1 Master degree in “Water, Environment, Oceanography” (WEO) University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) MSc programme (Syllabus) -version 11 July 2013- MAIN FRAME

Master degree in “Water, Environment, Oceanography” (WEO) ·

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Master degree in “Water, Environment, Oceanography” (WEO)

University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH)

MSc programme (Syllabus) -version 11 July 2013-


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Detailed description of the Teaching Units

Master 1 - Semester 1: Common teaching units

WEO-01 Solution chemistry and Analytical chemistry

Keywords Chemistry of aqueous solution, Instrumental methods, Spectrometry, Electrochemistry, Chromatography

Description In this teaching unit, two different basic courses in relation with water chemistry and main basic analytical methods will be given.

In the course “solution chemistry”, basic concepts of chemistry in aqueous solution will be reminded (equilibria, acid and base, complexation, oxidoreduction, precipitation-dissolution, Eh-pH diagrams...). Reaction kinetics will also be a part of this course.

In the course “analytical chemistry”, basic analytical methods will be described (electronic and atomic spectroscopy, gas and liquid chromatography) and illustrated with some examples of pollutant analysis in water samples

Coordinators Prof Dr Patrick MAZELLIER, UMR EPOC, Univ. Bordeaux 1, [email protected]

Ass Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Hue, Department of Envir. Quality analysis, IET, Mobile: 0915381354, [email protected]

Lectures Solution chemistry, 14 h course, 9 h practical. Lecturers: P. Mazellier, Nguyen Thi Hue

Analytical chemistry, 16 h course, 6 h practical. Lecturers: P. Mazellier, Ta Thi Thao, Nguyen Thi Hue

Instructors Prof Dr Patrick Mazellier, Prof., Univ. of Bordeaux, EPOC UMR 5805

Ass Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Hue, Department of Envir. Quality analysis, IET

Ass Prof Dr Ta Thi Thao, Hanoi University of Sciences, Mobile: 0977 323 464, [email protected]

Prof Dr Philippe Behra, INPT, ENSIACET

Prof Dr Hervé Gallard, Univ Poitiers

Control examination (2 written exams + report)

WEO-02 Ecobiology and Ecosystems

Keywords Aquatic ecology, Marine and freshwater ecosystems, Tropic web and the microbial loop, Aquatic microbiology.

Description The objective of this module is to present a general introduction into the ecology and microbiology of aquatic ecosystems in tropical, temperate and polar regions. Freshwaters, transition and marine systems will be covered as will the role of aquatic ecosystems in the global carbon cycle. The practical work will be conducted both in the field and in the laboratory.

Coordinators Dr Emma Rochelle-Newall, CR IRD, UMR BIOEMCO. [email protected]

Dr Duong Thi Thuy, Institute of Environmental Technology, Dept. of Environmental Hydrobiology. [email protected] , Tel: +84 4 38361623/ +84 976567900

Lectures 1) “Introduction to aquatic ecosystems and ecology. Freshwater, marine and coastal ecosystems”. 3h course, 2h tutorial, 3h practical. Lecturer: Emma Rochelle-Newall, Duong Thi Thuy, Ho Tu Cuong

2) “Aquatic organisms from the micro scale to the macro scale: adaptation to the

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environment”. 3h course, 2h tutorial, 3h practical. Potential lecturers: Duong Thi Thuy, Emma Rochelle-Newall, Ho Tu Cuong

3) “Aquatic community dynamics and the food web and energy transfer”. 2h course, 2h tutorial, 3h practical. Potential lecturers: Emma Rochelle-Newall, Duong Thi Thuy, Ho Tu Cuong

4) “Aquatic food web and energy transfer”. 2h course, 2h tutorial, 3h practical. Potential lecturers: Emma Rochelle-Newall, Duong Thi Thuy, Ho Tu Cuong

5) “Introduction to aquatic microbiology and microbial nutrient cycles”. 3h course, 2h tutorial. Lecturer: Emma Rochelle Newall , Duong Thi Thuy, Ho Tu Cuong

6) “Interactions between microorganisms”. 3h course. Lecturer: Emma Rochelle Newall, Duong Thi Thuy, Ho Tu Cuong

7) “Introduction to the ecology of diseases related to water in tropical area”. 2h course. Lecturer: Emma Rochelle Newall , Duong Thi Thuy, Ho Tu Cuong

8) “Introduction to human impacts (incl. climate change) on aquatic communities and carbon transfer, biodiversity. Role of aquatic ecosystems in the global carbon cycle” 3h course, 2h tutorial. Lecturer: Duong Thi Thuy, Emma Rochelle Newall

Instructors Dr Emma J Rochelle-Newall, CR IRD, UMR BIOEMCO

Dr Duong Thi Thuy, CR, Dept. Environ. Hydrobiology, IET, Hanoi.

Dr Ho Tu Cuong, CR IET, Hanoi

Control examination (3h) + practical + personal work

WEO-03 Fluid mechanics

Keywords General fluid mechanics, Properties and equations of motion, Geofluids, Free surface flows

Description This course gives an introduction to general fluid mechanics completed by an initiation to geophysic fluid dynamics. The main general part deals with the concept of continuous medium, static and kinematic of fluids, integral forms of the fundamental balance equations (conservation of mass, momentum and energy), theorems of Bernoulli and applications (velocity and flow measurements, head losses,…), momentum theorem, Navier-Stokes equations and main exact solutions (Couette and Poiseuille), boundary layer and solution. The second part concerns aspects more specific to geophysic flows such as geofluid equations and dimensional analysis, Boussinesq approximation, free surface flows, Saint Venant equation, linear surface waves, notions of turbulence (2D and 3D).

Coordinators Prof Dr Yves GERVAIS, Univ. Poitiers, [email protected]

Prof Dr Nguyen Tho Sao, Hanoi University of Science, [email protected]

Lectures Introduction to fluid mechanics, 16 h course, 8 h tutorial, 8 h practical. Lecturers: Y. Gervais and Nguyen Tho Sao

Initiation to geophysical fluid dynamics, 10 h course, 6 h tutorial. Lecturers: Nguyen Tho Sao and Philippe Fraunié

Instructors Prof Dr Yves Gervais, Univ. Poitiers (ENSIP), Institut Pprime (UPR 3346), [email protected]

Prof Dr Nguyen Tho Sao, Hanoi University of Science, [email protected], 0912 008 553

Prof Dr Philippe Fraunié, Univ. du Sud Toulon Var, UMR MIO, [email protected]

Control examination (3h) + practical + personal work

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WEO-04 Data analysis

Keywords Statistics, Data analysis, Causal relations, Mutivariate analysis, Markov diffusion

Description The course is intended to give students the background to use advanced statistical techniques needed for environmental studies. The courses will help students develop their analytic and critical thinking abilities. The practice on Statistical software will be done during the practical training courses.

Coordinators Prof Dr Sovan LEK, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, EDB, [email protected]

Prof Dr THI Thao Ta (Hanoi University of Sciences), [email protected], [email protected], 0977323464

Lectures 1. Mathematics and statistics, 5 h course, 7 h practical. Lecturer: P. DESESQUELLES or THI Thao Ta

2. Data analysis methods, 3 h course, 7 h practical. Lecturer: THI Thao Ta or P. DESESQUELLES or S. LEK or A. ELGER

3. Evidence for causal relations, 2 h course, 2 h practical. Lecturer: S. LEK or A . ELGER or P. DESESQUELLES or THI Thao Ta

4. Multivariate analysis techniques, 5 h course, 9 h practical. Lecturer: S. LEK or A. ELGER or P. DESESQUELLES or THI Thao Ta

5. Study of Markov diffusion phenomena, 3 h course, 3 h practical. Lecturer: P. DESESQUELLES or THI Thao Ta or S. LEK or A. ELGER

Instructors Prof Dr Sovan LEK, Université Toulouse III, CNRS UMR 5174

Ass Prof Dr Arnaud ELGER, Université Toulouse III, [email protected]

Prof Dr Pierre DESESQUELLES, Université Paris-Sud 11, CSNSM UMR 8609 [email protected]

Ass Prof Dr THI Thao Ta, Hanoi University of Sciences, [email protected]

Control examination (3h) + practical + personal work

WEO-05 Hydrology – Hydrogeology

Keywords Water cycle - Catchment basin - Aquifers - Piezometric maps - Pumping tests - Water balance – Hydrographs

Description This teaching unit is composed of two complementary sections in order to propose an integrated approach of the continental hydrosystems. The first one is dealing with surface waters, the other is dealing with groundwaters. The courses, tutorials and practical are intended to provide the elementary methodological tools necessary for engineers or research approaches.

