M:\PnP\2013\Memos\11 Nov\Bike Sharing SAR and Prop K Request.docx Page 1 of 5 Memorandum 11.13.13 Plans and Programs Committee November 19, 2013 Plans and Programs Committee: Commissioners Mar (Chair), Kim (Vice Chair), Breed, Campos, Yee and Avalos (Ex Officio) Elizabeth Sall – Interim Deputy Director for Planning Maria Lombardo – Chief Deputy Director for Policy and Programming Tilly Chang – Executive Director – Recommend Approval of the Scope of Work for the Strategic Analysis Report (SAR) on Local and Regional Bike Sharing Organizational Models and Appropriation of $43,000 in Prop K Funds, with Conditions, for the SAR, Subject to the Attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedule At the September 10, 2013 meeting of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Board, Chair Avalos requested that we initiate a strategic analysis report (SAR) to investigate possible governance structures of a regional bike sharing program beyond the current Bay Area Bike Share pilot, which opened to the public on August 29, 2013. As part of the scoping process, we have consulted with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and other stakeholders on relevant issues that should be addressed in the SAR. The proposed SAR is scoped to explore various organizational and governance structures for the regional model, from a true regional program to a local program that conforms to regional implementation standards. The SAR will describe how different models would work and outline the advantages, challenges, and risks of each. In addition, the SAR will evaluate each model for its ability to advance the local and regional goals for bike sharing, their financial sustainability, and their ability to grow the program quickly, successfully (i.e., high usage of the system), and equitably. Based on our discussions with SFMTA and other stakeholders, we have identified the potential need for additional technical work to complement ongoing research efforts, and therefore are requesting additional funds in the event this work needs to be performed in coordination with SFMTA and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Assuming Board approval of the SAR scope in November, we anticipate releasing the draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000 for optional technical tasks, for a total cost of up to $43,000. We are seeking a recommendation to approve the scope of work for the SAR on Local and Regional Bike Sharing Organizational Models and to appropriate $43,000 in Prop K funds, with conditions, for the SAR, subject to the attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedule. Strategic analysis reports (SARs) are prepared periodically by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (Transportation Authority) to shed light on key issues and to assist the Board in the development of policy with regard to specific transportation topics in San Francisco that do not appear to be adequately addressed by existing regulations or activities. At the September 10, 2013 meeting of the Transportation Authority) Board, Chair John Avalos requested that we initiate an SAR to investigate possible governance structures of a regional bike sharing program beyond the Bay Area Bike Share pilot, which opened to the public on August 29, 2013 and is estimated to last 24 months. Bike sharing is a service in which bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals on a very short term basis. The main purpose is transportation: bike sharing allows people to depart from point A

Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

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Page 1: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

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11.13.13 Plans and Programs Committee

November 19, 2013

Plans and Programs Committee: Commissioners Mar (Chair), Kim (Vice Chair), Breed, Campos, Yee and Avalos (Ex Officio)

Elizabeth Sall – Interim Deputy Director for Planning Maria Lombardo – Chief Deputy Director for Policy and Programming

Tilly Chang – Executive Director

– Recommend Approval of the Scope of Work for the Strategic Analysis Report (SAR) on Local and Regional Bike Sharing Organizational Models and Appropriation of $43,000 in Prop K Funds, with Conditions, for the SAR, Subject to the Attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedule

At the September 10, 2013 meeting of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Board, Chair Avalos requested that we initiate a strategic analysis report (SAR) to investigate possible governance structures of a regional bike sharing program beyond the current Bay Area Bike Share pilot, which opened to the public on August 29, 2013. As part of the scoping process, we have consulted with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and other stakeholders on relevant issues that should be addressed in the SAR. The proposed SAR is scoped to explore various organizational and governance structures for the regional model, from a true regional program to a local program that conforms to regional implementation standards. The SAR will describe how different models would work and outline the advantages, challenges, and risks of each. In addition, the SAR will evaluate each model for its ability to advance the local and regional goals for bike sharing, their financial sustainability, and their ability to grow the program quickly, successfully (i.e., high usage of the system), and equitably. Based on our discussions with SFMTA and other stakeholders, we have identified the potential need for additional technical work to complement ongoing research efforts, and therefore are requesting additional funds in the event this work needs to be performed in coordination with SFMTA and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Assuming Board approval of the SAR scope in November, we anticipate releasing the draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000 for optional technical tasks, for a total cost of up to $43,000. We are seeking a recommendation to approve the scope of work for the SAR on Local and Regional Bike Sharing Organizational Models and to appropriate $43,000 in Prop K funds, with conditions, for the SAR, subject to the attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedule.

Strategic analysis reports (SARs) are prepared periodically by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (Transportation Authority) to shed light on key issues and to assist the Board in the development of policy with regard to specific transportation topics in San Francisco that do not appear to be adequately addressed by existing regulations or activities. At the September 10, 2013 meeting of the Transportation Authority) Board, Chair John Avalos requested that we initiate an SAR to investigate possible governance structures of a regional bike sharing program beyond the Bay Area Bike Share pilot, which opened to the public on August 29, 2013 and is estimated to last 24 months.

Bike sharing is a service in which bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals on a very short term basis. The main purpose is transportation: bike sharing allows people to depart from point A

Page 2: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

and arrive at point B free from the worries of bicycle ownership. It aims to increase cycling, provide a first-mile/last-mile connection to transit, and provide an easy and convenient way for locals and tourists to make short trips. After paying an annual or short-term (often daily) membership fee, trips of 30 minutes or less are typically free of charge, with cost increasing for use beyond that time frame.

Modern bike sharing systems were first implemented internationally more than six years ago with large programs in cities such as Paris, Barcelona, and Shanghai. Domestic adoption has accelerated in the past three years. . There are now large bike sharing systems operating in: New York, NY; Chicago, IL; Washington, DC; Boston, MA; Chattanooga, TN; Denver, CO; and Miami, FL. Implementing bike sharing has been a San Francisco priority since the mid-2000s, and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) has been actively working on ways to bring a program to the city since 2008.

In 2010, the SFMTA submitted a letter of interest to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Bay Area Climate Initiatives Innovative Grants Program for startup pilot funding for a San Francisco bike sharing program. A number of other entities in the region, including Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and SamTrans, stated similar interest in applying to the same grant source for bike sharing pilots. Upon receipt of the various letters of interest, MTC directed the prospective applicants to develop a proposal for a coordinated regional bike sharing pilot program which would provide advantages such as a single regional interface for users, leveraging the scale of the system in negotiations with a potential vendor, and reducing the burden of startup costs to one entity.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District) agreed to be the grantee and overall project lead, and, together with the local agency partners, developed a plan to implement 1,000-bike system at 100 stations, with 500 bikes at 50 stations in San Francisco and the remaining bicycles in Redwood City, Palo Alto, Mountain View, and San Jose. San Francisco, including Transportation Authority funds, contributed significant funds in addition to in-kind staff time.

After experiencing delays in negotiating a regional interagency agreement and awarding and negotiating a vendor contract, the program launched on August 29, 2013, more than a year after the original target launch of May 2012. Due to higher-than-anticipated costs, the project launched regionally with only 700 bicycles and 70 stations; 350 of the bicycles and 35 stations are in San Francisco. The pilot has plans to expand by an additional 300 bicycles in spring 2014, with 150 bicycles and 15 additional stations to be implemented in San Francisco.

Because bike sharing is more attractive in dense areas with numerous destinations in a close proximity, the first batch of pilot bike share stations are located near the cities’ downtowns. Along the Peninsula, this meant that the bike share stations are located near Caltrain stations. San Francisco sited a station at the 4th/King Caltrain station and extended the system to the downtown and Civic Center areas. This setup has created a first/last mile connection for regional commuters using Caltrain between cities within the system.

The purpose of this memo is to seek a recommendation to approve the scope of work for the SAR on Local and Regional Bike Sharing Organizational Models and to appropriate $43,000 in Prop K funds for completion of the SAR and potential additional research to complement the SAR.

As called for in the Transportation Authority’s procedures governing the development of SARs, the scope of work must be presented to the Citizens Advisory Committee, the Plans and Programs Committee (with the requestor, Chair Avalos, serving in ex-officio role) and the Transportation

Page 3: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

Authority Board for approval. The proposed scope for the SAR is found starting on page 2 of the attached allocation request form (Attachment 1).

The duration of the Bay Area Bike Share pilot is 24 months, or through August 2015, during which San Francisco must participate in the regional program. However, San Francisco has the option to expand beyond its allotted 500 bicycles through the regional program before then, either by amending the Air District contract or through a separate agreement with the regional program vendor -- Alta Bike Share. SFMTA’s long-term desire is to continue to expand the system (SFMTA Strategic Plan Action 2.3.4).

With the regional Bay Area Bike Share pilot underway, the SFMTA and other local and regional stakeholders are asking questions about the governance model for a successful, financially sustainable regional bike sharing system. Now is an opportune time to consider the relationship between local and regional bike sharing and to consider San Francisco’s goals for the regional model.

