LSSI Proposal, Nevada County Library

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  • 8/9/2019 LSSI Proposal, Nevada County Library


    LSSI Technical ProposalNevada CountyLibrary Operations

    Nevada County, California

    Nevada County REP: Library OperationsDated October 1 9, 2 00 9Due Date: November 19, 2009, 2:00 p.m. PST

    Submitted to:Nevada County Purchasing DivisionEric Rood Administrative Center950 Maidu Avenue

    Proposal in Response to:

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    S S ~3 CPartnering with Communitiesto Build Better Libraries

    November 19 , 2009M r. Gerry BensonPurchasingDivision,County ofNevada950 Maidu AvenueNevada City, California 95959RE : Proposal in response to NevadaCounty RFP forNevada County LibraryOperationsDear Mr. Benson :LSSI welcomes the opportunity to offer the residents of Nevada County, California a cost-effectivealternative for the provision of their l ibrary serv ices . Our attached proposal describes how LSSI can workwith Nevada County to improve services and efficiency in your six library locations by keeping themopen for 14% more hours, including Sunday, and for a cost that is nearly 7% less than the current budgetproposed by the County. LSSI proposes to manage and operate the Nevada County public libraries for aminimum of 179 hours per week, which is an increase of 21.5 hours a week more than the current hoursof operation. In addition,LSSI will increase the annual budget for materials. LSSI will interview andhire,at their cu rrent sa la r ie s , al l incumbent staff members who wish to remain with the library system. Theimprovements we offer come from our extensive exper ience in sixty-three diverse libraries nationwide,including many similar in demographics and library usage to those in Nevada County.In addition, during the early months of the contract LSSI proposes to invest corporate resources totalingmore than $130,000 for capital improvements according to a plan to be discussed with Nevada County.


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    Since 1997 , LSSI has operated the Riverside County Library System, which has expanded under LSS I smanagement from twenty-four to thirty-three branches and two bookmobiles. Other California librariesLSS1 ope ra te s i nc lude the Moorpark Library and the three-branch Shasta Public Libraries. LSSI alsostaffs and operates the fifteen-branch Jackson County, Oregon Library Services. In Texas , LSSI operateslibraries for the cities of Red Oak, Leander, and San Juan. LSSI also operates seven public libraries forfive cities in Tennessee and one county in Kansas. In e ac h c as e, under LSSIs leadership the hours ofoperation, programming for the communit ies , and materials spending have al l increased substantially. InRiverside County alone, LSSI has helped to raise more than $ 5 million in supplemental funding toimprove l ib ra ry services. Perhaps most importantly, each library has become a visible cornerstone of itscommunity and a destination enjoyed by everyone.Under our management contracts, LSSI provides highly-qualified staffwith d irect ly re levant experience,as well as any necessary back-up staff or staffing replacements. LSSI currently has a total staff of nearly750 employees, more than 90 of whom are professional librarians with MLS degrees from ALA-accredited MLS programs. After each contract begins, the LSSI Management Team c lo se ly mon it or slibrary functions and makes changes or modifications to the staffing and management plans as necessary.LSSIs staffmembers carefully adhere to al l local operating standards and policies, and ar e flexible inproviding whatever services are needed.In summary, in Nevada County, LSSI will increase the l ibraries hours of operation by more than 1 4% ,reduce the operating budget by nearly 7% annually and increase the materials spending budget. Weguarantee a smooth and quick transition with no disruption of l ib ra ry se rv i ces . The County will alsobenefit from LSSIs contribution of corporate financial resources to improve technology, facilities, andservices both immediately, and over the longer term. During the hours of library operations, LSSI willensure an array of adult and childrens programming, effective outreach services, and excellent customerservice for which we are known in our client libraries nationwide. It is important to note that LSSI doesnot acquire ownership of any 1ibrar~assets, make any policy decisions, or charge any additional user fees.Simply stated, your public library remains publically owned and operated while you contract with LSSItomanage the Library System to fully serve the needs of the residents ofNevada County.If you have any questions about this proposal, please call me on (301) 540-5100, extension 233. W e lookforward to partnering with Nevada County to provide innovative, progressive management services to

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    LSSI Proposal forNevadaCounty Library.Operafions November 19 , 2009

    County of Nevada REP : Library OperationsPage 12 of 19


    Applicant Agency: Library Systems & Services, LLCContact Person

    Name and Title:Frank A. Pezzanfte, CEOAddress: 12850 Middlebrook Rd., Suite 400, Germantown, MD 20874-5244Phone: 301-540-5100, X 233 Fax: 301-540-5122E-mai l: f rank [email protected] of entity: Limited Uability Corporation(e .g . , corporat ion, so le-propr ietorsh ip , non-profit organization, public agency, etc.)Federal Tax ID: 52-2003416

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    LSSI Proposal for Nevada County Library Operations November 19 , 2009


    Proposal Cover Sheet (Attachment A from RFP)Introduction and Overview

    2 Description ofLSSI2.1 Corporate Overview and History2.2 Key StaffMembers2.3 Corporate Experience and References2.4 Current, Pending or Past Litigation

    3 LSSIs Proposed Project Plan3.1 Ability to Perform the Scope ofWork Described

    3.13 General3.1.2 Staffing3.1.3 Hours ofOperation33.4 Circulation and Reference Materials3.1.5 Planning and Performance Monitoring3.1.6 Budget and Finance3.1.7 Facilities and Equipment3.1.7.1 Library Buildings, Grounds

    and Building SystemsLeasesJanitorial ServicesInformation TechnologyHorizon ILS

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    LSSI Proposal for Nevada County Library Operations November 19, 2009


    1 Introduction and OverviewLSSI is the premier company providing outsourced library management services to cities andcounties in the Unit ed S ta te s. Since its founding in 1981, LSSI has helped libraries become moreresponsive to local needs, even during difficult economic times. Today LSSI has 750 staffmembers and operates 63 public library facilities with a staffof approximately 550 people in itspublic libraries division, including more than 90 professional MLS-degreed librarians. We havemanaged pub li c li br ar ie s since 1997, and f ede ra l libr ar ie s since 1982. In California, LSSImanages the Riverside County Library System, with 33 branches and two bookmobiles; theMoorpark L ib ra ry ; a nd the three facilities of the Shasta Public Libraries. We also manage thefifteen-branch Jackson County, Oregon library system; seven public libraries in Tennessee,including the Germantown, Tennessee Regional Genealogy and History Center; three libraries inTexas; and one library in Kansas. Five of these library systems are county-wide systems:Riverside and Shasta counties in California; Finney County,Kansas; Jackson County , O regon; and Madison County,Tennessee. LSSIs management has increased the hours ofoperation, number of items circulated, number of programspresented, and overall usage of library services in each of theselibraries.LSSI uses a team approach to staffing that provides the highestlevels of library expertise at the lowest possible costs. LSSIsoff-site Management Team includes senior-level libraryprofessionals, some with more than 30 years of experience in

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    LSSI Proposal for Nevada County Library Operations November 1 9 , 2009

    library operation, collection development , p rogr amm ing , outreach, automation, technology,adoption of library policies, and marketing and publicity.The County views its Library as a popular and successful service. Under LSSIs management,the Library can improve its services to the community by targeting the informational,educa t ional , cu ltura l, and entertainment needs and desires of current users and non-users of theLibrarys facilities and services. We understand that making the cost of these services moreeconomical is a primary driver in the Countys move toward outsourcing, and in the pages whichfollow, we will s how some of the advantages a contract with LSSI offers to the County. Throughimproved marketing and outreach programs , LSSI will continue to forge ties between the Libraryand lo ca l c iv ic organizations, businesses and schools; we will also reach out to underservedsegments of the communi ty , includ ing seniors, teens, home-schoolers, and the illiterate, creatingspecial programming and collections for each of these conmrnnity groups. Our goal will be aCounty library that has something for everyone, serving the entire community regardless of age,background, educat ion , or interests. We will encourage the involvement of al l interested citizensthroughparticipation in the Friends ofthe Library and other library support groups.To more fully understand the current state of the Nevada County Library, and to be able torespond knowledgeably to the Countys Request for Proposals, LSSI has reviewed informationabout the Library and its services. Four senior L SS I staff members visited Nevada County,California on November 6, 2 0 0 9, tour ing four of the six County branches during that visit: theMadelyn Helling L ibrary , the Doris Foley Historical Library, the Grass Valley Royce Branch,and the T ruckee L ibrary . In addition, LSSI has studied the Nevada County Library Strategic Plan2009-2014, and its appendices.: the Library Technology Plan implemented in fall 2007 andupdated in 2008 or 2009 , and the Customer Survey Results from 2005 . We have also reviewedthe Librarys website. Through this research we have gained insight into the Librarys recenthistory, including the direction in which the Library i s moving, and have incorporated thatknowledge into our project plan.

