M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE In developing THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE we have listened to our partners T he Suez Canal Zone represents a new chapter in the economic development of Egypt. Created under Law No. 83 of 2002 and as amended in 2015, the Suez Canal Zone is governed by the General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone: an autonomous body with executive powers of regulation and approval including the full authority to oversee all areas of operation, staffing, control over budgets, funding, development of partnerships with developers and business facilitation services. T he Suez Canal Zone will apply a new investor friendly business environment that will be a blueprint for future development nationally. There will be a genuine one stop shop with all critical elements deployed. Simple declarative investment registration systems with streamlined investment approvals, granting of import and export licenses as well as accelerated on-site customs inspection procedures will be available. Similarly, secondary permits and authorizations relating to land, building, labor, health and safety will be addressed directly by the Suez Canal Zone authority whose efficiency will be enhanced by partnerships with key stakeholders including government ministries, private sector representatives, be it developers or investors in the zone, or affected communities and community groups and certainly international development partners. T he Suez Canal Zone will not just help first-time investors; it will support companies to expand and grow more, and therefore create the thousands of jobs that will put Egyptian people into productive work. HEADQUARTER: K.M. 114, Kdttamcya old rood, Ain Sokhna, Suez - EGYPT-Tel., (+2 062) 3590004/7 - Fax: (+2 062) 3590003 wv/w.sezon£.<yov.eg

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In developing THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE we have listened to our partners

The Suez Canal Zone represents a new chapter in the econom ic deve lopm en t o f Egypt. Created under Law No. 83 o f 2002 and as am ended in 2015, the Suez Canal

Zone is governed by the General A u thority for the Suez Canal Econom ic Zone: an autonom ous body w ith executive powers o f regulation and approval inc lud ing the fu ll authority to oversee all areas o f operation, staffing, contro l over budgets, funding, deve lopm ent o f partnerships w ith developers and business facilita tion services.

The Suez Canal Zone w ill app ly a new investor friendly business env ironm ent tha t w ill be a b lueprint for fu tu re deve lopm ent nationally. There w ill be a genuine

one stop shop w ith all critical elements deployed. Simple declarative investm ent registration systems w ith streamlined investm ent approvals, gran ting o f im port and expo rt licenses as well as accelerated on-site customs inspection procedures w ill be available. Similarly, secondary perm its and authorizations relating to land, build ing, labor, health and safety w ill be addressed directly by the Suez Canal Zone au thority whose efficiency w ill be enhanced by partnerships w ith key stakeholders inc lud ing governm ent ministries, private sector representatives, be it developers or investors in the zone, or affected com m unities and com m unity groups and certa in ly in ternational deve lopm ent partners.

T he Suez Canal Zone w ill no t ju s t help first-time investors; it w ill support companies to expand and grow more, and therefore create the thousands o f jobs tha t w ill

p u t Egyptian people in to productive work.

HEADQUARTER: K .M . 1 1 4 , K d t ta m c y a o ld r o o d , A in S o k h n a , S u e z - E G Y P T -T e l. , (+2 0 6 2 ) 3 5 9 0 0 0 4 /7 - F a x : (+ 2 0 6 2 ) 3 5 9 0 0 0 3 wv/w.sezon£.<yov.eg

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№ „I Ai I no-. . -. im S ue z Canal Eco no m ic Zone D

■ M m niurM cri CLsptaf

Al Sokhna

A D A B Y A P o r t @

® ©

S O K H N APort

A L -A R IS H Port


© Pharmaceutical


Textiles and Clothing

SPort 8 Logistics



6 ©

Building Material


O Home Appliancesand Electronic Manufacturing

Solar e n e rgy

^ W ind farm s

W ast«- to t.-itergy





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H E A D O U A H U f t • \ . M M 4 . l > k * r o o d A » n S c A h n a . S u « • E G Y P T - T e l . ‘ i J 0 (52 ) 3 S 9 0 Ô Ü 4/7 - F a y <+2 Û 6 » ; 3 * 9 0 0 0 3 V^W'V.SC/JOIH'.VJOV iN.j

Page 3: M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE - cci.zp.ua Canal Economic Zone.pdf · M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE In developing THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE we have listened to our partners The Suez Canal Zone

General Authority for Suez Canal Econo m ic Z o n e D


N Access to Dom estic M arket;Egypt has a large and grow ing domestic market o f some 90 m illion people o f w h om 65% are o f w orking age. W ith rising standards o f living, th e purchasing pow er o f the dom estic m arket w ill drive g row th in m any sectors.

