RIVER INTELLIGENCE I HID AT, JUNE 10, 1859. BOATS LEAVING TO-DA- LFr Particular tee Steamboat Advertisements. BOSTON, , Cincinnati. KENTUCKY, Unih, Memphis. HARRISON BRIDGES, Everhart, Green R. STEriiEN DEC A ICR, Li er, N 0; tClOTO No. 8. Ballard. Henderson. TtMFKsT, Parr, Nashville. ARRIVALS, Jane 9. f cperlor, Cln; Baltimore, Fotceroy; J vantvllle, Carrolltcn; Esmi Deaa, Cerroiltoa Kentucky, Memphis. ' DEPARTURES. Tr Kane, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Pomeroy; foperior, Co; Eransville, Carrollton; John Gault, Nashville; Emma Dean, " Th Rivsjr was still swelling a little yesterday, litTiDp risen Lalf aa inch at the head of the falls, Vitb scant three feet nine inches water in the actl laft tTtiiiDg by the mark. The weather is r.eiightfu lly leasantand clear. Tae oliicers of the Superior, the mailbo&t report Leavv rains iu the vicinity of Mad- ison. At ticciDDuti, btfore they left that port, the river had risen lour inches. Our regular however, reported the river stationary, Lica is near euougn lor the telegraph. The nrei Lere, last evening, was slowly receding bgiio. On the Portland bar there were about foar fest water jesterday the channel having "cr,t out'' t oflsiderably, as there wore no boats aground on the bar. The Kentucky, the mail packet from Mem-jh- i, arrived iat evening, and her ofhcers bring the latent report of the condition of the lower river. Tbey fouud but four and a half fee water on the SmitMand side of Cumberland island, and the sane depth of vater at Sculllitown, and i'rench island. The latter point was the most aiiCicult to Davigate. The deeped water at Cumberland is said to be iown the ritht side of the island, over the dam, which is dflerent from the course of the channel lor several ers. As the river recedes, however, it is expected the waierwili turn to the Kentucky ehore, as heretofore. The Diaaa, hence for New Orlear., was met by the Kentucky below Flint island bar. She has heavy engagements of tobacco at I.vansville and Henders-ju- , at 5 per hogshead. Unless sVe lightens it will be very difficult to get out of ;fce ritcr on the preterit stage of water. The fv( rite packet Tempest, as we ream by special dispatch from Cpt I'arr, wcj at ail right. He reports but 20 Harpeth shoius, and lied to lighten over With bis freight. JSTThe Tempest is due here Monday, and re- turns to Nashviile on her regular day, Thurs-ii- j. 53FTbe Harrison Bridges, from Green rWer, was at Evansvilie cn Weduesday. She wa due last tifcht, end returns to all points along Green iiver this evening. Shaft DRoaav. We learn from th eflicers of the Kentucky that the Fort Wayn, a propeller rn her way South lrom Cincinufct bad broken her 6halt, and was at Slim isiaad in a crippled condition. "TheCbeocellor, C'ipt. Malborn, with a big trip from New Orlets, vu due last night. She will probably be th e to land at the Portland wharf, and returns to :ew Orleans vtDirg. SfTfce ijvr. boat Baltimore, with a brace of baizes l;.dca with salt, arrived from Pittsburgh yestfruay. We regret to learn that Capt C. V. VSt.ls, formerly of tb e Virginia, is in this city uangerouM.v ill. lie gf however, under skillful 'jeutmeut at the Inf.rmarv. JSTThe new Ls.urel Hill has been brought to the lower wharf, where she will be completed. tSyThe E. H. Fairchild, from New Orleans, was at Padaceh, yes'erday morning, with a fine tr.p. She is due this evening, and is advertised to return to New Orleaas The boatmen to and from St. Lou;?, are at lat tw&ket'icg to their true interests, and many of the ow ners cf rival packets have bound them- selves to maintain, and not cut down or depre- ciate, the rules of passage cr freight. t7" Tie Bowling Greta is the regular coast packet for Leavenworth &t noon to day. ST" The High Flyer, Capt. Wright's boat, will be tul!y repaired r;ady to resume her trips to St Louin neit Tuesday. IST'The packet, Scioto, No. 2, hav- ing oeen detttned, takes her departure to Lvans-viu- e nd Hecderson this evening. She starts from lower Portland, or New Albany. ST" The K. M. Patton, Mo. 2, Capt. Barnard, is the ru'.ar Tennessee river packet I?" The following is from the Cincinnati Com- mercial of yetsterday: The Forest Cr. rerwrts the Fred Tron's sunken rarest Mi."t fun, ljlrg ten fet under water at the sttrn, hav.cg Miiicj in a bole Capt. C.nway is af the ;.r.t.-- tnat it will prove a diScult job to raise It. U a cot raaUrially ol truct. navigation, although tn l Indiana shore. LanUis .'.as lefi, the wharf fcone into sammer (jja.ru:'-- . The Woodford crrired tA New Orleans V tdre-da- v. the Sth. and dpnartod ;,. yet-rday- , the .';h. Fr.R Caiko and Mswphis. The fleet KentacW. 3 chr-- e ct Ca; t. Lsmb, with E J. Halliday in orhce, a popular trio, is the regular rja.;.' and p( sseufftr packet for dira and Memphis thi evtisg. ae will probably be found ai West, rortiac J. t"Th K ate Frrnch was uu from Cincinnati yee'diy, but hada't arrived lact nigbt. Z3TTle little clipper Boston is the regular maif and (&f..uer packet lor Cincinnati and the EaM tt iioon I5TThe Board of tnJerwriUrs at St. Looi bae passtd a rsso ution thai after the Uth, all Heiu wheel boat running to and from Su Louis Lot provided with a stera bulkhead, satisfactory to tl e Io!.t-ctor- of llu Board, would be maike'j untnurble. ST!ie Ri Fcirer bal arrived at Vicksbur? lroui Po-n- t P.eusint, haviagiatow the pile driver v -- ij oeen trying to stop 'the crevasse at ;nat pUc f jt two weeks. They have given it up tad the bout will return to New- Orleans. A gentleman writing from Milliken's Bend en the Jlstsjys : "1'ne wtter ; parsing off and we expect to make a half crop of more." The Oakland Owexfjtono, Evaxsvillb axd Packkt Wo made brief mention the other day, that our yoang friend, Capt. John U bmorika, was fittm ap acd repairing the neat pacaet Oakland, for the hummer campaign in the Ohio river. She is a 0od boat and a last cdp, and the lightest draugut of any on the track, end we leara tLit the is tu be placed permanently ;u the trade bet we. n this point and Henderson. Tit, Oiklar d will comrnnce r trips in tb ulfv.JIe, Oer,oro, EvaDsviile and Bender-to- trade oa Tuesday cext, the 14tb, and will aLe two trips per vreek, les Ting this port everv iuesuiy and FnJav, the original davs of the first in tLe trt.de, the Fawn and'toe F.ainbow. Capt. Smorika is a youDg man well known, and try p pular iu the trade. Tfce clerk is Mack Huston, who is ucivercally regarded as one of the bett or most correct clerks on the nrer, and the greatest favorite ever in the trade. yiSm The LaCrosse has laid rp at Steuben- - fThe June rise along the Ohio is likely to prove a failure this year, or only a very small rise at best, though we hope for more. Br the following, from the St. Louis Republican of it that there is an abundaace f water out West: The annual mountain ri from the MUioori river will be up n in a fw days. The steamer Eaiprant leHFi rt Kandall on Frldar morning, June t, and nor rfllcer repi.t the river rising vrj rapidly at the f oru It swelled Ce feet when they left, and tr.ev passed U.e rite ner Counci" Bluffi on their return. The prob- able exieot ortne iwell could not be asertalnad, but it istboughtth It ai l not exceed five or six feet at this point. The tmlirrant wti obligfd to wait for the rise at a point sixty ir.Ue. below Rand.H, and f e officers of the boat report the .well very rapid. Ta. fa of th. river here bas already been checged ty the upper MlssUiir.pt rUe, which U very heav7 Utween Su Paul and IrsfThe Baltic, instead of reluming to. New Orleans yesterday, as advertised, has been laid up and retired for the season. Actei2 Stcakboat Acodixt. We copy the fulbwing from the Mobile Reenter of the Sd. The boat wus bui It at Pittsburgh : T'erdy, wh'le the steamer Wn. BagAley was oppo-e't- e wie lower fieet, on her trip from New Orleans to Mo- bile, she Hew out her larboard cylinder bead. Mr. N. umm-rv- i le, the aecond enfrineer, was Mown up on the wood yile.arid lad hii collar bone broken, bis skull frac- tured and was badly acahled. The boat came np to the city on one wheel. Mr. Summerville was carried to the Infirmary of Drs. Ross and Ketchuaa In a very critical condition. MEMORANDA. The Kentucky left Memphis Monday, June 6, at C P. M. Met Imperial at hebraaka woody ard; Gen. Pike In Cvpre?s en; John kalne at tilrer-iop- ; Memphis at Kid le s Puini; J. ii Lucas at Hickman; Madiaon at McLellan at Sitra; Fort Wayna at film island, wl b ahaft broken. Passed Chancellor Id Henderson bend. Met Booiierter at foot ef Chenault's reach; at !1 creek; R. J. Ward and fuquek anna laid up at flint Island, four ant a half feet water on Smith-lan- d side of If land; four and a haif oa all the bars; fecuCetown aad t rench U and the shoalett. RECEIPTS II Y THE RIVE R. msaAcina ojtlt tei liadiko aeticlis or ixpirt. KEXTCCKY ETVE- R- Per Dove 13 kejrs, 1 bbl Urd, vans a rpeed 70 bags wheat, BrandeU Crawrord 8s baiet hemp, W A 4 caaks, 1 tc bacoo, Gardnsr k Co 4 t.b bris'les, 40 piece bappeg, 17 coils , Damesnll Co As dot en brooms, Carter 4 boxes. 8 bbls b bag-- i rai t.S btU whiiky, owners 71 bags corn, BJ Adaits 1000 hoop poles, 24 bhds tobacco, warehouses. CINCIXNTI Per RuperW 99 boxes cheese, Hess 40 vices, Lean ten. C k Ca 25 bundles lro", Andersen 181 bags yarn, Howard 45 boxes, Wright A BriFeford 9 86 sb.eu Iron, BrlkDSp 65 sacks potatoes Clifford ti package, Mnnahan 0 bbU whUky, BDrder 80 r is rope, Nock, Wicks A Co 112 packages, Bussell 25 btU, Undeuberger A Co 215 packages sundries, Mocrhead A Co 27 packages, Wllsoa A Ptarblrl 6T parkagrs Tyler A Martin 25 boxes cheese, Clifford 45 boxes f sa, C A U W) boirs glass, owners 20 bbls eugar, A Bochanann 99 boxes, Crso 10 bbl whisky, lib packages merchandise, 15 packages berries, IS casts glaaa, e do ale, 4 bales bay, bO packan, consignees. r LOClS Per Dr Kane 107 bales bemp, BA 104 boxe lobw o, Jac. AB tarvesters, Ac, k N. NIW OBLSANS Per ft J Ward- -1 bhds sngax, Gar Jner A Oo. MEPHI8-P- er Kentucky 8 boxes merchandise, Bashm 2 bhds tobaoco, burrs A Co 100 boxes lemons wner. rilB IOTUU8 OF KEK IUCKY, 1TO a Oaadidate f or aa Auditor of Aoooaau. My past efflolai eondoctla the ecJy waaraft ttat I saa effer for the fntve eepl die THOS. 8. VAGI. arGA.araoA.T3. COAL AT FIVE CENTS PER Bl'SIIEL, CPPEa YARD, HAWEsTILLE, KX. my!6 dlm WILLIAMS A CO. CUKLEIV COAL. STEAMBOATS wlU find a superior article of Coal a Accommodations good for up oi down steamboats. Price 7 cants per busnal. N change for the season. D.C.JAMES. OuaLSW, Ky., April 11th, 1259. eplo dim V, 8. 21 AIL LINE FOR TUB EAST THE anlendld rj alienor atvam ers jbcod eiraacr ana will leave for ririN!ATIRTRDV Mm, t.K., at It o'clock, which ensures the making of the 6 o'jlock ntornicgeonnections bj Itallroadfrom Olwjlnnatlteths North and East. for freight or passageapply on board or to JOE CAMPION, Agcsi. IOfflosMa'lUneWbarfboatfootThlr.rl. Jan4dtr 1859. STEATIKIl PACIFIC 1869 -- s w.H leave LOCI8YILLJ: for J5&NEW ORLEANS as fallows, Tueslay. June 14 Satnr,t J.ilv SO Friday.. July 1 Thursday .".'.".".".".'.June 80 m29 dtd C. BASH AM, Apent, Wall st 1859. NTEA.TIEIl DIANA 1859. Will leave LOOSVILLE lor nn UKLiAnO as f follows, during the season: Tueidar June t fat urd ay. ..Julv 9 ThursdaV June'3 M,1rrl.ir ..July 25 V. B. BENKDICT k BON, P9 't CHAS. BASH AM. Agents New Orleans. The fine parseneer stearaer PACIFIC Jrse K. Bell, master, will leave for the is above and Intermediate landings on Tuesday, llth iastet4 p.m., positively, from Port land. For freight or passage applv on board or to DITMEMI. A CO., or jW C. BAPHAM, Airent, Wall st. - a. The line steamer CHANCELLOR, Sol. J. . .... ma ter. will leave as above on Saturday, the 11th Inst., at 4 p. m. For frielght or passage apply on board, or to ) MOORHEAD A Co., Agents. ll "' W T, e splendid t, r.i n (r passenger steamer E. H. FAIR-CHIL- Fawcett, master, will leave as above on Saturda.v, the 11th Inst., at 6 o'clock p. m. For freight orpassage apply on board or to D. 8. BENEDICT A SON, or 0. BASHAM, Agents. je7 Wall street. SXoand city, Cairo, Columbus, Hickman and Memphis. iXGCLAR UNITED STATES MAIL PACEXT. v " The fine steamer KENTUCKY, Wm. p7Lanb, ma'ter, will leave for the aove ( a place of the Alvio Adams) on Friday, the 10th Inet., at 4 p. m , positively, from Portland. Jot t reightorpassageapply on board or t j N.S. LONG A BRO., Agents, je9 85 Wall street. rr k The fine steamer KENTUCKY, Wml JThIimi tT'T'im tjmb oilier, Ed. Halliday clerk, wil leave as above (in place on the Alvln Ad- ams) on Frllay, the 10th Inst., at 4 p.m., positively, from Portland. For freight or passage apply on board orto 0. BASHAM, Agent. je9 Wall street. Cairo iriemphls) and New Orleans). The fine rassenrer steamer STEPHEN l DECATUR, Llei er matter, leave as above ion this day, lOih, at 12 m., from city wharf. sor lreight-n- passage apply on board or to N. S. LONG A BRO.. Agents, jelO 85 Wall street. " The fine steamer STEPHEN DECATb R, m utj - Leiper master, will leave as above on this day, the 10th Inst., at 10 a. m., posi- tively, from the city wharf, lor freight or passage apply on board orto C. BASHAM, Agent, jelO Wall street. The fine steamer STEPHEN DkCATUR, Leiper master, will leave for the abovs on tills day, the luth, at 10 a.m. For ireluatcr passage apply on board or to jelO MOORHEAD A CO., Agents. REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET. !''. Th fine steamer GEN. PIKE, Riley ,. t master, will leave for the above on Saturday, the 11th inst., at 4 p. m., from Portland. For freight or passage apply on beard orto jelO N. 8. LONG A BRO, 85 Wall street. For ClarkBTllle and Naanvllle. REGULAR PACKET. The fine steamer TEMPEST, Parr f UtrT master, will leave as above on Thursday, j S i ianS' 16th, June at 4 p.m. For freigut or passage apply on board orto jelO MOORHEAD A CO., Agents. The splendid steamer TEMPEST, Pan master, will leave for the above and ell In- termediate ports on Thursday, June 16th at 4 p. m., positively from city wharf. For frelgut or passage apply on board or to N. S. LONG A BRO.. Agents, jelO 85 Wall street. I'or Vetport, Betulelieni, nadlson and Carrolltou. REGULAR PASSENGER PACKET. -- XL S Tne fin steamer EMMA DEAN, ,il53Capt. E. T Crlder, will leave as above on Saturday, the 11th inst., at 1 p. m. po!.ively,f'-o- city wharf. For freight or passage apply on board orto N. S. LCNG A BRO., Agents, jelO 85 Wail street. ITIouitd City and Cairo. REGULAR SATLBDAD PACKET. .F- - The f.ne steamer CHAT AiiiTAN00GA, Funk master, will leave ai above on titurday, the 11th, at 4 p. m., from Portland. For irtlghi or passare apply on board orto N. S.LONG A BRO., Agent, jelO 85 Wall street ErausTlIle aud Uowllne Green. The fine steamer HARRISON BRIDGES, fo5.'-- Captain Humphrey, and will leave as abov on this day, the lOih, at 4 p. m., positive- ly, ti oiu city wharf. For freight or passage apply on board orto jelO MOORHEAD A CO., Agents. ,Ta The finesteamer HARRISON BRIDGES, JZX'-'"'J- 2 Humphrey master, will leave as above on ths day, the luth, at 4 p. m., posi tively, from city wharf. For freight or passage apply on board or to N. S. LONG A BRO.,AgenU. j,10 gs Wan trt iaetport. Tuxcambia aud Florence. - The fine regular packet S. M. PATTON wl11 leave for tfie above iWmv nglsll"'1 intermediate ports on Saturday, the 11th Inst., at 4 p. m., from city wharf. Far freight or passage apply on board or to jet N. S. LONG A BRO., Wall st. The fine steamer R. M. PATTON, No. Si Captain Ed. Bernard, will leave as above on Saturday, the llthlnst., at 4 p. m., poli ticly, lrom city wharf. For freight orpassage apply on board orto C. BASHAM, Agent. jeS Wall street. OwcDhoro Evanavllle and Henderson . inenne netmer si,iuiu no. , di .Urd, master, will leave as above Friday, 10th inst., at 4 p. m., positively, Irca Portland wharf. For freight or passage apply on board or to K. 8. LONG A BRO., Agents, je9 85 Wall street REGULAR PACKETS. REGULAR LOUISVILLE, MA DISON AND CAR- - R 01. L Toy FA CKET, EVaNSVILLEI JKOAH NEAL. ... ....Master. .a'KANK P. 81RADER Clerk. Leaves Louisville for above and intermediate land lngs on TueJays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1 o'clock P. IM. For freight or passage apply on board or to MKLBOURSJC A BROOKS, Agents, jeS dedtf 24 Walk street. "REGULAR TRIWEBKLY PACKET LonlavlIIe and Leavenworth. The aplennld steamer BOWLIKfc GREEN, Ben. Conner Master, John Conner, Clerk, will leave as above every Monday, Wed net day, and tiiday at 12 o'clock. Returning, leaves Leav enwortb every Tuesday, Tba'sday and Sunday at 7 o'clock, A. M., touching at all intermediate points. For freignt or passage apply on board. mrl3 dtf REGULAR U.S. IVAIL TRI-WEEK- Ll PACKETS BETWEEN LOCIBVILLE AND MEMPHIS. Mf The splendid passenger steamers MOSEf f T. M. Erwin. master, lea vet - " Louisville every Monday at 4 p. in.; return. lng leaves Memphis eqery Thursday at 8 p. m. SOUTHERNER, Geo. W. frlplett, master, leaves Louisville every Wednesday at 4 p. m.; returning leaves Memphis every Saturday at S p. m. ALVIN ADAMS, Wm. Lamb, master, leaves Louis- - wme every rriday at 4 p. m.; returning leaves Memphb every monuay at o p. