Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime

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  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime


    Challengesand Solutions

    Lubricants Special

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  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime


     provides cost

    efficient lubrication solutions and

    expert technical services to the

    shipping industry.

    For worldwide and 24/7 high

    performance marine lubricantsdeliveries contact our global team:




    [email protected]

    Visit us at Hall A2,Booth 219 at SMM

    in Hamburg

  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime




     2 Challenges

     5 LNG as a fuel

     6 Te world of UniMarine

    8 Unique lube player

    10 Solutions

    12 Hamburg


     A fter insurance and crew pay,

    it is lubricants that rank as

    the third most expensive

    item on the daily operating costs of

    a ship for an owner. As this maga-zine shows, lubricants can count

    for up to 17% of a vessel ’s outlay.

     What ’s more there has never been

    a more bewildering choice of lubes,

    reflecting the hugely changing envi-

    ronmental scene that shipping faces

    going forward.

     What Maritime CEO  has set

    out to do, in association with lube

    specialist UniMarine, is to identify

    challenges and solutions facing

    shipowners when selecting a marine

    lubricant. o do this in depth wecontacted around 100 shipowners

    and managers to assess what bothers

    them with today’s lube industry and

    then we mapped out how to solve

    many of these problems.

    On top of that, there’s a look at

     various interconnected topics such

    as LNG as a fuel and scrubbers, and

    since Maritime CEO  and UniMarine

     wil l be both be present at SMM this

    September we have thrown in a

    useful travel guide to Hamburg onthe back page. We hope you find this

    magazine of value.

    Sam Chambers



     Vital time to learnmore about marinelubricants sector

     An ASM publication

    Editorial Director:Sam [email protected]

     Associate Edi tors: Jason [email protected]

    Katherine [email protected]

    Correspondents: Athens: Ionnis NikolaouBogota: Richard McCollCairo: Camelia EwissCape Town: Joe CunliffeDubai: Yousra ShaikhHong Kong: Alfred RomannLondon: Craig Jallal

    Mumbai: Divya LadNew York: Suzanne SmithOslo: Hans ThaulowPortland: Joshua Samuel BrownShanghai: Colin QuekSingapore: V SubramanianSydney: Ross White-ChinneryTaipei: David GreenTokyo: Masanori Kikuchi

    Contributors: Nick Berriff, Andrew Craig-Bennett, Charles De Trenck, Paul French, ChrisGarman, Lars Jensen, Jeffrey Landsberg, PeterSand, Siddhartha Sanyal, Eytan Uliel

    Editorial material should be sent [email protected] or mailed toOffice 701, 9 Renmin Lu, Zhongshan District,Dalian, China 116001

    Commercial Director:

    Grant [email protected]

    Sales Director:Helen [email protected]

    Maritime CEO advertising agents are also basedin Japan, Korea, Scandinavia and Greece — tocontact a local agent [email protected] for details


    All commercial material should be sent [email protected] or mailed toAsia Shipping Media, 20 Cecil Street, #14-01Equity Plaza, Singapore 049705

    Design: Tigersoft DesignPrinters: Allion Printing, Hong Kong

  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime





    t is fair to say that the selection of

    lubricants onboard ship has never

    been more tricky or scrutinised.

    Since the market crash of 2008cost cutting has been uppermost

    in ship operators’ minds, desperate

    to stay afloat in what have been

    intensely tricky financial times. After

    insurance and crew costs, lubes

    make up the third highest cost in

    the daily running of a ship, typical ly

    accounting for 10% on average, but

    occasionally running as high as 17%

    of costs. However, price is not the

    most important aspect shipowners

    and operators look for when select-ing a lube supplier, according to a

     wide-ranging survey carried out by

     Maritime CEO for this magazine.

    In compiling the magazine,

     Maritime CEO sent out a survey to

    around 100 shipowners and manag-

    ers on key lube issues. Price, while

    important, for sure, only ranked num-

    ber three in the selection criteria.

