Luceplan - Pocket Catalogue 2013

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Page 2: Luceplan - Pocket Catalogue 2013


02 Index

04 Introduction

09 Table

47 Floor

71 Wall / Ceiling

117 Suspension

175 Outdoor

191 Elementi

223 Credits

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72 Any

76 Bap LED

77 Berenice

78 Blow

80 Costanza

81 Costanzina

82 Counterbalance

86 D7

87 Ecran

88 Fortebraccio

90 Goggle

92 Hope

96 Javelot Macro

98 Lane

100 Lightdisc

102 Lola

103 Malí

104 Metropoli

106 Orchestra

107 Otto Watt

108 Piatto

109 Screen

110 Strip

112 Synapse

114 Trama


118 Agave

120 Aircon

122 Archetype

126 Costanza

130 Costanzina

131 C-spot

132 Glassglass

134 Grande Costanza

135 Happy Happy

136 Honeycomb

140 Hope

146 Lady Costanza

147 Lightdisc

148 Miranda

149 Mirandolina

150 Pétale

154 Plissé

158 Pod lens

159 Queen Titania

162 Starglass

163 Strip

164 Supergiù

166 Synapse

170 Titania

172 Trama

192 e01

196 e02

198 e03

202 e04 Ceiling

206 e04 Wall

210 e04 Suspension

212 e05 Zeno

214 e06

216 e07

218 e08 Minimini

220 e10

221 e11


176 Ecran In&Out

178 Grande Costanza

Open Air

180 Javelot Macro

182 Lightdisc

184 Metropoli

185 Pod lens

186 Sky

188 Solar bud


10 Bap LED

12 Berenice

14 Berenice LED

16 Birzì

18 Costanza

22 Costanzina

24 Curl

26 Fortebraccio

30 Fortebraccio LED

32 Miranda

34 Mirandolina

36 Mix

38 On off

40 Otto Watt

44 Starled light


48 Berenice

50 Carrara

52 Chichibio

54 Costanza

56 Fortebraccio

57 Grande Costanza

58 Hope

60 Lady Costanza

64 Lola

66 Miranda

67 Starglass

68 Titania

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Nel 1978, a Milano, tre giovani architetti decidono di dare vita ad un’azienda produttrice di apparecchi d’illuminazione e la chiamano Luceplan. Un nome che testimonia, con semplicità e immediatezza, una precisa scelta di campo: l’impegno e la ricerca progettuale come presupposti idonei a conferire alla luce una qualità posta al servizio dell’uomo e del suo habitat, attentamente studiata e calibrata sotto il pro�lo tecnico, funzionale ed estetico. È così che Riccardo Sarfatti, mettendo a frutto l’esperienza acquisita dal padre, Gino Sarfatti, fondatore di Arteluce e pioniere della moderna illuminazione italiana, avvia con la moglie, Sandra Severi, e il com-pagno di studi, Paolo Rizzatto, una produzione d’alto livello destinata ad a�ermarsi come espressione d’eccellenza e innovazione nella sfera del design. Un ruolo di primo piano confermato già tre anni dopo, nel 1981, quando la lampada “D7”, progettata da Paolo Rizzatto e Sandro Colbertaldo, viene insignita del premio Compasso d’Oro ADI. Il primo di una lunga serie di riconoscimenti che attestano, in Italia e all’estero, la bontà del lavoro svolto da Luceplan. Nel 1984, Alberto Meda, ingegnere specializzato in materie plastiche e appassionato sperimentatore, si unisce al gruppo dei soci fondatori, contribuendo a dare ulteriore impulso alla vocazione innovativa del marchio. Assieme a Paolo Rizzatto, egli inaugura un lungo e pro�cuo sodalizio progettuale, �rmando alcuni dei prodotti più emblematici dell’azienda.Altri validi progettisti, italiani e stranieri, si sono aggiunti in seguito, concorrendo alla creazione di una estesa e versatile gamma di apparecchi d’illuminazione siglati da un’inequivocabile matrice evolutiva.La loro concezione parte sempre dalla premessa che la luce arti�ciale deve essere fonte di benessere per l’uomo, e come tale va interpretata, valutando l’impiego delle tecnologie, dei materiali e delle sorgenti di volta in volta più appropriati ad ogni singolo progetto. In altre parole, le prerogative formali di una lampada di Luceplan non costituiscono mai un presupposto, rappresentano invece la logica conseguenza di un’idea che si sviluppa e prende forma in virtù della capa-cità di risolvere con semplicità problematiche anche complesse.Corentemente con questa impostazione, grande importanza è assegnata ai temi della sostenibilità e del risparmio energetico. Fin dalla nascita, l’azienda ha avviato una seria ri�essione in merito, sperimentando e applicando soluzioni idonee a razionalizzare la produzione in ogni suo aspetto, dall’ideazione �no all’assemblaggio e al packaging, garantendo il corretto ciclo di vita dei suoi apparecchi e favorendone un’agevole dismissione. Creazioni spesso concepite per un uso �essibile e trasversale, modulabili e customizzabili a misura di ogni esigenza e destinazione d’uso. Tra queste, spiccano le proposte della collezione ‘Elementi’, espressioni della qualità del marchio sul versante architetturale.Luceplan ha saputo valorizzare nel tempo il proprio status di fabbrica del design italiano, conta oggi 110 dipendenti, dispone di quattro sedi estere (Berlino, Copenhagen, New York e Parigi), di tre �agship store (Milano, New York e Parigi) e distribuisce i suoi prodotti in circa 2000 punti vendita sparsi in tutto il mondo, con una quota export che s�ora l’80%.Dal 2010 Luceplan fa parte del business Consumer Luminaires di Philips Lighting. Legare un grande marchio italiano del design alla più avanzata ricerca sulle nuove sorgenti luminose, i LED innanzitutto, è stata una scelta strategica lungimirante che ha consentito di consolidare il nome di Luceplan nel mondo.