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to J&odtf CHA8. BASHAM, Agent WM. O. PRIEST. ..CHAS. B. SOVU PRIEST & BOWEN, Commission & Forwarding Merchants AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, NO. 7 MONROE. STREET, MIMPHIS. TENN Solicit orders for the purchase of Cotton, sell Bacon, vurn.nir, uats, fiour, wnlsky, lara,c, on consign- ment, and forward merchandise promptly to all points from Memphis. References The business men of Louisville, and boat men generally. jnia Aim R. BURGE MANUFACTURER of VIRGINIA, TENNESSEE MISSOURI AND KENTUCKY TOBACCO. SALE ROOM No. 864 (Iron Block) Main street, Ueventh and Eighth, where he will keep con- stantly on hand, of bis own manufacture, Pounds, Quar- ter Pounds, Fives, Kighu and Tens, which he will war. rant and mU low, at wholesale only, to punctual on the usual terms. mso dfim GREAT REDUCTION. THE Vanderbllt larnnnn Tl. rr rt?V MaU thlps. Vanderbllt, Captain P. V HrC E- - LfeTre; lionh Star, Captain Jones; nightly line between New Fork, South ampton and Ha. Tre, under mail contract, leaving this side each alter- nate Saturday, and the other side each alternate Wed- nesday. rrom new rora From Havre and for Southampton Southampton and Havre. for New York. Taoderbllt, Saturoay, April 23. Wednesday, May 11. North 8 tar, Saturday, May 7. Wednesday, May 15. Ariel , Saturday, Mav Si. Wednesday, June Vanderbllt, Sa'nrdsy, June 4. Wednesday, June 83. These Steamships have water tight compartments and carry able surgeons. Prioes of Passage Either way the same Per Van- derbllt, first cabin, $120 and $100. second cabin, $80 and $50, according to loaatlon of state rooms. Per North Star, first cabin, $30; seoond cabin, $60, and a B mated number ef third cabin, $80. Certificates Issued of passage from Europe. Bpeole delivered In London aad Pans. D.TORRANCE, pUdlm No.oBowUngGrssn, Ntw York.. GOMMEROIAX. ADDITIONAL ST TEE AFRICA. Tcein, May 27. The Austrian steamers are aruising about Lake Mapgiore, threatening the towns and Tillages on the banks of the Lake. The inhabitants, being in arms, offer resistance to the menaces of the enemy. The steamer Radetaki appeared before the town of Canobio, and tired a few shots without effect. The discharges from small arms bj the National Guard soon compelled her to bear away again. A private message announces that General Garibaldi occupies a strong position near Varese. Yesterday afternoon Count de Salmour departed for Naples. Tcrim, May 23. At Langhizano, in the duchy of Parma, the people have risen and pronounced for the King of Sardinia. General Kibotte, at the head of the Tuscan troops, military engineers, and general d'armes, entered I'arma amidst the plaudits of the people, who declared for the King of Sardinia, and Itahan independence. The Parmesan troops hare retired. Triistb, May 27. Advices have been received from Corfu to the 23d inst. Two Austrian steamers had arrived there with- out hindrance. Toclon, May 27. The siege fleet which is now ready to sail from this port, is composed of 32 vessels and gun boats. The French Minister of Marine has ordered two additional ships of the line and two frigates to be prepared immediately for sea. The correspondentof the London Times at Vienna, in a letter dated the '2'th, states that General Garibaldi's corps was only fifteen miles lrom Milan. Tbe London Times was seized at the Paris Poatofliee yesterday, the 27th inst. The Paris correspondent of the Time) announ ces that the army of the East is to be increased 150,000. M. Tallyrand Perigard bas been appointed AmDassaaor lrom t ranee to Naples. Foreign Commercial. LiviarooL, Vay 23. Potashes quiet at Dl(S2s. Sugar hesvy, and all qual- ities have declined, the lower grades being mostly af fected. Coffee quiet. Rice quiet. All qualities or tea have slightly advanced Bark is improving; Baltimore is quoted at 6s 6d&7s Sd. Rosin steady at 4s 2d4a 3d. Spirits turpentine steady at 42s Cd on the spot, and 42s to arrive. Landoh, May 27. Baring A Brothers' circular quotes wheat very dull at A decline for the week of 6dais. Coffee steady. Rice quiet. Spirits turptntine heavy at a decline for all qua lties; sales at 42s 6d. I.ivcbpooi., Saturday, May 2S, P. M BresJstuffs clcie quiet, but steady. Provisions firm, but qulst. Slaveholders' Convention. Baltihobi, June 9 The Slaveholders' Conven tion adoptea the following resolutions reported by the majority of the committee, and adjourned Mine uu. jissoicea, inat tnis uonvenuon considers any measures for tbe general removal of free blacks trom tne state of Maryland as impolitic, mexpe- - aient, ana uncalled lor by any public exigency which could instifv it. Jiesolted. that the free nezro DODulation should be well and thoroughly controlled by efficient laws to tne end that it may be orderly, indus trious. and productive. Ruolted, That, for the purpose of diminishing, as far as possible, the evils which proceed from an excessive and increasing Iree class of negroes, the policy or tne state declared in li3l, saould be and such amendments be made to the act of that year as will give to it active force; sucn as win either prohibit emancipation alto gether, cr compel the prompt removal from he oiuic vi iuse emancipatea; ana tnat tne legisla- ture should be asked to review and amend the laws relating to free negroes and to emancipation. so as to remedy all the defects of a system which time ana experience have disclosed. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to sub rait the Tiews of this Convention, and to ask ap propriate legislation by the General Assembly. Damage by the Flood in the Upper Mississippi. Chicago, June 9. Minnessota papers of the otn, contain turtcer details of the flood. The damage is much greater than first stated. The levee at St. Paul is entirely submerged. At St. Anthony and Minneapolis, the Btorm and flood were terribly destructive to property. Several hundred thousand dollars worth were destroyed at the former place. The St. Anthony Water Company lost five million feet of logs valued at 140,000. The boom at Coon Creek, containing ten minion teet oi logs, is momentarily expected to give way. ot less than 130,000 worth of logs have gone over the falls in three days. The river is 21 feet above low water mark, and within H leet of the great flood of 1S50. The storms of last week in that section of the country nre de- - scrioea as tne most ingnttul ever witnessed. Broke Jail. Marion, O , June 9. Two men. Partridge and Mrode, broke tail here. The former was confined on a chanre of arson and the latter for burclarv. They escaped by borinff throush the floor of the cell and two heavy beams, and then digging tnrougn tne ground to the outer wall, which thev tore away by piecemeal. It was subsequently as certained tnat they had been engaged hve days in tne operation, titty dollars reward bas Deen for the arrest of each. High Price for rremium Tobacco. St. Louis, June lJ. .t the sale of premium tobacco at the rlanters arehouse, to day, the first premium of $75 for manufacturing leaf was awarded to Addison Tinslev. of Pike county. Mo. This tobacco was purchased bv B. W. Lewis A Brothers, of Glasgow, Mo., at 125 per 100 lbs. tne nignest price on record. From New Orleans. Niw Orleans, June i. Steamer Texas ar- rived from Sau Antonio with dates to the 2d. Captain John R. Baylor, with S50 men attacked Brazos Reserve, near Fort Belknap, driving in tne scouts, and endeavoring to capture the lndi ans. 1 hey were ordered to leave, but refused Hirer and Weather. St. Loris, June 9, P. M. The river fell nbout 1 inch last night, and bas been stationary all day : pernaps it is nsine sliehtly The upper Mississippi continues to swell and the mountain rise is coming down. The Missouri is booming. The Illinois is falling rapidly. The weatner is clear and warm. Pittsburgh, June 9, P. M. River 3 feet 2 mcnesana iaiung. weatner clear. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. B. A. PIERSON DENTIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE on Jefferson street, north side, 4 doors above First, Louisville, Ky. feb23dly CHARLES B. COTTON, ATTORNEY'-AT-- L AAV, LOUISVILLE. KY.. TTTILl' continue the Practice in a'l the Courts of tb "f city. $3fPat due claims collected and prompt returns mane, weeds, Mortgages, Copartnership Agree ments, Ac, drafted at very moderate prices. All legal business solicited. Office on Fifth tret,beticeen Main ana marten. mlT dttm TEXAS LAW CARD G. R. FREEMAN, Attorney at Law and Land Agent BELKNAP. TEXAS, LL practice In the District, Supreme and Pedera Courts of the State. His services as an acrent are oaerea particularly 10 tne etocanniders or the Texan .migration and Land Company (Peters' Colony Co.,), and all other to whom his lone and Inti mate acquaintance with the Lands and Land system of Texas may oe oi aa vantage. febli dly MADAME ROSENBAUGH, Doctress and Midwifery, AND pnnENoiioaiaT, TTTOULD most resDectfullv Inform her frlendi and patrons of Louisville, that she has locate! on MARKET STREET, between Shelby and Clay streets, (her name is at the door,) where she Is ready to practice upon all standing diseases that flesh and blood are heir to, such as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Liver Complaint, Fits, Blindness, Deafness, Affection ef the Spleen. Rheuma tism and Palsy; and will warrant cures in all cases of Cancers, 8cr fula. Tetter, Erysipelas, Bunyons and Corns, when the patient is not beyond the reach of medical aid. Madame R. being the first Astrologlst of the city, will also guarantee to give true and correct Information on all the events of life; of what changes are before: wheth er you will marry; will tell of absent friends, an I trace lost property, o., c. the has a secret connected with ner profession which will enable any ene to obtain many points in business or losses. 8he has also in her ooa. session the celebrated ROCK DIAMOND, broueht from Africa, wherein persons can see their future partners, iricuua, or vwcis. naasme a. is natpy to say tnat she Is the only person that can give lucky numbers In Low scry. P. 8. Madame R., being a natural Medium, will an swer any questions under the influence of Spiritualism. m eeirom ouc so i, tor i.aaies ana Uentlemen. eprl4 dtf DR. A. J. T ANDERS LICE. Lai Profttor of th EcoU Cliniqu d Mtdioint PaarmaoU la J'arU, A Practitioner for Twenty-nin- e Tears Put. ANNOUNCES to his friends and the public that he devote his time to the curing of the fol- lowing Diseases, via: Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Fits, vropaey, .vyspepsia, uver complaint, rues, ristula, Gout, Rheumatics, Scrofula, White Swelling, Nervous Af- fections, Fever and Ague, Billions Complaints, Ac. Dr. Yandersllce has met with great success by .his pe- culiar mode of treatment of diseases, where other very eminent phlslcians have failed to produce a cure. To attest his confidence In his own skill and merit, he will undertake the cure of all patients without charge, ex eeptlng the cost of the medicine, requiring no fee until after the restoration of their health. Diseases of a peculiar character he guarantees to re move radically in a few days, without offensive or medicine. He warrants to all, no matter how severe or long standing the disease, an effectual cure, or he requires no pay. females suffering with Irregulari- ties, nervousness, debility, Ac, can be permanently re- lieved by Dr. V. Invalids in any section of the country, by addressing aletter to him (post-paid- ), and Inclosing a fee, can have advice and medicine promptly sent them. "Residence on Green strset, third door below Jloyd. ryPrlvate Office On Floyd street, between Market and Jefferton. Office hours from 8 to 18 A. M., and rosa to P.M. .ujj atf OXOORK'S . MAMMOTH rurnlture, Chair, and Bed dias "epos, no. 7 rourtn street. L West Side, between Main .nrf MarkttL. j LnnlavllU. W. w . , . mentof the above always oa band, at wholesale and re- tail, as low as thsy ean be bought for ia the city. ivj.u Hi,:-.- BY TELEGRAPH. OrriOE LOCSIVILLE COURIER, I Thcrsdat Evssiso, Juoe 9. I FLOUR AND GRAIN Sales 60 bbls flour at $6 50, and small sales of Corn at 00c V bushel, from store sacks returned. BALE ROPE-Sa- les 850 colls maehlne at 7Xc, and 100 pieces hand made at 7c. HAY Sales of 62 bales, from store, at $17 00 per ton. CBEESE-Sa- les 88 boxes at SXQ,9o. POTATOES Sales of 150 bushels Northern, In sacks, at $1 10 V bushel, and 89 bbls do at $2 75 $ bbl. GROOERIES-Sa- les of 84 hhds sugar at 77c; H bbls Mola ses at 89c; S half bbls sugar-hous- e Molasses at 42c. PROVISION? Sales 100 bbls thin Mess Pork at $15 50: 8 tcs canvassed Hams at 10fc. TOBACCO Sales Thursday of 67 hhds, vis: 20 hhds at $2 80 to 4 00; 22 at $4 10 to 5 25; 20 at $5 80 to 6 95; 1 at $7; 1 at $7 15; 1 at 7 25: 1 at S 15; 1 at $S 60. TELEGRAPIC MARKETS. Niw Yon, June 9 M. Cotton has advanced vaVe. with sales 500 bales. Flour has declined 10c, with sales 8500 bbls State at $G 26a6 51; Ohio $6 807 15; Southern $7 257 4J. Wheat lower, with sales 2600 bushels white Michigan at $1 55 Corn heavy; 15,000 bushels sold; n ixed S7's3c, yellow 85?. Pork quiet; mes $17 lit&ll 25, prime 15 115 25. Lard heavy at Ullc Whisky dull t 27a25c. Ciscissati, June 9 M. Wheat firm and in rood demsnd: sales 250 bush good white at $1 50. Corn firm; demand good; receipts light. Barley stead at 60(7&68c. Bve steady at 90c. Oats un changed. Flour firm, and good demand at yesterday's prices; sa'es of 3560 bbls at $6 75 for superfine, and $6 90Z7 25 for extra. Whisky 800 bbls sold at 26c, being a decline of Ke: Provlaloos active, and no sales made public. Niw Yoac, June 9 P. M. Cotton buovsLt: tales 1000 bales at 11c for Upland middlings. Firm- - declined; sales C000 bbls. Wheat heavy; sales 8000 bushe s Corn heavy; sales 21,000 bushelt. Pork heavy at $17'7 25 for mess and $15 fr prime. hlsky heavy at 27c. Cut meats heavy; 7JiSJt' for sides and 637c for shoulders. Pig iron dull at $24 25. Linseed oil declined X; sales at Hides improving:: sales at !le. Tallow heavy at lOa lie. Sugar stead: Muscovade 5X(tt6,Vr. New Oelians, June 9 P. M. Sales of cotton to day 600 bales; the steamer's news caused greater fi nines all qualities slightly advanced. Uorn declined 0:. Oats 60?. Whisky asc. Cinoijisati, June 9 P. M. Flour more active, and market firmer; sales at $6 SO 6 95 for superfine; quotations at $6 75, 6 $0, and VJ. Wheat unchanged at 1 85(1 45 for red, $1 60 1 CO for white, and prime do. Cern tends to advance; quota- tions at S8c, delivered. Oats unsteady at 55c. Barley and rye unchanged. Whisky dull at a decline of Xc Provi.Ions unchanged In prices; sales of sides in bu'k at 3W, and 6'i for shouldtrs: bacon shoulders at 7c. No change in groceries. ITIonej market. Cihcinsati, June 9 P. M. Exchange steady at X. New York Stock Jtlasjket. Niw Yobk, June 9 M. Stoiks dull and heavv. Chicaeo and Rock Isl. 533: IKioois Central 5.V; Michigan Southern quoted at Sj; New York C'Sutral J'.",'; Heading 86M: Virginia 6s Missouri 6s 64. U. 8. 5s of 1S74 1 i; Galena and Chi cago 6S; Erie 5,; Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati 9o5i; Lacrosse ianl grants li: Pacili j Mail Co. 6J?; Penn. Coal box; Illinois Central bonds bO; Michigan Central 41; Cleveland and Toledo 25X; Tennessee 6s uj; unio's or mw iu-'- JEWELRY. HIRSCHBUHL &. DOL FINGER, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE, NO. 539 MAIN STREET. ""9 We are prepared to furnlth our customers and rriends with the finest articles In S stl Coral, Cameo, Garnet, Alinartlne, Pearl and Diamond Jewelry; Watches, Cocks, Spectacles; Silver and Plated Ware. We respectfully inform the public in general, that we manu'acture to order all kind ef Goods concerning Gold and Silver Ware; do Piatlng and Repla'.ing; Set and Reset Diamonds and precious Stones: and warrant ail ocr Manufactured Goods to be of the best material Watches, Music Boxes, Clocks, carefully repalrtd and warranted. Country Merchants are respectfully invited to ex amine our stock, which we offer for sale at New York prices. 111R&CUBUUL k DOLFiXGER. ml'l dtf J J. R. ESTERLE, f y WATCH-MAKE- R, 2 At Ramsey's Jewelry Store, Main stree tj OLICITS the patronage of those having fine Watch O es out of order. He will warrant satisfaction in le pairing and adjusting them with accuracy and dispatch rebis dtr JEWELRY STORE-FI- NE WATCHES. UNDER the National Hotel. The undersigned invites his friends and the public to his choice as sortment of every desirable artlcle,lncluding the foUuKuig, all of which are offered en accommodating mond. Jet, Miniature, Ac; Chains, Lockets, Kings, Ac: English, twiss and American Gold ana Silver vtatcnes, One Spectacles, Optic Glasses, surveyors' compasses, Watchmaker!' Materials, Manufacturers of silver-- are; Repairingin every department. jyfcfdtr ttUME miuhiut, main street. 