Coordinators Prof Dr Séverin PISTRE, PR, Univ. Montpellier 2, HSM, [email protected]

Lectures Hydrology: Water cycle, Catchment basin, Precipitation, Evapotranspiration, Hydrologic balance, Hydrographs. 9 h course, 6h tutorial, 6 h practical. Lecturer: Valérie BORELL

Hydrogeology: Hydrodynamic properties of rocks, Aquifers, Darcy's law, Piezometric maps, Pumping tests, Basic Hydrogeochemistry. 9 h course, 6h tutorial, 9 h practical. Lecturer: Séverin PISTRE

Instructors Prof Dr Séverin PISTRE, University Montpellier 2, HSM

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Dr Valérie BORELL, University Montpellier 2, HSM, [email protected]

Control examination (3h) + practical + personal work


Management Sciences, English, French

Keywords International Economics, International Business Law, International Finance, French, English

Description 3 to 5 lines

Coordinators FR: Anne de Blignières, Université Paris Dauphine, [email protected]

VN: Dr. Ho Thuy Ngoc, Foreign Trade University, Mobile :0904 164 363, [email protected]

Lectures - International Economics, Lecturer: Nguyen Binh Duong

- International Business Law, Lecturer: Ho Thuy Ngoc

- International Finance, Lecturer: Dr Mai Thu Hien

- French

- English

Instructors Prof Dr Anne de Blignières, Université Paris Dauphine, [email protected]

Dr Nguyen Binh Duong, Foreign Trade University

Dr Ho Thuy Ngoc, Foreign Trade University

Dr Mai Thu Hien, Foreign Trade University

Control examination + practical + personal work

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Master 1 - Semester 2: Speciality units

WEO-11 Basis of Process Engineering for water applications

Specialities WPT

Keywords Basis in Mass and Heat Transfer – Mass balances – Chemical reactor engineering – Ideal reactors – G/L and L/S reactors - Motion of particles in fluids– Flow into porous media -Introduction to settling, fluidisation and flotation - Cake filtration – Introduction to membrane processes

Description This unit aims to give some basic knowledge in chemical engineering that is necessary to model or to design the processes or treatment lines used for water production or treatment.

Coordinator Prof Dr Corinne Cabassud, INSA Toulouse, [email protected]

Lectures - Basis in Mass and Heat transfer + global mass balances (5 h, D. Wolbert)

- Chemical reactor engineering:

a) Ideal reactors – Residence Time Determination- Mass balances (D. Wolbert or JS Pic)

b) G/L reactors and L/S reactors – definition of Hatta and Thiele numbers – example of design of a G/L reactor for water oxidation and of a L/S reactor for adsorption (D. Wolbert or JS Pic or C. Cabassud, 10h )

-Basis for dispersed media unit operations : Motion of particles in fluids – Terminal velocity for hindered and non-hindered settling , flow into porous media – introduction to settling, fluidization and flotation- cake filtration modeling, properties of a filtration cake – cake compressibility and specific resistance - design of filters (C. Cabassud or 20h)

- Introduction to membrane processes: principle of selectivity and transfer for different membrane processes (C. Cabassud 3h)

Instructors Prof Dr C. Cabassud, INSA Toulouse, LISBP Toulouse

Prof Dr D. Wolbert, ENSC Rennes

Ass Prof Dr JS Pic, INSA Toulouse, LISBP Toulouse

Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-12 Water quality - Physico-chemistry of water

Specialities WPT, BEPH

Keywords Water chemistry, analysis, industrial and urban waste waters, micro pollutants

Description The objective of this teaching unit is to present the general principles of natural water chemistry including precipitation/dissolution, redox processes, air/water and solid/water equilibriums. Natural water and drinking water composition will be presented with the main analytical parameters. This TU will also cover the characterization and analytical methods of waste waters and the fate of micro pollutants in the aquatic environment.

Coordinators Prof. Hervé Gallard, Univ. of Poitiers, LCME UMR 6008, [email protected]

Prof Philippe Behra, INPT-ENSIACET, LCA UMR 1010, [email protected]

Lectures - Natural water chemistry and analysis: dissolved carbon dioxide, trace metal speciation, redox processes, air/water and solid/solution interfaces, 18h course, 10h

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practical. Potential lecturer: P. Behra / H. Gallard

- Waste water characterization and analysis, 4h course, 10h practical. Potential lecturer: H. Gallard / P. Mazellier

- Fate of organic micro pollutants in aquatic environment (hydrolysis, biodegradation, photolysis...), 4h course. Potential lecturer: P. Mazellier / P. Behra

Instructors Prof Dr Hervé Gallard, ENSIP, Univ. of Poitiers, LCME UMR 6008

Prof Dr Philippe Behra, INPT-ENSIACET, LCA UMR 1010

Prof Dr Patrick Mazellier, EPOC, Univ. Bordeaux 1

Control Examination (2 written exams) + practical (Group report)

WEO-13 Unitary physico-chemical processes for water treatment

Specialities WPT

Keywords Coagulation – Flocculation - Decantation - Flotation – Filtration - Disinfection - Oxidation - Ion exchange – Precipitation

Description Solid liquid separation: Suspended and COLLOIDAL PARTICLES The colloidal particles Surface charge of colloids Attraction and repulsion energies between particles Aggregation of colloids (flocculation) Technological aspects in coagulation, flocculation, decantation and filtration Theorical aspect of settling Principle, advantages and limits, the membranes, transfer mechanism, fouling aspect Treatment of soluble contaminants : oxidation and precipitation Chemistry of oxidants and reaction mechanisms Impact of oxidants on pollutants and micropollutants in drinking water treatment Transformation in ideal reactors: continuous and discontinuous stirred tank reactors, continuous plug-flow reactors. Mass balance and calculation of reaction advancement, concentrations or conversion yields. Behaviour of ideal reactors: distribution retention time and modelling of ideal reactors Liquid/gas transfer of oxidants (oxygen, ozone...) Treatment of soluble contaminants : adsorption and ion exchange Introduction in mass transfer fundamental mechanisms of adsorption Kinetics and equilibrium Adsorbents and adsorption systems Modelling aspects of continuous adsorption systems ion exchange

Coordinators Prof Dr Genevieve FEUILLADE, Univ. Limoges, GRES, [email protected]

Dr. Phan Do Hung, Department of Water treatment technology, IET ; 0912043387; [email protected]

Lectures Courses 30h, Practicals 16h


practical. Lecturers: G. Feuillade, ENSIL Limoges University.


practical. Lecturers: B. Legube or J. de Laat

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"TREATMENT OF SOLUBLE CONTAMINANTS: ADSORPTION AND ION EXCHANGE”, 10 h course, 4h practical. Lecturers: G. Feuillade or Bernard Legube,

Instructors Prof Dr Geneviève FEUILLADE, PR, ENSIL, Univ. Limoges

Prof Dr Bernard LEGUBE, Univ. Poitiers

Prof Dr Joseph de LAAT, Univ. Poitiers

Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-14 Unitary biological processes for water treatment

Specialities WPT

Keywords Biological treatment, activated sludge, Membrane bioreactor, WWTP Modelling, design

Description Fundamentals and application of biological pathways of Waste Water Treatment plants: from microbial engineering to modelling.

This module builds on the fundamentals of microbiology (Introduction to Biochemical Engineering) and chemical engineering (mass transfer) for the operation and design of biological (aerobic and anaerobic, fixed and suspended growth) plants.

Coordinator Prof Dr Christophe DAGOT, Univ. Limoges, GRESE, [email protected]

Lectures Fundamentals of biological processes: Microbial metabolism, Microbial kinetics, Applied Biochemical engineering (mass balances, reactor design, oxygen transfer), Overview of the design of biological treatment (6h course. Lecturer: C. Dagot)

Suspended growth processes: Activated sludge fundamentals and design, Lagoons and ponds, Sequencing batch reactor, Membrane Bio Reactor (6h course, 8h practical. Lecturer: C. Dagot or J. Laurent)

Attached and hybrid growth processes: Bacterial fixed bed, Moving and trickling beds, Rotating Biological Contactor, Biological filters (4h course. Lecturer: C. Dagot or J. Laurent)

Anaerobic processes: Fundamentals, Classical anaerobic processes, UASB, Biological filters (4h course, 3h practical. Lecturer: C. Dagot or J. Laurent)

Biological nutrient removal: Nitrogen treatment: principle and design, Biological Phosphorus removal (4h course. Lecturer: C. Dagot or J. Laurent)

Modelling and design (6h course, 7h practical. Lecturer: J. Laurent, ENGEES / C. Dagot, Limoges)

Instructors Prof Dr Christophe DAGOT, Univ. Limoges, GRESE, [email protected]

Ass Prof Dr Julien LAURENT, ENGEES, Strasbourg, [email protected]

Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-15 Elementary notions of urban hydraulics

Specialities WPT

Keywords Sewer systems, hydraulics, free surface flows, pressurized flows

Description This teaching unit focuses on elementary notions of urban hydraulics, mainly applied to sewer systems. This means pressurized and free surface flows. This TU is a basis for the teaching unit WEO-45.

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Coordinators Ass Prof Dr Paul BOIS, ENGEES, Strasbourg, [email protected]

Dr. Nguyen Thu Hien, Water Resources University (WRU), Hanoi; 0986493984; [email protected]

Lectures Real-life examples of urban hydraulic works: 4 h course

Pressurized flows: 4 h course, 16 h practical

Free surface flows: 8 h course, 16 h practical

Instructors Ass Prof Dr Paul BOIS, ENGEES

Prof Dr Eric FOUCAULT, Univ. Poitiers, [email protected]

Dr. Nguyen Thu Hien, Water Resources University

Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-16 Group projects

Specialities WPT

Keywords Case studies – Literature studies – Applied and concretes works – Industrials contacts

Description Students work in groups of 2 or 3 people, on a project proposed by coordinators. Topic projects are defined either by research laboratories or private firms or public organization. The first phase of each project is a bibliographic study. Students acquire knowledge of different methods of bibliographic research. In a second phase, experimentations are carried out in laboratories, pilot plant scale or field conditions. The results are interpreted and discussed in presence of the instructor. Finally, the students write a report and defend it in front of a jury.