Workforce;Egypt has a huge, com petitive ly priced workforce available to m eet investor requirements.

SI Strong Track Record;Egypt is a m ajor industrial producer. The Suez Canal Zone can draw upon and expand the existing strong ties w ith m ultinational and dom estic corporations to develop a m uch enhanced m anufacturing sector.

hJ ATrueOne-Stop-Shop;Unified and streamlined procedures and processes designed to m inim ize delays and costs to the investor. A unique custom er service at w h ich on ly one em ployee finish all the procedures o f issuing o f all approvals and licenses for the projects.

2)1 High Q uality infrastructure a n d linkages;State-of-the-art infrastructure services, includ ing power, water, wastewater, telecom m unication, and transport linkages w ill be provided to investors.

SI The Zone is supervised and m anaged byan independent General Au thority by constitu ting an independent board comprised o f key governm ent m inistries and private sector representatives.

The au thority has a supreme com m ittee that supervises the tax and the customs systems and operations in the Zone.

SI All im ports are 100% exempted from duties and sales taxes.

Ü Lies at the h e a rt o f in te rn a tio n a l trade.

SI Access to 1.6 billion consumers ;

51 Strategic geographic location and benefits from its strategic location along one o f the w orlds main trading routes.

Com plem ented by w orld class ports, h igh qua lity logisticsservicesandpreferentialtradeagreem ents, it allows investors to efficiently, and com petitively, access regional and g loba l markets in Europe, the Gulf, East and Southern Africa and Asia.

HEADQUABTIR: K .M . 1 1 4 , K a t t * m o y a o ld road, A in S o k h n a , S u e z - E G Y P T - T e l . : f+ 2 0 6 2 ) 3 S 9 0 0 (M f7 - F a x : (■» 2 0 6 2 ) 3 5 9 0 0 0 3 w vA v.sczo Jte .go v.eg

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Genotvil A u th o r-- for S ue z Canal E co no m ic Zone D


A 'wide range o f investment opportun ities are available in the Suez Canal Zone.

Ports & Logistics:Investment opportun ities in the developm ent o f Ain Sokhna Port and East Port Said Port and rhe associated term inals and facilities: container terminals, bulk and general cargo terminals, logistics, warehousing and d istribution centers as well as dry ports.

industry:The industrial areas o f Ain Sokhna, East Port Said, East Ismailia (Technology Valley) and Qantara provide vast land areas for light, m edium and heavy industiy. Potential opportunities are available in pharmaceuticals, food processing, aulom otive, consum er electronics, textile and petrochemicals.

IC T :W ith a rapidly-expanding and well- recognized ICT industry in Egypt, the Suez Canal Zone offers investors h igh qua lity facilities to engage in research and developm ent, software developm ent and o ther activities.

O th e r A reas o f o p p o rtu n ity :With a rapid ly-expanding and w e ll- recognized ICT industry in Egypt, the Suez Canal Zone offers investors h igh qua lity facilities to engage in research and developm ent, software deve lopm ent and o the r activities.

M a ritim e S erv ices:W ith over 17,000 ships passing th rough the Canal every year, the Suez Canal Zone is ideally located for the deve lopm ent o f m aritim e related activities including ship bu ild ing and ship repair services, bunkering, vessel scrapping and recycling.

R enew able Energy:The renewables sector is h igh ly prom ising w ith strong potentia l for solar and w ind farm developm ent, and for the establishm ent o f clean energy industries.

H Ë Â D G U A R T E R • K . M . 1 1 4 . K . j t r n . ' o c . ' y a o l d r o o d , A . l r * S U i k h n a . S u e z • f c ' G Y W - T e l . * t> 2 O h '.? ) 3 S 9 0 D 0 4 .'7 - F a x : f + 2 0 6 2 ) 3 5 9 0 0 0 3 w w w . s c z o n e . g o v . c g

Page 5: M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE - cci.zp.ua Canal Economic Zone.pdf · M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE In developing THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE we have listened to our partners The Suez Canal Zone

'Ш Cipnersl Authority foi S uez Canal E co no m ic Zone D

RegionalSTRATEGY [

Ready to host.you,^ huge in tegrated port / industrial zone target heavy industry in the south area, m edium / ligh t industries in the north area.