31. C. RAMSEY, MAIN STREET. T INVITE attention to my new and beautiful GOODS X BlLVt-- WARE. PLATKD WARE. JEWELRY. Rich and elegant designs of Coral, Pearl, Garnet, Etruscan, Lava, and other styles, in variety, and at prices to please every taste. WATCHES. English, Swiss and American, in Go! J or Silver Cases de.irable in quality and at prices that cannot fail to meet the wants of all. CLOCKS. Constantly on hand the largest assortment in the city FINE SPECTACLES. In this department I have a LARGE VARIETY, and am determined to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage that I have received for years past. Remem ber satisfaction is warranted in every case. J. R. ESTERLEhas charge of the Watch-Makin- g De-- artment. lapts dw M . C KAMStl, WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER IIAHKl AT WILLIAM KENDRICK'S, No. 71 Third street, between Main and Mark I take pleasure in announcing that 1 havt now a very complete stock of WATCHt-S- , JEW' LLRY and SILVER WARE, of latest styles, pro cureu directly from the importers and manufacturers and many articles, especially of the Watch and Silvei department, are manufactured to my special order. I shall make frequent additions to my stock durin Uie unnstmas season. The quality of my goods is warranted as representee nd as low as the lowt-n-t ofsmeiuliv d'21 d Aw THE VESPER GAS OR AIR LIGHT. The Cheapest, tnost Brilliant, and tnat Convenient Artificial Light in the World. THE Vesper Gas Light h.s won for itself a reputation elegance, economy, safety and simplicity, far be- yond any other artificial light. The Vesper Gas flame and nxtures precisely resemble in form those or coal gas; but in brilliancy and purity of light, it possesses a de- cided advantage over even Louisville coal g.s. It re quires no chimney; there is no need of daily trimming of wick; ana tne construction of the fixtures Is so simple that it is not llalle to get out of order, and a child can manage it readily. The gas burnt In the Vesper fixtures is generated from pure coal oil, without any admixture of alcohol or other foreign Ingredient. It is entirely free from odor while burning, as by a simple contriv ance, the vapor of the oil is mixed with the atmosphere, producing perfect combustion and a most intense light. The light has been pronounced, by those who have had it in c instant use for months, as most pleasant to the eye while reading or sewing, th re being no flickering or unsteadiness in the flame. The Vesper Gas light is port- able, and can be used in town or country in fact, wher- ever artificial light is required. The fixtures themselves are adapted In styles to suit all tastes, from the plain siugle light burner to the most costly chandelier. Each chandelier is perfect in Itself; there is no outlay to be made for service pipes. The as Is generated In the burner, and all fixtures, frora the cheap single light burner to the expensive chandelier, are miniature gas works in themselves. They are sold at prices which do not exceed the cost of ordinary gas fixtures of similar styles and ornamentation. A price list will be sent to any address on application. MERCHANTS visiting Louisville should not fall to procure the Vesper Gas fixtures for their stores. CHURCHES, HOTELS, PUBLIC HALLS AND FiUVATE RESIDENCES throughout the State ean now be fitted up with those elegant and convenient chandeliers, aid other beautiful gas fixtures, which add so much to the appearance of such places, and to the eomfort of the home circle, and which, heretofore, could be used only In those favored districts embraced within the coal gas limits of large cities. The limited space of an advertisement precludes the Insertion here of tbe numerous testimonials of approval we have received from all quarters. Suffice It to say, scientific men and others who have examined and thor- oughly tested the merits of the Vesper Gas light, pro- nounce It the best and cheapest artificial light no known. W The proprietor respectfully requests responsible merchants in every town and county in the State to cor- respond with him, believing they will find It to their In- terest to aid him in introducing this unequaled light to their customers. Vesper fixtures and Coal Oil, prepared expressly for this bu ner, kept constantly on hand, and for sale whole- sale and retail. WM. H. SETTLE, mch!4 dtf No. Masonic Temple, Louisville, Ky. QUAKTJR OITTT Two Thread, Doable Lock, Tight Stitch SEWING MACHINE! NEVER BEFORE SOLD IX TEE WESTI Price f 45. is no o neap, chain single thread, ripping stitch THIS but makes in every way the same TWO THREAD, DOUBLE LOCK, TIGHT STITCff, as the most popular d Machines do. Its work will not rip uirvuiithovh every third tttich 14 cut. The principle Is new, the Machine simple, easily adjusted, and not likely to get out of order. Sews from two com. mon spools without rewinding. They will Stiick, Zfnt, Tuck and QaUur have less machinery than any other In use, every part of which is strong and durable. Its simplicity and strength particularly adapt It for plan- tation use. It sews the finest Muslin, heavy Negro Clothing, or Leather, by simply changing the nee- dle and thread to suit the work. Samples of work sent by mall, full printed Instructions given with each Machine sent out of town, ana personeunstructloa to all within cur reach. No.tMasonioTsmpls, Fourth street. Address L. YOSKITT, o dly Bos 1840, Louisville, Ky. BUSINESS CARDS. 10HB) 8STDIB e.M'OaLtUSl. SNYDER & M'CALLUM, Commission and Produce Merchants, ho. 24 Wall strtst, between Main and Water. LOUISVILLE, KY. Lsr Particular attention iv....!..., Grain and Produce. ' "An extra article of family flour always on hand. PHILLIPS &. Co- - Commission & Forwarding Merchants AND WHARFBOAT PROPRIETORS, niT dl7 CAIKO, ILL. MAN UFACTUKER3 Of NEWS BOOK, AND COLORED PAPER, ALSO WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Paper of all Kinds. CASH PAID FOR RAG3 at the Office of the PAPER MILL, No. 477 Main st. d4 A.L.HOOI.... J.B. P. BOO! A. L. HOOE &. BROTHER, SUCCESSORS TOUOOE. LUCKETTA CO.,) IMPOttTCBS AND DIALSSB IM FRENCH CHINA, Iron-Sto- ne China and Earthenware. BOHEMIAN AXD AMERICAN O Ij V. J3 S X7V jSk. X X3 For Steamboats, Hotels and Families. Siiv&r-War- e, Britannia-War-t, Cutlery and Tancj Coffe Um, Waiteri,anti every variety of HOUSE FCUNISIIINGOOODI, 481 Market st., south side, bet. Fourth and Fifth, Janl LOUISVILLE, KIT. dtf IE3. iTONBS, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN STOVES AND TINWARE, OOIIOOXjEY'S PATENT REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS. BATH TUBS. AB HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES GENERALLY. No.Vl Fourth street, 1 doort abort National Hotel, IP LOUISVILLE. KY. dtf JOHN FLECK, LARD OIL, AND MOULD CANDLE MANUFACTURER. No. 7 JetTerson afreet (north side). between tiay ana ahtiby, And Third street, between Main and the river, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. mOR the convenience of nr customers and the nublio L in the middle and lower part of the city, I have, be sides ray Factory on Jefferson street, opened a store on third street, between Main and the river, where I hope o meet wun a large patronage in my line. )anltr WOOD CARVING. GORY Sl MURRAY 1 E3PECTFULLY Inform the nubile that th?v ar prepared to execute all kinds of work in the above tine. Also f sterns, Brands, Molds, Block Letters, Wood Type, and large Wood Cuts. in the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Persons wanting workers requested to call at tneir establishment on Jefferson street, south side, between Third and Fourth, Louisville, N. 15. urders lrom abroad promptly attended to. spt27dtf WILLIAIM KAYE O ELL an d Brass Founder, Water street, between firs' J and Second, Louisville, Ky., is prepared to make bells (or Churches, Stenuboats, Taverns, Ac. of all sixes. ond of Superior tone, of which he keeps an assortment on nana. Also, Hose and Sail Screws, Oil Globes, Cylinder, Guage na mod uocks, or every size, Copper luvets, Spelter iuer ana crass castings oi every description. rT'CASU paid forold Copper and Brass. dll etf JOHN F. HARVEY, No. 493 Market street, between Second and Third, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and the public found at the above place, over Messrs. WATSON A STOUFFER'S Furniture Ware-room- s, where he Is prepared to make to order and will keep on hand Venltian Blinds of every sise, color and quality usual to the trade; also, to repair, repaint, and old Blinds at short notice. From a practical knowledge or tne business, and by strict attention toit, he hopes to give satisfaction to all who may deal with him, and merit a liberal patronage. Prices reasonable and terms caah. janlldly O. J. RAIDLE. 454 JeDVrouet.,bet. Third and Fourth LOUISVILLE, KY., i JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE LOT UP LATEST STYLES cm LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, To which he would call the attention of the ladles and asks an examination cf them. E2JAll kinds of Fringes, Cords and Tas-se- ls made to order at short notice. jeSdtf E. KICHTER, Galvanize, Fire Gilder and Plater 101 THIRD STREET, Between Market and Jeflerson, Louisville, Ky. rHABLE SERVICES, Forks and Spoons, Csstors, Walt-- X. ers. Baskets, d Sets, and all articles of S lver and Plated Ware renewed and replated in the best style and at the lowest rates. Also, Watches, fancy Clocks and Jewelry, Tire Gild ed in the best manner. apo dly buy y oun. aHiriTs AT SPROULE Sc 7IANDE VILLE'S GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE, No.S7, corner Fourth and Main streets. mil JNO. W. WALTON, LOCKSMITH AXD BELL IIANGLK, Green street, between Sixth and Seventh, LOUISVILLE, KV. Orders promptly attended to. mlSdSm BUY TOUR CLOTHING AT SPROULE 8l MANDEVILLE'S GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE No.4S7, corner of Main and Fourth streets, mil TAILORING. BEN MASON Would respectfully Inform his friends and the ftl public generally, that he has taken Room No. j 69, Fifth strset, between Main and Market, ' H where he is prepared to make up Gentlemen's own Material in the most fashionable style and work- manlike manner. From, his past experience in tbe trade, he flatters himself he can give satire satisfac tion. Call and leave your orders before going else where. Cleaning aad Repairing neatly done and atthe short est notice, imlldsmj he masu.-- WM. SKENE &, CO., OIL MANUFACTURERS, Bnlllti street, Loulawllle, Ky.. KIEPeonstantly on hand pure, medium, and No.t and Head Light Oil, Nos. 1 and 9 Lubricating Oil, Rosin Oil of different grades, and Wheel Grease for wagons, drays and carriages. Also Ekene's superior Paint Dryer, which is warranted to dry ooner tnan any otner Dryer. Jyl4 dly WALLACE POPE & CO., GROCERS, Commission and Forwarding Merchants In Clover and Timothy Seed, Bourbon Whisky, Bagging and Bale Rope, Native and Foreign Wlnei, Brandies, Ac, Ao. No. 652, Main street, four doors east of tbe Bank e Kentucky, Louisville, Ky. ty Particular attention given to Ailing Southern or ders. el5 COPARTNERSIII P. THE undersigned have associated themselves In the trade to do business under the style of CRIT- TENDEN k GANTT. E. W. CRITTENDEN, myadtf N. B. GANTT. 8CIIRO0T 4c LAVAL, MANUFACTURERS of Alcohol, Cologne, and Fare In Old Bourbon and Monona-Wlskie- a. West side Second street, between Mali Watr. LabUtII). K. WIS rtAwtf VEMTIAN BLIND FACTORY, Third street, bet. Main and Market. VENITIAN BLINDS of every sise, color and price lor Country Merchants, cheap. Blinds repaired and Blind Trimmings for sale. EntaS'LhedlHV feb19 fiAw B EN J. FLOOD. FLOUR, LIME AND CEMENT, CONSTANTLY oa hand and receipts dally. It to their lcte.est to call before purchasing elsewhere. PETER SMITH, Main street, feblTdtf between First and Saeood. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, Marketstrest, between Third and Fourth, south side. Wl have on hand a well selected stock of Drugs, and Pharmaceutical Preparations, which we guarantee of the best quality. , . Particular attention given to Phyrtdan' or- dere. febS M. O. DAVIE & CO., EXCHANGE AND LOTTERY OFFICE North tidt Marktt ttrttt,btt. Third A Fourth, TRANSACT a general BROKERAGE BUSINESS. All Money, Land Warranta.Gold and Stiver, Bought and Sold. Orders for Tick tts In the Shalbv Collers or Havana Lotteries promptly filled. " UonnaBleUoa""',uy eonldssUsl. dtf RAILROADS. LOUISVILLE AND NASIIVILLB AND "llANOS BUANCU RAIL R0 ADS. SWUNG AHRANOETf Rvts. ON and after SUNDAY, the imh of May, 1S59, will ran as follows: Nashville Express Train leaves the Denot rf.n. .t Louisville at 6.35 a. ., stopping at Shepherdsvllle, Junc- tion, EUsabethtown, and all ether regular Stations when signaled with a Bag arriving at Munfordsvlllc at 10:47 A. M. Returning, leaves Munfordsvlllc at 1:50 P stopping at the same places: arriving at Louisville at:S6 P. M. Lebanon Express connects daily (Sundays exceptedl. at Junction with Nashville Express 6:23 A. M., stopping at New Haven and all regular Stations when flagged; arriving at Lebanon lu:50 A. M. Returning, leaves Leba- non at 1:36 P. M.; stopping at the same places, arriving at Junction and connecting with the Nashville Express Train to Louisville at 4:00 P. M., arriving In Louisville by the last named Train at 5:56 P. M. Nashville Accommo lation leaves Louisville dally (Sundays excepted), at 2:50 P. M.. stopping at Shepherdsvllle, Junction, Ellsabetown, and other Stations when signaled by flag; arriving at Munfords- - vllleat6:46 P. M. Returning, leaves MunfordsviUe at 5:45 A. M., stopping at the same Stations; arriving at itfuiavine at :ii A. M. Lebanon accommodation connects daily fSundavs excepted), at Junction with Nashville accommodation. leaving junction at 4:'i4 P. M.; stopping at New Haven aad all regular Stations when flawed: arrlvlne at Lebanon at 6:4: P. M. Returning, leaves Lebanon at o:v a. an. stopping as above arriving at and con necting at Junction with the Nashville accommodation train to Louisville at 7:55 A.M., and arriving in the last named Train in Louisville at 9:57 A. M. Pusengersby the6:15 A.M. Train stoo atthe Jnnetlon SO minutes tor Breakfast, and connect at Munfords- - vllle with Stages for Mammoth Cave, Bowling Green, Bear Wallow, Glasgow, Gallatin, Nashville, and all Southern points, and by Leoanon Express Train they connect at new uaven wun stages lor Barastown; at Lebanon, with Stages for Danville, Perryvllle, Crab Orchard, Somerset Campbelisvllle, Greensburar, Columbia, Burksvllle, Ac. Freight Trains leave daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:-- A. M., arrive in Louisville at 12:50 P. M. Jltr earing apparel alone consJ:utes baggage, of hkh each pissenger is allowed clemv pounds Other articles than baggage will be charged Express freight, and must oe pU t j th Express Company. Axtra bag gage will be charge'! . and must be paid to the Baggaga asaster. imavsti JAS. Jr. ttlMBLs. Bud s SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE! mERMlNATES AT WASHINGTON and X, Baltimore on the Catt; and Wheeling. Benwood and rarsersourg.on tne Meal; at which places It unites with Railroads, riieamers, Ac, (or and from ail polntsin the Weil, Soatliweet stud Northwest. Fare to New York and lKton ONE DOLLARless than via any other route. TWO TRAINS Leave Wheeling daily at 8:05, P. M., and 11:30 A.M. Dlrectconnections are made by theseTralns FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES. This Is the only route to Wsshington City. Passengers by this route can visit Baltimore, Phila- delphia, New York and Boston, at the cost of a tickst to Bsetoo alone, by other lines. Thrcugh Tickets to the fcmtern cities can be procured via Washington City at an ad i'tional charge of 1 2. Quick time and sure connections. Inquirsfor Tickets via the BALTIMORE ANDOHI0 RAILROAD, at any of the principal Railroad Offices In the Wsst. E. 9. FULLER, General Western Agent. L. M. COLE, General Ticket Agent. W. P. Smith, Master Transportation. aplt dtf SEW ALBAM" AM) SALEM R. It. FOR ST. LOUIS DETROIT, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS WEST AND NORTH- WEST. The Great Western and Northwest Short Line Route, via cw Albany and Salem Railroad. FARE TO CHICAGO REDUCED TO 3 00. Passengers for Rock Island, Burlington, Iowa City, and all points Northwest will save One Dollar by taking this Route. CHANGE OF TI7IE. ANEW Time 1 able will go into tff. ct on this road on the 2"th inst., to correspond with a gen- eral change of all the Western roads. Trains will be run as fallows : Guisa North Leave New Albany Chicago Mall, at 3.30 A. M.; St. Louis Day Express at 12.05 p. M.; St. Louis N'.gnt tx press at. so f M. Goisq SortH Arrive at New Albany St. Louis Night Express at 4.20 A. M; Chicago Mail at 3.43 P. M .; bU Louis Day Express at T.06 P. M. B1UGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Being thirty miles shorter than any other Route to at. Louis, and its Trains connecting closelv with ad Passenger Trains on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, and waiting Indefinitely for O. A M. trains when thev are delayed, Insures to passengers reliable connections at Mitchell, to or from at. Louis or Cincinnati. t3TPasjengers and Baggage taken to and from any part of the city and the Lars Ires of charge. Through Trains connect at Greencastle wtththeTerre Haute and Richmond Railroad, Wsst for Tcrre Haute and !t. Louis, and Eat for Indianapolis. At Lafayette with the Toleilo, and Wanash Railway w est for Spring field and all points West, and East for Toledo. And with the Michigan Southern and N irihern Indiana R. R. for Toledo an.1 Cnlcago and all Intermediate tations.