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Page 1: Memory

MEMORY: - The CPU is has a few registers to hold data during the execution of the instruction when there is a need for holding a large amount of data or instruction. The CPU has to depend on memory (main memory of the computer system) . Any instruction taken for execution is stored on the memory.

The memories consist of Ic chip, which are plugged into the motherboard or on a small electronic circuit board connected to the motherboard. This memory helps CPU to store and retrieve data and instruction quickly as and when required. This memory is called as electronic memory or semiconductor memory.

The electronic memory or simply memory is categorized into two types based on the nature of retention of data is it temporary memory is also called non-permanent memory. When it retains the data and instruction on power frailer. On the other hand a temporary memory loses it contents when the computer is swithed off. Therefore a temporary memory is called volatile memory and permanent memory is called non-volatile memory.MAR - Memory Address Register.MDR – Memory Data Register.MFC - Memory Function Computed.R / W - Read Write.CS-Chip Select.CAS-column address Strobe.RAS - Row Address strobe.

Basic Concept:-The maximum size of the memory that can be used in any computer is determined

by the addressing Scheme. Ex:- A 16-bit Computer that generates 16-bit addresses is capable of addressing up to 2^16= 64K memory location.

Similarly, machines whose instructions generate 32-bit address can utilize a memory that contains up to 2^32 = 4G(giga) memory locations.-Whereas machine with 40-bit addresses can access up to 240= 1T(tera)The memory is usually designed to store and retrieve is one memory access is the most common definition of the word length of a computer

Consider for example a byte addressable Computer whose instructions generate 32-bit addresses. When a 32-bit address is sent from the processor to the memory unit, the high –order 30 bit determine which word will be accessed of a byte quantity is specified, the low- order 2 bits of the address specify which byte location is involved.

In a Read operation, other bytes may be fetched from the memory. But the processor ignores them.

From the system stand point; we can wave the memory unit as the block box. Data transfer between the memory and the processor takes place through the use of

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k-bit address bus

n-bit address bus

Control/lines (R/W, MFC etc)

Two-processor register. Usually called MAR (Memory Address Register) and MDR (Memory data register)

If MAR is “K” bits long and MDR is ‘n’ bit long. Then the memory unit may up to 2^k addressable location.

During a memory Cycle ‘n’ bits of data or transferred between the memory and processor

This transfer takes place over the processor bus. Which has “K” Address lines and “n” data lines. The bus also includes the control lines Read/Write (R/W) and

memory function completed (MFC) for Co-coordinating data transfers The processor reads data from the memory by loading the address of

the required memory location into the MAR register and the setting the (R/W) line to one.

The memory responds by placing the data from the addressed location on to the data lines. And confirms this action by addressing the MFC Signal.

The Processor writes data into a memory location by loading the address of this location into MAR. And Loading the data into MDR.

It indicates that a write operation is involved by setting the (R/W) line to 0.

The read or write operation involve consecutive address location in a main memory, then a block transfer operation can be performed in which the only address sent to the memory is the one, that identifies the first location.

Processor Memory

Up to 2^k addressable locations

Word length= n bits



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Memory access may be synchronized using a Clock or they may be controlled using special signals that controls transfers on the bus.

Memory read and write operation are controlled as input and output bus transfer respectively.

The useful measure of the speed of memory units is the time that elapses between the initiation of an operation and the completion of the operation. Ex: - The time between the read and the MFC Signal.

This is referred to as the memory access time. Another important measure is the memory cycle time. Which is the minimum time delay required between initiations of the two successive memory operations.


A Semiconductor memory unit is of the volatile Category, since it binary cells need external power to maintain the needed signals.

* Semiconductor memories are available in wide range of speeds. The cycle time range from 100ns to less than 10ns

Semiconductor memories are first introduced in the late 1960s. They were much more expensive than the magnetic core memories,

they replaced because of rapid advance in VLSI technology, The cost of semiconductor memories has dropped has dramatically One type of semiconductor memory device used in digital electronics

is the random accesses memory. (RAM) The Ram is a memory that you can “teach” After the “teaching and learning” process (called writes) Ram remembers the information for while and the Rams stored

information can be recalled or remembered at any time. We say that, we can write information (0s and 1s) into the memory and

read out or recall information. In a Ram the registers may be through of f as being separated in space

with each register occupying one particulars special location as in a magnetic core memory.

