Does “faking-it” help your level of self-confidence and self-esteem? Graduation Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Department of English Language and Literature Notre Dame Seishin University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree Bachelor of Arts by Mariya Ando 2015 1

- Rob Waring Web viewThis thesis was about learning how subjects build up their confidence level whilst using the Faking Method or without, and discussing what the connection is between

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Does “faking-it” help your level of self-confidence and self-esteem?

Graduation Thesis

Presented to

the Faculty of the Department of

English Language and Literature

Notre Dame Seishin University

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree

Bachelor of Arts


Mariya Ando



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ContentsChapter One: Body and Brain

1.1 What can Power Posing do, and what About it ......................................................5

1.2 How to control your mind with your body...............................................................6

1.2.1 Why do some people have confidence while some do not?.............................6,7

1.2.2 Body language says a lot about you................................................................7~8

1.3 Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence ................................................8~9

1.3.1 The Faking-Method .............................................................................................9

1.3.2 Does Fake-it method work?...........................................................................9~10

1.4 Research Questions ............................................................................................10

1.5 Conclusion......................................................................................................10~11

Chapter Two: Can one build up self-confidence and self-esteem with the Faking-

Method or without? 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................12

2.2 Experiment ..........................................................................................................12

2.2.1 Questionnaire ........................................................................................... 12~13

2.2.2 Method.........................................................................................................13~15

0) Aim......................................................................................................................... 13

1) Subjects ...........................................................................................................13~14

2) Test design.......................................................................................................14~15

3) Procedure...............................................................................................................15

2.2.3 Results.........................................................................................................15~36

2.3 Summary..............................................................................................................36

Chapter Three: Fake-it method and no Fake-it method explained

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 37~38

3.2 Summary of the results ........................................................................................38

3.2 Discussion of the results ..............................................................................38~40

3.3 Research questions .......................................................................................40~41


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3.4 Implications ....................................................................................................41~42

3.5. Limitations of the Experiments.............................................................................42

3.5. Further research............................................................................................42~43

3.6. Conclusion ..........................................................................................................43

References ........................................................................................................44~45

Appendices ......................................................................................................46~51


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AbstractThis thesis was about learning how subjects build up their confidence level whilst

using the Faking Method or without, and discussing what the connection is between

having self-esteem and confidence. It also looked at how speaking clearly (in English) is

affected to their confidence level.

The Faking-Method (Power Posing) raises the testosterone level, and makes

people be more confident when they face difficulties, and anxieties. This method has led

to a lot of positive feedback from the results of the experiment. When subjects receive

compliments after they did the Power Posing they felt better and would think positively

about themselves. It is important for people to show their true self and true opinions.

Positive feelings can lead people to have freedom through difficulties and anxieties.

Subjects without doing the Faking Method did things that motivate and,

encourage them to achieve their goals. This took more time to build their confidence

level than the Faking Group.

When people face difficulties, problems can be hard to deal with and their

confidence level can lower. For example, most of the subjects from this experiment

answered, when they talk or stand in front of a lot of people they get very nervous and

feel incompetent. Some also answered when they speak by phone they do not feel

comfortable, but at the same time they can be confident about other things. It is just as

important to notice what one is not good at, and try to deal with it.

Having confidence and self-esteem is different. People have various things they

may not be good at, but that does not necessarily make one’s self esteem level lower.

Self-esteem is something that one grew up with, culture, life environment, experiences

and more. It is one’s personality that changes the level of it. Confidence comes from

one’s experience that is how self-esteem is going to be affected. When people have

high self-efficacy level, they would think they have the ability to achieve their goals. In

this case Faking Method can help build people’s confidence level by forcing themselves

to face their difficulties by doing Power Posing primarily.


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Chapter 1: Body vs Brain

1.1 What can Power Posing do, and what is it?It is interesting to know how confidence, or self-esteem level change without any

obvious reason from one’s life background environment, education, and difficulties that

contains negative emotions. That is because many people tend to be insecure as we

will see later, but in this thesis we are going to discuss a method called “Fake it till you

make it”-., or also called “Fake it till you become it” by doing Power Posing to see if

people can raise their self-confidence.

An inspiring speech by Cuddy (2013) explained “How your body posture can

change your mind” from her experience. In the speech, Cuddy said she has always

been an excellent learner, but that was only until one day she had an accident that

cause her brain damage. Cuddy was utterly shocked that her IQ level had dropped, and

could not imagine what would happen to her future, because something special was

taken away from her. After that, one day at her university, she felt that she had to quit,

because she thought she was an imposter, but her professor stopped her saying that

she must not do it, that must continue making effort, to pretend that she had the power

to do it up till the end by forcefully changing her mind that she can actually do it, and

Cuddy made it till the end, to change “Fake-it till you make it” to “Fake-it till you become


The Faking-it method was also explained in an article research report by

(Carney, Cuddy, Yap,2010) which said it is about doing high power non-verbal displays,

that is also called as “Power Posing” when people are having opposite feelings, also

explained it can give people tolerance to be braver and take higher risks. (Carney,

Cuddy, Yap, 2010)

But “How does your body posture change your mind?”-. First, this has aroused

curiosity through some reasons, one of them is because what people usually do is to

think before taking actions, and also they would not quickly notice how they can change

how people think, that there is still a possibility to change one’s confidence level by

changing their body postures. Power Posing can help people’s anxieties and difficulties

when they encounter occasions they do not like or become nervous about.


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1.2. How to control your mind with your bodyOur body postures change due to our moods and feelings, we see happy people

standing straight, sad people slouching their backs, but can people control their minds

by changing body postures?

High or low displays can change one’s hormone level to good or bad. That is

because high-power non-verbal displays (Power-Posing) or low-power displays cause

both neuroendocrine and behavioral changes to people, both women and to men who

experience those actions. People who do high-power posing would have high

testosterone level which is about having dominance, but a lower cortisol level which is

connected with stress. Having a higher level of testosterone, can make people have

more confidence, which cortisol does not. (Carney, Cuddy, Yap, 2010). Power-Posing

changes one’s testosterone level to a higher level and cortisol level lower. Thus Power-

Posing can affect one’s actions to more risky ones. It gives people more confidence.

Body can change thoughts, minds.

At the end of the speech, Cuddy told people to actually try out the Power Posing

for those who do not have enough confidence to show who they really are, that this idea

can lead you to become better with having confidence or have a little more confidence

than one feel about his or her previous self.

As general ideas say, having a certain level of confidence level is to show people

that you are relaxed, full of experiences and people who are easy to talk to are

considered as confident people. People can have problems on having a certain level or

self-esteem level, because sometimes they feel they do not have enough experience or

do not deserve doing what they want to do, or not enough to level up with other people.

We will look at that in the next chapter of how subjects feel that way, because having

confidence and self-esteem is different.

Having the idea which people feel they do not deserve that means they have low

self-esteem level, but there is always a reason why these things happen, this will be

explained in the next section.

1.2.1 Why do some people have confidence while some do not?


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There are numerous reasons why people have difficulties on having confidence

which also leads to their level of self-esteem change.

