Mentum Planet Release Note

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  • >> ReleaseNoteversion 5.4

  • Copyright 2012

    Mentum S.A. All rights reserved.


    This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Mentum S.A. andmay not be copied, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or reproduced in anyformat or media, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Mentum S.A.Information contained in this document supersedes that found in any previousmanuals, guides, specifications data sheets, or other information that may have beenprovided or made available to the user. This document is provided for informationalpurposes only, and Mentum S.A. does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy,adequacy, quality, validity, completeness or suitability for any purpose theinformation contained in this document. Mentum S.A. may update, improve, andenhance this document and the products to which it relates at any time without priornotice to the user. MENTUM S.A. MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT OR THEINFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN.

    Trademark Acknowledgement

    Mentum, Mentum Planet, Mentum Ellipse, Mentum Fusion, Mentum CellPlanner, andMentum LinkPlanner are registered trademarks owned by Mentum S.A. MapInfoProfessional is a registered trademark of PB MapInfo Corporation. iBwave is atrademark owned by iBwave. This document may contain other trademarks, tradenames, or service marks of other organizations, each of which is the property of itsrespective owner.

    Last updated on March 21, 2012

  • IntroductionThis document accompanies the release of Mentum Planet 5.4. It describes the newfeatures and enhancements contained in the release. It also contains a list of theissues that have been resolved in this release as well as a list of known issues andlimitations.

    This document contains the following information:

    n Determining the best Mentum Planet edition to use

    n New features and enhancements

    n Issue resolutions

    n Known issues

    n Known limitations

    n System requirements

    n Documentation

    Mentum Planet Release Note 3

  • Determining the best Mentum Planet edition to useIn order to provide you with the best solution for your situation, Mentum Planet isavailable in various editions. Figure 2.1 provides a quick summary of the keyfeatures of each edition. All editions come with a comprehensive documentation setthat includes an online Help system encompassing context-sensitive F1 help anduser guides. The documentation set also includes print-ready searchable PDFs of theUser Guides, Application Notes, and Technical Notes. From the Help menu in alleditions, you can also access the Knowledge Base where you can find up-to-datesolutions to common questions or problems. For additional information, see theMentum website.

    Figure 2.1: Mentum Planet editions.

    4 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • New Features and Enhancements

    This list details the new features and enhancements contained in Mentum Planetreleases.

    version 5.4

    n Automatic Cell Planning tool enhancements include:

    n the support for WCMDA/HSPA, GSM, and TDMA-FDMAtechnologies.

    n graph and report enhancements.n support for XOR logical operator.n ability to force site activation.n support for antenna synchronization.n support for inter-antenna system optimization constraints.n ability to input user-defined convergence level.

    n LTE enhancements include:

    n the introduction of an automatic threshold for the AutomaticMIMO Switching antenna algorithm.

    n support for LTE hard handover gain.n ability to define frequency sub-bands.n support for PRACH Root Sequence Planning.n ability to define different antenna algorithms for differentchannel models, as well as different diversity and multiplexinggains on the Downlink and the Uplink.

    n modeling of LTE TDD de-synchronization.n support for carrier aggregation.n ability to account for Uplink coverage when selecting server.n addition of a PBCH C/(N+I) layern ability to find optimal number of Resource Blocks per user forthe Uplink in network analyses.

    n support for multi-band network analyses and Monte Carlosimulations.

    n ability to account for fading when selecting multiplexing gains.n Option to assign PCIDs in the same order as sector-antennaazimuths.

    Mentum Planet Release Note 5

  • n Introduction of a new antenna format (.pafx) files. Previously supportedantenna format can automatically be migrated to the new antennaformat. Mentum Planet users may download antennas in the .pafxformat from the Mentum Antenna Server directly within Mentum Planet.The new antenna format allows the support for:

    n multi-band antennas.n multi-beam antennas, used in single sector or multi-sectorconfigurations.

    n electrical tilt, azimuth, beamwidth.n remote control units.n explicit definition of antenna portsn polarizations, including cross-pole and quad-pole.n a 3D antenna viewer was implemented.

    n A new caching of predictions has been implemented, in order to enhancethe performance of the functionalities that leverage predictions ( analyses and Monte Carlo simulation)

    n Mentum Planet 5.4 includes the latest version of MapInfo Professional(version 11.0.1). For information on new features of MapInfo Professionversion 11, see the MapInfo Professional Release Note, which areavailable from the PitneyBowes website at:

    n Ability to display Open Street Map Roads and Bing Roads MapInfolayers.

    n Introduction of Mentum Planets export to Google Earth functionalities,which allows users to export network data (e.g. site/sector/antennainformation) as well as MapInfo grids (e.g. coverage layers).

    n You can now have two base stations with the same technology at a site.

    n The iDEN feature set previously available in Mentum Planet 4.X has beenported to Mentum Planet 5.4.

    n HSPA Release 9 and Release 10 standards are now supported.

    n WCMDA and cdma2000 network analyses now have Uplink/ReverseEb/No layers.

    6 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Support for multi-band network analyses and Monte Carlo simulations forWiMAX, LTE TDD and LTE FDD.

    n For fixed subscriber analyses, it is now possible to force a givensubscriber to be served by a specific sector, as opposed to assuming thatthe subscriber is always served by the optimal sector.

    n Mentum Cell Planner GSM projects can be migrated to Mentum Planet 5.4.

    n Support for the migration of Mentum Cell Planner version 10.1.

    n The Single Site Optimization tool has been adapted to leverageWCDMA/HSPA, GSM, and TDMA-FDMA optimization profiles.

    n Users can create custom reports for all technologies, on a per sector oron a per sector-antenna basis.

    n Advanced filtering is now available in the Report Preview dialog box, theTabular Editor, and the Select Antenna File dialog box. Using the CustomAutoFilter, you can define the conditions with which to filter informationbased on the values and operator selected.

    n The Point-to-Point profile tool can display building polygons and/orclutter height grids.

    n A new advanced antenna masking algorithm (Berg) has beenimplemented.

    n For Planet General Models, users can define a specific output resolutionand a calculation resolution, which are independent of the resolution ofthe Geodata files being leveraged by the propagation model.

    n For CRC-Predict 4 models, users can define an output resolution that isindependent of the resolution of the Geodata files being leveraged by thepropagation model.

    n It is possible to define larger carrier bandwidths for the TDMA-FDMAtechnology.

    n Users can choose between Erlang B and Erlang C tables in the TrafficAnalysis and Dimensioning tool.

    n It is possible to import .aod measurement files for WCDMA/HSPA.

    n Sector Display Schemes now support repeaters.

    Mentum Planet Release Note 7

  • n Mentum Planet 5.4 is integrated with Mentum Ellipse 8.1.

    n Survey measurements defined in .xlsx format can now be imported.

    n TEMS Route Reader 7.0 is integrated with Mentum Planet 5.4, in order toallow the import of native-format TEMS Investigations files.

    n The Installation Guide has been renamed the Getting Started Guide andnow includes a section on basic usage.

    n You can now access Technical Notes, as well as User Guides, from theHelp menu.

    n The average power per physical resource element has been slightlymodified. It now represents the average power over all the physicalresource elements of the frame.

    n Support for polarization in antenna definition files.

    n The co-installation of Mentum Planet 5.4 and either Mentum Planet 5.3.Xor 5.2.X is supported.

    n A new Start Page is available where you can view the latest Mentumnews as well as open a project or create a new project.

    n You can now access the training schedule and news from the Help menu.

    n Integration of the L-Band Restrictions tool.

    n New About dialogs for Mentum Planet and the Mentum Planet Migrator.

    n Introduction of a new version of the Universal Model (version 400),which includes:

    n multi-processed Universal Model predictions.n enhanced modeling with Forest Polygons.n support for units defined in imperial system.n the enhanced horizontal propagation modeling option is nowavailable for Geodata files defined in raster format.

    n The modifications implemented in previous maintenance releases haveall been integrated in Mentum Planet 5.4.

    8 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • version 5.3.2

    n You can now edit neighbor plans using the Neighbor Plan Graphical Editor.

    n The neighbor priority and distance are now displayed in the Site Editor.Case 25550, 25999

    n The neighbor list merge function has been enhanced. Now, when youmerge, the current neighbor priority of a sector is maintained andneighbors (from the neighbor plan) that do not currently exist in theneighbor list of a sector are added at the bottom (e.g., with the lowestpriority level). Case 25996

    n You now have the ability to add/remove neighbors from a sectorsneighbor list by clicking sectors displayed in a Map window. Case 25997

    n You now have the option to force neighbor mutuality. For instance, ifsector A has three neighbors (sectors B, C and D), clicking the Add AllMutual Neighbors option will ensure that sector A is on the neighbor list ofsectors B, C and D. Case 25998

    n You now have the ability to sort neighbors in the Site Editor. by distance.Case 26000

    n Support for EV-DORev. B has been added. EV-DO Rev. B provides youwith the ability to use the 64-QAMmodulation as well as to aggregatedata rates on multiple carriers.

    n It is now possible to have cells of different EV-DO revisions in the sameMentum Planet project.

    n The Planet API now supports the following functions: Case 25265

    n Generate survey header from sectorn Assign survey to sectorsn Survey to grid comparisonn Import survey from text filen Generate survey delta report

