'^J^^^^^jl^llsf^ >-^ft*#sr *#*-. '?> -ft-'.-. ; St SV**t "i«r*-. ^§m m 1 5is* ,;-5-5*^5e-.«,arKf «S« B8W4S l^jgSsJj . . AND - *«*>,, • ... »., Ready-Made Clothing MB. Nothing «0 jrw cent. cheaper "THANEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. B ENJAMIN HOKBRpOKEfa.happy in befog able to announce to bra old friends,and the pubfic gen- <erally, that be has just returned from New Yoik-wiib •oneofthechoisest, and best selected nock of OpODS," For Gentlemen's "Wear, that has ever bean offered in Malone. His stock •Consists, to part, of Broad-Cloths Cassimeres,3eaver Cloths, Sattimts. Pliinand Fdnry-Yeslingt, TRtMMAHNGS, %e.,4-e., Tbe above list comprises almost every tariety of .-ii'ur and style of cloths—every article of which is of -be best ouatity, and of the latest Fashion* We will keep constantly on band a general assort- ment of Ready-Made Glothing, »>iicb be «ril| sell at as good bargains as any olJier man to Frqtijklin County. This Ctoibine; is made in hi* >>vB ShBp,and under bin o*n supervision; and be «•; Menses competition in Quality, ijiyl i, Workman- #b : ,> or Prlfce. Having recently spent some time in New Yoik, in r\*wuing fashions and informing himself more ihor- i'U§bly in every departr&tni uf bis bu-iness. be.does not hesitate to say that be con do as »oo I woik, and m as goodaryle (if not a little tetter) its can be done at any oilier shop in the country, Had he invite* all who are in jeed of any article in his line to call and enamins bis stock of good* and fashion*, even if they !» not purchase'of him. He will be glud lo wait up- on such at ajl timrs. —ALSO— Girrnents cot on short notice and oartinular ore •!,jll be ratten in marking uu<l fining ihe same so as to msfce them plain for makir.* up. FASHIONS received monthly, from'N'ew Yoik. N. B.—H. B. would say to the trade ,that, lein? *- s/em for SCOTT'S WORKS he will be able to supplyibera »Hb Reports of Fashions for Sf>rtn? and Fall, and al- s > witn tbe Mirror ot Fashion., iMiMi.hed monthly, in N « » York. Malone, Nov. l«r, 1850 J ^ Wanted imine iioielr.—two good Journeyman Tailors, «o whom steady employment wiy be given. JMOTfCE is hereby aiven mat Samuel D. R-.h»rt 1^ of tbe town of Chateau.ay, Franklin County,! has this day assigned to.the subscriber all bis property and effect* foi the benefit of bis creditors,according.to the ronduioq of bis deed of assignment, meniionod. All persons having in their pi.sses*ifiii prupertv of) sny description, belonging to tbe said Rob»rt(.. and alf wbo tire indebted to bim in any way, ere requested deliver 8nd pny the pa"ne to tbe under»i°ned, or 10 K.I A. KtxLita. (»ho is ariihojiz-J ro settle tbe accounts uf said Roberts) at C!tialeaUj£«y aforesaid. JDned Coaumugay.Oct. 15, I8.V0. ,(80Q:f.] ~' ^ M. M.ROBE Village Lots. ' J^HH subscriber ofieio lor sale on mixt reasonable •* terms 100 V'tla^e Lola, of one boll" of as acre earn, at Brush's M'iis. h Msny of the Lots, have a front npnti the highway leading from I'lmtibiireh ioOsde#j«bur.:b, and esiend- uijt to i be Dei*it ground ot the Northern Rul R"«d. where ail Ijie traiiu IUOJ) d<ulj)-* Th.-ie is »n *xfa •:ve w,ter poiver on the premises, a Grist Mil), favf M li and ottier works now in operation and others in I Usual. c>arse of construct'ton. ^ *' ' To mechanics these lots ouVr ^reat inducements.>»ood lots, and farming l«nd in the imm>-di>ite viciniiy being for sale on easy tei m —eoou school" and good roads. The lots ate situated a bun I lOtnil^s from the Vi 1 ige af Afil"ne, the Countv seat, and ihe tame di«t;ince ..from the village of Fort Covingion—and will, on the completion of tho Vermont and Cina in Rail Road,iie in d-iily comnniiiiCiiion with the city of Boston. Tile -vadisputabie. Fur particularp, aiii>lv to HENRY N. BRUSH. Brush's M.lK'Fronklin C->. Leaven OGDENSBURtfjB ?at VjksM, and ar- rive at Rouse's Point atl-Jj J;,JI. Leave ROCSE'S pOffNl*, at 2 r. »., and am rive at Ogdeneburgh, at'7f' p. B . ^i ACCOMMODATION. Leaves ROUSES POINT at 4 4 M., and arrive at Ogderjsborgti at 12} P. M. Leaves OGDENSBURGH at 1 e. u., and arrive at Rouse'8 Point at 9| p. H. - J Passengers leaving 0^den»bur*h at 7 A.M. take tbe Steamers on Lake Cbamplain and arrive at Montreal at 4 1*4 P. si , at Burlington in season for tbe eve- ning train to Boston and in Whitebait fot tbe morning tiain to Tray, Albany and New Yoik. Pass -nsers by the Accommodation from Ogdens- burgb arrive in Montreal Bl 9 o'clock next morning, at Burlington in season for the morning'trains to Bos- ton, and in Whitehall for the evening train to Troy, j Albany and New York. . \ * Passengers leaving Montreal.at 9 I 2 a. u ,—Bur- lington in the morning Boats, and Whitehall in ihe evening boats, will take the E<press traio at Rouse's Point and arrive in O^densbuigh in season to take the steamers for Kingston, Oswego,, Rochester, Detroit nod other ports oo Lake Qntaiio, and tbe Upper Lakes, the same evening. Passengers I.uving Montreal at 4 I 4 r. M., Bos- ton in lh« morning trains anil New Yoik in the eve- ning, will take tbe Accommodation (rain at Rouse's Point, and airiveatOgdensburgb at I o'clock r. M. FARE Between Ogdensborgfa and Rouse's Point, $3.00 •' " Montreal, 3.50 CHARLES L2SCHLATTER, Superintendent. Dotted Oct. 21 1850. ' 799. f tfOTICH. C P. f«K^{< Sf Co . on HIHJ al'er/lie iJ, ui October . Wltr-rubWb KXPRr.S* 11 . fc«*!htf ROAM-'. Point .Mondays. Wednesday^ndlFnd'iVs.and Otf.lensijorgb on Tuesdays, Thursdays »fd S iturdays—comuctns ot Rou-e's Point with^uU-n, Virgil jfe Co's N*w York and Menireal-Kxpie->, Cheney & Co.'s and Bigelo* &. Co.V Uo.lnu Kxpre-s.—Also with Ru,5.1 & Co.'« from C'den-.tMij-ah West. ' Principal Offices, and Agents. Ogdensburgh, , I'om-rny Jfc Buyotun, Mono .................. ..L Smiih. Pi't-darh ...B (i B»ld>un, C-Jimbia,.