Being confident in certain things does not mean they are always confident. One

may not be good at drawing but good at singing, but one can be not good at both of that

but very good at giving advices to someone, but that is just one of the reasons about

being insecure about certain things. That may happen when one is concerned about

being good at it but that only depends on each person. Some may not even care even if

they are not good at singing or good at math for example. It does not make them feel

insecure about themselves, because they are not curious or do not feel the need of

being good at certain things. Those types of people can be considered as confident in

their own way, because they already feel comfortable with whom they really are now.

We expect there will be two types of ideas about people having that certain level

of self-confidence. One is people who are too conscious about their faults, and the

others are people who are not. In other words to explain this case, sometimes people

feel insecure about something and when that happens they feel negatively, but there

are also times that they do not care much about their other insecurities. At times people

become vulnerable when they cannot do average things, that is because they compare

others to themselves. This statement will be connected to self-esteem. This can also

affect how people deal with their difficulties. (Wikipedia, 2012)

1.2.2 Body language says a lot about you

It is mostly unconscious that people convey feelings with their actions. When

people feel or think negatively, their body posture mostly become smaller. It is not

natural to see a depressed person stretching their arms above their head, and we do

judge people by their appearances by explaining the former sentence.

People judge and influence each other. From Cuddy’s previous research, in our

society, people interact or perceive each other through two types of critical variables;

those are called (warmth and competence). Throughout these traits, it will be easy to

define how people act. Through that, one can make different kinds of pictures and

perspectives about one to another. “Warmth” here meant kindness, trustworthiness, and

“Competence” meant for having confidence and knowledge that means one is capable


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and able to produce something special.

For example, people who are “warm and competent” are likely to be admired, but

in the other hand people who are “cold and competent” they are likely to be envied and

“Warm and incompetent” people pitied. “Cold and incompetent” people are likely to feel

the contempt of others, but of course for all types it is not ideal to over exaggerate. For

example elder people are seen usually as -(warm and incompetent)-. Inevitably, people

acknowledge others by their appearances, because we judge people by their

nationality, gender or race. That is why most of the time people make faulty impressions

others, and in vice versa. (Fiske, S.T., Cuddy, A.J., Glick, P. and Xu, J., 2002)

Our body language says a lot about ourselves, but it is a choice how we act

towards others to gain trustworthiness and a potential image, of course that is if one

desires to, and before judging others it is important to see what is behind people’s

faces, and to acknowledge how they feel when being judged.

1.3 Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence"The construct of self-efficacy differs from the colloquial term 'confidence.'

Confidence is a nonspecific term that refers to strength of belief but does not

necessarily specify what the certainty is about. I can be supremely confident that I will

fail at an endeavor. Perceived self-efficacy refers to belief in one's agentive capabilities

that one can produce given levels of attainment. A self-efficacy belief, therefore,

includes both an affirmation of a capability level and the strength of that belief.

Confidence is a catchword rather than a construct embedded in a theoretical system."

Self-efficacy controls one’s emotions, actions, and thoughts. It is the center of the social

cognitive theory. (Bandura, 1994)

People who have high level of self-esteem may give the idea of being a confident

person, that is why confident people are likely to be seen as a person who has high

level of self-esteem, but there is difference between these two concepts. Confidence

may give a positive effect towards self-efficacy but not in vice versa.

Self-esteem is about one’s sense of self-worth. For example someone is not

good at rock climbing, that does not mean he or she does not have self-esteem, nor

feeling worthless but lower self-efficacy level, because one notices that he or she is not


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good at it, because self-efficacy means having that perception or belief of one’s ability to

reach the goal. (Bandura, 1994)

1.3.1 The Faking-Method“Fake it till you make it” is a catchphrase that means to pretend to be confident in

order to be successful in a difficult or negative situation which people have. The belief is

that this will generate real confidence. This was experimented in various universities.

One was from Wake Forest University where, scientists primed 50 students to be

outgoing, in other words being the opposite of an introvert person. The more students

became assertive the more they become happier and positive. (2011, Prevention

Magazine). It was found that even doing Power-Posing (faking method) for two minutes

before job interviews, speeches, will boost one’s testosterone level that leads to more

confidence in one’s self.

People can feel positive when they do the Faking Method in occasions that they

do not actually like or do not feel right being in it. Especially for job interviews, the

interviewers can really be intense for the participants. Situations that expose people

usually make them nervous and insecure for those who hate to stand and participate in

front of a lot of people. But does it work and help them to be confident, and change how

the way they think about themselves positively?

1.3.2 Does the Fake-it method work?Fake-it Method works to a person who continues it. It is important because once

one have achieved his or her goals whilst doing this they will feel like being a different

person. (Cuddy, Ted, 2012)

When they continue doing this method they will feel they have grown up with

their experiences, but also one has to be strong to what they feel about themselves to

go on. There are tough times in one’s life, it will not be easy forever. Having strong will

is necessary as well.

It is also difficult to say whether making big body postures build up confidence

decisively for everyone because each person has different feelings, confidence level

and self-esteem level. If one has low self-esteem it will be difficult for him or her to move


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on about her difficulties, and problems, but it also depends on situations because one

might build up their self-esteem level in a certain situation or environment, the same for

confidence level. For example, one is very good at singing but extremely shy to sing in

front of many people. There are two statements there, singing is a talent, which means

one is being competent while being shy. From an opposite view, one might not be good

at singing, but brave enough to make a speech in front of many people. People can be

confident about certain things but it does not make one to control everything about his

or her feelings.

Faking Method is supposed to build up one’s confidence level to manipulate their

hormone levels, and to help them feel positively when they are in difficult times, but

there will be times not being able to force one’s feelings.

1.4 Research Questions1. Can subjects overcome their anxieties without doing the faking-it method?

2. Is it possible that the fake-it method change one’s perspective in a good way?

3. Can subjects change their confidence level positively when they feel negative, and

how do they do it?

4. What kind of method did subjects do without faking-it?

5. What image do the subjects have about confidence?

6. What do subjects think about why some people are confident and some are not?

7. Did doing a daily blog influence the subjects’ self-esteem level and confidence level?

1.5 ConclusionIn Chapter One, the two main topics were discussed. They were about what

Power-Posing and Fake-It method are. Also explained how people tend to interact and

judge each other by their appearances inevitably because of stereotype concepts, the

two main topic is to change that idea in a few different ways by actually acknowledging

people not by appearances, but stereo type concept is severely infiltrated into humanity,

but that does not necessarily mean people cannot open their point of view.

In the next chapter, we will research how to improve one’s confidence level by

doing the Power-Posing, in other words the Fake-it method. This is to make subjects


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see or understand how important having self-confidence is, and to make other people

see who we really are, not relatively by our appearance, also to show how to be better

by doing the Fake-It method. Also we want to know how subjects process their self-

esteem level through a self-esteem questionnaire. The purpose of doing it is to see if

the daily blog worked for groups.


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Chapter Two: Can one build self-confidence and self-esteem with faking-it method, or without? 2.1 Introduction

In Chapter One we discussed why it is difficult for some people to build up

confidence, but for other people it is not. Their level of confidence derives from their life,

education background, and skill knowledge and the questionnaire reported in this

chapter will help to clarify that.

