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    MP -I Unit - 1 1


    UNIT NO. 1

    Q.1 What are master patterns? How does their size differ

    from other pattern`s ? Explain

    Ans: Master patterns are used for preparing the moulds

    for metal castings which are later used as patterns for

    further moulding work, called metal patterns. The master

    patterns are accurately finished wooden patterns, which

    carry double shrinkage allowance and the required machining

    allowance. For example, an alluminium pattern is to be

    made which is to be used further for making moulds for

    brass castings. The alluminium pattern should, obviously,

    be larger than the desired brass casting by an amount equal

    to shrinkage that will take place during solidification of

    this casting. For making this alluminium pattern a wooden

    pattern is to be used which should be larger than the

    alluminium pattern by an amount equal to the alluminium

    shrinkage, added with proper machining allowance for

    finishing the alluminium casting. Mathematically, it can

    be represented thus :

    Let Sb represent the size of the desired casting in


    And Let Sa represent the size of alluminium pattern.

    And Let Cb represent the contraction allowance for brass.

    Then Sa=Sb+Cb

    Again, let S represent the size of the master pattern.

    And let Ca represent the contraction allowance for


    Also let Am represent the machining allowance required

    to finish the alluminium casting to the required size of

    pattern and to give smooth surface finish.



    MP -I Unit - 1 2

    Then S = Sa+Ca+Am

    = Sb+Cb+Ca+Am or

    Size of master pattern = Size of the final casting to be

    Made + shrinkage allowance for

    the material of final

    casting + shrinkage allowance

    of the metal of which the

    pattern is to be made

    + Finishing allowance for the

    metal pattern.

    Q.2. What considerations are necessary while designing a


    Ans. The following points should be considered, while

    designing a pattern :

    1. Proper allowances should be provided, wherever


    2. The parting line should be carefully selected so as to

    allow as small portion of the pattern in the cope as


    3. A proper material should always be selected for the

    pattern after carefully considering the factors mentioned

    in Art.9.4.

    4. An endeavor should always be made to employ full cores

    instead of jointed half cores as far as possible. This

    will reduce cost and ensure greater dimensional accuracy.

    5. The wall thickness and sections should be kept as

    uniform as possible. Abrupt changes should invariably be


    6. The use of offset parting, instead of cores, should be

    encouraged to as great an extent as it is possible.

    7. For large-scale production of small castings, the use

    of gated or match-plate patterns should be encouraged

    wherever the existing facilities permit.



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    8. All sharp corners and edges should be invariably

    provided with suitable fillets or otherwise rounded to

    enable an easy withdrawal of pattern, smooth flow of

    molten metal and ensure a sound casting.

    9. All those surfaces of the casting which are

    specifically required to be perfectly sound and clean

    should be so designed that they will be molded in the


    10. The pattern should be given a high-class surface

    finish as it directly effects the corresponding finish of

    the casting.

    11. If gates, runners and risers are attached to the

    pattern, they should be properly located and their sudden

    contraction or enlargement should be avoided.

    12. Shape and size of the casting and that of the core

    should be carefully considered to decide the size and

    location of the core prints.

    Q.3. Shortly explain the following :

    (1)Segmental patterns(2) Core prints

    Ans: Segmental patterns:-These patterns are used for

    preparing moulds of large circular castings, avoiding the

    use of a solid pattern of the exact size. In principle

    they work like a sweep, but the difference is that a sweep

    is given a continuous revolving motion to generate the

    desired shape, whereas a segmental pattern is a portion of

    the solid pattern itself and the mould is prepared in parts

    by it. It is mounted on a central pivot and after



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    preparing the part mould in one position, the segment is

    moved to the next position. The operation is repeated till

    the complete mould is ready. A typical example is shown in


    (2) Core prints :

    When a casting is required to have a hole, through or

    blind, a core is used in the mould to produce the same.

    This core has to be properly seated in the mould on formed

    impressions in the sand. To form these impressions, extra

    projections are added on the pattern surface at proper

    places. These projections are known as core prints.

    Q.4.(a) What do you understand by acid and basic cupolas?

    Where each type is preferred and why?

    Ans : Cupolas are termed as basic or acid according to the

    type of refractory lining used inside them. The refractory

    lining is provided by setting bricks, made of refractory

    material all along the inside surface of the cupola shell.

    Basic cupolas find their specific use in the production of

    ductile cast iron. They help in the reduction of sulphur

    content in iron to the tune of 0.005 percent. They also

    enable a higher carbon pick-up than acid cupola, with the

    use of same raw material. This enables use of a higher

    proportion of steel scrap in the metal charge. However, if

    higher percentage, say upto 0.1 percent of sulphur is

    admissible in the cast metal the acid cupola proves to be

    relatively cheaper.

    (b) Write a short notes on following casting defects.

    (1)Metal penetration(2)WarpageAns.: (1) Metal penetration :

    This defect occurs as a rough and uneven external

    surface on the casting. It takes place when the molten



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    metal enters into the spaces between the sand grains and

    holds some of the sand tightly with it even after fettling.

    The principal causes for the promotion of this defect are

    the use of coarse sand, having high permeability and low

    strength, and soft ramming. Use of fine sand with low

    permeability and hard ramming will minimise this defect.

    (2) Warpage :

    It is an undesirable deformation in the casting, which

    may occur during or after solidification. The deformation

    takes place due to the internal stresses developed in the

    casting due to differential solidification in different

    sections. Such stresses are also developed and

    differential solidification occurs in case of castings

    having very large and wide flat surfaces. Both the causes

    can be attributed to faulty design of the casting, which

    needs modification to ensure proper directional


    (c) Explain, how the grain size and shape effect the

    performances of a foundry sand.

    Ans. Sand Grain :

    The shape and size of the sand grains has a remarkable

    effect on the physical properties of the foundry sand. The

    sand grains may have smooth, conchoidal or rough surfaces.

    Out of these the first type i.e., smooth, is preferred for

    moulding for the reason that such a surface renders higher

    permeability, sinter point and plasticity to the sand

    mass, but the percentage of binder required is also equally


    Similarly the sand grains may have different shapes.

    The commonly formed shapes are rounded, sub-angular,

    angular and compound. The rounded grains do not bind

    together two well when rammed and, hence, render the sand



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    mould highly permeable but the strength of the mould is

    also reduced.

    Sub-angular grains give a relatively stronger bond

    than above but the permeability is reduced. Angular or

    sharp grains produce a much stronger bond and a low

    permeability when rammed. Thus they enable a mould of

    greater strength. Sand grains which are cemented together

    such that they do not separate when screened are called

    compound. They may consist of one, two or a combination of

    all the above three shapes. They are not

    much preferred.

    Like the shape the size of sand grains also effects

    the mould structure and its characteristics. Large, regular

    and uniform grains increase permeability. Smaller grains

    increase smoothness on mould surfaces.

    Q.5. What are the common materials used for pattern making?

    Discuss their relative merits and demerits.

    Ans.: Pattern materials

    The common materials of which the patterns are made

    are the following:

    1. Wood. It is the most common material used for pattern

    making because of the following advantages :

    (i) It is cheap and available in abundance.

    (ii)It can be easily shaped into different forms and

    intricate designs.

    (iii) Its manipulation is easy because of lightness in




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    (iv)Good surface finish can be easily obtained by only

    planning and sanding.

    (v) It can be preserved for a fairly long time by applying

    proper preservatives like shellac varnish.

    On the other hand, it has certain disadvantages also as


    (i) It wears out quickly due to its low resistance to sand

    abrasion. As such, a wooden pattern cannot stand a long

    constant use.

    (ii)It is very susceptible to moisture, which may lead to

    its warping or splitting. This needs its careful

    storing in a dry place and the application of


    (iii)Its life, owing to the above reasons, is short as

    compared to other pattern materials. This confines its

    use to such cases only when a small number of castings

    are required.

    2) Metals :- Metals are used with advantage, as patternmaterial, only when the number of castings to be made is

    very high and a closer dimensional accuracy is desired.

    They have a much longer life than wooden patterns and

    eliminate the inherent disadvantages of wood to a great

    extent. But they also carry the following

    Disadvantages :

    (i) They are costlier than wood and, therefore, cannot be

    used with advantage, where a smaller number of

    castings is to be made.

    (ii) For giving different shapes and fine surface finish

    they need machining. This again adds to their cost.

