THE COURTS. Thursday, May 23,1889. Department 1? Cheney, J* People vs. Frank Toal, charged with assault to commit murder?Defendant pleaded not guilty. Cause placed on the trial calendar, and bail fixed in $7 000 People vs. Mike Daley?Defendant foand guilty of burglary in the second degree and sentenced to San Quentui for two years and a half. . , People vs. T. W. Lyons?Jury stood eleven for acquittal and one for con- viction, and were discharged. People vs. Proch and Williams? Cause continued for trial on July Bth. Department 2--Clark, J. Fstate of K. A. Morris, deceased?Ac- counts settled and distribution ordered as prayed for. Estate of J. F. Ledden, deceased- Petition for distribution continued until to-morrow. Estate and guardianship of Grace Bean, a minor?Petition for order authorizing petitioner to to consent to a partition?Continued to the 24th instant at 10 a. m. Estate of M. Ornelas, deceased?Ac- counts settled and distribution ordered. Estate of E. Sepulveda, deceased- Order to show cause continued to 31st inst. Estate of Joseph Durston, deceased? Accounts settled and distribution or- dered. Estate of Allen T. Lane ?Confirmation of sale of personalty continued to the3lst inst. Estate of Minnie J. Caldwell?Settle- ment of accounts and distribution con- tinued to May 31. Estate of H. Andrei, deceased?Letters of administration continued to May 31. Estate and guardianship of the Gas- sagne minors?Letters of guardianship continued to May 31. Estate and guardianship of the Wolf- skin minors?Letters of guardianship; taken under advisement. Estate of John W. Grannis, deceased? Sale of realty confirmed, Estate of F. Harper, incompetent?Sale of realty confirmed. Estate of F. P. de Lugo?Order to Bhow cause heard and granted. Estate of 0. F. Harman?Letters of administration continued to May 31. Latham vs. Sloan & Mudge?Twenty days from date to defendant to answer or demur to plaintiff's complaint. Roberts vs. Aguirre?Case having been settled is dismissed, M. Kelleher et al. vs. C. H. Creciat? On trial. Winalow vs. Weed?Ten days' further time to defendant to answer. Hutchinson vs. Harcourt?Continued to be reset. Davenport vs. Fitzhenry?J. C. Ben- nett and George Barnard allowed to file a complaint in intervention. Stewart vs. Phillips?Continued to and reset for Tuesday, June 25th. Department 3? Wade, J. Murray Simmons, an imbecile boy, was, after examination, committed to the home for imbecile children. Smith vs. Los Angeles Immigration Co.?Continued for the session. Bird vs. Lockwood?Ten days' addi- tional time to amend the complaint. Barllej et al. vs. California Central Railway Co., and Meeks et al. vs. same defendant?Set for Monday, May 27th, at 2 p. m. Matthews vs. Neal?On trial. Department 1 - Van Dyke, J. Baron vs. Urbason ?On trial. Lazzarovich vs. Glees ?Continued to May 24th, at 10 a. m. Department a Mmw. J. George H. Williams vs. G. L. Den- nison?Findings and judgment signed. L. Jacobi vs. Chas. Knobloch ?Find- ings and judgment Bigned. In re insolvency of H. N. Elliott?Ten days' additional time granted James C. Kays to filebond as assignee. Steere vs. Whittaker ?Set for June Bth. George Carr vs. A. Jarequi et al. ? Findings and judgment ordered for de- fendant. * A. L. Wright vs. Mary C. Wright- Findings and judgment ordered for plaintiff. E. F. Rußh vs. A. 0. Payne?Contin- ued for the session. E. R. Bryant vs. same defendant ? Continued for the session. Union Lumber and Supply Company vs. Wattel et al.?Default of defendant set aside, and ten days granted to an- swer. Judson vs. 'Wilson?Ten days' addi- tional time granted to defendant to answer. Herman Kockeman vs. Charlotte Bickel et al.?Findings and judgment for defendant. Department 6-JM.cKinley, J. People vs. Lee Sam et al. ?Defendants Lee Sam and Ah Lee acquitted, and Ah Sing and Lee Quong convicted, and Mon- day, the 27th, set for sentence. People vs. Ah Ming?Case dismissed. People vs. Joe Claverie?Defendant acquitted. New Canes. Samuel G. Grove sues Robert, Joseph and James White to foreclose a mort- gage securing the payment of a promis- sory note for $6,333.33. D. H. Hostetter sues Mary A. Saun- ders and Charles W. Saunders to fore- close a mortgage securing payment of a promissory note for $4,000. W. T. Knight et al. sue Wm. and C. H. Converse to compel the implement- ing of a contract to purchaße certaiu real estate for $25,300, by the payment of $8,433, balance of said price still due. marriage License. The following license to wed was is- sued by "Cupid" Whitney, of the County Clerk's office, yostsrday: Bela P. Mackoon and Alice P. Adams, the former a native of Now York and the latter of Illinois. Tiic Culver Case. The case of Wm. Culver,who is charged in company with Dr. J. M. Downs, of having produced abortion on his wife at Com,pton, was again continued in Justice Lockwood's Court yesterday. The wife of the defendant, Mrs. Ella Culver, was not present, and the Constable oaid he could not find her. An Assistant District Attorney said that he had been informed that she had taken the train for the north, and had gone to Ventura. Justice Lock- wood said, when he continued the case, that ho waa satisfied that there was an effort to quash the case by keeping the prosecuting witness away. The case was continued until to-morrow morning. Could Not Agree. The jury in the Lyons caEe, which has occupied the attention of Judge Cheney for several days, failed to agree. It was stated that eleven were in favor of acquit- ting Lyons, and one was for conviction. Lyons was charged with perjury, alleged to have been committed at Lancaster. Excursion to Catalina, Thursday, Msy 30th, FINANCE AND TRADE. Financial. EXCHANGE REVIEW 1 NewYobk, May 23.?The transactions In the I stock market to day were unusually heavy and the strength of the market was in keeping with the amount of trading. The general bullish feeling was so strong, and the advances made by the leading shares bo material, that all op- position to the upward movement was over- come and the entire list moved up in unison after 12 o'clock. St. Paul was by longodds the great feature of the day and Itfurnished nearly one third oi the entire transactions lnthe listed stocks. The active list Is almost invariably higher, and St. Paul is up -'-?. Lackawanna l'' H , St. Paul preferred iy? Rock Island l'- 4 , Atchi- son V _ and Lake Shore 1. Government bonds were dull and steady. Petroleum opened steady at 83a. and closed steady at 83%c. MONET QUOTATIONS. New Yobk, May 23.?Money on call easy at iK@2Ko. Prime mercantile paper, Sterling exchange dull and steady; $4.ST 1 , for ilxty-dajbills: $4.88Ji for demand. Bar silver, 92%c. per ounce. San Fbancisco, May 23.?Silver bars, 92' 4 @92% c. per ounce. STOCKS AND BONDS. Mew Yobk, May 23.?Closing quotations: 0. 8.45, reg 129%,N.P.Preferred 64 U. 8. 4s, coup 129!, Northwestern 111^ 0. 8. Reg .. .100,41 N.Y. Central 108^ U. B. 4;-jB,coup.. .107J 4 Oregon Imp't 55 Pacific «s 121)* Navigation 937-6 American Ex. ...116 Transcontinental. 36% Canada Pacific. 56V Pacific Mall 37J4 Janada Sou 54V Reading 47 Jentral Pacific... 35., Rock Island. 99! 4 Burlington 103^ 4 St. Paul 73 D. L. &W 142J-?iSt. Paul 4 Omaha 36^ Denver* Rio Gr .117 St! Louis AB. F... 22 trie 28%, Texas Pacific 21% Sans * Texas 111' 4 Union Pacific 61' 4 Lake Shore iov , v. B.Express ?.->< . CAN 68-y Fargo 142 Mich Central 89» B Western Union... m% Missouri Pacific. 74' j Am. Cotton 0i1... 56? 8 Northern Pac. 28%\ Bobton, May 23.?Closing prices: A ATfirst 7s 1 16% Mcx Cent c0m.... Wtt AATRR 46 Mcx Cen Ist mbs 11*4 Burl AQuincy,...lo.i'V3an Diego L'd Co. 25 MININQ STOCKS. San Fbancisco, May 23.?The following arc the closing prices: Best A Belcher.s3.9o Potosl 2.35 Chollar 3.45 [Savage 2.70 Con. Virginia... 7.87 1 .. Sierra Nevada.. 285 Gould ACarry.. 245 Union Con 3.75 Hale ANorcross 425 I Yellow Jacket.. 4.00 New Yobk, May 23 ?Mining shares closed as follows: Amador 1.00 Mono 1.40 Bodio 1.40 Mutual.. 1.40 Con. Cal. A Va.. 7.62 jSBelle Isle 1.00 Commonwealth 4.00 Ontario 34.00 Dunkin 120 Ophir 435 Deadwood 1.25 [Plymouth 10.00 Eureka Con 1.70 Savage 2.50 El Cristo 1.20 (Sierra Nevada.. 2.70 Hale ANorcross 400 Standard 1.00 Homestake 8.00 Sullivan 1.20 Horn Silver 1.05 Union Con 3.50 Iron Silver 175 Yellow Jacket.. 4.00 Mexican 3.50 Grata markets. DOMEBTIC. Ban Fbancisco, May 23. ? Wheat ?Quiet. Buyer season, $1.28J 8 per cental; buyer '89, $1.31%. Barley?lnactive and stronger. Buyer season, per cental. Corn?Large yellow,Sl.l2'.j per cental; small yellow, $1 25: white, $1 05. Chicaoo, May 23.?1:15 r. M. close?Wheats Easier. Cash, 80'_e. per bushel; June, 80' 4c; July, 76%c. Corn?About steady. Cash, 33\c. per bushel; June, 33 11-H.c; July, 34c. Oats?Steady. Cash, 22 r, ?c. per bußhel; June, 22 U-lOc: July, 22 ; ' 4 c Rye?Dull. 40c. per bushel. Barley?Nominal. FOREISN. Livebpool. May 23.?Wheat?Dull; holders offer moderately. California No. 1, Gs.9d.tio 65.10 d. per ceutal; red western winter, 6s-4d. Corn?Quiet and steady. Fruit Sales. Chicago. May 23 ?Potter Bros. ACo., agents for tbe California Fruit L'uion. held the first auction this season of California fruit to-day. One thousand four huudred and sixty-seven boxes of cherrles from San Jose and San Lo- renzo brought +2.303. Black Tartariaus Bold at If 1.40&1.80 per box. Black big Gerau sold at $1.60,91.80. Black Rockports sold at $1.25. General marKets. New Yobk, May 23.?Hops?Firm. Coffee?Options opened steady, 10@15 points up, and closed firm, 15(025 points up. Sales, 36,000 bags. May. $10 40@lt> 50; June. $16.45 (916.50; July, [email protected]. Spot Rio dull; lair cargoes, 18%c. Sugar?Raw firm; fair refining, li'/JC.; sales, 6,000 bags centrifugals, 96 test, 7%c. ; refined firm and in gcod demand. Copper?Dull aud easier. Lake, May, $12 20. Lead?Dull but easier. Domestic, Tin?Quiet and steady. Straits, $20.35. Chicaso, May 23.?Whiskey-$1.02. Shoulders, [email protected]; short clear, @6.25; short ribs, $5 [email protected] Pork?About steady. Caßh, June, July, $11.77}*. 