Two questionnaires and a daily diary project on blogger.com were made to look

for any progresses or changes subjects made while doing the faking-method. To know

subjects’ self-esteem level, a questionnaire was given with the Confidence

Questionnaire 2, to see if the faking-it method has helped their self-esteem level.

2.2 Experiment

The experiment was to separate subjects into two groups, Group A (fake-it) and

Group B (no-faking the No-Faking). To do this we can see the differences between

these two groups as looking through their answers of the Confidence Questionnaires 1,

and 2. Group A were given tasks to do the faking-it method. The Subjects set their

goals, and listed what they wanted to improve.

Group B was asked to set their goals, and were asked about what they do

regularly to meet their goals. Two questionnaires were made for the experiment

Confidence Questionnaire 1 and 2. In Questionnaire 1, people were asked general

questions about what having confidence is about, and also about their English skill

level. In Questionnaire 2, questions from Confidence Questionnaire 1 were brought into

2 to see how subjects change their opinions through time while doing the daily blog


2.2.1 QuestionnaireThe first questionnaire asked subjects about their thoughts about having

confidence, their confidence-level, and self-esteem level. 20 people answered this

questionnaire. For the daily blog, Group A had 6 subjects and 7 subjects for Group B.


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The former group will do the Faking Method while Group B will do their daily routine to

achieve their goals.

The development between these two groups, was determined by Confidence

Questionnaire 2. Most of the questions of Confidence Questionnaire 2 were the same

as Confidence Questionnaire 1, it is too see the development from 1 to 2, whether

subjects changed their ideas towards having confidence or not.

The Self-Esteem Questionnaire was given to subjects with Confidence

Questionnaire 2 to see if the daily blog have helped their self-esteem level comparing to

Questionnaire 1.

2.2.2 Method 0) Aim and overview

For Questionnaire 1, the aim was to see what image people had about having

confidence, and whether their perspective of having confidence affects their future

confidence level. To see if the faking-it method works or not, daily blogs were posted

three times a week, (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) continued it for about three

months. The subjects were separated into two groups. To see if there will be a

difference between the non-faking and faking groups. Following this, the second asked

if the two groups have changed their confidence level. After the daily blog subjects will

answer some questions about their self-esteem level. This is to see if the daily blog

gave them positive feedback.

1) Subjects

In Confidence Questionnaire 1, 18 subjects were third year and fourth year

students from The English Department at Notre Dame Seishin University. Two were

people from overseas. Students from Notre Dame Seishin University are from the

English Department, and have been learning English literature, oral communication,

writing as a required subject. The other people who are from overseas have a family,

one has a child, and the other have two.

For the daily blog, two groups were made for the experiment, A and B. Group A

will do the Faking method whilst B will not. This is to see if Faking method is effective to


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Group A. After doing this daily blog, the two groups will answer the Confidence

Questionnaire 2 which 13 subjects did from both groups; this will ask them about the

daily blog and about their process of self-confidence and self-esteem level.

In the Self-Esteem Questionnaire 13 subjects from the two groups answered. All

of the subjects answered these two questionnaires were from Notre Dame Seishin

University, English Department.

2) Test designTwo questionnaires were made for this experiment. Questionnaire 1 had 19

questions in total, whereby the subjects answered questions about their general

confidence level along with their English skill level. This was to determine the subjects’

initial image of their confidence, and to help them realizing their confidence level in

general or about their English skill level. After that, subjects did do the daily blog. This

was to see the development of their confidence level by given tasks are challenging to

most of them.

In the daily blog, subjects were separated into two groups. Subjects who’re doing

the Faking Method, and the ones who’re not. Subjects who are doing the Faking

Method are called Group A.

Group A was given tasks such as “do big postures” for example, crossing arms in

front of their chests, standing straight, etc. Only for this task they are supposed to write

their thoughts or ideas in the comment section in the blog about the tasks they are

given, to see how subjects figure out their anxieties and problems from their daily lives,

and mainly to see if the task works for them. The other subjects were in Group B and

were given tasks to accomplish their goal in their own way, and to solve the problems

as they normally do in their daily life. For all subjects, this experiment continued for

approximately 2-3 months.

One the Daily Blog, Group A was given tasks to influence or develop their

feelings to be positive and to be confident. At the non-faking-it challenge blog subjects

was given questions of how they deal with their anxieties and how to improve their

inferiorities to be more confident. Most of the questions in Confidence Questionnaire 2


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were the same as the Questionnaire 1 so we can see if the same subjects make

changes through time.

3) Procedure20 people answered Questionnaire 1, first they answered the general questions

about confidence, secondly about language of how they think about the level of their

four skills of English (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking). Subjects selected one

number from 1~5 (low to high) for several questions, to answer general questions. To

analyze their opinions, some questions required written answers to see subjects’

genuine feelings and thoughts.

Approximately 8 people in both to the faking-it method and to the non-faking it

method took part. The daily blog posts were made in Blogger.com for easier access and

protected privacy.

After the daily blog, the subjects answered Confidence Questionnaire 2, and a self-

esteem questionnaire to see if the faking method was effective for them.

2.3 ResultsFirstly, we will look at the data for Questionnaire 1, and then the data for Questionnaire

2 through the answers on the daily blog.

2.3.1 Questions and answers from Confidence Questionnaire 1This section will present the data from the first questionnaire

Table 1 The data about subjects’ Self-Confidence level through general questions

including English skill level

1 2 3 4 5

Do you think you are confident in your daily life? 9.1% 36.4% 13.6%

27.3% 13.6%

I think I'm confident because I have been like that since I was young (young as in as a child)

18.2% 54.5% 9.1% 9.1% 9.1%


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I think I'm confident because I admire people who are confident

22.7% 27.3% 27.3%

9.1% 13.6%

I think I'm confident because I'm comfortable being myself

4.5% 31.8% 27.3%

18.2% 18.2%

I'm not confident because I feel insecure about myself

9.1% 18.2% 22.7%

27.3% 22.7%

I'm not confident because I worry about what people think of confident people

36.4% 13.6% 9.1% 36.4% 4.5%

I think I'm not confident because I'm too shy to be one

63.6% 13.6% 13.6%

9.1% 0.0%

Table 1 shows, for Question 1 that 36.4% think they usually have confidence,

lower than average. For Question 2, 54% do not think they were confident since they

were young. For Question 3, 27.3% on “because they respect competent people,”

27.3% do not agree much. For Question 4, 31.8% do not agree much, 27.3% on

average level. For Question 5, 27.3% agree a little, 22.7% on average level, and 22.7%

for totally agree. For Question 6 36.4% do not agree, 36.4% agree a little.

For Question 7, 63.6% do not agree, 13% disagree a little.

Looking through the answers, there are two types of groups on having

confidence, one is people who are not concerned about being one, and secondly people

who do.

Table 2: The data for English skill level and self-esteem level

1 2 3 4 5

How much self-esteem do you have? 0% 18% 23% 45% 14%

How confident are you about the four skills? 0% 18% 50% 32% 0%

When you speak (English) do you use body gestures? 0% 5% 27% 50% 18%


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How well you can speak clearly what you want to say? 18% 36% 14% 23% 9%

Table 2 shows, for Question 1, 45% of the subjects have more than average self-

esteem level, and for Question 2, 50% think they are in average level on their English

skills. For Question 3, 50% use more than average on using gestures when speaking

English. For Question 4, 36% can say clearly what they want to say in English at a

lower than average level.