-8 ?

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» Creation o f one o f the largest industrial and port complexes globally. Expansion o f the ports and logistics facilities at Sokhna and Adabiya, and establishm ent o f m aritim e-related activities inc lud ing bunkering, ship build ing and repairs to support over 70,000 jobs.Industrial Developm ent o f over 16,250 hectares supporting light, m edium and heavy m anufacturing activities, as well as com m ercia l and business activities. Capacity to host over 85,000 jobs.

» Planned new integrated com m unities at Ain Sokhna and new Suez City for over 60,000 residents.

General land uses for Ain Sokhna area:

Oil Refining.Chemicals and Petrochemicals Energy Components M anufacturing Automobile Assembly Parts Construction and Building M aterials Agri-business a n d Food Processing Textiles and Ready-made Garments Home Appliances and Electronics Pharmaceuticals

H eavy industries In term ediate Industries Light Industries

• ICTLogistics centers

Residential/ M ixed Use• Com m ercial Uses. Com m unity Uses

Transportation Hub

StA- » Ai ! -зіііК.

LÊGENP foduririst Um «B B OiRefWr*S 9 O^fflimiicndPetrocfttrtfcBh ■ В &*гиг&ифлг(ДОМапіі*ааиЬф E 5 3 AntancWe АимпЫу Pcrto flH СогШгисЬол «ftd BuVdmçg MsMM Є З AgrMuttoen and f4od Pncntfno S B T & tfi* and RtMfy-М жМ Oamxcnfc ■ B Hoe* Appttnowid Bmaoetoe I 5 fixem «»uöcal«ЯН нмуумюИе«S B H sffncdb tt fttow w 9SS Liçm кхілау

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HEADQUARTER : K.M. 11 А. КаПлшеуа old road, Ain Sokhna, Suez - HGVPT - Tel.: N-2 062) 3590004/7 - Fax: (+2 0625 3 S90Û03 www.sezone.cjov.eg

Page 6: M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE - cci.zp.ua Canal Economic Zone.pdf · M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE In developing THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE we have listened to our partners The Suez Canal Zone

General Aui.horüv foi Suez Canal Econom ie Z o n e

RegionalSTRATEGY іШ '

If is the rising star, an integrated D on/ logistics/ industrial zones are in tegrating to serve Mediterranean sea area.. East Africa, M iddle East, and Eastern Europe.



#► Development o f East Port Said Port in to a m ajor transshipm ent hub and a thriving gateway po rt w ith a dedicated m ulti-m odal logistics facility generating over 105,000 jobs.

» 4,000 hectares earmarked for ligh t and m edium m anufacturing, com m ercial and business activities w ith the capacity to support over 80,000 jobs.New urban areas at East Port Said and Bardawil City, hosting up to 250,000 residents.

Investment is currently in:• Port operation.

Infrastructure (power generation, w ater desalination ,. . . ) Industrial development.

Later on, in one year target includes: industrial land uses Automotive industry.Construction and Building Materials. Agri-business and Food Processing. Textiles and Ready-made Garments. Home Appliances an d Electronics. Pharmaceuticals.ICT.General Industries

Logistics centersResidential / M ixed Use. Commercial Uses. C om m unity Uses.


tndutfnsJ Use)

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HEADQUARTER: К .М . 1 1 4 , К а к а ы е у л o ld ro a d , A in S o k h n » . Su<52 -EG Y P1 - T e l / H - 2 0 6 2 ) 3 5 9 0 0 0 4 /7 - F a x : Ї+ 2 0 0 2 ) 3 5 9 0 0 0 3 w w w .5czo no.tjo v.erj

Page 7: M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE - cci.zp.ua Canal Economic Zone.pdf · M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE In developing THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE we have listened to our partners The Suez Canal Zone

SS General Authority for S uez Canal Econom ic Z o n e D


It's envisioned as a vibrant new residential com m un ity in a unique agricultural setting next to the Suez canal.Land use mix for Qantara is derived from the econom ic deve lopm ent and population projection provided in the regional strategy.