    Mentum Planet Release Note 9

  • version 5.3.1

    n You now have the option of creating a new antenna system when asector is cloned. To enable this setting, check the Create New AntennaSystem on Cloning Sector option on the Miscellaneous panel in the UserPreference dialog box. Case 21320

    n In previous versions of Mentum Planet, the Physical Cell ID Planning toolreserved PCIDs that were considered for all sectors regardless ofwhether they already had an assigned PCID or not. Now, you have theoption of applying reserved PCIDs to all sectors (previous behavior) oronly to sectors that do not already have a PCID assignment. Case 21023

    n An impersonation option has been implemented that allows the RPEservice to be configured to use the client's credentials to obtain accessto the necessary objects. This feature resolves issues wherebypredictions could not be generated when the application was operated ina Citrix environment in cases where the account under which the PlanetRadio Propagation Engine (RPE) service operated did not have therequired access rights. For more information, contact Mentum CustomerCare. Case 22745

    10 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • version 5.3

    n Introduction of Mentum Planet editions, which determine the featuresavailable and the support included. Four editions are available: Basic,Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate. For more information, see theMentum website.

    n Introduction of a new Automatic Cell Planning (ACP) tool.

    n LTE enhancements include:

    n the introduction of an automatic threshold for the AutomaticMIMO Switching antenna algorithm.

    n improvements to the log normal fading modeling, in order toaccount for the correlation between signals.

    n the ability to view RSRP predictions for a single base station orsector.

    n support for Physical Cell ID planning to account for MIMOconfigurations.

    n the ability to calculate reference coverage probabilities basedon either RSRP or RSRQ

    n new Tracking Area Code (TAC) support in the Site Editor.n Modification of the calculation of RSRQ for scenarios withmultiple transmitting antennas, in order to ensure that onlyantenna port 0 is accounted for.

    n the uplink data rate layers have been modified so that datarates are displayed for a single user and not for the entirecarrier bandwidth.

    n the ability to define downlink and uplink maximum cell loads.n the uplink cell loads are now displayed in the Site Editor.

    n New prediction file format (.ppf instead of .bin) that improvesperformance and reduces the amount of disk space required forpredictions.

    n Ability to define prediction thresholds.

    n Introduction of Mentum Planet editions, which determine the featuresavailable and the support included. Four editions are available: Basic,Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate. For more information, see theMentum website.

    Mentum Planet Release Note 11

  • n Introduction of a new Automatic Cell Planning (ACP) tool.

    n LTE enhancements include:

    n the introduction of an automatic threshold for the AutomaticMIMO Switching antenna algorithm.

    n improvements to the log normal fading modeling, in order toaccount for the correlation between signals.

    n the ability to view RSRP predictions for a single base stationor sector.

    n support for Physical Cell ID planning to account for MIMOconfigurations.

    n the ability to calculate reference coverage probabilities basedon either RSRP or RSRQ

    n new Tracking Area Code (TAC) support in the Site Editor.n Modification of the calculation of RSRQ for scenarios withmultiple transmitting antennas, in order to ensure that onlyantenna port 0 is accounted for.

    n the uplink data rate layers have been modified so that datarates are displayed for a single user and not for the entirecarrier bandwidth.

    n the ability to define downlink and uplink maximum cell loads.n the uplink cell loads are now displayed in the Site Editor.

    n New prediction file format (.ppf instead of .bin) that improvesperformance and reduces the amount of disk space required forpredictions.

    n Ability to define prediction thresholds.

    n Antenna Editor improvementsinclude:

    n Display preferences are now saved when closing andreopening the Antenna Editor. Cases 15436, 16098

    n Ability to import multiple antennas and to automatically groupthem into the same .paf file, using an antenna definition file.

    n Electrical Beam Steering algorithm enhancement. Ability todefine a single horizontal pattern that automatically getsrotated based on the electrical azimuth defined in the siteantenna systems.

    n The colors defined in the antenna editor are now saved whenclosing and reopening the antenna editor.

    12 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Ability to import antennas defined in .txt format.n Ability to import antennas defined in .msi format Case 21510

    n WiMAX and LTEanalyses are now fully multi-threaded.

    n Ability to import/export antenna algorithms. Case 23174

    n Lazy loading of Tabular Editor.

    n Import of TEMS Investigation files.

    n The scanner survey data import now supports of TEMS_LOG files (for alltechnologies).

    n Migration of WCMDA/HSPA, LTE FDD and LTE TDD Mentum Cell Plannerprojects to Mentum Planet.

    n Ability to select sectors to be modified upon import of data with theimport/export tool.

    n You can now import LTE AOD files.

    n Mentum Planet now supports the import of Cell Planner 10.0 projects.

    n A confirmation now displays when attempting to re-generate a networkanalysis. The message informs you that the action will delete allpreviously generated analysis layers. The change applies to 3G and 4Gtechnologies only. Case 22552

    n You now have the ability to copy/paste antenna file names in the SiteEditor. Cases 13855, 17579

    n Neighbor planning management redesign:

    n Active neighbors displayed in Site Editorn Support for neighbor black listsn New algorithm for neighbor plan generator (algorithmsavailable in previous versions of Mentum Planet can still beused)

    n Neighbor Plan optimizationn Ability to import/export of active neighbor lists

    n Project Explorer now enables you to filter sites and antennas directly inthe data window.

    n Traffic Map Generator redesign:

    Mentum Planet Release Note 13

  • n new user interface and workflowsn support for an indoor/outdoor ratio (including support for 3Dgeodata)

    n support for service probability algorithm (the algorithmsavailable in previous versions of Mentum Planet can still beused)

    n You can now create a traffic map from a fixed subscriber table.

    n You can now quickly and easily compare site set data to network data.You can also compare two site sets.

    n Ability to compare data when importing data with the Import/Exporttool.

    n Interference matrix generation algorithms:

    n overlapped best server area (the algorithm used in previousreleases of Mentum Planet)

    n best server arean sector service probabilities (including the ability to select anenvironment(e.g., indoor or outdoor)

    n You can now define base station types in the network settings thatencompass the modulations supported as well as the neighbor plancriteria.

    n Single Site Optimization tool that allows for the optimization of antennaconfigurations for a single Base Station. This tool is available for all thetechnologies supported in Mentum Planet. In the Single SiteOptimization tool, you can also directly visualize the impact ofparameter changes, by displaying signal strength and C/(N+I) grids.These grids are automatically updated when you change antennaparameters.

    n A new Carrier Code display tool is available for all supportedtechnologies for better visualization of carrier (or channel) reuse, colorcode (e.g., PCID, scrambling code, PN offset) reuse, and neighbor listrelationships.

    n Mentum Planet now includes the Predict -Air propagation model, whichyou can use to model high-altitude (aircraft-to-ground) communication.It can also be used when you want to define an AMSL receiver height.

    14 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Mentum Planet now supports AMST in the Q9 propagation model.

    n Mentum Planet now supports manual antenna tuning in the generation ofunmasked predictions. You can define antenna correction factors on a perantenna system basis, based on the site configurations.

    n The Planet General Model now supports multi-resolution geodata.

    n In order to include more detailed information in a Mentum Planet project,you can now define local custom data attributes at the base station, site,sector, antenna, repeater, and carrier level.

    n Mentum Planet now supports frequency sub-bands for GSM, TDMA/FDMA,WCDMA and cdma2000.

    n Ability to define separate penetration losses for different frequencybands.

    n You can now generate network analyses to a temporary location.

    n Ability to account for other-system interference when generatingcdma2000 and WCDMA network analyses and Monte Carlo simulations.

    n Project Explorer now offers support for Unicode.

    n You can now hide the Windows category of the Project Explorer forimproved performance.

    n The Mentum Planet Migrator has been integrated into Mentum Planet.

    n Graphs can now be generated by selecting multiple columns (for X and Yaxes) in report preview dialog boxes.

    n A new Grid Processing tool is available that enables you to splice multiplegrids (i.e., a set numeric (.grd) and/or classified (.grc) grids) into a singlegrid for further analysis.

    n The Traffic Analysis and Dimensioning tool for GSM and TDMA-FDMAtechnologies is now available in Mentum Planet 5.3.

    n Support for ARFCN numbers for GSM.

    n Mentum Planet 5.3 includes MapInfo Professional 10.5.2.

    n Support for the co-existence of Data Manager Server 5.4 with otherversions of Data Manager Server.

    Mentum Planet Release Note 15

  • n The commands on the Tools menu have been re-organized with theintroduction of a new Optimization menu.

    n Option to generate FCC contours based on PA power. Case 4572

    n The 'Save settings and generate output' option is now the default optionin the Network Analysis Wizard. Cases 19005, 22551

    n Ability in the WiMAX AFPP to keep existing Preamble assignments whenPreambles are defined on a per-channel basis.

    n The Antennas tab in Tabular Editor (and in a file exported to MS Excel)now contains a new column that identifies the sector(s) which referencea given antenna. Case 19525

    n The Select tables to import panel on the Project Data Import Wizard nowprovides a horizontal scroll bar to allow you to adjust the view to readlong table names. Case 20531

    n You can now enable/disable the additional layer options (ProjectSettings>Advanced Options) using Mentum Planet API's. Case 19824

    n You can now modify file path names (Project Settings>Folders) usingMentum Planet API's. Case 19825

    n To improve performance, you can store only location information in thesite table.

    n The patch version is now displayed in the About Mentum Planet window(accessible from the Help menu). Case 4572

    n A View Antennas function has been added to the Site Node in ProjectExplorer. This option allows you to display connecting lines between siteand antenna locations. Cases 18480, 19866, 20464, 20796, 22210

    n The Edit Site tool now remains enabled once activated until another userinterface control is activated. Previously, that tool needed to be re-enabled after each use. Case 3483

    n A read-only sector ID field was added in the Antennas tab of the TabularEditor and in the Excel spreadsheet exported by the Import/Export tool.

    n Upon project creation, the Antenna Algorithms defined in the \Global folder are used instead of hard-codedantenna algorithms.

