Henrietta I. Luttrell P. 0. Box 2847 Waianae, HI 96792 Ph (806) 668 9968 FIRST QUARTER, 1995 Dear Brethren: Greetings from Hawaiit "I thank my God in all my remembrances of you..." I thank you for your interest, prayers, and support in whatever form that comes. May the Lord strengthen you and cause you to grow in Him. The houses given to Maili church were completely demolished, hauled to Maili, and now much of it is piled in front of the parsonage where the hurricane-destroyed worship auditorium formerly stood. Some of the lumber has been denailed and is neatly stacked in one of the parsonage bedrooms. The cabinets, stove, etc. are stored in the big living room. Since my last letter the bathroom was framed, its floor laid, the fixtures set in place, the back beam of the house replaced, the plywood floor laid along the back wall of the house, the wall framed, and mostly sided. Then another disaster struck. David's expensive power tools were used daily and stored in the parsonage. Thieves took them all - the compressor and nailers, boxes of nails, table saws, drills, power screw driver, drill - about $5000 worth. Some of his hand tools were taken, but most were in his truck at home. They even took the telephone from the church building. They came to the property by cutting two fences of the adjoining business. They set up a plywood panel to hide their movements from the house next door. At least, that new sheet of plywood was saved, but they took eleven sheets which were purchased to cover the old, termite damaged floor. All our building funds are exhausted. We have no funds to purchase other materials or to pay David for his work. He does independent contracting and has found some other jobs but not enough, and then the church building projects are slowed. A neighboring congregation has agreed to help us and a work day is planned for Feb. 25. Amy's leg has healed but is still a little weak so she moves carefully. Bettina's foot is fine after the second cast was removed and she exercised it. My health remains good. I have even escaped the sore throats, flu, and colds that have plagued the children. I am rejoicing to have my car back after being at the mechanic's house for about 3 weeks. A piece of metal fell through the air cleaner into the engine. He had to take it all apart to find and remove it. In the process he cleaned it all, replaced gaskets and hoses. It cost just over $400. Since the mission funds were depleted to pay church building expenses, I paid it from my salary. While we had record mission gifts in November and December, they have been used. f.l !• L Amy_ahd I are busy with planning for the Women's Conference on March 25- is"''ich"the F6otstips''of Jesus" with a mission emphasis. I'll give the o The theme Fbotstbps''of Jesus" with a mission emphasis. I'll give the opening mes sage and moderate a panel discussion. David joins us and the group in planning for a summer youth camp. He will be the life guard. Amy is in charge of snacks. I'll be registrar, but plan to stay home from camp and care for the younger King children. Then the next week we will have our Vacation Bible School. My furlough will begin the next week. Lord willing, I'll be speaking in Indiana churches July 2, l6, and 25, then in Greenville, IL on August 1. I'll be in Missouri aJid Kansas in August, then back to Indianapolis to fly to Hawaii by September. Zola and I have applied for a booth at the NAGC/Missionary Convention which will be July 16-20. I hope to see you there or at your home church. After July 4 for about 10 days I will be on the East coast visiting historical sites with Beta's family.

Luttrell Henrietta 1995 Hawaii

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Henrietta I. LuttrellP. 0. Box 2847

Waianae, HI 96792Ph (806) 668 9968


Dear Brethren:

Greetings from Hawaiit "I thank my God in all my remembrances of you..." Ithank you for your interest, prayers, and support in whatever form that comes.May the Lord strengthen you and cause you to grow in Him.

The houses given to Maili church were completely demolished, hauled to Maili, and nowmuch of it is piled in front of the parsonage where the hurricane-destroyed worshipauditorium formerly stood. Some of the lumber has been denailed and is neatly stackedin one of the parsonage bedrooms. The cabinets, stove, etc. are stored in the bigliving room.

Since my last letter the bathroom was framed, its floor laid, the fixtures set inplace, the back beam of the house replaced, the plywood floor laid along the backwall of the house, the wall framed, and mostly sided. Then another disaster struck.David's expensive power tools were used daily and stored in the parsonage. Thievestook them all - the compressor and nailers, boxes of nails, table saws, drills, powerscrew driver, drill - about $5000 worth. Some of his hand tools were taken, but mostwere in his truck at home. They even took the telephone from the church building.They came to the property by cutting two fences of the adjoining business. They setup a plywood panel to hide their movements from the house next door. At least, thatnew sheet of plywood was saved, but they took eleven sheets which were purchased tocover the old, termite damaged floor.