    Michael Moschonas, chief

    technical officer with Greece’s Almi

    ankers, lists product quality and

    suitability, the reputation of thesupplier, technical support and ser-

     vices, worldwide availability of all

    grades, before mentioning price.

    On the issue of price a fleet man-

    ager in the tanker sector based in

    Singapore tells Maritime CEO : “Some

    might say rebates based on volume,

    but I would prefer a good upfront

     price with no accounting games.”

    Ian Claxton, managing director

    of Tailand’s Toresen & Co, says

    quality product with no contamina-tion, a guaranteed delivery period

     without delays to vessel or offhire and

    strong after sales support such as lab-

    oratory testing, training on use and

    handling, product news and regula-

    tory information updates, all go a long

     way when selecting a lube supplier.

    Meanwhile, the purchasing

    manager of one of the world’s largest

    containerlines has another thing

    he is looking out for when choosing

    a lubricant company. “Since some

    new regulations are coming in, we

    are looking whether their products

    are recommended by the equip-ment maker,” he says from the firm’s

    European headquarters.

    Quite so, agrees Kishore

    Rajvanshy, managing director at

    Hong Kong’s Fleet Management.

    In the last year there has been

    a change in rules for engine design

     which requires a change in the grade

    of lubricating oil, Rajvanshy explains.

    Tis is specific to new electronic

    engines where there is a requirement

    for BN 100 for cylinder lubrication.“Te stock and availability

    for this grade is not there in many

    There’s plenty that owners and managers willdemand when choosing a lube supplier

    More than just price

  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime



    normal ports of lif ting and in other

     ports it is a much bigger challenge,”

    he says, adding: “For the VGP com-

     pliance, the availability for the stern

    tube lubrication which wil l match

    the stern tube seal maker require-ment is also a challenge. Approvals

    for major brands are pending.”

    Global availability 

    Rajvanshy, as with almost all

    respondents, touches on the issue of

    global availability, something that

    clearly vexes a huge percentage of

    shipowners and managers.

    “We want a supplier who works

     with us to achieve the best physicalasset protection, security of supply

    and competitive costs for supply

    operations,” says Mark Haslett, direc-

    tor of procurement at Wallem Ship


    “Te greatest chal lenge the

    industry is facing is actually being

    able to supply the correct grades that

    the ships need, at the ports where

    they need the oil,” says Haslett. A

    number of the majors are focused

    on big ships in big ports so there canbe a limited choice of suppliers for

    smaller vessels such as bulk carr iers

    trading routes with smaller ports, he


     Wallem takes care to set up

    appropriate contracts for each vessel

    and owner. Tus the Hong Kong-

    based manager can select a supplier

     with suitable geographical coverage,

    unlike large volume aggregators

     which simply attach each new ship

    to a contract which prioritisesthe headline grabbing ports of

    Rotterdam and Singapore.●

    “ Te greatest challenge the industry is facing isactually being able to supply the correct grades thatthe ships need, at the ports where they need the oil’ ” 


  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime




     How well are you technically supported

    and informed on new lube products

    such as biolubes, high BN cylinder oil

    or ultra-low sulphur cylinder oil? 

    Manufacturers will advise and push

    new products that comply with any

    new regulations via many communi-

    cation channels, reckons Ian Claxton,

    managing director of Tai shipowner,

    Toresen & Co.

    Nevertheless, the introduction ofboth biolubes and especially BN 100

    cylinder oil was not handled par-

    ticularly well by the industry, argues

    Mark Haslett, director of procure-

    ment at Wallem Ship Management.

    Te VGP deadline in December 2013

     was known well in advance.

     When an engine maker stipulated

    the use of BN 100 cylinder oil for a

     whole range of engines - effectively

    changing the recommendation away

    from grades that had been previouslyapproved to use - oil companies began

    to respond with products.

    echnical support is becoming

    increasingly critical for seagoing

    engineers to ensure that the feed

    rates are optimised for the benefit of

    the engine and costs.

