Looking at the Unseen

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  • 7/28/2019 Looking at the Unseen


    2 Corinthians 4:18:

    While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things

    which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; butthe things which are not seen are eternal.

    At first, this verse appears to be a contradiction. How can you

    look at something that's invisible? The answer is that you have to

    look with your eyes of faith, not your natural eyes. The things you

    are to look at are eternal, but they are invisible to your sense of


    Notice that Paul did not say that we look at things that do not

    exist. He said that we look at things that are unseen. They exist.

    You just can't see them with your natural eyes. This is crucial to

    understand. The things of the Spirit are real and they exist. They

    are just invisible. Your healing already exists. If your natural eyescould see spiritual things, you would see that Jesus Christ has

    already provided your healing for you, and all you have to do is

    receive it. It is there now in the spirit realm.

    Too many people think of their healing as something that does not

    exist. Therefore, they cry and beg and plead and holler and try to

    talk God into doing something about it. They think that God has to

    "create" their healing. This is not true. Your healing exists in the

    realm of the Spirit. Your faith is not creating something new,

    spiritually speaking. Your faith is receiving something that already

    exists in the spirit realm. When you receive it with your spirit, it

    manifests in the natural realm where you and everyone else can seeit. In the world's perspective, you are healed when your healing

    manifests in your body. In God's perspective, your healing already

    exists and belongs to you as a believer. All you have to do is

    receive it with your spirit so that it can manifest in the physical

    realm. God is not doing anything new for you. You are just

    receiving what he already did 2,000 years ago when "by Jesus'

    stripes you were healed."

    Your faith takes hold of something unseen and it then becomes

    seen. This is what God's definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1 talks

    about. Faith is the certainty of something unseen. It is being certainthat you have something real that your regular senses cannot yet

    detect. Your basis for believing that you have it is the Word of

    God on the matter. God says you were healed. That means that

    your healing exists now. You can receive it now and enjoy the

    benefits. But while you are in faith, you are certain of something

    that you can't see. You have it and are convinced that you have it,

    even though you can't see it.

    That is the essence of faith. For example, you already believe that

    your salvation from hell exists, even though you cannot see it. You

    believe that you have citizenship in heaven, but you have no proof

    outside the Bible that this citizenship is yours now. It's real


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  • 7/28/2019 Looking at the Unseen