1, ard?Steady. Cash, $6.67.,; June, $6.67H: July, $6.72> 2 @0.70. DAILY REAL ESTATE RECORD. Published by tne Abstract ana Title Insurance Company «f Loi An- geles. Thursday, May 23, 1889. CONVEYANCES. Oscar E Dunton to Francisco D Joy?Lots 1 and 2 blk 1, Kvey's sub blk 166, Pomona; $4,000. L vis Phillips to HA Palmer? N'i lot 2 blk F, Phillips' add as per map No 1, part of Phil- lips' add, Ponsona: $3,000. HA Palmer to Louis Brosseau?N! _ lot 2 blk 1 F. map No. 1, part of Phillips' add, Pomona: $5,000. WB Johnson to Mrs Elmina A Fisher, wife of ! J A Kisher-Blk 1 and lots t; to 23 mcl, blk 2 and lots 1 to 12 mcl and 27, blk 3 and lots 1 and 2, Wright's sub lots 78 95 and 96, McDon- ald tract; $4,000. : Emma Bamesberger and C Bamesberger to Mrs Elmina A Fisher ?Blkß 4 5 6. and lots 13 and 14 blk 3, all ln lot 96 and lot 6 blk 7 of lot 95, Wright's sub McDonald tract; $4,000. Mrs Elmina A Fisher and J H Fisher to Fred D Hazard? li acres on east Bide lot 1, lots 2 and 6 part of block 7, also lots 6 7 89 10 11 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 and 23 block 2, lots 6to 14 inclußive and 27 block 3, lots 13 14 15 1617 20 2122 23 and 24 block 4, all of block 5 Wrights sub lots 95 96 snd 78 McDonald tract , $8000. . , Sarah AChurchill to Jacob Wledler?NWf 4 of 8W> 4 lot 4 block C, Phillips add l'omon» tract; $1000. . . W B McCormlck to R Williams-Lot 5 block A, J D Yocum sub part of Grogan tract, also 1.80 acres ln Ro San Pasqual, also 1 acre com- mencing on south line lot 4 Metcalf sub oflots 9 and 12 block I. San Pasqual tract; JIOOO. WW Jenkius to U G Stevenson?NE' 4 of sec 7, allofsecs,TsN R 16 W; $1200. L NBreed to John Bryson, Br?Lot 10, block 7. Fairmount tract; $2000. Catherine Fiersich to Fred Ilnuiman?Agree- ment to convey 10 acres in fracl SW! 4 of see 8, T 1 8, B 14 W;52400, James Hammell to F L Goldsberry- Lots 8 / 12 and 13 block A, Hammers sub of lots: 31 32 Workmau .v. Uellman's sub of lot 2, block 72 ;U S $2000. W L Woodward and G X Woodward to J W Hugus?Lots 23 (j 6 7 8, W L Woodward s sub of part of Chas R Foot trnct: $10,000. Albert A Staunton toT B Henry?Loti 11 and 33block D, lot 1 block X, lots 20 26 28 ;jl 311 block F, N 5 f<-ot lot 29 block F, S 38 feet of lot 42, block D, McGarry tract; $1200. Franz Frank lo Fred riiukle?Und half inter- est 1b lot 8 block 0, Bird tract, beiug -.'/_ lot l> block 61, H 8; $1,500. WilliamConverse to Mrs Abble P Oonversr? Lot 9 Thomas &Ferris sub lot 1 and part of lot 4 block L, San Pasqual tract;sl,24o Same to James W Converse?Part of lot 9 block E, San Pasciual tract: $3,960. Maria de los Reyes Deminguez, Susanna D Dominguez and Guadalupo Marceiiua Domin- gurrito Cha-les Silent and Dan McFarland? Agreement to convey 1000 acres part of Ro San Pedro except 6 acres: $300,000. Frederic C Whiting to Lucy E Whiting?Lots 7, 8 and 9, B A Marsh sub part lot 7 Calvin Fletcher's mlßcel rec book 22 p 25, also lots 10 and 11 block B, Garvanza; $3,000. BDMMABY. Nnmberof transfers above $1,000 each, 19, Amount, $359,100. Nnmberof transfers under $1,000,15. Amount, $7,165. Number of nomlnsl transfers, 20. Total amonnt of considerations, $366,265, Notb?Transfers of whloh the consideration Is less than $1,000 are not published in the above list. DIED. FUNERAL NOTICES ONE DOLLAB GRAHAM?In this city, Fiorina Graham, wtfe of Joseph A. Graham, oi Montreal, Caijaua, in the 39th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, on Main street, corner of Seventh, on Saturday morn ing at 9 o'clock, to the Cathedral, where a Beqnlem Mass will be offered. Valvular Disease of the Heart. Dr. Flint's remedy, ln cases of chroDlc val- vular dlsesse of the hesrt, should be used to re- move the affection and abolish the pain which is felt with or without muscular exertion. De- scriptive treatise with each bottle, or address ' Mack Drug Co., N. \". A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat should not Tie uegleeted Brown's BboNciiial, ' Troches are a simple remedy, and give prompt relief. 25 cte. a box THE DAVIS Sewing Machine Is undoubtedly the best made. One hundred were sold ln this county last month. 22 Sonth Main street. Families, Ring up Telephone 564 for your wines and liquors. E. Laventhal ASons, 106 North Main street. TENTS at Foy'sharness Shop,2l7LosAngele* ?treet. Bathing and fishing at C'Rtalina. Don't forget the excursion May 30th. strangers, Call at E. Laventhal A Sons, 106 North Main street, for yonr wines, liquors and cigars. Goods delivered free any par, of th* nitv THE LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD: FRIDAI MORNING. MAY 24, 1889. 7 LEGAL. i^lUjT^^O^R^E^Wuß^^lAE. (JILVANUS WHITE VS. T. S. HAMILTON, O M. Kelleher and 0, E. Elliott -Sheriff's Sale?No. 9 802. Order of Sale and Decree of Foreclosure and Sale. Under and by virtueof an order of sale and I decree of foreclosure and sale, issued ont of the Superior Court of the county of Los Ang- eles, State of California, on the 9th day of May. A. D. 1889, in the above entitled action wherein silvanus White, the above named plaintiff, obtained a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale against T. B. Hamilton, M. Kelleher and C. E. Elliott, defendants, on the 15th day of April, A. D. 1889, for the sum of 3,165.10 dollars, in gold ooin ot the United States, which said decree was, on the 16tn day of April, A. D. 1889, recorded in judgment book 10 of said court, at page 200, I am com- manded to sell all those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being inthe county of Los Angeles, State of California, and bounded and described as follows. Lots one Q), two (2), three (3), seven (7), nine (9), eleven (11), thirteen (13), fifteen (15), seventeen (17). nineteen (19), twenty-one (21), twenty-three (23), twenty five (25), twenty- seven (27), twenty-nine (29), thirty-one '31), thirty-three (33) and thirty-five(35), inblock 3 of the Malabar tract, according to a map of said tract, recorded in book 12, at page 96, miscellaneous records of said county. Public notice Is hereby given tbat on Mon- day, the 3d day of June, A D. 1889, at 12 o'clock m. of that day, iv front of the Court House door of the county of Los Angeles, on Spring street, I will, in obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, sell the above described property, or so much thereof as may lie necessary, to sstisfy said judgment, withinterest and costs, etc., to the nighest and best bidder, for cash ln gold coiu of the United States Dated this 10th day of May, 1889. M. G. AGUIRRE, Bherlff of Lob Angeles County. By A. M. Thornton, Under Sheriff. Jones A Carlton, Attorneys for Plaintiff. myll td PROPOSALS FOR THE PURCHASE OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY BONDS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED by the uuderßigueu up to 12 o'clock m. oi the 4th day of June, 1889, for the purchase of Ooe hundred (100) "Los Angeles County Court House Bonds," numbered consecutively from one hundred and one (101) to two hundred (200), both numbers included, of tbe denomin- ation of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, aud payable on the lßt day of January, A. D. 190<, or at any time before that date, at the pleasure of said county, in gold coiu of the United States, withinterest thereon at the rate of four aud one-half (-__ per cent ) percent, per annum, payable semi-annually, on tho first day of January and on the first day of July of each year. Bonds and Interest payable at the office of the County Treasurer of eaid Los An- geleß county. Said Bonds having been issued in conformity withResolutions of the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles county, dated September the 6th, A. D. 1886 and of December the 9th and 29th. A. D. 1886, and under authority conferred uoon said Board by the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the Stale of California, en- titled "An Act to establish a aniform system of county and township government," approved March" 14th, A. D. 1883. None of said Bonds will be Bold for less than face value and accrued interest, nor shall any Bale thereof be final or valid until approved by the said Board of Supervisors. And the right is hereby reserved to reject any or ai 1 aforesaid proposals Mark envelope "Proposals for tbe purchase of . Court House Bonds." By order of the Board of Supervisors of said Los Angeles county. J. BANBURY,County Treasurer. my! 4 21t notice?Timber culture. US. LAND OFFICE, LOB ANGELES, CAL , j . May 1,1889 ?Complaint having been ent- ered at thia office by Walter W. Varner against Charles Hamm, for failure to comply with law as to Timber .Culture Entry No. 651, dated January 22, 1884, upon the 8W } 4 of section 18, township 4 N, range 15 W, SB M, in Los Augeles county, Calif., witha view to the can cellatlon of said entry; contestant alleging that said Charles Hamm haß not improved, culti- vated, or put in crop five acreß of said land, or ! any portion of the same land for the secoud . year, to-wit, 1886. The said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 31st day of July, 1889, at 10 o'clock a. m., to re- J Bpond aud furnish testimony coucernlug said alleged failure , H. W PATTON, Register. I. H. FOLK, Receiver. j J. D. Bethcne, Att'y for Contestant. m2-30t 1 DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP j THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX- 1 Istlng between F. M. Keach and M. 8. Mont- gomery, and dolug business in San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal , under the firm name of F. M. Keach A Co., is this aay dissolved by mutual consent. , The office of F. M. Keach A Co. in Sau Francisco Ib discontinued from thißdate under that firm name, but the business will hereo fter be conducteofvunder the firm name of M. 8 Montgomery A Co. F. M Keach will continne business inLos Angeles under the old firm nsme of F. M. Keach ACo., as heretofore. 'Signed) F M. KEACH. (Signed) M. S. MONTGOMERY". l.os Angeles, Cal., May 22, 1889. uiy24 3t OFFICIAL. j NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 1 PURSUANT TO STATUTES AND TO ORDI- t nance No. 50 of the Council of the city of i Lob Angeles, adopted May 20, 18S9, directing i this notice, the undersigned invites aud will receive at his ollice ln the City Ball, up to 10 i o'clock a, M. of May 27, 1889. sealed proposals ] for the lollowtug street work to be done accord i lug to the specifications, to-wit: 1 Ist. Second street, iv the city of LosAng- eles, from the east line of Fort street to the west : line of Main street, is to be paved withbitnnii ! nous lime rock, upon a broken stone base. Iv I accordance with plans and specifications ou file lvthe oflieo of the City Cleik of the city ot , Los Anceles, for making paved streets In the said city (said specifications being No. 8) ex- ] cept such part thereof as Is already paved i 2d. A granite curb Is to be constructed i along the Hue of roadway of said Second street, i from the east line of Fort street to the west Hue of Main street, ln accordance with plans aud specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk of said c tyfor constructing granite curbs. All proposals offered must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the order of the Mayor ot the city, or by a bond (either) for an amount not less than 10 per cent, of the aggre- gate of the proposal, and throughout as pre teribed by law. Los Angeles, Cal., May 21, 1889. FRKtfMAN G. TEF.Ii. my22-5t City clerk of the city of Lob Angeles. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS'. PURSUANT TO STATUTES AND TO ORDl- uauceNo 51 of tne council of the city ol Lob Angeles, adoptjd May 20th, 18S9, directing this notice, the undersigned invites aud will receive at hiß ofllce inthe City Hall up to 10 oclock A. M. of May 27th, 1889, sealed proposal for the following sewer work to be done acrording tothe specifications to-wit: Ist. Upper Main street in the City of Los Angeles, from the center lineof Alpine street to the center line of Alameda street Is to be sewered in accordance with plans sndspeoln- cations on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Los Angeles, for making sewers in the said city. The size of said sewer shall be eight (S) Inches inner diameter. The material used for constructing sain sewer shall be Bait- glazed vitrifiedsewer pipe. All proposals offered must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the order of the Muyor of the city or by a bond (either) for an amount not less than ten per cent, of the aggregate of the proposal, and throughout as prescribed by law. Los Angeles, Cal., May 21,1889. FRKKMAN G. TBXD. my22-5t CityClerk ol the City of Los Angeles. OFFICIAL. _____ ' AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE INTENTIONOF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LOS ANeIELEB TO CHANOE AND ESTABLISH THE ORADE OF WINSTON STREET, FROM MAIN 1 TO LOS ANGELES STREtT. ' The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That it is the intention of the , Co ndi of the City of Los Anceles to change and establish the trrade of Winston street, from Main street to Los Augeles street, as follows: At the intersection with Main street the grade shall be as now established. 9.00 feet i above the datum plane on the northeast corner, and 8.50 feet above the datum plaue on the southeast corner, t At th" east line of the alley between Main and Los Angeles streets, the grade shall be 450 feet above the datum plaue on both sides of , Winston street; At the Intersection with Lob Angeles street, the grade shall be as now established, 4.00 fe-t bplow the datum plane on the northwest cor- ner, and 4 50 feet below the datum plane on 1 the southwest corner. fEC. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance, aud shall cause the same to be published for ten days ln the Lop Angeles Daily Herald, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the Council of the Bity of Los Augeles at its meeting of May 13, A. D 1889. FREEMAN G. TEED, City Clerk. Approved this 21st day of May, 1880. HENRYT. HAZARD, my23-10t Mayor. ORDINANCENO. Ti. AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE MAYORI'DCOUNCILOPTHBCITT OF LOS ANGELEB TO CHANGE AND ESTABLISH THE 8BADS OF BAND STREET FROM CASTELAR STREET TO APOINT 600 FEET WESTERLY. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section I.?That it is the intention of the Council of the city of Los Augeles to Chang" and establish the grade of Rand street from Cas- telar street to a point 600 feet westerly, as fol- follows: At the Intersection with Castelar street the grade shall be as now established, 118.00 feet above the datnm plane on the southwest cor- ner, and 118.50 feet above the datum plane on the northwest corner. At the southeast corner of Prospect Place the grade shall be 129.50 feet above the datum plane. At a point on the north ' line of Sand Btreet, opposite the southeast corner of Prospect Place, the grade shall be 130.00 feet above the datum plane. AtapolultlOO feet west of the west line of Castelar street the grade shall be as now estab- lished, 133.00 feet above the datum plane. Sec. 2.?The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the Bame to be published for ten dayß in the Lob Angeles Daily Herald, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the Council of rhe city of Los Angeles at its meeting of May 13, A. D. 1889. FREEMAN G. TEED, City Clerk. Approved this 21st day of May, 1889. HENRY T. HAZARD, my 23 lOt Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. 74! AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES TO ESTABLISH THE GRADE OF LAKE SHORE AVENUEFROM TEMI'LE STREET TO BELLEVUE AVENUE. The .Vai/nr and Council of the City of Los An- gi tea do or ( fnin as follows: Section 1. That it is the intention of tbe Couucil of the City of Los Augeles to establish the grade of Lake shore avenue from Temple street to Bellevue avenue, as follows: At the uorthwest aud northeast corners of Temple street the grade shall be as now estab- lished, 104.00 feet above the datum plane. At the southwest corner of Palo Alto street and at a point intbe easterly lineof Lake Shore avenue opposite thereto the grade shall be 110 OO feet above the datum plane At the northwest corner of .Palo Alto street and at a poiut iv the east line of Lake Shore avenue opposite thereto the grade shall be 111 00 feet above the datum plane. At the southwest corner of Bellevua avenue the grade shall be 143.00 feet above the datum plane, and at the southeast corner of Bellevue avenue the grade shall be 141.00 feet above the datum plane. Sec. 2. The City Cierk shall certify to the passa c of this ordinance, ai d shall cause the same to oe published for ten days in the Los Augeles Daily Herald, and thereupon and theieafter it shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify thst the foregoing ordinance was ado .red by the Council of the City of Los Ai.geles at its meeting of May 13th, A. D., 1889. FREEMAN G. TEED, City Clerk. Approved this 21st day of May, 1889. HENRY T. HAZARD, my23-10t Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. 76. AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES TO ESTABLISH THE GRADE OF SOTO STREET FROM BROOKLYN AVENUE TO WABASH AVENUE. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That, it is the intention of the Couucil of the City of Lob Angeles to establish the grade of Soto street from Brooklyn avenue to Wabash avenue as folIowB: At the north line of Brooklyn avenue the grade shall be as nowestablished, 82.00 feet übove the datum plane. At the intersection withCincinnati street the grade shall be 88 20 feet above the datum plane on the southeast corner aud 89 20 feet above the datum plaue on the uortneast cor- ner. At the Intersection with Hancock avenue the grßde shall be 94 00 feet above the datum plaue on the southwest corner and 95.20 feet above the datum plaue on tbe northwest cor- ner. At the intersection with Folsom street the grade shall be 95.60 feet above the datum plane on the southeast corner and 96.80 feet above the datum plane on the northeast corner. At the southeast corner of Boulder street and at a poiut ivthe west lineof Soto street, oppo- site thereto,the grade shall be 103.C0 feet above the datum plane. At tbe northeast corner of Boulder street and at a uoint opposite, the grade sball be 103.5 ieet above the datum plane. At the intersection with Grant avenue the graae shall be 104.80 feet above the datum plane ou the southwest corner and 105.50 feet above the datum plane ou the northwest cor- ner. At the intersection with Malabar Btreet the grade shall be 106.60 fee* above the datum plane on the southeast corner and 107.20 feet above tie datum plane on the northeast cor- ner. At the intersection withCity View street the tirade shall be 108.00 above the datum plane on Ihe southwest corner and a poiut opposite, and 109.60 feet above the datum plane on the northwest coruer as now established. At the intersection with Golden Btreet tbe grade shall be 112.20 feet above the datum plane on the southeast corner and 113 40 feet above the datum plane ou the northeast cor- ner. At the Intersection with Fairmount street and points lvthe west lineof Soto street, oppo- site said intersection, the grade shall be 119.00 feet above the datum plaue. At the south Hue of Wabesh avenue the grade shall be 10"i 00 feet above the datum plane. SBl .2. I he City Clerk Bhall certify to tne passage of this crdiuance snd shall cnuse the same to published for ten days iv the Los An- geles Daily Herald and thereupon and there- ufrcT it shall take effect and be ln force. I hereby certify that Ihe foregoing ordinance was adopted by the Council of the City of Los Augeles at its meetiug of May 13. A. D. 1889. FREEMAN G. TEED, Cit.- Clerk. Approved Ihis2lst day of May, 1889. HENRYT. HAZARD, my 23 lOt Mayor. ~ ToricE WWrHTuTwoITK! PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tho Couucil of the City of Los Angeles passed, on the sixth dxyof May, 1889, an Ord- inance of Intention No. 45 (New Series), to cause to be widened and improved, at the ex- ueuse of the property owners, Los Angeles Blreet, from the south line of First street to the uurth Hue of Second street. And all parties interested are referred to said OrdlnaitCl for furtrer particulars. W. E. MORFORD, street Superintendent. myls lOt NOTICE to PROFEIiTY-OWNERS. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE city of Los Augeles will receive, up to and on, Tuesday, May 28tn, sealed proposois for the sale to it of a lot of land, about one acre lv ex- tent, in the neighborhood of the junction of Wabaßh avenue and Soto street. May 21.1889. X J. COX. m23td Clsrk. NOTICE TO TaXPAYIbRsT^ UOB THE ACCOMMODATION OF TAX- r payers, the City Assessor's office will be kept open during the month of May from 8 a. m. to or. M. Bryson Bonebrake block, room 43. JOHN FISCHER, m2 lm City Assessor OFFICIAL. oTidlnaT^ I AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE MAYOR AND COIINCILOF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES TO CHANGE AND ESTABLISH THE ORADE OF TEMPLE STREET FROM ÜBAND AVENUE TO CUSTER AVENUE. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows; Section 1. That it ia the intention of the Council of the city of Los Angelas to chsnge and establish the grade of Temple street from Grand avenue to Custer avenne, as follows: At the southeast corner of Graud avenue the grade shall be, aa now established, 129.