Coordinators Dr Jérôme LABANOWSKI, CNRS, Univ. Poitiers (ENSIP), UMR LCME, [email protected]

Dr. Nguyen Quang Trung, Department of Env. Toxicology, IET, 0912141580; [email protected]

Lectures In the presence of instructor: 8 h

Personal work: 40 h

Instructors Ass Prof Dr Jérôme LABANOWSKI, Univ. Poitiers

Dr. Nguyen Quang Trung, Department of Env. Toxicology, IET


Control written report and defense

WEO-21 Aquatic living resources

Specialities BEPH

Keywords Biodiversity, trophic food web, aquatic ecosystem structure and functioning (shallow ponds, rivers, intertidal areas, coastal zones), phytoplankton (including HABs), microphytobenthos, hydrophytes & halophytes, macrophytes, animal resources, bio-indicators

Description The objectives of this TU are to present the diversity of aquatic organisms (fresh and marine waters), their morpho-anatomical specificities in regards to their environment (adaptations), and the structure/function relationships within the aquatic ecosystems. The study of the aquatic primary producers and their role in the trophic food web will be

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particularly focused on. Biology of aquatic organisms that present economical and environmental interests (bio-indicators...) will be developed.

Coordinators Ass Prof Dr Loïc TEN-HAGE, Univ. Paul-Sabatier Toulouse 3, UMR 5245 ECOLAG, [email protected]

Lectures Courses 28h (2h exam incl.), Practicals 20h

Introduction to aquatic organisms and environments, 2h course. Lecturer: L. Ten-Hage.

Microphytobenthos (phototrophic biofilm) vs phytoplankton, Diversity and phylogeny.

6h course, 4h practical. Lecturer: L. Ten-Hage.

Biology of freshwater macrophytes. 4h course, 4h practical (including field sampling).

Lecturer: S. Maumont

Biology of marine macrophytes and macroalgae. 4h course, 6h practical (including field

sampling). Lecturers: S. Maumont & L. Ten-Hage.

Wetland structure and functioning. 4h course, 4h practical (including field sampling).

Lecturer: S. Maumont

Mangrove diversity and functioning. 2h course. Lecturer: S. Maumont

Aquatic animal resources. 2h course. Lecturer: L. Ten-Hage

Bio-indicators. 2h course, 2h practical. Lecturer: L. Ten-Hage

Instructors Ass Prof Dr TEN-HAGE Loïc, Université Toulouse 3, UMR 5245 ECOLAB

Ass Prof Dr MAUMONT Stéphan, Université Toulouse 3, UMR 5174 EDB

Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-22 Aquatic ecosystems functioning and changes under anthropogenic pressure

Specialities BEPH

Keywords aquatic ecosystems functioning - biogeochemical cycles - microbial planktonic networks - microbial diversity – organic matter - harmful algal blooms

Description The objectives of this TU are to introduce students to aquatic ecosystems functioning with a special focus on microbial processes and the dynamics of organic matter which will determine some of the macroscopic properties of these systems (exports, stability, resilience). It will also introduce the changes in ecosystem functioning under anthropogenic pressures.

Coordinator Dr Jean-Pascal TORRETON, DR IRD, Université Montpellier 2, UMR 5119 ECOSYM; [email protected]

Lectures Courses 25h, Practicals 21h (need video conference)

1- Introduction to aquatic ecosystems, 3h course, 3h practical. Lecturer: JP TORRETON

2 - Outlines of carbon and nitrogen cycles in aquatic systems, 3h course, 4h practical. Lecturer: JP TORRÉTON

3 - Dynamics and characterization of marine organic matter: Role in marine biogeochemical cycles, 4h course, 3 h practical. Lecturer: X MARI

4 - Microbial foodwebs: Interactions, controls, properties. 6h course, 4 h practical. Lecturer: Y BETTAREL

5 - Introduction to plankton and harmful algal blooms-HABs, 2h course, 1 h practical. Lecturer: NGUYEN Ngoc Lam

6 - Ecology of phytoplankton/HABs & Dynamics of HABs in upwelling systems, 2h course, 2 h practical. Lecturer: DOAN Nhu Hai

7 - Bacterial biodiversity and dynamics, 5h course, 4 h practical. Lecturer: T BOUVIER

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Instructors Dr Jean-Pascal TORRETON, DR2 IRD, Université Montpellier 2 (UM2), UMR 5119 ECOSYM; [email protected]

Dr Xavier MARI, CR1 IRD, UM2, UMR 5119 ECOSYM; [email protected]

Dr Yvan BETTAREL, CR1 IRD, UM2, UMR 5119 ECOSYM; [email protected]

Dr Thierry BOUVIER, DR2 CNRS, UM2, UMR 5119 ECOSYM; [email protected]

Dr NGUYEN Ngoc Lam, Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang

Dr DOAN Nhu Hai, Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang; [email protected]

Control 2h examination (one exam on all topics in a single session) + practical + personal work

WEO-24 Remote sensing & applications

Specialities BEPH, O&H

Keywords Basic Remote Sensing, Basic Geomatics, Applications in Environment, Hydrology and Oceanography

Description This teaching unit will address basic remote sensing and geomatics, and related methods required in applications in environment, hydrology and oceanography. Remote sensing methods will include a large range of available satellites and sensors (optical, radar, at different spatial resolutions). The illustrations and practicals will address applications relevant to the Master specialities.

Coordinator Dr Thuy Le Toan, CNRS, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, CESBIO, [email protected]

Lectures Courses 25 h, Practicals 21 h, Control: 2h

1- Introduction to remote sensing, 3h course. Lecturer: T. Le Toan

2- Basics in geomatics, 3 h course, 6h practical. Lecturer: Pham Van Cu

3- Optical remote sensing, water color, 3 h course, 3h practical. Lecturer: Pham van Cu

4- Radar remote sensing, 3h course, 3h practical. Lecturer: T. Le Toan

5- Radar altimetry and applications: 3h course, 3 h practical. Lecturer: S. Daillet-Rochette / R. Morrow

6- Inundation Monitoring: rice and floods, 3h course, 3 h practical. Lecturer: T. Le Toan

7- Land cover /land use mapping: 3h course, 3 h practical. Lecturer: Pham Van Cu

8- Visit of the reception center of satellite data (4 hours), National Remote Sensing Centre (108, Chualang, Dongda, Hanoi). Potential instructors: Nguyen Xuan Lam, Tran Tuan Ngoc

Instructors Dr Thuy Le Toan, CNRS, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, CESBIO, [email protected]

Prof Dr Pham Van Cu, HUS-VNU, International Centre for Advanced Research on Global Change ICARGC, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi. [email protected], (84) 4 3745 0079

Dr Lam Dao Nguyen, HCMIRG (VAST), Ho Chi Minh City

Dr Nguyen Xuan Lam, Director, National Remote Sensing Centre, 108 Chualang, Dongda, Hanoi, Vietnam, [email protected]

Dr Tran Tuan Ngoc, Deputy Director, National Remote Sensing Centre, 108 Chualang, Dongda, Hanoi, Vietnam, [email protected]

Dr Pham Viet Hoa, STI, VAST, Hanoi

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Dr Sylvain Ouillon, IRD, LEGOS Toulouse

Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-25 Group project: case studies (BEPH)

Specialities BEPH

Keywords Methodological work; Bibliography; Aquatic ecology; Ecosystem functioning; Ecotoxicology ; Ecophysiology ; Water quality; Management and conservation ; Biogeochemistry

Description The objective of this TU is to give the students the necessary tools and methods for gathering information on a subject in marine ecology. This will include documents analysis and synthesis, oral presentation.

Coordinators Ass Prof Dr Florence CAURANT, Univ. La Rochelle, LIENSs, [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Dang Dinh Kim, Department of Envir. Hydrobiology, IET; 0913271679; [email protected]

Lectures Presentation of objectives and work methods, Bibliographic skills. 2 h course. Lecturer: F. Caurant

Tutorial 1: Synthesis of scientific documents (same subject for all the students), 4h.

Tutorial 2: Topic selection by each pair of students and document analysis, 3h.

Tutorial 3: Drafting of work plan, Synthesis drafting, 2 x 1.5h.

Tutorial 4: Preparation of the Power Point presentation, 3h.

Instructors Ass Prof Dr Florence CAURANT, UMR LIENSs, Univ. La Rochelle

Ass Prof Dr Pierrick BOCHER, UMR LIENSs, Univ. La Rochelle

Prof. Dr. Dang Dinh Kim, Department of Envir. Hydrobiology, IET

Control oral examination + personal work (participation) + evaluation of the writing report

WEO-31 Fundamentals of oceanography

Specialities O&H

Keywords World ocean climatology, Sea water, Rotating stratified fluid dynamics, Wind driven ocean circulation, Oceanic waves, Equatorial waves, Internal waves, Tides, East (South China) Sea Oceanography, Oceanographic instrumentation

Description The Teaching Unit is composed of 3 courses (Introduction to physical and dynamical oceanography, Waves in the ocean, Regional and East (South China) Sea Oceanography) and one field trip including hands-on experience of taking CTD measurements and water samples within two days (analysis of physical measurements with Seabird data processing, analysis of dissolved oxygen, observation of plankton, analysis of sediments). The ship trip is located around Hai Phong coastal area, and lodging is envisaged at the Marine Hydro-Meteorological station in DoSon.