In addition to significant up front capital costs, bike sharing systems require dedicated maintenance funding, necessitating careful planning and often the application of non-traditional sources of funding such as private sponsorships and marketing/advertising. The SAR will apply the lens of financial sustainability to potential governance models and evaluate their ability to grow the program quickly, successfully (i.e., high usage of the system), and equitably.

As part of the scoping process, we have consulted with SFMTA and other stakeholders on relevant issues that should be addressed in the SAR. The final SAR will include additional interviews with key stakeholders as well as a review of relevant literature, including financial models and governance structures of peer bike sharing systems. It will evaluate how different models would work, and how they could advance the local and regional goals for bike sharing. We will also discuss the relationship between the local San Francisco system and the regional program, as well as identifying areas of concern and other policy and coordination factors as we consider the development of both systems.

The SAR will evaluate the pros and cons a range of options, from a true regional program to a local program that conforms to regional implementation standards. The models would include:

Local agency (e.g., SFMTA, SF Environment) lead for implementation and operation of San Francisco portion of program with regional coordination but minimal regional oversight.

Regional agency (e.g., Air District, MTC, Bay Area Rapid Transit) lead, similar to pilot approach.

Existing non-profit (e.g., Transform, Bay Area Bicycle Coalition) lead regional program

Creation of new non-profit to lead regional program

For-profit company to lead regional program

The SAR will develop a set of recommendations to inform San Francisco stakeholders and decision makers in determining the preferred regional bike sharing governance structure. This may include, but is not limited to, suggested follow-up steps to further evaluate or better understand certain aspects of the governance structures identified.

Assuming Board approval of the SAR scope in November, we anticipate releasing the draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014.

During the process of developing a scope of work for the SAR, we have had conversations with numerous stakeholders, including the SFMTA, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, and the Air District. Through these discussions we have identified additional potential technical tasks to complement work already being done by the SFMTA and the Air District to provide the City with the

Page 4: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

best possible research to inform how to move beyond the existing pilot and expand San Francisco’s system. The subject request includes an additional request for $25,000 in Prop K funds from the Bicycle Circulation and Safety category to allow us to partner with the SFMTA to conduct any additional technical work determined necessary to better inform the findings of the SAR or further answer questions related to San Francisco bike sharing. These technical tasks would not necessarily be included as part of the SAR, but performed as needed. Optional technical tasks would be jointly approved by our staff and SFMTA staff to ensure they complement and not duplicate ongoing bike sharing-related efforts by SFMTA and other stakeholders.

One potential area of study could include a San Francisco-specific system valuation analysis related to different system sponsorship models. The Air District has issued a request for proposals for consultant services to perform its own valuation study of the regional system, which will provide a key input into the development of a regional expansion plan. In the event the regional valuation study does not fully address relevant San Francisco analysis in order for San Francisco to fully determine the strengths and tradeoffs of various organizational models, the $25,000 request for optional technical tasks could provide the resources to use a technical consultant to complete the study.

In the event that no additional technical tasks are identified, we would deobligate the requested $25,000 and make it available for reprogramming to other Prop K-eligible bicycle projects. SFMTA has concurred with the use of funds from this category for the optional technical work, as well as appropriation of $18,000 in Prop K funds for development of the SAR from the Transportation Demand Management (TDM)/Parking Management category. The requested action requires 5YPP amendments which are detailed at the end of the enclosed allocation request form.

We are seeking a recommendation to approve the scope of work for the SAR on Local and Regional Bike Sharing Organizational Models and to appropriate $43,000 in Prop K funds, with conditions, for completion of the SAR.

1. Recommend approval of the scope of work for the SAR on Local and Regional Bike Sharing Organizational Models and appropriation of $43,000 in Prop K funds, with conditions, for completion of the SAR, subject to the attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedule.

2. Recommend approval of the scope of work for the SAR on Local and Regional Bike Sharing Organizational Models and appropriation of $43,000 in Prop K funds, with conditions, for completion of the SAR, subject to the attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedule, with modifications.

3. Defer action, pending additional information or further staff analysis.

The CAC was briefed on this item at its October 23 meeting, and unanimously adopted a motion of support to allocate $18,000 for the SAR. Subsequently, the request has been amended to include an additional $25,000 for optional technical tasks, with the total appropriation request increasing to $43,000.

As detailed in Attachment 1, this action would appropriate $43,000 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 Prop K funds. The appropriation would be subject to the Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedule

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contained in the enclosed Allocation Request Forms.

The Prop K Capital Budget (Attachment 2) shows the cash flow distribution schedule for the subject project. Attachment 3 contains a cash-flow-based summary table of the Prop K Fiscal Year 2013/14 allocations to date, as well as the recommended cash flow distribution schedules.

The SAR appropriation was not included in the adopted Fiscal Year 2013/14 budget and will be included in the mid-year budget revision.

Recommend approval of the scope of work for the SAR on Local and Regional Bike Sharing Organizational Models and appropriation of $43,000 in Prop K funds, with conditions, for completion of the SAR, subject to the attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedule.


1. Prop K Allocation Request Form for the Bike Sharing SAR, including scope of work 2. Prop K Fiscal Year 2013/14 Capital Budget 3. Prop K Fiscal Year 2013/14 Cash Flow Distribution – Summary Table

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San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Prop K/Prop AA Allocation Request Form

FY of Allocation Action: 2013/14

Project Name:

Implementing Agency:


Prop K Category:

Prop K Subcategory:

Prop K EP Project/Program:

Prop K EP Line Number (Primary): 43 Current Prop K Request:

Prop K Other EP Line Numbers: 39

Prop AA Category:

Current Prop AA Request:

Supervisorial District(s):



Sufficient scope detail should be provided to allow Authority staff to evaluate the reasonableness of the proposed budget and

schedule. If there are prior allocations for the same project, provide an update on progress. Describe any outreach activities

included in the scope. Long scopes may be provided in a separate Word file. Maps, drawings, etc. should be provided on

Worksheet 7-Maps.or by inserting additional worksheets.

Project sponsors shall provide a brief explanation of how the project was prioritized for funding, highlighting: 1) project benefits,

2) level of public input into the prioritization process, and 3) whether the project is included in any adopted plans, including Prop

K/Prop AA 5-Year Prioritization Program (5YPPs). Justify any inconsistencies with the adopted Prop K/Prop AA Strategic

Plans and/or relevant 5YPPs.

Indicate whether work is to be performed by outside consultants and/or by force account.

Bike Sharing Strategic Analysis Report (SAR)


San Francisco County Transportation Authority

D. TSM/Strategic Initiatives

i. TDM/Parking Management

Gray cells will

automatically be

filled in.

a. Transportation Demand Management/Parking Management


See attached scope of work.

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O:\Active Studies\Bike Sharing SAR\Admin\Scoping\Bike Sharing SAR Scope of Work 10-18-13.doc Page 1 of 5

Strategic Analysis Report (SAR) Local and Regional Bike Sharing Organizational and Business Models

Scope of Work

I. Background

A. About SARs: This is a standard section included in all Strategic Analysis Reports (SARs). It describes the SAR development and review process and the role of the document in facilitating policy-level decision-making.

B. History/Context of Bay Area Bike Share: Bike sharing is a service in which bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals on a very short term basis. The main purpose is transportation: bike sharing allows people to depart from point A and arrive at point B free from the worries of bicycle ownership. It aims to increase cycling, provide a first-mile/last-mile connection to transit, and provide an easy and convenient way for locals and tourists to make short trips. After an annual or short-term membership fee, trips of 30 minutes or less are typically free of charge, with cost increasing for use beyond that time frame.

Modern bike sharing systems were first implemented internationally more than six years ago with large programs in cities such as Paris, Barcelona, and Shanghai, and it has spread domestically recently, particularly in the last three years. There are now large bike sharing systems operating in: New York, NY; Chicago, IL; Washington, DC; Boston, MA; Chattanooga, TN; Denver, CO; and Miami, FL. Implementing bike sharing has been a San Francisco priority since the mid-2000s, and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) has been actively working on ways to bring a program to the city since 2008.

In 2010, the SFMTA submitted a letter of interest to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Bay Area Climate Initiatives Innovative Grants Program for startup pilot funding for a San Francisco bike sharing program. A number of other entities in the region, including Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and SamTrans, stated their similar interest in applying to the same grant source for bike sharing pilots. Upon receipt of the various letters of interest, MTC directed the prospective applicants to develop a proposal for a coordinated regional bike sharing pilot program which would provide advantages such as a single regional interface for users, leveraging the scale of the system in negotiations with a potential vendor, and reducing the burden of startup costs to one entity.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District) agreed to be the grantee and overall project lead, and, together with the local agency partners, developed a plan to implement 1,000-bike system at 100 stations, with 500 bikes at 50 stations in San Francisco and the remaining bicycles in Redwood City, Palo Alto, Mountain View, and San Jose. San Francisco contributed significant funds in addition to in-kind staff time. After experiencing delays in negotiating a regional interagency agreement and awarding and negotiating a vendor contract, the program launched on August 29, 2013, more than a year after the originally hoped-for launch

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of May 2012. Due to higher-than-anticipated costs, the project launched regionally with only 700 bicycles and 70 stations; 350 of the bicycles and 35 stations are in San Francisco. The pilot has plans to expand by an additional 300 bicycles in spring 2014, with 150 bicycles and 15 additional stations to be implemented in San Francisco. Because bike sharing generates more trips in dense areas with numerous destinations in a close proximity, the pilot bike share stations are located near the cities’ downtowns. Along the Peninsula, this meant that the bike share stations are located near Caltrain stations. San Francisco sited a station at the 4th/King Caltrain station and extended the system to the downtown and Civic Center areas. This setup has created a first/last mile connection for regional commuters using Caltrain between cities within the system.

