LMC Voice 2014 In Review

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This is the bi-monthly newsletter of Luther Memorial Church of Chicago. This issue is our 2014 year in review.

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2014 in review

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Beloved People at LMC,

I have heard from many of you that you never thought you’d end up in a faith community. Church had, in the past, left a bad taste in your mouth. And yet, here you are, partaking fully of the feast that God presents to us in community: friendship, bread and wine, the sweet sound of bells and inspirational music, the words of grace and forgiveness and challenge that we hear in scripture and ser-mons. We feel the water of baptism on our brows, we let alleluias and glorias slip past our lips. Church, a faith community, is a feast.

And in thinking about 2014 we feasted well! We said hello to many new members, and said goodbye to others as they took vo-

cations in other cities or went to be with God. We fed one another at One Stop Wednesday, at our Pre-Thanksgiving Meal, and with the Night Ministry and Friendship Center, making hunger advocacy one of our central ministries. We welcomed a choir and band from Iowa to brighten our Lent, we marched in the cold streets of December to make our outrage known at injustice, and we laughed and cried as we dyed Easter Eggs, ate donuts hanging from strings, prayed in small groups and big groups, and made nativity sets out of felt.

We took risks together. We gave ourselves a capital budget out of the generous Garret gift, doing some necessary upgrades and making plans for more. We agreed to be a teaching parish this year, taking on the responsibility to train a seminarian in the pastoral arts. And we took a risk in giving substantial raises and providing some benefits for staff members to undergird growth. In many ways we met the challenges of 2014, and in some ways we fell short, but we did so at the table of God where we get encouraged by grace and bolstered by words of forgiveness. I want to give thanks:

● Thanks to Brian Myers, Deaconess Claire Schoepp, and Intern Chris Michaelis for their continued ministries and gifts. Ministry is work that is in one moment rewarding and in another moment the most frustrating calling in the world.

● Much gratitude to Briana Travis and Sarah Schubert who continue to share their amazing gifts with our congregation, leading others to share their musical gifts as well!

● For Bonnie Fallen, Amy Holmes, and Steve Wimpffen for keeping the building and fi-nances running smoothly, and for always being willing to take on “duties as assigned.”

● To our nursery attendants Julie Manis, Amy Jukabowski, Johanna Jackson, Molly O’Mara, and all the parent volunteers who watch over our dear ones during services with care and safety in mind.

● To Ben Dieterich, Dave Byerly, Christian Kern, and Bruce Bowers for serving as ex-ecutive members of the council, directing our work and making the ever-difficult job of transpar-ency first order.

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● To Linda Khoury, Jay Kapp, Diane Betten, Misti Peppler, and Angie Cooper for be-ing visionaries on council helping us to navigate these waters of transition.

● And especially to Kurt Matthesius and Vaughn Walker for their unfailing commitment to making sure that Sunday mornings are warm and welcoming by opening and closing the church!

But there’s more:

● To those who lifted their voices in protest

● To those who attended cottage meetings, hosted them, and coordinated them (especially Misti Peppler!)

● To those who help in worship in all the various roles, and to Diane Schulte, Linda Mundt, Linda Khoury, and Sharon Seeder who prepare the Eucharist

● To bread bakers and Mark Pucylowski and Bruce Bowers for providing wine

● To our small group leaders, especially Nicole VanderDoes, Linda Miranda, and Jenny Araujo

● To our Sunday School Teachers, aids, and substitutes…

There are too many to thank. 2014 was an epic year at LMC. Just look to the next page to see who all I’m grateful for. But, a word of challenge: we’re not living into our potential as a church. Our attendance and involvement numbers indicate that we can handle much more ministry than we’re currently doing. We must work on our stewardship, and we must make the necessary adjustments to live into our larger size. Size transition, growth, is not easy, but God has not called us to sit still.

I encourage you to take a look at your financial and time commitments to the feast we’re preparing as a community, and increase your investment. I encourage you to look at the good we’re doing in Christ’s name here at LMC and become inspired that more people are coming to know God’s goodness through us! More people who never thought they’d benefit or find themselves in a faith community do so because of your work!

Take the challenge. I will, too.

