MARYLAND FOR VICTORY BULLETIN Issued by the Communist Political Association of Maryland and District of Columbia 201 West Franklin Street - Baltimore-L Md. - Vernon 3421 Maryland Free State For Roosevelt and a Win-The-War Congress Baltimore Congressional Districts in Detail on Back Page.^

Maryland Free State For Roosevelt · 2017. 2. 11. · MARYLAND FOR VICTORY BULLETIN Issued by the Communist Political Association of Maryland and District of Columbia 201 West Franklin

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Page 1: Maryland Free State For Roosevelt · 2017. 2. 11. · MARYLAND FOR VICTORY BULLETIN Issued by the Communist Political Association of Maryland and District of Columbia 201 West Franklin

M A R Y L A N D F O R V I C T O R Y B U L L E T I N Issued by the Communist Political Association of Maryland and District of Columbia

201 West Franklin Street - Baltimore-L Md. - Vernon 3421

Maryland Free State For Roosevelt

a n d a

Win-The-War Congress

Baltimore Congressional Districts in Detail on Back Page.

Page 2: Maryland Free State For Roosevelt · 2017. 2. 11. · MARYLAND FOR VICTORY BULLETIN Issued by the Communist Political Association of Maryland and District of Columbia 201 West Franklin


REGISTRATION IN BALTIMORE CITY. From now until September 23rd everyone not yet registered, who has declared his intentions or is 21 years old before November /th, must register at Room 25, Court House, in order to vote on that dote. This office is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays and to noon on Saturdays. Organize your neighbors and members of your organizations to register. Write letters and send resolutions to the Oovernor at Annapolis demanding that the Registration office be open at night for people who can't go in the day, especially for the month of Sep­tember. Ring doorbells, visit neighbors, urge registration.

REGISTRATION IN THE COUNTIES. Registration dotes differ in the various coun­ties. EVERYONE NOT REGISTERED who has previously declared intentions or is 21 years old before November 7th must register on the special registration days announced in the county papers. Find out from your county courthouse WHEN AND WHERE registration will take place in your county and visit your neighbors to urge them to register for this election.

T h e P e o p l e o f t h e M a r y l a n d F r e e 9 - f o r a V i c t o r y A d m i n i s t r a ^

On the world's battlefronts, our American boys—together with our allies—are doing the job of wiping out Fascism. They are giving their youth, their blood, their very lives in unstinting sacrifice to build a world of peace, security and prosperity for all of us and our children. They know that this goal can be achieved only if Hitler and Tojo are crushed, and the peoples of America, Britain and the Soviet Union unite to build a post war world on the basis of the agreement reached at Teheran by Prime Minister Churchill, Marshall Stalin and President Roosevelt.

THE SECOND BILL OF RIGHTS They know that the President has already proposed his famous 8-point pro­

gram to Congress as the American version of the Teheran agreement. T h i s program calls for:

1. The right of every American to a job. 2. The right of everyone to earn enough for a decent living standard. 3. The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products for enough to

provide a decent living for his family. 4. The right of every business man to freedom from unfair monopolies

at home or abroad. 5. The right of every family to a decent home. B. The right of everyone to adequate medical care and to achieve and

enjoy good health. 7. The right of protection against old age, sickness, accident and unem­

ployment. 8. The right to a good education.

POST-WAR NECESSITIES They know that it will be impossible to achieve this program except on a basis

of world democracy, peace and cooperation to raise the standard of living of all the peoples of the world. They know that such a program depends upon the closest friendship and confidence in our Allies, and especially with Britain and Soviet Russia. They know that it will require a rapid reconversion of our war industry to peace­time purposes, maintaining our production^ expanding our world trade on a peaceful basis. And they know, finally, that these goals cannot be accomplished unless the people at home will organize themselves to defeat the enemies of our Commander-in-Chief on the home-front.

THE 1944 ELECTIONS For this reason, tha November elections are the most important elections in the

history of our country. For what will be decided in those elections will not be just whether we have a Republican or Democratic President or Congress, but whether we will go ahead to an era of peace and prosperity or sink backwards into a worse depression and even more frightful wars than we have experienced up to now; This is the real alternative that faces the people of our country, whether Republicans, Democrats or any other party or group.

THE ENEMIES OF VICTORY For the appalling fact is that the enemies of a people's victory and peace have

succeeded in taking over the complete leadership of the National Republican Party. Regardless of weasel words and phrases like "international cooperation" it was the same crew of defeatists and fascists, who fought against collective security and for appeasement, who wrote the CO.P. platform in Chicago and who engineered the nomination of Dewey and Bricker. Who are these men?

The "great engineer", Herbert Hoover, who sneers at the accomplishments of the Teheran agreement, who wants a war against the Soviet Union's alleged "aspira­tions to empire", who wants us to feed the Nazis by pretending to feed the children in the occupied countries, who "engineered" the great depression of the 30's, who shot down the veterans of the last war, and who demagogically calls Roosevelt a "Communist"—just like the Cerald L. K. Smiths and the other fascists now on trial in Washington for treason to the United States. It is no accident that Cerald Smith found it advisable to hold a meeting at the Stevens Hotel, in Chicago, where all the Republican bigshots were staying during the Convention.

Who else? Senator Vandenberg, who a short time ago made a speech on the Senate floor against the policy of Secretary Hull and our ally, the Soviet Union, with regard to that "poor little democracy, Finland" which has just finally demonstrated that its rulers have always been, and intend to stay in the war on the side of Hitler.