The adm inistrative center o f the Suez Canal Zone.Specialized clusters for R&D activities in bo th ICT and renewable energies in Ismailia City and also in East ismailia.Agri-processing and related logistics center, d ry po rt and o ther light m anufacturing activities supported at Qantara.Developm ent o f urban areas at Qantara and New Ismailia City - capacity to host over 350,000 residents.

The targeted land use for Qantara are:• Light Industries• Support Services For Industries

Residential area Commercial Uses Community Facilities

• Public Open Spaces Agricultural Land

Buffer Zone

E xtftng fts ftv f ly


im to trta riU s e e

U ghU n d u su yReskJential HJgh End Apartments Rcsrcfomiat Mfxed usa

BEB ftesWertfiafcAftordobteHousInj Appanment

■ ■ Ccennerctei: Rölall BEB Commerciel: Office*, Hotels,

ICT. and R&O £ £ 3 Commimly Fodlfties

8B Support Servern fcr Industries BEI PuböcOponSpaces

B BB /^jricuKur«! Land Water Features

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HEADQUARTER: K .M . 1 1 4 , K o t t a m c y * o ld r o a d , A in S o k h n a ,S u e z - E G Y P T - Tel.: H 2 0 6 2 ) 3 S 9 0 0 0 4 /7 - Faic {+ 2 0 6 2 ) 3 5 9 0 0 0 3 ww w .sß zone.cfov.eg

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6 en<?ial Au ihortiv foi Suez Canal Econo m ic Z o n e &


The pro ject aims to create a new urban society depends on econom ic activity resulting from the int.eract.ion o f investment, education, scientific research, based on high-tech industries.


The project occupies a strategic location on the East Bank o f the Suez Cana) in the center o f the scope o f Qantara East w ith a to ta l area o f 70 km 2 on the East axis directly, and away from the axis o f Suez Canal distance o f 10 kilometers.

» The targeted land use are: Industrial land uses

High Technology Industries• Integrated Industries

General Industries• Logistics.Logistics centers

Residential/M ixed Use Commercial Uses Community Uses

Sfflr C om m erc ia l & Expo center C D Housing

Fea tu red Housing Hi-Tech In dustry In tegra tive Industry Sm all Industries G reen areas

4 ^ Leisure area ® S p o rt yards

Logistic Area C D A d m in . Services

C om m erc ia l Services Tech. un ivers ity W a te r Bodies Road N e tw o rk


* New major expressway linking East Port Said to the regional ne tw ork.• 6 new road and rail tunnels to increase cross canal connectiv ity .■ Power, w ater and te lecom m unication networks to suppo rt in tegra ted developm ent.

HEADQUARTER: K .M . 114, K a n a m a y a o ld road. A in S ok hna, S u e z - E G Y P T -T e l . ' i+ 2 0û2i 3590004/7 Fax: 1+2 0 ö 2 ) 3S9O0O3 w w w .sc zo h e .y o v .e g

Page 9: M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE - cci.zp.ua Canal Economic Zone.pdf · M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE In developing THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE we have listened to our partners The Suez Canal Zone

General A uthority for S u e z C an a l E c o n o m ic Z o n e

PORTS mInvestment Opportunities

ж Ж * > v ■Л'ï;v£> V \ *

PORTS, LOGISTICS & MARITIME-RELATED ACTIVITIESAt present, there are a total of 6 ports under the SCZone Project, ports presented tire opportunity to leverage higher economic benefits from the region's location, there is new new drive and focus for further port development which provides a platform for increased mdusii ial development, as well as other maritime related so vices.

While the region already hosts a number o f sea ports, which allow for some benefit from this maritime traffic to spill over into the local economy, there is potential for the region to derive much greater return through Increased capacity to handle large vessels and by offering additional services. Further, the SCZone provides opportunities for the development of adjoining industrial and logistics areas to create fully integrated business hubs.

Under the SCZone, this potential will be realised through large-scale expansions of the two gateway ports at East Port Said and Sokhna to allow them to handle present and future generation container vessels. Such expansions also bring the opportunity for enhanced port automation and next generation container handling equipment to consolidate the competitiveness o f these ports.

Logistics in particular, play a critical role in strengthening ties between the domestic and global market and facilitating the movement of goods in and our of the region. Dry port projects at Ismailia and I Oth Ramadan will be vital to boosting the region's logistical capacity. Meanwhile new transport linkages - including a new expressway and freight railway connecting East Port Said to 10th Ramadan - will reduce the time, and cost, o f moving freight.