Coordinator Prof Dr Nicholas HALL, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, LEGOS, [email protected]

Lectures Introduction to Physical and Dynamical Oceanography. C-Tutorials 12h, Lecturers: Gael Alory / Rosemary Morrow (/ Nick Hall) 1) World ocean climatology and heat balance: solar forcing, sea surface heat budget, heat transfer by ocean currents, evaporation and precipitation, sea surface

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temperature and salinity, annual cycle in different ocean basins 2) Sea water and water masses : properties of sea water, T-S diagrams, density, potential density, equation of state, world ocean water masses 3) Ocean currents : descriptive: Gulf stream, Kuroshio, ACC, tropical currents, deep currents, thermohaline circulation 4) Rotating stratified fluid dynamics: eulerian and lagrangian derivatives, basic conservation laws, rotation, circulation and vorticity, geostrophic and hydrostatic balance, shallow water equations, potential vorticity 5) Wind driven ocean circulation: wind stress forcing, Ekman spiral / pumping / transport, Sverdrup, Stommel/Munk, Fofonoff, ventilation, homogenization Waves in the ocean. C-Tutorials 12h. Lecturers: Nick Hall (/Gael Alory / Rosemary Morrow) 1) General properties of waves: mathematical representation, wavenumber and frequency, phase and group speed, dispersion, methods for linear solutions 2) Deep and shallow water waves:general solution for surface waves, deep and shallow water, swell and surf, tsunamis 3) Waves in a rotating system:inertia gravity waves, coastal Kelvin waves, Rossby waves, topographic Rossby waves, vertical modes 4) Equatorial waves: equatorial scalings, wave theory, El Niño, MJO 5) Internal waves and tides: internal waves, lee waves, tides, bores and solitons Regional and East (South China) Sea Oceanography. C-Tutorials 6h. Lecturer: Dinh Van Uu, HUS-VNU

1) Oceanography of Pacific Ocean 2) Meteorology and Oceanography of East Sea 3) Air-sea interaction in the East Sea region

Ocean measurements field trip. Practical 18 hours. Instructors: Hall/Alory + Dinh Van Uu

Instructors Prof Dr Nick HALL, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, LEGOS, [email protected]

Dr Rosemary MORROW, Physician, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, LEGOS, [email protected]

Dr Gael Alory, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, LEGOS, [email protected]

Prof Dr DINH VAN UU, PR, HUS-VNU, [email protected]

Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-32 Advanced hydrology

Specialities O&H

Keywords Hydrology, hydrogeology, eco-hydrology, field measurements, discharge gauging, erosion, water quality, watershed, database management, data analysis, modelling, engineering

Description This unit deals with a presentation of fundamental analysis and design methods required to understand hydrology and hydrogeology in diverse areas (rural, urban, hill, plain and floodplain). It provides an overview of modern instrumentation with field practices. It addresses the hydrological database management and an introduction to the modelling approach. Finally, it focuses on erosion processes, erosion prediction, water quality contamination and eco-hydrology.

Coordinator Dr D. Orange, CR1 IRD, BIOEMCO, Hanoi. [email protected]

Dr Luu Thi Nguyet Minh, ICH, VAST, Hanoi, [email protected]

Lectures Courses 28h, Tutorials 12h, Practicals 20h, Conference 2h

Module 1: Hydrologic analysis and data management: Measures, Frequency,

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Flood rooting and analysis (5h Course, 2h Tutorial) M1.1. Introduction to watershed hydrology (1h, by D. Orange, Pham Dinh Rinh)

M1.2. River flow analysis (2h, by D. Orange, Pham Dinh Rinh)

M1.3. Statistical analysis for hydrological management (2h, by D. Orange)

M1.4. Tutorial 1: Hydrological analysis and data management (Hydras software) (2h, by Pham Dinh Rinh, D. Orange)

Module 2: Design issues in hydrology: Rural hydrology, Groundwater hydrology, Floodplain hydrology, Urban hydrology (10h Course) M2.1. Rural hydrology and groundwater: Stream processes (4h, by O. Ribolzi, Pham Dinh Rinh)

M2.2. Floodplain hydrology (3h, by Luu Thi Nguyet Minh, D. Orange)

M2.3. Urban hydrology (3h, by D. Orange, Pham Thanh Hai)

Module 3: Soil conservation and erosion processes: detachment, transport, deposition, channel erosion (6h Course) M3.1. Soil erosion (1/2): Main soil functions and forms of degradation, Main scale-dependent water erosion processes (3h, by C. Valentin)

M3.2. Soil erosion (2/2): Soil erosion modeling at the plot scale, Main principles of soil conservation (3h, by C. Valentin)

Module 4: Water quality contamination and eco-hydrology: principles and instrumentation, environmental engineering (2h Course, 2h Tutorial) M4.1. Water quality contamination and eco-hydrology (2h, by Le Thi Phuong Quynh, E. Rochelle-Newall)

M4.2. Tutorial 2: Water quality contamination and eco-hydrology: scientific papers analysis (2h, by Le Thi Phuong Quynh, Duong Thi Thuy, Emma Rochelle-Newall)

Module 5: Hydrological modelling (3h Course, 3h Tutorial) M5.1. Overview on hydrological modelling: from measurements to appraisal (3h, by D. Orange, Tran Hong Thai)

M5.2. Tutorial 3: Hydrological and erosion modelling in practice (3h, by D. Orange, Bui Tan Yen, Tran Sy Hai)

Module 6: Instrumentation and design methods: from discharge gauging to erosion measurements (5h Tutorial, 12h Practical)

M6.1. Tutorial 4: Overview on hydrological Instrumentation and design methods (2h, Trinh Bic Ngoc, Pham Dinh Rinh, Didier Orange)

M6.2. Practical 1: Field work for hydrological survey (gauging measurements and geochemical measurements) on a river (4h, Jean-Louis Janeau, Trinh Bic Ngoc, Didier Orange, Luu Thi Nguyet Minh, Pham Dinh Rinh)

M6.3. Practical 2: Field work (Dong Cao watershed) on gauging, erosion measurements and soil characteristics with rainfall simulation (8h, Didier Orange, Jean-Louis Janeau, Pham Dinh Rinh, Tran Sy Hai)

M6.4. Tutorial 5: Hydrological analysis based on field measurements (field data, MSEC database) (3h, by Didier Orange, Pham Dinh Rinh)

Module 7: Environmental hydrology: purpose, engineering companies (2h Course, 8h Practical, 2h Conference) M7.1. Environmental hydrology: purpose and outputs (2h, by Didier Orange, Luu Thi Nguyet Minh)

M7.2. Practical 3: Field visit of hydropower dam, environmental meteorological station and hydrological station of Hoa Binh on the Da River (8h, Nguyen Thi Hong Chien, Luu Thi Nguyet Minh, Didier Orange, Nguyen Dinh Quang)

M7.3. Conference (2h)

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FR: D. Orange (IRD), E. Rochelle-Newall (IRD), C. Valentin (IRD), O. Ribolzi (IRD), J-L. Janeau (IRD)

VN: Luu Thi Nguyet Minh (ICH, VAST), Le Thi Phuong Quynh (INPC, VAST), Pham Thanh Hai (DRED, WRU), Pham Dinh Rinh (SFRI, VAAS), Bui Tan Yen (SFRI, VAAS), Trinh Bich Ngoc (USTH), Nguyen Thi Huong Chien (IMHE)

Control Examination (3h control) + personal work

WEO-33 Physics and chemistry of the atmosphere

Specialities O&H

Keywords Radiative equilibrium, atmospheric thermodynamics, global energy budget, atmospheric circulation in the tropics, introduction to atmospheric chemistry, homogeneous and heterogeneous chemistry, climatic influence of atmospheric trace gases: additional green house effect, impacts

Description The teaching unit aims at providing a broad description of the physics and chemistry of

the atmosphere. This will be done through lectures and practical work on computers

where general laws and principles of the atmosphere will be described. This course will

give knowledge on phenomena at the global scale, and special focus for tropical areas

and Asia.

Coordinators Ass Prof Dr Dominique Serça, Laboratoire d'Aérologie, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, [email protected]

Lectures Atmospheric Physics: Radiative equilibrium, atmospheric thermodynamics, global energy budget, atmospheric circulation in the tropics. 17 h course, 6 h practical. Lecturer: F. Roux

Atmospheric Chemistry: Introduction, homogeneous and heterogeneous chemistry, Climatic influence of atmospheric trace gases: additional green house effect, Impacts. 17h course, 6h practical. Lecturer: D. Serça

Instructors Prof Dr Frank Roux, Laboratoire d'Aérologie, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse

Ass Prof Dr Dominique Serça, Laboratoire d'Aérologie, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse

Control examination (1h30h) + oral defense (20min/student)

WEO-34 Basic numerical modelling

Specialities O&H

Keywords Numerical model, Hydrology, Oceanography, Rain-flow model

Description Description of a hydrologic models and regional oceanic models (primitive equations, discretization, advection schemes, parameterizations, boundary conditions). Familiarization with modelling through practical work (implementation on a simple real case, results analyses, sensitivity studies to schemes and parameterisations, process studies, comparison with observations)

Coordinators Prof Dr Denis DARTUS (INPT, IMFT, [email protected], Allée Pr. C. soula, 31400, Toulouse, France)

Dr Marine HERRMANN (IRD, LEGOS, [email protected], 14 avenue E. Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France)

Dr Ha Ngoc Hien, Department of Environmental Planning, IET, 0918943667;

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[email protected]

Lectures Basic numerical modelling (C: 10h, Practical: 4 h, Lecturer Ha Ngoc Hien)

Introduction to numerical methods: Components of a Numerical Solution Method, Properties of Numerical Solution Methods, Discretization Approaches (C 2h);

Finite Difference Methods (FDM): Approximation of the First Derivative, Second Derivative, Mixed Derivatives, Implementation of Boundary Conditions, The Algebraic Equation System (C 4h);

Application of FDM to the Generic Transport Equation (P 2h)

Finite Volume Methods (FVM): Approximation of Surface Integrals, Approximation of Volume Integrals, Interpolation and Differentiation Practices UDS, CDS, QUICK, Implementation of Boundary Conditions, The Algebraic Equation System (C 4h)

Application of FVM to the Generic Transport Equation (P 2h)

Hydrological modelling (C: 8h, Tutorial: 3h, Practical: 6h; Lecturer: D. Dartus or D. Labat)

Water cycle at basin catchment scale (C 1h);

Approach of the water assessment on a catchment area (C 1h, T 1h);

Hydrological Models and their classification. Hydrological modeling with Rain-Flow

tanks and its applicability (C 1h);

Rational method, Cascade of Nash and GRx, Problem of strong space

heterogeneities (T 2h);

Rain, rough and net Rain, infiltrations and their models (C 1h);

Evaporation, evapotranspiration and their models (C 1h);

Representation and modeling of the transfer function (C 1h);

Project : Rain-Flow modelling using the HEC-HMS model (C 1h, P 6h);

Complex models and Risks of floods (C 1h)

Oceanographic modelling (C 5h: Practical : 12h ;Lecturers : M. Herrmann, P.