In 1978, in Milan, three young architects decided to establish a lighting products company and called it Luceplan. A name that simply and directly encapsulates a precise market approach: commitment and project research as the foundations behind user and environmentally friendly lighting that is carefully designed as well as technically, functionally and aesthetically balanced.And so it was that Riccardo Sarfatti, drawing upon the experience gained from his father, Gino Sarfatti, founder of Arteluce and pioneer of modern Italian lighting, along with his wife, Sandra Severi and fellow student, Paolo Rizzatto, started up a high quality company destined for success in terms of quality and design innovation.Its primary position was recognised three years later, in 1981, when the “D7” lamp, designed by Paolo Rizzatto and Sandro Colbertaldo was awarded the Compasso d’Oro ADI. �is was the �rst one in a long

line of awards attesting to the quality of Luceplan’s work in Italy and abroad.In 1984, Alberto Meda, a specialist plastics engineer and dedicated experimenter, joined the founding partners, bringing new impetus to the brand’s innovative approach. With Paolo Rizzatto, he has embarked on a long and pro�table project partnership, designing some of the company’s most symbolic products.Other important designers, Italian and foreign, have subsequently joined forces with the company, con-tributing to the creation of a large and versatile range of lighting products characterised by a unique approach to product evolution.�eir design approach is always founded on the principle that arti�cial light should be a source of well-being and should also be interpreted as such: for every single project, the most appropriate technologies, materials and sources are analysed.In other words, the aesthetic features of a Luceplan lamp are never predetermined, but represent the logical outcome of an idea that evolves and takes form thanks to the ability of resolving even the most complex problems.Coherently, great importance is also given to sustainability and energy saving. Since its establishment, the company has seriously approached this issue, experimenting and applying solutions to rationalise every aspect of production, from development to assembly and packaging, guaranteeing the correct lifespan of its products and smooth phasing out.Its creations are often adaptable and multi-use, modular and customizable to meet any need and practical requirement. Of particular note is the ‘Elementi’ collection that encapsulates the quality of the brand’s architectural aspect.Luceplan has over time consolidated its status in Italian design, and now has 110 employees, four overseas o�ces (Berlin, Copenhagen, New York and Paris), three �agship stores (Milan, New York and Paris) and sells its products in around 2,000 sales points around the world, with an export share of around 80%.Since 2010 Luceplan is part of the Consumer Luminaires Business of Philips Lighting. Linking a leading Ita-lian design brand to the most advanced research on new light sources, especially LEDs, has been an ambitious, farsighted project that made it possible to consolidate and expand the reputation of Luceplan in the world.


1978 beschließen drei junge Architekten in Mailand ein Unternehmen zur Herstellung von Be-leuchtungskörpern ins Leben zu rufen, mit Namen Luceplan. Eine einfache, unmittelbar verständliche Bezeichnung als Ausdruck für eine klare Entscheidung: Für ernsthaftes Engagement und Projektforschung als den Voraussetzungen, um Licht nach eingehender Untersuchung und Gewichtung aller technischen, funktionalen und ästhetischen Aspekte in den Dienst des Menschen und seines Lebensraums zu stellen.So bringt Riccardo Sarfatti die Erfahrung seines Vater Gino Sarfatti, Gründer von Arteluce und Pionier im Bereich moderner italienischer Beleuchtung, ein und startet gemeinsam mit seiner Ehefrau Sandra Severi und seinem Studienkollegen Paolo Rizzatto eine Produktion auf hohem Niveau, die sich später als eines der besten Beispiele für exzellentes, innovatives Design behaupten soll.Eine erstrangige Rolle, die 1981, also schon drei Jahre später, mit der Verleihung des Compasso d’Oro ADI für die Leuchte „D7” von Paolo Rizzatto und Sandro Colbertaldo bestätigt wird. Die erste einer langen Reihe von Anerkennungen, die in Italien wie im Ausland die vorzügliche Arbeit von Luceplan belegen.1984 stößt Alberto Meda, ein auf Kunststo�e spezialisierter Ingenieur und leidenschaftlicher Experi-mentierer zu der Gruppe der Unternehmensgründer, wodurch die innovative Ausrichtung der Marke weiter verstärkt wird. Meda leitet mit Paolo Rizzatto eine langjährige, erfolgreiche Projektarbeit ein und kreiert einige der bedeutendsten Produkte des Unternehmens.In den Folgejahren kommen weitere fähige Designer aus Italien und anderen Ländern dazu und tragen zur Scha�ung eines breiten, �exiblen Angebots an Beleuchtungskörpern unverwechselbar modernen, wegweisenden Charakters bei.Ihr Ansatz basiert stets auf der Überlegung, dass künstliches Licht eine Quelle des Wohlgefühls für den Menschen sein und auch so interpretiert werden muss, in der Bewertung des Einsatzes der für das einzel-ne Projekt jeweils geeignetsten Technologien, Materialien und Leuchtmittel.Anders gesagt, die formalen Voraussetzungen einer Leuchte von Luceplan sind nie Vorbedingung, son-dern vielmehr die logische Konsequenz einer Idee, die mit dem Ziel, auch komplexe Fragestellungen auf einfache Art zu lösen, entsteht und Form annimmt.

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In Übereinstimmung mit dieser Philosophie haben die �emen Nachhaltigkeit und Energiesparen große Bedeutung. Das Unternehmen stellt schon von Anfang an ernsthafte Überlegungen hierzu an, experi-mentiert Lösungsanwendungen für eine umfassende, durchgehende Rationalisierung der Produktion, von der Idee über die Montage bis hin zur Verpackung, die gleichzeitig einen korrekten Lebenszyklus der Produkte und ihre einfache Entsorgung garantieren.Kreationen, häu�g für einen �exiblen, transversalen Einsatz gedacht, kombinierbar, individuell anpassbar an jedes Erfordernis und jeden Einsatzzweck. Eine herausragende Rolle nehmen hier die Leuchten der Kollektion „Elementi“ ein, Ausdruck der Qualität der Marke auch was Architekturlicht betri�t.Luceplan wusste im Laufe der Jahre seinen Status als führender Entwickler italienischen Designs au-szubauen, zählt heute 110 Mitarbeiter, hat vier Niederlassungen im Ausland (Berlin, Kopenhagen, New York und Paris), drei Flagship Stores (Mailand, New York und Paris) und vertreibt seine Produkte weltweit über circa 2000 Verkaufspunkte, mit einem Exportanteil von beinahe 80%.Seit Mai 2010 ist Luceplan Teil der Wohnraumleuchten Sparte von Philips Lighting. Die Verknüpfung einer führenden italienischen Designermarke mit der modernsten lichttechnischen Forschung, insbeson-dere LEDs, stellt ein ehrgeiziges, visionäres Projekt dar und ermöglicht die Festigung und den Ausbau das Renommees von Luceplan in der Welt.