     How well supported do you feel at ship-

     yards in terms of lubricants? 

    Supply to shipyards is usually okay,

    most of our respondents reckoned,

    but it can be at a high cost i f it isfor a newbuild. Repair yards do not

    appear to be an issue.

    Te procurement boss for a

    leading European containerline had

    this to say on the matter.

    “Now regarding the newbuilding

     yard, there are too many third parties

    especially which make the final

    delivery very complicated and often

    in stupid packaging. Under contract

    the LO delivery is FAS or FOB, but for

    newbuilds, you have to take care ofthe yard clearance, help them to get

    the custom clearance and the process

    may vary from a city to another; in

    short it is pretty messy.”

    For newbuildings a useful piece

    of advice Maritime CEO  picked up is

    to put the minimum onboard in the

     yard and take the maximum at the

    first bunker port. Te cost can be

    25-40% cheaper depending on the

    shipyard location.

     Do you feel you are technically well

    supported by onboard and ashore lube

    engineer visits? 

     As long as the lubes are not purchased

    like a commodity, the operator tends

    to get good technical support, most of

    our respondents said.

    One fleet manager in the tanker

    sector in Singapore moaned that lubesuppliers do not seem to visit in the

    same way that, say, chemical suppli-

    ers do. Nevertheless, when it comes

    to onshore, lab testing and analysis of

    issues is first class, he adds.

    One liner respondent says his

    company never gets visits and feels

    that his ships are better supported

    by engine makers regarding lube oil

    than the lube suppliers themselves.

    “Te interest of the lube oil maker

    is that you spend more on oil, ourinterest is to decrease the feed rate

    hence we will not listen to their advice

    and more follow the engine maker

    recommendation with whom we may

    have a warranty,” he points out.

    Regarding lube oil analysis,

    there appears to be mixed messages

    coming from the majors, says another

    liner executive whereby owners

    might get an alert on a particular

    item from one company while a rival

    maintains the same product is fine.

    “What is your level of confidencein the analysis made by the lube oil

    maker,” he questions, “as its inter-

    est is for you to replace the lubes

    onboard.” ●

    “ Te introductionof both biolubes andespecially BN 100

    cylinder oil was not

    handled particularly wellby the industry ” 

    Maritime CEO  surveyed close to 100 ownersand managers in compiling this magazine.Below are some of their thoughts

    Understanding the

    industry’s concerns

  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime



    little while back James

     Ashworth, lead consult-

    ant with Singapore-based

    oil and gas consultancy, ri-Zen

    International, told Maritime CEO  that

    shipping is going through a seismic

    shift in its adoption of LNG as a fuel.

    Not mincing his words, he stated,

    “We are witnessing the greatest

    change in shipping since Winston

    Churchill advocated the move fromcoal, a UK plentiful strategic reserve,

    to imported oil for the Royal Navy.”

     Arguably the beginning of this

     July may well have been the moment

     when the overplayed ‘chicken and egg’

    discussion about LNG as a fuel came

    to an end. On July 2, Japanese line

    NYK ordered the world’s first LNG

    bunkering vessel.

    In a joint initiative to develop a

    global market for the LNG bunkering

    business, NYK concluded a frame- work agreement with France’s GDF

    Suez and Mitsubishi Corporation to

    distribute LNG in Europe.

    Te vessel will be delivered in

    2016, and will be based at the port

    of Zeebrugge. Te vessel will deliver

    LNG to LNG-fuelled vessels operating

    mainly in the North Sea and the Baltic

    Sea. Going forward, the joint venture

    is looking to roll out similar vessels

    across the globe.