See you in church,

Pr. Tim…

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Dear Members & Friends of Luther Memorial,

As we prepare to celebrate the gift of Christ, your church leadership is busy preparing for the 2015 Annual Meeting – a time in which we cele-brate our gifts and our accomplishments:

● A new and much needed sacristy to continue Gods work in our church.

● Over a dozen cottage meetings giving both old and new members a chance to gather and break bread, as well as a forum to discuss the church’s mission, vision, and potential capital campaign.

● Expanding our presence in the community with the Lincoln Square Friendship Center food pantry and an open weekly meal in One-Stop Wednesdays.

● Starting a conversation around the potential of a pre-school.

● An eye towards a new kitchen to help meet our expanding role in the community as a meal provider. Think Night Ministry, One-Stop Wednesday, community holiday meals, coffee hour, etc.

● Growth in a culture of stewardship with the spring temple talk series and fall pledge campaign – continuing to evolve our church’s culture of prayerful, deliberate, dedicated giving to Gods work.

All of these accomplishments require your support, both in service and financial giving. On behalf of the Council, thank you for your support. If you have not completed a pledge card for 2015, please do it now. And please consider making a year-end gift to the church.

As you read through the 2014 Year in Review, our hope is that the recommended budget and accompanying narrative is viewed with an eye toward fiscal responsibility, yet allowing for needed infrastructure to sustain our diverse and growing church.

This year we are trying a new format by conducting informational sessions prior to the annual meet-ing. Our hope is that the breakout sessions provide a forum for questions & answers regarding the 2015 operating plan, staffing, budget, and constitutional amendments. We want to celebrate and conduct our business at the annual meeting in less than an hour. Please plan on attending; it is a vital role you serve in understating the operating plan & voting.

January 4th 10-11 AM – open information session around proposed amendments to our constitution.

January 11th 10-11 AM – open informational session around staffing.

January 18th 10-11 AM – open informational session around the proposed budget.


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January 25th 10-11 AM – 2015 Congregational Annual Meeting to hear highlights from de-partment & team reports, vote and approve the budget, new Council members, new investment team members, and amendments. Coffee and dessert will be served.

And finally, our hope is that 2015 will provide many more opportunities to participate in life at Luther Memorial, and that, in doing so, you will gain a closer connection to this community and with Christ.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

David Byerly for the LMC Council

PS. If we have not met or you want to know a little more about each Council member, check out our blog at http://lmccouncil.wordpress.com. And be sure to stop us at church to introduce yourself and share any ideas, feedback, or praise. It’s important.

Completed 2014● Finished sacristy ● New speakers and sound system in sanctuary● Boiler room repairs● Supplied the paint and materials for the volun-teers to paint the Sunday school area.● Took care of some of the gutter work and stopped the water leak into the sacristy stars.● Procured two estimates for the repair of the tile roof over the north east corner of thesanctuary. ● Began the initial design of the kitchen holding congregation-wide meetings for input fromeveryone.● Assisted in the installation of the carpet in in-tern Chris’ office.● Replaced the alter spotlights.

BUILDING COMMITTEE UPDATE2015 Goals● New flooring in the Sunday school area.● Procure paint for volunteers to paint ceiling of Sunday school before carpet.● Carpet in Pastor Tim’s Office● Fix water leak over entry to fellowship hall (aka gym)● Relocate office to lounge.● Replace flat roof over north east entry.● Complete gutter repair over west side sanctu-ary.● Make electrical repairs in various locations● Repair and paint the area over the choir loft● Continue with boiler repairs and upgrades.● Continue kitchen design and work on capital campaign.

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2014 LMC COUNCILDavid Byerly, President

Ben Dietrich, Treasurer

I was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan on January 24th, 1974 to Kenneth and DeAnne Byerly. I have two older brothers, Doug & Kent, one older sister, Karen, and six nieces & nephews. Something you may not know about me, besides that I am your Council president -- I’m about to become a great uncle. At the ripe age of 40. Ouch.I’m lucky. The beautiful Sara Aksamit Byerly has been by my side for nearly 14 years, married 11 of those years. And my K-9 companion, Max the Dog, for 10 of those years. I’m blessed with two high-energy rock stars; Jacob, six, and Nathan, three. I’m proud to be a small part of LMC and the greater Lin-coln Square community. It’s very much my honor to serve on the LMC Council, and as your president. If we’ve not met, stop me, say hello. I’d like to talk with you. And I’m always available for chat over a coffee or beer. Be well.