A potential risk for San Francisco’s system is its relatively small initial size. It is important for expansion to occur quickly so the San Francisco system can reach a size where stations and bicycles are located in enough places to become a viable option to travel to and from major trip attractors – a necessary condition to support the success of the system. The City and County of San Francisco has completed environmental review on installing an additional 500 bicycles within city limits, for a total of 1,000 bicycles, and SFMTA’s long-term desire is to continue to expand the system (see SFMTA Strategic Plan Action 2.3.4). The duration of the regional pilot is 24 months, during which San Francisco must participate in the regional program. However, San Francisco has the option to expand beyond its allotted 500 bicycles through the regional program before then, either by amending the Air District contract or through a separate agreement with the regional program vendor (Alta Bike Share).

C. Purpose of the SAR: With the regional bike sharing pilot underway, the SFMTA and other local and regional stakeholders are asking questions about the governance model for a successful, financially sustainable regional bike sharing system. The purpose of this SAR is to explore various organizational and governance structures for the regional model, outlining the advantages, challenges, and risks of each. In addition to significant up front capital costs, bike sharing systems require dedicated maintenance funding, necessitating careful planning and often the application of non-traditional sources of funding such as private sponsorships and marketing/advertising. The SAR will apply the lens of financial sustainability to each of the models paired with the ability to grow the program quickly, successfully (i.e., high usage of the system), and equitably.

D. Interviews and Review of Other Studies and Documents: There have been a number of reports and documents written on bike sharing in North America. In addition, several cities have written business plans (including multi-jurisdictional systems) that will provide useful context for the SAR. We would review these relevant documents as well as conduct interviews with Bay Area stakeholders and other professionals with experience implementing bike sharing systems. Since international systems have been operating for a longer period of time, the SAR may also consider documents that evaluate the success and financial models of those examples.

Relevant documents may include:

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O:\Active Studies\Bike Sharing SAR\Admin\Scoping\Bike Sharing SAR Scope of Work 10-18-13.doc Page 3 of 5

1. Bike Sharing in US (Toole Design, 2012) 2. San Francisco Bicycle Coalition White Paper on Regional Models for

Bike Sharing 3. Philadelphia Bike Share Business Plan 4. Capital Bike Share Business Plan 5. Public Bikesharing in North America: Early Operator and User

Understanding (Mineta Institute, 2012) 6. Bike-Share Opportunities in New York City, 2009 7. Arlington Bikeshare Transit Development Plan

Interviews would be conducted with relevant stakeholders that may include:

1. SFMTA and other relevant San Francisco agency staff 2. San Francisco Mayor’s Office and Office of Economic and Workforce

Development 3. Air District and MTC 4. Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) and Caltrain 5. San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, East Bay Bicycle Coalition, and Bay

Area Bicycle Coalition 6. Bay Area Bike Share vendor (Alta) 7. Staff of other jurisdictions that have implemented bike sharing (especially

Washington DC and Boston) 8. Authors of research documents

II. Strategic Analysis

A. Advantages and Concerns of a Regional Bike Sharing Program in the Context of San Francisco Bike Sharing Vision and Goals: This section will discuss the benefits of a regional system in the context of San Francisco goals for bike sharing. We will also discuss the relationship between the local San Francisco system and the regional program, as well as identifying areas of concern and other policy and coordination factors as we consider the development of both systems.

B. Governing/Organizational Models for Bike Sharing: This section will discuss the various ways that the future Bay Area bike sharing program could be governed/operated as seen through the lens of rapid and sustainable system growth in San Francisco. It will evaluate the pros and cons a range of options, from a true regional program to a local program that conforms to regional implementation standards. The models would include:

1. Local agency (e.g., SFMTA, SF Environment) lead for implementation and operation of San Francisco portion of program with regional coordination but minimal regional oversight.

2. Regional agency (e.g., Air District, MTC, Bay Area Rapid Transit) lead, similar to pilot approach.

3. Existing non-profit (e.g., Transform, Bay Area Bicycle Coalition) lead regional program

4. Creation of new non-profit to lead regional program 5. For-profit company to lead regional program

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C. Evaluation: This section will outline the advantages and risks of each of the models and entities described in Section II B. Areas of discussion may include:

1. Ability for San Francisco to achieve local and, if applicable, regional goals 2. Administrative burden and efficiency for San Francisco 3. Autonomy of local agencies in programmatic decision-making such as

station siting 4. Financial sustainability, both locally and regionally 5. Flexibility and ability to interface/contract with non-public entities such

as potential financial sponsors 6. Potential for rapid growth within San Francisco and throughout region 7. Equity concerns (e.g. ability to support expansion to less valuable

advertising markets in San Francisco or regionally, which areas cross subsidize others)

8. Capacity and interest of existing local and regional entities

Our evaluation will also consider the inter-relationship of the factors above. For instance, how does the desire for rapid system growth in San Francisco relate to the timeline for securing a private sponsor (e.g. what is the cost of retrofitting bikes and stations to accommodate sponsorship branding if near term expansion precedes sponsorship)? What level of advertising should be allowed (local concern) and how would restrictions on advertising impact the ability to attract private sponsorship (a local and regional concern)?

III. Next Steps/Recommendations

The SAR will develop a set of recommendations to inform San Francisco stakeholders and decision makers in determining the preferred regional bike sharing governance structure. This may include, but is not limited to, suggested follow-up steps to further evaluate or better understand certain aspects of the governance structures identified.

IV. Bibliography

This section will identify the bibliography as well as individuals and organizations consulted in the process of developing the SAR.

Optional Technical Tasks

During the process of developing a scope of work for the SAR, we have had conversations with numerous stakeholders, including the SFMTA, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, and the Air District. Through these discussions we have identified additional potential technical tasks to complement work already being done by the SFMTA and the Air District to provide the City with the best possible research to inform how to move beyond the existing pilot and expand San Francisco’s system.

Optional technical tasks would be jointly approved by our staff and SFMTA staff to ensure they complement and not duplicate ongoing bike sharing-related efforts by SFMTA and other stakeholders. Findings from these tasks would be presented separate from the SAR findings, and would not follow standard SAR procedures, as they would be a joint work product of the Transportation Authority, the SFMTA, and the technical consultant.

One potential area of study could include a San Francisco-specific system valuation analysis

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related to different system sponsorship models. The Air District has issued a request for proposals for consultant services to perform its own valuation study of the regional system, which will provide a key input into the development of a regional expansion plan. In the event the regional valuation study does not fully address relevant San Francisco analysis in order for San Francisco to fully determine the strengths and tradeoffs of various organizational models, these efforts would help to fill in those potential analysis gaps.

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San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Prop K/Prop AA Allocation Request Form

FY 2013/14

Project Name:

Implementing Agency:


Type : Completion Date



Start Date End Date

Quarter Fiscal Year Quarter Fiscal Year

2 2013/14 4 2013/14

Prepare Bid Documents

Project Closeout (i.e., final expenses incurred)

Design Engineering (PS&E)

Planning/Conceptual Engineering

Procurement (e.g. rolling stock)

Project Completion (i.e., Open for Use)

R/W Activities/Acquisition

Advertise Construction

Start Construction (e.g., Award Contract)

Bike Sharing Strategic Analysis Report (SAR)


San Francisco County Transportation Authority


Environmental Studies (PA&ED)



Enter dates for ALL project phases, not just for the current request. Use July 1 as the start of the fiscal

year. Use 1, 2, 3, 4 to denote quarters and XXXX/XX for the fiscal year (e.g. 2010/11). Additional schedule

detail may be provided in the text box below.

Provide project delivery milestones for each sub-project in the current request and a schedule for public

involvement, if appropriate. For planning efforts, provide start/end dates by task here or in the scope (Tab 1).

Describe coordination with other project schedules or external deadlines (e.g., obligation deadlines) that impact

the project schedule, if relevant.

Key Milestones:

December 2013 - Complete initial research and interviews.February 2014 - Complete draft comparison matrix and second round of interviewsMarch 2014 - Draft SAR releasedMay 2014 - Board adopt SAR

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Page 13: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Prop K/Prop AA Allocation Request Form

FY 2013/14

Project Name:

Implementing Agency:


Cost for Current Request/Phase

Yes/No Total Cost



Total Cost



% Complete of Design: 0 as of

Expected Useful Life: N/A Years


Prop AA -

Current Request

Prop K -

Current Request


staff estimate


Design Engineering (PS&E)


Procurement (e.g. rolling stock)

R/W Activities/Acquisition

Environmental Studies (PA&ED)

Planning/Conceptual Engineering

Bike Sharing Strategic Analysis Report (SAR)


Procurement (e.g. rolling stock)


San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Allocations will generally be for one phase only. Multi-phase allocations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Enter the total cost for the phase or partial (but useful segment) phase (e.g. Islais Creek Phase 1 construction) covered by the

CURRENT funding request.