The RAM can’t be used for permanent memory because it looses its data when power off the IC s is turned off.

Rams are used where only temporary memory is needed. Rams are used for calculator memories. Buffer memories, Cache

memory and microcomputer user memory. Modern PC implement RAM both SRAM (Static Ram) and DRAM

(Dynamic Ram)

WORD: -A memory unit stores binary information in groups called word.

Each word stored in a memory register A word is a memory is a entity of ‘n’ bits that moves in and out of the

storage as a unit.

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A memory word may represent as operand, an instruction, a group of alphanumeric character or any binary coded information’s.

READ AND WRITE: - The two control signals applied to the memory unit are called read and write

Write: - a write signals specifies a transfer in function

Read: - a read signals specifies a transfer-out function

SRAM: -(static random-access memory) High access speed, read and write requires continuous power (volatile

memory) Low density, high cost

DRAM:- (dynamic random access memory) * Good access speed read or write * Volatile memory plus a need for refresh circuitry

* High density, lower cost RAM type used in most modern PCs

STATIC MEMORY: - Memory that consist of circuit capable of retaining their state as long as power is applied are known as static memories

It is also called as SRAMb b

T1 T2x y

word linebit line

Two inverters are cross-connected to form a; latch The latch is connected to the two bit lines by transistors T1 and T2.

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These transistors act as switches that can be opened or closed under control of the word line

When the word line is at ground level .the transistor are turned off and the latch relations its state

Ex: -let us assume that cell is in state ‘1’if the logic value at point ‘x’ is 1 and at point ‘y’is 0. This static is maintained as long as the signal on the word line is at ground level


We need some practice in using the 7489 read/write RAM

In order to read the static of the SRAM cell, the word line is activated to close switches T1 and T2.if the cell is in static 1,the signal on bit line ‘b’ is high and the signal on bit line ‘b’ is low

The opposite is true if the cell is in static 0.thus ‘b’ and ‘b’ is complements of each other sense/write circuits at the end of the bit the output accordingly

The SRAM will remember the gray code for us And then we can use the RAM to convert from binary to gray code


The state of the cell is set by placing the appropriate value on bit ‘b’ and its complement ‘b ’ ,and then activating the word line. These forces the cell into the corresponding static .the required signals on the bit lines are generated by sense/write circuit.

ASYNCHRONOUS DRAMs :-Static RAM are fast but they come at a high cost because their cell require several transistors.

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Let expression RAM can be implemented if simpler cell are used. However such do not retain their state indefinitely. Hence they are called DYNAMIC RAMs.Information is stored is a dynamic memory cell is the form of a charge on a capacitor and this charge can be maintained for only term of milliseconds. Since the cell is required to store information for a much longer time, restoring the capacitor charge to its fill value must periodically refresh its contents.

EXPL:- Bit lineWord line



A dynamic all that consist of a capacitor C and a transistor T as show in the above fig. In order to store information’s in this cell. Transistor T is turned on and an appropriate voltage are applied to the bit line. This causes a know amount of charge to be stored is the capacitor.

After the transistor is turned off the capacitor begins to discharge. This is caused by the capacitors own leakage resistance and by the fact that the transistor continues to conduct a tiny amount of current measured is microamperes, after it is turned off.

Hence the information stored in cell can be retrieved correctly only if it is read before the charge on the capacitor drops below some threshold value during a read operation the transistor is a selected cell is turned on. A sense amplifier connected to the bit line detects whether the charge stored on the capacitor is above the threshold value. If so it drives the bit line too full voltage that represented logic value 1.This voltage recharges the capacitor to the full sense amplifier detects that the charge on the capacitor is below the threshold value it palls the bit line to ground level, which ensures that the capacitor will have no charge representing logic value 0.Thus reading the contents of the cell automatically refreshes its contents. All cells in a selected row are read at the same time, which refreshed the contents of the entire row.



Refresh counter

Row address latch

Row decoder

Cell array

Read /writeCircuit & latches

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Row/ columnAddress




R / WData


Recent development is memory technology have result is DRAMs whose operation is directly synchronized with a signal. Such memories are known as synchronous DRAMs (SDRAMs).