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    LSSI Proposal for Nevada County LibraryOperations November 1 9 , 2009

    Nevada County provide exemplary library services to its communities and to achieve its goal of Pproviding efficient administration and delivery of services to library patrons at a reasonable cost.P2 DescriptionofLSSI

    2.1 Corporate Overview and HistoryLibrary Systems & Services, LLC (LSSI) was founded in 1981 by Frank and Judy Pezzanite toprovide technical and management services to libraries in communi ti es , fe de ra l agencies,universi ties, school districts, and corporations. Early clients were primarily large departments inthe federal government such as the Library of Congress and the Sm ithsonian Institution; bothofthese organizations continue as current LSSI customers aftermore than 20 years. Nearly 70 LSSIstaffmem bers current ly work at the Library ofCongress on seven different contracts to provideva rious types of spec ia li zed se rv ices, tangible proof of the Librarys satisfaction with LSSIswork.In 1997, LSSI won its first large public library contract to operate and manage the RiversideCounty (California) Library System, which consisted at that t ime of 24 library branches and onebookmobile . L SS J continues to operate this library system, which has grown under ourmanagement to its current size of 33 branches and two bookmobiles.Our nationwide network of pub lic lib ra rie s now includes communities and libraries oftremendous diversity: we manage large multi-site systems such as Riverside County, California;single site small libraries such as San Juan and Red Oak, Texas; sites that have expanded underour management like Jackson-Madison County, Tennessee and Riverside County; sites withhistoricallgenealogical installations such as Germantown and Jackson-Madison County,Tennessee, F inney Coun ty , Kansas , and Riverside County; and those that struggled under severebudget-constraints such as Jackson County , Oregon . LSSI embraces these differences and brings

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    Frank and Judy Pezzanite are the co-founders and owners of Library Systems & Services, LLC.As LSSIs CEO, Frank Pezzanite has more than thirty-five years of experience working withlibrary automation, including ground-breaking technology and library systems advances. Amonghi s many accomplishments is the development of the award-winning MINI MARCminicomputer cataloging system, one of the first systems to use optical disk and compact disctechnology; and the design and implementatioh of interlibrary loan networks for the states ofLouisiana, Mississippi, and Iowa. He also spearheaded the development of LSSIs VirtualReference product and 24/7 reference call center capability.Judy Pezzanite is an MLS-degreed librarian who has managed large library operations for morethan thirty-five years. She has consulted on numerous projects with federal government agencies,and has directed staff performing a wide varietyof technical library tasks. She was the author ofMARC Format Cards for Books, Serials, Visual Materials, Authority Data, and Ho ld ings Data.Ms. Pezzanite is a member ofLSSIs Transition T e am , and has been instrumental in the start-upof each ofLSSIs public library management contracts. Together , Frank and JudyPezzanite haveadvanced LSSIs growth and development by building a unique and dynamic team ofoutstanding library professionals dedicated to delivering superior customer service. This visionhas enabled LSSIs national network of community public l ibraries to grow. They continue tosupport and inspire LSSIs library managers and staff in community l ibraries coast-to-coast fromcorporate bases in Maryland and California.Overall management for LSSI s pub li c library contracts is provided by Ron Dubberly, LSSIsPresident for Public Library Operations. Mr. Dubberly brings to this position nearly forty yearsof experience as a library director and consultant, including serving as Director of the renownedSeattle (WA) Public Libra~yand the large Atlanta-Fulton County (GA) Public Library. Heworked as a library consultant for ten years beforejoining LSSI, providing professional guidanceto l ibraries across the US on building projects, strategic planning, service improvements , andplanning for results. He is a past president of the Public Library Association (1978-80), and oneof the mov ing fo rce s behind that Associations development of the Planning for Results Process.

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    LSSI Proposal for Nevada County Library Operations November 1 9 , 20092010 . He is the author of three books on library subjects, most recently co-authoring the title, PTraining Library Staff and Volunteers to Provide Extraordinary Customer Service (Neal-Schuman, 2006) . He has also written several articles on libraries and library services for librarypublications. Mr. Smith was the recipient of the 2003 California Library Association Member ofthe Y e ar Awa rd , and played a key role in orgai3izing CLAs legislative efforts to seek supportfrom Congress for library issues.Steve Coffman, LSSIs Vice President of Library Operations/East, joined LSSI in 2000 . Hemanages al l library operations for LSSIs client libraries in Tennessee, Texas, and Kansas. Mr.Coffman initially headed LSSI s P roduct Development team, concentrating particularly on thecompanys Virtual Reference research and development project, including the creation andmanagement of a 24/7 reference call center. He previously worked for the Los Angeles CountyPublic Library, where he p ionee red web-based reference services. Mr. Coffman has writtenmany articles for library publications including the conversation-starting W7iat If You Ran YourLibrary Like a Bookstore? (Ameri can Libr ar ie s) , and Building Earth ~ Largest Library(Searcher). For LSSI, he has explored alternative library funding solut ions , co ll ec ti ondevelopment and cataloging technologies, the establishment ofmeaningful library metrics, andthe codification and implementation of best practices for libraries. Mr. Coffinan speaks atnational and international library events and conferences, and is one of the library professionsacknowledged forward thinkers.Together , Ron Dubberly, Mark Smith and Steve Coffinan bring unique and specialized high-level library expertise to LSSIs strategic thinking for commun ity-based p rogr amming , advancesin ILS configurations for the fixture, and new service models . They contribute their knowledge toal l ofLSSIs cus tomers , assi st ing with special projects as needed, regardless of location.Mark Smith will be the Vice President responsible for oversight of the Nevada County Library [System. He will be assisted by Jan Erickson, LSSIs Director of the Shasta County PublicLibraries located in Redding , Anderson, and Burney, California. Ms. Erickson joined LSSI two

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    RetroLink, and AutoGraphics. As a result of his long career specializing in library automation,Mr. Brady has developed exten si ve contacts throughout the library vendor community, andthrough these contacts and hi s own extensive experience is able to quickly resolvemost technicalissues encountered. Mr. Brady and his staff support technology advances in all LSSI-managedlibraries nationwide; they willhandle the migrationof an LSSI-managed library fromHorizon toPolaris in December 2009 . He is also coordinating a pilot program to re-write the RiversideCounty Library System webpage to make it a trueLibrary 2 .0 s it e; th is p ilo t should be completedin early 2010 , and the knowledge gained will be disseminathd throughout the LSSI family oflibraries. Mr. Brady has also overseen the conversion of several ofthe Riverside County librariesfrom barcode symbology to RFID techno logy , and ha s provided cost-benefi t analyses for theseconversions. Like othermembers of the LSSIManagement T e am , Mr. Bradys skills, knowledgeand experience are available to al l LSSI customers, regardless of location, whenever needed.Jemima Perry, LSSIs Director of Training and Transition services, i s also located on the WestCoast but serves al l LSSI sites as LSSIs corporate trainer and educator. Her curriculum variesbased on local library requests for help as well as on identiQ6ng areas of library practice that arechanging and evolving to meet new needs in the library profession. Ms. Perry has developedmultimedia coursework for a variety of customer service topics, including dealing with difficultpatrons, modeling and teaching customer service behaviors as a supervisor, and improvingtelephone etiquette. She also provides instructional sessions on topics such as harassment-freeworkplaces mandated by federal or state regulations. Ms. Perry works closelywith LSSIs on-site staff members nationwide, provides access to professional development resources, andidentifies sources of information accessible to all LSSI senior staff through their company-provided memberships in the American Library Association. Ms. Perry serves all LSSI sites asappropriate through a mixture ofon-site and long-distance services.Graphic arts support for LSSI-managed libraries is provided by Yesenia Araiza, a professionalgraphic designer who has worked in LSSIs California office since 2006 . Her beautiful graphicwork provides a highly professional look to LSSI programs and services. She has designed

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    2.3 Corporate Experience and ReferencesLSSI is the leading provider of innovative,progressive management services to l ibraries ina variety of settings. As noted abov e, weoperate libraries in five county-wide systems;in thur cities (with branches)/ and in threesingle sites. In total, we provide managementservices for sixty-three libraries nationwide,giving us a breadth and depth of experience thatenables us to continually . improve both theeffectiveness and the efficiency of our clientlibraries.LSSIs assets include a lean but talented andmotivated headquarters staff of MLS-degreed

    LSSI Proposal for Nevada County Library OperatIons November 1 9 , 2009 4

    by LSSI-managed libraries are professionally designed and produced. She joined LSSI after acareer in marketing art for the San Bernardino Sun newspaper.Bob Windrow has more than 30 years experience with library automation. He has led LSSIssales and marketing act iv i ti es since joining the company in 1990 , most recently working withLSSIs team on an RFID project in Santa Clara County, California for a collection of 1.6 millioni tems in eight branches and two bookmobiles. He began hi s career at Xerox as Di str ic t S ale sManager and Salesperson of the Yea r , then was Vice President of Sales withCLSI, an early ILSvendor. At Informatics, Inc., M r. Windrow was Director, Sales and Marketing for three years,developing successful advertising and promotion campaigns. Just before joining LSSI, he wasPresident/COO ofNationwide Fulfillment Systems, realigning middle management to focus onclient services for a dramatic improvement in customer satisfaction.