En 1978, à Milan, trois jeunes architectes décident de créer une entreprise pour la production d’appareils d’éclairage qu’ils appellent Luceplan. Un nom qui témoigne, simplement et immédiatement, d’une ap-proche de travail bien précise : une ré�exion et une recherche approfondie sur les projets mis en oeuvre qui doivent être à la base de la conception de solutions d’illumination conférant à la lumière une qualité spéci�que au service de l’homme et de son habitat, étudiée et calibrée avec toute l’attention possible, sous le pro�l technique, fonctionnel et esthétique. C’est ainsi que Riccardo Sarfatti, sur la base de l’expérience qu’il a acquise en travaillant avec son père, Gino Sarfatti, fondateur d’Arteluce et pionnier de l’éclairage design italien, entame avec sa femme, San-dra Severi, et son camarade d’études, Paolo Rizzatto, une production de haut niveau destinée à s’a�rmer comme expression d’excellence et d’innovation dans le monde du design. Un rôle de tout premier plan qui se con�rme déjà trois ans plus tard, en 1981, lorsque la lampe “D7”, conçue par Paolo Rizzatto et Sandro Colbertaldo, est récompensée avec le prix Compasso d’Oro ADI. Le premier d’une longue série de reconnaissances qui attestent, en Italie et à l’étranger, la qualité du travail de Luceplan. En 1984, Alberto Meda, ingénieur spécialisé dans les matières plastiques et expérimentateur passionné, rejoint le groupe des membres fondateurs de la société, contribuant ainsi à apporter un ultérieur coup d’accélérateur à la vocation innovatrice de la marque. Avec Paolo Rizzatto, il inaugure une longue et riche collaboration conceptuelle, en signant certains des produits les plus emblématiques de la société.D’autres concepteurs de tout premier plan, tant italiens qu’étrangers, ont ensuite rejoint l’équipe Luce-plan, en apportant leur contribution à la création d’une vaste gamme éclectique d’appareils d’éclairage qui se con�gurent dans une matrice évolutive sans équivoque.Leur conception part toujours de la prémisse que la lumière arti�cielle doit être une source de bien-être pour l’homme, et doit être interprétée comme telle, en évaluant l’emploi des technologies, des matériaux et des sources les mieux appropriées au cas par cas à chacun des projets. En d’autres mots, les prérogatives formelles d’une lampe Luceplan ne constituent jamais une condition, mais elles représentent la conséquence logique d’une idée qui se développe et prend forme en vertu de la capacité de résoudre simplement des problématiques parfois complexes.En cohérence avec ce point de vue, une grande importance est accordée aux thèmes de la durabilité et des économies d’énergie. Dès sa naissance, l’entreprise a entamé une série de ré�exions à cet égard, en expérimentant et en appliquant des solutions en mesure de rationaliser la production à tous les niveaux, de la conception à l’assemblage et à l’emballage, de façon à garantir un cycle de vie correct à ses appareils et à en favoriser le recyclage. Des créations conçues souvent pour une utilisation souple et transversale, modulables et customisables en fonction des besoins et de leur destination. Parmi celles-ci se distinguent les propositions de la collection ‘Elementi’, qui sont l’expression de la qualité de la marque sur le versant architectural.Luceplan a su valoriser au �l du temps son propre statut de fabrique d’excellence du design italien : elle

compte aujourd’hui 110 salariés, dispose de quatre sièges à l’étranger (Berlin, Copenhague, New York et Paris), de trois magasins monomarque (Milan, New York et Paris) et distribue ses produits à travers le monde grâce à un réseau d’environ 2000 points de vente, avec une part à l’exportation de près de 80%.Depuis 2010, Luceplan fait partie de la branche Business Consumer Luminaires de Philips Lighting. La création de ce lien particulier entre une grande marque italienne réputée pour son design et la technologie liée aux recherches les plus avancées en matières de sources lumineuses, notamment dans la technologie LED, a été un projet ambitieux et inspiré qui a permis de développer le nom de Luceplan dans le monde.


En 1978, en Milán, tres jóvenes arquitectos decidieron crear una empresa productora de aparatos de ilu-minación, dándole el nombre de Luceplan. Un nombre que atestigua, de un modo simple e inmediato, una determinada �losofía: el estudio y la investigación en los proyectos como premisas necesarias para otorgar a la luz una calidad que esté al servicio del hombre y de su hábitat, estudiada cuidadosamente y calibrada desde el punto de vista técnico, funcional y estético. Fue así que Riccardo Sarfatti, aplicando la experiencia adquirida del padre, Gino Sarfatti, fundador de Arteluce y pionero de la moderna iluminación, puso en marcha con su mujer, Sandra Severi, y el com-pañero de estudios, Paolo Rizzatto, una producción de alto nivel, destinada a imponerse como expresión de excelencia e innovación en el ámbito del diseño.Un rol fundamental con�rmado ya tres años más tarde, en 1981, cuando la lámpara “D7”, proyectada por Paolo Rizzatto y Sandro Colbertaldo, obtuvo el premio “Compasso d’Oro ADI”. Uno de los nu-merosos reconocimientos como prueba del gran trabajo desarrollado por Luceplan, tanto en Italia como en el extranjero. En 1984, Alberto Meda, ingeniero especializado en materias plásticas y gran experimentador, se unió al grupo de socios fundadores, contribuyendo a dar un impulso adicional a la vocación innovadora de la marca. Junto a Paolo Rizzatto, inauguró una larga y fructífera asociación creativa, estampando su �rma en algunos de los productos más emblemáticos de la empresa.Otros importantes proyectistas, italianos y extranjeros, se han ido uniendo a la marca, contribuyendo a la creación de una amplia y versátil gama de aparatos de iluminación caracterizados por una incomparable matriz evolutiva.Su concepción siempre se basa en la premisa de que la luz arti�cial tiene que ser fuente de bienestar para el hombre, y como tal, debe interpretarse, evaluando el uso de aquellas tecnologías, materiales y fuentes que sean más apropiados para cada uno de los proyectos. En otras palabras, las prerrogativas formales de una lámpara de Luceplan no constituyen nunca una premisa. Por el contrario, representan la consecuencia lógica de una idea que va desarrollándose y adquiriendo forma en virtud de la capacidad de resolver de un modo simple los problemas, incluso los más complejos.Coherentemente con este enfoque, se da una gran importancia a temas como la sostenibilidad y el ahorro de energía. Desde su creación, la empresa ha ido haciendo una seria re�exión al respecto, experimentando y aplicando soluciones aptas para racionalizar la producción en todos sus aspectos, desde el diseño hasta el montaje y embalaje, garantizando el correcto ciclo de vida de sus aparatos y favoreciendo una fácil eliminación de los mismos. Creaciones que muy a menudo han sido concebidas para un uso �exible y transversal, modulares y realizadas a medida según las necesidades de los clientes y el uso al que vayan a destinarse. Entre éstas, sobresalen las propuestas de la colección “Elementi”, expresiones de la calidad de la marca en el ámbito de la arquitectura.Luceplan ha sabido valorar a lo largo del tiempo su status de fábrica del diseño italiano, contando hoy en día con 110 empleados, y disponiendo de cuatro o�cinas en el extranjero (Berlín, Copenhagen, Nueva York y París), de tres �agship store (Milán, Nueva York y París) y distribuyendo sus productos en los aproximadamente 2000 puntos de venta esparcidos por todo el mundo, con una cuota de exportación en torno al 80%.Desde 2010, Luceplan forma parte del Consumer Luminaires Business de Philips Lighting. Asociar una gran marca italiana del diseño a la investigación más avanzada sobre las nuevas fuentes de iluminación, principalmente los LED, ha permitido un ambicioso proyecto con visión de futuro que permitirá conso-lidar el nombre de Luceplan en el mundo.

