MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11 From Russian Technologies to Global Markets Influencing Evolution Through Creative Design Open City Forum – TEDx Presentation Perm, October 23, 2011 The Power of Individual Vision to Shape our Collective World

MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

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Page 1: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, RussiaTel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11www.marchmontnews.com

From Russian Technologies to Global Markets

Influencing Evolution Through Creative Design

Open City Forum – TEDx PresentationPerm, October 23, 2011

The Power of Individual Vision to Shape our Collective World

Page 2: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11


The world faces many problems today…

… But no single country in our global economy can solve these problems on its own.

So how to integrate Russia and its scientific resources into the urgent effort?

Page 3: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

1.A 1000 year commodity economy;

2.A bureaucracy designed to protect monopolies;

3.Low trust between citizens and the powerful elites;

4.High risk & volatility aligned with global growth patterns;

5.Low interest for investors to risk capital on L/T projects;

Enigmas Wrapped Inside Riddles

How can Russia maximize its competitive advantages in a globally integrated economy by leveraging its greatest resource?

How can Russia free up its highly creative scientist’s and R&D experts locked inside the world of academia – and separated from the world of business?

Russia faces unique cultural barriers to modernization

How can Russia collectively evolve itself out of this trap?

Page 4: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

What caused this near collapse of humanity?

I’ve been thinking about these problems for many years now

1962 Cuban Missile Crisis - we really came close to blowing up the planet!

Page 5: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

My mother’s art teacher from 1970 – 1990 was Tatiana Mkinney, from Russia

There was another Russia which most Americans never met

Page 6: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

I understood that Karl Mark was Wrong and that Adam Smith was right!

I decided to study the root causes of the Cold War

Page 7: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

There have been many utopian philosophers in history

Powerful VISIONARIES promoting their own personal designs…

Page 8: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

Based on the ingenuity unleashed from individual personal freedom

Others have offered a different vision for Human development

Page 9: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

And earn money and get an MBA… and learn how to make more money!

After my studies – I needed to get a job!

Page 10: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

But I was raised with the expectation that I could change the world

After eight years I had a lot of nice things

Page 11: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

In a blur I knew I had to move my career to Russia

Then everything changed forever in the world…

Page 12: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

The place to start was the Cradle of Reform – Nizhny Novgorod!

But Russia is a large country – where to start?

Page 13: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

Working in VC&PE, I understood Russia’s great innovation potential

I chose a new career path for my own evolution

Page 14: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

What did I learn from this investment experience?

Russia had great innovation IDEAS, but commercializing these into profitable PRODUCTS would be very difficult

Page 15: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

“Marchmont”White family estate,Built in 1890

“Solid principleshave always guided

our business strategy”

“Joseph Nelson White(1860-1939)

I had always dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur!

So I formed my own company and built my own business in Russia

My father, grandfather and great grandfather were my family inspirations

Page 16: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

I deeply analyzed the Russian innovation ecosystem

Стадия разработки концепции

От идеи к инновационному


Предпосевная стадия

От инновационного проекта к малой инновационной

компании, владеющей интеллектуальной


Посевная стадия

Подготовка инновационного

продукта к выводу на рынок


проектные институты и КБ

(20 НИИ)

Вывод инновационного

продукта на рынок


Расширение рынка, модернизация



Университеты и институты(48 ВУЗов)

Крупные организации,

предприятия и КБ(100 организаций)

Инновационные МСП

(300 компаний)

Идея Проект МИК 1

Интеллектуальная собственность, прототип

бизнесМИК 2

Опытный образец Мелкосерийное производство Серийное производствоОписание,


Фонд содействия развитию малых форм предприятий в научно-технической сфере

(«Фонд Бортника»). Финансирование НИОКРСТАРТ – до 6 млн. руб за 3 года на проектУМНИК – 200 тыс. руб в год победителю

Гранты Российского фонда фундаментальных


150 - 700 тыс. руб на проект30 млн. руб в год

Гранты Нижегородской области в сфере науки и

техники200 тыс. руб на проект макс

6,2 млн.руб в год

Государственное финансирование

R&D14 млрд. руб в


Ярмарка бизнес-ангелов и инноваторов,Конкурс «РОСТ» для молодежных

Инновационных команд, Премия НО им. Кулибина, Именные стипендии

правительства НО(ННИЦ)

