MAKE YOUR IDEAS TAKE FLIGHT We live in challenging times. Every day we are asked to produce more with less, do things better or solve problems that at times seem insurmountable. By thinking more creatively and coming up with innovative ideas, we can meet those chal- lenges and accomplish more in every area of our lives. Make Your Ideas Take Flight, written in straightforward language, inspires people to believe in the power of their untapped creative potential, the key to innovative thinking, and then equips them with the tools to fully develop it. A quick, easy read, the book contains practi- cal knowledge to revisit, review and apply time after time. Anyone who wants to dramatically improve his or her creative thinking capability will benefit from the ideas presented here. Awakens your hidden talent. Fun to read yet loaded with serious information. Contains valuable keys to innovative thinking. A brilliant distillation of a sometimes elusive topic. The world needs this book. —Cynthia Holladay, CEO, UpRight Marketing In this book your ideas don't just take flight...they soar. Hank Olguin helps you use all of your brain cells to not only believe in your dreams, but to give them a voice and even better, make them come true. —Cathy Bonner, Founder, The Women's Museum This book belongs in every high school and college in the country. —John Kalamaras, Painter/Sculptor A little gem that will definitely get everyone’s creative juices flowing. —Emilio Delgado, Actor, Sesame Street’s “Luis” Using the power of creativity to live, work and play more inventively LIGHTBULB WINGER WITH HANK OLGUIN MAKE YOUR IDEAS TAKE FLIGHT Using the power of creativity to live, work and play more inventively $19.95 US

MAKE YOUR IDEAS - creativeideasforsuccess.com Cover+Intro_2.10.10.pdf · A quick, easy read, the book contains practi- ... LIGHTBULB WINGER WITH HANK OLGUIN MAKE YOUR IDEAS TAKE FLIGHT

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We live in challenging times. Every day we are asked to produce more with less, dothings better or solve problems that at times seem insurmountable. By thinkingmore creatively and coming up with innovative ideas, we can meet those chal-lenges and accomplish more in every area of our lives. Make Your Ideas Take Flight,written in straightforward language, inspires people to believe in the power oftheir untapped creative potential, the key to innovative thinking, and then equipsthem with the tools to fully develop it. A quick, easy read, the book contains practi-cal knowledge to revisit, review and apply time after time. Anyone who wants todramatically improve his or her creative thinking capability will benefit from theideas presented here.

Awakens your hidden talent. Funto read yet loaded with seriousinformation. Contains valuablekeys to innovative thinking.

A brilliant distillation of a sometimes elusive topic. The world needs this book.—Cynthia Holladay, CEO, UpRight Marketing

In this book your ideas don't just take flight...they soar. Hank Olguin helps you use all of your brain cells to not only believe in your dreams, but to give them a voice and even better, make them come true.

—Cathy Bonner, Founder, The Women's Museum

This book belongs in every high school and college in the country.—John Kalamaras, Painter/Sculptor

A little gem that will definitely get everyone’s creative juices flowing.—Emilio Delgado, Actor, Sesame Street’s “Luis”

Using the pow

er of creativity to live,w

ork and play more inventively



Using the power of creativity to live, work and play more inventively

$19.95 US


High-flying ideasINTRODUCTION


We lightbulbs have often served as the symbol for newideas. That’s why I, with the help of my friend, HankOlguin, have written this book. Lightbulbs like me are ableto fly into your mind whenever you call us. You just have toknow how to call us, how to access us—and this book willshow you how.

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “When the lightgoes on,” referring to the moment when a new idea or rev-elation comes to you. I like when that happens. The betteryour mind works, the more I come to life. The more cre-ative you become, the more I light up and fly around. Yourmind makes it possible for me to travel almost anywhere,with the speed of thought.

Because I am so familiar with minds, I can assure youthat yours is full of hidden treasures. I flew on to thesepages to show you how the power of creativity can serve touncover some of those riches. By developing your creativecapabilities, you may improve all the other aspects of yourlife, including the ability to accomplish more with less.