Planning/Conceptual Engineering

Environmental Studies (PA&ED)

Design Engineering (PS&E)

R/W Activities/Acquisition

Source of Cost Estimate


Show total cost for ALL project phases based on best available information. Source of cost estimate (e.g. 35% design, vendor

quote) is intended to help gauge the quality of the cost estimate, which should improve in reliability the farther along a project is

in its development.

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Page 14: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Prop K/Prop AA Allocation Request Form

See attached budget detail.


1. Provide a major line item budget, with subtotals by task and phase. More detail is required the farther along the project is in the development phase. Planning studies should

provide task-level budget information.

2. Requests for project development should include preliminary estimates for later phases such as construction.

3. Support costs and contingencies should be called out in each phase, as appropriate. Provide both dollar amounts and % (e.g. % of construction) for support costs and


4. For work to be performed by agency staff rather than consultants, provide base rate, overhead multiplier, and fully burdened rates by position with FTE (full-time equivalent)

ratio. A sample format is provided below.

5. For construction costs, please include budget details. A sample format is provided below. Please note if work will be performed through a contract.

6. For any contract work, please provide the LBE/SBE/DBE goals as applicable to the contract.

P:\Prop K\FY1314\ARF Final\10-2013 October ARF FINAL\SFCTA Bikesharing SAR, 4-Major Line Item Budget Page 4 of 21

Page 15: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

Bike Sharing SAR Budget

Authority Staff



(salary +




Review of





interviews (10

interviews -- 2

hrs each inc.

travel + 1 hour

for one staff

to write up



of pros/cons

matrix and




interviews (3


Write Draft




write Final

SAR; Board

approval Total Hours SAR: Cost

Senior Transportation Planner $68.38 16 16 32 16 12 16 24 132 $9,026.16

Principal Transportation Planner $79.31 4 8 32 8 8 8 16 84 $6,662.04

Chief/Deputy Director $119.28 2 0 0 4 0 0 4 10 $1,192.75

Senior Graphic Designer $63.50 8 8 $508.00

Intern $34.10 8 10 18 $613.80

On-call consultant(s) for optional

technical tasks

up to


Subtotal Authority Staff 22 32 64 38 20 24 52 252

Total FTE 0.12

TOTAL $43,002.75

Page 16: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Prop K/Prop AA Allocation Request Form

FY 2013/14

Project Name:

Prop K Funds Requested:

5-Year Prioritization Program Amount: (enter if appropriate)

Strategic Plan Amount for Requested FY:

Prop AA Funds Requested:

5-Year Prioritization Program Amount: (enter if appropriate)

Strategic Plan Amount for Requested FY:

Planned Programmed Allocated Total

$18,000 $18,000

$25,000 $25,000





$43,000 $0 $0 $43,000

Actual Prop K Leveraging - This Phase: $43,000Total from Cost worksheet

Prop K - TDM Parking Management

Prop K - Bicycle Circulation and Safety

Expected Prop K Leveraging per Expenditure



Bike Sharing Strategic Analysis Report (SAR)

If the amount requested is inconsistent (e.g., greater than) with the Prop K/Prop AA Strategic Plan amount and/or the 5-Year

Prioritization Program (5YPP), provide a justification in the space below including a detailed explanation of which other project

or projects will be deleted, deferred, etc. to accommodate the current request and maintain consistency with the 5YPP and/or

Strategic Plan annual programming levels.






Fund Source


Enter the funding plan for the phase or phases for which Prop K/Prop AA funds are currently being requested. Totals should

match those shown on the Cost worksheet.



The subject project is not currently included in the Transportation Demand Management (TDM)/Parking Management 5YPP or the Bicycle Circulation and Safety 5YPP.

The Strategic Plan amount ($2,081,116) includes:-The entire amount programmed in the TDM/Parking Management category in Fiscal Year 2013/14 ($270,100), programmed but unallocated funds from prior fiscal years ($734,000) and cumulative remaining programming capacity in the category ($18,340). -The entire amount programmed in the Bicycle Circulation and Safety category in Fiscal Year 2013/14 ($850,000), programmed but unallocated funds from prior fiscal years ($199,724) and cumulative remaining programming capacity in the category ($8,952).

The proposed 5YPP amendments would reprogram a total of $18,000 in undesignated Fiscal Year 13/14 funds in the TDM/Parking Management category and $25,000 in unprogrammed Fiscal Year 13/14 funds in the Bicycle Circulation and Safety category to the Bike Sharing SAR project. See attached 5YPP amendment for details.

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Page 17: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Prop K/Prop AA Allocation Request Form

Is Prop K/Prop AA providing local match funds for a state or federal grant?

$ Amount % $

Planned Programmed Allocated Total








$0 $0 -$

0.00% 43,000$

Expected Prop K Leveraging per Expenditure Plan: 40.00% Total from Cost worksheet


Prop K Funds Requested:

Cash Flow% Reimbursed

Annually Balance

$43,000 100.00% $0

0.00% $0

0.00% $0

0.00% $0

0.00% $0


Prop AA Funds Requested:

Cash Flow% Reimbursed

Annually Balance

#DIV/0! $43,000

#DIV/0! $43,000

#DIV/0! $43,000


Fund Source


Fiscal Year



Actual Prop K Leveraging - Entire Project:

Actual Prop AA Leveraging - Entire Project:



Fund Source

Required Local Match

Enter the funding plan for all phases (environmental studies through construction) of the project. This section may be left blank

if the current request covers all project phases. Totals should match those shown on the Cost worksheet.


Sponsor Request - Proposed Prop AA Cash Flow Distribution Schedule

Sponsor Request - Proposed Prop K Cash Flow Distribution Schedule


Use the table below to enter the proposed cash flow distribution schedule (e.g. the maximum Prop K/Prop AA funds that are

guaranteed to be available for reimbursement each fiscal year) for the current request. If the schedule is more aggressive than

the Prop K/Prop AA Strategic Plan and/or 5YPP, please explain in the text box below how cash flow for other projects and

programs will be slowed down to accommodate the current request without exceeding annual cash flow assumptions made in

the Strategic Plan.

Fiscal Year

FY 2013/14


P:\Prop K\FY1314\ARF Final\10-2013 October ARF FINAL\SFCTA Bikesharing SAR, 5-Funding Page 7 of 21

Page 18: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Prop K/Prop AA Allocation Request Form

This section is to be completed by Authority Staff.

Last Updated: 11.14.13 Resolution. No. Res. Date:

Project Name:

Implementing Agency:


Funding Recommended: Prop K Appropriation


Cash Flow Distribution Schedule by Fiscal Year (for entire allocation/appropriation)




Prop K EP 43 42.00%

Prop K EP 39 58.00%





Cash Flow Distribution Schedule by Fiscal Year & Phase (for entire allocation/appropriation)

Source Fiscal Year



Prop K EP 43 FY 2013/14 $18,000

Prop K EP 39 FY 2013/14 $25,000


Prop K/Prop AA Fund Expiration Date: Eligible expenses must be incurred prior to this date.

Planning/Conceptual Engineering


Cumulative %









San Francisco County Transportation Authority


Planning/Conceptual Engineering


Planning/Conceptual Engineering

FY 2013/14

Fiscal Year




Bike Sharing Strategic Analysis Report (SAR)


Notes (e.g., justification for multi-phase recommendations,

notes for multi-EP line item or multi-sponsor





FY 2013/14







Total: $43,000






P:\Prop K\FY1314\ARF Final\10-2013 October ARF FINAL\SFCTA Bikesharing SAR, 6-Authority Rec Page 8 of 21

Page 19: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Prop K/Prop AA Allocation Request Form

This section is to be completed by Authority Staff.

Last Updated: 11.14.13 Resolution. No. Res. Date:

Project Name:

Implementing Agency: San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Bike Sharing Strategic Analysis Report (SAR)


Action Fiscal Year Phase

Future Commitment to:







Special Conditions:






Supervisorial District(s): citywide 100.00%

Sub-project detail? Yes If yes, see next page(s) for sub-project detail.

SFCTA Project Reviewer: Planning Project # from SGA:

The recommended appropriation is contingent upon two 5YPP amendments: 1) Add the subject project and

reprogram $18,000 in undesignated FY 13/14 funds from the TDM and Parking Management category to

the subject project; 2) Add the subject project and reprogram $25,000 in unprogrammed FY 13/14 funds

from the Bicycle Circulation and Safety category. See attached 5YPP amendment for details.

If the Optional Technical Tasks sub-project scope is determined to be unnecessary, or if it costs less than

anticipated, Prop K funds will be deobligated and returned to the Bicycle Circulation and Safety category.


Prop K proportion of

expenditures - this phase:

Prop AA proportion of

expenditures - this phase:

Upon public release (anticpated March 2014), provide draft SAR.

Upon completion of optional technical tasks, provide work product.

Upon project completion, provide final SAR.