(J0 feet above the datum plane. At .he southwest corner of Grand avenue the grade shall be 129.00 feet above the datum plane. At a point inthe north line of Temple street opposite the center line of Grand nveuue the strode shall be, as now establ shed, 130 80 feet above the datum plane. At the east line of Bunker Hill aveuue the grade shall be 120.00 feet above tbe datum plaue, and at the west line the grade sball be 125.00 feet above the datum plane. At the intersection withHope street the grade shall be 110 00 feet above the datum plane on the southeast corner, and 113.00 feet above the datum plane on the southwest corner. At a point iv the north line of Temple street opposite the center line of Hope street the grade shall be 115.00 feet above the datum plane. At the southeast corner of Flower street the grade shall be 88.00 feet above the datum plane. At the southwest corner of Pearl street the grade shall be 8100 feet above the datum plane. At the northeast corner of Pearl street the grade shall be 85.00 feet above the datum plane At the northwest corner of Pearl street the grade shall be 82 00 feet above the datum plane. At the northeast and northwest corners of Crescent avenue the grade shall be 70.00 feet above the datum plane. At the southeast and soutnwest corners of Feaudry street the grade shall be 09 00 feet above the datum plane. At the intersection with Centennial aveuue the grade Bhall be 74 00 feet above the datum plane on the northeast corner: 74.70 leet above the datum plane ou the northwest corner: 74.50 feet above the datum plane ou the southeast corner, and 75 20 feet above the datum plaue ou the southwest corner. At the northwest corner of Custer avenue and at a point in the sonth line of Temple street opposite thereto, the grade shall be 79 50 leet above the datum plane. Sec. 2, The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shsll cause the same to be published for ten days in the Los Angeles Daily Herald, and thereupon aud thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the Council of the City of Los Angeles at its meeting of May 13, A. D, i -»:>. FREEMAN G TEED, City Clerk. Approved this 21st day of May, 1889. HENRY T. HAZARD. my 23 lOt Mayor SOTICE TOHCON IKACTOJiS. PURSUANT TO STATUTES ANDTO ORDl- nauce No. 49 ot the Council of the City of Los Angeles, adopted May 20, 1889, directing this notice, the undersigned invites and will receive at his office in the City Hall up to 10 o'clock a. v. of May 27, 1889, sealed propo- sals for the following street work to be done according to the specifications, to-wit: Ist. Sonora street in the city of Los Angeles, from the eaat line of New High street to the west line of Main street, is to be paved with bituminous lime rock, upon a concrete founda- tion, ivaccordance with plans and specifica- tions on file inthe office of the City Clerk for making paved Btreets in said city with bitu- minous lime rock upon a concrete foundation, Specification No. 1 2d. Agranite curb is to be constructed along the line of roadway of said Sonora Btreet, from the east line of New High street to the west line of Main stree*. in accordance with plans and specifications on file inthe office of the City Clerk of said cityfor constructing granite enrbs. All proposals offered must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the order of the Mayor of the city or by a bond (either) for an amount not less than ten per cent, of the aggre- gate of the proposal, and throughout as pre- scribed by law. Los Angeles, Cal , May 21st, 1889. FREEMAN G. TEED, City Clerk of the City of Los Angeles. my22-5t hank statements. Reportof^heTc^Thtion^" ?OF THE? FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Los Angeles, in the State of California, at the close of business, May 13, 1889. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1,068,274 76 Overdrafts, secured and unse- cured 11,274 04 U. S. Bonds tf) seoure circulation 30 000 00 U. 8. Bonds to secure deposits. 100,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mort- gages 261,132 35 Due from approved reserve ag'nts 342,463 35 Due from other National Baukß. 87,634 58 Due from State Banks aud bank- ers 62,430 78 Real estate, furniture, and fix- tures 91,(134 64 Premiums paid 24,142 63 Checks and other cash ltemsf 14.240 27 Exchanges for clearing-house.. 6.20140 Bills of other banks 2,710 00 Fractional paper currency, nick- els, and cents 201 19 specie 414,552 00 Legal-tender notes .. 7,420 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- urer (5 per cent, of circulation) 2,250 00 Total .$2,546,561 99 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $200,000 00 Surplus fund 50,000 00 Undivided profits 168,659 70 National Bank notes outstanding. 37,250 00 Individual deposits BUbject to check 1,807,912 10 Demand certificattsof depOßit 88,(176 87 Certified checks 5,022 22 Cashier's checks outstanding . 4,357 30 United States deposits 109,989 4* Depositsof U. S. disbursingotlicers 10 52 Due to other National Banks 27,427 83 Due to State Banks aud bankers . 47,255 97 Total $2,546,561 99 State of California, ) County of Los Angeles, j *' I, E. F. Spence, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state- ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. F BPENCE, President Subscribed and sworn to before mc, this 23d day of May, A. D. 1889. Q. Q. JOHNSON, Notary Public. Correct ?Attest: 8. H. MOTT, ) JOHN D. BICKNELL, } Directors. my 24 7t E. F. SPENCE, > Jj¥pOßT~ OF THE CONDITION ?of the? SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NATIONALBANK, At Los Angeles, in the State of California, at the close of business, May 13, 1889. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $411,954 65 Overdrafts, secured aud unsecured 2,082 so U. S. Bondn to secure circulation 00,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgases 4,000 00 Due ftoni approved reserve agents 42,767 42 Due from other National Banks 28,033 39 line from State banks and bankers 19.5(10 ii."» Real estate, furniture and fixtures. 6,145 so Current, expenses and taxes paid.. 7,575 81 Premiums paid 8,00(1 00 Checks and other cash items 161 27 Exchanges lor clearing-house 1,649 70 Bills of other banks 3,087 00 Fractional paper cunency, nickela and cents 105 26 Specie 87,101 50 Legal tender notes 10,500 00 Redemption fuud withU. S. Treas- urer (5 per cent, of circulation) 2,250 00 Total $684,975 01 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock,paid in $200,000 00 Surplus. Fund 16,000 00 Undivided profits 14,134 21 National bank votes outstanding 45,000 00 Individual deposits subject to check 376,823 10 Demand certificates of deposit 25,99.) 88 Certified checks ... 600 10 Cashier's checks outstanding 3,377 37 Due to other National basks 457 57 Due to State bauks and bankers . 2,487 48 Total $684,97.'. 01 State of California, j ? County of Los Anoeles. ( I, C. N. Flint, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state meut is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. N. FLINT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22d day of May?lBB9. JNO. W. GREEN, Notary Public. Correct?Attest: L. N. BREED. X. C. BOSBYSHELL, H. T. MEWILL, my 23 7t Dtfaot r«. BANKIffU HOUSES. £IAUFOKNIA BANK. r Cor. Fort And Second St*., Loa Angela*. I Subscribed Capital $500,000 c Paid np Capital $300,000 > Surplus $20,000 DIRECTORS: Hervey Lindley, J. 0. Kay*, K. W. Jon**, ' Juan Bernard, J. Frankenfield. H. Q. Newhall President, s H. C. Witmer Vloe-Prealdent, i T. J. Weldon. Cashier. J. M. Witmer, Assistant Cashier. t Genersl Banking and Exchange Business transacted. <y< 4m FAKMEIiH' AND MERCHANTS' BANK or LOS AHBBLBS, CAL. I Isaias W. Hellman President i L. C. Goodwih Vloe-Preslden) , Capital (paid up) - - $500,000. Surplus and Reserve Fund 750,000, Total, .... $1,260,000. DIRECTORS. 0. w. Child*, C. E. Thorn, Joie Masosrel, J B. Lankershim C. Dncommnn, Philippe Gar nler, L. 0. Goodwin, L. L. Bradbury, Isalas W, Hellman. STOCKHOLDERS. O. W. Childs, L. L. Bradbury, Philippe Gar- nler, J imes B. Lankershim, T. L. Duqne, Jose Mascarel, Chas, Dncommnn, Andrew Glasaell, Cameron E. Thorn, Domingo Ameatoy, Louis Polaski, L. C. Goodwin, Prostley 0. Baker, L, J. Rose, Frank Leconvrour, Oliver H, Bliss, Sarah J. Lee, Estate D. Solomon, Chris. Henna, Jacob Knhrts, Isalas W. Hellman. myl jjtECURITY SAVINGS BANKANDTRUST CO. 40 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CaL Capital, $200,000.00. F. N. Myers, 8, A. Fleming, J. F. Sartori, Piesldent. Vice-President.' Cashier. STOCKHOLDERS?IsaIas W. Hellman, O. W. Childs, Engeue Germain, S. A. Fleming, F. N. Myers, J. F. Sartori, T. L. Duqne, J. A. Graves, J. C. Daly, Morris 8. Hellman, Thomas Mere- dith, Samuel Polaski, John P. Moran, J. L. Cherry, Nathan Well, Isidor Polaski. W M. Caswell, R. Y. Mcßrlde. James H. Shankland, John H. Bartle, G. W. Perkins, A. J. Brown President Fourth National Bank ol Grand Rapidr, M. B. Shaw. 5 per cent Interest Paid on Deposit*. Money loaned on ranches and city property at lowest rates of interest. Bondß and mortgages bought and sold. Savings deposits solicited. m17-12 m ANGELES COUNTY BANK, Temple Blook, Lo* Angela*, Oal. Capital Stock Paid Up, $100,000. Reserve Fund, $100,000. JOHN B. PLATES President R. 8. BAKER Vice-President GEO. H. STEWART oashlar DIRECTORS: H. L. MacneU, Jo!ham Blxby, John E. Plater, Robert S. Baker, John A. Paxton. Geo. W. Presoott, Geo. H. Stewart. Bay and SeU Exchange on Ban Fran* Cisco, New York, London, Paris, Berlin and Frankfort. Boy Exchange on all part* of the United Bt et and Europe. Receive Money on open account and cer- tificate of deposit, and do a general banking and exchange business. LMRtiT NATIONALBANK OF LOS ANGELES CAPITAL STOCK $200,000. RESERVE $205,000. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. H. F. SPENCE President! J. D. BICKNELL Vice-President. J. M. ELLIOTT Cashier G. B SHAFFER Assistant Cashier. Directors?E. F. Spence. J. D. BlckneU, 8. H Mott, Wm. Lacy, J. F, Crank, H. Mabnry J. M. Elliott myl mHI UNIVERSITYBANKOF LOS ANGELES No. 119 New High street. capital stock paid op \u25a0 ? \u25a0 ? $100,000 R. M. WIDNBTY- ? ? ? President GEO. L. ARNOLD ? ? - Cashier GEO. BINBABAUGH, ? ? Telle* DIRECTORS'. R. M. Widnby, Chas. A. Warner. D. O. MiLTiMOBJ* C. M. Wills. S. W. Little, L. J. P, Morrill, L. H. Titd*. Eight per cent, bonds secured by first mort- gage on real estate, with Interest payable semi- I annually, are offered to Investors of $250 and upwards. aug9-M QOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NATIONAL BANK NADEAU BLOCK. L. N. BREED President WM. F. BOSBYSHELL Vloe-Prosiden* C. N. FLINT Cashlar Paid-in Capital $200,00*. Sobpltjs 20,000 Authorized Capital 500,000 Directors?L. N. Breed, H, T. Newell, H. A. Barclay, Charles E. Day, E. C. Bosbysheli, M. Hagan, Frank Rader, Louis Gottschalk, D. Remick, Tho*. Goss, WilliamF. Bosbysheli. aug24-tf T 08 ANGELES SAVINGS BANK, 130 NORTH MAINSTREET. CAPITAL $100,000 L. C. GOODWIN Pbkiidbht W. M. CASWELL. SecbbtaßT 1. W. Hellman, John B. Platbb, Robert S. Bakbb, John A. Paxton, L. C. Goodwin, Term deposit* will be received ln annuo! $100 and over. Ordinary deposit* ln mm* of $10 and over. Money to loan on first-class real estate, Lo* Angeles, Jnly 1. 1884. myltf ANGELES NATIONAL BANK, COB. First and Sprino Sts. Capital $500,000 00 surplus AND Undivided Pbofits. 50,000 00 Total $550,000 00 GEO. H. BONEBRAKE President. JOHN BRYSON, SB Vice-President. F, C. HOWES Cashier. DIRECTORS. Ds. W. G. COCHRAN, H. H. Markham. Pbrby M. Gbeen, John Bryson, Sr., DB. H, SINBABAUOH, F. C. HOWES, Obohok H. Bonebbakjl Exchange for sale on all the principal cities of tho United States arid Europe. iyB State Loan and tat Co. Bryson-Bouebrake Building. Capital S 1,000,000. DIRECTORS: George H. Bouebraku, President. John Bryson and E. F. Spence, Vice-Presidents. H. C. Witmer. L. N. Breed, W. G-Coohran, H. J. Woollacott, P M. Green, L. W. Dennis, Samuel B. Hunt, Secretary. We set as trustees for corporations, syndicates and estates. Loan money on choice real estate and collaterals. Keep choice securities for sale. Pay interest on time deposits. Have safety de- Sosit vaults equal to any ln tho United States, lent boxes at reasonable rates. *stf RW. POINDEXTKB, 19 West First Street, INVESTMENT BANKERand GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENT Money loaned on approved securities. Property held ln trust, and funds invested for parties desiring a fiduciary agent References ? Los Angeles National Bank, National Bank, State Loan and Trust t c mpany. j'l-Un