-An- d at Michigan City with the Michigan Central Rail- road for Chicago anil all points West and Northwest. Also for Detroit and all points East. REMEMBER THE ROUTE, New Albany Sc Salem Railroad. f3f"Geceral Office 603 Main street, aouth side, be- tween Second sn l Thirl, LOUISVILLE, Ky., where THROUGH TICKETS and further Information can be obtained. Also at Ticket Office, Louisville Hotel. Trains are run by Louisville Time. R. E. KICKER, Sup't. A. B. BARKER, Ticket Agent, Louisville. New Albany, Jau. 1, 1S59. janlT dly 159 SPRING ARRANGEMENT. 13 Si Hannibal and M. Joseph iiailroad OF MISSOURI, OPENS Its entire leagth or the transportation of freight, af&rdin a (is shortest, quick- - et, and cAipt route to Weetern Miouri, Iuica, A'antas, Nthrakti,and the NEW GOLD MINES. on and after Feb. 14, 1S59, trii,s leave Hannloal for St. Joteph daily at I o'clock A. M., or upon arrival ef U. and S. J. R. R. packet from St. Louie arriving In it. Joxeph at T o'clock P. M same day, connecting with R. R. line of s PavkeU, which leave Immediately on arrival of trams for Xeoraxka City, Omaha, Coun- cil Bluff, Atchixm, WVsfon, and Leavenworth City. THE H. A ST. JOE R. R. LINK OF PACKET Is composed cf the most elegant and comfortable steam' ers on the Mississippi river, and run trprely in con nection with this road, boats leaving S . Louis every dav at 3 o'clock P. M. for Uanmbal, (stoppins only at Alton,) taking passengers arriving by V.dc M. auJ I. H. A. dt S. L. R. R.'t, by which passengers from St. Louis arrive In St. Jot in 2i hourt, from Louisville in thirty tin hour ; also from Quincy close connection Is made by a fine eteatner with trains oa Chicago and Quincy ana Toledo and Quincy Iiailroad. Fart loicer than any other route. Baggage checked through and handled free. No extra charge for mealt and Stateroom on pacxets. Emigrant aestring to accompany their stock may depend on going through by fast jreignt eerpree train, Freight taken at lowest river rates Passengers are respectfully requested to consider this ne, short, and cheap route be' ore selecting ethers, as It has unquestionable advantages over all others, and la the only route by which THROUGH TICKETS to SU Joseph by railroad can be purchased. Tickets for saie at all the railroad offices. For further Information and all contracts apply to J. H. BOWEN, General Agent, St. Louis, Mo. P. B. GROAT, General Ticket Agent, (.tt.ik., JOSIAH HUN f , Superintendent. ( feb22 dly CHANGE OF TIJ1K ON THE ED3 JEFFERSOiWILLE RAILROAD fTlRAlNS leave Jeffersonville (opposite Louisville) jLQauy.Punaayj excepted, as louows: 045 A.M., 11 A. IT!., AND 10 P. M. 7 A. M. train goes only to Seymour, connecting with Special Train to Cincinnati. Time through by this train. O nours. 11 A. M. Train makes close connections at Seymour wlih trains on the Ohio A Mississippi Road for St. Louis, Cairo and the South and w est, and arrives at 4.40 r. U. at Indianapolis, connecting eitn evening trains for St. Louis and Uie West, Chicago and the North weet, Toledo, Detroit and the North, New York, Philadelphia, Balti- more, B"iflD, and all the principal Eastern cities. 10 P. M. Train makes close connections at Seymour for St. Louis and the Weat and Cincinnati and the East, and arrives at Indianapolis at 4 A. M., connecting with Mornibg Express Trains for the East, West and North. EHfThrough to New York in Si hours. Baggage checked to all the principal cities. Fart at Low and Titnt at Quick at ly any other Routt. fTralns leave Indianapolis at 10.20 A. M. and U. P. M. EVTrains leave Seymour at J.40 A. M., 1.83 A. M. and 6.13 P. M. tarTrains arrive at Jefferson rill at 4.80 A. M.. 4.03 9. M. and 8.15 P. M. Passengers arriving in Louisville, either by the Louis-Ti- ll k Frankfort or Louisville A Nashville Railroads, morning or evening, make close connections with trains on this route to the East, Wet, North ana South. sF Througn Tickets and furtaer Information given at the Office of the Jeffersonville R. R. Co.. No. Da' southeast corner Main and Third streets, Louisvilla. ayn or at tne uepc t in J effersonvllle, Ind 8. J. LITTLE, Agent, A. S. CROTH&RS, SupU H. H. KariOLD GsnM Ticket Agent. my 81 dtf LITTLE MIAMI AND COLUMBUS AD XEMA RAILROAD. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER lth,lS3 leave Cincinnati as follows: 9. A. M. DAT EXPataa Stopplne at way stations. 4:13 COLUMBUS ACCOMMODATION StOBDine al Intermediate stations. 11:80 P.M. NIGHT EXPRESS Stopping atLcv.lani Morrow, Corwln.Xsnla, and London. Connection are made by the S A. 91. uuu sr. iia. trains ror ALL TUB EASTERN CITIES. The NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN, laartn. OlMn.H .t 11:80 P. M., runs daLy, except SATURDAYS. xneotner trains run aally, except FOR THROUGH T1CKA1B and all f!.4!lH. ply ai the Offices, Walnut streetPouse.be .ween Sixth and Seventh, No. 1 Burnett Hoe soatheast orner of BT2?.m, ,ronl ,lr. nd at the Eastern Depot. Trains run by Columbua tlma. whio faster than Clnolnnatl time. J. DURAND, Superintendent, as? Omnibuses call for pasaeng-r- s Janll dtf 4'itaa.i nai.i DRAYO k SON .dealers In wOAL, Third street, besweea and Market, ban on hand . nsA . PitUbuTf and Tomhluchecv CoaL wMh th.. Fred to furnish In large quantities or sy the load to meet the wishes of purchaser. They invite partleular atts ttoa to their saperlor Coal. Orders promptly attend to. ustavu a sum. Third swr sea, 4U tetwsea Maia aad Markst mk. RAILROADS. N EW ROUTE TO N. ORLEANS, MEMPHIS & THE SOUTH. muni rye-- i it'i'V XZODTIO FROM CIXCIXXATI, L.OUISVILL.E.and CHICAGO TO MEMPHIS. qo nouns FROM St. Louis to Memphis T&AVZLE&S from the Ohio Valley, the upper Lakes, taking the various trains for Cairo, and reaching there at 6:30 a. M., arrive at p. m. aame day, via Mobile and Ohio and Memphis and Ohio roads. Time froct St. Louis to Memphis and Louisville to Memphis from one to three days shorter on this route than by the river steamers. BaffSage Checked Through. Passengers for New Orleans have a choice oftw routes: Via railroad to Mmphls and steamer to New Orleans. Via do tio aud steamer to Ylcksburg and railroad to New Orleans. CLOSE CONNECTIONS AND NO DELATA. TIIIIOUCII TICKETS For sale at the office of Illinois Central Railroad, Chi- cago; Ohio and Mississippi, St. Louis and Cincinnati, and New Albanv.Salsm, and Jeffersonvll'e raiiroaia, Loaie-vlll- HENJtV COFFIN, Superintendent Memphis aad Ohio Railroad, mylO dtNovl Memphis, Tena. LITTLE MIAMI RAILROAD FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. 15 :T2 HI-- jgy wVw i OH RAT IN DUCEMENTTO SHIPPERS. I AM now prepared to give through receipts by Mail-bo- and Little Miami Railroad for freight to New York, Philadelphia, Ba Umore and Boston, at the lc wtst rates. Shippers by this route may always rely on bavin, thetr freight forwarded with quick dispatch. Parties having pr.Juce to ahlp to any point East, will find it to thslr a.i vantage to call on me before making contracts with other Roads. Rates always as low as by other routes, and freih pat through iu the shortest possible time. For further information, apply to FRANK CARTES, Agsnt, feb97 rttf fli Main .treot. MEDICAL. LOCLSYILLE PRIVATE .TIED1CAI. DISPENSARY, Etalllht for the relief of tht mug-utde- and votary offUe pUiur, co, jindina that he hat imbibed the e'U of a certain UnUhton dit-t-ie-t, m, from an iiUtime-- i nt of ehatnt, deterred from applying to a Ph urieian, icfume knosoledgt and tteperUnctean alone befriend him in duartet. DR. GATES CAN BE consulted at his office the on formerly occupied by Dr. King -- where he would tail the atten- tion of ail thoa aiflletad wltl. disease of a pritalt or conjt- - aeniuit aature, to tne new m thod of treaUaectaa practiced in the English aad French hospi- tals. Having for several years made this cias of diseases a srsciaiJTT, with the knowl- edge he has of them, warrants him In saying thai there la no form or symptom which they assume that la with- out a ,ulck and permanent cur. YOUNG MEN Who, ay indulging In solitary habits, have contracted thai and Ing disease, seminal weakness, which leads to the most alarming and fatal consequences, saould apply Immediate- ly, either in person or by letter, and have a cure ejected by his new and scientific mode of treatir.g this disease, whleh nei' r fails of effecting a quick and radical cure. MI3DLE-AGE- and OLD MSN whe, by eiceslve th-'- .r paslons, have pro luced a debility In advance of their years, ran consult Dr Gates with the fullest assurance of being aia restored to thai state of health which they weald have enjoy sd had they sever committed any excess. Persons conterai'iann; marriage, aui having anj doubts as to their physicM ability to enter Into thai solemn contract, should apply at once to Dr. Gates, who will remo7 all obstacles to prevent along and happy fe. There are persons who Indulge the fond yet trratloa al belief that nature is capable of resuming without ae sistance her lost powers. To such 1 can only say, th the time which Is wasted in this delay is precious and lr retrievable, and ean only tend to perpetuate the ha It of hopeless Imbeciil'.ty and render impotency per a eat During my residence In this city I have met with nu- merous cases In which the suffering have unfortunately placed themselves under the charge of these who are Ig- norant of the first principles of medicine, and whom It has been only by the utmost care and attention 1 have been enabled to cure. To ail such as have been suffer- ing under unsuccessful treatment, I would offer my ser- vices, guaranteeing that 1 can do all that Is possible fur experience and a thorough knowledge of diseases in ail stages and forms to accomplish. TO THE LADIES Dr. G. Is agent for M. La Crous' French Preventive Powders, by which those who, from any cause, deem it necessary to avoid conception, esa do so, w.dout Incurring danger to health or cocsUtutlcn; price 1. Also, aspect for Mausue Caprauai's Fema.e WontMy Pills, a safe and effectual remedy for Irregulari- ties, Obstructions, Ac; price 1. Clerical These Hl'a Should not be taken duricat Preu&ncy, as they are sure to produce miscarriage. The Pills and Powder sent by mall to any part of . Persccs at a cay ts caret at tome by ai. dressing aletter, stating eaj , symptoms, length cf t!r the disease has continued, and hav medicine" forwarded free from iamars cr eurcsUy, to any j. art of th coun- try, with fal tnJ plain d.rcc:ions for ue. Letters atlag ur; saut con-a- fl, or no no tic will be taken of t.em, for his time is too much occupied to answer letters of mere curiosity. A so, orders for Pills jr Poeusr miut oca lain a posugs stamp. Consultation may be held from a a. n. to sa.,(on Sunday from 9 to 12 a. m.,) a.L'.oce, northeast corn- er of Third ani Mirk el srWi'--j nlftu eatranc on Third street, Lt.uisv:li, Sy. lea'" Secrecy Inviolable 1 Don't forgt ts nm amber. AU ietwrs should be al Jrewed to H. GATL3, U. i febllBdwtf Louisa. Rf. DR.WM.PRICF . Tenters U the public, and vw warrants we effectmU cure of - diseases: the fol'-'n- ;, J jcrufula, Caneer, P!!es, Sore riTT' KTe Chills, Chronic Diarrhoea, -- ffcj, ) Sypnillis in il of Its staea. Fis tula, without OJiOff the ka.f : or other painful remedies. And I retnJVe the horn I coneaenoe of Onai.ia or I caa cure tr.ese d.seiMe, and have proof to MStaln this. The statement of such en. a a Dr. Wm-- L. Breckinridge, Judge jranatn, Juae Loving, Judge Cnderwood, "aad many others too hameroiutvt menu n." Wa have read ths above card of Dr. Price, and some of us have known him long, and all of us have noticed the success which bas ailsnded his efforts In curing the above-name-d diseases, and we Jo not hesitate to add this testimonial of oar unqualified approval of what has been said ty the highly reputable gentlemen above reierrel to. Geo. W. Johnston, City Ju.le; J. I. Dosler; T. B. Crawford, Mayor, W. S. D. Meowan, Siienff; Dr. L. Porter; Dr. Davit ee. I was cared of fistula by Dr. Pries In less than thirt y days. JOS. YOUCB. of the firm of Youce A S n, L uisvUl. Dr Price cured a negro man of m:n of ustula, in two or three weeks. W. W. bORD. Office on Market street, between Sixth and Seventh, oaisvUle, Ky. m!3 dlmA4-- l THE GREAT VITAL REGENERATOR, VO. 1 is Invaluable for relaxation, spermatorrhoea 1.1 and physical exhaustion, and is a tonic. No. 3 completely eradicates ail traces of these di- seases tia: bave been hitiierto treated by the nauseoua and pernicious use of copavia and cubeba. No. 8 has entirely supplanted the injurious use of mercury, dispersing all the Impurities and rooting out the venom of disease, thereby lnsnrisg to the sufferer speedy relief. Trisaemar, No. 1, 1 and S, are prepared In th form of a losenge, devoid of taste or eme d, and can be car- ried In the waistcoat pocket. Soid lu tin cases, and Into separate doses as administered by Yalpeaa, Lailemaa, Roux, Ricord, eto. Price H each, or 4 casee In one for , which saves and In 27 cases, where- by thsre Is a saving of i. To be had wholesale and re- tail, of Dr. BARROW, 14 Bleeker Street, New York. Immediately oa receiving a remittance. Dr. Barrow will forward the Irieeemar to any part of the world, secure- ly packed, and addressed accordin to the Instruction of th writer. K. S. IMERSON, Agent, Cor. Broadway and Congress streets, nl3 dAwly Cincinnati, O. THE SECHET INFIKM1TIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY, Just Pnblished Gratis, theTwentj-fitt- Thousand, A FIWWORD3 O.N THE RATIONAL JyM Mf Treatment, withsut Medicine, of Sper-JtS- matorrhea or Local Weakness, Noiur ytimmtW nal Eaiiaalons, Gen ial and Nerveus Premature Decay of tne System, Lmpoteacy and LnpeUimente of Marriage generally, BY B. DE LASEY, M. D. The Important fact that '.he many alarming complaint, originating in the imprudence aad eolitule of youth, may be easily removed wrrBoCTMsnicue, Is In this sxa ail tract clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by tne Author, fullj explained, by means of whicn every ene is enabled to cure HiassLT perfectly and at the least poaibl cost. thereby avoiding aj the adveiue4 noetriune of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free In a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two p stage stamps t Dr. B. DB LANEY, S3 East &ist street. New York City. lent aawiy Worms! Worms! WORMS! THE season la at hand woca tneae scourges ef begin to become both troublesome and dan- gerous. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER la a remedy alias pleasant and effect! for the evIL There Is not th least difficulty In getting children to tats the medicine. It Is prepared in the form ef Candy Drops, and U1 beeat.n with avidity ky children of all agea. It desm y and expel worms more effectually than any remedy now In use, while at the same time It will in no way affect lniuxlaualy the health of the child. Sold wholesale and ret an by Dr. BULL, at his Depet en Fifth street, north of Main, and by Drugsls gener- ally throughout th country. apS dAvia BLANK. BOOK. MANUFACTORY. WEBB A LEYERING. Sil Ma&g aA- -' door below Third, LoeisvtUe, Ry., ssana-- s factorere of all kinds ef Blank Books, aau' keep constant! v oa hand a large aseorVi ssent for sale either at wholeaal or retail. I Merchanu aad ether wishing Blank Booka saade toe order can have theoa ruled amd bouad to any paper aa paged Is Beautiful and aeearate style. j Every description of Book Binding set4earaea ( able terns. I Steamboat Book ef all kinds constantly kept a iaad( aad saade to order at short aotlee, aad ef the An est saa-- serials. f Ooontry Merchants are Invited to examine ear etoek. emprtaing a large assortment er ecnooi, aiiseeuaneoaa aal Blank aooaa, raper, ouuuuuery, ma- -, au si waiSM wUl be sold oa reasonaoi terms. WEBB k LITE RING, fll BaakMllave aad SUaak Bok Maker. NOTICE. JL o!ved en the feainst., by the death of &. W. aoow-- . tta. The surviving partner la charged with the ssttis i laent or tne affair oi tne late arm. ana will muUiu the same aaissa as u eia stana in nia ewe aaae. aU du . a. BaJAARgcx,