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BAP LEDdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 2011

Structure finishes



LampsLED 10Wwarm white2700K dimmable

Dimensions arm 50 cmhead 30 x 2 x 2 cmtable base 25,5x14,5 cmsurface mount Ø 8 cm

Materialsaluminium bodyaluminium die-cast head

Diffuser finishesblue

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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Structure finishes alublack

Lamps35W/12V halogen30W/12V halogen energy saver

Dimensions arm 45 + 45 cm, base Ø 15 cm arm 30 + 30 cm, base Ø 13,5 cm

Materialsaluminium bodymetal or pressed glass reflector die-cast aluminium metal partsrynite headanti-UV protection glass

BERENICEdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1985


Diffuser finishes







Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

BERENICE LEDdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 2007

Structure finishes



LampsLED chip on board 8W warm white

Dimensions arm 45 + 45 cmbase Ø 15 cm

Materialsaluminium bodydie-cast aluminium metal parts, die-cast magnesium head

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BIRZÌdesign Giancarlo Fassina / Carlo Forcolini, 2004

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


Structure finishes





max 60W E14

28/42W halogen energy saver

12W fluorescent

Dimensions h 26 cmØ 15,5 cmbase Ø 11,5 cm


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COSTANZAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 1986

Diffuser finishesblue ivorypistachio orangered blackwhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alu gun metal black

Lampsmax 150W E27105/140W halogen energy saver18/20/23W fluorescent (only on/off version)

Dimensions h 80 or 76/100 cmbase 18x18 cm, shade Ø 40 cm

Materialsaluminium body, interchangeable polycarbonate silkscreened shade

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COSTANZINAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 1992


Structure finishes alu gun metalblack

LampsLED 5W E14max 60W E1442W halogen energy saver12W fluorescent

Dimensions h 51 cmbase 14x14 cm, shade Ø 26 cm

Materialsaluminium body, interchangeable polycarbonate silkscreened shade

Diffuser finishesblue ivorypistachio orangered blackwhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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CURLdesign Sebastian Bergne, 2012

Structure finishes mirror


LampsLED 8Wtunable white 2400K - 3500KCRI > 90dimming switch from 10 to 100%

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Dimensions h 25,6 cm, base 21 cmwidht 22,9 cm

Materialsbody in die-cast aluminium,reflector in opaque technopolymer injection molded


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FORTEBRACCIOdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1998

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alu black soft-touchglossy white

Lampsmax 60W E14max 100W E2728/42W spot energy saver42W halogen energy saver70W halogen energy saver13W fluorescent

Dimensions arms 44 + 35,5 cmhead Ø 11 or Ø16 cmbase Ø 23,6 cm

Materialsinjection-moulded grip, moulded polycarbonate sheared and formed steel arms, die-cast metal joints

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Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes


glossy white

black soft-touch

LampsLED 8Wwarm white - 3000Kwith adjustable lens 45° - 80°

Dimensions arms 44 + 35,5 cmbase Ø 23,6 cmhead Ø 8,9 cm

Materialsinjection-moulded grip, moulded polycarbonate sheared and formed steel arms, die-cast metal joints

FORTEBRACCIO LEDdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1998

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MIRANDAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2005

Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 250W E27105/140W halogen energy saver

Dimensions h 77,6 cmbase 25x25 cm

Materialsaluminium bodyblown glass diffuser

Diffuser finishesopal

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


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MIRANDOLINAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2005

Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 60W E1442W halogen energy saver

Dimensions h 51,3 cmbase 15x15 cm

Materialsaluminium bodyblown glass diffuser

Diffuser finishesopal

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


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MIXdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 2005

Compasso d’Oro ADI

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alu

LampsLED 5W Chip on boardwarm white3100Kwith adjustable lens 70° - 120°

Dimensions l 70 cm , h 39 cm, base 11x18 cm

Materialsflexible aluminium stem, anodised aluminium and injection-moulded methacrylate head, bent andenamelled sheet metal base

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ON OFFdesign Alberto Meda / Franco Raggi / Denis Santachiara, 1988

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes white

Lampsmax 42W E14 energy saver28W halogen energy saver

Dimensions h 15 cmbase Ø 16 cm

Materialsunbreakable thermoplasticpolyurethane

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OTTO WATTdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 2011

Structure finishes whitesoft-touch black mirror

LampsLED 8Wtunable white 2400K - 3500KCRI > 90dimming switch from 10 to 100%beam angle 110°

Dimensions arm 50 cmhead 30 x 2 x 2 cmtable base 25,5x14,5 cmsurface mount Ø 8 cm

Materialsaluminium bodyaluminium die-cast head

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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Cold lighting for precision workWarm lighting for relaxation

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STARLED LIGHTdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 2001

Structure finishes transparent metal

LampsLED 1W white

Dimensions h 31 cm, base 8x8 cm


Diffuser finishesgreen light blue

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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BERENICEdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1985


Dimensions arm 80 + 30 cmbase Ø 15 cm

Materialsaluminium bodymetal or pressed glass reflector die-cast aluminium metal partsrynite headanti-UV protection glass

Structure finishes alublack

Lamps35W/12V halogen30W/12V halogen energy saver

Diffuser finishesbluewhitegreenredmetalblack

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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Structure finishes white glossy black

Lampsmax 300W R7s240W halogen energy saver

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Dimensions h 185 cm base Ø 20,5 cm

Materialspainted expanded polyurethane

CARRARAdesign Alfredo Häberli, 2001


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CHICHIBIOdesign A.G. Cavalchini / D. Perrucci, 2001

Structure finishes painted alu

Lampsmax 250W E27205W halogen energy saver

Dimensions h 220/330 cmdiffuser Ø 29 cm

Materialspolycarbonate diffuser,aluminium stem

Diffuser finisheswhite opal

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


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COSTANZAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 1986


Diffuser finishesblue ivorypistachio orangered blackwhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alu gun metal black

Lampsmax 150W E27105/140W halogen energy saver18/20/23W fluorescent (only on/off version)

Dimensions h 153 or 120/160 cmbase 18x18 cm, shade Ø 40 cm

Materialsaluminium body, interchangeable polycarbonate silkscreened shade

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GRANDE COSTANZAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2006

Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 3x100W E273x70W halogen energy saver3x20W fluorescent (on-off only)

Dimensions h 175/235 cmbase 36x36 cmshade Ø 70 cm

Materialsaluminium body, polycarbonate silkscreened shade

Diffuser finishes white

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


FORTEBRACCIOdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1998

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alu black soft-touchglossy white