Los Angeles daily herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1884) (Los ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042460/1889-05-24/ed-1/seq-7.pdfTHE COURTS. Thursday, May 23,1889. Department 1? Cheney,

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THE COURTS.Thursday, May 23,1889.

Department 1? Cheney, J*People vs. Frank Toal, charged with

assault to commit murder?Defendantpleaded not guilty. Cause placed onthe trial calendar, and bail fixed in$7 000

People vs. Mike Daley?Defendantfoand guilty of burglary in the seconddegree and sentenced to San Quentuifor two years and a half. . ,

People vs. T. W. Lyons?Jury stoodeleven for acquittal and one for con-viction, and were discharged.

People vs. Proch and Williams?Cause continued for trial on July Bth.

Department 2--Clark, J.

Fstate of K. A. Morris, deceased?Ac-counts settled and distribution orderedas prayed for.

Estate of J. F. Ledden, deceased-Petition for distribution continued untilto-morrow.

Estate and guardianship of GraceBean, a minor?Petition for orderauthorizing petitioner to to consent to apartition?Continued to the 24th instantat 10 a. m.

Estate of M. Ornelas, deceased?Ac-counts settled and distribution ordered.

Estate of E. Sepulveda, deceased-Order to show cause continued to 31stinst.

Estate of Joseph Durston, deceased?Accounts settled and distribution or-dered.

Estate of Allen T. Lane ?Confirmationof sale of personalty continued to the3lstinst.

Estate of Minnie J. Caldwell?Settle-ment of accounts and distribution con-tinued to May 31.

Estate of H. Andrei, deceased?Lettersof administration continued to May 31.

Estate and guardianship of the Gas-sagne minors?Letters of guardianshipcontinued to May 31.

Estate and guardianship of the Wolf-skin minors?Letters of guardianship;taken under advisement.

Estate of John W. Grannis, deceased?Sale of realty confirmed,

Estate ofF. Harper, incompetent?Saleof realty confirmed.

Estate ofF. P. de Lugo?Order to Bhowcause heard and granted.

Estate of 0. F. Harman?Letters ofadministration continued to May 31.

Latham vs. Sloan & Mudge?Twentydays from date to defendant to answer ordemur to plaintiff's complaint.

Roberts vs. Aguirre?Case having beensettled is dismissed,

M.Kelleher et al. vs. C. H. Creciat?On trial.

Winalow vs. Weed?Ten days' furthertime to defendant to answer.

Hutchinson vs. Harcourt?Continuedto be reset.

Davenport vs. Fitzhenry?J. C. Ben-nett and George Barnard allowed to filea complaint in intervention.

Stewart vs. Phillips?Continued to andreset for Tuesday, June 25th.

Department 3? Wade, J.Murray Simmons, an imbecile boy,

was, after examination, committed to thehome for imbecile children.

Smith vs. Los Angeles ImmigrationCo.?Continued for the session.

Bird vs. Lockwood?Ten days' addi-tional time to amend the complaint.

Barllej et al. vs. California CentralRailway Co., and Meeks et al. vs. samedefendant?Set for Monday, May 27th,at 2 p. m.

Matthews vs. Neal?On trial.Department 1 -Van Dyke, J.

Baron vs. Urbason ?On trial.Lazzarovich vs. Glees ?Continued to

May 24th, at 10 a. m.Department a Mmw. J.

George H. Williams vs. G. L. Den-nison?Findings and judgment signed.

L. Jacobi vs. Chas. Knobloch ?Find-ings and judgment Bigned.

In re insolvency of H. N. Elliott?Tendays' additional time granted James C.Kays to filebond as assignee.

Steere vs. Whittaker ?Set for JuneBth.

George Carr vs. A. Jarequi et al.?Findings and judgment ordered for de-fendant. *

A. L. Wright vs. Mary C. Wright-Findings and judgment ordered forplaintiff.

E. F. Rußh vs. A. 0. Payne?Contin-ued for the session.

E. R. Bryant vs. same defendant ?

Continued for the session.Union Lumber and Supply Company

vs. Wattel et al.?Default of defendantset aside, and ten days granted to an-swer.

Judson vs. 'Wilson?Ten days' addi-tional time granted to defendant to

answer.Herman Kockeman vs. Charlotte

Bickel et al.?Findings and judgment fordefendant.

Department 6-JM.cKinley, J.People vs. Lee Sam et al.?Defendants

Lee Sam and Ah Lee acquitted, and AhSing and Lee Quong convicted, and Mon-day, the 27th, set for sentence.

People vs. Ah Ming?Case dismissed.People vs. Joe Claverie?Defendant


New Canes.Samuel G. Grove sues Robert, Joseph

and James White to foreclose a mort-gage securing the payment of a promis-sory note for $6,333.33.

D. H. Hostetter sues Mary A. Saun-ders and Charles W. Saunders to fore-close a mortgage securing payment of apromissory note for $4,000.

W. T. Knight et al. sue Wm. and C.H. Converse to compel the implement-ingof a contract to purchaße certaiu realestate for $25,300, by the payment of$8,433, balance of said price still due.

marriage License.The following license to wed was is-

sued by "Cupid" Whitney, of theCounty Clerk's office, yostsrday:

Bela P. Mackoon and Alice P. Adams,the former a native of Now York andthe latter of Illinois.

Tiic Culver Case.

The case of Wm. Culver,who ischargedin company with Dr. J. M. Downs, ofhaving produced abortion on his wife atCom,pton, was again continued in JusticeLockwood's Court yesterday. The wifeof the defendant, Mrs. Ella Culver, wasnot present, and the Constable oaid hecould not find her. An Assistant DistrictAttorney said that he had been informedthat she had taken the train for the north,and had gone to Ventura. Justice Lock-wood said, when he continued the case,that ho waa satisfied that there was aneffort to quash the case by keeping theprosecuting witness away. The case wascontinued until to-morrow morning.

Could Not Agree.

The juryin the Lyons caEe, which hasoccupied the attention of Judge Cheneyfor several days, failed to agree. It wasstated that eleven were in favor of acquit-ting Lyons, and one was for conviction.Lyons was charged with perjury, allegedto have been committed at Lancaster.

Excursion to Catalina, Thursday, Msy 30th,



1 NewYobk, May 23.?The transactions In theI stock market to day were unusually heavy and

the strength of the market was in keeping withthe amount of trading. The general bullishfeeling was so strong, and the advances madeby the leading shares bo material, that all op-position to the upward movement was over-come and the entire list moved up in unisonafter 12 o'clock. St. Paul was by longodds thegreat feature of the day and Itfurnished nearlyone third oi the entire transactions lnthe listedstocks. The active list Is almost invariablyhigher, and St. Paul is up -'-?. Lackawanna l''H,St. Paul preferred iy? Rock Island l'-4, Atchi-son V _ and Lake Shore 1.

Government bonds were dull and steady.Petroleum opened steady at 83a. and closed

steady at 83%c.MONET QUOTATIONS.

New Yobk, May 23.?Money on call easy atiK@2Ko.

Prime mercantile paper,Sterling exchange dull and steady; $4.ST 1,

for ilxty-dajbills: $4.88Ji for demand.Bar silver, 92%c. per ounce.San Fbancisco, May 23.?Silver bars, 92' 4

@92% c. per ounce.STOCKS AND BONDS.

Mew Yobk, May 23.?Closing quotations:0. 8.45, reg 129%,N.P.Preferred 64U. 8. 4s, coup 129!, Northwestern 111^0. 8. Reg . . .100,41 N.Y. Central 108^U.B. 4;-jB,coup.. .107J 4 Oregon Imp't 55Pacific «s 121)* Navigation 937-6American Ex. ...116 Transcontinental. 36%Canada Pacific. 56V Pacific Mall 37J4Janada Sou 54VReading 47Jentral Pacific... 35., Rock Island. 99! 4

Burlington 103^ 4 St. Paul 73D. L. & W 142J-?iSt. Paul 4 Omaha 36^Denver* Rio Gr .117 St! Louis AB. F... 22trie 28%, Texas Pacific 21%Sans *Texas 111' 4 Union Pacific 61' 4Lake Shore iov

, v. B.Express ?.->< .CAN 68-y Fargo 142Mich Central 89» B Western Union... m%Missouri Pacific. 74' jAm. Cotton 0i1... 56? 8Northern Pac. 28%\

Bobton, May 23.?Closing prices:A ATfirst 7s 1 16% Mcx Cent c0m.... WttAATRR 46 Mcx Cen Ist mbs 11*4Burl AQuincy,...lo.i'V3an Diego L'd Co. 25


San Fbancisco, May 23.?The following arcthe closing prices:Best A Belcher.s3.9o Potosl 2.35Chollar 3.45 [Savage 2.70Con. Virginia... 7.87 1.. Sierra Nevada.. 285Gould ACarry.. 245 Union Con 3.75Hale ANorcross 425 IYellow Jacket.. 4.00

New Yobk, May 23 ?Mining shares closed asfollows:Amador 1.00 Mono 1.40Bodio 1.40 Mutual.. 1.40Con. Cal. AVa.. 7.62 jSBelle Isle 1.00Commonwealth 4.00 Ontario 34.00Dunkin 120 Ophir 435Deadwood 1.25 [Plymouth 10.00Eureka Con 1.70 Savage 2.50El Cristo 1.20 (Sierra Nevada.. 2.70Hale ANorcross 400 Standard 1.00Homestake 8.00 Sullivan 1.20Horn Silver 1.05 Union Con 3.50IronSilver 175 Yellow Jacket.. 4.00Mexican 3.50

Grata markets.DOMEBTIC.

Ban Fbancisco, May 23. ? Wheat ?Quiet.Buyer season, $1.28J 8 per cental; buyer '89,$1.31%.

Barley?lnactive and stronger. Buyer season,per cental.

Corn?Large yellow,Sl.l2'.j per cental; smallyellow, $1 25: white, $1 05.

Chicaoo, May 23.?1:15 r. M. close?WheatsEasier. Cash, 80'_e. per bushel; June, 80' 4c;July, 76%c.

Corn?About steady. Cash, 33\c. per bushel;June, 33 11-H.c; July, 34c.

Oats?Steady. Cash, 22 r, ?c. per bußhel; June,22 U-lOc: July, 22 ;'4 c

Rye?Dull. 40c. per bushel.Barley?Nominal.

FOREISN.Livebpool. May 23.?Wheat?Dull; holders

offer moderately. California No. 1, Gs.9d.tio65.10d. per ceutal; red western winter, 6s-4d.

Corn?Quiet and steady.

Fruit Sales.Chicago. May 23 ?Potter Bros. ACo., agents

for tbe California Fruit L'uion. held the firstauction this season of California fruit to-day.One thousand four huudred and sixty-sevenboxes of cherrles from San Jose and San Lo-renzo brought +2.303. Black Tartariaus Boldat If1.40&1.80 per box. Black big Gerau soldat $1.60,91.80. Black Rockports sold at $1.25.

General marKets.New Yobk, May 23.?Hops?Firm.Coffee?Options opened steady, 10@15 points

up, and closed firm, 15(025 points up. Sales,36,000 bags. May.$10 40@lt> 50; June. $16.45(916.50; July, [email protected]. Spot Rio dull;laircargoes, 18%c.Sugar?Raw firm; fair refining, li'/JC.; sales,6,000 bags centrifugals, 96 test, 7%c.; refinedfirm and in gcod demand.Copper?Dull aud easier. Lake, May, $12 20.

