THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N. Y. THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1962 Section I — Page Five i • im Park Hadmmh Gala Dance Mrs. Nathan Katz of Belle Har- bor, president of the Zlpporah Evening group of the Rockaway Park Chapter of Hadassah, wel- comed new board members at the home of Mrs. Stanley Ep- stein, 454 Beach 122nd street. Mrs. Ira Van Leer, past pres- ident of the group, thanked the board for the luncheon and pin they had presented to her. Mrs. Epstein said that the Rockaway Park Chapter has re- ceived a regional membership award for topping its quota. Also, the best script and song and best promotion and sale of the book. "Woman of Valor," awards. The first function for the eve- ning group this year will be a gala "Golden Jubilee" dance. It will be held on July 14 at the West End Temple, 147-02 New port, avenue, at 9 p.m. Music will be provided by Bob White and his band. Tickets for the gala affair may be obtained from Mrs. Katz. Ladies Auxiliary Phtns Bazaar The Ladies Auxiliary of Con- gregation Ohab Zedek will hold its annual summer bazaar July 16 through 23 at the Belle Har- bor Jewish Center, 13410 Rock- away Beach boulevard. Mrs. Jo- seph Rosenberg is president. Mrs. Lena EreYireich, Mrs. Re gina Zweifler and Mrs. Rose Amron head the committee in charge of the summer card par- ty that 'ttie auxiliary will hold at the Center on August 14 at 8:30 p.m. There will be numer- ous door and special prizes in- cluding refreshments. Dr. Alexander H. Budln and Mrs. Helen Kwestel of Brooklyn were guest speakers at the suc- cessful membership luncheon held at the eCnter this month. Mrs. Abe Pelkes was program chairman. Baby 'Girl Born To the Gerstels It's a girl for Mr. and Mr*. Joel M. Gerstel of Far HRocka- way, born June 17 at Doctors Hospital, Manhattan. The new arrival, weighed six pounds and 10 ounces and wa$ named Shar- on Beth after her .paternal great-grandmother. Mrs. Gerstel Is the former Deanne Llta Josephs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Jo- sephs of 125-04 Newport avenue. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gerstel of 137- 18 Rockaway Beach boulevard. BELLE HARBOR - N^PONSIT ROCKAWAY PARK Red Cross Women At Btoml Banks Six women ltom the Rocka- way Beach Branch of the Ameri- can Red Cross served as volun- teers at the June 11 Blood Bank held by the Rockaway Beach Lodge No. 622, Knights of Pyth- ias, at the Derech Emunoh audi- torium, 199 Beach 67th street, Arverne In the group were Mrs. Wil- liam F. Brunner, sr., Mrs. Knut A. Olsaon, Mrs. Patrick Reilly, Mrs. William H. Byrnes, .sr., Mrs. Berthold Ungar and Mrs. Adele C. du Moulin, who served as captain for the day. Mrs. du Moulin will also serve as captain at the Blood Bank being sponsored today by the Arverne-Edgemere-Nordeck Com- munity Center. It will be held at the center, 57-10 Beach Channel drive, from 2:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The George Btmdy's Grandparents Again Mr. and Mrs. George Bondy of 23-39 Camp road, Far Rocka- way became grandparents on June 20, when their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Britz of Framlngham, Mass.. announced the birth of their third daughter. The new arrival, who has been named Amy Ilene, was born at the Framlngham Union Hospital. She weighed six pounds and four and a half ounces. Older children In the family are Mar- jorle Joy, four, and Diane Helen, two, m i i ' """ PUBLIC NOTICK SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OK iNWVV H>KK, COUNT* OK QUEENS.'. KINUM HIGHWAY SAV- 1NUS BANK. 1600 Kings Highway, Brooklyn. Now \ork, Plaintiff, against JULIUS Cln-UMANNY CHkSHOHM, YAEKO V, C1USHOLM, his wife, it living, and if sho no dead hoc hens at law, next of kin, distributees, ex- ecutors, legatees and the. assignees, lienors, creditors, and successors In (Interest of thorn, and generally ail persona having or claiming under, by, through or against the said defendants named as a class, any right, title or interest in or lien upon the premises described In the amended complaint herein, et al,, Defendants. Plaintiff designates Queens County as the place of trial, SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS, TO THK ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARM HKKEBY SUMMONED to answer the amended complaint In this act loft, and to serve a copy of your answer, or if the amended complaint Is not served with this Supplemental Summons, to serve a notice of appear- ance on the I'laintilT's attorneys with- in twenty days after the service of this Supplemental summons; exclusive of the day of service of this Sup- plemental Summons; and In case Of your failure lo appear, or answer, judgment will bo taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the amended complaint. Dated March I!). 1962. MARSHALL & MARSHALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Offtoo and P.O. Address, 1H» Montague Street. Brook- lyn 1. New York. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: The fore- going Supplemental Summons Is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an Order of HON. J. IUWIN SHA- PIRO, Justice of the Supreme Court. Queens County, dated the 7th day Ox June. 19fi2, and filed with the amended verified complaint In the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens at SS-lt Kutphln Boulevard. Jamaica, County of Queens, City and Stat© of New York. Tt\« object of the above entitled action is to foreclose a mortgage to secure the stun of $14,250.00 and In- terest recorded In the Office of Jhe Register of the County of Queens on the 10th day of September, 1958. in Lll>er 7405 of Mortgages at P a g e 109 covering premises situated on the westerly side of Bflst Street, distant 148 feet southerly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the southerly side of 111th with the west- erly side of Ulst Street; being a regular parcel with frontage on 131st Street 40 f e e t , h y 100 feat depth, as more particularly described in said amended j complaint as tll.16 1 Park. New York. Dated: June 18. 1962 MARSHALL & MARSHALL. k ^ Attorneys for Plaintiff. Family Fetes Graduate George A. Marlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Marlow^ of 29-18 Bailey Court, Bayswater, was graduated Sunday afternoon from St. Mary Star of the Sea Parochial School, Far Rockaway. He will enter Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School In Brook- lyn in the -fall. Relatives attended the celebra- tion held at the Marlow home following commencement exer- cises. His father is a New York City fireman assigned to Engine Co. 265 at Arverne. > Mrs, Hahl Returns From Pennsylvania Mrs. Frank N. Habl returned to her home this past week from Honesdale, Pa., where she visited with relatives. She was the house guest of a cousin, Mrs. Sadie Wilcox and also visited her aunt, Mrs. Bur- ton Calkin and her family. While there she attended a strawberry festival and dinner at the Calkins Union Church, in Calkins, where her late father, Virgil Calkin, well known build- er of the Rockaways was born. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Lynch of 21 State road, Roxbury, at- tended a bon - voyage party aboard the "S. & France" Friday when their son, , Timothy.. of Jpid^gfleld, Mass. &nd hip fam- ily sailed for Europe to spend the summer there. Mr. and Mrs, Manny .Isaacs, of 249 Beach 122nd street, cele- brated their 36th wedding anni- versary recently at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rlohard W, Isaacs of Massapequa, formerly <rf Far Rockaway. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Josephs of 125-04 Newport avenue, and members of 'their family, cele- brated their daughter Audrey Ellen's graduation from Far Rockaway High School and her birthday yesterday with a res- taurant dinner party. • Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Byrne, jr., former residents of Rockaway Park, celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary with their children, Susan, Edward G. Ill and Irene at the couple's home in Cincinnati, Ohio, on June 20. Martin J. Carey of 153 Beach 112th street, towerman at the Chamber street station retired last week from the New York Transit System after 46 years of servi.ee. Charles Wattsteln, son of Mrs. Herman Wattstein of Neponsit, treasurer of the Rockaway Aux- iliary of the Association for the Help of Retarded Children, won the portable TV set awarded at the June 14 meeting and Instal- lation of new officers. Bus Line (Continued from Page 1) Library (Continued from Page 1) WEST END TEMPLE HONORS IDK. WEISS The Horary will be open Mon- days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 12 noon to 9 p.m.; Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. There will be no service on Sat urdays during the summer. Tucker said that library offl-. cials are speeding plans for the rehabilitation and moderniza- tion of the entire structure. The weekly bookmobile visits to Far Rockaway, which were instituted after th 0 fire, will be stopped, Observers said that Tucker, who promised opening of the basement on July 1, deserves a vote of commendation for finish- ing the job on schedule. Republicans (Continued from Page 1) leader, were also on hand to en- joy the fun. Others included Sheldon Rosen- blatt, commander of the Dantel M. (yConnell, American Legion, Post 272, Police Captain Lester Abramson of the 101st precinct, Philip Weinberg, vice-president of the New York State Young Republicans, Fred Hammer. Certilman, and Flink entertained the audience with a few political remarks di- rected against the Administra- tion's medicare program, and New Frontier promises, Friday evening at 8:30 p.m., the West End Temple will con- duct a special service in honor of its spiritual leader. Joseph I. Weiss. The Service will be con- ducted by the past presidents of the temple, Harry Karet, Ab- ^ ner Kay, Bert Saperstone, Fred eric Hammer, Albert G. Seidman, Melville Marx and Louis Tanen- baum. Remarks will be offered by Eugene Bondy and by the cur- rent president of the congrega- tion, Harry Rubin. Following the service a reception will bp ten- dered Dr. Weiss. Rabbi Weiss will visit Europe and Israel this summer and will attend the World Assembly for Jewish Education In Jerusalem in August, He Is traveling under the auspices of the American Association for Jewish