Marking Period 4 4/21/2014 Do Now: What is a method actor? What are some examples of things that a method actor might do to get into the role he/she is playing? What actors do you know that identify as method?

Marking Period 4 4/21/2014

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Marking Period 4 4/21/2014. Do Now: What is a method actor? What are some examples of things that a method actor might do to get into the role he/she is playing? What actors do you know that identify as method? . Do Now: 4/24/2014. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Marking Period 4 4/21/2014

Marking Period 44/21/2014

Do Now: What is a method actor? What are some examples of things that a method actor might do to get into the role he/she is

playing? What actors do you know that identify as method?

Page 2: Marking Period 4 4/21/2014

Do Now: 4/24/2014

So far how is James Dean’s character different from a typical teenager? How are the three families (Starks, Crawfords, & Judy’s family) each different from what we expect a 1950’s family to look like?

Page 3: Marking Period 4 4/21/2014

Do Now: 4/28/2014

• How are the teens acting like juvenile delinquents in this film?

• Why do you think that this was fairly shocking for a 1950’s audience, consider particularly the background of these kids?

Page 4: Marking Period 4 4/21/2014

Do Now: 4/30/2014

• What are some of the themes present in Rebel without a Cause?

• What is the thematic connection to Le Torero Mort? Give supporting examples from the film to support your claim.

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Study: Test today

Page 6: Marking Period 4 4/21/2014

5/7/2014How did Nicolas Ray’s use of the following enhance the film:• The red color motif• The painting Le Torero Mort • The careful planning of the mise en scene• The disorienting camera anglesHow will you enhance your film through the use of these or similar techniques/inspirations?

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Do now: 5/12

• How will you choose whether to film in black & white or color?

• What are the benefits / disadvantages of each?

Page 8: Marking Period 4 4/21/2014

Do Now 5/14• What are the following shots used for? Give

an example of where we have seen these types of shot in the films we watched this year. Be specific!– Canted angle– Overhead shot– Low Angle

• Finish your camera height/ angle/shot distance handout. When finished make sure it is hole punched and in your notebook.

Objective: Film Editing/relevant terms

Page 9: Marking Period 4 4/21/2014

Do now 5/15 What did the advent of the Steadicam do for film? What is it used for and what can it help convey to the viewer? What films successfullyused the Steadicam and how?

What film relied heavily On handheld camera, and why?

Page 10: Marking Period 4 4/21/2014

DO Now 5/20:

Test today- Study terms!

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Do Now: 5/27

• What are some of Hitchcock’s trademarks that you have seen so far in Vertigo? So far are there any similarities between Vertigo and Psycho? What is different about these two films?

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• Describe the relationship that Scottie has with each of the women in the film. What color is used to represent each character and where do we see the color appear?

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Do Now: 6/2/2014

• Study!• Test today on Vertigo

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6/3• Make sure your link /DVD has been submitted

with everyone’s name on it. • Turn in screenplay with everyone’s name on it• Schedule for rest of year:– Today - watch Citizen Kane– Mon & Wed- watch student films– Thurs- Exam review

Page 15: Marking Period 4 4/21/2014

Do Now: 6/10/2014

• Explain this quote and how it relates to the film and the motif of Citizen Kane:

• “[He] was a man who got everything he ever wanted and then lost it. Maybe Rosebud was something he couldn’t get, or something he lost. Anyway it wouldn’t have explained anything. I don’t think any one word can explain a man’s life. No, I guess Rosebud is just a…piece in a jigsaw puzzle…a missing piece”

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Do Now 6/11

• So far what are the qualities that you are noticing that make up great student produced films?

• What do you see are common errors? Make a tip sheet of at least 10 tips to student filmmakers on improving their films overall.