Lampsdimmablemax 100W E2742W spot energ ysaver70W halogen energ ysaver

Dimensions arms 35,5 cm, head Ø16 cmh 92 cm, base Ø 23,6 cm

Materialsinjection-moulded grip, moulded polycarbonate sheared and formed steel arms, die-cast metal joints

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Structure finishes polished

Lampsdimmablemax 250W E27105/140W halogen energy saver

Dimensions h 184 cm / Ø 51 cmbase 47,5 x 47,5 cm H 200 cm / Ø 72 cm

Materialsinjection-moulded polycarbonate stainless steel structure

HOPEdesign Francisco Gomez PazPaolo Rizzatto, 2010

Fresnel lens finishestransparent

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Page 32: Luceplan - Pocket Catalogue 2013

Diffuser finishesred blackwhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alu black

Lampsmax 150W E27250W halogen105/140W halogen energy saver23W fluorescent (only on/off version)

Dimensions h 207 - 240 cmd 203 cm, base 36x36 cmshade Ø 50 cm

MaterialsAluminium stem polycarbonate diffuser

LADY COSTANZAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2008


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Compasso d’Oro ADI

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alublack

Lampsdimmablemax 250W R7s230W halogen energy saver

Dimensions h 160/200 cm , base Ø 48 cm

Materialsaluminium telescopic stem, rynite head, microperforated metal reflector with anti-UV Pyrex protection glass

LOLAdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1987


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STARGLASSdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2005

Dimensions h 200/274 cmbase 45x45 cmdiffuser Ø 52 cm

Materialsmoulded glass, aluminium stem

Structure finishes alu

Lampsdimmablemax 250W E27105/140W halogen energy saver205W halogen energy saver

Diffuser finishestransparent

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

MIRANDAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2005

Dimensions h 140/182 cmbase 25x25 cm

Materialsaluminium body blown glass diffuser

Structure finishes alu

Lampsdimmablemax 250W E27105/140W halogen energy saver205W halogen energy saver

Diffuser finishesopal

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


Page 36: Luceplan - Pocket Catalogue 2013


Structure finishes alu

Lampsdimmablemax 250W E27205W halogen energy saver

Dimensions h 157 cm d 103 cmelliptical head 70x27x8 cm

Materialssteel bearing structure, aluminium lamellar shell

Filters finishesviolet yellowgreen bluered

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

TITANIAdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1995

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ANYdesign Habits Studio / Format Design Studio, 2011


Structure finishes white rust

Lamps(1) LED 24W 2700K (2) fluo 24W PL-L(3) fluo 80W PL-L(4) fluo 2x54W TL5(5) fluo 2x80W TL5

Dimensions l 23(1) / 38(2) / 63(3) 120(4) / 150(5) cmh 12 cmoverhang 9 cm

Materialsaluminium bodypolycarbonate diffuser

Diffuser finishes transparent satined

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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BERENICEdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1985

Structure finishes alublack

Lamps30W/12V halogen energy saver

Dimensions arm 45 + 45 cmarm 30 + 30 cm

Materialsaluminium body metal or pressed glass reflector die-cast aluminium metal parts rynite head anti-UV protection glass

Diffuser finishesbluewhitegreenredmetalblack

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Dimensions arm 50 cmhead 30 x 2 x 2 cm wall bracket 4,5x4,5 cm

Materialsaluminium body, glass-reinforced nylon head

Structure finishes whiteblack

LampsLED 10W warm white2700Kdimmable

Diffuser finishesblue

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

BAP LEDdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 2011


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BLOWdesign Ferdi Giardini, 1997


Structure finishes

white opal

Lampsmax 150W E27105/140W halogen energy saver26W fluorescent

Dimensions diffuser h 40 cm, Ø 24 cmblades Ø 140 cm

Materialspolycarbonate diffuser, methacrylate and screenprinted blades

Blades finishes

transparent greenblue orange

Blades screenprinted finishestransparent greenblue orange

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Diffuser finishesblue ivorypistachio orangered blackwhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alu

LampsLED 5W E14max 60W E1442W halogen energy saver12W fluorescent

Dimensions h 54 cmshade Ø 26 cm

Materialsaluminium body, interchangeable polycarbonate silkscreened shade

COSTANZINAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 1992

COSTANZAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 1986

Diffuser finishesblue ivorypistachio orangered blackwhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 150W E27105/140W halogen energy saver20/23W fluorescent (only on/off version)

Dimensions h 80 or 76/100 cmshade Ø 40 cm

Materialsaluminium bodyinterchangeable polycarbonate silkscreened shade


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COUNTERBALANCEdesign Daniel Rybakken, 2012

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes black

LampsLED 2700K14,5WCRI > 90

Dimensions l 191,6 cmd 198,6 cmhead Ø 8,5 cm

Materialshead in aluminiumstem and counterweight in steel


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D7design Paolo Rizzatto / Sandro Colbertaldo, 1980

Compasso d’Oro ADI

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes aluglossy black glossy white

Lampsmax 250W halogen B15d205/230W halogen energy saver

Dimensions l 178 cmhead 12,2 cm

Materialsaluminium armdie-cast aluminium head


Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes polishedwhite

Lamps160W halogen energy saver

Dimensions 29x28x15 cm

Materialsaluminium painted body, white glass diffuser

ÉCRANdesign Inga Sempé, 2010


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FORTEBRACCIOdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1998

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alu black soft-touchglossy white

Lampsmax 60W E14max 100W E2728/42W spot energy saver42W halogen energy saver70W halogen energy saver13W fluorescent

Dimensions arms 35,5 cmarms 44 + 35,5 cmd 36 cmhead Ø 11 or Ø 16 cm

Materialsinjection-moulded grip, moulded polycarbonate sheared and formed steel arms, die-cast metal joints

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GOGGLEdesign Ross Lovegrove, 2003

Structure finishes opaline

Lampsmax 60W E1442W halogen energy saver12/18/26W fluorescent

Dimensions h 32 cml 18 cm

Materialsinjection-moulded polycarbonate

Elliptical filmiridescent

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


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HOPEdesign Francisco Gomez Paz / Paolo Rizzatto, 2009

Structure finishes polished

Lampsmax 60W E1442W halogen energy saver105W halogen energy saver120W halogen12/23W fluorescent

Dimensions wall h 43 - l 49 cm projection 28,5 - 45,6 cmceiling Ø 69 cm - h 41,5 cm

Materialsinjection-moulded polycarbonate

Fresnel lens finishestransparent

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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JAVELOT MACROdesign Odile Decq, 2010

Structure finishes blackalu

Lamps2 x LED 8W warm white

Dimensions l 255 cm

Materialsaluminium body painted black, cone satined methacrylate diffuser

Diffuser finishessatined

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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Structure finishes painted alu painted white polished

Lampsmax 150W R7s 120W halogen energy saver39/54/80W T5 linear fluorescent 80W T5 linear fluorescent with 2 spot LED 1W

