Mark Your Calendars Now

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Mark Your Calendars Now

The fall season is upon us and there are many upcoming liturgical celebrations to be planned. We have Halloween at the end

of this month, with All Saints and All Souls the first two days of November followed by Thanksgiving at the end of the month and the great season of Advent beginning in December, culminating with the joy of Christmas.

How we plan for these celebrations will allow us to really enter into them and enjoy them, or our secular agenda will take over, and we will have the experience of stress and frenetic activity thus losing sight of their true importance. In our Sunday bulletin we will be given different ways to focus on these celebrations as they draw closer to us and how these special days can be shared with family and friends.

However, first things first, and this means making a commitment to stay focused on our lives of faith here at Our Lady of the Angels. As we well know, the major celebrations of Christmas depend upon the goodness of our community and our involvement in ministry and service to our brothers and sisters.

So I ask for your consideration as we plan for these upcoming events. As my mother used to say, “Many hands make light work." St. Francis said, “It is in giving that we receive." If we combine these two understandings, then our efforts will bring forth a fruitful harvest!

Peace and Good,

Fr. Peter Kirwin, OFM, Rector

Church of Our Lady of the Angels Pastoral Staffrector Fr. Peter Kirwin, ofm [email protected] x158church vicar Fr. Joseph Schwab, ofm [email protected] x152church vicar Fr. Bill Bried, ofm [email protected] x124deacon Dcn. Hervé Lemire [email protected] liturgy and music Norbert Zwickl [email protected] x126Jaime Gonzalez [email protected] x127executive assistant to the liturgy office Rosa Rodriguez [email protected] x121catechesis and sacraments Patty Tafolla [email protected] x154youth minister James Whitaker [email protected] x122faith in action ministry (social action) Patti Sills-Trausch [email protected] x130Bonnie Wasniewski [email protected] x155Laura Libertore [email protected] x156wedding scheduling Nellie Castro [email protected] x171

Franciscan Renewal Center Administrative Staffexecutive director Fr. Joseph Schwab, ofm [email protected] x152general manager and chief administrator officer Charles Brown [email protected] x175operations Mike Slivers [email protected] x129adult education, programs and retreats Rick Hardy [email protected] x160meetings and conferences Indra Tilgass-Rodney [email protected] x164counseling and support groups Judith McHale [email protected] x134spiritual direction Sharon Taszarek [email protected] x162finance Kristine m. cooK, cpa [email protected] x159Lora Nelson [email protected] x151volunteer opportunities Pat Bennier, CVA [email protected] x157sustainability Sarah Privée [email protected] x150Sue Force [email protected] x173Allison Brown [email protected] x346 communications Adam Stein [email protected] x123Patricia Lee [email protected] x147

Officers of the FRC BoardDoug Olesen, Chair Alanna M. Mack, CPA Treasurer William Anger, Esq., Vice Chair Arlene Davidson, Secretary

Phone 480.948.7460 | Fax 480.948.2325 | Website thecasa.org


RENEWAL is published weekly by the Franciscan Renewal Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization 5802 E. Lincoln Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85253. Federal Tax ID 86-0720036Printed by J.S. Paluch Company Inc. | Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.

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The 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Cycle COctober 15 & 16, 2016

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Simple Thoughts... Persistence. Prayer. Promise. Faith. ~ If we were to follow this weekend’s readings on a literal, surface level, we would all be standing on the street corner, in front of a court house, looking up at mountains, and reading from the Bible with our arms raised up for so long that they fall off...and we would be missing the point. The Psalm frames these readings perfectly. “Our help is from the Lord.” Moses’ hands were not raised in an empty gesture, but as a visible sign that God was with the Israelites in prayer, leading them to His promise. In the second reading, Paul continues to encourage Timothy to remain persistent, holding on to faith. In the Gospel, the widow is persistent in search for justice and receives it. So is that it? If we ask enough times, God will just give in? No…that would also be missing the point. Jesus uses the example of the dishonest judge to contrast the true promise we have with God. God is our help, and he will see us through. Persistence in prayer, relying on faith and trusting in the promise should be elements of our relationship with God. When we are in a good relationship with someone, we know what we should or should not ask for from the other. The Collect in the Roman Missal for today reflects this as well. “Almighty, ever-living God, grant that we may always conform our will to Yours.” Just like with music, writing, sports, or anything like this, the more we do something, the better we become. Prayer is the same way. We are called to be persistent in our prayer and, because we are, our faith grows and we can recognize God’s promise being fulfilled in our life. And persistence in prayer is easier than we may think…St. John Chrysostom points out that we do not need to always find a church, or a sacred space, or the right time. We can still pray, persistently, through our very life. He said, “It is possible to offer fervent prayer even while walking in public or strolling alone, or seated in your shop… while buying or selling… or even while cooking.” ~ Make your life a prayer, persistently placing it before God. This way, we build that relationship of faith with our loving father. In faith, we will know and live in His promise and He will always see us through.