    (iii) Most of them are very heavy and in case of large

    castings the weight of the pattern always poses a

    problem in its manipulation.

    (iv) A large number of them have a tendency to get




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    3) Plaster :- Plaster of Paris or gypsum cement is

    advantageously used as a pattern material since it can be

    easily casted into intricate shapes and can be easily

    worked also. Its expansion can be easily controlled and it

    carries a very high compression strength. Its specific use

    is in making small patterns and core boxes involving

    intricate shapes and closer dimensional control. A marked

    feature of this cement is that contrary to the action of

    metals, it expands on being solidified. Thus, if a cement

    of proper coefficient of expansion is selected, the effect

    of shrinkage of casting can be automatically neutralised.

    4)Plastics :- Plastics are gradually gaining favour aspattern materials due to their following specific

    characteristics :

    1. Lightness in weight.

    2. High strength.

    3. High resistance to wear.

    4. High resistance to corrosion due to moisture.

    5. Fine surface finish.

    6. Low solid shrinkage.

    7. Very reasonable cost.

    The plastics used as pattern materials are thermo-

    setting resins. Phenolic resin plastic and foam plastic

    suit best for this purpose. For making the pattern, first

    the moulds are made, usually from plaster of Paris. The

    resin is then poured into these moulds and the two heated.

    At a specific temperature, the resin solidifies to give the

    plastic pattern.

    5) Wax :- Wax patterns are exclusively used in investmentcasting. For this a die or metal mould is made in two

    halves into which the heated wax is poured. The die is

    kept cool by circulating water around it. As the wax

    sets on cooling, the die parts are separated and the wax

    pattern taken out.



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    Q.6. Explain the process of Sand preparation and


    Ans.: None of the natural sand possesses the required

    qualities to the required extent. They may lack in one or

    more of these properties which we have to make up by

    artificial means to make the sand suitable for use. Sand

    mixing is the process through which we add those materials

    to the sand which are rich in such characteristics, which

    the sand lacks.

    Sand to be used in moulding should be properly

    conditioned before use in order to obtain good castings,

    since most of the defects, which occur in castings, are due

    to improper conditioning of the sand. It holds good

    equally for the new as well as old or used sand. Proper

    conditioning means the uniform distribution of the clay

    bond over the sand grains, even distribution and proper

    control of the moisture content in the sand and sorting out

    the foreign materials like nails, gaggers and other metal

    pieces from the sand by ridding and a thorough mixing of

    the entire sand mass.

    Even today the above operation is carried out by hand

    in most of the small foundries. Since no testing equipment

    is normally available in such foundries, the sand condition

    is judged by the moulders themselves by virtue of their

    practical experience only and the quality of the castings

    produced in such foundries entirely depends upon this

    factor. A common physical test, which is generally

    followed by most of the moulders, for judging the sand

    condition is to grip a handful of the prepared foundry sand

    and then relieve the pressure of the fingers. The sand

    mass thus produced is broken into two pieces by hand and

    the edges formed at the broken section are carefully

    observed. If there is no deformation in the edges the sand



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    is supposed to be properly conditioned. If the upper

    surface of the broken pieces appears to be setting down

    gradually, as if it is being compressed, it indicates a

    high moisture content. Gradual separation of sand grains,

    as if they are being sprinkled from the parted surfaces,

    indicate a weak bond and low moisture content. Mixing of

    sand by hand is performed by first collecting the sand,

    together with the other constituents to be mixed in it, in

    the form of a help and then pouring adequate amount of

    water on to it. After keeping it as such for some time it

    is turned upside down by means of a shovel and the

    operation repeated several times to ensure through mixing

    of different constituents. It is then riddled to remove

    the forming material from it and thus it is ready for use.

    Q.7. Write short notes on :-

    (1)Mould hardness test(2) Core hardness test

    Ans.: (1) Mould hardness test.

    The hardness of a sand mould can easily be tested by

    means of a hardness tester. It is a very handy instrument

    working on the principle of dryness hardness testing

    machine. It carries a hemispherical ball or tip at its

    bottom, which is penetrated into the mould surface. A

    spring-loaded shaft inside the hollow body of the

    instrument actuates the needle of the dial gauge fitted at

    the top. The dial of this gauge provides direct reading of

    the mould hardness.

    (2) Core hardness test.

    It is also a very simple and handy instrument used for

    testing the hardness of dry sand cores, especially of the

    dried oil-sand cores. It carries a cutter at its bottom,

    which is provided with a pre-determined pressure, by means

    of a spring inside the instrument, when it is pressed



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    against the surface of the core. Corresponding to the

    penetration the hardness is directly given by the scale

    provided on the tester.

    Q.8. What are crucible furnaces? Where are they preferred

    and why?

    Ans.: These are the simplest of all the furnaces used in

    foundries. They are sparingly used in most of the small

    foundries where melting is not continuous and a large

    variety of metals is to be melted in small quantities. In

    these furnaces the entire melting of metal takes place

    inside a melting pot, called crucible, which is made of

    clay and graphite. The sizes of these crucibles vary from

    No.1 to No.400 each number representing a definite quantity

    of metal that can be held conveniently by the crucible.

    Q.9. How is the thermal efficiency of cupola is determined?

    Ans. The thermal efficiency of the cupola is given by the

    ratio of heat actually utilised in melting and superheating

    the metal to the heat evolved in it through various means.

    This ratio can be expressed mathematically as follows:

    derecent cupola

    = Heat utilised in melting and superheating the metal x 100

    Cal. Value of coke + heat evolved due to oxidation of

    iron,Si & Mn

    In case of a hot blast cupola the above expression will

    change as follows:

    percent cupola

    = Heat utilised in melting and superheating the metal x 100

    Cal. Value of coke + Heat evolved due to oxidation of


    Si and Mn + Heat supplied by the air




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    Experiments reveal that the thermal efficiencies of

    different cupolas normally range between 30 to 50 per cent.

    Q.10. Explain in brief causes and remedies of the following

    casting defects

    Ans. (1) Blow holes:- They appear as cavities in a casting.

    When they are visible on the upper surface of the casting,

    they are called open blows. These blows are normally

    rounded and have smooth walls. When they are concealed in

    the casting and are not visible from outside, they are

    known as blowholes. They are due to the entrapped bubbles

    of gases in the metal and are exposed only after machining.

    Possible causes :

    1.Excess moisture content in moulding sand-leading to the

    production of too much of steam and thereby

    rendering the permeability of the mould as inadequate.

    2.Cores not sufficiently baked.

    3.Use of rusted or highly moistened chills, chaplets or

    other metal inserts-giving rise to the production of a

    high amount of steam and gases.

    4.Excessive use of organic binders-resulting in the

    production of high amount of gases.

    5.Cores not adequately vented-resulting in their low


    6.Moulds inadequately vented resulting in their low


    7.Moulds rammed very hard-more addition to low


    Remedies :

    1.Moisture content in the moulding sand should be properly


    2.Cores should be adequately backed.

    3.Chills, chaplets and metal inserts used should be clean

    and free from rust or any other gas producing substance.



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    4.Organic binders should be used with restraint.

    5.Cores and moulds should be adequately vented.

    Moulds should not be rammed excessively hard.

    (2) Shrinkage :- During solidification of metal, there is a

    volumetric shrinkage. This should be adequately compensated

    by feeding failing which voids will be produced in the

    casting. These voids may exist on the surface as

    depression, called surface shrinkage, or within the casting

    called internal shrinkage. Too much shrinkage may lead to

    crack, known as hot tears. This defect occurs on account

    of inadequate and improper gating, risering and chilling so

    that proper directional solidification does not take place.

    As such it can be remedied by adopting corrective measures

    in respect of the above factors.

    (2)Hot tears :- They are also known as pulls or hot

    cracks. The main reasons of their occurrence is the low

    strength of metal after solidification, causing the

    metal to fail in coping up with the excessively high

    stresses set up by the solid shrinkage of the metal.

    These cracks may be external or internal. They are

    supposed to be more harmful when they are present

    internally, because in that case their occurrence is not

    revealed without machining or radiographic testing.

    Their presence is identified by an oxidised surface

    showing an irregular and ragged appearance on fracture.