Lead?Dull but easier. Domestic,Tin?Quiet and steady. Straits, $20.35.Chicaso, May23.?Whiskey-$1.02.Shoulders, [email protected]; short clear,

@6.25; short ribs, $5 [email protected]?About steady. Caßh, June,

July,$11.77}*.1,ard?Steady. Cash, $6.67.,; June, $6.67H:

July, $6.72> [email protected].


Published by tne Abstract ana TitleInsurance Company «f Loi An-geles.

Thursday, May 23, 1889.CONVEYANCES.

Oscar E Dunton to Francisco D Joy?Lots1 and 2 blk 1, Kvey's sub blk 166, Pomona;$4,000.

L vis Phillips to H A Palmer? N'i lot 2 blkF, Phillips' add as per map No 1, part of Phil-lips' add, Ponsona: $3,000.

HA Palmer to Louis Brosseau?N! _ lot 2 blk 1F. map No. 1, part of Phillips' add, Pomona:$5,000.

WB Johnson to Mrs Elmina A Fisher, wife of !J A Kisher-Blk 1 and lots t; to 23 mcl, blk 2and lots 1 to 12 mcl and 27, blk 3 and lots 1and 2, Wright's sub lots 78 95 and 96, McDon-ald tract; $4,000. :

Emma Bamesberger and C Bamesberger toMrs Elmina AFisher ?Blkß 4 5 6. and lots 13and 14 blk 3, all ln lot 96 and lot 6 blk 7 of lot95, Wright's sub McDonald tract; $4,000.

Mrs Elmina AFisher and J H Fisher to FredD Hazard? liacres on east Bide lot 1, lots 2and 6 part of block 7, also lots 6 7 8 9 10 11 1617 18 19 20 21 22 and 23 block 2, lots 6to 14inclußive and 27 block 3, lots 13 14 15 161720 2122 23 and 24 block 4, all of block 5Wrights sub lots 95 96 snd 78 McDonald tract ,$8000. . ,Sarah AChurchill to Jacob Wledler?NWf 4

of 8W> 4 lot 4 block C, Phillips add l'omon»tract; $1000. . .W B McCormlck to R Williams-Lot 5 blockA, J D Yocum sub part of Grogan tract, also1.80 acres ln Ro San Pasqual, also 1 acre com-mencing on south line lot 4 Metcalf sub oflots9 and 12 block I. San Pasqual tract; JIOOO.

W W Jenkius to U G Stevenson?NE' 4 of sec7, allofsecs,TsN R 16 W; $1200.

L NBreed to John Bryson, Br?Lot 10, block7. Fairmount tract; $2000.

Catherine Fiersich to Fred Ilnuiman?Agree-ment to convey 10 acres in fracl SW! 4 of see 8,T 1 8, B 14 W;52400,

James Hammell to F L Goldsberry- Lots 8 /12 and 13 block A, Hammers sub of lots: 31 32Workmau .v. Uellman's sub of lot 2, block 72 ;US $2000.

W L Woodward and G X Woodward to J WHugus?Lots 2 3 (j6 7 8, WL Woodward s subof part of Chas R Foot trnct: $10,000.

Albert A Staunton toTB Henry?Loti 11 and33block D, lot 1 block X, lots 20 26 28 ;jl 311block F, N 5 f<-ot lot 29 block F, S 38 feet of lot42, block D, McGarry tract; $1200.

Franz Frank lo Fred riiukle?Und half inter-est 1b lot 8 block 0, Bird tract, beiug -.'/_ lot l>

block 61, H 8; $1,500.WilliamConverse to Mrs Abble P Oonversr?

Lot 9 Thomas &Ferris sub lot 1and part of lot4 block L, San Pasqual tract;sl,24o

Same to James W Converse?Part of lot 9block E, San Pasciual tract: $3,960.

Maria de los Reyes Deminguez, Susanna DDominguez and Guadalupo Marceiiua Domin-gurrito Cha-les Silent and Dan McFarland?Agreement toconvey 1000 acres part of Ro SanPedro except 6 acres: $300,000.

Frederic C Whiting to Lucy E Whiting?Lots7, 8 and 9, B A Marsh sub part lot 7 CalvinFletcher's mlßcel rec book 22 p 25, also lots 10and 11 block B, Garvanza; $3,000.

BDMMABY.Nnmberof transfers above $1,000 each, 19,Amount, $359,100.Nnmberof transfers under $1,000,15.Amount, $7,165.Number of nomlnsl transfers, 20.Total amonnt of considerations, $366,265,Notb?Transfers of whloh the consideration

Is less than $1,000 are not published in theabove list.



GRAHAM?In this city, Fiorina Graham, wtfeof Joseph A. Graham, oi Montreal, Caijaua,inthe 39th year of her age.

Funeral from her late residence, on Mainstreet, corner of Seventh, on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, to the Cathedral, where aBeqnlem Mass willbe offered.

Valvular Disease of the Heart.Dr. Flint's remedy, ln cases of chroDlc val-

vular dlsesse of the hesrt, should be used to re-move the affection and abolish the pain whichis felt withorwithout muscular exertion. De-scriptive treatise with each bottle, or address

' Mack Drug Co., N. \".

A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throatshould notTie uegleeted Brown's BboNciiial,

' Troches are a simple remedy, and give promptrelief. 25 cte. a box

THE DAVIS Sewing Machine Is undoubtedly

the best made. One hundred were sold ln thiscounty last month. 22 Sonth Mainstreet.

Families, Ring up Telephone 564 foryour wines and liquors. E. Laventhal ASons,106 North Main street.

TENTS at Foy'sharness Shop,2l7LosAngele*?treet.

Bathing and fishing at C'Rtalina. Don't forgetthe excursion May 30th.

strangers, Call at E. Laventhal A Sons,106 North Main street, for yonr wines, liquorsand cigars. Goods delivered free any par, ofth*nitv





O M. Kelleher and 0, E. Elliott -Sheriff'sSale?No. 9 802.

Order of Sale and Decree of Foreclosure andSale.

Under and by virtueof an order of sale and Idecree of foreclosure and sale, issued ont ofthe Superior Court of the county of Los Ang-eles, State of California, on the 9th day of May.A. D. 1889, in the above entitled actionwherein silvanus White, the above namedplaintiff, obtained a judgment and decree offoreclosure and sale against T. B. Hamilton,M. Kelleher and C. E. Elliott, defendants, onthe 15th day of April, A. D. 1889, for the sumof 3,165.10 dollars, in gold ooin ot the UnitedStates, which said decree was, on the 16tn dayof April, A. D. 1889, recorded in judgmentbook 10 of said court, at page 200, I am com-manded to sell all those certain lots, pieces orparcels of land, situate, lying and being inthecounty of Los Angeles, State of California, andbounded and described as follows.

Lots one Q), two (2), three (3), seven (7),nine (9), eleven (11), thirteen (13), fifteen (15),seventeen (17). nineteen (19), twenty-one (21),twenty-three (23), twenty five (25), twenty-seven (27), twenty-nine (29), thirty-one '31),thirty-three (33) and thirty-five(35), inblock 3of the Malabar tract, according to a map ofsaid tract, recorded in book 12, at page 96,miscellaneous records of said county.

Public notice Is hereby given tbat on Mon-day, the 3d day of June, A D. 1889, at 12o'clock m. of that day, iv front of the CourtHouse door of the county of Los Angeles, onSpring street, I will,in obedience to said orderof sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, sellthe above described property, or so muchthereof as may lie necessary, to sstisfy saidjudgment, withinterest and costs, etc., to thenighest and best bidder, for cash ln gold coiuof the United States

Dated this 10th day of May, 1889.M. G. AGUIRRE,

Bherlff of Lob Angeles County.By A. M. Thornton, Under Sheriff.Jones A Carlton, Attorneys for Plaintiff.



SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVEDby the uuderßigueu up to 12 o'clock m. oi

the 4th day of June, 1889, for the purchase ofOoe hundred (100) "Los Angeles County CourtHouse Bonds," numbered consecutively fromone hundred and one (101) to two hundred(200), both numbers included, of tbe denomin-ation of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each,aud payable on the lßt day of January, A.D.190<, or at any time before that date, at thepleasure of said county, in gold coiu of theUnited States, withinterest thereon at the rateof four aud one-half (-__ per cent ) percent,per annum, payable semi-annually, on tho firstday of January and on the first day of July ofeach year. Bonds and Interest payable at theoffice of the County Treasurer of eaid Los An-geleß county.

Said Bonds having been issued in conformitywithResolutions of the Board of Supervisors ofLos Angeles county, dated September the 6th,A.D. 1886 and of December the 9th and 29th.A. D. 1886, and under authority conferreduoon said Board by the provisions of an Act ofthe Legislature of the Stale of California, en-titled "An Act to establish a aniform system ofcounty and township government," approvedMarch" 14th, A. D. 1883.

None of said Bonds willbe Bold for less thanface value and accrued interest, nor shall anyBale thereof be final or valid until approved bythe said Board of Supervisors. And the rightis hereby reserved to reject any or ai 1aforesaidproposals

Mark envelope "Proposals for tbe purchase of .Court House Bonds."

By order of the Board of Supervisors of saidLos Angeles county.

J. BANBURY,County Treasurer.my!421t

notice?Timber culture.

US. LAND OFFICE, LOB ANGELES, CAL , j. May 1,1889 ?Complaint having been ent-ered at thia office by Walter W. Varner againstCharles Hamm, for failure to comply withlaw as to Timber .Culture Entry No. 651, datedJanuary 22, 1884, upon the 8W }4 of section18, township 4 N,range 15 W, SB M, in LosAugeles county, Calif., witha view to the cancellatlon of said entry; contestant alleging thatsaid Charles Hamm haß not improved, culti-vated, or put in crop five acreß of said land, or !any portion of the same land for the secoud .year, to-wit, 1886. The said parties are herebysummoned to appear at this office on the 31stday of July, 1889, at 10 o'clock a. m., to re- JBpond aud furnish testimony coucernlug saidalleged failure ,

H. W PATTON, Register.I. H.FOLK, Receiver. j

J. D. Bethcne, Att'yfor Contestant.m2-30t 1

DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP jTHE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX- 1Istlng between F. M. Keach and M. 8. Mont-gomery, and dolug business in San Franciscoand Los Angeles, Cal

,under the firm name of

F. M. Keach A Co., is this aay dissolved bymutual consent. ,

The office of F. M. Keach A Co. in SauFrancisco Ib discontinued from thißdate underthat firm name, but the business willhereo fterbe conducteofvunder the firm name of M. 8Montgomery A Co.

F. M Keach will continne business inLosAngeles under the old firm nsme of F. M.Keach ACo., as heretofore.

'Signed) F M. KEACH.(Signed) M. S. MONTGOMERY".

l.os Angeles, Cal., May22, 1889. uiy24 3t


NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 1PURSUANT TO STATUTES AND TO ORDI- tnance No. 50 of the Council of the city of iLob Angeles, adopted May 20, 18S9, directing ithis notice, the undersigned invites aud willreceive at his ollice ln the City Ball, up to 10 io'clock a, M. of May27, 1889. sealed proposals ]for the lollowtug street work to be done accord ilug to the specifications, to-wit: 1

Ist. Second street, iv the city of LosAng-eles, from the east line of Fort street to the west :line of Main street, is to be paved withbitnnii !nous lime rock, upon a broken stone base. Iv Iaccordance with plans and specifications oufile lvthe oflieo of the City Cleik of the city ot ,Los Anceles, for making paved streets In thesaid city (said specifications being No. 8) ex- ]cept such part thereof as Is already paved i2d. A granite curb Is to be constructed ialong the Hue of roadway of said Second street, ifrom the east line of Fort street to the westHue of Main street, ln accordance with plansaud specifications on file in the office of theCity Clerk of said c tyfor constructing granitecurbs.