-The above figure shows that structure of an SDRAM.-The cell array is same as in asynchronous.-The address and data connection are buffered by means of registers.-The output of each sense amplifier is connected to a latch.-A read operation cause the contents of all cell is the selected row to be loaded into these latches.-But if an access is made for refreshing purpose only it will not change the contents of these latches. It will nearly refresh the contents of the cells.-Data held in the latches that correspond to the select column are transferredIn to data out put register, thus becoming available on the data output pins.SDRAMs have several different modes of operation, which can be selected by writing control information into a mode register.In SDRAMs it is necessary to provide externally generated pulse on the CAS line to select successive columns.

ColumnAddress countr

Column decoder

Data i/p register

Data o/p register

Mode register AndTiming counter

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The necessary signals are provided internally using a column counter and clock signal.New data can be placed on the data lines in each clock cycle. All action is triggered by the rising edge of the clock.SDRAMs have built in refresh circuitry a part of this circuitry is a refresh counter, which provides for refreshing.In typical SDRAMs each row must be refreshed at least every 64 ms.Note that the clock signal is needed is SDRAM chips.In typical SDRAMs a typical period is 64 ms.


The choice of a RAM chip for a given application depends on several factors foremost among these factors are the cost speed power dissipations, and size of the chip.Static RAMs are generally used only when very fast operation is the primary requirement. This cost and size are adversely affected by the complexity of the circuit that realizes the predominant choice for implementing computer main memories.

MEMORY CONTROLLER: -To reduce the number of pins the dynamic memory chips use multiplexed address inputs. The address is decided into two parts. The high order address provided first and latched into the memory chip order address bits, which select a column, are provided on the same address pins and latched using the CAS signal.

Address R /C address




Clock Clock

Processor Memory

Memory controller

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A typical processor issues all bit of address at the same time. The required multiplexing of address bit is usually performed by a memory controller circuit as show is the above figure. Which is interposed between the processor and the dynamic memory.

The controller accepts a complete address and the R/w signal form the processor, under the control of a request signal. The controller these to forwards the row and column portions of the address to the memory and generators the RAS and CAS signals.

It is also send the R/W and CS signals to the memory. The CS signal is usually action low. Data lines are connected directly between the processor and the memory.


All dynamic memories are hence to be refreshed. The refreshing process occupies 0.246ms is each ’64-ms’ time interval therefore the refresh overhead is ‘0.246/64=0.0038’Which is less than 0.4% of the total time available for accessing the memory.

RAMBUS MEMORY: - A very wide bus is expensive and requires a lot of space on a motherboard. An alternative approach is to implement a narrow bus that is much faster. This approach was used by Ram bus Inc. to develop a proprietary design known as Ram bus. The key feature of ram bus technology is a fast signaling method used to transfer information between chips. Instead of using signals that have voltage levels of 0 or Vsupply to represents the logic values, the signal consist of much smaller voltage swings the around a reference voltage Vref. It is about 2V and logic values are represented by 0.3V,swings above and below Vref. This type of signaling is generally known as differential signaling. Differential signaling and high transformation rate requires special technique for the design of wire connections that serves as a communication links. Ram bus provides a complete specification for the design of wire connection called Ram bus channelRam bus requires specially designed chips. These chips use cell arrays based on the std. DRAM technology. Multiple banks of cell arrays are used to access more than one word at a time. Circuitry needed to interface to the ram bus channel is included on the chip, such chips are known as Ram bus DRAm’s (RDARM’s).The original specification of ram bus providing for a channel consisting of ‘9’ data lines and number of control and power supply lines. Eight of the lines are intended for transferring a byte of data. The ninth data line can be used for purposes such as purity checking, also know as direct ‘RDRAM ‘. It has ‘18’ data line intended to transfer two bytes of data at a time.

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In ram bus there are three types of packets, they are request packet, acknowledge, data packets.

The number of bits in a request packet excess the number of data lines. Which means that several clock cycle are needed to transmit the entire packet RDRAMs chips can be assembled in to larger modules one such modules are RIMM can hold up 16 RDRAMs.

Ram bus technology completed directly with the DDR, SDRAM technology each has certain advantage and disachatagy, RDRAMs is a proprietary design of ram bus Inc. for which the manufactures of chips have to pay a royalty.


A special writing process is needed to place the information into this memory since its normal operation involves only reading of stored data. A memory of this type is called read only memory.Many digital devices including microcomputer must store some information permanently. This is typically stored is a read only memory or ROM.

