measuring success.doc

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uMEASURING SUCCESSMEASURING SUCCESS - INTRODUCTIONSuccess in the anti-aging program comes from knowing that you have done your best to attain the knowledge and have taken action to do what is best for your body. This internai feeiing of well being and self- actualization is the ultimate success reward of the anti-aging program.The number of marathons you can run, or your percent body fat therefore does not straightly measure success in anti-aging. These are but a few gauge to help you realize your goal and serves as a marker to let you know if you are on track or not in your anti-aging program.The fact that you are doing the 5 components of anti-aging: Proper diet, exercise, taking supplementation, making an effort to reduce the daily stressors of life, and taking appropriate hormone replacement therapy, is aiready a success. There are no failures.Some basic baseline measurements before and during your anti-aging program serves as objective tool to measure your progress. If you have a camera, don't be afraid to take pictures of yourself. This will serve as the best motivation factor for years to come as you look back and vow to never be what you have been.Here are some easy to do test that you can perform every 3 months to gauge your progress. Record them on your diary and be proud of yourself for taking the effort which is what counts.MEASURING GENERAL BODY CONTOUR AND COMPOSITIONA. WEIGHT: r - * ;< '>"a:,,,Anti-Aging body weight s equal to your ideal body weight less 5% (up to 10% is even better)Try the following formula:For ladies: (105 Ibs + 5 Ibs for every inch of height above 5 feet) x 0.95 For men: (106 Ibs + 6 Ibs for every inch of height above 5 feet) x 0.95Goal: Maintain weight at anti-aging body weight consistentlyB. BODYFATANALYSIS:Percent Body FatTake the following measurements:Hip at the greatest circumference areaThigh at the widest part of the upper thighWrist just above the bony protuberance toward the handCalf at the widest part, about midway between the knee and the ankleForearm at the widest part, about midway between the wrist and the elbowBody Fat for:Women under 30 = hip + (0.8 x thigh)- (2 x calf)- wrist Women over 30 = hip + thigh - (2 x calf)- wrist Men 30 and under =waist + (" hip)- (3 x forearm)- wrist Men over 30 = waist + (" hip)- (2.7 x forearm) - wrist Accuracy:While the total body immersion test is the most accurate, it is cumbersome and impractical. This simple method has a accuracy level to +/- 2%.If you are very fit, numbers from this test may be 3-5% above the total body immersion test because they have cleaned out their intramuscular fat.If you are skinny but not fit, the result from this test may be 3-5% lower than the immersion test because skinny people have more than the usual amount of fat inside their muscle.The naional average men is 22%, and the average women is 32%Healthy for men is under 15Obese for men is over 30Best anti-aging range for men is 10-15Healthy for women is under 22 Obese for women is over 33Best anti-aging range for women is 15-22How many pounds of fat do you have?Pounds of fat = total weight x % body fatthe amount of fat you should have = total body weight in pounds X % *(*15% for men, 22% for women)the amount of fat you need to loose / gain = differenceHow many pounds of lean body mass do you have?Pounds of lean body mass do you have = total weight in pounds - (total weight x % body fat)the amount of lean body mass you should have = total body weight - pounds of body fatThe amount of lean body mass you should have = total body weight in pounds x%*(* = 85% for men and 78% for women)MEASURING YOUR FLEXIBILITYTest: sit and reach testProcedure:You need a measuring sick or tape, and some adhesive tape.Lay the measuring stick on the floor and place a 12 inch piece of adhesive tape long ways across the 15 inch mark of the ruler.Without your shoes on, sit on the floor with your heels at the tape line, about 12 inches apart, and the zero mark of the ruler towards your body.Keep your knees straight and hands together as you reach forward.Stretch as far as possible, holding the furthest position for 3 seconds. Don't bounce or allow one hand to reach farther than the other.Record the effort.

Flexibility Test Results:MenWomen(Excellentj> 19.5 '>22 5 Very good 17.25-19.5 19.5- 22.5(Good15.5 - 17.25 18.25- 19.5^Average! 13.75 - 15.5 116.75- 18.25 Below average 11.5 - 13.75 :15.25- 16.75Poor9.0-11.5 [2.5- 15.25Very poor[< 9j< 12.5MEASURING YOUR CARDIOVASCULAR FUNCTION 1 mile fitness walking test:How: walk as fast as you can for 1 mile, either on a track or flat surface (treadmill is OK).Immediately after completion of the mile, take a puise count and note both completion time in minutes heart rate per minuteMeasure how long it takes you to cover 1 mile in a comfortable aerobic pace. You should be running at a comfortable pace that would enable you to carry out a conversation without feeling o ut of breadth(Aerobic pace (min/mile) Age 20-44 Age 45 and over Anti-aging range6jexcellent (Excellent7-8jVery good i Excellent)9-10Above average jVery good Yes111-13|Average !Above average Yes114-17Below average AverageYes118-20Poor'Below averagej>21[Very poor [poorMaximal arnount of oxygen your body utilize = ((132.853 - (0.0769 X bodyweight in pounds)) - (0.3877X age)) / (6.315 x gender*) - (3.2649 x time) - (0.1565 x hear rate per min) = Vo2 max in ml/kg/min (gender: 0 = female, 1 = male) Maximum oxygen used analysis:

MenWomen(Excellent\>5lJ[>4577|Very good |45- 51.3383- 45.7jGood37.7 - 45 135.3 -38.3jFairO O "3 1 1pip 51.1 \26.7-35.3jPoor< 33 48 mg/lSerum Cholesterol level 180-200, with HDL > 45 and LDL > 130Serum ferritin level within normal limits10.Serum homocysteine level within normal limits 11. Serum Lipoprotein(a) within normal limitsAnti-aging Program Flow Sheet (do every 3 months )Date:Goal

Basic Statistics

Ideal Body Weight

jCurrent Weight (CW)

Anti-Aging Target Weight ( AATW)IBW - 5%

Weight you need to loose (in pounds) |>CW-ATW

!% body fat currently ( % BF) ;Pounds of body fat currently ( BF)iAnti-Aging Pounds of fat to have ( AABF)| Pounds of Fat to loose(Pounds of lean body mass currently ( jLBM)Pounds of lean body mass you should ihave (AALBM)j Pounds of lean body mass you need to \gainFlexlbillty Status Flexibility TestCardiovascular Statusi11 mile fitness testMaximum Oxygen UsedBody Contour Status[Chest (inhale ) at the nipple line|Chest (exhale ) at the nipple linelUpper arm (relax) at maximal bicepsUpper arm ( contract) with biceps relaxed[Waist at the top of the hip bone (iliac jcrest)Hip at the biggest area of your glutes j(buttock)M45 mg/dlSerum Albumin Level!>4B gm/1 [Serum DHEA levelat top end of jrange for age jSerum Ferritin levelwithin rangeSerum Homocysteine leveliwithin range