    In Northern Europe, about 50

    LNG-fuelled vessels — most of which

    are ferries, cruiseships, and

    offshore related vessels —

    are already in operation.

    o support the increas-

    ing number of LNG-fuelled vessels

    in operation, the challenge is to

    develop and improve the supply

    infrastructure. Despiter NYK’s com-

    mendable start much more needs to

    be done in this department, says Erik

    Lewenhaupt, a senior executive withSweden’s Stena.

    “Te world fleet is large and in

    many segments it will not be eco-

    nomically feasible to convert vessels

    to other propulsions,” he maintains,

    adding: “It will therefore take a con-

    siderable time before we see changes

    away from fuel oil propulsion in larger


    However, on the longer term

    Stena believes LNG together with

    methanol has a large potential to bebig marine fuels.

    “Te challenge with LNG,” says

    Lewenhaupt, “is the infrastructure

    and the pricing where we need to see

    investments in shore tanks, terminals

    and bunker vessels on a large scale to

    make this an accessible alternative

     worldwide as well as more compet-

    itive pricing which is linked to the

    market price of LNG and not bunker

    oil to compensate for the substantial

    handling and investment costs for


     As these

    factors are still uncertain Stena is also

    running a parallel track with metha-

    nol which is equally environmentally

    friendly - but easier to handle as a

    marine fuel. Stena will in 2015, asa world first, convert a large ropax

    ferry, Stena Germanica, to methanol


    One tanker manager in Singapore

    questions whether there is critical

    mass yet for this huge fuel switch.

    “Do you build bunker vessels for LNG

    to supply non-existent ships, or do

     you build ships and hope that bunker

    suppliers will set up shop,” he muses,

    suggesting that dual fuel is likely to be

    the answer for the next 20 years.Meanwhile, Toresen boss,

    Ian Claxton, will be holding off any

    LNG investments for the time being.

    “Initial expense, space lost to fuel

    storage, safety and, of course, the reli-

    ance on the current cost differential

    between LNG and bunker oil to pay

    for the additional cost of equipment

    not being reliable 10 years ahead, all

    contribute towards this technology

    being a non-affordable luxur y for

    the average dry bulk operator at this

    time,” he says.Bureau Veritas has recently

     published a comprehensive set of

    guidelines on LNG bunkering. BV’s

    technical director, Jean-Francois

    Segretain says, “Fears over [LNG’s]

    availability in the bunker chain are

    holding back owners from adopting

    it. Part of the issue is that ports and

    terminals wishing to provide LNG as

    bunkers and shipowners wishing to

    have LNG-powered ships do not have

    agreed international standard bunker procedures to work to.” All this will

    change soon.●

    Lots of hot airInevitable? A way off? The debate rages on



    Ethane first This July Ocean Yield, an Oslo-based shipowner, placed orders for three eth-ylene gas carriers of 36,000 cu m capacity to be built at Sinopacic Offshore& Engineering in China. Each will be powered by a single MAN B&W ME-GIlow-speed, dual-fuel engine. The engines will run on ethane, which ethylenecarriers are also equipped to transport, and represents the rst time ethane hasbeen used as fuel to propel an oceangoing vessel.

    MAN Diesel & Turbo said ethane was chosen as fuel, in preferenceto HFO, due to its more competitive pricing as well as the signicantly

    shorter bunkering time it entails. As a fuel, its emissions prole is alsosuperior to HFO, the engine maker said.

  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime



    Globally on callWith more than 850 ports coveredright across the world UniMarine canguarantee lube solutions to any ship,anywhere, any time.


  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime




  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime




    s this magazine serves to

    show, selecting the right

    lubricant has rarely been

    more challenging and confusing for

    shipowners. At a time when the lube

    sector is contracting, not just in

    size but also in the range of services

    offered it takes someone new, brave

    and innovative to find the necessarysolutions and to tailor make them

    to individual shipowner require-

    ments. UniMarine was founded last

     year, yet its heritage stretches a long

     way back as a member of Denmark’s

    United Shipping & rading (USC),

    a global group of companies serving

    the marine market since 1876 and a

    global leader in marine bunkering.