LANEdesign Alfredo Häberli, 2007

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Dimensions lenght 22 / 95 / 125 / 155 cmoverhang 9 cm

Materialsextruded and die-cast aluminium

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LIGHTDISCdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 2002

Structure finishes transparent metallized

Lamps22 / 55W circular fluorescent

Dimensions Ø 32, h 5,5 cm Ø 40 cm, h 6,7 cm

Materialsunbreakable, watertight polycarbonate

Front finishesopalinetransparent

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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LOLAdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1987

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alublack

Lampsmax 250W R7s240W halogen energy saver

Dimensions h 25 cm, l 18 cm

Materialsrynite head,microperforated metal reflector, anti-UV Pyrex protection glass


MALÍdesign Sandra Severi Sarfatti, 2008

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alu

Lamps60W halogen

Dimensions 21,5 x 10 cm

Materialsglossy blown crystal diffuseraluminium reflector


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METROPOLIdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto / Riccardo Sarfatti, 1992


Structure finishes white painted alu polished alu

Lampshalogen, fluorescent or LEDaccording to the optics requested

Dimensions Ø from 17 to 56 cmh from 8 to 16 cm

Materialsdie-cast aluminium body, moulded glass or polycarbonate diffuser

Diffuser finishesopalprismatic glass

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Compasso d’Oro ADI

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ORCHESTRAdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1995

Reflector finishes alu

Lampshalogen, fluorescent or metal halide according to the optics requested

Dimensions 15x15 cm, 15x30 cm30x15 cm, 30x30 cm

Materialsaluminium-coated metal built-in box, smoothed and oxidized aluminium sheet reflector, semi-expanded self-extinguishing NORYL frames

Frame finishesalu

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

OTTO WATTdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 2011


Structure finishes whitemirror

LampsLED 8Wtunable white 2400K - 3500KCRI > 90dimming switch from 10 to 100%beam angle 110°

Dimensions head 12,8 x 2 cmdepht 6,2 cmreflector base 18,4 x 22,4 cm


Reflector finisheswhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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SCREENdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1989


Structure finishes white

Lampsmax 100/150W E2770W halogen energy saver105/140W halogen energy saver15/20W fluorescent

Dimensions l 36 cm, h 26 cml 29 cm, h 21 cm

Materialspolycarbonate support injection-moulded methacrylate screen

Screen finisheswhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

PIATTOdesign Sandro Colbertaldo / Paolo Rizzatto, 1983

Structure finishes painted aluwhite

Lampsmax 300W R7s240W halogen energy saver

Dimensions h 6 cml 43 cmd 28 cm

Materialsdie-cast aluminium reflector


Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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STRIPdesign Dante Donegani, 1996

Structure finishes whitepainted alu polished alu

Lamps14/18/24W fluorescent

Dimensions 74x10,5x7 cm74x18,6x8,5 cm74x38,6x8,5 cm74x66,1x8,5 cm

Materialsbent, powder-painted metal plate body, opaline polycarbonate sheet diffuser

Diffuser finisheswhite opaline

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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SYNAPSEdesign Francisco Gomez Paz, 2011

Structure finishes white

Lampscircuit with LEDs RGB 1Wcolour changingwireless remote control

Dimensions shell Ø 34 cm

MaterialsABS + PC

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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TRAMAdesign L. Balestrini / P. Longhi, 1986

Structure finishes alu

Lamps20W, 23W, 55W fluorescent60W/100W E27 max 300W R7s240W halogen energy saver

Dimensions h 17 cm, Ø 64 cmh 16 cm, Ø 50 cm

Materialsaluminium body, weft-silkscreened polycarbonate diffuser pyrex glass for safety

Diffuser finisheswhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


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AGAVEdesign Diego Rossi / Ra�aele Tedesco, 2003

Structure finishes transparent

Lamps21, 32, 42W fluorescent

Dimensions h from 100 to 300 cmØ 17 / 26 / 70 cm

Materialspolycarbonate ceiling rose, polycar-bonate body injection-moulded transparent methacrylate ribs

Filters finishesblue yellowred amber

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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AIRCONdesign W. Van Der Sluis / H. Timmermans, 2003


Upper structure finishes semi-opaline

Lamps3x24W fluorescent

Dimensions h 50/200 cmØ 100 cm

Materialsinjection/moulded polycarbonate

Lower structure finishesneutralorange

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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Structure finishes whiteblackpastel bluered

LampsLED 12W warm white

Dimensions Ø 31cmh 23 cm

Materialsaluminium bodydiffuser in injection/moulded polycarbonate

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

ARCHETYPEdesign Goodmorning Technology, 2010

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COSTANZAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 1986

Diffuser finishesblue ivorypistachio orangered blackwhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 150W E27105/140W halogen energy saver20/23W fluorescent

Dimensions h 100/150 cm or 150 cmshade Ø 40 cm

Materialsaluminium body, interchangeable polycarbonate silkscreened shade steel counterweight (only for up and down version)


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C-SPOTdesign A.G. Cavalchini / D. Perrucci, 2003

Structure finishes alu

Lamps60W incandescent60W halogen

Dimensions h 250 cm / rose Ø12 cmhead Ø 11,2 cm

Materialspolycarbonate with stainlesssteel support

Diffuser finisheswhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

COSTANZINAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 1992


Diffuser finishesblue ivorypistachio orangered blackwhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes white

LampsLED 5W E14max 60W E1442W halogen energy saver12W fluorescent

Dimensions h 100/250 cmshade Ø 26 cm

Materialsinterchangeable polycarbonate silkscreened shade

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GLASSGLASSdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 1998


Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 250W E27105/140W halogen enegy saver205W halogen enegy saver23W fluorescent

Diffusers’ dimensions h from 27 to 56 cm Ø from 15 to 52 cm

Materialsglass diffuserdie-cast aluminium structure

Diffuser finishesopaltransparentsand blasted/transparent

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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Lampsmax 3x100W E273x70W halogen energy saver3x20/26W fluorescent70W metal holide

Dimensions h min 100 - max 475 cmshade Ø 70 cm

Materialspolycarbonate shade

Diffuser finisheswhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

GRANDE COSTANZAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2006

HAPPYHAPPYdesign J. Ejhed / A. Stratimirovic, 2003

Structure finishes semi-transparent satin-finished body

Lamps2x36W or 2x54W fluorescent

Dimensions l 142 cm h 50 to 200 cm

Materialspolyethylene, aluminium grid,polycarbonate filter

Filter finishesblue greenred yellow

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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HONEYCOMBdesign Habits Studio, 2010

Structure finishes glossy white

Lamps3 x 8W LED - 2700 Kbeam angle 110°

3 x 30W halogen 12Vfor direct/indirect light

Dimensions 23,7 x 24,7 x 30,5 cmh module 8 cm


Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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HOPEdesign Francisco Gomez Paz / Paolo Rizzatto 2009