2.3.2 Answers to the written questionsIn this section we will look at the data for how subjects feel about having confidence,

how they get through difficulties. Also about their English skills, and their way of

improving them.

Table 3: The number of subjects who responded to the question “Please describe a

'confident' person. What are they like? What do they do to show their confidence?” by


6 a person who’s articulate about her opinions6 a dignified person4 a person who is brave1 a person with a fruitful life1 a competent person1 a person who do not show their weakness1 a positive person1 a person who has her own opinion

Table 3 shows that most subjects think people who are confident, is articulate and

dignified, and brave are symbols of being independent and skillful.

Table 4: The number of subjects who responded to the question “What other

reasons can you think?”

9 because they compare themselves to others, and feel insecure2 shy2 because they believe efforts make confidence2 because they underestimate themselves


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2 it is cool to be confident1 because they have not done anything to be proud of1 too much confidence is not good1 she’s afraid of mistakes1 because expressing yourself show people your confidence

The subjects answered the questions by answering 1~5 “I think I'm confident

because I have been like that since I was young (young as in as a child),” “I think I'm

confident because I admire people who are confident,” “I think I'm confident because I'm

comfortable being myself,” “I'm not confident because I feel insecure about myself,” “I'm

not confident because I worry about what people think of confident people,” “I think I'm

not confident because I'm too shy to be one” by saying the items above.

Table 4 shows what subjects think about being confident, either if it is positive or

negative. Most of the subjects answered they feel small when they see competent

people. Positive opinions about being confident are “doing good work leads you to be

confident,” “it looks good to be one.” Negative opinions are “underestimating yourself,”

“afraid to make mistakes.”

Table 5: The number of subjects who responded to the question “Why?” from the question “Do you want to be confident?” by saying…

6 want to be good at life4 because it can change you to positive thinking3 because it looks fun to be confident2 want to challenge things1 to get rid of anxiety1 to love yourself1 contented1 to interact to more types of people1 because one can give clear answer to someone

Table 5 shows that most subjects want to have a better life assuming that being

confident leads you to a better one, and to be capable of having positive thinking, that is

because some of them believe confident people have positive thinking and have an


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open mind. Also some subjects want to not have too many negativities and problems in

their lives, and to love themselves.

Table 6: The number of subjects who responded to the question “How can you make yourself feel more confident?(specifically)” by saying…

8 build-up knowledge and experience5 be positive thinking2 inhale exhale2 face anxieties2 find good parts of yourself1 be articulate1 look into other people’s eyes

Table 6 shows most subjects believe that to be more confident one needs to gain more

knowledge and have competence, and to be positive about themselves, because some

of the subjects become negative through difficulties and problems.

Table 7: The number of subjects who responded to the question “When do you feel that you lack confidence?” by saying...

6 when I get bad result5 when I have mistakes3 when I speak to many people2 when I got scolded1 when is see someone better than me1 when I’m worthless at something1 when she could not say clearly1 when someone disagrees1 when words run out

Table 7 shows most of the subjects answered they feel less confidence when they

make mistakes and when disappointing someone. Some subjects also do not like to

stand in front of a lot of people.

Table 8: The number of subjects who responded to the question “What method do you

use to improve the four skills?” by saying...


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5 read more4 Study common English4 watch movies3 communicate2 feedback1 listen to music1 do stage play

Table 8 shows most of the subjects it is a good idea to use more communication skills

not just in classes, but to actually use it. For reading more, assuming subjects feel they

lack of vocabulary skill. Watching movie, subjects are able to see motion pictures,

common English.

2.3.3 Questions and Tasks from the daily blog Faking-it Group AThis section presents the data for the Faking group

Question 1

“What are you good at?” This is for making them rethink their positive side.

A good at finger works

B taking care of children

C to find positive parts of people

D singing

E do not worry too much

Question 2

“What do you think about your confidence level?”

2 have a certain level of confidence in different situations

1 have more than average level of confidence

Task 1

“Set your goal” (try it with energy), due to have more confidence

3/5 want to be more expressive and tell what opinion they have

2/5 want to study more


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Question 3

“What do you want to improve about yourself?”

In this question subjects thought about what they do not like about themselves.

2/4 easily get influenced by people’s opinion 2/4 say harsh words to other people

Question 4

“How do you improve inferiority?”

This question is to see if subjects wants or realize if they should improve their negative

parts. Improving them can lead subjects to have more confidence.

2/6 try to think deeply what I really want to do

3/6 think carefully and choose words when talking to someone

1/6 do eye contact

Task 2

“Power Posing,” in this task subjects is asked to give their opinion about power posing,

and what poses are effective for them.

4/5 say standing or sitting with back straighten can help

1/5 agree that Power Posing can help but she also have a habit to slouch.

Question 5

“Do you think faking it method influence your confidence level?” Here subjects were

asked for their opinion if they agree or disagree with this question. Also to give a prior

idea of doing this method.

4/5 disagree because it is like pretending or being a different person by doing this method1/5 agree because when she pretend smiling at the time she is sad or feeling down, she feels better instead of letting her feelings take control of her.


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Question 6

“What makes you nervous?,” here subjects told some situations that they do not like to

encounter. They feel insecure or down.

2/3 standing in front of many people, and speak in public1/3 when trying new things (which is connected to the Confidence Questionnaire 1 data, that people tend to be nervous when they do not know much information about certain things)

Task 3

“Fake-it challenge, fake it till you become it,” in this task subjects were asked to

continue the challenge, because if not they would feel like being an imposter or just

pretending to be a different person. They are ask to do this and make a goal whilst

doing the faking method.

Summary of the task

From the results, subjects who did this method work to boost up their confidence level.

Some of them were given compliments by their surroundings, that way they could know

if the method really works. They did “standing straight,” “sitting straight.” These postures

helped them to boost up their feelings positively when they have nervousness and

difficulties. They could also make them feel at ease, relaxed.

No Fake-it method Group B

Question 1

“What do you try to do when you face problems or difficulties?”

This question is to see how subjects deal with their problems.

4/4 answered they should think why problems or difficulties happen and talk to someone

about them to other opinions. Two of them also thought if one try to learn more, or have

more experience, that can also help.

Question 2


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“What will you do if you have no one else to talk to when you have difficulties or

problems in your daily life?” This is to see if subjects can build-up confidence by their

own, and to know what motivates them.

2/2 do everything that motivates me, and make me feel happy.

Question 3

“What is your inferiority, and how do you improve it?”

This is to see what prevents them from being confident. The experiment here is to make

them realize what they are not good at and to think how they improve it on a daily basis.

¼ when seeing fashionable people¼ negative thinking¼ not good at communication¼ to avoid feeling inferiority Question 4“How do you make yourself confident?” E.g. I try to make eye contact.

Here we will see how subjects make themselves confident usually. Also to see how they

do it without doing the Fake-It method. This is made to see what differences can Group

A and B make.

2/2 try new things, challenge

Question 6

“If you have more confidence what would you do?”

