Managers Guidance Notes Reading Borough Council DK 16/05/2016 Page 1 MANAGERS GUIDANCE NOTES Contents 1. Manager’s screen on logging in............................................................................ 2 2. Case Note Alerts .................................................................................................. 2 3. Approving Requests ............................................................................................. 3 4. Authorisations ...................................................................................................... 6 5. Team Workview ................................................................................................... 9 6. Assigning and Re-assigning Work ....................................................................... 10 7. Managers Case Notes ......................................................................................... 12 8. How to Run Reports in Mosaic ........................................................................... 13

MANAGERS GUIDANCE NOTES - proceduresonline.com...Managers Guidance Notes – Reading Borough Council – DK 16/05/2016 Page 2 1. Manager’s screen on logging in 2. Case Note Alerts

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Managers Guidance Notes – Reading Borough Council – DK 16/05/2016 Page 1



1. Manager’s screen on logging in............................................................................ 2

2. Case Note Alerts .................................................................................................. 2

3. Approving Requests ............................................................................................. 3

4. Authorisations ...................................................................................................... 6

5. Team Workview ................................................................................................... 9

6. Assigning and Re-assigning Work ....................................................................... 10

7. Managers Case Notes ......................................................................................... 12

8. How to Run Reports in Mosaic ........................................................................... 13

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Managers Guidance Notes – Reading Borough Council – DK 16/05/2016 Page 2

1. Manager’s screen on logging in

2. Case Note Alerts

Any Case Note Alerts will be

displayed here.

Click on the Case note alert hyperlink

to read and acknowledge the alert.

Incoming Requests for

approval will be displayed

in the Current Work pane

Quick short-cut icons

Incoming Authorisations of

Services or Budgets will

be also displayed here

Click on View Case Note to read

the note, then click Acknowledge

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3. Approving Requests

Click on the icon to the left

of the Incoming Request

You can read any Notes here

Click Resume Work

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The workflow step will open:

Responding to the Request:

You can read, edit and sign, if

necessary, all the forms

which have been completed

Click on the paper

clip to read any

attached documents

Use the PDF icon to produce

a printable copy of any

document, which is easy to

read and can be emailed

The Requests icon displays a red

triangle indicating that there is a

mandatory Request waiting.

Click on the Requests icon.

Click on the Request

highlighted red with

your name by it

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The Requests dialogue box will appear:

Click on Completed

if you are happy to

approve the work

Click on Returned and enter a

reason in the Note field if you

are not approving the work.

The Request will be returned

to the appropriate worker for

amendment and resubmission

The status history of

Requests can be seen here

Click OK

Click on Finish to send

the Next Actions and

complete the step

Note the red warning

triangle will disappear once

you approve the work and

complete the Request

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4. Authorisations

Authorising a Care Package or other Service, or approving a Personal Budget, is all

done in a similar way on Mosaic.

Or: Click on the icon here

and click View All to see

all your Authorisations

You can prioritise your

Authorisation tasks and move

some to the waiting list

Click on the Budget Analysis

button for more detail about your

Cost Centre and Budget Codes

Click on the Service

you wish to authorise

Click on the View All

Authorisations icon

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Click on the Request Note

to see any information

which has been entered

Click Authorise and Save.

Or you can Reject the Service here – you

must enter a reason if you choose to Reject

You can enter an

Authorisation Note here

You are returned to the


Authorisation Tasks

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In Adult Social Care, authorising a Personal Budget is carried out in a very similar


Once you have approved a Personal Budget, you can send the Social Worker a

Request from the Care and Support Plan to confirm the Budget is approved and

they can proceed with the Support Plan:

Click Authorise or

Reject, then click Save

Send a Request to the

Social Worker to confirm

that the Personal Budget is

Authorised or Rejected

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5. Team Workview

The Team Summary screen is displayed:

The graphical display

indicates how much Incoming,

Incomplete and Future Work

each team member has

Your Team Members’ names

are listed

Click on the relevant hyperlink to

view a worker’s workload

Names greyed out show

former team members who

still have work or clients

allocated to them

Click on the Team

Workview icon

You see more information if

you start from Full Workview

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6. Assigning and Re-assigning Work

You can click on the Individual

Workview icon to return to your

own screen

You can see the name of

the Team and Worker here

You can view and access your

team member’s workload

To re-assign several pieces of work at

once, click on the Bulk Assign icon

To re-assign a single piece

of work, click on the icon

and select Assign Work

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Tick the pieces of work

you wish to re-assign

Click on the arrow to select

a worker from your team

Click on the Find button to select

a worker from another team

Check the correct items are to be

reassigned and add a Note if necessary

Click Assign

Click Preview Assign

When you have finished assigning work,

click Cancel to return to your screen

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7. Managers Case Notes

To see all previous work when undertaking a Case Audit, click on the Work History

icon or Workflow Map icon, and use the Documents option on the Side Menu:

There are several Case Note Types

for Managers, such as:

Case Audit

Management Overview

Manager’s Decisions

Record of Supervision


Click on the Documents

option on the Side Menu

Workflow Map

Work History List

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8. How to Run Reports in Mosaic

At RBC, Reports are run from the Mosaic Report Manager Link.

In Mosaic go into the Help menu > click External Links > click Reports

This will take you to the Report manager and the screen below. Click on the

required folder. You might not see all these folders; this will be dependent on your


Click Help > External Links > Reports

to access RBC Mosaic Reports

You will be taken to the

RBC Report Manager

Click on the

required folder

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This will present you with a set of sub-folders that you have permission to see.

You will then be presented with a set of reports that have been written by the

Performance and Data Team.

Click on the

required sub-folder

Click on the Report

you wish to see

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You may be asked to enter the Start Date or another parameter if required.

Then click View Report and your report will be generated.

To export the report to Excel click on this icon and choose Excel. This

will generate an Excel version for you.

If you wish to ‘subscribe’ to a report and receive it by email at regular intervals,

click on the report name, then click on the Subscriptions tab in the side menu.

Click here to ‘subscribe’

to this report

Enter parameters

as required

Click on View Report

Click here to export

the report to Excel

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Complete the required details and you will receive the report by email:

N.B. If you have any enquiries about Reports, or would like to request any

additional Reports to be written, please contact the Performance and Data Team.

Click on the

Subscriptions tab

Click on New


Complete the

required details

Select how frequently

you wish to receive

the report