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Low Birth Rate Essay Outline

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Has enough been done to solve the problem of the LOW BIRTH RATE in your country ?

Background : Birth rates have fallen. Total Fertility Rate over the years 1970 : 3.07 ; 2000 : 1.16 ; 2010 : 1.15Thesis : The data speaks for itself. Not enough has been done. Efforts are not successful.

Point 1 = Admittedly, the government has put in a lot of effort to stem this pressing problem. It wants to encourage parents to have babies, and yet still not lose more women who are valuable members of the workforce.

- Proposed paternity leave – to encourage more hands-on contribution by fathers in child-raising

- Extended maternity leave – to give mothers more time to bond with newborns

- Baby bonus – to defray some initial cost of raising a child

- Subsidised childcare – to help working mothers juggle both duties

Point 2 = Be that as it may, these government efforts leave much to be desired

- Paternity leave may be abused by fathers who set have traditional mindset that they need not participate directly in raising children.

- Extended maternity leave – from three to four months – is still tipped in favour of employers who cannot afford giving longer paid leave, while hiring temporary staff. This is still unattractive to mothers who want to be with their children in the early stages of their lives

- Baby bonus money is not a good incentive. The baby bonus money will run out quickly. Besides, it is really an insignificant sum compared the continued increase in cost of living

- For well-to-do parents, money is not a concern, but other factors like school stress, or the worry that their own heavy work commitments will make them unable to care for their children well.

- On the other hand, less well-off parents may not be able to put up the amount enough money to benefit from the dollar-for-dollar matching incentive that the government offers to parents who can save for their children.

- The quality of commercial childcare centres needs to be improved to give parents confidence. Point 3 = Families and distinct ethnic communities also have a role to play to encourage couples to marry and have more babies

- Families impart values such as love and family togetherness.

- The parent has a special status within the community because parenthood is recognised as an honourable responsibility

Page 2: Low Birth Rate Essay Outline

Has enough been done to solve the problem of the LOW BIRTH RATE in your country ?

Point 4 = However, young people may have other values that make them prioritise other things than settling down and having children

- Need for higher education, followed by the need (especially) for women to apply their higher education directly through work. Childern may be seen as a burden, rather than a joy

- Values associated with a Westernised modern world may challenge traditional views. People may prefer to date more people rather than commit to marriage, or they believe what the media projects – that they must wait or a Mr or Miss Right before thinking about marriage and family

Point 5 = Other stakeholders such as pro-family non-government groups and the religious community have tried to do their part

- Religious leaders will extol the virtues of family life – a blessing, Godly gift etc

- Non-government groups such Centre for Fatherhood can work hand-in-hand with the government’s National Family Council to enlighten people on the joys of parenthood and how to be good parents

Point 6 = Say what they may, all the stakeholders of the nation can only encourage and campaign, but cannot dictate the to the individual what to do.

- Everyone will finally make his or her own choices. - It is also not impossible to say that the subtle contempt that one generation has for its

predecessors, or the contempt for any figures of authority, may also lead the young to turn away from traditional institutions.

- There could also be a fear the next generation will have a life of greater competition, higher costs, more degenerate morals, poorer quality of living, less nature and higher stress.

Conclusion : Not enough has been done. Neither the practical concerns that discourage people from having children nor the psychological or emotional barriers that discourage them have been effectively attended to.

This outline has 686 words.