Educa- tion L | f\ ¥71 1\T C| T C It L ii o JL a and also known 4treet, S,oyth Osone NOTION is herehy given that License No, '1MB-1220 has heen Issued to the undersigned to sell l>eer at retail un- der the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at IM Beach 116th Street, Hock- away Bark, Queens County, New York, for on «nd off-premises consumption. JUltUS and Maymo Gerstel doing busi- ness as WESTRICH'S, 191 Beach 116th Street Rockaway Bark, N. Y. (27) Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE Is hereby Riven that License No. 4 A 12062 has been issued' to the undersigned to sell beer at retail un- der the Alcoholic Beverago Control Law at 86-06 Rockaway Beach Boul- evard, Rockaway Beach, Queens Coun- ty, N. Y., for off-premises consump- tion. Peter and Prank Bellomo d.h.a. Peter's Superette, 86-06 Rockaway Beach Boulevard, Rockaway Beach 93, N. Y. ALUMINUM STACK CHAIRS 4.99 SPAT7 WAYSIDE FURNITURE 2«>«) KOCKAWAY TPKE LAWRENCE Open Evenings Until 9 P.M. Hardships Seen Transfer to Kew Gardens In the fall of cases now being tried at Rockaway Court House will place a hardship on local resi- dents, former Congressman Wil- liam F. Brunner warned yester- day. He urged continued use of the local court at least part-time. Ice between Rockaway Park and Far Rockaway at a reduced fare for students. The Transit Authority finally offered a shuttle service start- ing at 9:15 a.m. but the school said the hour was too late. Students who might want to take existing trains from Ar- verne to Wavecrest would have to pay 30 cents to. get on and 15 cents to get off. To clr.cunv vent this ridiculous charge, the Transit Authority promised to think about a reduced fare for the students. Parents say that although school Superintendent Louis Cook promised to follow this up, they have heard nothing from him. ' The Parents Association urged all Interested Individuals and or- ganizations to call on Mayor Robert F. Wagner and Governor Nelson D. Rockefeller to "per- sonally Intervene in this fantas- tic situation." "It is incredible" the Associa- tion said, "in this day of crowd' ed classrooms, split sessions and teacher shortages, that the stu- dents in the Rockaways must go on this intolerable session be- cause they are at the mercy of the one means of transportation —the Green ' Bus Lines—while there is on the peninsula a Pub- lic Transit System, owned by and paid for by the people of the City and State of New York. "It is time that we as tax- payers exercise our privilege and perogative and demand for our children proper use of this means of transportation, in addi- tion to demanding that the Green Bus Lines provide the service they promised and are committed to in their franchise, and that the Board of Educa- tion take a stronger position in demanding proper transportation facilities for it,s students." Two Local Motorists I,ose Driving Privileges Two local men lost their driv- ing privileges this month in ac- tions taken by the New York State Department of Motor Ve- hicles. Because of a speeding viola- tion, James Ramseur, 154 Beach 78th street, had his license sus- pended for a six-month period John Savage, 175 Beach 82nd street, was said to have had his license "revoked" for being an "unlicensed operator." Dayton Graduate Enters U.S. Army John Robert White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony White of Belle Harbor, ^vas graduated on June 2 from f)ayton University, Dayton, Ohio, with a Bachelor of Arts degree and will enter 2nd Lt, John White the U. S. Array in September as a 2nd Lieutenant. An alumnus of St. Francis de Sales Academy; Belle Harbor, and St. Frandls Prep High School in Brooklyn, White was captain of the prep school football team and member of the track team He was graduated with honors and won a scholarship to Day ton Universitj Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs- days — June, July and August, (1 p.m. to 5 p.m.), Rummage sale by Sisterhood of Temple of Israel, in vestry room of syna- gogue, 188 Beach 84th street. JUNE 30, (Evening), Installa- tion of new officers by the Dan- iel M. O'Connell Post No. 272, American Legion at the post's clubhouse, 301 Beach 92nd street. JULY 3, (8:30 p.m., "Square dance Americana" at the Ar- verne-Edgemere-Nordeck Com- munity Center, 57-10 Beach Channel drive sponsored by the Community Center. JULY 10, 11 (All Day), Two- day bazaar by the Rockaway Auxiliary of the Association for the Help of Retarded Children at Shaare Zedek. Center, 36-17 Edge- mere avenue. JULY 11, (12:30 p.m.), Lunch- eon and garden-party by the Ladies Guild of the West End Temple In the social hall, 147-02 Newport aevnue. JULY 12, (Evening), Installa- tlon-dinner of the Ladies Aux- iliary of Broad Channel Volun- teers at Sunrise Village, Bell- more, L. I. JULY 16-23, Annual summer bazaar of the Ladies Auxiliary of Congregation Ohab Zedek, in the Belle Harbor Jewish Center, 134-10 Rockaway Beach boule- vard. JULY 17, (12:30 p.m.. Lunch- eon-bridge by July Band of Altar and Rosary Society of St. Francis de Sales R. C. Church, at Curley's Hotel, Beach 116th street and the Boardwalk. JULY 17, (12:30 p.m.), Lunch- eon and card party for the ben- efit of