*. S H Clark, Luwrence •> .... . . . . N. VVii] a ms, Li.bf»n, .......... ^ ....... jj. Wells, Cbamplain, ..A. Moore, ECenburgh, K J Hawkins, Mi.lone, .... I. IV. Paugburn ^ Co , C'liteaugay:.^...; D C. Sleigs. Brush's MMIS L. H- Ljon, Oilngor,., . . ^gao.. .S. H. Pnyr.e Cenireville, ............ ,\\ m Patmer »• REFER TO Pulleo Virgil 4. Co,~No. IO.'WaU st.. New Yoik. H John«on.,Exi-liange, Albany, Pollen, VirgTi & Co., Kxpri-sVOffice, Trov, 5». M. Pope, Burlington, and'Oo* B: m, Montreal, C. P. GtEK & Co. Maloue, O.t. 5th 1850. m •dW^^^sf^'' ^P_; ^i^^^^Ws>siBw«piB(B OUT • . OUR WHOLE SLITOA' TO MAKE ROOM FOB MORE t T * r* .. * >< To accomplish thij 'as oparly as possiblS, we shall 6i Unusual Induceme Wall who - wane' to-buy G Consji Mhry Goods, urocerie*, and €rocicer&. June 12, 1850. W. W. * H . E "" To the Ladies. O UR assortment of Dress Goods is coaapleta. call and examiae our LAWNS, Barages, Linen t,HStre$, Ginffhams* *&c. We especially invite y..orattentiaiT to a fewpSirerria of Cuancleon Dress Silts,' * ' —ALSO— Wblte Crape, Bit-age and Tbibit SHAWLS I. , . , j " ..... w. w. &H.J5.B.- " - ' • - • •• "--- ^-— -TT-w- T-—f «—*•--•— — • •sati.»..i.ispJraei*' J VS/T received, a good article of Washington County i*ork, and for sale at tbe lowest mark, by iV.W. (f H E . If. sts «3B N * \§h -•it MM^.m<$m-i¥l vane«V..«tHtf«f ;Ghat«a«> gay; «tUfy, tlit»as«ltes^|bji calling o» k r <. ^ - IFaBtcd x90 7 0*# lbff. . ^OOL1Tot,whi C b'C««htH'iCTf^»wi«t>*.Bl'ren in l|:;e«change. at tb*'^WfcW*fe^«»eIi«etar^ai m^i. Chates^^ mf'S. WEAD. i'ii>%-<-'w;'\:ji i 'j ' i-t ni'.n'ii',i' i p'-"ijj i(ft mAimsy?™ ? Salt, Yihe-hsirreL ' AUo-l'ae.lfipftockSali, (eround) fo» airy and Table use—a nice article on hand.'and ... W. W. & H. E. K, B Yi 0' for sale by [June lij TAKE -NOTICE. 'TTtHE subscriber* would inform the public that they JL have built a new Blacksmiih-Sliop in the village ot Mtlone, about two rods in rear of \odruiand Lew- 's' store, where tbey will do all kind* of Blacksmith W\>rk, •• well and as cheap a» auy body else •' THOSE WHO WAxVT .fxes, rfxes Jumped, Chisels, or anv kind of EDGE TOOLS, mayfad COR.WSH -tkar /"—Malone S^pi. 5, lffSO. ORI.V CORNISH, { n3:6m ] .^ CH'S >K, PIXLY. JVow is the, Tiije I Strike wMIe the IronfeHot! T HE subscriber would Tespeclfully intimate to bis numerous customers, and the Public generally, that be is anxious to reduce his stock in ijnde as much as possible before Disking bis Fall Purchases! to order to effect this, be offers bis whole stock et a smail per rent above C'»»t. All those who are inter- ested in purrhasin* good* CHEAP, are respectb.U, -invited to jpr> Ceil and examine tbe Good* a,nd,/Vi- ces, and co-opart; them. With those of any any oilier e«iabli,bmem in town, and tbey wi.l be convinc^dtbat ft is afhvwbug, , N. MOR^E, Red;Stnre r Sent. IS. 1853.. MAKE TO O&BJSR'^ MOinrflirewTs, TOMBSTONES, •*•' « r a r e $ipm> TaWes, ao. .-. -.-•' FAliVTSTONES! f J-tHR'ieSscriber awuld rc-p^ctfufiy inform tbe inhab- X itaqta ofMafane. aott Franklin County geneially, that he has just received* new and extensive STOQM OF SUPERIOR MARBLE, •fretfi /beJnff <jqarHe|yn Vennont^andis now prepat- *d fo'furnisli ail kindfof • . > M.ONVMENT8, TOMB8TONE8, TABLES .•.to^'«.^'VtosffelUaV "».-'.' "t a»jiKnciia4be Marble line, at price* t«d on terms *bat mtjs«1iei«8iisfactgr 3 r tealltltjiwtito^.^ioTatij! of *be«*o**a^e^^ja3y«^f,.-'• - .;. T+jmtt*Uimea ** 'trmm - • * to. H«»«o*f.Jiaii»t!tt*ajr ^ r a * e * | * e n « i t a ii* IHK btti- iotn, ha does not hesitate toassuw tba publlfetBat hi* wqtt *iMm,dfm0 inb»«%le. d -.-;, ^; -.• All stork warruttcsi tt> fivaahe best satisfaeiiott.— feivetrtor par. l<et o» one purCMK^mr^sfafe w«k oefore calling and esstmroiqf hw swefc'and prices for aieauelrea, a* be ii bound grot fa babe»ien by any nmilar establabaiebf in tfce* ebiiatnr, $& He will »«*• ONO Isws^iilM^.'i^lrwta^dMtalklt tV ' MARBL £, W RKSi oeaf b|. dw^i, .ffejr rod* JfrJoa*Hay8% I85Q. : ' »;'v^';f-'- ! ;• fffifeif.!", 8MSl^''• ;ft ^ :| ^»•' , ^i rt ^• ; *«*l*. , "Wl/fMay I6.jat Uw' RED *T0RlE ' Jifitforit. fpHB Sobscrder would- notify ht^'foTtTter co«- i- towers thai be baa remttyj.-d to hia new build mg, opposiie -Knapp'a new blc^,?' where-he maj beipuud wiiba gtwd aasonment' of CLOCKS, VVATCIHES& JEWiELRY, ••* at ve?y cw prices. " v CLOCKS VVATOl .rppairing.altended lo to Malone, October. 8, TSfffTJ. , . -- .., SPLENDID GOODS. Fall and tVlsler! J. H. GTJ'ES'T, "\TTOULD respectfully invbe ih« part>ctifer attention VV of purchasers visiting OGOENSBURGH, to'bis extensive stock of - ^ . i F O R E I G N A N D DOMESTIC DRY GOODHl comprising every. «rtic|e»tn that Ijne. A Urge variety nf CARPETS, DRUGGETTS, OIL-CLOTHS-of all widths, Bugs, Mats, &c, French antj Aracrican Paper Hangings, of the most desirable sly lea, and uf all qualities, ALSO GILT VELVET, and common BORDERING, Now received and Will be daily making ad-lkiuns to bis stock foi the FALL TRADE. Being the largest and most complete assortment tbat he bas ever offered. FORD-STREET, OGDENSBURGil, Oct. 12,1850. " , A large lot of these very;comibrta,blel}baw l«. «VlfO a£ne lot of Double and tingle ,, ti ' ,,". Brocha Shawlsy- and a areat variety of o-fiir excellent siyles, "" •' " , : ' "• ,n j. l W %^ST '" Qgdensbnrsn. October'IS.'ISJO. ' ' '" tmSf ' SILLilG a , «6?t^ s.>s iai vi-As,tt •«vt: QOBW,fiOIiE,ST;fi€l THIRTY DAYS! To accomplisn Vbi^'we are prepared lojeill sit is ;>n A'-rd t^e •^rgejwionoftkcitock offers mfm®MmfflM. •)•;** ^r!W,to. *«••.' , . -Jfiisi list.— Tha aff4ir«3t>ft*e «r«%fll ; aeta»9 » JB,«, %, Clsrii.af No--0, FieIdVE*ehia<e/^Wtr%i itsJobe, .8apt>s%'i«M.' •.-.; ^; t ,^m^mi08mLkttKi:.-- •..-•'-.. T HEoBdettfgaeUta^^r^Ada'eoplrtnslriiiplin- fJUiiaew at Noj 3, Plald'aEiaSiiia.i D*t>d M.loae, Sept. & W*l&: *•; DBLAUZOIT D. WEAD, - :»f ' BENJ.S, W.CLAKij. JVuite ana Glass T / E P T eoDstnat/y ion band, andJpr stjle by , - " JVrJnne 12.J ., t ^ W . & H . E.,K. M*ainttt, Oil9 JT nyc-Stttru, O Vbacd-and for sal* by ,' fJaneiaj W. \V?