    1 : ; .LSSIs Customers Speak:

    Partnership with LSSI Ensures.Return on Investment: Before LSSI,Cutbacks left the library system in ashambles.. .Now we are able to be open morehours and we can add staff The result has beena win-win for everyone (Tom DeSantis,Riverside County, California)

    Customer and Staff Satisfaction: Thelibrary staff is feeling good about LSSIassuming this responsibility and the countyCommissioners are also onboard. (M elv a

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    LSSI Proposal for Nevada County Library Operations November 19 , 2009

    meetings of the LSSI Senior Staff at LSSI Day, timed and located to coincide with ALAs annualconferences. The group currently has 40+ members ; LSSI pays for ALA membership for al lmembers of the group, who also attend the ALA Conference. The experience gained in day-to-day library management in 63 different l ibraries provides a foundation of knowledge that isavailable to all ofLSSI s c li en ts ; however , the particulars of the service priorities and operationsof each communitys library are tailored to meet loca l needs and demographics .As c it ed above, our cl ients benefit from these staff and corporate resources. In addition, LSSIhas received numerous awards citing its outstanding performance in managing and improvinglibrary services. T wo notable awards are a Merit Award from the Califomia State Association ofCounties for our successful management of the RiversideCounty Library System, and a ProgramRecognition Award from the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships. In 2005, theAmerican Library Association awarded the LSSI Riverside County Library System theprestigious John Cotton Dana Award for its outstanding literacy programming. More recently,the Riverside County Library Systemwas one oftwo l ibraries selected to receive the 2008 MoraAward fromReforma thr its promotion of Dia d e los N ifio s / DIa de los Libros (Day of the Child/ Dayof the Book). Riverside Countywas recently selected to host ALAs prestigious ArbuthnotLecture in spring 2010 , the first time in f if teen years that a Calithrnia library has received thishonor.Also in 2008 (the latest year for which information is available), the LSSI-operatedGermantownCommunity Library was ranked as the second-best library of its size in the state ofTennessee byHemiens American Public Library Ratings (HAPLR). This library has also been selected as oneof only twelve libraries nationwide to receive an ALA grant for a special, high-demand month-long HarryPotter exhibit.Following is a list of LSSIs current public library management customers and their contactinformation. We encourage Nevada County officials to contact any of these references. Detailedproject descriptions for each ofLSSIs current public library contracts are included in Appendix

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    L S S I Proposal for Nevada County Library Operations November 19 , 2009

    2.4 Current, Pending or Past LitigationThere is no current, pending or past l it igation involving LSSI.3 LSSIs Proposed Project Plan3.1 Ability to Perform the Scope ofWork Described3.1 .1 -GeneralLSSI i s an outsourced library management service provider with more than twelve years ofexperience in operating public l ibraries under contractual arrangements with cities and counties.We propose to offer the full range of library services described in the Countys RFP. While wehave proposed some innovative approaches to providing traditional library services, we are no tproposing an alternate model of library service delivery.LSSIs understands that the County will d ir ec tl y employ a County Librarian, who currentlyserves as the Library Director for the Nevada County Library System. Her responsibilities willinclude adminis tering the overall librarybudget ; s erv ing as the Countys liaison with theNevadaCounty Library Foundation and the State of California; representing the County at NorthNetLibrary System meetings and the annual Califomia Library Association S ta te L ib ra ri ansMeeting; assisting branch managers with colle cti on d eve lopment; app ro ving al l materialsselected; and reviewing library ptograms and activities for appropriateness. [ :LSSI proposes to manage al l of the day-to-day operations of the Library, working with theCounty Librarian and under the direction of the Countys Chief Information Officer. LSSI hasproposed approaches to the management of the library which will ensure efficiency andeffectiveness of the services provided, as well as a reduction in the costs to provide those

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    LSSI Proposal for Nevada County Library Operations November 1 9 , 2 0 0 9

    will be appropriately bonded, including alternates who may perform these functions onlyoccasionally.LSSI will send a T ransition Team ofhighly skilled and experienced staffmembers to conduct theinterview process; this team will include LSSIs Director of Human Resources, Director ofTraining and Transition, Vice President for Public Library Operations/West, and other membersofLSSIs Management T e am . LSSI uses a co llaborat ive management style, and having these toprepresentatives present for the contract start-up ensures that all decisions which need to bemadeon the spot can be dealt with quickly and efficiently, with input from al l involved.During the hiring process, all applicants will complete an LSSI appl ica tion , and will receive adescription ofLSSIs corporate benefits. LSSI offers a full range of employee benefi ts, includingannual leave, sick leave, and holidays; hea lth, denta l , life and long term disability insurance; a401(k) plan with a 10% corporate match by LSSI; tuition reimbursement; direct deposit forpaychecks; and a wide variety of insurance options through AFLAC, in clu ding short termdisability. LSSI offers a variety of employee recognition p rogr ams , in clu di ng Emp loyee of theMonth and Employee of the Year; on-the-spot rewards, which are $5 gift certificates for a varietyof fast food and other s to re s; a nd length of service rewards at five, ten, fifteen, twenty andtwenty-five years. In addition, our website features an outs tand ing employee , and our corporatec-newsletter includes employee profiles and news items.LSSI will provide a corporate orientation session for allstaff members hired; this orientation, specificallydeveloped for the Nevada County Library staff, willcover LSSJs corporate history, mission, and vision, aswell as technical topics such as the use of LSSI s onl inetimecard submission process. LSSI places an emphasison the training of our staff, and will periodicallyschedule LSSIs TrainingDirectorto present sessions on

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    and experience will create a stronger knowledge base for the librarys future growth anddevelopment as a community resource.The staffing structure for each LSSI-managed library system varies depending on the localcircumstances. Each library system has an LSSI library manager who is responsible foroverseeing the work of the library staff; coordinating with LSSI management to request rresources; working with the LSSI HR department to provide the necessary paperwork or - -electronic files for new hires, employee evaluations, benefits registration, etc.; interfacing withthe customers designated contact person, in this case the Nevada County Librarian, on topicssuch as the approval of all acquisitions before purchase; developing a team ofwell-trained andcross-trained staff, able to accomplish al l of the tasks required in a professional and enthusiasticmanner; collecting and reporting statistics on library use to both LSSI and the County; andmaintaining a full staffing complement. In addition to the library manager , LSSI designates aback-up per son, who is in charge and responsible for these tasks in the absence of the librarymanager. -LSSI will more fully detail the staffing structure to be used in Nevada County during thetransition period, before full library operation begins. We will consider the existing librarymanagement structure as well as LSSIs management objectives before defining management - -assignments.LSSI provides a supportive management environment which recognizes and rewards staffaccomplishments , while encouraging the professional development ofour staffmembers throughseveral initiatives: [ -

    LSSI pays for ALA membership for all LSSI Senior Staff members; this group currentlyconsists ofmore than fo rt y LSSI staffmembers . LSSI holds an annual LSSI Day, timed and located to coincide with the annual ALAConvention in June/July; LSSI pays for al l Senior Staffmembers to attend this in-service

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    their location; LSSI Employees of the Year receive an all-expenses paid vacation for two to alocation tailored to their interes ts . Announced at a luncheon for the Employees of the Monthincluding LS5Is founders, LSSIs Employees of theYear have traveled to New York Cityto seeBroadway shows; Las Vegas for the Country Music Awards; and Florida to swim with thedolphins; among many memorable destinations. LSSI also publishes a monthly e-newsletter forits employees, providing them with a vehicle to share successes, photographs, and ideas. Holidayparties at each l ibrary site also encourage staff to socialize.

    3.1.3 Hours ofOperationLSSI is proposing to increase hours in four of the si x sites of the Nevada County Library,including the three largest locations, Madelyn Hell ing, Gras s Valley and Truckee , along withadded hours at the Dori s Foley Historical Library. Currently, no site inNevada County is openon Sunday and three sites are closed on Saturday. Most libraries fmd that weekend hours arevery heavily used and greatly appreciated by the public. For this reason, LSSI proposes to ad dSunday hours at the Helling and Grass Valley Libraries and add Saturday hours at the Hellingand Truckee lib ra rie s. T h is proposal a ls o a dd s Monday hours in Grass Valley .The Doris Foley Library for Historical Research is a local treasure, providing a unique service tolocal residents and for local and out-of-town researchers. Currently, this facility is open only oneday per week. LSSI proposes to redistribute the hours for this facility to ad d 2.5 hours per weekand open an additional day on Wednesday.The Penn Valley Library is currently open three days per week. LSSI is not proposing increasedhours at this facility, but is suggesting a redistribution of hours to accommodate a fourth openday per week on Wednesday.LSSI is proposing no change of hours for the BearRiver Library at this time.