the West End Auxiliary At Dayton, White was captain of the Peninsula General Hospi- FA 73322 MEYER'S-Far Rockaway Fine Apparel for Men and Boys Petrocelli Clothes Boy Scout Trading Post Open Tues., Thurs., Frl., Evenings 1046 CENTRAL AVE. •—-- ' ' NOT HOW CHEAP BUT HOW GOOD Prime Dressed Meats Fancy Fresh Killed Poultry JIMMY'S QUALITY MARKET 114-04A Boulevard, Rockaway Park, N. Y. Free Delivery NEptune 4*7828 •'•'* " ' •-•• —i Beach Music Studios Violin Viola Trumpet flute •"—' JU \^m\ I ippim mi m i \nmmmmmmmmwmm\M% j m mun i %m\mmm>mmmmm*m IJ Saxoph /\# \\ . A Clarine wmttmimMMA Director one Clarinet Trombone wTncfj Professional Faculty — Musical Aptitude Tests 279 Beach 140th Street GRonite 4-5091 of the football team and was awarded the Andy Zulc trophy. He was vic^-presidont of the Knicks Club; publicity director for "Varsity D"; Student Coun- cil representative and a mem- ber of Scabbard and Blade fra- ternity. John Robert will join the Army in the Medical Corps and plans graduate work in physical education. Witnesses Stress Progressive Education The Far Kockaway congrega- tion of JehAah's Witnesses is applying advanced teaching tech- niques in iti Theocratic Minis- try School, according to Joseph M. Llora, thl congregation over- seer. Practical training is held each week if the local Kingdom Hall at 1920 Mott avenue, Far Rockaway. tal, on the patio at 125 Beach 124th street. JULY 24, (Evening), Bus ride Carl Hoppl's, Baldwin by Broad Channel Circle No. 1447, Com- panions of the Forest of Amer- ICR JULY 24. (12:30 p.m., Lunch- eon-card party at Curley's Atlas Hotel, 116-12 Ocean promenade, by the Ladies Auxiliary of Pen- insula General Hospital. AUGUST 12, (Evening), Thea- tre party by the Far Rockaway Auxiliary of Peninsula General Hospital at the summer theatre in Westchester, L. I. AUGUST 14, (8:30 p.m.), An- nual summer card party of the Ladies Auxiliary of Congrega- tion Ohab Zedek at the Belle Harbor Jewish Center, 13410 Rockaway Beach •boulevard. AUGUST 25, (8:30 p.m.), An- nual Tombola and dance at the Derech Emunoh Community House, 190 Beach 68th street, Arverne. AUGUST 29, (Evening), Sec- ond annual dinner-dance of the Rockaway Park Chapter of Women's American ORT at the Mallbu Beach Club. SEPTEMBER 8, (Evening, Third annual Beth-El Day School dinner-dance at the Park Inn, 11502 Ocean Promenade by Parents Association of School. OCTOBER 17, (Noon), Lunch- eon-theatre party of the Rocka- way Park League for Cerebral Palsy. OCTOBER 30, (Evening). The- atre party of the Joel A. Ra- phael Chapter of Cancer Care. NOVEMBER 17, (Evening), Peninsula General Hospital's 55th annual dinner and testimo- nial to William F. Brunner, at the El Patio Beach Club, Atlan- tic Beach, L. I. DECEMBER 5, (Afternoon), Donor luncheon and theatre par- ty of Ladies Guild of West End Temple. 80,000 (Continued from Page 1) FAR ROCKAWAY Edgemere 5,924 Arverne 11,342 Far Rockaway '. 30,913 Total 48,179 Rockaway Total 76,652 Broad Channel 2,878 Total 79,530 According to the Chamber, the Fifth Ward population grew by 8,639 persons in the last two years. Queens TB Group Elects C. J. Drolet Godias J. Drolet of Flushing was re-elected president of the Queensboro Tuberculosis and Health Association at a meet- Success is the world's reward for many little things well done. Godias J. Drolet ing of the health organization's governing body last week. Drolet is a charter member of the Queens affiliate of the Na- tional Tuberculosis Association and is an expert on tubercu- losis and public health statistics. The Christmas Seal organiza- tion also elected Rev. George W. Hlnton of Corona, 1st vice-presi- dent; Dr, Sol Axelrad of Wood- haven, 2nd vice-president; Dr. Leo R. Ryan of Forest Hills High School, secretary; Mrs. Louis S. Hughes of Douglaston, treasur- er; Dr. Daniel Porte of Jamaica, 1st assistant treasurer and Mr. Alfred J. Ball of Forest Hills, 2nd assistant treasurer. Go To Church On Sunday / WANTED — SNORERS * I hove been selected to conduct an experiment that, if successful will eliminate or greatly reduce snoring. I need 100 people for the project. It will consist of a light chiropractic adjustment, massage and a special exercise. Those Interested call Far Rockaway 7-2989 during office hours. .„• Office Hours 10 A.M. to Noon-Tues., Thurs., Sat. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. — Daily except Thurs. 8 P. M. to 9 P. M. — Mon., Wed., Frl. MONROE H. BERG CHIROPRACTOR YOUR NEW ASTERN BAKERY NOW OPEN Rockaway Shoe Outlet, Inc. 114-30* 34 Rockaway Beach Boulevard NOW SELLING 1000 PAIRS - SPECIAL - PURCHASE - WOMENS HIGH GRADE EASTER SHOES HIGH HEELS ' STACKED HEELS MEDIUM HEELS Come ami see A Selection, of Thousands of Pairs High Grade Name Brands CHILDREN8 EASTER SHOES $4.88 MANY COI^ORS STYLES & PATTERNS ALSO CHILDRENS SPECIAL 2000 Pairs High Styled - I-ongr Wearing Shoes for Easter, NOW 2.88 THOUSANDS OP PAIRS * ^^ A M OP $ ^ 95 MENS • WOMENS • CHILDRENS S <• 95 TENNIS , and i SNEAKERS Made in U.S.A. BILL H. GOLDMAN Solo Owner COMPLETE SELECTION CAKES COOKIES And the Most DELICIOUS BREAD 1 '* i IN TOWN » \ 68-08 ROCKAWAY BEACH BLVD. NE 4-6600 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