Thanks to my cousin and her husband, we found Luther Memorial and found a community that welcomed our diversity and we found a pastor that didn’t try to answer our questions but helped frame ways to think about them. And we found a church active in the world around it. I am about to enter my third year as trea-surer at Luther Memorial, and I am so happy to be a part of the exciting growth taking place here. I love that Council is discussing the big ideas about what our church community needs, and how we can get there. And I look forward to con-tinuing to engage with the congregation as we go through this transition.

Christian Kern, Vice PresidentIt was shortly before Christmas when we attended a service at LMC for the first time and we were positively surprised on how welcoming everybody was, how big the variety of people were at the service and how well the sermon resonated with us. Shortly after we joined the congregation officially and have been excited to be a part of this great community every since. LMC is constantly evolving and exploring new ways to serve the community. I am grateful and blessed to be part of this visionary team who is so dedicated and wonderful.

Bruce Bowers, SecretaryI discovered Luther Memorial Church in the summer of 2010. I’ve lived in Chica-go for almost 25 years and had not regularly attended any church since moving here from Iowa. I wanted to attend a church that was part of my community, and as the owner of a small business in the Lincoln Square area, I liked being able to practice my faith in the community my business serves. I have met so many great people at LMC. I have served as an assistant minister, and been a member of the LMC Council for the last three years, serving as the Council’s Secretary for the last two years. I’m grateful everyday that I have Luther Memorial Church.

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Angie Cooper

Jay Kapp

Linda Koury

Misty Peppler

When my husband and I began “church shopping” six years ago we had no idea that we would find a true spiritual home. The growth we’ve seen since we joined this congregation has been incredible. There is a palpable energy here. I can’t wait to see what is next for Luther Memorial. We can do great things, I think, in this congregation, in this community and in this city. My family isn’t the only one that has found a home here. I see it every week. I talk about it with my friends. Who else can we wrap our arms around? Who else needs a family and doesn’t even know it? What other opportunities do we have here? Let’s find out together.

My wife Krista and I were initially attracted to Luther because of the quality, size and scope of its Sunday School program, but I never contemplated how much I would come to personally like and value LMC. The hospitality and diversity of the congregation, LMC’s community outreach and the Lincoln Square Friend-ship Center and an energetic and insightful pastor were all important factors. The Memorial Day Barbeque was just a recent reminder of how lucky we all are to be a part of such a vibrant, active, and (never forget) fun community. Such connection cultivated a desire to give back and contribute to LMC.

Lutheranism is in my blood. My grandfather was a Lutheran pastor and I grew up going to a small Lutheran church. When I walked into Luther Memorial I felt like I had finally come home. I found the Lutheranism that is so much a part of me. I found a community that welcomed me (all of me) with open arms and immediately took me in and made me one of their own. I have so enjoyed being part of this community and serving with such a diverse group of people; people of all ages, walks of life and faith backgrounds. I feel so blessed to continue to grow in my faith at Luther Memorial.

I don’t think my faith journey is different than many of my fellow worshipers here at Luther Memorial. I am constantly falling away from God’s presence, and need structures around me (attendance at worship, continued reading and study) and reminders (taking time to reflect, talking with others about God) to feel the Spirit again. I feel that Spirit moving through the people here at Luther each week. I am thankful for this spiritual home, and grateful to be sharing it with you. When you see me, please share your faith story with me. I love to hear how others find God working in their lives, it helps me to reflect and stay connected.

Diane BettenI’ve been going to LMC for…well, who knows how long now. My three daugthers and myself moved from Evanston to Western & Pensacola in the early 1980’s. I’m not sure how it came to be, but one day Jennifer said it was time we started to go back to church and said her friend Christine goes to a Lutheran Church and wanted us to come. So my daughters and myself decided to attend one Sunday.I love attending Luther Memorial – it has a friendly atmosphere, is generational-ly diverise, and my spriritual life has been enriched over the years.