    16 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Introduction of a new version of the Universal Model (version 391), whichincludes:

    n performance improvementsn support for indoor to outdoor de-penetrationn improvements in the horizontal plan propagation estimationn improved modeling of propagation with elevated structures(e.g., bridges).

    n Select All/Unselect All buttons have been added to the Bearers tab in theEquipment Types section in the Subscriber Settings dialog box. Case14211

    n The Point-to-Point Profile tool now provides an option to identifytransmitter and receiver sites using a distance filter. Case 13842

    Mentum Planet Release Note 17

  • version 5.2.1

    n Support for LTE TDD

    n Support for LTE TDD frame configurationsn Support for special subframe configurations

    n Ability to generate fixed subscriber analyses

    n Fixed subscribers analyses are now supported for WiMAXTDD, LTE FDD and LTE TDD

    n Support for fixed subscribers at different heightsn Fixed subscriber editorn Ability to run analyses for a single subscriber

    n Enhanced Automatic Site Placement tool

    n Ability to define a candidate site list and site prioritiesn Support for network expansionn Clutter weights

    n Support for the Longley-Rice propagation model

    n Creation and analysis of Microwave Links within Mentum Planet

    n MapInfo 10.5

    n Integrated free Bing Maps layersn Layered, geo-referenced and data-enriched PDFsn Multiple zoom-dependent stylesn Custom composite point & line styles

    n TDD de-synchronization

    n Interference matrix generationn Network Analyses and Monte Carlo simulation

    LTE enhancementsn Power recycling: when MIMO is used, some resourceelements are not used on specific antenna ports. In MentumPlanet 5.2, it was assumed that the power not used for thoseunused resource elements was lost. In Mentum Planet 5.2.1,users have the option to define if the power is recycled or

    18 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • not. This means that if MIMO is used, this will impacttransmitted powers, indirectly affecting network analyses andMonte Carlo simulations.

    n Downlink C/(N+I): in Mentum Planet 5.2, the DownlinkC/(N+I) layer were computed for symbols on which there werereference signal resource elements. In Mentum Planet 5.2.1,the Downlink C/(N+I) layer is the average C/(N+I) over all thesymbols of an LTE frame. This means that the DownlinkC/(N+I) layer will be impacted.

    n Antenna horizontal and vertical beamwidth are now shown in the TabularEditor and in an export file. These read-only fields appear on the SectorAntennas tab.

    n You can now easily apply flag and group settings for one sector to allother sectors on a site. This can be done from the Sector>General tab inthe Site Editor.

    n Terrain height is now displayed in the Site Editor. This field is read-only.

    n The size of the Point-to-Point Profile tool window is now saved. When youopen the tool, the window size is the same as it was when the tool waslast used.

    n The Planet Open API now supports the generation of traffic maps.

    n The width of flag conditions displayed in the Site Editor has beenexpanded. You can now view up to 30 characters (the maximumallowable) in the drop-down control.

    n Filtered surveys are now assigned to the same sectors as the originalsectors.

    n The subscribers table generated through LTE Monte Carlo simulation nowcontains fields for RSRP, RSRQ and CQI.

    n You can now display a layer based on a Group and a layer based on Flagsin a map window at the same time.

    n You can now export Total EIRP and Uplink Composite Noise Figure EIRPvalues for TDMA/FDMA sectors.

    n Propagation models are now sorted alphabetically in the Site Editor.

    Mentum Planet Release Note 19

  • n Project data import is now non case-sensitive. For instance, if you areimporting flag conditions such as 'Active', 'ACTIVE' or 'active' all will beconsidered to be the same condition.

    n The survey filtering function now has options to 'Delete original survey'and 'Unassign original survey'. These options are implemented as checkboxes in the Survey Filtering window.

    n You can now clone a sector from within the Site Editor. To do this, right-click on an existing sector and select 'Clone'. All sector properties arecopied to the new sector.

    n Planet Universal Model now applies model tuning coefficients to allgeographic areas, including areas that fall outside the extents of theelevation file that was active when the model was tuned. Previously,tuning coefficients were only applied within the extents of the elevationfile that was active when the model was tuned. Default coefficients wereused outside that area.

    n You can access all user guide PDFs provided for Mentum Planet bychoosing the Guides command from the Help menu.

    n When running propagation model analysis based on sectors, surveyswith antenna properties that are different from the antenna propertieson the sector to which they have been assigned are discarded. A smallmargin is allowed with respect to antenna height and power. The marginfor antenna height is 10cm, the margin for antenna power is 0.01 dB.Case 17442

    n The Project Explorer is now part of the Mentum Planet applicationwindow. It can be docked and supports an auto-hide feature. When theProject Explorer is docked, you can no longer click within a node label.Instead, when you want to rename a node, you must type the full nameof the object to be renamed.

    20 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • version 5.2

    In version 5.2 of Mentum Planet, the following new features and enhancements havebeen included:

    n Support for UMTS/HSPA/HSPA+ with increased performance andscalability compared to previous Mentum Planet releases. HSPA+ supportincludes MIMO, 64 QAMmodulation, and DC-HSDPA.

    n Beta-level support for GSM.

    n Enhanced scrambling code planning, including better algorithms,scrambling code group planning, and comprehensive management ofscrambling codes.

    n Major LTE improvements, including

    n Proportional Fair, Proportional Demand, and Maximum Capacityschedulers

    n Modulation Coding Schemes C/(N+I) to Spectral Efficiencycurves

    n Subscriber mobility support in network analyses and MonteCarlo simulations

    n Addition of antenna algorithms (up to 8 Tx and Rx antennas)n Simultaneous diversity and multiplexingn PBCH Channel supportn The addition of two new layers displaying the maximumspectral efficiency that can be reached, on the uplink and thedownlink

    n Previously, in the Site Editor, the average power per referencesignal resource element, as well as reference signal strength,were based on the assumption that the PA power defined wasfor a single antenna port. In Mentum Planet 5.2.1, if a MIMOantenna algorithm is assigned, the average power perreference signal resource element, as well as reference signalstrength, are based on the assumptions that: 1) the PA powerdefined is the combined PA power of all the antennas and 2) ifusing MIMO the number of Tx antennas defined in the antennaassigned to the sector is used. This change affects theReference Signal Strength, the RSRP and the referenceC/(N+I) analysis layer. Depending on the settings that you

    Mentum Planet Release Note 21

  • defined, some other analysis layers may be directly impacted(e.g. DL CINR, if you used reference signal frequencyhopping) and some may be indirectly impacted if based onreference C/(N+I). The change will also affect Monte Carlosimulation results.

    n Enhanced WiMAX support, including

    n Proportional Fair, Proportional Demand, and MaximumCapacity schedulers

    n Interactive frequency and preamble planningn Per-sector or per-channel preamblen Modulation Coding Schemes C/(N+I) to Spectral Efficiencycurves

    n The addition of two new layers displaying the maximumspectral efficiency that can be reached, on the uplink and thedownlink

    n Numerous improvements to automatic frequency andpreamble planning and to existing WiMAX features

    n Support for user-defined TDMA/FDMA technologies, including

    n Custom-defined TDMA/FDMA technologiesn Simulcast (P25, TETRAPOLE, and TDMA/FDMA technologies)n Land Mobile Radio / Private Mobile Radio networks

    n Advanced automatic site placement (ASP), allowing for smartplacement of new sites using network dimensioning based on traffic andpropagation characteristics.

    n Improvements to the measurement data package (MDP) to support theimport of Agilent AOD files and the propagation model accuracy analysistool.

    n Integration of MapInfo Professional 10.0 into Mentum Planet, introducingnew features in Layer Control and layer management, as well as newmenus and toolbars.

    n Introduction of a new version of the Universal Model (version 380). Thisnew version includes:

    n support of Mentum Planet 5.2n minor improvements and corrections

    22 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n CPE coordinate units now respect the units specified in the Preferenceswindow. Cases 11035, 12988, 15136

    n The Planet Open API now supports Monte Carlo simulation. Case 15498

    n The Link Configuration Editor can now be accessed from the Site Editor.Case 14364

    n Signal strength files are no longer kept permanently unless you specifythem as an additional layer in the project settings. This change is meantto improve performance and reduce hard disk space requirements. As aconsequence of this change, beginning with Mentum Planet version 5.2.0,signal strength files can no longer be shared. Case 12287

    n A new analysis layer has been added (for cdma2000 and WCDMA) thatcomputes required mobile power based on the maximum achievable datarate. Case 12680