MEYER'S-Far Rockaway ASTERN BAKERY 21... · Law at 86-06 Rockaway Beach Boul evard, Rockaway Beach, Queens Coun ty, N. Y., for off-premises consump tion. Peter and Prank Bellomo d.h.a

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Page 1: MEYER'S-Far Rockaway ASTERN BAKERY 21... · Law at 86-06 Rockaway Beach Boul evard, Rockaway Beach, Queens Coun ty, N. Y., for off-premises consump tion. Peter and Prank Bellomo d.h.a

THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N. Y. THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1962 Section I — Page Five i • im

Park Hadmmh Gala Dance

Mrs. Nathan Katz of Belle Har­bor, president of the Zlpporah Evening group of the Rockaway Park Chapter of Hadassah, wel­comed new board members at the home of Mrs. Stanley Ep­stein, 454 Beach 122nd street.

Mrs. Ira Van Leer, past pres­ident of the group, thanked the board for the luncheon and pin they had presented to her.

Mrs. Epstein said that the Rockaway Park Chapter has re­ceived a regional membership award for topping its quota. Also, the best script and song and best promotion and sale of the book. "Woman of Valor," awards.

The first function for the eve­ning group this year will be a gala "Golden Jubilee" dance. It will be held on July 14 at the West End Temple, 147-02 New port, avenue, at 9 p.m. Music will be provided by Bob White and his band. Tickets for the gala affair may be obtained from Mrs. Katz.

Ladies Auxiliary Phtns Bazaar

The Ladies Auxiliary of Con­gregation Ohab Zedek will hold its annual summer bazaar July 16 through 23 at the Belle Har­bor Jewish Center, 13410 Rock­away Beach boulevard. Mrs. Jo­seph Rosenberg is president.

Mrs. Lena EreYireich, Mrs. Re gina Zweifler and Mrs. Rose Amron head the committee in charge of the summer card par­ty that 'ttie auxiliary will hold at the Center on August 14 at 8:30 p.m. There will be numer­ous door and special prizes in­cluding refreshments.

Dr. Alexander H. Budln and Mrs. Helen Kwestel of Brooklyn were guest speakers at the suc­cessful membership luncheon held at the eCnter this month. Mrs. Abe Pelkes was program chairman.

Baby 'Girl Born To the Gerstels

It's a girl for Mr. and Mr*. Joel M. Gerstel of Far HRocka-way, born June 17 at Doctors Hospital, Manhattan. The new arrival, weighed six pounds and 10 ounces and wa$ named Shar­on Beth after her .paternal great-grandmother.

Mrs. Gerstel Is the former Deanne Llta Josephs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Jo­sephs of 125-04 Newport avenue. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gerstel of 137-18 Rockaway Beach boulevard.


Red Cross Women At Btoml Banks

Six women ltom the Rocka­way Beach Branch of the Ameri­can Red Cross served as volun­teers at the June 11 Blood Bank held by the Rockaway Beach Lodge No. 622, Knights of Pyth­ias, at the Derech Emunoh audi­torium, 199 Beach 67th street, Arverne

In the group were Mrs. Wil­liam F. Brunner, sr., Mrs. Knut A. Olsaon, Mrs. Patrick Reilly, Mrs. William H. Byrnes, .sr., Mrs. Berthold Ungar and Mrs. Adele C. du Moulin, who served as captain for the day.

Mrs. du Moulin will also serve as captain at the Blood Bank being sponsored today by the Arverne-Edgemere-Nordeck Com­munity Center. It will be held at the center, 57-10 Beach Channel drive, from 2:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The George Btmdy's Grandparents Again

Mr. and Mrs. George Bondy of 23-39 Camp road, Far Rocka­way became grandparents on June 20, when their daugh­ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Britz of Framlngham, Mass.. announced the birth of their third daughter.