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peopleattended cottage

meetings to discuss the future direction

of our church and what God is calling

us to do in 2015 and beyond

participated in Adult Education each week in 201454


made each month through Simply Giving, the church’s electronic giving program

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Chicago is a fantastic city. Despite the warts (literally with the pot-holes after winter and figuratively when it comes to the “Chicago Way” of politics) there are few places I’ve visited or lived that compares to the Windy City. Amidst the Sears Tow-er, Wrigley Field and the Bean, Lu-ther Memorial stands tall as a large reason why this is such a fantastic place.

In a short time, Heidi and I have been fortunate enough to build a real community because of LMC. It has enabled us to lay a foundation for our future in Chicago, a place Heidi has called home all her life while I’m relatively new.

My Voiceby Justin Shimko

One of the many cottage meetings held in November 2014

This is the kind of community that fosters a desire to build relation-ships. It promotes a desire to give just as much as we receive, if not more. That’s a large reason why Heidi and I are happy and willing to provide our services, whether it’s as a member of the Steward-ship committee or Heidi’s work as an acupuncturist and running the Wellness Initiative here at the church. It’s the kind of community that makes us look forward to the time we get to spend with others on Sundays, Wednesday evenings, and whenever we have a desire to laugh, learn and grow outside of the church. Now, as we embark on 2015, the two of us look forward to do what we can to help the com-munity thrive as it transforms to accommodate God’s desires for Lincoln Square/Ravenswood and Chicago through our church.

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20musiciansserved in the band or as guest

instrumentalists throuout the year


sang in the choir during 2014


participated in the handbell choir


served in worship proceedings as assisting ministers, acolytes, readers, ushers, greeters,

musicians, and choir members in 2014.

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We came to LMC to find a faith community for our two daughters to grow up in. I did not grow up going to church, but my husband did, and it was important to us both to involve our daughters in a community that was both separate from and an extension of our fam-ily. I soon realized that, although we set out to find a community for our children, we had become part of LMC ourselves. My husband serves on the intern pastor committee, I serve on the stewardship commit-tee, we all usher, but probably the most important thing that drew me in was music.

I love to sing. I sang as a child, in college, in the car, in the shower, and in a community chorus for many years here in Chicago.

My Voiceby Bates Larson

Pentacost at LMC

After my children were born, I took a break from organized singing. But as I sat up front in our usu-al pew at LMC, I looked forward to the hymns. And when Briana Travis invited me to sing with the choir, I was hooked. Before long I was singing every week. I never thought I would be the middle-aged lady singing in the church choir, but I am and I love it.

My older daughter stands next to me during the service and sings along from the hymnal, and I am happy that she seems to share my love of singing. She told me recent-ly that she was proud that her par-ents are so involved in our church. I am thankful that she sees how joyful being part of the LMC com-munity can be, and that LMC has made singing a regular part of my life again.

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prepared for the 2014 Pre-Thanksgiving meal ,along

with dozens of side dishes, rolls, potatoes, and pies

80rib rackseaten on Rally Day 2014

+25increase/weekin the number of people attending One-Stop

Wendnesday activities from 30 people in 2013 to 55 in 2014

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My Voiceby Emily Haite

Making Nativities at the St. Nicho-

that I have been most excited about is how the program has grown. More and more people come to break bread together. We have adults who have no children par-ticipating in the activities, but want to be part of the fellowship. Kids can't stay for youth group, but want to see their friends. And community members, some neigh-bors, some friends of members, and some of the clients from the Lincoln Square Friendship Center.

These OSW meals teach all of us how to connect with each other again. People who you know who sit three pews ahead of you on Sun-days, but you've never said more than "Peace be with you", now we're sitting next to you. We are really getting to know each other.

People are praying together.People are eating together.People are communing.

"Eating, and hospitality in general, is a communion, and any meal worth attending by yourself is improved by the multiple of those who it is shared". Jesse Browner

I just read today's Advent devotion-al. The question for reflection today is, "Who can you invite this advent to share a meal with?" To me that is what One-Stop Wednesday is all about. Inviting people to eat to-gether, joining others for commu-nion.

My family joined LMC last year. One of the reasons we joined was because of all the activities avail-able for the youth and families. My son joined the children’s choir, my daughter joined confirmation class and I joined the adult choir. The OSW meal was ideally suited for us!