    The main reasons of their occurrence are lack of

    collapsibility in the core and mould, faulty design

    leading to exceptionally high residual stresses at

    certain portions in the casting and very hard ramming of

    sand resulting in restricted contraction of casting. An

    improvement over these shortcomings will help

    elimination of hot tears.



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    Q.11. Describe the following types of sands in respect of

    their composition, particular properties and uses

    Ans: Loam Sand :- It is a mixture of clay and sand with

    water to a thin plastic form and from which moulds are

    built. It contains moisture 18-20% and the loam is dried

    very slowly. It is used for producing larger castings.

    A typical mixture of loam sand consists of

    Floor coke 10 Vol

    Loam sand 10 Vol

    New sand 6 Vol 80% mixture + 20% moisture

    Silica sand 22 Vol

    Clay 5 Vol

    Other gradients 5 Vol

    1.Parting Sand :- Conventionally, mould is prepared into

    two or more boxes. These boxes are to be separated

    without adhering to each others sand. For this purpose

    parting sand is used. One of the parting compounds is

    lycopedium, which is used when oil is mixed with moulding

    sand. Very fine brick powder can also be used.

    2.Green Sand :- It is the sand in green condition and after

    preparing the mould, casting (pouring of molten metal) is

    done in moist state. While preparing the mould, the

    rammed sand is dense but porous and further the structure

    is made porous by venting. Green sand is generally used

    for small or medium sized casting.

    (a) Mixture of green sand for light work purpose contains

    Floor sand ...... 80%

    New sand........ 13.5% 95% mixture + 5% moisture

    Super fine coal dust ... 6.5%

    (b) Mixture of grey n sand for general purpose contains

    Floor sand.. 60%

    New sand .. 30% 95% mixture + 5% moisture

    Coal dust .. 10%



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    (c) Mixture of green sand for high finish castings


    Floor sand 51%

    New sand 23%

    Coal dust 8.5% 95% mixture + 5% moisture

    Carbon blacking 8.5%

    Talc 2.8%

    3.Backing Sand :- Backing sand or floor sand is used to

    back up the facing sand and to fill the whole volume of the

    flask. Old, repeatedly used moulding sand is mainly

    employed for this purpose.

    The backing sand is sometimes called black sand

    because of the fact that old, repeatedly used moulding sand

    is black in colour due to the addition of coal dust and

    burning on coming in contact with molten metal.

    Q.12. Describe the utility of following moulding tools and

    give neat sketches of each.

    Ans. Bellows :- A hand operated bellow is shown in Fig.

    It is used to blow but the loose or unwanted sand from

    the surface and cavity of the mould.

    Hand Riddle :- It consists of a wooden frame fitted with a

    screen of standard wire mesh at its bottom. It is used for

    hand ridding of sand to remove foreign material from it.



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    Rammer:- A hand rammer is a wooden tool used for

    packing or ramming the sand into the mould. One end,

    called the peen, is

    wedge shaped, and the opposite end, called the butt, has a

    flat surface. Floor rammers are similar in construction but

    have long handles. Pneumatic rammers are used in largemoulds saving considerable labor and time.

    Q.13. What do you understand by casting? List the merits

    and demerits of casting process.

    Ans. Casting is one of the most versatile form of

    mechanical process for producing components; casting is a

    replica of pattern, in metal which is obtained by pouring

    molten metal into the mould.

    Principal of casting consists of introducing the

    molten metal into a cavity or mould of the desired shape

    and allowing it to solidify. When it is removed from mould,

    the casting is of same shape but slightly smaller due to

    contraction of metal. The molten metal passes through the

    four stages i.e. liquid stage, musy stage, plastic stage,

    and solid stage till the solidification takes place.

    Today we have a variety of moulding processes and melting

    equipments, thus we are capable to produce castings of

    different, materials and their alloys. Though, there is a

    tremendous improvement in the production methods, but the

    basic principles are still the same. One can realise the

    importance of castings and their role in modern



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    development. It is difficult to visualise any product

    which do not have one or more casted parts in different

    sizes. Though there are other metal shaping process such

    as metal-machining, metal-forging, stamping which can

    fulfil the needs of the community. But casting caries

    inherent advantages, which have made it as the backbone of

    industrial production.

    Design Advantages

    (a) Size Casting can be prepared upto 200 weight and the

    least size that can be made is weighing few grams. Its

    advantage lies with the production of massive objects in

    one piece.

    (b) Complexity Most simple/complex shaped products can

    be prepared by casting easily. Such production depends

    on the preparation of pattern and mould. Complicated

    shapes cannot be easily produced by other shaping


    (c) Weight Saving Since the metal can be placed at the

    exact location where it is needed, thus lot of metal can

    be saved by adopting this process.

    (d) Production of Prototype It is capable to produce

    prototype models/exact product as desired.

    (e) Wide Range of Properties This process offers a large

    range of mechanical and physical properties in the

    castings as per requirement. Usually the use the metal-

    alloys is one variable.

    Advantages of Casting Process

    (a) Low cost It is usually found to be the cheapest

    method of metal shaping.

    (b) Dimensional Accuracy Tolerances as close as 0.1 mm

    can be achieved depending on metal to be casted, casting

    process, shape and size of casting. Surface finish can

    also be controlled from 5 microns to 50 microns.



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    (c) Versatility in Production This process is adaptable

    to all types of production.

    Metallurgical advantages

    (i) Fibrous structure.

    (ii) Controlled grain size,

    (iii)Uniform density.

    Merits of casting:-

    1.Versatile form of mechanical process for producing


    2.There is no limit to the size and shape of the articles

    that can be produced by casting.

    3.Casting offers one of the cheapest methods and gives high

    strength and rigidity even to intricate parts, which are

    difficult to produce by other methods of manufacturing.

    Demerits :-

    1.Casting is not always the best method of the various

    production techniques.

    2.Metals having good fluidity and small shrinkage can only

    be casted in a best way.

    Q.14. Which factors need to be considered in selecting a

    particular type of pattern? Explain split pattern, sweep

    pattern and match-plate pattern with the help of neat


    Ans. Factors affecting selection of a particular tape of


    The type of pattern to be used for particular casting

    depends upon many factors like

    1.The bulk of casting i.e. whether a small or large number

    of casting is wanted.

    2.Ease or difficulty of moulding operation.

    3.Type of moulding process.

    Split pattern :- Many times the design of casting offers

    difficulty in mould making and withdrawal of pattern, if a



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    solid pattern is used. For such castings, split or two

    piece patterns are employed. They are made in two parts,

    which are joined at the parting line by means of dowels.

    While moulding one part of the pattern is contained by the

    drag and the other by the cope.

    Match plate patterns :- These patterns are used where a

    rapid production of small and accurate castings is desired

    on a large scale. Their construction cost is quite high,

    but the same is easily compensated by a high rate of

    production, greater dimensional accuracy and minimum

    requirement for machining in the casting. These patterns

    are made in two pieces; one piece mounted on one side and

    the other on the other side of a plate, called match-plate.

    The plate may carry only one pattern, or a group of

    patterns mounted in the same way on its two sides. The

    plate may be of wood, steel magnesium or alluminium. Gates

    and runners are also attached to the plate alongwith the


    Sweep pattern :- Sweeps can be advantageously used for

    preparing moulds of large symmetrical castings,

    particularly of circular cross-section. This effects a

    large saving in time, labour and material. The full



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    equipment consists of a base, suitably placed in the sand

    mass, a vertical spindle and a wooden template, called

    sweep. The outer end of the sweep carries the contour

    corresponding to the shape of the desired casting. The

    sweep is rotated about the spindle to form the cavity.

    Then the sweep and spindle are removed, leaving the base in

    the sand. The sweep and spindle are removed, leaving the

    base in the sand. The hole made by the removal of spindle

    is patched up by filling the sand.

    Q.15. What is pattern? How does it differ from the actual

    product to be made from it?

    Ans. A pattern may be defined as a replica or facsimile

    model of the desired casting which, when packed or embedded

    in a suitable moulding material, produces a cavity called

    mould. This cavity, when filled with molten metal,

    produces the desired casting after solidification of the

    poured metal. Since it is a direct duplication, the

    pattern very closely conforms to the shape and size of the

    desired casting, except for a few variations due to the

    necessary allowances. The ways in which a pattern differs

    from an actual component are :

    1.It carries an additional allowance to compensate for

    metal shrinkage.