Structure finishes polished

Lampsmax 250W E27105/140W halogen energy saver23/42W fluorescent

Dimensions h 49, 54, 66 cmø 61, 72, 110, 200 cm

Materialsinjection-moulded polycarbonate

Fresnel lens finishestransparent

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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Dimensions h 30/180 cmØ 40 cm, h 6,7 cm

Materialsunbreakable, watertightpolycarbonate

Structure finishes transparentmetallized

Lamps55W T5 circular fluorescent

Front finishesopalinetransparent

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

design Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 2005


LADY COSTANZAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2011

Dimensions h 207 / 240 cmshade Ø 50 cm

Materialsaluminium body, interchangeable polycarbonate silkscreened shadesteel counterweight

Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 150W E27105/140W halogen energy saver20/23W fluorescent

Diffuser finishes red black white

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


Page 76: Luceplan - Pocket Catalogue 2013

MIRANDOLINAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2005

Dimensions h 50/200 cmø 21 cm

Materialsaluminium body, blown glass diffuser

Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 60W E1442W halogen energy saver

Diffuser finishesopal

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


Dimensions h 50/250 cmø 35 cm

Materialsaluminium body, blown glass diffuser

Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 250W E27105/140W halogen energy saver

Diffuser finishesopal

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

MIRANDAdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2005


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Dimensions roundØ 120 cm, h 6 cmpetal - shaped137 x 84,5 cm, h 6 cm

Materialssound-absorbing panel

Structure finishes white elastic tissue

Lamps22W TL5 C on/off22W + 40W fluo TL5 C on/off22W + 40W fluo TL5 C dimmableoptional 18W LED warm white on/off

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

design Odile Decq (ODBC), 2010

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ACOUSTIC COMFORT The tecnology of Pétale is based on free-hanging sound absorbing units. The sound waves propagate through the fabric and penetrate inside the sound absorbing material where the vibration energy is reduced.With Pétale the sound waves are not just absorbed by the bottom surface but, by the effect of sound reflections on the walls and the ceiling, the sound is also absorbed by the top of the unit.

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PLISSÉdesign Inga Sempé, 2007

Structure finishes polished

Lamps7x5W LED E14max 7x60W E147 x 42W halogen energy saver 7 x 12W fluorescentent

Dimensions height of lampshade 30 cm variable width from 60 to 160 cm

Materialsstainless steel structure, lampshade in technical aluminium material and polyester

Shade finisheswhiteblack

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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QUEEN TITANIAdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 2005

Dimensions l 140 cmh 16 cm

Materialssteel bearing structure, aluminium lamellar shell

Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 2x250W E272x205W halogen energy saver 2x105/140W halogen energy saver70W metal halide

Filters finishesviolet yellowgreen bluered

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


Structure finishes greysage green terracotta

Lampsmax 23W fluorescent

Dimensions h 28,5 cmØ 10,5 cm

Materialsinjection-moulded polycarbonate

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

POD LENSdesign Ross Lovegrove, 1998

158 LUCEPLAN 159

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STRIPdesign Dante Donegani, 1996

Structure finishes


painted alu

polished alu

Lamps18W, 24W fluorescent

Dimensions 74x38,6x8,5 cm, 74x66,1x8,5 cmh 70/200 cm

Materialsbent, powder-painted metal plate body, opaline polycarbonate sheet diffuser

Diffuser finisheswhite opaline

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

STARGLASSdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2005


Lampsmax 250W E27 205W halogen energy saver105/140W halogen energy saver23W fluorescent

Dimensions h 25,5 cm, Ø 55 cm,h max 200 cm

Materialsmoulded glass

Diffuser finishestransparent

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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SUPERGIÙdesign Diego Rossi / Ra�aele Tedesco, 2005

Lampsmax 150W E27105/140W halogen energy saver

Dimensions h 30 cmØ 35 cm

Materialsanodised or painted aluminium reflector

Diffuser finishesalublackwhiteburghundy

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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SYNAPSEdesign Francisco Gomez Paz, 2012

Lampscircuit with LEDs RGB 1Wcolour changingwireless remote control

Dimensions shell Ø 34 cm

MaterialsABS + PC

Structure finisheswhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


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TITANIAdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 1989


Dimensions h 100/300 cmdiffuser 70x27x8 cm

Materialssteel bearing structure, aluminium lamellar shell

Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 250W E27205W halogen energy saver

Filters finishesviolet yellowgreen bluered

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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Structure finishes alu

Lampsmax 300W R7s240W halogen energy saver 55W T5 rircular fluorescent

Dimensions h 80/170 cmØ 50 or 64 cm

Materialsaluminium body, weft-silkscreened polycarbonate diffuser pyrex glass for safety

Diffuser finisheswhite

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

TRAMAdesign L. Balestrini / P. Longhi, 1986


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ECRAN IN&OUTdesign Inga Sempé, 2011

Structure and base finishes opalinesandlight green

LampsLED 8W 2700K

Dimensions Ø 18,5 cmd 14,5 cm


IP65 waterproof

Diffuser finishes opaline

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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GRANDE COSTANZA OPEN AIRdesign Paolo Rizzatto, 2008

Structure and base finishes white rust alu

Lampsmax 250W E27205W halogen energy saver23W fluorescent

Dimensions h 221 cmbase 36x36 cmshade Ø 70 cm

Materialsstainless steel painted stem and base polycarbonate diffuser

Diffuser finishesoff-white rustlight green

Stake finishes alu

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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JAVELOT MACROdesign Odile Decq, 2010

Structure finishes black

Lamps3 x 2 LED 8W warm white

Dimensions h 250 cmØ 150 cm

Materialsaluminium body painted blackcone satined methacrylate diffuser

Diffuser finishes satined

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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LIGHTDISCdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto, 2002

Structure finishes transparentmetallized

Lamps22 / 32 / 40 / 55W T5 circular fluorescent

Dimensions Ø 32, h 5,5 cm Ø 40 cm, h 6,7 cm

Materialsunbreakable, watertight polycarbonate

Front finishesopalinetransparent

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Page 94: Luceplan - Pocket Catalogue 2013

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes greysage green terracotta

Lamps23W fluorescent

Dimensions h 28,5 cmØ 10,5 cm

Materialsinjection-moulded polycarbonate

PODLENSdesign Ross Lovegrove, 1998


METROPOLIdesign Alberto Meda / Paolo Rizzatto / Riccardo Sarfatti, 1992

Compasso d’Oro ADIStructure finishes whitepainted alu

Lampshalogen, incandescent, fluorescent or LED according to the optics requested

Dimensions Ø from 17 to 56 cmh from 8 to 16 cm

Materialsdie-cast aluminium bodypolycarbonate diffuser

Diffuser finishesopal

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

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Skydesign Alfredo Häberli, 2007