I love seeing the kids in high chairs sitting next to octogenarians. I love seeing adults get excited over the choices of food and how apprecia-tive they are to have a meal at the end of a long day. I love seen the elementary school kids sit together and act so independent and grown up. And then the highschooler’s go between being too cool to talk to anyone else to running after the toddlers or helping wash dishes. I believe that this meal is a crucial program for the church. Breaking bread together, communion, has been an important ritual for Chris-tians since the last supper. In this day and age it is difficult for families to eat together every night. There are practices, meetings, homework, TV and other distractions. It is even rarer for families together with ex-tended families for meals. Families are spread out across the city, state, the US and the world! The thing

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helped settle the Dongh family into Chicago. They scrubbed the apartment, collected and moved furniture, welcomed the family at the airport, plus countless others who donated

groceries and other supplies.


made in 2014 for the Night Ministry (plus 12 jugs of soup!)


served per month at the Lincoln Square Friendship Center in 2014

27demonstratorsfrom LMC participated in protests against

racism on December 7, 2014.

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My Voiceby Bette Vidina

When Pastor Tim was new and I was newly back, we somehow decided to have the first Pre Thanksgiving Din-ner in 2010. I said I would cook the turkey, and he said he would carve. I realized when it was getting close to the time to start, that nobody else was going to come to help us, to set tables and get things ready. Of course, people came and jumped right in. So the first year there was about 30 people.

And so it continued every year, and we learned from it, got to be more organized, and began to know who to ask to do certain things, who would come do preparation, set the tables, and carve, and who would bring their specialties.

Things go much smoother now. I have tried to find new members to

volunteer along with those we know we can always count on, last year I took on an assistant for turkey cooking. This year, hostesses wel-comed people, helped find where to put things and what to do, and almost everyone had an ID tag. It was easier to talk to all those people you’ve seen, but never met or talked to before. Wine helps! Those who had never made sandwiches for the Night Ministry saw how it is done (we do it every month).

Thanksgiving Baskets for those who would have no dinner, were made up from food donated by our members. And every year it gets bigger, from our little group of 30 to 190 people in 2014. Some that had been to all and some who were new this time, and probably amazed by the whole thing. And we got to eat a wonder-ful meal, together, and to be with old friends and to make some new ones.

Members of LMC meeting our sponsored refugee family, the Donghs at the airport

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in the LMC Youth Choir in 2014


increase in the number of children attending Sunday School each week

(preK-8th); from 25 kids in 2012 to 35 in 2014


attended summer youth camps in 2014

49 kids registered5 Camp Counselors2 Pre K Staff6 Youth Volunteers

1 Snack Lady5 Pastors1 Deaconess2 Home HostsVBS 2014

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What a joy it is to be a part of LMC’s ministry with Youth & Families. I still have to pinch myself when I think about it. How can it be true that I really get to make spaces where youth and families get to ex-plore their faith, learn, and grow as community together? I’m par-ticularly proud of you all for all the ways you use your gifts to enable and enhance the Youth & Family Ministries at LMC.

You’ve donated of your time and ex-pertise Kids, Faith & Artful Satur-days a reality. You’ve made count-less meals that serve folks from a variety of walks of life. You’ve af-firmed that camping ministries is a huge priority. You’ve served as Sunday School teachers, assistants, volunteers.

My Voiceby Deaconess Claire Schoepp

You’ve hosted VBS and hosted counselors. You’ve volunteered in the nursery. You’ve been witness-es at countless baptisms. You’ve supported new ideas. You’ve met St. Nicholas and talked about gen-erosity. You’ve baked cookies with your kids for the Night Ministry. You’ve hosted play groups. You’ve welcomed new nursery staff. You’ve congratulated the children on their singing. You’ve hosted events. You’ve played games. You’ve intro-duced yourself to people you don’t know in the pew next to you.

You’ve made it a priority to say yes to God’s call to welcome the Body of Christ even in the littlest ones. And that’s such a gift. Thank you for being God’s Hands and Feet in this world and especially at LMC. As we go move into this new year, I know I’ll continue to delight in you. I covet your prayers for the children, youth, and families of all kinds here at LMC.

