MAYMESTER May 16-June 10, 2016 Contact: Michael Roe [email protected] Les Meade [email protected] Learn the land of Adam Smith and home of the Scottish Investment trusts BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS IN EDINBURGH

MAYMESTER BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS - Purdue UniversityETHICS - CSR 481/398 OR MGMT 390 & BUSINESS LAW - MGMT 455 OR MGMT 354 Every student is eligible to receive the Purdue MOVES Scholarship

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Page 1: MAYMESTER BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS - Purdue UniversityETHICS - CSR 481/398 OR MGMT 390 & BUSINESS LAW - MGMT 455 OR MGMT 354 Every student is eligible to receive the Purdue MOVES Scholarship

MAYMESTERMay 16-June 10, 2016

Contact:Michael Roe ­ [email protected] Meade ­ [email protected]

Learn the land of Adam Smith and home of the ScottishInvestment trusts


Page 2: MAYMESTER BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS - Purdue UniversityETHICS - CSR 481/398 OR MGMT 390 & BUSINESS LAW - MGMT 455 OR MGMT 354 Every student is eligible to receive the Purdue MOVES Scholarship

Les Meade Michael Roe CFP®,CRPS®

Mr. Meade has taught business law and business

ethics courses at Krannert since 1979. He served

as Judge of Tippecanoe Superior Court No. 5

from 2003 through 2014.  He practices law in

Lafayette, Indiana. His practice focuses in the

areas of commercial and corporate litigation,

business formation, real estate, and the

representation of small businesses. His

professional memberships have included the

American Bar Association, the Indiana State Bar

Association, the Indiana Judges Association, the

American Judges Association, the Federalist

Society, and the Tippecanoe County Bar


Mike Roe graduated from Purdue University

with a B.S. in Economics (Honors). He retired

from MorganStanley SmithBarney in 2009 after

a 31­year career as a financial advisor. Mike

most recently served as Director of the IU

Health Arnett Foundation (March 2013). He

currently teaches Ethics and Compliance in

Financial Counseling and Planning,

Introduction to Personal Finance, and Financial

Industry Exam Prep. Mike is also the instructor

for the Financial Counseling and Planning

Internship and the Field Experience in Selling

and Sales Management. He has also taught

Consumer Investment and Savings Decisions,

Consumer Behavior, and Customer Relations

Management. Mike is passionate about helping

students prepare for their careers and enjoys

sharing with them his financial planning and

wealth management experiences. He is a

CFP® CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™and a Chartered Retirement Plans

SpecialistSM. Mike serves as the Program

Director for the Purdue CFP®Degree Program.

Page 3: MAYMESTER BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS - Purdue UniversityETHICS - CSR 481/398 OR MGMT 390 & BUSINESS LAW - MGMT 455 OR MGMT 354 Every student is eligible to receive the Purdue MOVES Scholarship

Program InformationProgram Cost Credits

Funding Your Trip


   Every student is eligible to receive the PurdueMOVES Scholarship if they have not applied for itpreviously. Students should be sure to apply for thescholarship as soon as possible. Your best source forlearning about available funding is your academicadvisor. They are knowledgeable on all the departmentand college funding options.   If you receive financial aid and/or work study, thereare additional resources available to help pay for studyabroad.  You would be surprised at the resources that areavailable and how much they can help!





$5,450.03Total without MOVES Scholarship



Program Fee

Study Abroad Fee


MOVES Scholarship


Approximate AdditionalCosts










Round Trip Airfare


Books and Supplies

Meals (Breakfast and

Lunch included on




Non­refundable deposit

due by March 1, 2016

Non­refundable deposit

due by April 1, 2016

Balance due by

 May 1, 2016

Page 4: MAYMESTER BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS - Purdue UniversityETHICS - CSR 481/398 OR MGMT 390 & BUSINESS LAW - MGMT 455 OR MGMT 354 Every student is eligible to receive the Purdue MOVES Scholarship

EDINBURGH:Scotland's Financial and

Historic Centre

Page 5: MAYMESTER BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS - Purdue UniversityETHICS - CSR 481/398 OR MGMT 390 & BUSINESS LAW - MGMT 455 OR MGMT 354 Every student is eligible to receive the Purdue MOVES Scholarship

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, a vibrant city that is regularlyvoted as the best city in the United Kingdom, attracting millions of

visitors from across the globe. Edinburgh achieves the perfect balancebetween the old and the new - it is a city with strong historical rootsthat played a significant role in Scotland's past, but it is also a city

that has a thriving modern mentality and culture.