Before we start getting your ideas off the ground, I can-not emphasize enough that creativity involves much morethan the ability to write poems, draw pictures or composesongs. It involves the ability to think effectively and produce results in a wide variety of areas. I want to shine a light on some practical tools for tapping into your fullcreative potential and having some fun while we’re at it.

Hi, my name is Lightbulb Winger, andI’m here to show you how to discoverthe power of creativity and make your ideas take flight. As you can see from my wings, I am not an ordinarylightbulb. I belong to the family oflightbulbs that are not stuck in someold socket but that exist in the mindsof people like you.


LET’S PLAY!So much of the learning that people go through these

days is devoid of fun, and that’s too bad because fun canhelp you learn better and be more creative. In fact, discov-ering the power of creativity requires that you have fun.Let’s begin by playing with some ideas. Imagine yourself,but I mean really imagine yourself, with more ability andconfidence to solve problems or think up great innovativeideas, regardless of your situation or position in life.

On the job, picture the expressions of respect and admi-ration you’ll receive from your manager, co-workers orclients when you impress them with your re-energizedinnovative thinking. See yourself increasing your earningpower in the field of your choice.

If you happen to be a manager, allow yourself to feel the surge of pride and accomplishment that will comefrom helping others to think more creatively and improvetheir career satisfaction and advancement, not to mentionyour own.

If you’re an entrepreneur, student or retired person,think of all of the satisfaction that will be yours when youexperience your own mind opening up to new opportuni-ties, new horizons.

I promise you that these and other gifts will come to you if you make just a few minor changes in your way of thinking.

With your permission, I would like to act as your coach,but, maybe more importantly, as your cheerleader. I wouldlove to turn you on, so to speak. You see, I believe in inspir-

Your mind is areservoir full ofhidden treasureswaiting to make you mentally richer.


NOT ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAYNow, you may be thinking, “Who in the world has

enough time to take on another project?” I guess I can’tblame you for thinking that way. The world is full of train-ers, books, tools and programs to help you become morecreative. Unfortunately, it seems you have less time to reador learn all that’s out there. Newspapers, magazines, radio,TV, websites, blogs and podcasts have buried you withinformation. Maybe the clutter on the topic is overwhelm-ing, like the hundreds of commercials that interrupt yourtelevision programs—causing you to become confused, hitthe mute button or decide to go fix a sandwich.

Please don’t do that here, at least not until you’ve readfurther and tried out some of the ideas I want to share withyou. Think of this book as a start-up kit on creativity—onethat may not only launch your flight, but also inspire youto further reading and study.

What I am about to share with you is not entirely new.Countless intelligent members of your human race havebeen talking about the ideas you will find in this book longbefore I came along. What is new is the way in which I’llpresent them. I have tried to condense and simplify some ofthis information and make it easier to understand and use. Ihave attempted to squeeze the essential elements down totheir essence.

So, if you’re ready, come fly with me.


ing people. Inspiration can sometimes play the mostimportant part in achieving success, and I would like noth-ing more than to inspire you to greater flights of creativity.

I’ll begin by reminding you that your mind acts like ahuge reservoir in which you have thousands of free ideasfloating around. The trick is knowing how to dive into thatdeep lagoon, find the pearls and other gems and bringthem up to the surface. I like to think of ideas as preciousstones because they certainly have the potential to bringyou financial rewards, along with many other benefits.Think about the guy who invented the lightbulb. He gotrich didn’t he? In any case, I will be forever grateful to himfor thinking me up.

WHO SHOULD READ THIS BOOK?Whether you’re the CEO of a large corporation, the

founder of a startup company, a high school student or ahomemaker, improving your ability to innovate can helpyou tremendously—maybe even dramatically change yourlife. People who are in touch with their creative sides oftenbecome more successful in everything they do.

Today, everybody seems to be talking about the need tobe more innovative. A changing world has demanded thatyou human beings do more with less in your corporations,non-profit organizations, government agencies andschools. Even managing your homes and families hasbecome more challenging. With everyone seeminglystretched to the limit, the common cry for greater creativityhas emerged across the planet. The problem is that thoseasking you to be more innovative often fail to show you how todo it, how to tap into your creative resources or how to come upwith better ideas.