All our building funds are exhausted. We have no funds to purchase other materialsor to pay David for his work. He does independent contracting and has found someother jobs but not enough, and then the church building projects are slowed. Aneighboring congregation has agreed to help us and a work day is planned for Feb. 25.

Amy's leg has healed but is still a little weak so she moves carefully. Bettina'sfoot is fine after the second cast was removed and she exercised it. My health remainsgood. I have even escaped the sore throats, flu, and colds that have plagued thechildren. I am rejoicing to have my car back after being at the mechanic's house forabout 3 weeks. A piece of metal fell through the air cleaner into the engine. Hehad to take it all apart to find and remove it. In the process he cleaned it all,replaced gaskets and hoses. It cost just over $400. Since the mission funds weredepleted to pay church building expenses, I paid it from my salary. While we hadrecord mission gifts in November and December, they have been used.

f.l !•

LAmy_ahd I are busy with planning for the Women's Conference on March 25-is"''ich"the F6otstips''of Jesus" with a mission emphasis. I'll give the o

The theme

Fbotstbps''of Jesus" with a mission emphasis. I'll give the opening message and moderate a panel discussion. David joins us and the group in planning fora summer youth camp. He will be the life guard. Amy is in charge of snacks. I'llbe registrar, but plan to stay home from camp and care for the younger King children.Then the next week we will have our Vacation Bible School.

My furlough will begin the next week. Lord willing, I'll be speaking in Indianachurches July 2, l6, and 25, then in Greenville, IL on August 1. I'll be in MissouriaJid Kansas in August, then back to Indianapolis to fly to Hawaii by September.Zola and I have applied for a booth at the NAGC/Missionary Convention which will beJuly 16-20. I hope to see you there or at your home church. After July 4 for about10 days I will be on the East coast visiting historical sites with Beta's family.

We are still looking for a couple to stay in my house while I am gone and help atMaili church. This would be an ideal opportunity for a school teacher or retiredperspn/s to visit the islands and serve the Lord in a meaningful way. Or if apreacher is considering going in to mission work, he could get first-hand experiencethis way. If you, or someone you know is interested please contact me. Workers areespecially needed by June 18 to help with VBS.

Please pray for our needs: Workers, finajices, outreach, and decision-making wisdom.

Yours in Him, 1994 FINANCIAL STATEME»T

Balance, Jan. 1. $ 33^9.28RECEIPTS 17162.66

sub-total 20531.96DISBURSEHEJITSj

Halli Church 2ll55.12Housing Allowance 6OOO.OOVehicle Expense 801.50Salary 6OOO.OOPayroll tax I5I.3OEquipment/repair 402.48Office expense 1643.31State filing fee 1.00

Balance, January 3^ $ 3077.25

For display naterials write to; Mrs. Barley Siders. Rt. 3, Box 220C, Peru, IN 46970Request slide prograns from; Mission Services, Box 2427, Knoxville, IN 37901



Joseph Hesslck, Jr.Sanford RichardsRosemary SlefersMark Luttrell

Harold A Green

Carmen Medlin

Anna Mae EnglandJohn Ruble

Ray StormsSeth Wilson

Charles Sabo, Jr.Sharon Hrubes

churches/groups I

New Point, MO

Ruth Dunn

C M Breedlove

Ron SimpsonDavid LegglttReglna StewartMary HelnzBill Blazer

Harry DurhamDonald G Harris

Margie StreeterNeal Bliss, JrKenneth Martin

James F RobertsMarlon AlexanderPaul Johnson

Keith Clawson

Jean MlnnichVm Davee

Herbert Kurtz

James H MofflttCleo Markley ParcellGordon SpringerElda Lowman

Joyce Vance

Ralph BlazerL Keith PhelpsJames Renfro

Mildred ButlerMiller/GardnerL M Holt

Helba Hobbs

Wayne GezdsenKenneth IngelsRalph CutterMarvin MontgomeryEster Ma^' Relswlg

Helping Hands, Osage Hills, Tulsa, OKFellowship Class, Macedonia, Kokono,IN Kokomo, IN Church of ChristChristian Builders " " " Ladies Aid, Leanna, KSJ.O.B.'s of Greenville, IL Faith, Burlington, IN

niT 11 1 .1 in_iiiiLi..ii


LZ^Z xoa Od





When Hurricane Iniki came through Hawaii in Setember, 1992, sheseverly damaged the buildings at Ma'ili Christian Church. Much progress hasbeen made in repairing the buildings and up-grading the property.