Marchesiello, F.Birol, C. Ulses)

Presentation of numerical modelling : primitive equations, discretization, advection schemes, turbulence closure schemes, parameterizations, boundary conditions (C 5h) P1 : presentation of the numerical code structure, compilation, run, results visualisation (P 3h) P2 : sensitivity to horizontal advection and diffusion schemes (P 2h) P3 : sensitivity to vertical mixing parameterization (P 2h) P4 : Real case study : atmospheric forcing over the Tonkin Gulf (P 3h) in option, P5 or P6 (P 2h):

P5 : Real case study : hydrologic forcing, plume dispersion P6 : Real case study : upwelling off South Vietnam

Instructors Prof Dr Denis DARTUS, PR INPT, IMFT, [email protected]

Dr Marine HERRMANN, CR IRD, UPS, LEGOS, [email protected]

Dr HA Ngoc Hien, Department of Environmental Planning, IET, [email protected]

Prof Dr David LABAT, Univ. Toulouse 3, UMR GET

Control practical work

WEO-35 Group projects : Dam’s management

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Specialities O&H

Keywords Hydrology, Biogeochemistry, Greenhouse gas emissions, Sedimentation, Aquatic chemistry, Aquatic biology, Modeling

Description Through lectures, seminars by professionals of dam management and environmental monitoring and technical practices in the field and in the laboratory, this module encompasses the main environmental consequences (hydrological, biogeochemical and biological) of damming rivers.

Coordinator Dr Frédéric GUERIN, CR IRD, University Toulouse III (Paul Sabatier), Géosciences Environnement Toulouse, [email protected]

Lectures Courses 25h, Practicals 21h, Control 2h

“Dams: Hydrology, Erosion & Sedimentation”, 8 h course. Lecturers: N. Gratiot or O. Ribolzi

"Carbon and nitrogen cycles in reservoirs and greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4 and N2O) emissions”, 8 h course. Potential lecturers: F. Guérin, D. Serça, S. Audry, Trinh Anh Duc

“Physical and Biogeochemical Modeling”, 6 h course. Potential lecturers: M.P. Bonnet, N. Gratiot, F. Guérin, V. Chanudet, Luu Thi Nguyet Minh, Le Thi Phuong Quynh

“Seminar with Professionals (Environmental Monitoring, Water quality and indicators)”, 3 h course. Potential instructors: V. Chanudet, P. Guédant, E. Baye

“Project: Laboratory and Field Practices”, 21 h practical. Potential instructors: F. Guérin, N. Gratiot, D. Serça, S. Audry, A. Godon, M. Cottet, D. Orange, J.L. Janeau, Le Thi Phuong Quynh

Instructors Dr Frédéric GUERIN, CR IRD, GET, UPS, [email protected]

Ass Prof Dr Dominique Serça, Univ. Toulouse 3

Dr Stéphane AUDRY, Phys. Adj., GET, Université Paul Sabatier (UPS), Toulouse, [email protected]

Dr Nicolas GRATIOT, CR1 IRD, LTHE, Université Joseph Fournier, Grenoble; [email protected]

Dr Le Thi Phuong Quynh, Institute of Natural products chemistry (INPC), VAST, Hanoi

Dr Luu Thi Nguyet Minh, Institute of Chemistry (IC), VAST, Hanoi


Dr Olivier RIBOLZI, DR2 IRD, GET, UPS; [email protected]

Dr Trinh Anh Duc, Institute of Chemistry (IC), VAST, Hanoi

Dr Eric BAYE, Asconit, Vietnam

Dr Vincent CHANUDET & Stéphane DESCLOUX, EDF-CIH, Le Bourget du Lac

Dr Pierre GUEDANT, AELab, Laos

Control examination (2 written exams) + practical (Group report)

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Master 2 - Semester 3: Speciality units

WEO-41 Pollutants, Ecotoxicology & Public Health

Specialities WPT, BEPH

Keywords Chemicals, Pathogens, Toxicity, Ecotoxicity, Risk assessment, Public health, REACh, Water Framework Directive

Description EU’s regulations for chemicals and pollution monitoring in aquatic ecosystems. Fundamental bases in toxicology and ecotoxicology. Risk assessment of chemicals and pathogens for human health and ecosystems. Fate and effects of chemicals in the environment

Coordinators Prof Dr Yves LEVI, Univ. Paris-11, Laboratoire Santé Publique – Environnement, [email protected]

Prof Dr Paco BUSTAMANTE, Université de La Rochelle, Laboratoire Littoral Environnement et Sociétés, [email protected]

Lectures European’s regulation for chemical management (REACh) and water quality monitoring (WFD): 3h course. Lecturer: Y. Levi or Caio Cipro or P. Bustamante

Ecotoxicology: transfer of pollutants in biota: Concentration factors, Transfer factors, bioavailability, biomagnifications: 4h course. Lecturer: P. Bustamante or Y. Levi or Caio Cipro

Effects of pollutants at different levels of biological organization: individual, population, communities and ecosystem functioning: 4h course, 4h Tutorial. Lecturer: P. Bustamante or Y. Levi or Caio Cipro

Environmental risk assessment of chemicals and biomonitoring: 4h course, 4h Tutorial, 4h Practical. Lecturer: P. Bustamante, Y. Levi or Caio Cipro

Fundamental bases in human toxicology: basis on toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics: 5h course. Lecturer: Y. Levi or P. Bustamante or Caio Cipro

Specificities of microbial risk for public health and water uses: 3h course

Evaluation of chemical risk for human health: biological indicators (exposure, impregnation and liminal effect analyses). Epidemiology bases. 5h course, 4h Tutorial. Lecturer: Y. Levi, P. Bustamante or Caio Cipro

Chemical safety. 4h course. Lecturer : P. Bustamante or Caio Cipro or Yves Levi

Instructors Prof Dr Paco Bustamante, Université de La Rochelle, UMR LLIENS

Prof Dr Yves Levi, Université Paris Sud 11, [email protected]

Dr Caio Cipro, CR CNRS, Université La Rochelle, [email protected]

Control one written examination

WEO-42 Advanced methods for water quality

Specialities WPT

Keywords Trace level analysis, organic contaminants, mass spectrometry, quality control, microbial water contamination, molecular microbiology,

Description This Unit is composed of two parts, “Advanced analytical chemistry” (Sources and fate of organic pollutants; Knowledge of the analytical process; Complexity of the organic micropollutant analysis; New emerging tools in analytical chemistry) and "Advanced microbiological methods for water quality" (Researched microorganisms in water; Quantification of microorganisms; Microbial populations and identification; Innovative microbial treatments)

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4 practical works (4x4h) will be performed, 2 within each part.

Coordinators Prof Dr Yann Hechard, PR Univ. Poitiers, [email protected]

Dr. Le Truong Giang (VAST, IOC, Lab. Of Mass Spectrometer, [email protected], 0948109977

Lectures Advanced analytical chemistry, 15 h course, 8 h practical. Lecturer: Prof Dr Yann Hechard

This section is divided in 4 parts:

1) Sources and fate of organic pollutants in the aquatic compartment (2h);

2) Knowledge of the analytical process for the trace level determination of a wide variety of organic micropollutants in water (sampling, extraction and clean-up, analysis) using sophisticated hyphenated techniques (chromatographic techniques coupled to mass spectrometry) (8h);

3) Case studies to highlight the complexity of the organic micropollutant analysis and to avoid erroneous results (sample representativeness/integrity, analyte recovery and interferences during the sample treatment, and analyte quantification) (4h);

4) New emerging tools in analytical chemistry (integrative passive sampling …) (1h).

2 practical works (2x4h) will be performed within each topic.

Advanced microbiological methods for water quality, 15 h course, 8 h practical. Lecturer: Dr Tu Binh Minh

This section is divided in 4 parts:

1) Researched microorganisms in water (fecal contamination indicators) (2h);

2) Quantification of microorganisms (directs versus indirect methods, regulatory): specific medium, molecular methods (probes, quantitative PCR, etc.) (7h);

3) Microbial populations and identification: phenotype versus molecular identification (fluorescent dyes, immunodetection, FISH, sequencing, etc.) (5h)

4) Innovative microbial treatments (1h)

2 practical works (2x4h) will be performed within each section.