    2.It carries additional allowances over those portions,

    which are to be machined or finished otherwise.



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    3.It caries the necessary draft to enable its easy removal

    from the sand mass.

    4.It carries additional projections, called coreprints, to

    produce seats for cores.

    Q.16. What is permeability? What is the effect of Moisture

    and clay content permeability?

    Ans. It is also termed as porosity. It is that property of

    the sand, which allows the gases and steam to escape

    through the sand mould. When the hot molten metal is poured

    in the mould a very large volume of gases and steam is

    formed due to heating to moisture, coal dust, oil and

    similar other materials present in the sand. If these

    gases are not allowed to go out they will either make the

    casting unsound or blast the mould. Therefore, this is

    very important property required in the moulding sand. It

    largely depends upon the same grain size and shape and the

    proportion of moisture and clay present in the sand.

    Rounded grains of uniform size lead to a high permeability.

    This property is also effected by ramming of sand. A soft

    ramming will increase the permeability and hard ramming

    will reduce it. In practice it is further increased by

    applying vent wires in the prepared mould.

    Q.17. Write note on Skeleton pattern

    Ans. Skeleton pattern :- When the size of the casting is

    very large, but easy to shape, and only a few numbers are

    to be made, it is uneconomical to make a large solid

    pattern of that size. In such cases, a pattern consisting

    of a wooden frame and strips is made, called skeleton

    pattern, it is filled with loam sand and rammed. The

    surplus sand is removed by means of a strickle. The core

    can be prepared separately, either with the help of



    MP -I Unit - 1 22

    a core box or another skeleton made for that, and assembled

    in position in the mould.

    Q.18. Give reason for Rat-tails or buckles in casting.

    Ans. 1) Continuous large flat surface on casting.

    2) Excessive mould hardness.

    3) Lack of combustible additives in moulding sand.

    Q.19. What care is to be taken in operating cupola?

    Ans. The following considerations should be made for

    operating the cupola successfully:

    1.A superior refractory lining should be used to withstand

    high temperature produced inside the furnace.

    2.The man who fires the coke and charge should place the

    metal charge in the centre.

    3.The molten metal should be tapped out well before its

    level rises too high in the well.

    4.The tap hole should be property closed by means of a

    well-prepared clay bolt or plug.

    5.In closing the tap hole care should be taken to press the

    plug downward in the hole so that the splash of the

    molten metal does not fall on the hands.

    6.The amount of air supply should be property controlled.

    An excess amount of air will result in lowering to

    temperature inside.

    Q.20. Define

    (a)(i) Pattern(ii) Mould





    MP -I Unit - 1 24

    iii) Core Baking : Generally baking is carried out in

    ovens equipped with drawers, shelves or other holding

    devices. The operation is generally continuous and cores

    are put either in batches or continuously over or moving

    shelves. The heat in oven is produced by burning oil or

    coke or by electric resistance. Core-baking time depends

    upon the types and quantity of binder used, the amount of

    moisture used in sand, and size of core. The temperature

    for baking depends on the core material used. When cores

    are baked, they are more easily supported on a flat

    surface, which should be incorporated in the design.

    iv) Finishing : After receiving them from ovens, the

    cores are properly finished by rubbing or filing, etc. to

    bring them to correct dimensions, remove extra sand

    projections from their surfaces and provide a good

    surface finish. Then only they become suitable for being

    placed in the moulds.

    (c) (i)Sound test : It consists of suitably suspending the

    casting, free of floor and all other abstractions, and then

    gently striking it with hammer. The sound produced is

    carefully noted. Tapping by the hammer is done at

    different points and a change in the pitch and quality of

    sound indicates a discontinuity within the mass of the

    castings. However, it is difficult to locate the

    discontinuity and the extent to which it is present.

    Types of cores



    MP -I Unit - 1 25

    (i) Magnetic particle testing : This method can be used

    only for those metals and alloys, which can develop

    magnetic properties, e.g. iron and steel. The principle

    involved in this test is that in a magnetised metal if

    its magnetic field is interrupted by a crack its

    continuity is broken. Due to low magnetic permeability

    of air some magnetic flux lines leak out of the metal,

    and if a magnetic material is spread over that portion

    some of it is held there by the flux lines to show the

    presence of a crack or void there. So, for this test,

    the casting is first magnetised and then fine particles

    of iron or steel are spread over its surface. The

    presence of cracks is revealed by the help up particles

    on the surface.

    (ii) Penetrant testing : This method is used to detect

    small surface cracks and can be conveniently used for all

    metals and alloys. It consists of applying a thin

    penetrating liquid over the surface of the casting,

    allowing it to penetrate into the cracks by capillary

    action and then cleaning the whole surface which draws

    back some of the liquid on to the surface. The surface

    is then exposed to an ultraviolet light where the

    presence of liquid is clearly seen, indicating a crack


    Q.21. What do you understand by gravity die-casting?

    State its advantages.


    1)It is a very speedy process and each cast takes between

    2 to 4 minutes time only.

    2)Permanent moulds have a very long life in as much as

    one mould can be conveniently used for producing

    between 3,000 to 10,000 castings in cast iron and

    between 10,000 to 25,000 castings in alluminium.



    MP -I Unit - 1 26

    3)Surface finish through this method is better than sand

    castings but inferior than pressure die-castings.

    4)Dimensional tolerances of the order of 0.508 per 100

    mm. can be conveniently obtained.

    5)For the same amount of production it requires less

    floor area than sand casting.

    6)Less skill is required of the operator than in sand


    7)Many of the defects found in sand castings are

    eliminated totally.

    8)Castings produced through this method are found to have

    a finer grain structure.

    9)Castings in large quantities can be produced more


    10) A minimum thickness of 2.4 mm. Can be easily cast.

    Q.22. Explain with the help of neat cross sectional sketch

    of cupola, indicating its various zones.

    Ans. Various zones of cupola are shown in Figs.

    A number of chemical reaction take place in these zones

    which are explained below :

    1.Well :- It is the space between the bottom of the tuyeres

    and the sand bed. The metal, after melting,, trickles

    down and collects in this space before it is tapped out.

    2.Combustion zone :- It is also known as oxidising zone.

    It is located between the top of the tuyeres and a

    theoretical level above it. The total height of this

    zone is normally from 15 cm. To 30 cm. The actual

    combustion takes place in this zone, consuming all free

    oxygen from the air blast and producing a lot of heat,

    which is sufficient enough to meet the requirements of

    other zones of cupola. More heat is evolved due to

    oxidation of silicon and manganese. A temperature of

    about 15400C to 18700C is produced in this zone. The



    MP -I Unit - 1 27

    exothermic reactions taking place in this zone can be

    represented thus.

    3.Reducing zone :- It is also known as the protective

    zone. It is located between the top of the combustion

    zone and the top level of the coke bed. CO2 is reduced

    to CO in this zone through an endothermic reaction, as a

    result of which the temperature falls from combustion

    zone temperature to about 12000C at the top of this zone.

    The reaction is as follows :

    Nitrogen, the other main constituent of the

    upward moving hot gases does not participate in the

    reaction. This zone, on account of the reducing

    atmosphere in it, protects the charge against oxidation.

    4.Melting zone :- The first layer of metal charge above the

    coke bed constitutes this zone. The solid metal charge

    changes to molten state in this zone and trickles down

    through the coke to the well. The molten metal picks up

    sufficient carbon content in this zone as represented by

    the following reaction :

    5.Preheating zone :- It extends from above the melting zone

    to the bottom level of the charging door and contains a

    number of alternate layers of coke and metal charges.

    The function of this zone is to preheat the charges from

    atmospheric temperature to about 10930C before they

    settle downwards to enter the melting zone. This

    preheating takes place due to the upward advancing hot

    gases, from which the solid metal also picks up some

    sulphur content.

    6.Stack :- The empty portion of cupola above the preheating

    zone, which provides the passage to hot gases to go to

    atmosphere, is known as stack.

    Q.23. Explain the common allowances provided on patterns.

    Ans. Pattern Allowances



    MP -I Unit - 1 28

    (i) Shrinkage:- When any metal cools, it naturally

    shrinks in size. Hence, if the actual object itself is

    used for the pattern, the resulting casting would be

    slightly smaller than desired. To compensate for this

    possibility, a shrink rule is used in laying out of

    measurements for the pattern. A shrink rule for cast

    iron is 10 mm per meter (the average shrinkage for cast

    iron) longer than the standard rule.