P:\Prop K\FY1314\ARF Final\10-2013 October ARF FINAL\SFCTA Bikesharing SAR, 6-Authority Rec Page 9 of 21

Page 20: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Prop K/Prop AA Allocation Request Form

This section is to be completed by Authority Staff.

Last Updated: 11.14.13 Resolution. No. Res. Date:

Project Name:

Implementing Agency: San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Bike Sharing Strategic Analysis Report (SAR)


Sub-Project # from SGA: Name:

Supervisorial District(s):

Cash Flow Distribution Schedule by Fiscal Year & Phase (for entire allocation/appropriation)

Source Fiscal Year



Prop K EP 43 FY 2013/14 $18,000


Sub-Project # from SGA: Name:

Supervisorial District(s):

Cash Flow Distribution Schedule by Fiscal Year & Phase (for entire allocation/appropriation)

Source Fiscal Year



Prop K EP 39 FY 2013/14 $25,000


PhaseCumulative %

Reimbursable Balance

Bike Sharing Optional Technical Tasks


Planning/Conceptual Engineering 58% $0

42% $0


Planning/Conceptual Engineering


Bike Sharing SAR

PhaseCumulative %

Reimbursable Balance


P:\Prop K\FY1314\ARF Final\10-2013 October ARF FINAL\SFCTA Bikesharing SAR, 6-Authority Rec Page 10 of 21

Page 21: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Prop K/Prop AA Allocation Request Form

FY of Allocation Action: 2013/14 Current Prop K Request:

Current Prop AA Request:

Project Name:

Implementing Agency:


Project Manager Grants Section Contact

Name (typed):









Bike Sharing Strategic Analysis Report (SAR)


1455 Market Street, 22nd Floor

Amber Crabbe

Principal Transportation Planner


[email protected]

1455 Market Street, 22nd Floor

Senior Transportation Planner


[email protected]

San Francisco County Transportation Authority

Michael Schwartz

By signing below, we the undersigned verify that: 1) the requested sales tax and/or vehicle registration fee

revenues shall be used to supplement and under no circumstance replace existing local revenues used for

transportation purposes and 2) the requested sales tax and/or vehicle registration fee funds will not be used to

cover expenses incurred prior to Authority Board approval of the allocation.

P:\Prop K\FY1314\ARF Final\10-2013 October ARF FINAL\SFCTA Bikesharing SAR, 8-Signatures Page 11 of 21

Page 22: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14

SFMTA Bicycle Safety Education Classes5

CON Allocated $165,000 $165,000

SFMTA Bicycle Safety Education Classes5

CON Deobligated ($130,000) ($130,000)

SFMTA Bicycle Safety Education Classes5

CON Allocated $130,000 $130,000

SFMTA Bicycle Safety Education Classes CON Allocated $175,000 $175,000

SFMTA Bike To Work Day Promotion CON Allocated $0 $100,000 $100,000

SFMTA Bike To Work Day Promotion CON Allocated $80,000 $80,000

SFMTA Bike To Work Day Promotion CON Deobligated ($88) ($88)

SFMTA Bike To Work Day Promotion CON Allocated $162,000 $162,000

SFMTA Safety, Education, and Outreach CON Allocated $75,000 $75,000

SFMTA Safety, Education, and Outreach CON Programmed $0 $0

SFMTA Safety, Education, and Outreach CON Allocated $136,000 $136,000

SFMTA Pilot Installations of Innovative Treatments4

Plan, PS&E Programmed $0 $0

SFMTA Pilot Installations of Innovative Treatments4

Plan, PS&E Programmed $0 $0

SFMTAPilot Installations of Innovative Treatments - Green Wave and Back-In Angled Parking CON Allocated $14,000 $14,000

SFMTAPilot Installations of Innovative Treatments - Toolbox

Plan, PA&ED, PS&E Allocated $86,000 $86,000

SFMTA Pilot Installations of Innovative Treatments10

Plan, PS&E Programmed $0 $0

SFMTAPilot Installations of Innovative Treatments - Bicycle Green Wave Plan, PS&E Allocated $71,100 $71,100

SFMTA Bicycle Green Wave10

CON Allocated $117,176 $117,176

SFMTA Pilot Installations of Innovative Treatments Plan, PS&E Programmed $265,000 $265,000

SFMTA Colored Pavement Treatments Plan, PS&E Programmed $0 $0

SFMTA State of Cycling Report PLAN Allocated $131,325 $131,325

SFMTA State of Cycling Report PLAN Programmed $0 $0

SFMTA State of Cycling Report11, 13, 15

PLAN Programmed $35,724 $35,724

SFMTA State of Cycling Report PLAN Programmed $180,000 $180,000


1-2 North Point Street bicycle lanes, The

Embarcadero to Van Ness Avenue1

CON Programmed $0 $0

SFMTA 2-6 Division Street bicycle lanes, 9th-11th Streets1

CON Programmed $0 $0

SFMTABicycle Network Planning and Design - 2nd Street Bike Lanes

Plan, PA&ED, PS&E Allocated $15,000 $15,000

Sub-Category 3 (Bicycle Network and Facilities Improvement)

Sub-Category 1 (Safety, Education and Outreach)

Sub-Category 2 (System Performance and Innovation)


Last Update: November 14, 2013

Agency Project Name Phase Status

Fiscal Year

Programming and Allocations To-date

Amendment for 11.26.13 Board Approval

2009 Prop K 5YPP - Program of Projects

Bicycle Circulation/Safety (EP 39)

P:\Prop K\FY1314\ARF Final\10-2013 October ARF FINAL\SFCTA Bikesharing SAR Page 12 of 21

Page 23: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14


Last Update: November 14, 2013

Agency Project Name Phase Status

Fiscal Year

Programming and Allocations To-date

Amendment for 11.26.13 Board Approval

Bicycle Circulation/Safety (EP 39)

SFMTABicycle Network Planning and Design - Coordination

Plan, PA&ED, PS&E Allocated $15,000 $15,000

SFMTABicycle Network Planning and Design - Coordination

Plan, PA&ED, PS&E Deobligated ($663) ($663)

SFMTABicycle Network Planning and Design - Phelan Avenue Bike Lanes

Plan, PA&ED, PS&E Allocated $30,000 $30,000

SFMTA Shared Roadway Bicycle Markings CON Allocated $240,000 $240,000

SFMTA John Muir Bike Lanes1

CON Allocated $139,000 $139,000

SFMTA McCoppin Bikeway1

CON Allocated $28,000 $28,000

SFMTA Potrero Bike Lanes1

CON Allocated $30,000 $30,000

SFMTA Potrero Bike Lanes CON Deobligated ($97) ($97)

SFMTA Alemany Bike Lanes CON Allocated $90,000 $90,000

SFMTA Alemany Bike Lanes CON Deobligated ($42,777) ($42,777)

SFMTA Portola Bike Lanes CON Allocated $70,000 $70,000

SFMTA FY 2010/11 BTA Local Match - 23rd CON Allocated $2,000 $2,000

SFMTA FY 2010/11 BTA Local Match - Bayshore CON Allocated $2,000 $2,000

SFMTA FY 2010/11 BTA Local Match- Holloway CON Allocated $3,000 $3,000

SFMTA FY 2010/11 BTA Local Match - Portola CON Allocated $10,000 $10,000

SFMTA FY 2010/11 BTA Local Match- San Bruno CON Allocated $30,000 $30,000

DPW Marina Green Bicycle Trail2

PS&E Allocated $14,400 $14,400

SFMTA 14th and Market Streets Curb Bulb3

PS&E Allocated $35,000 $35,000

SFMTA 14th and Market Streets Curb Bulb PS&E Deobligated ($9,473) ($9,473)

SFMTA 2nd Street Streetscape 7

PA&ED Allocated $50,000 $50,000

Any Eligible Bicycle Parking Plan, PS&E Allocated $125,000 $125,000

SFMTA JFK Drive Parking-Buffered Bikeway8

Plan, PS&E Allocated $112,000 $112,000

SFMTA JFK Drive Parking-Buffered Bikeway8

Plan, PS&E Deobligated ($50,900) ($50,900)

SFMTA JFK Drive Parking-Buffered Bikeway8

CON Allocated $412,000 $412,000

SFMTA JFK Drive Parking-Buffered Bikeway CON Deobligated ($934) ($934)

SFMTA Fell/Oak Bikeway Improvements4

Plan, PS&E Allocated $165,000 $165,000

SFMTA Fell/Oak Bikeway Improvements10, 11

CON Programmed $0 $0

SFMTACargo Way bike lanes, from Illinois to Jennings streets PS&E, CON Allocated $94,000 $94,000

SFMTAMasonic Avenue Corridor Multimodal Streetscape Improvements EIR PA&ED Allocated $41,000 $41,000

P:\Prop K\FY1314\ARF Final\10-2013 October ARF FINAL\SFCTA Bikesharing SAR Page 13 of 21

Page 24: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14


Last Update: November 14, 2013

Agency Project Name Phase Status

Fiscal Year

Programming and Allocations To-date

Amendment for 11.26.13 Board Approval

Bicycle Circulation/Safety (EP 39)