-ROM is programmed by the manufacture to the users specifications.-Smaller ROMs can be used to solve combinational logical problems like decoding.-ROMs are classified as nonvolatile memory, because they do not loose their data when power is turned off. -This is also referred as the mask programmed.-it is used only high-volume production application because of the expensive initial setup costs.-The ROM consists of a number of Ic pall ages and is used for storing programs and tables of constants that are not subject to change once the production of the microcomputer system is completed.-ROM memories are used to store permanent data and programs.-Computer system programs look up tables’ decoders and character generator is but a few uses of the ROM.-ROM can also be used for solving combinational logic programs. A computer program is typically referred to as software. However when a computer programs is stored in a ROM it is called firmware because of the difficulty of making changes.

Another two important thing is that is,The ROM is high-density memory and It cannot be reprogrammed.

There are three types in ROM these are,1.PROM2.EPROM

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-The cache memory is used for which makes the main memory appear to the processor to faster than it really is.-The effeteness of the cache mechanism is based on a property of computer program called locality of reference.-This is a high-speed memory and is placed between the CPU and RAM.-The data a and instruction stored is it are accessed at a higher speed as compared to RAM.-The user can’t access this memory.-If the action segment of a program can be placed is fast cache memory. Thus the total execution time can be reduced significantly.-The operation of cache memory is very simple.-We use the blocks term to refer to a set of contiguous address location if some size.-The term is often used to refer to a cache block is cache line.

Consider the above example when a read request is received from the processor the contents of a block of memory words containing the location specification are transferred into the cache one word at a time.-Desired contents are read directly from the cache.-The cache memory can store a reasonable number of block at any given time, but this number is small compared to the total number of block in the main memory.-The correspondence between the main memory block and in the cache is specified by a mapping function.-When the cache is full and a memory word that is not in the cache is referenced, the cache control hardware must decide which block should be removed to create space forThe new block that contains the referenced word. -The collection of rules of matching the decision constitution the replacement algorithm.-Here the processor doest need to know explicitly absolute the existence of the cache.It issues red and write requests using addresses that refer to location in the memory.-The cache control circuitry determines whether the requested word currently exit in the cache. -If the requested word current exits in the cache the read and write operation is performed on the appropriate cache location.-In this case a read hit or write but is said to occurred.-In the reds operation the main memory is not involved.-For write operation the system can be proceed in two ways as below, 1.first technique is called the write through protocol .the cache location and the main memory locations are updated simultaneously.

2.second technique is called dirty or modified bit.

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-It is to update only the cache location and to mark if as updated with as associated flag bit. -Not that the write back on protocol may also result is unnecessary write operation because when a cache block is written back to the memory all word of the block are written back, view if only a single word has been changed which the block was in the cache. -When the addressed word is a read operation is not in the cache a read miss occurs. -The block of words that contains the requested word is copied from the main memory into the cache. After the entire block is loaded into the cache the particular word requested is forward to the processor. -During a write operation if the addressed word is not in the cache a write miss occurs. -Then if the write through protocol in used the information is written directly into the main memory. In the case of the write block protocol the block containing the addressed word is first brought into the cache, and then the desired word is the cache is overwritten with the new information.


The techniques that automatically move program and data block into the physical main memory when they are required for execution are called virtual memory techniques.-The binary addresses that the processor issues for either instruction or data are called virtual or logical addresses.-These addresses are translated into physical addresses by a combination of hardware and software components.-If a virtual address refers to a part of the programs or data space that is currently is the physical memory, then the contents of the appropriate location is the main memory are accessed immediately.-If the referenced address is not in the main memory, its contents must be brought into a suitable location is the memory before they can be used.

The above figure shows a typical organization the implement virtual memory. A special hardware unit called the memory management unit. Tran sate virtual addresses into physical addresses. When the desired data are the main memory, these data are fetched as described is our presentation of the cache mechanism. If the data are not in the main memory the MMU causes the opening system the bring the data into the memory form the disk. Transfer of data between the disks and the main memory is performed using the DNA scheme. Processor

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Virtual address Data Physical address

