“A great place to learn” MCNAIR NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2015 MATTHEW MCNAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER HOME OF THE MARLINS . ESTABLISHED IN 1974 Principal: Mr. J. Leslie Address: 9500 No 4 Road, Richmond, BC, V7A 2Y9 Vice Principals: Mr. M. Jaswal & Ms. W. Walker Phone: 604N668N6575 Fax: 604N668N6585 PAC: Mr. B. Aujla Early Warning: 604N295N6497 Trustee Liaison: Mr. K. Hamaguchi Twitter: @McNairMarlins Website: http://mcnair.sd38.bc.ca Mid-Semester Report Cards and Parent-teacher Conferences: McNair Secondary recently sent home a Synervoice message indicating the need to change the dates of our Report Card distribution and Parent-Teacher Conferences. MyEdBC (the new province-wide computer information system) is being shut down from November 6-12, so our original date of November 13 th for Report Cards will not work. We have moved the Report Card distribution date to Friday, November 20 th and the subsequent Parent-Teacher Conferences will have to be moved to November 25 and 26 instead of November 18 and 19. We apologize for having to change what was published in the school calendar, but we do not control when the system gets shut down. We will be sending out more information soon regarding how to sign up for Parent-teacher Conference appointments. Thank you for your understanding. Principal’s message: As students and staff have settled into the routines of the year, we are now upon the midpoint of the first semester. Report Cards will be coming home on November 20 th (not November 13 th , as originally planned), and Parent-teacher Conferences will be on November 25 th and 26 th . Be sure to connect with your child about how school is going and we encourage all of our parents to attend these important meetings to connect with your child’s teachers. Information will be coming soon about how to register. October was another busy month in the life of McNair. Highlights include the Terry Fox Run (October 14 th ), our world-famous Haunted House (October 29 th ), WE Day Vancouver (October 21 st ), Grade 12 Parent Information Night (October 21 st ), the exciting action of our School Sports teams, hosting a Let’s Talk District meeting (October 22 nd ) and having the BCTELA Professional Development Conference at our school (October 23 rd ). The school has been a bee-hive of activity and students have been fully engaged in all that McNair has to offer! Our community also recently enjoyed time to connect with friends and family over the Thanksgiving long weekend. We have much to be thankful for in this great province and country. Each of us is surrounded by people who care about us, and we enjoy excellent medical care and schooling systems that are among the very best in the world. We also just had the opportunity to vote in the federal election. These responsibilities are not enjoyed in all parts of the world, and we are very fortunate to be given a voice in deciding our country’s future. At McNair, we encourage all of our students to become responsible, active citizens in our healthy democracy. This is a great place to work and learn, and we all have to play a part in making it that way! --Mr. Jason Leslie

MATTHEW MCNAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERmcnair.sd38.bc.ca/sites/mcnair.sd38.bc.ca/files/McNair... · 2015-10-29 · McNair Dry Grad 2016 What is a Dry Grad? A Dry Grad is a lively,

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Page 1: MATTHEW MCNAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERmcnair.sd38.bc.ca/sites/mcnair.sd38.bc.ca/files/McNair... · 2015-10-29 · McNair Dry Grad 2016 What is a Dry Grad? A Dry Grad is a lively,



“A great place to learn”





!!!Principal:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mr.!J.!Leslie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Address:!!!!!!! 9500!No!4!Road,!Richmond,!BC,!V7A!2Y9!!!!Vice!Principals:!!!!!!!!!Mr.!M.!Jaswal!&!Ms.!W.!Walker!!!!!!!!!!!Phone:!!!!!!!!!! 604N668N6575!!!!!!!!Fax:!!!!604N668N6585!!!!PAC:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mr.!B.!Aujla!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!Early!Warning:!!! 604N295N6497!!!!Trustee!Liaison:!!!!!!!!Mr.!K.!Hamaguchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Twitter:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !@McNairMarlins!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Website:!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!http://mcnair.sd38.bc.ca!