    Mentum Planet Release Note 23

  • version 5.1.1

    n Introduction of a new analysis generator tool that allows you to selectmultiple network analyses of any technology to run in batch mode.Cases 12291 and 12717

    n Introduction of new functionality for interference matrices:

    n the ability to import interference matricesn the ability to merge interference matrices

    n Introduction of a new option (Apply Cell Loads to Selected Sectors) tothe Monte Carlo Simulation node in Project Explorer. This option allowsyou to apply cell loads to a subset of sectors. This subset can be basedon a map window selection, the flags filter, a sector group or a query.Case 13791

    n Introduction of a new version of the Universal Model (version 370.1475).This new version includes:

    n improved accuracy (e.g., clutter heights files are nowcomputed to an accuracy of 0.25 m)

    n improved indoor penetration modeling, especially on thebuildings border

    n a new version of the FLEXLM licensing software (version 11.8)n memory consumption improvements for large calculationareas

    n minor improvements and corrections

    n Improvements to automatic frequency and preamble planning:

    n introduction of new constraintsn the ability to simultaneously view multiple plan parameters ina Map window

    n Improved scalability of Monte Carlo simulations. Case 13809

    n Mobile antenna gain is now accounted for in signal strength layersgenerated through Network Analysis. This change is applicable to allsupported technologies. Case 10890

    n For LTE and WiMAX, antenna gain is now included in signal strengthrelated network analysis layers. Antenna gain is also considered in LTEand WiMAX Monte Carlo simulations. Cases12722 and 10890

    24 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • version 5.1

    n Support for cdma2000 radio access technology.

    n Improved EV-DO Rev. A modeling with the introduction of higher datarates bearers for both the forward and reverse link. In Mentum Planet 4.5,for EV-DO Rev A, 16-slot bearers were supported only. In Mentum Planet5.1, higher data rates are supported with the ability to use bearers with 4,8, 12 and 16 slots.

    n Support for a generic technology, providing a convenient way to managecandidate cells for which there are no detailed radio parameters.

    n Improved LTE network modeling with the introduction of an analysis layerfor the RSRQ as well as improvements to the data rate layers in terms ofthe impact of the overhead channels on the effective data rates.

    n Improved LTE Frame Editor for inclusion of additional frame information.

    n Frequency and Physical Cell-Id ID Planning for LTE networks.

    n In order to improve the performance of LTE and WiMAX network analysisand Monte Carlo simulations in dense networks, Mentum Planet softwarecode has been improved. The impact on the performance is project-specific; the performance improvements will vary based on the number ofsectors, the density of the sectors, etc.

    n Support for fiber and RF repeaters for LTE, WiMAX, and cdma2000.

    n Support for split sectors and distributed antenna systems (DAS), enablinga single logical cell to be transmitted over several service antennas.

    n Introduction of a new automatic site placement tool which enables thequick creation of networks based on a hexagonal cell structure.

    n Management of site/sector queries for private queries and sharedcollaborative queries.

    n Full support of antennas systems shared across multiple technologies.

    n A new Select Antenna File dialog is available from the General tab for aselected antenna in the Site Editor. The dialog box has been designed tofacilitate the selection of antenna patterns based on frequency bands orMIMO support, for example.

    Mentum Planet Release Note 25

  • n LTE-cdma2000 multi-technology neighbor list management.

    n The Measurement Data Package now supports LTE Test Mobile and ScanReceiver data import, visualization, and conversion to survey data foruse in model tuning

    n Ability to extract statistics for any report generated in Mentum Planetor, in the case of statistical analyses, statistics on statistics.

    n Introduction of the Mentum Planet Open API.

    n Support for electronically controlled antennae (i.e., e-Tilt, e-Azimuthand e-Beamwidth) at the cell level.

    n The network overlay tool now supports input projects from MentumPlanet 5.1, 5.0 as well as previous versions of Mentum Planet.

    n Redesigned FCC tools.

    n New Select Sectors dialog box enables you to select sectors based ongroups, flags, or queries. It also includes a preview list that displays thesectors that will be selected.

    n Ability to generate site labels from the Tabular Editor and ReportPreview dialog box based on selected data.

    n A new version of the Universal Model (version 370.1403). This newversion includes:

    n Support for multi-threaded prediction calculationn Support for all electronically controlled antennae functions(e-Tilt, e-Azimuth and e-Beamwidth)

    n Change of default model tuning optionsn Removal of some warning message about morphologiesn Memory management improvements with high resolutionbuilding data

    n Minor improvements/corrections

    26 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • version 5.0.1

    n A new network analysis layer for the RSRP (Reference Signal ReceivedPower) has been introduced for LTE network analyses. This layer showsthe average received power over the resource elements that carryreference signals. Case 11329

    n The calculation of the LTE reference signal was modified in Mentum Planet5.0.1 such that it now represents the power used by the resourceelements carrying the reference signal. This change naturally impacts theReference Signal Strength network analysis layer. Other analysis layers,e.g.,the Reference C/(N+I) layer, and layers that depend on theReferenceC/(N+I) (e.g., interference coordination) will be modified aswell.

    n The range for the Useful Bits per Symbol value on the Modulations panelin the Network Settings dialog box has been extended so that any valuebetween 0.01 and 10.0 can be entered.

    n The WiMAX AFPP tool has been modified to allow you to apply constraintsthat will force only adjacent channels to be assigned to sectors.

    Mentum Planet Release Note 27

  • version 5.0

    n Support for WiMAX and LTE networksdetailed modeling of OFDMA air-interfaces and support for Advanced Antenna Systems (AAS)

    n Ease of useredesigned user interfaces, easy-to-use tabular editorsand new site management features

    n Better scalability and stabilityability to handle larger networks withina single project due to a reduced memory footprint and improvedmemory management

    n Future-proof platformready for on-going evolution of radio accessnetworks including OFDM technologies and advanced antenna systems

    n Improved APIsopen antenna format and API with support foradvanced antennas; improved iecon performance, and new APIsavailable

    n Better performanceimproved performance in user interfaces, data-related actions and import/export functions; furthermore, MentumPlanet 5.0 includes a new prediction engine that generates predictionsfaster than previously

    n MapInfo Professional 9.5.1Mentum Planet 5.0 includes a MapInfo 9.5.1OEM version with enhanced GIS functionalities.

    Improved usability

    Many of the main dialog boxes in Mentum Planet have been redesigned to supportnew technologies and improve the ease-of-use:

    n the Site Editor, which fully supports shared antennas andmulti-technology sites

    n multiple tabular editors, which offer sorting, filtering,copying/pasting and mass editing capabilities

    n the Antenna Editor, which supports multi-band, RET, REA, andmultiple antennas capabilities (e.g., MIMO and smartantennas)

    n the new Subscriber Settings dialog box, where you can definethe multiple services, mobile equipment types, andsubscriber types that are used in 4G analyses and simulations

    28 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n the Environment Editor, which supports the activation andadvanced settings of multiple radio environments

    n all new editors display visual cues to indicate changes to datan Improved propagation modeling

    n New propagation engine offers improved prediction performance with theinclusion of a multi-threaded prediction generator

    n Redesigned propagation model editor provides for intuitive and straight-forward editing of model parameters; furthermore, the Planet modelformat has changed. Former .cpa and .dpm has been merged into an openxml format (.pmf).

    n Support for the following propagation models:

    n Planet General Model (PGM)n CRC-Predict 4.0 (CRC Predict 4.2 and 4.3 are included forbackwards compatibility with previous versions of MentumPlanet)

    n Universal Model, (version 365). This new version includes thefollowing features:

    n New advanced model tuning algorithm that provides betterrobustness for tuned models

    n Optional pre-filtering of surveys before automated modeltuning

    n Faster prediction computation times for very high resolutionsn Correction and optimization of the building penetration optionfor better indoor prediction results with very large buildings

    Minor improvements

    n Support for 3D antenna diagrams in the Planet General Model and CRC-Predict 4.0 propagation models.

    n Mentum Planet includes the Measurement Data Package, whichencompasses the following features:

    n Support for Survey Prediction Tool, which enables you tomerge measurement values with prediction values

    n Support for WiMAX Test Mobile and Scan Receiver data import,visualization, and conversion to survey data for use in modeltuning

    Mentum Planet Release Note 29

  • NOTE: CRC-Predict version 2.0 is no longer supported. As a result, you mustmigrate to CRC-Predict 4.0. See the CRC-Predict 4 Emulation of CRC-Predict 2document.