The new arrival, who has been named Amy Ilene, was born at the Framlngham Union Hospital. She weighed six pounds and four and a half ounces. Older children In the family are Mar-jorle Joy, four, and Diane Helen, two, m i • i ' """


S U P R E M E COURT O F T H E STATE OK iNWVV H>KK, COUNT* OK QUEENS.'. KINUM HIGHWAY SAV-1NUS BANK. 1600 Kings Highway, Brooklyn. Now \ o r k , Plaintiff, against J U L I U S Cln-UMANNY CHkSHOHM, YAEKO V, C1USHOLM, his wife, it living, and if sho no dead hoc h e n s a t law, next of kin, distr ibutees, ex­ecutors , legatees and the. assignees, lienors, creditors, and successors In

(Interest of thorn, and generally ail persona having or claiming under, by, through or against the said defendants named as a class, any right, title or interest in or lien upon the premises described In the amended complaint herein, e t al,, Defendants. Plaintiff des igna tes Queens County a s the place of tr ial ,



answer the amended complaint In this act loft, a n d to serve a copy of your answer , or if the amended complaint Is not served with this Supplemental Summons, to serve a notice of appear­ance on the I'laintilT's a t torneys with­in twenty days after the service of th is Supplemental summons; exclusive of the day of service of this Sup­plemental Summons; and In case Of your failure lo appear , or answer, j udgment will bo taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the amended complaint. Dated March I!). 1962. MARSHALL & MARSHALL, At torneys for Plaintiff, Offtoo and P.O. Address, 1H» Montague Street . Brook­lyn 1. New York. TO T H E ABOVE NAMED D E F E N D A N T S : The fore­going Supplemental Summons Is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an Order of HON. J. IUWIN SHA­PIRO, Jus t i ce of the Supreme Court. Queens County, dated the 7th day Ox June . 19fi2, and filed with the amended verified complaint In the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens at SS-lt Kutphln Boulevard. Jamaica , County of Queens , City and Stat© of New York.

Tt\« object of the above entitled action is to foreclose a mortgage to secure the stun of $14,250.00 and In­terest recorded In the Office of Jhe Register of the County of Queens on the 10th day of September, 1958. in Lll>er 7405 of Mortgages at Page 109 covering premises s i tuated on the westerly side of Bflst Street , distant 148 feet southerly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the southerly side of 111th with the west­erly side of U l s t S t ree t ; being a regular parcel with frontage on 131st Street 40 f e e t , h y 100 feat depth, as more par t icular ly described in said amended j complaint as t l l .16 1

Park. New York. Dated: J u n e 18. 1962

MARSHALL & MARSHALL. k ^ At torneys for Plaintiff.

Family Fetes Graduate

George A. Marlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Marlow^ of 29-18 Bailey Court, Bayswater, was graduated Sunday afternoon from St. Mary Star of the Sea Parochial School, Far Rockaway. He will enter Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School In Brook­lyn in the -fall.

Relatives attended the celebra­tion held at the Marlow home following commencement exer­cises. His father is a New York City fireman assigned to Engine Co. 265 at Arverne.

• >

Mrs, Hahl Returns From Pennsylvania

Mrs. Frank N. Habl returned to her home this past week from Honesdale, Pa., where she visited with relatives.

She was the house guest of a cousin, Mrs. Sadie Wilcox and also visited her aunt, Mrs. Bur­ton Calkin and her family. While there she attended a strawberry festival and dinner at the Calkins Union Church, in Calkins, where her late father, Virgil Calkin, well known build­er of the Rockaways was born.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Lynch of 21 State road, Roxbury, at­tended a bon - voyage party aboard the "S. & France" Friday when their son, , Timothy.. of Jpid^gfleld, Mass. &nd hip fam­ily sailed for Europe to spend the summer there.

Mr. and Mrs, Manny .Isaacs, of 249 Beach 122nd street, cele­brated their 36th wedding anni­versary recently at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rlohard W, Isaacs of Massapequa, formerly <rf Far Rockaway.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Josephs of 125-04 Newport avenue, and members of 'their family, cele­brated their daughter Audrey Ellen's graduation from Far Rockaway High School and her birthday yesterday with a res­taurant dinner party. • Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Byrne, jr., former residents of Rockaway Park, celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary with their children, Susan, Edward G. Ill and Irene at the couple's home in Cincinnati, Ohio, on June 20.

Martin J. Carey of 153 Beach 112th street, towerman at the Chamber street station retired last week from the New York Transit System after 46 years of servi.ee.

Charles Wattsteln, son of Mrs. Herman Wattstein of Neponsit, treasurer of the Rockaway Aux­

iliary of the Association for the Help of Retarded Children, won the portable TV set awarded at the June 14 meeting and Instal­lation of new officers.

Bus Line (Continued from Page 1)

Library (Continued from Page 1)


The Horary will be open Mon­days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 12 noon to 9 p.m.; Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. There will be no service on Sat urdays during the summer.

Tucker said that library offl-. cials are speeding plans for the rehabilitation and moderniza­tion of the entire structure.

The weekly bookmobile visits to Far Rockaway, which were instituted after th0 fire, will be stopped,

Observers said that Tucker, who promised opening of the basement on July 1, deserves a vote of commendation for finish­ing the job on schedule.

Republicans (Continued from Page 1)

leader, were also on hand to en­joy the fun.

Others included Sheldon Rosen­blatt, commander of the Dantel M. (yConnell, American Legion, Post 272, Police Captain Lester Abramson of the 101st precinct, Philip Weinberg, vice-president of the New York State Young Republicans,

Fred Hammer. Certilman, and Flink entertained the audience with a few political remarks di­rected against the Administra­tion's medicare program, and New Frontier promises,

Friday evening at 8:30 p.m., the West End Temple will con­duct a special service in honor of its spiritual leader. Joseph I. Weiss. The Service will be con­ducted by the past presidents of the temple, Harry Karet, Ab-

^ ner Kay, Bert Saperstone, Fred eric Hammer, Albert G. Seidman, Melville Marx and Louis Tanen-baum.