    When metal patterns are to be cast from the original

    patterns, double shrinkage must be allowed.

    (ii) Draft :- When a pattern is drawn out from a mould, the

    tendency to tear away the edges of the mould in contact

    with the pattern is greatly decreased if the surfaces of

    the pattern are given a slight taper in a direction

    parallel to which it is being withdrawn. This tapering

    of the sides of the pattern, known as draft, is done to

    provide a slight clearance for the pattern as it is

    lifted up. The amount of draft on exterior surfaces is

    about 10 to 20 mm per meter. On interior holes, which are

    fairly small, the draft should be around 30 mm per meter.

    (iii)Finish :- When a draftsman draws up the details of a

    part to be made each surface to be machined is indicated

    by a finish mark. The mark indicates that additional

    metal must be provided at this point so that there will

    be some metal to machine. The amount that is to be added

    depends upon the size, shape of casting, but in general,

    the allowance for small castings and average sized

    castings is 3 mm.

    (iv) Distortion :- This allowance applies only to those

    castings of irregular shapes, which are distorted in the

    process of cooling as a result of metal shrinkage. Such

    an allowance depends on the judgment and experience of

    the pattern maker, who understands the shrinkage

    characteristics of the metal.



    MP -I Unit - 1 29

    (v) Shake :- When a pattern is rapped in the mould before

    it is withdrawn, the cavity in the mould is slightly

    increased. In an average sized casting this increase in

    size can be ignored. In large castings or in one that

    must fit without machining, however, shake allowance must

    be considered by making the pattern slightly smaller.

    Q.24. Discuss the advantages split and multi-piece patterns.

    Ans. Following are the advantages of split and multi-

    piece patterns.

    1.Complicated designs can be constructed in these types of


    2.They facilitate easy withdrawal from cope and drag box.

    3.These pattern are easy to contact as compared to solid or

    single piece pattern.

    Q.25. Why testing of foundry sand is necessary? What are the

    common tests performed on foundry sands?

    Ans. In progressive foundries it is recognized that the

    foundry sand deserves as much attention as the casting

    metal. The foundry sand may account for one-third of the

    cost of the finished casting. In modern mass production of

    sand castings, the moulding sand, which constitutes the

    chief moulding material, is therefore, required to be

    tested periodically in order that control of its

    composition and properties may be maintained. Test may be

    either chemical or mechanical. Chemical tests are used

    only to determine the undesirable elements in the sand, and

    in most cases mechanical tests are employed.

    The essential mechanical tests include fineness,

    moisture content, clay content, permeability, strength in

    compression, and mould hardness.



    MP -I Unit - 1 30

    Q.26. What are the factors, which should be considered

    before designing a casting?

    Ans. The important factors to keep in mind when designing a

    casting to obtain maximum strength and minimum casting

    include :

    1.Design for directional solidification.

    2.Design for minimum stresses.

    3.Design for metal flow.

    4.Cast-well design.

    5.Design for minimum casting.

    6.Design for expected tolerances.

    7.Functional design.

    Q.27. Write short notes on the following casting defects.

    1)Cuts and washes2)DropsAns. 1) Cuts and washes :- These defects occur due to the

    erosion of sand from the mould or core surfaces by the

    molten metal. The cavities formed on the mould and core

    surfaces due to this erosion are filled by the molten metal

    and the same appear on the casting surface as an surface as

    an excess metal in the form of ragged spots. These spots

    are called scabs. The eroded sand appears as a sand

    inclusion some-where else in the casting. These cuts and

    washes take place due to insufficient strength of mould and

    core, lack of binding material in the facing and core sand

    and faulty gating. Obviously, the remedy of the defect

    lies in adequate ramming, additional of sufficient binders

    in facing and core sands and improved gating system.

    2) Drops :- This defect appears as an irregular

    deformation of the casting. It occurs on account of a

    portion of the sand breaking away from the mould and

    dropping into the molten metal. The above breaking takes

    place due to low green strength in the sand, too soft



    MP -I Unit - 1 31

    ramming, insufficient reinforcement of the cope or other

    sand projections. Increase in green strength of the sand

    by suitable modification in its composition, hard ramming

    and adequate reinforcing of cope and other sand projections

    by means of bars, nails and gaggers etc. are the principal

    remedies of this defect.

    Q.28. What are the factors which govern the selection of a

    proper material for pattern making.

    Ans. Factors effecting the selection of pattern material:-

    The selection of a particular material for making the

    pattern is influenced by the following factors : -

    1.Number of castings to be made.

    2.Method of moulding to be used, i.e., hand or machine.

    3.Type of casting method to be used.

    4.Degree of accuracy in dimensions and the quality of

    surface finish required on the castings.

    5.Design of casting.

    Q.29. How are the patterns classified ? Explain the use of

    solid pattern.

    Ans: On the basis of material used in construction of

    patterns, they are classified as :

    (1) Wooden patterns

    (2) Metal patterns

    (3) Plaster patterns

    (4) Plastic patterns

    (5) Wax patterns

    (1) on the basis of number of pieces used in construction,

    patterns are classified as

    (1) Solid or single piece pattern

    (2) Two piece or split pattern

    (3) Multi-piece pattern

    (4) plate pattern



    MP -I Unit - 1 32

    Solid or Single piece pattern :-

    A single piece pattern is the simplest of all the

    patterns, is made in one-piece and carries no joint,

    partition or loose pieces. Depending upon the shape, it

    can be moulded in one or two boxes. This pattern is the

    cheapest but its use can be done to a limited extent of

    production only since its moulding involves a large number

    of manual operations like gate cutting, providing runners

    and risers and the like.

    Q.30. Write short notes on

    1) Functions of a pattern

    2) Core boxes

    Ans. 1) Functions of a pattern :-

    The main functions of a pattern are :

    (i) To produce the mould cavity of appropriate shape and

    size in which the molten metal can be poured to obtain

    desired casting.

    (ii) To produce seats for cores in the mould in which cores

    can be placed to produce cavity in the casting. These

    seats in the mould are called coreprints and the

    corresponding projections on the pattern, which

    produce these seats, are also known as coreprints.

    (iii)To establish the parting surfaces and lines in the


    (iv) To establish distinct locating points in the moulds of

    which the corresponding points on the casting are used

    as reference points, for checking the casting



    MP -I Unit - 1 33

    dimensions and relative location of machined and other


    (v) To minimise defects in castings.

    (vi) To enable production of green sand or rammed-up cores

    within the mould itself.

    (vii)To minimise the cost of casting.

    2) Core boxes :-

    Core boxes are used for making cores. They are either

    made single or in two parts. Their classification is,

    generally, according to the shape of the core or the method

    of making the core. The common types of core boxes are the

    following :-

    (i) Half core box :- To prepare the core in two halves

    which are later on cemented together to form the

    complete core.(See fig. )

    (ii) Dump core-box :- Used to prepare complete core in it.

    Generally, rectangular cores are prepared in these

    boxes.(See fig.)



    MP -I Unit - 1 34

    (iii)Split core-box :- It is made in two parts, which can

    be joined together by means of dowels to form the

    complete cavity for making the core.(See fig.)

    (iv) Strickle type core-box :- It is used to form cores of

    irregular or unsymmetrical shapes, as shown in fig.

    (v) Loose piece core-box:- It is used to prepare, in the

    same core box, the two halves of a core of which the

    halves are not identical in shape and size. (See fig.)

    Q.31. What are the factors which govern the choice of a

    particular type of furnace for melting a particular metal?

    Loose piece core box



    MP -I Unit - 1 35

    Ans. The choice of a particular type of furnace is largely

    based on the following factors :-

    1.Rate of melting desired, depending upon the quantity of

    metal required to be melted per hour.

    2.Type of metal to be melted.

    3.Temperature required.

    4.Capability of melting medium for absorbing impurities.

    5.Method of pouring the molten metal.

    6.Economic considerations, i.e. initial investment to be

    made as cost of equipment and its installation,

    maintenance cost and cost of fuel to be consumed, etc.

    Q.32. What is a hot blast cupola? What are its advantages?

    Q.33. Explain the causes and remedies of following casting





    Defects Possible courses Remedies

    1 Fusion a)Low refractoriness in

    moulding sand.

    b) Faulty gating.

    c) Too high pouring

    temperature of metal.

    d) Poor facing sand.