     As a shipowner and opera-

    tor USC controls a f leet of large,

    modern, chemical and productstankers and has a global footprint

    covering shipping, point-to-point

    logistics, supply of bunker fuels and

    marine lubricants. USC realized the

    lubricant market was in need of a new

    direction and seized its opportunity

     with the creation of UniMarine.

    Singapore-headquarteredUniMarine has drawn together a

    global network (see pages 6 and 7)

    covering more than 850 supplied

     ports in a remarkably short amount

    of time. Arguably more important

    has been UniMarine’s remarkable

    recruitment of many of the world’s

    top experts in marine lubricants. In

    every major port UniMarine has gen-

    uine lube solution providers in place

    to assist shipowners with whatever

    their needs are.

     With a lube veteran, CarolineHuot, at the helm, UniMarine has

    been quick to listen to owners’ needs

    and concerns and to address them in

    a transparent manner, shaking up the

    sector in a dramatic way. UniMarine’s

    commitment to tailor make lube

    solutions is very much positioning the

    company as a boutique brand, albeit

    one that is able to offer very competi-

    tive prices.

    “If we study the marine lubri-

    cants market today versus 10 yearsago,” says Huot, “most of the major

    suppliers have limited their services

    in many ways.” She lists availability

    of products, geographical coverage,24/7 customer service and technical

    support. “his has paved the way for

    the entry of both physical suppliers

    and original solutions suppliers like

    UniMarine. I believe the marine

    lubricants market may well be more

    atomized in the years to come and

    that the picture we shall see in 2020

    onwards will be rather different

    from the one we used to know

    some years ago.”

    he shipping

    industry has cometo expect close




    Expertise everywhereThe shipping industry has been crying out for a more responsivelubricants company. One has emerged


    “  Most of the majorsuppliers have limitedtheir services in manyways ” 

  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime




    manufacturers and oil suppliers in

    order to be sure that new engine

    designs are matched with the proper

    lubricant at the right time and in all

    the needed locations, Huot says.

    In the past there was an obvious

    understanding of the cyclical nature

    of shipping so that support in tough

    times was implicit as was sharing

    some of the benefits during growth

     periods. Right now such understand-

    ing has somewhat disappeared,

    Huot reckons: the marine lubricants

    market has become more split up and

    less cooperative than it was before,

     when objectives and interests of

    suppliers were much more aligned

     with OEM requirements and owners’requirements.

    “At UniMarine,” Huot stresses,

    “we have united shipping and lubrica-

    tion passionate experts cooperating

     with reliable suppliers and partners to

    form a team dedicated to supplying

    fleets with tailor made lubrication

    solutions globally answering all your

    needs without compromise, 365 days

    a year and 24/7.

    “We believe that success in the

    coming years depends on meaningful

     partnerships, transparency in opera-

    tions and a firm commitment to the

     values and philosophy that underlie

    our shipping community.”UniMarine’s unique network

    of suppliers worldwide is designed

    to offer owners high performance

     products and technical support based

    on the concept of ‘regional supply’ in

    order to offer what is best where it is

    the best.

    UniMarine understands that

    smooth operations imply servic-

    ing the needs of both onboard and

    onshore teams in a timely manner

     with the best combination of high

     performance products meeting all the

    technical requirements of the engine

    and auxiliary equipment manufac-

    turers, expert customer services andhigh performance used oil analysis


    “ Te marine lubricants market has become moresplit up and less cooperative” 

  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime



    O wners have both short- and

    long-term concerns when it

    comes to lubricants: everyone wants to see support from the lube

    suppliers in term of cost efficiency in

    order to help the vessels OPEX budg-

    ets. Practically that means efforts

    on the product cost itself but as well

    improvements in terms of port avail-

    ability. For instance, if bulk supply is

    available when needed the owner can

    save the drum cost, if extra charges

    are minimized assuming that marine

    lubricants service should be 24/7 as

    are vessels operations, that is alsohelping.