Spotlight on Edinburgh

Page 6: MAYMESTER BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS - Purdue UniversityETHICS - CSR 481/398 OR MGMT 390 & BUSINESS LAW - MGMT 455 OR MGMT 354 Every student is eligible to receive the Purdue MOVES Scholarship

The city centre of Edinburgh has been deemed a UNESCO World Heritage Sitecomprised of the Old and New Towns.

The Old and New Towns

“This is a city of shifting light, of changing skies, of sudden vistas. A city sobeautiful it breaks the heart again and again.”Alexander McCall SmithInternationally acclaimed author and Professor Emeritus of Medical Law atthe University of Edinburgh

The Old Town’s skyline is dominated by the stunning EdinburghCastle and by Arthur’s Seat to the east ­ an extinct volcano thatprovides breathtaking views from the summit of Edinburgh andbeyond. The Palace of Holyrood House ­ the Queen’s officialresidence in Scotland ­ is situated in the heart of the Old Townacross the road from the controversial Scottish ParliamentBuilding. This juxtaposition of the historic Palace opposite themodern Parliament captures the essence of the city of Edinburgh­ a place that celebrates it past but embrace the future

Page 7: MAYMESTER BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS - Purdue UniversityETHICS - CSR 481/398 OR MGMT 390 & BUSINESS LAW - MGMT 455 OR MGMT 354 Every student is eligible to receive the Purdue MOVES Scholarship

Overlooked by the picturesque Calton Hill, the New Town of Edinburghprovides a stark contrast to the narrow closes and streets of the Old Town.Built in the 18th century the New Town was considered a “masterpiece oftown planning” and retains much of the original neo­classical and Georgianarchitecture of the period. It is here you will find the National Galleries ofScotland, showcasing a magnificent collection of artwork, alongside a hugerange of chic bars, eateries and shops.

Edinburgh’s New Town was partly inspired by the Scottish Enlightenment, aperiod of intellectual and scientific accomplishments when Edinburgh becameknown as the “Athens of the North”, attracting the great minds and thinkers fromacross the country. Notable figures include David Hume (philosophy) JamesHutton (geology), Sir Walter Scott (literature), and Adam Smith (economics).

“Of all the small nations of this earth, perhapsonly the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots in

their contribution to mankind”Sir Winston Churchill

Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Page 8: MAYMESTER BUSINESS LAW & ETHICS - Purdue UniversityETHICS - CSR 481/398 OR MGMT 390 & BUSINESS LAW - MGMT 455 OR MGMT 354 Every student is eligible to receive the Purdue MOVES Scholarship

Edinburgh is a fantastic“walking city” but alsoboasts excellent publictransport links with a regularbus and tram service.Waverly Train Station sits atthe heart of the city and theScottish rail system allowseasy access to nearby citiessuch as Glasgow, Stirling orSt Andrews, or even furtherafield to the majesticScottish Highlands. TheHighlands have inspiredcountless writers, artists andfilm­makers across thecenturies with their ruggedand remote beauty.

Edinburgh has a long­standing reputation forbeing at the forefront ofacademic excellence. TheUniversity of Edinburgh,located in the heart of thecity, was founded in 1582and is the sixth oldestuniversity in the English­speaking world. Notablepast alumni include RobertLouis Stevenson, ChrystalMacmillan, David Hume,Alexander Graham Bell andCharles Darwin.

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Scotland's finances:A Journey from old to new

During your study abroad experience you will have the opportunity tojourney through Edinburgh exploring the city’s financial past and present.We will visit The Museum on the Mound, the old headquarters of The Bankof Scotland, and Dundas House, the Registered Office of the Royal Bank ofScotland.

We will explore the Old and NewTowns and uncover the history ofthe formation of banking inScotland, looking at the investmentin the railway, the colonisation ofPanama and its effect onScotland’s independence.We will finish with a meal onGeorge Street in a convertedformer commercial bank. A fittingend to our journey.