Mid-Semester Report Cards and Parent-teacher Conferences: McNair Secondary recently sent home a Synervoice message indicating the need to change the dates of our Report Card distribution and Parent-Teacher Conferences. MyEdBC (the new province-wide computer information system) is being shut down from November 6-12, so our original date of November 13th for Report Cards will not work. We have moved the Report Card distribution date to Friday, November 20th and the subsequent Parent-Teacher Conferences will have to be moved to November 25 and 26 instead of November 18 and 19. We apologize for having to change what was published in the school calendar, but we do not control when the system gets shut down. We will be sending out more information soon regarding how to sign up for Parent-teacher Conference appointments. Thank you for your understanding.


Principal’s message: As students and staff have settled into the routines of the year, we are now upon the midpoint of the first semester. Report Cards will be coming home on November 20th (not November 13th, as originally planned), and Parent-teacher Conferences will be on November 25th and 26th. Be sure to connect with your child about how school is going and we encourage all of our parents to attend these important meetings to connect with your child’s teachers. Information will be coming soon about how to register.

October was another busy month in the life of McNair. Highlights include the Terry Fox Run (October 14th), our world-famous Haunted House (October 29th), WE Day Vancouver (October 21st), Grade 12 Parent Information Night (October 21st), the exciting action of our School Sports teams, hosting a Let’s Talk District meeting (October 22nd) and having the BCTELA Professional Development Conference at our school (October 23rd). The school has been a bee-hive of activity and students have been fully engaged in all that McNair has to offer!

Our community also recently enjoyed time to connect with friends and family over the Thanksgiving long weekend. We have much to be thankful for in this great province and country. Each of us is surrounded by people who care about us, and we enjoy excellent medical care and schooling systems that are among the very best in the world. We also just had the opportunity to vote in the federal election. These responsibilities are not enjoyed in all parts of the world, and we are very fortunate to be given a voice in deciding our country’s future. At McNair, we encourage all of our students to become responsible, active citizens in our healthy democracy. This is a great place to work and learn, and we all have to play a part in making it that way! --Mr. Jason Leslie

Page 2: MATTHEW MCNAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERmcnair.sd38.bc.ca/sites/mcnair.sd38.bc.ca/files/McNair... · 2015-10-29 · McNair Dry Grad 2016 What is a Dry Grad? A Dry Grad is a lively,


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“A great place to learn”

MCNAIR!NEWSLETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OCTOBER!2015!! !











Take Our Kids To Work: On Wednesday, November 4th, Grade 9 students all across Canada will get the opportunity to go to work with a parent or family member. Over 250,000 students take part every year and this is a chance for students to see what goes on in their parents work lives as well as become inspired toward potential career options. We encourage all of our Grade 9 students and their parents to get involved in this program. In order for your child to participate, please ensure that they have completed the permission form available at http://mcnair.sd38.bc.ca/news/2015/10/13/take-our-kids-work and return it to the office ASAP. More information about the program is available at: http://www.thelearningpartnership.ca/what-we-do/student-programs/take-our-kids-to-work

McNair Hosts “Let’s Talk” Meeting: The Richmond School District is currently engaging the community of Richmond, seeking input on the future of schools and buildings across our district. Enrollment is changing and this includes several areas that are declining in student-age population and other areas where continued population growth is expected. Similarly, while several buildings are new and modern, others are older and in need of significant seismic and building upgrades. The District is now looking at long-range plans that will include closing some schools and this is both a complex and emotionally charged topic. No decisions have been made yet and wide and meaningful input is sought from parents, students, community members and staff. There were five public 'open house' meetings in October (including October 22nd at McNair Secondary School) and Richmond residents are also invited to provide feedback or complete an online survey. Find out more at: http://letstalksd38.ca/our-schools-our-students-our-future schools-our-students-our-future!

Changing Curriculum in B.C.: The Ministry of Education is changing all K-9 curriculum, beginning in September 2016 and is in the process of changing Grade 10-12 curriculum as well. McNair staff continues to work hard to become more familiar with the documents so we can use them with our students next year. Learn more at: https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/home

Subscribe to the McNair Secondary School Website: The school website has been completely updated this year and contains a wealth of information about McNair Secondary School, including our School and Athletics calendars. All McNair families are encouraged to bookmark http://mcnair.sd38.bc.ca and add it to their Favourites folder and check the website weekly. We have also added a new feature this year and you have the option of subscribing to our website. If you subscribe, you will receive an email when anything new is added to the main page or when a monthly school newsletter is published. Check it out today!