    Te reduction in availability

    is a concern for everyone, says

    UniMarine boss, Caroline Huot,

    and it is not just in terms of grades

    around the world, but also there are

    less and less brands.

    “No one is making an effort to

    supply any more,” she says.

     With Singapore offering the

    cheapest lubes one piece of simply

    advice from Huot is for owners

    to take on big quantities there,

    organized well in advance. It is then

     vital for owners to work with their

    suppliers to get a better average pricearound the world.

    “Te right information will get

     you a better price,” she says.

    In the old times there was an

    obvious understanding of the cyclical

    nature of shipping by the lube sup-

     pliers so that support in tough times

     was implicit as was sharing some of

    the benefits during growth periods.

    Right now, Huot reckons, such under-

    standing has somewhat disappeared

     with each party pursuing very oftenits own interests.

    In the long term, owners expect

    a very close cooperation between

    OEMs and lube oil suppliers in order

    to be sure that new engine designs

    are matched with the proper product

    and at the right time.

    “Tere is an expertise gap in this

    business,” Huot says, explaining that

    new generations of marine engineers

    do not focus anymore on marine

    lubricants as a career downstream in

    the oil industry is the less attractive

    sector compared to upstream.

    “Tere is a whole generationmissing,” Huot says. Fur thermore,

    lubrication education is a tiny part in

    the courses of maritime universities

    and there is less and less coopera-

    tion between oil suppliers in general

    and maritime institutions. “At

    UniMarine we intend to renew these

    cooperation activities and resume

    lubrication courses, practical courses

    - testing, interpretation of analysis,

    as well scholarships for promising

    cadets interested to learn more on

    lubrication,” Huot asserts.

    Navigating regulatoryand technical changesShipping faces great challenges with a raft of new lawscoming in. However, answers are to hand



    clients with a 24/7 contact both via

     phone and email recognising that ves-

    sels operations cannot be delayed due

    to time difference.

    Says Wani Ariappan,

    UniMarine’s customer service

    manager, “A BlackBerry is an indis- pensable tool in this role and we

    always carry them with us, being

    ready to reply to customers’ inquir-

    ies at any time of the day and of the

    night and to liaise permanently with

    the physical supplier in charge of the

     physical delivery. We are also closely

     working in liaison with our other

    customer services worldwide which

    allow following up inquiries round

    the clock, hence providing a real 24/7,

    non-stop service to our clients.“After many years in the business

    I have created strong relationships

     with physical suppliers, majors and

    customers, which have become like abig family.”●

    Standby help

  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime




     Various new emission control areas

    that come into place in 2015 raise

    a lot of issues pertaining to the

    availability of fuels geographically

    - and therefore of fuel management

     when tramping in various areas of

    the world - and of the right lubricants

     when burning ultra-low sulphur fuel.

     A new generation of cylinder oil is

    needed to cope with the particularchallenges of an extra low sulphur

     percentage and lube suppliers

    research and development need to

    anticipate the new operating condi-

    tions carefully.

     A look at the ongoing contro-

     versy on which cyl inder oil to use for

    super long stroke engines and when

    slow steaming and it becomes clear

    owners would benefit from a closer

    cooperation with the OEMs on this

    as well. Another regulatory constraint

    closer to us is the USA Vessel General

    Permit (VGP) – EPA rules which

     wil l apply from December onwards:

    owners need to be prepared and

    understand the need of checking

    the OEMs approvals of the biolubes

    range they select as well as their real

    in-ports and shipyards availability

     well before in order to make sure not

    to have any surprise when starting to

    use such ranges. Again, in a marine

    lubricants market where more and

    more suppliers keep appearing,

    those committed to providing proper

    advice to shipping shall be of high


    If we study the mar ine lubri-

    cants market today versus 10 years

    ago, most of the major suppliers have

    limited their services in many ways

    (availability of products, geographi-

    cal coverage, 24/7 customer serv ice,

    technical support) hence paving the

     way for the entry of both physical

    suppliers and original solutions sup-

     pliers l ike UniMarine.