Masonic Avenue Corridor Multimodal Streetscape

Improvements16, 17

PS&E, CON Programmed $0 $0


Masonic Avenue Corridor Multimodal Streetscape

Improvements16, 17

CON Programmed $49,175 $49,175

SFMTA Automated Bicycle Counters Upgrade 16

CON Allocated $331,000

SFMTA Citywide Bicycle Wayfinding Plan 15

PLAN Allocated $32,000

SFMTA Sloat Boulevard Bicycle Lanes11

PS&E, CON Programmed $0 $0

SFMTA Polk Street Bicycle Lanes11

PS&E, CON Programmed $0 $0

SFMTA Bicycle Parking Near Transit11

PS&E, CON Programmed $0 $0

SFMTA Electronic Bicycle Lockers11

PS&E, CON Programmed $0 $0

SFMTA Cesar Chavez, I-280 to US 101 CON Allocated $201,000 $201,000

SFMTAFolsom Street Bicycle Lanes, 13th Street to 19th Street CON Allocated $27,000 $27,000

SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvements9

Plan Allocated $53,612 $53,612

SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvements18

ENV Allocated $44,129 $44,129

SFMTA Bicycle Sharing CON Allocated $200,000 $200,000

SFMTA Polk Street Demonstration Project13

CON Allocated $65,000 $65,000

SFMTA Citywide Long-Term Bicycle Parking Strategy Plan Allocated $45,000 $45,000

Any Eligible Bicycle Parking11, 14

TBD Programmed $0 $0

BART Civic Center BART/Muni Bike Station14

CON Allocated $102,000 $102,000

Any Eligible Bicycle Parking14

TBD Programmed $0 $0

PCJPB Caltrain Bicycle Parking Plan, PS&E Programmed $0 $0

PCJPB Caltrain Bicycle Parking PS&E, CON Programmed $0 $0

PCJPB 4th and King Caltrain Bike Study PLAN Allocated $45,000 $45,000

PCJPB SF Bicycle Parking Facility Capital Improvements CON Allocated $165,000 $165,000

SFMTA Short-Term Bicycle Parking11

PS&E, CON, Proc Allocated $175,000 $175,000

BART Civic Center Bicycle Station PS&E Allocated $85,000 $85,000

SFMTA Match for Discretionary Grants12

Plan, PS&E, CON Programmed $164,000 $164,000

SFMTA Match for Discretionary GrantsPlan, PS&E,

CON Programmed $220,000 $220,000

SFMTA 2013 5YPP Development 12

Plan Allocated $16,000 $16,000

SFCTA Bike Sharing SAR 19

Plan Pending $25,000 $25,000

P:\Prop K\FY1314\ARF Final\10-2013 October ARF FINAL\SFCTA Bikesharing SAR Page 14 of 21

Page 25: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14


Last Update: November 14, 2013

Agency Project Name Phase Status

Fiscal Year

Programming and Allocations To-date

Amendment for 11.26.13 Board Approval

Bicycle Circulation/Safety (EP 39)

$290,662 $892,065 $1,509,790 $1,544,888 $1,248,304 $5,485,709

$291,325 $1,125,400 $1,475,000 $1,380,888 $534,129 $4,806,742

($663) ($233,335) ($934) $0 $0 ($234,932)

$0 $0 $35,724 $164,000 $714,175 $913,899

$765,000 $1,440,000 $1,286,000 $1,086,000 $850,000 $5,427,000

$62,661 $62,661

$536,999 $1,084,934 $861,144 $402,256 $3,952 $3,952

* The 2009 Strategic Plan was amended on March 30, 2010 through Res. 10-52.


Fiscal Year 2011/12 Bicycle Safety Education Classes Project: Added new project.

Fiscal Year 2010/11 Bicycle Safety Education Classes Project: De-obligation of $130,000. 6 This Fiscal Year 2011/12 allocation for the Bike to Work Day Promotion project utilized the $100,000 originally programmed in Fiscal Year 2010/11 to the same project.

7 5YPP amendment to add $50,000 for the 2nd Street Streetscape Project (Resolution 12-52, 03.27.2012).

Cumulative Remaining Programming Capacity: Programmed $50,000 to Fiscal Year 2011/12.

2nd Street Streetscape Project: Added Project.

Shared Roadway Bicycle Markings: Reduced programming from $35,000 to $0. 4 5YPP amendment to add $165,000 for the Fell and Oak Bikeway Improvements Project (Resolution 11-63, 06.28.2011).

Fell and Oak Bikeway Improvements Project: Added new project.

Fiscal Year 2010/11 Pilot Installations of Innovative Treatments: Reduced programming from $88,000 to $0.

Fiscal Year 2011/12 Pilot Installations of Innovative Treatments: Reduced programming from $200,000 to $123,000. 5 5YPP amendment to reprogram $130,000 for the Fiscal Year 2011/12 Bicycle Safety Education Classes Project (Resolution 11-62, 06.28.2011).

$125,000 in unallocated Fiscal Year 2009/10 funds for the Bicycle Capital Projects placeholder.

$55,000 in Fiscal Year 2010/11 funds for the 2-6 Division Street Bicycle Lanes Project (funded by another source) were reprogrammed to the Fiscal Year 2010/11 Bicycle Capital Projects placeholder as an administrative action to simplify the 5YPP.2

5YPP to add DPW's Marina Green Bicycle Trail using Prop K funds reprogrammed from the Fiscal Year 2010/11 MTA Bicycle Network Planning and Design placeholder (Resolution 11-33, 12.14.10).3 5YPP amendment to add $35,000 for the 14th and Market Streets Curb Bulb project (Resolution 11-43, 02.15.2011).

14th and Market Streets Curb Bulb: Added new project.

Board Approved Allocation/Appropriation

1 5YPP to add three new projects: John Muir Drive Bike Lanes; McCoppin Bikeway; and Potrero Avenue Bike Lanes, which together comprise the Bicycle Facility Implementation Project (Resolution 11-13,

$138,000 in Fiscal Year 2009/10 funds for the 4-3 Illinois Street Bicycle Lanes project and $59,000 of $77,000 in Fiscal Year 2009/10 funds programmed to the 6-3 Laguna Honda Boulevard Bicycle Lanes project. These two projects were funded in May 2010 with$18,000 programmed to the Laguna Honda Project.

** "Deobligated from prior 5YPP cycles" includes deobligations from allocations approved prior to the current 5YPP period, excluding deobligations incorporated in the first 2009 Strategic Plan amendment, as of December 31, 2012.


Pending Allocation/Appropriation

Deobligated from Prior 5YPP Cycles **

Cumulative Remaining Programming Capacity

Total Unallocated in 5YPP

Total Programmed in Amended 2009 Strategic Plan *

Total Allocated and Pending in 5YPP

Total Deobligated in 5YPP

Total Programmed in 5YPP

P:\Prop K\FY1314\ARF Final\10-2013 October ARF FINAL\SFCTA Bikesharing SAR Page 15 of 21

Page 26: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14


Last Update: November 14, 2013

Agency Project Name Phase Status

Fiscal Year

Programming and Allocations To-date

Amendment for 11.26.13 Board Approval

Bicycle Circulation/Safety (EP 39)

18 5YPP amendment to add Mansell Corridor Improvements (Resolution 14-29, 10.22.2013).

Cumulative Remaining Programming Capacity: Reduced by $44,129 in Fiscal Year 2013/14.

Mansell Corridor Improvements: Added project with $44,129 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 funds for the environmental phase.19 5YPP amendment to add Bike Sharing SAR (Resolution XX-XX, XX.XX.XXXX)

Cumulative Remaining Programming Capacity: Reduced by $25,000 in Fiscal Year 2013/14.

Bike Sharing SAR : Added project with $25,000 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 funds.

State of Cycling Report: Reduced programming by $32,000 in Fiscal Year 2011/12.

Citywide Bicycle Wayfinding Plan: Add $32,000 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 planning funds.16 5YPP amendment to add Automated Bicycle Counters Upgrade (Resolution 14-20, 09.24.2013).

Masonic Avenue Corridor Multimodal Streetscape Improvements: Reduced programming by $240,175 in Fiscal Year 2011/12 and $90,825 in Fiscal Year 2013/14.

Automated Bicycle Counters Upgrade: Added $331,000 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 for construction funds.17 Masonic Avenue Corridor Multimodal Streetscape Improvements is funded with OneBayArea Grant funds and SFMTA revenue bonds.

2013 5YPP Development: Added project with $16,000 in Fiscal Year 2012/13 planning funds. 13 5YPP amendment to add Polk Street Demonstration Project (Resolution 13-55, 05.21.2013).

State of Cycling Report: Reduced programming by $65,000 in Fiscal Year 2011/12.

Polk Street Demonstration Project: Added project with $65,000 in Fiscal Year 2012/13 funds. 14 Bicycle Parking: Reduced programming from $77,000 in Fiscal Year 2011/12 to $0 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 and from $25,000 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 to $0 in Fiscal Year 2013/14.

15 5YPP amendment to add Citywide Bicycle Wayfinding Plan (Resolution 14-20, 09.24.2013).

Electronic Bicycle Lockers: Reduced from $28,000 to $0 in Fiscal Year 2011/12 .

Sloat Boulevard: Reduced from $14,000 to $0 in Fiscal Year 2011/12.