    Support for WiMAX

    Mentum Planet introduces advanced support for Fixed and Mobile WiMAX RF planningand optimization through the following feature set:

    n Support for mobile WiMAX (802.16e) and fixed WiMAX (802.16d)technologies

    n Support for TDD and FDD duplexing

    n Multi-technology support for WiMAX (mobile and fixed)

    n Support for multiple bands and multiple WiMAX channels

    n Support for adaptive uplink and downlink modulations

    n Support for transmit and receive masks

    n Support for multiple WiMAX frame configurations

    n Support for segmentation and WiMAX permutation zones (FUSC/PUSC)

    n Support for variable WiMAX cyclic prefixes

    n Support for smart antenna modeling

    n Support for MIMO A (diversity), MIMO B (spatial multiplexing) andWiMAX AMS (Automatic MIMO switching) modeling

    n Support for FFR

    n Automatic preamble and channel planning

    n Mobile WiMAX perm base planning (available in the AutomaticFrequency Preamble and Perm Base Planning tool)

    n Automatic Frequency Planning for WiMAX

    n Fixed subscribers table, editor, and management

    30 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Support for RF environment modeling

    n Support for multiple CPE equipment types

    n Support for fixed CPE antennas

    n Support for preamble CNIR or preamble signal-strength for best serverselection

    n Uplink-limited best server selection

    n Advanced WiMAX network analysis engine

    n Common and per-channel WiMAX analysis layer generation

    n WiMAX Monte Carlo simulation

    n Support for multiple scheduling algorithms

    n Monte-Carlo report generation and discrete subscribers analysis

    Support for LTE (Long Term Evolution)

    Mentum Planet introduces advanced support for LTE RF planning and optimizationthrough the following feature set:

    n Support for LTE FDD technology

    n Support for multiple bands and multiple LTE FDD carriers

    n Support for adaptive uplink and downlink modulations

    n Support for transmit and receive masks

    n Support for LTE frame configurations

    n Support for variable LTE cyclic prefixes

    n Support for smart antenna modeling

    n Support for diversity, MIMO spatial multiplexing, and AMS (AutomaticMIMO switching) modeling

    n Support for interference coordination/ FFR

    Mentum Planet Release Note 31

  • n Support for multiple scheduling algorithms for interference coordination

    n Support for RF environment modeling

    n Support for multiple user equipment types

    n Support for fixed user equipment antennas

    n Support for reference signal CNIR or preamble signal-strength for bestserver selection

    n Advanced LTE network analysis engine

    n Common and per carrier LTE analysis layers

    n Support for other system interferences in LTE network analysis

    n LTE Monte-Carlo simulation

    n Support for multiple scheduling algorithms

    n Monte-Carlo report generation and discrete subscribers analysis

    Site management

    Mentum Planet introduces a new Site Editor that facilitates the site managementworkflow with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

    n New Site Editor designed to support 4G technology sites with fullmanagement of shared antennas and advanced antenna systems.

    n Support of multi-technology base stations in the Site Editor provides thecapability to manage multiple base stations using different radiotechnologies at the same site

    n New site set feature offers local versioning of network sites with thecapability to merge or copy site sets

    n Site templates enable you to create and store multiple site templatesthus streamlining the site creation process. Site templates can beshared using the Data Manager

    32 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Enhanced sector display schemes enable you to create sector displayschemes based on user-defined statistical data. This provides flexiblevisualization of sector parameters and properties.

    Data management

    Mentum Planet includes an advanced data management system including:

    n a Data Manager through which projects are stored and shared

    n a flexible import/export tool through which you can import or export:

    n standard cell parametersn mobile WIMAX, fixed WiMAX, LTE, and cdma2000-specificparameters

    n an Import / Export API for Mentum Planet (iecon command line)

    n an Import / Export API for Data Manager (iecon command line)

    n support for attachments to a project

    n ability to manage local data versioning

    Other enhancements

    The Mentum Planet release includes other new features including:

    n a Sector Query Editor, which enables you to query sector data usingcomplex expressions.

    Mentum Planet 5.0 included other important new features such as:

    n the Network Overlay tool, which can be used to create WiMAX or LTEnetworks in Mentum Planet 5.0 using sites from other Mentum Planetprojects or from another data source

    n the Network Data tool, which includes a generic network data import,report review tool, sector display scheme creation ability, and traffic mapcreation using imported data

    Mentum Planet Release Note 33

  • n Embedded Microsoft Bing Maps Viewer (formerly known as VirtualEarth), which supports Mentum Planet sites and MapInfo raster datavisualization

    n a connection to the Mentum Antenna Server, which supports an antennapattern search and download from a central antenna databaserepository

    n New Mentum Planet icons

    34 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • Enhanced user documentation

    Mentum Planet comes with a comprehensive documentation set including:

    n cdma2000 User Guide contains the information you need to begincreating projects and analysing networks.

    n WCDMA User Guide contains the information you need to begin creatingprojects and analysing networks.

    n LTE User Guide contains the information you need to begin creatingprojects and analysing networks.

    n WiMAX User Guide contains the information you need to begin creatingprojects and analysing networks.

    n Fixed WiMAX User Guide contains the information you need to begincreating projects and analysing networks.

    n TDMA-FDMA User Guide contains the information you need to begincreating projects and analysing networks.

    n OFDMA Collisions Technical Note contains information about the collisionscenarios when in a WiMAX OFDMA mode of operation

    n LTE Analysis Layers Technical Note helps you better understand commonLTE analysis layers and their intended use.

    n WiMAX Analysis Layers Technical Note helps you better understandcommon WiMAX analysis layers and their intended use.

    n Mentum Planet Extensions Application Note contains examples of how toextend Mentum Planet functionality using the new Extension Manager.

    n CRC-Predict 4 Emulation of CRC-Predict 2 document explains how toemulate tuned CRC-Predict 2 propagation models using Predict 4 in orderto benefit from the improved overall accuracy of the new model and toprovide access to the new multi-threaded prediction capabilities

    In addition, you can access the Customer Care Knowledge Base directly from theMentum Planet online Help or from the Help menu within Mentum Planet.

    Mentum Planet Release Note 35

  • Issue Resolutions

    The following issues have been resolved in this release:

    version 5.4

    n Issue whereby the message 'Cannot find table 0' displayed whenattempting to import network data in Microsoft Excel format. Theproblem occurred in cases where the name of the worksheet beingimported began with a number. Case 15830

    n Issue whereby the message 'Antenna coordinate system is not thesame as DEM coordinate system' displayed when attempting to runnetwork analysis. This issue occurred in cases where the projectgeodata was changed and the new geodata had a different coordinatesystem than the original geodata. Case 17034

    n Issue whereby local attachments were deleted after disconnecting fromData Manager. Case 17898

    n Issue whereby the snap option did not function properly when creating anew site using the Place Copy function. Case 18110

    n Issue whereby the message 'Error: Index was out of range. Must benon-negative and less than the size of the collection' displayed whenattempting to generate a WiMAX frequency and preamble plan. Thisproblem occurred in cases where the number of required channels on asector was less than the number of allocated ones. Case 19243

    n Issue whereby the message 'Error opening filtered grid' displayed whenattempting to generate contours using the Smooth Contouring Tool.Case 19751

    n Issue whereby the right-click (shortcut) menu is disabled whenaccessed from the heights or clutter node in Project Explorer (ProjectData>Geodata). This problem occurred when the Layer Control windowwas open and un-docked. Cases 21356, 21416, 22229, 28932

    n Issue whereby the Layer Statistics Analysis tool produced incorrectresults under certain conditions. The problem occurred in cases whereone or more grids being used as input were not properly aligned. Now, awarning is shown when loading a project or when attempting to changeyour project geodata to alert you to the fact that your data is not

    36 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • properly aligned. If your data is not properly aligned you should contactyour geodata vendor to have it corrected. Case 21358

    n Issue whereby an exception occurred when attempting to create a sitetemplate from Project Explorer. The problem occurred in cases whereusers were using a non-English version of Microsoft Office. Cases 21879,25208

    n Issue whereby an exception occurred when attempting to import networkdata in Microsoft Excel format. The problem occurred in cases whereusers were using a non-English version of Microsoft Office. Cases 21897,21685

    n Issue whereby the sites layer was wrongly removed from the mapwindow after carrying out a site edit operation. Cases 22161, 26966

    n Issue whereby the application window lost focus (e.g. The applicationwindow went to the back) after closing a dialog box. Case 22502

    n Issue whereby flag and group nodes were not properly sorted in DataManager. Case 22668

    n Issue whereby sector symbols changed to a star-shaped pattern afteradding a new site using the Place Copy command. This problem occurredin cases where the SiteFile layer within the SiteFilePerformanceLayer wasmoved above the SiteFile layer outside the SiteFilePerformanceLayerfolder. Case 23113

    n Issue whereby site/sector records were not sorted alphabetically whenviewed in a browser window. Case 23236

    n Issue whereby the sectors displayed in the Tabular Editor varieddepending on how that tool was launched (e.g. From a group node versusfrom a selection of sites). Case 23389

    n Issue whereby the message 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process' displayedwhen refreshing Project Explorer after a network analysis is run based onan area grid. Case 23433

    n Issue whereby the application crashed when attempting to place a newsite using the Place Copy command. This problem occurred in caseswhere the name of the new site exceeded the 30-character limit. Cases23897, 24015, 23420, 29097

    Mentum Planet Release Note 37

  • n Issue whereby a Group layer appeared 'shifted' in relation to the sitelayer when displayed in a map window. Case 23943

    n Issue whereby area values displayed in the Layer Statistics Analysistool did not respect the units defined in the Preferences dialog. Case24404

    n Issue whereby height values in Universal Model did not respect the unitsdefined in the Preferences dialog. Case 24361

    n Issue whereby sector names displayed in the Site Editor were not sortedalphabetically. Case 24691

    n Issue whereby the message 'Predict 4 error Failed to open thetemporary files containing radial data' displayed when attempting toperform propagation model tuning. Case 24627

    n Issue whereby the map window node in Project Explorer did not updateafter the corresponding map window was renamed. Case 24875

    n Issue whereby the message 'NWSpatialWrapper; vmSpliceGrids: Couldnot splice grids' displayed when attempting to view prediction layers.The problem occurred in cases where a sector name contained anunsupported character (e.g. An accented character). Case 24383

    n Issue whereby it was difficult to read node labels in Project Explorerwhen a node was selected (e.g. Since the selection highlight color wasdark in color). Cases 25094, 25725, 26515

    n Issue whereby site nodes in Project Explorer did not immediatelyexpand when clicked on. Case 25098

    n Issue whereby the cursor focus in the Sites tree in Project Explorerjumped to an unexpected location when clicking on sites within the tree.Case 25097

    n Issue whereby information for some WCDMA terminal categories wasmissing in the user documentation. Case 24904

    n Issue whereby the message 'Error: An error occurred while reading thegrids: Index was outside the bounds of the array' displayed whenrunning optimization with type Site Selection. The problem occurs incases where the propagation models associated with the sectors beingoptimized reference heights grids with different resolutions. Case 25095