    (a)Improve refractoriness.

    (b)Modify gating system.

    (c)Use lower pouring


    (d) Improve quality of

    facing sand.

    2 Short


    (a)Too low pouring


    a)Excess sulphur

    Content in metal.

    (a)Faulty gating.

    (b)High moisture

    content in moulding


    (a)Use higher pouring


    (b)Reduce sulphur content.

    (c)Modify gating system.

    (d)Reduce moisture




    MP -I Unit - 1 36

    3 Shift (a)Worn-out or bent

    Clamping pins.

    (b)Misalignment of

    Two halves of pattern.

    (c)Improper support

    of core.

    (d)Improper location of


    (e)Faulty core boxes.


    strength of moulding

    sand and core.

    (a)Repair or replace the


    (b) Repair of replace

    dowels causing


    (c) Provide adequate

    support to core.

    (d) Locate the core


    (e) Repair or replace

    the core boxes.

    (f) Increase strength

    of moulding sand and core.

    Note :- There is always a possibility of asking question on

    Casting defects, their causes and remedies. Students are

    advised to Refer table 11.1 containing total 18 defects in

    Workshop technology byB.S.Raghuwanshi.


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    MP -I Unit - 2 37

    UNIT NO.2

    Q.1. (a) Define the following terms.



    3)Parting line


    (b) Discuss the following casting defects.

    i) Sand Spots

    ii) Run Out

    Ans. 1) Drag:- Sand moulds are prepared in specially

    constructed boxes called flasks. The purpose of the flask

    is to import the necessary rigidity and strength to the

    sand in moulding. They are usually made in two parts, held

    in alignment by dowel pins. The top part is called the

    cope and the lower part.

    2) Sprue :- A vertical passage through the cope and

    connecting the pouring basin to the runner and gate is

    called Sprue. Conventionally a sprue should be tapered

    with larger end to receive the molten metal and to act as

    reservoir. Round sprue is preferred upto 20 mm dia, but

    longer sprues may be rectangular (less turbulence in

    rectangular sprue). The circular sprue has minimum surface

    exposed to cooling and offers the least resistance to


    3) Parting line :- It is the line along which the sand

    surfaces of the drag and cope join each other.

    4) Gate :- It is an opening through which the molten-

    mental flows from runner to mould cavity. The size, and

    location of gates are so arranged that the mould cavity can

    be filled as quickly as possible without cutting the mould

    surfaces, further crack in metal after solidification

    should not develop.





    MP -I Unit - 2 39

    Vaccum die casting machine :- Complete evacuation of air

    from the die prior to metal injection is a vital necessity

    for preventing the air entrapment in the casting.

    This difficulty is overcome in the vaccum die casting

    machine. Some modifications are made in hot chamber die

    casting machine to get vaccum die casting machine. The

    additional equipment required in this case consist of an

    encasement ground the die blocks, compressible seals at

    the top and bottom of this encasement and a pipe connecting

    the encasement to the vaccum pump through a valve and

    vaccum tank. An additional plunger, adjacent to the main

    plunger, for elasing the part, when vaccum is applied tothe die to prevent the molten metal

    From being drawn into the die.

    Q.3. What is the utility of various types of furnaces used

    in foundry shops? Describe one widely used furnace with

    special reference to its parts, working and other features.

    Draw a neat sketch of the furnace also.

    Ans. The main utility of various furnaces used in foundries

    is for melting of various varieties of ferrous and non-

    ferrous metals and alloys.

    Describe Cupola furnace for 2nd

    part of question.

    Q.4. Write short notes on the following

    (Covering main aspects only).



    MP -I Unit - 2 40

    (i) Inspection of castings(ii) Modernisation and mechanisation of foundries.

    Ans: Inspection of castings :-

    It serves two purposes (1) The rejection of the castings

    which do not meet the specifications and (2) maintaining

    the quality of workmanship.

    There are many methods used to check the quality of

    castings. Most of the methods mentioned below.

    (i) Visual inspection.

    (ii) Dimensional inspection.

    (iii)Mechanical testing and chemical testing.

    (iv) Defects in internal flows by non-destructive tests.

    (v) Metallurgical testing.

    (ii) Modernisation and mechanisation of foundries.

    The term mechanization means substitution of

    machinery to perform the operations which were otherwise

    performed by hands. Such a substitution can be made of

    sand preparation, moulding and core-making, pouring,

    material handling and many other similar operations. Such

    foundries, where machines have been employed to replace

    hand operations, are called mechanized foundries. However,

    the decision to switch over to mechanization in any foundry

    is largely governed by economic considerations. The extent

    to which it can be adopted in any foundry depends

    considerably on the quantity and type of production.

    Larger the production, more is the scope for mechanization.

    This scope is further enhanced if the sad production is of

    identical components on mass scale.

    Advantages of mechanization

    1.From the same floor area much higher production can be


    2.A large saving in labour and time is effected by doing

    away with a number of laborious hand operations, like

    sand preparation, mould making and material handling etc.



    MP -I Unit - 2 41

    3.It creates more hygienic and healthy working conditions

    for the shop workers and effects an increase in their

    earnings through higher production.

    4.It improves the quality of the castings produced by

    facilitating closer dimensional tolerances, minimising

    defects and providing better surface finish.

    5.Overall production cost is reduced due to faster rate of

    production and elimination of a large number of laborious

    hand operations.

    Q.6. What is permanent mould? Specify its advantages and


    Ans. When the mould made from metals like C.I. or steel

    then, while casting such mould is not destroyed or rebuilt

    after every casting. Since can be use for long period such

    mould is known as permanent mould.

    Advantages of permanent mould

    1)Increases the speed of casting process.

    2)Have very long life.

    3)Results in better surface finish than sand casting.

    4)Castings in large quantities can be produced


    5)Casting method requires less skill and at same time

    number of rejections are less.

    Disadvantages of permanent mould

    1)These moulds are much costlier than sand mould.

    2)It can be successfully used for casting very high

    temperature alloys

    3)Gates, runners and risers can not be shifted and

    positioned any where at will.

    4)May produced several defects in casting like stress and

    surface hardness due to surface chilling effect.



    MP -I Unit - 2 42

    Q.7. Sketch cross section through permanent mould showing

    its principal parts. Describe its construction in detail.

    Ans. Construction of permanent mould:

    Generally these moulds are made in two halves, parting

    surface of which is in a vertical plane. Cores may be

    designed as part of the mould itself known as fixed cores

    or fitted separately known as movable cores. For easy and

    quick removal of movable cores separate mechanism is

    incorporated. Clamping arrangement is used to avoid mould

    to open under the hydrostatic pressure of molten metal.

    Mould generally comprises of several blocks joined together

    as shown in figure.

    The form block and base block together form the actual

    mould cavity whereas the runner block incorporates the

    runner and riser. Runner and riser are generally kept on

    parting line.

    Q.8.What is gravity die casting? Explain with neat sketch.

    Q.9. Explain the difference between gravity die casting and

    pressure die casting.


    - In gravity die casting pouring is done simply due to

    gravity and no external pressure is applied. But for

    pressure die casting external pressure is applied to free

    the molten or semi molten metal in to the die cavity.

    - In P.D.C. the pressure is applied to the force the fluid

    in die cavity. The fluid alloy fills the entire die



    MP -I Unit - 2 43

    including all minute cavities. Hence intricate can be

    produced successfully but as compared to G.D.C.

    - We get better dimensional tolerance and better surface

    finish in P.D.C. compared to G.D.C.

    - P.D.C. can be made fully or semi automatic.

    - P.D.C. metal in semi molten state can be cast which not

    possible in G.D.C.

    - As the arrangement to develop the pressure is needed in

    case of P.D.C. it needs some costly equipments which

    increases the build up cost for P.D.C. Hence the

    equipments use for P.D.C. are costlier than G.D.C.

    Q.9. Write short notes on

    (i) Repair of castings(ii) Pressed casting Ans: (i)Repair of castings:- When casting gets damaged or

    found defective particularly in case of large castings, it

    is not economical to reject it and recast it. In such case

    we can repair it by proper method mostly by welding which

    save time as well as money. Depending upon the casting

    material, type of defect, we can use proper welding method

    to repair defect. In most cases, bend or warped castings,

    if slightly out of shape also possible to bring back to

    original shape by hammering with soft hammers by hand,

    jacks or by presses.