Class Attendance: Attendance is taken in each class during the day. If a student is absent first period and the school has not been notified, the school will phone home for Grades 8 to 10. If a student is missing from a later class but was at school earlier in the day, you may be telephoned by an administrator, teacher, or counsellor. Also, a recorded voice message is sent home at the end of the school day through our Synrevoice System. Regular attendance is necessary for successful learning, which is the primary goal we share with our students and their families, regardless of whether they are in Grade 8 or Grade 12.

Follow McNair Secondary School on Twitter: Please stay connected to our school and join the over 475 students, parents, alumni and community members who are already following McNair on Twitter! This is a great way to get short reminders and updates of all that is happening at McNair Secondary. Twitter is easy to use from your smart phone or computer and is a very popular social medial platform used by millions of businesses, universities, news agencies and community organizations in Richmond, Canada and throughout the world. Follow us: @McNairMarlins

MCNAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL DATES: (Please check the calendar on the school website regularly)

October 31 Halloween November 1 Daylights Savings (set clocks back 1 hour) November 4 Collaboration Day (9:45 start) November 4 Take Your Kids to Work Day (Grade 9) November 10 Remembrance Day Ceremony November 10 PAC Meeting (7 PM) November 11 Remembrance Day (school closed) November 20 Post Secondary Fair (10 AM) November 20 Report Cards issued November 25 Canadian Math Contests November 25/26 Parent-Teacher Conferences November 30 Pro-D Day (school closed)

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“A great place to learn”


Halloween celebrations on October 31st: Halloween is a time when people of all ages dress up and have some fun. October 31st falls on a Saturday this year, and as such we are reminding parents and students to be careful and safe. The RCMP will be out in force to ensure all people have the opportunity to enjoy the evening without being afraid or worried about acts of vandalism. Have fun, but remember, the most important thing is that people are safe!







McNair Newspaper: McNair Aware is a new school Newspaper that is profiling all of the great things that are happening in and around our school. Students are writing and taking photographs about what makes McNair such a great place to learn. Please check out the blog at: http://mcnair.sd38.bc.ca/blogs. If you have an interest in contributing, please see Mr. Leslie.


Protect Personal Belongings: The best defense against acts of theft is to not bring valuable items to school. Protect your belongings and do not leave money or other valuables in an unattended bag, locker or changing room. Students should LEAVE VALUABLES AT HOME!

Grade 12 Information: On October 21st, McNair hosted an information night for Grade 12 parents. Organized by Mrs. Bagnall, this evening was attended by over 70 parents of Grade 12 students who had questions about Graduation Requirements, Scholarship Applications, Post-Secondary Admissions and the Major Events in the Graduation year. The Grade 12 year is an incredibly important time in a child’s life and there are many milestones and important events. It is very important to help your child maintain balance in their lives, ensuring that they eat well, get enough sleep, exercise and manage to balance the academic demands and the social opportunities that come with the last year of high school. If you have questions about how to help your child, be sure to contact the school and ask to speak with their Counselor. The first major Grad Event is coming up this month. The Winter Formal is being hosted on Friday, November 27th at the Riverside Banquet Hall. This evening of fun, food and dancing will bring the class together for the first of several big events and promises to be a great time. Tickets are on sale now, so be sure to get yours and be part of the fun! Also coming up in November will be a TVR assembly. This is where Counselors will give students a report that shows all courses and marks they have taken towards graduation. It is very important that students look over this document very carefully so we can correct any mistakes.!

PAC Meetings: The McNair PAC executive invites you to attend PAC meetings held on the second Tuesday of the month in the conference room. These meetings provide an overview of what is happening at school and an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. Our next PAC meeting is scheduled for November 10th at 7:00 p.m.