Polk Street: Reduced from $3,000 to $0 in Fiscal Year 2011/12 .

Fell/Oak Bikeway Improvements: Reduced from $4,724 to $0 in Fiscal Year 2012/13.12 5YPP amendment to add 2013 5YPP Development (Resolution 13-49, 04.23.2013).

Match for Discretionary Grants: Reduced programming by $16,000 in Fiscal Year 2012/13.

Fell/Oak Bikeway Improvements project: Reduced from $30,000 to $4,724 in Fiscal Year 2012/13.11 5YPP amendment to fully fund project: Short-Term Bicycle Parking (Resolution 13-47, 04.23.2013).

Short Term Bicycle Parking: Added new project in Fiscal Year 2012/13.

State of Cycling Report: Reduced programming from $160,000 to $132,724 in Fiscal Year 2011/12 .Bicycle Parking: Reduced from $102,000 to $77,000 in Fiscal Year 2011/12 (to be made whole in Fiscal Year 2013/14 with $25,000 programmed for Bicycle Parking in Fiscal Year 2013/14).

Bicycle Parking Near Transit: Reduced from $73,000 to $0 in Fiscal Year 2011/12.

8 JFK Drive Parking-Buffered Bikeway (construction; Resolution 12-14, 09.27.2011) included $50,900 deobligated from JFK Drive Parking-Buffered Bikeway (planning/design; Resolution 11-51, 04.26.2011).

9 5YPP amendment to add Mansell Corridor Improvements (Resolution 13-30, 01.29.2013)

Cumulative Remaining Programming Capacity: Reduced by $53,612 in Fiscal Year 2012/13.

Mansell Corridor Improvements: Added project with $53,612 in Fiscal Year 2012/13 funds for planning/conceptual engineering.10 5YPP amendment to fully fund project: Bicycle Green Wave (Resolution 13-47, 04.23.2013).

Bicycle Green Wave project: Added project with $91,900 from Pilot Installations of Innovative Treatments.

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Page 27: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14

DOE Bicycle Program (Clean Air Program) CON Allocated $10,000 $10,000

DOE Bicycle Program (Clean Air Program) CON Allocated $18,000 $18,000

DOE Bicycle Program (Clean Air Program) CON Allocated $12,000 $12,000

DOE Bicycle Program (Clean Air Program) CON Deobligated ($14) ($14)

DOE Bicycle Program (Clean Air Program)2

CON Allocated $31,082 $31,082

DOE Bicycle Program (Clean Air Program)6

CON Allocated $61,742 $61,742


Commuter Benefits Program (Clean Air

Program) CON Allocated $119,790 $119,790


Commuter Benefits Program (Clean Air

Program) CON Deobligated ($751) ($751)


Commuter Benefits Program (Clean Air

Program) CON Allocated $120,100 $120,100


Commuter Benefits Program (Clean Air

Program) CON Allocated $86,258 $86,258


Commuter Benefits Program (Clean Air


CON Allocated $186,979 $186,979


Commuter Benefits Program (Clean Air


CON Allocated $199,624 $199,624


Emergency Ride Home Program (Clean

Air Program) CON Allocated $13,310 $13,310


Emergency Ride Home Program (Clean

Air Program) CON Allocated $15,000 $15,000


Emergency Ride Home Program (Clean

Air Program) CON Allocated $9,000 $9,000

Transportation Demand Management/Parking Management (EP 43)


2009 Prop K 5YPP - Program of Projects

Programming and Allocations To-date

Last Updated 10.19.2013

Citywide TDM

Fiscal YearTotalAgency Project Name Phase

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Page 28: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14

Transportation Demand Management/Parking Management (EP 43)


2009 Prop K 5YPP - Program of Projects

Programming and Allocations To-date

Last Updated 10.19.2013

Fiscal YearTotalAgency Project Name Phase


Emergency Ride Home Program (Clean

Air Program)9

CON Programmed $0 $0


Emergency Ride Home Program (Clean

Air Program) CON Allocated $18,000 $18,000


Emergency Ride Home Program (Clean

Air Program) CON Allocated $18,647 $18,647


Emergency Ride Home Program (Clean

Air Program)9

CON Programmed $0 $0


Regional Rideshare Program (Clean Air

Program) CON Allocated $35,000 $35,000


Regional Rideshare Program (Clean Air

Program) CON Allocated $35,000 $35,000


Regional Rideshare Program (Clean Air

Program) CON Deobligated ($1) ($1)


Regional Rideshare Program (Clean Air

Program) CON Allocated $17,500 $17,500


Regional Rideshare Program (Clean Air


CON Allocated $35,000 $35,000


Regional Rideshare Program (Clean Air


CON Allocated $34,997 $34,997

DOE SchoolPool (Clean Air Program)9

CON Allocated $50,221 $50,221


Management Public-Private Partnership



ER Allocated $78,866 $78,866


Long Range Rail System Plan or other

Eligible Countywide Transportation

Plan Follow-up Study 10

PLAN Programmed $94,000 $94,000

SFMTA WalkFirst Investment Strategy 10

PLAN Allocated $206,000 $206,000

SFCTA Bikesharing SAR11

PLAN Pending $18,000 $18,000

Modal Plans

Pricing and Parking Management

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Page 29: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14

Transportation Demand Management/Parking Management (EP 43)


2009 Prop K 5YPP - Program of Projects

Programming and Allocations To-date

Last Updated 10.19.2013

Fiscal YearTotalAgency Project Name Phase


Congestion Pricing Evaluation and



ER Programmed $600,000 $600,000


Congestion Pricing Coordination Plans

and Studies5


ER Programmed $40,000 $40,000


San Francisco Parking Pricing and

Regulation Study5


ER Appropriated $60,000 $60,000


Eligible Undesignated1

0 Programmed $0 $0Any

Eligible Undesignated1,2,3,4, 6

0 Programmed $0 $0Any

Eligible Undesignated6,7,9

0 Programmed $0 $0Any

Eligible Undesignated8,9,11

0 Programmed $23,384 $23,384

$777,349 $228,099 $263,610 $365,061 $612,615 $2,246,734

$178,100 $188,100 $263,624 $271,061 $589,231 $1,490,116

($751) ($1) ($14) $0 $0 ($766)

$600,000 $40,000 $0 $94,000 $23,384 $757,384

$778,100 $338,100 $298,100 $563,100 $270,100 $2,247,500

$17,574 $17,574

$18,325 $128,326 $162,816 $360,855 $18,340 $18,340

* The 2009 Strategic Plan was amended on March 30, 2010 through Res. 10-52.



Total Programmed in 5YPP

Total Allocated and Pending in 5YPP

Total Deobligated in 5YPP

Total Unallocated in 5YPP

Total Programmed in Amended 2009 Strategic Plan *

Deobligated from Prior 5YPP Cycles **

Cumulative Remaining Programming Capacity

** "Deobligated from prior 5YPP cycles" includes deobligations from allocations approved prior to the current 5YPP period, excluding deobligations incorporated in the

first 2009 Strategic Plan amendment, as of December 31, 2012.


Pending Allocation/Appropriation

Board Approved Allocation/Appropriation

1 5YPP amendment to add $78,886 for the Integrated Travel Demand Management (TDM) Public-Private Partnership Project (Resolution 11-63, 06.28.2011).

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Page 30: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14

Transportation Demand Management/Parking Management (EP 43)


2009 Prop K 5YPP - Program of Projects

Programming and Allocations To-date

Last Updated 10.19.2013

Fiscal YearTotalAgency Project Name Phase

2 5YPP amendment to add $3,082 for the Bicycle Program (Clean Air Program) (Resolution 12-70, 06.26.2012).

Fiscal Year 2011/12 Undesignated: Reduced programming from $71,134 to $68,052.

3 5YPP amendment to add $23,037 for the Commuter Benefits Program (Clean Air Program) (Resolution 12-70, 06.26.2012).

Fiscal Year 2011/12 Undesignated: Reduced programming from $68,052 to $45,015.

4 5YPP amendment to add $17,500 for the Regional Rideshare Program (Clean Air Program) (Resolution 12-70, 06.26.2012).

Fiscal Year 2011/12 Undesignated: Reduced programming from $45,015 to $27,515.

6 5YPP amendment to fully fund the Bicycle Program (Resolution 13-64, 06.25.2013)

Fiscal Year 2011/12 Undesignated: Reduced programming from $27,515 to $0.

Fiscal Year 2012/13 Undesignated: Reduced programming from $100,000 to $85,773.

7 5YPP amendment to fully fund the Commuter Benefits Program (Resolution 13-64, 06.25.2013).

Fiscal Year 2012/13 Undesignated: Reduced programming from $85,773 to $16,249.

8 5YPP amendment to fully fund the Regional Rideshare Program (Resolution 13-64, 06.25.2013).

Fiscal Year 2013/14 Undesignated: Reduced programming from $100,000 to $65,003.

Integrated TDM Public-Private Partnership Project: Added new project.

Fiscal Year 2010/11 Undesignated: Reduced programming from $50,000 to $0.

Fiscal Year 2011/12 Undesignated: Reduced programming from $100,000 to $71,134.