Allproposals offered must be accompanied bya certified check, payable to the order of theMayorot the city, or by a bond (either) for anamount not less than 10 per cent, of the aggre-gate of the proposal, and throughout as preteribed by law.

Los Angeles, Cal., May 21, 1889.FRKtfMAN G. TEF.Ii.

my22-5t City clerk of the city of Lob Angeles.


PURSUANT TO STATUTES AND TO ORDl-uauceNo 51 of tne council of the city ol

Lob Angeles, adoptjd May20th, 18S9, directingthis notice, the undersigned invites aud willreceive at hiß ofllce inthe City Hallup to 10oclock A. M. of May 27th, 1889, sealedproposal for the following sewer work to bedone acrording tothe specifications to-wit:

Ist. Upper Main street in the City of LosAngeles, from the center lineof Alpine streetto the center line of Alameda street Is to besewered inaccordance with plans sndspeoln-cations on file in the office of the City Clerk ofthe City of Los Angeles, for making sewers inthe said city. The size of said sewer shall beeight (S) Inches inner diameter. The materialused for constructing sain sewer shall be Bait-glazed vitrifiedsewer pipe.

Allproposals offered must be accompanied bya certified check, payable to the order of theMuyor of the city or by a bond (either) for anamount not less than ten per cent, of theaggregate of the proposal, and throughout asprescribed by law.

Los Angeles, Cal., May 21,1889.FRKKMAN G. TBXD.

my22-5t CityClerk ol the City of Los Angeles.




' The Mayor and Council of the City ofLos Angelesdo ordain as follows:

Section 1. That it is the intention of the, Co ndi of the City of Los Anceles to changeand establish the trrade of Winston street, fromMain street to Los Augeles street, as follows:

At the intersection with Main street thegrade shall be as now established. 9.00 feet

i above the datum plane on the northeast corner,and 8.50 feet above the datum plaue on thesoutheast corner,

t At th" east line of the alley between Mainand Los Angeles streets, the grade shall be 450feet above the datum plaue on both sides of, Winston street;

At the Intersection with Lob Angeles street,the grade shall be as now established, 4.00 fe-tbplow the datum plane on the northwest cor-ner, and 4 50 feet below the datum plane on

1the southwest corner.fEC. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the

passage of this ordinance, aud shall cause thesame to be published for ten days ln the LopAngeles Daily Herald, and thereupon andthereafter itshall take effect and be in force

I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinancewas adopted by the Council of the Bity of LosAugeles at its meeting of May 13, A. D 1889.


Approved this 21st day of May, 1880.HENRYT. HAZARD,

my23-10t Mayor.



The Mayor and Council of the Cityof Los Angelesdo ordain as follows:

Section I.?That it is the intention of theCouncil of the city of Los Augeles to Chang"and establish the grade of Rand street from Cas-telar street to a point 600 feet westerly, as fol-follows:

At the Intersection with Castelar street thegrade shall be as now established, 118.00 feetabove the datnm plane on the southwest cor-ner, and 118.50 feet above the datum plane onthe northwest corner.

At the southeast corner of Prospect Placethe grade shall be 129.50 feet above the datumplane.

At a point on the north ' line of SandBtreet, opposite the southeast corner of Prospect

Place, the grade shall be 130.00 feet above thedatum plane.

AtapolultlOO feet west of the west line ofCastelar street the grade shall be as now estab-lished, 133.00 feet above the datum plane.

Sec. 2.?The City Clerk shall certify to thepassage of this ordinance and shall cause theBame to be published for ten dayß in the LobAngeles Daily Herald, and thereupon andthereafter it shall take effect and be in force.

I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinancewas adopted by the Council of rhe city of LosAngeles at its meeting of May 13, A.D. 1889.


Approved this 21st day of May, 1889.HENRY T. HAZARD,

my23 lOt Mayor.



The .Vai/nr and Council of the City of Los An-gi tea do or(fnin as follows:

Section 1. That it is the intention of tbeCouucil of the City of Los Augeles to establishthe grade of Lake shore avenue from Templestreet to Bellevue avenue, as follows:

At the uorthwest aud northeast corners ofTemple street the grade shall be as now estab-lished, 104.00 feet above the datum plane.

At the southwest corner of Palo Alto streetand at a point intbe easterly lineof Lake Shoreavenue opposite thereto the grade shall be110 OO feet above the datum plane

At the northwest corner of .Palo Alto streetand at a poiut iv the east line of Lake Shoreavenue opposite thereto the grade shall be111 00 feet above the datum plane.

At the southwest corner of Bellevua avenuethe grade shall be 143.00 feet above the datumplane, and at the southeast corner of Bellevueavenue the grade shall be 141.00 feet above thedatum plane.

Sec. 2. The City Cierk shall certify to thepassa c of this ordinance, ai d shall cause thesame to oe published for ten days in the LosAugeles Daily Herald, and thereupon andtheieafter it shall take effect and be in force.

I hereby certify thst the foregoing ordinancewas ado .red by the Council of the City of LosAi.geles at its meeting of May 13th, A. D., 1889.


Approved this 21st day of May, 1889.HENRY T. HAZARD,

my23-10t Mayor.



The Mayor and Council of the CityofLos Angelesdo ordain as follows:

Section 1. That, it is the intention of theCouucil of the City of Lob Angeles to establishthe grade of Soto street from Brooklyn avenueto Wabash avenue as folIowB:

At the north line of Brooklyn avenue thegrade shall be as nowestablished, 82.00 feetübove the datum plane.

Atthe intersection withCincinnati street thegrade shall be 88 20 feet above the datumplane on the southeast corner aud 89 20 feetabove the datum plaue on the uortneast cor-ner.

At the Intersection with Hancock avenue thegrßde shall be 94 00 feet above the datumplaue on the southwest corner and 95.20 feetabove the datum plaue on tbe northwest cor-ner.

At the intersection with Folsom street thegrade shall be 95.60 feet above the datumplane on the southeast corner and 96.80 feetabove the datum plane on the northeast corner.

At the southeast corner of Boulder street andat a poiut ivthe west lineof Soto street, oppo-site thereto,the grade shall be 103.C0 feet abovethe datum plane.

At tbe northeast corner of Boulder street andat a uoint opposite, the grade sball be 103.5ieet above the datum plane.

Atthe intersection with Grant avenue thegraae shall be 104.80 feet above the datumplane ou the southwest corner and 105.50 feetabove the datum plane ou the northwest cor-ner.

Atthe intersection with Malabar Btreet thegrade shall be 106.60 fee* above the datumplane on the southeast corner and 107.20 feetabove tie datum plane on the northeast cor-ner.

Atthe intersection withCity View street thetirade shall be 108.00 above the datum planeon Ihe southwest corner and a poiut opposite,and 109.60 feet above the datum plane on thenorthwest coruer as now established.

At the intersection with Golden Btreet tbegrade shall be 112.20 feet above the datumplane on the southeast corner and 113 40 feet

above the datum plane ou the northeast cor-ner.

At the Intersection with Fairmount streetand points lvthe west lineof Soto street, oppo-site said intersection, the grade shall be 119.00feet above the datum plaue.

At the south Hue of Wabesh avenue the gradeshall be 10"i 00 feet above the datum plane.

SBl .2. Ihe City Clerk Bhall certify to tnepassage of this crdiuance snd shall cnuse thesame to published for ten days iv the Los An-geles Daily Herald and thereupon and there-ufrcT it shall take effect and be ln force.

I hereby certify that Ihe foregoing ordinancewas adopted by the Council of the City of LosAugeles at its meetiug of May 13. A. D. 1889.

FREEMAN G. TEED,Cit.- Clerk.

Approved Ihis2lst day of May, 1889.HENRYT. HAZARD,

my23 lOt Mayor.~ ToricE WWrHTuTwoITK!

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATtho Couucil of the City of Los Angeles

passed, on the sixth dxyof May, 1889, an Ord-inance of Intention No. 45 (New Series), tocause to be widened and improved, at the ex-ueuse of the property owners, Los AngelesBlreet, from the south line of First street to theuurth Hue of Second street.

And all parties interested are referred to saidOrdlnaitCl for furtrer particulars.

W. E. MORFORD, street Superintendent.myls lOt


THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THEcity of Los Augeles will receive, up to and

on, Tuesday, May 28tn, sealed proposois for thesale to itof a lot of land, about one acre lv ex-tent, in the neighborhood of the junction ofWabaßh avenue and Soto street.

May 21.1889. X J. COX.m23td Clsrk.

NOTICE TO TaXPAYIbRsT^UOB THE ACCOMMODATION OF TAX-r payers, the City Assessor's office will bekept open during the month of May from 8 a.m. to or. M. Bryson Bonebrake block, room43. JOHN FISCHER,m2lm City Assessor




The Mayor and Council of the City ofLos Angelesdo ordain as follows;

Section 1. That itia the intention of theCouncil of the city of Los Angelas to chsngeand establish the grade of Temple street fromGrand avenue to Custer avenne, as follows:

At the southeast corner of Graud avenue thegrade shall be, aa now established, 129.(J0 feetabove the datum plane.

At .he southwest corner of Grand avenue thegrade shall be 129.00 feet above the datumplane.

At a point inthe north line of Temple streetopposite the center line of Grand nveuue thestrode shall be, as now establ shed, 130 80 feetabove the datum plane.

At the east line of Bunker Hillaveuue thegrade shall be 120.00 feet above tbe datumplaue, and at the west line the grade sball be125.00 feet above the datum plane.

At the intersection withHope street the gradeshall be 110 00 feet above the datum plane onthe southeast corner, and 113.00 feet above thedatum plane on the southwest corner.

Ata point iv the north line of Temple streetopposite the center line of Hope street the gradeshall be 115.00 feet above the datum plane.

At the southeast corner of Flower street thegrade shall be 88.00 feet above the datumplane.

At the southwest corner of Pearl street thegrade shall be 8100 feet above the datumplane.

At the northeast corner of Pearl street thegrade shall be 85.00 feet above the datumplane

At the northwest corner of Pearl street thegrade shall be 82 00 feet above the datumplane.

At the northeast and northwest corners ofCrescent avenue the grade shall be 70.00 feetabove the datum plane.

At the southeast and soutnwest corners ofFeaudry street the grade shall be 09 00 feetabove the datum plane.

At the intersection with Centennial aveuuethe grade Bhall be 74 00 feet above the datumplane on the northeast corner: 74.70 leet abovethe datum plane ou the northwest corner: 74.50feet above the datum plane ou the southeastcorner, and 75 20 feet above the datum plaueou the southwest corner.

At the northwest corner of Custer avenue andat a point in the sonth line of Temple streetopposite thereto, the grade shall be 79 50 leetabove the datum plane.

Sec. 2, The City Clerk shall certify to thepassage of this ordinance and shsll causethe same to be published for ten days in the LosAngeles Daily Herald, and thereupon audthereafter it shall take effect and be in force.