McNair Dry Grad 2016 What is a Dry Grad? A Dry Grad is a lively, informal event which follows the Grad Dinner/Dance on June 28. This is an alcohol-free and drug-free event where the grads enjoy a safe place to celebrate. The participating students are bussed directly from their formal Dinner/Dance downtown to the McNair Gym. The event runs late into the night (ending by 5 am). It’s a fun-filled atmosphere where the grads enjoy good food, refreshments, music and many forms of entertainment and activities.

Help is needed by parents for.....donations, fundraising and organizing the dry grad event.

Next Dry Grad meeting is November 5 (Thursday) at 7pm at the school. Join us and bring your ideas for making a great dry grad event for our kids.

Please visit the school website to access the donation letter http://mcnair.sd38.bc.ca/parents/mcnair-dry-grad Drop off your empty bottles/cans at Ironwood Bottle Depot and request to deposit funds in McNair Dry Grad 2016 Account # 256.

To contact Dry Grad committee, email us at [email protected]!

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“A great place to learn”


Spirit Week a great success: Congratulations go out to all McNair students who showed their school spirit and participated in “Spirit Week” from October 26-30. Many students and staff took part in the theme-days which were: Monday-Twin Day, Tuesday-Fashion Faux Day, Wednesday-What are those day?, Thursday-Mathletes vs Athletes Day, and the last day (Friday, October 30th) was Costume day, and there were hundreds of staff and students dressed in some very creative and inspiring costumes. Student Council was also selling “Ghostly Goodies” at break and lunch. Way to show your spirit, Marlins!






Terry Fox Run: On Wednesday, October 14th, McNair hosted its annual Terry Fox run in honour of the great Canadian hero, Terry Fox. This year’s run was the 35th anniversary of Terry’s Marathon of Hope. The Terry Fox Foundation is still raising money towards cancer research and is now

close to $700 million dollars. This incredible legacy is one that has touched many lives, and McNair was proud to be a part of it. Special thanks go out to Mr. Sangra and the Athletic Council who organized the event. Also worth mentioning are all of our 865 students who participated and each of the staff who went out and helped supervise and set a great example. Our efforts raised almost $900 (better than the $1 per person that Terry had hoped to raise when he started his effort 35 years ago)! Well done, Marlins!! !

WE Day Vancouver

We Day Vancouver was held on Wednesday, October 21st, and McNair sent another group of excited young difference-makers to the event. Mr. Lui and Ms. Mar took 22 students from Student Council, Marlinaires, Eco-Marlins, Athletic Council, and Social Justice to represent the school. Students returned with a mandate to host an impact-making event that makes a difference back at McNair and in the community. We look forward to what ideas they have for us.

Remembrance Day Ceremony: McNair has a proud tradition of putting together very inspiring and moving Remembrance Day ceremonies. This year’s ceremony will be performed on Tuesday, November 10th and parents and community members are welcome to attend. Mrs. Watts and the Senior Acting classes, alongside Ms. Berman and the Music students will be putting together some fitting tributes as we acknowledge all those who have had their lives impacted by war and those who have sacrificed so much for the freedoms we now enjoy. Parents are welcome to attend our school ceremony in the large gym at approximately 10:30 on Tuesday, November 10th.

We Scare Hunger Marlinaires, the school's social responsibility club, was involved in Free the Children's We Scare Hunger food drive to support the Richmond Food Bank Society. McNair Secondary has been collecting non-perishable

food every Halloween to give back to our community. On October 30th and 31st, Marlinaires volunteers went out in the community for door-to-door collection. The food drive continued at the school level for two weeks from October 26th onward, with boxes for collecting food donations being placed in every period two class. Anything you or your child can give is much appreciated and will go to advance an important cause. Look to next month's newsletter for an update regarding the Marlinaires' ongoing efforts.