$8,000 in Fiscal Year 2011/12 Bicycle Program (Clean Air Program) was reprogrammed to the Fiscal Year 2012/13 Bicycle Program (Clean Air Program).

$38,842 in Fiscal Year 2011/12 Commuter Benefits Program (Clean Air Program) was reprogrammed to the Fiscal Year 2012/13 Commuter Benefits Program (Clean

Air Program)

$17,500 in Fiscal Year 2011/12 Regional Rideshare Program (Clean Air Program) was reprogrammed to the Fiscal Year 2012/13 Regional Rideshare Program (Clean Air


5 San Francisco Parking Pricing and Regulation Study funding is from the FY 2010/11 Congestion Pricing Coordination Plans and Studies program (Resolution 12-69,


Bicycle Program: Added $41,742 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 funds for construction.

Commuter Benefits Program: Added $69,524 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 funds for construction.

Regional Rideshare Program: Added $34,997 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 funds for construction.

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Page 31: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14

Transportation Demand Management/Parking Management (EP 43)


2009 Prop K 5YPP - Program of Projects

Programming and Allocations To-date

Last Updated 10.19.2013

Fiscal YearTotalAgency Project Name Phase

9 5YPP amendment to add the SchoolPool Program (Resolution 13-64, 06.25.2013).

Fiscal Year 2011/12 Emergency Ride Home Program: Reduced programming from $9,000 to $0.

Fiscal Year 2011/12 Emergency Ride Home Program: Reduced programming from $1,353 to $0.

Fiscal Year 2012/13 Undesignated: Reduced programming from $16,249 to $0.

Fiscal Year 2013/14 Undesignated: Reduced programming from $65,003 to $41,384.

10 5YPP amendment to add the WalkFirst Investment Strategy (Resolution 13-64, 06.25.2013).

11 5YPP amendment to add the Bikesharing SAR project (Resolution XX-XX, XX.XX.2013).

Fiscal Year 2012/13 Long Range Rail System Plan or other Eligible Countywide Transportation Plan Follow-up Study: Reduced programming from $300,000 to


WalkFirst Investment Strategy: Added $206,000 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 funds for planning.

Fiscal Year 2013/14 undesignated programming: Reduced programming from $41,384 to $23,384

Bikesharing SAR: Added $18,000 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 programming.

School Pool Program: Added $50,221 in Fiscal Year 2013/14 funds for construction.

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Page 32: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

Attachment 2.

Prop K FY 2013/14 Capital Budget1

EP # Sponsor Project Name Total FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19

1 SFCTAGeary Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Analysis and Advanced Conceptual Engineering

2,790,598$ 1,860,399$ 930,199$

1 SFMTAMarket and Haight Street Transit and Pedestrian Improvements

233,000$ 233,000$

1 SFMTA Transit Effectiveness Project 13,100,000$ 5,250,000$ 5,250,000$ 2,600,000$

5 TJPATransbay Transit Center and Downtown Extension

4,500,000$ 4,500,000$

6 PCJPB Caltrain Early Investment Program 6,390,000$ 6,390,000$

7 PCJPB Right-of-Way Safety Fencing 429,869$ 429,869$

7 PCJPBTrain Departure Monitors at Terminal Stations

585,000$ 292,500$ 292,500$

8 BARTWayfinding and Bicycle Parking Improvements

415,800$ 166,320$ 207,900$ 41,580$

13 SFMTABalboa Park Real-Time Transit Information

60,000$ 60,000$

17 SFMTAReplace 50 40-foot Hybrid Motor Coaches

15,996,040$ 15,765,881$ 46,032$ 46,032$ 46,032$ 46,032$ 46,031$

17 PCJPB MP 36 SEP HEP Replacement 1,000,000$ 200,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$

20 SFMTA Escalator Rehabilitation - Phase 2 3,700,000$ 2,000,000$ 450,000$ 450,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$

22 SFMTAMarket and Haight Street Transit and Pedestrian Improvements

338,000$ 338,000$

22 PCJPBBrisbane Tunnel Track and Drainage Rehabilitation

86,400$ 86,400$

22 PCJPB CTAMS Data Population 350,000$ 350,000$

22 PCJPB Jerrold Bridge North Span Replacement 118,160$ 118,160$

22 PCJPBMarin Street and Napoleon Avenue Bridge Replacement

120,000$ 120,000$

22 PCJPB Rail Grinding 154,143$ 61,657$ 92,486$

22 PCJPBRailroad Communication System State of Good Repair

118,428$ 118,428$

22 PCJPB South Terminal Wayside Power 28,197$ 28,197$

22 PCJPBUpgrade of Public Address & Visual Message Signs

838,000$ 838,000$

51,351,635$ 39,206,811$ 7,669,117$ 3,537,612$ 446,032$ 446,032$ 46,031$

23 SFMTA Paratransit 9,670,000$ 9,670,000$

9,670,000$ 9,670,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

26 DPWGreat Highway Reroute Project (Permanent Restoration)

49,596$ 49,596$

31 SFMTA New Signal Contract 61 1,745,000$ 872,500$ 872,500$

34 DPW Potrero Avenue Pavement Renovation 4,540,463$ 455,101$ 3,631,433$ 453,929$

Visitacion Valley Watershed Subtotal



Cash Flow Distribution


Transit Subtotal


Paratransit Subtotal

Capital Budget FY 1314.xlsx Nov Capital Budget-2 Page 1 of 3

Page 33: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

Attachment 2.

Prop K FY 2013/14 Capital Budget1

EP # Sponsor Project Name Total FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19

Cash Flow Distribution

35 DPW Street Repair and Cleaning Equipment 721,500$ 721,500$

37 DPW Public Sidewalk Repair 625,000$ 625,000$

38 SFMTALocal-Track Application-Based Traffic Calming Program

334,020$ 322,950$ 11,070$

38 SFMTAChinatown (Safe Routes to School Match)

88,810$ 88,810$

38 SFMTAWest Portal Elementary School (Safe Routes to School Match)

49,500$ 49,500$

38 SFMTAJefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School

45,200$ 45,200$

38 SFMTAJean Parker Elementary School (Safe Routes to School Match)

46,165$ 6,965$ 39,200$

39 BART Civic Center BART/Muni Bike Station 102,000$ 51,000$ 51,000$

39 SFMTA Automated Bicycle Counters Upgrade 331,000$ 200,000$ 131,000$

39 SFMTA Citywide Bicycle Wayfinding Plan 32,000$ 32,000$

39 SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvement Project 44,129$ 44,129$

39 SFCTABike Sharing Strategic Analysis Report (SAR)

25,000$ 25,000$

40 SFMTA 6th Street Improvements 180,829$ 161,528$ 19,301$

40 SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvement Project 44,130$ 44,130$

42 DPW Tree Planting and Maintenance 1,204,429$ 1,204,429$

10,208,771$ 4,999,338$ 4,755,504$ 453,929$ -$ -$ -$

43 SFE Clean Transportation Program 365,231$ 365,231$

43 SFMTA WalkFirst Investment Strategy 206,000$ 206,000$

43 SFCTABike Sharing Strategic Analysis Report (SAR)

18,000$ 18,000$

44 SFCTABalboa Park Station Area Circulation Study

59,400$ 59,400$

44 SFCTABroadway Chinatown Neighborhood Transportation Plan

209,174$ 161,064$ 48,110$

44 SFMTAMarket and Haight Street Transit and Pedestrian Improvements

209,000$ 209,000$

44 DPWLongfellow Elementary School Safe Routes to School

24,981$ 14,667$ 10,314$

44 DPWER Taylor Elementary School Safe Routes to School

20,184$ 11,926$ 8,258$

44 SFMTA Mansell Corridor Improvement 330,840$ -$ 330,840$

1,442,810$ 1,045,288$ 397,522$ -$ -$ -$ -$

TOTAL 72,673,216$ 54,921,437$ 12,822,143$ 3,991,541$ 446,032$ 446,032$ 46,031$

1 This table shows Cash Flow Distribution Schedules for all FY 2013/14 allocations approved to date, along with the current recommended allocation(s).

Shaded lines indicate allocations/appropriations that are part of the current action.

Streets and Traffic Safety Subtotal


TSM/Strategic Initiatives Subtotal

Capital Budget FY 1314.xlsx Nov Capital Budget-2 Page 2 of 3

Page 34: Memorandum - archive.sfcta.org...draft SAR in March 2014 and finalizing the SAR for Board adoption by May 2014. We estimate a cost of $18,000 for development of the SAR and up to $25,000

Attachment 3.

Prop K FY 2013/14 Capital Budget Summary1

Total FY2013/14 FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19Prior Allocations 72,630,216$ 54,878,437$ 12,822,143$ 3,991,541$ 446,032$ 446,032$ 46,031$ Current Request(s) 43,000$ 43,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ New Total Allocations 72,673,216$ 54,921,437$ 12,822,143$ 3,991,541$ 446,032$ 446,032$ 46,031$

1 This table shows total cash flow for all FY 2013/14 allocations approved to date, along with the current recommended allocation(s).

Capital Budget FY 1314.xlsx Nov CF Summary-2 Page 3 of 3