    38 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Issue whereby the Tabular Editor displayed files with text file (.txt)extensions in the available propagation model list. Case 25289

    n Issue whereby the message 'Unable to open table' displayed whenattempting to display a prediction layer. The issue occurred in caseswhere the site name contained Unicode characters. Unicode charactersare now supported for the following propagation models: PGM, PGM-A, Q9and Longley-Rice. They are not supported for Predict 4 and UniversalModel. Cases 25185, 29231

    n Issue whereby the migration of a Mentum CellPlanner 10 WCDMA projectfailed when a description field contained more than 255 characters. Inversion 5.4.0, descriptions longer than 255 characters will be truncated to255 characters during migration and a warning message will display.

    n Issue whereby an exception occurred during LTE FDD network analysiswhen the 'Interference Coordination' analysis layer was selected. Case25380

    n Issue whereby the message 'Propagation Model Analysis: An erroroccurred while trying to compute the analysis. The error is: Vector Filetoo large => nbrecord (109975) > 100000 items' displayed whenattempting to generate a new propagation model analysis. Case 25312

    n Issue whereby the message 'Agilent error while dumping AOD file:' displayed while attempting to import an LTE AOD file. Cases24660, 24457

    n Issue whereby the pilot power value associated to EV-DO sector-carrieras displayed in the Tabular Editor was incorrect and not equal to the PApower value. Case 25521

    n Issue whereby the message 'Exception of type'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown" displayed whenattempting to run LTE Monte Carlo simulation. Memory managementimprovements have been implemented in 5.4.0 that greatly reduce thepossibility of such an exception occurring. Case 25782

    n Issue whereby data exported based on a sector Group contained sectorsthat were not in that Group. Case 25783

    n Issue whereby Fixed Subscriber Analysis results were missing from theMicrosoft Excel results file. This problem occurred in cases where the

    Mentum Planet Release Note 39

  • 'select prediction at CPE antenna height level' option was selected. Case25918

    n Issue whereby the unit uses for MIMO B in the Microsoft Excel FixedSubscriber Analysis report incorrectly showed as dB instead of as apercentage. Case 25919

    n Issue whereby the Project Explorer behaved erratically. This includedproblems with scrolling operations, problems opening/closing groupsand issues with cursor movement. Changes implemented in version 5.4make these issues much less likely to occur. Cases 25967, 26516,26517,26584,26587, 26967,25698, 26963, 26637, 25294,27347,27618,29251

    n Issue whereby the application hung when left idle for a while. Thisproblem occurred in cases where the user entered some characters inthe Sites filter in Project Explorer and then immediately changed thefocus to another application. When they returned the focus to MentumPlanet they found the application had 'frozen'. Case 26684

    n Issue whereby changes made to a site's properties were incorrectlybeing reflected in a copy of that site. Case 26162

    n Issue whereby the message 'GSM_Sectors Table: Sector has invalid value' displayed when project data was being imported. Theproblem occurred in cases where the GPRS Maximum Supported CodingScheme and EGPRS Coding scheme was blank for some sectors on theimport sheet. Case 26174

    n Issue whereby the message ". Internal error. There arenot enough 'float' parameters in the model for parameter'OutputResolutionMeters'" displayed when propagation models werebeing migrated. Cases 26226, 27087

    n Issue whereby the Tabular Editor did not allow you to allocate MAIO'sand HSN's when the FH type was set to BBH. Case 26294

    n Issue whereby the GSMWorst Offender C/A network analysis layerfailed to account for the adjacent channel interference rejection factorand therefore did not show the correct values. Case 26316

    n Issue whereby the message 'sites locked by n/a' displayedUnexpectedly in Data Manager. Case 26356

    40 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Issue whereby the message 'Error in the application' displayed whileattempting to connect to Data Manager Server. This problem occurred incases where the specified port number was incorrect. The application nowdisplays a more meaningful error message that alerts the user to theproblem and suggests they check the port number. Case 26488

    n Issue whereby the message 'failed to create BIN file' displayed whenattempting to generate predictions. This problem occurred in cases whereuser was trying to generate predictions for sectors for which predictiongeneration had previously been terminated before completion of theprocess. Cases 26512, 26681, 26897, 26931

    n Issue whereby the Scan Receiver Export to Survey function producedincorrect results under certain conditions. Case 26127

    n Issue whereby there was an unexpected discrepancy between the LTEFDD uplink MCS and uplink data rate analysis layers. Case 26656

    n Issue whereby the message 'Exception has been thrown by the target ofan invocation' displayed when using the CPICH Pollution Inspector tool.Case 26370

    n Issue whereby an exception occurred when attempting to import networkdata. The problem occurred when there were missing primary keys in theimport file. Case 27101

    n Issue whereby the message 'failed write to BIN file' displayed whenattempting to generate predictions. The problem occurred in cases wherethe resolution of referenced heights and/or clutter data was not aninteger value (a requirement in Mentum Planet). Now, a warning messageis displayed in such cases alerting the user to the problem and suggestingto use the Resizer tool in Grid Manager to correct it. Cases 27372, 27589,29004

    n Issue whereby the message 'Cannot define speed for Usage: cannot use a speed that is not set for any LTE Modulationof the equipment type defined' incorrectly displayed when attempting toimport project data. Case 27335

    n Issue whereby the message 'Analysis Area too large. Reduce analysisbounds or increase Analysis resolution from XX m to a value greater thenYY m in the Analysis Area Pane.' incorrectly displayed when attempting torun network analysis. Case 26054

    Mentum Planet Release Note 41

  • n Issue whereby the clutter properties setting in the propagation modeleditor changes to 'Use default/single properties' when the receiverheight is changed. This problem occurred when the model type wasPredict 4 or PGM. Case 27568

    n Issue whereby the message 'Data in the selected import tables ininvalid. The import process has been aborted and no changes made tothe project. Data validation message: Downlink bearer has undefined LTEModulation.Speed' Unexpectedly displayed whenimporting project data. Case 27586

    n Issue whereby the message 'An item with the same key has alreadybeen added' displayed when migrating a project. Case 27383

    n Issue whereby the Antenna_Bands export sheet did not display any datawhen exported to Microsoft Excel format. Case 27666

    n Issue whereby the survey operations such as generate header fromsector, survey averaging and survey filtering caused the antennacoordinate values to Unexpectedly change. Case 27560

    n Issue whereby the message 'Failed to load project. Project must have at least 1 range optimization constraint.Please make sure you are not deleting one' displayed when opening aproject. Case 27835

    n Issue whereby clutter properties defined in the Propagation Model Editorare lost when switching between clutter grids of different resolutions.Case 27442

    n Issue whereby scroll bars in the Tabular Editor Unexpectedly disappearafter applying filters. Case 27963

    n Issue whereby the message 'Index was outside the bounds of the array'displayed when generating LTE FDD Monte Carlo simulation. Theproblem occurs when the traffic map associated with the subscribercovers a larger area than the project geodata. The application nowdisplays a warning message when this condition exists with instructionsto trim the traffic map so that it falls within the bounds of the geodata.Case 28004

    n Issue whereby the message 'Sites cannot be placed for the selectedregion' displays when using the Automatic Site Placement Tool. Case27319

    42 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Issue whereby TDMA network analysis failed when one or more sitesconsidered for the analysis contained a period character in their name.Case 28138

    n Issue whereby applying site selection changes (site activation or sitedeactivation) did not always function properly. Case 28154

    n Issue whereby an antenna query based on central frequency wronglyexcluded some antennas from the results. Case 28155

    n Issue whereby the ACP site selection algorithm did not activate thecorrect number of sites under given conditions. Case 28156

    n Issue whereby the message 'Index was outside the bounds of the array'displayed when attempting to generate CDMA network analysis layers.The problem occurred on projects that were migrated from a previousversion. Cases 28064, 28981

    n Issue whereby the number of subscribers indicated in theSubscribers>Global report for WCDMA Monte Carlo simulations wasincorrect. Case 28284

    n Issue whereby the file generated when viewing a survey transmittinglocation did not get stored in the project folder. Case 28255

    n Issue whereby the message 'UM: Memory allocation failure' displayedwhen attempting to generate predictions using Universal Model. Thisproblem occurred in cases where the antenna correction option in themodel was enabled. Cases 27947, 28916

    n Issue whereby the application crashed when attempting to run batchproject migration. Case 28638

    n Issue whereby the message 'Warning: Unable to delete directory' displays when attempting to runbatch project migration. Case 28635

    n Issue whereby grid creation using interpolation was not possible (e.g. Theprocess failed with multiple error messages). Case 28595

    n Issue whereby the formula used to compute the number of controlchannel resource elements for LTE FDD was incorrect. Case 28760