~The Church Staff

Christmas Photography by Peter Jordan

Christmas Gospel Portrayal by the Casa Children’s Celebration Christmas in October? Yep! ~ All children are invited to participate in the Christmas Eve Gospel portrayal at the 3:30 p.m. Mass on December 24th. Requests for roles will be taken during October. Rehearsals will be held every Sunday from 10:30 - 11:00 am during November 2nd through December 21st. Contact Bev George at [email protected] or stop by the Casita for more information and to sign up.

In Presenza Di in the presence of

Italian for “In the presence of,” In Presenza Di is an opportunity for the entire community to gather before the Eucharist for a time of prayer, praise, teaching and adoration.

Wednesday, October 26th 7:00 - 8:30 pmReflection Music Fr. John Shetler Adam, Edel & Rocky

Adam & Rocky

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Family Faith Activities 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today we have a widow and a judge. The widow keeps asking for a fair judgment, persisting until the judge relents and delivers a decision in her favor. The widow never gave up hope.

How often have we listened to our kids asking, even nagging us, for something? It can certainly be annoying. I know that as a parent there were times I relented just because I was tired! Nagging in itself is not a positive trait, but persistence certainly can be if applied properly. Jesus tells us this story so that like the widow, we never give up hope and continue to pray to God, who always hears our prayers. What a wonderful lesson for all of us. Gather your family and ask “When do you ask God for help?” Read Luke 18:1-8 and discuss:

• What does the widow keep doing?• What is the judge like in the story? • Why does the judge finally give in?

Prayer Journey: While taking a walk or driving around, watch for “Prayer Possibilities." As you pass a neighbor, pray for them. When you pass a firehouse or police station, you can pray for them. If you hear sirens, pray for whomever they are going to help. Even when going to a store you can pray for the employees or patrons. This does take intentionality, but well worth the lesson of prayer for others that it provides.

Concluding Prayer: Gather your family into a circle. Explain that each of them will have a turn to ask God for something in prayer. Go around the circle and invite each person to pray their intentions. After each intention respond with “Lord hear our prayer."

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For more information about Baptisms, Sacramental Preparation and Family Catechesis, please contact Patty Tafolla at 480.355.0359 or [email protected]

Young Children and Mass…Really? Yes, Really!

It’s Sunday morning and time for Mass. Where are Joey’s shoes? Why is Sam crying again? Another diaper change? Finally you slip into Mass as quietly as possible with all your kids in tow and hope for the best. There has to be an easier way right? Well, truth be told, few things in life are easy, but bringing your kids to Mass is well worth the effort. Here are a few tips on taking your children to Mass to make things easier for you.

• Prioritize. Make going to Mass a routine and non-negotiable. Teach by example that this is what your family does. .

• Remember your goal. Well behaved kids at Mass or those who love Christ? We want to cultivate a love for Christ, so remaining cool and calm when the kids are not behaving like angels is important.

• Plan and prepare. Remind your kids of the behavior expected at Mass; explain why we need to be quiet – other people praying, etc.

• Pray on the way.

• Dress for success. This is not just a play date or trip to the park. Dressing nice imparts the importance of the occasion and helps cultivate respectful behavior.

• Bring supplies. As in Cheerios, unless your child likes to throw them rather than eat them. Children’s missals or holy books can be a good choice. Toy cars that are run up and down the seat in front of you, not so good.

• Participate and explain the Mass. Explain what is going on in an age-appropriate way. Teaching them the actions and responses to prayer in order to have them participate and feel that they belong.