    (ii)Pressed casting :- In this type fixed amount of molten

    metal poured into the permanent mould and then close

    fitting cores are pushed in the cavity, by this molten

    metal force into the mould cavity. Cores are removed after

    metal sets into cavity. We get thin walled hallow casting.

    This method is limited for ornamental articles.

    Q.10. Explain Jamming of cupola.

    Ans. Jamming of cupola may be permanent or temporary.



    MP -I Unit - 2 44

    If the molten metal is not taped out before its level

    rises to high in the well, the slag which floats on the

    surface of molten metal, will start flowing into wind belt

    through the tuyeres and air passage will be choked and the

    cupola jammed. Thus, the furnace is put to an unusable

    condition then it is known as permanent jamming. Iron and

    slag around the tuyeres openings get solidify. Due to the

    low temperature at the tuyeres openings which results in

    the closing of air passage and supply of air is temporarily

    stopped termed as temporary jamming. This can be prevented

    by frequent poking of this solidified material by poking

    bar, through tuyeres.

    Q.11. Explain the process of sand preparation and


    Ans. Following steps are carried out for sand preparation

    and conditioning :-

    Sand found in nature doesnt content all required

    qualities in required extent necessary for proper moulding.

    Hence some additives are mixed with sand. Generally clay,

    lime, magnesia, potash, soda, horse manure, saw dust, cow

    dug, coal dust etc. used in small quantities.

    This additives are mixed by hand or by mixing machine

    which ensures uniform distribution of clay, moisture and

    other constituent between sand grains.

    Then adequate amount of water is poured over sand,

    then the sand turned upside and downside by means of

    shovel. This moistens the clay making it adhesive.

    This mixture is riddled to remove the foreign


    Q.12. State the advantages and disadvantages of die


    Ans.Advantages of die casting are





    MP -I Unit - 2 46

    alloys having high melting

    point usually above 5000C.

    are cast.

    melting point usually below

    5000C. are cast.

    Requires operating pressure

    of 300 to 1600 kgf/cm2.

    Requires comparatively low

    operating pressure below 150


    Usually 75 to 150 castings

    per hour can be produced.

    Usually 300 to 350 castings

    per hour can be produced.

    Semi solid metals and alloys

    can be cast.

    Semi solid metals and alloys

    can not be cast.

    Usually nickel-chrome steel

    is used for die.

    Usually hardened and tempered

    chrome-vanadium or chrome-

    tungsten steel is used for


    Q.13. How permanent mould casting differ from sand casting?


    Permanent Mould Casting Sand Casting

    1. Mould is a permanent one

    and is neither destroyed

    nor remade after each cast.

    1. Mould is not permanent.

    2. Requires less floor

    space area.

    2. Requires more floor space


    3. Moulds are costly. 3. Cost of mould is less.

    4. Rate of production is


    4. Rate of production is


    5. Economical for large

    quantity production.

    5. Used for small quantity of


    6. In order to enable and

    easy and unrestricted

    removal of casting, the

    runner and riser are

    normally kept on the

    parting line.

    6. The runner and riser can

    be suitably positioned at




    MP -I Unit - 2 47

    7. Better surface finish is


    7. Surface finish inferior

    than permanent mould casting.

    8. Less skill operator is


    8. Comparatively more skill

    operator is required.

    9. Eliminates many defects

    found in sand casting but

    need greater precaution

    against chilling effect on

    the casting surface.

    9. No need of such precaution

    against chilling effect on

    casting surface.

    Q.14. What is gravity die casting? Explain with neat


    Q.15. Sketch and explain the construction and operation of

    hot chamber die casting machine.

    Ans. In the hot chamber die casting machine the metal

    melting unit forms an integral part of machine. It mainly

    consist of hot chamber and a goose neck type metal

    container made of cast iron.


    This type of machine having goose neck type container

    which always remains immersed in the metal pot.

    Cylindrical shape is formed at the end of goose neck, a

    plunger acts inside the cylinder. A port is provided near

    the top of the cylinder. Goose neck injector is connected

    to stationary die by nozzle and movable die can move to

    from die casting and injecting the casting. Die is

    provided with proper injecting mechanism.


    As the plunger move upward the port get open and

    molten metal enters into cylinder. Downward movement of

    plunger closes the port and forces the molten metal inside

    die cavity through nozzle. After solidification plunger

    moves upward at the same time movable die move away from

    stationary die to inject the casting.



    MP -I Unit - 2 48

    Injecting mechanism cause to inject the casting. Plunger

    starts downward movement and movable die moves towards the

    stationary die to form required casting. The cycle

    is further repeated.

    Q.16. Write short notes on

    1) Slush casting2) Pressed castingAns: Slush casting :- Slush casting is a method of

    producing hallow casting by using permanent moulds without

    the use of cores. In this method the molten metal poured

    in to the mould and allowed to solidify upto the required

    thickness, then remaining molten metal made to fall out.

    Because of this we cannot precisely control the thickness

    of casting, hence this method is adopted for ornaments,

    statues, toys and other novelties were controlled thickness

    is not too important.

    Pressed casting :- In this type fixed amount of molten

    metal poured into the permanent mould and then close

    fitting cores are pushed in the cavities, by this molten

    metal force into the mould cavity. Cores are removed after

    metal sets into the cavity and we get thin walled hallow

    casting. This method is limited for ornamental articles.

    Q.17. Explain with neat sketch, the construction and

    operation of a die casting die?

    Ans. Construction :-



    MP -I Unit - 2 49

    Die castings are made into halves, one is stationary

    and other is movable. These two halves when closed have

    vertical parting surface. Dowel pins are provided for

    perfect alignment. Provision of vent for escape of air

    into parting surface is usually provided. A proper

    ejecting mechanism is provided. The die is so designed

    that after solidification the casting will always cling to

    the ejector die.

    Operation :- Movable die moves and comes in contact with

    stationary die. Movable die perfectly aligned with

    stationary die, which forms the required die cavity. This

    cavity is usually the required casting. Then the molten

    metal is injected into the die cavity. After

    solidification, inserted cores are firstly withdrawn. Then

    the die opens, casting cling to the movable die.

    Then either the movable half is slighted backward

    over the ejector pins or the ejector plate attached to this

    is advanced to project the ejector pins beyond the movable

    die to eject the casting from the die.

    Q.18. What are the common forms in which the die casting

    dies are designed? Describe.

    Ans. Die casting dies are generally designed in three


    1)Single impression dies :- In this form die have single

    cavity by this die only one casting at a time can




    MP -I Unit - 2 50

    2)Multi impression dies :- In this form die have more than

    one die cavities. These die cavities are alike. By this

    die, castings equal to the number of cavities in them can

    be produced at a time.

    3) Combination dies :- In this form die have more than onedie cavities, but these die cavities are not alike. By

    this die, casting equal to the number of cavities in

    them can be produced.

    Q.18. Explain the working of a cold chamber machine with

    the help of a diagram.

    Ans. The working principle of a cold chamber machine is

    illustrated in Fig.15.3. The word cold chamber is used

    to denote horizontal cylinder into which the injection

    plunger work. For these machines the metal is melted

    separately in a furnace and transferred to these by means

    of a small hand ladle. After closing the die the molten

    metal is poured into the horizontal chamber through the

    metal inlet. The plunger is pushed forward hydraulically

    to force the metal into the die. After solidification, the

    die is opened and the casting is ejected. The plunger is

    again drawn back and the cycle repeated as usual for next

    casting. These machines are widely used for casting a good

    number of alluminium alloys and brasses which cannot be

    cast in hot chamber machines as they require higher melting

    points. Moreover, the chances of iron pick up by

    alluminium are almost finished in these machines as it

    takes place only at elevated temperatures, and also because

    the molten alloy remains in contact with the steel cold

    chamber and plunger for a very small period.

    Q.19. State the advantages and disadvantages of die


    Ans. Advantages of die castingare



    MP -I Unit - 2 51

    1. It requires less floor space as compare to other casting


    2. Rate of production is high. 75 to 150 casts per hour in

    cold chamber. 300 to 350 casts per hour in hot chamber


    3. Die casting dies retain their and more accuracy for a

    very long time.