1. The damaged worship building has been torn down and hauled away.

2. The roof of the educational building has been repaired. Thebuilding has been completely renovated, bringing it up to code. The librarywas enlarged to serve temporarily as a worship auditorium, but it will seatat most 35. The goal is to use that room to house a pre-school beginning inSeptember, 1995 in order to make contacts with young families in the area.

3. A retaining wall has been built along the front and one side of theeducational building to help prevent further erosion of the its foundation.One is still needed along the back and other side.

The hurricane also destroyed the lanai roof at the back of theparsonage exposing some badly rotted timbers. When neighbors complained,the city cited the church stating that the parsonage must be repaired ortorn down. Since the rest of the building was sound, repair has begun.However, almost no funds are available for completion.

Then, a house and guest cottage were donated to the church. Bothbuildings were in good condition and moving them was feasible if they weredisassembled first. Cabinets, bathroom fixtures, plumbing, wiring,electrical fixtures, and lumber were saved and hauled to the Ma'ili churchproperty. These materials should have been enough to finish the parsonagerepair and make a big contribution in building a new worship auditorium,but there are no building funds left to hire workers. Additionally, thievesstole $5,000.00 worth of tools and 11 sheets of plywood.

Henrietta Luttrell's son-in-law, David King, has been doing most ofthe work by himself. Because of the high cost of living in Hawaii, Davidneeds a salary of $800.00/week to work full time on the projects left. Hisfamily of 10 could get by on as little as $500.00/week, but that would notpay for anything beyond very basic living expenses. If he is required toseek outside employment, repairs will not meet citation deadlines.Currently, nothing can be paid.

David and his wife, Amy are involved in all church activities. Davidis chairman of the Trustees and Amy is church secretary. They lead worshipservices and teach classes. Checks for their support should be written toMa'ili Christian Church and sent c/o Hawaii Calls Mission, PO Box 2847,Waianae, HI, 96792.

Henrietta Luttrell will be on furlough in July and August, 1995, Shewould be delighted to tell you in person about this work. Contact her atthe above address or phone (808) 668-9968.

A couple to replace her in Hawaii during her furlough is being sought.^They would teach and help with repairs. They could live in Henrietta's two-bedroom house and use her automobile. If you, or someone you know, would beinterested in helping, please let Henrietta know as soon as possible.

Mission Services

Editorial Office

PO Box 2427

KNGXVL TN 37901-2427

Henrietta LuttrellP. 0. Box 287^

Waianaei HI 9^792Ph (808) 668 9968


Dear Brethren:

Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Lordl He makes "all things work together forgood to those who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose" evenwhen we can't possibly see how they could.

We have struggled for a long time at Maili with seeming defeat at every turn. Ourefforts to start a preschool were hampered by old buildings, a hurricane, wind storm,building code regulations, etc. then the exhaustion of funds provided by a sister congregation that sold their building. Even some of our faithful attenders stopped coming.We were just hanging on when some visitors stopped by the property while David was working. They were from Horizons International Ministries, which organization is plsinninga Festival of Life on our coast in July. They are bringing Christian workers frommany countries with various kinds of expertise to engage in many kinds of ministries.They stopped to see if we could use some help in our rebuilding. During the discussion, they expressed a desire to find a site where they could start a drug rehabilitation program,school of evangelism, college level classes, and other services for thecommunity. The educational building at Maili was built to start a Bible College, butit did not work out. Since we were unable to develop any of these programs, even apreschool, send had so few people attending our Sunday services, we agreed to leasethe Maili property to Horizons. The details have just now been worked out and thelease signed. At some later date (but soon), we hope that a church planting team willcome from our sister churches to start a congregation, using the buildings they provide for Sunday services.

Perhaps our problems arose because the Lord knew that timing for a preschool was notright. Kamehameha School has been having traveling preschools in the area and willsoon be building a permanent school just over my fence in the subdivision going innext door. These schools service the large Hawaiian population on this coast andsome of the church preschools in the area have been closing because they cannotcompete with them.

