served. There will bea children's hour at 3 o'clock at the

'home of Mrs, J. D. Small.

We have a new perfume, BouquetDozira, r fine labth? extract, $2 perounce. Gerig's. , tf

A Star reporter had an unusual ex-

perience going out to the SpringsSunday afternoon. He went in, a jit-

ney, which had four passengers, anda mile the other side of Fort Kingchurch the jitney driver became veryproud and let his car out, walking byseveral more stylish equipages likethey were tied to posts. ,

- Mr. M. L. Reynolds has bought anew five-passeng- er Ford with ail thelatest improvements. He can makethat Ford travel, too. A ; Star re-

porter rode in with him from thesprings Sunday afternoon, and heraced a storm-int- town and beat ittwo hundred yards.

Messrs. S. W. Petteway and Paul H.Nisle of Dunnellon were in the citytoday. Mr. Petteway says he favorsbonding the county for roads, butwants a different plan for those so farsubmitted.- -

VEGETABLES, MILK AND EGGSfrom our own farm daily. Open nightand day. Merchant's Cafe. tf

Bouquet Dozira perfume, $2per ounce, a Gerig's.

We carry a full line of Newportbathing shoes. Gerig's tf

v ' "...It was said at the hospital this aft-

ernoon that Mr. Olin was gettingalong very well.

At their meeting tomorrow; night,the Elks will elect a successor fortheir exalted ruler, Mr. R. S. Rogers,who has resigned in consequence ofhis contemplated departure for Chicago. Not only the Elks but all Ocalaand surrounding country will missMr. Rogers. He has been an usefulas well as a popular citizen. '

There were heavy rains in Ocalaand Belleview, Saturday and Sunday,but a telephone message from Capt.John L. Carney at Lake Weir saidthat they were having only, a lightshower and that he was paying $15a day to have his grove watered, therehaving been little or no rain pn it during July.

Some of the Oxford boys seem tohave feathers on their legs.' Four,who had been enlisted by SergeantBlalock at the picnic Saturday, cameup in a car that evening, and, on being told an affectionate goodbye bythe driver, became so homesick thatthey turned around - went straighthome.

,R. W. Wakeland, the young engineer who has been in charge of thework on the new light and waterplant for the contractor, will leavethe end of this week for "his home inthe north.. His place will be taken byanother engineer.

The Star learns with regret of thethe death yesterday of the little threeyear old daughter of Mrs. FrankRoux of Martel. The funeral tookplace this morning at that place.

Judge- - Smith today issued a marriage license to Mr. King Will WatersFillyan, of Miami, and Miss AlwindcrSultan, of North; Marion county.


. Following, is a list of magazines tobe read at the library when it is open

Scientific American, Collier's. Sat-urday Evening Post, Country Gentleman, Literary Digest, Review of Reviews; Popular Mechanics, The Outlook, Scribner's, Harper's, CenturyBookman, St. Nicholas, Little .Folks,Ame'rican,7irouths Companion, American Boy, Woman's Home Companion,Delineator, Ladies World, LadiesHome Journal, Pictorial Review, Modern Priscilla, The Musician, GardenMagazine, McClure's, Everybody's,National Geographical Magazine, Current Opinion, Physical Culture, GoodHousekeeping.


? Southboundjno. y leaves Jacksonville i:3b p.

m.; Ocala 4:30 p. m.;, arrives Tampa7:50 p. m. '

xmo. i jueaves Jacksonville :au p.m.; Ocala, 1:45 a. m.; arrives St. Petersburg 10 a. m.

ino. 3 leaves Jacksonville :lo a.m.; Ocala 12:40 p. m.; arrives St. Petersburg 8:05 p. m.- Northbound ,

No. 10 Leaves Tampa 1 p. - m,Ocala 4:12 p. m.;" arrives Jacksonville7:15 p. m. ,

No. 2 Leaves St. Petersburg 4:30p. m.; Ocala 2:30 a. m.; arrives Jacksonville 6:45 a; m.

No. 4 Leaves Tampa 9 a.'m.; Ocala1 p. m.; arives Jacksonville 5:25 p. m

Elks meet Tuesday evening.