&n. E.K.. T O-thSs^who kre' In w»lit of WahlvWare—Ple"aie Uive us 4 s bails' -Ataofejf our assortment uiay it J%*aU jBfad&y r . RoHnd froir, ^,.; 'iJPartJran, MM Sates, •' end a .generar assortment'of shell Hard Ware. June 12- 'W. W.& H. E:R. TTfrTT? Air f!s?&l lite 1%. ^ HARD-WARE AND, « „•. »pMff ,Y,,- of apy, article in, his bna of itade, to £ ya^^ftiJfffig-^e; ,^2' HI )Ie ofCanada % ' s^s : &*M ana r Ever offered inlWonberniNew York. S. I £-*.<J.-, r.x^r ._ HEiisKlVrsigaed,- have jos c t^ope»wdj:'ar-tlie old #*jtj u * Thtk Cash Store," ^he heaviest stock o? northern New iP •tU[«aMStoM iii^tbiiCouoty.-r r«^^s^«ldthia ff .Tever'offerid« ttofirr, »-orWm^4^m$tmp~~ |- ' •&$&#&* they are bound w*«rfa% "• - 4" .rmw*^ «_.J - - 1 'i^waj^fiwningly l.ovv Prices ! «^#^^W»«W«*«fleyeijrfs^M^*f i ^^*'€iutl/a andl^y'a C.otliiog. such as . «*^»i " M-. - MAGN 1 v •>. * s 11 »*• «?! «?WF CL< •«#**'••• load zft, //ai**v * - ' r ' ' S.-.M. WEAD ] d.r»eri*at Chaieausav. , ^WX^f§&f> Mi: :• ::** r lJ .."i Mi Ir.MHiiWfcni l t«8-'tiiit.ii'-| T ', Miiirw l4Jft- da l Corn, ! iQOfiJCavFtairr* ,..-..-. on hadd and for sale; at my Store inCbateaugay m :l .V'EAli. if 11 i o r in 'Hi YOb.VG'S Celebrated patent CHORNS. ihe best X now iq use. constantly OA band aad fur Sale at tbe Aupj|i2.18SQ., . t , fl. M. WEAD. 1/VpOZE,V $ropks jr. Rro^hor.V crMwued Cast 1\J \ Stet| Axes,/or safe b* tbe do»en, at mv ataic, II Ciaieaugsy L^seSO, l#50.] 8 M- WEAJJ Jrotatoesi E want, to buy Ten Thousand Busbejs Potatoes— delivered at ihu S'arcb factory in ibis viltate. Se;o. II. 1B50. ^ W. W. & II R. KING- "live and let Live P IVr FISK wishes to annoaa&tejthe public that b* XI has just received a generel'Wlsorrment of Dry Go*** and Groceries ! which he is tael apoatha'Llireaed let Live' principal fpt-CASH or READY PAY. His stock Consists of every vsrt;tyof Dry Ofods.ajpd Family gr.tceneSA-usually enttndfna'cnaairy store ; : 'and all who wish to astablisb trade .upon tbsj above prio •;iil v are invited to call and examine his stock fur . s* - \" * 'it ' r-f » - i. * *?' & themselves.' ' ' «" . Nat baviag space bent to eaumeraia his article*, ha will only say tbat he has a littla-of almost everything, wbiclt bf.is sriliing, to dtspossfuf in eacbange for a "little more of the same sort,".•*• foe cash, aspurcbin •era may desire. You will alwayi find itfiisitore, a general supj ly of Br^ad Cloths, ' r Cas«lrn>reU.tTmtifelf», tweeVlsiexpressly ' 1 for. summer use, Prints oF»ill " kinds and i r ail prices, Silks of t h e richest " siyi*s, Crivdts. Lawns. GiygFiarns, Pfaids ' and fancy Drets Gohdi, Stieetiiisjsand-SbirtiDgri and Trimmings, Hata ( C»itH Bt«Ha& Shoes, t e . 8ec . Together with ^various-arid sondry'-bther articles---' •totJ"buolereis (i> mention.* All 0which willbwatJU ' .as.cbeap y can be ,had«t^ap^other p|sef. fof ? { • - Ca»lt, or Ready Pay f » '& - . ; .*M '•*wr* t 7g*-"* J ^'i'i»ac» » ; " '•'*" «»' J ' • -. t3 ^rjMm^v&jmmM** r.• ..-*•.•••» He wonH etsctesiderifcistbankstb ih*pablfe-for the liberaf^trt*aage;harbaslieretofora ret^vT'd/aad esjandtbat(vrs^ireparH fi Ware at Wholesale or fisxatl. HVbas oow on oaad a «eneral:a»sdrMJjeofirf-w-i,<••> -ja-v-- '* fc »-3e*e- 7V» II.IJ iij 4.IJ.-II.' » I'l < ' - ,.T / - •'' 1 ileV0>-*W SJ*-. 3 rpHBisassfciis^bea<V g s leave to inform the public X that the .*- i i ^- «»•»•''.'"•••• is now open fur the receptioBiof yifitors. He trusts that il*,l«{n» •^pfrl^lfee as a Hotel keep- er, and a sincewdesrireSii afienff to the want* of his eustoatars. will enable Miw-vsTimake (hem eomforabb. The hotX*!j*%Wrnattii, . as welljft., r-( • • r • i•.-. tfifroe^e«dja4"aJI hours, : THE BILLIARD ROOM lih,i been fitted Op anew. THE BALL ALLEYS ( ' Tic Clrealar EafI-Rtaf aal fart. '' ; frajwt..iB^raf»,oiideir.. 8TAGESal*ay«io readiae^ J af ; tbe wharf «t £'0. iginal,by which passea<er*.froi»,M>Qtreator Bytown will reach jfae Springs in lime F6r dinner. . A^m&MMdfmkt..; •ifM.fiin> meet the S'te.mer. ot, the St, taw r rene# at Lancaster. ibgsjeaabJiWjMiaies/itfm Kiag- iaiVlie eeawuf-J sremry oftbe Ottiwa; aed the 8u«£ peifaiot, Bridge «r Bjtuwi, |Mb%M5| n « w Montreal or Quebec. ' A « ? ^|||L.P BRQWM. .ForrneVly'of.heStiL.wreweHmel/dgdebsbi.^h, end the j Onite4^^Swts^iHotefc^Maiiseoa^prin,.,!». Y. Caledonia ppriors,. July 1850, _H.T.« -.•.f r ''T i. . . , . „_ ! ^ > i f i f i." ******* ^TBiiiiaBiKe^^ from Ne»r York aad JBoatoa; eposistiof of , - jffj . A n .>v8./ffSS"Jr| Sheritth^a^R.UVSovWfiira^Ti-aW'Cop- -^ 1 Piiaipii a'iid , X*rfd' J FI-»e. ,i : -> He baVs^aJ^irrairgments for recelvinii supply of thV toall whoatef^wjilfo^fVa^ia^ r r.ai;^jow«iV-:liii.l*¥^ (CT Job ,W«fkju>d JbtVirisjf ;.*r, #lik*f*i**iltriU bis mauur.crureare warraloted. i^*""r' •>• • '?*'.";""!*-••—*••••''•'"•••'•*?•*';''••' '.••'^••'.••-"•JPf.s-'Vsi •••„ " i, j. t wsiatstsH m . ^ M . ^ I I I SI MM- -*ttl]r;."-,- ,„,. ,.^^.' ,.'j . »«.lf*.s7!SJCfe,, i..-..!..-'.., i.|iiiii.j.»^iiiilN.i>iin«;ili ll ..i»lti:i,- - ltU |r ii...,, ONNETRIBaoMCfaKLlirtafidFlowrr,,- '•l ? oatle"»w»fJy—4Vi -s«W by 4 -' dt. i-jk 'tmi AIR8 gox^ Wa*l Joelta waated IsaasasHatey, *>r ' ^icb Goosto wlll*e «!*«» la Mtaesifir Lu ' '" fiita*}' wl^h't^.^^ag^i.baJow T\A»W flWAftflE »«J r>y tbw be ha. .'riea ' '*WJJiH*.''-.Z>'*''i .'kVU-'t '• < sTw>'-".1 ; ^-' '••Jf'f-i *- ;- -JV, i dj,-'. ; -.- 1 Itl wf W^INUMI -Wi»Miii^% CM(t4a+v««tar Be*** ''' Fls»l«T3rtta4«^-<^lj^s^ [• ^ TiTwaajSpineiNrs, |k«^fteV __ _ 4 Jir»»w«,IiL>ttte«,oraJiei»»* x »hr^to«i»t|Ji«ti«ht from the cStwfs. ft ti"««diili| «*^?