Structure finishes alu white chestnut

Lamps20W metal halide, 26W fluorescent, 4 x1,2W white light LED and photovoltaic cells

Dimensions height 16 cm, width 20 cmtotal height 28 and 70 cm (with vertical supports)

Materialsbody and cover in die cast aluminium, polycarbonate diffuser

Diffuser finishesopal

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com


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SOLAR BUDdesign Ross Lovegrove, 1998

Structure finishes alu

Lamps3 white LED

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Dimensions h 37 cmØ 15 cm

Materialsaluminium stem transparent methacrylate head UV-resistant


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e01design Habits Studio, 2006

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes whitemetal greypolished

Lampshalogen, fluorescent, HQI or LEDaccording to the optics request

Dimensions square9,3 x 9,3 cm or 18,6 x 18,6 cmroundØ 9,3 cm or 15,7 cmzeroØ 7 cm or 13,4 cm

Materialdie-cast aluminium


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e02design Habits Studio, 2006

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes whitemetal greypolished

Lampshalogen, fluorescent, HQI or LEDaccording to the optics request

Dimensions Ø 6,8 cm or 13 cm

Materialdie-cast aluminium


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e03design Habits Studio, 2006

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes whitemetal greypolished

Lamps20/35W halogen14/24/28/35/49/54/80Wlinear fluorescent

Dimensions 9,3 x 9,3 cm65 x 9,3 cm125,1 x 9,3 cm153,5 x 9,3 cm

Materialaluminium extrusion bodydie-cast aluminium closure heads


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l 9,3 cm

l 65,1 cm

l 125,1 cm

l 153,5 cm


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e04 CEILINGdesign Habits Studio, 2006

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes whiteanthracitemetal greypolished

Lampshalogen, fluorescent, metal halide or LED according to the optics request

Dimensions Ø 7 x 27,9 cmØ 13,4 x 19,6 cmØ 13,4 x 27,9 cmØ 13,4 x 37,2 cm

Materialaluminium extrusioncylindrical body


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e04 WALLdesign Habits Studio, 2007

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes whiteanthracitemetal greypolished

Lampshalogen, fluorescent, metal halide or LED according to the optics request

Dimensions Ø 7 x 3,5 cm - Ø 7 x 27,9 cmØ 7 x 46,5 cm - Ø 7 x 130 cmØ 13,4 x 3,5 cm - Ø 13,4 x 19,6 cmØ 13,4 x 37,2 cm - Ø 13,4 x 46,5 cm

Materialaluminium extrusioncylindrical body


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e04 SUSPENSIONdesign Habits Studio, 2007

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes whiteanthracitemetal greypolished

Lampshalogen, metal halide or LED according to the optics request

Dimensions Ø 7 x 27,9 cmØ 7 x 46,5 cmØ 13,4 x 37,2 cmØ 13,4 x 46,5 cm

Materialaluminium extrusioncylindrical body


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e05 ZENOdesign Diego Rossi / Ra�aele Tedesco, 2006

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes whitealu

Lamps3x100W + 1x75W halogen2x70W metal halide + 6x36W fluo3x100W halogen + 6x36W fluo

Dimensions Ø 115 cmh 29,5 cm

Materialpolyurethane foam pressed body


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e06design Habits Studio, 2007

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes whiteanthracitepolished

Lamps35/50W halogen20W metal halideLED

Dimensions Ø 4,5 x 31,5 cmØ 7 x 37,2 cm

Materialextruded aluminium body


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e07design Habits Studio, 2007

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes whiteanthracitepolished

Lamps50/75W halogenLED spot 4W14/24/28/35/49/54/80Wlinear fluorescent

Dimensions spot modules25 x 25 cm or 25 x 37,5 cm25 x 28 cm or 25 x 46,7 cmdirect/indirect modules25 x 57,4 cm 25 x 117,4 cm25 x 147,4 cm

Materialsteel body and aluminiumend plates and connector


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design Habits Studio, 2009

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes whiteblackpolished

Lamps35W halogenLED spot 5W

Dimensions Ø 2,5 x 66,4 cm

Materialaluminium extrusioncylindrical body



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e11design Habits Studio, 2010

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes white opalin

Lamps2x50 halogen2x70W HQI2x42W fluorescent

Dimensions 37,7 x 23,5 x 19,1 cm

Materialpowder-painted steel

e10design Habits Studio, 2010

Technical and photometric datawww.luceplan.com

Structure finishes white opalin

Lamps54/80W linear fluorescent

Dimensions 120,9 x 11,6 x 9,3 cm150,8 x 11,6 x 9,3 cm

Materialaluminium bodyplastic material diffuser


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PhotosPasquale Abbattista (p. 42, 43)Santi Caleca (p. 18, 23, 24, 26, 35, 39, 41, 49, 50, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 66, 69, 72, 75, 79, 83, 89, 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102, 105, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 119, 123, 125, 128, 129, 130, 131, 137, 141, 142, 143, 146, 148, 151, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 162, 167, 168, 169, 171, 177, 181, 183, 184, 189, 211, 215)Amedeo G.Cavalchini (p. 98)©Enrico Conti per Anna (p. 185)Egon Gade (p. 11, 31, 203, )Andrea Pugiotto (p. 25, 112)Ivan Sarfatti (p. 15, 20, 25, 33, 36, 40, 51, 63, 65, 67, 74, 76, 77, 81, 115, 163, 165, 179, 187, 199, 205, 209, 219, 220, 221)Leo Torri (p. 12, 16, 17, 21, 28, 29, 34, 44, 45, 48, 52, 56, 62, 64, 68, 70, 80, 86, 88, 90, 104, 110, 116, 118, 121, 126, 134, 135, 138, 139, 147, 149, 154, 164, 172, 173, 182, 188, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 217, 218)Tom Vack (p.8, 10, 13, 19, 22, 27, 38, 46, 54, 58, 60, 73, 78, 82, 84, 85, 87, 92, 94, 100, 103, 114, 120, 122, 124, 132, 136, 140, 144, 150, 152, 153, 160, 161, 166, 170, 176, 178, 186)Miro Zagnoli (p. 106)

Special ThanksAbitare (RCS Mediagroup SpA)Lorenzo FerranteMontana (p. 31)Thor Specialties srl

Luceplan reserves the right to introduce any changes to its own models without prior notice.

Luceplan si riserva il diritto di apportare ai propri modelli qualsiasi modifica senza nessun preavviso.

Printed in Italy GECA SpA, MilanoJune 2013

© 2013 by Luceplan spa, Milano. All rights reserved

Project CoordinationPatrizia Vicenzi with Rosi Guadagno

Art DirectionChristoph Radl

Graphic DesignAntonio Zorzi Alessandro Benini

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