Every Room With Private Bath



TICKET FOR SALE Ticket to Chat-tanooga, Tenn, for. sale. Call 908 S.Main street. Ticket limited to Au-gust 11th. It

FOR SALE Stove wood, seasonedpine and cypress, a large load for adollar. Phone 223. Prompt delivery.Welch Lumber Co. 8-5- -tf

LOST Cap from automobile gasolinetank. Return to Star office. .. 4--3t

MAXWELL Touring Cars (60-inc- h

TREAD) now in stock at Ocala readyfor delivery. R. R. Carroll.

LOST A black parasol with goldhandle; "M. L. S." engraved on topof the Enob of handle. Return to Mrs.M. H. Stovall and receive suitable re-ward. 8-2- -6t- -

FOR RENT A two-sto- ry house withall modern conveniences, in two blocksof the square. Apply to Dr. WalterHood. 8-1- -tf

FOR EXCHANGE-Wi- ll trade goodand modernly improved St. Peters-burg property for improved farmland. State price and location. Noagents. Address 1015 Seventh ave-nue, North, St. Petersburg, Fla. 3t

WANTED Temple Theater firstmortgage bonds at price to yield 5per cent annually. Address P. O.Box 494, Ocala, Fla". -6t

CALL PHONE 13 For prompt ser-vice and absolutely perfect work in

J Cleaning and Pressing. ' A trial willconvince you that Clayton knows how.Phone 13. -6t '

FOR RENT A well located cottageof five rooms, three'blocks from thesquare; all modern conveniences. Ap-ply to R. R. Carroll, Star office, tf '



Marion-Dun- n Lodge No. 19, F. 6A. M., meets on the first and thirftThursday evening ot each month at8:00 o'clock, until further notice.

- h. C. Webb, W. M.Jake Brown. Secretary. &d


The Ocala Temple Lodge No. 28Pythian Sisters, meets every Tuesdayafternoon at 2:30 at Castle Hall, westof courthouse., Visiting members arecordially invited to meet with us.

Kate B. Howell. M. R,Lena Tompkins, it E. C


Ocaia Lodge No. 286, Benevolentand Protective Order of Elks, meetsthe second and fourth Duesday even-ings in each month. : Visiting breth-ren always welcome. Club bousopposite yostofSne; ast side.

R. S. Rogers, E. R.E. J. Crook, Secretary. ,


Ocala Lodge No. 19. Convention!held every Mcxday at 7:30 p. m. atCastle Hall, over the James Carlisledrugstore. A cordial welcome to vis-iting brothers. G. A. Nash, C. C.

Caas. K. Sage. K. of R, S. A


meets at Yonge ' hall the second andfourth Thursday evenings of eachmonth at 730 o'clock.

Mrs. Myrtie G. Kramer. W. M.mrs. iiiuan ounmoiaa, oec y.


Fort Ktna Camp No. 14 ecbets atthe JL. of r. nail at 7:30 p. m. everysecond nd fourth Friday, visltlnsovereigns are always welcome.

J. W. Lamar. C aChap- - K. Sa?e. Clerk.


Tulula Lc;dge No. 22, I. O.' O.meets every Tuesday evening in theOdd Fellows' hall on the third floor ofthe Star office building at 8 o'clockpromptly. A warm welcome alwaysextended to visiting brothers.

F. E. McClane, N. G.L. H. Pilians, Secretary, r

CHAPTKB NO. 13, B. A. St.Regular ooii vocations of the Ocala

Chapter No. 13, R. A. M., on thefourth Friday in every month at8 p. m. A. E. Burnett, H. P.

Jake Brown. iec'y.


To keep the bowels regular the bestaxative is outdoor exercise. Drink a

full glass of water half an hour before breakfast and eat an abundanceof fruit and vegetables, also establisha regular habit and be sure that yourbowels move once each day.- - Whena medicine is needed take ChamberIain's Tablets. They are pleasant totake and mild and gentle in effect.Obtainable everywhere. Adv.