^^|r|W| t- **| : • I-: -r. ! >•"* w w •fiA'fi- J a^^ ,B t" ;• ' 1 *">* and •iai'«iitaMf^4»i^»WrinHitVQaVtr aHdWatt^ fac»rX^a#Mpi.ried efoilifh^JWrfelbre lufered |^irot«mi5f|&»rAT. .coMPtABfr, arid" mkwmmE c f t ^ W ^ f e ^ ^ P L M N T . ; t o l 8 £ A 3 E 8 oPthe KID-, NEYft, CKFICIEtXCr OF. NEJlgplTS and PHSfelCAU KNEBOY, a n i f i f NWIVOUS DISEASES, which cojoplaints .*«.«••.*.' . i'*ci%^ : .#-il'5 t\hfi f.^ -s'w*:? E iuWcriber.Im M*fle one of the most n the conn- re« ur -eKWiieife^ifjamf wlei, _., ;t^iH>»na$r : |^^|:Ster|ia%hdoiieoI , 4-- - . ' siirnWMKluiitaimERs, he iff o W ^re P aires|ttt^^mBrjM|^^ ^|e. 15 thankful fo^jr^ij^te^iiwlfa^irtl^puii. tC to test tbe a b o * ^ M # « ! 4 § ? i # ' " ^ ' ' ? , ' < -..•'••*« -. Silted I /T I.Ol.l *. * . i ?a>iltV stjhicriber would ..#11 lie. tliatfJiaviiis; taught lurnisb to drder'"' » -• -i • •..4'1>feHp; . Skates, JFiri'Plttcet^ antt finlilly s(pytSii.giin ibat « at, least "25 her cent, cheaptr ibirihasi or'tbe adipiniog Counties. ',30k Tomb atonesfiroaii$4 . j&niMtaia from m.frAW- SmlfJtojttji^^HB t?5„ , JPaJet stones fr«n,fl,50 io $5. AftiiB*k|WfB; ranted to give-satisfaction. ( JV«jrk-dqne wit^» w ^ ••- piaiiL«ir M^timmmiiiiM, " as taej be-re^rrirert. ' ; I "M'J HV h.s'andwill bereceivinc'ai &%&£wliiFe « ! co0iL the,'* '-He'isrioWnd io "sell, and p U rc!.>ser. culling and e 5 - amloibg'for lheinse'lves most' he kkiist1ed,4 to r n.ialitJ 6r«i«:k'an'd workmanship, and mB say this ta truly j* dayaridanageof improvementi ' - ' ^-Te^ttwiade re'atfon*bie^-arwaj|s;discount (or cash.' gj* Factory, in.tbej store formi-rly occopied by A. -Lindsay, 9 'doors south of Clark']} Cnrner*;swnear the Arade«r^Ot»en^i:^ -/ -K& jifcELER. > T.-<n •• 1- jw4j f jl' • r.»/ W-JVIM! '"r 1 J ial" •i.ilj •Js.'j *iti B. 1 ^^ « » : i 1 . .., 1 -J L demands doe ro tbe subscHberi'prsrvibits '-to the" " Attqiney for coi ffrTflwrrfn-'nit %7"> *^-_ ^^_ . L n diately; a#W$%mk .leftSwh^i 1 AiwVoeir/br col- lecrijaa^-atd&ejt&fj Vt-ptaSQl -"*' * fe .'s-*j»r.t-» «,/J.j^('fl« V-sai •-'3J-\ .-r'ihH.' « <«£» '-fi 1 acH*»- 1 ,injL itfi'SjstjV fees fc|rrf*«« •» Pork and W9nwt&**»*•'* £$$<&&***&}£s**W»*. , WswSi F^3r«mw.^ ^?i|tsaBad^!tte*^i^^-» ent rptnbMltf jeAi^rANisarai *BK*t| •alt! ' Brppeaqit SittccSra i -7»tem. Alsojn' Flffia P «wr>«,.. already nrbsKateajayHenji^ . _ ., _ lifeKifinf. «jNfef n sT- i ^^**9'W'J?* ni »RMf' a i!8 | i ed ••? , tUCTeautfful aiia>on4erfal aiscovejryi the exhausted patient and weakeniSl sufferert» tMortid tdtbrmer health, sbengtb, "" ieaseJ>y <n«'- Or. Cluristte'a ^ralvanic Cm MisisWin4heX*;t>lhatJhej^arre«t and cure di ant s^i/csttoTi; ib%lace of tfie usual mode»f < phsickine tbe patient'till exhausted JNatore sinks fioiibicsslT •'OTtMr'tteihllictiai ", . »- f . .-•'.fn^-' Mey atraaxrtea Ws^Apte »y*«'av I»tja|i;e^s^trai>{)i2iim o/tAe W o / , jirostotsMe-sntett'stis.aMBsvsr K> Me sSgfiirti injury tinier any circumtlancei. Since their, introfiucl tba lJBl»ai*l«*»i drfly three year* ' J —--*---• ft 5,000 ee, more than ' eirsons InclndinlfsJt sg«,jclW« J aiid crtnditife ottonr WhicH «-cr* !»jl.»i«e number of Mies, waoara peciilisrlv subject tdjNo.rf- ons Complaints, have Been, r . ^ j ,,' EHTIHELY AKD I^BMAW^im.^ C^Smt when sli hops of^litf^aJf^nl^eJB'ijp, «nd every thin* else been tried in vain!- ! . ?Tp5Ubstrat» tba.Htaof the GAtiVAmc.BVSJTvm spina tbe esse of a»B?si>n afflicted with tMt,b^«»?MiriBirtiop, , PT3P£frSIA, tit aAy other Chronic or Nervous DiioVde -. In ordinary esses, stfindKnts are 1 talten, wttteli.^y'theiFacti m on the nerv-s s^mi. mascteao<> the stpmsch, affor*. (tiNftprnhi r«- list; bat whfeh leaveithefiibent'm a louver state, andtviih in- jured faculties, sflerfthe aCUmMha* excited Icis cesred.iNo*- the »ors#aj mptnmS of an aitScfTsrS} simply tie'tie |Eclt ai»|atf ttb^4ud>.osfais; the Magnefic Fluid as directed In ashort period ttw iniensible penpitatiob-will act on the i ' tive jlejR«nrff Vagffifr, m*MW?^m&% ' >iSttsjjBifSwn,o{«iy pastoral labors Mi awtutng prtilratrd, ana asrayBroi also did say Dyspepsia and Rheumn say Dyspepsia at VtlijBseJapgtoBia ^ 1 of the Nervo efent iteai {• every ipletaly failel examine ytmr-inveiitji - cing thaf thnragh themedi pharmaciiiweia tber».«eeihea*to be no could-reach and recuperate'my Nervosa 1 ttOwJlWl Itaa^riadjEbritela JIJB ' ' At Out 1 wss Ted by my mends and (though with ! - I dstarmined to VANIC BEL^P FLUID. ,l"ais was;in June, ta»6. Tour '««>5»r SSTOSUH tlcnf, la two bsTt-XV ;PcirKnu .HAD dpxa,j KIGHT oars I wss BUSSLED TO aesuMc sir WsToaii.: t,»sotlsi : 'rni« Bare' Lainoa OMITTICD A stnota SEancE of -iCC«U«T O* TUJ. BBOKCHITIS ; ABB aiv Jl«Ky«A*ic *»rswfoj»^BAS,:R!»^»flas;T | cr^sco TO Taoosi.c stc 8richjstbe wonaertuliand happy rs- ' who salts of the experiment. -,is«>'^jji I i I have recommenued tha BELTsnd FLUID to'many 1 b^ve:baeurulMwise suflliriii from Neui^gre.a^ee*ions. Tit have tritd^thain, WiT«tH*>rr MESIILTS} 1 atiirvit, i.Vjrrutv ei'«i-^slsa, ;iaMjir,Mer*Jtaipecttoto5; INDIE VAU-i*«Wlms',,ackiiowl«dire- im^imt*amp4tf& 9mr^vP^^ms^m^*m^m^sMfit^gmi wBT'.tfor^''* .11 H ;«Ms^s4-*BJ,'»*KHBt»tVS ihm$ ,' ' • * . «r» ' ^sa ar« « L w.'n.saa-w ssJ^^f ^_ ^ A- tf.tS W4^t«f^'|rpSlpfea0RTQK«>-g action isiteaj.^ ^ : -^«li«Kf^^,aaia ; ^^^ «^^a*awla?f^A^*|fS6l^ :^'^-: -1 .** : "'"'"•{"T'"' . TIT #aTsfsT^'i S tlf«1j*T i&^r|fc^ iril'^-»wr^?^"l|^^W^^e, »«• wW*5ffw^ss* ,? i2!^y9l^ Roai«V roiirt,f*««s«ti»M,»rtth«Wiej Mmmlmi* >«»tr" * '--'•"• /T; '-r r %^P*' •^-i—-.,»- ,iy. ^iii.ii..^ fr/.hV,f f rV»-.--.'»J 0'«'n't>»'"»'"JH| -i*- :<?|i^|t^t4 AKDWi * LEWiav 1 wss"aw*<QF .wei" jWw» *s^w»*^*»•* - ' :* J4aJw**,Oot V M frrigfa*a SAUNAfsiLTlrwa j. *',**"#!* Bti'ira Kast, srHI »at MM 1 '*--*--*V-;;.^-'lffi|^|i«tt' ••"Sfe-- Ftuio wiircare alariy ;6^ ts^ja^ajtSpKfrl^^ - ' *• TawMagaaiiaYlBid, .1^ ^OM-'ltaliii. i ^ . |Q^TMls<)Bssaaj»saili*ii|ii«liii^fVB-s^ tionv PiusHksaai wssk Ml sartissswt* tsar b t a ^ a f Jks> PAKTICULAR OAUTTO*. %p Mrwnt *f V***ttrfM, j-f «tofib. ^r^pssampm&ett-'ttgk