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“A great place to learn”


ERASE Bullying: The safety of all who work and learn in schools is an important topic in all school communities. Bullying is a term that is very common in the media and in all aspects of society. The Ministry of Education has developed a thoughtful strategy for schools called ERASE-Expect Respect and a Safe Education. These are not new ideas and conversations at McNair. We continue to promote the ideas of SAFE, CARING and RESPCTFUL treatment of themselves, each other, the school and our community. We speak repeatedly at our Grade 8 Retreat, Grade Assemblies and in our classes about making positive connections with each other and helping one another out. Any time students or parents have concerns about mistreatment, please encourage your child to speak with a teacher, Counselor or Administrator. We will treat all issues confidentially and seriously. We want to make school as comfortable and welcoming as we can for all our students. Some resources that may help parents deal with these issues include: http://www.erasebullying.ca, http://www.cyberbullying.ca, and https://needhelpnow.ca/app/en/.







Haunted House!: This year’s Haunted House was yet another screaming success! Students from Mrs. Watts’ Stagecraft 11/12 class spent weeks designing and building an amazing (and frightening) display and students from several of our own classes toured through the event on Thursday, October 29th. A

great time was had by all, and once again the students and staff who represented the Theatre program and McNair Secondary did us proud! Way to go Marlins!

Music Program Squamish Retreat:

The incredibly talented Music students at McNair recently returned from a Retreat to Squamish (October 16-18). Over 120 students enjoyed a fantastic time and learned a great deal from the sessions and guest instructors. The weekend is an intensive study of technique and musical performance. The coaches and guest conductors were inspirational helping set the tone for the 2015/16 school year. All ensembles performed at the Sunday Concert displayed the growth and skill acquired during the weekend. Special thanks go out to Ms. Berman, Ms. Zanikos and Mr. Soriano and Mrs. Avendano who organized this massive trip and gave up their entire weekend to supervise, instruct and inspire the McNair musicians. Thank you to all Music Students for their hard work and the parents for the continuous support of music education for their children. We look forward to many great things from the music students in the future, including some inspiring and thought provoking performances at the upcoming Remembrance Day ceremony.

BCMEA Orchestra Conference Congratuatlions to Jess Jones and Jasmine Chiu for their excellent performance in the Honour string Orchestra at the BCMEA Conference this past Friday 23rd and to Chanel Barcelon, Patrick Doctolero, Catherine Galang and Rachel Rivera for their outstanding performance with the BCMEA Honour Choir on Saturday 24th.

Music Programs ** Up and coming events for the Music program:

• November 10th Remembrance day performance - Senior Band and Choir.

• December 1st McNair Jazz Combo- River Rock • December 6th Jazz Band Performs Christmas

Banquet at Towers Baptist Church • December 10th, 7:00pm Winter Concert All

Ensembles at McNair Theater. All parents, family members and friends are invited to attend. Tickets are $7.00 Refreshments & Dessert will be served.

** McNair Music Program Fundraisers:

The music program will be running a Poinsettia and cookie dough fundraiser this year. If you are interested in ordering Poinsettias and/or cookie dough please speak with a music student.

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“A great place to learn”






The Legend of Sleepy Hollow will be haunting McNair’s theatre this coming Spring. Sleepy Hollow is written by award winning McNair alumnus Joelysa Pankanea, directed by Mr. Marco Soriano, with Technical Direction by Mrs. Theresa Watts, Musical Direction by Joelysa Pankanea and additional musical support by Ms. Jan Berman.

Auditions will be held in mid November and the show will haunt our Theatre in the first week of March 2016.

Stay tuned for more information!

McNair Fall Athletics The Fall sport season is soon to be concluding and all of the teams representing McNair have done very well. Our Grade 8 Girls Volleyball team, coached by senior students, Nicole E, Rachel R and Camryn M are sitting in 4th place in league, soon to be entering the playoffs. The Grade 9 Girls Volleyball team, coached by is Saleena S and Savannah O are also working hard and improving quickly. The Junior Girls, coached by Jackson L. are 5-1 in second place in Richmond, and the Senior Girls team, coached by Mr. Jaswal have been very competitive this year and are hoping to have a good run in the playoffs. The Senior Boys Soccer team, coached by Ms. Zanikos, is preparing to defend their title as Richmond Champions, and the Cross-Country team, sponsored by Mr. Leslie, is now entering the Zone meets, led by Bailey B and Michael M. Good luck to all our teams in the playoffs!

