Mcqs Orthopedics

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  • 7/29/2019 Mcqs Orthopedics


    True/False Notes


    a) usually due to trauma F [ trauma is thought to have a role in the acute presentation ]

    b) Limb is internally rotated F [externally rotated]

    c) 70% are of acute onset F [30%]

    d) X-ray is necessary T

    2)a) usually no acute swelling T

    b) due to twisting T

    c) locking T

    d) may cause osteochondritis if not treated F [ OA (osteoathritis)]

    3) the muscle responsible for knee movement during heel stike:

    a) hamstrings

    b) calf muscles

    c) quadriceps T

    d) gastrocnemius


    a) ulnar

    b) radial

    c) median

    d) three together

    e) variability of predilection

    5) after peripheral nerve injury , steppage gait & loss of eversion of the big toe indicates injury to:

    a) femoral nerve

    b) peroneal nerve T

    c) tibial nerve [ opposite picture ]

    d) sural nerve


    a) lumbricals T [also palmaris brevis]

    b) palmar interossei

    c) dorsal interossei

    d) adductor pollicis brevise) flexor digiti minimi


    a) femur

    b) vertebra T


    a) biochemistry is not normal F [ normal ]

    b) can cause spontaneous fracture T

    c) dietary treatment is helpful F [ is useful for prevention not trearment ]

    d) splintage is effective F [ increase regional osteoporosis ]


    a) femur shaft

    b) bilateral forearm fracturec) tibia

    d) humerus

    e) femur neck T


    a) clinical diagnosis is important T

    b) leads to axascular necrosis T

    c) X-ray is diagnostic early F[ appearance on x-ray can be delayed for

    weeks sometimes ]


    a) early operation

    ? b) elevation for edema T

    c) primary care for bone before skin F


    a) PTH

    b) thyroxin


    one muscle is not attached to bone:

    most common fractured bone in osteoporosis:

    about osteoporoseis :

    [ can be treated conservatively under certainconditions ]

    most important substance for bone growth is:

    About SCFE (slipped capital femoral epiphysis):

    about MMT ( medial meniscal tear ):

    nerve injury in the axilla which is 1st to recover:

    the fracture in children that needs operation:

    about scaphoid fractures:

    in hand injury one is false :

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  • 7/29/2019 Mcqs Orthopedics


    ? c) androgen

    d) crtisol

    e) citrate


    a) Ollier's disease T [30%]

    b) osteoclastoma T [= GCT]

    c) amyloidosis F [ it can result from myeloma or B-cell lymphoma ]d) multiple enchondroma T [= Ollier's disease]


    a) chondrosarcoma T

    b) Ewing's sarcoma

    c) malignant synovium

    d) osteosarcoma

    e) rhabdomyosarcoma


    a) hematogenous spread T

    b) thyroid cancer is the most common primary F [breast then prostate ,kidney, lung, thyroid,]

    c) they may present with pathologic fracture : T


    a) mostly caused by Staph. pyogenes F [Staph. aureus]

    b) can cause necrosis & destruction of bone T

    c) cold lesions on bone scan has good prognosis F [ can be the result of severe osteomyelitis]

    17) which is more likely diagnosis for 45yr-old male with 2yr hx knee pain that's releived by walking around :

    a) osteomalacia

    b) osteoporosis

    ? c) OA

    d) osteochondroma

    e) osteopetrosis


    a) OA

    b) osteochondritis dissecans

    c) prepatellar bursitis [ in front of the joint not in it]d) synovial chondromatosis

    e) peripheral meniscal tear

    19) all are cardinal signs of inflammation as described by Celsus except:

    a) color

    b) rubor

    c) tumor

    d) olor

    e) loss of function F [ described by Virchow ]


    a) can cause scoliosis T

    b) causes pain worse at night & releived by antidepressants F [ aspirin & NSAIDs(less) ]

    c) can result in leg-length discrepancy T21)

    a) hypothenar muscles T

    b) adductor pollicis T

    c) all interossei T

    d) ulnar 2 lumbricals T

    e) superficial head of flexor pollicis brevis F [ median nerve ]


    a) the most common cause for loose bodies in young adults T

    b) calcaneal apophysis could be involved T

    c) anteromedial corner of talus can be involved T

    d) when it occurs this is certain that cancer returned F [ not related to malignancy ]


    a) isometric? b) concentric

    c) isokinetic

    d) no exercise slould be done


    [ rapidly growing tumors ]

    about septic arthritis :

    all can cause knee joint swelling except :

    which is best exercise done during acute & subacute RA :

    about osteoid osteoma :

    all are supplied by ulnar nerve except :

    abou osteocondritis dissecans :

    about osteochondritis dissecans:

    about secondary bone tumors :

    has risk of malignancy :

    the most important slow growing killing tumor is:

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  • 7/29/2019 Mcqs Orthopedics


    a) more common in young adults T

    b) trauma is the cause T [ has a major role ]


    most common site is the lateral part of the medial femoral

    condyle T

    d) more in convex surfaces T

    e) trochlea of elbow can be involved F [ capitellum ]

    25)a) extracapsular T

    b) more in young adults F

    c) commonly comminuted T

    d) can be caused by malignancy T


    a) distal fragment is displaced anteriorly F [ >95% is posteriorly displaced ]

    b) can result in nerve injury T [ esp. ant.interosseous branch of median nerve ]

    c) compartment syndrome is common F [ about 1% but is v.important to be watched for ]


    a) metatarsals are medially displaced over cuneiforms T

    b) presents in the 1st year of life T

    c) found in congenital vertical talus F

    [ thought to be related with DDH but new

    studies didn't support this ]

    d) the most common congenital foot deformity T [ in infancy ]


    a) rare in blacks T

    b) bilateral in males 7:1 females F

    [ bilat. Involvement is 12-25% & always the

    hips are in different stages ] [ males 4-6:1

    females ]

    c) present mostly at 4-8 years of age T


    a) spondylolesthesis T

    b) idiopathic scoliosis F

    c) spinal cord tumors T

    d) discitis Te) eosinophilic granuloma T


    a) swing phase is longer than stance F [ swing 40%, stance 60% ]

    b) 20% double support T

    c) hamstrings are the most important for midstance F [ for deceleration ]


    a) applied for 20-30 min.

    b) freq Q 2-4 hours

    ? c) total period of 5-7 days

    d) not applied directly on skin

    e) needs also compression

    32) a) muscle strengthening

    ? b) muscle stretching

    c) muscle reeducation

    d) sensry reeducation


    a) Dx can be made even in absence of clinical signs T [ on MRI ]

    b) medial meniscus is the most commonly injured T

    [ because its attachment to capsule makes it

    less mobile ]


    a) cortical thinning T

    b) metastatize F

    c) air fluid level F [ fluid-fluid level on MRI ]

    35)a) DM T

    b) antiepiletics T?

    c) Duputryen's contracture T

    d) Hyperlipidemia T

    about subtrochanteric fractures exceot :

    about supracondylar humeral fractures exceot :

    about use of ice packs in soft tissue unjury :

    most important step in rehabilitaion after THR is

    about meniscal injury:

    about ABC (aneurysmal bone cyst):

    about metatarsus adductus :

    about Perthes' disease :

    all can cause back pain in children except :

    about gait cycle :

    All can cause frozen shoulder except :

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    e) Repeated shoulder dislocation F


    a) Femoral anteversion

    b) Femoral head and neck in vulgus

    ? c) Dysplastic acetabulum

    d) Delayed ossification of femoral head epiphesis F? [as the head will have been devoloped by this time ]

    e) Fiborfatty substance in hip joint37)

    a) Posterior dislocation is the most common F [ anterior is 98% ]

    b) Avulsion of greater tuberosity can result T

    c) Results from fall on out stretched hand T


    a) Ankle stiffness is uncommon F

    b) Foot lies outwards maybe

    c) Compartment syndrome is common T

    d) Common in youngs T




    a) Weakness in muscles of compartment T

    b) Tight skin T

    c) Present pulses doesn't rule it out T

    d) More in closed fractures T? [ also common in Gustilo III injuries ]

    e) No compartment syndrome in arm as a rule F

    41) A child victim of RTA with femoral shaft fracture and shortening what's the best treament:

    a) Skeletal traction

    ? b) Skin traction

    c) ORIF

    d) External fixation

    42)a) This ugly deformity worsens when the elbow is flexed F [ extended ]


    a) AP

    b) obturator oblique T

    c) Inlet view


    a) M > F

    b) Mostly lumbar

    c) due to environmental and genetic factors T

    d) associated with Arnold-Chiari malfomatin type II in 100% of cases T [ >95%]

    e) can occur due to carbamazepine treatment during pregnancy [ valproic acid ]

    45) a) old age T

    b) restricted spinal flexion F [ extension increases pain while flexion decreases it ]

    c) Spinal claudication T

    d) Back pain radiating to LL T [ less constantly seen than in herniated disc ]


    a) urinary retention T

    b) neurologic sign T

    c) failure of medical treatment T

    d) intermittent claudication

    e) severe scoliosis

    47)a) bacteria usually found F

    b) may cause amyloidosis T

    [ dorsal-dorsal scapholunate ligament ]

    The most common site for volar ganelion at ths wrist is:

    about compartment syndrome :

    about cubitus valgus :

    All can be found in late diagnosed DDH except:

    about shoulder dislocation :

    about tibial shaft fracture:

    Between flexor carpiradialis and abductor policis longus at

    scaphotrapezoid jointa)

    The best x-ray view for anterior column acetabular fracture :

    about MMC (myelomrningocele):

    differs according to : -age. -weight. -

    associated injuries. -type of fracture.

    associated with LCS ( lumbar canal stenosis ) :

    indications for surgery on disc prolapse :

    about chronic osteomyelitis ( COM ) :

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  • 7/29/2019 Mcqs Orthopedics


    c) usually hypodense with thin cortex F[ this is Brodie's abscess, COM usually shows

    areas of destruction with hypersclerosis ]

    d) surgery is required F [ only as needed ]


    a) intercostal artery supplying 2 vertebrae ?

    b) some bones are intracapsular Tc) thick periosteum T

    d) pesistence of metaphyseal vessels for 5 years of age F [ for 2-4 years of age ]


    a) vertical talus F [ talar neck deformity (med. & plantar rotation)]

    b) inversion of hind foot T [ + equinus ]

    c) supination T [ of forefoot ]

    d) adduction T [ of forefoot ]

    e) tight tendon of Achilles T


    a) may occur in rickets

    b) causes severe pain after walking T [ mainly in symptomatic adults ]

    c) there are 5 arches F [ 2 1/2 arches in each foot ]

    d) may require correction T

    e) associated with vertical talus T


    a) cosmetic

    ? b) functions well T

    c) cost


    a) mostly infraspinatus is involved F [ supraspinatus ]


    a) complete rotator cuff tear T [ also in axillary nerve palsy ]

    b) calcified supraspinatus tendon

    c) coracoid process fracture

    54)a) age usally 4-8 years T

    b) severe & continous pain T

    c) increas density is an early feature on x-ray F[ normal femoral head but stops enlarging &

    increased joint space ]

    d) lateral subluxation is bad prognostic sign T [ of Catterall's head at risk signs ]


    a) low spinal tumors T

    b) vascular injury T

    c) vertebral osteoma F

    d) central disc prolapse T


    a) TB? b) sarcoidosis

    c) prostatic neoplasm

    d) hyperPTH

    e) sickle cell disease


    a) ulnar nerve T

    b) median nerve

    c) radial nerve


    a) tangential

    b) oblique T

    c) lateral

    d) inlet60)

    a) sun-rays appearance T

    b) egg-shell appearance

    c) calcification T

    the view used to Dx anterior acetabular fracture:

    signs of osteosarcoma :

    about Perthes' disease :

    bilat. Intermittent claudication :

    one is not in DDX of cystic bone lesion (small bone) :

    the nerve injured in cubitus valgus:

    about flat foot :

    most important feature for prosthesis is :

    drop arm after :

    about rotator cuff syndrome :

    about understanding infection in children :

    about club foot (CTEV):

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    d) Codman's triangle T

    e) honey-comb



    injuries of the pelvis are more dangerous than the associated soft tissue injury63)





    internal fixation




    peroneus brevis




    rarely associated with nerve & vascular injury


    axillary nerve injury



    total meniscectomy is best treatment


    ? respiratory therapy

    75)gout doesn't cause significant effusion


    a) nerve impairment T

    b) arterial/venous ligation T

    c) prolonged ischemia ( 6 hours ) T

    d) missed compartment syndrome ( > 24-48 hours ) F[ should not open the already necrotic tissue &

    expose it to risk of infection ]


    damage is not caused by ischemia of muscle



    false about pelvic fracture :

    union between medial end and the rest ossifiscation center occurs

    between 13-25 years old

    false about clavicle :

    first carpal bone to ossify :

    most dangerous immediate complication ofpelvic fracture:

    most common fracture in elderly women is in the :

    in order to prevent the most important complication that results in the majority of deaths in spinal injury you should order

    false about ankle injuries:

    false about meniscal injury :

    fakse regarding effusions :

    indications for fasciotomy :

    [ at 18-25 years ]

    most common in 3rd degree ( complete ) tear of the lateral

    collateral ligament

    false about compartment syndrome :

    muscle inserted on 5th metatarsal bone :

    most common tumor in the hand is

    false about humeral supracondylar fracture

    true about shoulder dislocation:

    best treatment for osteoporosis is :

    best treatment for femoral shaft fractures is :

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    a) the closer to the growth plate , the better the healing T

    b) The closer to the growth plate , the smaller the callus

    c) those with heel injury have better healing

    a) more comon in females T [ unlike most bone tumors ]

    b) occur in epiphyseo-metaphyseal junction T [ after physeal closure ]

    c) rare mets to lungs T [ 30 years F [ >50 years ]

    c) degenerative type in L5-S1 F [ L4/5 ]

    about spondylolesthesis :

    in histology of growth plate :

    causes delayed or nonunion :

    about transient synovitis of the hip (irritable hip ):

    septic hip vs. DDH :

    about osteomyelitis:

    CP :

    about GCT (giant cell tumor):

    shoud be present in prosthesis :

    fractures in children :

    about osteosarcoma :

    about chondrosarcoma :

    one increases bone healing :

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  • 7/29/2019 Mcqs Orthopedics


    d) isthmic type is due to spondylolysis T

    a) hemivertebrae T

    b) juvenile TB

    c) apophysitis

    a) hip disability

    b) drop foot

    c) affection of thoracic muscles

    d) thoracic kyphoscliosis

    a) increased bone formation T

    b) loss of cartilage T

    c) capsule usually normal F [ fibrosed ]

    d) treatment should releive pain ,increase mobility & decreases load T

    a) hemarthrosis F [ recurrent hemarthrosis can cause it ]

    b) locking T

    c) anterior knee pain T

    a) best Dx by arthrography F [ MRI then arthroscopy ]

    b) sometimes presents with knee swelling Tc) peripheral tear has better prognosis T [ red zone]

    a) short tendon of Achilles T

    b) Hallux valgus later on T


    a) quadriceps

    b) hamstring

    c) sloeus T

    d) tibialis anterior

    e) tibialis posterior


    a) occur due to hyperextension & radial deviation Tb) may only be seen on oblique x-ray T

    c) usually arm looks normal T

    d) the proximal segment may undergo necrosis T

    e) usually in children F [ in young adults ]


    a) MP joint is hyperextended F [ PIP]

    b) DIP joint is flexed T

    c) can occur due to intrinsic muscle disease T

    d) can occur due to flexor sublemis (superficialis) injury T

    e) can occur due to central slip of extensor digitorum injury F [ buttonnier's deformity ]


    a) clot organization T

    b) immobilizationc) good alignment

    4) a 7-year old child with 6months old fracture of femur that healed with 30o

    rotation, Mx should be :

    a) surgery T

    b) hip spica

    c) plaster of Paris


    a) neck of femur F

    b) eppiphyseal separation of tibia Tc) fracture of mid-ulna T

    d) fracture of mid-femur T


    a) capitulum T

    one would undergo AVN if not treated properly:

    most important in bone healing :

    about chondromalacia patella :

    about meniscal tear :

    about flat foot :

    the muscle that contracts intermittently during standing is:

    all fractures in children has ability of remodeling except:

    most common cause of kyphosis in 0-10 years :

    most common disability in polio in Jordan :

    about OA:

    about scaphoid fractures :

    about swan neck deformity :

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  • 7/29/2019 Mcqs Orthopedics


    b) olecranon

    c) lateral condyle of humerus

    d) supracondylar humeral fracture


    a) lower tibia T

    b) ribs F[ due to continous micromotion & adequate

    splintage by adjacent ribs ]

    c) scaphoid T

    d) segmental tibial fracture T

    e) femoral neck T


    a) middle 1/3 of capitellum T


    a) surgical neck fracture

    b) anatomical neck fracture T

    c) surgical neck fracture + avulsion of greater tuberosity


    a) knee flexion

    b) equinus T

    c) structural scoliosis


    a) after menopauseb) infantile scoliosis

    c) juvenile scoliosis

    d) at puberty between budding of breast & menarche T


    a) joint movement is normal during acute phase F [ immobile ]

    b) usually improves in few days F [ weeks ]

    c) due to decrease blood supply ( ischemia ) T


    a) due to trauma T

    b) uasually lateral condyle is affected F [ lateral aspect of medial femoral condyle ]

    c) usually affects youmg males T

    4) a) bone scan is useless F

    b) usually no pain F

    c) lateral subluxation is poor prognosis T


    a) females > males F [ males > females ]

    b) 70% gradual onset T

    c) lateral view is important in Dx T

    d) limbs are externally rotated T


    a) tenotomy

    b) muscle shortening

    c) close observation in hospitals

    d) home phydiotherapy T7)

    a) Hx of locking T

    b) almost always symptomatic F

    c) usually seen on x-ray T

    d) maybe caused by ostecondritis dissecans T


    a) inversion

    b) eversion

    c) plantar flexion & inversion T

    d) dorsiflexion & eversione) dorsiflexion & eversion & pronation

    either answer not verified from a text book or question has a defect in its form.

    other answers were confirmed from a text book.

    most effective in treatment of CP :

    about loose bodies

    sprain of ATFL ( anterior talofibular ligament) is due to :

    about acute supraspinatus calcification

    osteochondritis dissecans

    about Perthes

    about SCFE

    may have had bad healing :

    anterior humeral line should pass through:

    will lead to AVN of humeral head :

    poliomyelitis can lead to

    scoliosis can undergo rapid deterioration during

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