Tin and Sheet Iron Roofing,Cornice, Spouting, Skylights,Tanks and General Repair

Work 6

Sheet Iron and Copper Work

Phone Yonge's Tin Shop 388 '

'210 S. Osceola St. Ocala, Fla.

(Continued from Third Page)

Mrs. Percy C. Stickney entertainedmost delightfully at bridge this week,at her home, 2748 St. Johns avenue,in honor of Miss Mary Burford ofOcala, the charming guest of .Mrs.James A. Livingston. There werethree tables of players and after anumber of interesting rubbers scoreswere added and the prizes, daintyquill pens, were awarded to Mrs.James A. Livingston, Mrs. Fred Mc-Cpnn-ell

and Mrs. Robert A. Bakei.Miss Burford received one of thesepens as a guest prize. JacksonvilleMetropolis.


In honor of Miss Louise Booe ofOcala, who is visiting Miss VirginiaBuck, at her home in Jacksonville,Miss Buck entertained at cards Fri-day afternoon. Following the award-ing of prizes, the tables were laid withlace covers, and a refreshment coursewas served. Miss Buck was assistedin entertaining and serving by hemother, Mrs. J. L. Beuck, and others.The affair was thoroughly informal,and was one of a number to be givenin honor of Miss Booe during hervisit. Times-Unio- n. V


Mrs. Edward Blackshear, of Citra,who has been the guest of Mrs. FredMcConnell in Riverside, has gone toSouth Carolina. Jacksonville Metrop-olis ' "'" '

Mr. Arthur Dillard and family willarrive tonight from Spartanburg, S.C. Mr. Dillard has accepted a posi-

tion with Mr. E. T. Helvenston.

v Miss Thompson, postmistress at St.Catherine, is the guest of MissesEleanor and Minnie Tremere at Belleview.


Mrs. B. M. Hunt has returned froma visit to Crystal River.

Mr. and - Mrs. Sterling Hooper,Misses Claudia O'Neal, Helen andRuth Hardee and Pearl Old and Masters O'Neal, have been enjoying ' imost pleasant houseparty in the Converse cottage at-Nor- th Lake Weir.Some of the party have returnedhomo and the others will be here to

'morrow. t -;.

Mrs. Charles Mathews and daughter, Mrs. George Yancey, and littlegranddaughter, Mary Earle Yancey,were in town from Candler today.


Finance D. W. Tompkins, chair-man; G. A. Nash, W. A. Knight.v Cemetery J. T. Moore, chairman;D. E. Mclver, H. A. Weathers.

Judiciary J. ML Meffert, chairman;J. J. Gerig, D. E. Mclver,

Street D. E. Mclver, chairman; D.W. Tompkins, W. A. Knight. ;

Fire J. J. Gerisr, chairman; J M.Meffert, G. AV Nash. '

Police W. A. Knight, chairman; G.A. Nash, II, M. Weathers. ,

Market H. M. Weathers, chair-man; J. M. Meffert, J. J. Gerig.

Sanitary H. A. Fausett, chairman;D. W. Tompkins, J. T. Moore

Light and Water G. A. Nash,chairman; D. W. Tompkins, J. 'JJL Mef-fert. ::-:--

Building II. M. Weathers, chair-man; H..A. Fausett, D. E. Mclver.


"About two years ago I had a severeattack of diarrhoea which lasted oveia week," writes W. C. Jones, Burford,N. D. "I became so weak that I couldnot stand upright. A druggist recommended'Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraand Diarrhoea Remedy. The first doserelieved me and within two days I wasas well as ever." Many druggists recommend this remedy because theyknow that it is reliable. Obtainableeverywhere. Adv. ; ,

- .


Large size Prest-o-Lit- e Tank.Two new hand Klaxon Horns.36x4 Diamond and Goodyear Tires,

straight side. .' 5

"36x4 Tubes.Splitdorf Coil and Magneto. V

Prest-o-Litj- e. Headlights, oval glassShebler Carburetor. :

Apply to R. R. CarrolL Star Office


"When our little boy, now sevenyears old, was a baby he was curedof cholera morbus. by Chamberlain'st-oli- Cholera and Diarrhoea iteme- -dy.'' writes Mrs. Sidney Simmons,Fair Haven. N. Y. "Since then othermembers of my family have used thisvaluable medicine for colic and boweltroubles with good satisfaction and Igladly endorse it as a remedy, of exceptional merit," Untamable every-where. . Adv.