Louisville daily courier (Louisville, Ky. : 1851). …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qs939/data/0037.pdfyee'diy, but hada't arrived lact nigbt. Z3TTle little clipper Boston is the regular

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Page 1: Louisville daily courier (Louisville, Ky. : 1851). …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qs939/data/0037.pdfyee'diy, but hada't arrived lact nigbt. Z3TTle little clipper Boston is the regular



LFr Particular tee Steamboat Advertisements.BOSTON, , Cincinnati.KENTUCKY, Unih, Memphis.HARRISON BRIDGES, Everhart, Green R.STEriiEN DEC A ICR, Li er, N 0;tClOTO No. 8. Ballard. Henderson.TtMFKsT, Parr, Nashville.


f cperlor, Cln; Baltimore, Fotceroy;J vantvllle, Carrolltcn; Esmi Deaa, CerroiltoaKentucky, Memphis. '

DEPARTURES.Tr Kane, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Pomeroy;foperior, Co; Eransville, Carrollton;John Gault, Nashville; Emma Dean, "

Th Rivsjr was still swelling a little yesterday,litTiDp risen Lalf aa inch at the head of the falls,Vitb scant three feet nine inches water in the

actl laft tTtiiiDg by the mark. The weather isr.eiightfu lly leasantand clear.

Tae oliicers of the Superior, the mailbo&treport Leavv rains iu the vicinity of Mad-

ison. At ticciDDuti, btfore they left that port,the river had risen lour inches. Our regular

however, reported the river stationary,Lica is near euougn lor the telegraph. The

nrei Lere, last evening, was slowly recedingbgiio.

On the Portland bar there were about foar festwater jesterday the channel having "cr,t out''t oflsiderably, as there wore no boats aground onthe bar.

The Kentucky, the mail packet from Mem-jh- i,

arrived iat evening, and her ofhcers bringthe latent report of the condition of the lowerriver. Tbey fouud but four and a half fee wateron the SmitMand side of Cumberland island, andthe sane depth of vater at Sculllitown, andi'rench island. The latter point was the mostaiiCicult to Davigate.

The deeped water at Cumberland is said to beiown the ritht side of the island, over the dam,which is dflerent from the course of the channellor several ers. As the river recedes, however,it is expected the waierwili turn to the Kentuckyehore, as heretofore.

The Diaaa, hence for New Orlear., was metby the Kentucky below Flint island bar. She hasheavy engagements of tobacco at I.vansville andHenders-ju- , at 5 per hogshead. Unless sVelightens it will be very difficult to get out of ;fceritcr on the preterit stage of water.

The fv( rite packet Tempest, as we ream byspecial dispatch from Cpt I'arr, wcj at

ail right. He reports but 20Harpeth shoius, and lied to lighten over

With bis freight.JSTThe Tempest is due here Monday, and re-

turns to Nashviile on her regular day, Thurs-ii- j.

53FTbe Harrison Bridges, from Green rWer,was at Evansvilie cn Weduesday. She wa duelast tifcht, end returns to all points along Greeniiver this evening.

Shaft DRoaav. We learn from th eflicers ofthe Kentucky that the Fort Wayn, a propellerrn her way South lrom Cincinufct bad brokenher 6halt, and was at Slim isiaad in a crippledcondition.

"TheCbeocellor, C'ipt. Malborn, with a bigtrip from New Orlets, vu due last night. Shewill probably be th e to land at the Portlandwharf, and returns to :ew Orleans

vtDirg.SfTfce ijvr. boat Baltimore, with a brace of

baizes l;.dca with salt, arrived from Pittsburghyestfruay.

We regret to learn that Capt C.V. VSt.ls, formerly of tb e Virginia, is in this cityuangerouM.v ill. lie gf however, under skillful'jeutmeut at the Inf.rmarv.JSTThe new Ls.urel Hill has been brought to

the lower wharf, where she will be completed.tSyThe E. H. Fairchild, from New Orleans,

was at Padaceh, yes'erday morning, with a finetr.p. She is due this evening, and is advertisedto return to New Orleaas

The boatmen to and from St. Lou;?, are atlat tw&ket'icg to their true interests, and manyof the ow ners cf rival packets have bound them-selves to maintain, and not cut down or depre-ciate, the rules of passage cr freight.

t7" Tie Bowling Greta is the regular coastpacket for Leavenworth &t noon to day.

ST" The High Flyer, Capt. Wright's boat, willbe tul!y repaired r;ady to resume her trips to StLouin neit Tuesday.

IST'The packet, Scioto, No. 2, hav-ing oeen detttned, takes her departure to Lvans-viu- e

nd Hecderson this evening. She startsfrom lower Portland, or New Albany.

ST" The K. M. Patton, Mo. 2, Capt. Barnard, isthe ru'.ar Tennessee river packet

I?" The following is from the Cincinnati Com-mercial of yetsterday:

The Forest Cr. rerwrts the Fred Tron's sunkenrarest Mi."t fun, ljlrg ten fet under water at thesttrn, hav.cg Miiicj in a bole Capt. C.nway is af the;.r.t.-- tnat it will prove a diScult job to raise It. Ua cot raaUrially ol truct. navigation, althoughtn l Indiana shore.

LanUis .'.as lefi, the wharf fcone into sammer(jja.ru:'-- .

The Woodford crrired tA New OrleansV tdre-da- v. the Sth. and dpnartod ;,.

yet-rday-, the .';h.

Fr.R Caiko and Mswphis. The fleet KentacW.3 chr-- e ct Ca; t. Lsmb, with E J. Halliday in

orhce, a popular trio, is the regular rja.;.'and p( sseufftr packet for dira and Memphis thievtisg. ae will probably be found ai West,rortiac J.

t"Th K ate Frrnch was uu from Cincinnatiyee'diy, but hada't arrived lact nigbt.Z3TTle little clipper Boston is the regular maif

and (&f..uer packet lor Cincinnati and the EaMtt iioonI5TThe Board of tnJerwriUrs at St. Looibae passtd a rsso ution thai after the Uth, allHeiu wheel boat running to and from Su LouisLot provided with a stera bulkhead, satisfactory

to tl e Io!.t-ctor- of llu Board, would be maike'juntnurble.

ST!ie Ri Fcirer bal arrived at Vicksbur?lroui Po-n- t P.eusint, haviagiatow the pile driverv -- ij oeen trying to stop 'the crevasse at;nat pUc f jt two weeks. They have given it uptad the bout will return to New- Orleans.

A gentleman writing from Milliken's Bend enthe Jlstsjys : "1'ne wtter ; parsing off and weexpect to make a half crop of more."

The Oakland Owexfjtono, Evaxsvillb axdPackkt Wo made brief mention theother day, that our yoang friend, Capt. John U

bmorika, was fittm ap acd repairing the neatpacaet Oakland, for the hummer campaign in theOhio river. She is a 0od boat and a last cdp,and the lightest draugut of any on the track, endwe leara tLit the is tu be placed permanently ;uthe trade bet we. n this point and Henderson.

Tit, Oiklar d will comrnnce r trips in tbulfv.JIe, Oer,oro, EvaDsviile and Bender-to-trade oa Tuesday cext, the 14tb, and willaLe two trips per vreek, les Ting this port everv

iuesuiy and FnJav, the original davs of the firstin tLe trt.de, the Fawn and'toe F.ainbow.

Capt. Smorika is a youDg man well known, andtry p pular iu the trade. Tfce clerk is Mack

Huston, who is ucivercally regarded as one of thebett or most correct clerks on the nrer, and thegreatest favorite ever in the trade.yiSm The LaCrosse has laid rp at Steuben- -

fThe June rise along the Ohio is likely toprove a failure this year, or only a very smallrise at best, though we hope for more. Br thefollowing, from the St. Louis Republican of

it that there is an abundaace fwater out West:

The annual mountain ri from the MUioori riverwill be up n in a fw days. The steamer EaiprantleHFi rt Kandall on Frldar morning, June t, and norrfllcer repi.t the river rising vrj rapidly at the foruIt swelled Ce feet when they left, and tr.ev passedU.e rite ner Counci" Bluffi on their return. The prob-able exieot ortne iwell could not be asertalnad, but itistboughtth It ai l not exceed five or six feet at thispoint. The tmlirrant wti obligfd to wait for the rise ata point sixty ir.Ue. below Rand.H, and f e officers of theboat report the .well very rapid. Ta. fa of th. riverhere bas already been checged ty the upper MlssUiir.ptrUe, which U very heav7 Utween Su Paul and

IrsfThe Baltic, instead of reluming to. NewOrleans yesterday, as advertised, has been laidup and retired for the season.

Actei2 Stcakboat Acodixt. We copy thefulbwing from the Mobile Reenter of the Sd. Theboat wus bui It at Pittsburgh :

T'erdy, wh'le the steamer Wn. BagAley was oppo-e't- ewie lower fieet, on her trip from New Orleans to Mo-

bile, she Hew out her larboard cylinder bead. Mr. N.umm-rv- i le, the aecond enfrineer, was Mown up on the

wood yile.arid lad hii collar bone broken, bis skull frac-tured and was badly acahled. The boat came np to thecity on one wheel. Mr. Summerville was carried to theInfirmary of Drs. Ross and Ketchuaa In a very criticalcondition.

MEMORANDA.The Kentucky left Memphis Monday, June 6, at C P.

M. Met Imperial at hebraaka woody ard; Gen. Pike InCvpre?s en; John kalne at tilrer-iop- ; Memphis atKid le s Puini; J. ii Lucas at Hickman; Madiaon at

McLellan at Sitra; Fort Wayna at film island,wl b ahaft broken. Passed Chancellor Id Hendersonbend. Met Booiierter at foot ef Chenault's reach;

at !1 creek; R. J. Ward and fuquek anna laid upat flint Island, four ant a half feet water on Smith-lan- d

side of If land; four and a haif oa allthe bars; fecuCetown aad trench U and the shoalett.

RECEIPTS II Y THE RIVE R.msaAcina ojtlt tei liadiko aeticlis or ixpirt.

KEXTCCKY ETVE-R- Per Dove 13 kejrs, 1 bbl Urd,vans a rpeed 70 bags wheat, BrandeU Crawrord8s baiet hemp, W A 4 caaks, 1 tc bacoo, Gardnsr kCo 4 t.b bris'les, 40 piece bappeg, 17 coils ,

Damesnll Co As dot en brooms, Carter 4 boxes. 8 bblsb bag--i rai t.S btU whiiky, owners 71 bags corn, BJAdaits 1000 hoop poles, 24 bhds tobacco, warehouses.

CINCIXNTI Per RuperW 99 boxes cheese, Hess40 vices, Lean ten. C k Ca 25 bundles lro", Andersen

181 bags yarn, Howard 45 boxes, Wright A BriFeford9 86 sb.eu Iron, BrlkDSp 65 sacks potatoes Cliffordti package, Mnnahan 0 bbU whUky, BDrder 80r is rope, Nock, Wicks A Co 112 packages, Bussell25 btU, Undeuberger A Co 215 packages sundries,Mocrhead A Co 27 packages, Wllsoa A Ptarblrl 6Tparkagrs Tyler A Martin 25 boxes cheese, Clifford 45boxes f sa, C A U W) boirs glass, owners 20 bblseugar, A Bochanann 99 boxes, Crso 10 bbl whisky,lib packages merchandise, 15 packages berries, IS castsglaaa, e do ale, 4 bales bay, bO packan, consignees.

r LOClS Per Dr Kane 107 bales bemp, B A 104boxe lobw o, Jac. A B tarvesters, Ac, k N.

NIW OBLSANS Per ft J Ward- -1 bhds sngax,Gar Jner A Oo.

MEPHI8-P- er Kentucky 8 boxes merchandise,Bashm 2 bhds tobaoco, burrs A Co 100 boxes lemons


rilB IOTUU8 OF KEK IUCKY,1TO a Oaadidate f or aa Auditor ofAoooaau. My past efflolai eondoctla the ecJy

waaraft ttat I saa effer for the fntveeepl die THOS. 8. VAGI.



CUKLEIV COAL.STEAMBOATS wlU find a superior article of Coal a

Accommodations good for up oidown steamboats. Price 7 cants per busnal. Nchange for the season. D.C.JAMES.

OuaLSW, Ky., April 11th, 1259. eplo dim

V, 8. 21 AIL LINE FOR TUB EASTTHE anlendld rj alienor atvamers jbcod eiraacr ana

will leave forririN!ATIRTRDV Mm, t.K.,

at It o'clock, which ensures the making of the 6 o'jlockntornicgeonnections bj Itallroadfrom OlwjlnnatltethsNorth and East.

for freight or passageapply on board or toJOE CAMPION, Agcsi.


1859. STEATIKIl PACIFIC 1869--s w.H leave LOCI8YILLJ: forJ5&NEW ORLEANS as fallows,

Tueslay. June 14 Satnr,t J.ilv SOFriday.. July 1 Thursday .".'.".".".".'.June 80m29 dtd C. BASH AM, Apent, Wall st

1859. NTEA.TIEIl DIANA 1859.Will leave LOOSVILLElor nn UKLiAnO as ffollows, during the season:

Tueidar June t fat urd ay. ..Julv 9ThursdaV June'3 M,1rrl.ir ..July 25


New Orleans.The fine parseneer stearaer PACIFIC

Jrse K. Bell, master, will leave for theis above and Intermediate landings on

Tuesday, llth iastet4 p.m., positively, from Portland.

For freight or passage applv on board or toDITMEMI. A CO., or

jW C. BAPHAM, Airent, Wall st.- a. The line steamer CHANCELLOR, Sol.

J. ..... ma ter. will leave as above onSaturday, the 11th Inst., at 4 p. m.

For frielght or passage apply on board, or to) MOORHEAD A Co., Agents.

ll "' W T, e splendid t,

r.i n (r passenger steamer E. H. FAIR-CHIL-

Fawcett, master, will leave asabove on Saturda.v, the 11th Inst., at 6 o'clock p. m.

For freight orpassage apply on board or toD. 8. BENEDICT A SON,

or 0. BASHAM, Agents.je7 Wall street.

SXoand city, Cairo, Columbus, Hickmanand Memphis.


v " The fine steamer KENTUCKY, Wm.p7Lanb, ma'ter, will leave for the aove( a place of the Alvio Adams) on Friday,

the 10th Inet., at 4 p. m , positively, from Portland.Jot treightorpassageapply on board or t j

N.S. LONG A BRO., Agents,je9 85 Wall street.

rr k The fine steamer KENTUCKY, WmlJThIimi tT'T'im tjmb oilier, Ed. Halliday clerk, wil

leave as above (in place on the Alvln Ad-ams) on Frllay, the 10th Inst., at 4 p.m., positively,from Portland.

For freight or passage apply on board orto0. BASHAM, Agent.

je9 Wall street.

Cairo iriemphls) and New Orleans).The fine rassenrer steamer STEPHEN

l DECATUR, Llei er matter, leave as aboveion this day, lOih, at 12 m., from city wharf.

sor lreight-n- passage apply on board or toN. S. LONG A BRO.. Agents,

jelO 85 Wall street." The fine steamer STEPHEN DECATb R,mutj- Leiper master, will leave as above on

this day, the 10th Inst., at 10 a. m., posi-tively, from the city wharf,

lor freight or passage apply on board ortoC. BASHAM, Agent,

jelO Wall street.The fine steamer STEPHEN DkCATUR,

Leiper master, will leave for the abovs ontills day, the luth, at 10 a.m.

For ireluatcr passage apply on board or tojelO MOORHEAD A CO., Agents.


!''. Th fine steamer GEN. PIKE, Riley,. t master, will leave for the above on

Saturday, the 11th inst., at 4 p. m., fromPortland.

For freight or passage apply on beard ortojelO N. 8. LONG A BRO, 85 Wall street.

For ClarkBTllle and Naanvllle.REGULAR PACKET.

The fine steamer TEMPEST, Parrf UtrT master, will leave as above on Thursday,j S i ianS' 16th, June at 4 p.m.

For freigut or passage apply on board ortojelO MOORHEAD A CO., Agents.

The splendid steamer TEMPEST, Panmaster, will leave for the above and ell In-

termediate ports on Thursday, June 16that 4 p. m., positively from city wharf.

For frelgut or passage apply on board or toN. S. LONG A BRO.. Agents,

jelO 85 Wall street.

I'or Vetport, Betulelieni, nadlson andCarrolltou.

REGULAR PASSENGER PACKET.-- XL S Tne fin steamer EMMA DEAN,,il53Capt. E. T Crlder, will leave as above

on Saturday, the 11th inst., at 1 p. m.po!.ively,f'-o- city wharf.

For freight or passage apply on board ortoN. S. LCNG A BRO., Agents,

jelO 85 Wail street.


.F- - The f.ne steamer CHATAiiiTAN00GA, Funk master, will leave ai

above on titurday, the 11th, at 4 p. m.,from Portland.

