かんじ  Check-up Quiz ―  Group 6 なまえ かきましょう [かんじをかいてください] Rewrote the following words using Kanji characters into boxes provided. Ex. かんじを かく [write Kanji characters]  1. すき [likable]  2. ありたさん [Mr/Ms Arita]  3. ちいさい [small]  4. おおきい [big]  5. なまえ [name]  6. たぐちさん [Mr/Ms Taguchi]  7. めとみみ [eyes and ears]  8. てとあし [hands and feet]  漢字を書く

Lv2_Kanji Quiz Group

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かんじ  Check-up Quiz ―  Group 6なまえ 

かきましょう [かんじをかいてください]。 Rewrote the following words using Kanji characters into boxes provided.



 [write Kanji characters]  

1. すき [likable]  

2. ありたさん [Mr/Ms Arita]  

3. ちいさい [small]  

4. おおきい [big]  

5. なまえ [name]  

6. たぐちさん [Mr/Ms Taguchi]  

7. めとみみ [eyes and ears]  

8. てとあし [hands and feet]  


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かんじ  Check-up Exam for C-3なまえ 

よみましょう [ひらがなをかいてください]。 Rewrote the following words only with Hiragana characters into boxes provided.

1. 本名 [real name]  

2. 大好ぶつ [the most favorite]  

3. 有名 [famous]  

4. 大がく [university]  

5. 小人 [dwarf/pygmy]  

6. 目じ [(a table of) contents]  

7. 上手 [skillful / good at]  

8. 下手 [unskillful / bad at]  

9. 足りる [to be enough/to sufice]