Physical address

MMU: -memory management unit


Semiconductor  random  access  memory,  or  RAM, as it is often referred to, is used in all types of computers. RAM  is  also  called  a  read/write   memory   or a scratch-pad memory. Semiconductor RAM refers to semiconductor IC memories that can be used in a read mode  as  well  as  a  write  mode.  Semiconductor memories use either a read cycle or a write cycle depending on the type of request, independent of each other. The read cycle is normally a shorter time period than the write cycle. Semiconductor  memories  are  normally  non- destructive  readout  and  volatile memories.  In  a nondestructive readout memory, the data stored in memory is not destroyed by the procedure used to read the  data  from  the  memory  cells.  Volatile memories require electrical power to maintain storage. If the power goes away for some reason, the data stored in  the  memory  cells  is  lost.  For  this  reason,  an



Main memory

Disk storage

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uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and a battery backup  system  are  used  in  many semiconductor memory  applications  to  maintain  constant  power  and prevent   loss   of information   because   of   power fluctuations or failures. This is especially important in microcomputers   where   configuration   data   is maintained  in  special  devices  such as  a  complementary metal-oxide  semiconductor  (CMOS).  The  battery backup and a filter capacitor provide the required power when the microcomputer has been powered down. Computers that use an  UPS system  have  an  established time in which data will be retained for momentary power losses.

The term random access memory (RAM) is con- sistently  used  for  read/write devices.  Although  RAM only describes one characteristic of read/write devices, it is used and understood by most people to mean read/ write devices. RAM means random addresses can be presented  to  the  memory  which  means  data  can  be  written and read in any desired order from any location. Note: The term RAM is not used for read-only   memories (ROM), although a ROM can also be random access. Let’s   explore   the basic   building   block   of semiconductor memories: the RAM chip. Then we discuss the  two  main  types  of  semiconductor  RAM memories:  static  RAM  (SRAM)  and dynamic  (DRAM), and variations of the two. SRAMS are faster but require more logic than DRAMS; thus they are more expensive than DRAMS.

The RAM Chip In  semiconductor  memories,  the  basic  building block is the RAM chip This is true whether the memories are static or dynamic memories and are pcb’s in a memory module or a pcb or pcb’s mounted singularly. The semiconductor RAM itself is made up of variable numbers of these RAM chips. Each chip contains large numbers of memory cells and the logic to support them. Each memory cell is an electronic circuit with at least two stable states. With the advent of large and very large scale integration (LSI/VLSI), literally  thousands  or  hundreds  of  thousands  of memory cell circuits can be placed on a single chip. Each of the two-state memory cell circuits is capable of storing a single binary digit orbit (0 or 1).

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Figure shows the general idea of how one-bit storage units (or cells) of any type are typically arranged so that stored information can be read out at random. The same arrangement works for writing data into a RAM. Notice the row and column arrangement; this is the   same   concept   used   by   magnetic   read/write memories. As a  simple  explanation,  look  at  the memory shown in figure 6-25. It stores only 16 bits, as eight   words   of   two   bits   each;   notice   the row-and-column   arrangement. These   chips   are mounted  on  logic  boards  or  circuit  card  assemblies pcb’s) in some sort of memory array, also called gate arrays, based on the memory capabilities required or desired by the equipment designer.

The capabilities of individual chips determine the array organization for the memory capabilities desired. On RAM chips, memory cells are organized based on two factors,   the   number   of   memory   words   or addresses and the number of bits per word. Most memory logic chips are rated by these values. For instance, a 4K by 16 chip would provide 4,096 16-bit memory addresses. This 4K by 16 chip will not support a 32-bit word for 4,096 addresses. The best it can do is the lower or upper half of the word. To support a 32-bit word, it would take two 4K by 16 chips to provide 4,096 addresses of 32 bits each. To illustrate the random access nature of RAM, the number of words or addresses, and bits per word, we offer a simple illustration. Figure 6-26 shows the organization of a 64-bit memory. The 64 squares (mostly blank) in the figure represent the 64 positions that can be filled with data. Notice that the 64 bits are organized into 16 groups called words.

Each word contains four bits of information. This memory is said to be organized as a 16 × 4 memory. That is, it contains 16 words, and each word is 4 bits long. The total number and capabilities (16 by 4 and so forth) of these individual  circuits  will  define the  total  memory capacities of the respective computer. In our example, the total number of memory cells is 64. There are many variations in the ways a 64-bit memory could be organized: 64 × 1, 32 × 2, or 8 × 8.

The memory in figure 6-26 looks very much like a truth table on a scratch pad. On the table afterword 3, you’ll notice the contents of word 3 is (0110). We say we have stored, or written, a word into the memory; this is the write operation. To look-at the contents of word 3, we simply read the contents of word 3 using the read operation. What is also important about RAM memory is that we can read or write into any word on the table and in any order, that is why it is called  random  access.