Внутренние затраты на

финансирование R&D

22,3 млрд. руб в год

Молодежный Инновационный Конвент и

Национальная Зворыкинская премия

до 1 млн. руб победителю

ПредлагаемыйПилотный Центр

Предпосевной Подготовки проектов (ЦПП)

(Proof of Concept Center)

Нижегородский Инновационный Бизнес Инкубатор (НИБИ)

Льготное размещение до 3-х лет,16 компаний (рост до 45 с 2011г)

Гранты НО до 500 тыс. рубСубсидии НО до 5 млн. руб

Технопарк «Система-Саров», 22 инновационные компании,

Бизнес-инкубаторБолее 100 малых компаний

Фонд Посевных Инвестиций РВК РОСНАНО

Бизнес-ангелы(Ассоциация бизнес-ангелов ПФО

«Стартовые Инвестиции»)Инвестиции до 20 млн. руб на 1


Фонды Прямых и Венчурных Инвестиций

Региональный Венчурный Фонд Нижегородской области

(ЗПИФ РВФНО)Размер фонда 280 млн.руб

Проинвестировано 2 проекта по 40 млн. руб

Технопарк «IT-парк Анкундиновка»

Пуск с 2011 г.До 400 инновационных


Стратегические инвесторы

Источники разработок

Существующая инфраструктура



Источники финансирования

…and found that its INFRASTRUCTURE is absolutely incomplete!

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Establish the

Russian KNOW- HOW Fund “Promoting entrepreneurial collaboration in innovation”

N.N. Proof of Concept Center

Regional Innovation for Business


Monthly KNOW-HOW

Glossy Journal

OTC Electronic

trading platform

Global Russian

KNOW-HOW Foundation

# 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5

I decided to develop a comprehensive strategy to overcome Russia’s historical barriers to modernization,

a systemic approach must be implemented

RUSSIAN Innovation Report

So what is a Proof of Concept (POC) center?

Page 18: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

In an Innovation ecosystem, its like a “BLACK BOX”

POC’s take innovation IDEAS and develop marketable PRODUCTS

Page 19: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

POCs are aimed at the global commercialization of Russian High Tech

Help innovators to build a business

The main idea is to bridge the “Death Valley” gap?

Connect entrepreneurs to the corporate business world 


Page 20: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

But How to identify and encourage key experts from Russia’s global Diaspora to advise on innovation projects across the RF?


Global Russian

Innovation Foundation

# 2

Many cultures all over the world have created their own support networks

Create a global Russian Diaspora network of experts

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POC’s are key catalyst in the global innovation ecosystem

The most effective Innovation Clusters in the world rely on local POC centers

Page 22: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

Russia had great potential in its regional innovation clusters

Sources of projects inflow to PoC Center, Nizhny Novgorod


ess I





no p


Scientific schools Higher Educational


Corporate R&D, R&D,

Design Bureau

Competitions, grants,


Large scale inventions Venture Funds

48 Higher Educational Establishments, 100-200 projects per anum

100 organizations, 100-200 projects per






5-10 competitions, 100-200 0 projects

per anum

Venture Fund NO, 20-40 0 projects per


300 SME, individual researchers,

50-100 0 projects per anum

5-10 organizations, 50-100 0 projects

per anum

Venture partner of FSI RVC,

business angels association Start-Invest,

20-40 0 projects per anum

20 scientific schools, IAP RAS, IPM, NIRPI,

NIITO, 100-200 projects per


So why does Russia care so much about oil & gas? Its creativity and intellectual potential is Russia’s real natural resource, and greatest competitive advantage!

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Visionaries have been shaping our evolution with their designs

Including top Russian innovative thinkers

Page 24: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

Russia has a pretty good historical track record in innovation

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Actually, we are accelerating exponentially, so who will lead this process, will generate the most wealth

In fact, our evolution through new innovations and creativedesigns is not slowing down…

Page 26: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

Can Russia overcome its historical traditions of isolation and dependence on commodity exports – or will Russia become integrated into the global economy?

What role will Russia play in our next evolutionary steps

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From Russian Technologies to Global Markets

Proposed regional symposium series program for 2012

Page 28: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

American culture certainly has evolved over time

Can Russia evolve to become a 21s century innovation leader?

Page 29: MARCHMONT Capital Partners 5/6, Teatralnaya Square, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia Tel: +7 (831) 419 45 65; Fax: +7 (831) 419 50 11

USA UK Israel Japan

Russian Innovation Diaspora Integration

From Russian Technologies to Global Markets