MB. - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031565/1850-11-21/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Ready-Made Clothing MB. ... for sale on easy tei m —eoou school" and good roads

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5is* ,;-5-5* 5e-.«,arKf «S« B8W4S l jgSsJj

. . A N D - *«*>,, • ... ».,

Ready-Made Clothing

MB. Nothing « 0 jrw cent. cheaper " T H A N E V E R B E F O R E O F F E R E D IN T H I S

M A R K E T .

BENJAMIN HOKBRpOKE fa. happy in befog able to announce to bra old friends,and the pubfic gen-

<erally, that be has just returned from New Yoik-wiib •oneofthechoisest, and best selected nock of OpODS,"

For Gentlemen's "Wear, that has ever bean offered in Malone. His stock

•Consists, to part, of Broad-Cloths Cassimeres,3eaver Cloths,

Sattimts. Pliinand Fdnry-Yeslingt, TRtMMAHNGS, %e.,4-e.,

Tbe above list comprises almost every tariety of .-ii'ur and style of cloths—every article of which is of -be best ouatity, and of the latest Fashion*

We will keep constantly on band a general assort­ment of

Ready-Made Glothing, »>iicb be «ril| sell at as good bargains as any olJier man to Frqtijklin County. This Ctoibine; is made in hi* >>vB ShBp,and under bin o*n supervision; and be «•; Menses competition in Quality, ijiyl i, Workman-#b:,> or Prlfce.

Having recently spent some time in New Yoik, in r\*wuing fashions and informing himself more ihor-i'U§bly in every departr&tni uf bis bu-iness. be.does not hesitate to say that be con do as »oo I woik, and m as goodaryle (if not a little tetter) its can be done at any oilier shop in the country, Had he invite* all who are in jeed of any article in his line to call and enamins bis stock of good* and fashion*, even if they • !» not purchase'of him. He will be glud lo wait up­on such at ajl timrs.

—ALSO— Girrnents cot on short notice and oartinular o r e

•!,jll be ratten in marking uu<l fining ihe same so as to msfce them plain for makir.* up.

FASHIONS received monthly, from'N'ew Yoik. N. B.—H. B. would say to the trade ,that, lein? *-

s/em for SCOTT'S WORKS he will be able to supplyibera »Hb Reports of Fashions for Sf>rtn? and Fall, and al-s > witn tbe Mirror ot Fashion., iMiMi.hed monthly, in N « » York. Malone, Nov. l«r, 1850

J ^ Wanted imine iioielr.—two good Journeyman Tailors, «o whom steady employment wiy be given.

JMOTfCE is hereby aiven mat Samuel D. R-.h»rt 1 ^ of tbe town of Chateau.ay, Franklin County,! has this day assigned to.the subscriber all bis property and effect* foi the benefit of bis creditors,according.to the ronduioq of bis deed of assignment, meniionod.

All persons having in their pi.sses*ifiii prupertv of) sny description, belonging to tbe said Rob»rt(.. and alf wbo tire indebted to bim in any way, ere requested t« deliver 8nd pny the pa"ne to tbe under»i°ned, or 10 K.I A. KtxLita. (»ho is ariihojiz-J ro settle tbe accounts uf said Roberts) at C!tialeaUj£«y aforesaid.

JDned Coaumugay.Oct. 15, I8.V0. , (80Q:f.] ~ ' ^ M . M . R O B E

Village Lots. ' J^HH subscriber ofieio lor sale on mixt reasonable •* terms 100 V'tla^e Lola, of one boll" of as acre

earn, at Brush's M'iis. h Msny of the Lots, have a front npnti the highway

leading from I'lmtibiireh ioOsde#j«bur.:b, and esiend-uijt to i be Dei*it ground ot the Northern R u l R"«d. where ail Ijie traiiu IUOJ) d<ulj)-* Th.-ie is »n *xfa •:ve w,ter poiver on the premises, a Grist Mil), favf M li and ottier works now in operation and others in I Usual. c>arse of construct'ton. ^ *' '

To mechanics these lots ouVr reat inducements.>»ood lots, and farming l«nd in the imm>-di>ite viciniiy being for sale on easy tei m —eoou school" and good roads.

The lots ate situated a bun I lOtnil^s from the Vi 1 ige af Afil"ne, the Countv seat, and ihe tame di«t;ince

..from the village of Fort Covingion—and will, on the completion of tho Vermont and Cina in Rail Road,iie in d-iily comnniiiiCiiion with the city of Boston. T i l e

-vadisputabie. Fur particularp, aiii>lv to HENRY N. BRUSH.

Brush's M.lK'Fronklin C->.

Leaven OGDENSBURtfjB ?at VjksM, and ar­rive at Rouse's Point atl-Jj J;,JI.

Leave ROCSE'S pOffNl*, at 2 r. » . , and am rive at Ogdeneburgh, at'7f' p. B . ^i

ACCOMMODATION. Leaves ROUSES POINT at 4 4 M., and arrive

at Ogderjsborgti at 12} P. M. Leaves OGDENSBURGH at 1 e. u., and arrive

at Rouse'8 Point at 9 | p. H. - J Passengers leaving 0^den»bur*h at 7 A . M . take tbe

Steamers on Lake Cbamplain and arrive at Montreal at 4 1*4 P. si , at Burlington in season for tbe eve­ning train to Boston and in Whitebait fot tbe morning tiain to Tray, Albany and New Yoik.

Pass -nsers by the Accommodation from Ogdens-burgb arrive in Montreal Bl 9 o'clock next morning, at Burlington in season for the morning'trains to Bos­ton, and in Whitehall for the evening train to Troy, j Albany and New York. . \ *

Passengers leaving Montreal.at 9 I 2 a. u ,—Bur­lington in the morning Boats, and Whitehall in ihe evening boats, will take the E<press traio at Rouse's Point and arrive in O^densbuigh in season to take the steamers for Kingston, Oswego,, Rochester, Detroit nod other ports oo Lake Qntaiio, and tbe Upper Lakes, the same evening.

Passengers I.uving Montreal at 4 I 4 r. M., Bos­ton in lh« morning trains anil New Yoik in the eve­ning, will take tbe Accommodation (rain at Rouse's Point, and airiveatOgdensburgb at I o'clock r. M.

FARE Between Ogdensborgfa and Rouse's Point, $3.00

•' " Montreal, 3.50 CHARLES L2SCHLATTER,

Superintendent. Dotted Oct. 21 1850. ' 799. f


C P . f«K^{< Sf Co . on HIHJ a l 'er / l ie iJ, ui October . Wltr-rubWb KXPRr.S* 1 1 . fc«*!htf ROAM-' . Point

.Mondays. Wednesday^ndlFnd' iVs .and Otf.lensijorgb on Tuesdays, Thursdays » fd S i turdays—comuctns ot Rou-e's Point w i t h ^ u U - n , Virgil jfe Co's N*w York and Menirea l -Kxp ie -> , Cheney & Co.'s and B i g e l o * &. Co.V Uo . lnu Kxpre-s .—Also with Ru,5.1 & Co.'« from C'den-.tMij-ah West . '

Principal Offices, and Agents. Ogdensburgh, , I'om-rny Jfc Buyotun, M o n o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L Smiih. Pi't-darh . . . B (i B»ld>un, C-Jimbia,.*. S H Clark, Luwrence •>. . . . . . . . N. VVii] ams, L i . b f » n , . . . . . . . . . . ^ . . . . . . . jj. Wells , Cbamplain, . . A . Moore, ECenburgh, K J Hawkins, Mi.lone,. . . . I. IV. Paugburn ^ Co , C'liteaugay:.^...; D C. Sleigs. Brush's MMIS L. H- Ljon, Oilngor,., . . gao.. .S . H. Pnyr.e C e n i r e v i l l e , . . . . . . . . . . . . ,\\ m Patmer »•

REFER TO Pulleo Virgil 4. Co ,~ No. IO.'WaU st.. New Yoik. H John«on.,Exi-liange, Albany, Pollen, VirgTi & Co., Kxpri-sVOffice, Trov, 5». M. Pope, Burlington, and'Oo* B: m, Montreal,

C. P. G t E K & Co. Maloue, O.t. 5th 1850.

m •dW^^^sf^''

^P_; ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ W s > s i B w « p i B ( B



t T *

r* — .. *

>< To accomplish thij 'as oparly as possiblS, we shall 6i

Unusual Induceme Wall who - wane' to-buy G

Consji Mhry Goods,

urocerie*, and €rocicer&.

June 12, 1850. W. W. * H . E

"" To the Ladies. OUR assortment of Dress Goods is coaapleta.

call and examiae our

LAWNS, Barages, Linen t,HStre$,

Ginffhams* *&c. We especially invite y..orattentiaiT to a fewpSirerria of

Cuancleon Dress Si l ts , ' * ' — A L S O —

Wblte Crape, Bit-age and Tbibit

SHAWLS I. , . , j " . . . . . w. w. &H.J5.B.-

" - ' • - • • • • " - - - ^ - — -TT-w- T-—f « — * • - - • — — • •sa ti.»..i.ispJraei*'

J VS/T received, a good article of Washington County i*ork, and for sale at tbe lowest mark, by

i V . W . (f H E . If.