Instructors Prof Dr Yann Hechard, Univ. Poitiers, [email protected]

Dr Tu Binh Minh, HUS-VNU, [email protected]

Control examination (2h) + practical + personal work

WEO-43 Water and wastewater treatment

Specialities WPT

Keywords Regulations – Water plants and files – Drinking water – Industrial water for process - Urban and industrial wastewater – Sludge treatment – Visits of water plants

Description After a presentation of international and national regulations, this teaching unit describes various files available for production of clean water (drinking water and water for industrial processes) and purification of wastewaters (urban and industrial wastewaters), in relationship with acquired knowledge in WEO 13 and 14. At the end of the teaching unit, students are able to choose and to design adapted files to water treatment, including the management approach. Some specific processes (not introduced in WEO 13, 14 and 44) are given. Visits of water plants are carried out.

Coordinator Prof Dr Bernard LEGUBE, PR, Univ. Poitiers, [email protected]

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Lectures Prof Bernard LEGUBE, U. Poitiers (ENSIP), with industrial partners : 24 h

Prof. Joseph DE LAAT, U. Poitiers (ENSIP), with industrial partners : 24 h

Instructors Prof. Bernard LEGUBE, Univ. of Poitiers, UMR LCME, [email protected]

Prof. Joseph DE LAAT, Univ. of Poitiers, UMR LCME, [email protected]

Control examination (2h) + visit reports

WEO-44 Advanced processes for water treatment

Specialities WPT

Keywords Membrane processes -Membrane processes for clarification and desalination– Membrane bioreactors - Membrane contactors - Advanced oxidation processes – Hybrid processes

Description This teaching unit focuses on advanced processes (membrane-based and oxidation) for water desalination, production and waste water treatment plant, with a chemical engineering approach. The entire basis on pressure driven membrane processes will be given here and then the more recent technologies, fouling problems and design methods will be described in relation with the application (desalination, water reuse, clarification). On the basis of pre-required skills to be obtained in WEO-11 and in WEO-13, this unit will also develop a chemical engineering approach of advanced oxidation processes.

Coordinators Prof Dr Corinne CABASSUD, INSA Toulouse, [email protected]

Dr Phan Do Hung, Department of Water treatment technology, IET ; 0912043387; [email protected]

Lectures 48 h (including 2 h exam; 30 h course, 14h tutorial or practical depending on the possible pilot plants, 2h for the defense of projects)

Basis of pressure driven membrane processes- membrane properties, characterization – definition of pores size distribution and rejection – calculation of osmotic pressure- concentration polarization- models of mass transfer and rejection -10h (Corinne Cabassud or Christel Causserand)

Technologies and design of membrane units for water applications- Integration of membrane processes in water treatment lines - Membrane fouling in water applications: what is it? And how to prevent and to remove it? - Application to water desalination and design of a RO unit- Application to water clarification and design of a UF plant – Elements of costs of membrane processes– Membrane bioreactors, technology and design – Introduction to Membrane contactors- 20 h (Corinne Cabassud (16h) + an industrial representant of WSM (4 h))

Advanced oxidation processes – H202 and Ozonation: kinetics and transfer, modeling, technologies, impact on viruses and bacteria, and on chemical molecules, design of ozonation reactors , cost elements- Wet air oxidation – Introduction to Photocatalytic and Electro catalytic oxidation –Comparison of the different technologies in terms of applicability and cost – Hybrid processes including oxidation (18h) (a representant of IOA or Jean-Stéphane Pic)

Instructors Prof Dr Corinne Cabassud, INSA Toulouse, LISBP

Ass Prof Dr Jean-Stéphane Pic, INSA Toulouse, LISBP

Prof Dr Christel Causserand, UPS, LGC Toulouse

An industrial representant of the french cluster Water, Sensor and Membranes (WSM)

A representant of the International Ozone Association : Sylvie Baig (IOA; Degrémont)

Vietnamese Instructor to be defined

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Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-45 Advanced modelling and technologies for networks design

Specialities WPT

Keywords Water network sizing, pressure driven flow modelling, network equipment

Description This course gives an introduction to pressure driven and free surface flows in pipe modelling in real world case. The first part focuses on the classical numerical methods used to model water network (finite difference approach, stability problem, hardy-cross method, Preissmann slice…) and on the use of water network modelling software. In a second part, real networks will be modelled to :

- understand the phenomenon that can occur (water hammer, cavitation …),

- highlight the role of specific network equipment (pressure control, water hammer equipment, …)

- highlight the rules of network sizing (ideal location of a reservoir, reinforcement of the network, …).

An important part of the course is devoted to give practical skills to students through the practice of a modelling software in a real world case.

This course is an application of the bases teached in WEO-03 and WEO-15.

Coordinators Ass Prof Dr Pascal FINAUD-GUYOT, ENGEES, IMFS, [email protected]

Dr Hoang Thanh Tung, Water Resources University, Vietnam (WRU); [email protected]

Lectures Water network modelling, 12h course, 8h tutorial. Lecturers: P. Finaud-Guyot, J.B. Bardiaux

Water network project, 4h course, 24h practical. Lecturers: P. Finaud-Guyot, J.B. Bardiaux

Instructors Ass Prof Dr Pascal FINAUD-GUYOT, ENGEES, Strasbourg

Jean Bernard BARDIAUX, Engineer (Ministry of Agriculture), ENGEES, Strasbourg

Vietnamese Instructor to be defined

Control 2h examination + oral exam for the project

WEO-46 Management Sciences 2, French

Specialities WPT, BEPH, O&H

Keywords Economics of the environment, French

Description 3 to 5 lines

Coordinators Prof Dr Anne de Blignières, Université Paris Dauphine, [email protected]

Dr Minh Ha DUONG, CIRED, CNRS; [email protected] , Tel. 33 1 43 94 73 81/33 6 68 52 59 15

Dr Ho Thuy Ngoc, Univ of Foreign Trade, Hanoi

Lectures - French, 40h

- Economics of the environment, 20h. Lecturer: Minh Ha Duong

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Instructors Dr Minh Ha DUONG, DR CNRS, CIRED, Paris

Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-52 Climate and its evolution

Specialities BEPH

Keywords Climate change, Extreme Climatic Events, Biogeochemistry, Greenhouse gas emissions, Sedimentation, Climatic Models, Ecosystems, Species Distribution Models

Description The course focuses on evidence of climate change in the past, modern climate variability, and the range of theories and arguments regarding potential climate change in the future. The course also focuses on the effects of climate change on biodiversity. We look at the major controls on climate variability at a range of temporal scales. We study modern research methods that are used to investigate past climate and to model possible climatic trends, such as global warming. Topics include the carbon cycle, solar orbital variations, extreme events evolution, greenhouse warming, ocean-atmosphere feedbacks and the impact of this climate change on ecosystems. We explore the human role in global change, and the response of the environment to such changes, including effects such as sea level rise, changes in vegetation and fauna, and changes in ocean circulation.

Coordinators Ass Prof Dr Laurent DEZILEAU, Univ. Montpellier 2, Geosciences, [email protected]

Dr. Nguyen Van Thang (IMHEN, MONRE)

Lectures 1. Earth's climate system (3h course, L. Dezileau) - Solar Radiation and the Earth's Energy Balance - Greenhouse gases and carbon cycle - Atmospheric forces, Balances and Weather systems - Extreme climatic events 2. Past climatic changes (3h course, 4h Practical, L. Dezileau) - Reconstruction of past climatic changes - Reconstruction of past extreme climatic events 3. Climate Change in the 21st Century (3h course, 4h Practical, L. Dezileau, B. Joly) - Greenhouse gases evolution - Prediction and climate change modelling - Extreme climatic events evolution 4. Climate change and Ecosystem evolution (6h course, 8h Practical, S. Lek) - Ecosystems Vulnerability in relation to Climate Change - Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity - Species Distributions Models (SDM) and the effects of Climate Change

5. Intervention of Vietnamese partner [15h course/tutorial, to be confirmed]

Instructors Ass Prof Dr Laurent Dezileau, Univ. Montpellier 2, Géosciences Montpellier

Bruno Joly, Ing. MétéoFrance, GMAP-RECYF, Toulouse, [email protected]

Prof Dr Sovan Lek, Université Paul Sabatier, EDB, Toulouse

Vietnamese partner to be defined

Control examination (2h) + practical + personal work

WEO-53 Ecological Engineering

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Specialities BEPH

Keywords Natural services, bioremediation, ecological restauration, ecosystem sustainable monitoring and management, pollution attenuation, bio- engineering

Description Natural services and anthropogenic influences, bioremediation, biorestauration :

Ecological engineering is interested in environment management by promoting or designing facilities (sustainable, adaptive, multi-functional) based on knowledge of the mechanisms that govern ecological systems (self-organization, high biodiversity, heterogeneous structures...). The pure chemical or physical processes are not included in the scope of ecological engineering, but are necessarily related disciplines. How some species or natural populations or communities are able to help in the sustainable management of ecosystems or peri-urban natural, is the main concern of this class. The knowledge of the organisms influences on the ecosystem functioning will be influence Ecological engineering is applied in this TU to promote good quality environments. The economic and social issues are also taken into account in this concern.

Goals of ecological engineering:

• The rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems, restoration of functional communities, reintroduction of species;

• The creation of new sustainable ecosystems that have value to humans and the biosphere (eg regeneration of green and blue, use of biodiversity in urban areas...).

• The development of biological tools to control, manage or resolve community problems of pollution, restoring or maximizing an "ecosystem service"....

