Mario Brothers D20 Koopa Race modifiers

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Mario Brother's Koopa Race modifiers.

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Available Races

HumanKoopaTurtleMushroomYoshiHammer BrotherMouser

Also here's a race description using the template from the 3.5 PHB.


Becuase of the decades of brutal warfare and bloodshed at the hands of Bowser and his children the Koopa in general have earned a reputation for being vicious and bloodthirsty, one that isn't entirely inaccurate. Because of the success of the House of Koopa and the Dark Lands many of the koopa have developed a sense of superiority over others. This is also unfrotunate for those who have nothing to do with Bowser or his war against the Mushroom Kingdom, as most Koopa are usually regarded in a cool and unfriendly manner.

Personality: Because of the bad reputation the Koopa species has suffered at the hands of the House of Koopa, many have adopted an outwardly aggressive attitude toward the world at large. They tend to keep to themselves and only open up to close friends or family. These tendancies aren't quite as dominate in Koopa visiting the Dark Lands due to the acceptance there for obvious reasons. There are also a lot of Koopa who try to emulate Bowser by bullying others. Koopa society in general values physical prowess and for many the King of all Koopa is the standard by which they are measured.

Physical Description: Koopa stand between 5'6" and 6'6" and weigh between 160 to 250 lbs, with men noticably taller and heavier than woman. They have broad, powerful frames with skin tones ranging from light to medium which is reflected in the scales covering their bodies. Like humans their eyes range in color, anytihng from brown, to green, gray, and hazel. Their hair however can come in just about any color one could imagine, something exemplified by Ludwig Von Koopa who has naturally blue hair. Most Koopa are considered to be adults when they gain the ability to breath fire, which normally occurs between the ages of 15 to 20. It should be noted that Bowser is not a typical Koopa and considered a giant among his species.

Relations: Koopa get along and mix well with the races of the Dark Lands because of Bowser's status as king. Outside the Dark Lands however many are treated with suspicion, and outright scorn, especially by the people of the Mushroom Kingdom. They regard the other species of Mushroom World as weak, and beneath them, an attitude that shown in how they act and treat others. Many Koopa value physical strength and the ability to dominate others, because of this they are not widely accepted by other species. Relations with humans in general tend to be poor as they are a constant reminder of the Mario Brothers which can easily spark violent outbursts from either party.

Alignment: Koopa are usually chaotic and violent, therefore they tend to migrate toward netural and evil alignments. Good Koopa aren't unheard of, but they are rare.

Koopa Lands: The Koopa people as a whole hail from Koopa Island, a small Monarchy that plays little part in the political landscape of Mushroom World. Those that go out adventuring in the world will often claim a place somewhere in the Dark Lands they can use to rest and relax between exploits.

Language: Modern Koopa speak English, though before it replaced their ancestral langauge they spoke Koopish. Players wishing to learn to speak Koopish must spend two skill points to do so, four total if they wish to read and write it as well, due to it's lack of use in modern times.

Names: Like other children Koopa are given the name they will carry throughout their lives by their parents at birth, though they do at times differ from human names. Bowser, Larry, and Iggy being just a few examples. Middle names are not that common, most koopa carry only a first name and a surname, with Wendy O. Koopa being a notable exection.

Adventurers: Most Koopa go out adventuring to seek fame, fortune, and glory among other koopa, hoping they can receive the highest honor possible, serving in Bowser's court. There are others who are simply bored with life on Koopa Island and want to travel the world to see what's out there.

Koopa Racial Traits:

+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -4 Dexterity, -2 Charisma: Koopa are big and powerful but they are also slow and rather arrogant.

Medium: As Medium creatures Koopa have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Koopa base land speed is 30 feet.

Low-Light Vision: Koopa can see twice as far as humans in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

Damage Reduction: As a koopa grows in level their scales become harder, they gain DR 1/- starting at 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter. (Max 10/- at 30th level)

Fire Breath: Starting at 5th level a koopa gains the ability to breath fire twice a day. The burst of fire is in a line 5 feet wide and 20 feet long, doing 5d6 damage. Every 3 levels thereafter they gain an additional 1d6 damage to their breath weapon. (10d6 at 20th level)

Natural Weaponry: Koopa possess claw and bite attacks which are treated as natural weapons. Bite: 2d6+STR, Claw: 2d4+STR

+2 racial bonus on intimidate checks

Stability: Koopa are exceptionally stable on their feet. A koopa gains a +4 on ability checks to resist being bull rushing or tripped when standing on the ground (but not climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).

Armor Limitation: Koopa are restricted to using Koopa Shells for armor, and only members of the House of Koopa may wear spiked shells.

Favored Class: Barbarian

Level Adjustment: +1