-•it MM^.m<$m-i¥l vane«V..«tHtf«f ;Ghat«a«> gay; «tUfy, tlit»as«ltes^|bji calling o»

k r<. ^ - I F a B t c d x 9 0 7 0 * # lbff. . ^OOL1Tot,whiCb'C««htH'iCTf^»wi«t>*.Bl'ren in l|:;e«change. at tb*'^WfcW*fe^«»eIi«etar^ai

m ^ i . Chates^^ m f ' S . WEAD. i'ii>%-<-'w;'\:ji i 'j ' i-t ni'.n'ii',i'ip'-"ijj i(ft

mAimsy?™ ?

Salt, Yihe-hsirreL ' AUo-l'ae.lfipftockSali, (eround) fo»

airy and Table use—a nice article on hand.'and ... W. W. & H. E. K,

BYi 0'

for sale by [June l i j

TAKE -NOTICE. 'TTtHE subscriber* would inform the public that they

JL have built a new Blacksmiih-Sliop in the village ot Mtlone, about two rods in rear of \odruiand Lew­'s' store, where tbey will do all kind* of

Blacksmith W\>rk, • • well and as cheap a» auy body else •'


.fxes, rfxes Jumped, Chisels,

or anv kind of EDGE TOOLS, mayfad COR.WSH -tkar /"—Malone S^pi. 5, lffSO.

ORI.V CORNISH, { n3:6m ] .^ CH'S >K, PIXLY.

JVow is the, Tiije I Strike wMIe the Iron fe Hot! THE subscriber would Tespeclfully intimate to bis

numerous customers, and the Public generally, that be is anxious to reduce his stock in ijnde as much as possible before Disking bis

Fall Purchases! to order to effect this, be offers bis whole stock et a

smail per rent above C'»»t. All those who are inter­ested in purrhasin* good* CHEAP, are respectb.U,

-invited to jpr> Ceil and examine tbe Good* a,nd,/Vi­ces, and co-opart; them. With those of any any oilier e«iabli,bmem in town, and tbey wi.l be convinc^dtbat ft is afhvwbug, , N . MOR^E,

Red;Stnrer Sent. IS. 1853..


MOinrflirewTs, TOMBSTONES, •*•' «rare$ipm> TaWes, a o . .-. - . - • ' F A l i V T S T O N E S !

f J-tHR'ieSscriber awuld rc-p^ctfufiy inform tbe inhab-X itaqta ofMafane. aott Franklin County geneially, that he has just received* new and extensive

STOQM OF SUPERIOR MARBLE, •fretfi /beJnff <jqarHe|yn Vennont^andis now prepat-*d fo'furnisli ail kindfof • . >


. • . t o ^ ' « . ^ ' V t o s f f e l U a V " » . - ' . ' "t a»jiKnciia4be Marble line, at price* t « d on terms *bat mtjs«1iei«8iisfactgr3r tealltltjiwtito^.^ioTatij! of * b e « * o * * a ^ e ^ ^ j a 3 y « ^ f , . - ' • - .;.

T+jmtt*Uimea ** 'trmm - • * to. f » H«»«o*f.Jiaii»t!tt*ajr ^ r a * e * | * e n « i t a ii* IHK btti-

iotn, ha does not hesitate toassuw tba publlfetBat hi* wqtt *iMm,dfm0 inb»«%le. d -.-;, ; -.•

All stork warruttcsi tt> fivaahe best satisfaeiiott.—

feivetrtor par. l<et o» one purCMK^mr^sfafe w « k oefore calling and esstmroiqf hw swefc'and prices for aieauelrea, a* be i i bound grot fa babe»ien by any nmilar establabaiebf in tfce* ebiiatnr, $& He will » « * • O N O I s w s ^ i i l M ^ . ' i ^ l r w t a ^ d M t a l k l t tV '

MARBL £ , W RKSi oeaf b| . d w ^ i , .ffejr rod*

Jf rJoa*Hay8% I85Q.: ' »;'v^';f-'-!;• fffifeif.!",

8 M S l ^ ' ' • ; f t ^ : | ^ » • ' , ^ i r t ^ • ; * « * l * . ,

"Wl/fMay I6.jat Uw' RED *T0RlE '

Jifitforit. f p H B Sobscrder would- notify ht 'foTtTter co«-i- towers thai be baa remttyj.-d to hia new build

mg, opposiie -Knapp'a new blc^,?' where-he maj beipuud wiiba gtwd aasonment' of

CLOCKS, VVATCIHES& JEWiELRY, ••* at ve?y cw prices. " v

CLOCKS VVATOl .rppairing.altended lo to

Malone, October. 8, TSfffTJ. , . -- ..,

SPLENDID GOODS. Fall and tVls ler!

J . H . G T J ' E S ' T , "\TTOULD respectfully invbe ih« part>ctifer attention VV of purchasers visiting OGOENSBURGH, to'bis

extensive stock of - ^ . i


DRY GOODHl comprising every. «rtic|e»tn that Ijne.

A Urge variety nf CARPETS, DRUGGETTS,

OIL-CLOTHS-of all widths,

Bugs, Mats, &c, French antj Aracrican Paper Hangings,

of the most desirable sly lea, and uf all qualities,


Now received and Will be daily making ad-lkiuns to bis stock foi the

FALL TRADE. Being the largest and most complete assortment

tbat he bas ever offered.

FORD-STREET, OGDENSBURGil, Oct. 12,1850. "

, A large lot of these very;comibrta,blel}baw l«. «VlfO a£ne lot of Double and tingle ,, ti ' ,,".

Brocha S h a w l s y -and a areat variety of o-fiir excellent siyles, ""

•' " , :' "• , n j . l W % ^ S T '" Qgdensbnrsn. October'IS.'ISJO. ' ' '" tmSf '

SILLilG a , «6?t^ s.>s i a i vi-As,tt •«vt:

QOBW,fiOIiE,ST;fi€l THIRTY DAYS! To accomplisn Vbi^'we are prepared lojeill sit



A'-rd t^e

•^rgejwionoftkcitock offers mfm®MmfflM.

•)•;** ^r!W,to. *«••.'

, . -J f i i s i l i s t . — Tha aff4ir«3t>ft*e «r«%fll; o« aeta»9 » J B , « , % , Clsrii.af No--0, FieIdVE*ehia<e/^Wtr%i itsJobe,

.8apt>s%'i«M.' •..-.; ^;t,^m^mi08mLkttKi:.-- •..-•'-..

THEoBdettfgaeUta^^r^Ada'eoplrtnslri i ipl in-

fJUiiaew at Noj 3, Plald'aEiaSiiia.i D*t>d M.loae, Sept. & W*l&: *•; DBLAUZOIT D. WEAD,

- :»f ' BENJ.S, W.CLAKij.

JVuite ana Glass T / E P T eoDstnat/y ion band, andJpr stjle by , - " J V r J n n e 12.J ., t ^ W . & H. E.,K.

M*ainttt, Oil9 JT nyc-Stttru,

OVbacd-and for sal* by , '

fJaneiaj W. \V?&n. E.K..

TO-thSs^who kre' In w»lit of WahlvWare—Ple"aie Uive us 4 s bails' -Ataofejf our assortment uiay i t

J%*aU jBfad&y r . RoHnd froir,

^,.; 'iJPartJran, MM Sates, •' end a .generar assortment'of shell Hard Ware.

June 12- 'W. W . & H. E : R .

TTfrTT? Air

f!s?&l lite 1%.

^ HARD-WARE AND, « „•.

» p M f f ,Y,,- • of apy, article in, his bna of itade, to

£ ya^^ftiJfffig-^e; , 2'HI

)Ie of Canada % ' •

s s



r Ever offered inlWonberniNew York.

S. I £-*.<J.-, r.x^—r ._ HEiisKlVrsigaed,- have josct ope»wdj:'ar-tlie old

# * j t j u * Thtk Cash Store," he heaviest stock o? northern New


•tU[«aMStoM iii^tbiiCouoty.-r r«^^s^«ldthia f f .Tever'offerid« ttofirr, »-orWm^4^m$tmp~~ |- ' •&$&#&* they are bound w*«rfa% "• - 4 "

.rmw*^ « _ . J - - 1 'i^waj^fiwningly l.ovv Prices ! « ^ # ^ ^ W » « W « * « f l e y e i j r f s ^ M ^ * f i ^ ^ * ' € i u t l / a andl^y'a C.otliiog. such as . «*^» i " M-. -

MAGN 1 v •>. *

s 11

» * • «?!


CL< •«#**'•••

load zft, //ai**v

• * - ' r ' ' S.-.M. WEAD ] d.r»eri*at Chaieausav.