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    3.1.4 Circulation and Reference MaterialsBooks are the heart a nd sou l of a l ibrary. A library cannot succeed no matter how talented thestaff, how extensive the programming schedule, or how many hours it is open if it cant first


    r[ ~ 1P

    Proposed Hours for Each Facility(subject to later negotiations)

    Library Name Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat SunMadelyn HellingLibrary Now 11-7 10-6 1 O - 6 11-7 10-6 closed closedLSSI 10-7 10-6 1 0 - 6 10-6 10-5 10-2 12-4Truckee Library Now 1 1 - 7 10-6 1 0 - 6 1 1 - 7 10-6 c l o s e d c l o s e dLSS1 1 0 - 7 10-6 1 0 - 6 10-6 10-5 10-2 1 2 - 4Grass Valley-Royce Branch

    Now closed 1 0 - 8 1 0 - 6 1 0 - 6 10-6 10-4 closedLSSI 10-6 12-8 1 0 - 6 10-6 10-5 10-2 12-4

    Bear River Station Now 3-7 closed 3-7 closed closed 9 -12 ,1 -4 closedLSSI 3-7 closed 3-7 closed closed 9 - 1 2 , 1 - 4 closed

    Penn ValleyStation Now closed9-1,2-6 c l o s e d 2-6 closed 9-1 , 2-6 closedLSSI closed 10-4 2-6 2-6 closed 10-2 closed

    Doris FoleyHistorical Library Now closed closed closed closed 10-12 ,12 :30-4 closed closedLSSI closed closed 10-2 closed 10-2 closed closedCurrent Hours 157.5L S S L Hours 179.0flours Added

    2 1 . 5 P

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    LSSIwill conduct a comprehensive review of the existing system-wide collection ofthe NevadaCounty Library to assess its age, condition, and adequacy to meet patron needs as indicated bypresent circulation patterns and other usage data. LSSIs review will provide the data necessaryto pinpoint areas of the collection which are outdated, obsolete, ou t of scope for communityneeds, and unused. It will also reveal areaswhich need to be further developed by the addition ofnew i tems. Using information gained through this review, LSSI will help the County to build acollection that is responsive to the needs ofeachcommunity, current, authoritat ive, and availablein appropriate formats.LSSI has a dedicated Collection Management Team staffed with experienced specialists whowill use their fmdings to draft a comprehens ive Collec t ion Development Plan for the NevadaCounty L ibrary. The Plan will include a process to systematically identifS, weed, and replacedated or obsolete materials; an analysis of the relative proportions of the collection in variousformats (prin t, non-print, and elect ron ic) ; long-term collec tion development goals and objectives,and a phased implementation plan matched to the financial r esources available from the Countyfor collection development.The Collection Development Plan will include: A Short-Term Plan recommending any remedial action necessary to adjust the currentcollections to better meet community needs. LSSI will evaluate the collections to determinethose parts most urgently needing attention, and will assign specific goals with estimatedcosts for each collection. A Long-Term Plan describing the types and quantities of books, elect ron ic resources , andother materials the library should be purchasing to meet community needs. T h is Plan will bepresented as a prioritized, three-year purchasing program to ensure that the Librarysresources are used effectively and the collection grows in a systematic and global way.

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    encouraging users to purchase specific new titles the library wants in return for the privilege ofreading the book first when it arrives. It is our hope that these programs will attract significantprivate contributions for the collections of al l of the l ibraries LSSI manages.Also, weoffer the opportunity for library users to purchase books from an online store with overone million books, movies , and music, available at library-established prices. All profits godirectly to the l ibrary. The books are delivered to the homes andbusinesses ofthe purchasers.LSSI understands that the County will se t the budget each year for the acquisition of all librarymateria ls , inc lud ing elect ron ic resources, and that the County Librarian will approve al l materialselections before purchase. r3.1.5 Planningand Performance MonitoringT houghtful planning is a key to effectivemanagement. LSSI has a strong track record in the areaof library planning and has assisted a numberof communities with short and long termplanningprojects. Most recently, in the Shas ta Coun ty Libraries and the Jackson County Library Servicein Oregon, LSSI completed formal planning using the Public LibraryAssociations Planning forResults model. These p lanning p roces ses , led by senior LSSI management staff, involvedcommunit y member s in a process of identif~ingheir priorities for the libraries and resulted informal documents that outline key service priorities and the goals and objectives that will beused to make those prionties a reality.As a recent strategic plan already exists for theNevada County L ib ra ry , LSSI s role will be toensure that the library staff continues the ongoing process of implementation. The currentStrategic Plan, completed in March 2009 , covers the years from 2009 through 2014 . Theplanning process included a public survey in 2005 , Strategic Planning Meetings in 2008 , and thecompilation of a document representing the vision of library services for the next five years.

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    them. The Plan will focus on several key areas of library activity, including programming,co ll ec ti on deve lopmen t, out reach , special services (such as l ite racy), marketing , and customerservice. The neW Strategic Plan will be submitted for consideration and approval to the County.Data analysis is critical to informed decision making. It is highly important to identiQ, themetrics necessary to demonstrate both areas ofsuccess and areas that need improvement to ourgoverning board, stakeholder groups, the general public and library staff On a monthly basis,LSSI proposes to present to the County a report ofkey data elethents , including a combination ofi nput s, outpu ts and outcomes. Some key data elements that LSSI typically examines includecirculation of library materials, program attendance (by age group), public computer access, andlibrary visits. LSSI also proposes to conduct surveys on at least an annual basis as well as tocollect customer comment forms to capture customer satisfaction. These data will be collated bylibrary staff and provided to the Citizens Oversight Committee and the Library Board eachmonth . Fu rthe r, these data will be used by library administration and staff to make decisionsregarding resource allocation, collection purchases, and program development.In addition to these data, library administration and staff will conduct data collection andanalysis as needed to understand library trends and internal processes. For example, we willperiodically examine the turnaround time for material requests from the public, turnover rates ofparts of the collection, fill rates forrequested materials, and other meaningful metrics.LSSI has also developed a Five StarAssessment process to quickly gather key data about each ofthe l ibraries we manage at the start of a new contract. The Assessment includes an analysis ofeach librarys facilities, collections, automation, equipment, and programs. It covers topicsincluding ADA accessibi li ty; location, s ize , a nd condition ofrestrooms and parking lots; size andfurnishings of community rooms; lighting in each of the librarys areas; staff facilities; and thecondition of the carpeting, roof, paint, HVAC units, and shelving. The completed Assessmentdocument provides a snapshot of each library and its condition, and serves as a baselinecomparison for future improvement. It also identifies areas of liability which need immediate

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    Establishing policies regarding the collection of library fee s and fines will be the prerogative ofNevada County. However, LSSI will consult with the County regarding the setting of fmes andfees, and, if desired, will provide recommendations for these policies based on the policies ineffect at neighboring libraries. After the fine and fee schedule has been approved as librarypolicy by Nevada County, LSSI will propose a se t of procedures that will guide staff in thecollection of the approved charges. F ine and fee policies and procedures will address the issuesof a grace period for overdue items, overdue notifications, fee-based services (such as printingand photocopying), collection and payment of fines, and resolving user problems or protests offees.All income fr om fine s and fe es will be coded to appropriate cost centers to allow this income tobe tracked accurately by the County. Deposits will be made in the manner dictated by theCounty, either into a County account or into an LSSI account payable to the County. LSSI willestablish cash management policies to ensure that a minimum amount of cash is on hand in thelibrary at any one time, and tha t deposits are handled in a timely and accurateway.Traditional sources of library revenue such as taxes and bonds may not meet cur re nt and futurelibrary operating costs. LSSI has aggressively sought a variety of alternative revenue sources j Iincluding grants, foundation funds, and research funds. Our l ibraries in Riverside County,California have successfully written, received and implemented more than $5 million in grantfunding to support literacyprograms for adults and ch ildren , teen readingprograms, and tutoringand outreach programs for Latino r esiden ts . Addit ional grants have been awarded to other LSSIlibraries to support new library const ruction (Calabasas, Riverside, and Red Oak), collectiondevelopment (Bee Cave, Germantown, and Lancaster), marketing (Riverside and Lancaster) andoutreach (Lancaster). The pursuit and acquisition of grants has greatly expanded the ability ofLSSI-managed libraries to provide additional services to their communit ies . LSSI brings thisunique and extensive experience in grant writing and implementation to Nevada County.LSSI is a leader in the movement to re-think how libraries are funded, and to explore ways in