The Basketball and Table Tennis seasons are just around the corner. Usually starting in mid-November, McNair teams have always been very competitive in the Winter sports and if you want to play, listen for try-out announcements over the PA.

ELL How to support English Language Learners at home & school

Parents of ELL students are invited to attend this session Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 10:30am -12:00pm. At Cambie Library #150 - 11590 Cambie Road-Richmond For inquiries, please Contact: Inas Elmenbbawi (SWIS Worker) 778-835-1238

Professional Development On Friday September 25th, teachers, administrators and support staff participated in a Pro D day at Whistler.

Themes for the upcoming Collaboration Days for the 2015/2016 school year were discussed and organized. Mr Thiessen, Ms Becerril and Mr Sangha showcased the use of Freshgrade in their classes for alternative student feedback and reporting. Staff also looked at the merits of an Open House in place of the traditional Meet the Teacher night for second semester. Finally, a discussion around the reporting of marks as letter grades vs percentages took place.

On Friday October 23, many teachers participated in Professional Development days organized by their specialty areas to gain further insight into their curriculum and bring to the classroom new strategies and ideas as well as instructional material.

The new curriculum being introduced by the Ministry for the 2016/2017 school year will be the focus of the Professional Development day on Monday November 30, 2015.

Learning Centre: McNair’s new model for Learning Resource continues to grow in popularity. Students are welcome to attend the Resource centre on a drop-in basis, provided they have permission from their classroom teacher. Any student who is in need of some extra assistance in a subject area may come to the Resource Centre to get assistance from the teachers in the room. Similarly, we have also created an opportunity for students to access this assistance at lunch and after school. Mr. McLellan is a Math/Science specialist, and Mrs. Edge, currently a Resource teacher with English and Social Studies background, are available to help students during our lunch hour and until about 3:40 afterschool. If your child can benefit from this extra assistance, please remind them to advocate for themselves and take advantage of this tremendous support. It is open to all students and if you want to know if your child is utilizing it, we have a check in and check out system that tracks who is accessing the opportunity.

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“A great place to learn”



Career Richmond Dist. Career Center News: http://public.sd38.bc.ca/~ccnews Visit “Ms Hudson ” facebook page for important info and up-dates: www.facebook.com/MsHudsonCareerCentreNews AROUND THE SCHOOL: Student announcements, Bulletin Board, Counselling Drop in to see the Career Advisor, Ms. Hudson, in the Career Center Mon to Fri from 11:15 to 3:15 POST-SECONDARY PLANNING www.educationplanner.ca CAREER CRUISING WEBSITE http://www.careercruising.com Visit the Career Cruising website to take an ‘interest test’ (Matchmaker section). Career Cruising provides detailed information on a variety of occupations and will link these occupations to training or educational facilities in Canada and the USA. See your Career Advisor for the username and password. CHECK OUT SCHOLARSHIP & OTHER FINANCIAL AID INFO: Richmond Dist. Career Center News: http://public.sd38.bc.ca/~ccnews Register and search at: http://www.studentscholarships.org/ http://www.studentawards.com/ http://www.schoolfinder.com/ UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE VISITS TO MCNAIR

• Tues Nov 3 – Western University at lunch in the Library • Mon Nov 9 – University of Calgary at lunch in the Library • Thurs Nov 12 – Emily Carr is visiting at lunch in the Library • Fri Nov 20 – SFU at lunch in the Library

POST- SECONDARY FAIR: Fri Nov 20 at 10am Reps from various BC institutions will be here to answer questions on programs, admission requirements, scholarships and more. Students and Parents welcome!

APPLYING TO BC COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Students planning on attending College in Sept. 2016 – Applications open as follows: Douglas - Sept 1 Langara - Oct 1 Kwantlen - Nov 1st BCIT accepts applications for most programs on Nov 1st VCC - on-going throughout the year. Since colleges operate on a 1st come 1st serve basis it is recommended that students submit their application early. UNIVERSITY DEADLINES:

Emily Carr Jan. 15 - Portfolio Feb. 1 Capilano Mid-March SFU Feb. 28 UBC Jan. 31 (Dec 10th for Scholarship Consideration) UVic Feb 28 Other Canadian Universities Varies (Check websites - recommend applying before Jan) American Institutions Varies (Check websites & apply early!)