Since we are not having services at Maili, I have been driving Zola Brown to WaialuaChristian Church since May 1, so that she can teach and serve there. She had beentraveling the 35 miles by bus, sometimes taking 4 or 5 hours. I fell on my walk onMay 30 and liroke my left arm just below the shoulder, so I am not driving now. Afriend drives us over every day to Waialua where I'm helping with their VBS.

This lady needed a safe place to stay with her three children since her husband hasmental problems, and she is afrdid to stay alone. They will be caretakers for myhouse while I am gone on furlough, or until she finds other housing.

The first part of last week, Amy and David were on the staff for our Junior Ccimp.Then the last part of the week, they helped with the Senior Gsimp. I stayed hometo care for their children. Two neighborhood children attended Junior Gamp withAnnie, and the three older girls attended the Senior camp along with the daughterwho is staying with me. All had a wonderful time - they hardly talk of anythingelse. David helped me with the registration'. We are still trying to reconcile thefigures.

When VBS is over, I will have 3 days to finish preparation for my summer furlough.I will leave June 2? at 9j30 p.m. arriving in Indianapolis at 1 p.m. My childrenare concerned about my traveling alone and caring for personal needs until my armheals, so my granddaughter, Meghan Leggitt will meet me in Indianapolis. After theconvention, Gynthia King will be my traveling companion. Scheduled dates are:July 2—Kokomo, IN; July l6~Burlington, IN; NAGG—July 16-20; July 27~Macedonia;August 1—Greenvile, IL; Aug. 6—Neeper, MO; Aug. 13—New Point, MO; Aug. 20—LaHarpe,KS. I want to stop at Ozark Ghristian Gollege and visit friends and relatives inthat area, and spend some time with my sister in Old Monroe, MO. Then go back toson Philip's house in Frankfort, IN. I'll return to Hawaii on September 12.

While I am gone, the Kings will be handling my mail, so you can continue to sendsupport checks to me written to "Hawaii Galls Mission" not to me personally. Therewill probably be no receipts sent out until I return.

I am looking foirward to meeting old friends and making new ones. Please look meup at the Gonvention (booth #231). I want to see youl God blessI

Yours in His service.

For display materials write: Mrs. Harley Siders, Box 220G, Peru, IN 46970



Fellowship Gl.,Macedonia,Kokomo, IN & Ghr. Women,Ghristian Builders Glass

Helping Hands, Osage Hills,Tulsa, OK

J.O.B.'s, Greenville, ILNew Point, MOFaith, Burlington, INNeeper, MOBerea, MOKokomo, INMissionary, Poplar Sprgs.Prayer & Share, Moran, KS


Thelma Imel

Harry DurhamMiller/GardnerMelba Hobbs

Lawrence Holt

Bernard NigusGoy GuplerJoyce VanceEster May ReiswigElma BeiswangerGordon SpringerL Keith PhelpsLinda Landreth

Paul JohnsonHerbert Kurtz

Garmen Medlin

Ralph BlazerJajnes H Moffitt

Kenneth Martin

Etta Gain

Ruth Dunn

Jeain Minnich

John E Ruble

Neal Bliss, Jr.Maxion Alexander

Mark Luttrell

Jajnes F Roberts

Ron SimpsonGharles Sabo

G M Breedlove

Joyce E VancePhyllis Boyd

Mission Services

Editorial Office

PG Box 2427

KNGXVL TN 37901-2427

Henrietta LuttrelHV?^^P. 0. Box

Waianae» HI 9^792Ph (808) 668 9968


Deax Brethren:

Greetings from hot and humid Hawaii, as was much of the mainland while I was therefor 11 weeks. We have begun to get some light trade winds, so I trust it will cooloff soon. The all time high of 96 was recorded a few days ago. I expect you arebeginning to enjoy fall weather—one of my favorite seasons.

My furlough was delightful. I had not been in the midwest since 1991. Warm hospitalitywas extended to me in many places, and I enjoyed visiting with old friends and maMngnew ones. The ten-day tour of historical sites in the East with daughter Leta and familygave me a new perspective on history. The people that I had only read about becajne "realpeople" when I saw their settings and learned more about their human traits. The scenerywas beautiful, especially the Blue Ridge mountains - perhaps because I missed the ones inHawaii.