Volunteering at the Ravenswood Mobile Food Pantry

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Hello Church,

When I think about the year 2014 in review there really is only one place to start. It’s not that the Youth Group graduated 2 members and accepted 7more. It’s not that we traveled to Colorado to serve those who are suffer-ing from an addiction illness, or that we hosted a visiting youth group so they could minister to the city of Chicago. It’s not even that we, as a con-gregation, made a statement about the importance of youth ministries by helping to raise $13,000 this year.

I mean, don’t me get wrong, all of those things are amazing, but when I look back on 2014 there is one memory that stands out. And that memory

is…MY KICKBALL TEAM FINALLY WON THE KICKBALL GAME! All jokes aside, though I am thrilled that my team was finally able to beat Pastor Tim’s and Deaconess Claire’s teams, that is not, in fact, my highlight of this past year.

My highlight is the youth that make up our Youth Group. I love this group of kids. They’re your typical bunch of Chicago teens with one noticeable difference than most. They truly love people. They love one another, they love this church, they love the communities they are apart of, and they work to show it. This year I’ve seen them fight for one another, grow together, complete service projects for the commu-nity, stand in solidarity with those who have been rejected, help each other grow in faithful questioning and put in hours of hard work for the chance to travel just to spread the Gospel. Mix in a dash of noise and confusion, a sprinkling of fun and the right amount of ordered chaos and you have the Luther Me-morial Church Youth Group.

2014 has been very good to Luther and to the Youth Group here. We keep growing and there is no end in sight. Last year we had 10 jr. high youth head off to summer camp and 7 of those that went had never gone before. Add that to the 11 sr. high youth that traveled to Colorado and that’s a third more youth that have been reached though outdoor ministries than 2 years ago. Our Youth Group is larger than ever and now we’re looking to add 10 more this next fall!

The bonds that have been created here, the questions that are raised, the insight and emotion in to faith that takes place; all of these things carry the Youth Group through the year. 2014 was great and has set us up nicely for an exciting 2015.

As always, I ask you for your continued support and your prayers. It’s not always easy being a teenager, and I can’t tell you enough how much the love and support that’s found here helps out. Thank you.


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LMC lives into God’s mission for Chicago by:*Providing spiritual growth in Christ through meaningful worship.

On Sunday mornings we gather around God’s Word and the Eucharist to give back to God, take a moment to refocus us for the journey ahead, and be impacted by the Word through sermons, read-ings, and songs. LMC. Each year over 120 regular worship services happen at LMC, with over 240 people gathering each week (on average over the whole year). Our music program involves children, adults, and a variety of instruments and bells. Our worship is sustained by over 100 volunteers each year. And our special liturgies: baptisms, funerals, marriages connect people’s life passages with the God who sees them through. The sermons are relevant and connect with the life. The mu-sic is a mix of historic and modern. In all these ways we strive to connect people back to God each week.Budget Cost: $152,213.(included here are portions of salaries, building expenses, and administrative costs)

*Providing a community space and a place for all of the community.We are blessed to be on the corner of Wilson and Campbell. We want to be the heart of this com-munity and welcome others into the space with radical hospitality. Our One Stop Wednesday meals have taken off, with an average of 60 coming each week to eat together and share with one anoth-er. The Wellness Initiative continues to grow and make our space a place of healing for body and soul. Our Adult Education offerings have not only expanded, but have grown! Our Sunday School and Youth Group are double what they were two years ago, encouraging us to solidify ministry positions, both paid and volunteer. We have more plans for more retreats, more opportunities for intense spiritual growth, and more opportunities to show one another and the city of Chicago the gracious hospitality of God.Budget Cost: $155,000.(included here are portions of salaries, building expenses, utilities, and administrative costs)

*Serving God’s people with generosity and grace.Each year LMC plans to give at least 8% of the budget away…and it increases yearly. In actuality we end up giving around 12% of our budget away through planned gifts, Lutheran World Relief, and tithes off of generous bequests and gifts. We partner with the Lincoln Square Friendship Cen-ter, Refugee One, The Wellness Initiative, The Night Ministry, Lutheran Disaster Response, Urban Acacia, and a number of other organizations to help them fulfill God’s mission in the world. WE provide staff to help with advocacy and mission. We visit those who cannot be with us on Sunday mornings, keeping them as connected to the community as possible. Our pastor meets with civic leaders and those in crisis to help bring the peace of God to tense situations. Our building houses groups and organizations for free as they seek to live out God’s mission.Budget Cost: $92,213.(included here are portions of salaries, benevolence to the ELCA, Night Ministry, and LSFC, utility expenses, and administrative costs)