For irtlghi or passare apply on board ortoN. S.LONG A BRO., Agent,

jelO 85 Wall street

ErausTlIle aud Uowllne Green.The fine steamer HARRISON BRIDGES,

fo5.'-- Captain Humphrey, and will leave as abovon this day, the lOih, at 4 p. m., positive-

ly, ti oiu city wharf.For freight or passage apply on board ortojelO MOORHEAD A CO., Agents.

,Ta The finesteamer HARRISON BRIDGES,JZX'-'"'J- 2 Humphrey master, will leave as above on

ths day, the luth, at 4 p. m., positively, from city wharf.

For freight or passage apply on board or toN. S. LONG A BRO.,AgenU.

j,10 gs Wan trtiaetport. Tuxcambia aud Florence.

- The fine regular packet S. M. PATTONwl11 leave for tfie above

iWmv nglsll"'1 intermediate ports on Saturday, the11th Inst., at 4 p. m., from city wharf.

Far freight or passage apply on board or tojet N. S. LONG A BRO., Wall st.

The fine steamer R. M. PATTON, No. Si

Captain Ed. Bernard, will leave as above onSaturday, the llthlnst., at 4 p. m., poli

ticly, lrom city wharf.For freight orpassage apply on board orto

C. BASHAM, Agent.jeS Wall street.

OwcDhoro Evanavllle and Henderson. inenne netmer si,iuiu no. , di.Urd, master, will leave as aboveFriday, 10th inst., at 4 p. m., positively,

Irca Portland wharf.For freight or passage apply on board or to

K. 8. LONG A BRO., Agents,je9 85 Wall street


R 01. L Toy FA CKET,EVaNSVILLEIJKOAH NEAL. . . . ....Master.

.a'KANK P. 81RADER Clerk.Leaves Louisville for above and intermediate land

lngs on TueJays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1 o'clockP. IM.

For freight or passage apply on board or toMKLBOURSJC A BROOKS, Agents,

jeS dedtf 24 Walk street.

"REGULAR TRIWEBKLY PACKETLonlavlIIe and Leavenworth.

The aplennld steamer BOWLIKfc GREEN,Ben. Conner Master, John Conner, Clerk,will leave as above every Monday, Wed net

day, and tiiday at 12 o'clock. Returning, leaves Leavenwortb every Tuesday, Tba'sday and Sunday at 7o'clock, A. M., touching at all intermediate points.

For freignt or passage apply on board. mrl3 dtf



f T. M. Erwin. master, leavet- " Louisville every Monday at 4 p. in.; return.lng leaves Memphis eqery Thursday at 8 p. m.

SOUTHERNER, Geo. W. frlplett, master, leavesLouisville every Wednesday at 4 p. m.; returning leavesMemphis every Saturday at S p. m.

ALVIN ADAMS, Wm. Lamb, master, leaves Louis- -

wme every rriday at 4 p. m.; returning leaves Memphbevery monuay at o p. m.

For freight or passage apply on board or toJ&odtf CHA8. BASHAM, Agent


PRIEST & BOWEN,Commission & Forwarding Merchants



Solicit orders for the purchase of Cotton, sell Bacon,vurn.nir, uats, fiour, wnlsky, lara,c, on consign-ment, and forward merchandise promptly to all pointsfrom Memphis.

References The business men of Louisville, and boatmen generally. jnia Aim



Ueventh and Eighth, where he will keep con-stantly on hand, of bis own manufacture, Pounds, Quar-ter Pounds, Fives, Kighu and Tens, which he will war.rant and mU low, at wholesale only, to punctual

on the usual terms. mso dfim

GREAT REDUCTION.THE Vanderbllt larnnnn Tl. rr

rt?V MaU thlps. Vanderbllt, Captain P.V HrC E- - LfeTre; lionh Star, Captain Jones;

nightly line between New Fork, South ampton and Ha.Tre, under mail contract, leaving this side each alter-nate Saturday, and the other side each alternate Wed-nesday.

rrom new rora From Havre andfor Southampton Southampton

and Havre. for New York.Taoderbllt, Saturoay, April 23. Wednesday, May 11.North 8 tar, Saturday, May 7. Wednesday, May 15.Ariel , Saturday, Mav Si. Wednesday, JuneVanderbllt, Sa'nrdsy, June 4. Wednesday, June 83.

These Steamships have water tight compartments andcarry able surgeons.

Prioes of Passage Either way the same Per Van-derbllt, first cabin, $120 and $100. second cabin, $80and $50, according to loaatlon of state rooms. PerNorth Star, first cabin, $30; seoond cabin, $60, and aB mated number ef third cabin, $80. Certificates Issuedof passage from Europe. Bpeole delivered In Londonaad Pans. D.TORRANCE,

pUdlm No.oBowUngGrssn, Ntw York..


Tcein, May 27. The Austrian steamers arearuising about Lake Mapgiore, threatening thetowns and Tillages on the banks of the Lake.The inhabitants, being in arms, offer resistanceto the menaces of the enemy.

The steamer Radetaki appeared before thetown of Canobio, and tired a few shots withouteffect. The discharges from small arms bj theNational Guard soon compelled her to bear awayagain.

A private message announces that GeneralGaribaldi occupies a strong position near Varese.Yesterday afternoon Count de Salmour departedfor Naples.

Tcrim, May 23. At Langhizano, in the duchyofParma, the people have risen and pronouncedfor the King of Sardinia.

General Kibotte, at the head of the Tuscantroops, military engineers, and general d'armes,entered I'arma amidst the plaudits of the people,who declared for the King of Sardinia, and Itahanindependence.

The Parmesan troops hare retired.Triistb, May 27. Advices have been received

from Corfu to the 23d inst.Two Austrian steamers had arrived there with-

out hindrance.Toclon, May 27. The siege fleet which is now

ready to sail from this port, is composed of 32vessels and gun boats. The French Minister ofMarine has ordered two additional ships of theline and two frigates to be prepared immediatelyfor sea. The correspondentof the London Timesat Vienna, in a letter dated the '2'th, states thatGeneral Garibaldi's corps was only fifteen mileslrom Milan.

Tbe London Times was seized at the ParisPoatofliee yesterday, the 27th inst.

The Paris correspondent of the Time) announces that the army of the East is to be increased150,000.

M. Tallyrand Perigard bas been appointedAmDassaaor lrom t ranee to Naples.

Foreign Commercial.LiviarooL, Vay 23.

Potashes quiet at Dl(S2s. Sugar hesvy, and all qual-ities have declined, the lower grades being mostly affected. Coffee quiet. Rice quiet. All qualities or teahave slightly advanced Bark is improving; Baltimoreis quoted at 6s 6d&7s Sd. Rosin steady at 4s 2d4a 3d.Spirits turpentine steady at 42s Cd on the spot, and 42sto arrive.

Landoh, May 27.Baring A Brothers' circular quotes wheat very dull at

A decline for the week of 6dais. Coffee steady. Ricequiet. Spirits turptntine heavy at a decline for allqua lties; sales at 42s 6d.

I.ivcbpooi., Saturday, May 2S, P. M

BresJstuffs clcie quiet, but steady. Provisions firm,but qulst.

Slaveholders' Convention.Baltihobi, June 9 The Slaveholders' Conven

tion adoptea the following resolutions reportedby the majority of the committee, and adjournedMine uu.

jissoicea, inat tnis uonvenuon considers anymeasures for tbe general removal of free blackstrom tne state of Maryland as impolitic, mexpe- -

aient, ana uncalled lor by any public exigencywhich could instifv it.

Jiesolted. that the free nezro DODulation shouldbe well and thoroughly controlled by efficientlaws to tne end that it may be orderly, industrious. and productive.

Ruolted, That, for the purpose of diminishing, asfar as possible, the evils which proceed from anexcessive and increasing Iree class of negroes, thepolicy or tne state declared in li3l, saould be

and such amendments be made to theact of that year as will give to it active force;sucn as win either prohibit emancipation altogether, cr compel the prompt removal from heoiuic vi iuse emancipatea; ana tnat tne legisla-ture should be asked to review and amend thelaws relating to free negroes and to emancipation.so as to remedy all the defects of a system whichtime ana experience have disclosed.

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to subrait the Tiews of this Convention, and to ask appropriate legislation by the General Assembly.

Damage by the Flood in the Upper Mississippi.Chicago, June 9. Minnessota papers of the

otn, contain turtcer details of the flood. Thedamage is much greater than first stated. Thelevee at St. Paul is entirely submerged. At St.Anthony and Minneapolis, the Btorm and floodwere terribly destructive to property. Severalhundred thousand dollars worth were destroyedat the former place. The St. Anthony WaterCompany lost five million feet of logs valued at140,000. The boom at Coon Creek, containingten minion teet oi logs, is momentarily expectedto give way. ot less than 130,000 worth oflogs have gone over the falls in three days. Theriver is 21 feet above low water mark, and withinH leet of the great flood of 1S50. The storms

of last week in that section of the country nre de- -scrioea as tne most ingnttul ever witnessed.

Broke Jail.Marion, O , June 9. Two men. Partridge and

Mrode, broke tail here. The former was confinedon a chanre of arson and the latter for burclarv.They escaped by borinff throush the floor of thecell and two heavy beams, and then diggingtnrougn tne ground to the outer wall, which thevtore away by piecemeal. It was subsequently ascertained tnat they had been engaged hve days intne operation, titty dollars reward bas Deen

for the arrest of each.

High Price for rremium Tobacco.St. Louis, June lJ. .t the sale of premium

tobacco at the rlanters arehouse, to day, thefirst premium of $75 for manufacturing leaf wasawarded to Addison Tinslev. of Pike county. Mo.This tobacco was purchased bv B. W. Lewis ABrothers, of Glasgow, Mo., at 125 per 100 lbs.tne nignest price on record.

From New Orleans.Niw Orleans, June i. Steamer Texas ar-

rived from Sau Antonio with dates to the 2d.Captain John R. Baylor, with S50 men attackedBrazos Reserve, near Fort Belknap, driving intne scouts, and endeavoring to capture the lndians. 1 hey were ordered to leave, but refused

Hirer and Weather.St. Loris, June 9, P. M. The river fell nbout

1 inch last night, and bas been stationary all day: pernaps it is nsine sliehtly

The upper Mississippi continues to swell and themountain rise is coming down. The Missouri isbooming. The Illinois is falling rapidly. Theweatner is clear and warm.

Pittsburgh, June 9, P. M. River 3 feet 2

mcnesana iaiung. weatner clear.



on Jefferson street, north side, 4 doorsabove First, Louisville, Ky.



LOUISVILLE. KY..TTTILl' continue the Practice in a'l the Courts of tb"f city. $3fPat due claims collected and prompt

returns mane, weeds, Mortgages, Copartnership Agreements, Ac, drafted at very moderate prices. All legalbusiness solicited. Office on Fifth tret,beticeen Mainana marten. mlT dttm


Attorney at Law and Land AgentBELKNAP. TEXAS,

LL practice In the District, Supreme and PederaCourts of the State. His services as an acrent are

oaerea particularly 10 tne etocanniders or the Texan.migration and Land Company (Peters' Colony Co.,),

and all other to whom his lone and Intimate acquaintance with the Lands and Land system ofTexas may oe oi aa vantage. febli dly

MADAME ROSENBAUGH,Doctress and Midwifery,

ANDpnnENoiioaiaT,TTTOULD most resDectfullv Inform her frlendi and

patrons of Louisville, that she has locate! onMARKET STREET, between Shelby and Clay streets,(her name is at the door,) where she Is ready to practiceupon all standing diseases that flesh and blood are heirto, such as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Liver Complaint, Fits,Blindness, Deafness, Affection ef the Spleen. Rheumatism and Palsy; and will warrant cures in all cases ofCancers, 8cr fula. Tetter, Erysipelas, Bunyons andCorns, when the patient is not beyond the reach ofmedical aid.

Madame R. being the first Astrologlst of the city, willalso guarantee to give true and correct Information onall the events of life; of what changes are before: whether you will marry; will tell of absent friends, an I tracelost property, o., c. the has a secret connected withner profession which will enable any ene to obtain manypoints in business or losses. 8he has also in her ooa.session the celebrated ROCK DIAMOND, broueht fromAfrica, wherein persons can see their future partners,iricuua, or vwcis. naasme a. is natpy to say tnat sheIs the only person that can give lucky numbers In Lowscry.

P. 8. Madame R., being a natural Medium, will answer any questions under the influence of Spiritualism.

m eeirom ouc so i, tor i.aaies ana Uentlemen.eprl4 dtf

DR. A. J. TANDERS LICE.Lai Profttor of th EcoU Cliniqu d Mtdioint

PaarmaoU la J'arU,A Practitioner for Twenty-nin- e Tears Put.

ANNOUNCES to his friends and the public that hedevote his time to the curing of the fol-

lowing Diseases, via: Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Fits,vropaey, .vyspepsia, uver complaint, rues, ristula,Gout, Rheumatics, Scrofula, White Swelling, Nervous Af-

fections, Fever and Ague, Billions Complaints, Ac.Dr. Yandersllce has met with great success by .his pe-

culiar mode of treatment of diseases, where other veryeminent phlslcians have failed to produce a cure. Toattest his confidence In his own skill and merit, he willundertake the cure of all patients without charge, exeeptlng the cost of the medicine, requiring no fee untilafter the restoration of their health.

Diseases of a peculiar character he guarantees to remove radically in a few days, without offensive or

medicine. He warrants to all, no matter howsevere or long standing the disease, an effectual cure, orhe requires no pay. females suffering with Irregulari-ties, nervousness, debility, Ac, can be permanently re-lieved by Dr. V.

Invalids in any section of the country, by addressingaletter to him (post-paid- ), and Inclosing a fee, can haveadvice and medicine promptly sent them.

"Residence on Green strset, third door belowJloyd.ryPrlvate Office On Floyd street, between Market

and Jefferton. Office hours from 8 to 18 A. M., androsa to P.M. .ujj atf


MAMMOTH rurnlture, Chair, andBed dias "epos, no. 7 rourtn street.L West Side, between Main .nrf MarkttL.j LnnlavllU. W. w . , .

mentof the above always oa band, at wholesale and re-tail, as low as thsy ean be bought for ia the city.

ivj.u Hi,:-.-


Thcrsdat Evssiso, Juoe 9. IFLOUR AND GRAIN Sales 60 bbls flour at $6 50,

and small sales of Corn at 00c V bushel, from storesacks returned.

BALE ROPE-Sa- les 850 colls maehlne at 7Xc, and 100pieces hand made at 7c.

HAY Sales of 62 bales, from store, at $17 00 perton.

CBEESE-Sa- les 88 boxes at SXQ,9o.POTATOES Sales of 150 bushels Northern, In sacks,

at $1 10 V bushel, and 89 bbls do at $2 75 $ bbl.GROOERIES-Sa- les of 84 hhds sugar at 77c; H

bbls Mola ses at 89c; S half bbls sugar-hous- e Molassesat 42c.

PROVISION? Sales 100 bbls thin Mess Pork at $15 50:8 tcs canvassed Hams at 10fc.

TOBACCO Sales Thursday of 67 hhds, vis: 20 hhdsat $2 80 to 4 00; 22 at $4 10 to 5 25; 20 at $5 80 to 6 95;1 at $7; 1 at $7 15; 1 at 7 25: 1 at S 15; 1 at $S 60.


Niw Yon, June 9 M.Cotton has advanced vaVe. with sales 500 bales.

Flour has declined 10c, with sales 8500 bbls State at$G 26a6 51; Ohio $6 807 15; Southern $7 257 4J.Wheat lower, with sales 2600 bushels white Michigan at$1 55 Corn heavy; 15,000 bushels sold; n ixed S7's3c,yellow 85?. Pork quiet; mes $17 lit&ll 25, prime

15 115 25. Lard heavy at Ullc Whisky dullt 27a25c.

Ciscissati, June 9 M.Wheat firm and in rood demsnd: sales 250 bush good

white at $1 50. Corn firm; demand good; receipts light.Barley stead at 60(7&68c. Bve steady at 90c. Oats unchanged. Flour firm, and good demand at yesterday'sprices; sa'es of 3560 bbls at $6 75 for superfine, and$6 90Z7 25 for extra. Whisky 800 bbls sold at 26c,being a decline of Ke: Provlaloos active, and no salesmade public.

Niw Yoac, June 9 P. M.Cotton buovsLt: tales 1000 bales at 11c for Upland

middlings. Firm- - declined; sales C000 bbls. Wheatheavy; sales 8000 bushe s Corn heavy; sales 21,000bushelt. Pork heavy at $17'7 25 for mess and $15fr prime. hlsky heavy at 27c. Cut meats heavy;7JiSJt' for sides and 637c for shoulders. Pig irondull at $24 25. Linseed oil declined X; sales atHides improving:: sales at !le. Tallow heavy at lOalie. Sugar stead: Muscovade 5X(tt6,Vr.

New Oelians, June 9 P. M.Sales of cotton to day 600 bales; the steamer's news

caused greater fi nines all qualities slightly advanced.Uorn declined 0:. Oats 60?. Whisky asc.

Cinoijisati, June 9 P. M.Flour more active, and market firmer; sales at $6 SO

6 95 for superfine; quotations at $6 75, 6 $0, and VJ.Wheat unchanged at 1 85(1 45 for red, $1 60 1 CO forwhite, and prime do. Cern tends to advance; quota-tions at S8c, delivered. Oats unsteady at 55c. Barleyand rye unchanged. Whisky dull at a decline of XcProvi.Ions unchanged In prices; sales of sides in bu'k at3W, and 6'i for shouldtrs: bacon shoulders at 7c. Nochange in groceries.

ITIonej market.Cihcinsati, June 9 P. M.