Finally, bad days happen, but there is grace. (Catholic Link July 2015)

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Contact Mary Dunn to learn more about the La Verna Legacy Society and estate planning with the Franciscan Renewal Center. Call 480.355.0345, or visit thecasa.org/give/endowment-givingLa Verna


Helping to ensure the continuity of the Casa.

Have you remembered the Casa in your will or trust? Many of our donors wish to leave a legacy gift to the Casa endowment or to a designated ministry or program. Call us for a designation card to inform us of your wishes. We would love to celebrate you as a member of the La Verna Legacy Society and include you in all of our special events.

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,For information on upcoming events, the latest news and forms, visit us at CasaYouth.org or call James Whitaker at 480.355.0343

In the midst of a busy life, many people find it difficult to notice God’s action in their daily affairs. Yet, at the deepest level, many of us long for a more conscious experience of God’s presence and love.

A spiritual director/companion is trained to listen and encourage you to explore a closer relationship with God through conversation, listening and prayer.

If you are curious about spiritual direction at the Casa, or would like to make an appointment, please contact Sharon Taszarek: 480-355-5648 or [email protected]

Spiritual DirectionHow is God present or absent in your life?

Coming SoonOctober 20 Alpha Begins in Serra 6:00 pm All young adults welcome. Invite your friends.

October 23 Middle School Edge 11:00 am High School in Longo 5:00 pm

October 30 Youth Halloween Party in Longo 5:00 pm Carve pumpkins, spider toss, bowling for ghosts, candy corn bingo, guess that grossness. Come dressed as your favorite martyr and learn about the origins of All Hollow’s Eve’.

November 6 Middle School in Agnes 11:00 am High School in Longo 5:00 pm

For the latest news and general information, visit us at thecasa.org or call the Front Desk at 480.948.7460

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If you happen to be at the Casa on Saturday, October 22 during lunchtime …. two of our Faith in Action ministries will be selling their wares.When: From 11:00 am—1:30 pmWhere: On the sidewalk in front of the dining roomApache Fair Trade CraftsApache Fair Trade:• Pays fair prices to our crafters• Helps our artisans help themselves• Maintains Apache crafting traditions

Get a head start on Christmas shopping with Apache burden baskets, jewelry, beaded dog collars and more.Stop by the Casa Grounds for Solidarity table and enjoy our Fall promotions: • An extra time to purchase delicious fair-trade coffee• Gifts for all occasions—Gift Bags with the purchase of two (or more) bags of coffee; and• Keurig Users: Reusable K-cup and coffee scoop with the purchase of two or more bags of coffee. One per customer while supplies last.

Join our Casa Habitat Ministry

For the 2016 Fall Build in PhoenixThis is the 7th Habitat home we will help build, and once again we are pleased to partner with our fellow builders at the St. Patrick Catholic Community. No tools or experience is required. Wear closed-toe shoes, regular work clothes in layers, and be ready to get dirty. The construction crew must be at least 16 years old to be on-site. 10/22/16 —Wall Raising, build starts at 6:30 am12/3/16 — Build starts at 7:30 am

Additional build dates in 2017 for the Phoenix/Peoria Ave house: 1/28/172/25/173/4/17 (Dedication) We also need volunteers willing to help us provide lunches for the builders. Interested? Email [email protected]; or Visit the Casa Habitat Ministry in the Hospitality Area after all the Masses on this weekend October 15 & 16.

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Contact us at 480.948.7460 Patti Sills-Trausch at x130 or [email protected], Laura Libertore at x156 or [email protected] or Bonnie Wasniewski at x155 or [email protected]


Guaymas Hospitality Ministry: Hosting Guaymas Families After Visiting the Shriners Clinic This ministry, which truly lives out Franciscan Hospitality, is in need of more volunteers. Four to six times a year we need host families who will share their home with a child and their parent after they visit the Shriners Clinic. This time we need overnight hosts for 12 children and their parents arriving from Guaymas, on Friday, November 4th. Your responsibility would be:1. Be at the Casa at 2:00 pm to meet the families after their appointments at the Shriners Clinic.2. Take the visitors home and provide dinner, a bed and some basic entertainment (Spanish TV for example)3. Bring them back to the Casa by 6 am on Saturday morning.

No Spanish necessary, but a basic Spanish class will be held on Sunday, October 30th from 9 – 10:30 am in the Ventura Room in Piper Hall. See the Guaymas Hospitality Table after each Mass next weekend for more information on how to join this ministry. We need you even if you can’t work this November date!