, WX^f§&f> • Mi: :• ::** • r l J . ."i Mi Ir.MHiiWfcni lt«8-'tiiit.ii'-|T ', Miiirw

l4Jft- da l Corn, !

iQOfiJCavFtairr* ,..-..-.

on hadd and for sale; at my Store inCbateaugay


.V'EAli. if 11 i o r in 'Hi

YOb.VG'S Celebrated patent CHORNS. ihe best X now iq use. constantly OA band aad fur Sale at tbe

A u p j | i 2 . 1 8 S Q . , . t , fl. M. WEAD.

1 / V p O Z E , V $ropks jr. Rro^hor.V crMwued Cast 1\J \ Stet | Axes,/or safe b* tbe do»en, at mv ataic, II Ciaieaugsy L^seSO, l#50.] 8 M- WEAJJ

Jrotatoesi E want, to buy Ten Thousand Busbejs Potatoes— delivered at ihu S'arcb factory in ibis viltate.

Se;o. II . 1B50. ^ W. W. & II R. KING-

"live and let Live P IVr FISK wishes to annoaa&tejthe public that b* XI • has just received a generel'Wlsorrment of

Dry Go*** and Groceries ! which he is tael apoatha'Llireaed let Live' principal fpt-CASH or READY PAY.

His stock Consists of every vsrt;tyof Dry Ofods.ajpd Family gr.tceneSA-usually enttndfna'cnaairy store ;:'and all who wish to astablisb trade .upon tbsj above prio •;iil v are invited to call and examine his stock fur

. s* - \" * 'it ' r-f » - i. * *?' & themselves.' ' ' • • « " .

Nat baviag space bent to eaumeraia his article*, ha will only say tbat he has a littla-of almost everything, wbiclt bf.is sriliing, to dtspossfuf in eacbange for a "little more of the same sort,".•*• foe cash, aspurcbin •era may desire.

You will alwayi find itf i is itore, a general supj ly of

Br^ad Cloths, ' r Cas«lrn>reU.tTmtifelf», tweeVlsiexpressly '

1 for. summer use, Prints oF»ill " kinds and i r ail prices, Silks of t h e richest "

siyi*s, Crivdts. Lawns. GiygFiarns, Pfaids ' and fancy Drets Gohdi, Stieetiiisjsand-SbirtiDgri

and Trimmings, Hata( C»itH Bt«Ha& Shoes, t e . 8ec . Together with ^various-arid sondry'-bther articles---'

•totJ"buolereis (i> mention.* All 0which willbwatJU

' .as.cbeap y can be ,had«t^ap^other p|sef. fof ?{

• - Ca»lt, or Ready Pay f » '& - . ; .*M '•*wr*t7g*-"*J^'i'i»ac» » ; " '•'*" « » ' J '

• -. t3^rjMm^v&jmmM** r.• ..-*•.•••» He wonH etsctesiderifcistbankstb ih*pablfe-for

the liberaf^trt*aage;harbaslieretofora ret^vT'd/aad

esjandtbat(vrs^ireparH fi Ware at Wholesale or fisxatl. HVbas oow on oaad a «eneral:a»sdrMJjeofirf-w-i,<••> -ja-v-- '* fc»-3 e*e-


I I . I J i i j 4 . I J . - I I . ' » I'l < ' -

,.T / - •'' 1 ileV0>-*W SJ*-.3

rpHBisassfciis^bea<Vgs leave to inform the public X that the .*- i i ^- «»•»•''.'"•••• •

is now open fur the receptioBiof yifitors. He trusts that il*,l«{n» •^pfrl^lfee as a Hotel keep­

er, and a sincewdesrireSii afienff to the want* of his eustoatars. will enable Miw-vsTimake (hem eomforabb.

The hotX*!j*%Wrnattii, . as wel l j f t . , r-( • • r • i•.-.

tfifroe^e«dja4"aJI hours, :

THE B I L L I A R D ROOM lih,i been fitted Op anew.


(' T ic Clrealar EafI-Rtaf a a l fart. '' ; frajwt..iB^raf»,oiideir..

8TAGESal*ay«io readiae^Jaf;tbe wharf «t £ ' 0 . iginal,by which passea<er*.froi»,M>Qtreator Bytown will reach jfae Springs in lime F6r dinner. .

• • • A^m&MMdfmkt..; • i f M . f i i n > meet the S'te.mer. ot, the St, t a w r

rene# at Lancaster. ibgsjeaabJiWjMiaies/itfm Kiag-iaiVlie eeawuf-J sremry oftbe Ottiwa; aed the 8u«£ peifaiot, Bridge «r Bjtuwi, |Mb%M5|n« w Montreal or Quebec. • ' A « ? ^ | | | L . P BRQWM.

.ForrneVly'of.heStiL.wreweHmel/dgdebsbi.^h, end thejOnite4^^Swts^iHotefc^Maiiseoa^prin,.,!». Y.

Caledonia ppriors,. July 1850, _H.T.« - .• .f r ' 'T i . . . , . „ „_

! ^ > i f i f i ."

******* TBiiiiaBiKe^^ from Ne»r York aad JBoatoa; eposistiof of , -

j f f j . An.>v8./ffSS"Jr|

Sheritth^a^R.UVSovWfiira^Ti-aW'Cop- -

1 P i i a i p i i a'iid ,X*rfd'JFI-»e. , i :->

He baVs^aJ^irrairgments for recelvinii supply of thV

toall w h o a t e f ^ w j i l f o ^ f V a ^ i a ^

r r . a i ; ^ j o w « i V - : l i i i . l * ¥ ^ (CT Job ,W«fkju>d JbtVirisjf ;.*r, #lik*f*i**iltriU

bis mauur.crureare warraloted. i^*""r' •>• •

• ' ? * ' . " ; " " ! * - • • — * • • • • ' ' • ' " • • • ' • * ? • * ' ; ' ' • • ' ' . • • ' ^ • • ' . • • - " • J P f . s - ' V s i •••„ " i , j . t wsiatstsH m . • ^ — M . ^ I I I SI M M -

-*ttl]r;."-,- ,„,. , .^^.' ,.'j . »«.lf*.s7!SJCfe,, i . . - . . ! . . - ' . . , i . | i i i i i . j . » ^ i i i i l N . i > i i n « ; i l i l l . . i » l t i : i , - - l t U | r i i . . . , ,

O N N E T R I B a o M C f a K L l i r t a f i d F l o w r r , , -'•l?oatle"»w»fJy—4Vi -s«W by 4-'

dt. i-jk 'tmi AIR8 gox^ Wa*l Joelta waated IsaasasHatey, *>r ' i c b Goosto wlll*e «!*«» la Mtaesifir L u ' '"

— fiita*}'

w l ^ h ' t ^ . ^ ^ a g ^ i . b a J o w

T\A»W flWAftflE » « J r > y tbw be ha. .'riea

' '*WJJiH*.''-.Z>'*''i .'kVU-'t '•<sTw>'-".1;^-' '••Jf'f-i *-

;- -JV,

i dj,-'.;-.-

1 Itl wf W INUMI -Wi»Miii^% CM(t4a+v««tar Be*** ''' F l s » l « T 3 r t t a 4 « ^ - < ^ l j ^ s ^

[• ^ • TiTwaajSpineiNrs, |k«^fteV __ _

4 Jir»»w«,IiL>ttte«,oraJiei»»* x

»hr^to«i»t|Ji«ti«ht from the cStwfs. ft ti"««diili|

« * ^ ? ^ ^ | r | W | t- **| : • I-: -r. ! >•"*

„ w w •fiA'fi-Ja^^,Bt" ;• '1*">* and •iai'«iitaMf^4»i^»WrinHitVQaVtr aHdWatt^ f a c » r X ^ a # M p i . r i e d efoilifh^JWrfelbre lufered

| irot«mi5f|&»rAT. .coMPtABfr, arid" mkwmmE c f t ^ W ^ f e ^ ^ P L M N T . ; t o l 8 £ A 3 E 8 oPthe KID-, NEYft, CKFICIEtXCr OF. NEJlgplTS and PHSfelCAU KNEBOY, anifif NWIVOUS DISEASES, which cojoplaints

. * « . « • • . * . ' . i '*c i%^ : . # - i l '5 • t \hf i f.^ -s'w*:?

E iuWcriber.Im M*fle

one of the most n the conn-

re« ur

-eKWiieife^ifjamf wlei, _ . ,

;t^iH>»na$r : |^^|:Ster|ia%hdoiieoI ,4-- - .