Senator Taft, the die-hard "isolationist", who engineerd obstruction and unprin­cipled partisan attacks against every necessary war measure in Congress including rationing and price ceilings, the soldiers' vote bill, anti-poll tax bill and many others.

DEWEY. THE DO-NOTHING CANDIDATE And how about Dewey himself, who spoke so "convincingly" about "areas of

agreement" on foreign policy, against unemployment, for the rights of veterans ? As Governor of New York, he has never repudiated his criticism of the Administration for establishing diplomatic relations with the Russian people. He only "hopes" that we may remain friendly to the Soviet Union. He was personally responsible for one of the worst soldier vote bills ever passed in any State, and more than 1,000,000 mem­bers of the armed forces may possibly be disfranchised this fall because of his refusal to accept Federal soldier ballots. He spoke demagogically against discrimination for the Negro and Jewish peoples, but filed all New York legislation on this subject in the waste basket. He is enthusiastically supported by all the fascists, KuKluxers

THE SOLDIER VOTE-- - -WHAT YOU CAN Any member of the armed forces over 21 years old, and wherever stationed, is entitled to vote under the Maryland law. etc. if out of the country. Even if such an absentee voter NEVER DECLARED INTENTIONS they can vote in Maryland anyh HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN DO: 1. Write to the Secretary of State, Annapolis, Md. giving the name and full address of the absentee voter in the armed forces and ask that he be sent an absentee ballot application.

2. Write to your soldier or sailor and urge them to write to Annapolis, giving their name, address and former address in Maryland, and ask for a ballot. Tell them to use a Federal

Page 3: Maryland Free State For Roosevelt · 2017. 2. 11. · MARYLAND FOR VICTORY BULLETIN Issued by the Communist Political Association of Maryland and District of Columbia 201 West Franklin


ELECTION DAY, November 7, is the pay-off. On this day, every supporter of the President has the job of getting out the vote—in his shop, in his neighborhood, by going from house to house and urging every enrolled voter to go to the polls. The future of America may depend on v/hether the Free State goes for Roosevelt and a v/in-the-wcr Congressional delegation, or foils, by default, into the lop of reaction. The way our 8 electoral votes go depends on the size of the vote. If the people turn out in full force, they ore sure to win.

l a t e C a m p a i g n l i o n

and anti-Semites in America, and by the Hearst, McCormick and Patterson press. In spite of his weasel words, they recognize their friend instinctively.

THE REAL REPUBLICAN PLATFORM The writers of the Republican platform know that the American people would

not go for their real reactionary program. So they filled their platform with all sorts of generalities about social security, health, the rights of labor, equal rights for women, intolerance, constitutional amendment on the poll tax (which would have to be ratified by 36 states), Palestine and so forth. But everything said was just a generality, as opposed to the President's specific 8-point program. Whenever pos­sible, they criticized the President for inadequacies for which Republican obstruc­tionism in Congress is chiefly responsible. And the rest was deliberate hog-wash to exploit every minor dissatisfaction with the war, plus a "promise" of hands-off eco­nomic problems, the same policy of do-nothingism as Hoover pursued from 1929 to 1932.

_ The American people will have no confidence in those who attempt to create national disunity and rifts among the United Nations, and will march to the polls on November 7th to defeat this threat to our future. We will, instead guarantee our country's future by voting overwhelmingly to renominate and reelect our President and Commander-in-Chief, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

A WIN-THE-WAR CONGRESS DELEGATION FROM MARYLAND But to do this job we need a win-the-war Congress also. And unfortunately

this aim cannot be reached by simply voting for all Democratic candidates. On the contrary, here in Maryland we have the spectacle of our Governor, Herbert Romulus O'Conor, and our Democratic political leaders, such as William Curran, publicly prais­ing a Republican Vice-Presidential candidate. Governor Bricker, and, at the same time, viciously attacking the President. We can have little confidence in the Con­gressional candidates selected by these men. On the other hand, we can't feel very trustful in the Republicans like Mayor McKeldin who went to Chicago and now echoes the demagogy of the Republican platform.

HOW TO GET IT The people of Maryland will have to become their own politicians, and organize

their forces both in and out of the labor movement for a real victory delegation to Congress from Maryland. Every candidate for Congress, whether Democrat or Republican, must be asked: Are you for or against the Teheran agreement? Are you for or against the 8-point program of President Roosevelt?

It is the common patriotic obligation of every honest citizen of the Maryland Free State to vote for the reelection of President Roosevelt and to send to Washing­ton six Congressmen who can honestly answer "for" to both questions.

DO ABOUT I T ! - - - -Also membi rs of the Merchant Marine, Red Cross, USO, ow if they resided in Maryland before Novemb^ 7, 1943.

lallot if they don't get one from Maryland. •tate Ballots will be mailed beginning September 1, 1944, and vill be counted if received before the polls close on November i.

N o v . 7 t h , M a r y l a n d W i l l C h o o s e B e t w e e n P r o g r e s s e n d R e n c t i e n

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O F BALTIMORE CITY Showing the Words and Precincts

Contoined Therein 1942





EIGHTEENTH WARD (Precincts 4. 7 and 81


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O F BALTIMORE CITY i Showing the Wards and PrecincTS

Contoined Therein 1942 i


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(J>recincts 9 to 14, inclusive)