This is to make subjects foresee their future if they have more confidence. To have an

idea that having a little more confidence can make subjects feel better about being who

they really are.

1/4 try a lot of new things3/4 travel alone and make friends around the world

Question 6

“What do you want to improve in your daily routine?”


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Subjects will answer what they want to change or improve their negative actions

throughout their daily routine, for example set out plans to actually improve their English

skills by watching movies, listening to music, speaking in the class.

3/3 prepare things without rushing

Question 7

“What makes you feel nervous?, or gives you anxiety?”

This is to know what kind of fear or anxiety subjects have, and to see how they

acknowledge it as well. For example, person A gets nervous when answering the phone

because she does not want to make mistakes on using polite words in Japanese, that is

whyso she cannot say things properly.

2/2 when talking to someone from a phone, using polite words(one also said when she go to new places she gets nervous)


Write a diary about the process to achieve your goals. Try to be positive about it, and

make it successful.

Summary of the No-Faking the No-Faking Method

For this task, subjects made their goals to boost up their confidence in their usual way,

for example for learning accurate pronunciation of English, they would want to listen

more and speak more. From these results, subjects mentioned experiences that make

people stronger and competent, and their tasks were to learn more about what they feel

they are not good at. That is how subjects do when they did not do the Faking Method.

Questions and answers from Confidence Questionnaire 2

In this section we will see how the faking-It group and non-faking group’s processes of

their confidence level and self-esteem level after the experiment. This is just to see if

having self-esteem and confidence is the same or different.


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Question 1 Do you think you are confident in your daily life recently?

1 2 3 4 5

Questionnaire 1 faking 33% 17% 0% 33% 17%




0% 57% 0% 43% 0%

Questionnaire 2 faking 0% 14% 43% 43% 0%



Faking 0% 17% 17% 67% 0%

Difference faking -33% -3% +43% +10% -17%




0% -40% +17% +24% 0%

For this question the Faking Group has improved their confidence level for level 1 and

has got lessen for 33%. Lessen 3% for level 2, and addend 43% for level 3. Addend

10% for level 4, and lessen 17% for level 5. This means all subjects have at least have

confidence more than level 1. Most of Faking Groupthe Faking Group has improved

their confidence level to level 3 and 4. Most of No Faking Group the No-Faking Group

has improved their confidence level to level 3 and 4.

Question 2 I admire people who are confident.

1 2 3 4 5Questionnaire1 faking 17% 17% 17% 17% 33%

no fakingNo-


14% 29% 29% 14% 14%

Questionnaire 2 faking 0% 14% 0% 43% 43%no

fakingNo-Faking 0% 0% 0% 33% 67%

Difference faking -17% -3% -17% +26% +10%no -14% -29% -29% +19% +53%


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For this question the Faking Group has a little change of their opinions. 26% and 10%

was added to “mostly agree” and “agree”, but for No Faking Group the No-Faking Group

19% and 53% were added to “mostly agree” and “agree” with this question. Most of the

subjects from Group B think it is nice to look confident.

Question 3 I’m comfortable being myself.

1 2 3 4 5Questionnaire 1 faking 17% 33% 0% 33% 17%

no fakingNo-

Faking 0% 29% 43% 14% 14%Questionnaire 2 faking 0% 29% 0% 57% 14%

no fakingNo-

Faking 0% 0% 17% 67% 17%Difference faking -17% -4% 0% +24% -3%

no fakingNo-

Faking0% -29% -26% +53% +3%

For this question 24% of Faking Groupthe Faking Group feel comfortable being

themselves, but for No Faking Group the No-Faking Group it was 53% of them

answered they feel comfortable now. This is to see their self-esteem level as well for

each group and to see if they are content being themselves which connects to the idea

of having enough self-esteem level.

Question 4. I feel insecure about myself.

1 2 3 4 5Questionnaire1 faking 0% 0% 17% 50% 33%

no fakingNo-

Faking 0% 29% 29% 14% 29%


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Questionnaire 2 faking 14% 57% 29% 0% 0%no

fakingNo-Faking 0% 67% 17% 17% 0%

Difference faking +14% +57% +12% -50% -33%no


0% +38% -12% +3% -29%

For this question 14% and 57% were added for level 1 and 2. Most of Faking Groupthe

Faking Group chose level 1 and 2 which refers to the meaning that they are not

insecure about themselves anymore. None of them answered level 4 and 5 that means

they do not feel insecure at all anymore. 38% was added to level 2 for No Faking Group

the No-Faking Group, 3% was added to level 4 as well. This means still a minority of

Group B feels insecure about themselves. But more subjects from both groups

answered level 1 and 2 more than level 4 and 5 that means most of them do not feel

insecure anymore. This depends on what subjects feel they are not good at. Confidence

is about having enough information or experience about certain things. This is why there

was a slight controversy about how they feel.

Question 5. I worry about what people think of confident people.

1 2 3 4 5Questionnaire 1 faking 33% 0% 0% 50% 17%

no fakingNo-


14% 29% 29% 29% 0%

Questionnaire 2 faking 29% 43% 0% 29% 0%no

fakingNo-Faking 33% 33% 0% 33% 0%

Difference faking -4% +43% 0% -21% -17%no


+9% +4% -29% +4% 0%

The differences between Questionnaire 1 and 2 for the Faking Group were, while 50%

of them worried how people think of them at first but now it became 29%. No one did


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not answer “don’t agree” at first but now 43% of them “don’t agree” with this statement.

For No Faking Group the No-Faking Group, there was a little change for their level 1

and 2. 29% of them did not agree at first but now 33% of them answered “don’t agree”.

Question 6. I think I’m not confident because I’m too shy to be one.1 2 3 4 5

Questionnaire 1 faking 50% 0% 50% 0% 0%no


57% 29% 0% 14% 0%

Questionnaire 2 faking 0% 57% 14% 14% 14%no

fakingNo-Faking 67% 17% 0% 0% 0%

Difference faking -50% +57% -36% +14% +14%no


+10% -12% 0% -14% 0%

In the Questionnaire 1, half of the subjects chose level 1 to this statement. After

Questionnaire 2, it became 0%. 57% was added for level 2 instead. 57% of them do not

feel shy being confident now. But the minority of them also answered level 3, 4 and 5.

For No Faking Group the No-Faking Group none of them feel shy being themselves,

they have improved 10% for level 1, now 67% of No Faking Group the No-Faking Group

do not agree with this statement.

Question 7 Do you want be more confident?Yes No

Questionnaire 1 faking 100% 0%no


100% 0%

Questionnaire 2 faking 86% 14%no

fakingNo-Faking 83% 17%

Difference faking -14% +14%no


-17% +17%


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Both of the groups have minus their answers to “Yes”. Now 86% of Faking Groupthe

Faking Group agreed, they do not feel the need to be more confident. 83% of No Faking

Group the No-Faking Group said “Yes” to this statement.

Question 8. How confident are you about the four skills recently?1 2 3 4 5

Questionnaire1 faking 0% 50% 33% 17% 0%

no fakingNo-


0% 14% 29% 57% 0%

Questionnaire2 faking 0% 14% 86% 0% 0%no

fakingNo-Faking 17% 17% 50% 17% 0%

Difference faking 0% -36% +53% -17% 0%no


+17% +3% +21% -40% 0%

For Faking Groupthe Faking Group, 86 % of them answered for level 3, and 14% for

level 2. This means most the subjects from Group A have more confidence with four

skills than before. But for No Faking Group the No-Faking Group just 50% of the

subjects answered level 3.