Students planning on attending a University in Sept. 2016 - Universities open their application portals in Sept./Oct. and continue accepting applications until a specific deadline. Universities base admission decisions on a certain criteria, not necessarily how early a student applies.

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“A great place to learn”

MCNAIR!NEWSLETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OCTOBER!2015!!!Career (continued) Are you planning to attend UBC in September 2016 - See the following website for important up-dates. This is key information for students considering applying to UBC for the September 2016 academic year. Visit: http://blog.students.ubc.ca/admissions/ UBC Vantage College now accepting applications for September 2016 - UBC Vantage College is an alternative pathway for international students wishing to attend UBC. International students entering the college will complete a year of intensive English preparation combined with their first year studies in one of three academic streams, then transition directly into the second year of an Arts or Science degree. For more information visit: http://www.vantagecollege.ubc.ca/ Online Application for Admission To BC Colleges and Universities: Students may apply either directly to a specific institution or use BC's on-line Post-Secondary Application Service (ApplyBC). This service allows students to apply for admission to any public post-secondary institution in British Columbia. Fill in the ApplyBC Common Form once, then apply to any institution you choose. You may also log back into your account, which contains your ApplyBC form. On-Line form at: https://applybc.ca • Online Application for Admission to Alberta Colleges and Universities: Use The Alberta Post-Secondary

Application Service: https://applyalberta.ca/ • Online Application for Admission to Ontario Universities: Use the Ontario Application Service:

www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-105/ • All other Post-Secondary Institutions: Check their websites for instructions.

UP-COMING EVENTS: • Nov 4 - KPU Richmond Campus Open House - Attend KPU's upcoming Open House and connect with faculty, alumni,

students, and staff to learn more about KPU's diverse programs and services. Get your questions answered and find out more about their programs! For more information visit: http://www.kpu.ca/richmond-openhouse

• Nov 10 – Deadline to Register for Parents as Career Coaches Workshop, MacNeill Secondary School, 6:30 -9:00pm, Nov 18th to the 25th. Partnering with Capilano University and the RDPA, Richmond School District presents a two day workshop focusing on how parents can best assist their children in exploring career and post-secondary choices. Understanding today's labor market, skills required navigating websites and other resources, and helping children discover their interests and skills will all be covered. Registration is free and space is limited. To register contact Anne Chen, President, RDPA at [email protected]

• Nov 18 - BCIT Big Information Session - Provides a unique opportunity for you to find out more about BCIT’s full and part-time programs - an opportunity to hear from successful BCIT grads, meet with faculty, staff and program advisors. For more info visit: http://commons.bcit.ca/biginfo/?utm_

• Nov 28 - UBC Signature Open House - Come discover UBC’s one-of-a-kind programs during UBC's Signature Open House! You’ll be able to talk with students, professors and program administrators, and learn all about what our signature programs have to offer. Find out more about application procedures, admission requirements, courses and out-of-the-classroom learning experiences on both the Okanagan and Vancouver campuses! Register at: https://account.you.ubc.ca/ubc/events/canada.ezc

• Nov 30 – Deadline to apply to SHAD Summer Experience Program – For students in Gr’s 10, 11 or 12 with strong academic credentials, typically over 90%. Opportunity to explore a university campus while still in high school, and experience higher learning in a supportive yet challenging environment. Each year SHAD provides the opportunity for 600+ students from across Canada and internationally to attend a month-long summer program, in-residence at one of our Canadian host universities, focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering & math). There is a rigorous, competitive selection process and the fee to attend is $4,500. The online application can be found at www.shad.ca/apply.

• Dec 5 – Emily Carr National Portfolio Day - This is an opportunity for those who wish to pursue an education in the visual and related arts to meet with representatives from colleges accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design. Representatives will be available to review artwork, discuss their programs and answer questions about professional careers in art. High school students, parents, teachers, guidance counselors and college transfer students are encouraged to attend. Bring your finished pieces, work in-progress and sketchbooks. For details, go to: www.ecuad.ca or visit the Career Advisor.