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    LSSI Proposal for Nevada County Library Operations November 1 9 , 2 0 0 9including network and i nte rn et a cc es s, voice services, routine support on County-standardhardware , a cce ss to a 24/7 service desk, and additional services at a competitive hourly rate.LSSI will ensure that wheneverpossible al l hardware purchased meets the County s tandards . Horizon ILSThe Nevada County Library currently uses the Sirsi/Dynix Horizon ILS to provide system-widelibrary automation capabilities. LSSI hasworked extensively with the Horizon system, which hasbeen discontinued by Sirsi/Dynix and replaced by the Symphony system (formerly known asSirsi Unicorn) . Among the thirteen l ibraries and library systems managed and operated by LSSI,two curren tly use the Horizon system. Three ofLSSIs l ibrar ies useTLCs Library.Solution ILS,si x use Sirsi Unicorn or Symphony, one has Innovative Interfaces ININOPAC (which is nowMillennium), and one has Polaris.LSSI has developed an in-depth knowledge of al l of these current ILS systems, and ha s trainedIT staffmembers who have established contacts with eachvendors IT support staff In addition,LSSI has worked closely with many of these ILS vendors on database formatting projects whennew customers needed to upload their existing catalog databases into a new system. LSSI has aseparate division which provides these services to system vendors, and as a result, has goodcontacts within each ofthese companies.LSSI understands that the Librarys Horizon system, which includes circulation, online catalog,and acquisi tion modules , will need upgrades during the course of the contract. In addition,because the Horizon system has been recently discontinued by SirsifDynix, the Library willeventually need to migrate to another system. LSSI will negotiate to acquire any necessaryHorizon system upgrades from Sirsi/Dynix, and will analyze the capabilities of other availableILS options that can provide a more intuitive customer interface, improved systems support, andreduced costs for maintenance and other system expenses .

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    3 .1 .7 .6 Furnishings and EquipmentLSSI will carefully maintain al l furnishings and equipment, including personal computers, whichare provided by the County for use in performing library operations. LSSI will ensure that al lsuch furnishings and equipment are returned to the County in the same condition in which theywere received by LSSI, within parameters for normal use and lifespan. We understand that theCounty will make surplus furnishings and equipment available to the Library in the same waythese items are made available to other County departments. Self-checkout EquipmentLSSIs staffwill strive to increase the use of the self-checkout terminals in the Madelyn Hellingand Grass Valley-Royce Branch libraries; whenever appropriate, the library staff will provideone-on-one instruction to patrons in the useof the system to encourage greater use ofthe equipment. This equipment usesbarcode symbology rather than RFIDtechnology, which makes it less user-friendly to operate; however, LSSI will usethe manufac tu re r s i ns tr uc ti on s and theactual working experience of the librarystaff to maximize the sensitivity andaccuracy ofthe equipment. Nothing is morefrustrating to users than equipment whichwont correctly read barcodes the first timethey are scanned. The equipment can oftenbe adjusted to improve its operation. LSSIwill also evaluate the location of the Reddings self check-out station: convenient and

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    LSSI Proposal for Nevada County Library Operations November 1 9 , 2009 P .3 .1 .7 .8 L ibrary Services and ProgramsUsing the 2009 Library Strategic Plan as a guide, LSSI will design and implement services andprograms which support the goals of the Plan. Implementation will include scheduling andpublicizing the Lib ra ry s se rv ices, events and programs, as well as tracking attendance, andso li c it ing feedback from participants. If additional major programs or services are requested,LSSI will follow up with the County Librarian , especia l ly when the Strategic Plan is updated toincorporate appropriate changes.LSSI proposes to increase the current level of services being provided by the Library, includingan increase in the number of hours and days of operation and the number of programs offered.We will ensure efficient and effective library operations by evaluating current processes andprocedures, and then implementing best practices throughout the Library system. LSSIestablishes goals and objectives for al l staff members , which become part of their annualevaluation criteria. LSSI will maintain the Librarys current interlibrary loan agreements withMountain Valley Library System , and will recommend establishing any other agreements thatwill benefit the Library. Having served several California libraryjurisdictions since 1997, LSSIis familiar with California laws and regulations pertaining to public library services and willensure that we are in compliance at all times.Developing a series of successful and wel l-a ttended programs that appeal to all age groups is anessential element of library operations. The role of the library in its community has shifted frombeing primarily awarehouseofbooks to becoming an destination for citizens to come together tolearn, be entertained, and engage one another around topics and activities ofbroad social interest. - -Increasingly libraries fm d th emsel ve s competi ng with bookstores, local m ovie theaters,museums, and the mall or shopping center as a place to spendprecious leisure time. By hostingexciting and informative programs, libraries can pull more users into the l ibrary, providing anopportunity to dazzle them with the array of library r esources available for free.- Thoughtfully

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    al l children with an emphasis on multicultural and bilingual children. Riverside County staffsought and obtained LSTA grant funding from the California State Library to plan for as ta tewide celebrat ion of this event that resulted in the adoption ofDia de los Nifios/DIa de lo sLibros as a project of the California State L ibrary . The Riverside County Library won the Raland Estela Mora Award from Reforma in 2008 for its work in promoting Dia in RiversideCounty and in the stateofCalifornia.LSSI has been very successful in develop ing programs to driw teens to the l ibrary. In FinneyCounty, Kansas , LSSI ha s established a Teen Advisory Board to solicit on-going in pu t fr omteens themselves about programs of interest and additional s erv ice s needed . In Germantown,Tennessee, LSSI has begun an extensive anime program, including anime screenings,presentations and demonstrations by anime a rt is ts , and the establishment of an anime discussiongroup. Mime attracts a different segment of the teen population from som e more traditionallibrary programs. The anime programwas primarily funded through grants received by LSSI forthis purpose. LSSI will solicit input from teens in Nevada County to determine the level ofinterest in v ar io us ty pes of programs. We recommend that a Teen Advisory Council beestablished as quickly as possible to facilitate this type of dialogue.LSSIs staffmembers, particularly in Riverside County and in Jackson County, Oregon, havetaken a lead position in develop ing s timulating and challenging programming for adults. InRiverside County, LSSIs staff developed cultural programming series countywide and inindividual l ibraries that have both significantly increased attendance at library programs andhave brought statewide attention to the library system. Last year, for example, a series of culturalprograms brought thousands of adult participants to the library for author talks, musicalprograms, l ec tu re s, and performances, most of which had a strongly multicultural componentconsistent with the interestsof the communi ti es s erved . Due to this ever-increasing emphasis onprogramm ing , a t tendance at library events in Riverside County over the past two years hasincreased more than 88% from 67 , 862 in 2006 - 07 to 127 ,717 2008-09.

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    the extensive collection of large print materials in the Nevada County Library, whic h s eem s toaccurately reflect the community. At several of our libraries, LSSI teaches courses in beginningcomputer technology, geared specifically toward older users; the demand for these classessometimes outstrips the avai labl e r esou rces. Some of these classes have been totally grantfUnded. In Collierville, Tennessee an AARP D riv er Safety program for seniors 55 and olderprovides a certificate of completion to all participants that can be used to obta in discounts on earinsurance. AARP also provides free in-library tax preparation services for seniors in several ofLSSIs Tennessee libraries. LSSIs Riverside County staff provides coordinated outreach ins ev e ra l way s, including the development of specialized programming such as author tallcs,programs for Latino families, services for shut-ins, off-site services and programs, and theoperation of two bookmobiles reaching rurally i so la ted regions of the county. In JacksonCounty,Oregon and Germantown, Tennessee, outreach staffhave established regular schedules for visitsto area long term care and a ss is te d li vi ng facilities. During the transition period, LSSIsTransition Coordinator willmeet with the staff of various local facilities to determine a feasiblelevel of service and a schedule for providing these services to residents.The provision of out st anding ch ildr en s p rogr ams will be critical to increasing the use of thelibrary by the community. LSSI will analyze the ch ildr en s p rogr ams cu rr en tly being provided~comparing the number and types of programs with successfUl programs located elsewhere. Asenior-level LSSI Childrens Librarian willconduct this evaluation, and will carefullyconsider demographic information about thecommunity to create exciting new childrensprograms and establish a workable schedulefor presenting these programs. It is importantto consider the work schedules of parents in - -the community to ensure that programs are . -presented at times when parents can easilybring their children to the l ibrary. Successful