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Peace. Renewal. Good.

Franciscan Renewal Center 5802 East Lincoln DriveScottsdale, Arizona 85253

480.948.7460 phone800.356.3247 toll free

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Be the change you want to see in the world!To register for Faith in Action Programs, call 480.948.7460 ext. 132 or visit thecasa.org

Ecological Movies to Inspire Conversation and ActionOctober 21, Friday 6:00-9:00 pm

WE ARE RACING EXTINCTIONUtilizing state-of-the-art equipment, Oscar® winner Louie Psihoyos (The Cove) assembles a team of artists and activists intent on showing the world never-before-seen images that expose issues of endangered species and Mass extinction.

Racing Extinction: The FilmIn "Racing Extinction," a team of artists and activists exposes the hidden world of extinction with never-before-seen images that will change the way we see the planet. Two worlds drive extinction across the globe, potentially resulting in the loss of half of all species. The international wildlife trade creates bogus markets at the expense of creatures that have survived on this planet for millions of years. And the other surrounds us, hiding in plain sight — a world that the oil and gas companies don’t want the rest of us to see. Using covert tactics and state-of-the-art technology, the "Racing Extinction" team exposes these two worlds in an inspiring affirmation to preserve life as we know it. From the Academy Award® Winning Filmmakers of "The Cove."

Fees: $10, includes light meal.

Pre-registration required.

Creation Connection Movie Night

November 11, Friday, 7-9 pm Join us for a lively discussion centered around the topic for this evening: RECONCILING DIFFERENCES, facilitated by Mark Klym. Now that the elections are over, where do we go from here? Oftentimes people want to hear what others have been thinking. Or maybe it is you who would like to voice your opinion on this particular HOT topic? The style of the program will be friendly with the hopes that a “sharing” of ideas takes place.

An important part of the discussion is remembering to be a good listener. The topic may be a particular passion of yours but it may also be someone else’s passion who has a differing opinion. This will be an opportunity to come together for sharing views and perhaps even discover some solutions!

Dessert and coffee will be served. Please consider joining us.

Fee: $10, includes coffee and dessert. Pre-registration required.

Hot TopicsConversation, Coffee

& Cool Desserts


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For more information or to register for any of these programs please visit thecasa.org or call 480.948.7460 ext. 132

Step Up Your Job SearchFriday, October 21 and Saturday, October 229:00 am - 12:00 pmA two-day, practical-skills workshop with Greg Harnyak, author, psychologist, corporate outplacement expert.

Facing a job search can be stressful for anyone, but especially for individuals who have been working for a decade or more. Let presenter Greg Harnyak help you build not only confidence, but the skills to back it up. You’ll explore all aspects of a job search,

using coached exercises and group discussions. A personal resume review is also included!

Fee: $15; plan to attend both sessions. Pre-registration required.

Leap of Faith for Thursday, October 27Conscience= Freedom

Dr. Kathleen Schinhofen, Presenter

Kathy Schinhofen returns to conclude this series, just in time for the November election. As the campaigning season (finally) comes to a close, Kathy will

explore with you the gift and the power of the well-formed conscience. Based on the documents of the Second Vatican Council, this session will help give you the confidence to make good decisions in the light of faith, whether in the voting booth or any other everyday life setting. As those who attended the first session in this series already know, she is a knowledgeable and engaging presenter. Don’t miss it!

Fee: $25, includes dinner. Dinner at 6:00 pm; Presentation from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Pre-registration required.

A Few Words…

Dear Friends,Today’s bulletin includes several educational and enrichment events that I would like to recommend in person – at least as much in person as it can be to have a postage-stamp picture of me, looking off this page at you….

Conscience = Freedom: Asked about how Catholic should vote in the upcoming U.S. election, Pope Francis recently said, “The people are sovereign. I will only say: Study the proposal well, pray, and choose in conscience.”

It’s no accident that the Leap of Faith Series has been about forming one’s conscience, nor that this final session is entitled “Conscience = Freedom.” In fact, as those who attended last month’s session heard, the word “freedom” is all over the teachings on moral choice and conscience.