Remarks will be offered by Eugene Bondy and by the cur­rent president of the congrega­tion, Harry Rubin. Following the service a reception will bp ten­dered Dr. Weiss.

Rabbi Weiss will visit Europe and Israel this summer and will attend the World Assembly for Jewish Education In Jerusalem in August, He Is traveling under the auspices of the American Association for Jewish Educa­tion

L | f\ ¥71 1\T C| T C I t L ii o JL a

and also known 4treet, S,oyth Osone

NOTION is herehy given that License No, '1MB-1220 has heen Issued to the undersigned to sell l>eer a t retail un­der the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at IM Beach 116th Street , Hock-away Bark, Queens County, New York, for on «nd off-premises consumption. JUltUS and Maymo Gerstel doing busi­ness as WESTRICH'S , 191 Beach 116th Street Rockaway Bark, N. Y. (27) Attorneys for Plaintiff.

NOTICE Is hereby Riven that License No. 4 A 12062 has been issued' to t he undersigned to sell beer a t retail un­der the Alcoholic Beverago Control Law a t 86-06 Rockaway Beach Boul­evard, Rockaway Beach, Queens Coun­ty, N. Y., for off-premises consump­tion. Pe te r and Prank Bellomo d.h.a. Pe te r ' s Superet te , 86-06 Rockaway Beach Boulevard, Rockaway Beach 93, N. Y.



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Open Evenings Until 9 P.M.

H a r d s h i p s S e e n Transfer to Kew Gardens In

the fall of cases now being tried at Rockaway Court House will place a hardship on local resi­dents, former Congressman Wil­liam F. Brunner warned yester­day. He urged continued use of the local court at least part-time.

Ice between Rockaway Park and Far Rockaway at a reduced fare for students.

The Transit Authority finally offered a shuttle service start­ing at 9:15 a.m. but the school said the hour was too late.

Students who might want to take existing trains from Ar­verne to Wavecrest would have to pay 30 cents to. get on and 15 cents to get off. To clr.cunv vent this ridiculous charge, the Transit Authority promised to think about a reduced fare for the students. Parents say that although school Superintendent Louis Cook promised to follow this up, they have heard nothing from him. '

The Parents Association urged all Interested Individuals and or­ganizations to call on Mayor Robert F. Wagner and Governor Nelson D. Rockefeller to "per­sonally Intervene in this fantas­tic situation."

"It is incredible" the Associa­tion said, "in this day of crowd' ed classrooms, split sessions and teacher shortages, that the stu­dents in the Rockaways must go on this intolerable session be­cause they are at the mercy of the one means of transportation —the Green ' Bus Lines—while there is on the peninsula a Pub­lic Transit System, owned by and paid for by the people of the City and State of New York.

"It is time that we as tax­payers exercise our privilege and perogative and demand for our children proper use of this means of transportation, in addi­tion to demanding that the Green Bus Lines provide the service they promised and are committed to in their franchise, and that the Board of Educa­tion take a stronger position in demanding proper transportation facilities for it,s students."

T w o L o c a l M o t o r i s t s

I ,ose D r i v i n g P r i v i l e g e s Two local men lost their driv­

ing privileges this month in ac­tions taken by the New York State Department of Motor Ve­hicles.

Because of a speeding viola­tion, James Ramseur, 154 Beach 78th street, had his license sus­pended for a six-month period

John Savage, 175 Beach 82nd street, was said to have had his license "revoked" for being an "unlicensed operator."

Dayton Graduate Enters U.S. Army

John Robert White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony White of Belle Harbor, ^vas graduated on June 2 from f)ayton University, Dayton, Ohio, with a Bachelor of Arts degree and will enter

2nd Lt, John White the U. S. Array in September as a 2nd Lieutenant.

An alumnus of St. Francis de Sales Academy; Belle Harbor, and St. Frandls Prep High School in Brooklyn, White was captain of the prep school football team and member of the track team He was graduated with honors and won a scholarship to Day ton Universitj

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs­days — June, July and August, (1 p.m. to 5 p.m.), Rummage sale by Sisterhood of Temple of Israel, in vestry room of syna­gogue, 188 Beach 84th street.

JUNE 30, (Evening), Installa­tion of new officers by the Dan­iel M. O'Connell Post No. 272, American Legion at the post's clubhouse, 301 Beach 92nd street.

JULY 3, (8:30 p.m., "Square dance Americana" at the Ar-verne-Edgemere-Nordeck Com­munity Center, 57-10 Beach Channel drive sponsored by the Community Center.

JULY 10, 11 (All Day), Two-day bazaar by the Rockaway Auxiliary of the Association for the Help of Retarded Children at Shaare Zedek. Center, 36-17 Edge-mere avenue.