    “I believe the mar ine lubricants

    market may well be more atomizedin the years to come and that the

     picture we sha ll see in 2020 onwards

     wil l be rather different from the one

     we used to know some years ago,”

    Huot says.

    Fighting cold corrosion

    UniMarine has launched a unique

     piston underside oil a nalysis

     program, Cyl inder Scrape-Down

    Oil Analysis (CSDOA), to deal withmarine main engine cylinder liners

    cold corrosion problem, something

    that has been execrated by the

    advent of slow steaming.

    UniMarine’s CSDOA is a

    laboratory-based technical service,

    monitoring parameters of piston

    underside oil. Te CSDOA not only

    is able to identify cold corrosion of

    cylinder walls and provides early

     warning the engineer to be on the

    alert for cold corrosion, but also ben-

    efits other main engine related areas

    such as optimisation of cylinder oil

    feed rate.

    Lab testing 

    Giving owners peace of mind by pro-

     viding equipment to verify what they

    are buying is correct and working

     properly is something vital in today’s

    hard-pressed shipping market.

    UniMarine has developed what it

    calls LubeSafe Minilab which offers a

     variety of serv ices.

     WIH HE JA NUARY 1, 2015

    deadline fast approaching and a

    number of Emissions Control Areas

    (ECAs) setting tough new sulphur

    limitations, scrubbers are very much

    in the spotlight. Tis gas-abatement

    technology has been used for many

     years across shore-based industries,

    however the application of the tech-

    nology is still relatively novel to themaritime industry.

    Tere are two main types of

    scrubber systems: ‘wet’ and ‘dry’.

     Although it is true that shore-based

    industries widely use dry systems,

     wetsystems are more common within

    the maritime sector.

     A wet scrubber system uses

    seawateror freshwater with the

    addition of chemicals to ‘wash’ the

    harmful components from exhaust

    gases. Forthe majority of owners, sea

     waterscrubbers will be the option of

    choice.Tese systems use a chem-ical process known as wet flue gas

    desulphurisation (FGD) whereby flue

    gases containing SO2, an acid, come

    into contact with sea water. Te sea

     water, an alkaline, acts as a bufferand dissolves the sulphur oxides.●

     A KEY A ID to help reduce an owner’s

    lube bill is to get an expert from

    a supplier onboard ship. Sadly, in

    these days of perennial cost cutting

    fewer and fewer ship visits take

     place. UniMarine is committed to

    help all its customers with visits to

    their ships.

    Tomas o, UniMarine’s senior

    technical manager, says owners

     want visits onboard to fix problems

    that might be missed otherwise.

    “Engineering staff onboard are

    not familiar with machinery lubri-cation in general,” he says, noting

    how often they lack knowledge in

    lubricants, are not clear about OEM

    lubrication requirements and tend to

    rely on used oil analysis for address-

    ing lubrication problems rather than

    their own experience.●

    Heading onboard


    “  No one is makingan effort to supply anymore



  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime




    t a loose end in Hamburg?Germany’s second largest

    city and “Gateway to the

     World” won’t disappoint.

     A visit to Hamburg must begin

    at the old harbour area on the

    Elbe River, the city’s heart since

    the 12th century, and a perfect

    area to discover on foot. Start at

    St Michaelis Church, where you

    can climb the tower for a fabulous

    birds-eye view of the city. Ten stroll

    to the Landungsbrücken (“landingbridges”), from where a boat cruise

     wil l give you a real sense of what

    Hamburg is all about – ships, docks,

    and the sea (about an hour; English

    tours available, so ask).

     Walk along the waterfront on the

    Elbpromenade, dotted with souvenir

    stores, boutiques, and restaurants.