This will be going to be related of how subjects think about their skills connected to their

confidence level.

Question 9. When you speak (English) do you use body gestures?1 2 3 4 5

Questionnaire 1 faking 0% 0% 17% 50% 33%no


0% 0% 14% 71% 14%

Questionnaire 2 faking 0% 14% 0% 43% 43%no

fakingNo-Faking 0% 0% 17% 50% 33%

Difference faking 0% +14% -17% -7% +10%no 0% 0% +3% -21% +19%


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14% of Faking Groupthe Faking Group use body gestures sometimes now. 43% for

level 4 and 5, and for No Faking Group the No-Faking Group lesser people use body

gestures now, at first they were up to 71% but now only half of them use body gestures.

Most of Group B subjects use body gestures when they speak English.

Question 10. How well can speak clearly what you want to say in English?

1 2 3 4 5Questionnaire 1 faking 33% 33% 17% 17% 0%

no fakingNo-

Faking0% 43% 0% 29% 29%

Questionnaire 2 faking 14% 43% 29% 14% 0%no

fakingNo-Faking 0% 33% 0% 67% 0%

Difference faking -19% +10% +12% -3% 0%no


0% -10% 0% +38% -29%

Faking Group has improved 10% for level 2. 12% for level 3, but No Faking Group the

No-Faking Group has improved it more than Faking Groupthe Faking Group for this


Question 11. Do big postures work when you feel down or insecure?

71% of Group A

answered yes, for Group B 67%. Subjects feel relaxed when they do the Power Posing

when they get nervous. For certain postures, there were sitting with back straighten,

and telling articulate opinions make subjects feel more confident. Some even had


yes no yes, no

faking 71% 14% 14%

no fakingNo-

Faking 67% 17% 17%

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compliments by their surroundings that they look more confident and different in a

positive way.

Question 12. How do you deal with your problems and difficulties?Ignore them and move onface them and solve them

faking 57% 43%no fakingNo-Faking 33% 67%

This result was a controversy. Group A answered “Ignore them and move on” for 57%

whist Group B answered “face them and solve them” for 67%. More subjects in Group B

were positive about their problems and difficulties.

Written answers from Confidence Questionnaire 2Question 1. How can you make yourself more confident? (Specifically)

Group A2 try to look nice, dress up nice.1 tell myself that I’m ok.2 act confident, think to be happy1 pray to God1 have more experience

Group B4 face problems and learn more about certain things.1 think positively1 look at people’s eyes

From both groups subjects said it’s important to think positively and be happy due to be

more confident and to have more self-esteem.

Question 2. When do you feel that you lack confidence?

Group A4 when I stand in front of many people1 when I make mistakes1 when I cannot be myself1 when something happened that it was not expected


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Group B1 when others are superior than me1 when I do not know what I want to do2 when I speak in front of people1 when I do something for the first time1 I feel anxiety whether I can overcome or not.

Many subjects from both groups do not feel they have confidence when many people

are around, and when they talk in front of them. Some get insecure when they make

mistakes and disappoint people.

Question 3. Do you have new methods to improve the four skills?

Group A 1 sing in English3 do not have any2 try to use English in daily life1 listen carefully what English speakers say

Group B3 talk in English with people1 no new methods1 try to think in English not in Japanese1 use English in daily life

Both groups think it is important to use the language even when making mistakes.

Question 4. “Why?” to the question “Do big postures work when you feel down or insecure?”

Group A3 It can change things positively about myself1 no, because it's just pretending2 because I can calm myself when I'm doing it, to be more comfortable when I’m in such situations1 when I’m doing it I can overcome my difficulties

Group B2 because I think it changes feelings positively1 I do not know


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1 not useful1 standing straight removes my nervousness1 crossing legs is relaxing

Group B did not do the Faking Method so some of them may think it is useless, but

some of them think it may be. Most of the subjects in Group A said it works, subjects

who did not do the method answered it is just pretending.

Question 5. Do you think language is relevant to your confidence level?

Group A1 no, because people who cannot speak have also confidence6 yes

Group B5 yes1 when I speak in English I can say clearly what my opinion is, I become confident.

One answered a very interesting opinion; it was about having enough confidence level

but not about being competent. This is actually relevant to having self-esteem level but

not being competent. Other subjects from both groups agreed with this question.

2.3.4 Questions and answers from Self-Esteem Questionnaire

This questionnaire was made to see if the daily blog helped subjects build up their self-


Question 1. I’m boring to talk to

strongly disagree disagree

somewhat agree/disagree agree

strongly agree

faking 29% 0% 29% 43% 0%



Faking 33% 33% 33% 0% 0%


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43% agrees from Group A, whilst Group B did not agree or strongly agree. From this

data Group B has more self-esteem level.

Question 2. When someone criticizes me I cannot help but feel incompetent.

strongly disagree disagree

somewhat agree/disagree agree

strongly agree

faking 14% 71% 0% 14% 0%



Faking 0% 17% 50% 33% 0%

71% of Group A answered “disagree” whilst 50% of Group B answered “somewhat


Question 3. I feel belittled when someone criticize me.

strongly disagree disagree

somewhat agree/disagree agree

strongly agree

faking 14% 43% 0% 43% 0%



Faking 0% 33% 33% 17% 17%

43% of Group A answered disagree when they get criticized, the same for “agree.” 33%

to “disagree,” 33% to “somewhat agree/disagree” from Group B.

Question 4. I mess up everything when I get involved.

strongly disagree disagree

somewhat agree/disagree agree

strongly agree

faking 29% 29% 43% 0% 0%



Faking 0% 67% 17% 17% 0%


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Group A did not fully agree to this question. 67% of Group B answered “disagree.”

Question 5. If a guy dumps me I would not feel sad because I deserve more.

strongly disagree disagree

somewhat agree/disagree agree

strongly agree

faking 0% 57% 29% 14% 0%



Faking 0% 83% 0% 17% 0%

Most subjects from both groups disagree. Minority of both subjects feel they do not

deserve more.

Question 6. I think it’s important to socialize with others.

strongly disagree disagree

somewhat agree/disagree agree

strongly agree

faking 0% 0% 14% 29% 57%



Faking 17% 0% 17% 67% 0%

This question was about how subjects think if socializing with people is important. Most

of them agree with this question.

Question 7. How I feel about myself is more important than others think of me.

strongly disagree disagree

somewhat agree/disagree agree

strongly agree

faking 14% 14% 0% 57% 14%



Faking 0% 0% 67% 17% 17%


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Most subjects from A agree. 67% of B “somewhat agree/disagree.” Minority of Group A


Question 8. If I’m not good as others I think I’m a failure.

strongly disagree disagree

somewhat agree/disagree agree

strongly agree

faking 0% 43% 14% 43% 0%



Faking 17% 17% 0% 67% 0%

43% disagreed, 43% agreed from Group A, whilst 67% agreed on Group B.