Dr. Kathy Schinhofen, having offered the first session in this series, now presents its conclusion. Drawing from the document “Gaudium et Spes” (Joy and Hope), she will help cement what has come throughout this series: that the adult conscience, once formed, must be followed; that making a moral choice is an act of free will that brings joy to the one who makes the right choice.

High Schoolers, you can attend free if you register with James Whitaker. And you can add dinner for just $8.00.

Step Up Your Job Search: This is a hands-on, practical workshop for people who are between jobs at the moment. Greg Harnyak is an expert and author on the subject of making an effective job search, and can offer a real-world, practical path for you to follow in making your next career move. There are two sessions in two days, with a bit of homework in between. You’re expected to attend both, and the cost is low. (If “low” isn’t low enough, don’t hesitate to request a scholarship when you register.)

If you have questions or suggestions regarding Adult Education, Retreats, and related topics, please be in touch via email or phone.

Blessings, peace, and good,

Rick HardyDirector of Programming

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For more information or to register for any of these programs please visit thecasa.org or call 480.948.7460 ext. 132

Kissed by Mercy, Embraced by LoveNovember 4–6, Friday–SundayFr. Philip Chircop, SJ

Months ago Pope Francis announced an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. It started on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2015

and will end on November 20, 2016, the Feast of Christ the King.

It has been said that mercy is the capacity to enter the chaos of another, facilitating healing, wellness and wholeness in the process. In this retreat we will explore what it means to believe in a God whose mercy is fresh every morning and our call to practice mercy in all our encounters, on a daily basis.

Personal Spiritual Direction will be available as desired

Fees, including meals: Commuter $140, with lodging $225 single room, $175 per person double room. Pre-registration required.

Fr. Philip Chircop, SJ, was born on the Mediterranean archepelago nation of Malta. He has advanced degrees in pastoral Theology, Communications, and Spirituality. He has worked in high schools, universities, and in parish settings in various capacities. He is now in his 18th year as a full-time presenter of retreats throughout the world.

Practicing Mercy Retreat

The Struggle and Way Toward Forgiveness of Self, Others, and GodNovember 11–13, Friday –SundayRev. Norm Douglas, presenterLarry Vullemin, presenter

Forgiveness is easy for God, but can be so difficult for us! And even when we are able to forgive others, it can be especially challenging to forgive ourselves. What better way to conclude the “Year of Mercy” than with this beautiful retreat on the subject and pursuit of forgiveness? You will learn how to be freed from anger, resentment and guilt. You’ll have the opportunity to experience inner healing as well as the outward steps toward vital living and loving.

Personal Spiritual Direction will be available as desired.

Fees: Commuters, $140 including meals. With lodging, $225 single, $175 double, per person. Pre-registration required.


Detail from the icon Pentecost, created by Pam and Chris Bork at a recent Brush with God retreat.

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RENEWING LIVES Ourselves. Our Communities. Our World.


For more information regarding the RENEWING LIVES initiative, please call 480.355.0357. To share your Casa story, please call 480.355.0355.

Since 1951, the Casa has been renewing lives through spiritual growth, healing and transformation, and serving others.

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Discover what you've been missing—Discover the Vision this Thursday!

More than 1,000 community members and friends of the Casa have Discovered the Vision with a behind-the-scenes view of all that happens here.

Let friars, staff and volunteers surprise you with things you never knew about the Casa's mission and services.

If you've already experienced this one-hour event, invite your friends and family and let us surprise them, too!

DISC OVER THE VISION Thursday, 20 October 2016, 6:00 pmThursday, 3 November 2016, 11:00 amThursday, 17 November 2016, 6:00 pmThursday, 1 December 2016, 11:00 am

Three ways to reserve your spot today: online: thecasa.org/discover-vision/phone: 480.355.0357 email: [email protected]

Dialogue with others, prayers for all: these are our means to give rise to love where there is hatred, forgiveness where there is offence.—Pope Francis on Twitter

212 core volunteer members of our Faith in Action Ministries in FY 2016

Whether you’ve been visiting the Casa for many years, or have recently joined us, we’d love to know what drew you here and what

keeps you coming back. This space is for you to express how the

Casa enriches your life. Do you feel inspired by weekly Mass, use the Meditation Chapel for quiet reflection or find peace while walking the labyrinth? Have you attended a retreat, joined a group or participated in a workshop? Has your faith been renewed, deepened or transformed?