Total 2015 Proposed Budget: $399,426.00 (essentially a 2.5% increase over 2014)

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Org Program Salaries2013 Ap-proved

2014 Ap-proved

2015 Recommended

% increase 2014 to 2015

Ministries Adult 0 500 0Ministries Child and Family 26,750 45,639 46,361 3%

Salaries 22,500 34,935 34,935Ministries Evangelism 4,025 3,575 3,575 0%Ministries Music 29,500 34,174 33,424 -3%

Salaries 27,500 31,374 31,374Ministries Pastor 94,778 106,975 104,048 -3%

Salaries 59,500 65,064 65,064Ministries Stewardship 0 2,500 2,000Ministries Worship 6,600 6,550 7,550 15%

Salaries 800 400 400Ministries Youth 25,750 27,625 22,344 -21%

Salaries 20,500 21,125 15,844Community ELCA Support 17,420 18,620 20,440 10%Community Local Support 5,000 5,500 5,500 10%Building Building 27,850 24,850 23,050 -6%

Salaries 26,050 23,050 23,050Building Contract 0 13,500 14,500Building Insurance 11,405 11,405 15,000 32%

Building Repairs and Main-tenance 15,000 14,285 11,400 -53%

Building Utilities 24,410 22,000 26,000 16%Office Office Supplies 7,500 7,500 7,500 0%Office Technology 0 500 1,500Office Office Salaries 30,360 26,880 44,473 58%

Salaries 30,360 26,880 35,287

Other Expense Other Benefits 10,289 11,001 10,778 -2%Total 336,637 383,080 399,443 4%

● Personnel. We are in the first year of a multi-year plan to right-size the way Luther Memorial is staffed to meet the size and needs of the congregation. This includes taking our Youth position to quarter time at his request as he pursues a full-time career, and adding a communications adminis-trator at three-quarter time (with benefits) mid-year. The change in Pastor's compensation reflects a correction in his health benefits.

● Stephen Ministry. Luther Memorial plans to initiate a Stephen Ministry this year.

● Building insurance and utilities. Both of these are increased to reflect actual expenses in 2014. Util-ities were unusually high in 2014 due to the severe winter weather; while we hope not to see another winter like that again, we felt it important to be conservative with this estimate.We look forward to a conversation as we prepare for the coming year.

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Mark your calendars for February 20 – 21, 2015! The Women’s Ministry will be holding its seventh annual spiritual retreat at Techny Towers Conference and Retreat Center in Techny, IL (AKA Northbrook). This is the weekend after Ash Wednesday and will be a wonderful beginning to your Lenten journey. The theme for this year’s retreat is based on Micah 6: 6-8 “Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.” Look for your invitation and registration mate-rials in early January. Bring a friend, prepare to meet new friends, and renew your commit-ment to understanding yourself in relationship to God.

This is our first retreat at Techny Towers. It is a beautiful facility and the rooms each have their own bathroom. We have space for 32 over-night participants and we will also have a Saturday only option. Please talk to Linda Miranda (773-332-1457) or Linda Khoury ([email protected]) if you have questions. We hope you can join us in February.

Ash WednesdayFebruary 18thnoon & 7pm

Maundy ThursdayApril 2

noon & 7pm

Good FridayApril 3

noon & 7pm

The Great Vigil (with baptisms and a New

Member Reception)April 47pm

Easter SundayApril 5

9am & 11am

This Lent we’ll begin another session of The Great

Conversation, our study for new members, on Sunday mornings. We’ll also be forming small groups around

the book “Free: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most” by Mark Scandrette. The small groups will meet on Sunday mornings, Tuesday nights, and Wednesday nights. Look for more

information in January!

Women’s Spiritual Retreat

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Thank You to the

for all the ways you give your time to the community of LMC


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The Voice - Dec 2014Luther Memorial Church of Chicago

The VOICELuther Memorial Church of Chicago 2500 W. Wilson AvenueChicago, IL 60625-3026