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    sustained independent reading. Access to the Librarys collection will be provided through theLibrarys online ca ta log . LSSI will design a program of systematic outreach to schools includingclassroom visits, presentations at faculty meetings and school programs, and c la ss tou rs of theLibrary. Because of the high percentage of library card holders in the County, LSSI may notneed to conduct library card outreach campaigns inNevada County that it has conducted inmanyother jurisdictions to ensure that every student in the schools has the opportunity to receive alibrary c ar d a nd th at theirparents are aware of available library services and programs.The Library will also reach out to home-sehoolers in the community, offering needed coursematerials, test packets, and other r esources speci fi cal ly designed for use by home-schooledchildren. Ifthere are enough home-schooled children in Nevada County, LSSI recommends thata Home-Schooling Advisory Council be created to solicit input from home-schooling parents andtheirchildren about the types of services that would be ofvalue.LSSI manages a very successful program of outreach and service to area daycare centers andpreschools in both Riverside County and in Jackson County , Oregon . In Riverside County, staffmembers serve more than 2 ,0 0 0 chi ld re n eachyear in a program that provides over 100 books toeachpre-schooler to takehome in attractive canvas bags. In Jackson County, Oregon, theLibrarydelivers pre-packed canvas bags of books and other materials to each pre-school on a monthlybasis. This program ensures that children in these programs have a constant stream of fresh, age-appropriate reading material. After the initial establishment of such programs, the on-goingmaintenance effort required is minima l, a nd the benefits to the community substantial, The goalof these emergent literacy programs is to interrupt the cycle of illiteracy and academicunderachievement by introducing books into the lives of famil ies dur ing the critical pre-schoolyears specifically by enlisting parents as their childrens first teachers.Because ofthe geographic area covered byNevada County, the establishment of library servicesthat can be provided from the Madelyn Helling Library to outlying areas with no library branchwill be important. LSSI currently provides library services that successfully reach the entire area

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    and will consult with this or other specified County staffmembers about any issues that arise inthe operation of the Library. LSSI s Library Manager will attend al l meetings, as requested bythe County, an d report on library activities, and progress made toward reaching the Librarysshort- and long-term goals. This partnership will help to integrate operations with other Countygovernment functions in a fully accountable and seamless fashion, and will ensure that theLibrary is in compliance with coun ty pol ic ie s and procedures. It will clearly establish andmaintain the operation ofthe Library as a normal function ofCounty government.LSSI ha s developed outs tand ing working relationships, no t only with the local elected officialswith whom we contract, bu t also with other relevant parties, such as Friends of the Librarygroups, library advisory committees , and the many volunteers who play such a critical role insupporting the work of libraries every day. In addition to formal, scheduled meetings, the librarystaffwill seek and value the input and advice of all citizens who are interested in the success ofthe l ibrary. LSSI strives to establish and maintain good communication with va rious c iv ic groupsto be better informed about community needs and interests, develop effective programming, andcollaborate on critical fundraising and outreach projects. We will continue this successfulpartnership in Nevada County.Effective marketing is as critical to the success of a l ibrary as it is to the success of a business;LSSI has experience in both a renas, and will make public relations for the library an importantpart of the services we provide to Nevada County . L SS I has created numerous success fu lcampaigns to promote library resources, facilities, an d programming for all ages. As mentionedin S ec tio n 3.1 .7 .8 , L SS I s Riverside County staff won ALAs prestigious John Cotton DanaLibrary Public Relations Award in 2005 for the innovative project, Leer Es Triunfar Readingis Succeeding, designed to increase the awareness and use of library services among Lati noresidents through a series of public programs, community events, celebrity television spots andtargeted Spanish-language publications.LSSIs Management Teamwill review the Librarys existing marketing efforts, as well as retail r

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    LSSI Proposal forNevada County Library_Operations November 19, 2009 Experience/CompetenceManagingPublic Library OperationsLSSI has been providing public library management services since July 1997, when it beganmanaging the Riverside County Library Systeni , and remains the only company in the UnitedStates with th is area of expertise. As noted above, the Riverside system has grown from 24branch l ibraries and one bookmobile under our -management to 33 branches, two bookmobiles ____and a local history museum (with several morebranches currently under construction or on thedrawing board). LSSI has providedaccountable, responsive library services to thissprawling county of nearly two millionresidents, one of the fastest-growing counties inthe country. LSSIs stream-lined managementstructure, efficient utilization of personnel,timely introduction of appropriate technology,and carefully selected, highly-skilledprofessional staff has resulted in an award-winning library operation. Riverside Countyofficials recently renewed this contract for a thirdsatisfaction with LSSIs services.LSSI brings to each of its library clients proven managemen t t echniques , and an unparalleleddepth of library knowledge and experience. LSSI has been in business since 1981 , and duringthose 28 years has concentrated exclusively on providing innovative and cost-effective servicesto libraries. Our staff of 750 library employees includesmore than 90 professional l ibrar ians withMLS deg re es fr om ALA-accredited institutions. LSSI is an equal opportunity employer , and our

    LSSI Libraries are busy and bright.(Redding, CA)five-year term, tangible proofof the Countys

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    3.2 Proposed Timel ine for Implementing Scope ofWorkLSSIs timeline for implementing the scope of work ensures that services continue withoutdisruption, and that innovations and upgrades~are planned and implemented quickly. TheCountys RFP anticipates approximately 4-6 weeks between anticipated contract award inDecember 2009 and the commencement of LSSI s managemefl t contract on February 1, 2010 .Accord ing ly , ac tiv it ies are described with the Countys proposed schedule in mind, althoughchanges to that schedule can be easily accommodated by LSSI. Additional de ta il about thistimeline is offered in Appendix C, Proposed Implementation TimelinewithMilestones.Shortly after Contract Award. Before Actual Start ofContract

    Advertise in local media for applicants Meet with incumbent staffo Introduce LSSIo Explain LSSIs h ir ing processo Answer questions

    Hold introductory meetings with:o Nevada County Executive Officer and his staff; including the Chief InformationOfficer and the County Librarian, as well as other elected and appointed officialso Nevada County LibraryFoundationo Tnickee Friends and Friends of theNevadaCounty Librarieso Citizens Oversigh t Commit teeo Library volunteerso Other interested parties Define staffmg configuration for each location. Staffthe System:o Interview interested incumbent staffmembers of theNevada County Libraries 7

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    Specify details of the new courier service: routes , d r iver , vehicle, schedule, procedures. Rev iew terms of existing relevant County contracts , such as that for janitorial services. Establish formats and timelines for required periodic financial reports. Establish formats and timelines for required reports incorporating performance measures .The level and type of management resources provided by LSSI during this start-up phase willinclude substantial hands-on assistance from a transition team of senior managers includingFrank Pezzanite, Judy Pezzanite, Ron Dubberly, Mark Smith, Jem im a Perry, Jan Erickson,Luther Brady, and, as needed, other corporate staffmembers who specialize in needed functionssuch as human r esources , accounting , and planning. Experience and areas of expertise for eachkey person are described in Section 2 .2 above and in more detailed individual resumes inAppendix A.At Contract Start

    Open al l libaries as described in Section 3.1.3 above Begin appropriate stafftraining as described in Section 2 .2 and in Section 3.3 below. Begin service and operations enhancements as described in Section 3.3 to includeprofessionally designed materials, possible Web 2 .0 advances, Horizon ILS softwareupgrades, participation in professional meetings, and other initiatives defined withNevadaCounty Library leadership, community groups, and staff Implement plans for circulation, planning, performance monitoring, budgeting,furnishings, equipment ( includ ing self check -out ), s er v ices, p rogr ams , and communityoutreach as detailed in sections 3.1.4 through 3.1.7 above. Compile and submit sample monthly and annual performance reports.

    During contract start up and later implementation phases, the level and type of managementresources provided by LSSI will include regular guidance and resource planning from seniorstaff, located on-site, in our California headquarters, or ourEast Coast locat ions .

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    expertise in library management, functions and technology. Also, as noted elsewhere (and in theCost Proposa l) , LSSI proposes to fund several capital improvements to the Library with ourcorporate monies and to support additional enhancements through efficiencies implementedelsewhere in the budget.By selecting LSSI as a par tnera partner that is bringing add it ional f inancial resources to theeffor tNevada County ensures the implementation of the goals: already defined in the LibrarysTechnology Plan and its Strategic Plan, as well as other enhancements that go beyond thos eplans bu t are necessary to makeNevada Countys Libraries state-of-the-art.Among the proposed enhancements in LSSIs plan are:

    Analysis ofwire le ss acce ss provided by the Library and if such access i s not provided inand throughout every branch, implementation ofwire le ss acce ss system-wide Acquisition and implementation of computer siRn-up and print re lease s ta tion softwaresystem-wide Purchase ofheadphones for checkout to patrons when using librarycomputers Purchase and installation ofreceipt printers at al l branches, system-wide. UIn addition to these technology-related actions, LSSI is proposing to provide the resources toaccomplish several other tasks from the Librarys Technology Plan.Research the feasibility of RFID to improve patronscheck stations. LSSI has had extensive experience in implementing RFID solutions forl ib rar ies , inc lud ing situations where the libraryhas transitioned from an existing barcodesymbo logy sel f- check envi ronmen t to an RFID

    experience with the Librarys self-LSSIs State-of-the-Art Technology L~

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    has created several multi-media customer service training programs , includ ing CustomerService 101; Handling Difficult Patrons; and Supervising to Achieve OutstandingCustomer Serv ice Resul ts . Improved staff capability to produce brochures, documents. etc. LSSIs Graphic Artistwhose capabilities are also described in Section 2 .2 above--assists al l LSSI-managedlibraries with a wide variety of publication tasks. She has produced outstanding designsfor promotional materials such as posters, flyers, signs,bookrnarks, and library cards, aswell as for library reports to the community including annual reports, library report cards,and library strategic plans. She ensures that all publications produced by an LSSI-

    managed library are creative and professional in appearance. Investinate Web 2 .0 fo rma ts . LSSI is currently working on a pilot project in RiversideCounty to construct a Web 2 .0 site for the library system. If this p ilo t project issuccessful, we will share the results with other LSSI-operated libraries, an d make thesame technology availab le for te sti ng lo ca lly . LSSI s IT staffwill closely monitor theresults of the re-tooled webpage to gauge its effectiveness when compared with atraditional librarywebpage. Review current Horizon ILS software for replacement or upgrade. As described above inSection, LSSI is uniquely qualified to assist the Countywith this task. We managetwo l ibraries that currently use the Horizon ILS, and are transitioning to otheralternatives. One library is investigating the feasibility of implementing an open sourceILS, among other options. LSSI has just completed a competitive sourcing initiative forthe se co nd lib ra ry , including compiling the detailed specifications for systemrequirements, creating an RFP, and participating in the evaluation ofoffers submitted in

    response to the RFP. Polaris was the winning vendoi; and LSSI will be implementing aHorizon to Polaris transition in December 2009 , to be completed by January 1, 2010 . Wehave specific experience with Horizon and al l of the other current ILS solutions through

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    LSSI Proposal forNevada County Library Operations November 1 9 , 2009 L[7LSSI is also proposing to make additional enhancements that were not described in either of theLibrarys Plans. One of these innovations is the addition of a dedicated courier service to deliverlibrary materials and m ail between the library branches. LSSI proposes to acquire a couriervehicle, procure insurance, and hire a driver to complete these daily tasks. During our tour of theNevada County Libraries we learned that volunteers are currently performing these tasks for theLibrary using their own personal vehicles; this arrangement could result in a substantial fmancialliability to the Nevada County Library if an accident should occu r.

    Nevada County will realize significant improvements in library services by partnering withLSSI. Specific enhancements to the current services offered include LSSIs plan to keep thelibrary facilities open for more hours and more days, provide a courier service to deliverrequested items more quickly, install receipt printers for more efficient patron record-keeping,and implement computer scheduling and print server software . Eventually , as noted elsewhere inthis proposal, LSSI will consult with local authorities and community groups to define additionalneeded upgrades and capital improvements .LSSI has a strong track record of performing the basic library functions necessary to improveand promote library quality, such as collections analysis and development, community-basedprogramming, and effective marketing and fund-raising; beyond these functions, LSSI alsoworks with individual local sites to move their l ibraries forwardoften involving technological advances and in several cases even creating and implementing addit ional s ites , buildings, orspecialties.LSS I s overall approach to the thanagement of the Nevada County Library System is driven byNevada Countys needs and LSSIs library experience and expertise. A partnership with LSSIwill provide benefits not achievable through any other alternative.3.4 Related Experience

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    We encourage Nevada County officials to confer with our current clients (listed in Section 2.3)regarding LSSIs library management capab il it ies and we remain available to discuss more fullyal l parts ofthis proposal.

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    UAppendix A. Detailed Resumes for Key StaffMembers

    Frank Pezzanite Judy Pezzanite Ronald Dubberly Mark Smith Steve Coffman Janice Erickson Luther Brady Jemima Perry Yesenia A raiza RobertWindrow

    Staff Resumes have been removed from the publicly posted version of the proposal

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    Appendix B. Related Project Descriptions

    o Arlington (TN) Sam T. Wilson Public Library0 Colliervil le (TN) Lucius E. and Elsie C. Burch Jr. Library Finney County (KS) Library System Germantown (TN) CommunityLibrary Jackson County (OR) Library Services Jackson-Madison County (TN) Library Leander (TX) Public Library Millington (TN) Public Library Moorpark (CA) Library Red Oak (TX) Public Library Riverside County (CA) Library System San Juan (TX) Public Library Shasta (CA) Public Libraries

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    LSSI Proposal for Nevada County Library Operations November 19 , 2009

    Arlington ( T N ) Sam 1. W ilson Project DescriptionPublic L i b r a r y

    Library Operation and Management ServicesL S S I was awarded a contract to operate the Sam T . Wilson Public CustomerLibrary in Arlington, TN following a competit ive bid process. This T own of Arl ington,Library was previously part of the Mem phis-Shelby County Library TennesseeSystem, which left the system when the County withdrew itsfinancial support for l ibrary services. A d d r e s s r~ 5854 Airline Dr ive,L S S I s staff spent four weeks preparing the l ibrary for its grand re - Arlington, TN 38002opening. Housed in a n architecturally-significant building, thel ibrary was refurbished, shelving re -oriented , materia ls displays Contactreorganized for maximum impact, carpets cleaned, and excessive Russell W iseman, Mayorsignage removed. T he childrens area, computer area, and ( 901 ) 867 -2620re fe rence ma te ria ls were re loca ted to better suit the librarysunique semi-circular layout. Staff was hired and trained, new Start Datelibrary cards designed and purchased, new materials processed June 1, 2005and displayed, and the new Sirsi computer system and databaseinstalled. Childrens programming was developed and a Summer StaffingReading Program designed to begin the day the lib ra rys doors 2 .5 FTEope ned . B oth circulation and the number of people attending [programs have soa red. T he l ibrary h a s undergone a cosmeticoverhaul, adding new she lv ing units , seven new public usecomputers, and specialized storage systems for l ibrary media.L S S I s staff works closely with the Mayor, Town Administrator and

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    Collierville (TN) L u c i u s E . and I Project DescriptionE l s i e C . B u r c h Jr. Library

    Library Operation and Management ServicesThrough a competit ive bid process, L S S I won a contract to Customeroperate the Lucius E . and E lsie C . Burch Jr. Library in Collierville, . T own of Collierville,TN. During a closure of only fifteen days, L S S I hired and trained Tennesseestaff, purchased and installed a new integrated l ibrary system( S I R S I Unico rn ), crea ted a new catalog database from brief A d d r e s sinventory records, acquired new patron cards, and establishedacquisitions and processing profiles with vendors. Collierville 501 Poplar ViewParkway,installed a new telephone and paging system a s well a s all new colierville, TN 38017computers in the three-year-old building. ContactI n the brief project start-up, L S S I staff members in the l ibrary James Lewellen, Cityinterviewed, hired, and trained new and incumbent sta ff, Adm inistra torestablished l ibrary schedule s, reorganiz ed workflows, and ( 901 ) 457 -2200revamped materials displays. Patrons were re- reg is te red andgiven new borrower cards. New l ibrary programs for children and Start Dateadults were implemented. An L S S I Interim Library Director August 2004oversaw l ibrary operations until, a permanent Library Director washired. Library hours were expanded and Sunday hours added. T he Staffingl ibrary is now open Monday through Thursday from 1 0:00 am to8:00 pm, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm , and on a 133 FTESunday from 12 :00 to 4:00 pm .L S S I worked close ly with the Mayor, City Administrator and

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    Finney County ( K S )Library System Project Description L1 ~Library Operation and Management ServicesUnder a l ibrary management contract which began in January Customer2003, L S S I provides the l ibrary staff to manage and operate the nn~~ounty, KansasFinney County Library System L S S I manages a ll aspects of l ibraryoperations, including programs, collections, public services, A d d r e s stechnical services, staffing, training, automation, facilities 605 East Walnut Street,maintenance and planning, budgeting and financial processes G a den City, K S 67846During the first six months of the contract, L S S I s interim Project ContactManager recruited and hired a permanent Library Manager, Rocky cookanalyzed and realigned staff responsibilities, conducted numerous Board of T rusteesstaff training sessions, developed a reporting format, and (57b) 272-3680redesigned the existing operat ional workf low He also providedorientation for the new Library Di rector, to ensure a seamless Start Datetransition for Finney County residents and the l ibrary staff a January 1 , 2003Specif ic actions taken by L S S I a s result of our operational analysis Staffinginclude 1 9 FTE

    Trained staff in customer service and teambuilding Trained staff in reference service using print andelectronic formats, stressing the reference interview

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    Germantown (TN) Project DescriptionCommunity Library

    Library Operation and Management ServicesThe German town Community L ib ra ry , formerly a busy branch of Customerthe Memphis-She lby County Library System, became a n City of Germantown,independent l ibrary after Shelby County phased ou t county Tennesseesupport for public l ibrary service. Replacing county funding withlocal funding, city officials could have contracted with the City o f A d d r e s sMemphis or made the l ibrary a City department; instead, they 1 9 2 5 Exeter Roadchose a contract with L S S I a s the most cost-ef fect ive option. Germantown, TN 38138The library was closed for just three weeks. Germantown painted Contactthe building inside and ou t while L S S I recruited a totally new staff a Sharon Goldsworthy,and installed a new S I R S I Unicorn I L S , used a six-month old Mayor ( 9 01 ) 757 -7252inventory tape to create a new cataloging database, ordered andprocessed $18,000 of new best-sellers, and designed and Start Datepurchased 60,000 new patron library cards. July 2004L S S I recruited and hired a talented staff who hit the ground Staffingrunning, working t ire lessly, to p repa re for the grand opening in 13.5 FThrecord t ime. T he building was rea rranged to remove obstructionsand improve flow, the collect ion inven to ried , a flood of returnedmaterials re-shelved, and 3000 patrons registered in the first twodays o f serv ice . L S S I worked closely with city officials during thetransition period.