    Mentum Planet Release Note 43

  • n Issue whereby the message 'Object reference not set to an instance ofan object' displayed when attempting to generate TDMA-FDMA networkanalysis. Case 28687

    n Issue whereby the Automatic Site Placement Tool (Basic Mode) failedwhen run on a project that did not have a clutter file in the Geodatafolder. Case 29200

    44 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • version 5.3.2

    n Issue whereby TDMA/FDMA network analysis fails when a color codeexception value was NULL. When this problem occurred, thenetwork analysis window did not open and no error messagedisplayed. Case 26978

    n Issue whereby the message ' does not exist'displayed when attempting to delete a neighbor list using the PlanetAPI. Case 27297

    n Issue whereby selecting a range of sites in Project Explorer (e.g. byselecting a site, pressing and holding the SHIFT key then selectinganother site) did not select all sites within the range.

    n Issue whereby the Map window did not update automatically whensectors were added to a site (in the Site Editor). This issue occurredin cases where the map display layer was based on a Group. The fixdoes not apply to maps based on Flags, Queries and Group Bynodes. Case 13733

    n Issue whereby the Mutual Neighbor field shown in the neighbor listviewer window wrongly showed a value of 'False' for all sectors. Thisissue occurred when the neighbor list was generated using theinterference matrix or best server method. Case 26002

    n Issue whereby the buttons at the bottom of the Merge InterferenceMatrices window were hidden. The problem was seen when MentumPlanet was run on a Japanese version of Windows XP. Case 26220

    n Issue whereby the message ': AnalysisArea too large' displayed when attempting to run WCDMA NetworkAnalysis. This issue occurred in cases where network analysis wasrunning using the 'Use the combined area of selected predictions'option. Case 26054

    n Issue whereby traffic map generation failed with the message 'Errorsplicing grids'. The issue occurred in cases where the coordinatesystems of the clutter weight and vector weight grids were notidentical. Case 26601

    n Issue whereby it was not possible to select a carrier associated witha neighbor plan in the PCID planning tool window. Case 26716

    Mentum Planet Release Note 45

  • n Issue whereby physical cell ID labels did not display in mapwindow when a project was re-opened. This issue occurred incases where the workspace autosave option was enabled. Case26115

    46 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • version 5.3.1

    n Issue whereby the message 'Please enter a value within the range [-200,200]' displayed when adjusting PA power values even though thevalue entered was within that range. Case 23846

    n Issue whereby Data Manager user group assignments were lost when theData Manager was re-started.

    n Issue whereby an exception was thrown when attempting to import TEMSInvestigation log files. The issue was detected on Windows XP 32-bit and64-bit operating systems.


    n Issue whereby the message 'Unable to read survey information' displayswhen attempting to average a survey data file. This problem occurs incases where the survey has been displayed on a map prior to surveyaveraging. To avoid the problem, carry out survey averaging prior todisplaying the survey. Cases 21772, 22047

    n Issue whereby the number of subscribers spread during Monte Carlosimulation was the same regardless of service loading. This issue wasdetected when a Monte Carlo simulation was generated for sites with anEV-DO carrier. Case 22504

    n Issue whereby the network analysis engine did not respect the signalstrength/received power units specified in the User Preferences dialogbox when the units were set to 'dBuV/m'. Case 22663

    n Issue whereby the message 'Error initializing tree structure' displays afterclicking the Update All File Items in the Project Explorer button. Thisproblem occurs only in cases where the button is depressed immediatelyafter running a network analysis based on an area grid. Case 23433

    n Issue whereby the message 'The carriers in the saved analysis settingsare not present in the current selection' displays when attempting tocreate a network analysis. This problem occurs if you change networksettings (e.g., the frequency band or carrier descriptors) and thosesettings are referenced in the default network analysis settings. Tocorrect the problem, delete the DefaultAnalysisSettings.xml file locatedin the /technology folder (e.g. /CDMA2000_Analyses). Cases 23768, 23727

    Mentum Planet Release Note 47

  • n Issue whereby the free space loss curve in the survey regression tooldid not properly account for changes to the frequency parameter. Case24297

    n Issue whereby the message 'Project cannot be loaded. There are nolicenses available for ' displayed upon projectopening. Case 24516

    n Issue whereby the Universal Model Horizontal Propagation option didnot remain enabled upon re-opening the model settings dialog box. Case24792

    n Issue whereby the message 'Copy of failed: An item withthe same key has already been added' displayed when attempting togenerate predictions. The problem occurred in cases where the geodatagrids had negative eastings values. Cases 24723, 24608, 24790

    n Issue whereby the affected area values shown in a histograminterference matrix were incorrect. This problem occurred in caseswhere the interference matrix was generated based on serviceprobabilities. Case 24850

    n Issue whereby the message 'Prediction Post Processing failed for.ppf: Reading header data failed' when attempting to generatepredictions based on the Predict-Air propagation model. Case 24713

    n Issue whereby mobile allocation lists (MAL) containing carriers(ARFCNs) from different sub-bands could not be imported. Case 24281

    n Issue whereby the cdma2000_Carrier_Antennas worksheet was missingwhen project data was exported using the import/export tool. Case24704

    n Issue whereby RSRP and RSRQ values for subscribers blocked becauseof reference coverage were incorrect. Case 22673

    48 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • version 5.3

    n Issue whereby map display did not update when a new sector was addedto a site in the Site Editor (e.g. newly added sector did not display in mapwindow). Case 13733

    n Issue whereby the application did not recognize predictions as valid whenthe frequency band assigned to a sector changed. Case 14588

    n Issue whereby Prediction Manager did not consider filters based on Flagsor Groups. Case 16115

    n Issue whereby the Zoom Automatically on Viewed Site Selection optiondid not function properly. Cases 16565, 21010, 24196

    n Issue whereby the creation and/or activation of site sets took a longtime. Performance in this area has been greatly enhanced in version5.3.0. Cases 15828, 18165, 19896

    n Issue whereby an out of memory error displayed when attempting toexport to survey a scanner data file.Cases 17410, 19915

    n Issue whereby the Layer Statistics Analysis tool computed statisticsincorrectly when the input data layer contained negative values.Case17743

    n Issue whereby the unit type selection list in the Grid Import tool wasincomplete. Case 18360

    n Issue whereby the migration rollback function did not work properly. Case18346

    n Issue whereby the antenna file drop-down control in the Site Editor didnot take advantage of the auto complete option. Now, when you typecharacters in this control, the list will scroll to the list itemmatching thecharacters you have typed. Case 19019

    n Issue whereby you could not change the case of a character in the site'Name' field in the Site Editor. For example, you could not change the sitename from 'Site_1' to 'site_1'. Case 19021

    n Issue whereby the Best Ec threshold value defined in the cdma2000default analysis settings dialog was not properly migrated. During

    Mentum Planet Release Note 49

  • migration, this value was improperly reset to the Mentum Planet default.Case 18833

    n Issue whereby the add/remove buttons for LTE modulations in theNetwork Settings window were not visible. This problem occurred underspecific screen resolutions only. Case 19160

    n Issue whereby the distance unit shown in the Point-to-Point Profile toolwindow did not respect the unit specified in the User Preferences dialogbox. Case 19203

    n Issue whereby all sites displayed in the active map window upondisconnecting from Data Manager (or Tabular Editor) even when thedisplay was based on Groups or Flags. Case 19376

    n Issue whereby the action of double-clicking on a .planet (project) file didnot open Mentum Planet and the related project. Case 19202

    n Issue whereby the message 'To generate label, the current table musthave at least column Site or Site ID, and at least one column should beselected. Site column (name: "Site ID") is missing' displayed whenattempting to generate labels based on a traffic column in the NetworkData import tool. Cases 19208, 19533, 21238

    n Issue whereby 'banned' sectors as defined in the Site Editor wereincorrectly available for selection in the IFPP tool. Case 19559

    n Issue whereby an out of memory error displayed when attempting toperform Tabular Editing. Performance has been enhanced in version5.3.0 to reduce the likelihood of such a problem occurring. Case 19654

    n Issue whereby MIMO A gain was not calculated correctly. This problemoccurred in cases where antenna is omni-directional. Case 19763

    n Issue whereby the import of Agilent AOD files failed. Case 19995

    n Issue whereby the message 'No 1xRTT forward bearers found with therequired data rate' incorrectly displayed when attempting to run EV-DOnetwork analysis. Cases 19040, 22308

    n Issue whereby predictions generated using the PGM-A propagationmodel were incorrect. The problem was caused by the fact that the K1and K2 near model parameters were flipped. Case 20633

    50 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Issue whereby the message 'The server is not available. Verify theInternet connection and try again' displayed when attempting todownload an antenna from the Mentum Antenna Server. Case 20601

    n Issue whereby the terrain height for repeaters incorrectly displayed as '-999'. Case 20809

    n Issue whereby the message 'verticalBoresightDegree element is invalid'displayed when attempting to load an antenna pattern. Case 20894

    n Issue whereby the message 'Cannot read coordinate system category'displayed when attempting to create a new project. The problem occurredwhen running Mentum Planet using the Japanese locale operating systemsettings. Case 20630

    n Issue whereby an exception occurred when attempting to export projectdata. The problem occurred in cases where an equipment type beingimported did not have a band assignment or if the bands assigned did notexist in the project. In such cases, the first band for the technology of theequipment type is assigned. Case 20998

    n Issue whereby the Mentum Planet application window hides itself aftercarrying out certain actions (e.g. closing a dialog box, viewing predictionsetc...). Case 21018

    n Issue whereby shortcut (right-click) menu options in Project Explorerwere incorrectly disabled when the Layer Control window was floating.Cases 21326, 21416, 22229

    n Issue whereby a the Flags or Groups map layer disappeared afterchanging the network coordinates system. Case 21012

    n Issue whereby FFR usage values as displayed in the Site and Tabulareditors were inconsistent (e.g. In Site Editor FFR usage values displayedas 20% whereas the same value displayed as 0.2% in the Tabular Editor).Case 21367

    n Issue whereby traffic options incorrectly appeared in the TDMA/FDMANetwork Analysis Wizard. Case 21577

    n Issue whereby BCCH carrier numbers were not properly updated afterbeing imported. The problem occurred in cases where frequency hoppingwas set to synthesized or baseband. Cases 21689, 22487