    4. Very thin sections can be cast and Holes upto minimum of

    1.6 mm.

    5. High surface finish is obtained and often no further

    finishing is required.

    6. Cost per unit is minimum hence economical.

    Disadvantages of die casting are

    1.All metals and alloys cannot be cast.

    2.The cost of machine dies and other equipment used is


    3.Not economical for small quantity production.

    4.Heavy castings cannot be cast.

    5.Special precautions are necessary for evacuation of air

    from die cavity, otherwise cause porosity.

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    MP -I Unit - 3 52

    UNIT NO.03

    Q.1. (a) Explain the method of carbon dioxide moulding with

    its neat sketch.

    Ans. In this method silica sand and 3.5 to 5 % Sodium

    silicate liquid base binder, mixed for 3 to 4 minutes in a

    muller. Silica sand should be clean, dry and free from

    clay. To obtain collapsibility property some additives

    like, wood, coal dust, flour, graphite etc are added.

    Moisture content should not exceed 3%. This prepared

    sand is put in to the mould (around the pattern) by any

    convenient method.

    After packing CO2 gas is forced into mould at a

    pressure of about 1.41 kg/cm2, called gassing. CO2 reacts

    with sodium silicate, following reaction takes place and

    silica jel is formed.

    Na2SiO3 +H2O+CO2 Na2CO3 +(SiO2+H2O)

    (Sodium silicate) (Sodium (Silica jel)


    Silica jel binds the sand grains together to provide

    the strength and hardness to the Mould. Steps of carbon

    dioxide moulding shown below.

    Q.2.Describe the process of true centrifugal casting with

    the help of neat diagram.



    MP -I Unit - 3 53

    Ans. In this process, the castings are made in a

    hollow, cylindrical mould rotated about an axis, common to

    both casting and mould, the axis may be horizontal,

    vertical or inclined. The mould used may be either of

    permanent type or a sand lined mould usually end cores are

    used to prevent the molten metal, thrown out from end.

    Fig shows horizontal true centrifugal casting machine.

    Having a large cylindrical mould for casting cast iron

    pipes. The mould consists of an outer metallic flask

    provided with rammed sand lining inside. The mould is

    rotated between two sets of rollers, mounted on a shaft

    driven by a variable speed motor. Pouring basin is formed

    on the body of a trolley.

    Molten metal is poured while Mould is rotating,

    due to the centrifugal force metal is directed towards the

    periphery. While pouring Mould is rotated at slower speed,

    after pouring, speed is increased to effect even

    distribution of the metal all along the inside surface of

    the mould and proper directional solidification. After

    solidification flask is replaced by new one and the process

    is repeated.

    The use of this process is limited only for

    symmetrical shaped objects, such as pipes, rolls, cylinder

    sleeves and liners, piston-ring stock, bearings bushing


    Q.3. Explain the core with the use. What are the

    characteristics of a good core?



    MP -I Unit - 3 54

    Ans. A core can be defined as a body of sand,

    generally prepared separately in a core box, which is used

    to form a cavity of desired shape and size in a casting.

    However, there are some exceptions to this definition. For

    example in a pattern can be used to form a core as a part

    of the mould, this being known as a green sand core.

    Similarly, in permanent moulds or dies, the cores are

    formed by the metallic moulds themselves as an integral

    part of them. Cores which are prepared separately in core

    boxes are called dry sand cores, and held and located in

    the moulds in the seats formed by the core prints provided

    on the patterns. The main characteristics required in a

    good core are the

    following :

    1. It must be sufficiently permeable to allow an easy

    escape to the gases formed.

    2. It should be highly refractory to withstand the intense

    heat of molten metal.

    3. It should be enough hard and strong to bear its own

    weight and the force of molten metal.

    4. It should have high collapsibility i.e.; it should be

    able to disintegrate quickly after the solidification of

    the metal is complete.

    5. It should not carry such constituents, which will give

    rise to excessive gases on coming in contact with the

    molten metal.

    (The main ingredients of core sand mixtures

    and their essential characteristics have already been

    discussed in the last chapter.)

    Q.4. What is investment costing? What are its main

    advantages and disadvantages?

    Ans. Following are the steps of investment casting:

    1.First of all master pattern is made from wood or metal.



    MP -I Unit - 3 55

    2 By using gelatin or an alloy of low melting point and

    master pattern, master mould is formed.

    3.The master Mould is filled with liquid wax or by thermo

    plastic polystyrene resin which when solidified forms a wax


    4.The wax pattern is coated with slurry consisting of

    silica flour and small amounts of kaolin and graphite

    mixed with water. This process referred to as the

    investment of the pattern.

    5.The pattern is then used to make up moulds similar to

    those used in the conventional moulding process, but the

    pattern within the mould is not taken out of the mould,

    which is not opened after this moulding process.

    6.Finished mould is dried in air for 2 to 3 hrs. and then

    baked in an oven about 2 hrs. to melt out the wax or

    remove the wax with the help of a solvent degreaser.

    7.After this the mould is sintered at about 10000C to

    improve its resistivity. Finally it is cooled down to a

    temp. between 800 and 7000C for casting. The castings

    are obtained by gravity, pressure vacuum or centrifugal

    operations. After the metal is cooled the plaster is

    broken away and gets feeders are cut out. The castings

    so obtained are finally cleaned by sand blasting,

    grinding or other finishing processes.


    1. Better dimensional accuracy, the normal tolerance being

    0.005 mm.

    2. Better surface finish

    3. Thin sections of the order of 0.75 mm can be cast

    4. Intricate machining of the casting is avoided

    5. Castings are sound and have large grains as the rate of

    cooling is slow.



    MP -I Unit - 3 56


    1. Moulds used are single purpose, i.e.they can be used only


    2. It is expensive process and hence is adopted only where

    small number of intricate and highly accurate parts are

    to be manufactured.

    3. This process is suitable for small size parts.

    4. They present the same difficulty where cores are to be


    5. Process is slow.

    Q.5. Which are the moulding machines used in practice?

    Describe any one with the help of sketch if required?

    Ans. Types of moulding machines:

    The large variety of moulding machines that are

    available in different designs can be classified as:

    1. Jar or Jolt machine. This machine consists of an air-

    operated piston and cylinder. The air enters from the

    bottom side of the cylinder and acts on the bottom face

    of the piston to raise it up. At the top of the piston

    is attached the platen or table of the machine which

    carries the pattern and moulding flask with sand over it.

    When the piston, and hence the table, has been raised to

    a certain height the air below the piston is suddenly

    released, resulting in an even packing of sand around the

    pattern in the flask. The operation is repeated several

    times and quite rapidly. It is known as jolting.

    2. Squeezer machine: These machines may be hand operated

    or power operated. The pattern is placed over the machine

    table, followed by the moulding flask. In hand-operated

    mechanism whereas in power machines it is lifted by the

    action of air pressure on a piston in the cylinder in the

    same way as in jolt machine. The difference is that the

    table is not dropped from height but is raised gradually.



    MP -I Unit - 3 57

    On the top of the machine column is provided an overhead

    plate and the sand in the flask is squeezed between this

    plate and the upward rising table. This enables a uniform

    pressing of sand in the flask. A specific advantage of

    power operated machines over hand-operated ones is that

    more pressure can be applied in the former which

    facilitates handling of a wider range of jobs.

    Pin lift or push-off type machines. In these machines

    the mechanism is almost similar to the above except that

    the supporting ram is stationary and four pins are suitably

    incorporated passing through the machine platen and the

    pattern plate. No stripping plate is, however, required.

    After the ramming is over the moulding flask is lifted off

    the pattern by the four pins which are mechanically

    operated by a mechanism suitably incorporated in the


    Q.6. Describe centrifugal casting and state its advantages

    and limitations. Draw a sketch of the same.

    Ans. Centrifugal casting is casting method in which, molten

    metal is poured while mould is rotating, due to the

    centrifugal force metal is directed towards the periphery.

    The cold metal is forced towards the outer side of the

    casting by the centrifugal force, where as the hotter metal

    remains on the inner side of the casting to provide the

    required feeding of metal during solidification.

    Although many different shapes can be cast through

    this process, but those with symmetrical shapes are best

    suited for it.

    Centrifugal casting methods can be classified as

    follows: -

    a)True centrifugal casting

    b)Semi centrifugal casting