Exchange steady at X.New York Stock Jtlasjket.

Niw Yobk, June 9 M.Stoiks dull and heavv. Chicaeo and Rock Isl. 533:

IKioois Central 5.V; Michigan Southern quoted at Sj;New York C'Sutral J'.",'; Heading 86M: Virginia 6sMissouri 6s 64. U. 8. 5s of 1S74 1 i; Galena and Chicago 6S; Erie 5,; Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati9o5i; Lacrosse ianl grants li: Pacili j Mail Co. 6J?;Penn. Coal box; Illinois Central bonds bO; MichiganCentral 41; Cleveland and Toledo 25X; Tennessee 6s

uj; unio's or mw iu-'-




""9 We are prepared to furnlth our customersand rriends with the finest articles In

S stl Coral, Cameo, Garnet, Alinartlne,Pearl and Diamond Jewelry;Watches, Cocks, Spectacles;Silver and Plated Ware.

We respectfully inform the public in general, that wemanu'acture to order all kind ef Goods concerningGold and Silver Ware; do Piatlng and Repla'.ing; Setand Reset Diamonds and precious Stones: and warrantail ocr Manufactured Goods to be of the best material

Watches, Music Boxes, Clocks, carefully repalrtd andwarranted.

Country Merchants are respectfully invited to examine our stock, which we offer for sale at New Yorkprices. 111R&CUBUUL k DOLFiXGER.

ml'l dtf


At Ramsey's Jewelry Store, Main streetj OLICITS the patronage of those having fine WatchO es out of order. He will warrant satisfaction in lepairing and adjusting them with accuracy and dispatch

rebis dtr

JEWELRY STORE-FI- NE WATCHES.UNDER the National Hotel. The undersigned

invites his friends and the public to his choice assortment of every desirable artlcle,lncluding the

foUuKuig, all of which are offered en accommodating

mond. Jet, Miniature, Ac; Chains, Lockets, Kings, Ac:English, twiss and American Gold ana Silver vtatcnes,One Spectacles, Optic Glasses, surveyors' compasses,Watchmaker!' Materials, Manufacturers of silver-- are;Repairingin every department.

jyfcfdtr ttUME miuhiut, main street.

31. C. RAMSEY,

MAIN STREET.T INVITE attention to my new and beautiful GOODSX BlLVt-- WARE. PLATKD WARE.

JEWELRY.Rich and elegant designs of Coral, Pearl, Garnet,

Etruscan, Lava, and other styles, in variety, and atprices to please every taste.

WATCHES.English, Swiss and American, in Go! J or Silver Cases

de.irable in quality and at prices that cannot fail tomeet the wants of all.

CLOCKS.Constantly on hand the largest assortment in the city

FINE SPECTACLES.In this department I have a LARGE VARIETY, and

am determined to merit a continuation of the liberalpatronage that I have received for years past. Remember satisfaction is warranted in every case.

J. R. ESTERLEhas charge of the Watch-Makin- g De--artment. lapts dw M . C KAMStl,


AT WILLIAM KENDRICK'S,No. 71 Third street, between Main and Mark

I take pleasure in announcing that 1 havtnow a very complete stock of WATCHt-S- , JEW'LLRY and SILVER WARE, of latest styles, pro

cureu directly from the importers and manufacturersand many articles, especially of the Watch and Silveidepartment, are manufactured to my special order.

I shall make frequent additions to my stock durinUie unnstmas season.

The quality of my goods is warranted as representeend as low as the lowt-n-t ofsmeiuliv d'21 d Aw


AIR LIGHT.The Cheapest, tnost Brilliant, and tnat Convenient

Artificial Light in the World.THE Vesper Gas Light h.s won for itself a reputation

elegance, economy, safety and simplicity, far be-

yond any other artificial light. The Vesper Gas flameand nxtures precisely resemble in form those or coal gas;but in brilliancy and purity of light, it possesses a de-cided advantage over even Louisville coal g.s. It requires no chimney; there is no need of daily trimming ofwick; ana tne construction of the fixtures Is so simplethat it is not llalle to get out of order, and a child canmanage it readily. The gas burnt In the Vesper fixturesis generated from pure coal oil, without any admixtureof alcohol or other foreign Ingredient. It is entirelyfree from odor while burning, as by a simple contrivance, the vapor of the oil is mixed with the atmosphere,producing perfect combustion and a most intense light.The light has been pronounced, by those who have hadit in c instant use for months, as most pleasant to theeye while reading or sewing, th re being no flickering orunsteadiness in the flame. The Vesper Gas light is port-able, and can be used in town or country in fact, wher-ever artificial light is required. The fixtures themselvesare adapted In styles to suit all tastes, from the plainsiugle light burner to the most costly chandelier. Eachchandelier is perfect in Itself; there is no outlay to bemade for service pipes. The as Is generated In theburner, and all fixtures, frora the cheap single lightburner to the expensive chandelier, are miniature gasworks in themselves. They are sold at prices which donot exceed the cost of ordinary gas fixtures of similarstyles and ornamentation. A price list will be sent toany address on application.

MERCHANTSvisiting Louisville should not fall to procure the VesperGas fixtures for their stores.CHURCHES, HOTELS, PUBLIC HALLS AND

FiUVATE RESIDENCESthroughout the State ean now be fitted up with thoseelegant and convenient chandeliers, aid other beautifulgas fixtures, which add so much to the appearance ofsuch places, and to the eomfort of the home circle, andwhich, heretofore, could be used only In those favoreddistricts embraced within the coal gas limits of largecities.

The limited space of an advertisement precludes theInsertion here of tbe numerous testimonials of approvalwe have received from all quarters. Suffice It to say,scientific men and others who have examined and thor-oughly tested the merits of the Vesper Gas light, pro-nounce It the best and cheapest artificial light noknown.

W The proprietor respectfully requests responsiblemerchants in every town and county in the State to cor-

respond with him, believing they will find It to their In-

terest to aid him in introducing this unequaled light totheir customers.

Vesper fixtures and Coal Oil, prepared expressly forthis bu ner, kept constantly on hand, and for sale whole-

sale and retail. WM. H. SETTLE,mch!4 dtf No. Masonic Temple, Louisville, Ky.

QUAKTJR OITTTTwo Thread, Doable Lock, Tight Stitch


Price f45.is no o neap, chain single thread, ripping stitchTHIS but makes in every way the same TWO

THREAD, DOUBLE LOCK, TIGHT STITCff, asthe most popular d Machines do. Its work willnot rip uirvuiithovh every third tttich 1 4 cut. Theprinciple Is new, the Machine simple, easily adjusted,and not likely to get out of order. Sews from two com.mon spools without rewinding. They will Stiick, Zfnt,Tuck and QaUur have less machinery than any otherIn use, every part of which is strong and durable. Itssimplicity and strength particularly adapt It for plan-tation use. It sews the finest Muslin, heavy NegroClothing, or Leather, by simply changing the nee-dle and thread to suit the work. Samples of worksent by mall, full printed Instructions given with eachMachine sent out of town, ana personeunstructloa to allwithin cur reach. No.tMasonioTsmpls, Fourth street.

Address L. YOSKITT,o dly Bos 1840, Louisville, Ky.


SNYDER & M'CALLUM,Commission and Produce Merchants,

ho. 24 Wall strtst, between Main and Water.LOUISVILLE, KY.

Lsr Particular attention iv....!...,Grain and Produce. '"An extra article of family flour always on hand.

PHILLIPS &. Co- -Commission & Forwarding Merchants






Paper of all Kinds.CASH PAID FOR RAG3 at the Office of the

PAPER MILL, No. 477 Main st. d4

A.L.HOOI.... J.B. P. BOO!



FRENCH CHINA,Iron-Sto- ne China and Earthenware.


For Steamboats, Hotels and Families.Siiv&r-War- e, Britannia-War-t, Cutlery and Tancj

Coffe Um, Waiteri,anti every variety ofHOUSE FCUNISIIINGOOODI,

481 Market st., south side, bet. Fourth and Fifth,Janl LOUISVILLE, KIT. dtf





No.Vl Fourth street, 1 doort abort National Hotel,IP LOUISVILLE. KY. dtf


MANUFACTURER.No. 7 JetTerson afreet (north side).

between tiay ana ahtiby,And Third street, between Main and the river,

LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY.mOR the convenience of nr customers and the nublioL in the middle and lower part of the city, I have, besides ray Factory on Jefferson street, opened a store onthird street, between Main and the river, where I hopeo meet wun a large patronage in my line. )anltr


1 E3PECTFULLY Inform the nubile that th?v arprepared to execute all kinds of work in the above

tine. Also fsterns, Brands, Molds, Block Letters, WoodType, and large Wood Cuts. in the shortest notice and onthe most reasonable terms. Persons wanting workersrequested to call at tneir establishment on Jeffersonstreet, south side, between Third and Fourth, Louisville,

N. 15. urders lrom abroad promptly attended to.spt27dtf

WILLIAIM KAYEO ELL an d Brass Founder, Water street, between firs'J and Second, Louisville, Ky., is prepared to makebells (or Churches, Stenuboats, Taverns, Ac. of all sixes.ond of Superior tone, of which he keeps an assortmenton nana.

Also, Hose and Sail Screws, Oil Globes, Cylinder, Guagena mod uocks, or every size, Copper luvets, Spelteriuer ana crass castings oi every description.rT'CASU paid forold Copper and Brass. dll etf

JOHN F. HARVEY,No. 493 Market street, between Second and Third,

LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY,RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and the public

found at the above place, overMessrs. WATSON A STOUFFER'S Furniture Ware-room- s,

where he Is prepared to make to order and willkeep on hand Venltian Blinds of every sise, color andquality usual to the trade; also, to repair, repaint, and

old Blinds at short notice. From a practicalknowledge or tne business, and by strict attention toit,he hopes to give satisfaction to all who may deal withhim, and merit a liberal patronage. Prices reasonableand terms caah. janlldly

O. J. RAIDLE.454 JeDVrouet.,bet. Third and Fourth




To which he would call the attention of theladles and asks an examination cf them.

E2JAll kinds of Fringes, Cords and Tas-se- ls

made to order at short notice. jeSdtf

E. KICHTER,Galvanize, Fire Gilder and Plater

101 THIRD STREET,Between Market and Jeflerson, Louisville, Ky.rHABLE SERVICES, Forks and Spoons, Csstors, Walt--X. ers. Baskets, d Sets, and all articles of

S lver and Plated Ware renewed and replated in the beststyle and at the lowest rates.

Also, Watches, fancy Clocks and Jewelry, Tire Gilded in the best manner. apo dly

buyyoun. aHiriTsAT


No.S7, corner Fourth and Main streets.mil


Green street, between Sixth and Seventh,

LOUISVILLE, KV.Orders promptly attended to. mlSdSm




CLOTHING HOUSENo.4S7, corner of Main and Fourth streets,


TAILORING.BEN MASONWould respectfully Inform his friends and the

ftl public generally, that he has taken Room No.j 69, Fifth strset, between Main and Market,' H where he is prepared to make up Gentlemen's

own Material in the most fashionable style and work-manlike manner. From, his past experience in tbetrade, he flatters himself he can give satire satisfaction. Call and leave your orders before going elsewhere.

Cleaning aad Repairing neatly done and atthe shortest notice, imlldsmj he masu.--


Bnlllti street, Loulawllle, Ky..KIEPeonstantly on hand pure, medium, and No.t

and Head Light Oil, Nos. 1 and9 Lubricating Oil, Rosin Oil of different grades, andWheel Grease for wagons, drays and carriages. AlsoEkene's superior Paint Dryer, which is warranted to dryooner tnan any otner Dryer. Jyl4 dly

WALLACE POPE & CO.,GROCERS, Commission and Forwarding Merchants

In Clover and Timothy Seed, BourbonWhisky, Bagging and Bale Rope, Native and Foreign

Wlnei, Brandies, Ac, Ao.No. 652, Main street, four doors east of tbe Bank e

Kentucky, Louisville, Ky.ty Particular attention given to Ailing Southern orders. el5

COPARTNERSIII P.THE undersigned have associated themselves In the

trade to do business under the style of CRIT-TENDEN k GANTT. E. W. CRITTENDEN,

myadtf N. B. GANTT.

8CIIRO0T 4c LAVAL,MANUFACTURERS of Alcohol, Cologne, and Fare

In Old Bourbon and Monona-Wlskie- a.

West side Second street, between MaliWatr. LabUtII). K. WIS rtAwtf

VEMTIAN BLIND FACTORY,Third street, bet. Main and Market.

VENITIAN BLINDS of every sise, color and pricelor Country Merchants, cheap.

Blinds repaired and Blind Trimmings for sale.EntaS'LhedlHV feb19 fiAw B EN J. FLOOD.

FLOUR, LIME AND CEMENT,CONSTANTLY oa hand and receipts dally.

It to their lcte.est to call beforepurchasing elsewhere.

PETER SMITH, Main street,feblTdtf between First and Saeood.


DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES,Marketstrest, between Third and Fourth, south side.

Wl have on hand a well selected stock of Drugs,and Pharmaceutical Preparations,

which we guarantee of the best quality. , .

Particular attention given to Phyrtdan' or-dere. febS


North tidt Marktt ttrttt,btt. Third A Fourth,TRANSACT a general BROKERAGE BUSINESS. All

Money, Land Warranta.Gold and Stiver,Bought and Sold.

Orders for Tick tts In the Shalbv Collers or HavanaLotteries promptly filled.

" UonnaBleUoa""',uy eonldssUsl.dtf




ON and after SUNDAY, the imh of May, 1S59,will ran as follows:

Nashville Express Train leaves the Denot rf.n. .tLouisville at 6.35 a. ., stopping at Shepherdsvllle, Junc-tion, EUsabethtown, and all ether regular Stationswhen signaled with a Bag arriving at Munfordsvlllc at10:47 A. M. Returning, leaves Munfordsvlllc at 1:50 P

stopping at the same places: arriving at Louisvilleat:S6 P. M.

Lebanon Express connects daily (Sundays exceptedl.at Junction with Nashville Express 6:23 A. M., stoppingat New Haven and all regular Stations when flagged;arriving at Lebanon lu:50 A. M. Returning, leaves Leba-non at 1:36 P. M.; stopping at the same places, arrivingat Junction and connecting with the Nashville ExpressTrain to Louisville at 4:00 P. M., arriving In Louisvilleby the last named Train at 5:56 P. M.

Nashville Accommo lation leaves Louisville dally(Sundays excepted), at 2:50 P. M.. stopping atShepherdsvllle, Junction, Ellsabetown, and otherStations when signaled by flag; arriving at Munfords- -vllleat6:46 P. M. Returning, leaves MunfordsviUe at5:45 A. M., stopping at the same Stations; arriving atitfuiavine at :ii A. M.

Lebanon accommodation connects daily fSundavsexcepted), at Junction with Nashville accommodation.

leaving junction at 4:'i4 P. M.; stopping at NewHaven aad all regular Stations when flawed: arrlvlneat Lebanon at 6:4: P. M. Returning, leaves Lebanon ato:v a. an. stopping as above arriving at and connecting at Junction with the Nashville accommodationtrain to Louisville at 7:55 A.M., and arriving in thelast named Train in Louisville at 9:57 A. M.

Pusengersby the6:15 A.M. Train stoo atthe JnnetlonSO minutes tor Breakfast, and connect at Munfords- -vllle with Stages for Mammoth Cave, Bowling Green,Bear Wallow, Glasgow, Gallatin, Nashville, and allSouthern points, and by Leoanon Express Train theyconnect at new uaven wun stages lor Barastown; atLebanon, with Stages for Danville, Perryvllle,

Crab Orchard, Somerset Campbelisvllle,Greensburar, Columbia, Burksvllle, Ac.

Freight Trains leave daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:--

A. M., arrive in Louisville at 12:50 P. M.Jltr earing apparel alone consJ:utes baggage, ofhkh each pissenger is allowed clemv pounds Other

articles than baggage will be charged Express freight,and must oe pU t j th Express Company. Axtra baggage will be charge'! . and must be paid to the Baggagaasaster. imavsti JAS. Jr. ttlMBLs. Bud s




GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE!mERMlNATES AT WASHINGTON andX, Baltimore on the Catt; and Wheeling. Benwood andrarsersourg.on tne Meal; at which places It unites withRailroads, riieamers, Ac, (or and from ail polntsin the

Weil, Soatliweet stud Northwest.Fare to New York and lKton ONE DOLLARless than

via any other route.TWO TRAINS

Leave Wheeling daily at 8:05, P. M., and 11:30A.M.

Dlrectconnections are made by theseTralnsFOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES.

This Is the only route to Wsshington City.Passengers by this route can visit Baltimore, Phila-

delphia, New York and Boston, at the cost of a tickst toBsetoo alone, by other lines.

Thrcugh Tickets to the fcmtern cities can be procuredvia Washington City at an ad i'tional charge of 1 2.

Quick time and sure connections.Inquirsfor Tickets via the BALTIMORE ANDOHI0

RAILROAD, at any of the principal Railroad Offices Inthe Wsst. E. 9. FULLER, General Western Agent.

L. M. COLE, General Ticket Agent.W. P. Smith, Master Transportation. aplt dtf



WEST.The Great Western and Northwest Short Line Route,

viacw Albany and Salem Railroad.

FARE TO CHICAGO REDUCED TO 3 00.Passengers for Rock Island, Burlington, Iowa City, and

all points Northwest will save OneDollar by taking this Route.

CHANGE OF TI7IE.ANEW Time 1 able will go into tff. ct on this road on

the 2"th inst., to correspond with a gen-eral change of all the Western roads. Trains will berun as fallows :

Guisa North Leave New Albany Chicago Mall, at3.30 A. M.; St. Louis Day Express at 12.05 p. M.; St. LouisN'.gnt tx press at. so f M.