Electrical and plumbing establishment.' Will sell at ; invoice prices.This is a good buy as there is goingto be about $40,000 worth of plumbing work installed in Ocala within .thenext few years. H. W. Tucker, Ocala,

"la. 19-- 4t

LIVER TROUBLEx am uuuicieu mui utci uvuuic

about twice a year," writes Joe Ding-ma- n,

. Webster City, Iowa. "I hadpains in my side and back and an aw-ful soreness in my stomach. I heardof Chamberlain's Tablets a.nd triedthem. By the time I had used halfa bottle of them I was feeling fine andhad no signs of pain." Obtainableeverywhere. Adv.

. Items of interest to automobiledealers and -- owners will beprinted in this column fromtime to time.

An Aid to Real Estate ValuesPerhaps not enough has been said

of the influence of the automobile inthe development of .suburban andcountry real estate. Yet its, influencehas been one of the most potent factors in opening to the former citydweller of moderate means the opportunity for clean living on his ownland. Real estate development here-tofore has followed the railroad andthe trolley, but with the advent of thepopular-price- d car, the homeseekercan find that which he seeks in awider radius, the cost pf his car beingabsorbed in the economies of a modestlocation. For, the back-to-the-coun- try

movement owes much , to the automo-bile. : Likewise : from its furthergrowth -- the automobile is destined lobe greatly the 'gainer. Exchange. '

Kerosene, for Motor CarsWith dissatisfaction rampant among

users of engines at the price and qual-ity of gasoline, with all eyes scanningthe horizon for signs of an emanci-pating fuel, and with kerosene avail-able in greater quantities and at lowerprices than gasoline, it seems strangethat it should be left, for a professorto point out that it is perfectly possi-ble to utilize kerosene in place of gasoline and tnat at least tne rudimentsof means for doing so already are inexistence. It is difficult to understand why, under the circumstances,full advantage has not been taken ofall obtainable knowledge regardinkerosene vaporization, and apparatusapplicable to existing motors madecommercially available. Attentionhaving been publicly called to t thematter, however, and detailed information given, there appears to be nosound reason why the kerosene-bur- n

ing engine should not shortly becomean economic reality instead of a merehope and subject for speculation..

., r

To Test the MagnetoIf all cylinders are not firing and

you think that the magneto is at fault.try the folIowing simple test. Stopengine and remove the binder nutsfrom the spark plugs, leaving hightension cables in' position. Start theengine and while it is running, diconnect one of the high tension cablesfrom' spark plug, being careful not totouch the metal terminal, and hold thecable with the terminal close aboutone-eigh- th to three-sixteent- hs of aninch to any part of the engine; Thiswill show the strength of the sparkand each cable may be tested in turnIf the magneto is not deliveringgood spark, examine the contactbreaker. " The break - or gap betweenthe platinum points, when open dueto the cam action, should correspondto the thickness of the gauge furnished, which is approximately fifteenthousandths of an inch. If the breakis wider or closer adjust accordinglyThe contact breaker, however, is adjusted correctly; before the magnetoleaves the factory, and under ordinaryconditions will require no further adjustment in one year's service.

Mr. Robert Connor's summer schooat the Ocala High School buildingopened with about twenty-fiv- e pupilsthis morning.

Mr. John T. Lewis of Oklawaha wasin town today, as cheerful as ever. Hesays he will be a candidate for sheriffin 1920.



Courts Give a New Chance toJ:he Biggest Villain on the East Coast

Miami, Aug. 7. John Ashley, whohas been tried here three times forthe murder of DeSoto Tiger, a Seminole Indian, has been granted anothertrial by t"he supreme court, accordingto dispatches received from Tallahassee.

Please don't forget that we carrythe famous NORRIS candies, the bestmade. Fresh each week. The CourtPharmacy. tf

A. C L. SCHEDULETrains of the Atlantic Coast Line

will arrive and depart in Ocala at thefollowing times:

No. 37, Jacksonville to St. Petersburg, 2:18-2:2-5 a. m.