Question 9. I deserve to be respected and loved.

strongly disagree disagree

somewhat agree/disagree agree

strongly agree

faking 0% 0% 57% 43% 0%



Faking 0% 0% 17% 83% 0%

57% “somewhat agree/disagree,” 43% agreed from Group A, 83% agreed from Group B.

Question 10. It’s important for me to be friendly to everyone due to be like by them.

strongly disagree disagree

somewhat agree/disagree agree

strongly agree

faking 0% 57% 0% 43% 0%



Faking 0% 17% 33% 33% 17%


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57% of A do not think it is nice to pretend their personality to be liked by everyone. But

43% agreed. Group B disagreed for 17%, agreed for 33%.

Question 11. I love being myself.

completely true mostly true

somewhat true/false mostly false FALSE

faking 14% 57% 29% 0% 0%

no fakingNo-

Faking 0% 50% 50% 0% 0%

Group A subjects answered “mostly true” for 57%, whilst Group B answered “mostly

true” and “somewhat true/false” for 50%.

Question 12. I will never know if I’ve done something good unless someone told me so.

completely true mostly true

somewhat true/false mostly false FALSE

faking 0% 14% 43% 43% 0%

no fakingNo-

Faking 0% 50% 0% 50% 0%

43 % answered “somewhat true/false,” “mostly true” from Group A. 50% from Group B

answered “mostly true.”

Question 13. I feel worthless and unimportant.

most of the time sometimes rarely almost never

faking 0% 43% 43% 14%

no fakingNo-

Faking 0% 33% 33% 33%

43% answered “sometimes,” “rarely” from Group A. This data was reflected from their

answers from Confidence Questionnaire 1, they commented when they compare


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themselves to others they feel insecure. 33% answered “sometimes,” “rarely,” and

“almost never.”

Question 14. I know my good qualities.

yes maybe no

faking 57% 29% 14%

no fakingNo-

Faking 33% 67% 0%

This data also asked them about their confidence level for being skillful for something.

The task for Group A was to fake when they are doing something for their goals. 57% of

them could answer “yes,” whilst but only “maybe” for Group B.

2.3 Summary From these results, most of the subjects want to be confident, and consider that

confident people have many experiences, that experiences leads to confidence, but

rarely about being content orf not being confident and not expecting for more. There are

a lot reasons why people get discouraged, anxious, afraid, and those feelings make

them insecure.

In the next chapter we will discuss further more about how the faking method

works and why for some people will not work. To learn this I made another

questionnaire was made after the daily blog.


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Chapter 3 Fake-it method and no Fake-it method explained 3.1 Introduction

In Chapter 1, we discussed about how Power-Posing works through the Fake-it

method, by doing big postures when confidence is needed instead of making nervous

body postures. Faking one’s attitude and body postures leads to positive feedback for

having to develop more confidence when one is getting through difficulties. This was

proved shown byfrom (Carney, Cuddy, Yap; 2010) research by testing subjects’ saliva

to see the ups and downs of their testosterone level and cortisol level. Subjects who did

the Power-Posing could boost up their testosterone level but their cortisol level went

down which is the stress hormone. People who did not do this method were more likely

increasing their cortisol level but their testosterone level lowering went down. This

happens because most people have this the idea which that their appearances and

actions will define themselves, which is not true, because other people cannot exactly

say or define people who they do not really know at all. People are likely to be

judgmental to each other. People acknowledge others, as others do the same. By doing

that people get vulnerable of their looks, educational and life background, or even how

they act. This also makes people insecure about themselves. (results from Confidence

Questionnaire 1,2)

People cannot completely avoid judgments between of each other, but just

knowing small a little information or ideas about poeples’ appearances and actions that

can actually change how one sees people and to beare seen. This can be changed

when people do the Faking-Method.

Most people who are competent and trustworthy are admired because they are

humble and kind, but also talented. To act like this one may get a good impression from

other people. To see how this method works, several questionnaires and tasks were


In Chapter 2, three questionnaires were made. Confidence Questionnaire 1,

Confidence Questionnaire 2, and the Self-Esteem Questionnaire. For Qquestionnaire 1

subjects answered to questions about how they think about their confidence level and

self-esteem level. Two groups were gathered to do the experiment. Group A did the


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Faking-Method, and for Group B subjects they did their daily routine to boost up their

confidence by setting goals.

To see the change of their self-esteem level, questions about self-worthiness

were asked to both A and B group. This is to analyze if the daily blog work for them or

not, by seeing their level changes from doing the Faking-It method.

3.2 Summary of the results

Subjects from Confidence Questionnaire 1 answered several questions about

their confidence level. We wanted to know their level of self-esteem as well so that we

can see the process of their two levels through the Faking-It method.

From the daily blog, there were subjects from Group A who did the Faking-It

method through several months, some have received compliments from other people

saying that she has become more confident, not only by on the outside, but also by

looking at her attitude. When someone noticed and compliment about one’s actions,

that it can also make people feel better about themselves. Some have also made their

own goals, they have been challenging themselves by doing things that’s hard for them

to do whilst doing the Faking-It method. This made them feel more positive and relaxed.

Power Posing can also make people relax more, and be calm when they feel negatively

in certain occasions.

From the Confidence Questionnaire 2, some of the questions were the same

questions from Confidence Questionnaire 1 and the rest were about the daily blog

questions. This is to see if subjects from Faking-It Method change their confidence

level. For the no-faking the No-Faking subjects, it is to see if they can build up their

confidence level and self-esteem level. To see both group’s self-esteem level they were

asked about several questions about how they feel about themselves, if they notice their

self-worthiness, and analyzed the levels.

3.2 Discussion of the results

Confidence Questionnaire 1Firstly we needed to learn more about subject’s confidence level and some about


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their self-esteem. If the Faking Method also help self-esteem level. Another

questionnaire was made. Results from questionnaire 1 showed , people answered they

are not confident being in front of many people. There are many reasons why subjects

cannot feel confident about certain things because a no person cannot be perfect.

People may be good at certain things but not for others, but that does not mean they do

not have self-esteem, because self-esteem is about how people feel about themselves

worth for happiness, and other positive situations. That is why there are some

controversies between subject’s answers for the questionnaire 1, because some asked

them when they feel confident and when they do not. There are different occasions

when subjects feel incompetent but that does not affect their self-esteem level


Many subjects from this questionnaire described a confident person as a

competent person, and who can be positive and genuine about their opinions. When

somebody is incompetent he or she is seen as not confident. That is why self-esteem

seem to connect to having confidence to one’s self.

The goal for this questionnaire was to analyze how subjects see themselves,

whether confident or not, and why they cannot have confidence at times.

Daily blogFor this section, we will discuss about the daily blog questions and answers. For

the Faking group, mainly they were asked to do the Power Posing when they feel

insecure and nervous. This is to make raise their testosterone level up, and lower their

cortisol level down. This method has proved shown many positive feedbacks.

For the No-Faking the No-Faking group, they were asked to do their daily routine

for their processes to achieve their goals. Some subjects answered it is important to

look good to be seen as a confident person, because their appearance will be judged.

Subjects from No-Faking the No-Faking group did their hobbies to have gain

inspiration, motivation to accomplish their goals. This took a lot of time to build their

confidence level.