Many of our community members express that finding unique opportunities to serve others at the Casa gives them joy. If you have a special passion for and commitment

Do you have a Casa story?

to one of our ministries, use this space to share stories about the volunteer work-behind-the-scenes that is being done here and why it is so important to you.

Our hope is t h at e v e r y o n e w h o e n t e r s the Casa feels welcomed and knows they are an important part of what makes it special. We strive to maintain our small-community feel through relationships and generosity of spirit. Sharing our stories is a great way to get to know one another and lift our spirits.

To learn how you can share your story, email [email protected].

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We offer non-profit organizations an exclusively serene gathering place for meetings, conferences and special events. With spaces and lodging designed to inspire the mind and soothe the spirit, as well as exceptional food to nourish the body, the Franciscan Renewal Center is a wellness plan for non-profits that allows them to renew and recharge. Take a Google Virtual Tour of the campus at CasaMeetings.org. We appreciate referrals of churches, non-profits or government entities.


For more information about our Counseling Ministry, please call 480.948.7460, ext. 134 or email: [email protected]

We Are Here for YOU…We welcome all who are interested in attending.

Counseling Support GroupsNo appointments required for groups listed below

Monday: 6:30 - 8:00 pm: Divorce & Separation/Relationship EndingsTuesday: 5:30 - 7:00 pm: Grief Support Group 6:30 - 8:30 pm: Depression Support Group Individual SessionsIndividual sessions are available mornings, afternoons and evenings, Monday - Friday, and require an appointment.

To make an appointment, please call the Counseling Ministry at 480.948.7460 ext. 133, 8:30 am - Noon. If you know someone who is looking for help, answers, guidance or just needs someone to listen, please suggest our counseling ministry.

For more information about hosting your next non-profit event at the Casa, contact Indra Rodney, Director of Meetings & Conferences at 480.355.5632 or [email protected].

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• Comfortable conference rooms of various sizes• Private guest rooms with individual baths• A/V equipment and high speed internet• Full-service dining room featuring

buffet-style meals

• Poolside and courtyard area for relaxing under the sun or stars

• Quiet places for reflection including the Meditation Chapel and Healing Garden

• Views of Camelback and Mummy Mountains

Judith McHale, MA, LPC, Director of Counseling Ministry

Indra Rodney

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Private retreats provide time away in a peaceful place for solitude, rest, renewal and prayer.

A directed retreat provides you with a spiritual director as a guide to help structure your quiet time with Scripture, prayer and spiritual practices that will deepen your retreat experience.

A non-directed retreat is an opportunity to spend your time however you choose.

For rates and reservations – call Amy: 480.948.7460

Rest. Renew. Pray.

Private Retreats

5802 E. Lincoln Drive l Paradise Valley, AZ 85253480.948.7460 l thecasa.orgHelping to ensure the continuity of the Casa.

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For the latest news and general information, visit us at thecasa.org or call the Front Desk at 480.948.7460

Sock Collection DriveOctober 29 & 30for the guests of André House

André House is a ministry to the homeless and poor populations of the Phoenix Area. Located in the heart of downtown, they provide services to hundreds of people in need every day. Clothing is provided free of charge to approximately 150 people each week. All visitors can pick out a pair of socks to keep their feet dry and, as the winter approaches, warm. Checks and cash donations are also gratefully accepted.

We need volunteers to help us collect donations at all Saturday and Sunday Masses.

If you can help, please sign up at the Front Desk.

The Faith in Action Ministry of the Casa thanks you for your generosity!

Trick or Treat Warm Their Feet

Save the Environment Support the Casa

We recycle... all ink jets, toner cartridges and cell phones.

The community benefits...because the proceeds are used to provide supplies for our Coffee and Donut ministry after all Masses.

Please bring your returns to our front desk — help the environment and the Casa.

Contact Bev George for more information [email protected].

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Mass Intentions for Next Week: Oct. 22–29Sunday: Pro-Populo; Mrs. Kay Dickholtz; Elizabeth Steves; Coco Marquez-JimenezMonday: Ronald RomeoTuesday: Father John A. MeyerWednesday: Daryl NidifferThursday: Jean, Dave, Kyle And NicoleFriday: Ana MonteroSaturday: Daryl Nidiffer; David James French

About the Franciscan Renewal CenterThe Franciscan Renewal Center began in 1951 as a place for retreat programs. Affectionately known as the “Casa de Paz y Bien” or simply “the Casa,” it is today a Catholic renewal center in Paradise Valley, Ariz., offering spiritual growth, healing and transformation that moves lives into the service of others.

