Meant To Be Final Script

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  • 8/12/2019 Meant To Be Final Script


    Meant To Beby

    Owen Baldwin-Evans

  • 8/12/2019 Meant To Be Final Script


    INT. BEDROOM - EVENING DANNY, A 16 year old teenager reaches back from the lens

    after clicking the record button. DANNY

    *clears throat* Hi there, my

    names Danny. Danny Lyman, and

    this is a love story. More

    importantly, this is my love

    story. Well, a teenagers love

    story. So! Where to begin, thats

    a good question. Ok. Lets start

    here.CUT TO.

    EXT. WOODS - DAY DANNY and JOSH are sitting on a bench, it seems to be a

    sunny after school afternoon. The two boys are in dressed

    down school uniform and throwing stones at a can. DANNY (V.O)

    It was a relaxed after school

    afternoon and, Oh by the way: The shot freezes on a shot of JOSH throwing a stone.

    Thats Josh, hes my best friend

    and, well, we may be similar on a

    physical level. But when it comes

    to intellect yeah hes not a

    rocket scientist.The stone Josh threw hits the can and knocks it over.

    JOSHYes! I knocked the can over. So

    you owe me a tenner.


    When did we bet on this? JOSH

    like, literally before we started

    throwing the rocks.

  • 8/12/2019 Meant To Be Final Script



    *laughs* no, we didnt bet. JOSH

    I swear we did? DANNY

    No, we didnt. JOSH

    *pause* well, ok then. CUT TO.


    Yeah we did. CUT TO.


    Anyway, Josh, hows things with

    Janet?DANNY puts down his collection of stones in an attempt to

    get into a serious conversation with JOSH. JOSH

    Who? Oh Janet, shes great. Best

    relationship Ive ever been in. DANNY

    Youve only been in one. JOSH

    (getting defensive) Oh Im sorry hows it going with


    *pause* That was mean Josh. Real

    Mean.The shot pauses on DANNY.

  • 8/12/2019 Meant To Be Final Script


    3DANNY (V.O)

    Ok, this needs an explanation. CUT TO.


    Kayla was a girl, well to me at

    the time she was more than just a

    girl. She was a smile that never

    failed to brighten my day. Her

    presence always made me feel good,

    even if she was standing on the

    other side of the room. She was

    *sudden change in tone* Blah Blah

    Blah the point was she wasnt my

    girlfriend. And I was on a non

    stop mission to change that. Kayla

    and me were meant to be. See, it

    even rhymes. Although the grammar

    in that sentence is

    appalling.*sips energy drink*(During DANNYs romantic paragraph above, there will be a

    montage of KAYLA.) So if youve interested, sit back

    and relax, because, if I can sayso myself, this is a great story.

    So good that I even came up with a

    title and everything. DANNY lifts up a board with Meant To Be hand-written on it.

    The title moves out of the board as the background fades

    and we are left with Meant To Beon a black background. TITLE