JULY 11, (12:30 p.m.), Lunch­eon and garden-party by the Ladies Guild of the West End Temple In the social hall, 147-02 Newport aevnue.

JULY 12, (Evening), Installa-tlon-dinner of the Ladies Aux­iliary of Broad Channel Volun­teers at Sunrise Village, Bell-more, L. I.

JULY 16-23, Annual summer bazaar of the Ladies Auxiliary of Congregation Ohab Zedek, in the Belle Harbor Jewish Center, 134-10 Rockaway Beach boule­vard.

JULY 17, (12:30 p.m.. Lunch­eon-bridge by July Band of Altar and Rosary Society of St. Francis de Sales R. C. Church, at Curley's Hotel, Beach 116th street and the Boardwalk.

JULY 17, (12:30 p.m.), Lunch­eon and card party for the ben­efit of the West End Auxiliary

At Dayton, White was captain of the Peninsula General Hospi-

FA 7 3 3 2 2

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of the football team and was awarded the Andy Zulc trophy. He was vic^-presidont of the Knicks Club; publicity director for "Varsity D"; Student Coun­cil representative and a mem­ber of Scabbard and Blade fra­ternity.

John Robert will join the Army in the Medical Corps and plans graduate work in physical education.

W i t n e s s e s S t r e s s

P r o g r e s s i v e E d u c a t i o n The Far Kockaway congrega­

tion of JehAah's Witnesses is applying advanced teaching tech­niques in it i Theocratic Minis­try School, according to Joseph M. Llora, t h l congregation over­seer. Practical training is held each week if the local Kingdom Hall at 1920 Mott avenue, Far Rockaway.

tal, on the patio at 125 Beach 124th street.

JULY 24, (Evening), Bus ride Carl Hoppl's, Baldwin by Broad Channel Circle No. 1447, Com­panions of the Forest of Amer-ICR

JULY 24. (12:30 p.m., Lunch­eon-card party at Curley's Atlas Hotel, 116-12 Ocean promenade, by the Ladies Auxiliary of Pen­insula General Hospital.

AUGUST 12, (Evening), Thea­tre party by the Far Rockaway Auxiliary of Peninsula General Hospital at the summer theatre in Westchester, L. I.

AUGUST 14, (8:30 p.m.), An­nual summer card party of the Ladies Auxiliary of Congrega­tion Ohab Zedek at the Belle Harbor Jewish Center, 13410 Rockaway Beach •boulevard.

AUGUST 25, (8:30 p.m.), An­nual Tombola and dance at the Derech Emunoh Community

House, 190 Beach 68th street, Arverne.

AUGUST 29, (Evening), Sec­ond annual dinner-dance of the Rockaway Park Chapter of Women's American ORT at the Mallbu Beach Club.

SEPTEMBER 8, (Evening, Third annual Beth-El Day School dinner-dance at the Park Inn, 11502 Ocean Promenade by Parents Association of School.

OCTOBER 17, (Noon), Lunch­eon-theatre party of the Rocka­way Park League for Cerebral Palsy.

OCTOBER 30, (Evening). The­atre party of the Joel A. Ra­phael Chapter of Cancer Care.

NOVEMBER 17, (Evening), Peninsula General Hospital's 55th annual dinner and testimo­nial to William F. Brunner, at the El Patio Beach Club, Atlan­tic Beach, L. I.

DECEMBER 5, (Afternoon), Donor luncheon and theatre par­ty of Ladies Guild of West End Temple.

80,000 (Continued from Page 1)

FAR ROCKAWAY Edgemere 5,924 Arverne 11,342 Far Rockaway '. 30,913

Total 48,179 Rockaway Total 76,652 Broad Channel 2,878

Total 79,530 According to the Chamber,

the Fifth Ward population grew by 8,639 persons in the last two years.

Queens TB Group

Elects C. J. Drolet Godias J. Drolet of Flushing

was re-elected president of the Queensboro Tuberculosis and Health Association at a meet-

Success is the world's reward for many little things well done.

Godias J. Drolet ing of the health organization's governing body last week.

Drolet is a charter member of the Queens affiliate of the Na­tional Tuberculosis Association and is an expert on tubercu­losis and public health statistics.

The Christmas Seal organiza­tion also elected Rev. George W. Hlnton of Corona, 1st vice-presi­dent; Dr, Sol Axelrad of Wood-haven, 2nd vice-president; Dr. Leo R. Ryan of Forest Hills High School, secretary; Mrs. Louis S. Hughes of Douglaston, treasur­er; Dr. Daniel Porte of Jamaica, 1st assistant treasurer and Mr. Alfred J. Ball of Forest Hills, 2nd assistant treasurer.

Go To Church On Sunday /


I hove been selected to conduct an experiment that, if successful will eliminate or greatly reduce snoring. I need 100 people for the project. It will consist of a light chiropractic adjustment, massage and a special exercise. Those Interested call Far Rockaway 7-2989 during office hours. .„• f »

Office Hours

10 A.M. to Noon-Tues . , Thurs., Sat. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. — Daily except Thurs. 8 P. M. to 9 P. M. — Mon., Wed., Frl.




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