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Static RAM (SRAM)

Static  random  access  memories  (SRAMs)  are semiconductor integrated circuits that use a  flip-flop application  for  each  storage  cell.  Figure   illustrates

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SRAM   cell   and   associated   circuitry

a static RAM cell and its associated circuitry in block form Each memory cell can latch, or store, data in a stable state. Information-is written into and read out of the cell through the column lines. The characteristics of flip-flops keep the flip-flop in its present state and allow you to read the data out of the cell without changing its state when the row-line is activated. Similarly data is written through the column line only when the row-line is activated, so only one cell in each column is selected. A read/write control signal controls reading and writing operations. The zero or one state in the cells can be held indefinitely as long as proper power supply levels are maintained. D-type  and R-S type flip-flops are commonly used for SRAMs. The flip-flops can be made of either bipolar  or  MOS  transistors.  MOS  yields  a  higher density but lower access speed. Bipolar RAMs have a higher  access  speed  but  take up  more  space.  Figure 6-28,  frames  A  and  B,  and  figure  illustrate schematic  diagrams  of  individual  bipolar  and  MOS RAM cells. Figure 6-28, frame A, is a diode-coupled Figure —Examples of SRAMs: A. Diode-coupled bipolar SRAM cell; B. Bipolar junction transistor (BJT.) SRAM cell. Figure .—SRAM  MOS  cell. bipolar static RAM cell; figure 6-28, frame B, is bipolar junction transistor (BJT) static RAM cell; and figure 6-29 is a static RAM MOS cell. As stated, the RAM chip is mounted in a logic array on a pcb. Figure 6-30 is an illustration of an IC chip, with pin connections used in a static bipolar or MOS RAM. RAM chips  come  in  various  configurations  and sizes. The number of IC RAM chips needed for a computer’s  RAM  memory  is  determined  by the requirements and memory size of the computer. Let’s use an example IC to discuss the operation of a RAM chip,  which  includes  the architecture,  address  selection, and read/write cycles. Static RAM Organization and Operation Our example RAM uses a 1K by 4 configuration, 1024 words that are 4 bits in length. Many groups of 1K by 4 RAM chips can be grouped together with simple  support  logic  to  form larger  memory  systems.  

A static RAM cell and its associated circuitry in block form Each memory cell can latch, or store, data in a stable state. Information-is written into and read out of the cell through the column lines. The characteristics of flip-flops keep the flip-flop in its present state and allow you to read the data out of the cell without changing its state when the row-line is activated. Similarly data is written through the column line only when the row-line is activated, so only one cell in each column is selected. A read/write control signal controls reading and writing operations. The zero or one state in the cells can be held indefinitely as long as proper power supply levels are maintained. D-type  and R-S type

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flip-flops are commonly used for SRAMs. The flip-flops can be made of either bipolar  or  MOS  transistors.  MOS  yields  a  higher density but lower access speed. Bipolar RAMs have a higher  access  speed  but  take up  more  space.  Figure 6-28,  frames  A  and  B,  and  figure  6-29 illustrate schematic  diagrams  of  individual  bipolar  and  MOS RAM cells. Figure 6-28, frame A, is a diode-coupled Figure 6-28.—Examples of SRAMs: A. Diode-coupled bipolar SRAM cell; B. Bipolar junction transistor (BJT.) SRAM cell. Figure  6-29.—SRAM  MOS  cell. bipolar static RAM cell; figure 6-28, frame B, is bipolar junction transistor (BJT) static RAM cell; and figure 6-29 is a static RAM MOS cell. As stated, the RAM chip is mounted in a logic array on a pcb. Figure 6-30 is an illustration of an IC chip, with pin connections used in a static bipolar or MOS RAM. RAM  chips  come  in  various  configurations  and sizes. The number of IC RAM chips needed for a computer’s  RAM  memory  is determined  by  the requirements and memory size of the computer. Let’s use an example IC to discuss the operation of a RAM chip,  which includes  the  architecture,  address  selection, and read/write cycles. Static RAM Organization and Operation Our example RAM uses a 1K by 4 configuration, 1024 words that are 4 bits in length. Many groups of 1K by 4 RAM chips can be grouped together with simple  support  logic to  form  larger  memory  systems.  