1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinancewas adopted by the Council of the City of LosAngeles at its meeting of May 13, A. D, i -»:>.


Approved this 21st day of May, 1889.HENRY T. HAZARD.my23 lOt Mayor


PURSUANT TO STATUTES ANDTO ORDl-nauce No. 49 ot the Council of the City of

Los Angeles, adopted May 20, 1889, directingthis notice, the undersigned invites and willreceive at his office in the City Hall up to10 o'clock a. v. of May 27, 1889, sealed propo-

sals for the following street work to be doneaccording to the specifications, to-wit:

Ist. Sonora street in the city of Los Angeles,from the eaat line of New High street to thewest line of Main street, is to be paved withbituminous lime rock, upon a concrete founda-tion, ivaccordance with plans and specifica-tions on file inthe office of the City Clerk formaking paved Btreets in said city with bitu-minous lime rock upon a concrete foundation,Specification No. 1

2d. Agranite curb is to be constructed alongthe line of roadway of said Sonora Btreet, fromthe east line of New High street to the westline of Main stree*. in accordance with plansand specifications on file inthe office of theCity Clerk of said cityfor constructing graniteenrbs.

Allproposals offered must be accompanied bya certified check, payable to the order of theMayor of the city or by a bond (either) for anamount not less than ten per cent, of the aggre-gate of the proposal, and throughout as pre-scribed by law.

Los Angeles, Cal, May 21st, 1889.

FREEMAN G. TEED,City Clerk of the City of Los Angeles.


hank statements.

Reportof^heTc^Thtion^"?OF THE?

FIRST NATIONAL BANKAtLos Angeles, in the State of California, at the

close of business, May 13, 1889.

RESOURCES.Loans and discounts $1,068,274 76Overdrafts, secured and unse-

cured 11,274 04U. S. Bonds tf)seoure circulation 30 000 00U. 8. Bonds to secure deposits. 100,000 00Other stocks, bonds and mort-

gages 261,132 35Due from approved reserve ag'nts 342,463 35Due from other National Baukß. 87,634 58Due from State Banks aud bank-

ers 62,430 78Real estate, furniture, and fix-

tures 91,(134 64Premiums paid 24,142 63Checks and other cash ltemsf 14.240 27Exchanges for clearing-house.. 6.20140Bills of other banks 2,710 00Fractional paper currency, nick-

els, and cents 201 19specie 414,552 00Legal-tender notes .. 7,420 00Redemption fund with U. S. Treas-

urer (5 per cent, of circulation) 2,250 00

Total .$2,546,561 99LIABILITIES.

Capital stock paid in $200,000 00Surplus fund 50,000 00Undivided profits 168,659 70National Bank notes outstanding. 37,250 00Individual deposits BUbject to

check 1,807,912 10Demand certificattsof depOßit 88,(176 87Certified checks 5,022 22Cashier's checks outstanding . 4,357 30United States deposits 109,989 4*Depositsof U. S. disbursingotlicers 10 52Due to other National Banks 27,427 83Due to State Banks aud bankers . 47,255 97

Total $2,546,561 99

State of California, )County of Los Angeles, j*'I,E. F. Spence, President of the above-named

bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-ment is true to the best of my knowledge andbelief.

E. F BPENCE, President

Subscribed and sworn to before mc,this 23dday of May, A. D. 1889.

Q. Q. JOHNSON, Notary Public.

Correct ?Attest:8. H. MOTT, )JOHN D. BICKNELL, }Directors.my24 7t E. F. SPENCE, >


?of the?


AtLos Angeles, inthe State of California, atthe close of business, May 13, 1889.

RESOURCES.Loans and discounts $411,954 65Overdrafts, secured aud unsecured 2,082 soU. S. Bondn to secure circulation 00,000 00Other stocks, bonds and mortgases 4,000 00Due ftoni approved reserve agents 42,767 42Due from other National Banks 28,033 39line from State banks and bankers 19.5(10 ii."»

Real estate, furniture and fixtures. 6,145 soCurrent, expenses and taxes paid.. 7,575 81Premiums paid 8,00(1 00

Checks and other cash items 161 27Exchanges lor clearing-house 1,649 70Bills of other banks 3,087 00Fractional paper cunency, nickela

and cents 105 26Specie 87,101 50Legal tender notes 10,500 00Redemption fuud withU. S. Treas-

urer (5 per cent, of circulation) 2,250 00

Total $684,975 01LIABILITIES.

Capital Stock,paid in $200,000 00Surplus. Fund 16,000 00Undivided profits 14,134 21National bank votes outstanding 45,000 00Individual deposits subject tocheck 376,823 10Demand certificates of deposit 25,99.) 88

Certified checks ... 600 10Cashier's checks outstanding 3,377 37Due to other National basks 457 57Due to State bauks and bankers . 2,487 48

Total $684,97.'. 01State of California, j?

County ofLos Anoeles. (I, C. N. Flint,cashier of the above-named

bank, do solemnly swear that the above statemeut is true to the best of my knowledgeand belief.

C. N. FLINT, Cashier.Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22d

day of May?lBB9.JNO. W. GREEN, Notary Public.


my23 7t Dtfaot r«.



r Cor. Fort And Second St*., Loa Angela*.

I Subscribed Capital $500,000c Paid np Capital $300,000> Surplus $20,000DIRECTORS:

Hervey Lindley, J. 0. Kay*, K. W. Jon**,

' Juan Bernard, J. Frankenfield.H. Q. Newhall President,s H. C. Witmer Vloe-Prealdent,

i T. J. Weldon. Cashier.J. M. Witmer, Assistant Cashier.

t Genersl Banking and Exchange Businesstransacted. <y< 4m


I Isaias W. Hellman Presidenti L. C. Goodwih Vloe-Preslden), Capital (paid up) - - $500,000.

Surplus and Reserve Fund 750,000,

Total, .... $1,260,000.

DIRECTORS.0. w. Child*, C. E. Thorn, Joie Masosrel, JB. Lankershim C. Dncommnn, Philippe Gar

nler, L. 0. Goodwin, L. L. Bradbury, Isalas W,Hellman.

STOCKHOLDERS.O. W. Childs, L. L. Bradbury, Philippe Gar-

nler, J imes B. Lankershim, T. L. Duqne, JoseMascarel, Chas, Dncommnn, Andrew Glasaell,Cameron E. Thorn, Domingo Ameatoy, LouisPolaski, L. C. Goodwin, Prostley 0. Baker, L,J. Rose, Frank Leconvrour, Oliver H, Bliss,Sarah J. Lee, Estate D. Solomon, Chris. Henna,Jacob Knhrts, Isalas W. Hellman. myl


Capital, $200,000.00.

F. N. Myers, 8, A. Fleming, J. F. Sartori,Piesldent. Vice-President.' Cashier.

STOCKHOLDERS?IsaIas W. Hellman, O. W.Childs, Engeue Germain, S. A. Fleming, F. N.Myers, J. F. Sartori, T. L. Duqne, J. A. Graves,J. C. Daly, Morris 8. Hellman, Thomas Mere-dith, Samuel Polaski, John P. Moran, J. L.Cherry, Nathan Well, Isidor Polaski. W M.Caswell, R. Y. Mcßrlde. James H. Shankland,John H.Bartle, G. W. Perkins, A. J. BrownPresident Fourth National Bank ol GrandRapidr, M. B. Shaw.5 per cent Interest Paid on Deposit*.

Money loaned on ranches and city propertyat lowest rates of interest.

Bondß and mortgages bought and sold.Savings deposits solicited. m17-12 m


Temple Blook, Lo*Angela*, Oal.Capital Stock Paid Up, $100,000.

Reserve Fund, $100,000.

JOHN B. PLATES PresidentR. 8. BAKER Vice-PresidentGEO. H. STEWART oashlar

DIRECTORS:H.L. MacneU, Jo!ham Blxby,John E. Plater, Robert S. Baker,John A.Paxton. Geo. W. Presoott,

Geo. H. Stewart.Bay and SeU Exchange on Ban Fran*

Cisco, New York, London, Paris, Berlin andFrankfort.

Boy Exchange on all part* of the United Bt etand Europe.

Receive Money on open account and cer-tificate of deposit, and do a general bankingand exchange business.


CAPITAL STOCK $200,000.RESERVE $205,000.


H. F. SPENCE President!J. D. BICKNELL Vice-President.J. M. ELLIOTT CashierG. B SHAFFER Assistant Cashier.

Directors?E. F. Spence. J. D. BlckneU, 8. HMott, Wm. Lacy, J. F, Crank, H. MabnryJ. M. Elliott myl


No. 119 New High street.capital stock paid op \u25a0 ? \u25a0 ? $100,000

R. M. WIDNBTY- ? ? ? PresidentGEO. L. ARNOLD ? ? - CashierGEO. BINBABAUGH, ? ? Telle*


R. M. Widnby, Chas. A. Warner.D. O. MiLTiMOBJ* C. M. Wills.S. W. Little, L. J. P, Morrill,

L. H. Titd*.Eight per cent, bonds secured by first mort-

gage on real estate, with Interest payable semi-Iannually, are offered to Investors of $250 andupwards. aug9-M



L. N.BREED PresidentWM. F. BOSBYSHELL Vloe-Prosiden*C. N. FLINT Cashlar

Paid-in Capital $200,00*.Sobpltjs 20,000Authorized Capital 500,000

Directors?L. N. Breed, H, T. Newell, H. A.Barclay, Charles E. Day, E. C. Bosbysheli, M.Hagan, Frank Rader, Louis Gottschalk, D.Remick, Tho*. Goss, WilliamF. Bosbysheli.




CAPITAL $100,000

L. C. GOODWIN PbkiidbhtW. M. CASWELL. SecbbtaßT

1. W. Hellman, John B. Platbb,Robert S. Bakbb, John A. Paxton,

L. C. Goodwin,

Term deposit* will be received ln annuo!$100 and over. Ordinary deposit* ln mm* of$10 and over.Money to loan on first-class real estate,

Lo* Angeles, Jnly 1. 1884. myltf


COB. First and Sprino Sts.

Capital $500,000 00surplus AND Undivided Pbofits. 50,000 00

Total $550,000 00

GEO. H.BONEBRAKE President.JOHN BRYSON, SB Vice-President.F, C. HOWES Cashier.

DIRECTORS.Ds. W. G. COCHRAN, H. H. Markham.Pbrby M. Gbeen, John Bryson, Sr.,DB. H, SINBABAUOH, F. C. HOWES,

Obohok H. Bonebbakjl

Exchange for sale on all the principal citiesof tho United States arid Europe. iyB

State Loan and tat Co.Bryson-Bouebrake Building.

Capital S 1,000,000.DIRECTORS:George H. Bouebraku, President.

John Bryson and E. F. Spence, Vice-Presidents.H. C. Witmer. L. N. Breed, W. G-Coohran,H. J. Woollacott, P M. Green, L. W. Dennis,

Samuel B. Hunt, Secretary.We set as trustees for corporations, syndicates

and estates. Loan money on choice real estateand collaterals. Keep choice securities for sale.Pay interest on time deposits. Have safety de-

Sosit vaults equal to any ln tho United States,lent boxes at reasonable rates. *stf

RW. POINDEXTKB,19 West First Street,


Money loaned on approved securities.Property held ln trust, and funds invested for

parties desiring a fiduciary agentReferences ? Los Angeles National Bank,

National Bank, State Loan and Trustt c mpany. j'l-Un