Confidence Questionnaire 2


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In this questionnaire, some questions from Confidence Questionnaire 1 were

brought carried over here because we wanted to see the process ofcompare the groups

from doing the Faking Method, and the No-Faking methodover time. Subjects gave

positive feedback about their confidence level from both groups whilst doing their tasks.

Group A subjects did the Power Posing before doing their tasks whilst Group B subjects

prepared information for their tasks. This is because building confidence level is

believed with having more knowledge about their goals.

After doing the daily blog experiment most of the subjects have become more

confident about themselves. Some subjects from Group A have said that when she did

the Power Posing before certain things happen when she gets nervous, it made her feel

better and more relaxed and gave her time to speak out her opinions to others.

Self-Esteem QuestionnaireIn this section, questions about self-esteem level were made for the subjects who

did the Confidence Questionnaire 1 through the daily blog, as well as the Confidence

Questionnaire 2. This questionnaire was made to see if self-esteem and confidence are

relevant affected by doing the Faking Method or not. For these two groups, we can see

it did not seem they have low self-esteem level, most of them have the average level.

This means each person hasve their reasons about their highs and lows about their

self-esteem level. Confidence can be built by doing the Faking Method, but having high

self-esteem level is different.

3.3 Research questions1. Can subjects overcome their anxieties without doing faking-it method?

The non-faking group did the tasks without doing power posing but they got to

learn how to motivate themselves by doing things that they love, but this takes more

time than doing the Faking Method.

Subjects who did the method could boost up their feelings positively by doing

power posing. This made them feel relaxed whenever they feel anxious, and more



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2. Is it possible that fake-it method change one’s perspective in a good way?

This method made some subjects feel relaxed and confident about themselves.

This helped them when they face difficulties such as talking in front of many people.

When they do this in times when they are nervous or anxious they do the Power

Posing and they would feel better and relaxed which can lead them to be more


3. Can subjects change their confidence level positively when they feel negative, and

what do they do to do that?

For the Group B (no fakingNo-Faking) subjects they did not know about the

Faking Method so they thought about what they could do to build up their confidence

level by building up knowledge, and trying to have more experience for certain things for

their goals. They did what they love to motivate themselves before preparing for their


For the Group A (faking) some subjects do the Power Posing first unconsciously,

and after that could allow themselves to tell their genuine opinions.

4. What kind of method did subjects do without faking-it?(GROUP B no-fake-it)

Most of the subjects from Group B did what they love, or hobbies before they do the

task to motivate themselves. It can encourage them by doing it, forget about difficulties

for a moment.

5. What image does subjects have about confidence?(general questions)

Subjects answered confidence can tell their true opinions openly to other people. Also

who have many experiences about life, and knowledge. People who have good


6. What do subjects think about why some people are confident and some are not?

There are people who can overcome their difficulties and some cannot, because of their

self-efficacy level. It differs when people feel they cannot do certain things, they would

not have confidence and would be difficult to try doing it, but people can have


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confidence once they have more information and experiences.

3.4 ImplicationsIt is important that people realize their good qualities and have self-worthiness

even they haveif there are certain things that they are not good at, which they feel

unconfidentlack confidence in about because confidence level is buildablecan be

developed and what we learn here is that self-worthiness (self-esteem) comes from

one’s personality, that includes one’s life background, family, and environment. Self-

confidence comes from one’s experience in life, positive opinions from their


The Faking Method can change one’s confidence level by doing the Power-

Posing. When people face difficulties and problems this method can make people feel

and think positively.

Having self-esteem and self-confidence is a different thing. When one have has

difficulties about certain things or being incompetent, that does not mean he or she do

not have enough self-esteem level. The more one have has experienced things, the

more he or she gets positive feedback about from them, this leads them to have

confidence, and to be successful . It also allows themabout that is to just try out the

method so that it can influence one’s idea or thoughts to achieve their goals.

3.5. Limitations of the ExperimentsUsing Blogger was such a problem, because it has caused time loss, and

mistakes because of their system. Connecting with subjects through internet was not a

igood deal. If there is another chance to make redo this experiment, a real notebook

diary would be better to use for the daily blog.

Also when doing the daily blog it would be better to ask subjects to send their

feedback whenever they do the Faking Method in at certain times. So that we can also

analyze in what situations people get nervous or feel incompetent.

Get Researchers need to be intimate with the subjects, because they are sharing

their private information about their life environment especially as they need to .m

Make an interview asking about subject’s self-esteem, of how they exactly feel


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about themselves, if they think they are worth to be successful, competent, and happy.

3.5. Further research

There is a need to collect more data from male subjects to see what differences

they make between females . Mostly about how they deal about their problems and

difficulties in their daily life. This is bBecause from the results from Questionnaire 1

show women tend to be vulnerable towards their self-awareness and be negative by

comparing themselves to others. It would be interesting to see how men think about

themselveswhether they feel vulnerable or not.

The second thing is to cinduct the experiment with different subjects from

different kinds of occupation they are in. This is to see if occupations affect their

confidence level.

3.6. ConclusionThe main idea of this thesis is to change people’s confidence level whilst doing

the Faking Method. Subjects from the experiment said it is difficult to be confident when

they face difficulties which includes not able to say clearly what they want to say in

English. Some answered speaking skills is relevant of the ups and downs of their

confidence level. That is indeedseems correct because when someone is not good at

something they would feel incompetent.

To be confident it is important to know oneself, including negative points, so that

one can work on it. Avoiding difficulties can make people feel incompetent, it is also

important to try out what one has not yet done before so that they one would have more

experiences. Being brave, humble, and honest to oneself and to others can lead people

to have positive impressions about themus. Having the guts courage to do something

new is always difficult for some people, but stopping before doing it is the worst thing to


By doing the Power Posing for two minutes change little things in one’s body but

it can also make one notice what people are capable of because it leads to positive



Rob Waring, 11/25/14,
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The Confidence Questionnaire 1

Japanese Version




● 中学生● 高校生● 大学一年生● 大学二年生● 大学三年生● 大学四年生● 23-30 ● 30-40● 40以上




1 2 3 4 5

全く思わない そう思う




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● はい● いいえ、このままで結構


自信を持つには具体的にどうすれば良いと思いますか?*必須 例:私は不安になっている時、背を真っ直ぐ


もっと自信があったら何をしてみたいですか?(将来の夢や目標)*必須 例:留学したい。




1 2 3 4 5


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低い 高い




1 2 3 4 5

自信はない とても自信がある


1 2 3 4 5

あまりしない よくする


1 2 3 4 5

あまりできない できる





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Confidence Questionnaire 2





● 気にせずに放っておく● きちんと向き合って解決する


1 2 3 4 5

全く思わない そう思う








● はい


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● いいえ、このままで結構

自信を持つには具体的にどうすれば良いと思いますか?*必須 例:私は不安になっている時、背を真っ直ぐにして立つようにしている。



● はい● いいえ






1 2 3 4 5

自信はない とても自信がある


1 2 3 4 5

あまりしない よくする



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1 2 3 4 5

できない よくできる


言語使用は自信のレベルに関係があると思いますか?*必須 例私は日本語が苦手で明確に自分の意見を言え