As well as being challenged and inspired at the NAGG/NMG in Indianapolis, I spent timewith friends and acquaintances from years past. I even met supporters for the firsttime. The day after the convention, 43 of my relatives met at a park in Frankfort, INfor a reunion. All my children were there: the 3 from Galifomia with their families,as well as Amy from Hawaii with Gynthia (who became my traveling helper) and her two-year old, Moani. Business concerns allowed them to spend 2 weeks on the mainland. Onebrother and my sister and their families were also at the reunion. Old photos, a compilation of anecdotes about my husband by Lora, a swimming pool, ball field, playgrounds, games, and a petting zoo gave everyone interesting ways to spend the afternoon.

After all this, I got down to the purpose of my trip - reporting to my supporters.Traveling by bus and private car (son Philip and my niece drove) I reported ten timesto groups and to numerous individuals. I spent almost 2 weeks with my sister in eastern Missouri, and more than that with Philip's family for a few days or week at atime.. It was good to get acquainted with granddaughter Beth. She is 6 but only 2when I saw her last. I revisited our alma mater, OGG, and spent almost a week withmy cousin there. He took me to visit our former preacher and his wife, Edwin and Marietta Strong, and other friends. For years Ruby Spence Siders has mailed my displaymaterials to interested groups. I was able to visit her, go through the materials,and discard some of the "too old" things.

It is good to be back home in Hawaii and to deal with the stacks of mail. I think Ihave answered all the personal letters, handled the business, but am still trying toread the periodicals. I had jet lag the first few days, but now have lots of energy,and after weeks of "doing nothing" am glad to be busy again. My arm hardly bothers meat all, and with more exercise it is gaining strength and mobility.

lease on the Mail! property is finalized, so Maili Christian Church is no longerfunctioning. A board of trustees still holds the property deed, so that if HorizonsInternational Ministries does not develop the school and classes as planned, the pro-erty will revert to the church. The church possessions have been disposed of orstored. The Kings are attending a fellowship meeting at a local school.

It seems the best option for me is to work closely with the Waialua Christian Church,so I indicated that desire Sunday and was extended the right hand of fellowship. WhileI was gone two families in the area began to attend, and the father in one was immersed.

The mid-week Bible study will resume soon. Sunday a farewell lunch will be servedfor a military family that was heavily involved in the QpnCTegation, ,ao_ it is goodto have permanent residents of the community attending^ ^^

At the convention I registered at the Good News Productions, ^opth aridjWs 'awarded avideo series on church growth by Ben Merold. Our prVacHer" seemed excited about it.I hope we can implement its ideas and that we'll win many folks to the Lord.

I thank you for your interest in the Lord's work here evidenced by reading thisletter, and I covet your prayers for the spreading of the gospel in your area andin Hawaii.

Yours in His service,

For display materials write: Mrs. Harley Siders, Box 220C, Peru, IN 46970


Churches/Groups Couples/individualsHelping Hands, Osage Hills, Tulsa,OK D Miller/Gardner Joyce Vance Harry DurhamFellowship Class, Christian Builders, C MBreedlove Kenneth Martin Marion Alexander

Christian Women, Macedonia, KokomqINGordon Springer James Moffitt L Keith PhelpsFaith, Burlington, IN M/m Neal Bliss,Jr Lawrence Holt James RobertsNewpoint, MO Paul Johnson Mark Luttrell H. Kurtzjob's, Greenville, IL &Day Ralph Blazer Edwin Strong Harley Siders

Missionary Group Edith RenfroBerea, MOLaHarpe, KS

Mission Services

Editorial Office

PG Box 2427

KNGXVL TN 37901-2427

Dear Brethren:

MELE KALIKIMAKA and HAUOLI MAK-AHIKIHOU! This seasonal greeting is more thanjust words - I truly pray for you that this time ofyear wiU cause you to examine your relationshipto the Lx)rd, and as a result you will have a joyfulyear in His service.

While there is a lower attendance at Waialua

Church since several of the members have movedto the mainland in recent months, new people areattending. One couple with their young son beganattending during the summer, and the husbandwas baptized just three months ago. Anothercouple just moved into the community and hasalready been using their talents at Waialua. Heled die singing with his guitar at the the newlyresumed mid-week service. She has read the

scripture for the Sunday service. Her winsomeways and ready smile reflect her name - Sunny.