Field trip will be included to show examples of ecological engineering. Also a second field day will be devoted to explore a case of pertubated ecosystem that will be the support of personal work to propose management solutions to specific problems

Coordinators Prof Dr Magalie GERINO, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, ECOLAB, [email protected]

Dr Tang Thi Chinh, IET, [email protected]; 0904187106

Lectures 30 h course, 18 h practical

1. Rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems, restoration of functional communities, reintroduction of species;

2. Creation of new sustainable ecosystems that have value to humans and the biosphere (eg regeneration of green and blue, use of biodiversity in urban areas, ...).

3. Development of biological tools to control, manage or resolve community problems of pollution, restoring or maximizing an "ecosystem service"....

Basic ecological principles will be recorded if required in the understanding of this class.

One-day field trip will show examples of ecological engineering. A second one-day field trip will be devoted to explore a case of perturbated ecosystem that will be the support of personal work to propose management solutions to specific problems.

Instructors Dr Alain DAUTA, CNRS, Université Toulouse III, UMR EcoLab

Prof Dr José-Miguel SANCHEZ-PEREZ, Université Toulouse III, UMR EcoLab

Prof Dr Anne PROBST, DR CNRS, Université Toulouse III, UMR EcoLab

Dr François FROMARD, Université Toulouse III, UMR EcoLab

Dr Didier Orange, IRD, BIOEMCO

Dr Phan Thi Anh Dao (IMHEN, Hung GT)

Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-54 Advanced fluvial hydraulics, chemistry & biogeochemistry

Specialities BEPH, O&H

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Keywords Hydrology, Geochemical tracer, Coupled numerical hydrobiogeochemical model, Natural organic matter, sources, structure, reactivity, weathering, fluxes, continental, interaction with solids, models, trace pollutants

Description This advanced course will provide the basics principles to understand the fate and fluxes or natural terrestrial organic matter in aquatic environments and also to the study its interactions with mineral surfaces (oxides, clays) and trace elements including pollutants (Zn, Cd, Ni, Hg …). The focus will be on to the understanding of fundamental biogeochemical mechanisms. Both analytical development challenges and theoretical background will be developed in this course. The course will also develop the usefulness of coupled approaches between geochemistry and modeling to rainfall/runoff model at the basin scale or to coupled hydrological / hydrodynamic and biogeochemistry at the scale of ecosystems. The module will be based mainly on practical modelling works with few introductive lectures to each topic.

Coordinator Prof Dr Marc F. Benedetti, Université Paris Diderot, IPGP, Laboratoire de Géochimie des Eaux, [email protected], +33 1 57278461

Lectures Introduction to geochemical tracer in Hydrology: introduction; overview; focus on hydrogen, oxygen, cosmogenic tracers, 6 h course, 8 h practical. Lecturers: J. Viers, Pieter Van Beek, F. Sondag

Natural organic matter (properties, fate and modeling), 14h course, 6h lab work with presentation of case studies. Lecturers: M. Benedetti, Y. Sivry

Coupled Biogeochemical models in fresh continental water, (including “River discharge by modelling and integration of spatial data”). 6 h course, 8 h practical. Lecturers: Stéphane Audry or Marie-Paule Bonnet or Trinh Ahn Duc

Instructors Prof Dr Marc F. Benedetti, Université Paris Diderot, IPGP

Dr Yann Sivry, Université Paris Diderot, IPGP, Laboratoire de Géochimie des Eaux, [email protected], (33) 1 5727846627

Dr Marie-Paule Bonnet, IRD, Univ. Toulouse-3, GET

Dr Stéphane Audry, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Univ. Toulouse 3, UMR GET

Dr Trinh Anh Duc, Institute of Chemistry; 0906006808; [email protected]

Control Each group of students will be in charge of a practical project and will have to restitute the results through an oral presentation

WEO-55 Ecophysiology, Biomarkers

Specialities BEPH (OPTION)

Keywords Aquatic ecology; Ecophysiology ; Metabolism ; Adaptation; Environmental factors; Biomarkers ; Ecotoxicology ; biomonitoring

Description The objective of this module is to understand how marine organisms exploit their environment and how they adapt to the high variability of environmental parameters whatever they originated from (i.e., natural or anthropogenic). Teaching will focus on some key physiological functions (e.g., respiration, energy allocation, locomotion) that are directly modulated by the environmental factors. Environmental-related variations will be explained as well as the involved mechanisms. An integrative approach will be therefore followed by addressing such responses at different levels (from the molecular to the organism levels), including biomarkers of effects and of exposure to pollutants. The consequences on population dynamics will also be considered.

Coordinators Prof Dr Paco BUSTAMANTE, PR Univ. La Rochelle, UMR LIENSs, [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Dang Dinh Kim, Department of Envir. Hydrobiology, IET; Mobile: 0913271679; Email: [email protected]

Lectures The course will be divided up into 20h of course (including exam), 12h of tutorials, 9h of practical

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Introduction to ecophysiology: Notion of acclimatization, adaptation. Different types

of regulation (regulator versus conformer). Notion of homeostasis. Specificity of aquatic

milieu (physical and chemical properties, acute vs chronic stressors). 3h course.

Potential lecturers: C. Lefrançois, P. Bustamante

Regulation osmotic and ionic in marine organisms: Notion of ionic equilibrium.

Organs involved in exchange processes. Particular cases of amphidromous migrant

species. 3h course, 3h tutorial. Potential lecturers: C. Lefrançois, P. Bustamante

Locomotion: Morphological and physiological adaptation related to the different types

of locomotion. Relationships with the different types of habitat (open versus complex).

Example of the Teleostean. 3h course, 3h tutorial, 3h practical (Video analysis of

locomotion behavior). Potential lecturer: C. Lefrançois

Respiration and energy regulation: Respiratory system in the aquatic organisms.

Energetic metabolism: definition of standard, active and routine metabolic rate. Energy

regulation in individuals coping with environmental variations (temperature, oxygen…).

Ecological consequences. 3h course, 3h tutorial. Potential lecturer: C. Lefrançois

Interactions between physiology and behaviour: Introduction to the interactions

between physiology and behaviour in a variable environment. Notion of habitat

selection. 2h course. Potential lecturer: C. Lefrançois

Biomarkers: Biomarkers of exposure and biomarkers of effects. Use of biomarkers for environmental surveys. Evaluation of ecological status of aquatic environments. 6h course, 3 h tutorial, 6h practical (Determination of Acetylcholine esterase in biological samples). Potential lecturers: P. Bustamante

Another lecture by a Vietnamese instructor ? (for example 7h)

Instructors Ass Prof Dr Christel Lefrançois, Univ. La Rochelle

Prof Dr Paco Bustamante, Univ. La Rochelle

Vietnamese Instructor to be defined

Control Written examination (2h) + evaluation of laboratory report

WEO-56 River basin management and remote sensing

Specialities BEPH, O&H (OPTION)

Keywords remote sensing, altimetry, GPS, Digital Elevation Model, soil, water color, flood monitoring

Description Recent developements in remote sensing data processing will be described, in the scope of the integrated river basin management, with a focus on the great tropical ungauged basins.

Coordinator Dr Thuy Le Toan, CNRS, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, CESBIO, [email protected]

Lectures 23 h course, 23 h practical, 2 h examination

“Precipitation measurement, Climate”, 3 h course 3 h practical. Lecturer: Nguyen Thi

Hien Thuan

“River water stage by altimetry”, 3 h course, 3 h practical. Lecturer: Sylviane Daillet-Rochette

“Levelling of in situ gauge by GPS and altimetry, river slope” 3 h course, 3 h practical. Lecturer: Sylviane Daillet-Rochette

"Flood monitoring, Erosion monitoring” 6 h course, 6 h practical. Lecturer: Simona Niculescu

“Watershed extraction from DEM and application” 3 h course, 3 h practical. Lecturer to

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be determined

"Land cover, forest biomass estimation, soil moisture and soil variability by combination of satellite sources” 3 h course 3 h practical. Lecturer: Thuy Le Toan, Nguyen Dinh Duong

“Water color and water quality” 2 h course, 2 h practical. Lecturer: Sylvain Ouillon

Instructors Dr Thuy Le Toan, CNRS, Toulouse 3, CESBIO

Ass Prof Dr Simona Niculescu, Univ. Brest

Dr Sylvain Ouillon, IRD, Toulouse 3, LEGOS

Dr Nguyen Thi Hien Thuan, Sub Institute of Hydrometeorology and Environment of

South Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City), [email protected]

Prof. Nguyen Dinh Duong, Editor in chief "Asian Journal of Geoinformatics", Institute of geography, VAST, Hanoi

Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-61 Estuarine Hydrodynamics, Sediment Transport and Biogeochemical cycles

Specialities O&H

Keywords Erosion and sediment transport, Estuarine circulation, Tidal currents, Turbidity, cohesive sediment transport, Estuarine Biogeochemical Cycles, Reactive Transport Modelling

Description Hydrological, physical and biogeochemical processes in estuarine systems strongly modify the quantity and the quality of river borne matter transported from the continent to the coastal ocean. This unit encompasses basic knowledge on fluvial-estuarine circulation, sediment properties, biogeochemical processes affecting metal partitioning and distribution, sediment and metal fluxes from rivers to the coastal areas.

Coordinators Dr Sylvain Ouillon, IRD, Univ. Toulouse 3, UMR LEGOS, [email protected]

Prof. Dinh Van Uu, HUS-VNU, [email protected]

Lectures 30 h course, 9 h tutorial, 7 h practical, 2h Control.