' siirnWMKluiitaimERs, he i f f o W ^ r e P a i r e s | t t t ^ ^ m B r j M | ^ ^

^|e. 15 thankful fo^jr^ij^te^iiwlfa^irtl^puii. tC to test tbe a b o * ^ M # « ! 4 § ? i # ' " ^ ' ' ? , ' <

-..•'••*« -. S i l t e d

I • /T I .O l . l *. * . i ?a>iltV stjhicriber would ..#11 lie. tliatfJiaviiis; taught

lurnisb to drder'"' » -• -i • •..4'1>feHp;

. Skates, JFiri'Plttcet^ antt finlilly s(pytSii.giin ibat « at, least "25 her cent, cheaptr ibirihasi or'tbe adipiniog Counties. ' , 3 0 k

Tomb atones firoaii $ 4 . j&niMtaia from m.frAW- • SmlfJtojttji^^HB t ? 5 „ , JPaJet stones fr«n, f l ,50 io $5 . AftiiB*k|WfB; ranted to give-satisfaction. ( JV«jrk-dqne w i t ^ » w ^ ••-

piaiiL«ir M^timmmiiiiM, " as taej be-re^rrirert. ' ; I " M ' J

HV h . s 'andwi l l bereceivinc'ai &%&£wliiFe «!

co0iL the,'* '-He'isrioWnd io "sell, and pUrc!.>ser. culling and e5-

amloibg'for lheinse'lves most' he kkiist1ed,4 torn.ialitJ 6r«i«:k'an'd workmanship, and mB say this ta truly j* dayar idanageof improvementi ' - ' ^-Te^ttwiade re'atfon*bie^-arwaj|s;discount (or cash.'

g j * Factory, in.tbej store formi-rly occopied by A. -Lindsay, 9 'doors south of Clark']} Cnrner*;swnear the A r a d e « r ^ O t » e n ^ i : ^ - / -K& € j i fcELER.

> T.-<n ••1-jw4jfjl' • r .»/ W - J V I M ! ' " r 1 J ial" • i . i l j •Js.'j

*iti B . 1 ^ ^

« » :

i1 . . . , 1 -J L demands doe ro tbe subscHberi'prsrvibits '-to

the" " Attqiney for coi

ffrTflwrrfn-'nit %7"> *^-_ ^^_ . L n

diately; a#W$%mk .leftSwh^i 1 AiwVoeir/br col-lecrijaa^-atd&ejt&fj Vt-ptaSQl -"*' *

fe .'s-*j»r.t-» «,/J.j^('fl« V - s a i • - ' 3 J - \

.-r'ihH.' « <«£» '-fi1 acH*»- 1 , i n j L itfi'SjstjV fees fc|rrf*«« •»

Pork and W9nwt&**»*•'* £$$<&&***&}£s**W»*.,WswSi F^3r«mw.^ ^?i|tsaBad^!tte*^i^^-»



jeAi rANisarai



' Brppeaqit

SittccSra i

-7»tem. • Alsojn' Flffia


«wr>«,.. already nrbsKateajayHenji^ . _ ., _ lifeKifinf. «jNfefnsT- i^^**9'W'J?*ni»RMf'ai!8 |ied ••?

, tUCTeautfful aiia>on4erfal aiscovejryi the exhausted patient and weakeniSl sufferert» tMortid tdtbrmer health, sbengtb,

"" ieaseJ>y <n«'-Or. Cluristte'a ^ralvanic Cm MisisWin4heX*;t>lhatJhej^arre«t and cure di ant s^i/csttoTi; ib%lace of tfie usual mode»f <

phsickine tbe patient'till exhausted JNatore sinks fioiibicsslT •'OTtMr'tteihllictiai ", . »- f . .-•'.fn^-'

Mey atraaxrtea Ws^Apte »y*«'av I»tja|i;e^s^trai>{)i2iim o/tAe Wo/ , jirostotsMe-sntett'stis.aMBsvsr K> Me sSgfiirti injury tinier any circumtlancei. Since their, introfiucl tba lJBl»ai*l«*»i drfly three year* 'J — - - * - - - •

ft 5 , 0 0 0 ee, more than '

e irsons InclndinlfsJt sg«,jclW«Jaiid crtnditife ottonr WhicH «-cr* !»jl.»i«e number of Mies, waoara peciilisrlv subject tdj No.rf-ons Complaints, have Been, r . ^ j ,,'

EHTIHELY AKD I ^ B M A W ^ i m . ^ C^Smt when sli hops of^litf^aJf^nl^eJB'ijp, «nd every thin* else been tried in vain!- !

. ?Tp5Ubstrat» tba.Htaof the GAtiVAmc.BVSJTvm spina tbe esse of a»B?si>n afflicted with tMt,b^«»?MiriBirtiop, , PT3P£frSIA, tit aAy other Chronic or Nervous DiioVde -. In ordinary esses, stfindKnts are1 talten, wttteli.^y'theiFacti m on the nerv-s s mi. mascteao<> the stpmsch, affor*. (tiNftprnhi r«-list; bat whfeh leaveithefiibent'm a louver state, andtviih in-jured faculties, sflerfthe aCUmMha* excited Icis cesred.iNo*-

the »ors#aj mptnmS of an aitScfTsrS} simply tie'tie |Eclt ai»|atf ttb^4ud>.osfais; the Magnefic Fluid as directed In ashort period ttw iniensible penpitatiob-will act on the i ' tive jlejR«nrff Vagffifr, m*MW?^m&% '

>iSttsjjBifSwn,o{«iy pastoral labors Mi awtutng prtilratrd, ana as ray Broi also did say Dyspepsia and Rheumn say Dyspepsia at

VtlijBseJapgtoBia ^ 1 of the Nervo

efent iteai {• every ipletaly failel

examine ytmr-inveiitji -

cing thaf thnragh themedi pharmaciiiweia tber».«eeihea*to be no could-reach and recuperate'my Nervosa1

ttOwJlWl Itaa^riadjEbritela JIJB ' ' At Out 1 wss Ted by my mends and (though with • !-I dstarmined to VANIC BEL P FLUID. ,l"ais was;in June, ta»6. Tour '««>5»r SSTOSUH tlcnf, la two bsTt-XV ;PcirKnu .HAD dpxa,j "» KIGHT oars I wss BUSSLED TO aesuMc sir WsToaii.: t,»sotlsi:'rni« Bare' Lainoa OMITTICD A stnota SEancE of -iCC«U«T O* TUJ. BBOKCHITIS ; ABB aiv Jl«Ky«A*ic *»rswfoj» BAS,:R!» »flas;T | cr^sco TO Taoosi.c stc 8richjstbe wonaertuliand happy rs-' who • salts of the experiment. -,is«>'^jji I i

I have recommenued tha BELTsnd FLUID to'many 1 b^ve:baeurulMwise suflliriii from Neui^gre.a^ee*ions. Tit have tritd^thain, WiT«tH*>rr MESIILTS} 1 atiirvit, i.Vjrrutv

ei'«i-^slsa, ;iaMjir,Mer*Jtaipecttoto5; INDIE

VAU-i*«Wlms',,ackiiowl«dire- im^imt*amp4tf&

9mr^vP^^ms^m^*m^m^sMfit^gmi wBT'.tfor^''* .11 H ;«Ms^s4-*BJ,'»*KHBt»tVS ihm$ ,'

' • * . «r» ' sa ar« « L w . ' n . s a a - w s s J ^ ^ f ^_ ^

A- tf.tS W4^t«f^'|rpSlpfea0RTQK«>-g

act ion isiteaj.^ ^:

- ^ « l i « K f ^ ^ , a a i a ; ^ ^ ^

«^^a*awla?f^A^*|fS6l^ : ^ ' ^ - : -1 .** : • "'"'"•{"T'"'

. TIT #aTsfsT^'i

Stlf«1j*T i& r|fc iril'^-»wr^?^"l|^^W^^e, »«• wW*5ffw^ss* , ? i2!^y9l^ Roai«V roiirt,f*««s«ti»M,»rtth«Wiej Mmmlmi*

> « » t r " * '--'•"• /T; '-r r %^P*' •^-i—-.,»- ,iy. ^iii.ii..^ fr/.hV,f frV»-.--.'»J

0'«'n't>»'"»'"JH| - i * -

:<?|i^|t^t4 AKDWi * LEWiav 1

wss"aw*<QF .wei" jWw» * s ^ w » * ^ * » • * - ' :* J4aJw**,Oot

„ V M frrigfa*a SAUNAfsiLTlrwa j . * ' , * * " # ! * Bti'ira Kast, srHI »at MM

1 '*--*--*V-;;.^-'lffi|^|i«tt'


Ftuio wiircare alariy

; 6 ^ t s ^ j a ^ a j t S p K f r l ^ ^ -

' *• TawMagaaiiaYlBid, .1 OM-'ltaliii. i ^ . |Q^TMls<)Bssaaj»saili*ii|ii«liii^fVB-s^

tionv PiusHksaai wssk M l sartissswt* tsar b t a ^ a f Jks>

PAKTICULAR OAUTTO*. %p Mrwnt *f V***ttrfM,

j - f

«tof ib.