    Mentum Planet Release Note 51

  • n Issue whereby the Data Manager 'Display Differences Only' filter did notfunction correctly. Cases 21659, 23209

    n Issue whereby project migration between version 5.2.0 and 5.2.1 wasvery slow. Changes have been implemented in version 5.3.0 that greatlyimprove performance in this area. Case 21749

    n Issue whereby statistics could not be generated based on .csv type dataimported using the Network Data tool. Case 21898

    n Issue whereby the message 'Cannot insert duplicate key in objectdbo.FileCategory' displayed when attempting to submit data to DataManager. Case 22104

    n Issue whereby the message 'The given key was not present in thedictionary' displayed when attempting to generate a traffic map usingthe Planet Open API. Case 22144

    n Issue whereby the message 'Traffic for sector XXX is negative' displayswhen attempting to generate a traffic map using the Planet Open API.The problem occurs in cases where the network data for the sectorequals zero erlangs. Case 22476

    n Issue whereby the message 'Cannot find item XXX in current visiblelayer' displayed when attempting to Locate a site. The issue occurred incases where the site being located did not exist in the Group or Flaglayer currently displayed in map window. Now, if the site being located isnot part of the Group or Flag layer, the sites layer will be opened and thesite being located will be centered in the map window. Case 22692

    n Issue whereby clutter weighting was not considered when generating atraffic map using the Planet Open API. Case 22543

    n Issue whereby the generation of predictions from the Flags node inProject Explorer did not properly consider repeaters associated withsectors belonging to the active Flags filter. Case 22466

    n Issue whereby an out of memory error displayed when attempting to runcdma2000 network analysis. Performance has been enhanced in version5.3.0 to reduce the likelihood of such a problem occurring. Case 21488

    n Issue whereby the Network Overlay tool did not import Flag and Groupsettings. Case 23160

    52 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Issue whereby the message 'Unable to load DLL ...\MPMiPrj.dll' displayedwhen attempting to import survey data in Planet DMS format. Thespecified DLL was missing from the software installation package. Case23259

    n Issue whereby an out of memory error displayed when attempting tosave a project. Performance has been enhanced in version 5.3.0 toreduce the likelihood of such a problem occurring. Case 23208

    n Issue whereby an out of memory error displayed when attempting toexecute the Save Current function from the LTE FDD Frequency andParameter Plans node in Project Explorer. Case 22876

    n Issue whereby colors defined in a sector display scheme were notassigned properly when the display scheme was applied to network data.Case 20723

    n Issue whereby the message 'Object reference not set to an instance of anobject' displayed when attempting to make the master site set active.Case 23421

    n Issue whereby the Grid Info tool displayed incorrect information (e.g. thewrong sector ID) when querying a best server grid. The problem occurredin cases where the Windows Region and Language settings were set toCroatian. Case 23567

    n Issue whereby the message 'Index and length must refer to a locationwithin the string' displayed when attempting to import an antenna filewith an .adf extension. Case 23724

    n Issue whereby a carrier could not be added to a mobile allocation list(MAL). The problem occurred in cases where the carrier was assigned to anon-hopping transceiver. Case 23929

    n Issue whereby an out of memory error displayed when attempting importdata using the Import/Export tool. Performance has been enhanced inversion 5.3.0 to reduce the likelihood of such a problem occurring. Cases21931, 19645, 20254

    Mentum Planet Release Note 53

  • version 5.2.1

    n Issue whereby the current map display (based on a Group or Flagselection) was lost after using the Find Site tool. Case 13852

    n Issue whereby antenna mechanical tilt was not accounted for ingenerated FCC contours.Case 17929

    n Issue whereby the map layer that used to display connecting linesbetween sectors and repeaters (SiteFile_Relation) displayed in error. Todisplay this layer, you must add it from the Layer Control window.Case18892, 15659, 16415, 18744

    n Issue whereby the Workspace autosave option did not functionproperly. This has been resolved although it only works for a singleworkstation. Case 18405, 15952, 17364, and 17511

    n Issue whereby the message 'Only Auto prediction increment issupported' displayed when attempting to generate predictions. Thismessage displayed because at least one sector had a predictiondistance increment set to something other than 'auto' (distanceincrement = heights grid resolution). Mentum Planet 5.x no longersupports user-defined distance increments. The distance increment isset to be the same as the heights grid resolution by default. Distanceincrement values that do not follow this rule are converted duringmigration. Case 18387

    n Issue whereby some repeater properties (e.g., geographic coordinates,propagation distance, power values and antenna properties) did notappear when viewing the site table in a Browser window. Note that youmust update your site file in order to view this data (right-click on theSites node and select 'Update Site File'). Case 17878

    n Issue whereby the Query tool generated incorrect results when a querycondition was based on antenna azimuth.Case 16126

    n Various issues related to project migration. Case 18075, 18246, 17508,17989, 18298, 18323, 18539, 18914

    n Issue whereby an 'overflow' error occurred when attempting to viewsector neighbors.Case 16312

    n Problem whereby the MapInfo 'Named Views' utility would not load andrun properly. Case 11414

    54 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Issue whereby the Prediction Generator did not properly force predictiongeneration when building polygon data had changed. This issue onlyoccurred when the Planet Universal Model was being used. Case 14107,14302

    n Issue whereby the histogram, clutter distribution and regression analysiswindows were not properly updated after survey points were removed.Case 14645

    n Issue whereby the Point-to-Point Profile tool froze under certainconditions forcing the user to re-start the application. The issue occurredwhen a profile referenced a CRC Predict 4 propagation model where theclutter separation distance parameter on one or more clutter classes wasset to a value of zero.Case 14581, 16243

    n Issue whereby the Data Manager 'View Differences Only' command didnot function properly. In some case, differences did not display. Case16082, 16764, 18711, 19013, 16402

    n Issue whereby changes to CDMA pilot power had differing impacts oncontrol and traffic channel powers when made in the Site Editor ascompared to the Import tool.Case 16700, 16236

    n Issue whereby long antenna names shown in the Site Editor were beingtruncated. Now, when you click the drop-down control the entire antennaname is displayed. Case 16410

    n Issue whereby sector Groups were not sorted in the Site Editor. Case16407

    n Issue whereby project data import failed with an error. The issue occurredin cases where user was trying to import a repeater when that repeatersdonor sector was not included in the import file. Now, a warning messageis shown in the log window (indicating that the repeater cannot beimported) but import will proceed. Case 16820

    n Issue whereby a Sector Display Scheme created based on the antennahorizontal beamwidth property did not properly depict the antennabeamwidth.Case 17352

    n Issue whereby survey nodes were improperly removed from ProjectExplorer following disconnection from Data Manager. Case 17367

    Mentum Planet Release Note 55

  • n Issue whereby the error 'Link configuration does not have sequentiallink budget indexes starting at 1' displayed when importing site data.Case 17400

    n Issue whereby some LTE layers were not properly supported by thePlanet Open API. Case 17756

    n Issue whereby the message 'Object reference not set to an instance ofan object' displayed when closing a project. Case 17746, 18467

    n Issue whereby local attachment files were incorrectly deleted followingdisconnection from Data Manager. Case 17898

    n Issue whereby antenna properties were not properly saved in FixedWiMAX subscriber settings (equipment types). When a project was re-opened, antenna properties reverted to their original values. Case17860

    n Issue whereby the pilot % of PA power value is set incorrectly whenplacing a CDMA EV-DO site using a site template. Case 18026, 19449

    n Issue whereby LTE Network Analysis layers based on the carrier couldnot be generated using the Planet API. Case 17884

    n Issue whereby the initialization of Capesso incorrectly utilized a MentumPlanet license. Case 18344

    n Issue whereby the MapInfo Coordinate Extractor tool did notautomatically load when Mentum Planet was started (when that toolwas configured to be 'autoloaded'). Case 18331, 18941

    n Issue whereby the site Locate function incorrectly added all sites to amap window after being executed. This issue occurred when the Locatefunction was executed from within a sector Group. Case 18446, 18973,18974

    n Issue whereby CDMA Best Ec values were different depending on thelayer selection chosen when network analysis was run. Case 18425

    n Issue whereby the multicast delay spread analysis layer incorrectlydisplayed NULL values when the values should have been '0'. Case18593

    n Issue whereby combined predictions could not be viewed when projectwas stored on a network drive. Case 18869

    56 Mentum Planet Release Note

  • n Issue whereby an error message displayed when using the Best ServerRecolor tool. This issue occurred when attempting to recolor server areasbase on the GSM LAC or RAC properties. Case 8176

    n Issue whereby an exception was th