An introduction to estuaries : 1- Morphological and geological features 2- Salinity gradients 3- Tide propagation and associated currents 4-Estuaries classifications (Pritchard, Hansen&Rattray, Le Floch) 5- Estuarine residual circulation theories and application 6- Sediment processes (turbidity maximum and fluid mud) 7- Long-term morphodynamic evolution 8- Physical processes and management 9-Case studies (Gironde + estuaries of Africa, Asia from literature) 10h course – 5h tutorial or 6h course 4h tutorial 5h practical. Lecturers: A. Sottolichio ; TNM Luu.

Sediment transport: 1. Sediment budget, Continental and coastal sediment transport, Impacts; 2. Sediment properties (grain size distribution and sedimentological parameters, nature, density, settling velocity); 3. Boundary layer flow (directional, oscillating and combined flows); 4. Threshold of motion; 5. Transport into suspension (general model, Rouse profile, Richardson number); 6. Non cohesive sediment transport (bedload, suspension, bedforms); 7.Cohesive sediment transport (aggregation, settling velocity, erosion, deposition, erodibility, rheology of mud, mixed sediments); 8. Instrumentation; 9. Marine optics and applications to remote sensing (ocean color); 10. Studying sediment transport in Vietnam estuaries and coastal zones, some examples. 10h course - 5h tutorial. Lecturer: S. Ouillon.

Estuarine geochemical cycles: 1. Observation network and sampling strategy in river and estuarine environments; 2. Natural (rock weathering, erosion) and anthropogenic sources of sediment and associated elements (metals, nutrients); 3. Pollution assessment: Geochemical background and enrichment factors; 4. Conservative and non-conservative behaviors of metal along estuarine gradients (salinity, turbidity…); 5.

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Sediment and metal transport: annual gross input and annual net flux; 6. Case studies Gironde + Red River + Asian rivers. 10h course - 6h tutorial or 6h course 4h tutorial 5h practical. Lecturers: G. Blanc, A. Coynel ; TH Dang.

Instructors Ass Prof Dr Alexandra Coynel, Univ. Bordeaux 1, EPOC

Prof Dr Gérard Blanc, Prof., Univ. Bordeaux 1, EPOC

Ass Prof Dr Aldo Sottolichio, Ass. Prof., Univ. Bordeaux 1, EPOC

Dr Sylvain Ouillon, IRD, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, LEGOS

Dr Dang Thi Ha, ICH, VAST, Hanoi

Dr Luu Thi-Nguyet Minh, ICH, VAST, Hanoi

Control examination + practical + personal work

WEO-62 Coastal Oceanography

Specialities O&H

Keywords Tide, tsunami, swell, wave-induced current, non-cohesive sediment, erosion, bed-forms

Description This course is designed to bring a basic understanding of the nearshore hydrodynamics, the sediment transport processes and of the feed-back mechanisms which control the morphological evolution of sandy coasts. The main modelling approaches will be described and an overview of modern field instrumentations will be presented.

Coordinator Dr Sylvain Ouillon, IRD, UMR LEGOS, Univ. Toulouse 3, [email protected]

Lectures Coastal and shallow water hydrodynamics (complements to WEO-31): shallow water equations, nearshore wind induced currents, Ekman layers in stratified waters, fronts. (15 h course & practicals). Lecturer: Antoine Mangin

Sediment transport (only if TU61 is not opened): 1. Sediment budget, Continental and coastal sediment transport, Impacts; 2. Sediment properties (grain size distribution and sedimentological parameters, nature, density, settling velocity); 3. Boundary layer flow (directional, oscillating and combined flows); 4. Threshold of motion; 5. Transport into suspension (general model, Rouse profile, Richardson number); 6. Non cohesive sediment transport (bedload, suspension, bedforms); 7.Cohesive sediment transport (aggregation, settling velocity, erosion, deposition, erodibility, rheology of mud, mixed sediments); 8. Instrumentation; 9. Marine optics and applications to remote sensing (ocean color); 10. Studying sediment transport in Vietnam estuaries and coastal zones, some examples. (15h course + tutorial). Lecturer: S. Ouillon.

Ocean color and applications: (15 h course + tutorial). Lecturer: Hubert Loisel)

Instructors Dr Sylvain Ouillon, IRD, Univ Toulouse 3

Prof Hubert Loisel, Univ. Littorale Côte d’Opale, UMR LOG, hubert.loisel@univ-


Dr Antoine Mangin, ACRI ST, Sophia Antipolis

Control examination

WEO-63 Advanced Marine Dynamics, Chemistry & Biogeochemistry

Specialities O&H

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Keywords Chemical composition of the ocean, ocean-atmosphere gas exchange, biogeochemistry in the ocean and climate, coupled physical/biogeochemical processes, mixed layer, mesoscale, coastal upwelling, data, modelling, assimilation

Description The aims of this teaching unit are to provide to the students knowledge on the biogeochemistry of the ocean on coupled physical/biogeochemical processes and its interactions with climate. General laws and associated equations will be presented as well as measurement techniques, modelling, data assimilation with reading of scientific papers, practical work on computers (PW) and exercises (E).

Coordinators Prof Dr Isabelle DADOU, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, LEGOS, [email protected]

Lectures Marine Biogeochemistry (12 hours: 10hC, 2hE), Lecturer: Isabelle Dadou (Eric Machu/Véronique Garçon)

1) Introduction – bases: chemical composition of the ocean, vertical/horizontal distributions of chemical elements, control by biology, main horizontal and vertical mixing mechanisms.

2) Organic matter and nutrients: Primary production – remineralisation, in situ measurement techniques (no-autonomous and autonomous sensors).

3) Ocean-atmosphere gas exchanges: Dalton’s law of partial pressures, gas solubility, exchange rate and fluxes between the atmosphere and the ocean.

4) Nitrogen cycle in the ocean: why studying this cycle? main nitrogen compounds and transformations; spatial distribution; important physical and biological processes for this cycle in the ocean.

5) Carbon cycle in the ocean: why studying this cycle? CO2 from the atmosphere; mean concentrations of CO2 and spatial and temporal variations in the ocean, different chemical and biological species of the carbon cycle in the ocean; important processes (thermodynamics, chemistry and biology) for this cycle.

6) Biogeochemistry, climate and natural resources: important processes, the feedbacks, links with the halieutic resources, anthropogenic forcing (pollution, overexploitation,…).

Physical-biogeochemical interactions in the ocean (12 hours: 10hC, 2hE). Lecturers: Isabelle Dadou, Marine Herrmann (Eric Machu/Véronique Garçon)

1) Importance of coupling between the physics and biogeochemistry in the ocean: Main processes and associated equations, Box models and primitive equation models (advection-diffusion)

2) Source and sink terms in biogeochemistry, trophic web: Biodiversity (phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria), Scheme of a trophic web associated equations and parameterisation of processes.

3) Mixed layer in the ocean (vertical structure of the surface layer of the ocean): Equations of the mixed layer; atmospheric dynamical and heat forcing; Temperate waters: deepening/stratification of the mixed layer, mechanisms of the spring bloom; Tropical waters: vertical structures of the mixed layer and associated biogeochemical vertical distribution (Study of papers on physical-biogeochemical interactions in the mixed layer)

4) Mesoscale processes in the ocean: Characterisation of the physical eddy environment (mesoscale), main processes (eddies, meanders, instability, waves,…) observations (in situ, satellite), modelling; Biogeochemical oceanic mesoscale variability, observations (in situ, satellites) modelling (Study of papers on physical-biogeochemical interactions at mesoscale)

5) Coastal area (continental shelf, slope and interaction with the open ocean): Importance for halieutic resources, region under high anthropogenic forcing, sources/sinks of greenhouse gases…; Eastern boundary upwelling and Coastal area under river discharge influence: observations, main processes, equations, modelling.

Coupled physical/biogeochemical modelling (12 hours: 3hE, 9h PW ). Lecturer: Marine Herrmann (Isabelle Dadou/Eric Machu/Caroline Ulses)

1) Presentation (equation/numerical methods) of a simple biogeochemical model (NPZD) - 2) Presentation (equation/numerical methods) of a hydrodynamical model

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(the same as the one studied in the first year of the Master) - 3) Numerical schemes for the tracer advection - 4) TP 1: upwelling along a linear coast line - 5) TP 2: river discharge in a coastal area– impact on productions - 6) TP 3: realistic case: Gulf of Tonkin

Applied study of physical/biogeochemical interactions in Vietnam: for example Halong Bay (6 hours: 3hC, 3hPW). Lecturer: Doan Van Bo, HUS-VNU

Presentation of studied area - Natural and anthropogenic forcing in this region - Black carbon (sources) and heavy metals: modification of the light penetration, impact on local primary production, trophic web, halieutic resources - Example of modelling in this bay or analyses of in situ/satellite data

Assimilation of data in oceanic models and optimization (6 hours: 3hC, 3hPW). Lecturer: Kieu Quoc Chanh, HUS-VNU

Presentation of the bases in assimilation techniques and optimisation of parameters in models - Study of conceptual methods in data assimilation such as statistical optimalization, 3-dimensional variational data assimilation, Kalman filter - Practice of simple assimilation techniques for idealized models (e.g., Lorenz 40-variable model)

48H (26hC, 7hE, 15hPW)

Instructors Prof Dr Isabelle Dadou, Univ. Paul-Sabatier (Toulouse 3), LEGOS

Dr Marine Herrmann, CR IRD, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, LEGOS

Dr Eric Machu, CR IRD, Univ. Brest

Dr Caroline Ulses, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Univ. Paul-Sabatier, LA

Control examination + practical + personal work