Tiiere is also scope to develop the services and activities offered to vessels passing through the region - this encompasses stevedoring, bunkering, ship repairs and ship building. In developing plansfor these activities,the SCZone has adopted a long-term view in safeguarding capacity for future growth and expansion.

HEADQUARTER; K .M . 1 1 4 , K a t ta m e y a o ld ro a d , A in S o k h n a , S u e z - E G Y P T -T e l. : t'+2 0 6 2 ) 3 5 9 Л 0 0 4 /7 - F a x : (+ 2 0 6 2 ) 3 5 9 0 0 0 3 w w w .s e z o n e g o v .e e ?

Page 10: M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE - cci.zp.ua Canal Economic Zone.pdf · M SUEZ CANAL ECONOMIC ZONE In developing THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE we have listened to our partners The Suez Canal Zone

M l r - iGénépi Auihoiity fw Suez Canal Economic Zone 1 101

PORTS t _.«fd

Located alongside the Suez Canal, and endowed w ith sheltered deep water facilities capable o f accom m odating large vessels, East Port Said Port is w e ll-positioned to be 3 major transshipment hub and gateway port.

W ith the establishment o f the Suèz Canal Container Terminal in 2005, East Port Said Port has grown to become am ong the to p 40 busiest ports in the w orld . However, fu rthe r expansions, over a site o f 26 k m ', are proposed w h ich w ill fu rthe r increase the port's standing. These include:


Fully integrated conta iner term inals supported w ith yard capacity o f 15,120TEU ground slots for laden and reefer containers w h ich w ill increase container capacity by 20 m illion TEUs by 2050.

General Cargo & D ty Bulks Terminal - a large-scale m ultipurpose general and dry bulk term inal offering vertical as well as flat storage solutions for a w ide range o f dry bulk commodities.

Dedicated area forau tom otive products. A range o f added value services can be included at this location such as PDI o f new car im ports.

Q Liquid Bulks Terminal - to accom m odate 5M Tonnes o f d iffe rent liquid bulk com modities. The layout provides for LNG storage tanks to meet the latest in ternational regulatory position on im proving.

HEADGUARUR : K.M. \ 14. Kattmv»ey*i old road. Ah» Sokhna, Suez - EGYPT -Tel.; (+2 062) 3590004/7 - Fax; 1+2 062) 3590003 www.sczone.gov.eg

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Gsnçrril Authority for S uez Canal Econom ie Zone B



investm ent opportun ities in the deve lopm ent o f Ain Sokhna Pore and the associated term inals and facilities: container terminals, bulk and general cargo terminals. Liquid Bulk terminals, logistics, warehousing and distribution centres as well as d ry port.

Ain Sokhna Port is Egypt's main gateway to the GCC, East Africa and Asia, increase the po rt standing include:

An ultra-m odern m ulti-purpose facility capab leo f handling largeships. Purpose-built for future needs, w ith a basin w id th and entrance o f 680m w ith d irect access from the Gulf o f Suez; basin dep th o f 18m. Enhanced po rt autom ation and next generation conta iner handling equipm ent.

A container term inal w ith 6 Berths and a to ta l length o f 2,200m• Total container yard area o f 1.39km2• 22.000TEU ground slots for laden and reefer containers• Potential annual th ro ughpu t o f 5.1 m illion TEU per annum

g j A dry bulk term inal w ith 3 berths, capacity for 20 m illion tonnes per annum.

g f l A Liquid bulk term inal: In this area the existing master plan provides a berth for the expansion o f the liquid bulk facilities w ith adjacent tank farms that w ou ld provide for m ajor fu tu re increm ental g row th in po rt capacity.



' - v - e & r t a @ 9 CONTAINERTERMINALSS *- .i£ Ä,r£ ; . ; a ' 1




Cortaber Storage and exchange

Customs o lta a . laboratory, admin

■ Adrrirt. and confroïcentw * çnÿrworing

HEADQUARTER: K .M . 1 1 4 . K a t ta m e y a o ld r o o d , A in S o k h n a . S u e z •• EGYPT -T e l . : {+ 2 067) 3 S 9 0 0 Ö 4 /7 - F a x : ( + 1 0 6 2 ) 3 S 9 0 0 0 3 w w v .c s o z o t ie .g o v .e g

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Gc'V-t ril Auihonrv (or Suez Canal Eco no m ic Z o n e JÜ

PORTS viSi'ZZiSKM sm Mlo ca ted in the upper parr, o f the Gulf o f Suez on the Red Sea, Adabiya Pore has the potentia l to be a gateway port for large volumes o f dry bulks.