Goisq SortH Arrive at New Albany St. Louis NightExpress at 4.20 A. M ; Chicago Mail at 3.43 P. M .; bULouis Day Express at T.06 P. M.

B1UGAGE CHECKED THROUGH.Being thirty miles shorter than any other Route

to at. Louis, and its Trains connecting closelv with adPassenger Trains on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad,and waiting Indefinitely for O. A M. trains when thev aredelayed, Insures to passengers reliable connections atMitchell, to or from at. Louis or Cincinnati.

t3TPasjengers and Baggage taken to and from anypart of the city and the Lars Ires of charge.

Through Trains connect at Greencastle wtththeTerreHaute and Richmond Railroad, Wsst for Tcrre Hauteand !t. Louis, and Eat for Indianapolis. At Lafayettewith the Toleilo, and Wanash Railway w est for Springfield and all points West, and East for Toledo. Andwith the Michigan Southern and N irihern Indiana R. R.for Toledo an.1 Cnlcago and all Intermediate tations.-An- d

at Michigan City with the Michigan Central Rail-road for Chicago anil all points West and Northwest.Also for Detroit and all points East.


New Albany Sc Salem Railroad.f3f"Geceral Office 603 Main street, aouth side, be-

tween Second sn l Thirl, LOUISVILLE, Ky., whereTHROUGH TICKETS and further Information can beobtained. Also at Ticket Office, Louisville Hotel.

Trains are run by Louisville Time.R. E. KICKER, Sup't.

A. B. BARKER, Ticket Agent, Louisville.New Albany, Jau. 1, 1S59. janlT dly


13 SiHannibal and M. Joseph iiailroad

OF MISSOURI,OPENS Its entire leagth or the transportation of

freight, af&rdin a (is shortest, quick- -et, and cAipt route to Weetern Miouri, Iuica,A'antas, Nthrakti,and the NEW GOLD MINES.

on and after Feb. 14, 1S59, trii,s leave Hannloal forSt. Joteph daily at I o'clock A. M., or upon arrival ef U.and S. J. R. R. packet from St. Louie arriving In it.Joxeph at T o'clock P. M same day, connecting with R.R. line of s PavkeU, which leave Immediatelyon arrival of trams for Xeoraxka City, Omaha, Coun-cil Bluff, Atchixm, WVsfon, and Leavenworth City.

THE H. A ST. JOE R. R. LINK OF PACKET Iscomposed cf the most elegant and comfortable steam'ers on the Mississippi river, and run trprely in connection with this road, boats leaving S . Louis every davat 3 o'clock P. M. for Uanmbal, (stoppins only atAlton,) taking passengers arriving by V.dc M. auJ I.H. A. dt S. L. R. R.'t, by which passengers from St.Louis arrive In St. Jot in 2i hourt, from Louisville inthirty tin hour ; also from Quincy close connectionIs made by a fine eteatner with trains oa Chicago andQuincy ana Toledo and Quincy Iiailroad. Fartloicer than any other route. Baggage checked throughand handled free. No extra charge for mealt andStateroom on pacxets.

Emigrant aestring to accompany their stock maydepend on going through by fast jreignt eerpree train,Freight taken at lowest river rates

Passengers are respectfully requested to consider thisne, short, and cheap route be' ore selecting ethers, asIt has unquestionable advantages over all others, and lathe only route by which THROUGH TICKETS to SUJoseph by railroad can be purchased. Tickets for saieat all the railroad offices. For further Information andall contracts apply to J. H. BOWEN,

General Agent, St. Louis, Mo.P. B. GROAT, General Ticket Agent, (.tt.ik.,JOSIAH HUN f , Superintendent. (

feb22 dly


ED3JEFFERSOiWILLE RAILROADfTlRAlNS leave Jeffersonville (opposite Louisville)jLQauy.Punaayj excepted, as louows:045 A.M., 11 A. IT!., AND 10 P. M.7 A. M. train goes only to Seymour, connecting with

Special Train to Cincinnati. Time through by this train.O nours.

11 A. M. Train makes close connections at Seymourwlih trains on the Ohio A Mississippi Road for St. Louis,Cairo and the South and w est, and arrives at 4.40 r. U.at Indianapolis, connecting eitn evening trains for St.Louis and Uie West, Chicago and the North weet, Toledo,Detroit and the North, New York, Philadelphia, Balti-more, B"iflD, and all the principal Eastern cities.

10 P. M. Train makes close connections at Seymour forSt. Louis and the Weat and Cincinnati and the East, andarrives at Indianapolis at 4 A. M., connecting withMornibg Express Trains for the East, West and North.

EHfThrough to New York in Si hours. Baggagechecked to all the principal cities.Fart at Low and Titnt at Quick at ly any other

Routt.fTralns leave Indianapolis at 10.20 A. M. and

U. P. M.EVTrains leave Seymour at J.40 A. M., 1.83 A. M.

and 6.13 P. M.tarTrains arrive at Jefferson rill at 4.80 A. M.. 4.03

9. M. and 8.15 P. M.Passengers arriving in Louisville, either by the Louis-Ti- ll

k Frankfort or Louisville A Nashville Railroads,morning or evening, make close connections with trainson this route to the East, Wet, North ana South.

sF Througn Tickets and furtaer Information givenat the Office of the Jeffersonville R. R. Co.. No. Da'southeast corner Main and Third streets, Louisvilla.ayn or at tne uepc t in J effersonvllle, Ind

8. J. LITTLE, Agent,A. S. CROTH&RS, SupU

H. H. KariOLD GsnM Ticket Agent. my 81 dtf



ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER lth,lS3leave Cincinnati as follows:

9. A. M. DAT EXPataa Stopplne at way stations.4:13 COLUMBUS ACCOMMODATION StOBDine al

Intermediate stations.11:80 P.M. NIGHT EXPRESS Stopping atLcv.lani

Morrow, Corwln.Xsnla, and London.Connection are made by the S A. 91.uuu sr. iia. trains ror


11:80 P. M., runs daLy, except SATURDAYS.xneotner trains run aally, exceptFOR THROUGH T1CKA1B and all f!.4!lH.

ply ai the Offices, Walnut streetPouse.be .ween Sixthand Seventh, No. 1 Burnett Hoe soatheast orner ofBT2?.m, ,ronl ,lr. nd at the Eastern Depot.

Trains run by Columbua tlma. whiofaster than Clnolnnatl time.

J. DURAND, Superintendent,as? Omnibuses call for pasaeng-r- s Janll dtf

4'itaa.i nai.iDRAYO k SON .dealers In wOAL, Third street, besweea

and Market, ban on hand . nsA .PitUbuTf and Tomhluchecv CoaL wMh th..Fred to furnish In large quantities or sy the load to meetthe wishes of purchaser. They invite partleular attsttoa to their saperlor Coal. Orders promptly attend to.

ustavu a sum. Third swr sea,4U tetwsea Maia aad Markst mk.




munirye-- i it'i'V XZODTIO




St. Louis to MemphisT&AVZLE&S from the Ohio Valley, the upper

Lakes, taking the various trains forCairo, and reaching there at 6:30 a. M., arrive at

p. m. aame day, via Mobile and Ohio andMemphis and Ohio roads.

Time froct St. Louis to Memphis and Louisville toMemphis from one to three days shorter on this routethan by the river steamers.

BaffSage Checked Through.Passengers for New Orleans have a choice oftw

routes:Via railroad to Mmphls and steamer to New Orleans.Via do tio aud steamer to Ylcksburg

and railroad to New Orleans.CLOSE CONNECTIONS AND NO DELATA.

TIIIIOUCII TICKETSFor sale at the office of Illinois Central Railroad, Chi-cago; Ohio and Mississippi, St. Louis and Cincinnati, andNew Albanv.Salsm, and Jeffersonvll'e raiiroaia, Loaie-vlll-

HENJtV COFFIN,Superintendent Memphis aad Ohio Railroad,

mylO dtNovl Memphis, Tena.


15 :T2 HI-- jgy wVw iOH RAT IN DUCEMENTTO SHIPPERS.I AM now prepared to give through receipts by Mail-bo-

and Little Miami Railroad for freight to NewYork, Philadelphia, Ba Umore and Boston, at the lc wtstrates.

Shippers by this route may always rely on bavin,thetr freight forwarded with quick dispatch.

Parties having pr.Juce to ahlp to any point East, willfind it to thslr a.i vantage to call on me before makingcontracts with other Roads.

Rates always as low as by other routes, and freihpat through iu the shortest possible time.For further information, apply to

FRANK CARTES, Agsnt,feb97 rttf fli Main .treot.


PRIVATE .TIED1CAI. DISPENSARY,Etalllht for the relief of tht mug-utde- and

votary offUe pUiur, co, jindina thathe hat imbibed the e'U of a certain UnUhton dit-t-ie-t,

m, from an iiUtime-- i nt of ehatnt, deterredfrom applying to a Ph urieian, icfume knosoledgt andtteperUnctean alone befriend him in duartet.

DR. GATES CAN BEconsulted at his office the onformerly occupied by Dr. King --

where he would tail the atten-tion of ail thoa aiflletad wltl.disease of a pritalt or conjt- -aeniuit aature, to tne new mthod of treaUaectaa practiced inthe English aad French hospi-tals. Having for several years

made this cias of diseases a srsciaiJTT, with the knowl-edge he has of them, warrants him In saying thai therela no form or symptom which they assume that la with-out a ,ulck and permanent cur.

YOUNG MEN Who, ay indulging In solitary habits,have contracted thai andIng disease, seminal weakness, which leads to the mostalarming and fatal consequences, saould apply Immediate-ly, either in person or by letter, and have a cure ejectedby his new and scientific mode of treatir.g this disease,whleh nei' r fails of effecting a quick and radical cure.

MI3DLE-AGE- and OLD MSN whe, by eiceslveth-'- .r paslons, have pro luced a debility

In advance of their years, ran consult Dr Gates withthe fullest assurance of being aia restored to thaistate of health which they weald have enjoy sd had theysever committed any excess.

Persons conterai'iann; marriage, aui having anjdoubts as to their physicM ability to enter Into thaisolemn contract, should apply at once to Dr. Gates, whowill remo7 all obstacles to prevent along and happyfe.

There are persons who Indulge the fond yet trratloaal belief that nature is capable of resuming without aesistance her lost powers. To such 1 can only say, ththe time which Is wasted in this delay is precious and lrretrievable, and ean only tend to perpetuate the ha Itof hopeless Imbeciil'.ty and render impotency per aeat

During my residence In this city I have met with nu-merous cases In which the suffering have unfortunatelyplaced themselves under the charge of these who are Ig-

norant of the first principles of medicine, and whom Ithas been only by the utmost care and attention 1 havebeen enabled to cure. To ail such as have been suffer-ing under unsuccessful treatment, I would offer my ser-vices, guaranteeing that 1 can do all that Is possible furexperience and a thorough knowledge of diseases in ailstages and forms to accomplish.

TO THE LADIES Dr. G. Is agent for M. La Crous'French Preventive Powders, by which those who, fromany cause, deem it necessary to avoid conception, esado so, w.dout Incurring danger to health or cocsUtutlcn;price 1. Also, aspect for Mausue Caprauai's Fema.eWontMy Pills, a safe and effectual remedy for Irregulari-ties, Obstructions, Ac; price 1. Clerical These Hl'aShould not be taken duricat Preu&ncy, as they are sureto produce miscarriage. The Pills and Powder sent bymall to any part of .

Persccs at a cay ts caret at tome by ai.dressing aletter, stating eaj , symptoms, length cf t!rthe disease has continued, and hav medicine" forwardedfree from iamars cr eurcsUy, to any j.art of th coun-try, with fal tnJ plain d.rcc:ions for ue.

Letters atlag ur; saut con-a- fl, or no no ticwill be taken of t.em, for his time is too much occupiedto answer letters of mere curiosity. A so, orders forPills jr Poeusr miut oca lain a posugs stamp.

Consultation may be held from a a. n. to sa.,(onSunday from 9 to 12 a. m.,) a.L'.oce, northeast corn-er of Third ani Mirk el srWi'--j nlftu eatranc onThird street, Lt.uisv:li, Sy.

lea'" Secrecy Inviolable 1 Don't forgt ts nmamber. AU ietwrs should be alJrewed to

H. GATL3, U. ifebllBdwtf Louisa. Rf.

DR.WM.PRICF. Tenters U the public, and

vw warrants we effectmU cure of- diseases:the fol'-'n-;, J jcrufula, Caneer, P!!es, Sore

riTT' KTe Chills, Chronic Diarrhoea,--ffcj, ) Sypnillis in il of Its staea. Fis

tula, without OJiOff the ka.f : or other painful remedies.And I retnJVe the horn I coneaenoe of Onai.ia

or I caa cure tr.ese d.seiMe, and haveproof to MStaln this. The statement of such en. a aDr. Wm-- L. Breckinridge, Judge jranatn, Juae Loving,Judge Cnderwood, "aad many others too hameroiutvtmenu n."

Wa have read ths above card of Dr. Price, and someof us have known him long, and all of us have noticedthe success which bas ailsnded his efforts In curing theabove-name-d diseases, and we Jo not hesitate to addthis testimonial of oar unqualified approval of whathas been said ty the highly reputable gentlemen abovereierrel to.

Geo. W. Johnston, City Ju.le; J. I. Dosler; T. B.Crawford, Mayor, W. S. D. Meowan, Siienff; Dr. L.Porter; Dr. Davit ee.

I was cared of fistula by Dr. Pries In less than thirt y

days. JOS. YOUCB.of the firm of Youce A S n, L uisvUl.

Dr Price cured a negro man of m:n of ustula, in twoor three weeks. W. W. bORD.

Office on Market street, between Sixth and Seventh,oaisvUle, Ky. m!3 dlmA4-- l


VO. 1 is Invaluable for relaxation, spermatorrhoea1.1 and physical exhaustion, and is a tonic.

No. 3 completely eradicates ail traces of these di-

seases tia: bave been hitiierto treated by the nauseouaand pernicious use of copavia and cubeba.

No. 8 has entirely supplanted the injurious use ofmercury, dispersing all the Impurities and rooting outthe venom of disease, thereby lnsnrisg to the suffererspeedy relief.

Trisaemar, No. 1, 1 and S, are prepared In th formof a losenge, devoid of taste or eme d, and can be car-

ried In the waistcoat pocket. Soid lu tin cases, andInto separate doses as administered by Yalpeaa,

Lailemaa, Roux, Ricord, eto. Price H each, or 4 caseeIn one for , which saves and In 27 cases, where-by thsre Is a saving of i. To be had wholesale and re-

tail, of Dr. BARROW, 14 Bleeker Street, New York.Immediately oa receiving a remittance. Dr. Barrow willforward the Irieeemar to any part of the world, secure-ly packed, and addressed accordin to the Instructionof th writer. K. S. IMERSON, Agent,

Cor. Broadway and Congress streets,nl3 dAwly Cincinnati, O.


Just Pnblished Gratis, theTwentj-fitt- Thousand,A FIWWORD3 O.N THE RATIONAL

JyM Mf Treatment, withsut Medicine, of Sper-JtS-

matorrhea or Local Weakness, NoiurytimmtW nal Eaiiaalons, Gen ial and NerveusPremature Decay of tne System, Lmpoteacy and

LnpeUimente of Marriage generally,BY B. DE LASEY, M. D.

The Important fact that '.he many alarming complaint,originating in the imprudence aad eolitule of youth,may be easily removed wrrBoCTMsnicue, Is In this sxa ailtract clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new andhighly successful treatment, as adopted by tne Author,fullj explained, by means of whicn every ene is enabledto cure HiassLT perfectly and at the least poaibl cost.thereby avoiding aj the adveiue4 noetriune of theday.

Sent to any address, gratis and post free In a sealedenvelope, by remitting (post paid) two p stage stamps tDr. B. DB LANEY, S3 East &ist street. New York City.

lent aawiy

Worms! Worms!WORMS!

THE season la at hand woca tneae scourges efbegin to become both troublesome and dan-

gerous. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORMDESTROYER la a remedy alias pleasant and effect!for the evIL There Is not th least difficulty In gettingchildren to tats the medicine. It Is prepared in theform ef Candy Drops, and U1 beeat.n with avidity kychildren of all agea. It desm y and expel wormsmore effectually than any remedy now In use, while atthe same time It will in no way affect lniuxlaualy thehealth of the child.

Sold wholesale and ret an by Dr. BULL, at his Depeten Fifth street, north of Main, and by Drugsls gener-ally throughout th country. apS dAvia


door below Third, LoeisvtUe, Ry., ssana-- s

factorere of all kinds ef Blank Books, aau'keep constant! v oa hand a large aseorVi

ssent for sale either at wholeaal or retail. IMerchanu aad ether wishing Blank Booka saade toe

order can have theoa ruled amd bouad to any paper aapaged Is Beautiful and aeearate style. j

Every description of Book Binding set4earaea (able terns. I

Steamboat Book ef all kinds constantly kept a iaad(aad saade to order at short aotlee, aad ef the An est saa--serials. f

Ooontry Merchants are Invited to examine ear etoek.emprtaing a large assortment er ecnooi, aiiseeuaneoaa

aal Blank aooaa, raper, ouuuuuery, ma- -, au si waiSMwUl be sold oa reasonaoi terms.

WEBB k LITE RING,fll BaakMllave aad SUaak Bok Maker.

NOTICE.JL o!ved en the feainst., by the death of &. W. aoow-- .tta. The surviving partner la charged with the ssttis i

laent or tne affair oi tne late arm. ana will muUiuthe same aaissa as u eia stana in nia ewe aaae.

aU du . a. BaJAARgcx,