The Casa is an active religious community of the Order of Friars Minor — part of the worldwide Franciscan family, following in the footsteps of Sts. Francis and Clare of Assisi. The Casa is a wholly owned entity of the Franciscan Province of Saint Barbara, based in Oakland, Calif., that works cooperatively with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix.

Activities at the Casa include daily and Sunday Mass, retreats, gathering space for non-profit groups, licensed behavioral health counseling, as well as more than 50 volunteer ministries that give aid to the poor or vulnerable, empower individuals to improve their circumstances, and build community fellowship. Discover more at TheCasa.org

For the latest news and general information, visit us at thecasa.org or call the Front Desk at 480.948.7460

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Men in Spirit Our purpose is to help further spirituality and the responsibilities of Christian men. We do this through discussion, study, lectures and guidance. We meet on the first Saturday of the month for Mass at 7:00 am, followed by breakfast and our meeting. Contact: Al Sapia-Bosch or Chuck Jirauch: [email protected]

AZ Males On the last Wednesday of each month from 5:30 - 8:00 pm, men gather to sit in a circle we call "Illuman Men's Council" for growing the work of Illuman, reflection, contemplation, sharing and fellowship. Join us, meet other men on the spiritual journey, and learn about Arizona Males Spirituality, a licensed affiliate of Illuman. azmalespirituality.org

Cornerstone at the Casa has moved from the Casita to the Spiritual Direction Center across the driveway due east of the Tekakwitha meeting room. Meditation times: Monday 6:00 pm and Wednesday, 11:30 am in the Spiritual Direction Center; Friday 11:30 am in the Meditation Chapel will resume in October. Intro for beginners meditation is contemplative prayer in the Christian tradition, honoring the Year of Mercy.The Casa Prayer Partners Ministry petitions prayers and prays for our human family. Send requests to: [email protected]

Readings & Mass Intentions October 16–22, 2016

Sunday Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121:1-8; 2 Tm 3:14–4:2; Lk 18:1-8 Pro-Populo 7:30 am Bob Loptus 9:15 am Patricia Kessler 11:00 am Barabara Cooper 7:00 pm

Monday Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Ms. Lee Kratofil 7:00 am

Tuesday 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Christine Fitzner 7:00 am

Wednesday Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Bob Brown 7:00 am Thursday Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Randy Beck 7:00 am

Friday Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 William Day 7:00 am

Saturday Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Gregory Newkirk 7:00 am Janie Marie Martinez 5:00 pm

NextSunday Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14

The intentions listed here will be the intentions of the priest and will not be announced to the gathered assembly.

Page 14: Mark Your Calendars Now

This Week at the CasaOctober 16–October 23, 2016

Sunday9:00 am Straight Talk Theology9:15 am Casa's Children Celebration5:00 pm Hogan's Heroes5:00 pm High School Youth Group

Monday6:00 pm Cornerstone Meditation6:30 pm Divorce, Separation & Significant Relationship Ending Support Group

Tuesday5:30 pm Grief Support Group6:00 pm Rosary6:30 pm Depression Support Group7:00 pm RCIA Inquiry Session

Wednesday10:00 am Arizona Bible Class11:30 am Cornerstone Meditation7:00 pm The Art of Intentional Loving

Thursday7:45 am Contemplative Prayer9:30 am Daughters of Eve4:00 pm Center for Leadership Wellness Coaching Session6:00 pm Discover the Vision6:30 pm Mindfulness Drop In GatheringFriday9:00 am Step Up Your Job Search6:00 pm Creation Connection Movie Night

Saturday9:00 am Franciscan Best Friends

Some of these events require advance registration. Please visit thecasa.org or call 480.948.7460 for more information.

thecasa .org • RENEWAL

Your prayers are appreciated, as our contractor, Haydon Building Corporation, and our Architect, Westlake Reed Leskosky, continue to diligently work together to construct our new church. It is an exciting time at the Casa. Thank you for being part of this historic journey and our shared vision for the future.

October 16, 2016 • Twenty–ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time