A young man from the community dropped infor our first in-this-series mid-week service. Hebrought his Bible, was friendly, and seemedgenuinely interested. We learned that some 20years ago he had worshiped in this building. Hecame the next Wednesday, too, and participatedin the Bible study and the small group prayertime. On Saturday he met with our preacher, andhe was immersed on Sunday. We all walked downthe block and up the grassy slope to the beachwhere we witnessed his baptism in the largestbaptistry in the world - the Pacific ocean. Thepreacher reminded him that, while we and the

Henrietta LuttrellP. 0. Box 2W

Maianae> HI 96792Ph (808) 668 9968



angels in heaven were rejoicing, Satan and hiscohorts were plotting his downfall.

Allene Miller, a teacher at Sunset BeachChristian School and a member at Waialua, hasplayed the piano regularly for a long time. Nowshe and I take turns playing. She is the teacher ofthe high school class and church treasurer. Hersister and mother are imdergoing surgery, andthere are other family problems. Please pray forAllene during this stressful period.

I continue to edit the all-state newssheet for

our churches, and serve on the planning committee for our women's conference. In order to getbetter acquainted with families in the Waialuachurch, I volimteered to prepare a directory ofmembers and contacts for the church.

While Zola Brown was living in Waialua, shehad an after-school Bible Qub for the area

children. Then her camp cooking schedule made itnecessary for her to discontinue it. It took her atleast three hours to get there on the bus. Thereare many unchurched children in the area, so Zolaand I will be reviving it. We will drive overWednesday afternoon for the Bible Club and stayfor the midweek service.

Zola has kept her apartment in Waialua,although she spends most nights at the Waianaecamp. Now she is moving from that apartmentinto a house she will share with friends. TTiis is the

couple that shared my house for a few months.

We will be staying with them on Wednesdaynights, then driving back to the Waianae coast onThursday mornings.

For my family, this seems to be the year fortraveling. All five of my children were with me inFrankfort, IN for our family reunion in July. AMYflew from Hawaii with her second daughter,CYNTHIA, and youngest, MOANI. Cynthiastayed with me, and we visited my supporters.Amy*s husband, DAVID, and youngest son,ROBERT, attended a family reunion in CA inSeptember. I went with LETA, DAVID, MEGHAN, and ANYA to the East Coast. We flew toIndianapolis and David drove us to Gettysburg,Washington, D.C., Mt. Vernon, and Williamsburg.The girls and I shared the back seats of themini-van and played games, read, watched thescenery, and slept. MARK, NIKKI, and NATALIE flew to Cape Cod for a vacation after thereunion. MARK has traveled to Cape Canaveral acouple of times as he is involved in Lockheed^smilitary satellite program. NIKKI has returned toher career as a mechanical enginerr at Lockheedon a part-time basis, and NATIE attends day-carepart-time. PHILIP, JONNA, and BETH did nothave to travel to the reunion since it was in theirtown - they took care of the arrangements. They

CONTRIBUTORS: October-November


New Point, MOMacedonia, Kokomo, INOsage Hills, Helping Hands, Tulsa, OKKokomo, INQreenvilie,ILBerea, Nevada, MOFaith-Burlington, IN

are ardent campers, so they travel, too, pullingtheir pop-up camper. He works a 12 hour day, 31/2 days a week which gives them a long week-end(Sunday through Tuesday) to enjoy the parkswhile they are not crowded. Now Beth and Jonnaare busy with home-school. Even LORA was ableto fly to the mid-west for the reunion andattended the Ozark Christian College reception atthe NACC, but she had to leave on Sunday to getback to her part-time job doing the "sound" forstage productions, etc. She is busy at her job, too.Her company merged again, she was promotedand had to train her replacement as well as carryout her new responsibilites which entail moretraveling.

This year, intead of traveling to CA for theholidays, I plan to celebrate right here in Hawaii. Ithink I have traveled enough this year. Oh, Zolaand I are considering spending a couple of dayson the island of Kauai. She has not had a vacationfor years, and she was awarded a two-night stay ina hotel there with a rental car for two persons.

May the Lord direct us all as we strive to beHis hands and feet to serve others.

Yours in His service.


James MoffittLarry/OliverFlickRuth Dunn

Joyce E VanceHarry DurhamNeal Bliss, JrMartin MarchbanksKeith Phelps

Mark LuttrellPhyllis E BoydKenneth MartinC M BreedloveRonald SimpsonMiller/GardnerLawrence Holt

Ralph Blazer