Total port area is 740.000m2 and.consists o f nine be iti is w ith a to ta ! length o f 1 .g'lQm and a m axim um depth o f 9 metres. The po rt is able to receive d ry and liqu id bulk cargo vessels o f up to 60,000 tons.


According to master plan, the suggested developm ents targets are:

Dry Bulk terminal: 650 m /D ep th 14.0m

O Liquid Sulk terminal: 650 m /D epth 14.0rn

f f f l j General Cargo terminal: 250 m /D ep th 14.0m

El Containerterm inal: 900 m /D ep th 17.0m

HEADQUARTER: K .M . I 1 A, K a t t t m e y a o ld ro a d , A in S o k h n a , S u e z - K G Y P I ' T e l.- (+ 2 0 6 2 ) 3S 9O 0 O 4 /7 - F a x ; (•+1 0 6 2 ) 3 5 9 0 0 0 2 ’vvw w .^ezonu.gov.eg

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**• .,* i n 4 S-. * * . ,.. y h 4 f > * ••/ f

Gr-n^fdl Authority for S ue z Canal E c o n o m ic Z o n e Cü

Sustainability E T ^ . ’& p ç m r ~ - y r•• •

The Suez Canal Zone is com m itted to managing, operating and deve lop ing thereg ion iriasusta inab lem annerandtoensure tha t the

demands o f the developm ent align w ith its principles o f sustainability. In do ing so, the Suez Canal Zone w ill manage effectively any adverse environm ental and social impacts and p rom ote environm ental and social enhancement. Further, the Suez Canal Zone recognizes that processes and conditions can always be im proved - and therefore will continually seek to achieve such im provem ents.

The four pillars o f sustainability identified for the Suez Canal Zone are:


Econom ic:As a com m ercial operation, shareholder value creation w ill be a driver of business decisions. By delivering strong financial results and investing in the future, the Suez Canal Zone w ill boost regional wealth and em ploym ent. Innovation and continuous im provem ent in all activities w ill a llow the Suez Cana! Zone to continuously generate revenues and contribute to the regional and national economy.

O p e ra tio n a l:The Suez Canal Zone is com m itted to safe, secure and continuous operation o f its facilities as both an objective and necessity. For the Suez Canal Zone, business con tin u ity w ill be tied to ensuring regulatory com pliance and m aintaining the necessary capacity to operate and expand its operations. The Suez Canal Zone w ill strive to provide excellence in service delivery at all levels o f operation, and in m eeting stakeholder needs; in particular those o f local com m unities.

E nvironm en ta l:The Suez Canal Zone is com m itted to an active response to the long-term impacts o f its projects and to enhancing the natural environm ent. The Suez Canal Zone's sustainability goals are to maximize energy, water and waste efficiencies, managing developm ental impacts, balancing bu ilt environm ent and b iodiversity vaiues, and achieving best practice in urban and bu ilt design.

[ j m Social:| ” f j l : The Suez Canal Zone w ill be bu ilt upon a strong founda tion o f corporate social

responsibility and a philosophy o f partnership bu ild ing between owners, users and neighbors. The Suez Canal Zone w ill p rom ote the highest standards o f health and safety on its facilities and w ill work w ith com m unities bo th existing and new, to ensure their support. Com m unity and social affairs w ill be managed actively and w ill build on a culture o f transparency and in form ation disclosure tha t utilizes the opportun ities presented by modern media systems. The Suez Canal Zone is com m itted to ongo ing stakeholder engagem ent in ail o f its operations. In support o f this com m itm en t it w ill establish an Environment C om m ittee tha t meets regularly to discuss and agree environm ental policy and strategy. Day to-day responsibility for environm ental and social management w ill rest w ith a Division o f the Suez Canal Zone.

HEADQUARTER ; K .M . 114. K attnm ey a o ld ro od, A in S o k h n a .S u e z - EGVP1 - Te l.; (+ 2 0 6 2 ) 3590004/7 • Fax: <-* 2 0 6 2 ) 3590003 www.sezone.gov.eg