    Make sure to try Hamburg’s very

    own Fischbrötchen (fish sandwich),

    available from snack bars along the

     way. Te permanently moored Cap

    San Diego cargo ship, now a museum,is worth a look. And if you happen to

    be in the neighbourhood early on a

    Sunday morning (4.30am - 9.30am)

    don’t miss the Fischmarkt – a truly

    fabulous open-air market, since 1703.

    Great crowds, atmosphere, views

    and music, not to mention boisterous

    hawkers, will more than compensate

    for the early start.

    Continue your walk to the

    HafenCity, Hamburg’s redevel-

    oped maritime quarter, nowadaysa glittering showcase of ware-

    house conversions, cutting-edge

    architecture (like the HamburgCruise Centre, built out of 40 sea con-

    tainers), theatres and museums (the

    International Mar itime Museum is

    the best of the bunch).

     Although stealing the show here

    is Miniature Wonderland, the world’s

    largest model railway. No, it’s not just

    for kids, and no, I am not kidding.

     With over 12,000 m of track, 890

    model trains, and 200,000 human

    figurines, you will be blown away

    by the sheer scale and detail of it all, whatever your a ge.

    Done with the sea? Head north

    into Hamburg’s Altstadt (Old own),

    to the imposing sandstone Rathaus

    (city hall), and the lovely open public

    square that surrounds it. A short

    tour of the sumptuous interior halls

     wil l be well worth the effort.

    From here you can simply wan-

    der aimlessly, through narrow streets

    lined with grand buildings, which

    speak to Hamburg’s wealth as a trad-

    ing city. If you’re feeling peckish, now would be the time for Franzbrötchen,

    a pastry that looks a bit like a crois-

    sant, with a cinnamon and sugar

    filling – seriously addictive, and

    unique to Hamburg. Here you will

    also find the city’s best shopping –

     whether in one of the plush indoor

    shopping arcades, or on the main

    shopping drag of the Jungfernstieg.

    But you can’t escape the water

    for long in Hamburg. Stretching into

    the city’s north are the Alsters – twolarge, artificial inland lakes, sur-

    rounded by luscious green parks and

    crisscrossed by walking trails, so youcan stroll here for hours, read a book

    under a tree, or even sunbathe on

    the grass (in winter, when the lakes

    freeze over, you can sometimes ice-

    skate). For a really special experience

    though, hop on a preserved steam-

    boat for a romantic putter across the

     waters. By law all lake-facing bui ld-

    ings in Hamburg must be painted

     white and their roofs covered with

    copper, so the views are beautiful,

    especially as the sun sets.Ten, once darkness falls, head

    to the Reeperbahn, Hamburg’s

    notorious and slightly seedy red-light

    district, in the city’s west. People

    either love it or hate it here, but these

    days it’s as much a tourist attraction

    as anything else, with restaurants,

    theatres, musicals, live shows and

    good-old people watching on offer

    (for those not so interested in the

     world’s oldest profession).

    So there you have it – Hamburg

    in a day (or two or three) – a wonder-ful mix of the old and the new; the

    land and the sea; great architecture

    and natural beauty. All steeped in

    the centuries-old maritime culture of

    one of Europe’s busiest ports.

    Oh, and by the way, in case

     you’re wondering: yes, the hamburger

    can indeed trace its origins to this

    city. Apparently migrants from

    Hamburg to North America brought

     with them their beloved Frikadel le, a

    ground-beef patty mixed with onion,spices and egg, pan-fried. Te rest, as

    they say, is history.●

    Beyond the exhibition floor

    For those attending this year’s SMM, there’s plenty to enjoy in the grandcity of Hamburg


  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime


     provides cost

    efficient lubrication solutions and

    expert technical services to the

    shipping industry.

    For worldwide and 24/7 high

    performance marine lubricantsdeliveries contact our global team:




    [email protected]

    Visit us at Hall A2,

    Booth 219 at SMMin Hamburg

  • 8/19/2019 Lubricant Special Edition of Maritime


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