No. 38, St. Petersburg to Jacksonville, 2:25 a. Vu

No. 10, Leeoburg to Jacksonville.o:40 a. in.

No,. J 51, Ocala to Wilcox, MondayWedaesdaj nnd Friday, 6:10 a. m.

No. 35, Ocala to Lakeland (Sunnyjim), Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 6:40 a. m.

No. 141, Wilcox, Gainesville andPalatka to Ocala, 11:15 a. m.

No. 40," St. Petersburg to Jackson'ille, 12:54-1:1- 4 p. m.

No. 48, Homosaesa to Ocala, 1:05m. ...

No. 49, Ocala to Eomosassa, 2:25

No. 33. Jacksonville to St. Petersurg, 2:36-2:4-0 p. m.No. 140, Ocala to Palatka, Gaines

mile and .Wilcox, 4:10 p. m.No. 9, Jacksonville to Leesburg,

9.05 p. m.No. 150, Wilcox to Ocala, Monday.

Wednesday and Friday, 5:45 p. m.No. 32,, Lakeland to. Ocala (Sunny--

im), , IUesday, Thursday : and - Saturday, 9:60 p, in.

New York CityA Hean, Comfortable, Convenientand Homelike Hotel on both Amer-ican and European Plans.





EAIBOAISD; AIM LIMEThe Progressive Railway of the South"

k . ......... .JacksonvilleOcala .. ........... .Dade City . .

Plant City .Tampa..

1:35 p.m. Lv.4:30 p.m. Ar.6:21 p.m. Ar..7:06 p.myAr.7:50 p.m. Ar.

St. Petersburg .


Start your vacation by using this superb train. Summer toruist rateson sale daily; return limit October31st. If you're going away ASK US.


Copyright, .

Union Square 1

IAmerican Plan, $2 per Day and up. 4

European Plant, $1 per Day and up.




.....Ar. 7:15 p.m.

.....Lv. 4:10 p.m..Lv. 2:24 p.m.

..Lv. 1 :40 p. m.Lv. 1:00 p.m.

; ....Lv. 10:15 a.m.BROILER DINING CARS


G. Z. PHILLIPS, A. G. P.Jacksonville, Florida

Boston and return...... $43.03Providence and return . . 41.00Blue Mountain and return 35.50Atlantic City and return. 35.50Asbury Park and return. 36.50

L C. JordanJ: Co.

. Funeral Directors andLicensed Embalmers


Licensed Embalmer

Phone 10 Ocala, Fla.


Summer Tourist FaresFrom Jacksonville to

New York and return... $35.00 1Baltimore and return. . . 32.00Philadelphia and return. .30.00 fWashington and return. . 34.00 :

Savannah and return. : . 6.UU


' yy ( net oooa --Tujer4e.i- eiwt AVMS S 1 CENTS ft FoOiOP FEU UAK3 1

x n XV-- v cents, vie yiomt PEU--v W 0 HR AKT MORE, ) Through tickets to all Eastern resorts, with return limitX)ctober 31,1916, with privilege of stopovers at principal points. Sailings fromJacksonville, via Savannah to Baltimore Wednesday and Saturday. TuPhiladelphia July 2, 13 and 24, Aug. 3, 13, 24, at 4 p. m.

Steamships Suwannee and Somerset have staterooms de luxe withbaths, also shower rooms, hot and cold, fresh ;and salt. Running waterin all rooms. Wireless telegraph on all ships. Accommodation . unsur-passed. Reservation, foare or any information cheerfulfy furnishedon application. Ask for tour book. ' .Address Merchants & Miners w Trans. Co., Jacksonville, Fla.H. C. AVERY, Agt. L. D. JONES, C. A. J. F. WARD, T. P. A.

7 V. P. TURNER, G. PA. Baltimore, Maryland




Careful Estimates made on all Cortract work. Gives More and --BetterWork for the1 Money than Any OtbeiJontiactor in the dt. - r

The Evening Star may always befound on r sale at Ceng's NewsStore. 17-1- T

m ,