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    J a c k s o n C o u n t y ( O R )L i b r a r y S e r v i c e s Project DescriptionLibrary Operation and Management Services LL S S I has operated the 1 5 branch libraries of the Jackson County(OR) Library Services since 2007, providing a full range of l ibrary Customerservices: acquisition; ca ta lo gin g; re fe rence ; circulation; ILL; a Jackson County, O Rcollection maintenance; automation management ; bookmobileand outreach services; coordination with Friends g roups; and Addressvolunteer programs. a County CourthouseRm 2 1 4T he libraries had been closed for six months, s o L S S I and the 1 0 South Oakda le AveCounty reviewed and revamped the systems role, hours, Medford, OR 97501collections, and programming. Accomplishments include: Contact Completed collection analysis and needs assessment, including a Danny Jordanthe need for services for previously underserved populations County Administrator Implemented new programming for a ll users, including story (541) 774-6003t imes in a ll branches, summer programs, adult and teen bookdiscussion groups, and adult computer classes Start Date Established links to commuhity agencies including day-care a October 2007centers, Healthy Start, and groups serving homebound adults cc- - - Created programming featuring noteworthy local citizens such tat i n g

    a s such a s a poetry writing workshop taught by the state poet 76 FTElaureate, a Monday night lecture series at the Medfordbranch, and a Thursday night activities evening at Eagle Point

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    Jackson-Madison Project DescriptionCounty (TN) Library

    Library Operation and Management ServicesI n 2006, L S S I won a contract to p rov id e labor and operationalservices to the Jackson-Madison County L ibrary . The Library Boardof Trustees hoped to help the l ibrary move forward with muchneeded changes. L S S I works closely with the Board, appointedofficia ls , the regional library, and community groups such a s theFriends of the Library.T he Jackson-Madison County Library provides a wide va rie ty ofservices to a d ive rse popula tion. T he l ibrary offers uniquecommunity resources, including a local history and genealogyl ibrary a s well a s highly-developed adul t programming. Changewas needed in technology, collection development, childrensservices, and increased access to resources for newer parts of thecommunity.I n the first six months of operation, L S S I relocated the pub licaccess computers from a s thall, da rk room to the airy main floorof the lib rary, added Env is ionware software for P C scheduling andprint management , installed a n automated phone system to makemore efficient use of staff t ime, moved reference staff andresources from the mezzanine to the main floor to encourage useby patrons, weeded the outda ted fiction collection, se t u p vendor

    Customera Jackson-Ma dison County,TennesseeA d d r e s s -a 433 E . Lafayette StreetJackson, T N 38301Contacta Sharon Younger , L ibraryBoard of Trustees Chair

    (731) 668-7367Start Datea November 1 , 2006Staffinga 14.5 FTE

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    Leander (TX) Public Library Project Description rLibrary Management Services rCustomerL S S I operates the Leander Public Library under the direction of City of Leander, Texasthe City Manage r, manag ing all aspects of the L ib ra ry to provideefficient and cost effective administration and delivery of A d d r e s sservices to l ibrary patrons. T he Library moved from a n 1800 p o Box 9 40square foot facility to a new 17,000 square foot building. Under a Leander TX 78646consulting contract, the City of Leander used L S S I s buildingexpertise to review the architectural d rawings recommend the Contactdesign and layout o f the interior of the new Library. a Btff JohnsonCfty ManagerA s the new l ibrary neared completion, during a two-month ( 512 ) 528 -2712transition period L S S I interviewed, selected , h ired and trainedexperienced and qua lified s ta ff. The l ibrary provides high-quality Start Dateservices and programs during the Librarys 7 4 hours of operation, October 2006spread over seven days a week. L S S I s Management Team providesorien ta tion, t ra in ing , and ongoing personal and professional Staffingdeve lopment for the lib ra ry s ta ff. a 13 FTET he Library u s e s a TLC Library.Solution I L S , and two patron RFIDself-charge units and security system from TechLogics. L S S Itrained the new staff to use the new system and to train patronson the u s e of the self-check units.L S S I s successes in managing the Leander Library include:

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    Mittington (TN) Public Library__________________________________________ Project DescriptionLibrary Operation and Management ServicesT he City of Mill ington, TN awarded a contract to L S S I to operatethe Mi lling ton Public Library following a competit ive bid proess.This l ibrary was previously part of the Memphis-Shelby County CustomerLibrary System, leaving the system when the County withdrew its City of Millington,financial support for l ibrary services. T ennesseeL S S I s staff worked closely w ith the Mayor, City Administrator and A d d r e s sthe Library Board to develop and implement programs and 4858 Navy Roadresources to meet the information needs of the residents of Arflngton, TN 38053Millington. L S S I has implemented service and operationsimprovements, recruited a high quality staff, improved and Contactexpanded the librarys collections, and developed creative and Richard Hodoes, Mayoreducational programming for the children, teens, and a dults of ( 901 ) 872-2~11Millington, Tennessee. Start DateL S S I spent four weeks preparing the l ibrary for its grand re - May 20 2005opening, which fell on the ~ anniversary of the founding of theoriginal library. Shelving was painted and re-oriented to create Staffingopen areas, obs tacles to patrQns we re removed , the childrensarea was moved and refurbished, the l ibrary was thoroughlycleaned, new l ibrary cards were purchased, staff was hired andtrained, and programming for children and adults was created.The C ity painted the walls, cleaned the carpets, and restored thel ibrary grounds. A Summer Reading Program was implemented,and began the da y after the Librarys doors re-opened.

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    L IMoorpark (CA) Library Project Description

    Library Operation and Management Services CustomerThe Moorpark L ib ra ry , formerly a branch of the Ventura CountyLibrary System, became a n independent city l ibrary after the City a Moorpark,of M oorpa rk d ecide d to leave the county system. City officials a I orniachose a contract with L S S I a s the most effective and efficient A d doption to run the new city library.

    a 599 Moorpark AvenueT he l ibrary was closed for only two weeks for the transition. I n Moorpark, C A 93021 L Ithat t ime, L S S I repainted the inside of the building and recruited Contactand trained a staff, which includes two fulltime professionallibrarians. T he talented new staff hit the ground running, working a Jennfter Mellon, Sr.tirelessly to p re pa re fo r the grand opening. The building wasrearranged, refurnished, and 1 2 new public internet computer ~ Iworkstations installed. A new l ibrary website was created. Start DateOpening day was a huge success, with a refurbished facility, ~ 2007expanded hours o f serv ice , a new automation system, and a new Staffinstaff. Patrons were excite d by the v is ib le changes. L S S I workedclosely with city officials during the transition period. Sunday was a 6.5 FTEadded a s a n open day, expanding open hours to 5 8 pe r week.Several thousand patrons registered for new library cards withinthe first months o f se rv ice .

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    Project DescriptionR e d Oak (TX) Public LibraryLibrary Operation and Management Serv ices - CustomerT he City of R e d Oak, T X is a fast-growing small communi ty thirty City of Red Oak, Texasminutes south of downtown Dallas. L S S I helped the City of R e dOak establish a new public l ibrary which meets the standards for A d d r e s smembership in the North East Texas Library System (NETLS). 200 Lakeview Pkwy

    R e d Oak, TX 75154Through a consulting agreement, L S S I advised the City on thearrangement and furnishing of the new l ibrary space, located Contactinside the new City of R e d Oak Municipal Building. L S S I s Judy Grant, CityManagement Team members met with the Citys architects and Secretarycontractors to discuss the fin ishing o f the l ibrarys space. L S S I ( 972) 617-3538also helped the City to win a Tocker g rant to cover the cost ofsome of the librarys shelving. L S S I oversaw the installation of the Start Datel ibrarys shelving and the purchase and placement of Library septei i -~ber2004furniture and fixtures. T he l ibrary partners with the LancasterVeterans Memorial Library to share a n I nnova tive Inte rfaces Staffingl ibrary automation system, providing a high-quality system to a 1 .5 FTEresidents a t a minimal cost to the City. L S S I also created awebsite for the libra ry, which is maintained by library staffmembers.L S S I interviewed, hired, and trained all l ibrary staff members.T he 1200 square foot l ibrary opened on September 12 , 2005. The

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